May 2009

Kilmartin House Museum , PA31 8RQ Tel: 01546 510 278 [email protected] Scottish Charity SC02274

Dunadd Historic Gravestones Group


1. Introduction 1

2. Desk Based Survey Methodology 1

2.1 Previous Work 1

2.2 Other Sources Searched 1

3. Kilmartin Parish Church 2

3.1 Church History 2

3.1.1 A list of Vicars, Rectors and Ministers of Kilmartin 3

3.2. Church Description 6

3.3. Graveyard Description 7

3.3.1 Mausoleum Description 7

3.3.2 Funerary Monuments and other Carved Stones 8 Early Christian 8 Medieval Grave slabs 9 Effigies 15 Tomb-chests 16 16 Post-Reformation 17

4. List of Archive material held by National Monuments Record of 21

5. List of names and places on Liars within the old Section of Kilmartin Churchyard 31

6. References 85

Appendix 1: Gravestone Images

ii 1. Introduction

In January 2009 Kilmartin House Museum conducted a Desk Based Survey (DBA) on the church and graveyard of Kilmartin. The aim of the report was to locate and compile all known information on the church with particular reference to the ‘old’ graveyard. The collated information will to be used as a basis for the survey and recording of the gravestones within the graveyard. The project was undertaken in partnership with the Historic Graveyard Group, Historic Scotland, the and District Council. The project is part of the Dalraida Project which is the major funder.

This report contains printed copies of all information collected during the course of the project.

2. Desk Based Survey Methodology

2.1 Previous Work

The historic graveyard of Kilmartin has aroused the interest of some of the earliest Scottish antiquarians, some of whom made descriptions and drawings following their observations (Graham 1860, Drummond 1877). A survey of many of the medieval grave slabs and some post reformation graves stones was undertaken by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, and their work was included in their Inventory for Argyll (RCHAMS 1992). Many of the stones have also appereared within publications on the early Christain monuments (Fisher) and later medieval graves (Bannerman and Steel). Local historians did some exhaustive work on recording the names and places on the grave stones in the cemetery, and particular mention must go to Alan Begg who recorded inscriptions between 1988 and 1991. The relevant work within these various publications has been incorporated into the text, as has the transcribed survey undertaken by Alan Begg. Several works on the graveyard have periodically appeared within the ‘Kist’ the the journal of the Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Mid Argyll, and contains articles dating back to 1971. All volumes of this were searched for information on Kilmartin church and graveyard.

2.2 Other Sources Searched

The National Monuments Record of Scotland based in and maintained by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, holds plans, photographs and drawings relating to the graveyard and a list of the relevant archive is reproduced below. This archive was visited and examined and where possible items were referenced. This is important as most of the previous surveys have assigned the individual graves a different identification number. The end result is that one individual gravestone or grave slab can have a series of different identification numbers, and not all interested bodies are aware of each others numbers, or indeed, that they exist. Part of the work of this project has been to record any previous numbers assigned to the graves. The importance of being able to determine all numbers is clear in terms of data management and in terms of future site management and research.

This research work is by no means exhaustive and other sources and documents will have to be searched, but it is intended this work will be a sound basis for future research. Of particular relevance to future researchers will be church records with particular reference to the Old Parochail Registers of Scotland. The General Register Office for Scotland holds the following for Kilmartin: Births 1747-1819, Marriages 1746-1819 (ref: 521/1), Births 1820-1854 and Marriages 1820-1854 (ref: 521/2).

1 3. Kilmartin Parish Church

Map Reference: NR 8344 9885 Church: NMRS Number: NR89NW 85, Historic Building No. 11490, B Listed by Historic Scotland 20/07/1971 Graveyard: NMRS Number: NR89NW 8, Lapidarium Historic Building No. 11491, B Listed by Historic Scotland 20/07/1971

3.1 Church History

The church occupies a spur projecting from the gravel terrace on the E side of , overlooking several of the burial- in the valley, and 300m SSW of Kilmartin Castle. The former manse, built in 1789 and subsequently much altered and now Kilmartin House Museum, stands immediately to the NW, with the glebe in the valley to the W. No evidence of the early church can be seen, but the presence of three early Christian garve markers in the churchyard (Nos 1-3 below), suggest an ecclesiastical structure before the 9 th century AD. The free standing cross (No. 4 below), probably dating to the 10 th century AD, is another indication of the presence of an early structure.

The church serves a parish extending some 20km from Loch Crinan along the E shore of Loch Craignish to the head of Gleann Domhain, and whose N part is bounded for 7km by the NW shore of Loch Awe. This area seems to correspond with the barony of Ardskeodnish, held from the late 13th century by the Campbells of Lochawe, and an agreement referring to the advowson of the church was made between two members of the family in 1323, while the patronage remained in their hands in the post-Reformation period. The names of individual parsons and vicars are recorded from 1361 and 1304 respectively, and some of them were members of the Campbell family. The parsonage was also a prebend of the cathedral church of Argyll from 1443 or earlier. In the almost total absence of inscriptions on monuments of the Loch Awe school, the social context of the remarkable collection of grave slabs is uncertain, but it was recorded that Sir Collin Campbell of Glenorchy was ‘honorablie bureit in the Kirk of Kilmertyne’ in l480. The chapel of Kilmahumaig with its attached lands was included in the parish until 1651, and the teinds of the chapel of ‘Kilbryde at Lochgersyde’ were held by the minister in 1617, while a detached block of land lying E of Loch Gair and Loch Glashan, adjoining Kilbride, appears also to have been part of Kilmartin parish until 1651. A chaplainry at the Lady altar in the parish church itself was endowed with lands and these, together with the church’s own property, were secularised in the late 16th century, forming the nucleus of the later Kilmartin estate.

In 1793 it was stated that: ‘The church was built in the year 1601. The walls are strong, but the plan is incommodious. It is a long narrow stripe, and has had no reparation or improvement since it was built, except giving it a new roof. The pulpit ... is an old Gothic structure of stones and lime, about 7 feet (2.lm) from the level of the floor, and is coeval with the church’. No more is known of this building, which was probably an alteration of the medieval church rather than a completely new one, but it dated from the period when Mr Neil Campbell, minister of Kilmartin, was also bishop of Argyll (infra). However, surviving documents indicate the pressure for space in the churchyard, where many medieval monuments remained in use. In 1677 Neil Campbell, sometime of Kilmartin, sold to his namesake, now of Duntrune, ‘the two lairs belonging to me and my predicessors quich lyes at the uper end of the ould kirk ... with ane lech s: one chist (low stone (tomb-) chest)’.

In 1731 there was a court-case between Donald MacCallum (Malcolm) of Poltalloch and Alexander MacIsaac, miller at Slockavullin, over the ownership of ‘through-stanes’ (recumbent grave-slabs), and in 1767 Alexander Malcolm sued the same MacIsaac, who was ordered to remove inscriptions added by him to several medieval grave-slabs. Similar inscribed family names of 18th- and early 19th-century date are common on many of the slabs described below.

2 An estimate of £331 for rebuilding the church was submitted in 1798 by Dugald Mclsaac, a local builder, and George Malcolm, brother of the principal heritor, undertook to supervise it, but the work was still incomplete in March 1801. However, Neil Malcolm was invited to give instructions for the erecting of a family pew shortly thereafter. Several plans for a new building were submitted in 1833, and that selected was by J G Davis, to contain 550 sittings at an estimated cost of £900. Neil Malcolm of Poltalloch offered to pay for the tower, estimated to cost a further £200, on condition that he had exclusive use of the seats in the tower, but the final cost of the building, which was opened in 1835, exceeded £1300. The alteration of the interior, first proposed in 1896, was begun three years later to plans by James Edgar, ‘architect’, clerk of works on the Poltalloch estate, and completed in 1900 at a cost of £758.’ The charge was united with that of Kilmichael Glassary in 1982 (RCHAMS 1992)

3.1.1 A list of Vicars, Rectors and Ministers of Kilmartin

1414 JOHN CAMPBELL ‘In 1414 Sir John Campbell, the brother of Sir Duncan Campbell Lord of Lochow, was rector of the Church of St Martin’ (Argyle Charters)

1498 GILBERT M’KINCAIRDAY ‘In 1498, Gilbert M’ Kincairdy was vicar of Kilmartin. In 1508, John Campbell was rector. Gilbert Duncanson in 1510.

1541 NEIL CAMPBELL In 1541, the vicar of Kilmartin was Master Neil Campbell, who is styled Dean of Lochow. In 1547 and 1550 he was rector of Kilmartin.

1546 GILBERT MAKECHALLUM In 1546 master Gilbert Makechallum (or Malcolmson apparently rector at Craignish) officiated as Chaplian in the parish of St Martin in Ardscodnish.

1553 JOHN CARSWELL, M.A .; 1553 to 1565 he was the rector of Kilmartin, formerly treasurer to the diocese. He became Bishop of the Isles.

1572 DONALD CARSWELL , M.A.; mentioned as rector in 1572, when he resigned that office to the patron, Archibald, Earl of Argyll; he was vicar on 14th Nov. 1581; he resigned and was summoned as parson to underlie the law for art and part in the slaughter of John Gray, servitor to the deceased John Carswell, Bishop of the Isles, 18th June 1583. The rectory passed into the hands of Archibald earl of Argyle, the patron.

1574 NEIL CAMPBELL , son of Alexander C. McPherson of the Carnassarie family, was parson here and chantor of the in 1574 ; was a member of Assembly in 1591, and appointed one of the assessors of the Moderator; became Bishop of Argyll in 1606, but resigned that office in 1608 in favour of his son. He continued in this charge, and was a member of Assembly 8th June 1610. In 1617 he let on lease to Archibald Campbell of Kilmorie the teinds of three-fourths of the parsonage and vicarage of Kilbride, at Lochgairside. He died in 1627. He married Christian Carswell, probably daughter of John, Bishop of the Isles, and had issue- John, Bishop of Argyll; Neil, Bishop of the Isles; Alexander, served heir to his father in the lands of Aucheynd in 1627; Donald, his successor in the parish; a daughter (married Donald M Callum of Poltalloch).


Mausoleum to him and his wife in Kilmartin churchyard


1628 DONALD CAMPBELL , born about 1590 son of Preceding; educated at University of ; M.A. (1617); was minister here when the teinds were valued 16th and 17th Aug. 1629, and still in office 9th Oct. 1652. He married (cont. 25th Oct. 1617) Margaret, daughter of Duncan Campbell of Carrick, and had issue- John, who had sasine of Auchenedan 24th May 1648; Archibald; Neil; a daughter (married before May 1654, John Campbell of Ardnellan).

1655 JOHN DUNCANSON , M.A.; admitted before 31st Dec. 1655; deprived by Act of Parliament 11th June, and Decreet of Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662; afterwards minister of Kilbrandon and Kilchattan.

1669 WILLIAM MACLACHLAN, M.A. (5th July 1666); passed trials before Presbytery of Lorn, and was recommended for licence 30th Sept. 1668; presigned by Charles II. before 10th March, and had a certificate for ordination from Presbytery of 20th April 1669, and ordained soon after; presigned also by Archibald, Earl of Argyll, in 1670, and again by the King on the forfeiture of the said Earl 1st Aug. 1682, but deserted his charge, and was deprived by the Privy Council, yet claimed the stipend for crop and year 1689; went to after 15th Aug. 1690, where he died, and was buried at Kilmartin. He married Grizel M Gilchrist, and had issue Helen, married (cont. June 1684) Archibald Campbell of Auchinellan. -

Buried in Kilmartin graveyard


‘Mr William MacLachlan, rector of Kilmartin, desires that his mortal remains, and those of his wife Grisel MacGilchrist and their children, should lie in this resting- place as spoils of Death, 1686’.

A dressed lintel bearing the initials ‘W M ML’ and the date ‘1686’ lies in the grounds of the former manse now Kilmartin House Museum. This was possibly originally from the nearby gate- way into the adjoining graveyard as the gateway has dressed surrounds below the rough stonework of the present lintel.

1690 J)U(JALI) CAMPBELL , brother of Neil C. of Ardlarach; educated at University of Glasgow; called in 1689; ordained 9th Jan. 1690; a member of Assembly in 1690 and 1693; died Aug. 1721. Fragments of notes in Latin made by him when a student of natural philosophy were extant in 1818.

1724 DUNCAN CAMPBELL , brother of Campbell of Llaschoilly, and of Neil C., minister of and Jura; licensed by Presbytrey of Edinburgh 10th Aug. 1709 ; ordained to Kilchrenan and Dalavich 18th April 1710; called 22nd July 1723; transferred and admitted 16th June 1724; died 28th Sept. 1736. During his ministry at Kilchrenan he had no proper residence and suffered much from "calculous affections". He married Nov. 1712, Henrietta (died 20th Dec. 1762), eldest

4 daughter of Dugald Campbell, minister of Lismore, and had issue three children, who all died in infancy. His widow married (2) James Buchanan of Glenoe. He left 1000 merks to the poor of the parish, and it is re corded of him that he took charge of the education of the nephews of his late brother, the laird of Llaschoilly, as well as the education of the children of his brother Neil.

1738 ARCHIBALD LAMBIE , educated at University of Glasgow (where his name appears as a student of the third class in 1725); declined a call to Torosay 18th April 1733; spent some time abroad; presigned by John, and Greenwich, April 1737; ordained 12th July 1738; was Clerk of Presbytery; died 18th June 1767. On 6th April 1763 he intimated his demission of the office of Clerk, "on account of a series of ill-usages, as he could not hold it without pain, being exposed to insults and opprobrious language at every meeting. He arranged with care and revised and engrossed all the minutes of the Presbytery "that had been scattered in loose papers for twenty years." He married (1) 18th July 1714, Isobel (died 5th Feb. 1752), daughter of Archibald Campbell of Ormaig, and had issue Archibald, born 20th Nov. 1745, died young; Betty, born 16th Dec. 1746, died 26th April 1751; William, born 15th Aug., and died 22nd Aug. 1748 : Florence, born 4th Sept. 1749, died young : (2) 20th Aug. 1752, Catherine M Lachlan, who died 20th June 1754: (3) 26th Feb. 1755, Marion (died llth March 1792), daughter of Hugh Campbell of Cruachan, and had issue Alexander, born 23rd Oct. 1756; Neil (twin), born 23rd Oct. 1756; William, born 28th Dec. 1758, a student at Glasgow University in 1771, died in Jamaica, 29th July 1794; Jean, born 14th Oct. 1760; Mary, born 20th May 1762.

His headstone is in Kilmartin graveyard

1768 HUGH CAMPBELL , born 1734, eldest son of Eneas C. of Eileanrie, Kilmartin; educated at University of Glasgow; licensed by Presbytery of Inveraray 10th June 1760; presigned by Dugald M Tavish of Dunardary, and ordained to South 23rd Sept. 1762; transferred and admitted 9th Aug. 1768; died 1st Feb. 1803. He married 8th Feb. 1774, Mary (died 27th Feb. 1810), daughter of Dugald Campbell of Kilmartin, and had issue Margaret, baptised 29th Dec. 1776; Jean, baptised 22nd Nov. 1777, died 28th Sept. 1808; Dugald of Eileanrie, captain in merchant service, baptised 12th May 1 779 ; Katherine, baptised 28th July 1781; Mary, baptised 30th Oct. 1784. Publication Account of the Parish.

1771 HUGH DEWAR , born Perthshire,; educated at ; presigned by John, Duke of Argyll, 19th March 1803; ordained 17th April 1804: died 19th April 1836. He married Sept. 1804, Mary (died 25th Dec. 1846), daughter of Dugald Campbell of Ardlarach, and had issue James, minister of Oa ; Duncan of Hopewell and St John’s, Jamaica; Janet Gillespie.

1836 DONALD MACCALMAN , presigned by George William, Duke of Argyll, and ordained 28th Sept. 1836 ; transferred to Ardchattan 25th April 1844.

1844 DONALD JACKSON , born Argyllshire, 1812, second son of Hugh J.; educated at University of Glasgow; licensed by Presbytery of Inveraray; ordained to Lochgilphead 29th July 1843; transferred and adimmited 30th Aug. 1844; died 18th Nov. 1873. He married 25th March 1847, Campbell (died 14th April 1896), eldest daughter of John Lament, writer, Greenock, and had issue Mary Jessie (married John Darroch, minister of Portree); a daughter, died young.

1874 JOHN DEWAR, born Perthshire, son of John D. and Christian Haggart; educated at University of Edinburgh ; M.A. (1870), B.D. (1873); licensed by Presbytery of Auchterarder; assistant at St Columba’s Parish, Glasgow; presigned by George Douglas, Duke of Argyll; ordained 8th July 1874; resigned 8th Dec. 1904; died in Perth, 22nd Jan. 1919, and was buried at Kilmartin. He

5 married 7th Aug. 1878, Margaret (died s.p.), youngest daughter of Donald Andrew, Campbeltown.

1905 NEIL MACLELLAN , ordained 25th April 1905; transferred to Kilarrow 12th May 1910.

1910 GILLESPIE CAMPBELL , transferred from Kilchoman, and admitted 15th Oct. 1910; transferred to Glenaray 6th June 1912.

1912 HECTOR CAMERON , born , Argyllshire, 15th May 1880, son of Hector C., farmer, and Ann Maclean; educated at High School and University of Glasgow; licensed by Presbytery of Glasgow 9th May 1906; assistant at St Columba’s, Glasgow; ordained to Cumlodden 22nd Nov. 1907; transferred and admitted 14th Nov. 1912. Married. 6th June 1916, Edith Agnes, daughter of Alexander Ross and Isabella Ross, and had issue Hector Alexander, born 30th Jan. 1917; Alastair Ross, born 27th July 1918.

3.2 Church Description

The present church, which stands in the N part of the churchyard and probably occupies the position of the earlier ones, was built in 1834-5 to the designs of Joseph Gordon Davis (the architect who had been employed at Kilmory Castle (No. 169) and elsewhere in the area. Its immediate predecessor was a modest structure built as recently as 1798, which appears on the 1825 estate-map as a square with small extensions, probably porches or stairs against the E and W walls. The only surviving relic of this building is a schist slab lying in the churchyard, inscribed in small letters ‘Kilmartin Ch(urch) Built’, with the large date ‘1798’ surrounded by incised scrolls.

The church is an aisled rectangle, l9m from E to W by 12m over all, with a projecting W tower measuring 5.8m by 7m, and is built of coursed rubble with dressings of schist ashlar and yellow sandstone. The openings throughout have four-centred arches with moulded hoods and diamond-leaded window-panes; the four windows in each aisle are single lights, while those of the clerestory are of two lights with quatrefoils in the spandrels. The main roof has overhanging eaves but the aisles have low crenellated parapets and stepped eaves, and the E gable is marked by a sandstone moulding with face-masks at the base and a bracket at the apex, supporting the tall crocketed finial of a stepped parapet. The centre bay of the E front contains a tall three-light Perpendicular window, divided by buttresses from the aisles, which have two-leaf doors and small blind lancets above them. The tower has angle-buttresses in the lower half, and windows like those of the clerestory at first-floor and bell- chamber levels, with ground-floor doors to W and N. In theS wall there is a large blank panel with scrolled surround, and a moulded course with foliations and angle-masks marks the base of the crenellated parapet.

In the interior the aisles are marked by four-bay arcades with wide arches carried on thin rectangular columns without bases or capitals. The angles are double-chamfered, and the springings of a third chamfered order in the arch- heads are marked by face-masks copied from medieval models. The arcades originally contained galleries, removed in 1900, which resembled the remaining W gallery, filling the tall plain tower-arch. This belonged to the family of Malcolm of Poltalloch and its timber front, carried on thin metal columns, has a quatrefoil base-course, narrow panels with cusped triangular heads, and a foliated cornice. The original pulpit, of three- decker design, was set under the E window, and a long communion-table occupied the central passage between the pews, but all of these fittings have been replaced. A dais for the communion-table and pulpit has been formed at the E end, enclosed on N and S by timber porches occupying the E bays of the aisles, and the existing timber panelled ceiling also dates from the restoration of 1900. A stone stair gives access to the gallery in the tower, but the upper stages are not accessible. A bell made for the parish minister in 1712 is preserved near Duntrune Castle car park. The bell bears the following legend:


MRO. DUGALLO CAMPBELL: A.S. 1712: PARAECONE CELLAE MARTINI: PAROCHAIE ARDSKIDNISH: R.M. FECIT EDIN. (the R.M. standing for the foundary of Robert Maxwell in Edinburgh). In 1837 it was stated that there was no bell, however in 1839 the old bell was sold for £3.0s.9d with the new bell costing £27.17s.6d. The bell-chamber presumably contains the bell purchased in 1839.

3.3. Graveyard Description

This report will only concern itself with the ‘Old’ graveyard surrounding the parish church at the S, W and E. The ‘New’ graveyard occupies two landscaped terraces lower down the slope to the S. Other more recent burials are also to be found on the N and NW side of the church. The churchyard, which contains one of the largest collections of medieval grave slabs in the West Highlands, is roughly rectangular, as shown on an estate map of 1825, and was extended down the slope to the S in 1883-7. The old churchyard occupies an irregular rectangle measuring between 43m and 52m EW and between 47m and 70m NS. A lime mortared rubble wall surrounds the church yard on the N, E and W sides while a revetted terrace of the new graveyard delineates the S side. There are two entrances into the graveyard, the main gate at the W which is now surmounted by a stepped granite arched war memorial which was erected over the entrance in 1921. The second entrance, at the NW of the churchyard, connects the churchyard to the former manse, now Kilmartin House Museum. The gate surround on the N side is constructed from chamfred ashlared blocks that don’t sit well with the present rubble construction that surmounts the gate. It is possible that the dressed lintel bearing the initials ‘W M ML’ and the date ‘1686’ that now lies in the grounds of the former manse once surmounted the gate (likely William MacLachlan, rector of Kilmartin, see above)

Close to the SW angle of the church, a small stone mausoleum to Bishop Neil Campbell, perhaps in part C 16, but now with a glazed roof, it serves as a lapidarium. Lying in the yard, and placed within the top of a revetment wall at the E of the church is a decorated panel with incised scrolling that records the building of the 1798 church. But it is the wealth of burial stones, one of the largest collections in the West Highlands, which must command attention. Three Early Christian slabs (Nos. 1-3 below) show outlines while a fourth, late C9 or C10, takes the same form as a freestanding cross (now in the church) carved on both sides with plaiting, knotting and diagonal key patterns. — More than eighty tapered slabs and cross fragments, daring from C13 to C16, predominantly the work of Loch Awe school sculptors, are to be found in the churchyard or lapidarium. The ‘Loch Awe school’ is one style of West Highland carving distinguished by the use of a limited repertiore of patterns, many of them bearing a characteristic miniature warrior. One stone has been identified as belonging to the school (No. 83 below) while others fall outside the characteristic West Highland styles (No. 71 and 79 below). Numerous slabs and table-tombs, C17 and C18, exhibit a variety of heraldic devices. Two stones, dated 1707 and 1711, are carved with an unexpectedly primitive naivety, such as that of William MacLachlan, ‘rector of Kilmartin’, his wife, Grisel, and his children. Endearingly unsophisticated: a rubble mural panel framed by rude pilasters anti raised at the top to include an armorial shield mantled by a garland of fruit. Several monuments relate to the family of James Gow d.1855, who was largely responsible for supervising agricultural improvements on the Poltalloch estate from c. 1796. To Gow’s son James 1837, an obelisk with raised disc carved with blasted tree and broken column, the work of Glasgow sculptor Mossman. Distinct differences in height across parts of the graveyard suggest some form of terracing orpossible internal divisions within the burial ground.

3.3.1 Mausoleum Description

A small stone-built enclosure 7m S of the SW angle of the church was roofed by the Ministry of Works in 1956 for use as a lapidarium ( infra ). It measures 5.3m by 3.5m within 0.75m walls, the side-walls being crenellated with projecting coping-slabs, and each containing a slit-window, while the end-walls were originally flat, but with a raised pediment above the W doorway and a

7 flat-topped projection containing the E window, which preserves a glazing-groove. When it was converted to a lapidarium the inner parts of the side-walls were heightened and gables were formed to carry a glass roof, but it may originally have been open. The door and windows have round-arrised schist dressings which may be of 17th-century date, but the wall-head was probably rebuilt in the late 18th or 19th century. Above the W door there is a schist panel with a relief inscription within a roughly-sunk frame, incomplete at the right and probably originally a grave slab:


Neil Campbell, minister of Kilmartin from 1574 to 1627 and bishop of Argyll from 1580 to 1608, married Christian, daughter of Bishop John Carswell (see No. 115), and two of their sons became respectively bishops of Argyll and of the Isles, while a third succeeded his father as minister of Kilmartin. His descendants held the Kilmartin estate until about 1674 (see No. 134) and thereafter that of Auchinellan, and in 1844 it was noted that they retained ‘the ancient Caibeal or burial-place of the rectors in the churchyard’, and were ‘sometimes called by the natives Sloch an Easbuig’ (‘descendants of the bishop’).

