TOMÁS R. JIMÉNEZ - Department of Sociology 450 Serra Mall Building 120, Room 160 Stanford, CA 94305-2047 [email protected]; (650) 721-5822

December 2016 Curriculum Vitae


2014-present Stanford University, Department of Sociology Associate Professor (with tenure) 2015-present Stanford University, Undergraduate Program on Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Director 2014-2015 Stanford University, Program on Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies Director 2008-14 Stanford University, Department of Sociology Assistant Professor 2007-09 New America Foundation Fellow 2005-08 University of California, San Diego, Department of Sociology Assistant Professor


2005 , Ph.D. in sociology 2001 Harvard University, A.M. in sociology 1998 Santa Clara University, B.S. in sociology; magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Class Valedictorian


Books forthcoming Jiménez, Tomás R. The Other Side of Assimilation: How Immigrants are Changing American Life. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.

2010 Jiménez, Tomás R. Replenished Ethnicity: Mexican Americans, Immigration, and Identity. Berkeley: University of California Press. *Distinguished Book Award - American Sociological Association’s Section on Latino/Latina Sociology, 2011*

Tomás R. Jiménez Curriculum Vitae

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles 2016 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Fade to Black: Multiple Symbolic Boundaries in ‘Black/Brown’ Contact.” DuBois Review. 13(1): 159-180.

2015 Jiménez, Tomás R. and Adam L. Horowitz. “Whitewashing Academic Mediocrity.” Contexts, 14(3): 38-43

2015 Jiménez, Tomás R., Corey Fields, Ariela Schachter. “How Ethnoraciality Matters: The View Inside Ethnoracial “Groups.’” Social Currents. 2(2): 107-115.

2014 Park, Julie, Dowell Myers and Tomás R. Jiménez. “Intergenerational Advancement of the Mexican-origin Population in California and Texas Relative to a Changing U. S. Mainstream.” International Migration Review. (Summer): 1– 40.

2014 Alba, Richard, Tomás R. Jiménez and Helen Marrow. “Mexican Americans as a Paradigm for Contemporary Intragroup Heterogeneity.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(3): 446-466

2013 Jiménez, Tomás R. and Adam L. Horowitz. “When White is Just Alright: How Immigrants Redefine Achievement and Reconfigure the Ethnoracial Hierarchy.” American Sociological Review, 78(5): 849-871 *Honorable Mention for the Oliver Cromwell Cox Article Award – American Sociological Association’s Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities, 2015*

2013 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Les Américains d’origine mexicaine et la dynamique de la diversité interne.” Informations sociales, 177: 96-104.

2010 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Affiliative Ethnic Identity: A More Elastic link between Ethnic Ancestry and Culture.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33(10): 1756-1775.

2009 Linton, April and Tomás R. Jiménez. “Contexts for Bilingualism among U.S.- born Latinos.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(6): 967-95.

2008 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Mexican-Immigrant Replenishment and the Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Race.” American Journal of Sociology, 113(6): 1527-1567. *Distinguished Contribution to Research - Best Article Award – American Sociological Association’s Sociology Section on Latino/Latina Sociology, 2010* Reprinted in: Grusky, David (ed.). 2014. Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. New York: Westview Press Ermerson, Michael O., Jennifer L. Bratter and Sergio Chávez. 2016. (Un)Making Race and Ethnicity: A Reader. New York: Oxford University Press.

2007 Jiménez, Tomás R. and David Fitzgerald. “Mexican Assimilation: A Temporal

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and Spatial Reorientation.” Du Bois Review, 4(2): 337-354.

2007 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Mexican Immigration: The Mexican American Perspective.” Social Science Quarterly, 88(3): 599-618.

2005 Waters, Mary C. and Tomás R. Jiménez. “Assessing Immigrant Assimilation: New Empirical and Theoretical Challenges.” Annual Review of Sociology, 31: 105-125. Reprinted (in Spanish) in: Marcela F. Gonzalez (ed.). 2008. The Contemporary Debate in the Field of International Migration in the U.S., Buenos Aires: Prometo Press.

2004 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Negotiating Ethnic Boundaries: Multiethnic Mexican Americans and Ethnic Identity in the United States.” Ethnicities, 4(1): 75-97.

