The Londoh Gazette, .January 20, 1874. 239
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THE LONDOH GAZETTE, .JANUARY 20, 1874. 239, > . [. , "iihFdoi, Captain William Horace Wilson, from 65th Fool, Captain Cotton Edwin Theobald retires the 87th Foot, to be Captain, vice W. .J. upon temporary half-pay. Dated 21st January, • Youles, retired-on temporary half-pay. Dated 3874. ; . ' 0 21st January, 1874, 56th Foot, Sublieutenant Alexander Pribgle to 13th Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Bryan Palmes to be be Lieutenant, dated 26th February-, 1873, but . Lieutenant.. Dated 10th January, 18*2. his Commission as Lieutenant in the Army to> 14/A Foot, Lieutenant James Reid to be A'dju- bear date 30th December, 1872. tant, vice Lieutenant H. McLeod Hutchison, 57lh Foot, Lieutenant Richard "Woodroofe Graham, promoted. Dated 21st January, 1874. from the North lipperary Militia, to be Lieu- 17'th Foot, Lieutenant Francis Edward Kriowles tenant. Dated 21st January, 1874. ' Bird retires from the Service; receiving the Malcolm Thomas Lyde, Gent., to be' Sub-LieU*l • value of ah Ensigncy. Dated 21st January, tenant. Dated 21st January, 1874* ... 1874. 60:A Foof, Lieutehant Walter Cowan to be Cap- 18/A Foot, Lieutenant George William Nesbit tainj vice William Norcott Manners~j deceasedV Rogers to be Instructor of Musketry, vice Lieu- Dated 12th November, 1873. tenant T. B. Meredith, promoted. Dated 8th Lieutenant John Herbert Carteret Carey* fr&m November, J873. the 18th Fo6t, to be Lieutenant, vice Co\vari*i 2lst Foot, Lieutenant Louis Arnold Armit retires Dated 21st January, 1874. from the Service, receiving the value of an 62nd Foot, Sub-Lieutenant James Henry Bbwhill Ensighcy. Dated 21st Jamuuy, 1874. to be Lieutenant^ Dated 10th January, 1872, : 26th Foo.'i. Lieutenant Vivian Davenport retires 64th Foot, Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Cbloiiel' from the Service, receiving the value of his Thomas de Courcy Hamilton, V.C., retires ^Commission. Dated 21st January, 1874. upon full- pay. Dated 21 st January, 1874. --Foot, Sub-Lieutehaht John Cave Lieutehant Harry St. Ge6rge Ofd retires fi-orn the- be Lieutehant. Dated 30th December, 1873* . Service, receiving the value of his Ooiilmls^iion. S2nd"Foof, Sub-Lieutenant Herbert Richard Dated 21st January, 1874. Saunders to be Lieutenant. Dated 80th De- Foot, "Captain William Thomas Croft retires cember, 1872.. on temporary half-pay. Dated 21st January,. 3=74 Foot, SubjLieutenaht Charles Hamilton Des 1874, - ' • L • -Vceux to be Lieutehant; Dated 10th January, Gtth Foot, Lieutenant Robert Edward Colbprne • 18/2. Jarvis to be Captain, vice T. E. JoneSj retired.( 39/A Foot, Lieutenant Edward Bruce receives the Dated 24th December, 1873.'. • ..'5 .value of an Ensigncy, on final transfer to the ' Indian Staff Corps. Dated: 2" 1st January, 70/A Foot, Captain John Jaines Cahill Miller, fi*6.ra 1874. half-pay,. late Ceylon Rifle Regiment,' to b.9.. Captain, viiie G. F. Grreen,'retired onhalf'-pajri" 4.1*/ Fuoti Lieutenant Edward Vyvyan Huyshe Dated 21st January; 1874. ceases t& be a IJrobatibner.for the Indian Stafl Corps, having proceeded to England on medt- „ Foot, Captain William Alexander Symes, . cal certificate. Dated 21st January; 1874. from the 94th Foot, to be Captain^ vice C. tj," Lieutenant William. Potter Newali received the Buhburyi who exchanges. Dated 21 st January, value of his .Commission, on final transfer to the 1874. • Indian Staff Corps. Dated 21st January, Foof, Colour-Serjeant John Stacpole> from 1874. 83th Foot, to be Sub-Lieutenant, vice F. Gr, 43rd Foot, Sub-Lieutenant John George Cockburn •Pollock, transferred to 51st Foot. Dated 21st: Curtis to be Lieutenant. Dated 30th Decem- January, 1874. ber, 187L 80*/i Foot, Lieutenant Walter Howard to be Cap- 44<A Foot, Serjeant-Major Cornelius McCarthy tain, vice Brevet-Major John -Wilkinson, prb-.^ to be Quartermaster, vice W; Hart*McHarg, moted half-pay Major. Dated 10th December,' .transferred to a Brigade Depdt. Dated 21st 1873. January, 1874. Captain Frederick Blair Staples, from 4olk Foot, Sublieutenant Edward Cecil Dowse late Ceylon Rifle Regiment, to. be Caplain, to be Lieutenant. Dated 30th December, Brevet-Major R. J. Maxwell retired oh 1871.. porary half-pay. Dated 21*1 January, 187.4.' 46th Foot, Lieutenant feeorge William Truscott 81 st Foot, Lieutenant Henry Augustas Bourchier Martin resigns his Commission as Adjutant. Bristow retires.from the Service* receiving .the} Dated 21st January, 1874. value of an Ensigncy. Dated 21st January, 1874. , . 48(h Foot, Captain Christopher Ravrcs Durrant retires from the Service, receiving the value of 90*A Foot, Lieutenant Rb'bert Lawrence to ta ' his Commission. Dated 21st January, 1874. Captain, vice W. Rennie, V.C:, prbmo'tbd 'half- pay Major. Dated 10th December, 1873. 49/A Foot, Captain Edward Foot Gilbert retires upon temporal1? half-pay. Dated 21 st January, 91s* Foot, Lieutenant William Go'stw.yck Gard to '. 1874. be Captain, vice W. Grant, retired on fulb-payi 54/A Footj Lieutenant James Hearn Tarleton to Dated 24th December, 1873. • . •" - .be Captain, vice M. W. E. Gosset, niade.Super- 92nd Foot, Major Arthur Wellington. .Caineron .numerary on .being appointed an Instructor at to be Lieutenant-Colonel,. vice F. Macbeaii, the Royal Military • College. Dated 1st Sep- retired on half-pay. Dated 24th December, T tember, 1873. 1873. '. - ... ,./" Captain John Aligns1 us Tighe, from half-pay, late Captain George Stewai-t White to be Major, vice .Ceylon Rifle Regiment, to be Captain; vice Cameron. Dated 24th Decenibjr, 1873. Brevet Major C. A. Thomson} promoted half- Lieutenant Henry Vesey Brooke t'o- be Captanf, pay Major. Puted 21st January, i874. vice White. Dated, 2-l^b Pecejiber, 1&73. A 2.