Milman Parry , Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 30:3 (1989) P.341
MERRITT SALE, WILLIAM, The Trojans, Statistics, and Milman Parry , Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 30:3 (1989) p.341 The Trojans, Statistics, and Milman Parry William Merritt Sale I. Introduction When we examine noun-epithet formulae in all the grammatical cases for the Trojans of the Iliad, we are struck by a remarkable fact: with two exceptions,1 no one formula is repeated exactly more than a few times. This is most evident in the nominative, where all the other characters who occur anything like as often as the Trojans display at least one, and usually several, noun-epithets repeated precisely: the same words, the same grammatical case, the same position in the hexameter. Twenty-six of the familiar Homeric char acters repeat a formula at least 10 times; the Trojans, who are men tioned more often than 16 of these 26, have no formula at all in the nominative case repeated more than 4 times. Since noun-epithet formulae have come to be regarded as the very staples of Homeric composition, the Trojan deficit-or apparent deficit-requires an explanation. 2 This might appear to be merely a matter of pointing to the noun epithet formulae for the Trojans and the others, and counting. But pointing and counting are not enough. For one thing, the Trojans might be defective in the number and occurrences of all their formulae, and not simply in noun-epithets; therefore we must in quire whether the Trojans possess as many formulae as the others, and whether these formulae occur as often. For another, the Trojans might possess formulae of a different kind, which Homer employed instead of noun-epithets.
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