Official Organ of in Southern Africa ~ Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper ~ R5.00 ~ 129th Year ~ Issue No 5825 ~ December 2013

“I am the world’s Light.”

“No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness.”

“I provide plenty of light.”

~Jesus Founder FROM THE EDITOR General André Cox Territorial Commander Commissioner W. Langa International Headquarters 101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4P 4GP England Territorial Headquarters ince moving to Johannesburg last year, I This light is not just for believers - it is for have made it a habit to have candles and everyone, therefore it is important for us to share 119 - 121 Rissik Street, Smatches in every room to be prepared this hope with our neighbours, colleagues and Johannesburg 2001 when the lights go out. After a long day at work, school mates. We would not hide or keep a cure Editor you arrive home, quickly start supper and click, for a disease to ourselves, surely? God brought Captain Wendy Clack the electricity goes off- a familiar event for most the cure for humankind's biggest problem - sin - Editorial Office of you. It takes me time to orientate myself and through Jesus' death on the cross and His P.O. Box 1018 to grope in the dark for the nearest candle to light resurrection. This is the greatest gift you could it. Relief! I can see where I am going again… give anyone this year - give them Jesus, by living Johannesburg 2000 Him and sharing Him. Tel:. (011) 718-6700 There are so many people that still live like this Fax: (011) 718-6790 spiritually - we open the newspapers and watch I have sourced photos from all over the Territory E-mail: the news reports and see that within our country for you to share how Youth and Children, [email protected] young children, the most vulnerable in our Women and men have been sharing this light. nation, are abused beyond imagination. This This year we devoted a number of pages to our spiritual darkness can seem so overwhelming, young people. They have their own cover with a Design, Print & Distribution except for this one huge truth - Jesus said: “I am message from the Assistant TYS, Captain Dyman Print, the light of the Darren Huke. [email protected] world”. We are Annual Subscription Rates able to turn to him May you experience and share this year the light Local: R70 in our darkest of Jesus. Turn to Him for direction and you will International: R100 hour and find not be and you will not be lost. relief, direction Subscription to and perspective. With much love and blessings The Financial Secretary We need this light Wendy Clack P.O. Box 1018 more than ever PS: Guess who’s reading ? Johannesburg 2000 before. Published bi-monthly

FIND OUR FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND SMS What’s Happening HANDLES: Facebook: Salvation Army JANUARY 10-14 Marriage Seminar Southern Africa 1 New Year’s Day 19-23 Candidates’ Assessment Territory 2 THQ & DHQs Re-open 21-23 Junior Miss Rally Twitter: SalvationArmySA 2 General Change of (Eastern KZN Division) SMS Line: 42290 Appointments 22-25 Limpopo Divisional Review 7 24/7 Prayer CFOT (CS, TSWM & Sec Pers, THLS/TCCMS) FEBRUARY 28-01 March MISSION STATEMENT OF 3 Booth Memorial Hospital MASIC THE SALVATION ARMY Management Board The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry Subscription - would you like to subscribe to the War Cry? is motivated by love for God. Its mission is to preach the gospel Fill in the form below. Send your application the Annual Subscription Rates: of Jesus Christ and to meet Local: R70; International: R100 human needs in His name Editor via E-mail or post to the THQ address and Subscription banking detail: you will receive your exciting issue bi-monthly. The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters, without discrimination. FNB General Maintenance Fund, NAME AND SURNAME: Acc No 50540087589, Branch Code: 251905 Reference: Name, surname and War Cry TELEPHONE NUMBER: E-mail: [email protected] ADDRESS: or P.O. Box 1018, Johannesburg 2000 For for information E-MAIL: contact the Editorial Office: 011 718 6700 2 THE WAR CRY3 Front cover picture: © Daniel Otoole| THE GENERAL’S 2013 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE

hristmas is celebrated in so many different The Bible presents Jesus as ways around the world and yet so easily we the coming of light into the Cforget the true meaning of an event that shaped world - light which and changed the world. People of all nationalities and outshines anything we can cultures have been drawn to God’s light as revealed in ever imagine. We are Jesus, whose coming to earth changed and changes the surrounded by flashing way we think and act. lights, neon signs, illuminated billboards - all designed to attract us, to draw us in. But there is no light that The prophet Isaiah foresaw the coming of Jesus into compares to the light of Jesus, for it draws us into the the world - ‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given joy of knowing him as our personal Saviour. … he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, … Prince of Peace’ (Isaiah 9:6NIV 1984). The impact of Christ’s coming into the world is still in evidence. People are experiencing change and A well-known Christmas carol expresses so transformation, finding deliverance and freedom, beautifully the longing that people still have - ‘Come, peace and forgiveness. The message of the angels still thou long-expected Jesus, born to set thy people free resonates powerfully in our hearts and lives today. …’ (The Song Book of The Salvation Army 79 v 1). Christmas is a wonderful opportunity for us to be not The world has never known, and will never know, a only witnesses to ‘the Light’ but also carriers of ‘ the light more powerful than the light Jesus brought. John Light’.We must celebrate and give thanks for the true described it as ‘The true light that gives light to every meaning of Christmas: ‘He came to give us life in all man, and … the world did not recognise him … his its fullness … He [ ‘the Light’ ] came to banish death own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him and doubt and darkness, He came to set his people free' … he gave the right to become children of God …’ (SASB 274 chorus). (John 1:9-13). May the ‘Light of the World’ shine into your hearts this Despite this wonderful reality, there are still far too Christmas - and then out to others so that the world will many people living in darkness and despair, suffering be a brighter place in the coming year. and fear, having lost the will to live, for they see no future. They have lost all sense of purpose and May God richly bless you as you join with us in giving direction because they refuse to turn to ‘the Light’. thanks to God for the birth of our Saviour.

Commission André Cox

DECEMBER 2013 3 Picture: © Marsia16| Christmas time around the world brings joy to everyone. We are to continue in connecting people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Christmas tree is decorated with beautiful decorations and gifts line the base of it, but where is the Son?


ear Friends as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, let us remind Dourselves through scripture that He is the light of the world.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. For those who lived in a land of deep shadow slight! Sun bursts of light!- Isaiah 9:2

Everything was created through him, nothing! not one thing came into being without him.

What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness For it is the light of God that brings about this couldn't put it out. - John 1:3-5 transformation!

It started when God said, “Light up the darkness!” and our lives This, in essence, is the message we heard from filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ and are passing on to you: God is light, Christ, all bright and beautiful. 2 Corinthians 4:6 pure light; there's not a trace of darkness in him. - 1 John 1:51 THE SALVATION ARMY IS A VIBRANT MOVEMENT WITH PEOPLE OF INTEGRITY, COMING ALONG SIDE Have a blessed Christmas as you share with COMMUNITIES, ENABLING GROWTH AND others the light that has shone on you. TRANSFORMATION OF THE WHOLE PERSON.

4 THE WAR CRY Picture: © Edward Vetter| MEN’S MINISTRY 5 Mpumalang/Swaziland Division Eastern Cape Division Central Division

WOMEN’S MINISTRY 5 Eastern Cape Division Eastern KwaZulu Natal Division

Central Division (English Rally)

Central Division (Zulu Rally)

Western Cape Division

Northern KwaZulu Natal Division

Mpumalanga/Swaziland Division Mid KwaZulu Natal Division

DECEMBER 2013 5 How to create a Legacy

hroughout history great men and women have created legacies. Like Nelson Mandela who Tgave South Africa a legacy of love and forgiveness. Like William and , founders of The Salvation Army, who gave us the legacy of giving a hand up, not a hand out.

