CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1244 HON
E1244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 13, 2003 ISRAEL I also applaud the vision and leadership of managers to establish early detection pro- Scott Fischbach, MCCL’s new Executive Di- grams for insect and disease infestations, with HON. JOSEPH CROWLEY rector. an emphasis on hardwood forests, so that OF NEW YORK Mr. Speaker, I salute MCCL for its 35 years agencies can isolate and treat adverse condi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of work on behalf of our most vulnerable citi- tions before they reach epidemic levels. Thursday, June 12, 2003 zens. Even though the bill was first considered f and marked up in the Resources Committee, Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the House Agriculture Committee, under the speak about the continued terrorist attacks SURVIVOR BENEFIT PLAN outstanding leadership of Chairman BOB against Israel. GOODLATTE, received primary referral. While As we all know the President has recently HON. KEN CALVERT associating myself with the able and accurate returned from his first official visit to the Middle OF CALIFORNIA work in the Agriculture Committee’s Report on East where he attempted to move the peace IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 1904, as the bill’s primary author I want process forward. During the summit Israel and the Palestin- Thursday, June 12, 2003 to insert some additional language into H.R. ians agreed to the road map—now comes the 1904’s legislative history so as to provide fur- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, the Survivor ther clarity as to the intention of Congress in hard part.
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