
The dreaded “2-port parameters”

Aims: – To generalise the Thevenin an Norton Theorems to devices with 3 terminals – Develop efficient computational tools to handle feedback connections of non ideal devices

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 1 Generalised Thevenin + Norton Theorems

, filters etc have input and output “ports” (pairs of terminals) • By convention: – Port numbering is left to right: left is port 1, right port 2 – Output port is to the right of input port. e.g. output is port 2. – Current is considered positive flowing into the positive terminal of port – The two negative terminals are usually considered connected together • There is both a and a current at each port – We are free to represent each port as a Thevenin or Norton • Since the output depends on the input (and vice-versa!) any Thevenin or Norton sources we use must be dependent sources. • General form of or filter:

I1 I2 Port 1 + Thevenin Thevenin + Port 2 V1 V2 (Input) - or Norton or Norton - (Output)


L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 2 How to construct a 2-port model

• Decide the representation (Thevenin or Norton) for each of: – Input port – Output port • Remember the I-V relations for Thevenin and Norton Circuits: – A Thevenin circuit has I as the independent variable and V as the dependent variable: V=VT + I RT – A Norton circuit has V as the independent variable and I as the dependent variable: I = IN + V GN • The source of one port is controlled by the independent variable of the other port. • Write the I-V relations. • In what follows we examine the 4 obvious choices of building a 2- port model.

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 3 Modelling the voltage amplifier G parameters or “reverse hybrid parameters” To represent a voltage amplifier we require that a voltage driving port 1 results into a voltage developed on port 2. This dictates the choice: • Voltage input for port 1, Î Norton representation for port 1. • Voltage output for port 2, Î Thevenin representation for port 2. An equivalent circuit for a voltage amplifier is: i i1 2

g22 Norton v1 g11 v2 Thevenin v22=g21v1

i11 = g12i2 • We have indicated the Thevenin source of port 2 as a voltage controlled voltage

source v22=g21v1. This represents the main function of the voltage amplifier. • The Norton source of port 1 is also a controlled source, a CCCS, namely

i11=g12i2. The amplifier may have a non-zero reverse current . • If the reverse current gain g12 is zero, the amplifier is called Unilateral • The voltage input terminal has a finite admittance g11. • The voltage output terminal has a finite impedance g22.

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 4 Modelling the voltage amplifier (2) i i1 2

g22 Norton v1 g11 v2 Thevenin v22=g21v1

i11 =g12i2 We can write the I-V equations for each of the 2 terminals: i =+=+giggvvi⎫ Terminology: 1 11112 11 11 12 ⇒ ⎬ g11: Input admittance v2 =+vg22 22ivi212 = g 21 + g 22 ⎭ g12: Reverse current gain ⎡⎤ii ⎡gg ⎤⎡⎤vv ⎡⎤ ⎡⎤ g : Voltage gain 11=⇒=11 12 11G 21 ⎢⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢⎥ ⎢⎥ ⎢⎥ g22: Output impedance ⎣⎦v22 ⎣gg21 22 ⎦⎣⎦i22 ⎣⎦v ⎣⎦i

A few final observations, without proof:

• The forward signal path exhibits more than unity power gain. • If connected in the reverse sense (input to port 2 and output from port 1) the amplifier will exhibit less than unity power gain.

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 5 Modelling a current amplifier H parameters or the “hybrid parameters” A current amplifier has current input at port 1 and current and output at port 2. The representation choice is the inverse of that of a voltage amplifier:

i1 i2

h11 v h Thevenin 1 22 v2 Norton

v11=h12v2 i22=h21i1

v1 =+=+hvhh11iiv112 11 11 12 ⎫ Terminology ⎬ ⇒ h11: Input impedance i2 =+i22 hhh22v21 = 21iv + 22 2⎭ h12: Reverse voltage gain ⎡⎤v ⎡hh ⎤⎡⎤i ⎡⎤i h : Current gain 1 = 11 12 1 = H 1 21 ⎢⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢⎥ ⎢⎥ h : Output admittance ⎣⎦i2 ⎣h21 h22 ⎦⎣⎦vv2 ⎣⎦2 22 • A current amplifier exhibits a reverse voltage gain (h12)! • The port-reversed amplifier is a voltage “amplifier” • The reverse signal path exhibits less than unity power gain.

