Index to the Journal of Arizona History, F Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 NOTE: the index includes two citation formats. The format for Volumes 1-5 is: volume (issue): page number(s) The format for Volumes 6 -54 is: volume: page number(s) F Faber, Jerdie (Indian school teacher) 6:131 Fabila, Alfonso, cited 8:131 “The Fabulous Sierra Bonita,” by Earle R. Forrest 6:132-146 “The Face of Early Phoenix,” compiled by A. Tracy Row 13:109-122 Faces of the Borderlands, reviewed 18:234-35 Facts About the Papago Indian Reservation and the Papago People, reviewed 13:295-97 Fagan, Mike, of Harshaw 6:33 Fagen, Ken, photo of 50:218 Fagerberg, Dixon, Jr., book by, reviewed 24:207-8 Fagerberg, John E. 39:163 Fages, Pedro 13:124, 126-29; 44:50, 51, 71 n. 28 biography of 9:223-44 cited 7:62 diary of 9:225-44 diary of, listed 27:145 1 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, F Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 Fahlen, F. T. 14:55-56 Fahlman, Betsy, book by, reviewed 44:95-96; 51:381-83 book reviewed by 42:239-41; 47:316-17; 51:185-86 books reviewed by 49:293-94 Fain, Granville (Dan) 19:261-62, 264, 271 Fain, Norman W. 19:264, 266; 43:364, 366 Fair, Captain (at Santa Cruz in 1849) 28:108 Fair, James G. 34:139-40 Fair Laughs the Morn, by Genevieve Gray, reviewed 36:105 Fair Price Commission 46:158 Fair, (senator of Nevada) IV(1)37 Fair Truckle (horse) 47:17 Fairbank, Arizona 7:9; 8:164, 166, 168; 37:7, 24 n.