1876. VICTORIA. REPO'RT UPON THE~ AFFAIRS OF THE POST OFFICE AND TELEGllAPH DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR 1875. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BY HIS EXCELLENCY'S COMMAND. ti!! autfJotity: JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No. 14. \ APPROXIMATE COST OF REPORT. .& 8. d. Preparo.tlon-Nat given. Corrections, Proof., and Cancellations 37 0 0 Printing (850 copies) 83 0 0 £120 0 0 REPORTo 'There has been nothing i!l the affairs of the Department during the past year to call for any special remark. The business has steadily increased in all the branches except in the Savings Bank and here, as shown at page 19 of this Report, there has been a falling off. , The Revenue. returns may be considered satisfactory, as they show a very . considerable increase over those of previous years, and the net cost of the Department has been less than it was for 1874 (see Appendix A, page 25). , A large. number of additional post offices have been opened, telegraphic and mail communication have been greatly extended, and other facilities, particulars of which are fully given in the following pages, have been afforded to the public for the transaction of business. ' REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Revenue. The gross Postal Revenue for 1874 and 1875 was-including commission on money orders, and excluding fractions- 1874 £154,097 1875 162,132 showing an increase of £8,035, or per cent. "" ,The gr9ss Telegraph Revenue for 1874 and 1875 was- 1874 ",' £42,825 1875 ... 46,995 showing an increase of say 9~ per cent. The total Revenue, Postal, and Telegraph, for 1875, amounted to £209,128, against £196,923 for 1874, showing an increase of £12,205, or 6ir per cent.
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