• If the reverse voltage gain h12 is zero, the amplifier is called Unilateral

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 6 The FET: a amplifier Y parameters or the “short circuit parameters” This is a generalisation of an admittance. Both input variables are . i i1 2

y Nortonv1 y11 22 v2 Norton

i =y v i11 =y12v2 22 21 1

i =+=+yiyyvvv⎫ Formal description 1 11112 11 11 12 ⇒ y : Input admittance ⎬ 11 i2 =+i22 yyy22v212 = 21vv + 22 ⎭ y12: Reverse admittance gain ⎡i1 ⎤⎡yy11 12 ⎤⎡⎤v1 ⎡⎤v1 y21: trans-admittance (gain) = = Y y : Output admittance ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥⎢⎥ ⎢⎥ 22 ⎣i2 ⎦⎣y21 y22 ⎦⎣⎦vv2 ⎣⎦2 • A transconductance amplifier exhibits a reverse transconductance gain! • The port-reversed amplifier is also a transconductance “amplifier” • The reverse signal path exhibits less than unity power gain.

• If the reverse gain y12 is zero, the amplifier is called Unilateral

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 7 The transresistance amplifier Z parameters or the “open circuit parameters”

This is a generalisation of an impedance. Both input variables are currents. i1 i2

z z 11 22 Thevenin Thevenin v1 v2 v22=z21i1


v1 =+=+zvzz11iii112 11 11 12 ⎫ Formal description ⎬ ⇒ v =+v zzzi =ii + z11: Input impedance 2 22 22212 21 22 ⎭ z : Reverse impedance gain 12 ⎡v ⎤⎡zz ⎤⎡⎤i ⎡⎤i z : transimpedance gain 1 11 12 1 1 21 ⎢ ⎥⎢= ⎥⎢⎥= Z ⎢⎥ z22: Output impedance ⎣v2 ⎦⎣z21 z22 ⎦⎣⎦ii2 ⎣⎦2 • A transresistance (also called a transimpedance) amplifier exhibits a reverse transimpedance gain! • The port-reversed amplifier is also a transresistance “amplifier” • The reverse signal path exhibits less than unity power gain.

• If the reverse gain z12 is zero, the amplifier is called Unilateral

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 8 Determining values of 2-port parameters

We can determine 2-port parameters from the definitions. For example, the G parameter description states that:

igvgi1111122= +

vgvgi2211222=+ Since these are small signal voltages and currents, these relations imply that the g parameters are partial derivatives:

∂∂ii11 gg11== 12 ∂∂vi12 iv21=00=

∂∂vv22 gg21== 22 ∂∂vi12 iv21=00=

The voltage boundary condition v1=0 means that v1 is kept constant, by connecting to a constant voltage source.

Similarly, the current boundary condition i2=0, requires that the variation of the current flowing into a terminal is zero, i.e. the current originates from a constant .

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 9 Input and output impedance of an amplifier To connect a 2-port to other circuits we need to know its input and output impedance. Although it would appear these are the 11 and 22 entries of the appropriate parameter matrix this is not necessarily the case.

Since the choice of parameter representation is arbitrary, lets consider 2 different representations for a circuit, the Z and Y parameters. It is easy to confirm that matrix Z must be the inverse of matrix Y. −1 I ⎛⎞ ∂∂vYi1221−1 1 This means that ZY11 ===() ≠=⎜⎟ 11 ∂−∂iYYYYYv111221221111⎜⎟ iv2 ==00⎝⎠2

What is wrong here? Z11 is determined by a fictitious experiment in which port 2 is driven by a current source (i2=0) while Y11 is the result of a fictitious experiment in which port 2 is driven by a voltage source (v2=0)

Clearly the input impedance depends on the load connected to the output.