3.3.2 Funerary Monuments and other Carved Stones

The churchyard contains numerous gravestones and horizontal grave slabs and many of the earlier ones were described by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland in their Inventory for Argyll (RCHAMS 1992 No. 68 pp. 127-143). In view of the exceptional numbers of monuments in the church, the churchyard, the Poltalloch enclosure and the lapidarium, the location of each one is indicated individually. The stones in the lapidarium are numbered clockwise from the doorway. The stones are carved mainly from local epidiorite. Early Christian (1) Churchyard. Roughly rectangular slab set upright, 1.2m in visible height by 0.52m, damaged at top and much worn. On each face there is a large outline Latin cross, that on one face has slightly rounded armpits and on the other, square ones. (2) Churchyard. Roughly rectangular slab, 1.57m by 0.48m, damaged at the top and left edge. In the upper half there is the incised outline of a Latin cross with sunk rounded armpits. In the lower half is the added inscription KILMERTIN. (3) Churchyard. Roughly rectangular slab, 1.15m by 0.41m, much worn and broken obliquely at the foot. It bears the incomplete outline of a Latin cross with square armpits, only traces of the right side being visible. (4) Church; in churchyard until 1977, recumbent when seen by Graham about 1860 (Graham 1860), but set upright near entrance-gateway before 1880. Drummond reported that the cross had been brought from a roadside site "1/4 mile from the church" where he was told the socket remained (Drummond 1881, Campbell and Sandeman 1964). Free-standing cross of local epidiorite set in modern concrete base, l.55m in visible height, including a damaged finial; the shaft tapers in width from 0.39m to 0.37m below the cross-head, but it increases in thickness from 100mm at the foot to 150mm at the cross-headand 120mm at the top. One side-arm is 0.39m in height and projects about 60mm, the other being broken off, and the original span was about 0.5m. One face (a) is enclosed by a broad edge-moulding which forms a cross within the plain cruciform outline, and returns at the armpits to surround rings, varying in diameter from 50mm to 65mm, with small central hollows. At the foot of the shaft there is an equal- armed cross with edge-moulding and sunken circular armpits, set between four crosslets of the same form. Above this there are single panels of diagonal key-pattern and broad double-beaded interlace. The cross-head is filled with irregular interlocking spirals, surrounding an interlaced boss of slight projection within a 160mm-diameter moulding, and the upper arm contains an interlaced knot with parallel plaited strands. On face b the margins of the slab have been cut away to a width of 80mm and depth of 40mm outlining a cross with bevelled sides. It has an edge-moulding enclosing sunken hollows 40mm in diameter in the armpits of the side-arms,

8 which are set in the lower part of the cruciform outline. The shaft is filled with diagonal key- pattern; the cross-head with an incised separating pointed peltae with spiral terminals, at the sides, and concentric ovals above and below; and the top arm contains a horizontal key- pattern. The fragmentary finial measured 120mm in length and 40mm in thickness, and was almost flush with face a, whereas it was not closely aligned with the raised cross on face b. This discrepancy, and the inferior execution of face b, have been interpreted as showing that the latter face was a later addition, but there is unlikely to be any great difference of time between the carving of the two faces. The design on the cross has some parralels such as the thick interlocked spirals which resemble those from a slab at Ardchattan Priory (RCHAMS 1975 No.217, 1). The vertical fret-pattern is similar to those on the ‘marrigold stone’ at Carndonagh (Co. Donegal) while the interlaced design in the top arm resembles that found at a cross at Carndonagh and on Muiredach’s Cross, (Co. Lough). The short arms of the Kilmartin cross resemble those of the Kiells Cross, but the small hollow bosses are enclosed in tight armpits on a fashion similar to a cross removed from the isle of Vallay (North Uist) to St Margret’s Church in Lochgilphead in the 19 th Century (RCHAMS 1988 No. 96). The cross probably dates from the 9th or more probably the 10th century. Medieval Grave slabs (5) Lapidarium 1. Tapered slab of chlorite-schist with bevelled edges, l.89m by 0.45m. In a sunk panel at the top there is a false-relief cross composed of four penannular rings round a central quatrefoil, and with intermediate trefoil terminals. The long shaft and stepped base are incised, as is a sword with lobated pommel, short curved quillons and a central fuller, to the right. At the left there is an undulating triple-beaded plant-stem in low relief, with a ?horseshoe at the foot. There are traces of an added and subsequently effaced inscription on the cross-shaft. 13th-14th century. (6) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.75m by 0.51m, lacking the bottom right corner. Within a plain margin, doubled at the top and right edge, there is an incised cross-shaft with angled base, and a four-ring cross-head having concentric double rings with sunken centres, and pointed terminals in the spandrels. The upper right ring is somewhat smaller, and :here is a twist of foliage in the outer spandrel. The incised letters BAR have been added left of the shaft. 14th century. (7) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.74m by 0.45m, damaged and much worn. Within an edge- moulding, a broad flat margin encloses at the left a panel with continuous intertwined plant- stems, and at the right there are traces of the sword-hilt shown by Drummond lona school, 14th century. (8) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.51 m by 0.36m. Much worn and resembles number 7. Iona school 14th century. (9) Churchyard. Tapered slab of slate, l.71m by 0.46m, badly shattered at the top. Within a triple margin whose inner member bears incised cable-ornament, there is a continuous series of plant- stems as on number 7. The top has been defaced to receive the name [IO] RN DEOR, and an adjacent slab bears the same name and the date 1777. lona school, 14th century. (10) Lapidarium 5. Tapered slab of chlorite-schist, I.9lm by 0.48m, much worn; bordered by nailhead between two flat mouldings. At the top is a label whose original inscription was replaced by DUNTROON / I[AIN] C[AIMBEUL] (‘John Campbell), followed by the 0.29m figure of a man armed with bascinet and aketon, holding a spear in his right hand, and the left hand on the hilt of a sword. He stands, with feet turned to his right, in a gabled and. foliated niche. The greater part of the slab is occupied by a network of intertwined plant-stems with upward-pointing paired leaves, below two opposed animals, one of them winged. Loch Awe school, 14 th century. (11) Poltalloch enclosure. Tapered slab, l.85m by 0.57m, with triple margin as on number 10, but having continuous angular twist-pattern on the inner moulding, and three large chevrons on a bevel at the top; part of the top moulding has been cut away for the 19th-century inscription POLTALLOCH. A 0.41m armed figure stands in a niche crowned by dragon’s-head finials with large ears of palmette form, having a disc between them. The right pillar of the niche is voluted

9 and the other is a twist which merges into the tail and limbs of one of two opposed animals above a somewhat irregular network of plant-stems with downward- pointing leaves. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (12) Lapidarium 8. Tapered slab, damaged at top left corner, l.85m by 0.52m, with triple margin as on number 10, partially effaced at the right by the name DUNTROON. A 0.44m figure, armed as in number 10 but with a shield on his right arm, stands in a niche with voluted pillars and dragon finials; the edges of the upper parts are grooved. The lower part of the slab resembles that of number 11, but one of the opposed animals has a duck-like bill. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (13) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.88m by 0.49m, damaged at the foot and much worn. It bears a 0.35m armed figure in a dragon-headed niche with voluted and foliated pillars, and the lower half appears to have resembled that of number 11. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (14) Lapidarium 6. Tapered slab with slightly pointed head, l.76m by 0.53m, with triple margin as on number 10. A 0.45m armed figure, of conventional type but with feet turned to the right, stands in a dragon-headed niche with plant-stem pillars. In the lower half there are an opposed griffon and a dragon, and then two long-eared cat-like beasts whose hind-legs are linked to plant- stems surrounding a stag and two hounds. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (15) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.88m by 0.63m, with triple margin as on number 10, and an additional row of nailhead on the bevelled edges. A 0.75m armed figure with shield stands in a dragon-headed niche with triquetra knots at the springing of the gable. In the lower half two opposed ‘cats’ surmount a network of plain stems. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (16) Lapidarium 9. Tapered slab, l.89m by 0.59m, much worn. Within a triple margin as on number 10 a 0.56m armed figure stands in a dragon-headed niche with voluted and outward- canted pillars. The lower half is filled by a network of plain stems as on number 15. Loch Awe school, 14th-15 th century. (17) Lapidarium 7. Tapered slab, reconstructed from three pieces and lacking the top, l.66m by 0.57m; much worn. Within a triple margin as on number 10 there is a 0.52m armed figure with shield in an incomplete niche with voluted left pillar. A horizontal twist divides it from two opposed animals, one of them winged, above a network of plant-stems as on number 11. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (18) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 2.Olm by 0.61m, much worn. It is divided by a horizontal twist springing from a flat outer moulding and there are chevrons forming lugs at the angles of the slab. The upper panel has a T-fret border, with large leaves above, which encloses a dragon- headed niche with voluted pillars. The lower panel contains a network of plant-stems as on number 11, incorporating animals. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (19) Churchyard. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, l.97mby 0.59m, damaged at the top and much worn. Within a plain moulding there is a 0.42m armed figure in a niche, above an irregular network of plant-stems incorporating at least one animal. Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (20) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.93m by 0.72m, lacking the top edge and lower left corner, and much worn. Within a flat margin there are two panels, each enclosed by a frame of twist ornament and divided by a band of indecipherable ornament. In the top panel there is a 0.46m armed figure in a niche surrounded by plant-stems. The larger lower panel is occupied by plant- stems. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (21) Lapidarium 4. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, l.95m by 0.55m, framed by a roll-moulding between rows of nailhead on the bevel and surface. The nailhead returns horizontally to form three panels, each with its own flat margin, the upper one containing a 0.43m armed figure in a niche with plain bars intersecting in a double-triangle canopy. Each of the two lower panels contains a pair of opposed animals whose tails and hind-legs develop into intertwined plant- stems; both of the upper animals are winged, and one of the lower ones is a unicorn. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century.

10 (22) Lapidarium 3. Tapered slab, 1.88m by 0.55m, much worn. Within an outer flat moulding, doubled at the top, and an inner twist-moulding, there is a foliated lancet niche with the 0.41m figure of a priest or layman standing in an attitude of prayer. The large lower panel bears opposed animals above an irregular network of plant-stems. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (23) Lost. Tapered slab with triple margin as on number 10. At the top there were two opposed animals linked to a network of plant-stems with paired downward-pointing leaves, and in the lower half there was a central sword as on number 25, flanked by strips of three-cord plait, with shears and a small casket at the foot. Loch Awe school, 14th-11th century. (24) Lapidarium 19. Tapered slab, l.75m by 0.51m, much orn and flaked in places. It bears a central sword as on number 25 within intertwined stems which spring from the limbs of two opposed animals at the top and have leaves only at the flat outer margin. Part of this ornament was obliterated in the early 19th century by the name lAIN CAIMBEUL, while the sword-blade bears the somewhat earlier inscription DUNTROON: MARCH. Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (25) Lapidarium 17. Tapered slab with bevelled top, 1.64mby 0.47m, broken across and repaired. Within a triple margin as on number 10 it bears a central sword with lobated pommel and inclined quillons with slightly expanded terminals. The blade is flanked by angular plant-stems with voluted leaves, and in the upper part there are stems linked to two back-to- back animals, with a horizontal twist and triquetra at the top. The blade is inscribed A. Mc.L. Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (26) Poltalloch enclosure. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, 1.83m by 0.44m. It resembles number 25, but with linked plant-stems above the animals, paired stems with palmette leaves flanking the sword-blade and plain interlaced stems below it. An inscription has been obliterated from the blade, and the name POLTALLOCH incised in a panel cut across the top. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (27) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.81 m by 0.61m, split longitudinally. Within a triple margin as on number 10 it bears a sword as on number 25, with the quillons entangled in the surrounding plant-stems, and shears and a casket at the foot. Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (28) Lapidarium 16. Tapered slab, 1.73m by 0.5lm, with triple margin as on number 10. At the top there are confronted animals, one a unicorn, linked to plant-stems which incorporate detached pellets, interlaced knots and demi-palmette leaves, surrounding a central sword as on number 25. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (29) Churchyard. Lower part of tapered slab with bevelled edges, 1.llm by 0.44m. Within a plain margin there is a sword with inclined quillons surrounded by plant-stems with large demi- palmette leaves, and a casket at the foot. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (30) Poltalloch enclosure. Tapered slab, 1.82m by 0.49m, much worn, reconstructed from three fragments and lacking the top left corner. Within a flat moulding and inner tressure, there is a sword with short slightly-curved quillons. The hilt is flanked by two animals whose tails produce undulating plant-stems, and at the foot there are a casket, shears, and an elongated ?comb. The blade and top of the slab have been inscribed as on number 26, and the upper POLTALLOCH has almost obliterated foliage at the top of the slab. Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (31) Lapidarium 15. Tapered slab, l.77m by 0.52m, with flat margin. It bears a large central sword as on number 25, with a scabbard-chape, surrounded by intertwined pairs of plant-stems with downward-pointing leaves. The stems are attached to two stylised dragons’ heads at the foot, and two interlinked triquetra knots at the top. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (32) Churchyard. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, about 1.9m by 0.6m, broken across and lacking the top left corner. Within an edge-moulding flanked by nailhead on the bevel and top, there is in the lower half a sword as on number 25, surrounded by a network of plant-stems enclosing leaves on curved stalks, and with a ?casket at the foot.

11 Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (33) Lapidarium 18. Tapered slab, l.93m by 0.49m, broken across and repaired. The bevelled top edge bears continuous large chevron-ornament and the surface has a flat moulding enclosing nailhead, which in part of the left edge is left incomplete as a narrow roll. This inner moulding returns as a horizontal twist forming two unequal panels, the larger top one bearing, within a flat margin, a sword as on number 25 between undulating plant-stems incorporating triquetra knots at the top and a dragon’s head at the bottom of the left stem. The lower panel is filled by a network of plain stems. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (34) Churchyard. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, l.91m by 0.47m. Within a triple margin as on number 10, with additional nailhead on the bevel, there is a sword as on number 25, surrounded by plant-stems resembling those on number 33. Below the cross-guard there is a horizontal twist which overlies the sword-blade and is linked to the angle- moulding, and this is repeated towards the foot of the blade, forming three equal panels. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (35) Lapidarium 2. Tapered slab, 1.76m by 0.41m, much worn, with plain margin and continuous chevron-ornament on bevelled top edge. A central sword is surrounded by plant- stems resembling those on number 33, but with paired dragons’ heads at the foot, and linked at the top to aninterlaced cross of arcs with pellets in the interspaces. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (36) Lapidarium 12. Rectangular slab, 2.03m by 0.59m, restored from several fragments, lacking two corners, and much worn. A triple margin as on number 10 is filled by intertwined plant- scrolls incorporating a short sword below dragons’ heads at the top, and two animals, one a unicorn, at the foot. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (37) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.66m by 0.46m, lacking the top left corner and much worn. Within a triple margin as on number 10 there are traces of a sword with lobated pommel and inclined quillons, and foliage-ornament. Probably Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (38) Churchyard. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, 1.98m by 0.58m, much worn and flaked in parts. Within a triple margin as on number 10, with an additional narrow moulding on the bevel, there are traces of a sword-hilt and plant-stems. Probably Loch Awe school, l4th-l5th century. (39) Churchyard. Upper part of tapered slab with bevelled edges, l.21m by 046m, much worn. A central sword with lobated pommel and inclined quillc,ns is flanked by intertwined plant-stems. Probably Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (40) Churchyard, Tapered slab of slate, very badly flaked, 1 .83m by 0.56m. It has had a margin of continuous chevron- ornament on a slight bevel, and the only surviving ornament on the surface is the tip of a sword-blade with intertwined plant-stems below it. Probably Loch Awe school, 14th-l5th century. (41) Lost. Tapered slab, probably of slate, flaked in lower part. It bore three chevrons on the bevelled top edge, and a triple margin as on number 10, whose inner moulding merged at the top with a label bearing an inscription. Below this there was an opposed pair of long-eared animals with foliated tails, above a network of intertwined stems with no foliate elements. The three-line Lombardic inscription, whose final words were carved on the inner moulding at the right, is clearly shown in Mackenzie’s photograph:


‘Under this stone lies Patrick, son of Gilchrist MacKellar’.

The most prominent local family of MacKellars was that of Ardary in Glassary parish, among whom ‘Patrick’ was a favoured name while ‘Gilchrist’ is recorded in 1470 and 1496, but a Patrick MacKellar, of unknown family, witnessed a charter at Carnassarie in 1436. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century.

12 (42) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.81m by 0.48m, much worn. Within a triple margin as on number 10 there is a network of intertwined plain stems as on number 41, with a plain rectangle, perhaps a casket, at the foot. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (43) Lapidarium 11. Upper part of tapered slab with gabled top marked at the base by rounded lugs, l.48m by 0.49m in width below the lugs; much worn. Within a flat margin, defaced at the right by the inscription JOHN LAMONT, there is an irregular network of stems with downward- pointing paired leaves, and loosely intertwined stems in the gable. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (44) Churchyard, erected on 19th-century tomb-chestmarking burials of the MacTavish family of Dunardry, partly concealed by adjacent cross. Tapered slab with flat margin enclosing nailhead which returns to form three panels with inner margins, as on number 21. The surface-decoration, much worn, appears to have been composed entirely of intertwined plant-stems. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (45) Churchyard. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, 1.91m by 0.58m, much worn and bearing the added date 1777. It bears an edge-moulding between nailhead on the bevel and top and is divided into three panels as on number 21. The two lower panels bear intertwined plant-stems, but the ornament of the top one is obliterated. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (46) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.91m by 0.55m, much worn. It bears a central sword as on number 25, surrounded by intertwined plant-stems with opposed animals at the top. 14th-early 16th century. (47) Churchyard. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, 1.84m by 0.56m, broken across and much flaked. Within a flat margin there is a sword as on number 25, surrounded by intertwined plant- stems. 14th-early 16th century. (48) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.84m by 0.53m, much worn and cut back at the top for the initials D McD. The ornament resembles that on number 47. 14th-early 16th century. (49) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.88m by 0.56m, much worn. Within a double margin there is a central sword as on number 25, flanked at the right by encircled plant-stems and at the left by a ?mirror and ?casket. 14th-early 16th century. (50) Churchyard. Fragment of slab, 0.47m by 0.33m, bearing angular intertwined plant-stems between a flat margin and a ?sword-blade. 14th-early 16th century. (51) Churchyard. Tapered slab with hollow-chamfered bevel, l.92m by 0.52m; much worn. At the right there is a sword as on number 25, and on the left a series of foliage- medallions and rosettes. The sword-blade bears the inscription AR[CHIBALD] GILLIS. 14th-early 16th century. (52) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.91m by 0.52m, much worn. Within a flat edge-moulding it resembles number 51. The upper part is defaced by the inscriptions DUNTROON and lAIN CAIMBEUL. 14th-early 16th century. (53) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.82m by 0.48m, much worn. It resembles number 52 but has larger medallions. 14th-early 16th century. (54) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.83m by 0.56m, much worn. It bears a central sword with traces of plant-stems overlying the inclined quillons. 14th-early 16th century. (55) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.97m by 0.55m, much worn. The only visible ornament is a central sword, perhaps originally surrounded by plant-stems. 14th-early 16 th century. (56) Churchyard. Rectangular slab, 1.54m by 0.4lm, much worn. Within a cable-moulding enclosing a flat margin there is an incised central sword with lobated pommel and inclined quillons. A pair of shears is carved at the foot in false relief.

13 14th-early 16th century. (57) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.54m by 0.42m, re-used in 1777 to mark the burial-place of Malcolm Blair. The only surviving medieval ornament is the tip of a central sword-blade and a pair of shears at the foot. 14th-early 16th century. (58) Churchyard. Upper part of tapered slab, 1.03m by 0.51m, bearing an incised sword with lobated pommel and short curved quillons, and a comb at the lower right. 14th- early 16th century. (59) Churchyard. Tapered slab with pointed foot and slightly pointed top, l.91m by 0.53m, much worn. Within an edge-roll and inner moulding bearing nailhead which returns horizontally across the head and foot of the slab, the only visible ornament is a sword with inclined quillons. The name JOHN BLEW was added in 1777. 14th-early 16th century. (60) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.84m by 0.61m, much worn and bearing a central sword with inclined quillons. 14th-early 16th century. (61) Churchyard. Miniature tapered slab with bevelled edges, 0.65m by 0.28m, much worn. A raised edge-moulding encloses a panel with traces of a sword at the right. 14th-early 16th century. (62) Lapidarium 13. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, lacking the foot, l.39m by 0.53m. Within an incised margin there is an incised sword as on number 25, but with a langet and a central fuller having an inverted-thistle-shaped terminal. Local, 14th-l5th century. (63) Lapidarium 14. Tapered slab, 1.67m by 0.51m. Within an irregular margin there is an incised sword having a lobated or diamond pommel with tang-button and short curved quillons. Local, 14th-15th century. (64) Churchyard. Roughly tapered slab, l.68m by 0.63m, much worn. At the left there is an incised sword with lobated pommel and curved quillons, and at the centre the blade of a second sword whose hilt has been higher than the other but is completed effaced. Local, 14th-15th century. (65) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.71m by 0.56m, much worn. It bears the pecked outline of a sword with lobated pommel and inclined quillons. Local, 14th-15th century. (66) Churchyard. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, 1.73m by 0.47m, worn and flaked at the foot. It bears an incised sword with lobatecl pommel and curved quillons, and the inverted, and probably secondary, outlines of an axe and ?hammer. Local, 14th-15th century. (67) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.72m by 0.55m, much worn. The only ornament is a sword with ?round pommel and inclined quillons, and the added inscription POLTALLOCH MARCH. Local, 14th-l6th century. (68) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.83m by 0.56m, much worn. It bears an incised sword with ?round pommel, probably with a tang-button, and inclined quillons. Local, 14th-16th century. (69) Churchyard. Upper part of tapered slab of slate, 1 .36m by 0.55m, badly flaked. Within a border of dogtooth there is a claymore with incomplete quillons, the hilt flanked by animals as on slabs at Kilmichael Glassary (No.69,25 and 27) and the blade by plant-stems. Early 16th century. (70) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.77m by 0.51m. The only ornament is a central claymore with round pommel and tang- button, and straight quillons. Local, 16th century. (71) Churchyard. Tapered slab, l.66m by 0.56m, much worn. There are traces of a double margin and a central ?claymore, and at the foot, in false relief, an equal-armed ringed cross with square armpits, whose axis is not exactly aligned with the swordblade. This may be the slab shown by Drummond, but the detail at the foot appears to be different and Drummonds slab is probably a lost one. Local, 16th century.

14 (72) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.71m by 0.46m. Within a plain margin there are incised a claymore at the left and shears at the bottom right, with the name BL [AIR] added at the top. Local, 16th century. (73) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.64m by 0.42m, much worn. Within a bold semicircular moulding set in 20mm from the bevelled edge, it bears the blade of a central sword. Local, probably 16th century. (74) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.62m by 0. 57m. It bears the recut outline of a sword with inclined quillons and a round pommel which may not produce the original medieval form, with the name ‘A McA(RTHUR)’ added. (75) Churchyard. Miniature tapered slab, 1.llm by 0.37m, much worn. Within a crude incised margin there are two panels containing intertwined plant-stems, the upper one having a flat inner margin and the other having opposed beasts above the plant-stems. Local, 14th-early 16th century. (76) Lapidarium 20. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, l.44m by about 0.47m, lacking the top right corner. The surface, enclosed by a cable-moulding and flat inner moulding, is uncarved except for a comb and shears at the foot. Local, 14th-early 16th century. (77) Churchyard. Tapered slab, 1.42m by 0.43m, split diagonally at bottom left. It bears an edge- toll within square nailhead set on the bevelled edges, but the only identifiable ornament is a pair of shears set vertically in the lower half. At the top the incised name JOHN / BRODIE may commemorate the gardener of that name who was employed at Duntrune from about 1798. Local, 14th-early 16th century. (78) Lost, recorded in churchyard in 1962. Rectangular slab, l.15m by 0.31m. Within a margin with inward-pointing sawtooth ornament there is a ring-headed cross with squarehollowed armpits and concave hollowed terminals at the sidearms, and having a long incised shaft with simple rectangular base. Local, probably 15th-16th century. (79) Churchyard. Rectangular slab, about l.7m by 0.5m, much worn and damaged at the edges. Within a double moulding there is, towards the right, a large sword or claymore with round pommel and tang-button, and almost straight quillons, flanked on the right by a plant-scroll. To the left of the sword-hilt there is a two-legged ?human figure, and below the hilt there is a cross with incised shaft and rectangular base, and a ringed cross-head with sunk square armpits and short side-arms, in false relief. At the foot there is a casket with binding-strips, and a ?mirror and ?comb. The later inscriptions PETER CAMPBELL and DUNTROON are cut across the slab. Local, probably 15th-16th century. (80) Poltalloch enclosure. Slab of quartzose schist, probably tapered but damaged along the ?left edge, l.84m by 0.37m; much worn. The surviving edges bear three-cord plait, T-fret and voluted ornament, but the ends appear to be truncated. The surface is divided into three panels crudely carved in false relief, the ?top one showing two human figures, one with arms raised and both with short block-like bodies; there may have been a third figure at the left. The large central panel contains a cross with wedge-shaped arms, and two animals, with three irregular interlaced space- fillers, and the bottom panel is filled with interlace. The name POLTALLOCH is incised on a recessed panel at the foot. This slab is a crude local product, probably of late medieval or post- Reformation date. Effigies (81) Lapidarium 10. Slab of chlorite-schist, l.94m by 0.58m at the head and 0.63m in the lower half, much worn. It bears in relief the full-length effigy of a man wearing bascinet, aventail and aketon. His left hand grasps the blade of a large sword suspended from a waist-belt whose free end is held in his right hand. The feet rest on a plain ledge, and there is no surviving evidence of carving on the base-slab. A thin scroll and the name McTAVISH have been incised across the aventail. Probably lona school, 14th-15th century. This is possibly the stone believed to be of Iver Crom ‘the conqueror of ’ who was supposedly buried next to his brother Tamhais Corr, the progenitor of the MacTavishes of Dunardry. The grave slab also became the centre of a dispute between the MacIvers and the

15 MacTavishes when ‘ one of that family (a MacTavish) was interred under the tombstone not of his progenitor but of Iver or, as some say, Iver’s stone, a larger and finer one than that of Tavish was placed over him by the McTavishes. Resistance was offered by some MacIvers present, and the stone was somewhat injured in the struggle. But the stronger party on the spot prevailed, and, to secure their triumph, inscribed in modern capitals and the name McTavish over the breast of the knightly figure on the tombstone of Iver’. (82) Poltalloch enclosure. Tapered slab, 1.84m by 0.58m, with chamfered edges- It is carved in relief with a strip of continuous chevron-ornament at the foot, on which there stands a full- length figure in bascinet, aventail and quilted aketon with skirt split at the front. The right hand holds a long spear with diamond-shaped head, and the left hand grasps the hilt of a sword with round pommel and tang- button, and short slightly-curved quillons with slightly expanded terminals, whose tip extends onto the chamfered edge of the slab. The name POLTALLOCH is carved at the top of the plain base-slab. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (83) Poltalloch enclosure. Tapered slab, 1.85m by 0.59m, with chamfered edges. It bears an armed figure somewhat smaller than that on number 82, and at the foot, in low relief within a margin, there is a large ring-knot having iu the interspaces triquetra knots which form an equal- armed cross. At the top there are the added names POLTALLOCH and CA(?MPBELL). Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. Tomb-chests (84) Churchyard. Tomb-chest, possibly reconstructed and lacking the N side-slab (see number 85). The S side-slab is 2.08m long by 80mm thick, and has a decorated zone 0.43m high above an earth-fast base. It bears three paired stalks which form asymmetrical arches enclosing large rounded leaves, with trefoils in the upper spandrels. The F end-slab, 0.6m long by 80mm thick, of which only the upper 0.3m is exposed, bears an incised ringed cross with sunken square armpits, which in its present form appears to be of post- medieval date, although it may have been re-cut from an Early Christian fragment. The plain rectangular top-slab, 2.13m by 0.77m, bears the name INVERL(?IEVER). Early 16th century. (85) Lapidarium, above door Side-slab of tomb-chest, 2.08m long by 0.61m high including a 0.22m plain base which is 100mm thick. The left edge is flaked, probably when the slab was being quarried or carved since the damaged area bears shallow foliage-ornament. This belongs to a series of arched stems as on number 84, but having smaller leaves and with additional foliage at the right end. The lower right corner is roughly rebated, possibly to fit over a step. The identity of length suggests that this may have been part of number 84. Since the rebate shows that this slab was intended to be viewed from the south, this implies that the south side-slab of number 84 has been moved. Early 16th century. (86) Churchyard. Reconstructed tomb-chest. The much- worn side-slab measures 2.22m long by 70mm thick and bears arched foliated stems as on numbers 84 and 85. The W end-slab, 0.71m long by 90mm thick, and damaged at the top right, bears four cusped niches with moulded bases and capitals, grouped in two pairs under ogival arch-heads with pinnacles, foliated finials, and quatrefoils in the upper spandrels. The plain top slab is inscribed DUNTROON. (Drummond, Monuments, pl.zlS,l; end-slab only). This may be the slab on which Herbert Campbell in 1894 recorded the Duntrune Crest of two arms drawing a bow. Early 16th century. Crosses (87) Church, formerly in churchyard. Head and upper part of small free-standing cross, lacking the top arm. It is 0.61m in surviving height by 0.45m across the arms, the tapered shaft is 0. 27m wide below the cross-head, and the thickness is 80mm. The angles of the shaft bear roll- mouldings separated by nailhead-ornament on the edges, which are continued by triple-beaded concave brackets having discs at both ends and supporting the cross-arms. Within these mouldings there is a plain cross with square armpits, outlined on both faces by a continuous incised margin; the surviving lower armpits are sunk, within the brackets, but the piercing of the left one appears to be accidental. On one face there is the figure of the Crucified Saviour,

16 complete except for part of the head but much worn, with straight arms slightly raised and head inclined to His right. The posture of the figure resembles that on the cross formerly at Kilmichael Glassary, and traces of one upper bracket indicate that the cross-head was a simpler version of the one at Kilfinan. Loch Awe school, 14th-15th century. (88) Churchyard. Cross-shaft fragment, 1.34m long, tapering from 0,28m to 0.21m in width and from 105mm to 75mm in thickness. On both faces there is a simple pecked 50mm margin, terminating 0.2m above the broken foot, and at one edge there is the fragmentary projection of the cross- head, It has been inverted and re-used as a gravemarker with the added name POLTALLOCH. Local, 14th-early 16th century. (89) Church, reconstructed in 1977. Free-standing ringed cross whose shaft, with incomplete head, was recorded lying in the churchyard about 1860, and subsequently set in a plain socket-stone near the entrance-gate, along with the detached left arm. The top arm was recovered in 1973 from a culvert some 400m from the church, and has been attached to the cross-head, while the left arm has been fixed it position by metal rods. The cross is 2.07m in visible height, a further 0.25m of the broken foot being concealed in a modern concrete base; it tapers in width from 0.45m to 0.35m and in thickness from 160mm to 130mm, and the original span was about 1 3m. The pierced armpits were probably semicircular and the broken junctions of the ring-quadrants are visible on the edges of the shaft and top arm, while a fragment about95mm thick is preserved on the under-side of the left arm. The ring appears to have continued the treatment of the angles of the cross, which are wrought on the front with a hollow chamfer enclosing a roll-moulding, and on the hack with plain 45mm chamfers, and a roll-moulding in the cross- head only. The upper edge of the top arm has an additional thick roll at the front, and slopes down with a rough 65mm bevel to the back, while the arms are not evenly drafted from front to back and parts of the ornament appear to be unfinished. On the front (a) the cross-head and upper part of the shaft contain the figure of the Crucified Saviour, 0.84m high, against a plain background and with no indication of the . The upper part of the figure is enclosed in a cable moulded ring, which meets the torso in line with the upper edge of the short loin-cloth. The head, which is tilted to His right, is fully modelled and the background has been hollowed out to emphasise this, while the torso is also well defined, but the crossed legs are less strongly indicated and the right hand is only roughly shaped. In the left arm there is a winged quadruped with head turned hack to face the Saviour, carrying a ?book and probably representing the lion symbol of the evangelist Mark, while in the top arm there is an angel with one arm extended, probably symbolising St Matthew. At the base of the shaft, now partly concealed, there are two thick undulating plant-stems enclosing a quatrefoil, and above them a further winged and ?horned beast with head turned upwards, probably the bull of St. Luke. The back bears in the cross-head the seated and draped figure of Christ in majesty, with arms raised to display His wounds, within an oval mandorla which meets the base of the hollowed-out halo. The top arm of the cross contains an angel similar to that on the front, but the shaft is plain and the side-arm is also plain within the edge-roll. Despite its incomplete character this cross shows an ambitious treatment of the human figure, perhaps based on metalwork models, and a simple but coherent iconographic scheme not matched elsewhere in the West Highlands, and it may be attributed to the first half of the 16th century. Post-Reformation The following monuments are in the churchyard, except where specified. (90) Tapered slab, l.86m by 0.55m, bordered by a broad roll-moulding within a rebated margin. At each end there is incised an equal-armed outline cross with ridged surface- ornament, encircled by a triple-beaded ring. These roundels are linked by two sinuous lines forming three ‘medallions’, with an outline cross in the centre one. Along one edge there is the added name ELANRIE. This appears to be a late imitation, probably of late 16th- or 17th-century date, of the plant-stems shown on late medieval grave slabs. (91) Poltalloch enclosure. Large rectangular slab, evidently from a table-tomb, with an edge-roll which does not return at the foot, and mouldings below the edge. In the lower half there is a large relief armorial with elaborately foliated mantling, the shield charged: on a saltire, between

17 four stags’ heads ?couped, five mullets (These appear to be couped, rather than erased as in the 1818 metriculation of the arms of Malcolm of Poltalloch). Above the helm there is a thin tower for crest, with the motto AD ARDVA TENDIT (‘He strives for the heights’) and the lower part of the shield isflanked by skulls and angels’ heads, with an hourglass and a heart, and at the foot an open book and an oval boss with the initials M/AM IM. At the top there is inscribed in incised capitals:


‘The mortal remains of Mr Archibald Malcolm, minister of Kilmichael, lie beneath this stone. He died in 1685 aged 80. Many were the poor he led to Heaven, with steadfast heart, with steady voice and profound faith. He poured forth his life, made glorious death, and unlocked the gates of Paradise. He displayed unwavering grace, enjoyed a blessed life and met a peaceful end’:

Archibald Malcolm or MacCallum of Poltalloch was minister of Glassary parish from 1639 until his death. The initial IM are presumably those of his second wife, Janet MacLachlan. This monument is probably the source of the statement that he was buried at Kilmartin. (92-3) Recumbent slab (92) inscribed 1685 / D McBEN. An adjacent slab (93) bears the same initials, and a headstone of 1841 commemorates members of the MacVean family. (94) Mural monument, about 4m wide and up to 3m high, built into E wall of churchyard. It comprises rubble walling incorporating schist panels and framed by schist pilasters of rectangular section, with moulded bases, mid-mouldings and cornice, broken at the centre by a tall projection with later sandstone jambs and a schist cornice. This contains an armorial panel of schist with a shield set on stylised mantling and framed by clusters of ?fruit with a central face-mask having simplified wings. The shield is parted per pale: dexter, quarterly; 1st, a lion rampant; 2nd, a dexter hand couped holding a cross with expanded upper terminal; 3rd, a galley, pennon flying; 4th, a salmon naiant; sinister, a lion rampant within an engrailed border. On a separate panel below, in thin incised letters, is the inscription:


‘Mr William MacLachlan, rector of Kilmartin, desires that his mortal remains, and those of his wife Grisel MacGilchrist and their children, should lie in this resting- place as spoils of Death, 1686’.

