Q r J .3-*--- 6 [,9 Li LA- &#39;m.l.&#39;rIIl mutton. cmn:u:nnn,:oun0|&#39;una as-aauu . _,,...Z<-él _ J &#39;. _ I Q -:1:-I A J &#39;&#39; 1 &#39;"" , , . ,. ;92 I Q ..-I D U svmu rnu camm no momma: xmmmmu nu iii; .:__ _ - W &#39;l° 1mR"" mm taxman nsuma mmnumm to aumu. -1- 1» V &#39; M.&#39;a&#39; ._.&#39;. sum um BY u11..@ ¢~_! -.. 1- vi 4 ._; .-;.-»"..&#39; _ /- _,1 3-- I . ,7__V_._ NR. ij 514-3.2?" H 7? -:3 , .92 ENC. L12-,1 *=&#39;~.1..:-_ -a-=_-1 .._,. -_=&#39;-P:,__- ..~_,,_H. _;-_...._~ -92-v-.. CK. rff"&#39;J%=_ LTY EL BY--_______________,_____. n S Q -- Qf&#39;" &#39; ».<..__ "&#39;| &#39; 7 92 I -¢~ . LL; ornouuMo. rolu lo UNITED STATESGOVERNMENT E251:-r O ii- ._.._ T0Memorandum : W.SULLIV C. ;??§1;&#39;;&#39;;,::::;::;%m2z=.?<»>a 20a 1963 = rnou = n. J. BRENNAN/EATFNPFcussurren A o mg , 7", hi "Y, at n n-in 18 Q FCIM ll,2{"""" &#39;i"" 3-» sunjscrz CHRI$T DLLLaSaIF92bN" / __9 J -Q 1- INTERNALssconrrr - RUSSIA GREATB ITAIN P! -1114 36/Q3 Q g1.. .1. -3-4;. Reference is made to Bureau m . .7-&#39;;?§ cover ng i t 0?he results of an interview 92_ .. i.~:1 disseminated to Central Intelligence , . _,_:,-2-34&#39; "-£;£&#39;l!_" that on one occasion when discussing stated around §ggggQgg*_192, he had also mad somem 1 Sean Sweenezl aniagent of CI§_ " an _ Ii &#39; On June 20, 1963 La-*9-. n _.. 0 record of any individual urther indicated that a check of a ised that CIA has working for CIA H s and directories has failed! ndividual by that name :? -Si j,; J!! with sed that CIA has never had any contact _~ .v,3,, pointed as redicated u o . 1 .-_ f l. 7 iv-.,fJ - . ACTION: mm; M" ég -;_L-.3.. £=~ "1 *=,-,- &#39;For informationc1v1L1: it? -I:-;--:-7--* g /5, -.=:»&#39;.e: , ,& E o# 7*&&#39; I Vbz __ /1 Mr. Belmont Mr. Sullivan out - Qiuqhx I! -J./s/?§ nr. Branigan 1. Mr. Litrento sf Liaison / /I 1 REC.é.~?.......4.&#39;*.I__{../7 74 / C *4 Mr,_P§pich J_ 5.0-I P: gpgx ! i 5 JUN 25 1903 - mu 75% 1 _ 3 fa ff van 9 <- A1114 IIQFOR T"&#39; *<JUN 6was 2 §&#39;§§Tfl.§§,bZi/LHZMumH! F1 -"&#39;_:q-&#39;Q&#39;|. =u1~I11"1~:n s&#39;rA1"ns com..Mr§e4ai"i~1&#39;L§§;¢§?"i=§§,,£&#39;lf¢ZE§;§-1.1 x &#39;n _. seerr :5 lllpll i._...___ Memorandur/P L"1!%.~B.»11..1-1 Mr M-r -. 1 . _..qI;} . WK 1 - MI&#39;.B*LO8.C V/%.e|:.i_ J .- 92. V . Mr Sullivan I-i»"&#39;_..__""&#39;" non : I. son ~?.L&#39;.&#39;;.T: .3-- f SUBJECT : L CBRI INELKEELER ; " ut1womm1oui_ _ IA Bmmmu I .".!2 ~::~*"*" _ __ -.. I Z _: an tr _-.,_ I-1 _,i-if-il&#39;[Ili92TI{.a§ C-e...__ m 1 ll, IS uucmssxriw - HF morn . ta--1:-5n&#39;?.T..&#39;nil-W -~&#39; .. &#39;?!F."»-&#39; an: OABI J1" . K: statement concerning the FBI n-92 I -... _ _ 1 _ -- " in_ ..s _ -. -=-h 4; a. "l -rf Y1 I-v__ E &#39;*&#39;-:?