Published Papers
SMW Consultants Ltd. Writing & Consulting Medical Research Kylliäisentie 9, FIN-21620 Kuusisto, FINLAND. Prof. Kari Syrjänen, MD, PhD, FIAC Department of Clinical Research, Biohit Oyj, Helsinki, FINLAND ORIGINAL PAPERS, REVIEWS AND BOOK CHAPTERS 1.Syrjänen, K.J. Morphologic manifestations of tumor-host relationships in association with breast, gastric and colorectal carcinoma. M.D. (Ph.D.) Thesis, University of Helsinki, pp. 1- 86, 1975. (ISBN-951-99064-3-6)s 2.Syrjänen, K.J. Histologic changes in mouse lymph nodes after treatment with anti-theta globulin. Exp. Pathol. 14, 171-179, 1977. (I.F. 0.500)s 3.Syrjänen, K.J. and Hjelt, L.H. Tumor-host relationships in colorectal carcinoma. Dis. Colon & Rectum 21, 29-36, 1978. (I.F. 3.739)s 4.Syrjänen, K.J. and Hjelt, L.H. The influence of anti-theta globulin treatment on the growth of mastocytoma in mice. Exp. Pathol. 14, 208-214, 1977. (I.F. 0.500)s 5.Syrjänen, K.J. and Hjelt, L.H. Morphology of the regional lymph nodes of gastric carcinoma and ulcer of the stomach in relation to immunological functions. Scand. J. Gastroent. 12, 903-909, 1977. (I.F. 2.199)s 6.Syrjänen, K.J. and Hjelt, L.H. Paracortical activity of the regional lymph nodes as a prognostic determinant in gastric carcinoma. Scand. J. Gastroent. 12, 897-902, 1977. (I.F. 2.199)s 7.Syrjänen, K.J. and Hjelt, L.H. Grading of human renal adenocarcinoma. Scand. J. Urol. Nephrol. 12, 49-55, 1978. (I.F. 1.243)s 8.Syrjänen, K.J. and Hjelt, L.H.
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