Similarly, the output impedance depends on what is connected to the input.

Observe that the terminal impedance does not depend on what is connected to the other port if the network is unilateral, i.e. if Y12=0 Î Z11=1/Y11.

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 10 Input and output impedance of an amplifier (2) We showed that the input impedance of an amplifier depends on whether the output is connected to a zero or infinite thevenin impedance. This allows us to prove by “reductio ad absurdum”:

the input impedance depends on the load impedance connected to the output (if it did not, then the input impedance would be the same for the output open or shorted). The exact value of the loaded input impedance can be found from the definition of the parameters, and ohm’s law on the load RL connected to the output:

vZiZi1111122=+ ⎫ ⎪ ⇒ vZiZi2211222=+⎫ −Zi21 1 ⎬ ⎬ ⇒−iR22112222L = Z i + Z i ⇒ i = ⎪ viR22=− L ⎭ RZL + 22 ⎭

vZZ11221 ZZin ==11 − iRZ122L +

The input impedance will only equal Z11 if • the amplifier is unilateral, or • the output is open circuited so that the load resistance is infinite.

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 11 Conversion between amplifier representations -1 • Some are obvious matrix inversions Z=Y from the matrix equations: GH= −1 −1 −1 ⎡⎤⎡aa11 121 a 22− a 12 ⎤ Recall that the inverse of a 2x2 matrix A is: A ==⎢⎥⎢ ⎥, ⎣⎦⎣aa21 22Δa − a 21 a 11 ⎦

Δ=a aa11 22 − aa 21 12 • To go from pure (Z or Y) to/from hybrid (G or H) parameters, e.g. to express y in terms of h: – write the definitions in terms of the known parameters (h in the example). – separate the independent/ dependent variables in the unknown (y in the example) representation. One equation will be trivial to obtain! Substitute this into the other eq.

1 h12 ⎫ vh1111122=+ihv ⇒ivvyvyv112111122=− =+⎪ hh11 11 ⎬ ⇒ ⎪ ihihv2211222=+ ⎭

⎛⎞1 h12 hhhhh21 11 22− 21 12 ⇒=ih221⎜⎟ v12222 − v + hv ⇒iv21=+ vyvyv 2211222 =+ ⎝⎠hh11 11 h11 h11 The equations for the two currents in terms of the voltages are the y-parameter equations.

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 12 Common features of 2-port representations

• x are the chosen inputs and y the chosen outputs. Then we can write

y112=+ax bx ⎫⎡⎤y 1⎡⎤ab ⎡⎤x 1 ⎬ ⇒=⎢ ⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥ y212=+cx dx ⎭⎣⎦y 2⎣⎦cd ⎣⎦x 2

• a is the input impedance or admittance (depending on its units) • d is the output impedance or admittance (depending on its units) • c is the forward gain • b is the reverse gain. All 2-port networks may exhibit non-zero reverse gain! • If b=0 we call the 2-port network unilateral • If the network is meant to be an amplifier then its forward power gain is greater than unity, and its reverse power gain is less than unity. • If a load is connected to port 2 the resistance seen into port 1 depends on the magnitude of the load, unless the network is unilateral. • The output impedance of a network depends on the impedance driving its input unless the network is unilateral.

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 13 Amplifier representation choice

• It does not matter which representation is used, use most convenient! • Sensible choice depends on what is connected to the amplifier

• If Zsource<

• If Zsource>>Zin use current input – Thevenin input half circuit: current (H) or transimpedance (Z)

• If Zload>>Zout use voltage output representation: – Thevenin output half circuit: voltage (G) or transimpedance (Z)

• If Zload<

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 14 Amplifiers: modelling summary

Name / Forward Reverse Parameters Input Output Representation gain gain Voltage G Norton Thevenin Voltage Current Current H Thevenin Norton Current Voltage Transconductance Y Norton Norton Admittance Admittance Transimpedance Z Thevenin Thevenin Impedance Impedance