*.= g? B JUN 25 1% a» L i Uh}/¢.2>/1-M L r . b . U & E;L»i RE:MMO FOR R¬::%gTINEM.KEELER; SULLIVAN PRDFUMD JOH =92,,- _ &#39;..~ 1»? ,.|&#39;iiL92-"P; n. .i &#39; »*F ri ACTION: There is no basis in fact for the allegation that the FBI knew about the Profumo matter in 1961 and no further action is 92 .1 . ..fa1&#39;&#39;.- - _ -_. required. vg ._.&#39;--"&#39; " // N! I I J; _ .. w< aai gn &#39;*. / 13/ ;;; .,g> elf . E "ax e a»~ a» ,J- . .~» 2 92r»7 4-750 Rev.4-I7-85! XXXXXX XXXXXX _/_ XXXXXX FEDERAL BIIIIEMI DF IIIVESTIIMTIDI Q FDIFA DELETED PAGE IIIFDBIMTIDII SHEET E] Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the ie. One or more of the following statements, =5...-re indicabed, explainthis deletion. l Cl Deletedexemption under s! /2 ______:_____ withno segregable E material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documents originatedwith another Government agency ies!. These documentswere referredto that agency ies! forreview anddirect responseto you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advisedby the FBI as to the relenszibiiity ofthis information following our consultation with the other ngeneytiesli Cl Pagetsl withheld for the following reason s!: Bil For your information: __y _y The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 65-68213-é Q ii? XXXXXX .~ XXXXXX » ,5:-lr.100 ?! 1 °°°&#39; cuss ""3 " Cd JUII 33, 1963 EXTEEml:;_Li1 &#39;..... n :=.:_As=q. _ ..... -- I&#39;ll-ITIK FE".-1 .. [us-._-.2 ---"son 4. ML H l ~ &#39;2?-2&#39; <0 ,. Ecmsr Ul929292JN""&#39;-qrain J 4.- L » ,1} to uc 2 - tr,uaanwron mm: nu.» """" :1ulcm. namm!I &#39;/~"/ "&#39;% U ja/L, / IIOI DIRECTOR I81 _ 6-88318! A - &#39; &#39;, $51135~ m, . omrn cnn1a&#39;r1u§>un.n, O, 10 1 nu: m. OIHQ»-.115cf. I"-&#39; 14->~ - -. usxrm. to cnxcmo, earns to n, nouns, 1-mm-on mar 1 HI T -Q In 1/ 7 1 11 slmmo roam V mcxcaomm Ill nwann an "f la I """"""7"! on: HAM = 5 U~- .8, INHIBIT »-<=~=»- mo-Ii =- -- mm. mm M- in" Ir. jOHI HINI III ITO, IN LONNR OR $136] OI I&#39;ll-II PRITINBIS IND IKPATBIATID m1Al&#39;l&#39;II. @1WI &#39;IONIO U. I. IN C-Ill OI |.-.&#39;. ._ _ &#39;¢_..-1 41w-&#39; _-=&#39;__ - -92 J"-92 ,,,_ J..--92-1&#39;. -4-7; .:_&#39; :.§.:_r.,&#39; B .- _ ...; 1 &#39;5. 31"; J;-,-, menu um In-rnvxn sumur ~__ HF BISULTB ROIPILY IN IOBI SUITABLI POI. DIBSIIINLTIOIQ TIIQL OI IARD . 3301113 mu; 1&#39;Inrn..g1¢m&#39;g ugh, so SUTEL IMMEDIATELY SUMMARY or INTERVIQI mm no suouw $4-1 P mvxszou, 0. a. nnun-1-usa-2 §&#39;-»1°m»f""¢J- 6 3.11% REC- 14 é, r¢"5;~ . ~ - .@md___._____ , _ _ l. _92f<,.&#39; I953 _i,____|______ &#39;9/£#.,..3"_,: DeLa~:w.