News No. 330 June 2017


A(shbourne) to W(embley) from Alistair Barbour I am happy to be able to report that the QEGS OnYourBike2017 team completed their 173- mile cycle ride from Ashbourne to Wembley Stadium, London over three days in April: 55 miles from Ashbourne to Leicester on the 10th; 43 surprisingly hilly miles from Leicester to Northampton on the 11th; and 75 very long miles from Northampton to Wembley on the 12th. It was an amazing experience and a great team effort. We are extremely grateful to our support crew for helping us through the tough times, our families for their support and for the ride home from Wembley and, of course, everyone who has donated so generously. We have surpassed our initial target of raising £3,000 pounds for our nominated charities (Chicks, Isabella Peatfield and Cancer Research) and are now aiming for £5,000. Donations can be made online at until October 12th. [A longer version of this article was previously circulated to email subscribers of HN.]

Hoglit – Hognaston’s book club from Stephanie Taylor Book group members appreciated the high quality of writing by Julian Barnes in his novel The Noise of Time but by the end of it had, generally speaking, had enough. The serious oppression it deals with and the questions of conscience it raises do not make easy reading. Next month’s book may bring welcome light relief. Joanna Cannon’s debut novel, The Trouble with Goats and Sheep, is a funny and moving portrayal of suburban life in 1970s Britain with an intriguing mystery at its core. Join the group if you can on Tuesday 13th June (7.00pm at the Red Lion) to hear what we thought about it and enjoy an evening of informal discussion in a friendly atmosphere. For more information on Hoglit contact me on 370 293.

Hogweed Garden Club from Nicola Mosley May’s Club meeting In a change from the usual monthly meeting in the Village Hall, four members opened their gardens to Club members on the evening of 16th May. After a full week of rain, we had a short window of good weather, allowing us to wander at a leisurely pace through the village and enjoy these lovely established and developing cottage gardens, each individually designed and planted to take advantage of their specific landscapes and views. A huge thank you to Nicola and Mark Fernandez, Elizabeth Stirzaker, Jo and Chris Wigham and Liz [email protected] 1 Hognaston News No. 330 June 2017

Pepperell for a wonderful evening. Thanks to Liz P for also hosting the evening’s refreshments and the plant sale for Club funds at the end of the tour. Also in May, we visited Thenford near Banbury, home to the Hesteltines, to see their gardens and arboretum; these are quite spectacular, with a diverse range of interesting features (plenty of water – medieval fish ponds, a rill, lakes and streams – a walled garden, sculptures etc.) in addition to the trees and plants, all arranged in a combination of ‘pleasure garden’ and more domestic and natural park land styles. Whatever your tastes in gardening there is plenty here for you to enjoy; if you have an interest in gardening Thenford is worth a visit. Hogweed events in June Not strictly a Hogweed ‘event’, but you will have read in previous editions of HN that the Club has entered the Perfect for Pollinators container gardening competition at the RHS Chatsworth Show, which takes place between the 7th and 11th June. Radio Derby listeners may have heard Liz Pepperell give a brief overview of the competition, the Club’s involvement and the importance of planting to encourage pollinators. With the date nearly upon us we are now in the final stages of preparation; Liz and Carolyn will be attending the Show ahead of its opening to set up our entry. Wish us luck – and if you are going to the Show make sure to take a look at our container. The subject of June’s Club evening event is ‘Herbs': this will take place in the Village Hall on Tuesday 20th June, starting at 7.15pm. Our speaker is Lynne Tann-Watson, who is based at The Witch’s Garden herbary in North West Leicestershire, grows and supplies herb-related products to the public and trade and has written several books on the culinary and medicinal uses of herbs and wild plants. Sounds fascinating. Free for members; £4 for non-members. Also in June, on the afternoon of Monday 26th we have June’s in June – an invitation to Club members to visit June Mazzotti’s and to come up with new ideas for her garden which, in its current form, was designed by Percy Thrower. It will be interesting to see what we manage to come up with. More details will be emailed to members shortly. For more information on Hogweed please contact me (370 406 or [email protected]).

