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” . n o d n o L n i r e h t e g o t s y a d e v i f

r o f n o w d l r o w e r i t n e e h t e e s o t e r i s e d

l l i w s s e r g n o c s i h t d n a t n e m e v o m s s e n . r e t t i w T n o 5 1 0 2 s s e l d n u o B @

r u o f o e s r u o c e h t g n i r u d n o i t a r b e l e c

s ’ t s i n o i t a v l a S e h t g n i c r o f n i e r e p a h s

w o l l o f s w e n t s e t a l e h t r o F - i l o h a e r a e W “ , d e n i a l p x e , f f a t S e h t

d n a t n e m e g d e l w o n k c a r u o f o y h t r o w s ’ o g o l e h t h t i w , g n i m e e d e R d l r o W

f o f e i h C e h t o t y r a t e r c e s l a n o i t a n r e t n i

. d l r o w y m r A n o i t a v l a S e h t d n a s s e l d n u o b d e e d n i e r a e c a r g s i H e l o h W e h T – s s e l d n u o B e m e h t s s e r g

, e n a r h c o C m a i l l i W r e n o i s s i m m o C

d n u o r a m o r f s n o i s s i m b u s 0 4 y l e t a m d n a n o i t a v l a s s i H , e v o l s ’ d o G ’ . s s e l - n o c e h t h t i w n i s e i t s i h T . h t r a e e h t f o

. t i r i p S y l o H e h t f o l o b m y s e h t , e v o d a

- i x o r p p a m o r f , p i h s r e d a e l l a n o i t a n - d n u o b ’ . . . ’ s s e l t i m i l ‘ ’ , g n i d n e - r e v e n ‘ t n e c s i n i m e r s i h c i h w , e p a h s r a l u c r i c

s e l b m e s e r h c i h w f o h c a e , s e p a h s n e v

- r e t n i h t i w g n i k r o w , s e v r e s z c i w e i k u B ’ , l a n r e t e ‘ s d r o w e h t f o s u s d n i m e r a s m r o f o g o l e h t f o t r a p r e t u o e h T

- o w r e t n i f o d e s i r p m o c s i o g o l e h T

h p l a R l e n o l o C . t L h c i h w n o , l i c n u o C , g n i d n e r o n g n i n n i g e b o n s a h h c i h w

. g a l f y m r A n o i t a v l a S

. y r a s r e v i n n a

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s t n e m e l e d e r o l o c i t l u m e h t n e h W

s i h c i h w , s s e r g n o c e h t o t p u - d a e l e h t

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n o i t a v l a S e h T r o f o g o l l a i c - l o c y m r A n o i t a v l a S l a n o i t i d a r t e h t n i

- i f f o e h t , s h t n o m l a r e v e s g n i s e p a h s g n i k c o l r e t n i e h t , y l l a n o i t i d d A

- t s a l s s e c o r p n o i t c e l e s a r e t f . t e s t u o e h t m o r f t a h t s s e r p x e

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h t i w y r o t i r r e T m o d g n i K d e t i n U e h t e s a e l e R s w e N l a n o i t a n r e t n I n a m o r F

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t a h t n i d n A . s e v i l r u o n i t u o m e h t n I . e c n e i r e p x e y r t s i n i m l a n o i t a n r e t n i

e v i l l l i w e w t a h t , m i a l c o r p e w s e u t s a v s a h l a r e n e G d l o - r a e y - 9 5 e h T

- l a v l a u t i r i p s e h t o t p u e v i l l l i w , k n a r

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r u o t a h w r e t t a m o n , s t s i n o i t a v l a S

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- n i a r t d e r e t n e y e h t e r e h w m o r f d n a

n i s e i t i n u m m o c e h t n i n o i t a m r o f

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- s n a r t d n a e g n a h c e v i t i s o p r o f e c r o f a

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e b l l i w y m r A n o i t a v l a S e h T t a h t y a r p

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I . d l r o w e h t n i d o o g r o f e c r o f a g n i e b

s r a e y d o o h d l i h c s i h t n e p s x o C é r d n A

r o f n w o n k e b l l i w y m r A n o i t a v l a S

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. x o C é r d n A

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. y m r A n o i t a v l a S l a n o i t a n r e t n i l a i r o t i r r e t , r e l i e S l u a P r e n o i s s i m m o C

. l a r e n e G w e n e h t d e t c e l e

t s ’ n e m o w f o t n e d i s e r p d l r o w e h

t e h t f o d n a m m o c n i d n o c e s , f f a t S e h

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s i o h w , x o C a i v l i S r e n o i s s i m m o C

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d n u o r a m o r f y m r A n o i t a v l a S e h T f o s o t d n a t n a v r e s s ’ d o G e b o t — p i h

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. s t s i n o i t a v l a S

. l a r e n e G h t 0 2 e h t s a d e t c e l e

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n e e b s a h , r e c i f f o y m r A k n a r e h t f o e v i t c e p s e r r i , t a h t g n i y a s

n o i t a v l a S h s i t i r B - s s i w S , y t i l i m u h f o t i r i p s a n i y t i l i b i s n o p s e r

a , x o C é r d n A r e n o i s s i m m o w e n s i h d e t p e c c a l a r e n e G e h T

l a r e n e G d e t c e l e

x o C é r d n A r e n o i s s i m m o C

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” . e r u t u f s u o i r o l g e m a s e h t o t d e l l a c n e e b l l a e v a h e w d n a , t i r i p S e m a s e h t e v a h e w , y d o b e n o l l a e r a e W “ ) T L N ( 4 , 3 : 4 . h p E