Book Chapters 2014 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Why Replenishment Strengthens Racial Boundaries,” Pp. in Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, David Grusky (editor), Boulder, CO: Westview Press

2011 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Immigration and the Intersection of Ethnic and National Narratives: The Case of Ethnic Mexicans in the United States,” Pp. 207-229 in Narrating Peoplehood Amidst Diversity, edited by Michael Bøss. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press

2003 Jiménez, Tomas R. “Negotiating Ethnic Boundaries: Multiethnic Mexican Americans and Ethnic Identity in the United States.” Pp. 161-188 in Crossing Lines: Race and Mixed Race Across the Geohistorical Divide, edited by M. Coronado, R. P. J. Guevarra, J. Moniz, and L. F. Szanto. Lanham, MD: Alta Mira Press.

Reports and Policy-related Publications 2011 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Immigrants in the United States: How Well are they Integrating into Society?” Migration Policy Institute, Washington, DC.

2007 Jiménez, Tomás R. “From Newcomers to Americans: An Integration Policy for a Nation of Immigrants,” (policy paper) Immigration Policy In Focus, 5(11). Immigration Policy Center, a division of the American Immigration Law Foundation, Washington, DC.

Republished in: Mandate for Change: Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond, pp, 257- 266, edited by C. Hartman. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Other Publications

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2016 Jiménez, Tomás R. 2016. “Bringing Culture Back in: the Class Origins and Ethnoracial Destinations of Culture and Achievement” (symposium on Jennifer Lee and Min Zhou's The Asian American Achievement Paradox). Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(13): 2385-90.

2011 Jiménez, Tomás R. and Laura López-Sanders. “Policy of Perversity: How Social Policy Is Distorting Trends in Unauthorized Immigration.” Pathways, winter: 3- 7.

2009 Jiménez, Tomás R. “What Different Generations of Mexican Americans Think About Immigration from Mexico.” Generations, 32(4): 93-96.

2005 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Immigration Reform and the Latino Vote,” in Footnotes: The Newsletter of the American Sociological Association, 33(8).

2005 Jiménez, Tomás R. “American Immigration Policy: Toward Integration,” in Footnotes: The Newsletter of the American Sociological Association, 33(7).

2005 Jiménez, Tomás R. “On Being the Minority” in Footnotes: The Newsletter of the American Sociological Association, 33(5).

2001 Jiménez, Tomás. “Ethnic Inter-marriage,” pp 435-439 in The Encyclopedia of American Immigration, edited by James Ciment and Immanuel Ness. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

1998 García, Alma M. and Tomás Jiménez. “Latina,” in the Women’s Studies Encyclopedia, edited by Helen Tierney. New York: Greenwood Press.

AWARDS & HONORS______2017-19 Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer

2016 National Science Foundation Sociology Doctoral Dissertation Research for Anna Lunn – “Understanding the Mechanisms of Peer Influence: An Analysis of Rural Indian Households' Decisions to Construct In-home Latrines” (SES- 1602176) ($11,753.00)

2016 Russell Sage Foundation grant for “Undocumented Status and Immigrant Families: An Interdisciplinary Impact Evaluation of Deferred Action” (with Jens Hainmueller, David Laitin, Fernando Mendoza, and Dunan Lawrence) ($109,065)

2016 School of Humanities & Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching

2015 Faculty Appreciation Award, El Centro Chicano y Latino, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

4 Tomás R. Jiménez Curriculum Vitae

2015-2016 France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies grant for “The Role of Social Assistance Programs in the Socioeconomic Incorporation of Immigrants. A Comparative Study of Latino Immigrants in France, Spain and the United States” (with Marie-Laure Mallet) ($16,200)

2014-2016 National Science Foundation Sociology Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement for Ariela Schachter – “Doctoral Dissertation Research: Immigration and Social Attitudes.” (SES-1434303) ($11,999)

2013-14 Fellow, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

2012-13 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University, Stanford, CA

2012 Summer Fellow, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY

2011-13 National Science Foundation Sociology Program Grant for “Assimilation and the Host Society,” $146,438 (SES-1121281)

2011-12 Russell Sage Foundation grant for “Collaborative Project on Immigration and National Belonging: Proposal for Pilot Studies” (with Jack Dovidio, Yuen Ho, and Deborah Schildkraut) $35,000

2011 Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Career Enhancement Fellowship; $30,000 (declined)

2009-10 American Sociological Association Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline for “Assimilation and the US Host Society;” $7,000

