EN_06_13_Alvarvad-Denemarken:Z_Magazine_juni_juli_2008 18-06-2008 14:38 Pagina 6

Z, a powerful weapon for

“It was important for us to create an Studfarm Alfarvad international network”.

When, a few years ago after her father had dies, Susanne Location Alfarvad Hansen took charge of “Stutteri Alfarvad” she realised very Studfarm Alfarvad is located in well that there was little future for the Alfarvad stock if they North Jutland, the most northerly could only be sold within Denmark. That is why she boldly region of the Kingdom of Denmark. changed her breeding operations into the direction of breeding When we leave the airport of showjumping with an international character. Aalborg behind us and travel north towards Frederikshavn, we notice the rural character of the region. The plains look pastorally green and exceptionally quiet. On the way to BY ETIENNE VAN MUYLEM , PHOTOS ANNETTE BOE ØSTERGAARD the studfarm in the municipality of Dronninglund, owner Susanne Suzanne Hansen and her husband Hansen, who had picked us up, keep on all their and only have explains: ‘During my visit to the them trained when they are 4-yr-old. USA, where I lived for a couple of years to round off my economics studies in the state of Oregon, my father discovered his passion for horses on a ranch with Quarter Horses. When he got back, then almost fifty, he bought two tho- roughbreds. My mother, end forty, even started riding them! It was “We have about 12 to 15 competition horses of which five to six go to shows quite an adventure fort hem, she every weekend”. even fell off a couple of times. We still have offspring of those two .’

‘Our farm is called Boegeskovhale. designed with fine paintings, four . The most famous It covers some 500 hectares. Besides Susanne continues. were Arizona Alfarvad and breeding horses, we also grew corn Grundgold II. Arizona descended on and oilseed. We also had another No romantic nationalism the sire Allegro’s side from the business which we sold. That would ‘So, my father started at Alfarvad Absatz line. Grundgold II was a son have been too much, the farming with two horses, in a place a little of Grundstein II (by Graphit). We and the horses. All that was brought further on in the woods. The were breeding Danish into a company. My husband and I business flourished and after a horses. But the Danish studbook did are running this company.’ John, number of years we easily had a not sufficiently profile itself where Susanne´s husband, comes walking hundred horses. That was exceptio - showjumping horses were con - up to us with a big smile. We receive nal for this region, for you find most cerned. When we were selling our a hearty welcome without a trace of horses in south Denmark. Over horses, we noticed that the name of “The intention is to move the horses to the Alfarvad farm in the near future. wariness or reserve. When we sit here, people are mostly pig or cattle the stallions we used and our blood- That has always been my father’s dream”. down in the living room, well farmers. At one time we even had lines was not sufficiently well

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“Breeding is not an exact science. We simply do not have foals of the same quality every year”.

Studbook, a lot cheaper and we do considered setting up an export bus- wanted. Alfarvad is definitely not to take full advantage of all control- not have any romantic nationalist iness in the market was belie- one of the biggest Danish studfarms lable elements. There is not always sentiments. For us it was more ved to be a victim of delirious but it ranks in the top ten. It has frozen sperm available for the best important to develop an internatio- ambition. But we simply ignored become a valuable trade name, Z-stallions and to bring our nal network of clients and to have a this. Like the Danish brewers although I confess that we do not do with at foot to Zangersheide powerful weapon, a brand with a Carlsberg and Tuborg, we wished to financially well every year. Some seems to risky. That is why our gradually world-wide reputation! To go beyond our border with our pro- years we can barely cover the costs, broodmares only go to Lanaken belong to the blue armada is a ducts. After the death of my father, but that is simply one of the risks of every other year. In Denmark you trump card. Even for our horsebox we started breeding with more pur- the profession. In 2007 we did well, find few Z-licensed stallions that we chose the blue-yellow. pose. We reduced our stock and this year will be a little less. The would be an equally valuable Fortunately the branding of horses is focussed on quality. We sold our quality and exclusivity of our offer alternative. And even so, when we not yet prohibited over here. The own stallions. They did not have varies. Our breeding products do use frozen sperm, we still have a two brand does fair justice to the Z- enough reputation. Besides, keeping not have the same high quality every hours drive to the nearest insemina- label. We did not stick to our Danish stallions in combination with the year. There are several reasons for tion center. Because of the costs, we planet but registered in full to the broodmares was a too heavy a job this. First of all, breeding is not an cannot do this on an intensive scale. globalisation within .’ for us. We believed that the exact science. On the hand you find These factors explain why we do not Zangersheide-saga with a sound that nature is playful and no matter always produce foals of the same known. Via a rider my father got in blood Studbook. After talking with Directly from breeder to rider trademark was a boat not to be how hard you try, you are not in quality. Annually we breed with touch with Zangersheide. He was mister Melchior, we changed tack ‘The market in Denmark is not so missed. It could bring our studfarm complete control. On the other some five to six mares, formerly that the first foreign breeder to bring his and our mares were recognized by good. Not many expensive horses activities precisely to the level we hand, practical obstacles prevent us was ten to fifteen. We keep all our mares to Lanaken for service. We Zangersheide on the basis of their are sold here. Danish horses do not bought two Holstein-bred fillies, performance and ancestry. This had have a great reputation and the law Lucy and Lisa. Both descend from some consequences. We were no requires that the owner takes a Lord Mayor, a son of the famous longer allowed to appear at breeding horse back when the vet finds that Alfarvad, directly from breeder to Lord. Now they are grown-up events with our Z-products. We there is a problem within two years rider. broodmares. Presently they are were no longer welcome with the after the sale. When a horse turns visiting Zangersheide for insemina- Danish Studbook. That was hard, out a disappointment for one reason tion. The foals from Zangersheide but we ignored it. The services or another, the chance is that the stallions were, however, not offered by Zangersheide were, buyer tries to misuse this law and recognized by the Danish Warm - compared to the Danish Warmblood forces the owner to take the horse back. Since it happened to us once that we had to take a horse back, we are extra wary. We therefore prefer to sell them abroad. That was a challenge. Anyone over here who

