Get Involved!

Update Number 131313 Summer 2012014444

Neighbourhood Improvement Budget (NIB) Funding Improve your community with help from Rykneld Homes At Rykneld Homes we work to help local people to improve their communities. Every year we make money available for projects that make a difference. If you know of or are involved in something which may benefit from funding please contact the Community Involvement Team (CIT) for more information and an application form.

Some of the projects we have recently funded are:

• Mickley Village Hall renovations and improvements

• Holmgate Community Centre renovations and improvements

• Community Allotment projects in Temple Normanton, Grassmoor, North

Wingfield and Tupton

• Renishaw ‘Past & Present’ educational DVD

• New equipment for youth groups and mother and toddler groups

• Community events such as clean ups, fun days and galas

• Local park refurbishments

• Equipment for Jiu-jitsu Association

• Equipment for Nifty Fifties club in Calow

The Community Involvement team are available to offer support to community groups in applying for funding, setting up new groups and planning community projects.

Holmgate and Joan Club received NIB funding to refurbish the original flooring which had become worn and unsightly. The Club is used by local groups including for Tai Chi and the Friendly Club.

Another group who have benefitted from the funding is Grassmoor Perseverance Allotment Association who told us “the addition of the new gates has given a big boost to the allotment holders. Not only do they now feel that the allotments are a more secure place to enjoy their gardens, but now feel encouraged that improvements are being made to the site for the first time in a long time.

Further to this, a hedgerow has been replanted, a new wire fence has been erected and am allotment shop for both allotments users and local people has been opened promoted fresh fruit and veg for the local community. We are seeing more of a community spirit develop on the allotments.”

Activities for Older / Vulnerable People Update In the recent months the Community Involvement and Independent Living Service Teams have continued working with the sheltered scheme residents to identify ways to keep active and live healthy lifestyles.

During the February Half Term, Josh Heath, one of Rykneld Homes’ Community Improvers, volunteered to help plant a raised flower bed at Marx Court in Clay Cross. The patch already contained some strawberries and mint, but needed a good weeding. After a couple of hours Josh had transformed the patch to a colourful spring flower bed.

The residence of Marx Court enjoyed a Leisurely Lunch with Trent River Cruise in which 18 tenants attended. A tranquil two hour cruise takes in the splendour of the scenery, landmarks and surrounding of the Trent. The cruise came with commentary and gentle background music, whilst they enjoyed the delights of a choice of Galley Meals. It was a great day out and the feedback received was excellent.

IT Project The Community Involvement Team has re-launched one to one IT sessions to encourage older residents and vulnerable people to use modern technology as a means to improve social interaction, to manage their finances, to access better on-line deals or to improve existing skills. This aim’s to give tenants basic IT skills so they are able to:  Use social media such as Facebook and Twitter  Use internet search engines  Word processing  Email  Skype

You don’t have to have your own laptop or PC to get involved as we have several touch pads that we can loan out. We will also give advice on which is the best laptop/PC/touch pad to buy and give information on broadband deals. If this is something that you would be interested in please contact Jason Sadler (Community Involvement) on 01246 217891 to register your interest.

Work Clubs Rykneld Homes’ employees continue to support two Work Clubs operating in the North East District area – Clay Cross and Killamarsh. During the sessions staff offer support to unemployed people who attend the Clubs with CV writing, basic benefits and housing advice, job search, training opportunities etc. The Work Clubs have been set up by the Adult Education Centre and Job Centre Plus with the aim to increase employment in the area and to provide a focal point for job seekers where they can access internet to undertake a job search or complete an online job application; receive support and advice from professionals and access

Focus on Mickley Mickley Community and Tenants Association approached Rykneld Homes to support them to put on diversionary activities for the young people of Mickley. The group were successful in gaining funding from the Neighbourhood Improvement Budget; they used the funding to commission Derbyshire County Council’s ‘Adventur Activities Team’ to run Thursday evening sessions and Sporting Futures to run Saturday morning sessions during winter and autumn. Activities that have taken place include, a mobile climbing wall, football, multi-sports, KMX karting, team building and archery.

The sessions were supported by the Youth Service, who organised body art sessions and provided vegetable soup and snacks. As part of the project a group of young people were taken to a BMX track in Warsop and Sherwood Pines to look at different types of track, ready for the development of a BMX track in Mickley.

Fleet Arts also ran a program throughout winter and autumn which included DJing, drumming, sound recording, marble runs, beat boxing and graffiti art. The program finished with a celebration event where friends and family were invited to see what the young people had been up to. The project saw over 30 young people attend throughout the 10 week programme.

Get involved with us! We offer lots of involvement opportunities and one of the ways you can get involved is by joining our tenant involvement groups:

Neighbourhood Services This group looks at issues such as Anti-Social Behaviour, customer service, the contact centre, estate management, rent recovery, and much more.