Terminal impedance Name / Ideal Input Output Ideal Real Representation form Input Output Input Output Voltage V V VCVS ∞ 0 High Low Current I I CCCS 0 ∞ Low High Transconductance V I VCCS ∞ ∞ High High Transimpedance I V CCVS 0 0 Low Low

Notes: 1. Choice of representation is arbitrary 2. Representation emphasises the intended function 3. Can convert one representation into any other by Thevenin ÅÆ Norton transforms

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 15 formal analysis of common terminal change example: how to get the CB Y matrix from the CE Y matrix

• The CB terminal voltages and currents, and their correspondence to CE voltages and currents are:

vv11bEBBEe==−=− v v

vv221bCBCEBEe==−=− vv vv e

ii112bE==−−=−− ii BC ii e e

iii22bC== e the admittance equations in the CB and CE configurations must be equivalent: i=−−=−−−− ii yvyvyvyvyvyvyvyvv =+ =−+( −⇒) 112b e e iee 1 ree 2 fee 1 oee 2 ibb 1 rbb 2 ibe 1 rbe 21 e CE CB yy+=+ yy⎫ ⎧⎪⎪⎪ib rb ie fe ⎧ yyyrb=− re + oe ⇒⇒⎨⎬⎨ () yyy=− + yyyyy=+++ ⎪⎩ rb() re oe ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ ib ie fe re oe iiiyvyvy== = + = vyvyvyvyvyvv+ =+ =−+() −⇒ 2212bC e feeoee fb12 b ob  b fb 12 b ob b fb 1 e ob 21 e e CE CB yy= ⎪⎪⎪⎧yyfb+=− ob y fe ⎫ ⎧ ob oe ⇒⇒⎨⎬⎨ yyy=− + ⎩⎪yyob= oe ⎭⎪ ⎩⎪ fb() fe oe

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 16 Exact treatment of the Series-Shunt connection: Add H parameters

I Function of feedback net: I1 Port 1 Port 2 2 Measure output V + + + + V Amp A Correct (mix) input V 1 V2 - - - - i.e. it improves a G-amp + + Feedback Shared electrical variables: - Net B - I1 , V2 Port 1 Port 2 Series Connection Shunt connection The feedback network is functionally a voltage amplifier from Port2 to Port1

Electrically both networks share the electrical variables I1 and V2. KVL on P1 and KCL on P2 give:

VV11=+AB V 1 , I 22 =+⇒ I AB I 2

⎡⎤VV11 ⎡AB ⎤⎡ V 1 ⎤ ⎡ I 1 A ⎤ ⎡ I 1 B ⎤ ⎡⎤ I 1 ⎡⎤ I 1 ⎢⎥=+= ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥HHAABA+B ⎢ ⎥ +B ⎢ ⎥ =+() HHH ⎢⎥ = ⎢⎥ ⎣⎦I22 ⎣IIAB ⎦⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎣ V 2 A ⎦ ⎣ V 2 B ⎦ ⎣⎦ V 2 ⎣⎦ V 2

since III111AB== and VVV 2 A = 2 B = 2

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 17 Exact treatment of the Shunt-Shunt connection: Add Y parameters

I Function of feedback net: 1 Port 1 Port 2 I2 Measure output V + + Amp A + + V1 V2 Correct (mix) input I - - - - i.e. it improves a Z-amp + + Feedback Shared electrical variables: - Net B - Port 1 Port 2 V1 ,V2 Shunt Connection Shunt Connection

The feedback network is functionally a transconductance amplifier from Port2 to Port1

Electrically the networks share V1 and V2. Application of KCL on each port gives:

