Arxiv:1802.05745V1 [Physics.Chem-Ph] 15 Feb 2018 Rpitsbitdt Elsevier to Submitted Preprint Hoiso Ope Hmclratos He Simple Invented: Three Been Have Ideas Reactions
Model reduction in chemical dynamics: slow invariant manifolds, singular perturbations, thermodynamic estimates, and analysis of reaction graph A.N. Gorbana,b aDepartment of Mathematics, University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK bLobachevsky University, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia Abstract The paper has two goals: (1) It presents basic ideas, notions, and methods for reduction of reaction kinetics models: quasi-steady-state, quasi- equilibrium, slow invariant manifolds, and limiting steps. (2) It describes briefly the current state of the art and some latest achievements in the broad area of model reduction in chemical and biochemical kinetics, including new results in methods of invariant manifolds, computation singular perturbation, bottleneck methods, asymptotology, tropical equilibration, and reaction mechanism skeletonisation. Keywords: reaction network, quasi steady state, quasi-equilibrium, limiting step, dominant path, entropy production Historical introduction • The Quasi Steady State approximation or QSS (some of species, very often these are some of Three eras (or waves) of chemical dynamics can be intemediates or radicals, exist in relatively small associated with their leaders [1]: (1) the vant Hoff amounts; they reach quickly their QSS concentra- wave (the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1901) (2) the tions, and then follow, as a slave, the dynamics of Semenov–Hinshelwood wave, and (3) the Aris wave. these other species remaining close to the QSS). The problem of modelling of complex reaction networks The QSS is defined as the steady state under con- was in the focus of chemical dynamics research since dition that the concentrations of other species do the invention of the concept of “chain reactions” by not change; Semenov and Hinshelwood (the shared Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1956).
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