Investment and Development This group looks at our Property Services, which includes repairs and maintenance, adaptations, Decent Homes and voids management.

Editorial Panel This group help us make sure our newsletters and leaflets are easy to read and understand.

Tenant Inspectors This group is helping to make sure the properties and services managed by Rykneld Homes are of the highest possible standard and fit to meet the needs of our tenants and service users. We recognise that you, our tenants, are the experts! You will have the chance to inspect ‘void’ properties (houses, flats and bungalows that are ready to be let to tenants) and conduct mystery shops of Rykneld Homes services.

Our involvement opportunities won’t take up much of your time and you can commit as much or as little of your time as you like. You could even do ‘mystery shop’s from home. The Community Involvement Team will provide all of the training you need and support you throughout the process. By involving tenants in these areas we hope to improve the customer focus of the services, continue to improve service delivery and make the best use of available resources. If you would like to get involved or want more information, please contact the Community Involvement team.

Volunteer & Training OppOpportunitiesortunities

Volunteer Placement Opportunities Last year 9 people undertook an 8 week volunteer placement with us. The placements are offered to unemployed people who gain new skills, confidence and experience in one of the following areas – Choice Move, Independent Living Service, Customer Services or with our contractor Apollo. These placements have been highly successful leading to many of the volunteers gaining permanent paid employment.

A Day in the life of… Andie Braisby is one of our recent volunteers who joined us for an 8 week placement in November 2013. She’s been working with our Independent Living Service Team and has been out and about in the district helping tenants and residents. There’s no such thing as an ‘average day’ for a volunteer, but Andie has shared her experience of working with Rykneld Homes.

9.30am : I arrive in the office and check files for the scheduled appointments for the day. I then get any equipment ready that we might need during the day.

10.00am : Working with the Independent Living Service wardens I go out and visit clients. Each visit is different, but they include testing the clients ‘Lifeline’ equipment and smoke alarms and making sure their pendants are working correctly. Completing support plans, reviews and new installations as well any repairs that have been reported.

12.30pm : Lunch

1.00pm : Return to the office, write up and file reviews carried out with clients during the morning and make any necessary referrals for additional help/support.

2.00pm : Undergo training with the wardens to help assist them with the FALLS Recovery Service for clients who have fallen. I’ve also completed a full day of training on ‘Conflict Management’ and how to handle difficult situations.

5.00pm : Finish and head home.

“Volunteering with Rykneld Homes has been extremely rewarding and fulfilling. I love getting out there and meeting residents and knowing that we’re giving them help and comfort. I feel I’ve now got a much better chance of finding a job as a result of the experience.”

We will be recruiting for our next round of volunteers soon. If you’re interested in this fantastic opportunity, please visit and submit an ‘Expression of Interest Form’ under the Jobs section. If you do not have internet access, please call Jude Milburn on 01246 217132 for more information.

Tenant Scrutiny Panel The Tenant Scrutiny Panel have been working hard over the past 12 months completing projects looking at the quality of service provided in the following areas: • Customer care provided as part of the Decent Homes works • How Rykneld Homes respond to tenant satisfaction feedback • How Rykneld Homes manage decants (when tenants are required to temporarily move out due to the extent of works taking place to their own home) Each report is submitted to our Board and the recommendations are considered. We have been able to implement a number of improvements due to the work of the Scrutiny Panel. For more information, visit our website and search for Tenant Scrutiny.

Community Involvement Team Since the last edition of Get Involved the Community Involvement Team here at Rykneld Homes has changed. Dave Street has joined the newly formed Regeneration Team and we have waved Michaela Cockayne off to City Homes. Our new team members star ted in 2013 and have continued the great work Dave and Michaela started and added new involvement projects and activities too. The Community Involvement Team is now:

Jude Milburn Jessica Blanksby Jason Sadler

Community Improvers The Community Improvers group was set up in September 2010 following a decision by Rykneld Homes to create a regular forum that would enable young people to be actively involved with Rykneld Homes. The young people are given a voice to influence, as well as improve, the services that impact on them at present or could do so in the future. The group get actively involved with community projects such as clean ups, galas, art projects and the promotion of healthy activities. Below are just some of the volu nteering projects these young people have been involved in during the past year:

• Marshalling and helping at Rykneld Homes family fun day • Litter picking in Killamarsh – 14 large bags were collected • Packing food parcels at Holmewood Food Bank • A day working with Tupton allotment group to prepare a community allotment • Helping at fun days in Stoneboom, Wingerworth, Renishaw, Morton • Planning and helping to run Marsh Lane fun day • Preparing 150 portions of fruit salad and vegetable and halloumi kebab s at Clay Cross gala • 4 weeks of volunteering activities including marshalling, cooking, family fun and sports at Grassmoor summer of fun • Organising a charity bike ride • Delivering fliers in Mickley, Renishaw, North Wingfield