Below there are three detached relief panels bearing emblems of mortality. William MacLachlan became minister of Kilmartin in 1669, and died in Ireland in or after 1690, having been deprived of his charge for not conforming to Presbyterianism. (95) Churchyard, in railed Campbell of Kilmartin enclosure. Table-tomb, with central part of head curved. At the top there is a winged angel’s head in high relief, then emblems of mortality including a coffin and crossed spade and shovel, under a horseshoe label with tasselled ends. A shield, within serpentine mantling, bears quarterly, for Campbell: 1st and 4th, gyronny of eight; 2nd and 73rd, a galley, ?a salmon naiant in base. At the foot there is the incised date 1686. There is no visible inscription and the tomb may have been erected during the lifetime of Alexander Campbell, first laird of the second Campbell family of Kilmartin (see No.134), whose date of

18 death is unknown. The monument may be attributed to the same carver as the MacLachlan slab of 1685 at Kilbrandon (Lorn). (96) Tapered slab bearing the date 1704 and, the initials D McR and M McM, within the following marginal inscription:


The name MacRiver or Mac inRiver is recorded in various forms in Kilmartin and Craignish parishes in the late 17th century. (97) Tapered slab, adjoining number 96, with the incised date 1704 and initials D McR and emblems of mortality in low relief, within a damaged marginal inscription:


(98) Lapidarium 22. Tapered slab, 0.92m by 0.63m In the upper part is the incised inscription AC / KMcC/ 1707, with the added inscription ELANRIE along the top edge, and then a sunk panel containing, in bold false relief, chevron- ornament at the sides and a large encircled hexafoil above a short pedestal. In the lower half there is a central false-relief saltire flanked by pellets and lozenges, and then a shield, quarterly: 1st and 4th, gyronny of eight; 2nd, a galley, a salmon naiant in base; 3rd, checky, flanked by the initials NC and MC. This slab probably commemorates Angus Campbell of Eilean Righ (a cadet branch of Duntrune), who is recorded in 1701, and the lower initials maybe those of his younger son Neil. Despite its primitive character, the ornament of this slab is clearly contemporary with the initials. (99) Lapidarium 21. Tapered slab with bevelled edges, I .95m by 0.59m. In the same bold style as number 98 it bears motifs of varying size, including four hexafoils; two sets of concentric rings, one enclosing a crosslet; two other small crosslets, and a sunk lozenge. At the top, below the added ELANRIE, there is incised DC / 1712, for Donald Campbell of Eilean Righ, elder son of Angus Campbell (supra). (100) Table-tomb of early 18th century type with illegible inscription in the upper part, and below it a relief armorial bearing a shield, quarterly: 1st, a stag’s head cabossed; 2nd, gyronny of eight; 3rd, a galley; 4th, on a fess three buckles. These arms were used by the Campbells of Cawdor and the crest is a bird, probably the Cawdor swan. Below a straight label there are emblems of mortality. (101) Table-tomb with added inscription KILMERTIN, carved in relief with an elaborate shield bearing an inescutcheon gyronny of eight between four salmon naiant, an illegible charge in base. The crest is a stag’s head couped. This slab and numbers 102-4 evidently commemorate 18th- century members of the second Campbell family of Kilmartin, cadets of Inverawe. (102) Table-tomb, much worn, bearing a shield within mantling: an inescutcheon gyronny of eight between six salmon naiant. In the lower part there are large emblems of mortality below a curved label. (103-4) Two almost identical table-tombs, resembling number 102 but with more florid mantling nnd each having a stag’s head for crest. (105) Table-tomb, similar to numbers 102-4 but with mantling spiralling more freely, and bearing a shield quarterly: 1st and 4th, gyronny of eight; 2nd, a boar’s head couped; 3rd, a galley, oars in action. These arms suggest a connection with the Campbells of Lochnell, but there is no legible inscription. (106) Table-tomb, with the dare 1736 and an almost illegible inscription, recorded as commemorating ‘Duncan Campbell of the family of Duntroon and Katherine Campbell his spouse’. At the centre is the added inscription IAIN CAIMBEUL, and then emblems of mortality as on numbers 102-5. (107) Churchyard, in railed Campbell of Ormaig enclosure. Large slab bearing at the top a raised blank panel, and then a Latin inscription commemorating Archibald Campbell of Ormaig, ‘gentleman’ (armiger), who died in 1743 aged 75, and his descendants. (108) Churchyard, adjoining number 107. Headstone with shaped head, bearing inscription commemorating Isabella Campbell, wife of Archibald Lambie, formerly minister of Kilmartin.

19 The date of death is given as 1764, but is recorded elsewhere as 1752, and it is possible that this headstone, like an adjacent one of similar style, was erected shortly before 1816. Archibald Lambie was minister of Kilmartin from 1738 until his death in 1767, and his first wife was a daughter of Archibald Campbell of Ormaig. (109) Mural monument in church, erected in 1819 by his sons to commemorate Neil Campbell of Duntroon and Oib (1736-91), who ‘served as Captain at the taking of the Havnnnah in 1762, and afterwards in ... the American War’, and in 1786 went to the East Indies, ‘hoping by this honourable exertion to retrieve his paternal inheritance from debt incurred by the failure of the Ayr Bank, and by liberal pecuniary engagements for others’. He died at Madras as ‘High Sheriff. . . and aide de camp to the Nabob of Arcot’. His eldest son James (1773-99) was killed in action with the 79th Regiment in Holland, after military service in India and South Africa. The marble tablet is surmounted by a segmental pediment with the family crest, two arms drawing a bow, and the motto AGITE PRO VIRIBUS (‘Do your best’), between two flaming urns. (110) Large table tomb erected, probably about 1800, by John Smith, tacksman of Stroneskar, to his son Alexander, doctor of medicine, who died aged 36. In the upper part is a dolphin crest on a wreath, then an elaborate angel holding a chalice, and bluebell swags flanking a label with the motto MEDIIS TRANQUILLUS IN UNDIS (‘calm in the midst of the waves’). An adjacent slab commemorates Janet Campbell, wife of John Smith, who died in 1816 aged 75. (111-12) Headstone with shaped bead (111) erected in 1809 by Donald McNicoII to his wife Elizabeth McFarlane and their children Archibald and Helen, with the verse:


The adjacent table-tomb (112) commemorates Elizabeth McFarlane, wife of Donald McNicoll ‘of the Excise’, who died in 1807 aged 26. (113) Churchyard, in the stone-built W reredos-wall of the iron-railed Campbell of Kilmartin burial-enclosure, which has sandstone quoins and base-course, and a gabled pediment with ball- finial. Mural tablet of white marble, erected in 1827 by his widow, Mrs Helen Lamont Campbell, to Dugald Campbell of Kilmartin who died in 1825 aged 46. (114-16) Group of monuments to the family of James Gow, the farm manager who was brought from Perthshire about 1796 to supervise agricultural improvement on the Poltalloch estate. A headstone (114) with curved pediment and a crest and motto as on number 110 was erected by ‘James Gow at Experiment’ (Barsloisnach, No.214) to his wife, Catherine Romance, who died in 1828 aged 60. An obelisk 3.5m high (115) was erected in 1840 to their son, James Gow, junior, who died in 1837 aged 33, by ‘the work people on the estate of Poltalloch who were usually employed under his charge’. It was carved by a young Glasgow sculptor named Mossman and the shaft bears a medallion with a blasted tree and a broken column. A table-tomb (116) commemorates James Gow himself, who died at ‘Rudale’ (Rhudil) in 1855 aged 88. (117-118) Mural monuments in church commemorating the sons of Neil Campbell of Duntroon and Oib and resembling that of their father (number 109). That of Major-General Sir Neil Campbell, C.B., governor of Sierra Leone, who ‘fell a sacrifice to the baneful climate of Africa’ in 1827 aged 51 years, bears a second crest, a lion rampant with the motto FERE CHAMPENOISE, the name of a battle of 1814 which, with others including Waterloo, is listed at the foot of thetablet. It was erected in 1835 by his brother, later General Patrick Campbell (1779-1857), whose military service with British and Spanish forces, and subsequent diplomatic career, are recorded on his own tablet (118). (119) Mural marble tablet in church, in form of a sarcophagus gable with fluted angles, anthemion finials, and a gabled pediment hearing a rose-spray in relief. It commemorates Reginald Neill (1833-5) and Isabella Lucy (1834-5), children of Neill Malcolm the younger of Poltalloch. (120) Monument similar to number 119 but with clawed feet, commemorating Neill Malcolm of Poltalloch(1769-1837), who was buried at Bexley (Kent) alongside his wife Mary Ann Orme, It was erected ‘as a tribute to his unremitting exertions to advance the welfare and improvement of

20 the land of his fathers’, and the pediment contains an armorial achievement supported by two stags bearing the Malcolm arms, as on number 91, with a central inescutcheon charged for Orme, and below the shield the additional motto DEUS REFUGIUM NOSTRUM (‘God is our refuge’). (121) Table-tomb erected by Margaret Cummings to her husband John Buchannan, ‘lately Piper Major in the 42nd Royal Highlanders’, who died at Lochgilphead in 1845 aged 75. John Buchanan was noted as an ‘excellent piper’ who won the Highland Society’s competition before serving with his regiment in the Peninsular war from 1803-31

4. List of Archive material held by National Monuments Record of Scotland

Date of Archive Number Caption Original Photographs A 78498 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of cross shaft. Outside church RCHAMS 89 & 87 A 78499 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of cross. RCHAMS 4 A 65649 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church, Churchyard and Village. 1984 Oblique aerial view from South. A 65650 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church, Churchyard and Village. 1984 Oblique aerial view from South. A 65651 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church, Churchyard and Village. 1984 Oblique aerial view from East. A 65654 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church, Churchyard and Village. 1984 Oblique aerial view from South-West. AG 8550 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Parish Church, Churchyard and Village. 1977 Oblique aerial view from South-West. AG 8551 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Parish Church, Churchyard and Village. 1977 Oblique aerial view from South. AG 13042 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church. 1983 View of Early CA35. RCHAMS 4 A 39407 Kilmartin Church. Early Christian cross. 1984 A 39431 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH effigy CA25. RCHAMS 81 A 39432 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA26. RCHAMS 43 A 58101 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA30. RCHAMS 3 A 39418 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA29. RCHAMS 63 A 39419 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA30. RCHAMS 31 A 39420 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA2. RCHAMS 28 A 39421 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA30. RCHAMS 31 A 39422 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA19. RCHAMS 35 A 39423 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA28. RCHAMS 62 A 39424 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA18. RCHAMS 4 A 39425 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986

21 View of WH grave slab CA22. RCHAMS 23 A58101 Kilmartin, Churchyard.

View of WH grave slab CA6. RCHAMS 31 A 39426 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA7. RCHAMS 33 A 39433 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA34. RCHAMS 99 A 39434 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA33. RCHAMS 98 AG 1581/1 PO Kilmartin, churchyard. 1970 Detail of WH grave slab CA5. RCHAMS 11 A 39428 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA21. RCHAMS 21 A 39429 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA17. RCHAMS 14 A 39430 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA9. RCHAMS 10 A 39415 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH effigy CA68. RCHAMS 28 A 39416 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA6. RCHAMS 26 A 39417 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA1. RCHAMS 30 A 39412 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA14. RCHAMS 80 A 39413 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab CA5. RCHAMS 11 A 39414 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH effigy CA8. RCHAMS 83 A 39411 Kilmartin, Churchyard. 1986 View of WH grave slab of Rev Archibald Malcolm, 1685. RCHAMS 91 AG 353 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1970 View of chalked grave slab. RCHAMS 21 AG 4371 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 10, 11 & 12 AG 4369 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slab. RCHAMS 85 A 1904/1 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 10, 11 & 12 A 1904/2 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slab. RCHAMS 85 A 165/28 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1953 View of WH grave slab. AG 4370 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1953 View of WH grave slab. A 1903/6 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH cross front CA36. RCHAMS 89 A 1904/13 Kilmartin Churchyard. .966 View of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 63 & 31 AG 4360 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 63 & 31 AG 7965 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1955 View of WH effigy CA68. RCHAMS 82 AG 1581 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1967

22 View of WH slabs CA5 and CA8. RCHAMS 11 & 83 AG 1581/3 PO Kilmartin, churchyard. 1967 Detail of WH effigy CA8. RCHAMS 83 AG 1581/2 PO Kilmartin, churchyard. 1967 Detail of WH effigy CA8 & slab CA5. RCHAMS 11 & 83 AG 7964 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 View of WH grave slab CA6. RCHAMS 26 AG 407 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1963 View of WH grave slab RCHAMS 21 AG 409 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 Detail of WH grave slab RCHAMS 33 A 3279/1 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1972 View of late medieval cross. RCHAMS 89 outside A 39408 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1984 View of obverse side of WH cross CA15. RCHAMS 89 in church A 39409 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1984 View of reverse side of WH cross CA15. RCHAMS 89 in church A 39410 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1984 View of WH crosshead CA36. RCHAMS 89 in church A 3279/2 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1984 View of WH cross. RCHAMS 89 outside AG 5017 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of back of cross fragment CA15. RCHAMS 89 AG 5018 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of back of cross fragment CA15. RCHAMS 89 A 165/44 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of grave slab CA21 no 4. RCHAMS 21 A 165/15 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of grave slab CA7 no 18. RCHAMS 33 A 165/42 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of grave slab CA8. RCHAMS 83 A 165/36 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of grave slab CA6. RCHAMS 26 A 1903/5 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of freestanding cross CA35. RCHAMS 4 outside A 1903/3 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of standing cross CA15. RCHAMS 89 A 3313/1 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of late medieval cross. RCHAMS 89 A 3313/2 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of late medieval cross. RCHAMS 89 AG 11316 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1920 View of standing stone. RCHAMS 89 ‘front’ (by Miss M.E.M Donaldson) A 1903/4 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of standing cross CA15. RCHAMS 89 A 39427 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1986 View of grave slab CA4. RCHAMS 12 A 45781 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1985 View of headstone of Robert McCallum, 1838. A 45782 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1985 View of carved datestone from former church, 1798. A 45780 Kilmartin Churchyard. View of group of Gow family monuments showing obelisk, headstone and 1985 table tomb.

23 A 45779 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1986 View of mural monument from 1686. AG 1587 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1967 View of front of cross. RCHAMS 89 AG 1586 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1967 View of back of cross CA15. RCHAMS 89 A 1904/16 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of grave slabs. RCHAMS 25, 28 & 33 AG 4357 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of grave slabs. RCHAMS 25, 28 & 33 A 1904/15 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1956 View of collection of grave slabs. RCHAMS 25, 24, 33 & 76 AG 4358 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of grave slabs. RCHAMS 25, 24, 33 & 76 A 1904/14 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of grave slabs. RCHAMS 10, 21, 22 A 4359 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of grave slabs. RCHAMS 10, 21, 22 A 1904/12 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 21, 22 & 35 AG 4361 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 21, 22 & 35 A 1904/11 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH effigy. RCHAMS 43 & 81 AG 4362 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH effigy. RCHAMS 43 & 81 A 1904/10 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 36, 43 & 62 AG 4363 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 36, 43 & 62 A 1904/9 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 11 AG 4364 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 11 A 1904/8 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slab. RCHAMS 5 AG 4365 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of WH grave slab. RCHAMS 5 A 1904/7 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of 2 WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 98 & 99 AG 4366 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of 2 WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 98 & 99 A 1904/3 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 5, 84, 98 & 99 AG 4368 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of WH grave slabs. RCHAMS 5, 84, 98 & 99 A 1904/5 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of grave slabs. Lapidarium AG 4367 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of collection of grave slabs. Lapidarium AG 1582 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1967 View of front of WH cross CA36. RCHAMS 89 AG 1583 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1967 View of back of WH cross CA36. RCHAMS 89

24 AG 1584 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1967 View of WH cross CA35. RCHAMS 4 AG 1585 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1967 View of back of WH cross CA15. RCHAMS 89 A 1903/1 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of standing stone CA15. RCHAMS 89 A 58099 Kilmartin Churchyard. View of Early Christian cross slab CA38 showing West face. RCHAMS 1 1987 outside A 58100 Kilmartin Churchyard. View of Early Christian cross slab CA38 showing East face. RCHAMS 1 1987 outside A 3279/4 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1972 View of Late Medieval cross. RCHAMS 89 outside AG 7283 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1900 View of grave slab. RCHAMS 21 in situ AG 7282 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1900 View of grave slab. RCHAMS 21 in situ G 80909 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1920 View of freestanding cross. AG 5020 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of front of late medieval ring-headed cross CA15. RCHAMS 89 AG 5019 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1973 View of front of late medieval ring-headed cross CA15. RCHAMS 89 AG 4359 PO Kilmartin Churchyard. 1956 View of collection of grave slabs. A 3279/3 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1972 View of WH fragment. RCHAMS 89 A 45772 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Parish Church, interior. 1985 View of mural tablet to Maj Gen Sir Neil Campbell, 1827. A 45773 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Parish Church, interior. 1985 View of mural tablet to Gen Patrick Campbell, 1857. A 45774 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Parish Church, interior. 1985 View of mural tablet to Neil Campbell, 1819. A 45775 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Parish Church, interior. 1985 View of mural tablet to Neill Malcolm, 1837. A 45776 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Parish Church, interior. 1985 View of mural tablet to Reginald Neill Malcolm, 1835. A 45777 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard, Mausoleum. 1986 General view from South-West. A 45778 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard, Mausoleum. 1986 View of inscribed panel, 1627. G 80911 PO Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church. 1962 General view from South-East. G 80910 PO Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church. 1962 General view from South-East. A 45757 CN Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church & Churchyard. 1984 General view from South-West. A 45753 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church & Churchyard. 1984 General view from South. A 45752 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Church & Churchyard. 1984 General view from South. AGD 805/1 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Photographic copy of plan showing slabs CA1 and CA2. RCHAMS 28 & 30

25 AGD 805/2 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Photographic copy of plan of 5 slabs, coffin and cross fragments. AGD 805/3 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Photographic copy of plan of slabs CA4 and CA5. RCHAMS 11 & 12 AGD 805/4 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Photographic copy of plan showing slabs CA6 and CA7. RCHAMS 26 & 33 AGD 805/5 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Photographic copy of plan showing slabs CA8 and CA9. RCHAMS 14 & 83 AGD 805/6 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Photographic copy of plan showing slabs CA10 and CA11. RCHAMS AGD 805/7 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Photographic copy of plan showing slabs CA12 and CA13. RCHAMS AGD 805/8 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Photographic copy of plan showing fragments of cross shafts CA14 & CA15. 1850 RCHAMS 80 & 89 AGD 805/9 P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Photographic copy of plan showing slabs CA16 and CA17. AG 408 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. View of WH grave slabs CA25, 26, 27, 28, 29 & 30. RCHAMS 81, 43, 63 & 1963 31 AG 410 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 Detail of WH grave slab CA18, 3 & above entrance. RCHAMS 5 AG 411 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 Detail of WH grave slab CA35. RCHAMS 19 AG 413 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 Detail of WH grave slab CA35. RCHAMS 19 AG 414 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 Detail of WH grave slab CA36. RCHAMS 89 AG 416 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 Detail of WH grave slab CA36 & 37. RCHAMS 89 AG 417 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 Detail of WH grave slab CA37. RCHAMS AG 1305 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1970 View of cross. A 48418 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 View of rear face of Kilmartin (ring-headed) cross. A 48419 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 View of free-standing Early Christian cross. A 48420 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 Detail of rear face of Kilmartin cross. A 48421 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 General view of Kilmartin Cross. A 48422 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1960 View showing detail of arm of Kilmartin cross and small crosshead. A 48423 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1953 General view. AG 4291/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1936 Photographic copy of rubbing showing grave slab CA4. RCHAMS 12 AG 4292/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1936 Photographic copy of rubbing showing grave slab CA5. RCHAMS 11 AG 4293/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1936 Photographic copy of rubbing showing grave slab CA9. RCHAMS 14 AG 4294/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1936 Photographic copy of rubbing showing grave slab CA17.

26 AG 4295/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1936 Photographic copy of rubbing showing grave slab CA20. AG 4296/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1936 Photographic copy of rubbing showing grave slab CA21. RCHAMS 21 AG 4297/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1936 Photographic copy of rubbing showing grave slab CA23. AG 4298/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1936 Photographic copy of rubbing showing grave slab CA24. AG 4299/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Photographic copy of rubbing showing man in armour on South side of 1936 building. AG 4300/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Photographic copy of rubbing showing man in armour on South side of 1936 building. AG 4301/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Photographic copy of rubbing showing man in armour on South side of 1936 building. AG 4302/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Photographic copy of rubbing showing man in armour on South side of 1936 building. AG 4303/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Photographic copy of rubbing showing man in armour on South side of 1936 building. AG 4304/A P Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Photographic copy of rubbing showing man in armour on South side of 1936 building. A 1903/7 Kilmartin Churchyard. 1966 View of Cross Fragment CA15. RCHAMS 89 G 98183 PO View of cross shaft, Kilmartin 1930 PA 238/21/2 Detail of cross in Kilmartin Churchyard showing crucifixion 1920-1930 PA 238/21/3 Detail of cross in Kilmartin Churchyard showing crucifixion 1920-1930 PA 238/21/4 Detail of cross in Kilmartin Churchyard 1920-1930 PA 238/21/5 Detail of cross in Kilmartin Churchyard 1920-1930 Drawings DC 24094 Cross marked slab. 1988 DC 24095 Cross marked slab. 1988 DC 24096 Cross marked slab. 1988 DC 24097 Cross. 1988 DC 24098 Drawing of grave-slab no.5. 1989 RCAHMS Inventory p.131. DC 24099 Drawing of grave-slab no.6. 1989 RCAHMS Inventory p.131. DC 24100 Drawing of grave-slab no.78. 1989 RCAHMS Inventory p.136. DC 24101 Drawing of face of cross no.89.

RCAHMS Inventory p.138. DC 24102 Drawing of reverse of cross no.89.

RCAHMS Inventory p.138. AGD 805/1 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of slabs CA1 and CA2. RCHAMS 30 & 28 AGD 805/2 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of 5 slabs, coffin and cross fragments. AGD 805/3 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of slabs CA4 and CA5. RCHAMS 12 & 11

27 AGD 805/4 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of slabs CA6 and CA7. RCHAMS 26 & 33 AGD 805/5 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of slabs CA8 and CA9. RCHAMS 83 & 14 AGD 805/6 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of slabs CA10 and CA11. AGD 805/7 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of slabs CA12 and CA13. AGD 805/8 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of fragments of cross shafts CA14 & CA15. RCHAMS 80 AGD 805/9 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1850 Plan of slabs CA16 and CA17. RCHAMS Photo Albums PA 96 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM NO.96: CHRISTIAN CROSSES, SLABS AND STONES Maroon imitation leather cover tied with green cord, the front is inscribed in gold: 'Photographs'. 1960 Collection of amateur photographs of early Christian crosses, with news cuttings and maps relating to them, mostly in Argyllshire and Ireland, of the 1960s and earlier. The black interleaved pages have been supplemented with green ones. PA 96/8 Kilmartin, three photographs of the graveyard. 1960 Taynuilt, graveyard of the Parish Church of Muchairn Parish; replica of the stone at Clenamacrie, and another grave stone. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No.96: Christian Crosses, Slabs and Stones (cont). PA 96/8V Kilmartin, pencil drawing of cross 'now inside church' as if complete. 1960 Postcard 'Kilmartin from Green'. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No.96: Christian Crosses, Slabs and Stones (cont). PA 96/9 Kilmartin graveyard, four photographs showing crucifixion stone (both 1960 sides) and fragment of another crucifixion cross. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No.96: Christian Crosses, Slabs and Stones (cont). PA 43 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM NO 43: ANCIENT TOMBS ARGYLESHIRE ALBUM Album of deep purple leather, gilt inlay Insc: (spine) 'Photos: Ancient Tombs Argyle-shire', (front cover) 'Photographs od Ancient Tombs Argyle-shire', 1890 (inside cover) 'James Howatt' and 'L Boyce & Son. Glasgow' (c.1890) Professional photographs of Argyle-shire tomb stones and chaples including Kilchrenan, Kilmartin, Kilnenain, Kilmory, Keills, Castle Sweeney. PA 43/12 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Page 12 View of cross. 1890 Titled: 'Kilmartin no 1 a cross'. RCHAMS 89 PA 43/13 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. Page 13 View of cross. 1890 Titled: 'Kilmartin no 2 Part of a cross'. RCHAMS 4 PA 43/14 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 14 View of cross. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 3 Part of a cross'. RCHAMS 4 PA 43/15 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 15 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 4 a tombstone'. RCHAMS 51 PA 43/16 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 16 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 5 side of an altar tomb'. RCHAMS 84 PA 43/17/1 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890

28 Page 17/1 View of grave slab. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 6'. RCHAMS 80 PA 43/17/2 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 17/2 View of grave slab. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 7 Poltalloch'. RCHAMS 11 PA 43/18/1 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 18/1 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 8'. RCHAMS 83 PA 43/18/2 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 18/2 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 9'. RCHAMS 82 PA 43/19 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 19 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 10 tombstone'. RCHAMS 41 PA 43/20/1 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 20/1 View of tombstone. Titled: 'no 11'. RCHAMS ? PA 43/20/2 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 20/2 View of tombstone. Titled: 'no 12'. RCHAMS 21 PA 43/21 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 21 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 13 tombstone'. RCHAMS 14 PA 43/22 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 22 View of tombstone. Titled: 'No 14'. RCHAMS ? PA 43/23 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 1890 Page 23 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 15 tombstone'. RCHAMS 31

PA 43/24 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 1890 Page 24 View of tombstone. Titled: 'No 16'. RCHAMS 28

PA 43/25 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 1890 Page 25 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Kilmartin no 17 tombstone'. RCHAMS 25

PA 43/26 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 1890 Page 26 View of tombstone. Titled: 'No 18'. RCHAMS 33

PA 43/27/1 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 27/1 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Poltalloch tomb stones Kilmartin no 19'. RCHAMS 26 PA 43/27/2 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 27/2 View of tombstone. Titled: 'Poltalloch tomb stones Kilmartin no 20'. RCHAMS 30 PA 43/28/1 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 28/1 View of tombstone. Titled: 'No 21'. RCHAMS ? PA 43/28/2 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 28/2 View of tombstone. Titled: 'No 22'. RCHAMS? PA 43/29 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 29 View of tombstone.

