ANG End US Military Presence and Intervention in the Philippines
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Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLV No. 20 October 21, 2014 Editorial End US military presence and intervention in the Philippines he Communist Party of the Philippines is in solidarity with the ing the abrogation of the Vis- Filipino people in strongly assailing the killing by an American iting Forces Agreement Tsoldier of a Filipina in Olongapo City on October 12. (VFA)—an unequal treaty stating that American sol- The CPP and all revolution- to place the accused American diers facing criminal cases in ary forces support the family soldier in Philippine custody. the Philippines should remain and friends of the victim Jen- They must go all-out in demand- in the custody of the US mili- nifer Laude in the steps they tary. have taken to obtain justice. The VFA deprives a state The Filipino people fervently of the sovereign right to exer- desire justice for Jennifer, for cise power over anyone who all other victims of crimes per- should be brought to trial. It petrated by American soldiers is a huge insult to the Filipino and for the entire nation for people to be deprived of this the continuing violation of their right by the US government. freedom. Even as the Philippine govern- The CPP supports the Fil- ment may request custody, ipino the US government holds the people's prerogative of whether to demand grant the request or not! We can expect more crimes American soldiers are found, Jennifer's name is only the of this nature committed by prostitution and decadent life- latest in a long list of Filipino American soldiers due to the styles are rampant. victims of various crimes com- Enhanced Defense Cooperation Jennifer was killed in the mitted by American soldiers and Agreement (EDCA) signed by 70th year of US imperialism's the US military in the Philip- the Aquino regime and the US return to reconquer the Philip- pines. In more than a hundred government. Under EDCA, more pines. In the so-called Leyte years of US colonization, neo- American soldiers will be enter- Landing, the US invaded the colonial rule and military inter- ing the country and stationed in Philippines anew to reoccupy it vention in the Philippines, there bases and facilities to be built in after its forces withdrew in have been myriad cases of so-called "Agreed Locations" or 1942 upon their defeat in the killings, rape, massacre, rob- areas within AFP military bases. hands of attacking Japanese im- bery and plunder. Aquino's signing of the ED- perialist military forces. The Jennifer's killing is a painful CA is but his latest act of sub- Leyte Landing (also known as reminder to the Filipino people servience to US military power. Gen. Douglas MacArthur's re- of how US imperialism obliterat- Under the Aquino regime, the turn) is the second time the US ed the lives of 700,000 Filipinos number of US battleships and snatched Philippine freedom in the war of aggression of warplanes allowed to enter, from the Filipinos. 1899-1902. Up to 800,000 more sail, dock and launch various Whenever it enters Philip- Filipinos would be killed by operations within Philippine pine territory, the US military American soldiers in the war to territory in the name of "joint arrogates the privilege of hav- quell the armed revolution for military exercises," or "rest and ing the world's most powerful national liberation that lasted recreation" and "supply pro- armed force. It is the US mili- until 1916. Not a single US sol- curement" by American forces tary that decides when and dier or officer was held ac- have grown over the years. where to enter, where and how countable for these crimes. Nei- Thousands of American troops long to dock, what weapons to ther was any soldier or officer have been entering the country bring, how many soldiers to de- held responsible for the Subic annually. ploy and what operations to rape case in 2005 and for vari- It is the puppet Aquino launch. ous other killings, violations, regime that has actually creat- Every American soldier car- shootings, beatings and intimi- ed the situation that culminated ries with him the imperialist ar- dation, among other crimes. in Jennifer's killing. Wherever rogance of his chieftain Barack Obama, who, in a recent speech, boasted that "we are the indis- pensable nation." As a rule, ANG Contents wherever they go, armed Ameri- Editorial: End US military presence can troops behave like masters Vol. XLV No. 20 October 21, 2014 and intervention in the Philippines 1 who expect to be waited on by American soldier kills Filipina 3 their "friends." Whether in Af- Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, 18 soldiers killed in NPA military actions 4 Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and