2C - M ANCHESTER HER ALD , Saturday, Nov. 24, 1984 ICARS/TRUCKS INVITATION TO >ID INVITATION TO BID MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT SPORTS WEATHER TAG SALES FOR SALE The Eighth Utilities Dis­ The Eighth Utilities Dis­ trict, 32 Main St., Manches­ trict, 32 Main St., Manches­ Christmas Gift Guide ter, Conn., 06040 seeks bids ter, Conn. 06040 seeks bids for Some fog tonight; 1971 FORD L TD — 351. t o r furnishing tumishing recording and log­ Developers seeking Police go to sky Whalers’ schedule: Pager/Monitors. Mechanically excellent! Bid specifications may be ging devla(s). $350 or best offer. Call obtained during normal busi­ Bid specificotlons may be rezoning for condos No holiday ahead sunny on Tuesday CRAFT AND TAG SALE after 5pm, 643-4753. ness hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 obtained during normal busi­ to stop speeders — Beautiful handmade ness hours (9:00 o.m. to 5:00 p.m.), Monday thru Satur­ p.m .), Monday thru Sotur- ... page 2 needlework, decorations 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS day, trom the Dispatcher at doy, from the Dispatcher at ... page 3 ... page 7 ... page 11 the Eighth Utilities District the Eighth Utilities District and oitts otus miscellane­ WAGON — 350 V-8, outo- Firehouse, 32 Moln Street: ous too Items. Soturdav Firehouse, 32 Main Street, matlc, power steering, Manchester, Conn. 06040. Manchester, Conn. 06040. 9am-12 noon, 122 Camp- radio, positractlon, de- Sealed b l* will be received Scaled bids will be received j e V ^ l r y field Road, Manchester. at the obove address until GIFT SHIRTS fooger, roof rack, more. 7:00p.m., December 17,1984, at the above address until 7:00 p.m., December 17,1984, PERSONAL TEE — Personalized BRAY JEWELERS, 699 Main Street, Good winter vehicle. at which time they will be ot which lime they will be ESTATE SALE — 41 Needs timing chain. $400. publicly opened, reod aloud publicly opened, read aloud Fun and Sportswear. Great Gifts for Manchester Specializing In Seiko, Deerfield Drive, Sunday, and recorded. Call 643-2880. Bids shall remain valid for and recorded. Christmas. "The Original Tee Shirt Lasalle and Pulsar watches. Also 14K November 25th, 10am to Bids shall remain valid lor Store For Over 10 Years” 825 Main thirty doys trom the bid thirty days from the bid Gold Chains and fine iewelry. Hum­ 3pm, Rain or Shine! Fur­ 1975 BUICK STATION opening dote. The District Street, Manchester. 646-3339. mel figurines. Watch and Iewelry niture, some antiques reserves the right to relect opening dote. The District WAGON — Power steer­ ony ond all bids for any reseryes the right to relect repair. "We Service What We Sell” and miscellaneous ing and brakes. Good ony and all bids for any 643-5617. household Items. reason deemed to be In the reason deemed to be In the ***** condition. Asking $800. best Interest of the District. best Interest of the District. Joseph Tripp Coll 289-9321 or 289-9322. Joseph Tripp ***** HrralJi Fire Commissioner Fire Commissioner TV/STEREOS iCARS/TRUCKS Dated at Manchester, Dated at Manchester, Manchester. Conn. — A- City of Village Charm Monijay, Nov 26, 1984 — Single copy; 25C 1976 M USTANG — Needs Conn, this 15th day of No­ Conn, this 15th day of No­ SHOP AL SIEFFERT’S APPLIAN­ FOR SALE fires. $800. Coll 649-6185. vember 1984. STEREO SPECIALIST m 046-11 vember 1984. CES — 445 Hartford Road, Manches­ 048-11 ter. 647-9997. SUPER SANTA SALE! J.B. ELECTRONICS — Where Pro- 1971 DODGE DART 1980 C ITA TIO N — 2 door, Video Tape Recorders, TV's, Ste­ fMSIonals buy their stereo equipment SWINGER — Nice condl-. 6 cylinder automatic, tion, small V-8, auto­ INVITATION TO BID INVITATION TO BIO reo’s, Washers, Dryers, Refrigera­ and accessories. Discount pricing on Bleeding problem halted front wheel drive. 29,000 tors, Freezers, MUCH MORE! cash and carry Items. Call Jack matic, power steering. The Eighth Utilities Dis­ miles. $3500 firm. Call The Eighth Utilities Dis­ Bertrand 643-1262. $800. Call mornings, 742- 647-0810. trict, 32 Main St., Monches- trict, 32 Main St., Manches­ 9600. ter. Conn., 06040 seeks bids ter, Conn., 06040 seeks bids * * * * * tor furnishing Protective for furnishing firefighters *****'; 1968 PONTIAC VEN­ Helmets. protective coats. 1973 VOLKSWAGON SU­ TU R A — 4 door, power Bid specifications may be Bid specifications may be P E R B E E TL E — Semi au­ stegrlng/prakes. $400 or obtained during normgl busi­ obtained during normal busi­ GOLD JEWELRY tomatic, AM /FM radio, ness hours (9:00 o.m. to 5:00 ness hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 FLORISTS best offer. Dependable p.m.), Monday thru Satur­ p.m.), Monday thru Satur­ Schroecter ‘super' THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY COIN 40,000 miles. $800. Coll car. Call 643-2519. day, from the Dispatcher at day, from the Dispatcher at CHRISTMAS PLANTS, CENTER- ■#> 232-5869 evenings, 566- the Eighth Utllltles..Dlstrlct the Eighth Utilities District COMPANY will soon be carrying 14K Firehouse, 32 Main Street, PIECES, Holiday Rose Special and 2 6213 days. Firehouse, 32 Main Street, Gold Jewelry, Just In time for Manchester, Conn. 06040. Christmas Parties. KRAUSE FLOR­ MOTORCYCLES/ Manchester, Conn. 06040. Christmas! Quality Jewelry <it Low, BICYCLES Sealed bids will be received Sealed bids will be received IST,^ 621.Hartford Road. 643-9559. 