What do you think about Soci al Media? Are Rykneld Homes behind the times or ahead of the game? Our delay in joining the Social Media world causes much debate here at Rykneld with some people for it and some against or unsure. So what do you think? Would it be a helpful tool or a po ssible hindrance in providing high quality customer service? Tell us your views about the pros and cons of social media and whether you think Rykneld should join in or not….. Email the Community Involvement Team: [email protected]

Community Allotment is a growing success Disused land in North Wingfield is being transformed into a thriving community allotment, with the help of Rykneld Homes. The organisation worked with local community groups to give a piece of land next to the Alma estate a new lease of life and help young people learn about the benefits of growing and eating fresh fruit and veg. The land was being used for unlawful activities such as dumping of landfill and the mining of coal.

Rykneld’s Community Involvement Team invited young people to help regenerate the disused land over the summer by clearing away rubbish and preparing the site as an allotment for use by local people. As well as offering something to do over the holiday s the project also helped to reduce incidents of nuisance behaviour. Local statistics from the Police suggest very positive results. In August 2012 there were 12 incidents of ASB on the Alma Estate, whereas in August 2013 there was only one.

The scheme is run in partnership with the All Seasons Allotment Project (ASAP) – which includes several organisations including the Parish Council, Alice’s View Children’s Centre and Derbyshire County Council.

Apollo DIY Skills Sessions From our previous success with working with tenants to improve their DIY skills, Rykneld and Apollo are now working with Tupton School. The aim is to target these workshops at year’s 10 and 11 to give the young people an insight to what different trades th ey could start a career in. The trades they will take part in are painting and decorating, plumbing, joinery and tiling skills. Groups of up to 6 young people will attend several half day sessions and will be looking to start in the September term.

We w ould also like to bring the DIY sessions out in to the community, if you can identify a community building that needs a little work and you want to be involved then let us know! We can bring the DIY sessions to you. Please contact Jason Sadler on 01246 217 891.

Turnaround Project The Turnaround Project is a Rykneld Homes pilot project which aims to offer support to families to make positive changes to their lifestyle, improve their relationship with Rykneld Homes and other agencies and help them to become less isolated from their community. We are currently working with three families which are now involved in lots of life skill activities.

Some of the courses they have taken part in already include: >Healthy Eating Work Shops >Budgeting workshops >Team building days >Literacy and numeracy workshops through Work Clubs >Cycle maintenance work shops >DIY Skills

Service Standards Consultation We want customer service at Rykneld Homes to be the best it can be. As times change and people start to use different ways to contact us, their expectations change and what was once their top priority may not be anymore and Rykneld Homes needs to keep up! To this end we plan to introduce a brand new set of customer care service standards based on our customers top priorities when interacting with us. To find out what is most important, we are currently conducting a programme of consultation. To take part all you need to do is complete our questionnaire, this is available from: Area Housing Offices Online: Through your local Tenant and Resident Group meeting or by calling the Community Involvement Team and we can complete it with you over the phone: 01246 217670/217132.

We have a happy bunch of tenants out there! We like to know what our tenants and customers think of us and every year we ask tenants to List of articles - Issue 13.docx provide their feedback by completing a Tenant Satisfaction Survey. The latest survey results told us 96% of tenants who completed the survey were satisfied with the overall customer care provided by Rykneld.

Another element of the survey we are particularly proud of is overall satisfaction with the services Rykneld Homes provide went up from 88% in 2012 to 90% in 2013. This is a great result for us however tenants also told us where we could improve. The Repairs and Maintenance Service satisfaction reduced from 86% in 2012 to 82% in 2013, although this is a small reduction, we don’t like to see it drop, we are therefore working hard to make our service better and you will hopefully experience improvements over the coming months. To get the full story and access the report visit our website. satisfaction-survey/ . The next survey for 2014 will be sent out in the Summer edition of Homing In, so if you receive a survey from us, please take the time to complete this as it helps us improve our services to all tenants. Knowing what you think is highly important, without this valuable feedback we would not be able to keep up with what your priorities are. If anyone requires a little bit of help completing the survey, just give us a call: 01246 217670 we are always happy to help.

Clay Cross Planters Market Street in Clay Cross is blooming with colour now that spring time has come thanks to a project which has seen disused public toilets, demolished and replaced with benches and flower planters. Clay Cross Parish Council has worked with the local town centre group to transform the area in Market Street, with 10 new planters now situated where the former WCs once stood. They have now been weeded and filled with daffodil bulbs thanks to the Rykneld Homes Community Improvers, the Parish Council and Apollo. There are further plans to plant fruit trees and herbs which will be available for local people to use.