551 Minutes of a Meeting of North Horsham Parish

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551 Minutes of a Meeting of North Horsham Parish MINUTES OF A MEETING OF NORTH HORSHAM PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING, ENVIRONMENT AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY 26th NOVEMBER 2020 AT 7.30pm. Present: Committee Members Cllr M. Cockerill, Cllr J. Davidson (Vice Chairman), Cllr Mrs R. Ginn, Cllr Mrs J. Gough, Cllr R. Knight, Cllr D. Mahon, Cllr R. Millington, Cllr T. Rickett BEM*, Cllr D. Searle, Cllr R. Turner (Chairman), Cllr I. Wassell*, Cllr Mrs S. Wilton. *denotes absence In attendance: Ross McCartney – Committee Clerk PET/849/20 Public Forum There were two member of the public present, both representing the No incinerator 4 Horsham (Ni4H) group and spoke regarding PET/854/20 - WSCC/015/18/NH: Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy and Ancilliary Infrastructure (Incinerator) at the former Wealden Brickworks – Environmental Permit application. Ni4H informed the Committee that: The Environmental Permit Variation Application has been received by the Environment Agency and it will be treated as a Site of High Public Interest. The timescale and consultation length are unknown at the present time. People considering buying existing properties for sale in North Horsham and Warnham have recently contacted Ni4H for more information, as they are genuinely concerned and are considering moving elsewhere because of the Incinerator. Ni4H ask The Parish Council to: 1. Hold a public meeting - once the consultation documents are available 2. Co-ordinate with Parish and Neighbourhood Councils 3. Seek expert technical advice regarding: Various nuisances - including odours, noise, dust and pests Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessments Fire Prevention Plan and Drainage Strategy The facility’s achievement of R1 status prior to the commencement of the development and throughout its operation (energy efficiency equal to or above 0.65) Emissions to Air - including nitrogen oxides, acid gases (e.g. sulphur oxides, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride), particulate matter, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, dioxins and furans Reagents used to reduce these emissions to air Ensure open reporting and monitoring regarding the ongoing operation of the facility, with emissions and other measurements available for scrutiny by the Community Liaison Group and local authorities 551 4. Ensure there will be no deterioration in Air Quality for children, unborn children, current and future local residents and people who work in the area, as a result of the construction and operation of this facility. Recent research regarding COVID-19 has increased our understanding of the importance of good air quality. PET/850/20 Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence. Cllr T. Rickett BEM and Cllr I. Wassell did not attend and did not give their apologies. PET/851/20 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interests. PET/852/20 Minutes The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 29th October 2020 were agreed and will be signed by the Chairman as a true record at the earliest opportunity. PET/853/20 Chairman’s Announcements 1. Horsham District Council has amended the Local Cycling, Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) to reflect comments given during the stakeholder and public consultation, which the Parish Council gave comments in. Attached is LCWIP main document (Annex 1) and a supplementary document (Annex 2) that reflects these comments. 2. Britaniacrest’s Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy Facility will start construction in summer 2021. The site was discussed under PET/857/20 (4) regarding the environmental permit. 3. Proposed Modifications to the Soft Sand Review of the West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan. In partnership, West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority have prepared a Soft Sand Review of the Joint Minerals Local Plan. 4. WSCC has cut back the mudbanks on the footpath on both approaches to the railway bridge on Pondtail Road. 5. HDC has responded to the Parish Council agreeing the setting up of a Parish Council Novartis Liaison meeting for January 2021. This is to include the purpose if the group is to receive updates on the progress of the site following the agreement of the planning application and that the attendees would include; North Horsham Parish Council, Horsham District Council, West Sussex County Council, Forest Neighbourhood Council, Denne Neighbourhood Council, Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council, the developer, along with local organisations and residents, similar to the North of Horsham Development Parish Liaison meetings. 