2009-10 United Parcel Service Endowment Fund at Stanford for “Assimilation and the Host Society in Metropolitan America;” $54,456

2009-10 Stanford Institute for Research in the Social Sciences Seed Grant for “Immigration, Assimilation, and the U.S. Host Society;” $10,000

2009-10 Stanford President’s Fund for Innovation in International Studies for “Human Well Being and International Migration: Issues and Ideas about Ethnicity, Race, and Language” (with Guadalupe Valdéz, Albert Camarillo, Fernando Mendoza, Miguel Méndez, and Matt Snipp) $90,000

2006-07 Professor of the Year, Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, University of California, San Diego

2006 University of California, San Diego Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Faculty Summer Research Grant for “Contexts for Bilingualism Among U.S.-

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Born Latinos, 1990 and 2000;” $3,000 (with April Linton)

2007-08 University of California, San Diego Center for Comparative Immigration Studies and Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies Visiting Research Fellowship

2005 American Sociological Association Congressional Fellowship; Office of United States Representative Michael M. Honda (CA-15)

2004 Excellence in Teaching Certificate from the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at Harvard University

2002-04 National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant; $7,500

2001 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship for language study in México

2000-03 American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship $45,000

2000 Ford Foundation Pre-Dissertation Fellowship (declined)

CONFERENCE PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS______2015 “Reframing Success for the ‘Hosts’,” presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL (August 23)

2015 “The New Third Generation: Post-1965 Immigration and the Next Stage in the Long March of Assimilation,” (with Julie Park and Juan Pedroza) presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, San Diego, CA (April 30)

2013 “Looking Within and Up at Racial Inequality,” Plenary talk at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, NY (August 12)

2011 “Shades of White: How High-Skilled Immigration Shapes what it Means to be White” (with Adam Horowitz), presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV (August 22)

2010 “Mexican Immigration, Ethnic Identity, and Representation in the Workplace,” presented at Race, Immigration, and the Law of the Workplace: 21st Century Challenges, Princeton University Program on Law and Public Affairs, Princeton, NJ (February 26)

2009 “Immigration in the Making of Ethnic and National Narratives: The Case of Mexican Americans,” presented at Stories of Nationhood in Plural Societies, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark (May 14)

2008 “Adoptive Ethnic Identity,” presented at the Annual Meetings of the American

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Sociological Association, Boston, MA

2007 “Assimilation in an Era of Immigrant Replenishment,” panel talk at Celebrating Diversity: Making and Unmaking Race, Ethnicity and Difference in the 21st Century, 10th Year Celebration Conference for the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (November 2)

2007 “Contexts for Bilingualism Among U.S.-Born Latinos” (with April Linton), presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, NY(August 13, 2007)

2006 “The Reflected Image: Mexican Americans’ Opinions about the Effects of Mexican Immigration,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (August 12)

2004 “The Ties that Bind and Divide: Mexican Immigrant Replenishment and the Ethnic Options of Mexican Americans,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California (August 15)

2004 “History and Destiny: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants and Ethnic Identity,” presented at the Latino Studies Symposium, Harvard University, Cambridge, (April 15)

2004 “Established Mexican Americans’ Views toward Mexican Immigrants in Garden City, Kansas and Santa Maria, California,” presented at the Metropolis Conference, Montreal, Canada (March 27)

2003 “History and Destiny: Mexican Americans in Ethnographic Perspectives,” presentation to the Harvard/Radcliffe Murray Research Center Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series, Harvard University/Radcliffe Institute (March 11)

2002 “Negotiating Ethnic Boundaries: Multiethnic Mexican Americans and Ethnic Identity in the United States,” presented at the Crossing Lines: Race and Mixed Race Across the Geohistorical Divide Conference, University of California, Santa Barbara (April 13)

SELECTED INVITED TALKS & LECTURES______2014 “Rethinking Race and Immigration in an Era of Mass Immigration: Evidence from a High-Skilled Gateway,” University of Pennsylvania, Department of Sociology Colloquium Series, Philadelphia, PA (February 19)

2013 “When White Is Just Alright: How Immigrants Redefine Achievement and Reconfigure the Ethnoracial Hierarchy,” University of California, Irvine Colloquium Series, Irvine, CA (November 6)