II11=+AB I 1 , II 2 =+⇒ 2 A I 2 B

⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤I11IIAB 1 ⎡⎤ V 1 A ⎡⎤ V 1 B ⎡⎤ V 1 ⎡⎤ V 1 ⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=+=YYAB ⎢⎥ + ⎢⎥ =() Y+YY ABA+B ⎢⎥ = ⎢⎥ ⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦I22IIAB 2 ⎣⎦ V 2 A ⎣⎦ V 2 B ⎣⎦ V 2 ⎣⎦ V 2

since VVV111AB== and VVV 2 A == 2 B 2

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 18 Exact treatment of the Series - Series connection: Add Z parameters

Function of feedback net: I1 Port 1 Port 2 I2 Measure output I + + Amp A + + V1 V2 Correct (mix) input V - - - - i.e. it improves a Y-amp + + Feedback - Net B - Shared electrical variables: Port 1 Port 2 I1 , I2 Series Connection Series Connection The feedback network is functionally a transimpedance amplifier from Port2 Æ Port1 Electrically the two networks share input and output currents. Apply KVL on both ports:

VV11=+AB V 1 and VV 2 =+⇒ 2 A V 2 B

⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤VV11AB V 1 ⎡⎤ I 1 A ⎡⎤ I 1 B ⎡⎤ I 1 ⎡⎤ I 1 ⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=+=ZZAABA+B ⎢⎥ +B ⎢⎥ =() Z+ZZ ⎢⎥ = ⎢⎥ ⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦VV22AB V 2 ⎣⎦ I 2 A ⎣⎦ I 2 B ⎣⎦ I 2 ⎣⎦ I 2

since I111AB==II and III 2 A == 2 B 2

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 19 Exact treatment of the Shunt - Series connection: Add G parameters

Function of feedback net: I1 Port 1 Port 2 I 2 Measure output I + + + + V Correct (mix) input I V1 2 - - Amp A - - i.e. it improves an H-amp + + Feedback Shared electrical variables: - Net B - Port 1 Port 2 V1 ,I2 Shunt Connection Series Connection

The feedback network is functionally a current amplifier from Port2 to Port1

Electrically the two networks share V1 and I2. KCL on P1 and KVL on P2 gives:

II11=+AB I 1 and VV 2 = 2 A + V 2 B ⇒

⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤II11AB I 1 ⎡⎤ V 1 A ⎡⎤ V 1 B ⎡⎤ V 1 ⎡⎤ V 1 ⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=+=GGAB ⎢⎥ + ⎢⎥ =+() GGG ABA+B ⎢⎥ = ⎢⎥ ⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦VV22AB V 2 ⎣⎦ I 2 A ⎣⎦ I 2 B ⎣⎦ I 2 ⎣⎦ I 2

since VVV111AB== and I 222 AB == I I

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 20 2-port network feedback connection rules

Shunt – Shunt: add Y Series – Shunt: add H

H1 Y1 H1+H2 Y1+Y2

H2 Y2

Series – Series: add Z Shunt – Series: add G

Z1 G1 Z1+Z2 G1+G2

Z2 G2

These are not all the possible amplifier interconnections. We often need to cascade two amplifiers, i.e. drive the an amplifier with the output of another. We will encounter this connection when we study multi-stage amplifiers.

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 21 2-port parameters: the “old” notation

The choice of common terminal introduces ambiguity in the 2-port parameter description of a . This is resolved in the “old” (IRE) notation as follows: • A 2 lowercase letter subscript is used instead of the numerical we have already seen.: • The first letter is – “i” for the Input Impedance or Admittance (the “11” parameter) – “f” for the Forward Gain (the “21” parameter) – “o” for the Output Impedance or Admittance (the “22” parameter) – “r” for the Reverse Gain (the “12” parameter) • The second letter specifies which of the device terminals is used as a common reference: Emitter (“e”), Base (“b”) or Collector (“c”). • For field effect the second letter is “s” (source), “g” (gate) or “d” (drain) • Example: In the common emitter connection the “h” parameters are written:

hhie input impedance (11 )

hhre reverse voltage gain (12 )

hhfe forward current gain (21 ) also known as β

hhoe output admittance (22 ) This notation in still used in data sheets!

L5 Autumn 2009 E2.2 Analogue Electronics Imperial College London – EEE 22