t s e w d i M e h t m o r f s w e i V d n a s w e N

T y r o t i r r e T l a r t n e C A S U / y m r A n o i t a v l a S e h 2

Staying power calling. We must be sure we are seeking His purpose as we listen during times of decision. “Called to by Commissioner Carol Seiler stay” could be translated “God has - Territorial Coordinator for Strategic Mission Planning n’t released me from His purpose in this place, yet.” Reading this book, along with his summer an intriguing called to stay and be change agents Orbiting the Giant Hairball by title crossed my desk cour - in them. I sent the book to Eric Gordon McKenzie, which encour - Ttesy of Bob Jones, Resource Himes, director of young adult min - Rarely do we think of being called to ages creativity without being Connection secretary, and istries, for his thoughts. I wondered stay put, called to be Christ-followers absorbed into bureaucracy, makes the Christian Booksellers Association. if the concept only resonated with in the irritating, mundane, less-than- me feel strongly that part of what It was an “advanced reader copy.” this non-millennial who sometimes ideal context of where we are. In fact, will keep an almost 150-year-old No, I am not an advanced reader; it wishes to be 25 again. we are called to be faithful, called to Salvation Army healthy and vibrant just means a copy circulated early to What strikes me about the title is be a voice that refuses to let others will be those who find a way not to see whether there’s enough interest the contrast to how we often see give up, called to struggle to see become part of the landscape but to to buy it and also that the text may being “called.” Perhaps it’s our Army God’s presence over time and in situ - shape it. It doesn’t mean to blend be changed in the final version. culture, but being “called” almost ations that externally are dark. in or lose yourself but to be authen - The book was titled Called to always is linked to giving up every - I am just thinking out loud. I don’t tic in our individual and collective Stay. The focus was on millennials thing and moving to a new venture to intend to belabor the point or pre - spiritual walks. We are, you know, (young adults) not leaving churches start over, whether that is officership, vent any launching of new callings. “Creating a Shared Future,” and we which are out of touch, dry and drift - a job in another state or country, or But being “called” must remain need those who keep the “stay” ing from mission, but instead being leaving a non-Christian family setting. grounded in God who is doing the from being “stale.”

Tour of Hope

by April Fetz hen Santa Rodriguez’s friends invited her on Wa day trip to tour The Salvation Army’s Hidden Falls Camp, she just couldn’t resist. She was curious about the different things The Salvation Army did. This was Santa’s first camp experi - ence. She was first in line at each

stop, ready to try some - which started last year. Each tour is who visit and work at these facili - thing new and learn a different adventure showcasing ties. from the campers. She the programs and facilities The “Every time I get closer to The was hooked. Salvation Army provides for the Salvation Army, I realize there is It was also the first community. It’s a way for volun - still so much that the Army does,” time several employees teers, corporate partners, donors, said Steve Gould, Brown County got a chance to experi - employees and the curious to see Advisory Board member, at a recent ence camp, at least and experience first-hand what tour. “Today it was women in crisis. Salvation Army camp. their efforts do or could do. I had no idea there was something The experience not only This summer the Tour of Hope like that.” educated the employees traveled to the Indianapolis, Ind., Steve’s wife, Kim, attended the but helped them do Fountain Square Corps, the Ruth Tour of Hope as well. She was their jobs better from Lilly Women and Children’s Center almost speechless. “Wow!” she said. writing the Happy (Block of Hope), and the Indiana “This has been mind opening. Very Camper newsletter to War Memorial for a glimpse at the influential people should do it to telling corporate donors Donut Girl exhibit. At each stop, get a flavor for what’s going on.” about needs. people learned what programs the The day trip was part facilities housed. They also heard of the Indiana Division’s the personal stories and ways The Tour of Hope program Salvation Army helped the people

Central Get Connection Connected! THE SALVATION ARMY 10 W. Algonquin Road • Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 Check out our complementary material on the web. 847-294-2000 www.usc.salvationarmy.org/getconnected Founder For late breaking news, Resources/Links ANDRÉ COX General Officer Candidate website COMMISSIONER PAUL R. SEILER visit our website! Booth University College website Territorial Commander Child Sponsorship webpage LT. COLONEL RICHARD VANDER WEELE ARC webpage Community Relations and Development Secretary ELIZABETH KINZIE Southeast Mich. ARC website Editorial Director Audio Clip ANNE URBAN Editor/Writer Log on to Southeast Mich. ARC Singers “Pure Joy” JACQUELYN BENTSON Communications Specialist Web exclusives FERN CALDWELL usc.salvationarmy.org/centralconnect Women’s Auxiliary Member Michelle Nimmo’s Circulation Manager testimony KENNETH ROMIN Graphic Design and Production Sponsorship Inspiration for Share Your Christmas Joy by Mona Taube VISIT OUR WEBSITE— www.centralusa.salvationarmy.org Ideas from Fort Dodge that can help grow your corps 1-800-SALARMY More on the Army of Readers 3 Building an “Army of Readers”

