FLORA of PERU 91 Are Very Showy, and Their Structure Is Highly Complicated
90 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BOTANY, VOL. XIII Huanuco: (Haenke). Lima: Above Matucana (Ball). In rock detritus, 1,700 meters, above St. Bartholome", Weberbauer 1690, type M. cylindrostachya. Purruchucho, Nee (type, as at Geneva); also between Obrajillo and San Buenaventura, Nee (Madrid). Malesherbia turbinea Macbr. Field Mus. Bot. 4: 118. 1927. Apparently allied to M. haemantha (only flowering branches known); calyx 12-15 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, sparsely pilose; crown 13 mm. high, irregularly denticulate-crenate; sepals 8-9 mm. long; pedicels nearly 15 mm. long; stamens scarcely exserted; capsules pilose, little exserted; seeds obscurely transversely but strongly longitudinally striate, about 1 mm. wide, nearly 2.5 mm. long. Flowers blood-red, the anthers apparently white or yellowish. The upper bract-like oblong-ovate leaves are merely crenate. Each leaf-crenation is tipped with one long cilium. Tacna: In rainy green shrubs and Cereus, Candarave, Weberbauer 7364, type. Malesherbia Weberbaueri Gilg, Bot. Jahrb. 50: Beibl. Ill: 11. 1913. Densely appressed silky-villous simple-stemmed shrub with crowded linear-lanceolate sessile leaves and long terminal racemes of leafy bracted greenish yellow or reddish tinged subtubular flowers; leaves subentire or obscurely crenate-serrulate, 8-12 cm. long, about 1 cm. wide, acute base and apex; calyx 3.5-4 cm. long, 8-10 mm. wide, sepals lanceolate, acuminate, 7-8 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base, the petals shorter and narrower; crown irregularly and slightly dentate; capsule included or barely exserted; seeds minutely and obscurely striate. To about 1 meter high in steep, loose, rocky soils. Species distinctive in its closely appressed sericeous pubes- cence.
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