-h _i7_ Evans _,_,i__.._ g:L:n_+ Sullivan_--i- [ VIA TELETYPE & I9 JUN 25 .1953 Tuvei l Trotter __.._ 92 f ~= If _____ .92b7&#39;- I Tris. RI-70m .i... Holmes _ik Gcrndy ii-_ @===149L é9é ?.>»/X&#39;7@ I I . .! ag W. Q - 031-nlI&#39;_§_ iv II; II: illlll-B 92 Jfwl utkbg; C;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1>HMnH92mrv.I. masroar mmm lawn amczmlu, mun, F"Wm K Hz K I mnnwvn-L41 W FUFIEII neann. 5 L m use cl-ri iiEz.i:iIi_ er iris i-on xxromnou ui mnxcu Ill! mnua, mnunnnorsnnmwum, xornnxnrmmslmu. I. sax A!~lDIAlnIznt|umu:n1 _ .».q!,_ 42> - -> m-. {:4-,_ , xww :.__x 92,-__ &#39;_ _. .__ _ .» =2 &#39;;¢=Is:" » -&#39;19.-"e:. - $5? &#39;1 a|mZhu|nouuuo.uuwm-:0 GOVERNsures NT ! O -i-ii Memorandum ::n:..._._ /1 _ _ ~. .:1C3i&#39;f=/7 §§&#39;£&#39;§L.____ ?_% .1 / T0 H. C . Sullivan &#39;-J;-*1 nxrn: 6-24-63 <=¢=- _ ---,- 0-| FROM I F. J. Baumgardne £5 2.3.. .. I: 3U3JEc:r: C TINE KEELER Belmont " J§§§§PROFUHD Hbhr Q I IS - R - GREAT BRITAIN DeLoach 4 J 1 a .~.i--- Pk - &#39;* AV Sullivan .. p_ __-"&#39;"&#39; Branigan ;"es OSI, telephonically contacted week-end SUROPVISOPJ . Dono ue at 5:30Stewart P.M.6-23-63 andadvise that ins ec1:or"-&#39;uei, in cennection with a briefing for Liaison Donohue ..._ _. General garroll o 6-24-63 requesteda name search onHarry Alan .f*~" Towers and Faria* ovotny. Towers and Novotny were"arrested§ .*§5, was %*Xhe"New chargedYorETTt;%Police with maintaining a disorderly in houseMarch,1261, while Novotny DepartmentTowers and - t y&#39;Journalwas chargedAmericanwith soliciting- two_sensationa1 for prostitution.in Theis Newattemiiizingork articles to link the Towers case with Christine Keeler . ... .. .. !92 . -"- -.-. I1 ., .I"lIQI" CHGOKIHQ !&#39;l1Tl&#39;1 §l1p9I"V1SO1"We U0 DTIBWBPT, 2» .=. é -97 was furnishedthe factsof theTowers arrestang arraignm 1-"- lor v!olation of the "hites &#39; Sla ve Traffic A t and his subsequent g Q as _ jumping_of bond Eu _ ___ by fleeing to rope#was . advised that Towers was last known to he in Gzecos_ova£ia and Hevotny * ;< &#39;-. in England. _-I.-.-| -. I:-=~=&#39;-. é / &#39;1&#39;. At 6:50P.1-1. 0SI,_ called backand saidT15. Hun _._......._ they were p3PtiG11aFly_1H eres ed n the references in the in Jonrnal - American articles to the possible connection of the &#39;:;__$&#39;._. Towers case to United Nations personnel. After checking with ....»5 "ii; Tr. Branigan and you, OSI was advised at 7:30 P.H. that we had mi: nothing to back up the newspaper account. £*.E.I.211T.i REc.% , e 4 -_._. 2.,__ For information. $2, .,92/_ Av251-1!-Lg "71 -"&#39; _g&#39;-"&#39;5&#39;: q H-- V I 9292 ,,_x _.
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