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[email protected] Bank once controlled WWIILKES-BARRE -- Hopinngg to save money, Luzerne County by Louis DeNaples officials have decided to post- pone performing a forensic au- BByy TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER mmiilllliioonnlloossssttoo aa dit of attorney Angela Stevens’’
[email protected] $$4444..33 mmiilllliioonn bills until they review a sepa- SCRANTON – A Scranton law lloossss.. rate independent audit Stevens firm has announced it intends to It wwaas alalssoo commissionedd ooff her work. ffiilleeaa lawsuititaaggaaiinstFirstNational foforcrceedd ttoo rere-- Contrroolllleerr WWaalltteer Griffiitthh CommunityBank ininDunmore,al- state earninnggss ssaaiidd hhee mmeett lleeggiinnggaa lloossss ofmorethan$50 mmiill-- ffrroomm tthhee ffiirrstst wwiitthh sseevveerarall lliioonn inin sshhaarerehhoolldervalueover tthhee DeNaples two quarters of ccoouunnttyy ofoffifi-- ppaasstt ffoouurr yyeeaarsrs.. 2200110,which tthhee cials TTuueesday JJoosseepphh Solfanelli, an aattttoorney bank initially said showed a $$22 and they con- wwiitth OO’’MMaalllleeyy && LaLannggaann, ssaaiidd million profit. In reality it lost $6 ccuurrrreed tthhee TTuueessddaayy thelawsuitwill bbee bbaasseedd mmiilllliioonn,, Solfaneelllliissaaiidd.. county should oonn aalllleeggations the bank, which NNeeiittherDeNaplesnor bankoffi- wwaiait ttoo sseeee wasonce ccoonnttrroolllleedd bbyy llooccalal bbuussi-i- cials could be reached for com- Stevens what Stevens’ nessmagnateLouisDeNapless,,eenn-- ment Tuesday.y.