s children head reading us that amazing book! I back to school, loved the activity you made for AThe Salvation us. My favorite part had to be Army in Grand the activity; I mean who in the Rapids, Mich., is doing its world could come up with some - part to promote literacy. thing so fun? I am so glad you With the Peter C. and came into our school!” Emajean Cook Foundation and support from Crowe Horwath and other com - munity partners, The Salvation Army conducted its “Army of Readers” ini - tiative for a second year to highlight the importance and joy of reading. Over 35 young profes - sionals and college student volunteers attended an ori - entation at The Salvation Angela DeVries, Western Army before visiting nearly 40 class - crafts to bandana decorat - Michigan and Northern Indiana rooms to read books and conduct ing projects. divisional volunteer services direc - special joint activities for approxi - Siona, from the Grand tor, not only helped to coordinate mately 900 children. Volunteers were Rapids Montessori School, volunteers and lead the orientation paired up to read in two or three wrote in a thank you session but participated in the read - classrooms and to conduct activities note, “Dear Army of ing event, too. She recalled that as ranging from antenna headband Readers, thank you for she started reading, one little boy, who had been acting up, slowly made his way over to the reading area. Before long he was really into the book, raising his hand and answering questions. “When I packed up to leave he came over, gave me a big hug and thanked me Grant to empower caregivers for spending time with him,” said Angela. Carrie Boer, from the Peter C. he Metropolitan Division has of 10 locations and Emajean Cook Foundation, received a $10,000 grant nationally to which has served the West Tfrom the MetLife Foundation receive a grant to Michigan area for over 25 years, and the National Alliance for replicate family said, “We all recognize that educa - Caregiving to start a new volunteer- caregiver education tion is vital and reading is the cor - based caregiving program for vulner - and support pro - nerstone. We’re helping our kids able seniors in the Chicago area. grams in their local realize how reading opens so many doors, and I think this program has The division’s Family and communities. The a special ability to bring a little bit Community Services plans to mobi - winners were cho - of joy to reading as well.” lize volunteers and resources in local sen based on inno - congregations and the community to vation, collabora - offer an array of direct services such tion, sustainability as transportation, light chores and effectiveness in and housekeeping, repairs and friendly visits, as well as resources, education and sup - New EDS port for family caregivers, including in-home respite. requirements At the heart of the new Two provided by family members. are Better than One program are Managing the competing priorities dedicated, supervised and of work and family, in addition to Safe from Harm module, trained volunteers who will pro - caregiving, is stressful and costly specific to disaster situa - vide this in-home support for a and can exact a heavy toll, resulting Ations, has been added to diverse group of vulnerable in burnout and health problems. the Introduction to seniors and caregivers who are Experts anticipate that family care - Emergency Disaster Services course low-income, disadvantaged and giving will grow in the decades all volunteers are required to take. suffer from isolation. Many of ahead. Those who have already completed the course must complete the new the at-risk seniors and care - replicating a program/best practice givers with whom Family and Safe from Harm module to have for caregiver needs in their own their badges renewed. This impor - Community Services works have lit - communities. tle or no ongoing family or communi - tant new component has been “The startup funds for these added since people are even more ty support. It is hoped that this ser - Employment Opportunity vice will enable seniors to remain award-winning replication pro - vulnerable after disasters. living independently longer and grams will offer caregivers in these “In times of disaster people who empower caregivers. communities a new quality of sup - Multi-m—eUdSiaAMSionuisthtreirensTEedrriittori/aMl inistry are normally high functioning are port that can make a positive differ - HToeoaldKquit arters, Atlanta, Ga. Plan/develop, The Metropolitan Division is one not functioning at their full poten - ence in the challenges they face as implement, evaluate multi-media materials for tial, which makes them more sus - caregivers,” said Gail Gibson Hunt, ministry tool kit website. Ensure posted con - tent meets established standards. ceptible to predators,” said Kevin President & CEO, National Alliance Develop/administer marketing plan to grow Ellers, territorial emergency disas - for Caregiving. site awareness/users lists. Create rich site ter services coordinator. content; support ministry leaders’ submissions According to a press release by Educating EDS volunteers on the MetLife Foundation announcing for site and Southern Spirit Online (SSO). Monitor all communications; develop site’s how to recognize danger signs is the award, family caregiving has a appeal, functionality. Serve as key participant, intended to add an extra layer of value to society estimated at $450 content source on SSO team. Provide techni - protection for vulnerable people in billion per year—more than the cal/creative assistance for communications these disaster situations. value of home care and nursing bureau section of Community Relations and care combined. At least 65 million Development Department. Requirements: Approved trainers for the adults provide critical care that active, uniform-wearing Salvationist in good National Disaster Training Program helps friends and loved ones with standing; BA in related field and two years will take an additional “train the experience producing multi-media and/or web- trainer” course in order to teach the debilitating illnesses remain in their based ministry resources or equivalent experi - homes and other community set - ence providing knowledge, skills. Complete additional Safe from Harm module. tings. An estimated 80 percent of all online application for Job #166172 at As with other EDS curriculum, it is care received by older Americans is www.salvationarmycareers.org. For more in- anticipated this course will be avail - formation:[email protected]. able online in the future. 4 Blessings in Fort Dodge The joy of junior soldiers

by Elizabeth Harvey ifteen years ago I was asked to Fteach a junior sol - dier class at the Omaha Citadel, Neb., Corps for the short term. I’ve been involved with and passionate about junior soldiers ever since! As a retired teacher, I believe in the importance of preparing young people for the future. In public schools we taught “life skills.” In junior soldiers In fact, our entire congregation we teach “eternal life skills.” has been welcoming to the junior For the most part, our junior sol - soldiers, who’ve brought brothers, Flanked by Captains Ronald and Carol Cook, some of the newest Fort Dodge, Iowa, Corps diers at the Omaha Citadel are a sisters and cousins to be part of soldiers and adherents shop for uniforms and Bibles at Resource Connection. unique group because of their our “little army.” The young peo - Sudanese backgrounds. Including ple are growing into becoming y life has changed 100 program secretary. “They know and helping these young people members of the band, songsters, percent since my family their diners, they sit, eat, laugh and become part of our corps has been praise band and even the corps “Mstarted attending the share together. They work together an exciting learning process for all council, along with other positions Army. Being enrolled as a in the kitchen and dining room. of us. in the corps, which is led by soldier means so much,” said Kevin They share their joys, sorrows and One way we’ve reached out to Captains Trevor and Rochelle Blaha, who was enrolled as a soldier failures.” include youth is through an active McClintock. And, some of our by General at Congress When the Cooks arrived at Fort group of prayer partners. An exam - junior soldiers have grown into this summer. “Since going there [Fort Dodge three years ago, diners ple of this mentoring approach is senior soldier uniforms, committed Dodge, Iowa, Corps] church is fun; queued up, prayed, picked up their evident on our “Red Shirt” Sundays to adult corps membership. the captains [Ronald and Carol Cook] food and left. “We started opening where the junior soldiers sit with Isn’t the importance, the impact make you want to go, and I enjoy the doors at 7:00 a.m. for coffee, their adult prayer partners during of junior soldiers, that our children being around them because they’re prayer and conversation. Our peo - worship on these special mornings. be prepared to fill our ranks and caring people.” ple can come in to talk and share The children make a bold statement join us in telling the sweet story? Kevin, his wife, Nancy, and their with us,” said Carol. “And we’re in their red polo shirts, and some of Whether a corps has one child or three girls aren’t the only ones never too busy to hear them.” the girls wear red berets or ribbons. 100 children, the responsibility, who’ve become increasingly involved Ronald continued, “It’s a matter of Their mentors consistently offer the opportunity, is ours to guide at the Fort Dodge Corps; attendance getting to know them.” words of encouragement, hand - and teach our children those all at weekly worship services has more People aren’t just invited from shakes or hugs and a friendly smile important “eternal life skills” that than doubled, six soldiers and five the diners program but from many to help keep them coming back are part of the junior soldier cur - adherents were enrolled this sum - aspects of ministry like youth activ - each week. riculum. mer, and one altar call brought 45 ities, which is how the Blahas first-time seekers forward. became involved. Every person “The increased attendance is due, who walks through the door is in large part, to the love the Cooks encouraged to attend the corps ser - show their daily diners,” said Major vices and make it their church Vicki Steinsland, Western divisional home.

