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-"•F"—*•'*"•*»»*•• Chijggachuggachuggachug^chijggachYiggachuggachiiggachhggachuggachuggachuggachuggachuggachu^ jr ; - ;':' : (the sound of a Voxbugga) . •'•.|E;'.'...•-.-V••«:>'•;5:;' it • -A !'.»5Uifta.i..<>;Litvjt; These are some of the o.k.'s our about a roof that came through with a Like 9 wheels instead of three. little crate has to get before leaving dent in it. Spare doors. our "factory." Easy question—easy answer. No seats—23 windscreen wipers. (It's easy to tell the o.k.'s from the We just put a shiny trim around it And also the more obvious important no's. One o.k. is all you could ever and say,"—next year's model—top things like dust under the floor mats. see.) secret." In the final inspection alone, our We pay 120 men just to look for Simple, eh—so are Voxbuggas ... Voxbugga has to get through more things to say no to. (so are we.) than 300 points without one blackball. And no is no. Our inspectors are known as "Vox- One out of 50 makes it. And work is work. bugga de-buggers. We keep that for ads like this^ We keep them very busy^ ust Voxbugga de-buggers are selected It's the other 49 you seel saying no, no ... : personnel. (90% are 70% blind). • A visitor to our assembly shed once They stop Voxbuggas for little things asked us what we were going to do that you may never notice yourself. Friday, 30th April, 1965 SEMPER FLOREAT Page 1 THIS AUSTRALIA B.B.CA. Move Over Darling For the 34th time since he was State Aid for A.L.P. appointed many years ago the Chair man of the B.B.CA. (British Broad casting Corp in Australia—it was A new venture in fraternal charity plain old A.B.C. in those days) Sir James Darling is being attacked for The Federal President of the A.L.P. expelled from the party for suspected being behind the times: now it is his Mr. Gus Alford, made another plea Fascism the famous Santamaria.— decision to set up an elocution school for justice for our neglected parties Cairns junta dominated the Opposition. for intending announcers. Graduates of "when opening a new local party At this stage several members of the Oxford and Cambridge are to be the headquarters—Labour Primary School Protestant Democ. Movt., alarmed at instructors, (it is understood the British —badminton court complex in Sydney the growth of the Catholic Marxist Government is anxious to pay their last week. He made the old point that wing of the party lead plans to set up fares out.) Reporters caught Sir James parents who sent their children to Protestant Industrial Groups (PIG's as just as he was leaving a meeting of the Labor Schools had to pay tax for State they became known) approved by Victoria League in Melbourne. He education and received nothing out of Gough and thus began to infiltrate the denied charges that he was trying to it—all because they felt conscience party; its main areas of study were impose British standards on the bound to have their children educated the sacral kingship of the Old Testa B.B.CA. When a bystander called in the true principles of politics. To ment (to be implemented with the "What about those black b s in understand the demands of Laborities co-operation of the Victoria League) Whitehall?" he raised his voice: "They we must go back some 20 years. and the Scarlet Women of Revelations. are still British. And we should never But in 1974 Santamaria struck at this forget that we are fundamentally a "threat from within"; and PIG's British peoples. The Commonwealth decided to form the ALP (Anti- may be dead, but its spirit will live on." Catholic), whose main objectives were It was fortunate that most of those to be: prevention of bikinis ban sex within hearing distance apparently did (except in so far as necessary for not understand English, otherwise an national defence) cigarettes, blasphemy, ugly scene might have developed. Sir pornography and popery; its motto James went on to deny any improper was "A Dour Austraha is a Pure parliamentary pressure behind the Australia." move. "The Prime Minister did in fact Hence today's situation. The spec mention the matter to me," he said, trum of the ALP now ranges from the "and also expressed the hope that ho doctrinaries fascists cum Krofiilmacher- circumstance would deprive the ian Trotskyites to the Fabian and B.B.CA. of my valuable services in Gifroyist—Croatian Front with many the near future. One can scarcely call shades between. As the Santamaria this improper pressure. The B.B.CA. said at a convention of the leftist has alwa3's had complete freedom to NCC (Neo-Clericals Club) recently; run 'its own affairs, within the limit MR. GUS ALFORD "Solidarity is All". parliament assigns it." In the 