“We can check everything on the monitor, the four foaling boxes, the horse walker and the indoor hall”.

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brilliant reflections put you “We have a fine team of employees, which are always selected with great care”. in front

foals and rear and train them here. looked after and the stables are young horse quarters is a wide We start the riding process when thoroughly maintained. Near the indoor hall with, on the left and they are 4-yr-olds and they can not entrance of the stables are three under the same roof, the stables for go to any competitions before they large stables which were formerly the competition and sales horses. On are 4½-yr-olds. The horses are sold for the stallions. Now they are the right of the indoor hall lies an when they are ready for the sport. populated by yearlings of Asca Z, outdoor arena, where Lone That is normally when they are 5- or Baloubet, Zandor Z and Air Jordan Kronmann is at work with her 6-yr-olds. At the moment you find Z. ‘Because of the dry spring, the pupils. Alfarvad horses in the USA, Italy, foal are stabled overnight. They go ‘We have about twelve to fifteen Greece, Sweden and Norway. Our out, as well, of course, but because competition horses. Every weekend slogan is “Alfarvad, directly from of the drought we do not have all five to six horses go to a show. The breeder to rider”. It is written in that much grass yet,’ John explains. girls in regular employ all work one yellow on our horsebox!’ ‘The corn needs some rain, too, and weekend a month in turn. Lone is if it does not fall soon, we will have closely involved in the selection of Only selected personnel a meagre harvest.’ We walk past a our youngsters. We assess our The red brick entrance gate of the wash room, feed and tack room and youngsters when they are 2- and 3- stables that first opened in 1987 are an office with a video screen. ‘We yr-olds for the first time in free adorned with the emblem of can see everything on the monitor, jumping. We all make our own Zangersheide. The operations at from the four big stables at the top notes. But most of the time our Studfarm Alfarvad are not only of the double row of stables where findings are the same. Later, in the concentrated on the quality of the most mares foal, via the horse year they turn four, we make a horses but also on that of the walker to the riding hall. When a definite selection. Normally, the Our deep insight enables us to deliver market leading personnel. The staff is always care- is foaling, we like to see it,’ horses already confirm their fully selected. ‘We employ two regu- Susanne resumes with enthusiasm. jumping potential as 2- and 3-yr- products and solutions. lar riders, both female. Lone ‘It always is an emotional moment olds but occasionally you get one Kronmann is first rider and is in which we do not want to miss.’ The that was not so promising before but In depth knowledge of alternative investments and an exclusive focus on the sector enable us to generate robust charge. Kronmann was fivefold double row of stables accommo - has picked up since. This is the absolute returns. Our unique expertise and global market presence keep Man Investments and our clients in front. Danish champion Ghymkhana and dates young horses. These are, for moment we take drastic action and she is an excellent showjumping example, 3-yr-old offspring of simply get rid of the common rider. Besides our two top riders, we Chicago Z, Quinar Z, Nelson Z, horses. It is remarkable that some of employ several young people. Caridor Z and their own stallions them end up in circles. Tel +41 55 417 63 00 Fax +41 55 417 63 01 Mostly girls with a passion for Grundgold II and Arizona Alfarvad. Alfarvad April Z, for example, was www.maninvestments.com horses who are taking a sabbatical One of the favourites is the 2004 the individual champion of the 2007 A member of the Man Group year before giving their lives a deci- born Darco´s Alfarvad Z, a product FEI World Equestrian Dressage sive turn.’ of Darco out of a Calido daughter Championships in Hartbury, Great The accommodation is very well bought in Belgium. Opposite the Britain. Maybe we miss out one or

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This material is communicated by Man Investments Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. EN_06_13_Alvarvad-Denemarken:Z_Magazine_juni_juli_2008 18-06-2008 14:38 Pagina 12

The Alfarvad farm is located in the middle of the woods. We are still renovating it.

