Monthly Record of Currenteducational Publications
MONTHLY RECORDOF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS COMPILED BY THE LIBRARY DIVISIONOF THE BUREAU OF EDUCATION, UNDER THEDIREC- TION OF JOHN D. WOLCOTT, ACTINGLIBRARIAN MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENTEDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. Recent publications of specialinterest may be mentionedas follows: Sutton, Problems in modern education;Stevens; Guide to the MdntesSori method; Betts, New ideals in ruralschools; Coffman, .lability of teaching population; Felin ley, Newnormal school move- ment: Sanders, Professional work in State normal schools;Carnegie foundation, Seventh annual report; Oaten,University control; Woodbridge, Present status of degree of Ph. D.; Strayer,Educational administration; Gray, Variations in grade ofhigh-school pupils; Bancroft; Posture of school children; Monroe, Human interrelation- ship and education; Ward, Socialcenter; Dewey,. Industrial educa- tion and democracy. The committee on school inquiry t' theboard of estimate and. apportionment of the city of Ner Yon( has recentlyissued the fol- lowing reports: Part,11, Subdivision I.Elementary schools.Section F. Problems in elementary 14411001 organization and administration.1. Intermediate schools.By Frank P. Bachman.v, 43 p. fart11, Subdivision III.High schools.Section A."Courres" (programs) of study, except commercial courses.By Calvin 0. Davis.xii, 76 p. Of the publications listed in this bulletin, onlythose named in the section headed ."Bureau of Education: Recentpublications" are available for free distribution by this office.All others may' ordi- narily be obtained from their respective publishers,either directly or through a dealer, or in the case ofan association publication, from the secretary of the issuing organization. A directory of the periodicals indexed in thefollowing pages may be found at the end of this bultetin.. Books, pamphlets, etc., intended for inclusion inthis record should be sent to the library of the Bureau of Education,Washington, D.
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