Hognaston Parish Council from Dave Jackson, Hognaston Parish Council Clerk Points from the May PC meeting 1. Traffic. Concerns were raised by some residents over traffic issues at the junction of Mills Croft and Main Street. In discussions, it was felt that this was probably not a problem that was restricted to this spot alone; our newly re-elected County Councillor, Irene Ratcliffe, undertook to bring a Highways officer to look at traffic issues in the village with representatives from HPC and the community. 2. Play Area. Damage has again been caused to property in Mills Croft by balls from the MUGA and by players climbing fences to retrieve them. As pointed out last year this not only causes annoyance and distress to residents, but dogs also can take exception to uninvited visitors to their space. HPC would be grateful if parents would stress to children using the Play Area that if balls should inadvertently go over fences into adjoining gardens it is only courteous to go to see the owner to ask for permission to get them back, and to ‘own up’ to any damage caused. Councillors are looking at the viability of installing ‘catch-netting’ at that end of the MUGA. An order has been placed with Contracting to improve the drainage along the Old Bakery Close side of the Play Area. Work will be carried out at some point over the summer, hopefully avoiding the school holiday. 3. Planning. Approval has been given by Dales District Council’s Planning Committee to application 16/374/FUL (Four Lane Ends Farm - use of premises for commercial dog breeding purposes, replacement kennel and erection of new isolation unit); strict conditions have been attached. [email protected] 2 Hognaston News No. 330 June 2017

The Parish Council has expressed no objection to applications 17/187/FUL (Turlow Cottage - single-storey extension) and 17/388/FUL (Millbank - single-storey extension). The next meeting of HPC is at 8.00pm on Monday 10th July 2017 in the Village Hall. Annual Parish Meeting The APM received reports from:  HPC Chair (David Hartland). Thanks to Councillors and an outline of Council activity including the Play Area, bus shelter, planning applications (notably that concerning kennel development at Four Lane Ends), the Local Plan, broadband, and the monitoring of road and drainage conditions. HPC is also investigating ways of protecting common land spaces in the middle of the village against future inappropriate development.  Village Hall (Jean Gardner). Following the recent improvement of lighting (with thanks to Hogfest for their financial contribution) the next major concerns are heating and flooring, as well as dealing with some subsidence in the car park.  PCC (Alix Compton). Appreciation of the efforts to make the Winter Festival such a successful community event and for the donation towards lighting improvements, which have now taken place. Maintenance of the church building is an on-going concern, as no assistance comes from outside the community - hence the setting-up of a patronage scheme to help meet current and anticipated expenses.  Hogwalks (David Lucas). The footpaths audit showed that stiles, gates etc. were generally sound, with very few needing work or replacement. Where landlord’s consent has been given, boardwalks have been improved by the attachment of non-slip strips. A second local walk leaflet has been produced and will be distributed shortly.  Hogfoot (David Lucas) – a mixed-age group of between eight and twelve players continues to play football weekly at the Wirksworth all-weather pitch. Representation from the village is good with six parishioners playing regularly. Minutes of the APM will be on the PC website in due course.

Hogfest2017 from Darcie Cousins Tickets for Hogfest2017 will be on sale from 3rd June from Darcie and Ian at Bank Side (just up from the Red Lion) and from Jayne at the Old Post Office (opposite the pub). To keep things simple, this year we are not having ‘all event’ tickets; instead there are two sessions – day and evening. Children aged 16 and under can attend the day session at no charge; otherwise tickets cost £7.50 per person for each session.

2017 Hognaston Winter Festival from Alan Cribbens A planning meeting held on 3rd May reviewed the feasibility of the various suggested events and decided not to pursue the idea of a food fair. Good progress was reported in the development of proposals for a concert, the "panto evening" and the living advent calendar. It is now confidently expected that the Festival will also include a return visit from the Hathersage Carol Singers, a craft event and a wine tasting. We still need a volunteer to organise an evening of traditional carol singing around the village; if you are interested please contact me at High Barn. The first Annual General Meeting of the Hognaston Winter Festival Management Committee will take place at 7.30pm. on 16th June at High Barn: this will be followed at 7.45pm. by a meeting of the organising group. As always, anyone who is interested is welcome to attend.

