NTNU Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi universitet FORDYPNINGSPROSJEKTER HØSTEN 2016 SPECIALIZATION PROJECTS AUTUMN 2016 TKP4580 Spesialiseringsprosjekt, kjemisk prosessteknologi (15 stp) TKP4581 Spesialiseringsprosjekt, kjemisk prosessteknologi (7,5 stp) KATALYSE (CATALYSIS) Project proposals from Professor De Chen:
[email protected] 1 Catalytic conversion of kerogen in enhanced oil production from shales Oil shale comprises a host rock and kerogen. Kerogen, commonly defined as the insoluble macromolecular organic matter (OM) dispersed in sedimentary rocks, is by far the most abundant form of OM on Earth. Kerogen has a high hydrogen-to-carbon ratio, giving the potential to be superior to heavy oil or coal as a source of liquid fuel. When heated to the right temperatures, some types of kerogen release crude oil or natural gas. Statoil RDI is looking at kerogen as a possible resource for the future Kerogen is an unconventional hydrocarbon source, which is the one of the new focus areas in Statoil. Fundamental understanding of the reaction of depolymerization of kerogen could lead to a more energy effective way for in-situ conversion of kerogen to oils in subterranean geological formations. The present work will test the multifunctional proppants as catalysts for kerogen conversion. The project will also include the characterization of kerogen and the oils produced. A summer job at the Catalysis group is available. Supervisors: Prof. De Chen 2 Kinetic study of oxychlorination process Catalytic oxychlorination of ethylene with hydrochloric acid and oxygen is the important industrial process to produce 1,2-dichloroethane, which can be converted into vinyl chloride by cracking process.