ECE594I notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted ECE594I Notes set 13: Two-port Noise Parameters Mark Rodwell University of California, Santa Barbara
[email protected] 805-893-3244, 805-893-3262 fax ECE594I notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted References and Citations: Sources / Citations : Kittel and Kroemer : Thermal Physics Van der Ziel : Noise in Solid - State Devices Papoulis : Probability and Random Variables (hard, comprehens ive) Peyton Z. Peebles : Probability, Random Variables, Random Signal Principles (introductory) Wozencraft & Jacobs : Principles of Communications Engineering. Motchenbak er : Low Noise Electronic Design Information theory lecture notes : Thomas Cover, Stanford, circa 1982 Probability lecture notes : Martin Hellman, Stanford, circa 1982 National Semiconductor Linear Applications Notes : Noise in circuits. StdSuggested references for stdtudy. Van der Ziel, Wozencraft & Jacobs, Peebles, Kittel and Kroemer Papers by Fukui (device noise), Smith & Personik (optical receiver design) National Semi. App. Notes (!) Cover and Williams : Elements of Information Theory ECE594I notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted Two-Port Noise Description Through the methods of circuit analysis, the internal noise generators of a circuit can be summed and represente d by two noise generators En and In . The spectral densities of En and In must be calculated and specified. The cross spectltral ditdensity must also be calcu ltdlated and specifie d. ECE594I notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted Calculating Total Noise If the generator just has thermal noise, ~ S = 4kTR EN ,gen gen Represent the combination of amplifier voltage and current noise by a single source ETotal = EN + I N ⋅ Z gen We can now calculate the spectral density of this total noise : ~ ~ ~ S = || Z ||2 S + 2 Re S Z * En ,total ,amplifier g In { En In g } ~ ~ = || Z ||2 S + 2 Re S R − jX g In { En In ()gen gen } ECE594I notes, M.