1974 PONTIAC VEN­ I ot the above address, until at the above address until Low Prices. Connecticut Valley Coin T U R A — Two door. Origi­ 7:00 p,m., December 17,1984, 7:00 p.m., December 17,1984, Company, 805 Main Street, 643-6295. ot which time they will be nal owner. Buckets, 350, 4 1981 DODGE OMNI 024 — at which time they will be ***** Open 9am to 4pm, Monday through publicly opened, read aloud publicly opened, read aloud after 2nd operation speed stick, duals. $750, Sport wheels, standard, and recorded. and recorded. Friday, Saturdays, 9am to 3pm. best offer. Call 649-4959. white. Excellent condi­ Bids shall remain valid for Bids shall remoln valid tor CENTERPIECES, FRUIT BASKETS, tion. $2600. Must sell. Call thirty days from the bid thirty doys from the bid Flower Plants for Your Holiday opening date. The District ***** 1974 THUNDERBIRD — 649;9S78J__^______ opening date. The District reserves the right to relect reserves the right to relect Needs. BROWN'S FLOWERS INC., By Al Rossiter Jr. SCHROEDER'S LIFE DE­ Automatic. Power steer­ any and oil bids for any any and all bids for any W ^M oln Street, Manchester. 643- United Press International P E N D E D solely on the twin 6 ing, windows and seat. rnRECREATION reason deemed to be In the reason deemed to be In the TYPEWRITERS fist-sized mechanical blood pumps best Interest of fhe DIsfrIct. best Interest of the District. Transplant surgeon Air conditioned. 90,000 liH VEHICLES Joseph Tripp YALE TYPEWRITER SERVICE — LOUISVILLE, Ky. - William J. implanted by Dt. William DeVries miles. Original owner. Joseph Tripp Fire Commissioner • Fire Commissioner ***** Typewriters rebuilt. Portable Typew­ Schroeder passed the critical first one of a kind during the B'/i-hour implant opera­ Body needs work. Asking .1979 FO R D BR O NCO Doted at Manchester, Dated ot Manchester, riter; from $35. Soles and Service. tion Sunday after the two main $1200. Call 649-9404 or Conn, this 15th day of No­ Conn, this 15th day of No­ 18 hours with a permanent artifi­ — see page 10 RANGER X L T — 4wheel vember 1984. Typewriter and Adding Machines. 41 pumping chambers of the natural' 647-0080. vember, 1984. PARK HILL JOYCE FLOWER SHOP cial heart in his chest and looked drive. 351 engine, 4" lift 047-11 049-11 — Fancy Fruit Baskets. Boxwood Purnell Place, Manchester. 649-4986. “super” today despite a second heart were cut out. kit, 60,000 miles, power GOV’T SURPLUS CARS , ' All Your Christmas Decorat­ operation to stop severe internal The pumps, held together as a steering and brakes. „ NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ing Needs! 36 Oak Street. 649-0791. ***** bleMing. single unit by a Velcro patch, were 8i TRUCKS under $100. Good condition. Needs Sme to the highest bidder ot Abandoned Miscellaneous Now available in your (looking for) signs of infection, driven by pulses of air from two tires. Call 649-1952 after Household goods consisting ot Beds, Chairs, Cbblnets, Ta­ which may occur about a week area. Call 1-(619)-569- 6pm. bles, Sofas, Living Room, Bedroom, Kitchen and Dining ***** FRUIT BASKETS "I would say Mr. Schroeder is as hoses leading out of Schroeder's 0241. 24 hours. Room Sets. Various oppllonces, ossorted rodlos and televi­ well off as we could possibly hope afterwards, and pulmonary embo­ upper abdomen to a $40,000 bedside sions. Housewares, Kitchenwares, Books, Tools, Clothing, FANCY FRUIT BASKETS — Order for at this time.” said Dr. Allan lism, which could occur anytime," console. A sjjoulder-carried porta­ I7i: ^MISCELLANEOUS Toys and various household and personal effects. METAL DETECTORS FORDv 1979 FAIRMONT Also One 1977 Dodge 300 Trodesman Van eaulpped with early. Also Wicker Items. 20% Off All Lansing, chief medical spokesman A pulmonary embolism — a ble device is ^'ailable for possible — 4 cylinder, 4 speed, I'D Iautomotive high pressure washer compressors VIN • B35BJ7X194699. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ON METAL Wicker. PERO FRUIT STAND — 276 at Humana Hospital Audubon. blood clot lodging in the lungs — use later for a few hours at a time AM/FM cassette. New To be held at Rent-A-SpoC’e Inc., 282 Chapel Rd., South Wind­ DETECTORS by White. CONNECTI­ Oakland Street, Manchester. 643- normally occurs about 10 days sor, C T 06074 on Thurs., Dec. 20, 1984 ot.2:00 P.M. Schroeder, a 52-year-old Jasper.
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