May Covers 4

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May Covers 4 NAME: ___________________________________ LORAIN CITY SCHOOLS TITANS NEVER STOP LEARNING! - C O L O R I N G P A G E - MAY 2020 FOURTH GRADE @HOME LEARNING PATH General Instructions Pacing This packet is set up in three main sections/themes. Students should focus on one section per week for the month of May. The first section begins the week of May 4th and is called Volunteering. This section contains activities for reading, writing, math, and Mother’s Day intended for completion throughout the week. Students should work on this for up to two hours each day for the week of May 4-8. Students will follow a similar pace for the week of May 11-15. For the final week of May 18-19, there are only two activities, only reading and writing. However, if any activity is not completed in the prior week, please use these last few days to finish. Special Notes It is important to remember that activities included in the packet offer a varying level of challenge. Based on your student’s abilities, please adjust as necessary as there are opportunities for choice included with many activities. Teachers will also be available to your student daily to assist, explain, and supplement activities as needed. Please reach out to them with any questions. Physical Exercise Please view the following link (YouTube Channel) for videos of one of Lorain City Schools PE teachers doing fitness activities. Your student can participate in these activities during these last few weeks of school. Strategies These packets were put together with all students’ needs in mind. Please note that there are leveled reading passages for students to use. Have your student start at an On Level reading passage. If it is too easy, then encourage your student to move up to Challenging. If your student is struggling to read and understand the passage, have him/her try Approaching. Other options to assist students who might be struggling: • Read with them to help and ensure their understanding • When answering questions or completing an activity about a story, help navigate them to a specific paragraph • Numbering paragraphs, reminding them that an indentation indicates a new paragraph • underlining/highlighting important information are all ways to help guide your child When working on math pages in the packet, • Help break down each problem with your child • Read with them to help check for understanding and guide them along with each step • If available, calculator use is encouraged (It is a tool for students to use to assist with the problem as long as they are completing it in steps and not just inputting the whole problem.) Please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher, intervention specialist, English learner teacher, or gifted teacher with any questions and concerns. Some students may have brought home their planners, which also includes some reference materials to use. If not, answer keys, graphic organizers, and reference sheets are also attached in this packet. We are all here to help and continue educating during this time. Page 1 Week 1 Theme: 4 5 6 7 8 Volunteering ELA: ELA: ELA: ELA: ELA: Read Girl Scouts Read Girl Scouts Read Girl Scouts Read Girl Scouts Read Girl Scouts article & do daily article & do daily article & do daily article & do daily article & do daily activity from choice activity from choice activity from choice activity from choice activity from choice board board board board board Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Bio Poem Bio Poem Planning Bio Poem Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Brainstorm Math: Math: Math: Math: Math: Math Mystery: Math Mystery: Math Mystery: Math Mystery: Math Mystery: Case of the Case of the Case of the Case of the Case of the Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Gremlins-Clue 2 Gremlins-Clue 3 Gremlins-Clue 4 Gremlins-Clue 5 Gremlins-Clue 1 Week 2 Theme: 11 12 13 14 15 Determination ELA: ELA: ELA: ELA: ELA: Biography Biography Biography Biography Biography Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Diary of Diary of Diary of Diary of Diary of Quarantined Teen Quarantined Teen Quarantined Teen Quarantined Teen Quarantined Teen Math: Math: Math Mat Glyph Math Mat Glyph Page 2 Week 3 18 19 ELA: ELA: Book Review Book Review Writing: Writing: Choose Finish It Choose Finish It writing writing Page 3 Week 1 – May 6-10 Theme: Volunteering ELA Article: “Girl Scout troops” (RI.4) There are 3 versions of this article (Challenging, On Level, and Approaching) marked on the top right corner. 1. Choose the article with the correct level for your student to read. 2. This article will be read every day for 5 days. 3. Each day, the student will use the Nonfiction Reading Plan chart and do what is asked for each day of the week. Graphic organizers and paper are provided for the week. 4. Using the same chart, under the Choice Activities section, please choose 1 square to complete over the course of the week. If your child wants to be challenged, he/she may choose more than one square for that week. Paper is provided for the week. Daily Reading – Students choose a book, newspaper, or magazine to read for 20 minutes per day. Use the Weekly Reading Log to document the number of pages and answer a Quick Check question for that daily reading. (RL.4) WRITING Bio Poem is a simple poem written about a person, and it generally does not rhyme. There is a sample bio poem included in this packet. On the brainstorming page, list positive character traits about a person in the first box (Adjectives that describe a person). Then the student can write ideas for each topic in the other 7 boxes. Next, use the ideas from the brainstorming boxes to create a bio poem. Remember to look back at the sample poem. Now you are ready to use the planning page to as a template (rough draft) to write your bio poem. Write your final version of the bio poem on the decorative lined paper. Read your poem to another person. (Idea – It might be nice to write your bio poem about a mother or female in your life for Mother’s Day.) (W.4) Mon – Brainstorm boxes (Use Character Traits handout for help.) Tue – Planning page Wed – Write bio poem **Special Activity for Mother’s Day – There is a decorative Mother’s Day paper with 13 questions to complete. There is also a Mother’s Day Press (World’s Greatest Mom/Grandma/Aunt) sheet to complete. Feel free to use any or all of these to create a Mother’s Day gift for someone special in your life. MATH Math Mystery: Case of the Graduation Gremlins – Follow the directions in the packet. Answer key included. (4.OA, 4.NBT, 4. NF, 4.MD) Mon – Clue 1 Tue – Clue 2 Wed – Clue 3 Thu – Clue 4 Fri – Clue 5 AND solve the case Week 2 – May 11-15 Theme: Determination ELA Biography Report – Choose one famous Ohioan to research. Wikipedia articles for each Ohioan is provided. (Remember only read one article. The one about the Ohioan you picked. Some articles have been shortened, so some pages may not go together.) Complete the research graphic organizer provided. Write a 5-paragraph Page 4 essay (4-5 sentences in each paragraph) about the Ohioan you chose. Use the remainder of the school year to complete it. Lined paper is included. (RI.4 and W.4) *Bonus! Create a drawing, poster, or art sculpture of your famous Ohioan using supplies at home. Paragraph 1 – Introduce the person/topic Paragraph 2 – Describe important events in order Paragraph 3 – Describe an accomplishment and how this person changed the world Paragraph 4 – Describe one-character trait and explain it Paragraph 5 – Conclusion, what did you learn from this person *Did you check for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization? Are your sentences easy to read? WRITING Diary of a Quarantined Teen – Follow the directions in packet. There are 8 journal entries. Do at least one per day until the end of the school year. Paper is provided. (W.4) MATH Math Mat Glyph – Follow the directions in the packet. Answer key is provided. (4.OA, 4.NBT, 4. NF, 4.MD) Day 1 – Choose the path and solve the problems Day 2 – Identify the pictures that match the answers and create a picture Week 3 – May 18-19 ELA Daily Reading –Book Review. Complete the book review worksheet based on a book you read for your daily reading. It can be any book that you have read this year. (RL.4) WRITING Using the Writing Choice Board labeled Finish It in the top right corner, choose 1 box to complete over the last two days of school. Spend some time each day working on the writing piece, so that it is completed by Wednesday of that week. Please refer to the rubric provided. Paper is provided. (W.4) Page 5 WEEK 1 MAY 4 - 8 THEME VOLUNTEERING Page 6 Page 7 Multiplication Chart 1-12 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 11 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 12 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 Page 8 2018 © First Tries & Sunny Skies Weekly Reading Log Date Book Title Minutes Quick Check Parent Initials Monday Two new and interesting words: 1.
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