29 Titled: 'Kilmartin no 23 tombstone'. RCHAMS ? PA 43/30/1 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 30/1 View of tombstone. Titled: 'No 24'. RCHAMS 12 PA 43/30/2 Kilmartin, Kilmartin Churchyard. 1890 Page 30/2 View of tombstone. Titled: 'No 25 Campbell Arms'. RCHAMS 98 PA 96/8 Kilmartin, three photographs of the graveyard. 1960 Taynuilt, graveyard of the Parish Church of Muchairn Parish; replica of the stone at Clenamacrie, and another grave stone. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No.96: Christian Crosses, Slabs and Stones (cont). PA 96/8V Kilmartin, pencil drawing of cross 'now inside church' as if complete. 1960 Postcard 'Kilmartin from Green'. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No.96: Christian Crosses, Slabs and Stones (cont). PA 96/9 Kilmartin graveyard, four photographs showing crucifixion stone (both 1960 sides) and fragment of another crucifixion cross. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No.96: Christian Crosses, Slabs and Stones (cont). Aerial photos DP 017899 General oblique aerial view of the village, centred on the church, churchyard, 2006 burial ground, museum and the remains of the with the tower-house adjacent, taken from the SW. DP 017900 General oblique aerial view of the village, centred on the church, churchyard, 2006 burial ground, museum and the remains of the cairn with the tower-house adjacent, taken from the SSW. DP 017901 General oblique aerial view of the village, centred on the church, churchyard, 2006 burial ground, museum and the remains of the cairn with the tower-house adjacent, taken from the SE. DP 017902 General oblique aerial view of the village, centred on the church, churchyard, 2006 burial ground and museum with the tower-house and quarry adjacent, taken from the SE. DP 017903 General oblique aerial view of the village, centred on the church, churchyard, 2006 burial ground, museum and the remains of the cairn, taken from the ESE. DP 017904 Oblique aerial view centred on the church, churchyard, burial-ground and 2006 museum with the remains of the cairns adjacent, taken from the NE. DP 017905 Oblique aerial view centred on the church, churchyard, burial-ground and 2006 museum with the remains of the cairns adjacent, taken from the NE. DP 017906 Oblique aerial view centred on the church, churchyard, burial-ground and 2006 museum with the remains of the cairns adjacent, taken from the N. DP 017909 General oblique aerial view centred on the gravel quarry and the site of the 2006 excavation of the pit-defined enclosure with the church, churchyard, burial- ground, museum and remains of the cairns adjacent, taken from the NNE. Rubbings RB 307 Kilmartin Churchyard Slab Slab with the inscription 'POLTALLOCH' at top, central sword flanked by rampant beasts round hilt and plant life on either side of blade. The foot slab contains possible casket, shears and blank tablet in descending order. RB 191 Kilmartin Churchyard Cross Front of free-standing cross sculptured in relief, with several panels of interlace.

30 5. List of names and places on Lairs within the old Section of Kilmartin Churchyard (as transcribed by Alan Begg between 1988-1991)

A name with a line beneath it means, this is a gravestone lying on the ground.

Placenames appear on the right and any placenames in CAPITALS means, this place is now a ruin or gone completely.

001 Jackson, Alex, 34 Monydrain 1847 (b.31/5/1815, Glassary) (Fa.James Jackson, Mo.Margaret MacNeill) brother of John Jackson,Tacksman (John Jackson, b.11/2/1812, Glassary) (Anne Jackson, b.15/6/1817, Glassary) (Francis James Jackson, b.22/8/1810, Glassary) (Hugh Jackson, b.4/8/1822, Glassary) (Lachlan Jackson, b.30/11/1823, Glassary) (Margaret Jackson, b.30/5/1831, Glassary) (Mary Jackson, b.21/1/1828, Glassary) (Parents of above, James Jackson & Margaret MacNeill) (Married 28/11/1809, Glassary) 002 McLean, Catherine, 66 Lochgilphead 1840 (b.Abt.1776, Glassary of Lockgilphead) wife of Donald Jackson,Meal Miller (Cathrin McLean m.Donald Jackson) (27/1/1796, Kilninver & Kilmelford) 002 Jackson, Donald, 69 Miller Lochgilphead 1841 (b.Abt.1772, Glassary of Lockgilphead) husband of Catherine McLean (Donald Jackson m.Cathrin McLean) (27/1/1796, Kilninver & Kilmelford) 002 Jackson, Catherine,1 Lochgilphead 1846 (b.20/4/1845, Glassary) (Fa. John Jackson, Mo. Elizabeth Niven) daughter of John Jackson, Monydrain

002 Jackson, Catherine, 2 Lochgilphead 1845 (b.6/1843,Glassary) (Fa. John Jackson, Mo. Elizabeth Niven) daughter of John Jackson, Monydrain 003- 004 MacAlpin, Isabella 1906 005- 006- 007 MacLachlane, Rev. William Creagenterve, Ford? 1686 (On Churchyard Wall) 008 MacLachlane Creagenterve, Ford? 1777 009 MacLachlan, Christina or Christian, 45 Braglenmore 1842 (MacKellar) wife of John MacLachlan (Christian MacKellar, m. John MacLachlan) (23/12/1813, Glassary) 009 MacLachlan, John, 49 Braglenmore 1833 husband of Christian MacKellar (John MacLachlan, m. Christian MacKellar)

31 (23/12/1813, Glassary) 009 MacKellar, Christian, 45 Braglenmore 1842 wife of John MacLachlan (Christian MacKellar, m. John MacLachlan) (23/12/1813, Glassary) 010- 011- 012 Graham, Archibald may be GLENACHARN 013 Graham,Neil, 26 GLENACHARN 1830 014 Graham, Flora, 60 Ardifuar, Glassary 1842 (c.15/6/1784, Downe, N.Knapdale) (Relative:-Robert McQuarrie) 015- 016- 017 Campbell, Christina, 78 d. Lochgilphead 1881 (MacArthur) wife of Archibald Campbell (Christine MacArthur, b. 14/10/1802, Inveraray) (c.16/10/1802, Inveraray & Glenaray) (Fa.Donald MacArthur, mo. Henrietta MacArthur) daughter of Donald MacArthur,Crinan Basin(d.1827) (Christian MacArthur ,m. Archibald Campbell) (17/1/1829, N.Knapdale) 017 MacArthur, Donald, 75 Crinan 1827 father of Christina Campbell,78 d. 1881. husband of Henrietta MacArthur (Donald MacArthur, m. Henrietta MacArthur) (14/5/1791, Glassary) 018 Campbell, Margaret, 70 Crinan Bridge, Knapdale 6/7/1857 (Walker) wife of Donald Campbell & 7 children 018 Walker, Margaret, 70 Crinan Bridge, Knapdale 6/7/1857 wife of Donald Campbell & 7 children (b.1777) (Fa. Donald Walker, Mo. Christina MacIntyre) 019 Campbell, Rev. Samuel,78 d. Ardrishaig 15/12/1868 (b.1790) (Fa. Dugald Campbell, Mo. Mary MacColl) 020 MacColl, Christina, 82 Kilmartin 1912 wife of Donald McLeod (Christian MacColl, m. Donald McLeod) (3/12/1852, Kilmichael Glassary) 020 MacLeod, Donald, 51 AUCHACHROME, 1871 (Donald McLeod m. Christian MacColl) (3/12/1852, Kilmichael Glassary) 020 MacLeod, Donald North Lodge, Kilmartin 1948 020 MacLeod, Flora North Lodge, Kilmartin 1967 020 MacLeod, Margaret, 62 AUCHACHROME 1921 (b.15/5/1858, Bailie, Glassary) (Fa. Donald MacLeod, Mo. Christian MacColl) 020 MacLeod, Neil, 18 AUCHACHROME, 1873 (b.11/4/1855, Bailie, Glassary) (Fa. Donald McLeod, Mo. Christian MacColl) 021 MacCallum, Dugald, 1 Slockavullin 12/1852 (b.5/11/1851, Kilmartin) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Helen MacLellan) 021 MacCallum, Helen, 74 Slockavullin 18/9/1894 (MacLellan) wife of John MacCallum

32 (Helen MacLellan m. John MacCallum) (12/3/1842, Kilmartin) 021 MacCallum, Hugh, 3 Slockavullin 3/1861 (b.19/8/1858, Kilmartin) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Helen MacLellan) 021 MacCallum, John, 63 Contractor Slockavullin 6/12/1881 (b.1818) (Fa. Archibald MacCallum, Mo. Sarah Gillies) husband of Helen MacLellan (John MacCallum m. Helen MacLellan) (12/3/1842, Kilmartin) (Duncan MacCallum, b. 1844) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Helen MacLellan) (Hugh MacCallum,b.?) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Helen MacLellan) 021 MacCallum, John, 83 28/3/1942 (b.1859) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Helen MacLellan) 021 MacCallum, Sarah, 81 Slockavullin 12/3/1924 (c.30/4/1843, Kilmartin) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Helen MacLellan) 021 MacLellan, Helen, 74 Slockavullin 18/9/1894 wife of John MacCallum (Helen MacLellan, m. John MacCallum) (12/3/1842) 022 MacInnes, Catherine 17-- wife of Duncan MacCallum 023 MacArthur, Catherine, 30 Ardrishaig 1888 (b. 20/12/1855, Lochgilphead) (Fa. Peter MacArthur, Mo. Mary MacLellan) 023 MacArthur, Mary, 14 Ardrishaig 1871 (Mary Jane MacArthur, b. 17/11/1857) (Fa. Peter MacArthur, Mo. Mary MacLellan) 023 MacArthur, Mary, 71 Ardrishaig 1892 (MacLellan) wife of Peter MacArthur (Mary MacLellan, m.Peter MacArthur) (17/5/1845, S.Knapdale) 023 MacArthur, Peter, Feuar Ardrishaig 1898 husband of Mary MacLellan (Peter MacArthur, m. Mary MacLellan) (17/5/1845, S.Knapdale) 024 MacArthur, Dugald, 42 Feuar Ardrishaig 1834 025 Campbell, Ann, 71 Kilmartin 1895 (b.28/2/1824, Kintallan, N.Knapdale) wife of Donald MacLellan (Anne Campbell m. Donald MacLellan) (9/12/1843, Kilmichael Glassary) 025 MacLellan, Ann, 65 Kilmartin 1913 (b.5/2/1847, Kilmartin) (Fa. Donald MacLellan, Mo. Agnes or Ann Campbell) 025 MacLellan, Donald, 78 Kilmartin 1894 husband of Ann Campbell (Donald MacLellan m. Ann Campbell) (9/12/1843, Kilmichael Glassary) (Donald MacLellan, b. 10/11/1857, Kilmartin)

33 (Fa. Donald MacLellan, Mo. Anne Campbell) 025 MacLellan, Dugald, 23 Kilmartin 1873 (b.4/9/1849, Kilmartin) (Fa. Donald MacLellan, Mo. Agnes or Ann Campbell) 025 MacLellan, Edward, 18 Kilmartin 1871 (b.11/5/1852, Kilmartin) (Fa. Donald MacLellan, Mo. Ann or Agnes Campbell) 025 MacLellan, John, 78 Kilmartin 1933 (b.1855, Kilmartin) (Fa. Donald MacLellan, Mo .Agnes or Ann Campbell) 025 McLellan, William, 78 Kilmartin 1937 (b.1860, Kilmartin) (Fa.Donald MacLellan,Mo. Agnes or Ann Campbell) 026 Campbell, John,43 Duntroon 1900 husband of Mary MacVean (John Campbell, m. Mary MacVean) 026 MacVean, Mary, 79 Duntroon 1945 wife of John Campbell (Mary MacVean, m.John Campbell) 027- 028 Campbell, Neil Tenant CARNASSERIE MORE, 1817 029 Campbell, John ARKINLES 029 McDeor, Mary ARKINLES 030 Campbell John ARKINLES 031 MacArthur,Archd, 64, Forester Tayness, Kilmartin 1877 husband of Janet MacVean (Archd. MacArthur, m. Janet MacVean) (9/12/1837, Kilmartin) 031 MacVean, Janet Tayness, Kilmartin 1898 wife of Archd. MacArthur (Janet MacVean, m. Archd MacArthur) (9/12/1837, Kilmartin) 032 MacCallum, George, 71 1917 (b.18/6/1846, Kilmartin) (Fa. Ewen or Hugh MacCallum, Mo. Anne MacAurthur) husband of Jean MacLachlan 034 MacCallum, Jean, 78 Crinan 1927 (MacLachlan) wife of George MacCallum 034 MacLachlan, Jean, 78 Crinan 1927 wife of George MacCallum 034 MacArthur, Ann, 77 Carnasserie 24/1/1882 wife of Hugh MacCallum (Anne MacArthur m. Hugh MacCallum) (17/2/1836, Kilmartin) 034 MacCallum, Ann, 77 Carnasserie 24/1/1882 (MacArthur) wife of Hugh MacCallum (Anne MacArthur m. Hugh or Ewan MacCallum) (17/2/1836, Kilmartin) 034 MacCallum, Ann, 5. Carnasserie, Kilmartin 16/1/1857 (Anne MacCallum, c.6/5/1851,Kilmartin) (Fa. Hugh MacCallum, Mo. Ann MacArthur)

34 034 MacCallum, Hugh, 52 Carnasserie 18/3/1866 husband of Ann MacArthur (Ewan or Hugh MacCallum m. Anne McArthur) (17/2/1836, Kilmartin) 034 MacCallum, Malcolm, 51 Carnasserie 1/1905 (b.27/10/1853, Kilmartin) (Fa. Hugh MacCallum, Mo. Anne McAurthur) 034 MacCallum, Mary, 32 Kilmartin 16/6/1877 (c.19/10/1841, Kilmartin) (Fa. Hugh MacCallum, Mo. Ann MacArthur) 034 MacKay, John, 77 1855 035 Brown, Ann, 82 Duntroon 1945 wife of Duncan Ormiston 035 Ormiston, Ann, 82 Duntroon 1945 (Brown) wife of Duncan Ormiston 035 Ormiston, Christina, 30 Duntroon 1925 035 Ormiston, Duncan, 82 Duntroon 1936 husband of Ann Brown 035 Ormiston, James, 4 ½ Duntroon 1892 036 Brown, Flora, 38 Duntroon d.Glasgow 1874 (Martin) wife of James Brown (Flora Martin m.James Brown) (19/12/1861, Glassary) 036 Brown, James, 87 Duntroon 1920 (b.1833) husband of Flora Martin (James Brown m. Flora Martin) (19/12/1861, Glassary) 036 Brown, James, 54 Duntroon 1927 (b.1873) 036 Brown, John, 84 The Lodge, Duntroon 1949 (John Martin Brown, b. 30/7/1864 Barnakil, Glassary) (Fa. James Brown, Mo. Flora Martin) 036 Brown, Margaret The Lodge, Duntroon 1965 (Cameron) wife of John Brown 036 Brown, Neil, 52 (Died Dunardry) Duntroon 1929 (b.1877) 036 Cameron, Margaret, The Lodge, Duntroon 1965 wife of John Brown 036 Martin, Flora, 38 Duntroon d.Glasgow 1874 wife of James Brown (Flora Martin m. James Brown) (19/12/1861, Glassary) (John Martin Brown, b.31/7/1864, Glassary) (Fa, James Brown, Mo. Flora Martin) 037 MacDonald, James,80 1874 (c.1/8/1793, Kilmartin) (Fa. Donald MacDonald,Mo. Mary Black) husband of Christina Shaw (James MacDonald, m. Christina Shaw) 037 Shaw, Christina, 80 1864 wife of James MacDonald (Christina Shaw, m. James MacDonald) 038 Cameron, Duncan, 75 The Lodge, Duntroon 1953 brother of Margaret Cameron 039 Campbell, Alex 3 1/2 Killinochonoch, Glassary 1863

35 (b.27/3/1860, Glassary) (Fa. Peter Campbell, Mo. Catherine MacDonald) 039 Campbell, Alex, infant Killinochonoch, Glassary 1857 (b.23/12/1856, Glassary) (Fa. Peter Campbell, Mo. Catherine MacDonald) 039 Campbell, Catherine,4 Killinochonoch,Glassary 1854 (b.1/5/1850, Kilmartin) (Fa. Peter Campbell, Mo. Catherine MacDonald) 039 Campbell, Catherine, 79 Killinochonoch, Glassary 1902 (MacDonald) wife of Peter Campbell (Catherine MacDonald, m. Peter Campbell) (10/4/1845, Kilmartin) 039 Campbell, Christina, 29 Killinochonoch? 1875 wife of Alex MacTavish (Christina Campbell m. Alex MacTavish) (29/1/1869, Glassary) 039 Campbell, James, 2 Killinochonoch, Glassary 1854 (26/4/1852, Kilmartin) (Fa. Peter Campbell, Mo. Catherine MacDonald) 039 Campbell, Mary, 48 b.Killinochonoch 1914 (b.30/4/1865, Glassary) (Fa. Peter Campbell, Mo. Catherine, MacDonald) 039 Campbell, Peter, 66 Killinochonoch, Glassary 1854 husband of Catherine MacDonald (Peter Campbell, m. Catherine MacDonald) (10/4/1845, Kilmartin) 039 MacDonald, Catherine, 79 Killinochonoch, Glassary 1854 wife of Peter Campbell (Catherine MacDonald, m. Peter Campbell) (10/4/1845, Kilmartin) 040 Campbell, Mary, 72 Kilmartin 1846 wife of Rev.Hugh Dewar 040 Dewar, Rev. Hugh, 82 Kilmartin 1836 Ordained 17/4/1806 husband of Mary Campbell 040 Dewar, Rev .James, 62 Oa, 1871? (b.16/12/1808, Kilmartin) (Fa.Rev.Hugh Dewar, Mo. Mary Brissot Campbell) Ordained 1845 040 Dewar, Mary, 72 Kilmartin 1846 (Campbell) wife of Rev.Hugh Dewar 041 MacColl, Christina, 75 Slockavullin 1892 (MacLachlan) wife of Dugald MacColl (Christina MacLachlan m. Dugald MacColl) (22/12/1841, Kilmichael Glassary) 041 MacColl, Donald, 8 Slockavullin 12/11/1855 son of Dugald MacColl (Donald MacColl, c. 29/4/1847, Kilmartin) (Fa. Dugald MacColl, Mo. Christian MacLachlane) 041 MacColl, Dugald Slockavullin 1887 husband of Christina MacLachlan (Dugald MacColl m. Christina MacLachlan) (22/12/1841, Kilmichael Glassary) 041 MacLachlan, Christina, 75 Slockavullin 1892 wife of Dugald MacColl (Christina MacLachlan m. Dugald MacColl)

36 (22/12/1841, Kilmichael Glassary) 041 MacLachlan, Christina, 82 Kilmartin 1903 042 Gray, Janet, 73 CREGENTERVEBEG 1851 wife of Duncan MacLachlan (Janet Gray m. Duncan MacLachlan)? (19/1/1799, Glassary) 042 MacLachlan, Christine,8 Slockavullin 1855 042 MacLachlan, Colin, 64 CREAGENTERVE, Ford 9/11/1857 son of Hugh MacLachlan & Janet Gray 042 MacLachlan, Duncan, 65 CREAGENTERVE, Ford 8/6/1838 son of Hugh MacLachlan & Janet Gray 042 MacLachlan, Hugh CREGENTERVEBEG, Ford 1814 042 MacLachlan, Isabella, 82 Slockavullin 1903 042 MacLachlan, Janet, 75 Kilmartin 1905 or 1906 042 MacLachlan, Janet, 73 CREGENTERVEBEG, Ford 26/5/1851 (Gray) wife of Duncan MacLachlan (Janet Gray m. Duncan MacLachlan) (19/1/1799, Glassary) 043 044 045 046 047 048 Campbell, John 1807 049 MacColl, Neil Possibly GLENACHARN 049 Smith, Ann Dunardry 1890 Erected by Miss Cunningham-Employer 050 051 052 McTyer, James Kilmartin 053 054 Dewar, Flora 1878 054 MacIntyre, John 1838 055 056 057 058 059 MacLachlan, Isabella, 57 Kilmartin 1888 (Thomson) wife of John MacLachlan 059 MacLachlan, John, 90 Kilmartin 1916 husband of Isabella Thomson (John MacLachlan m. Isabella Thomson) 059 MacLachlan, Lilias 1944 (b.4/6/1868, Glassary) (Fa. John MacLachlan, Mo. Isabella Thomson) 059 Thomson, Isabella, 57 Kilmartin 1888 wife of John MacLachlan (Isabella Thomson, m. John MacLachlan) 060 MacEwan, Barbara, 67 Knock, Lochgair 1915 wife of Neil MacLachlan (Barbara MacEwan, m. Neil MacLachlan) (8/4/1870, Lochgilphead) 060 MacLachlan,Barbara, 67 Knock,Lochgair 1915 (MacEwan) wife of Neil MacLachlan

37 (Barbara MacEwan,m.Neil MacLachlan) (8/4/1870, Lochgilphead) 060 MacLachlan, Duncan, 21 Knock, Lochgair 1903 060 MacLachlan, Julia, 13 Knock, Lochgair 1897 060 MacLachlan, Margaret, 70 Knock, Lochgair 1950 060 MacLachlan, Mary, 71 Knock, Lochgair 1957 060 MacLachlan, Neil, 82 Knock, Lochgair 1924 (b.8/1/1842, Kilmichael Glassary) (Fa. Duncan MacLachlan, Mo. Lilias Blair) husband of Barbara MacEwan (Neil MacLachlan, m. Barbara MacEwan) (8/4/1870, Lochgilphead) 060 MacLachlan, Neil, 67 Lochgair 1957 061 Blair, Lily, 87 Achnabreck, Glassary 1890 (b.Abt.1805, of Glassary) wife of Duncan McLachlan (Lily Blair m. Duncan MacLachlan) (21/2/1826, Kilmichael Glassary) 061 MacLachlan, Duncan, 87 Achnabreck, Glassary 1888 husband of Lily Blair (Duncan MacLachlan m. Lily Blair) (18/2/1826, Kilmichael Glassary) 061 MacLachlan, Hugh, 17 Achnabreck, Glassary 1856 061 MacLachlan, Lily, 87 Achnabreck, Glassary 1890 (b. Abt.1805, of Glassary) (Blair) wife of Duncan McLachlan (Lily Blair m. Duncan MacLachlan) (21/2/1826, Kilmichael Glassary) 061 MacLachlan, Lily, 14 Achnabreck,Glassary 1856 (b.20/6/1844, Glassary) (Fa. Duncan MacLachlan, Mo. Lily Blair) 062 MacLachlan, N. Lochgair 1812 063 064 Crawford,Eliz Achnashelloch,Glassary wife of Hugh MacLachlan (Elizabeth Crawford, m .Hugh MacLachlan) (24/11/1827, Glassary) 064 MacLachlan,Eliz Achnashelloch,Glassary (Crawford) wife of Hugh MacLachlan (Elizabeth Crawford, m. Hugh MacLachlan) (24/11/1827, Glassary) 064 MacLachlan,Hugh Achnashelloch,Glassary 1845 husband of Elizabeth Crawford (Hugh MacLachlan, m. Elizabeth Crawford) (24/11/1827, Glassary) 065 066 067 MacColl, Mary , 85 Lochgilphead 1906 wife of Dugald MacTavish 067 MacTavish, Dugald, 56 Gardener Lochgilphead 1874 husband of Mary MacColl (Duncan MacTavish, m. Mary MacColl) (son Dugald MacTavish, b. 27/10/1855,Glassary) (Fa. Duncan MacTavish, Mo. Mary MacColl) 068 MacFarlane, Elizabeth 1809 wife of Donald McNicoll of the Excise

38 068 McNicoll, Archd 1809 068 McNicoll, Christina 1809 (MacFarlane) wife of Donald McNicoll of the Excise. 069 MacFarlane, Elizabeth 1869 070 Henderson, Janet Ford 1880 070 Henderson, Peter Ford 1873 071 072,073 MacCalman Family (Old Stones) 074 MacCalman, Archd. Monydrain 1903 husband of Elizabeth MacPherson (Archd. MacCalman, m. Elizabeth MacPherson) (27/12/1859, Kilmartin) 074 MacCalman, Archd. Monydrain 1936 (b.9/3/1869, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd. MacCalman, Mo. Elizabeth MacPherson) 074 MacCalman, Eliz, 38 GLENMOINE, Kilmartin 1876 (MacPherson) wife of Archd. MacCalman (Elizabeth MacPherson m. Archd. MacCalman) (27/12/1859, Kilmartin) 074 MacCalman, Hugh Monydrain 1953 (b.1/5/1865, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd.MacCalman, Mo.Elizabeth MacPherson) 074 McMillan, Ann Monydrain 1908 074 MacPherson, Eliz, 38 GLENMOINE,Kilmartin 1876 wife of Archd. MacCalman (Elizabeth MacPherson, m. Archd. MacCalman) (27/12/1859, Kilmartin) 075 MacCalman, Bessie Monydrain 1927 (Elizabeth MacCalman, b. 12/4/1873, Kilmartin) (Fa.Archd .MacCalman, Mo. Elizabeth MacPherson) 076,077 MacCalman Family (Old Stones) 078 McTyer, Ian, 16 Kilmartin 1836 079 080 081 082 083 MacVicar, Archd AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 084 MacVicar, Christine, 12 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1839 084 MacVicar, Duncan, 92 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1849 husband of Mary Muir (Duncan MacVicar, m. Mary Moor) (24/12/1786, Glassary) 084 MacVicar, Mary, 2 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1829 084 MacVicar, Mary, 82 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1845 (Muir) wife of Duncan McVicar (Mary Moor, m. Duncan MacVicar) (24/12/1786, Glassary) 084 Muir, Mary, 82 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1845 wife of Duncan MacVicar (Mary Moor m. Duncan MacVicar) (24/12/1786, Glassary) 085

39 086 087 088 089 Graham, Donald, Mary & Children 1828 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 MacKay, Archd 1800 husband of Catherine MacTavish (Archd MacKay, m. Catherine MacTavish) 097 MacKay, Catherine, 79 1800 (MacTavish) wife of Archd. MacKay (Catherine MacTavish, m. Archd MacKay) 097 MacTavish, Catherine, 79 1800 wife of Archd. MacKay (Catherine MacTavish, m. Archd MacKay) 098 099 100 101 102 103 MacDonald, Ann, 83 Leachnaban, N.Knapdale 1913 wife of John MacDonald 103 MacDonald, Elizabeth Leachnaban, N. Knapdale 1885 103 MacDonald, Euphemia Leachnaban, N.Knapdale 1964 103 MacDonald, Jessie Leachnaban, N.Knapdale 1914 103 MacDonald, John, 68 Leachnaban, N.Knapdale 1902 husband of Ann MacDonald? 104 Gray, Isabella Leachnaban, N.Knapdale 1874 wife of Archd.MacDonald (Isabella Gray, m. Archd. MacDonald) (30/6/1827, Kilmartin) 104 MacDonald, Archd, 63 Leachnaban, N. Knapdale 1863 husband of Isabella Gray (Arch MacDonald m. Isabella Gray) (30/6/1827, Kilmartin) 104 MacDonald, Dugal, 62 Leachnaban, N. Knapdale 1853 104 MacDonald, Dugal, 36 Leachnaban, N. Knapdale 1876 104 MacDonald, Isabella Leachnaban, N. Knapdale 1874 (Gray) wife of Archd. MacDonald (Isabella Gray m. Archd. MacDonald) (30/6/1827, Kilmartin) 105 106 107 Crawford, Margaret, 62 Rhudle, Glassary 1901 wife of Duncan MacDonald (Margaret Crawford, m. Duncan MacDonald) 107 MacDonald, Archd. Rhudle, Glassary 1929 107 MacDonald, Donald Rhudle, Glassary 1921 (b.17/4/1864, Glassary) (Fa. Duncan MacDonald, Mo. Margaret Crawford) 107 MacDonald, Duncan, 76 Rhudle, Glassary 1912

