Hon. Alexander Wiley
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1957 CONGRESSIONAL' RECORD..:...:. SENA!E. 8945' the bomb explooed at Hiroshima, when That is what· would be involved· if we·· They will support it, as the Senate will 90,000 lives were snuffed out. Now the tried to do it. In the first place, the support it, because it is in the interest H-bomb is many times more powerful .. aid programs help other non-Commu of the United States of America, . our· Now we are neighbor to every other na nist nations to maintain 200 divisions Nation, and we in the Senate have the tion in the world.- · · under arms. Do critics know what it responsibility to make certain that we As a consequence, it is imperatively would cost to enlatge our own· Armed. take the steps which are necessary to necessary that we appraise the facts and Forces y that number? The cost preserve our country in th1s atomic age.· do what is necessary to secure our own would run many times the price of the It was not long ago, while the Com safety. It is in the interest of our se aid · program. It costs something like mittee on Foreign Relations was inter curity that the mutual security program $3,500 a year to feed, clothe, and house rogating the Secretary of State, that I be put into operation. the . average American soldier under called attention to the fact that after They asked many other questions. arms. It costs $105 a year to feed a • Pearl Harbor the United States had 2 The young mind is alert to the changed Turkish soldier. I have been told that years in which to get ready to "pick up world conditions in which we live. I for the price of maintaining 1 American the pieces." I asked the Secretary how am glad to see it. What we are spending division, it is possible to maintain 10· long we would have to get ready now. is contained in a budget which, com Turkish divisions. All these are facts He said, "It is only a matter of min-· pared to the national income, is the which we must consider in the shrunken utes. We have to be ready." smallest such budget in years. world in which we are neighbor to every So, Mr. President, in considering what· Then these young people asked, "Sen-· other nation. is needed for our self-defense, and to ator, are we not self-sufficient our$elves, What price do the critics put on the make us self -sufficient by building our and able to look after ourselves?" bases in Europe, in the Middle East, and selves so strong that no other nation I said, "Of course not. We do not have. in Asia, which are essential to our mili will attack us, the mutual-assistance on this continent the necessary vital ma tary operations in the event of war? program is a part and parcel of that de terials with which to build the things Do they think the friendly countries fense. which are necessary." which make these bases available to us · In the interests of freedor.t, humanity,' I told them that that is one reason will· meet us half way if we fail to meet and peace, I shall vote for the bill. why, under the Eisenhower program, we them half way? But more important than the dollars have said to the Kremlin, "Keep out of ADJOURNMENT TO 9:30 A.M. the Middle East." That is where 70 per and cents considerations of foreign aici cent of the known oil reserves are is the spiritual struggle in which the TOMORROW located. If the Kremlin gets control of world finds itself. We are locked in Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, if that oil and can choke off Europe, it will battle for the loyalty and devotion of there are no other remarks to be made, have a passageway to Africa, where are men to freedom and to totalitarianism. then, pursuant to the order previously found the highly vital strategic materials Mutual-aid programs foster an esprit de entered, I move that the Senate stand in we must have. · corps among free peoples everywhere; adjournment. Consequently, I had to impress them They strengthen the bonds of freedom. Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi with the fact that we are not living unto They help to knit the community of free dent, I had hoped that some other Sena-' ourselves; that we could not, if we tried. nations closer together. We need friends tors would be present to address them The world has changed. With that in this world, just as other nations need selves to this very important measure. change there has come a change in our friends. We can expect others to be I dislike to have the Senate adjourn so responsibilities. The mutual-security friends and to be considerate of our early. program is one of those responsibilities. needs only as we are considerate of Mr. KNOWLAND. There are some Let me say to those who contend we theirs. important committee meetings to be held can live unto ourselves alone: Will we Let the critics of this program turn this afternoon. be able to stand alone in a world in inward in their petty and narrow views The PRESIDING OFFICER. The which jet planes span the Atlantic in of this program. They are out of step question is on the motion of the Senator a matter of hours, when Milwaukee and with the great majority of the American from California. Minneapolis are natural targets for people. What is more, they have blind The motion was agreed to; and (at 3 guided missiles coming over the polar ers on their eyes and do not see what o'clock and 54 minutes p. mJ the Senate route from Russia, and when those cities the program ha-s accomplished and will adjourned, the adjournment being, un are only 5 or 6 hours from the bombers accomplish. They twist and distort the der the order entered on June 10, 1957.. in Siberia? greatness of heart, the nobility of spirit, until tomorrow, Thursday, June 13, 1957, Therefore we must do the things that and the openness of the humanity of the· at 9:30 o'clock a. m. are necessary. we are spending from people of the United States. thirty-five to forty billion dollars on our Once the American people know the military program. A part of the mu whole facts, however; once they know CONFIRMATION tual assistance is the military program. that these programs are not an extrava Executive nomination confirmed by I say to the critics of the program: gant giveaway, but are a national neces ~he Senate June 12, 1957: Do they object to the fact that it builds sity, they will support the foreign-aid SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION a degree of military resistance to com program. They will know it is a pro Andrew Downey Orrick, o! California, to munism? Would they rather we tried gram to keep America free. When the be a member of the Securities and Exchange to provide the resistance all by our people understand that, they will sup Commission for the term expiring June 5, selves? We could not do that. port the mutual-assistance program. 1962. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS The People-to-People Foundation ment I have prepared regarding the out~ ~ had been pleased to discuss this subject, standing work of the People-to-People 't will be recalled, on April 29, as reflected on page A3131 of the daily CONGRESSIONAL Foundation, together with several ex RECORD,. EXTENSION OF REMARKS hibits I d~sire to have printed along with OF · Later I had made reference to it on May 31, my statement. as indicated on pages A421Q-A4212 of the There being no objection, the state daily RECORD. HON. ALEXANDER WILEY ment and exhibits were ordered to be OF WISCONSIN FORTY-TWO OUTSTANDING LEADERS printed in the RECORD, as follows: · Slnce then I have been ln touch with many IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES STATEMENT BY SENATOR WILEY of the 42 committee chairmen-leading fig.;. Wednesday, June 12, 1957 ~HE OUTSTANDING WORK Oi' THE PEOPLE-TO• ures in all walks of life-who are spearhead PEOPLE FOUNDATION . ing two-way international communication in Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, I ask I am pleased to report new evidence o! the every known area of human activity. unanimous consent that there be printed splendid accomplishments of the people-to I should like to mention now a few of their 1n the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD a state- people program. responses. CIII--563 8946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE June 12 WHAT THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY IS DOING 1s the brochure which has just been printed "We have enlisted the technique of our Mr. Frederic W. Ecker, the distinguished by the foundation. I append to it the press famous cartoonists as a unique means of president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance release from Mr. Charles E. Wilson, as issued conveying ideas, and we are inviting the car Co., reported that a letter and enclosures on through the office of Mr. Ed Kirby at founda~ toonists in other countries to bring us their the people-to-people program had been sent tion headquarters, in room 603 of the Car• messages, as well. to 5,000 insurance companies throughout our negie Hall Building, 881 Seventh Avenue, "Some 35 million foreign-born and first country, and to certain organizations over New York City. generation Americans are writing over 200 million letters a year to their relatives and seas.