E.XTENSIONS of REMARKS an APPEAL to CONGRESSIONAL Gion to the Individuals That Are Affected Requested That I Convey Their Message to CONSCIENCE by It
15342 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 18, 1979 By Mr. MARKEY: H.R. 4156: Mr. SHELBY. AMENDMENTS H.R. 4522. A blll !or the relief of Annette H.R. 4157: Mr. COELHO, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Jutta Wohrle; to the Committee on the Mr. PANETTA, and Mr. LUNGREN. Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro Judiciary. H.R. 4158: Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland, Mr. posed amendments were submitted as By Mr. QUILLEN: SYMMS, Mr. GRISHAM, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. follows: HoLLAND, Mr. WINN, Mr. McKINNEY, Mr. NEAL, H.R. 4057 H.R. 4523. A bill directing the President to Mr. BAFALIS, Mr. EDWARDS Of California, Mr. By Mr. KELLY: award a medal of honor to Jordan M. Robin FRENZEL, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. AMBRO, Mr. son; to the Committee on Armed Services. -on page 1, line 8, Insert the following new MINETA, Mr. CHAPPELL, Mr. DoRNAN, Mr. ED section 3: GAR, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. WEISS, Mr. McHUGH, SEc. 3. Section 5(e) of the Food Stamp Act Mr. AKAKA, Mr. HoPKINS, and Mr. CoURTER. of 1977 is amended by inserting the following ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 4443: Mr. SOLARZ, Mr. MURPHY of new sentence: "Any individual 1s entitled to Pennsylvania, and Mr. STGERMAIN. claim a deduction from his household in Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors H. Oon. Res. 59: Mr. CHENEY. to come, above the standard deduction, !or his were added public bills and resolu H. Con. Res. 1:l4: lvLr. n.N.LJ.E.R.::ION of Illinois, medical and dental expenses, to the extent tions as follows: Mr. ANTHONY, Mr. BADHAM, Mr.
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