ghanistan or Iraq, Pakistan or English editions. NPA punishes Itochu-Dole 5 the Philippines, American sol- It is available for downloading at Harassment operations in Bukidnon 6 diers commit crimes and violate the Philippine Revolution Web Central Father, son slain in ComVal 6 located at: the sovereignty and integrity of CPP condemns Lacub, Abra massacre 7 the countries they enter. HLI barangay captain cashes in on DAP 8 There will definitely be more Cojuangcos, Aquinos slapped Ang Bayan welcomes contributions Jennifers who will be falling vic- with criminal cases 8 in the form of articles and news. tim to various crimes and acts Readers are likewise enjoined to send Urban poor protests 9 in their comments and suggestions for Danding Cojuangco to benefit of violence perpetrated by the betterment of our publication. You from Laiban Dam project 10 American soldiers in the coun- can reach us by email at: In defense of schools and communities 11 try. The Filipino people must [email protected] Kurd resistance to ISIS 11 give their all to fight for justice Progressive journalists launch conference 12 for Jennifer, to demand an end to US military presence and in- Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee tervention and to oust Aquino's of the Communist Party of the Philippines puppet government. ~ 2 ANG BAYAN October 21, 2014 American soldier kills Filipina in Olongapo arious progressive organizations launched successive seven civilians, including four protest actions to demand the abrogation of the Visiting minors were killed in an attack VForces Agreement (VFA) and Enhanced Defense Coopera- by joint US Navy and AFP forces tion Agreement (EDCA) after the brutal slaying of a Filipina by an on Barangay Ipil, Maimbung, American soldier on the night of October 12 in Olongapo City. Sulu. The AFP later claimed that the victims were killed in a Jennifer Laude, 26, was Just as it is now doing with military operation against the killed by Pvt. 1st Class Joseph Pemberton, US authorities had Abu Sayyaf that did not involve Scott Pemberton, an element of custody of Smith while his case American soldiers. the US Marine Corps who was was being tried and appealed. In 2004, Arsud Baharun, a among 3,000 soldiers from the Meanwhile, the US relentlessly fisherman, was wounded by US Marines and US Navy who pressured "Nicole's" family to American soldiers undergoing joined the recently concluded have her recant her testimony. marksmanship training in Zam- Balikatan Exercises held in The US quickly flew Smith out boanga City. No one was held Palawan and Zambales. The of the country after "Nicole" accountable, and assistance for American troops were then in retracted her statement and the victim's medical treatment Olongapo for rest and recre- the court reversed Smith's pre- came in trickles. ation. vious conviction. Another civilian, Buyong- Jennifer, whose birth name Another Filipina named Buyong Isnijal, was shot by is Jeffrey, is transgender. She "Vanessa" was likewise raped American soldier Sgt. Reggie and Pemberton met at a disco in April 2009 by a US Marine Lane in July 2002 in Basilan. house and later went to a near- assigned to the Joint US Mili- by motel together. Shortly af- tary Assistance Group. The ter, Laude was found dead in rape, which took place the motel minutes after Pem- in a Makati hotel was berton was seen leaving. confirmed by The Olongapo City police medico-legal find- charged Pemberton with mur- ings. Nonetheless, der on October 16, but he re- "Vanessa" refused mains aboard the USS Peleliu to press charges instead of being detained at a out of fear that she Philippine jail. This is due to a would meet the VFA provision stating that the same fate as US shall maintain custody of "Nicole" who failed American soldiers accused of to obtain justice. crimes in the Philippines. Lance Corporal Smith History is marked with US had just been acquitted a contempt for Philippine sover- month before eignty, especially in the case of "Vanessa" erring American soldiers. In was raped. every case, the reactionary Earlier, in government is likewise complic- February it in covering up for the crimi- 2008, nal troops of its imperi- alist master. In November 2005, Lance Corporal Daniel Smith raped a Filipi- na named "Nicole." ANG BAYAN October 21, 2014 3 Lane was never charged be- 18 soldiers killed cause the US whisked him out of the country the next day. in series The doctor who treated Isnijal and reported that three Ameri- of NPA military actions can soldiers were among those who brought the victim to hos- pital was killed under mysteri- ous circumstances after two years. In March 2000, three Amer- ican soldiers participating in the Balikatan Exercises mauled taxi driver Marcelo Batistil in Cebu City.