40 husband of Margaret Crawford (Duncan MacDonald, m. Margaret Crawford) 107 MacDonald, Duncan Rhudle, Glassary 1937 (b.15/2/1868, Glassary) (Fa. Duncan MacDonald, Mo. Margaret S. Crawford) 107 MacDonald, Margaret, 62 Rhudle, Glassary 1901 (Crawford) wife of Duncan MacDonald (Margaret Crawford, m. Duncan MacDonald) 108 Campbell, James, 65 MID SHIRVAN COTTAGE, Kilmartin 1845 108 Campbell, Malcolm,45 MID SHIRVAN COTTAGE, Glassary 109 MacLellan,Duncan,1 EXPERIMENT,Kilmartin 1846 (c.23/10/1844, Glassary) (Fa. Malcolm MacLellan, Mo. Margaret Fisher) 110 Dewar, Ann, 78 Barnluasgan, N. Knapdale 1915 wife of James McColl, daughter of John Dewar (Ann Dewar m. James McColl) (8/6/1865, N. Knapdale) 110 Dewar, John, 82 Farmer Barnluasgan, N. Knapdale 1886 husband of Mary MacLellan (John Dewar, m. Mary MacLellan) (17/12/1831, Kilmartin) 110 Dewar, Mary, 69 Barnluasgan, N. Knapdale 1874 (McLellan) wife of John Dewar, Farmer (Mary MacLellan, m. John Dewar) (17/12/1831, Kilmartin) 110 Dewar, Neil, 9 Barnluasgan, N.Knapdale 1843 son of John Dewar, Farmer (c.13/2/1834, Kilmartin) (Fa. John Dewar, Mo. Mary MacLellan) 110 MacColl, Ann, 78 Barnluasgan, N. Knapdale 1915 (Dewar) wife of James MacColl (Ann Dewar, m. James MacColl) (8/6/1865, N. Knapdale) 110 MacColl, James, 71 Barnluasgan, N. Knapdale 1906 husband of Ann Dewar, (James McColl m. Ann Dewar) (8/6/1865, N. Knapdale) 110 MacLellan, Mary, 69 Barnluasgan, N. Knapdale 1874 wife of John Dewar, Farmer (Mary MacLellan, m.John Dewar) (17/12/1831, Kilmartin) 111 Brodie, Eliza, 84 Rowanfield, Poltalloch 1905 (MacFarlane) wife of Robert Brodie (Eliza MacFarlane m. Robert Brodie) (12/3/1842, Kilmartin) (Robert Brodie b.4/1/1848, Kilmartin) 111 Brodie, John 9 mths Rowanfield, Poltalloch 1846 (b.5/11/1844, Kilmartin) (Fa. Robert Brodie, Mo. Eliza MacFarlane) 111 Brodie Robert, 80 Gamekeeper Rowanfield, Poltalloch 1894 husband of Eliza MacFarlane (Robert Brodie m. Eliza MacFarlane) (12/3/1842, Kilmartin) (Robert Brodie b.4/1/1848, Kilmartin)

41 111 Brodie, Margaret Hamilton Kilmartin 1894 daughter of Robert Brodie, Rowanfield (c.28/12/1854, Kilmartin) (Fa. Robert Brodie, Mo. Eliza MacFarlane) 111 MacFarlane, Elizabeth, 84 Rowanfield, Kilmartin 1905 wife of Robert Brodie (Eliza MacFarlane, m. Robert Brodie) (12/3/1842, Kilmartin) 112 Bell, Elizabeth, 61 Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1819 wife of James MacFarlane (Elizabeth Bell, m. James MacFarlane) 112 MacFarlane, Christine, 80 Poltalloch Lodge 1904 112 MacFarlane, Elizabeth, 61 Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1819 (Bell) wife of James MacFarlane (Elizabeth Bell, m. James MacFarlane) 112 MacFarlane, James, 19 Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1864 (c.16/7/1835, Kilmartin) (Fa. James MacFarlane, Mo. Elizabeth Bell) 112 MacFarlane, James, 76 Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1854 husband of Elizabeth Bell (James MacFarlane, m. Elizabeth Bell) 113 MacIntyre, Anne, 55 Kilchoan Lodge 1916 (Anne MacIntyre, b, 13/3/1861, Kilmartin) (Fa. Dugald MacIntyre, Mo. Blanney MacNair) wife of Alex Murdoch 113 MacIntyre, Blaan, 43 Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1882 (MacNair) wife of Dugald MacIntyre (Blannie MacNair, m. Dugald MacIntyre) (16/3/1858, Kilmartin) 113 MacIntyre, Dugald Barmolloch, Glassary 1915 113 MacIntyre, Dugald, 69 Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1897 husband of Blan MacNair (Dugald MacIntyre, m. Blannie MacNair) (16/3/1858, Kilmartin) 113 MacIntyre, Isabella, 23 Kilmartin 1888 (Isabel MacIntyre, b. 30/12/1864, Kilmartin) (Fa. Dougald MacIntyre, Mo. Blannie MacNair) 113 MacNair, Blaan, 43 Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1882 (Blaanie MacNair, m .Dugald MacIntyre) (16/3/1858, Kilmartin) 113 Murdoch, Ann Kilchoan Lodge 1916 (Anne MacIntyre, b.13/3/1861,Kilmartin (Fa. Dugald MacIntyre, Mo. Blanney MacNair) (MacIntyre) wife of Alex Murdoch 114 MacLellan, Christine, 27 Gallachoille, N. Knapdale 1864 wife of Donald Campbell (Christina MacLellan m. Donald Campbell) (12/1/1862, N .Knapdale) 114 MacLellan, Dugal, 82 Barmolloch, Kilmartin 1915 115 116 Campbell, Christina, 32 Auchindarroch, Lochgilphead 1856 (Christian Campbell, m. Donald MacKellar) (1842, Kilmartin) 116 MacKellar, Christina, 32 Auchindarroch, Lochgilphead 1856 (Campbell) wife of Donald MacKellar (Christian Campbell, m. Donald MacKellar)

42 (1842, Kilmartin) 116 MacKellar, Donald, Gardener Auchindarroch, Lochgilphead 1856 husband of Christina Campbell (Donald MacKellar, m. Christian Campbell) (1842, Kilmartin) 117 118 119 120 121 122 MacIntyre, Colin, 19 1800 Erected by FMI & MML 123 124 Gillies, Malcolm 1828 125 Gillies, Donald , 52 Tenant of BAILEBRAD, Kilmartin 1839 126 127 Gillies, Ann, 61 Kilmartin 1842 (MacLullich) wife of Neil Gillies, Merchant (Ann MacLullich, m. Neil Gillies) 127 Gillies, Malcolm, 33 Farmer Achnabreck, Glassary 1867 (c.10/8/1834, Kilmartin) (Fa.Neil Gillies, Mo. Ann MacLullich) 127 Gillies, Neil, 52 Merchant Kilmartin 1842 husband of Ann MacLullich (Neil Gillies, m. Ann MacLullich) 127 MacLullich, Ann Kilmartin 1842 wife of Neil Gillies, Merchant (Ann MacLullich, m. Neil Gillies) 128 MacLellan, John 129 very old stone, no dates. Inscribed BAR 130 131 MacArthurs Old Stone 132 Campbell, James or Jessie, 5 Duntroon 1903 132 MacArthur, Duncan, 15 Barsloisnoch 1857 son of James MacArthur 132 MacArthur, James, 76 Duntroon 1926 (b.15/3/1850, Kilmichael Glassary) (Fa. John MacArthur, Mo. Mary MacCallum) 132 MacArthur, John, 78 Duntroon 1892 husband of Mary MacCallum (John MacArthur, m. Mary MacCallum) (9/4/1836, Kilmartin) 132 MacCallum, Duncan, 15 Duntroon 1857 132 MacCallum, Mary, 76 Duntroon 1891 wife of John MacArthur (Mary MacCallum, m. John MacArthur) (9/4/1836, Kilmartin) 133 MacArthur 134 MacArthur 135 Budd, Eliz, 78 wife of Donald MacArthur, Barsliosnach 135 MacArthur, Archd, 19 d. Chicago 1887 son of Donald MacArthur of Barsliosnach 135 MacArthur, Donald, 78 Barsloisnoch 1918 husband of Isabella Smith 135 MacArthur, Isabella, 27 Barsloisnach 1876

43 (Smith) wife of Donald MacArthur 135 Smith, Isabella, 27 Barsloisnoch 1876 wife of Donald MacArthur 136 MacArthur, Alex, 95 d.13/1/1923 (b.1828) (Fa. Malcolm MacArthur, Mo. Annie Barr) 136 MacArthur, Janet, 79 Glachachonie, Cairnbaan 1920 (b.12/3/1841, Kilmichael Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Janet Gillies) (MacCallum) wife of John MacArthur (Janet MacCallum, m. John MacArthur) 136 MacArthur, John, 74 Glachachonie, Dunamuck 25/9/1910 husband of Janet MacCallum (John MacArthur, m. Janet MacCallum) 136 MacArthur, Malcolm, 64 Glachachonich Buried at sea 1937 (b. 18/8/1872, Glassary) (Fa. John MacArthur, Mo. Janet MacCallum) 136 MacCallum, Janet, 79 Glachachonie, Cairnbaan 1920 (b. 12/3/1841, Kilmichael Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Janet Gillies) wife of John MacArthur (Janet MacCallum, m. John MacArthur) 137 138 139 Kilmertin 140 141 Kilmertin 142 MacKechnie, James, 82 Farmer Arinechtan, Ford 1843 143 Campbell, D. 144 Smith, Jean, 62 Kilmartin 1932 (Jane Smith, b. 20/1/1870, Lochgilphead) (Fa. Duncan Smith, Mo. Isabella Gillies) 144 Smith, Mary, 69 Kilmartin 1929 (b. 25/6/1859, Kilmartin) (Fa. Duncan Smith, Mo. Isabella Gillies) 145 Gillies, Isabella Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1907 wife of Duncan Smith (Isabella Gillies m. Duncan Smith) (15/4/1847, Kilmartin) 145 Smith, Archd. Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1864 145 Smith, Archd., 12 Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1861 (c.1/5/1849, Glassary) (Fa. Duncan Smith, Mo. Isabella Gillies) 145 Smith, Duncan Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1901 husband of Isabella Gillies (Duncan Smith m. Isabella Gillies) (15/4/1847, Kilmartin) 145 Smith, Isabella Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1907 (Gillies) wife of Duncan Smith (Isabella Gillies m. Duncan Smith) (15/4/1847, Kilmartin) 145 Smith, John, 38 Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1894 (c. 10/1/1854,Kilmartin) (Fa .Duncan Smith, Mo. Isabella Gillies) 145 Smith, Margaret Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1898 (b. 26/9/1864, Lochgilphead)

44 (Fa. Duncan Smith, Mo. Isabella Gillies) 146 Campbell, Archibald Ormaig Farm, Glassary 1787 146 Campbell, Catherine of Ormaig 1777 146 Campbell, Joannes of Ormaig 1787 146 Campbell, Joannes of Ormaig 1816 147 148 Campbell, Isabella, 60, of Ormaig Kilmartin 1764 (Isabel Campbell m. Archd. Lambie) (1744) (Alexander Lambie b.27/10/1750, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd. Lambie, Mo. Isabel Campbell) 148 Lambie, Archd ORMAIG 1764 Once Rector of Kilmartin, 1738. (In 1744 married Isabella Campbell of Ormaig) (Alexander Lambie,b. 27/10/1750,Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd.Lambie, Mo. Isabel Campbell) 149 Leitch, Sarah, 12. 1828 Erected by Donald Leitch,Father 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 Campbell Duntroon 160 161 162 163 Campbell Duntroon 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 Gilles, Neil Crofter COLLINUNOCHANECH 1823 176 Campbell, Christina, 84 Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1909 wife of Archd. Smith, Builder (Christian Campbell m. Archibald Smith) (25/4/1854, S. Knapdale) 176 Smith, Archd, 42 Builder Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1865 (b.1821, Rudel, Glassary) husband of Christian Campbell (Archd. Smith m. Christian Campbell) (25/4/1854, S. Knapdale) 176 Smith, Christina, 84 Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1909 (Campbell) wife of Archd. Smith, Builder (Christian Campbell m. Archibald Smith)

45 (25/4/1854, S. Knapdale) 176 Smith, Colin, 16mths Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1877 176 Smith, Jane, 20 Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1885 (b.2/5/1864, Rudel, Glassary) (Fa. Archd. Smith, Mo. Christian Campbell) 177 Smith, Archd, 67 Rhudle, Glassary 1835 178 Gilchrist, Ann,97 once of GLENMOINE, Kilmartin 1917 (MacTaggart) wife of James Gilchrist (Ann MacTaggart m. James Gilchrist) (5/12/1850, Kilmartin) 178 MacTaggart, Ann, 97 1917 wife of James Gilchrist, once of GLENMOINE, Kilmartin (Anne MacTaggart, m. James Gilchrist) (5/12/1850, Kilmartin) 178 MacTaggart, Sarah, 39 Ford 1842 wife of James Buchanan, Ford Hotel (Sarah MacTaggart, m. James Buchanan) (1827, Argyll) mother of Alex Buchanan (Alexander Graham Buchanan, b. 1828, Argyll) (Fa. James Buchanan, Mo. Sarah MacTaggart) 179 Jean Deor 1801 (MacAlpin) wife of Neil Deor (Jean MacAlpin, m. Neil Deor) 179 Deor, Neil Auchinellan, Ford 1801 husband of Jean MacAlpin (Neil Deor, m. Jean MacAlpin) (15/6/1787, Glassary) 179 MacAlpin, Jean 1801 wife of Neil Deor (Jean MacAlpin, m. Neil Deor) ((15/6/1787, Glassary) 180 181 182 183 184 Ferguson, Duncan, 19 Barravullin? Craignish 1896 184 MacGilp, Catherine, 76 Barravullin, Craignish 1917 wife of Duncan Ferguson 185 Deor, Neil Auchinellan, Ford 1793 186 Campbell, Ann, 72 Ederline, Ford 1918 wife of Malcolm MacInnes (Ann Campbell, m. Malcolm MacInnes) 186 MacInnes, Ann, 72 Ederline, Ford 1918 (Campbell) wife of Malcolm MacInnes (Ann Campbell, m. Malcolm MacInnes) 186 MacInnes, Donald, 63 Ederline, Ford 1935 (b. 6/12/1872, Glassary) (Fa. Malcolm MacInnes, Mo. Ann Campbell) 186 MacInnes, Malcolm, 43 Ederline, Ford 1885 (b.4/9/1841, Glassary) (Fa. Donald MacInnes, Mo. Euphemia Brown) husband of Ann Campbell (Malcolm MacInnes, m. Ann Campbell)

46 186 MacInnes, Mary, 83 Ederline, Ford 1961 187 188 MacCallum, Archd, 16 Rhudle, Glassary (b. 6/3/1859, N.Knapdale) (Fa. Archd. MacCallum, Mo. Catherine MacKay) 188 MacCallum, Jane, 3 Rhudle, Glassary 188 MacCallum, Catherine, 80 Rhudle, Glassary (MacKay) wife of Archd. MacCallum (Catherine MacKay, m. Archd MacCallum) (15/12/1840, Kilmartin) 188 MacKay, Catherine, 80 Rhudle, Glassary wife of Archd. MacCallum (Catherine MacKay, m. Archd. MacCallum) (15/12/1840, Kilmartin) 189 MacCallum, John, 68 Kirnan, Glassary 1850 189 MacCallum, John, 28 Kirnan, Glassary 1855 (b.1827, Kilmichael Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Jean MacTavish) 189 See also 562 & 569 190 MacCallum, Ann, 63 TILEWORK, Kilmartin 11/9/1937 (b.1874) (Fa. Dugald Ferguson, Mo. Sarah MacEwan) (Ferguson) wife of Duncan MacCallum, Estate Worker (Nicol MacCallum, b.?) (Fa. Duncan MacCallum, Mo. Ann Ferguson) 190 MacCallum, Duncan, 23 TILEWORK, Kilmartin 1941 190 MacCallum, Elizabeth, 13 TILEWORK, Kilmartin 1864 (b. 1852, Glassary) (Fa. Nicol MacCallum, Mo. Margaret McLean) 190 MacCallum, Flora Ann, 17 TILEWORK, Kilmartin 1925 190 MacCallum, Margaret, 79 TILEWORK, Kilmartin 1907 (McLean) wife of Nicol MacCallum (Margaret McLean, m. Nicol MacCallum) 190 MacCallum, Nicol, 74 TILEWORK, Kilmartin 1898 (b.1826, Glassary) husband of Margaret McLean (Nicol MacCallum m. Margaret McLean) (Nicol MacCallum, b. 2/12/1867, Glassary) (Fa. Nicol MacCallum, Mo. Margaret McLean) 190 McLean, Margaret, 79 TILEWORK, Kilmartin 1907 wife of Nicol MacCallum 191 MacLachlan, Alex of ACHAYERRAN 1897 191 MacLachlan, Alex of ACHAYERRAN 1900 191 MacLachlan, Archd of ACHAYERRAN 1802 191 MacLachlan, Archd, 90 of ACHAYERRAN 1866 191 MacLachlan, Archd of ACHAYERRAN 1906 191 MacLachlan, Lily, 38 of ACHAYERRAN 1872 191 MacLachlan, Margaret of ACHAYERRAN 1841 191 MacLachlan,Margaret of ACHAYERRAN 1921 192 MacLachlans of ACHAYERRAN 1789 193 MacLachlan, Colin Bell of CREAGENTERVE 1854 (Colin Bell MacLachlan, m. Margaret MacLellan) (19/3/1850, Kilmartin) 193 MacLachlan, Margaret CREAGENTERVE, Ford 1864 (MacLellan) wife of Colin Bell MacLachlan (19/3/1850, Kilmartin)

47 194 195 MacLachlan, John, 13mths CREAGENTERVE, Ford 1856 195 MacLachlan, John Bell, 66 CREAGENTERVE, Ford 1859 (John Bell MacLachlan m. Lovely Campbell) (25/11/1820, Kilmore & Kilbride) (Louisa Jean Bell MacLachlan,) (b.7/8/1823, Inveraray & Glenaray) (Fa. John Bell MacLachlan, Mo. Lavinia Campbell) 195 MacLachlan, Lavinia, 13mths CREAGENTERVE, Ford 1856 195 MacLachlan, William Bell CREAGENTERVE, Ford 1862 196 Campbell Duntroon 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Duntroon AUCHINELLAN 1693. Old Stone "Here lyes the corps of DUNCAN DEOR son to MK DEOR at AUCHINELLAN died May, 16, 1693’

205 206 Campbell, James Duntroon Castle 1802 207 Campbell, Hugh, 20 1867 Fa. James Campbell of Cove, Mo. Margaret MacPhail 207 MacPhail, Margaret, 69 Cove 1867 wife of James Campbell (Margaret MacPhail, m. James Campbell) (18/1/1822, Kilmartin) 208 209 210 MacCallum, John Kames, Lochgair 26/2/1939 210 MacCallum, Sarah Kames, Lochgair 27/2/1934 211 212 213 MacCallum, Duncan, 37 Sytchett Minster, Dorset, 19/8/1908 (b.3/1/1871, Glassary) Interred, Sheen Vale, Mortlake (Fa.Donald MacCallum, Mo. Isabella C.MacIntyre) husband of Isabella Keith 214 MacCallum, Christina, 64 Kilmartin 20/4/1887? (Scott) wife of Hugh MacCallum (Christian Scott m. Hugh MacCallum) (8/2/1853, Kilmartin) 214 MacCallum, Hugh, 75 Kilmartin 29/1/1900 Carnasserie Cottages, Kilmartin husband of Christina Scott (Hugh MacCallum m. Christian Scott) (8/2/1853, Kilmartin) 214 MacCallum, Mary Glennan 7/5/1857 (6/5/1857, Kilmartin)

48 (Fa. Hugh MacCallum, Mo. Christian Scott) 214 MacCallum, Sarah, 1year 9mths Carnasserie 23/8/1868 (b. 5/10/1866, Kilmartin) (Fa. Hugh MacCallum, Mo.Christina Scott) 214 MacCallum, Sarah, 9 Carnasserie 14/9/1863 (b. 28/12/1854, Kilmartin) (Fa. Hugh MacCallum, Mo. Christian Scott) 214 Scott, Christina, 64 Kilmartin 20/4/1887? wife of Hugh MacCallum (Christian Scott m. Hugh MacCallum) (8/2/1853, Kilmartin) 215 216 217 218 219 Gillies, Duncan, 72 Barravullin, Craignish 1913 219 Ferguson, Grace, 68 Kilberry 1908 (b.1/11/1839, Campbeltown) (Fa. Alexander Ferguson, Mo. Grace Smith) wife of Duncan Gillies (Grace Ferguson m. Duncan Gillies) (6/7/1860, Craignish) 219 Gillies, Grace, 68 Kilberry 1908 (b.1/11/1839, Campbeltown) (Fa. Alexander Ferguson, Mo. Grace Smith) (Ferguson) wife of Duncan Gillies (Grace Ferguson m. Duncan Gillies) (6/7/1860, Craignish) 220 221 222 Gillies Kilmartin 1701 223 224 225 Brodie, John possibly Poltalloch 226 McNaught, Alex, 76 Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1815 227 McNaught, John Kilmory, Ross 1831 228 229 230 Leitch, John Buchanan of 42nd Highlanders 1843 231 232 233 Deor, John Auchinellan, Ford 1777 234 Dewars 235 Dewar, Duncan Auchinellan, Ford 1716 236 237 Dewar, Christina possibly Auchinellan, Ford 1868 237 Dewar, Donald, 78 possibly Auchinellan, Ford 1889 (b.2/3/1811, Glassary) (Fa. John Dewar, Mo. Isabel Leitch) (Married 27/1/1810, Glassary) 237 MacCallum, Janet, 76 1891 (Jannet MacCallum, m. Donald Dewar) (21/1/1837, Kilmartin) mother of Donald Dewar (Donald Dewar, b. 5/11/1857, Kilmartin) (Fa.Donald Dewar, Mo. Janet MacCallum)

49 238 239 Fisher, A 240 241 MacLachlan, Lachlan, 75 Rhudle, Glassary 1897 (b.21/1/1821, Glassary) (Fa. Archibald MacLachlan, Mo. Margt. McNuier) husband of Margaret Munro (Lachlan MacLachlan, m. Margaret Munro) (8/3/1860, Craignish) 241 MacLachlan, Margaret, 48 Rhudle Glassary 1879 (Munro) wife of Lachlan MacLachlan (Margaret Munro, m. Lachlan MacLachlan) (8/3/1860, Craignish) 241 Munro, Margaret, 48 wife of Lachlan MacLachlan of Rhudle 1879 (Margaret Munro m. Lachlan MacLachlan) (8/3/1860, Craignish) 242 Craigenterive 1805 242 MacLachlanes Creagenterve, Ford 1805 243 MacLachlanes Creagenterve, Ford? 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 Lockhart, Letitia, 66 Dunardry, N.Knapdale 1855 wife of Dugald MacTavish of Dunardry. 250 MacTavish, Dugald,73 of Dunardry 1855 husband of Letitia Lockhart 250 MacTavish, Letitia, 66 Dunardry, N.Knapdale 1855 (Lockhart) wife of Dugald MacTavish (Alexander MacTavish, c. 25/11/1830, Campbeltown) (Fa. Dugald MacTavish, Mo. Letitia Lockhart) 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 Campbell, Alex AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1877 for Catherine 6mths 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 MacGregor, Donald, 21 Lochgilphead 1779 266 267 MacAlpine, Euphemia, 59 Drimfin, N. Knapdale 1842 wife of Alexander MacTavish 267 MacTavish, Alex, 79 d. Glasgow Daltote, Knapdale 1930 267 MacTavish, Archd,87 Tenant Daltote, Knapdale 1908

50 (b.6/10/1820, Glassary) (Fa. Alexander MacTavish, Mo. Euphemia MacAlpine) 267 MacTavish, Euphemia, 34 Drimfin, N. Knapdale 1858 (c.10/3/1818, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Alexander MacTavish, Mo. Effy MacAlpine) 268 269 270 Jackson ARICHONAN, Knapdale 1788 271 MacPhee, Joanna 272 Campbell, Dan, 83 Kilmartin 1959 husband of Margaret MacIntyre 272 Campbell, Margaret, 66 Kilmartin 1941 (MacIntyre) wife of Dan Campbell 272 MacIntier 272 MacIntyre, Margaret, 66 Kilmartin 1941 wife of Dan Campbell 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 Campbell, Alex, 54 1851 281 282 283 284 Miller, Charles Glasvaar, Glassary 285 286 Campbell of Eurach Kilmartin 1820 287 Campbell, Christina, 90 FEARNOCH, Glassary 1929 (MacVean) wife of Malcolm Campbell (Christy MacVean, m. Malcolm Campbell) (9/2/1860, Kilmartin) 287 MacVean, Donald, 63 FEARNOCH, Glassary 1868 287 MacVean, Duncan, 20 Crinan Ferry 1888 287 MacVean, Neil, 65 Crinan Ferry 1929 288 289 290 291 292 MacBen 1779 293 MacBen 1685 294 MacColl, John Ballymeanoch, Kilmartin 1811 son of Mary MacVean 294 MacVean, Mary, 55 Ballymeanoch, Kilmartin 1841 mother of John MacColl (Mary MacColl, c. 22/11/1800, Archattan) (Fa. John MacColl, Mo. Mary McVain) 295 296 MacCallum, Duncan, 60 Ballymeanoch, Kilmartin 1860 297 Fisher, Angus 298 299 300

51 301 Campbell, Dougal, 46 Kilmartin or LARGIE HOUSE 1825 (b.1/7/1779, Kilmartin) (Fa.Colin Campbell,Mo. Duncana Campbell) 301 Campbell, Helen Kilmartin or LARGIE HOUSE 1827 or Lamont 302 Campbell of Kilmartin to 310 Campbell of Kilmartin 308 Stone very old with no date. Inscribed BAR 311 312 Campbell, Alex, 34 1889 (b.1855 (Fa. Alexander Campbell, Mo. Lillie McKillop or McGilp) 312 Campbell, Alex, 61 1874 husband of Lilly MacGilp (Alexander Campbell, m. Lillie McKillop) (27/7/1854, Kilmartin) 312 Campbell, Lily, 56 1885 (MacGilp) wife of Alex Campbell (Lillie McKillop, m. Alexander Campbell) (27/7/1854, Kilmartin) 312 MacGilp, Lily, 56 1885 wife of Alex Campbell (Lillie McKillop, m. Alexander Campbell) (27/7/1854, Kilmartin) 313 314 Duntroon-(Campbell) DUNTROON 315 Campbell, Jane, 8 Knock, Lochgair 1853 (b.1/3/1845, Glassary) (Fa. Duncan Campbell, Mo. Jean McNab) (Married, 25/8/1838, Kilmartin) 316 317 318 Campbell, John, 58 Tenant AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1854 319 320 321 322 Campbell, Malcolm 1833 (b.13/3/1801, Glassary) son of Neil Campbell & Mary MacKellar of Dunchragaig 322 Campbell, Mary of Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1838 (MacKellar) wife of Neil Campbell (Mary MacKellar, m. Neil Campbell) (16/1/1784, Kilmartin) 322 Campbell, Neil of Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1827 husband of Mary MacKellar (Neil Campbell, m. Mary MacKellar) (16/1/1784 Kilmartin)) 322 MacKellar, Mary Dunchragaig, Kilmartin 1838 wife of Neil Campbell (Mary MacKellar, m. Neil Campbell) (16/1/1784, Kilmartin) 323 Campbell, Ann, 69 Ardifuar, Glassary 1883 (MacIntyre) wife of George Campbell

