Federal Register / Vol. 48, No. 41 / Tuesday, March 1, 1983 / Notices 8621
Federal Register / Vol. 48, No. 41 / Tuesday, March 1, 1983 / Notices 8621 UNITED STATES INFORMATION 2. The authority to redelegate the VETERANS ADMINISTRATION AGENCY authority granted herein together with the power of further redelegation. Voluntary Service National Advisory [Delegation Order No. 83-6] Texts of all such advertisements, Committee; Renewal notices, and proposals shall be This is to give notice in accordance Delegation of Authority; To the submitted to the Office of General Associate Director for Management with the Federal Advisory Committee Counsel for review and approval prior Act (Pub. L. 92-463) of October 6,1972, Pursuant to the authority vested in me to publication. that the Veterans Administration as Director of the United States Notwithstanding any other provision Voluntary Service National Advisory Information Agency by Reorganization of this Order, the Director may at any Committee has been renewed by the Plan No. 2 of 1977, section 303 of Pub. L. time exercise any function or authority Administrator of Veterans Affairs for a 97-241, and section 302 of title 5, United delegated herein. two-year period beginning February 7, States Code, there is hereby delegated This Order is effective as of February 1983 through February 7,1985. 8,1983. to the Associate Director for Dated: February 15,1983. Management the following described Dated: February 16,1983. By direction of the Administrator. authority: Charles Z. Wick, Rosa Maria Fontanez, 1. The authority vested in the Director Director, United States Information Agency. by section 3702 of title 44, United States Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 83-5171 Filed 2-28-83; 8:45 am] Code, to authorize the publication of [FR Doc.
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