ut you don’t have to be famous to n 1865 even in the ‘developed’ worlds life for the poor was abysmal. They had no rights, were treated worse than cattle, create your own legacy. It all hinges Ihanged for the theft of a chicken to stave off starvation. One on making a Will that will take care man and his wife, through their passion for the poor created a B legacy that had spread throughout the world - William and of those you love. But it is also good to Catherine Booth, founders of The Salvation Army. remember Franklin D. Roosevelt’s maxim: They started in the sordid East End of London, fighting against The test of our progress is not whether we slavery, against poverty, against pauper wages and hellish work add more to the abundance of those who conditions. They brought hope and love and care through their philosophy that the poor do not need a hand out, but a hand up. have much; it is whether we provide Today, The Salvation Army is the largest provider of social care in enough for those who have too little. the UK, after the government. In 1883 their first ‘missionaries’ came to South Africa and today Among those who have too little are the The Salvation Army has homes for abandoned babies, the growing-ups, the grown-ups and the aged. It has rehabilitation thousands of South Africans who are centres to combat alcohol and drug addiction. Soup kitchens to helped by The Salvation Army - from new- feed the indigent, both young and old. Centres for training, learning and equipping people to earn a living. Hospital services born babes to the aged, and every phase in in the most isolated rural areas. The organisation fights child and between. And because there is no ‘official’ women abuse, and adds its force to fight that most degrading of all social ills, human trafficking. support for the unfortunate in South Africa, our task is formidable. Arguably there is no other ‘official’ or unofficial organisation in South Africa coping with our countrys social ills as The Salvation Army is doing, bringing help and hope to the thousand of all ages Leaving evan a little to The Salvation Army and races. These are also God’s children who need love and understanding, not judgement and condemnation because ‘there, will leave a living legacy - alleviating but for the Grace of God, go we’. suffering, saving souls. To find out more of what your legacy will do, please look at our A legacy that’s Website: brought hope Or phone: 011 718 6746 to the world 6 THE WAR CRY SEXPO 2013 Major Margaret Stafford

he idea of going to SEXPO was birthed way back in 2009 and in 2012 we really put our Tminds to the idea of going to SEXPO and began researching as much information as possible. I found a YouTube recording of an interview given by Danielle Strickland and a team attending the Australian SEXPO in 2004. Together with this footage and a lot of good information we took the idea to Cabinet and after much prayer endorsed our attendance at the exhibition.

The board felt it would be beneficial to encourage Officers Major Moya Hay shared the following insights:” I went to the dining from other divisions to experience this and so Major Moya Hay (Mid room to fold fliers and two young topless men joined me at my table and KZN) and Captain Moses Nangwala (Western Cape) travelled to be at we got to talk about Human Trafficking which they thought only the ministry event. The local team was made up of: Major Carin happened to females so I went into some detail regarding boys. They Holmes, Major Tersia Finn, Captain Heather Rossouw, Mrs Stacey shared some of their life story with me, saying they had both been Dlamini, Captain Patti Niemand and Lt Colonel Janine Donaldson. brought up by single mums and we got to talk about respect and Each of these team members worked tirelessly at SEXPO to promote recognition and values - they promised to come and sign our petition and manning the stall that closed at midnight on each of the exhibition and they did.” days. “I spoke to the lady from an Erotica Stall about how God has a plan for The Army’s advertising agency Leo Burnett enthusiastically presented her life that is clean and good, effective and productive and encouraged a unique concept of how our stand could look. We were so grateful to her to go back to church and seek God’s face for her future.” have their undivided attention on this occation, and the work would be done as a part of their CSI support. “On the way home my flight arrangements were not recorded and so after ‘much ado’ they confirmed my flight and I had literally 5 minutes The final presentation was a black and gold alphabet of bodies. The to board. I went running through the airport and a man grabbed me to a styling of the alphabet showed bodies chained and bruised a reality for standstill saying to his friends: “Hey guys, I was at the SEXPO with this every sex slave. We were able to speak into the lives of many because woman”. I nearly died and very quickly told them it was about Human of these graphic pictures. Many of the models were SEXPO dancers Trafficking ... I made the flight, but what a hoot!!” who took great delight in bringing people to the stand to sign our petition and to show them the making of the font. It was a great way to Lt. Colonel Janine Donaldson said: “I think for me the experience actually speak into their lives because each one of the models received reminded me of the words of ‘Catherine Booth’ - who said that our a copy of “Jesus loves Porn Stars” Gospel of John. ministry is one of ‘head, heart and hands’ May The Salvation Army never lose this!!” A major attraction at the stall was the digital petition that allowed people to type in their names and “Make a statement against Sex Lt Moses Nangwala remarked: “I still remember how a mother of a Slavery” in the human font that had been created. little girl was fired up to take a stand against human trafficking and sex slavery and her words Dr Isak Burger, remained with me - “I have head of the AFM a little girl, I will take a said: “It was stand.” It is this realization refreshing to see that if it happens to others, it The Salvation can happen to me and my Army doing what family and this is exactly the they were born reason why it was right for us for”. to be at the SEXPO.”