52 (Ann MacIntyre, m. George Campbell) (16/2/1833, Kilmartin) 323 Campbell, Archibald, 79 Ardifuar & CARNASSERIE MORE 1973 323 Campbell, Catherine, 65 Ardifuar, Glassary 1920 (MacTavish) wife of John Campbell (Catherine MacTavish, m. John Campbell) 323 Campbell, George, 85 Ardifuar, Glassary 1888 husband of Ann MacIntyre (George Campbell, m. Ann MacIntyre) (16/2/1833, Kilmartin) George James Campbell, b.1/12/1847, , Kilmartin George James Campbell,c. 12/1/1848, Kilmartin (Fa.George Campbell, Mo. Ann MacIntyre) 323 Campbell, George, 83 Ardifuar, Glassary 1931 (b.25/11/1846, Kilmartin) (c.8/12/1846, Kilmartin) (Fa. Peter Campbell, Mo. Mary Ann MacCallum) 323 Campbell, John, 57 Ardifuar & CARNASSERIE MORE 1954 323 Campbell, John, 87 Ardifuar, Glassary 1929 husband of Catherine MacTavish (John Campbell, m. Catherine MacTavish) 323 Campbell, John George, 66 CARNASSARIE MORE 23/9/1992 323 MacIntyre, Ann, 69 Ardifuar, Glassary 1883 wife of George Campbell (Ann MacIntyre, m. George Campbell) (16/2/1833, Kilmartin) 323 MacTavish, Catherine, 65 Ardifuar, Glassary 1920 wife of John Campbell (Catherine MacTavish, m. John Campbell) 324 Campbell, Mary of 1788 (MacKellar) wife of Neil Campbell (b. Upper Shirvan) (Mary MacKellar, m. Neil Campbell) (Abt.1772, Glassary) 324 Campbell, Neil of Strachur 1788 husband of Mary MacKellar (Neil Campbell, m. Mary MacKellar) (Abt.1772, Glassary) 324 MacKellar, Mary b. Upper Shirvan 1788 wife of Neil Campbell of Strachur (Mary MacKellar, m. Neil Campbell) (Abt. 1772, Glassary) 325 326 327 MacDougall, Duncan Tenant Dunadd 1832 328 MacDougall, Dougal , 39 Tenant Dunadd 1791 husband of Mary MacIndeor 328 MacIndeor, Mary Dunadd 1806 wife of Dougall MacDougall 329 330 MacDougall, Duncan Dunadd 1827 331 Lyon, Margaret, 87 Commercial Inn, Lochgilphead 1918 wife of Donald MacDougall

53 (Margaret Lyon, m. Donald MacDougall) (21/1/1861, Torosay) 331 MacDougall, , 26 Kilmichael Inn 1883 (b. 27/2/1857, Glassary) (Fa. Donald MacDougall, Mo. Isabella MacLachlan) 331 MacDougall, Donald, 11 Kilmichael Inn 1859 331 MacDougall, Donald, 66 Innkeeper Kilmichael Inn 1885 husband of Margaret Lyon (Donald MacDougall, m. Margaret Lyon) (21/1/1861, Torosay) 331 MacDougall, Isabella, 36 Kilmichael Inn 1853 331 MacDougall, Margaret, 87 1918 Commercial Inn, Lochgilphead (Lyon) wife of Donald MacDougall (Margaret Lyon, m. Donald MacDougall) (21/1/1861, Torosay) 332 333 Gillies Ann, 81 Mheall, Kilmartin 1911 wife of Duncan MacLullich (Ann Gillies, m. Duncan MacLullich) (12/2/1852, Kilmartin) (12/2/1852, Glassary) 333 MacLullich, Amelia, 14 Mheall, Kilmartin 1887 333 MacLullich, Ann, 81 Mheall, Kilmartin 1911 (Gillies) wife of Duncan MacLullich (Ann Gillies m. Duncan MacLullich) (12/2/1852, Kilmartin) (12/2/1852, Glassary) 333 MacLullich, Duncan, 89 Mheall, Kilmartin 1908 (Duncan MacLullich m. Ann Gillies) (12/2/1852, Kilmartin) (12/2/1852, Glassary) 333 MacLullich, Duncan Mheall, Kilmartin 1932 333 MacLullich, Duncan, 66 Mheall, Kilmartin 1878 husband of Isabella MacVean (Duncan MacLullich, m. Isaballa MacVean) (1/2/1848, N. Knapdale) 333 MacLullich, Isabella Mheall, Kilmartin 1913 333 MacLullich, Mary Ann Mheall, Kilmartin 1931 333 MacLullich, Neil, 25 Mheall, Kilmartin 1881 (b.4/3/1855, Kilmartin) (Fa. Duncan MacLullich, Mo.Ann Gillies) 334 335 336 337 MacLullich, Donald 17-- 337 MacLullich, Isabella, 88 Kilmartin 1906 (MacVean) wife of Duncan MacLullich (Isaballa MacVean, m. Duncan MacLullich) (1/2/1848, N. Knapdale) 337 MacVean, Isabella, 88 Kilmartin 1906 wife of Duncan MacLullich (Isabella MacVean, m. Duncan MacLullich) (1/2/1848, N. Knapdale) 337A MacDougall, Neil Dunadd 1801 338

54 339 MacKinlay, Alex, 75 East Lodge, Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1962 339 MacKinlay, Annie, 91 East Lodge, Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1966 (b.14/2/1875, Kilmartin) (Fa. Malcolm MacKinlay, Mo.Mary MacLachlan) 339 MacKinlay, Annie, 9 Barsloisnoch 1874 (b.14/2/1865, Kilmartin) (Fa. Malcolm MacKinlay, Mo. Mary MacLachlan) 339 MacKinlay, Christina, 2 1/2 Barsloisnach 1872 (b.25/3/1870, Kilmartin) (Fa. Malcolm MacKinlay, Mo. Mary MacLachlan) 339 MacKinlay, Christina,1 Barsloisnoch 1874 (b.14/4/1873, Kilmartin) (Fa. Malcolm MacKinlay, Mo. Mary MacLachlan) 339 MacKinlay, Duncan, 28 Barsloisnoch 1884 (b.14/7/1866, Kilmartin) (Fa. Malcolm MacKinlay, Mo. Mary MacLachlan) 339 MacKinlay, Henrietta, 87 East Lodge, Poltalloch 1966 339 MacKinlay, John,15 Barsloisnoch 1900 339 MacKinlay, Malcolm, 83 Barsloisnoch 1923 husband of Mary MacLachlan (Malcolm MacKinlay m. Mary MacLachlan) (25/11/1862, Kilmartin) (Malcolm MacKinlay b. 26/12/1863, Kilmartin) (Fa. Malcolm MacKinlay, Mo.Mary MacLachlan) 340 341 Campbell, A 1930 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 MacDougall Dunadd 1769 352 MacDougall, John, 24 CRUACHAN 1837 (b.11/6/1813, Kilchrenan & Dalavich) (Fa.Finlay MacDougall, Mo. Mary MacDougall) 353 354 355 356 Campbell, Ann,77 1884 (MacTavish) wife of Duncan Campbell (Ann MacTavish, m. Duncan Campbell) (2/4/1833, Kilmichael Glassary) 356 Campbell, Catherine, 73 1916 356 Campbell, Duncan, 84 1878 husband of Ann MacTavish (Duncan Campbell m. Ann MacTavish) (2/4/1833, Kilmichael Glassary) 356 Campbell, John, 83 1915 356 Campbell, Malcolm, 88 1936 356 MacTavish, Ann, 77 1884

55 wife of Duncan Campbell (Ann MacTavish, m. Duncan Campbell) (2/4/1833, Kilmichael Glassary) 357 Very old stone, no date. Inscribed BAR 358 Inscribed BAR 359 Campbell, Duncan Tenant TOMBAN 1788 360 361 362 Inscribed BAR 363 Jackson, Peter Creagenterve (b.8/11/1813, Glassary) (Fa. James Jackson, Mo. Margaret McNeill) 364 365 Campbell, Catherine, 65 ARICHONAN, Knapdale 1891 wife of Alex Jackson (Catherine Campbell m. Alexander Jackson) (14/12/1848, Kilmartin) 365 Jackson, Alex, 68 ARICHONAN, Knapdale 1883 (b.1817, of Kilmartin) husband of Catherine Campbell (Alex Jackson, m. Catherine Campbell) (14/12/1848, Kilmartin) (Margaret Jackson, b. 20/11/1851) (Margaret Jackson,c. 24/5/1854) (Fa. Alexander Jackson, Mo. Cathrine Campbell) 365 Jackson, Catherine, 65 ARICHONAN, Knapdale 1891 (Campbell wife of Alex Jackson (Catherine Campbell m. Alexander Jackson) (14/12/1848, Kilmartin) 365 Jackson, James, 79 Craigenterve More 1935 (b. 30/4/1856, Kilmartin) (Fa. Alexander Jackson, Mo. Catherine Campbell) son of Alex Jackson,Arichonan 365 McLean, Charles, 27 1911 of the family of Jackson,Arichonan 366 Jackson, John, 74 Tenant CARNASSERIE MORE 1810 366 Jackson ,Mary, 79 CARNASSERIE MORE 1811 (Johnson) wife of John Jackson, Tenant 366 Johnson, Mary, 79 CARNASSERIE MORE 1811 wife of John Jackson,Tenant 367 Jackson, John, 24 Surgeon of Medicine 1830 368 Jackson 1787 369 Jackson, Margaret, 66 1852 (MacNeill) wife of James Jackson (Margaret MacNeill, m. James Jackson) (25/11/1809, Glassary) (25/11/1809, Kilchrenan & Dalavich) 369 Jackson, Mary, 16 1810 369 MacNeill, Margaret, 66 1852 wife of James Jackson (Margaret MacNeill, m. James Jackson) (25/11/1809, Glassary) (25/11/1809, Kilchrenan & Dalavich) 370 Gillies, Euphemia Kilmartin 1829 370 Jackson, John, 86 Churchwarden of Kilmartin 1815 371 Dewar, Isabella, CARNASSERIE BEG 1828

56 wife of Duncan MacDougall (Isabell Dewar, m. Duncan MacDugald) (16/12/1778, Kilmartin) 371 MacDougall, Donald ? CARNASSERIE BEG 1777 371 MacDougall, Duncan Tenant CARNASSERIE BEG 1830 husband of Isabella Dewar (Duncan MacDugald, m. Isabell Dewar) (16/12/1778, Kilmartin) 372 MacFaden, Duncan Kilbride, Craignish 1777 373 MacFaden, Ann Kilbride, Craignish 1780 (Stevenson) wife of Dugal MacFaden (Anne Stevenson, m. Dugald MacFaden) (14/11/1761, Kilmartin) 373 Stevenson, Ann Kilbride Farm, Craignish 1780 wife of Dugal McFaden (Anne Stevenson m. Dugald McFaidain) (14/11/1761, Kilmartin) 374 375 376 377 378 Lindsay, Donald, 27. Cooper Kilmartin 1808 (c.1781, Kilmartin) (Fa. Colin Lindsay, Mo. Mary MacTavish) son of Colin Lindsay, Miller, ACHAVAN MILL, Kilmartin (James Lindsay, b.14/8/1785, Kilmartin) (Peter Lindsay, b. 2/11/1792, Kilmartin) (Margaret Lindsay, b.17/9/1783, Kilmartin) (Fa. Colin Lindsay, Mo. Mary MacTavish) 379 Lindsay, Peter , 29 Cladich 1821 brother of James Lindsay, Surgeon. 380 MacTavish, A. D. 1824 381 Gillies, Euphemia, 62 Keills, Knapdale 1841 (Christine Gillies, b. Abt.1783, Glassary, of Drim) (Spouse of Donald MacTavish) wife of Donald MacTavish (Christiane Gillies, m. Donald MacTavish) (29/2/1804, Kilmichael Glassary) 381 MacTaggart, Janet, 79 Keills, Knapdale 1903 wife of Alex MacTavish (Jannet MacTaggart, m .Alexander MacTavish) (6/4/1843, N. Knapdale) 381 MacTavish, Alex,47 Keills, Knapdale 1861 husband of Janet MacTaggart (Alexander MacTavish, m. Jannet MacTaggart) (6/4/1843, N. Knapdale) 381 MacTavish, Ann, 38 Keills, Knapdale 1845 (b. 18/7/1806, Glassary) (Fa. Donald MacTavish, Mo. Christine Gillies) 381 MacTavish, Donald Tenant Keills, Knapdale 1832 (b.Abt.1779, of Drim, Glassary) (Spouse, Christine Gillies) husband of Euphemia Gillies (Donald MacTavish, m. Christiane Gillies) (29/2/1804, Kilmichael Glassary) 381 MacTavish, Euphemia, 62 Keills, Knapdale 1841

57 (Christine Gillies, b. Abt. 1783, Glassary, of Drim) (Spouse of Donald MacTavish) (Gillies) wife of Donald MacTavish (Christiane Gillies, m. Donald MacTavish) (29/2/1804, Kilmichael Glassary) 381 MacTavish, Janet, 79 Keills, Knapdale 1903 (MacTaggart) wife of Alex MacTavish (Janet MacTaggart, m. Alex MacTavish) (6/4/1843, N. Knapdale) 381 MacTavish, John, 2 Keills, N.Knapdale 1861 (b. 28/4/1859, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Alex MacTavish, Mo. Jannet MacTaggart) 381 MacTavish, John, 59 Farmer Stroneskar, Ford 1877 (b. 16/4/1820, Glassary) (Donald MacTavish, Mo. Euphemia Gillies) 382 383 MacTavish, D. 1785 384 Jackson, Ann, 73 d. Daltote, Knapdale 1894 wife of Alex MacTavish, Drimfin, Knapdale (Ann Jackson m. Alex MacTavish) (20/4/1843, N. Knapdale) 384 MacTavish, Alex, 70 Drimfin, N. Knapdale 1847 husband of Ann Jackson (Alex MacTavish,m. Ann Jackson) (20/4/1843, N. Knapdale) 384 MacTavish, Ann, 73 Drimfin, N. Knapdale 1894 (Jackson) wife of Alex MacTavish (Ann Jackson, m. Alex MacTavish) (20/4/1843, N. Knapdale) 385 MacTavish, Donald maybe Drimfin 1788 386 387 388 389 MacColl, Margaret, 9 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1839 (b.19/1/1830, Glassary) (Fa. Dugald McColl, Mo. Mary Campbell) (Dugald MacColl, b. 3/9/1835, Glassary) (Fa. Dugald MacColl, Mo. Mary Campbell) 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 Black, John Oakfield Bridge, Knapdale 1800 398 Black, Catherine, 42 1847 (McNeill) wife of Duncan Black (Catherine MacNeill m. Duncan Black) (8/3/1814, N. Knapdale) (Duncan Black, c. 9/7/1831, N.Knapdale) (Fa. Duncan Black, Mo. Catherine MacNeill) 398 Black , Duncan, 39 Gallachoille, Knapdale 1831 (c. 24/5/1791, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Archibald Black, Mo. Ann Stewart) (Duncan Black m. Catherine MacNeill)

58 (8/3/1814, N. Knapdale) (Duncan Black c. 9/7/1831, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Duncan Black, Mo. Catherine MacNeill) 398 McNeill, Catherine, 42 1847 wife of Duncan Black (Catherine MacNeill m. Duncan Black) (8/3/1814, N. Knapdale) (Duncan Black c. 9/7/1831, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Duncan Black, Mo. Catherine MacNeill) 399 MacFarlane, Peter , Tacksman Achnashelloch, Glassary 1833 400 MacFarlane, Peter Achnashelloch, Glassary 1818 400 MacFarlane, John Achnashelloch, Glassary 1818 401 MacDonald, Sarah, 73 Duntroon 1918 wife of John MacLachlan 401 MacDougall, Mary, 72 POLTALLOCH 1963 wife of John MacLachlan 401 MacLachlan, John, 78 Duntroon 1929 husband of Sarah MacLachlan 401 MacLachlan, Sarah, 73 Duntroon 1918 (MacDonald) wife of John MacLachlan 402 MacLachlan, John Poltalloch, Kilmartin 19?? 402 MacLachlan, Mary, 72 POLTALLOCH HOUSE 1963 403 Campbell, Janet Stroneskar, Ford 1810 or 1816 wife of John Smith 404 Smith, Alex Stoneskar, Ford 17-- 405 Campbell, Janet Stroneskar, Ford 1789 405 Smith, John Stroneskar, Ford 1789 406 Smith, Miranda 407 McKellar, Dugald for his children 1833 408 409 410 411 Gillies, Donald CREAGANTERVE COTTAGE 1883 husband of Mary MacGregor (Donald Gillies, m. Mary MacGregor) (3/2/1850, Inveraray & Glenaray) (3/2/1850, Kilmartin) 411 Gillies, Mary, 71 CRAIGENTERVE 1896 (MacGregor) wife of Donald Gillies (Mary MacGregor, m. Donald Gillies) (3/2/1850, Inveraray & Glenaray) (3/2/1850, Kilmartin) 411 MacGregor, Mary, 71 CRAIGENTERVE 1896 wife of Donald Gillies (Mary MacGregor, m. Donald Gillies) (3/2/1850, Inveraray & Glenaray) (3/2/1850, Kilmartin) 412 413 414 415 416 417 M.M.M. probably Malcolm OLD POLTALLOCH?1704 417 R.D.M. 1704? 418

59 419 MacEwan, Hugh Merchant Lochgilphead 1812 420 MacFadyen, Donald Kilbride, Craignish 1844 421 MacFaden, Duncan Kilbride, Craignish 1849 421 MacFaden, Mary, 9 Kilbride, Craignish 1899 422 423 424 MacNair, George Dunadd 1814 (b. 22/6/1811, Glassary) (Fa. Alexander MacNair, Mo. Christian Ferguson) 425 McNair, Archd. Ground Officer POLTALLOCH 1894 426 Ferguson, Christina, 76 died, Craiglin, Knapdale 1859 wife of Alexander MacNair (Christian Ferguson, m. Alexander MacNair) (11/12/1799, Kilmichael Glassary) 426 Gillies, Alex Barsloisnach 1822 426 Gillies,Matilda, 68 Barsloisnach 1884 wife of Archibald MacNair (Matilda Gillies m. Archibald MacNair) 426 MacNair, Alexander, 51 Dunadd 1822 (Alexander MacNair m. Christian Ferguson) (11/12/1799, Kilmichael Glassary) (Alexander MacNair b. 21/4/1822, Glassary) (Fa. Alexander MacNair, Mo. Christian Ferguson) (or Catherine) 426 MacNair, Archibald, 79 Slockavullin 1891 (b. 22/6/1813, Glassary) (Fa. Alexander MacNair, Mo. Christian Ferguson) husband of Matilda Gillies (Archibald MacNair, m. Matilda Gillies) (Matilda MacNair, b. 25/6/1838, Glassary) (Fa. Archibald MacNair, Mo. Matilda Gillies) 426 MacNair,Archibald, 1yr 3mths Slockavullin 1885 426 MacNair, Christina, 76 Craiglin, Knapdale 1859 (Ferguson) wife of Alexander MacNair (Christian Ferguson m. Alexander MacNair) (11/12/1799, Kilmichael Glassary) 426 MacNair,Christina, 45 Barsloisnoch 1888 (Christian MacNair, b. 10/7/1841, Glassary) (Fa. Archibald MacNair, Mo. Matta Gillies) 426 MacNair, Maggie, 11mths 1850 426 MacNair, Mary, 78 Tayness, Kilmartin 1913 426 MacNair, Matilda, 68 Barsloisnoch 1884 (Gillies) wife of Archibald MacNair (Matilda Gillies m. Archibald MacNair) 427 428 429 430 MacNair,Alex, 88 Creagentervebeg, Ford 1885 husband of Mary MacTavish (Alex MacNair, m. Mary MacTavish) (27/2/1821, Glassary) 430 MacNair, Mary Cregentervebeg, Ford 1837 (MacTavish) wife of Alex McNair (Mary MacTavish, m. Alex MacNair) (27/2/1821, Glassary) 430 MacNair, Neil Tenant Creagenterve, Ford 1835

60 (b.Abt. 1762, of Glassary) (Spouse Sarah MacPhail) husband of Sarah MacPhail (Neil McNair, m.Sarah MacPhail) (1787, Argyll) (Margaret MacNair, b.20/1/1802) (Fa. Neil MacNair, Mo. Sarah MacPhail) 430 MacNair, Sarah , 70 Cregentervebeg, Ford 1836 (b.Abt.1766, Argyll) (MacPhail) wife of Neil MacNair (Sarah MacPhail, m. Neil MacNair) (1787, Argyll) 430 MacPhail, Sarah, 70 Cregentervebeg, Ford 1836 wife of Neil MacNair (b. Abt. 1766,Argyll) (Sarah MacPhail, m .Neil MacNair) (1787, Argyll) 430 MacTavish, Mary Creagentervebeg, Ford 1837 wife of Alex McNair (Mary MacTavish, m. Alex MacNair) (27/2/1821, Glassary) 431 432 433 MacCallum, Mary Auchinellan, Ford 1838 433 MacPhail, Donald or Dugald Auchinellan, Ford 1838 husband of Mary MacCallum (This Mary MacCallum in lair 433 is also stated as wife of D. Blair.) 434 Blair, Peter Kilmahumaig, N. Knapdale 1850 435 Blair, Dugald 1777 436 Blair, Dugald Rhudle, Glassary 437 Blair, Dugald Rhudle, Glassary 1777 438 Blair,Catherine 1824 (MacGlashan) wife of Daniel Blair (Catherine MacGlashan, m. Donald Blair) (5/3/1814, Kilmichael Glassary) 438 Blair, Daniel husband of Catherine MacGlashan (Donald Blair m. Catherine MacGlashan) (5/3/1814, Kilmichael Glassary) 438 MacGlashan, Catherine 1824 wife of Daniel Blair (Catherine MacGlashan, m. Donald Blair) (5/3/1814, Kilmichael Glassary) 439 440 441 442 Blair, Malcolm 1777 442 Kennedy, Catherine 1777 443 444 445 446 447 448 Jackson, Sarah, 17 Eurach? Kilmartin 1888 448 MacKenzie, Lily, 53 Eurach, Kilmartin 1817

61 mother of John MacPhail (Lilly MacKenzie, m.Archd MacPhail) (9/4/1792, Kilmartin) 448 MacPhail, Lily, 53 Eurach, Kilmartin 1817 (MacKenzie) mother of John MacPhail (Lilly MacKenzie, m. Archd.MacPhail) (9/4/1792, Kilmartin) 449 450 451 452 MacPhail, Alex, 27 Drowned at Lamlash 1865 (b. 3/4/1838 Glassary) (Fa. John MacPhail, Mo. Janet Turner) 452 MacPhail, Archd, 1yr 11mths 1856 452 MacPhail, Eliz, 17 1857 (b. 1841, Glassary) (Fa. John MacPhail, Mo. Janet Turner) 452 MacPhail, Janet, 31 1876 (b. 1843, Glassary) (Fa. John MacPhail, Mo.Janet Turner) wife of Neil MacTavish (Janet MacPhail, m. Neil MacTavish) (2/6/1871, Glassary) 452 MacPhail, Janet, 86 1902 (Turner) wife of John MacPhail (Janet Turner, m. John MacPhail) (John MacPhail, b. 1846) (Fa. John MacPhail, Mo. Janet Turner) 452 MacPhail, John, 96 1909 (13/3/1813, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd. MacPhail, Mo. Lilly MacKenzie) (Married 9/4/1792, Kilmartin) husband of Janet Turner (John MacPhail, b. 1846,Glassary) (Fa. John MacPhail, Mo. Janet) 452 MacPhail, Mary, 86 1929 (b. 13/1/1842, Glassary) (Fa. John MacPhail, Mo. Janet Turner) 452 Turner, Janet, 86 1902 wife of John MacPhail (Janet Turner, m. John MacPhail) 453 454 Knudson, Ann 1927 (MacArthur) wife of Sir Karl Knudson 454 Leitch, Mary Kilmartin 1894 2nd wife of Alex MacArthur, Joiner. 454 MacArthur, Alex Kilmartin 1906 (b. 5/10/1870, Kilmartin) (Fa. Alex MacArthur, Mo. Mary Eliza MacKichan) 454 MacArthur, Alex Kilmartin 1871 husband of Mary Eliza MacKichean (Alex MacArthur m. Mary Eliza MacKichan) (15/3/1866, Kilmartin) 454 MacArthur, Ann 1927 wife of Sir Karl Knudson 454 MacArthur, Archd. Kilmartin 1882

62 son Archibald MacArthur? (b. 16/11/1873, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd. MacArthur, Mo. Mary Eliza McKichan) 454 MacArthur, Catherine Slockavullin or Kilmartin 1900 454 MacArthur, Lilias Kilmartin 1894 (Lilias Jane MacArthur, b. 15/3/1867, Kilmartin) (Fa.Archibald MacArthur, Mo. Mary Eliza McKichan) 454 MacArthur, Mary 1886 daughter of Alex MacArthur & Mary Eliza MacKichan? 454 MacKichean, Mary Kilmartin 1879 wife of Alex MacArthur (Mary Eliza MacKichan m. Alex MacArthur) (15/3/1866, Kilmartin) 455 456 457 MacKenzies Very old stones with no inscription 458 "" 459 "" 460 "" 461 MacIntyre, Archd, 65 Farmer Stroneskar, Ford 1878 husband of Margaret MacVean (Archd MacIntyre, m. Margaret MacVean) (16/3/1841, Kilmichael Glassary) 461 MacIntyre, Donald, 79 Stroneskar, Ford 1936 (b.28/1/1855, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Archd MacIntyre, Mo. Margaret MacVean) 461 MacIntyre, Duncan, 39 Stroneskar, Ford 1881 son of Archd. MacIntyre & Margaret MacVean 461 MacIntyre, Janet, 77 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1930 daughter of Dugal MacIntyre 461 MacIntyre, Margaret, 80 Stroneskar, Ford 1890 (MacVean) wife of Archd MacIntyre (Margaret MacVean, m. Archd MacIntyre) (16/3/1841, Kilmichael Glassary) 461 MacIntyre, Mary, 25 Stroneskar, Ford 1868 daughter of Archd. MacIntyre & Margaret MacVean 461 MacVean, Margaret, 80 Stroneskar, Ford 1890 wife of Archd. MacIntyre (Margaret MacVean, m. Archd MacIntyre) (16/3/1841, Kilmichael Glassary) 462 463 464 465 466 467 MacCallum, Christina, 90 9/4/1897 (MacLachlan) wife of Robert MacCallum, Shipowner (Christian MacLachlan m. Robert MacCallum) (4/5/1839, N. Knapdale) 467 MacCallum, John, Shipowner d. St.Helier 18/6/1902 (b. 9/4/1842, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Robert MacCallum, Mo. Christian MacLachlan) (m. 4/5/1839, N.Knapdale) husband of Jessie Paterson (Robert MacCallum m. Jessie Paterson) (10/12/1872, Campbelton)

63 467 MacLachlan, Christina, 90 1897 wife of Robert MacCallum, Shipowner (Christian MacLachlan m. Robert MacCallum) (4/5/1839 ,N. Knapdale) 468 MacCallum, Jane , 21 Bellanoch, Knapdale 9/4/1838 (MacQueen) wife of Malcolm MacCallum, Wright 468 MacCallum, Malcolm Wright at Bellanoch, Knapdale 1838 husband of Jane A. MacQueen 468 MacQueen, Jane, A, 21 Bellanoch, Knapdale 9/4/1838 wife of Malcolm MacCallum, Wright at Bellanoch 469 Crawford, Mary, 54 Oban 17/6/1890 wife of Donald MacCallum (Mary Crawford, m. Donald MacCallum) (7/5/1839, N. Knapdale) 469 MacCallum, Alex, 13 Bellanoch, Knapdale 21/7/1853 (b. 3/2/1840, N.Knapdale) (Fa. Robert MacCallum, Mo. Christian MacLachlan) 469 MacCallum, Alex, 16 months, Crinan d. Glasgow 27/12/1852 son of Donald MacCallum,Mariner, Kilmahunac 469 MacCallum, Donald, 76 Bellanoch d. Oban 19/9/1899 husband of Mary Crawford (Donald MacCallum m. Mary Crawford) (7/5/1839, N. Knapdale) 469 McCallum, Mary , 54 Bellanoch d. Oban 17/6/1890 (Crawford) wife of Donald MacCallum (Mary Crawford m. Donald MacCallum) (7/5/1839, N. Knapdale) 470 Black, Janet, 59 CRINAN 25/2/1888 wife of Malcolm MacCallum (Janet Black m. Malcolm MacCallum) 470 MacCallum, Catherine, 2 Bellanoch, Knapdale 10/11/1862 (b. 3/9/1860, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Malcolm MacCallum Mo. Janet Black) 470 MacCallum, James, 24 Bellanoch, Knapdale 3/10/1898 (b. 4/10/1874, N.Knapdale) (Fa. Malcolm MacCallum, Mo. Janet Black) 470 MacCallum, Janet, 59 CRINAN 25/2/1888 (Black) wife of Malcolm MacCallum (Janet Black m. Malcolm MacCallum) 470 MacCallum, Malcolm, 82 Bellanoch, Knapdale 13/7/1897 (b. 1817) (Fa. Alexander MacCallum, Mo. Catherine Martin) husband of Janet Black (Malcolm MacCallum m. Janet Black) (Malcolm MacCallum, b. 24/10/1869, N. Knapdale) (Fa.Malcolm MacCallum, Mo. Janet Black) (Alexander MacCallum, b.?) (Fa. Malcolm MacCallum, Mo. Janet Black) 471 MacCallum, Alex 472 473 474 MacCallum, Robert, 59 28/12/Glassary 1838 Blacksmith, Balliemore Erected by Neil MacCallum, Mariner, in memory of his father. Poltalloch Stones.

