Abancay Revolt, 169–70 Abc Countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile), 4; In
index Abancay revolt, 169–70 Africa: Ross’s research on, 188. See also abc countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile), Scramble for Africa 4; in Haring’s historical research, 108, African South Americans, Ross’s racial 126–27, 131–33, 223–25; institutional and generalizations concerning, 193–95 social change in, 67; mediation by, 230–32; Agassiz, Louis, 266n36 Rowe’s discussion of, 59, 136–37, 155–56, agricultural frontiers, 181–82 158; U.S. informal empire and, 212, 216–17. agricultural production: Bowman’s analy sis See also specific countries of, 171–73, 282n10, 284n38; Ross’s research Abdelkader, Emir, 109 on, 196–99 absentee landowners, Ross’s research on, alcohol de pen den cy: debt peonage and 196–99 slavery and, 172–77; Ross’s observations academic freedom, Ross’s research on, 46–47 concerning, 196–97 academic knowledge: cultural engagement Alessandri, Arturo, 122 in South Amer i ca and demand for, 23–24; Alfaro, Ricardo J., 118 evolution of Latin American studies and, Altamira, Rafael, 285n17 33–35; expansionism and, 30–33; Ross’s alterity, imperiality of knowledge and, contributions to sociology and, 187–89, 56–57 205–10; Spanish American universities and, Alvarez Calderón, Alfredo, 121 252–54; U.S. foreign policy and, 28–30 Amazon basin: Bowman’s research in, 44, academic prestige: for Hispanic American 71–72, 162–64, 183; labor exploitation and history, 120–21; imperial visibility and, slavery in, 173–77; limits of colonization 105–33, 252–54 in, 170–73 Acad emy of Hispanic American History, 121 Amer i ca Hispana (Frank), 119 Across South Amer i ca (Bingham), 41, 85 American Acad emy of Po liti cal and Social Act of Chapultepec, 227 Science, 31, 135, 149–50 Adams, Henry Car ter, 280n36 American College of Quito, 21, 265n20 advertising, 80–83, 99, 113–14, 144, 179, 192, American Council of Learned Socie ties, 225, 248, 256, 265n27 Committee on Latin American Studies, 107 Aeronautical Chart Ser vice of the U.S.
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