Major Carin The response to us being at Hitchcock was the SEXPO at first was one of Media contact and shock, however once the motive spoke to the and agenda was clear, the public Mexican Press, a could only say thank you and German Music praise us for our effort. The You Tube group, organisers of the event really the Brazilian encouraged us and the owner of Press and our local SEXPO and his whole team signed media, including our petition. Die Burger. Amongst the “toys” and dancers and other items on display, The Salvation Army was there, aiming to make a difference in the name of Jesus, as it should be… DECEMBER 2013 7 The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters Tel: 011 718 6700 KUNYE KUTHATHU Fax: 011 718 6790 KUHLANU 2014

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23 44 26 27 28 29 30 31 48 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 28 29 30 31 30 Music Camp 2013

On the 11th August 2013, we gathered at Carl Sithole Centre in Soweto for departure in a beautiful, comfy bus. We had breakfast and a word of encouragement by Captains Niemand, letting us know that we go with God everywhere we go.

It was a long drive but we sang, prayed and had the time of our lives on the road to Zimbabwe! On arrival the next day at Mazowe High School, we were tired but very interested to find out what was in store for us as delegates coming from far. Our welcome meeting began late afternoon as the Zimbabwean and Swiss delegates joined us.

The Territorial Commanders, Commissioners Nyagah, introduced the theme “Endless Praise” and encouraged us to be ourselves and to use our talents to praise God.

The week officially began with devotions and prayer to give us strength throughout the day. We then moved into 4 stations for bands and other creative arts groups: Zebra, White Rhino, A-Team and Beginners.

Endless Praise became the most spectacular week of non- stop praise to God for us, and we longed to give Him the glory in constant acknowledgment of His grace, mercy and love.

“Talent Night” - I tell you God has given The Army a great weapon when it comes to music! Truly we are blessed. We should not take for granted what we possess and give God all the Glory. The bands, vocals, dance, timbrels, contemporary music, poetry was just out of this world!!

“The Spiritual Day” started off on Friday with a rehearsal and then we met in the main hall dressed in our uniforms to sit under the ministry of the Zambian TC, Colonel S. Chepkurui. He shared a Zambian gesture and greeted us with: “Chipolopoloalesa” (God has favour on you) and we all responded likewise for we all wanted God to have favour on us. Commissioner spoke words of encouragement, rejoicing in seeing us united. He requested that when we all go our separate ways, we should continue to pray for each country, Africa as a continent, and make sure we stay in touch. What we started here in Mazowe, we should let it be our constant theme in life - Endless Praise.

The next day we travelled to perform in . We had a blessed time uniting as Salvationists from all over Sub-Saharan Africa and this reflected in the manner we praised. Southern Africa Territorial Commander, Commissioner W. Langa spoke to the congregation as well as the delegates. He said: “Do not go home and relax and think that all will fall on your lap…start preaching the gospel! Don't get left behind and stay true to God and The Salvation Army … be the Fire, the Blood and Salvation.”

We sang a song which became an anthem of the week: “Plea for Africa” that made a great end to the festival .We prayed for peace and love and unity in Africa. Saying goodbye was not easy, but the experience we gained and shared made us better people, knowing more about different countries as well as their cultures .What a blessing it has been to be a part of this wonderful group of young people who had one goal in mind: to praise continuously. We committed ourselves to keep praying in our different countries and when we met one another again to still be praising God.

