The London Gazette, Issue 22450, Page 4489
THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1860. 4489 them, and to enable the said united Company to Companies hereinbefore named or referred to, and levy the same or lower or higher tolls, rates, and to their respective-undertakings, and to the joint charges; and to confer, vary, and extinguish line of railway between Glasgow and Paisley, and exemptions from payment of such existing and the stations at Bridge-street, Glasgow, at Paisley, proposed tolls, rates, and charges, or some of at Carlisle, at the North Bridge, Edinburgh, at them. Perth, at Stirling, and at Dunfennline, in which And it is intended by the said Bill to vary or the said three first-named Companies are respec- extinguish such of the powers, rights, privileges, tively interested ; that is to say : (local and per- preferences, and priorities of the said three exist- sonal), 57 George III, chapter 56; 59 George ing Companies respectively, and of the several III, chapter 29; 1 and 2 George IV, chapter classes of guaranteed, preference, and other share- 122; 4 George IV, chapter 18 ; 7 George IV, holders therein, and of the holders of mortgages, chapters 45 and 103 : 7 and 8 George IV, chap- bonds, funded debt, and debenture stock thereof, ter 88 j 10 George IV, chapter 107; 11 George and of the Glasgow, Garnkirk, and Coatbridge IV, chapters 62 and 125 ; 1 and 2 William Railway Company, the Clydesdale Railway IV, chapter 58 ; 4 William IV, chapter 41 ; 1 Guaranteed Company, the Greenock Railway Victoria, chapters 100, 116, 117, and 118 ; 1 and Guaranteed Company, the Wishaw Railway Gua- 2 Victoria, chapter 60 ; 2 and 3 Victoria, chapter ranteed .Company, the Glasgow, Barrhead, and 58 ; 3 Victoria, chapter 53 ; 3 and 4 Victoria, Neilston Direct Railway Company, the Syming- chapters 107 and 123 ; 4 Victoria, chapters 5 and ton Biggar and Broughton Railway Company, 11 j 4 and 5 Victoria, chapter 59 ; 6 and 7 the Hamilton and Strathaven Railway Company, Victoria, chapters 49 and 55 ; 7 Victoria, chapter the Dumfries, Lochmaben, and Lockerby Junc- 37 j 7 and 8 Victoria, chapters 66, 87, and 98 ;.
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