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2013 “Rethinking Race and Immigration in an Era of Mass Immigration: Evidence from a High-Skilled Gateway,” Columbia University Department of Sociology Colloquium Series, New York, NY (September 25)

2013 “How to Love America – Reinvent America,” Oregon Humanities “Think & Drink” public discussion series, Portland, OR (May 15)

2013 “What's Really Behind Diversity's Effect on Social Capital? Evidence from a Hyper-diverse Context” Keynote lecture, Migration and Immigrant Incorporation Workshop, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (March 7)

2012 “The State of Immigrant Integration,” keynote address at the conference, “Responding to Immigrants in New Growth Communities Research Seminar,” University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne, Urbana, IL (May 4)

2012 “Shades of White: How Immigrant ‘Guests’ Define Belonging for Native-born ‘Hosts,’” Research Laboratory on Migrations, Mobilities and Social Change, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada (March 21)

2011 “There’s More to Come… Looking beyond the Second Generation and what it means for Assimilation;” Second Generation & Racial Boundaries Workshop, Institute for the Social Sciences, Cornell University (December 9)

2011 “Immigrants in the United States: How well are they Integrating?” Woodrow Wilson Center International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC (June 14)

2011 “What are we Loyal To?” panel moderator at “Can the United States Remain United? – Washington, DC launch of the Center for Social Cohesion,” National Press Club, Washington, DC (June 13)

2010 “Replenished Ethnicity: Mexican Americans, Immigration and Identity,” invited talk at the Mexican Studies Seminar, Katz Center for Mexican Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (April 20)

2010 “Sociology: Bringing the Personal, Taking the Universal,” keynote address to the Loyola-Marymount University chapter of the Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honors Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 13)

2009 “Replenished Ethnicity: Mexican Americans, Immigration and Identity,” address to the World Affairs Council of Sonoma County, Santa Rosa, CA (April 4,)

2009 “California v2.0: Roads to Fundamental Reform,” panelist for forum sponsored by the New America Foundation, Sacramento, CA (June 22)

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2009 “Mexican Immigrant Replenishment and the Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Race,” Chicano/Latino Research Center Speaker Series, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA (May 28)

2009 “Replenished Ethnicity: Mexican Americans, Immigration and Identity,” keynote address to the 36th Annual Western Sociology and Anthropology Departments Undergraduate Research Conference, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA (April 4)

2008 “Does the United States Need an Immigrant Integration Policy,” panel organizer and moderator at Zócalo Public Square Lecture Series, Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, CA (December 10)

2008 “The Replenished: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigration, and the Dynamics of Ethnic Identity,” invited lecture at the Research Institute of Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Faculty Seminar Series, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (November 20)

2008 “From Pluribus to Unum: Immigrant Integration and California’s Future,” invited public talk sponsored by the New America Foundation and the California Research Consortium, Sacramento, CA (July 25)

2008 “From Pluribus to Unum,” invited speaker for the “Roundtable on Race, Immigration and Public Policy,” University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA (May 28)

2008 “Contexts for Bilingualism among US-Born Latinos: 1990 and 2000,” (with April Linton) invited lecture for the Population, Society and Inequality Colloquium Series, Department of Sociology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA (April 29)

2007 “Immigrant Assimilation” address to the San Diego Chapter of the League of Women Voters, San Diego, CA (October 26)

2007 “Immigrant Replenishment and the Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Race: The Case of the Mexican-origin Population,” New Metropolis Initiative Speaker Series lecture at the Institute for the Study of Social Change, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (September 27)

2007 “Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Mexican Immigration: The Mexican American Perspective,” lecture at the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA (February 28)

2007 “Immigrant Rights,” panelist for the San Diego/Imperial Counties American Civil Liberties Union Membership Conference, California Western School of Law, San Diego, CA (February 24)

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2006 “The Practical Realities of Immigration and Immigration Policy,” presentation for an immigration symposium, Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, San Diego, CA (December 2)

2006 “The Immigration Debate: Is Border Enforcement the Answer?” Distinguished Lecture for the Osher Life-Long Learning Institute, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA (November 2)

2006 “Contexts for Bilingualism among US-Born Latinos: 1990 and 2000,” (with April Linton) invited presentation for the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA (November 1)

2005 “Mexican Immigrant Replenishment and the Ethnic Options of Mexican Americans,” invited lecture at the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA (November 29)