1960's the situation was that the Roman Catholic Church (as it was then; after the Vatican Council it CROQUKT changed its name to the Unseparated Brethren in the interests of Church Shot Again Unity) owned its own system of schools: in 1966 it decided to merge with the Dawn under the Board? A.L.P. so that its schools could receive trade Union siibsidies. At the inaugural Surely the Australian Croquet Australia, we appeal to the Board to meeting of the combined party Cardinal Control Board has overstepped it's reconsider their verdict. Shooting at (later Comrade) Gilroy said union was Hmits now. It may be all very well dawn is much too severe! possible because the A.L.P. would to say that they rriust preserve the good support the church in all objectives of name of the sport, but this latest its apostolate: prevention of bikinis, action of these petty sporting dictators weakening of Protestantism, acquisition is going a bit too far. Miss Dawn of all hill-tops in Austraha, raising Fraser, the victim of this outrageous money. "We see this august union as a decision, has surely been victimised new venture in fraternal charity;" he enough in the past through her con said, "a new extension of the life of nections with other sports, as those of .freedom and love and peace which us with long memories will recall. only true religion can impart". Besides this, surely playing a match — However tensions immediately ap even in international competition — peared: in the Federal Parliamentary wearing skirts a full six inches above Party an episcopal nominee, Mr. Bob the knee is not such a heinous crime Santamaria, rose to quick imminence. as to warrant so severe a penalty. On When Mr. Calwell and Whitlam were behalf of all true sporting people in Friday, 30th April, 1965 SEMPER FLOREAT Page 1 THIS AUSTRALIA B.B.CA. Move Over Darling For the 34th time since he was appointed many years ago the Chair State Aid for A.L.P. man of the B.B.CA. (British Broad casting Corp in Australia—it was "A new venture injraternal charity** plain old A.B.C in those days) Sir James DarUng is being attacked for The Federal President of the A.L.P. expelled from the party for suspected being behind the times: now it is hi.'^ Mr. Gus Alford, made another plea Fascism the famous Santamaria.— decision to set up an elocution school for justice for our neglected parties Cairns junta dominated the Opposition. for intending announcers. Graduates of "when opening a new local party At this stage several members of the Oxford and Cambridge are to be the headquarters—Labour Primary School Protestant Democ. Movt., alarmed at instructors. (It is understood the British —badminton court complex in Sydney the growth of the Catholic Marxist Government is anxious to pay their last week. He made the old point that wing of the party lead plans to set up fares out.) Reporters caught Sir James parents who sent their children to Protestant Industrial Groups (PIG's as just as he was leaving a meeting of the Labor Schools had to pay tax for State they became known) approved by Victoria League in Melbourne. He education and received nothing out of Gough and thus began to'infiltrate the denied charges that he was trying to it—all because they felt conscience party; its main areas of study were impose British standards on the bound to have their children educated the sacral kingship of the Old Testa B.B.CA. When a bystander called in the true principles of politics. To ment (to be implemented with the "What about those black b s in understand the demands of Laborities co-operation of the Victoria League) Whitehall?" he raised his voice: "They we must go back some 20 years. and the Scarlet Women of Revelations. are still British. And we should never But in 1974 Santamaria struck at this forget that we are fundamentally a "threat from within"; and PIG's British peoples. The Commonwealth decided to form the ALP (Anti- may be dead, but its spirit will live on." Catholic), whose main objectives were It was fortunate that most of those to be: prevention of bikinis ban sex within hearing distance apparently did (except in so far as necessary for not understand English, othenvise an national defence) cigarettes, blasphemy, ugly scene might have developed. Sir pornography and popery; its motto James went on to deny any improper was "A Dour Australia is a Pure parliamentary pressure behind the Australia." move. "The Prime Minister did in fact Hence today's situation. The spec mention the matter to me," he said, trum of the ALP now ranges from the "and also expressed the hope that no doctrinaries fascists cum Kroffilmacher- circumstance would deprive the ian Trotskyites to the Fabian and B.B.CA.