Ruby JabulileLuhlongwana (KwaThema Corps)


recalled as God as some kind of “Father comes to missing the mark on Christmas. We a boy of Christmas” in the sky. To some extent, become so selfish in that we fail to notice needs of Iseven maybe it is a misunderstanding of what others. In our own myopia, we fail to notice the walking in the we have heard from pulpits all our life. hurting, the homeless, starving mothers and market one Ask and you shall be given you; seek, children, and even the hopeless. The Christmas Christmas eve and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be carols we sing mean very little if our with my open unto you: things that we need, not consciousness is not awakened to the real grandmother. what we want. God supplies all our situations around us. As a seven-year-old little All I wanted for Christmas was a Police needs. I have seen a lot of poverty in boy, my only focus was on what I wanted. I could toy car. Why such a toy? It had blue sections of Johannesburg. So the real not see the bigger picture. flashing lights sounded like a real siren! question to ask this season is not what As we walked, we came upon Big Jim’s do you want, but what do you need? Is The gift available to all humanity is the gift of stall where I saw a few beautiful shiny there someone around you that has a eternal life offered to us through Jesus Christ. cars! I picked up one of the toy cars and need? The gospel according to John 3:16 explain this ran behind my grandmother, hoping she clearly. Perhaps our change of behaviour towards would notice the toy in my hand and buy You hear it every Christmas from the others, especially the vulnerable would be better it for me. To my disappointment, my pulpit…Christmas has become too when we recognised that the giver of this gift is granny was not having any of it. Sadly I commercialized…Jesus is the reason actually the reason why we celebrate Christmas. returned the toy on the tray. for the season…it is not about you etc., etc. Nevertheless, it seems to me that So, what do you need this Christmas? Imagine if we always got everything we even Christians are becoming just as wanted… Our temptation is to think of guilty as the non-Christians when it Major Kervin C. Harry GAZETTE FAREWELL OF LTGAZETTE COLONELS DONALDSON

Effective 02 January 2014 ivisional Commanders, HODs, THQ Captain Bridget Ndou (Duduza Corps) is staff and Katlehong Corps band joined appointed Corps Officer of KwaDukuza together at Johannesburg City Corps to Corps in the Eastern Kwazulu-Natal D bid a fond farewell to Lt Colonels Robert and Division. Lieutenant Moses Skhosana Janine Donaldson. They served diligently from (Phuthaditjhaba Corps) is appointed Corps 2010 when they arrived in the Territory and have Officer of William Eadie Corps in the left a mark in terms of their leadership. How well Limpopo Division. they have served the teams that they had been Captain Patricia Balfour (KwaDukuza responsibly for during their term in Southern Corps) is appointed Corps Officer of Africa. Phuthaditjhaba Corps in the Central Memories of pink flowers and a listening ear, Division. scripture readings before business meetings, Major XolaniZungu (Catherine Booth challenges to lead well and to work hard have Corps) is appointed Corps Officer of Khubvi Corps and Divisional Youth Officer moulded the lives of those that they have served in the Limpopo Division. as Cabinet members. Major Iris Zungu (Catherine Booth Corps) Continue to lead well where God has sent you. is appointed Corps Officer of Khubvi Corps Unkulunkulu Hamba Nawe! and Divisional Youth Officer in the Limpopo Division. Major Victoria Sebothoma (Bruntville Lieutenant Xolisile Nxumalo (Vleifontein Corps) is appointed Corps Officer of Corps) is appointed Corps Officer of Duduza Corps in the Central Division. Thohoyandou Corps in Limpopo Division. Majors Siseko and Maud Heshu (Witbank The appointment of Lieutenant Thabo Corps) are appointed Corps Officers of Thwala as Corps Officer to Tladi Corps is Soweto Central Corps in the Central rescinded. Lieutenant Thabo Thwala is Division. appointed Corps Officer of Mabopane Major Sophie Mhlanga (R) is appointed Corps and Soshanguve Corpsin the Central Corps Officer of Witbank Corps in the Division. Central Division. Major Henry Maxase (Kathlehong Corps) BEREAVEMENTS: is appointed Mens Fellowsip Secretary Cadet Nonkosazana Memani’s parents were (additional appointment) in the Central , her stepmother on Division. 30September and her father on 1 October. Captains Hamilton and Nobonga Zulu Major Mali Ndlovu (R) was Promoted to (William Eadie Corps) are appointed Corps Glory on 3 October. Officers of Ezakheni Corps in the Northern Lieutenant Maxwell Muchenje’s brother Kwa-Zulu Natal Division. was Promoted to Glory on 27 October. The appointment of Captain Naomi Major Lenah Jwili’s sister has been Malinga as Corps Officer to Ezakheni Promoted to Glory on 1 November. Corps is rescinded. Captain Naomi Malinga is appointed Corps Officer of Tladi Corps in NEW ADDITIONS: the Central Division. Our congratulations to Captains Hamilton and Nobonga Zulu on the birth of their 6 daughter Thando, on 8 October. THE WAR CRY Western Cape Division

