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JOHN PROFUMO IS-R, GREAT BRITAIN �£ �@P*¢E@ �Ér M! = Q r J .3-*--- 6 [,9 Li LA- &#39;m.l.&#39;rIIl mutton. cmn:u:nnn,:oun0|&#39;una as-aauu . _,,...Z<-él _ J &#39;. _ I Q -:1:-I A J &#39;&#39; 1 &#39;"" , , . ,. ;92 I Q ..-I D U svmu rnu camm no momma: xmmmmu nu iii; .:__ _ - W &#39;l° 1mR"" mm taxman nsuma mmnumm to aumu. -1- 1» V &#39; M.&#39;a&#39; ._.&#39;. sum um BY u11..@ ¢~_! -.. 1- vi 4 ._; .-;.-»"..&#39; _ /- _,1 3-- I . ,7__V_._ NR. ij 514-3.2?" H 7? -:3 , .92 ENC. L12-,1 *=&#39;~.1..:-_ -a-=_-1 .._,. -_=&#39;-P:,__- ..~_,,_H. _;-_...._~ -92-v-.. CK. rff"&#39;J%=_ LTY EL BY--_______________,_____. n S Q -- Qf&#39;" &#39; ».<..__ "&#39;| &#39; 7 92 I -¢~ . LL; ornouuMo. rolu lo UNITED STATESGOVERNMENT E251:-r O ii- ._.._ T0Memorandum : W.SULLIV C. ;??§1;&#39;;&#39;;,::::;::;%m2z=.?<»>a 20a 1963 = rnou = n. J. BRENNAN/EATFNPFcussurren A o mg , 7", hi "Y, at n n-in 18 Q FCIM ll,2{"""" &#39;i"" 3-» sunjscrz CHRI$T DLLLaSaIF92bN" / __9 J -Q 1- INTERNALssconrrr - RUSSIA GREATB ITAIN P! -1114 36/Q3 Q g1.. .1. -3-4;. Reference is made to Bureau m . .7-&#39;;?§ cover ng i t 0?he results of an interview 92_ .. i.~:1 disseminated to Central Intelligence , . _,_:,-2-34&#39; "-£;£&#39;l!_" that on one occasion when discussing stated around §ggggQgg*_192, he had also mad somem 1 Sean Sweenezl aniagent of CI§_ " an _ Ii &#39; On June 20, 1963 La-*9-. n _.. 0 record of any individual urther indicated that a check of a ised that CIA has working for CIA H s and directories has failed! ndividual by that name :? -Si j,; J!! with sed that CIA has never had any contact _~ .v,3,, pointed as redicated u o . 1 .-_ f l. 7 iv-.,fJ - . 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O -i-ii Memorandum ::n:..._._ /1 _ _ ~. .:1C3i&#39;f=/7 §§&#39;£&#39;§L.____ ?_% .1 / T0 H. C . Sullivan &#39;-J;-*1 nxrn: 6-24-63 <=¢=- _ ---,- 0-| FROM I F. J. Baumgardne £5 2.3.. .. I: 3U3JEc:r: C TINE KEELER Belmont " J§§§§PROFUHD Hbhr Q I IS - R - GREAT BRITAIN DeLoach 4 J 1 a .~.i--- Pk - &#39;* AV Sullivan .. p_ __-"&#39;"&#39; Branigan ;"es OSI, telephonically contacted week-end SUROPVISOPJ . Dono ue at 5:30Stewart P.M.6-23-63 andadvise that ins ec1:or"-&#39;uei, in cennection with a briefing for Liaison Donohue ..._ _. General garroll o 6-24-63 requesteda name search onHarry Alan .f*~" Towers and Faria* ovotny. Towers and Novotny were"arrested§ .*§5, was %*Xhe"New chargedYorETTt;%Police with maintaining a disorderly in houseMarch,1261, while Novotny DepartmentTowers and - t y&#39;Journalwas chargedAmericanwith soliciting- two_sensationa1 for Theis Newattemiiizingork articles to link the Towers case with Christine Keeler . ... .. .. !92 . -"- -.-. I1 ., .I"lIQI" CHGOKIHQ !&#39;l1Tl&#39;1 §l1p9I"V1SO1"We U0 DTIBWBPT, 2» .=. é -97 was furnishedthe factsof theTowers arrestang arraignm 1-"- lor v!olation of the "hites &#39; Sla ve Traffic A t and his subsequent g Q as _ jumping_of bond Eu _ ___ by fleeing to rope#was . advised that Towers was last known to he in Gzecos_ova£ia and Hevotny * ;< &#39;-. in England. _-I.-.-| -. I:-=~=&#39;-. é / &#39;1&#39;. At 6:50P.1-1. 0SI,_ called backand saidT15. Hun _._......._ they were p3PtiG11aFly_1H eres ed n the references in the in Jonrnal - American articles to the possible connection of the &#39;:;__$&#39;._. Towers case to United Nations personnel. After checking with ....»5 "ii; Tr. Branigan and you, OSI was advised at 7:30 P.H. that we had mi: nothing to back up the newspaper account. £*.E.I.211T.i REc.% , e 4 -_._. 2.,__ For information. $2, .,92/_ Av251-1!-Lg "71 -"&#39; _g&#39;-"&#39;5&#39;: q H-- V I 9292 ,,_x _.
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