July/August 2003 No.4/2003 The Native Title Newsletter is published Contents every second month. The newsletter includes a summary of native title as reported in the News from the Native Title press. Although the summary canvasses media Research Unit from around Australia, it is not intended to be Indigenous Rights Discussion Paper 2 an exhaustive review of developments. Indigenous Researchers Forum 2 The Native Title Newsletter also includes Takin’ it out and Takin’ it through 3 contributions from people involved in native title research and processes. Views ex- Feature pressed in the contributions are those of the David Ross - ‘Future Directions’ 4 authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Regular items and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Native title in the news 5 Applications lodged with NNTT 11 Stop Press Registration test decisions 11 The 2003 Indigenous Researchers Forum is being held from the 1-3 October at ‘Univer- Notifications 13 sity House’ at the Australian National Uni- Treaty, lets get it right: New Publication versity in Canberra. To register, or for more Recent additions to AIATSIS Library 15 information go to the AIATSIS website at: http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/ rsrch/ confer- Native title research unit publications 17 ences/irf2003/index.htm The Newsletter is also available in ELECTRONIC format. This will provide a FASTER service for you, and will make possible much greater distribution. If you would like to SUBSCRIBE to the Native Title Newsletter electronically, please send an email to
[email protected], and you will be helping us provide a better service.