Violent Extremism, Organised Crime and Local Conflicts in Liptako-Gourma William Assanvo, Baba Dakono, Lori-Anne Théroux-Bénoni and Ibrahim Maïga

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Violent Extremism, Organised Crime and Local Conflicts in Liptako-Gourma William Assanvo, Baba Dakono, Lori-Anne Théroux-Bénoni and Ibrahim Maïga Violent extremism, organised crime and local conflicts in Liptako-Gourma William Assanvo, Baba Dakono, Lori-Anne Théroux-Bénoni and Ibrahim Maïga This report analyses the links between violent extremism, illicit activities and local conflicts in the Liptako-Gourma region. Addressing regional instability in the long term requires empirical data that helps explain the local dynamics that fuel insecurity. This is the first of two reports, and is based on interviews conducted in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. The second report assesses the measures aimed at bringing stability to the region. WEST AFRICA REPORT 26 | DECEMBER 2019 Key findings There are several armed groups operating in Support for illicit activities such as poaching the Liptako-Gourma region: violent extremist in eastern Burkina Faso or attitudes towards groups, Malian armed groups that are local conflicts such as the Fulani-Daoussahaq signatories to the peace agreement, and self- conflict on the Mali-Niger border have enabled defence groups. They are all directly or indirectly violent extremists to establish themselves and involved in illicit activities and local conflicts. recruit in some communities. Violent extremist groups are generally The argument that violent extremist groups pragmatic and opportunistic in how they exploit and exacerbate local tensions and position themselves regarding illicit activities conflicts is simplistic. The positioning of these and local conflicts. They are resilient and groups in relation to local conflicts varies adaptable. They exploit the nature and depending on the context and their strategic vulnerabilities of local economies, rivalries objectives. Violent extremists can either be between different socio-professional groups party to conflicts or serve as mediators, and and governance deficiencies. their presence can also lead to temporary cessation of conflicts. Illicit activities are essential to the establishment, expansion and survival of The approach of violent extremist groups extremist groups in the Liptako-Gourma region. seems to depend on several factors relating These mainly take the form of trafficking in to their needs and strategies: their level weapons, drugs, motorcycles and fuel, along of penetration within communities; their with cattle rustling, artisanal gold mining and sociological composition and that of the poaching. Violent extremists benefit from these communities; and the balance of power activities and also act as service providers or between parties in conflict. ‘regulators’ of these activities. The findings of this study have implications Illicit activities enable violent extremist groups for countries that share borders with Burkina to generate an income by selling stolen Faso, Mali and Niger (Nigeria, Benin, Togo, livestock, imposing zakat (religious tax) on Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire). These neighbouring livestock, and managing artisanal gold mining countries serve as supply or transit zones, sites. This enables them to purchase vital particularly for motorcycles, spare parts and supplies such as food and medicine, weapons, fertiliser. They are also sources of financing ammunition, motorcycles, spare parts, fuel and through for example the sale of stolen livestock communication equipment. for consumption in coastal countries. 2 VIOLENT EXTREMISM, ORGANISED CRIME AND LOCAL CONFLICTS IN LIPTAKO-GOURMA Introduction Interviewees in this study referred to these armed groups in various ways, including ‘armed bandits’, The Liptako-Gourma region, spanning Burkina Faso, Mali ‘terrorists’, ‘jihadists’, ‘armed groups’, ‘armed people’, and Niger, is the epicentre of the security crisis gripping ‘forest men’, ‘bush people’ and ‘non-state armed the Sahel-Saharan strip. Principally concentrated in groups’. In Burkina Faso, where numerous acts are Northern Mali until the end of 2013, the crisis gradually unaccounted for, the expression ‘unidentified armed spread to the centre of the country before spilling over to men’ is also used. Niger and Burkina Faso. ‘Transnational organised crime’ and its different The rise in insecurity is attributed to the growth of three forms must be understood according to the specific phenomena: violent extremism, transnational organised parameters (including legal) of each context. In order crime and local conflicts. The overlap between these to reflect the varied realities in the area researched, phenomena makes it difficult to understand the threats the expression ‘illicit activities’ was chosen to refer to and find solutions. various forms of activity arising from or possibly This report is divided into four sections. After a brief