Parliamentary Documentation
Parliamentary Documentation Vol.XLII 1-15 March 2016 No.5 AERONAUTICAL INDUSTRY 1. KAPUR, Vivek Development of the aerospace industry in US and USSR/Russia. AIR POWER (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.4), 2015(Oct-Dec, 2015): P.127-156. Looks at the development of the Aerospace Sector in the United States and in the erstwhile USSR/ Russia. **Aeronautical Industry; United States; USSR/Russia. 2. MISRA, M Human systems approach to a more effective applications of air power. AIR POWER (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.4), 2015(Oct-Dec, 2015): P.157-180. **Aeronautical Industry; Air Power. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION 3. MAHADEVAPPA, M Green revolution in India and Karnataka. INDIAN FARMING (NEW DELHI), V. 65(No. 9), 2016(Dec, 2015): P. 7-9. Assesses the impact of green revolution on Indian Agriculture Sector particularly in Karnataka. **Agricultural Production; Green Revolution-(Karnataka). AGRICULTURE -(ASSAM) 4. DAS, Sarmistha and KATTIMANI, Sachin Kumar M Changing livelihood practices in Central Assam. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V. 29(No. 348), 2016(Feb, 2016): P. 40-43. Throws light on shift in Assam's agrarian economy after the independance. **Agriculture-(Assam); Livelihood; Rural Economy. -(INDIA) 5. KALE, R B and Others Importance and challenges of e-Agriculture. INDIAN FARMING (NEW DELHI), V. 65(No. 9), 2016(Dec, 2015): P.44-45. Throws light on the initiatives of mobile based agro advissory services being taken by the Government to promote agricultural development in India. **Agriculture-(India); Agricultural Marketing; Mobile Phones; Communication Technology. 2 **-Keywords AGRICULTURE POLICY -(INDIA) 6. MADHUR GAUTAM Making an Indian agriculture more resilient: Some policy priorities.
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