2005 “Latinos in the United States,” consultation for Stone Yamashita and Associates, San Francisco, CA (May 23,)

2005 “Latino Identity,” lecture at the Latino Youth Leadership Conference, American University, Washington, DC (April 9)

2004 History and Destiny: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants and Ethnic Identity,” key-note lecture to the Center for Multicultural Learning, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA (February 20)

2002 Keynote Speaker, Annual Meeting of the Kansas League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Garden City, Kansas (April 8)

COMMENTARY & MEDIA______Editorials 2014 “Asian Americans at the Apex,” in The Chronicle of Higher Education (January 27)

2013 “Mexican American Mobility: Solid evidence suggests that assimilation fears should not hinder immigration reform.” (with Helen B Marrow). A13 in Los Angeles Times (July 2) Also appeared in: Atlanta Journal Constitution (July 7) The Korea Herald (July 7) The Gainesville Times (July 7)

2010 “Legalization Must Be Part of Immigration Reform: A path to citizenship for those already here illegally is crucial.” Los Angeles Times (April 29).

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2010 “We Come From Someplace Else,” Perspective for KQED radio, San Francisco (March 11).

2009 “Commentary: Mexican-Americans Have Deep U.S. Ties,” (October 6)

2009 “Illegal Crossings are Down, but Not Because of Border Fence,” p. in San José Mercury News (July 28).

2009 “Mexican-American Assimilation,” Perspective for KQED radio, San Francisco (March 18).

2009 “N “Needed Now – an Immigrant Policy” p. B9 in San Francisco Chronicle (January 23).

2008 “Changes in Attitudes Toward Race Change Slowly Despite Obama,” p. 14A in The San José Mercury News (December 1).

2008 “Should we continue birthright citizenship? Yes: Ending it won't stop Illegal Immigration,” p. F1 in The San Diego Union-Tribune, (April 13).

2008 “Dust-Up: Immigration ’08.” debate with Mark Krikorian. ( 08,0,3891960.storygallery)

2007 “Immigrants and What’s Good for Society,” (opinion editorial) p. B5 in The San Diego Union-Tribune, December 7.

2007 Jiménez, Tomás R. “An Incomplete ‘Report Card’: Race isn't to blame for the academic struggles of Latinos in the U.S.,” (opinion-editorial) .p A17 in The Los Angeles Times (October 2).

2007 Jiménez, Tomás R. “The Next Americans: Immigrants Don’t Destroy our National Identity, they Renew it,” (opinion-editorial) p. M1&M7 in The Los Angeles Times (May 27). Reprinted in: Goshgarian, Gary (ed.) (2008). The Contemporary Reader, 9th edition, pp. 586- 589. New York: Longman. Goshgarian, Gary (ed.) (2008). The Penguin Reader, pp. 355-359.New York, NY: Longman. Schaefer, Richard T. (ed.) (2010) Racial and Ethnic Groups 12th edition, pp. 104-05. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

2005 Jiménez, Tomás R. “Immigration Reform and the Latino Vote,” (opinion-

11 Tomás R. Jiménez Curriculum Vitae

editorial) p. B7 in The San Diego Union-Tribune (November 4).

Selected Media Appearances 2014 “Is US Immigration the Latest Humanitarian Crisis?” guest Panelist on KCRW (Los Angeles) Radio’s To the Point (June 24)

2012 “Census Changes Proposed,” guest panelist on KQED (San Francisco) Radio’s Forum (August 14)

2010 “Loyal Ties Questioned Amid Mexico Drug War,” interview on National Public Radio’s Tell Me More (March 2)

2009 “Are We Too Obsessed with Immigration Policy?” interview with WTOP Radio, Washington, DC (January 25)

2008 “Many Illegal Immigrants Leave US,” invited commentary for ABC-7 San Francisco Evening News (November 21)

2008 “As U.S. Economy Slows, So Do Border Crossings,” invited commentary for The NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams (June 24)

2008 “Immigration Economics,” invited commentary for Lou Dobbs Tonight, CNN television, (March 21)

2008 “America’s Racial Divide” invited guest on Talk of San Diego with Bob Kittle, Internet radio, a division of the San Diego Union-Tribune, San Diego, CA (March 20)

2008 “Mexican Americans, Assimilations, and Race,” invited guest on The Patt Morrison Show, KPCC Public Radio, Los Angeles, CA (March 18)