Mpumalanga/Swaziland Division Y-connection

USA West Territory Mission Team in Mpumalanga/Swaziland Division

Central Division Y-connection

DECEMBER 2013 3 Kids P age The tree is looking very bare ... let’s dress it up for Christmas ... while taking the time to remind ourselves of the meaning behind each decoration. Get your scissors & glue ready & let’s prepare our tree ... MORE IMPORTANTLY, our hearts for Christmas!

Star: The star normally sits right on the very Lights: We know that Jesus is the Christmas Trees: These are called ever Bells: These are shaped like Church top of the tree. We put the star there light of the world! We need to green trees - which means that they bells and are found on many Christmas because it reminds us of the job we need to shine His light in our homes, are always green and growing. This trees. Church bells ring to remind do at Christmas time, and every other day Wreaths: At Christmas time we see these neighbourhood, community etc. reminds us that, as God’s children, we people that it is time to worship. At too. Remember how the Christmas story hung on doors, used in Church and even Is your light shining for Jesus? also need keep growing closer and Christmas time these bells remind us tells us that the star in the east pointed the placed on trees. A wreathe is in the shape of closer to the Lord each day. We do this that while we enjoy family, friends, wisemen to Jesus? We need to do that too - a circle and it reminds us of God’s never- by praying, reading our Bibles, food and fun at Christmas, this is a very we need point people to Jesus! Each day we ending love for us all! A circle has no spending time with God’s friends at special time of worship when we need to live our lives in way that makes beginning and no end - and God’s love is the Church, doing what He tells us to do, think, act and speak in a way that people want to know Jesus! Are you pointing same - it will go on and on and on - forever! and telling others about Him. pleases God. people to Jesus this Christmas?

Christmas balls: Christmas balls are such fun! They come in different colours and different sizes! Some are big and some are small. Some are colourful and some are shiny. The Christmas balls are a little like you and me! We all look so different, so beautiful! Some of us are little while others are big. Some of us are older and some are still quite young. But we are all Angels: Angels are always a beautiful loved by God! Make sure this Christmas decoration on any Christmas tree. We see time you remember to tell someone that them often in the Christmas story. An angel God loves them - just the ways the are! spoke to Mary telling her she would become the mother of the Saviour of the world. After Jesus was born, an angel appeared to the shepherds, and then a whole host of Gifts: The wisemen brought gifts to Jesus them appear singing praises to God. Angels that very first Christmas? Do you spoke God’s truth and sang God’s praises? remember what they were? Gold, myrrh Do you speak God’s truth to those around and frankincense. The gifts that we are you? Do you sing God’s praises? going to colour and hang on the tree remind us that we have something to give to Jesus too. Each and every day, we can CLUB 1: WELCOME!! live our lives in way that pleases Him. What To our NEW club member a wonderful gift to give to our wonderful Elizabeth Smith God! - 21 Dec - 7 years - South Rand Corps WELCOME TO CLUB 1. Your cool welcome pack is on its way to your Corps. BIRTHDAYS FOR DECEMBER Alicia Nyakabawu - 30 December Tanaka Zhakata - 27 December Tapiwa Zhakata - 14 December Njabulo Makgeta - 20 December

4 THE WAR CRY DECEMBER 2013 5 Kids P age The tree is looking very bare ... let’s dress it up for Christmas ... while taking the time to remind ourselves of the meaning behind each decoration. Get your scissors & glue ready & let’s prepare our tree ... MORE IMPORTANTLY, our hearts for Christmas!

