Scientific Inst~ u: nent SOciety • ~ ~': ~z ~ ........ ....... ~ :~,,, _~ , ......~ ,~ ., .. ~. "i I, ~'~..~ i;.)~ i!~ ~' • Bulletin March No. 68 2001 Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society IssN 0956-8271 For Table of Contents, see back cover President Gerard Turner Vice-President Howard Dawes Honorary Committee Stuart Talbot, Chairman Gloria Clifton, SecretaW John Didcock, Treasurer WiUem Hackmann, Editor Sunon Chetfetz Alexander Crum-Ewmg Peter de Clercq Tom l~mb Svh'ia Sunmra L~ba Taub Membership and Administrative Matters The Executive Officer (Wg Cdr Geoffrey Bennett) 31 HJ~h Sweet Stanford m the Vale Farmgdon Tel: 01367 710223 Oxon SNr7 8LH Fax: 01367 718963 e-mail:
[email protected] See outside back cover for infvrmation on membership Editorial Matters Dr. Willem D. Hackmann Museum of the History of Science Old Ashmolean Building Tel: 01865 277282 (office) Broad Street Fax: 01865 277288 Oxford OXI 3AZ Tel: 01608 811110 (home) e-mail: willemhackmann@m~.ox, " Society's Website http://ww~, Advertising .See 'Summary of Advertising Services' panel elsewhere in this Bulletin. Further enquiries to the Executive Officer. Typesetting and Printing IJthoflow Ltd 26-36 Wharfdale Road Tel: 020 7833 2344 King's Cross Fax: 020 7833 8150 London N1 9RY Price: £6 per issue, including back numbers where available. (Enquiries to the Executive Officer) The Scientific Instrument Society is Registered Charily No. 326733 :~ The Scientific Instrument Society 2001 i; Editorial Spring is in the Air - Somewhere maxnum opus on Elizabethan Lnstruments. Getting the March Bulletin ready always Object' brings with it a special excitement as it This issue's 'Mystery has elicited a coincides with nature awakening from its great deal of interest,and has been correctly winter slumber; there is a sense of renewal, identified as what the German's call a for measunng the of new plausibilities.