2008 “Immigration,” featured guest on Op-Ed Talk with Bernie Jones, Internet Radio, a division of the San Diego Union Tribune, San Diego, CA (January 15)

2006 “Student walkouts hark back to the Chicano Movement,” guest on These Days with Tom Fudge, KPBS Public Radio, San Diego, CA (April 13)

Quoted In: Arizona Republic, Asahi Shimbun (Japan), Associated Press, BBC International, Christian Science Monitor, National Journal, Hanover Evening Sun, Houston Chronicle, Las Vegas Sun, Los Angeles Times, Riverside Press Enterprise, San Diego Union-Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, San José Mercury News, Seattle Times, Der Zeit,, The Guardian, , The Stanford Daily, TIME Magazine, Tucson Citizen, USA Today, The Washington Post, KTRH radio (Houston)

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TEACHING & ADVISING______Stanford University, Department of Sociology Teaching: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Chicanos in American Society (lecture course); Immigration and the Changing United States (lecture course); Sociology of Immigration (graduate seminar); Immigration and Assimilation (graduate seminar); Writing in the Major (undergraduate seminar); Qualitative Methods (graduate lecture); Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity; Introduction to Sociology; Alternative Spring Break – Immigration and the Border (faculty advisor)

Dissertation Committees (current): Lorena Castro, Sociology (chair); Koji Chávez, Sociology; Priya Fielding-Singh, Sociology (chair); Rachel Gong, Sociology; Adam Horowitz, Sociology (co-chair); Cristina Lash, Education (co-chair); Anna Lunn, Sociology; Devon Magliozzi, Sociology (chair); Krishna Murali, Modern Thought and Literature (co-chair); Juan Pedroza, Sociology (chair); Patricia Seo, Sociology (chair); Jeff Sheng, Sociology

Dissertation Committees (completed): Swethaa Ballakrishnen, Sociology; Brooke Conroy Bass, Sociology; Brian Holzman, Education; Tristan Ivory, Sociology (co-chair); Sookyung Kim, Sociology; Krystale Littlejohn, Sociology; Laura López-Sanders, Sociology; Maribel Santiago, Education; Marcela Muñiz, Education; Kelley Richter, History; Katherine Rodela, Education; Ariela Schachter, Sociology (chair); Emily Ryo, Sociology; Ilana Umansky, Education

University of California, San Diego, Department of Sociology Teaching: Chicanos in American Society (graduate seminar); Chicanos in American Society (lecture course); Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity (lecture course)

Dissertation Committees (completed): Katherine Marker, Sociology; Karmen Suen, Economics

RESEARCH AFFILIATIONS______2008 - Core Faculty Affiliate, Center for Comparative Studies of Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University

2008- Faculty Affiliate, Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University

2005-08 Faculty Affiliate, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego

2005-08 Faculty Affiliate, Center for Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, University of California, San Diego

2002-03 Graduate Student Associate, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University

1999-2005 Graduate Student Associate, Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy, Harvard

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University Kennedy School of Government

ACADEMIC SERVICE & PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES______Reviewer: American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, American Journal of Political Science, Stanford University Press, Yale University Press, Oxford University Press, Contexts, Social Problems, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Social Science Quarterly, Social Science Research, Social Science History, Political Research Quarterly, Du Bois Review, Sociological Quarterly, Sociological Perspectives, Poetics, Qualitative Sociology, Sociological Theory, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Diversities Prentice Hall, Law and Social Inquiry, National Science Foundation, Russell Sage Foundation, Urban Studies

2016- Editorial Board Member, American Sociological Association Rose Series in Sociology

2014- Committee Member, Committee on Awards, American Sociological Association

2011-2014 Member, Minority Affairs Advisory Panel of the American Sociological Association

2011- Advisory Council Member for America Abroad Media’s special radio series, “Integration and Identity in the West”

2010-2013 Member of the Cultural Contact and Immigration Working Group, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY

2009-12 Council Member, International Migration Section of the American Sociological Association

2005-08 Steering Committee, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego

2000-06 Trustee, Santa Clara University

2000-04 Resident Tutor, Lowell House, Harvard University

2000-01 Graduate Student Representative on Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Sociology, Harvard University

1999-00 Graduate Student Representative to Committee on Higher Degree, Department of Sociology, Harvard University