The Londoh Gazette, .January 20, 1874. 239
THE LONDOH GAZETTE, .JANUARY 20, 1874. 239, > . [. , "iihFdoi, Captain William Horace Wilson, from 65th Fool, Captain Cotton Edwin Theobald retires the 87th Foot, to be Captain, vice W. .J. upon temporary half-pay. Dated 21st January, • Youles, retired-on temporary half-pay. Dated 3874. ; . ' 0 21st January, 1874, 56th Foot, Sublieutenant Alexander Pribgle to 13th Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Bryan Palmes to be be Lieutenant, dated 26th February-, 1873, but . Lieutenant.. Dated 10th January, 18*2. his Commission as Lieutenant in the Army to> 14/A Foot, Lieutenant James Reid to be A'dju- bear date 30th December, 1872. tant, vice Lieutenant H. McLeod Hutchison, 57lh Foot, Lieutenant Richard "Woodroofe Graham, promoted. Dated 21st January, 1874. from the North lipperary Militia, to be Lieu- 17'th Foot, Lieutenant Francis Edward Kriowles tenant. Dated 21st January, 1874. ' Bird retires from the Service; receiving the Malcolm Thomas Lyde, Gent., to be' Sub-LieU*l • value of ah Ensigncy. Dated 21st January, tenant. Dated 21st January, 1874* ... 1874. 60:A Foof, Lieutehant Walter Cowan to be Cap- 18/A Foot, Lieutenant George William Nesbit tainj vice William Norcott Manners~j deceasedV Rogers to be Instructor of Musketry, vice Lieu- Dated 12th November, 1873. tenant T. B. Meredith, promoted. Dated 8th Lieutenant John Herbert Carteret Carey* fr&m November, J873. the 18th Fo6t, to be Lieutenant, vice Co\vari*i 2lst Foot, Lieutenant Louis Arnold Armit retires Dated 21st January, 1874. from the Service, receiving the value of an 62nd Foot, Sub-Lieutenant James Henry Bbwhill Ensighcy. Dated 21st Jamuuy, 1874. to be Lieutenant^ Dated 10th January, 1872, : 26th Foo.'i.
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