Highlights from Hales’ service

by Philip Hale ajors Dale and Sharon MHale cele - brated their ministry and retire - ment at the Lakewood Temple Corps in Maplewood, Minn., on June 15, which was also their 39th wedding anniversary. Majors Jim and Judy Garrington presided New over the joyous service attended by over 150 friends and Minn., in 1971. Dale was commis - family. Lt. Colonels Daniel and sioned with the “Lightbringers” ses - Members Rebecca Sjögren officiated. sion in 1972 and Sharon with the “Followers of Christ” in 1974. They With the theme “Snapshots from were married that June, and have 81 Service,” Dale recounted five areas, years of combined service with The or “snapshots,” for which he is grate - Salvation Army, during which time April - June 2013 ful. These included his personal rela - they were blessed with three chil - tionship with Christ, spiritual forma - dren and six grandchildren. tion through education at Asbury College, his call to officership, spiri - The Hales have served in corps 204 Senior Soldiers tual friendships he formed through appointments from Evanston, Ill., to the American Correctional Bismarck, N.D., as well as at the Association as chaplain, and an awe - Wisconsin and Upper Michigan and 44 Adherents some companionship with Sharon. Northern divisional headquarters. Sharon followed up with highlights “Every day I am very thankful for so 152 Junior Soldiers of their children and grandchildren. many good friends who have support - ed and worked with me in this won - Sharon and Dale met in Willmar, derful field of service,” said Dale. 5 Newly Holy people for unholy times accepted hen officer candidates appointments Wwere announced earlier this year perhaps the one that garnered Kevin and Megan the most attention—and drew Sechrest the most questions—was new: St. Paul Citadel, Minn., Corps ambassadors of holiness. The questions did not have to do Northern Division with the officers. Lt. Colonels Daniel and Becky Sjögren seemed a natural fit. But what did these new positions mean? What exactly would the Sjögrens be doing? “We are going to attempt to fan the fire of holiness,” encap - sulated Dan. “I believe we as a Salvation Army do well in understanding the need for salvation. one priority.” But going further than that is what I They plan to teach at various would call the second blessing, holi - events such as officers’ councils, ness. I believe God is still looking for schools of ministry, divisional and Jessica Martinez holy people. He has said, ‘Be holy as corps retreats and seminars on topics Milwaukee Citadel, Wis., I am holy.’” like holiness in everyday living and Corps The Sjögrens know it’s not impos - leadership. They also foresee the opportunity of mentoring officers. Wisconsin and Upper sible because of the indwelling and equipping of the Holy Spirit. “God “We don’t want to isolate people or Michigan Division sees our potential, and the Holy make them feel bad but receive them I was born in Lima, Peru, Spirit does His work in us,” where they are,” said Dan. This kind where I attended the San Martin explained Becky. Yet, they acknowl - of sensitivity speaks to their credibili - Corps and accepted Jesus into my edge not only do some people see ty for the new endeavor. heart at age 8. holiness as unachievable but there “Lt. Colonels Dan and Becky At 14, I began teaching Sunday isn’t an intense hunger for God as Sjögren are well known and respect - school. It was a wonderful experi - Americans are self-sufficient and, ed leaders in our territory,” said ence; I really understood the frankly, don’t feel they need Him. Commissioner Paul R. Seiler, territor - meaning and importance of being But, they say, if Salvationists focused ial commander. “With the recent on holiness, they’d experience fuller change of appointments, to have As a child of officers in the Eastern saved and even became the lives with a new depth of commit - leaders of this caliber available to Territory, I felt God’s tug at my heart Sunday school president! ment and would make an even more help Salvationists to focus on holy toward Christian ministry when I was God called me to officership significant difference in the world. living is a wonderful opportunity. 14. I didn’t know, however, it would many years ago, but I didn’t What a grand future if every eventually lead to officership. I knew This new responsibility humbles always follow that calling. Then at Salvationist, every day, wanted to ‘be God required “something more” of them; yet, they’re comfortable with a congress in Peru in 2010, He more like Jesus.’” me after marrying Kevin in 2004 and called me once more. I prayed it. Dan grew up in the grand felt called to be a youth pastor. But by about this for eight months and Scandinavian Division where holi - the time I became a mother to four realized I couldn’t run away any ness was preached and lived out by children of our own, I decided to longer. greats like Brigadier Gunnar become a stay-at-home mom and Erickson. He gravitated to them. I’m so excited and can’t wait to home-school teacher. Kevin, who’d Becky’s early encounters with the see how God is going to work in been raised in the Roman Catholic concept of holiness were as a cadet, my life! The Lord has a plan for faith, became a soldier shortly after gaining an understanding and hunger my life, and that plan is the best. marrying me. He, too, knew God for it under the guidance and teach - desired something more of him and Jessica’s corps officers are ing of then Lt. Colonels Norman and began feeling the tug toward officer - Majors Gary and Donna Van Marjorie Marshall. ship. Together we’re following God’s Hoesen.

“It’s probably going to be the most s e k r will for our lives and family! challenging appointment we’ve had i D

