Arxiv:1802.05745V1 [Physics.Chem-Ph] 15 Feb 2018 Rpitsbitdt Elsevier to Submitted Preprint Hoiso Ope Hmclratos He Simple Invented: Three Been Have Ideas Reactions

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Arxiv:1802.05745V1 [Physics.Chem-Ph] 15 Feb 2018 Rpitsbitdt Elsevier to Submitted Preprint Hoiso Ope Hmclratos He Simple Invented: Three Been Have Ideas Reactions Model reduction in chemical dynamics: slow invariant manifolds, singular perturbations, thermodynamic estimates, and analysis of reaction graph A.N. Gorbana,b aDepartment of Mathematics, University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK bLobachevsky University, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia Abstract The paper has two goals: (1) It presents basic ideas, notions, and methods for reduction of reaction kinetics models: quasi-steady-state, quasi- equilibrium, slow invariant manifolds, and limiting steps. (2) It describes briefly the current state of the art and some latest achievements in the broad area of model reduction in chemical and biochemical kinetics, including new results in methods of invariant manifolds, computation singular perturbation, bottleneck methods, asymptotology, tropical equilibration, and reaction mechanism skeletonisation. Keywords: reaction network, quasi steady state, quasi-equilibrium, limiting step, dominant path, entropy production Historical introduction • The Quasi Steady State approximation or QSS (some of species, very often these are some of Three eras (or waves) of chemical dynamics can be intemediates or radicals, exist in relatively small associated with their leaders [1]: (1) the vant Hoff amounts; they reach quickly their QSS concentra- wave (the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1901) (2) the tions, and then follow, as a slave, the dynamics of Semenov–Hinshelwood wave, and (3) the Aris wave. these other species remaining close to the QSS). The problem of modelling of complex reaction networks The QSS is defined as the steady state under con- was in the focus of chemical dynamics research since dition that the concentrations of other species do the invention of the concept of “chain reactions” by not change; Semenov and Hinshelwood (the shared Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1956). Aris’ activity was concentrated on • The limiting steps or bottleneck is a relatively the detailed systematization of mathematical ideas and small part of the reaction network, in the simplest approaches for the needs of chemical engineering. In cases it is a single reaction, which rate is a good the engineering context, the problem of modelling of approximationto the reaction rate of the whole net- complex reactions became even more important. work. A mathematical model is an intellectual device that works [2]. Creation of such working models is impossi- More precise formal discussion is presented in the fol- ble without the well developed technology of model re- lowing sections. duction. Therefore,it is not surprising that the model re- In 1980s – 1990s the model reduction technology duction methods were developed together with the first was enriched by several ideas. Most important of them theories of complex chemical reactions. Three simple arXiv:1802.05745v1 [physics.chem-ph] 15 Feb 2018 are: the Method of Invariant Manifolds (MIM) theory basic ideas have been invented: and algorithms [3, 4], the special Intrinsic Low Dime- • The Quasi-Equilibrium approximation or QE (a sional Manifold (ILDM) method for approximation of fraction of reactions approach their equilibrium slow motion [5], the Computational Singular Perturba- fast enough and, after that, remain almost equili- tion (CSP) method for the iterative approximation of brated); both slow and fast motions [6], and the sensitivity anal- ysis of complex kinetic systems [7]. Development of lumping analysis was important for Email address: [email protected] (A.N. Gorban) general understanding of model reduction in chemical Preprint submitted to Elsevier February 19, 2018 kinetics [8]. The lumped species is considered as a lin- where ε> 0 is a small parameter. The fast subsystem is ear combination of the original ones. These combina- dx tions are often guessed on the basis of known kinetic = Ffast(x). (2) properties and can be improved by iterative methods dτ and observer theory. The standard examples are: (i) Here, time τ is used to stress that this is the ‘fast time’, the lumped species are identified as the sums of species τ = t/ε. If the fast system (1) converges to an asymp- in selected groups (a very popular approach with many totically stable fixed point in U and has no fixed points practical applications, for example, [9]); (ii) the lumped on the border of U then for sufficiently small ε the slow species are the numbers of links and structural frag- vector field becomes practically invisible in the dynam- ments of various types and in different states (this ap- ics of (1), i.e. there is no slow dynamics. proach has many applications, from petrochemitry [10] Let the fast system (2) be neither globally stable nor and modelling of intracellular networks [11] to the In- ergodic in U. Assume