Annual Report 2010
ANNU A L REPORT 2010 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (million DKK) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Operating 1,011.7 1,074.7 1,152.1 1,112.9 1,134.5 Primary operating income 94.8 70.7 74.6 50.0 60.2 Income before taxes 90.8 73.2 83.1 52.8 62.5 Profit/loss for the year 75.0 49.3 56.7 36.8 41.1 Assets 566.8 554.8 568.2 611.7 538.2 Equity 408.9 458.2 514.9 551.7 592.7 Equity and reserves 865.0 972.9 1,011.3 1,043.7 1,071.0 Investments in fixed assets 108.8 83.4 115.6 147.9 131.8 Number of employees (December 31th) 613 620 669 668 643 Net profit ratio 9.4% 6.6% 6.5% 4.4% 5,3.% Rate of invested 11.0% 7.3% 7.4% 4.8% 5.6% Return of invested 20.2% 11.4% 11.6% 6.9% 7.2% Solvency ratio 47.3% 47.1% 50.9% 52.9% 55.3% STATISTICS Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Length of the scheduled service network Km 13.527 17.922 14.235 14.235 16.400 Number of towns served Towns 22 22 21 21 21 Kilometres flown, scheduled 1000 4,806 5,247 5,195 4,972 5,073 Airborn hours, total Hours 21,084 23,136 24,056 22,583 22,453 Airborn hours, scheduled Hours 10,877 11,738 11,696 11,076 11,276 Available tonne-kilometre, scheduled 1000 77,993 86,322 82,185 74,539 78,584 Revenue tonne-kilometre, scheduled 1000 49,485 51,301 53,542 49,934 48,843 Total load factor, scheduled Percent 63,4% 59,4% 65,1% 67,0% 62,2% Number of passenges carried 1000 372 403 421 399 393 Available seat-kilometre, scheduled 1000 573,325 641,339 604,333 578,207 585,143 Revenue seat-kilometre, scheduled 1000 441,422 468,752 485,351 458,534 450,883 Cabin factor, scheduled Percent 77.0% 73.1% 80.3% 79.3% 77.1% Average length
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