g i

so far in our career,” said Dan. “We a

Kevin and Megan’s corps officers r C

are Captains Geffory and Leticia feel that holiness has always been an y b


integral part of our ministry and o Crowell. t o h

leadership, but now it is the number P


Her love changed us

by Kenneth Jones ’m one of many people from Detroit who knew IMargaret Cross, Detroit Brightmoor, Mich., corps sergeant-major for many years. She was short, used a walker and always wore her uniform hat, but what I think we all remember most is her welcoming spirit. Sitting in the chapel with her walker, if she saw you come into the corps she would get up, and come over to greet you. “Welcome, we’re glad you’re here,” she’d say. In our community we need a welcome. Detroit continues to have some difficulties. Maybe the most serious is how people of different races get along. In Detroit there’s a lot of black and white separa - Incarnational living tion. That’s something else about Mrs. Cross: she was by Jesseica Lugo white. We learned from the corps and Mrs. Cross about work with the Temple Houses, a praying for and with them. It’s some - loving one another and welcoming Salvation Army incarnational min - times difficult, but I’m learning you one another. We’re all brothers and along on the Salvation Army float. Iistry through the St. Louis can’t always know the impact you’re sisters in Christ; differences in race They loved Mrs. Cross, and she loved Temple, Mo., Corps. It’s located having in the life of a young person. don’t matter. them. in Benton Park West, a city neighbor - Not only that, but I’m learning to Mrs. Cross was courageous, and Her love changed us. I’m even now hood much like north Philadelphia, accept they’re not always grateful for she loved her community. When she still discovering how it changed me. I Pa., where I grew up. the help; it’s a difficult pill to swal - first came to the corps, she described learned it’s not about what makes us This is my second experience with low. herself as shy, but the day she different; it’s about the love we all The Salvation Army. My first was as I’ve been changed as I’ve served entered the corps someone grabbed have for each other in Christ. a participant in an afterschool pro - others. I’m more prayerful and have her by the hand and asked, “Can I I changed because of having God gram similar to the one we offer. It a closer relationship with Christ as call you my sister?” It changed her. in my heart, and because of the great was a refuge from home. My parents I’ve learned to let Him walk me She came to sharing her faith with role model Mrs. Cross was to me. walked despair-laden lives lined with through challenges. I want to save just about anyone who’d listen. Now I’m welcoming others to enter drugs and greeted by prison. I never these kids from an even more diffi - A huge part of Mrs. Cross’ ministry the gate, first on to the road to salva - bonded with my mother; a struggle I cult life, but in order to do that I’ve was weekly visitations to the neigh - tion, and then as a brother in Christ. still battle with today. had to learn to walk with God and borhood taverns. She went places no Mrs. Cross was short; I am tall. Despite a difficult childhood, one lean on Him. one else would to share God’s love. She was white; I am black. She was person was able to get through to My dream for these youth is not Many came to know Mrs. Cross. old; I am young. But it doesn’t mat - me: my godmother. She stuck by me only to see them transformed by During neighborhood parades guys ter. We’re all just people reaching out with emotional and financial support God’s love, but to see them giving would come out of the taverns to to welcome others into the Kingdom and a loving home. Most importantly, back and ministering to others. My give her a hug, wave and cheer her of God. she introduced me to Christ. My life dream is to complete my City Vision was changed. College degree by 2014, so that I can So when I see kids in our neigh - continue to be with people in their borhood, I see me. I’m 22, and I places of need. I want to minister to deeply empathize with these chil - young people. I want to help their dren. I work hard to help them and lives to turn around. Just like mine spend hours tutoring, listening and did. t og my e t her c lif e a n t o

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Photos by Emily Aukes 8 Motown sound for Jesus!

ver the last 15 years, the Southeast Michigan ARC OSingers have composed and performed gospel and inspirational music driven by a Motown sound. Supported by its

band, Justified, this powerhouse touch your heart and flood your soul “All of our lives have been mar - of sound has released two with hope in Jesus Christ.” House velously transformed through the albums to critical acclaim. Its remixes of two songs, “Prayer for saving grace of our Lord and Savior latest, Pure Joy, received high Peace” and “Pure Joy,” were Jesus Christ,” he said. “We just praise and endorsements from described as “guaranteed to make want to tell everybody we meet the gospel music industry. you dance for joy!” that Jesus truly does save.” Envoy Merle Miller, adminis - “Their performances exceed profes - At the Family Congress this past trator of the Southeast Michigan sional standards,” said Merle of the summer, the ARC Singers and a 40- Adult Rehabilitation Center group. “They do it all for the Lord voice youth chorus from the (ARC) since 1998, encouraged with great humility.” Bill Koviak, Eastern Michigan Division opened the formation of a singing group assistant to the ARC administrator, the Friday night meeting. Their after realizing the ARC had serves as the band’s general manager high energy performance brought much untapped talent under its and booking agent. The group and down the house. The experience roof. band have performed across the also provided a wonderful opportu - In the years since, beneficia - country and in the Caribbean. nity for the youth to learn from ries—some with professional Singer/songwriter Charles professionals, such as Michael music industry backgrounds— Champion, group leader, described Brock, ARC praise and worship have treasured this outlet for the ARC Singers (which alternatively director, and Charles Champion, their talents, not only spiritually stands for “Adults Returning to who orchestrated the combined enriching themselves but Christ”) as an ensemble of recovering effort with youth. allowing them to share God’s people who want to show their grati - message of hope with others. tude to God. In its review of Pure Joy, Gospel House Music called it “old-school gospel with an excit - ing new twist. The music will In love with an ARC man

Certificates for success! by Valora Frazier met Jerome after he was clean and sober, for the second he paper on which the cer - from the college. Itime. He’s a graduate of the tificate is printed is almost Major K. Kendall Mathews, ARC Omaha, Neb., Salvation Army Tworthless but what it repre - administrator, initiated the collabo - Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) sents to the person who ration to put the men in situations and now employed as the ARC earned it is priceless. where they can experience success. intake coordinator. At the time The ARC aims to inject confidence, we met, he’d just celebrated what Fifteen beneficiaries of the St. we call his “sobriety birthdate.” It Louis, Mo., Adult Rehabilitation courage and compassion into the men without compromising their happens to be Groundhog Day, Center (ARC), in cooperation with St. and I think it’s God’s funny way Louis Community College, earned faith, he explained. “We don’t know what our future holds, but we of reminding him he’d been there Certificates of Work Readiness, before. pieces of paper that can make a dif - know Who holds our future,” he ference to their futures. added. We were married this June. It’s Jennifer Williams, director of been a wonderful time, but not The men spent 1,040 hours in on- one without concerns knowing the-job training, 78 hours in life man - rehabilitation services, sees anxiety rise in the men when they near the the possibility of relapse. As his agement classes, and 42 hours study - wife, I share the mission of sobri - ing other essentials. For their efforts, end of their stays at the ARC. “We help them create an exit plan, but ety with him as well as the spiri - they also received 120 credit hours He quietly encourages me to con - that isn’t always enough,” she said. tual journey that lies ahead of us. and 9.6 continuing education units tinue in my “well doing.” He’s “With this certifi - I’m not naïve to the ways of an always moving forward, always cation, self- addict; 29 years ago I was married to looking for the solution and always esteem is one, a heroin addict. He is the father smiling even when things are improved, as is of my oldest child. I know beating rough. their confidence addiction takes hard work and the in transitioning willingness to embrace what God has His faith in God and willingness back into the to offer. I see this willingness in my to serve speaks volumes about the world.” ARC man. support he’s gained and the things he’s learned since coming to the Daniel Garcia While thumbing through the King ARC. sees his certifica - James version of the Bible, a message tion as the from 2 Thessalonians 3 stood out. In Through his example I’m uplifted chance for a bet - it Paul speaks about not being idle and reminded to be better today ter future he but working “quietly” for your keep. than I was the day before. I know never thought This is what I see is asked of the my life is richer from this shared he’d have. A for - ARC men as part of their recovery experience. That is what it is like to mer landscaping process, and it’s what I see Jerome love an ARC man who gets it and laborer, he plans do every day: quietly earning his lives it. keep through seeking God, loving to pursue further *Valora works as an advocate and education. God and loving others through ser - counselor for the State of Iowa’s vice. Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Jerome is an example of this to me. program. She and Jerome will soon be soldiers of the Omaha ARC. On-the-job training is intrinsic to the certificate program. 9 Davissons go back to school

onsidering life as a jour - appointment which is challenging ney is natural for Majors but also a great opportunity to CPhil and Sheila Davisson, explore a new kind of ministry. and regardless of where Booth University College is a they’ve been they have found God Salvation Army liberal arts school blessing, equipping and using them. with degrees in social work, behav - Their current journey has placed ioral science, film and English, reli - them in a very different kind of gion, general studies and business.