552 With agreement from the Committee, agenda item 9.4 – WSCC/015/18/NH: Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy and Ancilliary Infrastructure (Incinerator) at the former Wealden Brickworks Environmental Permit was moved to this point in the meeting. PET/854/20 WSCC/015/18/NH: Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy and Ancilliary Infrastructure (Incinerator) at the former Wealden Brickworks. Environmental Permit. The No incinerator 4 Horsham Group (Ni4H) informed the Parish Council that Britaniacrest have applied to the Environment Agency to amend its current environmental permit. The consultation documents are not available at the time of the meeting. Once the Parish Council has received the documents, they will be sent to the Committee members as usual. At a meeting with NHPC’s Clerk, Cllr R. Turner and WSCC Cllr P. Catchpole it was suggested for the Parish Council to hold a public meeting once the application has been submitted. Ni4H attended and spoke during the public forum section of the meeting. It was RESOLVED to keep a watching brief with an aim to hold a public meeting solely in relation to the environmental permit application. PET/854/20 North of Horsham Development Parish Liaison Meeting The North of Horsham Development Parish Liaison Meeting took place via zoom conference call on 17th November 2020. Notes of the meeting were not finalised and so had not been circulated to the Committee. It was RESOLVED to defer the item to the next Planning Committee Meeting. PET/855/20 Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) – Closure of Rusper Road between A264 and Lemmington Way Roundabout The TTRO was discussed at the north of Horsham Parish Liaison meeting. The notes of the meeting will be circulated to the Committee once available. The Parish Council received notification from HDC that the connection of utilities is not a planning matter and does not require planning permission. The closure of roads is dealt with by the Highway Authority (WSCC). Other options for the road closure were considered, one of which was a partial road closure with traffic lights. This would extend the build by 30 to 40 weeks, putting the opening of Bohunt school at jeopardy. The road works at Robinhood roundabout due in April 2021 also needed to be considered. It was RESOLVED to write to West Sussex County Council; • Reluctantly acknowledging the works approval and the disappointment there wasn’t advance communication or a consultation on the TTRO. • Highlighting the Parish Council’s concern regarding the wider impact of the anticipated 15 week closure, including the impact to the highway network and congestion at key locations in the 553 Parish. • Stressing the importance of managing the closure to ensure the closure is kept as short as possible and well within the anticipated time scale. • Requesting no other road works take place that may significantly increase traffic levels in or around the Horsham area, including the designated signed alternative routes. PET/856/20 West Sussex County Council – Prioritisation of Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) November’s North Horsham County Local Committee has been cancelled. County Councillors will still be able to discuss the prioritisation of TRO’s for their areas. Town and Parish Councils have still been asked for their input. The TRO application list for the North Horsham’s County Local Committee has been circulated (Annex 3) to councillors for any feedback to be sent directly to their local County Councillor by 23rd November at 5pm. It was RESOLVED to note the TRO application list. PET/857/20 Consultations 1. Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), Erica Way – The consultation runs from 29th October 2020 to 26th November 2020. Notification of a TRO consultation for double yellow lines in and around the junction of Erica Way with Heath Way and the culd-de- sac junctions on Erica Way has been received. See notification attached (Annex 4). It was RESOLVED to support the Traffic Regulation Order. 2. West Sussex Transport Plan (WSTP) – The current Transport Plan, which covers the 2011-26 period, needs to be reviewed to take account of changes to national and local policy, such as the Government’s legally-binding commitment to achieve net zero carbon by 2050. The new plan will set out how West Sussex County Council (WSCC) aim to support the economy and communities while protecting the environment. WSCC will consider the best approaches to tackle key transport issues such as congestion, road safety and pollution, and set out their plans for all modes of transport The survey is to gather information that will help prepare the draft plan. The draft plan is expected to be published for consultation in summer 2021. Attached (Annex 5) are the main extracts of the survey which has been annotated where necessary. It was RESOLVED not to complete the WSTP survey as a Parish, as the questions are directed towards individuals. If desired, members of the Committee can comment on the plan as individual Parish Councillors. The Committee will consider the draft plan once it is published. 554 3. Proposed Modifications to the Soft Sand Review of the West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan – The consultation period runs from 9th November 2020 to 8th January 2021. As part of the public examination between 25th and 27th August 2020, the inspector indicated some changes needed to be made and as a result WSCC has prepared a schedule of modifications for public consultation. The only source of land-won soft sand in West Sussex is in the Folkestone Formation which is largely contained in the South Downs National Park.
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