64 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481. And one stone dated 1685 482 483 484 Gillies, Janet, 95 Bellanoch 1892 wife of John MacCallum (Janet Gillies, m. John MacCallum) (30/1/1823, Kilmichael Glassary) 484 MacCallum, Archd. Bellanoch? Knapdale 1864 (b.20/5/1833, Kilmichael Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Janet Gillies) 484 MacCallum, Jane, 31 DALNAHASHAIG 1892 (b. 11/5/1861, Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo.Ann Gillies) 484 MacCallum, Janet, 95 Bellanoch, Knapdale 1892 (Gillies) wife of John MacCallum (Janet Gillies, m. John MacCallum) (30/1/1823, Kilmichael Glassary) 484 MacCallum, John, 82 CRINAN FERRY? 1864 husband of Janet Gillies? (John MacCallum, m. Janet Gillies) (30/1/1823, Kilmichael Glassary) (Ann MacCallum, b. 9/1/1831, Kilmichael Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Janet Gillies) 485 MacCallum, Alex. Blacksmith Slockavullin 486 MacCallum, Sarah , 11 Slockavullin 1838 daughter of John MacCallum,Blacksmith 487 488 MacCallum, Alex. Blacksmith Slockavullin 489 490 Brown, Duncan, Blacksmith Slockavullin 1786 (Duncan Brown, m. Jean Campbell, 3/12/1778, Kilninver) (Duncan Brown, m. Jean Campbell, 3/12/1778, Kilmartin) 490 Brown, Jean 1786 (Campbell) wife of Duncan Brown (Jean Campbell, m. Duncan Brown, 3/12/1778, Kilninver) (Jean Campbell, m. Duncan Brown, 3/12/1778, Kilmartin) 490 Campbell, Jean 1786 wife of Duncan Brown,Smith (Jean Campbell, m. Duncan Brown, 3/12/1778, Kilninver) (Jean Campbell, m. Duncan Brown, 3/12/1778, Kilmartin) 491 492 Smith, Peter, 42 Kilmartin 1817 Meal Miller, Carnazary Mill 493 Smith, William 1789 husband of Rachel Currie (William Smith, m. Rachel Currie) (2/2/1764, Kilmartin) 494 Currie, Rachel 1789 wife of William Smith (Rachel Currie m. William Smith)

65 (2/2/1764, Kilmartin) 494 Smith, Rachel 1789 (Currie) wife of William Smith (Rachel Currie, m. William Smith) (2/2/1764, Kilmartin) 495 Smith 1787 496 497 498 499 500 501 MacIsaac, Catherine Jane, 8 Ardrishaig 1868 (Catherine MacIsaac , b. 14/11/1861, Glassary) (Fa. Neil MacIsaac, Mo. Catherine Smith) 501 MacIsaac, Catherine, 22 Ardrishaig 1873 501 MacIsaac, Donald, 52 Ardrishaig 1916 501 MacIsaac, Dugald, 20 Ardrishaig 1876 501 MacIsaac, Dugald, 84 Ardrishaig 1986 501 MacIsaac, John, 63 Ardrishaig 1868 501 MacIsaac, John, 58 Ardrishaig 1918 501 MacIsaac, Marion, 92 Ardrishaig 1916 502 503 504 505 506 507 Donald O ll ? 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 Campbell, Ann b. Kilmartin d.Belfast 1910 515 Campbell, Catherine, 79 b. Kilmartin Lochgilphead 1916 515 Campbell, Euphemia, 85 Barsloisnoch, Glassary 1940 (b. 28/1/1855, Glassary) (Fa. Peter Campbell, Mo. Mary MacTaggart) wife of James MacArthur 515 Campbell, Hugh, 34 b. Kilmartin 1870 (b. 13/3/1836, Glassary) (Fa. Duncan Campbell, Mo. Nancy MacTavish) 515 Campbell, Mary, 82 b. Kilmartin Lochgilphead 1912 516 Malcolm 16-- 517 Malcolm 518 519 520 521 522 523 Gillies, Christina, 78 Duntroon 4/3/1856 wife of Alex MacCallum (Christina Gillies m. Alex MacCallum) 523 MacCallum, Alex, 79 Duntroon 8/3/1852 husband of Christina Gillies

66 (Alex MacCallum m. Christina Gillies) 523 MacCallum, Ann, 85 DUNTROON COTTAGES 26/10/1895 (b. 1810) (Fa. Alex MacCallum, Mo. Christina Gillies) 523 MacCallum, Christina, 78 Duntroon 4/3/1856 (Gillies) wife of Alex MacCallum. 523 MacCallum, Duncan, 49 Duntroon 14/6/1857 (b. 1808) (Fa. Alex MacCallum, Mo. Christina Gillies) 524 525 526 MacCallum, John 527 MacCallum, J (very old stone) 528 MacCallum, J (very old stone) 529 MacCallum, H 530 Brown, Dugald, 76 Dunoon 1904 husband of Isabella MacLachlan (Dugald Brown m. Isabella MacLachlan) (1/12/1870, Kilmartin) 530 Brown, Isabella, 66 Dunoon 1903 (MacLachlan) wife of Dugald Brown (Isabella MacLachlan m. Dugald Brown) (1/12/1870, Kilmartin) 530 MacLachlan, Isabella, 66 Dunoon 1903 wife of Dugald Brown (Isabella MacLachlan, m. Dugald Brown) 530 Sinclair, Jessie, 16 Duntroon 1899 531 532 Jamieson, James, 6 months Slockavullin 1886 533 Gillies, Donald,16 CRAIGENTERVE d. Port Glasgow 1883 (b. 13/7/1866,Kilmartin) (Fa. Donald Gillies, Mo. Mary MacGregor) 533 Gillies, Lachlan, 2 d. Port Glasgow 1891 (Lachlane Gillies, b. 30/4/1858, Kilmartin) (Fa. Donald Gillies, Mo. Mary MacGregor) 533 Jamieson, Elizabeth, 80 Slockavullin 1900 (McGregor) wife of Peter Jamieson (Margaret McGrigor, m. Peter Jamieson) (26/11/1842, Kilmore & Kilbride) 533 Jamieson, Elizabeth, 78 Slockavullin 1927 533 Jamieson, Peter, 80 Slockavullin 1896 (Peter Jamieson, m. Margaret McGrigor) (26/11/1842, Kilmore & Kilbride) (Edith Augusta Louisa Jamieson, b. 24/5/1863, Kilmartin (Fa. Peter Jamieson, Mo. Elizabeth McGregor) 533 MacGregor, Eliz., 80 Slockavullin 1900 wife of Peter Jamieson (Margaret McGrigor, m. Peter Jamieson) (26/11/1842, Kilmore & Kilbride) 534 535 MacIntyre, Duncan, 72 Kilmartin 1835 536 Campbell, Ann RASLIE, Kilmartin 1850 wife of Duncan MacTavish

67 (Ann Campbell, m. Duncan MacTavish) (29/12/1842, Kilmichael Glassary) (29/12/1842, Kilmartin) 536 MacTavish, Ann RASLIE, Kilmartin 1850 (Campbell) wife of Duncan MacTavish (Ann Campbell, m. Duncan MacTavish) (29/12/1842, Kilmichael Glassary) (29/12/1842, Kilmartin) 536 MacTavish, Catherine, 27 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1871 (c. 24/3/1844, Kilmartin) (Fa. Duncan MacTavish, Mo. Ann Campbell) 536 MacTavish, Duncan, 69 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1880 (b. 1811, Kilmartin of Glenachern) husband of Ann Campbell (Duncan MacTavish, m. Ann Campbell) (29/12/1842, Kilmichael Glassary) (29/12/1842, Kilmartin) 537 MacNair, Duncan, 84 1962 husband of Mary Turner (Duncan MacNair, m. Mary Turner) 537 MacNair, Mary, 50 1935 (Turner) wife of Duncan McNair (Mary Turner, m. Duncan MacNair) 537 Turner, Mary, 50 1935 wife of Duncan McNair (Mary Turner, m. Duncan MacNair) 538 MacDiarmid, Catherine, 77 Kilchamaig 1953 (MacNair) wife of Duncan MacDiarmid 538 MacDiarmid, Duncan, 60 Kilchamaig 1934 (b. 11/9/1873, Glassary) (Fa. John MacDiarmid, Mo. Ann MacArthur) husband of Catherine MacNair 538 MacNair, Catherine, 77 Kilchamaig 1953 wife of Duncan MacDiarmid 539 MacTavish, Alex, 23 Kilmartin d. Glasgow 1883 540 541 542 MacCallum, Donald DUNTROON COTTAGES 1834 husband of Mary Malcolm. Stone erected by Neil Campbell, Tibertich (Grandson) (Donald MacCallum m. Mary Malcolm) (7/1/1792 or 20/1/1792, Craignish) 542 MacCallum, Mary Duntroon 1835 (Malcolm) wife of Donald MacCallum (Mary Malcolm, m. Donald MacCallum) (7/1/1792 or 20/1/1792, Craignish) Stone erected by Neil Campbell, Tibertich wife of D. Blair? 542 Malcolm, Mary Duntroon 1835 wife of Donald MacCallum (Mary Malcolm, m. Donald MacCallum) (7/1/1792 or 20/1/1792, Craignish) Stone erected by Neil Campbell, Tibertich. 543 Gillies, Ann, 41 DALNAHASHAIG 10/3/1877 wife of John MacCallum (Ann Gillies m. John MacCallum)

68 (3/4/1856, Glassary) 543 MacCallum, Angus, 46 Royal Infirmary, Glasgow 28/2/1919 (b.2/3/1872, Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Ann Gillies) 543 MacCallum, Ann, 41 DALNAHASHAIG 10/2/1877 (Gillies) wife of John MacCallum (Ann Gillies, m. John MacCallum) (3/4/1856, Glassary) 543 MacCallum, Catherine, 63 DALNAHASHAIG 1/7/1922 (b. 10/4/1859, Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Ann Gillies) 543 MacCallum, Jane,31 20/1/1892 (b. 1861) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Ann Gillies) 543 MacCallum, Janet, 85 16/1/1941 (MacDougall) wife of Neil MacCallum 543 MacCallum, John, 51 Dunardary 24/3/1877 husband of Ann Gillies (John MacCallum, m. Ann Gillies) (3/4/1856, Glassary) Erected by John G. MacCallum in memory of his father 543 MacCallum, Neil, 84 14/3/1949 (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Ann Gillies) 543 MacDougall, Janet, 85 16/1/1941 wife of Neil MacCallum 544 MacCallum, Donald 545 546 547 MacLarty, Donald Crofter COLLINUNOCHANECH 1802 or 1809 548 549 McLarty Very old Stone 550 551 Gillies, Hugh, 81 Dunadd d. Glasgow 1873 husband of Mary MacNair (Hugh Gillies m. Mary MacNair) (13/3/1822, Glassary) 551 Gillies, Mary, 9 Dunadd 1850 (c. 11/7/1842, Glassary) (Fa. Hugh Gillies, Mo. Mary MacNair) 551 Gillies Mary, 52 Dunadd 1853 (MacNair) wife of Hugh Gillies (Mary MacNair m. Hugh Gillies) (30/3/1822, Glassary) 551 MacNair, Mary, 52 Dunadd 1853 (b. 10/5/1802, Glassary) (Fa. Alexander MacNair, Mo. Christian Ferguson) wife of Hugh Gillies (Mary MacNair m. Hugh Gillies) (30/3/1822, Glassary) 5552 Gillies, Annie, 85 9/5/1920 (b. 1835) (Fa. John Gillies, Mo. Jane MacCallum) 552 Gillies, Jane, 42 Dunadd 7/3/1862 (MacCallum) wife of John Gillies, Farmer

69 (Jane MacCallum m. John Gillies) (1/7/1837, Kilmartin) 552 Gillies, Jane, 86 2/9/1933 (b. 1847) (Fa. John Gillies, Mo. Jane MacCallum) 552 Gillies, John, 71 Farmer, Dunadd Glachonie 18/10/1884 husband of Jane MacCallum (John Gillies m. Jane MacCallum) (1/7/1837, Kilmartin) 552 Gillies, Margaret died in infancy (Fa. John Gillies, Mo. Jane MacCallum) 552 Gillies, Sarah died in infancy (Fa. John Gillies, Mo. Jane MacCallum) 552 MacCallum, Jane,42 Dunadd 7/3/1862 wife of John Gillies, Farmer (Jane MacCallum m. John Gillies) (1/7/1837, Kilmartin) 553 Kilmertin 554 MacDonald, Euphemia, 2 Nether Largie, Kilmartin 1868 (Euphemia Catherine MacDonald, b. 10/5/1866, Kilmartin) (Fa. Alex MacDonald, Mo. Catherine Campbell) 555 Campbell, Margaret, 41 Ford Inn, Ford 1874 wife of Archd. MacDiarmid (Margaret Campbell m. Archibald McDermid) (4/2/1858, Kilmartin) 555 MacDiarmid, Archd., 38 Innkeeper Ford 1872 husband of Margaret Campbell (Archd. MacDiarmid m. Margaret Campbell) (4/2/1858, Kilmartin) 555 MacDiarmid, Catherine, 13 Ford 1880 (b. 1867, Ford, Kilmartin, Argyll) (Fa. Archd. MacDiarmid, Mo. Margaret Campbell) 555 MacDiarmid, Colina, 9 Ford 1871 (b. 17/4/1862, Lergie, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd. MacDiarmid, Mo. Margaret Campbell) 555 MacDiarmid, Margaret, 41 Ford Inn, Ford 1874 (Campbell) wife of Archd. MacDiarmid (Margaret Campbell m. Archd MacDiarmid) (4/2/1858, Kilmartin) 556 Campbell KM Duntroon 1707 556 Campbell, Neil Rector of Kilmartin 1627 557 558 559 MacTavish, Capt. Duncan, 44 Kilmartin 1799 560 MacTavish, Duncan 561 MacKichean 1777 562 MacCallum, Angus, 61 DALNAHASHAIG 1883 (b. 26/4/1822, Kilmichael Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Jean MacTavish) husband of Eliz MacDougall (Angus MacCallum, m. Eliz MacDougall) (16/6/1853, Kilmichael Glassary)

70 562 MacCallum, Elizabeth, 10 DALNAHASHAIG 1871 (b.26/9/1861, Glassary) (Fa.Angus MacCallum, Mo. Elizabeth MacDougall) 562 MacCallum, Eliz, 90 DALNAHASHAIG 1915 (MacDougall) wife of Angus MacCallum (Eliz MacDougall, m. Angus MacCallum) (16/6/1853, Kilmichael Glassary) 562 MacDougall, Eliz, 90 DALNAHASHAIG 1915 wife of Angus MacCallum (Eliz MacDougall, m. Angus MacCallum) (16/6/1853, Kilmichael Glassary) 563 McCallum, Neil, 27 FEARNOCH, Glassary 1839 son of Dugald MacCallum (Niel MacCallum, b. 13/8/1812, Glassary) (Fa. Dugald MacCallum, Mo. Catharine McKellar) 564 MacCallum, Malcolm Tenant of CRINAN FARM 1832 565 566 MacCallum, Donald Tenant of Barnakill Farm 567 MacCallum, Mary 1815 (Mary MacCallum m. Malcolm May) (26/1/1816, N. Knapdale) erected by her son,Captain Angus May 568 MacCallum, John , 34 FEARNOCH, Glassary 1840 569 MacCallum, Archd, 68 Lochgilphead 1883 husband of Euphemia MacTavish (Archd MacCallum, m. Euphemia MacTavish) (30/7/1842, Glassary) husband of Janet Scott (Archd. MacCallum, m.Janet Scott) (24/5/1854, Kilmichael Glassary) (Lachlan MacCallum, b. 19/8/1859, Cumlodden) (Fa. Archd. MacCallum, Mo Janet Scott) 569 MacCallum, Euphemia DALNAHASHAIG 1847 probably daughter of Archibald MacCallum & Euphemia MacTavish 569 MacCallum, Euphemia Crinan d. Lochgair 1853 (MacTavish) 1st wife of Arch. MacCallum (Euphemia MacTavish, m. Archd MacCallum) (30/7/1842, Glassary) 569 MacCallum, Janet Crinan 1883 (Scott) 2nd wife of Archd. MacCallum (Janet Scott m. Archd. MacCallum) (24/5/1854, Kilmichael Glassary) 569 MacCallum, John, 84 DALNAHASHAIG 1856 husband of Jane MacTavish (John MacCallum m. Jean MacTavish) (27/2/1803, S. Knapdale) 569 MacCallum, Lachlan, 73 Crinan 1881 (b. 26/2/1807,Glassary) or (b.26/10/1807,Glassary) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Jean MacTavish) (Lachlan MacCallum, m. Catharine MacCallum)? (20/7/1833, Kilmartin)? 569 MacCallum, Neil DALNAHASHAIG 1879 husband of Sarah Mitchell (Neil MacCallum, m. Sarah Mitchell) (3/12/1848, Kilmichael Glassary)

71 (3/12/1849, Glassary) 569 MacCallum, Sarah, 63 Crinan 1886 (Mitchell) wife of Neil MacCallum (Sarah Mitchell, m. Neil MacCallum) (3/12/1848 Kilmichael Glassary) (3/12/1849, Glassary) 569 MacTavish, Euphemia Crinan d.Lochgair 1853 1st wife of Archd.MacCallum (Euphemia MacTavish, m. Archd MacCallum) (30/7/1842, Glassary) 569 MacTavish, Jane, 68 DALNAHASHAIG 1852 wife of John MacCallum (Jean MacTavish m. John MacCallum) (27/2/1803, S. Knapdale) 569 Mitchell, Sarah, 63 Crinan 1886 wife of Neil MacCallum (Sarah Mitchell, m. Neil MacCallum) (3/12/1848, Kilmichael Glassary) (3/12/1849, Glassary) 569 Scott, Janet Crinan 1883 (Jane Scott, b. 14/1/1837, Kilmartin) (Fa. William Scott, Mo. Isobell MacIntyre) 2nd wife of Archd.MacCallum (Janet Scott m. Archd.MacCallum) (24/5/1854, Kilmichael Glassary) 570 MacCallum (stone inscribed in Latin) 571 Cameron, Jane, 63 Duntroon 1901 (MacCallum) wife of Duncan Cameron (Jane MacCallum m. Duncan Cameron) (20/3/1860, Glassary) 571 MacCallum, Ann, 22 Crinan Farm 1852 571 MacCallum, Catherine, 70 Crinan Farm, Kilmartin 1875 571 MacCallum, Donald, 21 CRINAN FARM 571 MacCallum, Duncan, 82 Crinan Farm 1874 571 MacCallum, Hugh, 10 CRINAN FARM 1852 (b. 28/1/1843, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Dugald MacCallum, Mo. Euphemia MacPherson) 571 MacCallum, Jane, 63 Duntroon 1901 wife of Duncan Cameron (Jane MacCallum m. Duncan Cameron) (20/3/1860, Glassary) 571 MacCallum, Malcolm, 25 CRINAN FARM 571 MacCallum, Sarah, 7 CRINAN FARM 1851 (b.30/4/1843, Kilmartin) (Fa. John MacCallum, Mo. Helen McLellan) 572 573 574 MacCallum, Ann, 77 Gartnagrenoch, Knapdale 1882 wife of Duncan Munro (Married 18/1/1828, Glassary) 574 Munro, Ann, 77 Gartnagrenoch, Knapdale 1882 (MacCallum) wife of Duncan Munro (Married 18/1/1828, Kilmichael Glassary) 574 Munro, Neil, 20 Gartnagrenoch, Knapdale 1855 575 MacIntyre, Isabella, 72 Kilmartin 1882 wife of William Scott

72 (Isabel MacIntyre m. William Scott) (17/12/1831, Kilmartin) 575 Scott, Ann Kilmartin 1921 575 Scott, Catherine, 24 Kilmartin 1842 (Catherine Scott, b. 27/7/1840, Kilmartin) (Catherine Scott, c. 15/5/1844, Kilmartin) (Fa. William Scott, Mo. Isabel MacIntyre) 575 Scott, Donald, 7 1/2 Kilmartin 1846 (b. 25/10/1838, Kilmartin) (Fa. William Scott, Mo. Isabel MacIntyre) 575 Scott, Donald Kilmartin 1891 575 Scott, Duncan Kilmartin 1916 (Duncan Scott, c. 27/3/1834, Kilmartin) (Duncan Scott, c. 25/10/1838, Kilmartin) (Duncan Scott, c. 26/7/1842, Kilmartin) (Fa.William Scott, Mo. Isabel MacIntyre)) 575 Scott, Isabella, 72 Kilmartin 1882 (MacIntyre) wife of William Scott (Isabel Scott m. William Scott) (17/12/1831, Kilmartin) 575 Scott, Mary Kilmartin 1917 575 Scott, William Kilmartin 1958 575 Scott, William, 62 Kilmartin 1874 husband of Isabella MacIntyre (William Scott m. Isabel MacIntyre) (17/12/1831, Kilmartin) (Isobell Scott, b.7/3/1835, Kilmartin) (Fa.William Scott, Mo. Isobell MacIntyre) 576 577 C.L. 578 Gillies, Duncan 1877 (b. 15/8/1855, Glassary) (Fa. John Gillies, Mo. Mary Gillies) 579 Gillies, James 1888 (b. 17/4/1853, Glassary) (Fa. John Gillies, Mo.Mary Gillies) 579 Gillies, John, 82 1906 husband of Mary Gillies (John Gillies, m. Mary Gillies) (1/7/1850, Glassary) 579 Gillies, John, 51 1915 (b. 3/8/1863, Glassary) (Fa. John Gillies, Mo. Mary Gillies) 579 Gillies, Margaret, 64 AUCHACHROME? 1925 (b. 25/4/1860, Glassary) (Fa. John Gillies, Mo. Mary Gillies) 579 Gillies, Mary, 91 1922 (Gillies) wife of John Gillies (Mary Gillies, m. John Gillies) (1/7/1850, Glassary) 580 Campbell, Alex, 64 Kilmartin 1950 580 Campbell, Catherine, 73 Kilmartin? 1916 580 Campbell, Christina, 88 Kilmartin? 1938 (b. 5/9/1849, Gallichily, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Dugald or Donald Campbell, Mo. Mary MacMillan)

73 580 Campbell, Euphemia, 80 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1906 wife of Duncan Gillies (Euphemia Campbell m. Duncan Gillies) (5/3/1850, Kilmartin) 580 Campbell, John, 83 Kilmartin 1906 580 Campbell, Malcolm, 88 Kilmartin 1936 (Malcom Campbell, b. 12/5/1847, Gallichily, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Dugald or Donald Campbell, Mo. Mary MacMillan) 580 Gillies, Christina, 49 AUCHACHROME & Kilmartin 1945 580 Gillies, Duncan, 74 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1895 husband of Euphemia Campbell (Duncan Gillies m. Euphemia Campbell) (5/3/1850, Kilmartin) (Duncan Gillies, b. 15/11/1860) (Fa .Duncan Gillies, Mo. Euphemia Campbell) 580 Gillies, Euphemia, 80 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1906 (Campbell) wife of Duncan Gillies (Euphemia Campbell m. Duncan Gillies) (5/3/1850, Kilmartin) 580 Gillies, Isabella, 89 RASLIE & Kilmartin 1954 wife of ? MacLachlan 580 Gillies, John, 89 AUCHACHROME & Kilmartin 1947 (The Sailor) (b. 10/1/1858, Kilmartin) (Fa. Duncan Gillies, Mo. Effy Campbell) 580 Gillies, Margaret ,79 AUCHACHROME, Kilmartin 1931 (c. 28/7/1853, Kilmartin) (Fa. Duncan Gillies, Mo. Euphemia Campbell) 580 MacLachlan, Isabella, 89 RASLIE & Kilmartin 1954 (Gillies) wife of ? MacLachlan 581 Campbell, Isabella, 84 Tibertich, Glassary 1920 (MacLean) wife of Neil Campbell (Isabella MacLean m. Neil Campbell) (18/6/1867, Kilmore & Kilbride) 581 Campbell, Margaret, 67 CARNASSERIE MILL, Glassary 1935 (b. 1/3/1868,Kilmartin) (Fa. Neil Campbell, Mo.Isabella McLean) 581 Campbell, Mary, 61 Tibertich 1862 (MacCallum) wife of Peter Campbell (Mary Ann MacCallum, m. Peter Campbell) (23/12/1826, Kilmartin) 581 Campbell, Neil, 74 Tibertich, Glassary 1913 (b.1839, Kilmartin) (Fa. Peter Campbell, Mo. Mary Ann MacCallum) (Neil Campbell, m. Isabella McLean) (18/6/1867, Kilmore & Kilbride) 581 Campbell, Peter, 70 Tenant Tibertich, Glassary 1864 husband of Mary MacCallum (Peter Campbell m. Mary Ann MacCallum) (23/12/1826, Kilmartin) 581 MacCallum, Mary, 61 Tibertich, Glassary 1862 wife of Peter Campbell (Mary Ann MacCallum m. Peter Campbell)

74 (23/12/1826, Kilmartin) 581 McLean, Isabella, 84 Tibertich, Kilmartin 1920 wife of Neil Campbell (Isabella Mclean m. Neil Campbell) (18/6/1867, Kilmore & Kilbride) 582 583 584 MacInnes, Malcolm, 75 Tenant CARNASSERIE MORE 1853 585 MacInnes, Archd, 21 CARNASSERIE MORE 585 MacInnes, Morag, 4½ CARNASSERIE MORE 586 Campbell, Archibald, 76 Ormaig Farm, Glassary 1855 586 Rhind, Isabella, 54 ORMAIG 1835 (c. 2/2/1781, S. Knapdale) (Fa. William Rheine, Mo. Isobell) wife of James Campbell 587 Rhyne, Eliz Ford 1839 wife of Malcolm Campbell 588 Gray, John Tenant Torranmore, Ford 589 590 Leitch, Isabella, 75 Lergychoniemore, Craignish 1885 wife of Duncan Gray (Isabella Leitch m. Duncan Gray) (17/12/1844, Kilmartin) 590 Gray, Duncan, 67 Tenant Lergychoniemore d.SUCCOTH 1880 husband of Isabella Leitch (Duncan Gray m. Isabella Leitch) (17/12/1844, Kilmartin) (Anne Gray, c. 6/7/1848, Kilmartin) (Dougald Gray, c. 10/3/1847, Kilmartin) (Dougald Gray, c. 8/8/1850, Kilmartin) (Euphemia Gray, c. 12/1/1853, Kilmartin) (Fa.John Gray, Mo. Isabella Leitch) 590 Gray, Isabella Lergychoniemore, Craignish 1885 (Leitch) wife of Duncan Gray (Isabella Leitch m. Duncan Gray) (17/12/1844, Kilmartin) 590 Gray, John, 75 Lergychoniemore, Craignish 1910 (c. 5/12/1845, Kilmartin) (Fa. Duncan Gray, Mo. Isabella Leitch) 591 Gray, Duncan, 42 EXPERIMENT, Kilmartin 1821 591 MacDonald, Duncan, 70 Lergychoniemore, Craignish 1948 grandson of Duncan Gray 592 Gray, Duncan, 72 Farmer Aird, Craignish 1875 (b. 22/4/1802, Glassary) (Fa. John Gray, Mo. Elizabeth MacCallum) 593 594 Campbell, Sarah 595 596 597 598 599 MacFarlane, John, 52 Innkeeper Lochgilphead 1858 husband of Susan McFayden (John MacFarlane, m. Susan McFayden) 599 MacFarlane, Mary, 77 Lochgilphead 1900 (Fa. John MacFarlane, mo. Susan McFayden)