Majors Phil and Sheila Davisson with their children Jaclyn, James and Julia at Jaclyn’s com - missioning earlier this summer.

It was a Bible College which a bachelor of arts in biblical and changed its focus about six years theological studies. ago. Professors must have a profes - As spiritual life coordinator, sion of faith, but not the students. Sheila creates space for students to According to the Davissons, this explore and deepen their faith. She diversity among staff, faculty and plans two chapels a week with the students makes for very interesting help of a great group of musicians. conversations. Since it’s not very For students living on campus— large, it is easy to get to know the who are not all Salvationists—she students, staff and faculty well. coordinates the opportunity for Phil is associate dean for extend - them to visit the five corps in PIM broadens horizons ed learning, which means he assists Winnipeg in the fall. professors with putting their classes This last year there were student- online and helping to create classes led small group ministry options and finding instructors from around including one called “Movie and a e’s a tall, slender fellow school. On furlough from work to the world for those classes. whose quiet demeanor visit his parents, he met his future Message.” She says there is much to and quick smile make him wife, Jane. They have been married Two projects have been taking learn about twenty-somethings and H the bulk of his time: negotiating a sees she has been helpful with their a joy to be around. His 23 years and have a son and two name is Captain Samuel Opuka, daughters. Wesley distinctive course, and spiritual walk. Good ideas are being reworking the intro to officership generated to create even more and he hails from the Kenya East In 1996 Samuel felt his call to Territory. Earlier this year, he course. Booth University and the opportunities. officership and left his career to training college for officers in the attended Congress and stayed for attend the training college in Kenya With the first year under their Brengle Institute as a representative Canada and Bermuda Territory belt and with many changes, the in 1998. He and Jane were commis - work together, and when a cadet is from one of our Partners in sioned in December 1999. Since Davissons enter the next year better Mission. commissioned he or she will be equipped, with broader understand - then Samuel has served as a corps within seven classes from obtaining Samuel grew up in Kenya, where officer, administrator, district officer ing and a deeper faith. his parents attended a Salvation and now as the education officer at Army corps. He attended Sunday the Kenya East Training College. school dutifully and reported, “I “The Lord has used me in all the was a good corps cadet, too!” After appointments,” said Samuel. “Not his schooling became more serious, all were perfect… I’ve seen the he joined a Christian union of men, Lord working in me. He has taken where he and other young people care of me, and equipped me to worshipped together. “After that I meet any challenges. Also, I thank learned I needed to accept Jesus God because if it weren’t for the Christ,” said Samuel. It was 1984. Army, I wouldn’t be here [in the Having learned English, Samuel US]. God opened a way through moved to Nairobi to work for a leadership. What is impossible in tourism company after he finished our human capacity, to God, is easy.” Looking for opportunities to share the joy of Christmas?

There’s no better way than donating to the Share Your Christmas Joy campaign for children around the world. The goal is to raise $100 each for 120 Salvation Army overseas children’s homes, schools and centers.

Please give by October 31 to ensure donations reach the children by Christmas!

Captain Samuel Opuka with the territorial World Missions staff (l to r) Mona Taube, Chris Visit www.christmasjoy.centralmissions.org to donate online Shay and Kristin Caddy or send checks to 10 W. Algonquin Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016. 10 Drawing on auxiliary power

Around the territory The Salvation Army is supported by the talented and dedicated women of our auxiliaries. Whether dressed to the nines for fundraising fashion shows or donning Reeboks for a full day of volunteering at the Christmas toy shop, these ladies’ commitment is unmatched. They tirelessly give their time, skills, funds and influence to further the Army’s mission.

