Venue: ______Date: ______

□ In-hand grading □ grading, mare □ licensing □ Stallion pre-selection

Score for total impression: ______

Grading classification: ______Height at withers: ______Description: ______


Remarks: ______Signed/Dansk Varmblod: ______

Ability Deviations (1=deviates, (score) 2=deviates much) ___ Poor Condition of A B C D E F G H I ___ Fat Type/frames Large frames Small frames ___ Narrow ___ Short ribs Long-legged Short-legged ___ Short front legs Harmonious Non-harmonious

Refined Heavy

Strong expression of Weak expression of ______gender gender Head/neck Small head Big head ___ Short lips Much expression Weak expression Light connection Heavy connection ___ Short poll ___ Narrow connection Long neck Short neck Thin neck Thick set Arched neck Straight neck ___ Low set neck ___ Ewe-necked ______Too vertical Shoulder/withers Long shoulder Short shoulder Sloping shoulder Upright shoulder ___ Pushed forward Long withers Short withers ______High withers Flat withers Topline/hindquarters Long topline Short topline ___ Lacking muscles ___ Sway back ___ Sunken loins ___ Roach backed Lang croup Short croup Sloping croup Flat croup ___ Topped croup ___ High set of tail Long gaskins Short gaskins ___ Short thighs ___ Gaskins lacking ______muscles Front legs Substantial joints Poorly defined ___ Too fine joints ___ Too heavy ___ Blurred Over at knee Back at knee ___ Offset cannons ___ Tied in at knees Weak pasterns Upright pasterns ___ Long pasterns ___ Short pasterns Big hooves Small hooves ___ Non-uniform hooves ___ Flat hooves ___ Narrow heels ______Toing out Toing in Hind legs Substantial joints Poorly defined ___ Too fine joints ___ Too heavy ___ Blurred Sickle hocks Straight hocks ___ Narrow hocks ___ Tied in at hock ___ Bow-hocked Weak pasterns Upright pasterns ___ Long pasterns ___ Short pasterns Big hooves Small hooves ___ Flat hooves ___ Narrow heels Toing out Toing in ______Walk Regular rhythm Irregular rhythm ___ Narrow in front ___ Narrow behind ___ Wide in front ___ Wide behind ___ Wringling in hock Long stride Short stride Elastic topline Tight topline ___ Irregular tail ___ Uncoordinated ______Energetic Lacks engagement ___ Hurries Trot Long stride Short stride ___ Narrow in front ___ Narrow behind ___ Wide in front ___ Wide behind ___ Lacks impulsion from hindquarters Elastic topline Tight topline ___ Unclear rhythm ___ Irregular tail ___ Uncoordinated Freedom at elbows Tight elbows ___ Irregular tail ___ Uncoordinated ______Carrying Pushing ___ On the forehand Canter Long stride Short stride Elastic topline Tight topline ___ Unclear rhythm ___ Irregular tail ___ Uncoordinated Freedom at elbows Tight elbows ______Carrying Pushing ___ Unbalanced