1917. Congressional Record~En Ate
1917. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD~EN ATE. First Lieut. Clark Kittrell, Corps of Engineen, vice Capt. CONFffiMATIONS. Robert S. Thomas, promoted. · · ·. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate July 20 (legi8· First Lieut. Samuel R. II'win, Corps of Engineers, vice Capt. lati,;e day of July 18), 1917. I Roger G. Powell, promoted. CONSULAR SERVICE. First Lieut. Henry Hutchings, jr., Corps of Engineers, vice Capt. John N. Hodges, promoted. Maxwell Blake to be agent and consul general at Tangier, Morocco. APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY. CUSTOMS SERVICE. MEDICAL CORPS. James F. C. Griggs to be collector of custom for customs To be first lieutenants, to fill original vacancies. collection district No. 18, with headquarters at Tampa, Fin. First Lieut. Frank C. Griffis, Medical Reserve Corps, to raii'k REGISTER OF LAND OFFicE: from July 14, 1917. Francisco Delgado to be register of the land office at Santa First Lieut. Frederick B. Mills, Medical Reserve Corps, to Fe, N.Mex. rank from July 15, 1917. POSTMASTER.. First Lieut. Henry C. Bierbower, Medical Reserve Corps. to rank !rom July 16, 1917. MINNESOTA. First Lieut. Val E. Miltenberger, Medical Reserve Corps, to Robert K. Brough, Alexandria. rank from July 17, 1917. First Lieut. Edgar F. Haines, Medical Reserve Corps, to rank WITHDRAWALS. from July 18, 1917. Executi,;e nominat·ions 1oithdrawn July 20 (legislative day of APPOINT::ME..~T, BY TRANSFER, IN THE ARMY-. July 18), 1911. FIELD ARTILLERY ARM. Lieut. Col Francis C. Marshall, Cavah·y, to be colonel. First Lieut. Ray W. Barker, Cavalry, detached officers' list, to Maj. Benjamin B. Hyer, Cavalry, to be lieutenant colonel.
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