Not content to just be involved seasonally, they take a hands-on approach and tack - le a different ser - vice project each month. They put together personal hygiene bags for the Harbor Light, The Peoria, Ill., Women’s Auxiliary with Majors Evie Diaz and make 100 Easter bas - Miriam Gorton kets for children, ring According to Miriam one distinc - bells at kettles during Christmas, tive is their high standard for mem - bring school supplies to afterschool bership. Choosing to limit member - programs, and make sandwiches for ship to 35, women feel it’s an honor the Bed and Bread trucks. On the to be included and understand the fundraising front, their newest Janesville, Wis., Women’s Auxiliary members prepare for their annual fabric fundraiser. Army is counting on them to be endeavor, a “Swing into Spring” lun - wholly committed. It’s just not possi - cheon, raised critical awareness of a Volunteers extraordinaire Revitalization underway ble to be an auxiliary member in new anti-human trafficking program Peoria in name only. ast year we clocked over the Army is introducing in the area. he Metro Detroit Women’s Throughout the school year the 10,000 volunteer hours,” said Auxiliary is undergoing a “We may be small, but we’ve “ Michelle Nimmo, Janesville, women help in the childcare center, L Tperiod of revitalization much accomplished a lot, and we all work volunteering for nap watch and Wis., Women’s Auxiliary co- like they hope their city will. so well together for a common goal,” assisting in the shelter serving lunch. president with Paige Money. “That’s Though small, with just 25 members, said Barb Popov, auxiliary president really huge! That’s why we can do During the Christmas craze, they they’re powered by great cama - who has been involved for three work on the Red Stocking and Share what we do. We’re very active, and I raderie and are eagerly recruiting years. love it!” the Spirit parties, the Bear Tea, assist others to make a difference in the According to the major, a concen - with the toy shop and wrap gifts. With 155 members and two major community through The Salvation trated recruitment effort is underway The women all work very hard. “Last annual fundraisers that earned a Army. not only to expand the group but the year the women gave $80,600 to our combined total of nearly $40,000 this good it can do. Tree of Lights campaign,” said year alone, it’s no wonder. Miriam. It was the single largest “These ladies do something every A shining star donation. month to support the Army,” said ur women’s auxiliary is But perhaps their biggest contribu - Major Ruth Fay, Janesville corps offi - one of the finest in the tion is their annual fashion show cer. “They’re very active; not only “OCentral Territory,” said fundraiser every October. All mem - raising money, but they’re involved Major Miriam Gorton, bers participate to ensure it goes off from start to finish.” Heartland divisional women’s auxil - without a hitch. The fundraiser is iary secretary, about the group in well known in the area and has Peoria, Ill. “If we need anything, they tremendous support from local shops are there. Their goal is to help the and boutiques. This year’s theme is Army financially, physically and spir - “Project Runway, Make it Work.” itually. These women really under - stand the mission of the Army.” Mission motivated ccording to Major Theresa Turner, Indiana divisional Adirector of women’s min - istries, the Indianapolis Women’s Auxiliary is a dynamic group of women who not only love The Salvation Army but its mission to spread the gospel. They’ve been WDIV local channel 4 reporter Lauren active since 1965. Podell speaks at the Metro Detroit “Swing Janesville, Wis., Women’s Auxiliary members into Spring” luncheon. Helen Kummer and Barb Nickerson and corps intern Eric De La Paz work hard during “The need is great here in Detroit. the annual flower fundraiser. We’ve empowered the ladies with For the Coats for Kids program, responsibilities and challenges in the the women not only put out and col - last two years, and it’s really taken hold,” said Major Susan Anderson, Peoria auxiliary’s 2012 fashion show lect all of the barrels for coat dona - chairpersons Marge Paulson (l) and Lydia tions, they individually see that the Eastern Michigan divisional women’s ministries secretary. Haan promote the show with WMBD coats are all washed or dry cleaned. channel 31 news anchor Meg Marshall. “They’ll be at the laundromat for weeks,” said Ruth. Then when it’s time for families in need to choose coats, they personally shop with each one. According to the major, another aspect that sets this auxiliary apart is Major Theresa Turner with William Booth Award recipient Marcia Patton and her its progressive perspective on leader - husband, James. ship. The Janesville Auxiliary’s cur - rent leaders, Michelle and Paige, are In July the 80-member auxiliary two of its youngest members—in held its annual “Lassie Luncheon” their thirties. “Our auxiliary is which raises funds specifically to renewing itself with newer member - support Indiana cadets. Thanks to ship, and original members readily this effort each cadet receives mone - accept their leadership,” said Ruth. tary support when they leave for “It’s a vibrant group doing wonderful training, at Christmas and in the things.” spring. Cadets entering with children receive additional support. Ready to help pack lunches in Detroit 11

The “Golf for Giving” fundraiser standing humanitarian efforts and is the auxiliary’s largest yearly substantial contributions of time, tal - effort, with more than 100 golfers ent and/or financial resources to the each year. The women plan, provide work of The Salvation Army. the materials, and support the event “Marcia has a passion for the with manpower. After the golf out - Army, is a stabilizing force, focuses ing, a silent auction is held. Last efforts on recruitment and continu - year the effort raised about $25,000. ally helps to make the auxiliary October Prayer Calendar This year auxiliary member more effective,” said Theresa. “Not Marcia Patton received the William only is she active in the auxiliary Booth Award, one of the highest but in her church as well. She is a awards given by the Army for out - great Christian witness.”

My Prayer List Day Bible Reading Pray for The Salvation Army

1 Tuesday Numbers 22-24 Janesville, Wis., Corps

2 Wednesday 2 Chronicles 11-15 Indianapolis, Ind., ARC*

3 Thursday Psalms 117-118 Farmington Hills, Mich., Corps

4 Friday Proverbs 28 “Disciples of the Cross” Session of Cadets 5 Saturday Jonah 1-4 Dubuque, Iowa, Corps New life in Christ on this 6 Sunday Acts 3-4 Decision Sunday 7 Monday Hebrews 5-7 Huntington, Ind., Corps

8 Tuesday Numbers 25-27 Kansa sCit yBlu eValley ,Mo.,Corps Majors Jolene Hull and Theresa Turner flank the Indianapolis Women’s Auxiliary executive officers at the May luncheon. 9 Wednesday 2 Chronicles 16-20 Blue Island, Ill., Corps

10 Thursday Psalms 119 East St. Louis, Ill., Corps

11 Friday Proverbs 29-30 Grand Forks, N.D., Corps Retired but serving still 12 Saturday Micah 1-7 Hastings, Neb., Corps 13 Sunday Acts 5-6 College for Officer Training

14 Monday Hebrews 8-10 Kansa s&Wester nMissour i DH Q** Grand Rapids Fulton Hts. 15 Tuesday Numbers 28-30 Citadel, Mich., Corps 16 Wednesday 2 Chronicles 21-24 Austria, Hungary (Switzerland/ Austria/Hungary Territory) PIM 17 Thursday Psalms 120-121 Kenosha, Wis., Corps

18 Friday Proverbs 31 Freeport, Ill., Corps

19 Saturday Nahum 1-3 Flint Beecher, Mich., Corps

20 Sunday Acts 7-8 Yout hcharacter-buildin gprograms

21 Monday Hebrews 11-13 Kansas City, Mo., ARC*

22 Tuesday Numbers 31-33 Kansas City Harbor Light Village Recovery Ctr., Kan. 23 Wednesday 2 Chronicles 25-28 Chicago Temple, Ill., Corps