Star: The star normally sits right on the very Lights: We know that Jesus is the Christmas Trees: These are called ever Bells: These are shaped like Church top of the tree. We put the star there light of the world! We need to green trees - which means that they bells and are found on many Christmas because it reminds us of the job we need to shine His light in our homes, are always green and growing. This trees. Church bells ring to remind do at Christmas time, and every other day Wreaths: At Christmas time we see these neighbourhood, community etc. reminds us that, as God’s children, we people that it is time to worship. At too. Remember how the Christmas story hung on doors, used in Church and even Is your light shining for Jesus? also need keep growing closer and Christmas time these bells remind us tells us that the star in the east pointed the placed on trees. A wreathe is in the shape of closer to the Lord each day. We do this that while we enjoy family, friends, wisemen to Jesus? We need to do that too - a circle and it reminds us of God’s never- by praying, reading our Bibles, food and fun at Christmas, this is a very we need point people to Jesus! Each day we ending love for us all! A circle has no spending time with God’s friends at special time of worship when we need to live our lives in way that makes beginning and no end - and God’s love is the Church, doing what He tells us to do, think, act and speak in a way that people want to know Jesus! Are you pointing same - it will go on and on and on - forever! and telling others about Him. pleases God. people to Jesus this Christmas?

Christmas balls: Christmas balls are such fun! They come in different colours and different sizes! Some are big and some are small. Some are colourful and some are shiny. The Christmas balls are a little like you and me! We all look so different, so beautiful! Some of us are little while others are big. Some of us are older and some are still quite young. But we are all Angels: Angels are always a beautiful loved by God! Make sure this Christmas decoration on any Christmas tree. We see time you remember to tell someone that them often in the Christmas story. An angel God loves them - just the ways the are! spoke to Mary telling her she would become the mother of the Saviour of the world. After Jesus was born, an angel appeared to the shepherds, and then a whole host of Gifts: The wisemen brought gifts to Jesus them appear singing praises to God. Angels that very first Christmas? Do you spoke God’s truth and sang God’s praises? remember what they were? Gold, myrrh Do you speak God’s truth to those around and frankincense. The gifts that we are you? Do you sing God’s praises? going to colour and hang on the tree remind us that we have something to give to Jesus too. Each and every day, we can CLUB 1: WELCOME!! live our lives in way that pleases Him. What To our NEW club member a wonderful gift to give to our wonderful Elizabeth Smith God! - 21 Dec - 7 years - South Rand Corps WELCOME TO CLUB 1. Your cool welcome pack is on its way to your Corps. BIRTHDAYS FOR DECEMBER Alicia Nyakabawu - 30 December Tanaka Zhakata - 27 December Tapiwa Zhakata - 14 December Njabulo Makgeta - 20 December

4 THE WAR CRY DECEMBER 2013 5 Founder FROM THE ASSISTANT TYS William Booth General or God, who said, forces. Victory came simply when fragile human André Cox “Let light shine out of beings an earthenware vessel which contains Fdarkness,” made his the life of God! Cry out in victory and let God’s Territorial Commander light shine in our hearts to light break through. Commissioner W. Langa give us the light of the International Headquarters knowledge of the glory of This passage in Judges has its New Testament 101 Queen Victoria Street, God in the face of Christ. fulfilment in 2 Corinthians chapter 4. We are the London EC4P 4GP England But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show fragile clay jar; Jesus is the light within that jar; Territorial Headquarters that this all-surpassing power is from God and and your testimony to His greatness is the not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:5-10 trumpet call you are asked to sound! ‘The War 119 - 121 Rissik Street, Cry is Light’ means God has made His light Johannesburg 2001 This scripture came to mind when thinking shine in our hearts and we must declare it by Editor along the theme of ‘The War Cry is Light’ and whatever means at our disposal and we must Captain Wendy Clack reminds me of a time in Israel’s history where have faith that when this happens victory is Editorial Office things were very dark indeed. In the book of wrought. So Gideon, with his limited followers, P.O. Box 1018 Judges Chapter 7 we witness that God took armed simply with a jar, a torch, and a trumpet, Gideon to deliver Israel from the hand of stormed the Midian camp from every side. 300 Johannesburg 2000 Midian. God went to the smallest tribe, to the Israelites versus 135,000 Midianites! Would the Tel:. (011) 718-6700 least family within that tribe, and chose the light of God and the trumpet call bring victory? Fax: (011) 718-6790 youngest member of that family… namely, our Absolutely, and we must be assured that it still E-mail: friend Gideon, something God has been doing it does to this day. [email protected] for thousands of years. ‘We are hard pressed on every side, but not Not happy with the insurmountable odds of the crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; Design, Print & Distribution Midianites against Israel and the somewhat persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, Dyman Print, timid and fearful leader. God decided to reduce but not destroyed. We always carry around in [email protected] the numbers of Gideon’s fighting force from our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Annual Subscription Rates 32,000 men to help deliver Israel (v. 3) to 300 Jesus may also be revealed in our body.’ 2 Local: R70 hundred men. From Judges 8:10 we read that Corinthians 4:8-1 International: R100 Midian had 135,000 fighting men, a ratio of roughly four Midianites to every one Israelite, Captain Darren Huke Subscription to insurmountable odds in the natural for anyone! Assistant TYS The Financial Secretary Territorial Candidates Secretary P.O. Box 1018 However, in Judges 7:19-21 that the victory did Territorial Strategic Plan Co-ordinator Johannesburg 2000 not come to the swift or because of mightier Published bi-monthly