that (i) it has the conservation ternet dynamics [12]). laws bi(x)(i = 1,..., k) and (ii) for each x0 ∈ U the fast The main achievements of this period (1980s – system on the set bi(x) = bi(x0) converges to a unique 1990s) in model reduction were summarised in several stable fixed point x∗(b), where b is the vector of values books and surveys [13, 14, 15, 16]. bi(x). Then the slow system describes dynamics of con- The technological elaboration of these ideas and as- servation laws b: similation of those by the modelling practice took al- db ∗ most thirty years. Much efforts have been invested into = Db = ∗ [F (x (b))], (3) dt x x (b) slow computational improvements and testing with the sys- ∗ tems of various complexity. Some new ideas were pro- where Dbx=x∗(b) is differential of b(x) at the point x (b). posed and developed. For linear conservation laws Db = b and the slow equa- The QE, QSS, MIM, and CSP methods can be ap- tions have the simple form plied to any differential equation with explicit or im- db plicit (hidden) separation of time. They use the struc- = b[F (x∗(b))]. (4) dt slow ture of reaction network as a tool for creation of kinetic equations. In the classical methods, only the limiting The QE manifold is parametrised by the conservation step approach (the bottleneck method) works directly laws with functions x∗(b). It should be stressed that with the reaction graph. Recently, the model reduc- the slow equations in their natural form (3), (4) describe tion methods which use the structure of the reaction net- the dynamics of the conservation laws b and not the dy- work, were developed far enough and attract many dif- namics of the selected ‘slow coordinates’. The problem ferent techniques, from sensitivity analysis to algebraic of projection onto slow manifold is widely discussed geometry and tropical mathematics. [17, 18, 19]. According to the Tikhonov theorem, dy- The first step in the next section is a “step back- namics of the general system (1) from an initial state x0 wards”, a brief introduction of the classical methods. under the given assumptions can be split in two stages: Then we move to modern development. fast convergence to the QE manifold x∗(b) (the initial ∗ layer, convergence to a small vicinity of x (x0)), and then slow motion in a small vicinity of the QE mani- QE, QSS, MIM and CSP in ODE framework folds. The QE assumption is the separation of reactionsonto Formally, the standard models of chemical kinetics slow and fast: F includes all the terms from the slow are systems of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). slow reactions, F includes all the terms from the fast reac- The general framework looks as follows. Let U be fast tions and the slow manifold x∗(b) consists of equilibria a bounded domain in Rn. Assume that vector fields of the fast reactions parametrised by the conservation F x F x ff fast( ) and slow( ) are defined and di erentiable in laws. The ‘thermodynamic’ behaviour of fast reactions a vicinity of U¯ (in real applications these vector fields (convergence to equilibrium, which is unique for any are usually analytical, or even polynomial or rational). given values of the conservation laws) is essential to ap- U F x Let be positively invariant with respect to fast( ) and plication of the Tikhonov theorem. Slow reactions can F (x). Consider dynamical system with the explicit slow be extended by including external fluxes, they do not fast-slow time separation: change the asymptotic form (3), (4). dx 1 Combining of fast subsystems from the fast reactions = F (x) + F (x), (1) dt slow ε fast is so popular [22] that a special warning is needed: there 2 exists another widely used approximation without sepa- value of cg then we return to the previously described ration of reactions into fast and slow (see QSS below). situation: the motion can be separated into two steps: ∗ It should be stressed that the physical and chemical first, cs goes fast into a small vicinity of cs (cg) (ini- nature of the convergence to equilibrium of fast reac- tial layer) and then cg slowly changes in vicinity of this tions may vary. It may follow from thermodynamic manifold. conditions like principle of detailed balance or semi- In the QSS approximation, the smallness of amount detailed balance. It may have also completely alge- of intermediates is the crucial assumption. There may braic nature. For example, any linear (monomolecu- be various explanation of this smallness. For example, lar or pseudomonomolecular) system tends to a fixed in catalysis this is the smallness of the amount of the point, which is unique for any given values of con- catalyst. In combustion, the high activity of the inter- served quantities. The mass action law systems with mediates leads to their short life time. reactions ‘without interaction of different substances’ The list of variables for QSS exclusion can change α A → β A provide us with another example [25] in time. The smallness of concentration can serve as ri i P j r j j (here Ai are the components, r is the number of reaction, a criterion for the extension/reduction of this list [19].
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