24 Thursday Psalms 122-124 Granite City, Ill., Corps

Majors Mark and Sue Haslett with flagbearers Majors James Castor and John Flanagan. 25 Friday Ecclesiastes 1-2 Harvest Coon Rapids ,Minn. ,Corps

ajors Mark and Sue Warsaw, Mo.—where Truman Lake 26 Saturday Habakkuk 1-3 Major sRober t& Ra eDolibe r(Haiti) Haslett’s officership can ends and the Lake of the Ozarks 27 Sunday Acts 9-10 Women’s Ministries Mbe best described by begins—to enjoy travel and fishing, “Heart to God, Hand to but they’re by no means done serv - 28 Monday James 1-3 Huron, S.D., Corps Man.” They spent the majority of ing. their time serving at corps through - “We’re available to do special 29 Tuesday Numbers 34-36 Holland, Mich., Corps out the territory. They retired this evangelistic meetings,” said Mark. 30 Wednesday 2 Chronicles 29-32 Corps Cadets (teen discipleship) June at a service in Sedalia, Mo. “Before I retired I already had two program “One day when we were sta - requests!” Also, as he did for the 31 Thursday Psalms 125-127 La Crosse, Wis., Corps tioned in Wichita, Kan., a woman first time last year with the down - came to see my wife about getting town Sedalia, Mo., Booster’s Club, Go to www.prayercentralusa.org for prayer updates. * = Adult Rehabilitation Center groceries,” said Mark. “She not only Mark plans to appear as Father ** = Divisional Headquarters If you follow the prayer calendar in the next year, you will have PIM = Partners in Mission got groceries, but more importantly, Christmas this December. read through the Bible! walked out with the ‘bread of life.’” Mark and Sue have many happy memories of the times God has worked through them and per - formed miracles. They started sev - eral new programs at the corps in which they’ve served including picking up the slack of a discontin - ued lunch program that served over 29,000 lunches to children last year. Their son, Peter, led the retire - ment service, and Sue’s nephew, Wade Smith, shared a tribute and memories as did one of Mark’s prayer partners, the Reverend Wayne Pierce. Longtime friend, Major Joe Wheeler, conducted the retirement ceremony. The Hasletts have retired to 12 Heart of a servant Oh, the places we’ve been

eventeen-year-old Shawna by Major Lynda Magoon Hildebrandt in the SNorthern Division has hinking of the certainly earned the Christian life honor of being named the 2013 Tas a journey Teen Volunteer of the Year. She through the has been volunteering for The world offers us a Salvation Army in toy shops, ser - vivid way of visualiz - vice centers, at red kettles and in ing the life of faith. It her corps’ warehouse for the last reminds us of places five years. She’s even recruited we have been and her National Honor Society to that we are going volunteer with her. somewhere. Family and friends of Majors “Volunteering has always been Robert and Linda a part of my life, and it always Meyer recently gath - will be,” she said. “It’s a passion ered to celebrate a of mine, and I love bringing other combined 75 years of people into it.” Shawna (center) with her parents and younger sister, Mikayla their journey in min - Given that her father, Terry istry as they entered Hildebrandt, is the Twin Cities Plus there is such a wide variety of retirement. social services director in the volunteer opportunities from work - Commissioners Ken and Joy organized and led several women’s Northern Division, The Salvation ing with children to soup kitchens to Baillie, former territorial leaders, and Army was a natural fit. auxiliaries, and Major Bob was the elderly.” former soldiers of the Meyers in active in brass banding, disaster “It’s a Christian organization, with Not only does Shawna serve with Marion, Ind., presented retirement services and SATERN (Salvation the right kind of background and The Salvation Army, she’s involved certificates to them. Army Emergency Radio Network) foundation,” Shawna said. “It’s some - with other charitable organizations As third-generation Salvationists, having been a lifelong amateur thing I can stand for and believe in. such as Feed My Starving Children Robert was commissioned in 1968 radio operator. and Valley Outreach Foodshelf. with the “Messengers of the Faith” They have two grown children, She has been a member of six session and Linda in 1969 with the Robert (Lafayette, Ind.) and Theresa summer mission trips and is “Evangelists.” (a teacher in Topeka, Kan.). The actively involved with her After their marriage in 1969, their Meyers will continue their journey church as a youth group leader. journey took them throughout the in ministry in the Branson, Mo., For the last three years Shawna Midwest with six appointments in area where they plan to travel, gar - has organized an early morning Missouri, one in Minnesota and four den, enjoy their two Yorkshire terri - Bible study at her high school. in Indiana. They were city coordina - ers, spin around in their antique “She exemplifies that heart of tors in St. Joseph, Mo., and MG and see where their journey a servant in all she does,” said Evansville, Ind. Major Linda Meyer takes them. her dad. “She knows her life calling will have something to do with serving her community.” Shawna attends University of Northwestern—St. Paul, Minn., Shawna (in tie-dye shirt and sunglasses) served with where she majors in non-profit other teens at The Salvation Army Quad Cities administration. Family Service Center.

Helping homeless youth

by Craig Dirkes survey released recently by he Salvation Army has Covenant House and Fordham expanded three of its food University found that nearly one in Tshelves in the Twin Cities four homeless youth have engaged in area to specifically help survival sex—trading a sex act to homeless youth. Each location meet a basic need. requires either identification or a The new food shelves are made permanent address and will allow possible through a partnership with guests to pick out their own food. StreetWorks Collaborative, a youth “Without I.D. or address, homeless outreach network. StreetWorks staff youth have difficulty accessing food distributes the food and offer refer - shelf assistance because most service rals, while The Salvation Army pro - providers require both,” said Major vides food and the site. Jeff Strickler, Twin Cities comman - The food shelves are an expansion der. of the Northern Division’s youth out - This younger population, typically reach efforts. In June 2012 it opened between the ages of 18 and 21, is an 11-bed shelter for youth ages 18- 21. more vulnerable to exploitation. A Major Homer Fuqua One 18-year-old stopped Lord. That year he also met Captain by the new food shelves Major Homer Laura Symmonds, whom he married recently. He shared he’d Fuqua was pro - in 1962. After his commissioning fled a child abuse situa - moted to Glory with the “Defenders of the Faith” tion and is now living in on July 6, 2013. session, Homer and Laura served at youth transitional hous - He was 81. corps in Michigan, Indiana, Montana and Kansas. ing. Homer was “He’s poor and uses the youngest of Following Laura’s death in 1990, extreme couponing to buy seven children Homer served in Gary and food at grocery stores, but born to Archie Vincennes, Ind. In 1991 he married still must use food shelves and Cora in Major Dorothy Lenon, and together 75 percent of the time,” 1931. He and they served as corps officers in said Salvation Army case - his siblings came to know The Vincennes until they retired. worker Jennifer. The Salvation Army in Decatur, Ill., Homer’s lifelong desire was to see young man is working to where they became very involved in others come to the Lord. become self-sufficient as a corps programs. Three of his siblings He is survived by his wife; chil - self-employed artist and is went on to be officers. dren, Major Cindy (Barry) Corbitt, learning to live as cheaply After discharge from the Army in Bruce (Dawn), and Ben; and six as possible. 1961, Homer dedicated his life to the grandchildren.