related to this phenomenon. The research focused4 presentation of the methodology that guided the field on activities related to contraband of legal goods research, the report presents the socioeconomic (medicine, fuel, motorbikes and cigarettes), trafficking contexts and security situations in Liptako-Gourma. It of illegal goods (drugs and arms) as well as cattle then analyses the links between violent extremism and rustling.5 In eastern Burkina Faso and the department illicit activities, on the one hand, and between violent of Torodi in the Tillabéry region of Niger, particular extremism and local conflicts on the other. attention was given to artisanal gold mining and poaching. Methodology This study began in November 2017 and aims to shrink Liptako-Gourma is the epicentre of the blind spots in our understanding of the dynamics of violence, to ensure that preventive and counter measures the security crisis that is affecting the are based on contextualised empirical data. The objective Sahel-Saharan strip is to document the links between violent extremism, transnational organised crime and local conflicts. ‘Local conflicts’ can take the form of intra or On a conceptual level, the decision was made to rely intercommunity conflicts or conflicts where populations on operational definitions, based on the reality on the oppose administrative or traditional authorities. It is ground, rather than on theoretical notions. often more socio-professional groups (farmers- livestock farmers, farmers-farmers, farmers-gold ‘Violent extremism’ is approached in this study from miners, hunter-wildlife rangers, etc.) that clash. The the angle of membership or association/cooperation designation ‘local conflicts’ has therefore been with groups labelled as terrorists or ‘jihadists’.1 Several preferred over that of ‘community conflicts’. Three of them are or were active in the research area: the categories of conflicts were documented: (i) conflicts Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims (Jama’at around resources; (ii) local power struggles or struggles Nasr al-Islam wal-Muslimin, JNIM),2 a coalition made against the social order; (iii) tensions between up of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) Emirate communities and government representatives based in the Sahara, Ansar Dine, al-Murabitun and Katiba on the perception of state failings. Macina; the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISIS- GS); the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa The research was designed and conducted by a team (MUJAO);3 and Ansaroul Islam. These groups are of around 20 people, including nationals from Mali, differentiated by the Islamic-referenced rhetoric that Niger and Burkina, and comprised of researchers from dominates their speech. They all perpetrate acts the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), associate qualified as terrorist. researchers and research assistants.6 Data collection in WEST AFRICA REPORT 26 | DECEMBER 2019 3 Infographic 1: Categories of interviewees 1 2 Interviewees Interviewees Violent Violent Individuals involved/ extremists Individuals who were extremists associated with implicated/associated with Local Local Trafficking Trafficking conflicts conflicts 3 Interviewees 4 Interviewees People who know an individual who People who, due to their position, is or who was involved in one of the phenomena have knowledge of or access to information on the issues studied Infographic 2: Interviewees with diverse profiles Close to 800 people interviewed 150 in detention centres Interviewees from around 33 communities: Arab Dogon Fula Bissa Fulse Samo Bobo Gourma Sonrhaï Dafing Haousa etc. Interviews held in various national languages: Bambara Fulfulde Tamasheq Dogon Goulmanchéma Zarma Dioula Haoussa French Mooré 4 VIOLENT EXTREMISM, ORGANISED CRIME AND LOCAL CONFLICTS IN LIPTAKO-GOURMA Infographic 3: Profi les of interviewees Members of armed groups that are signatories to the peace agreement in Mali (CMA, Platform) Internally displaced Breeders* people Illicit traffi cking Violent extremism • Former/current drug dealers Member/former members: (cannabis, tramadol, diazepam) Shepherds Farmers • Traders involved in fuel and • JNIM motorcycle traffi cking • ISIS-GS?** • Fishermen • MUJWA • Hunters/trackers Administrative • Ansar Dine Healthcare • Gold miners authorities • Katiba Macina personnel • Taxi/motorcycle taxi drivers • Ansarul islam Local elected NGO personnel Local confl icts offi cials Members of: Traditional and • Self-defense groups Primary/secondary religious leaders school teachers (Ganda Koy, Ganda Izo, GATIA, Koglweogo) • Militias Magistrates and Community media Defence and security forces other justice journalists personnel * Many interviewees combine occupations (trader/farmer, cattle breeder/farmer) or alternate them (farmer/gold miner) depending on the season. ** In eastern Burkina Faso, uncertainties remain as to the association of some interviewees
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