FIND OUR FACEBOOK, What’s Happening - Youth Events 2014 TWITTER AND SMS HANDLES: FEBRUARY AUGUST 21-23 Junior Miss Rally (Eastern KZN Division) 10 Children’s Ministries (Youth Dept) Facebook: Salvation Army MARCH 15-16 Young Women’s Fellowship Rally Southern Africa 9 Youth Sunday (1st ) Central Division (Gauteng Corps) st Territory 16 Sunday School Outreach Sunday (1 ) 17 Candidates Sunday Twitter: SalvationArmySA st 20-24 Candidates Assessment 23 Decision Sunday (1 ) SMS Line: 42290 30 Annual Day of Prayer for Children 31 Youth Sunday 31-3 April SEPTEMBER DYO’s Conference 7 Sunday School Outreach Sunday (3rd ) APRIL 13-15 Delve Weekend Event 27 Candidates Sunday (Candidates Department) MISSION STATEMENT OF MAY 14 Decision Sunday (3rd ) 10-11 Young Woman Retreat (Mid KZN Division) 21 Children Ministry Sunday THE SALVATION ARMY 17-18 Junior Miss Rally (Central Division) 26-28 Home League & Young Woman 17-18 Junior Miss & Soldier’s Rally Rally (Eastern KZN Division) The Salvation Army, an (Northern KZN Division) 27-28 Home League & Young Woman international movement, is an 23-25 Junior Miss & Young Woman Rally Rally (Northern KZN Division) evangelical part of the universal (Mpumalanga & Swaziland Division) OCTOBER 24-25 Junior Miss & Young Woman Rally 5 Family Sunday Christian Church. Its message is (Limpopo Division) 24-26 Junior Boys & Junior Miss Event (Mid based on the Bible. Its ministry JUNE KZN Division) is motivated by love for God. Its 15 Youth & Junior Soldiers Sunday/Youth NOVEMBER th mission is to preach the gospel Sunday 1 Youth Sunday (4 ) 16 Youth Day Public Holiday 8 National Salvation Army Day of Jesus Christ and to meet 22 Sunday School Outreach Sunday (2nd ) 9 Sunday School Outreach Sunday 4th human needs in His name 29 Decision Sunday (2nd ) 16 Decision Sunday (4th ) without discrimination. JULY DECEMBER 4-6 ‘Y’ Connexion (Northern KZN Division) 4-6 Commissioning & Ordination/Covenant 6 Renewal Sunday - Junior & Senior Soldiers Day 5 Covenant (Cadets) 6-7 Commissioning (Cadets)

2 THE WAR CRY3 Front cover picture: © Michael Foley| THE WAR CRY

Official Organ of The Salvation Army in Southern Africa ~ Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper ~ R5.00 ~ 129th Year ~ Issue No 5825 ~ December 2013