Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East Edited by Ian Hodder Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47602-7 — Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East Edited by Ian Hodder Index More Information Index Aboriginal Australia, 20 dei nition and interpretation of Abu Hureyra, 97 burials, 61 – 62 Achuar people, 43 , 49 , 171 potential contribution of mimetic theory, burial customs, 50 243 – 245 actor network theory, 198 Arendt, Hannah, 226 Addaura Cave, Sicily, 66 Arene Candide, Italy, 80 Aeneid (Virgil), 193 Ashanti people, 139 afterlife Aş ıklı Höyük, 5 , 236 indications of belief in, 106 Assmann, Jan, 206 aggressive egalitarianism (Hodder), Australopithecus, 191 181 , 207 Axelrod, Robert, 214 agriculture axial age, 29 , 30 emergence of, 203 invention of, 170 Bandera, Cesáreo, 193 ’Ain Ghazal, Jordan Bauer, Joachim, 218 , 224 violent injuries found, 68 – 69 bears aleatory victim, see scapegoat mechanism ; taboos relating to, 9 scapegoating Becker, Ernest, 42 – 43 , 45 – 46 , 53 – 54 , 56 altruism, 101 Benajmin, Walter, 41 explanations for, 213 – 214 Benz, Marion, 218 , 224 analogism, 20 , 21 , 171 , 173 – 182 , 204 Bible, 51 , 190 Andaman Islanders, 41 Gospels, 210 animal breeding, 170 subversion of the sacrii cial mechanism, animal sacrii ce 192 – 194 distorted perception of the victim, Bloch, Maurice, 56 132 – 135 transcendental social, 6 – 8 , 200 – 204 , 226 at Göbekli Tepe, 111 – 116 , 121 – 122 Boncuklu, 242 animism, 20 – 22 , 171 – 173 , 204 Bouphonia of ancient Greece, 153 , 155 anthropology bow “pacii ed past” issue, 8 emergence of, 83 archaeology Boyer, Pascal, 210 , 221 – 222 , 223
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