two at our selections but we should provides us of straw and corn. All starting place in next year’s World op 1m50 classes. Garreth Alfarvad not forget the economical side of the hay we feed is half dry and will Championships for Young Horses. Z, a gelding by Grundgold II, has a things. We are cost conscious and do be packed only when it is fully dry.’ Chagall Z, also by Chellano Z, visi- sister in the sport in Greece and not want to invest time and money ted the WC in 2001. Another one by several brothers in Finland, Sweden unnecessarily in horses with insuffi- The sport horses for sale Chellano Z is Chelani Alfarvad Z, and Norway. We never show these cient quality. Training competition The competition horses are housed who jumped in these championships horses to potential buyers, we often horses is an expensive business and in a row of stables alongside the as a 5- and a 6-yr-old. Zahr use a white lie and tell them they the prize monies of the competitions indoor hall. ‘The top doors of these Alfarvad Z and Zhana Alfarvad Z have a cough. All the sport horses over here is not very high. Although stables are always open, even in are both by Zandor Z and have tur- get one hour a day in the horse wal- the horse sport is becoming more winter. We have a heating system on ned out promising jumpers. ‘They ker besides their training under and more popular over here, the the water supply, so the horses can are already a little older and have . All this takes place under the prize monies do not follow the get their water themselves, up to an earned a name for themselves becau- supervision of Lone. She is trend, especially not at the local and outside temperature of five degrees se of their performance in the young responsible for the training of both national competitions. We do not below. Good lighting is essential for horse classes. We always keep on a the horses and the riders. She is not have any major sponsors. It is not competition horses. We do not often few of our older, successful show- doing a bad job. We are regularly place but there it really is peaceful. will no longer be a mill stone around exceptional for the winner of a have any problems with their jumping horses to promote our visited by reputable riders who are That farm is in the middle of the our neck. Although the gatekeeper’s 1m50 class to take home only 750 respiratory tracts.’ Walking past the name. From 1996 we have, for interested in Alfarvad horses, in fact, forest. We are presently rebuilding it lodge and the other house at euro. To keep things into a finan - stables, we look at Chanel Z (v. example, Gillian Alfarvad Z and your own Belgian top rider Ludo and we will move to there in a Alfarvad will display the antique cially responsible perspective, we Chellano), a 5-yr-old which is expec- Gracy Alfarvad Z. The former is Philippaerts has visited us some time couple of month. Next year we will appearance, we want the yard to grow our own feed. The land amply ted to be promising enough for a now jumping in 1m40 and the latter ago’. also bring all the horses there.’ offer all the modern services for the horses. I would like Alfarvad to The 2008 season Alfarvad become a set point in the vortex of On a finely fenced off field besides We drive along dusty local roads our now almost thirty year old bree- “We were no longer welcome at the Danish studbook”. the long, straight drive to the between fields and forests. We stop ding efforts. Looking back over residence of Boegeskovhale four on the way to look at a group of 3- time, I clearly see the growing battle broodmares with foals at foot are yr-olds who immediately come up to between progress and tradition, grazing. ‘We had five foals from six investigate, pricking their ears on nature and culture, town and services. Four of them you see here, their fine heads. Then we arrive at country.’ the fifth and youngest foal, one by Alfarvad. It is a neat residence with, Behind the still empty horse stables Cannabis Z, is still stabled. Money amongst other buildings, two houses we walk through the trees to a wide, is our foundation dam. She won the in the original style. With their slightly undulating field with seven Ladies Cup at the time and received thatched roofs and crosswise protru- 2-yr-olds. ‘They are six mares and a a premium from the Danish ding beams are real eye-catchers. gelding, descending from Caretano, Warmblood Studbook for her model ‘This is the place where my heart Balougran, Crown and Zandor, all and movements. She still carries the lies. I am looking forward to live of them Z-stallions with class and a blood of one of the thoroughbreds here, but first the renovation of the record. I am expecting a lot from the which my father bought when he house has to be completed. It is our mare Coreana Z (by Crown Z) started his breeding activities. She intention to move our whole which we bought at the 2006 Z- presently has a foal at foot by business to here in the near future. It Auction.’ Balougran Z.’ Broodmare Calida, will be the realization of my father’s With her Alfarvad horses Susanne daughter of Calido, has a smashing dream, peaceful in the middle of the Hansen confidently faces the filly by Zandor Z at foot. An extre- forest, on the yard where he started. competition. But just selling horses mely handsome colt by Candillo Z is Originally this was a poultry farm. was never enough to fulfil the des- pestering Money’s foal. Another We intend to modernize the existing ires of this Z-breeder completely. remarkable youngster is the chestnut stables and add further accommo - She believes that it is useful for filly from Quinan, also sired by dations. We will have to find a new people to have hobbies outside their Zandor Z. function for the buildings on the professional field. The specialist ‘Well, that was it for this site. Later, other farm. This place is where I renovation of Alfarvad is an expo- after we have had some lunch, we find peace of mind, although I am nent of this. If only for that, the will take a look at the place where it excited about the project. Because place is very special to her! all began. You say this is a quiet we will sell our other business, this

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