75 599 MacFarlane, Robert, 57 Lochgilphead 1897 (b. 10/11/1840, Glassary) (Fa .John MacFarlane, Mo. Susan McFayden) 599 MacFarlane, Susan, 76 Lochgilphead d. Stirling 1930 (Fa. John MacFarlane, Mo.Susan McFayden) 599 MacFarlane, Susan, 77 Lochgilphead 1893 (McFayden) wife of John MacFarlane (Susan McFayden, m. John MacFarlane) 600 Crawford, Colin 601 Crawford, Isabella, 51 Ardrishaig 1900 (b.23/4/1849, Glassary) (Fa. Alex Crawford, Mo. Margaret MacIntyre) wife of Coll Jackson (Isabella Crawford m. Coll Jackson) (21/11/1872, Glassary) 601 Jackson, Isabella, 51 Ardrishaig 1900 (Crawford) wife of Coll Jackson (Isabella Crawford m. Coll Jackson) (21/11/1872, Glassary) 602 603 Jeffrey, Hannah, 68 Tayness, Kilmartin 1871 wife of James MacInnes (Hannah Jeffrey m.James MacInnes) (9/11/1836, Kilmartin) 603 MacCallum, Dugal, 68 BAROILE near Rhudle 5/1876 603 MacCallum, Isabella, 39 BAROILE near Rhudle 2/1885 604 Jackson, Rev. Donald, 64 Kilmartin 1873 (Donald Jackson, m. Campbell-Lamont) (25/3/1847, Kilmartin) (Hugh Jackson,b. 29/11/1847, Kilmartin) (John Lamont-Jackson, b.1847, Kilmartin) (Fa .Donald Jackson, Mo.Campbell-Lamont) 604 Jackson,George, 10 Kilmartin 1862 (George Archibald Jackson, b. 7/1/1853, Kilmartin) (Fa. Rev. Donald Jackson, Mo. Campbell-Lamont) 604 Jackson, Neil, 8 Kilmartin 1862 (Neil Campbell Jackson, b. 23/10/1854, Kilmartin) (Fa. Rev. Donald Jackson, Mo. Campbell-Lamont) 605 606 Andrew Jessie B.18mths 22days Rhudle Mill 4/12/1844 (Jessie Boyd Gardener Andrew, b. 10/7/1843, Glassary) (Fa, John Andrew, Mo. Barbara Gardener) (Married, 20/8/1842, Glassary) Jessie Elizabeth Andrew, b. 30/12/1853, Glassary) 607 Bishop, Honor Harriet, 84 Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1919 wife of David Paterson,Carpenter (Honour Bishop m. David Paterson) (5/6/1862, Kilmartin) 607 Paterson, Agnes, 87 Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1962 (b. 23/12/1874, Kilmartin) (Fa. David Paterson, Mo. Harriet Honor Bishop) 607 Paterson, David, 71 Carpenter Poltalloch, Kilmartin 1892 (Killed Slockavullin) husband of Honor Bishop

76 607 Paterson, Eliz, 4 Slockavullin or Poltalloch 1868 (b. 25/1/1864, Kilmartin) (Fa. David Paterson, Mo. Harriet Honor Bishop) 607 Paterson, Eliz, 46 Southampton 1916 (b. 28/9/1869, Kilmartin) (Fa. David Paterson, Mo. Harriet Honor Bishop) 607 Paterson, Helen, 9 Slockavullin or Poltalloch 1875 (b. 26/12/1866, Kilmartin) (Fa. David Paterson, Mo. Harriet Honor Bishop) 607 Paterson, Honoria, 84 Slockavullin or Poltalloch 1919 (Bishop) wife of David Paterson (Honor Bishop m. David Paterson) (5/6/1862, Kilmartin) 608 Brown, Robert, 3 The Cottages, Duntroon 1838 (c.5/6/1835, S.Knapdale) (Fa. John Brown, Mo. Elizabeth Allan) Erected by his father John Brown, Forester, Duntroon 609 Smith, Mary Lochgilphead 183- 610 Gillies, Marjory, 83 b. Inverlussa Kilmartin 1899 wife of Alex Smith (Margery Gillies, m. Alex Smith) 610 Smith, Alex, 70 Kilmartin 1873 (b. 4/1/1823, Glassary) (Fa. Alexander Smith, Mo. Catharine Goss) husband of Marjory Gillies (Alex Smith,m. Marjory Smith) (Alexander Smith, b. 20/12/1837, Glassary) (Fa. Alexander Smith, Mo. Margery Gillies) 610 Smith, Archd d.Zanzibar 1882 (b.4/6/1839, Glassary) (Fa. Alex Smith, Mo Margery Gillies) son of Alex Smith, Kilmartin 610 Smith, Christina Kilmartin 1908 (Christian Smith, b. 22/1/1841, Glassary) (Fa. Alex Smith, Mo. Mary Gillies) 610 Smith, Duncan Kilmartin 1902 brother of Alex Smith (b. 5/3/1825, Glassary) (Fa. Alex Smith, Mo. Catharine Gow) (Alex Smith, b. 4/1/1823, Glassary) (Fa. Alex Smith, Mo. Catherine Goss) 610 Smith, Marjory, 83 b.Inverlussa Kilmartin 1899 (Gillies) wife of Alex Smith (Marjory Gillies, m. Alex Smith) 611 612 Gow, Catherine , 16? Rhudle, Glassary 1816 613 Roylance, Catherine, 60 EXPERIMENT FARM, Kilmartin 1828 This monument of conjugal affection is erected by James Gow, Experiment.

614 Gow, James, 33 Poltalloch 1837 615 Gow, James, 88 Tacksman Rhudle,Glassary 1855 616 617 Kennedy, John, Joiner Auchindarroch, Lochgilphead 1850 (John Kennedy m. Mary MacIntyre)

77 (20/2/1819, N. Knapdale) 617 Kennedy, Susan, 41 (c. 23/3/1822, N. Knapdale) (Fa. John Kennedy, Mo. Mary MacIntyre) daughter of John,Kennedy,Auchindarroch wife of Walter Mellish,Ormsary (Susan Kennedy m. Walter Mellish) (23/11/1850, S. Knapdale) 617 Mellish, Susan, 41 Ormsary (c. 23/3/1822, N. Knapdale) (Fa. John Kennedy, Mo. Mary MacIntyre) (Kennedy) wife of Walter Mellish (Susan Kennedy m. Walter Mellish) (23/11/1850, S. Knapdale) daughter of John Kennedy, Auchindarroch. 617 Mellish,Walter, 83 Ormsary 1901 (Walter Mellish m. Susan Kennedy) (23/11/1850, S. Knapdale) 618 Sinclair, Peter, 20 1834 son of Duncan Sinclair 619 620 Borthwick, Margaret, 49 1845 (MacNab) wife of Thomas Borthwick (Margaret MacNab m.Thomas Borthwick) (John Borthwick, b. 10/12/1834, Glassary) (Fa. Thomas Borthwick, Mo. Margaret MacNab) 620 McNab, Margaret, 49 1845 wife of Thomas Borthwick (Margaret MacNab m. Thomas Borthwick) (John Borthwick, b. 10/12/1834, Glassary) (Fa. Thomas Borthwick, Mo. Margaret MacNab) 621 Clark, Janet Fincharn, Loch Awe 1884 wife of Robert Lawrie,Tenant (Janet Clark m. Robert Laurie) (21/12/1859, Kilmodan) 621 Lawrie, Elizabeth Fincharn, Loch Awe 1895 sister of Robert Lawrie (c. 12/4/1821, Kilmodan)? (Fa. William Lawrie, Mo. Helen McNab)? 621 Lawrie, Janet Fincharn, Loch Awe 1884 (Clark) wife of Robert Lawrie, Tenant (Janet Clark m. Robert Laurie) (21/12/1859, Kilmodan) 621 Lawrie, Robert Tenant Fincharn, Loch Awe 1895 husband of Janet Clark (Robert Lawrie, m. Janet Clark) (21/12/1859, Kilmodan) (Archibald Clark Lawrie, b. 28/8/1862, Glassary) (Janet Clark Lawrie, b. 12/11/1864, Glassary) (John MacNab Lawrie, b, 22/10/1860, Glassary) (Fa.Robert Lawrie, Mo. Janet Clark) 622 Campbell, Elizabeth wife of Colin MacNab (Spouse of Colin MacNab) 622 MacNab, Colin husband of Elizabeth Campbell

78 (b. Abt.1765, Argyle of Kilmodan) (Spouse of Betty or Elizabeth Campbell) 622 MacNab, Elizabeth (Campbell) wife of Colin MacNab (Spouse of Colin MacNab) 623 MacLellan, Archd, 20 Kilmartin 1890 623 MacLellan , Archd, 74 Kilmartin 1897 husband of Jane MacCallum (Archd. MacLellan m. Jean MacCallum) (14/1/1854, Craignish) 623 MacLellan, Duncan, 30 (Buried, Neilston Kilmartin 1896 (b. 3/3/1865, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd. MacLellan, Mo. Jane MacCallum) 623 MacLellan, Jane, 76 Kilmartin 1902 (MacCallum) wife of Archd MacLellan (Jean MacCallum m. Archd.MacLellan) (14/1/1854, Craignish) 623 MacLellan, Jean, 17 Kilmartin 1909 623 MacLellan,"Wee Mary", 1½ Kilmartin 1896 624 Martin, Flora, 36 Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1874 624 Martin, Louisa, 4 months Kilchoan, Kilmartin 1844 daughter of William & Eleanora Martin 625 626 MacGilp, Ena, 20 1937 626 MacGilp, Hannah, 53 1902 (MacInnes) wife of John MacGilp (Hannah MacInnes, m. John MacGilp) 626 MacGilp, John, 80 1953 husband of Hannah MacInnes (John MacGilp, m. Hannah MacInnes) 626 MacInnes, Hannah, 53 1902 (c. 16/8/1850, Kinlochspelvie) (Fa. Duncan MacInnes/) wife of John MacGilp 627 628 MacDonald, Sarah, 67 Kilmartin 1919 wife of Duncan MacLean (Sarah MacDonald, m. Duncan McLean) 628 McLean, Duncan, 72 Kilmartin 1917 husband of Sarah MacDonald (Duncan McLean, m. Sarah MacDonald) 628 McLean, Peter, 2 Kilmartin 1887 628 McLean, Sarah, 67 Kilmartin 1919 (MacDonald) wife of Duncan McLean) 629 Gillies, R. 630 Dewar, Margaret Kilmartin 1925 wife of Archd.MacArthur,Joiner (Margaret Dewar m. Archibald MacArthur) (24/9/1863, Lochgilphead) 630 MacArthur, Archd, 80, Joiner d. Dunoon 1917 husband of Margaret Dewar (Archd MacArthur, m. Margaret Dewar) (24/9/1863, Lochgilphead) 630 MacArthur, Christina, 5 Slockavullin 1874 (Christina Dewar MacArthur, b. 3/8/1869, Lochgilphead)

79 (Fa. Archd. MacArthur, Mo. Margaret Dewar) 630 MacArthur, Margaret Kilmartin 1925 630 MacArthur, Mary Ann, 3 Kilmartin 1874 (b. 18/9/1871, Lochgilphead) (Fa. Archd. MacArthur, Mo. Margaret Dewar) 631 Jackson,Jessie,19 Kintraw 1866 (b.1847, Argyle of Kilmarten) (Relative: Alice Hulme Thompson Lougee) (Jessie Campbell Jackson, c. 10/8/1847, Kilmartin) (Fa.Archibald Jackson, Mo. Helen MacIntyre) 631 Jackson, Mary, 39 Kintraw 1866 (c.18/8/1852, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archibald Jackson, Mo. Helen MacIntyre) 632 Jackson, Archd, 82, Kintraw d.Poltalloch St.Lochgilphead 1897 husband of Helen MacIntyre (Archd. Jackson m. Helen MacIntyre) (28/4/1840, Inveraray & Glenaray) 632 Jackson, Helen, 47 Kintraw 1873 (MacIntyre) wife of Archd.Jackson (Helen MacIntyre m. Archd.Jackson) (28/4/1840, Inveraray & Glenaray) 632 Jackson , Hugh, 14 months Kintraw 1845 (c.14/5/1844, Kilmartin) (Fa. Archd. Jackson, Mo. Helen MacIntyre) 632 MacIntyre, Helen ,47 Kintraw 1860 wife of Archd. Jackson (Helen MacIntyre, m. Archibald Jackson) (28/4/1840, Inveraray & Glenaray) 633 Anderson, Christina, 80 1900 wife of William Stewart (Christian Anderson m. William Stewart) (29/5/1841, Kilcalmonell & Kilberry) 633 Stewart, Christina, 80 1900 (Anderson) wife of William Stewart (Christian Anderson m. William Stewart) (29/5/1841, Kilcalmonell & Kilberry) 634 Stewart, James, 3 EXPERIMENT FARM, Kilmartin 1858 (b. 10/8/1855, Kilmartin) (Fa. William Stewart, Mo. Christian Anderson) 634 Stewart, Jemima, 21 EXPERIMENT FARM, Kilmartin 1875 (c. 10/1/1854,Kilmartin) (Fa. William Stewart, Mo. Christian Anderson) 634 Stewart, Isabella, 17 EXPERIMENT FARM, Kilmartin 1876 Related to above Stewart's ? 635 Campbell, Christina, 30 Ardifuar, Glassary 1887 (b. 19/4/1857, Kinlochspelvie) (Livingston) wife of John Campbell (Christina Livingston, m. John Campbell) (14/12/1873, Lismore) (14/12/1873, Kilmore & Kilbride) 636 Jaffray, Mary, 39 EXPERIMENT, Kilmartin

80 1840 wife of James Ormiston 636 Ormiston, Mary, 39 EXPERIMENT, Kilmartin 1840 (Jaffray ) wife of James Ormiston (Mary Jaffray m. James Ormiston) (John Ormiston, b. 2/6/1834, Kilmartin) (Alexander Ormiston, b. 4/6/1837, Kilmartin) (James Ormiston, b. 24/1/1839, Kilmartin) (Neil Malcolm Ormiston, b. 20/9/1840, Kilmartin) (Neil Malcolm Ormiston, c. 8/11/1840, Kilmartin) (Janet Ormiston, c. 5/6/1842, Kilmartin) (Hannah Ormiston, c. 21/12/1847, Kilmartin) (Parents of above, James Orbiston & Mary Jaffray) 637 MacKenzie, Isabella, 81 Kilmartin 1938 wife of Alex. Ross, Merchant (Isabell MacKenzie,m. Alex Ross) 637 Ross, Alex, 90 General Merchant Kilmartin 1949 husband of Isabella MacKenzie (Alex Ross, m.Isabella MacKenzie) 637 Ross, Isabella, 81 Kilmartin 1938 (McKenzie) wife of Alex Ross (Isabella MacKenzie, m. Alex Ross) 638 MacCallum, Christina, 84 EXPERIMENT FARM, Kilmartin wife of Duncan MacColl (Christian MacCallum m. Duncan MacColl) (19/3/1846, Kilmartin) 638 MacColl, Christina, 84 EXPERIMENT, Kilmartin 1905 (MacCallum) wife of Duncan MacColl (Christian MacCallum, m. Duncan MacColl) (19/3/1846, Kilmartin) 638 MacColl, Christina, 66 EXPERIMENT, Kilmartin 1921 (Christian MacColl, b. 27/8/1854 ,Kilmartin) (Fa. Duncan MacColl, Mo. Christian MacCallum) 638 MacColl, Donald, 3 EXPERIMENT FARM, Kilmartin 1833 638 MacColl, Duncan, 38 EXPERIMENT FARM, Kilmartin 1860 (b. 28/12/1822, N. Knapdale) (Fa. Hugh McColl, Mo. Mary MacCallum) (Hugh McColl m. Mary MacCallum) (15/1/1820 N. Knapdale) 638 MacColl, Neil, 13mths EXPERIMENT FARM, Kilmartin 1854 son of Donald MacColl 639 Jackson, Mary, 2? Lochgilphead 1852 daughter of Alex Jackson, Feuar & Watchmaker 639 MacCallum, Mary, 19? Lochgilphead 5/7/1852 wife of Alan Jackson,Feuar & Watchmaker, Lochgilphead (Alexander Jackson, b. 15.3/1822, Glassary) (Allan Jackson, b. 26/9/1828, Kilmichael Glassary)

81 (Ann Jackson, b. 22/5/1824, Glassary) (Christian Jackson, 3/9/1835, Kilmichael Glassary) (Donald Jackson, 3/10/1830, Glassary) (Margaret Jackson, 28/1/1833, Kilmichael Glassary) (Mary Jackson, 5/3/1820, Glassary) (Fa. Allan Jackson, Mo. Mary MacCallum) 640 Jackson, Margaret,15 (b.28/1/1833, Kilmichael Glassary)? (Fa. Allan Jackson, Mo. Mary MacCallum) daughter of Alan Jackson,Watchmaker, Lochgilphead 1837 641 642 MacLullich, Christine, 73 formerly Slockavullin 1949 643 Gillies, Isabella, 84 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1886 wife of Duncan MacIntyre (Isabella Gillies,m. Duncan MacIntyre) (25/1/1821, Kilmartin) 643 MacIntyre, Ann, 37 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1863 (c. 15/5/1824, Kilmartin) (Fa. Duncan MacIntyre, Mo. Isobell Gillies) 643 MacIntyre, Archd, 44 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1877 (b. 1833, Kilmartin of Rashley) (Fa. Duncan MacIntyre, Mo. Isobella Gillies) 643 MacIntyre, Catherine, 42 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1884 (Cathrine MacIntyre, b. 28/10/1842) (Fa. Duncan MacIntyre, Mo. Isobella Gillies) 643 MacIntyre, Duncan, 85 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1880 husband of Isabella Gillies (Duncan MacIntyre, m.Isabella Gillies) (25/1/1821, Kilmartin) 643 MacIntyre, Isabella, 84 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1886 (Gillies) wife of Duncan MacIntyre (Isabella Gillies, m. Duncan MacIntyre) (25/1/1821, Kilmartin) 643 MacIntyre, John, 58 RASLIE, Kilmartin 1903 (b. 16/10/1845, Kilmartin) (Duncan MacIntyre, Mo. Isabella Gillies) 643 MacIntyre, Margaret 1899 (b. 22/12/1836, Kilmartin) (Fa Duncan MacIntyre, Mo. Isabell Gillies) 644 Reside, Christine, 60 Slockavullin, Kilmartin 1871 (Wilkie) wife of William Reside 644 Reside, Robert, 25 Slockavullin, Kilmartin 1872 644 Reside,William, 50 Slockavullin, Kilmartin 1863 husband of Christina Wilkie 644 Wilkie, Christina, 61 Slockavullin 1871 wife of William Reside 645 Henderson, Peter, 70 1870 646 Henderson, Blan, 77 Craleckan by Inveraray 1864 (Bland-McCorquodale, c. 19/6/1831, Craignish) (Fa. Lachlan McCorquodale, Mo. Margaret MacCorquodale) (MacCorquadale) wife of Duncan Henderson 646 Henderson, Catherine, 84 Creaganterve 1902 wife of Alex MacNair (Catherine Henderson m. Alex MacNair)

82 (19/12/1837, Inveraray & Glenaray) (16/12/1837, Kilmartin) 646 Henderson, Duncan, 78 Farmer Craleckan by Inveraray 1865 husband of Blan MacCorquadale, Inveraray (Duncan Henderson c. 11/12/1814, Craignish) (Fa. Duncan Henderson, Mo. Blannie MacCorquadale) 646 MacCorquadale, Blan, 77 Craleckan by Inveraray 1864 (Bland-McCorquodale, c.19/6/1831, Craignish) (Fa. Lachlan McCorquodale, Mo. Margaret MacCorquodale) wife of Duncan Henderson (Duncan Henderson, c. 11/12/1814, Craignish) (Fa. Duncan Henderson, Mo. Blannie MacCorquadale) 646 MacNair, Catherine, 84 Creagenterve, Ford 1902 (Henderson) wife of Alex MacNair (Catherine Henderson, m. Alex MacNair) (19/12/1837, Inveraray & Glenaray) (16/12/1837, Kilmartin) (Alexander MacNair, b.23/4/1858, Kilmartin) (Cathrine MacNair, b. 13/8/1851, Kilmartin) (Fa. Alex.MacNair, Mo. Catherine Henderson) 646 MacNair, Donald, 71 Creagenterve, Ford 1922 (b. 18/6/1851, Kilmartin) (Fa. Alex MacNair, Mo. Cathrine Henderson) 647 Sinclair, Daniel, 30 Kilmartin 1883 (Daniel Archibald Sinclair, b. 2/1/1853,Kilmartin) (Fa. Peter Sinclair, Mo. Margaret McKechnie) (Married, 30/6/1847, Kilmartin) 647 Sinclair, Jessie, 30 Kilmartin 1881 daughter of Peter Sinclair,Merchant (Jessie Helen Sinclair, b. 26/4/1850, Kilmartin) (Fa. Peter Sinclair, Mo. Margaret McKechnie) 647 Sinclair, Margaret, 29 Kilmartin 1887 (Margaret Elizabeth Sinclair, b. 13/4/1858, Kilmartin) (Fa. Peter Sinclair, Mo. Margaret McKechnie) 647 Sinclair, Margaret Jane, 26 Kilmartin 1904 daughter of Daniel Sinclair 647 Sinclair, Mary Ann, 16 Kilmartin 1864 (b. 29/7/1848, Kilmartin) (Fa. Peter Sinclair, Mo. Margaret McKechnie) 648 MacAlpine, Catherine, 61 Lochgilphead 1900 (MacBrayne) wife of Malcolm MacAlpine (Catherine MacBrayne, m. Malcolm MacAlpine) 648 MacAlpine, Donald, 2yrs 11 mths Lochgilphead 1879 son of Neil MacAlpine,Contractor 648 MacAlpine, Dugald, 42 Lochgilphead 1895 (b. 5/7/1852, N. Knapdale)? See 649 Dugald) (Fa. Donald MacAlpine, Mo. Isabella MacTavesh) 648 MacAlpine, Isabella, 6 Lochgilphead 1900 daughter of Dugal MacAlpine 648 MacAlpine, Malcolm, 46, Contractor Lochgilphead 1878 husband of Catherine MacBrayne (Malcolm MacAlpine, m. Catherine MacBrayne)

83 648 MacAlpine, Mary 1927 648 MacBrayne, Catherine, 61 Lochgilphead 1900 wife of Malcolm MacAlpine (Catherine MacBrayne, m. Malcolm MacAlpine) 649 Fletcher, Ann, 28 Drimvore, Glassary 1882 wife of Donald MacAlpine 649 MacAlpine, Ann, 28 Drimvore, Glassary 1882 (Fletcher) wife of Donald MacAlpine. 649 MacAlpine, Donald ,19 Drimvore, Glassary 1864 (c. 5/11/1834, Kilmartin) (John McAlpin, Mo. Betsay McTavish) 649 MacAlpine, Donald, 81 Drimvore, Glassary 1891 husband of Isabella MacTavish (Donald MacAlpine, m. Isabella MacTavish) (21/1/1832, Glassary) 649 MacAlpine, Dugald, 42 Drimvore, Glassary 1896 (b. 5/7/1852, N. Knapdale)? See 648.2 Dugald`s? (Fa. Donald MacAlpine, Mo. Isabella MacTavesh) 649 MacAlpine, Isabella, 79 Drimvore, Glassary 1882 (MacTavish) wife of Donald MacAlpine (Isabella MacTavish m. Donald MacAlpine) (21/1/1832 Glassary) 649 MacAlpine, Malcolm,40 Drimvore, Glassary 1878 (b. 16/4/1837, Glassary) (Fa. Donald MacAlpine, Mo. Isabella MacTavesh) 649 MacTavish, Isabella, 79 Drimvore, Glassary 1882 wife of Donald MacAlpine (Isabella MacTavish m. Donald MacAlpine) (21/1/1832, Glassary) 650 651 MacLachlan, Isabella Kilmichael Inn 1850 652 Campbell, Margaret 1921 wife of Angus MacIntyre (Margaret Campbell m. Angus MacIntyre) (25/6/1868, Kilmartin) 652 MacIntyre, Angus 1889 husband of Margaret Campbell (Angus MacIntyre, m. Margaret Campbell) (25/6/1868, Kilmartin) 652 MacIntyre, Margaret 1921 (Campbell) wife of Angus MacIntyre (Margaret Campbell m. Angus MacIntyre) (25/6/1868, Kilmartin) Plaque in church. Campbell, James. b. 1773 of Duntroon Castle 1799 (b. 3/9/1773, Duntroon (Killed in battle) (Fa. Neill Campbell, Mo. Jean Campbell) Plaque in church Campbell, Capt. Neil, 55, (1736-1791) of Duntroon 1791 Campbell, Col. Sir Neil, 51, (1776-1827) of Duntroon 1827

Plaque in church Campbell, Gen. Patrick, 78. Duntroon & Oib 1857 (1779-1857) Plaque in church. Malcolm, Isabella Lucy. b. 8/10/1834

84 d. 16/8/1836 at Duntroon Castle 1836 daughter of Neil Malcolm,Poltalloch

Plaque in church. Malcolm,Neil,of Poltalloch 26/7/1769-24/1/1837 1837

Plaque in church Malcolm, Reginald Neil of Poltalloch b.28/7/1833 died LARGIE HOUSE,Kilmartin 1835 son of Neil Malcolm of Poltalloch d.25/7/1835 Skiech,Jo-- 1777 Stone MacLellan, Donald, 51 Baluachrach, Glassary 1910 (son of Donald) Stone MacLellan, Eliz, 4 Baluachrach, Glassary 1905 MacLellan, Euphemia, 11 Baluachrach, Glassary 1905 MacLellan, Eliz, 84 Slockavullin 1951

The MacLachlan memorial on the graveyard wall inscribed in Latin, reads according to the experts:-

"Mr William MacLachlan, Rector of Kilmartin desires that his mortal remains and those of his wife Grisel MacGilchrist and their children, should lie in this resting place as spoils of death."

6. References

Allen, J. R. 1881 'Notice of sculptured stones at Kilbride, Kilmartin, and Dunblane', Proc Soc Antiq Scot , 15, 1880-1, 258-60

Beaton, D. 1982 Some Notes on Dugald Campbell, Minister of Kilmartin and the Campbells or MacIvers of Ardlarach. The Kist 26, pp20.

Beaton, D. 1989 Some Bibliographical Notes on the Revd. Robert Fullarton. The Kist 37, pp20.

Alan Begg 1999 List of names in Kilmartin Parish, Argyll Colony Plus , Vol. 13 No. 2

Campbell. M and M. Sandeman, 1964 'Mid Argyll: an archaeological survey', Proc Soc Antiq Scot , 95, 1961-2, 71, 79, nos 456 492

Drummond, J. D. 1879 Sculptured Monuments of Iona and the West Highlands (an inventory of sketches)

Fisher, I. 2001 Early Medieval sculpture in the West Highlands and Islands , RCAHMS/Soc Ant Scot Monograph Series 1, Edinburgh, 149

MacKenna, F. S. 1982 (editorial note) Some Notes on Dugald Campbell, Minister of Kilmartin and the Campbells or MacIvers of Ardlarach. The Kist 26, pp21.

MacLean, D. G. 1985 Early Medieval Sculpture in the West Highlands and Islands of Scotland , Edinburgh University PhD dissertation, p.433 and pl.85

Muir T.S. 1861 Characteristics of Old Church Architecture &c in the Mainland & Western Islands of Scotland, Edinburgh.

85 Ritchie, G. [J. N.] and M. Harman 1996 Argyll and the Western Isles , Exploring Scotland's Heritage series, ed. by Anne Ritchie, Edinburgh, 41, 103, 106

RCAHMS 1975 The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Argyll: an Inventory of the Monuments: Argyll, Volume 2: Lorn.. Edinburgh.

RCAHMS 1992 The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Argyll: an Inventory of the Monuments: Argyll, Volume 7: Mid Argyll and Cowal: Medieval and Later Monuments . Edinburgh

Steer K.A. & J. W. Bannerman 1977 Late Medieval Monumental Sculpture in the Western Highlands . RCAHMS, Edinburgh.

Walker, F. A. 2000 The Buildings of Scotland, Argyll and Bute . Newhaven and London

White, T. P. 1875 Archaeological sketches in Scotland: Knapdale and . Edinburgh.


Appendix 1: Gravestone Images

All numbers relate to RCHAMS numbers in above text

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 10


11 12 14 21 23 25

26 31 33 35 51


62 78 80 83



89 89

91 98 99