St Bartholomew’s Church, Hognaston from Tony Clarke We continue to hold Ellen, and anyone else in need of prayer at this time, in our thoughts. [email protected] 3 Hognaston News No. 330 June 2017

Services Our regular Sunday services in June are as follows:  4th, Morning Worship at 10.30  11th, Holy Communion at 10.30  25th, Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer at 9.00 On the 18th there is no service at St Bartholomew’s; we will join with another church. Mid-week Midday Med will take place on Tuesday 20th June – as will Lite Bites. On Thursday 1st June there will be a 24-hour prayer event for the United Benefice: this will be held in St Bartholomew’s and will start at 8.00. Further details will be on our notice board.

Funding raising for our churches from Alix Compton The five villages of Atlow, Bradley, Hognaston, and are joining together on Sunday,16th July for a fete at Water. There will be stalls, games and competitions. All proceeds are for the upkeep of our churches. Hognaston is running the cake and home produce stall so donations of cakes, jams, chutneys etc. will be most helpful. There will be tombola, white elephant and plant stalls so any items for these will also be greatly appreciated. Items can either be left in our Church Meeting Room or I will collect them from you (phone 370 233). Some people have already volunteered to help on the day but more help would also be most welcome – please contact me if you are able to spare some time.

The Village Hall from Tony Clarke AGM The Village Hall AGM was held earlier this week. Generally things are going well; our new lights are installed and work on obtaining grant funding for the repairs to the car park in train. Sadly, due to heavy work commitments, we have a reduced committee at the moment. We would love to see villagers offer their support by joining the committee to help to maintain our Hall for the use of the village. Call me on 372748 if you would like to offer your services. Events The next event using in the Hall is the Hogfest; we wish the organisers well in staging such a large event. Further events are planned for the Autumn; more news later in the year.

BT Fibre Broadband supply to Hognaston from Chris Stait Digital Derbyshire would like to thank the village of Hognaston for their support of the new fibre services via Hulland Ward cabinet 6 (on the bridge). They are pleased with the take-up of the service so far. For Turlow Fields the new digital cabinet (HW 8) is now planned to be on line by the end of June. When the service is available a large notice should appear on it.

Fish in Hognaston from Angie Cooper On Wednesdays, 3.00 to 4.30pm, there is a man selling fresh fish at The Pudding Room.

Ashbourne and District 50+ Forum from John Dick Anyone/everyone is invited to our open public forum on Friday July 14th at the Elim Church, Ashbourne from 10.00am to 12.30pm. We will have Andrew Lewer MEP, former Chair of Derbyshire County Council [DCC] and former District Councillor on the [email protected] 4 Hognaston News No. 330 June 2017 platform. Representatives from Churchill Retirement Living will outline their proposals for a new development in the vicinity of Ashbourne Bus Station and DCC Adult Care will outline the work of the Derbyshire Older Peoples Advisory Group. Another item of information is that we have been awarded funding for the purchase of two gazebos; these are 3 metres square, for community use and available free of charge (subject to any one using them making a small donation to Ashbourne 50+ Forum funds). We also have tables available on the same basis; these open out to 1.5 metres long. All items are sized to fit into a family car. For more details and to book contact me on 370200.

Printer available from Chris Stait Our little used HP Deskjet 1050 printer/copier/scanner is available free of charge to a good home. With CDs for loading drives etc., instructions and all useful wiring. Call 370111.

Regular information and dates for your diary To hire the Village Hall please contact Tony Clarke on 372748. Hourly rates are £8 for residents and £15 for non-residents – bookings must include your time for setting-up before and clearing away after your event. Discounts for regular users may be available. Regular Hognaston-based events are as follows:

Most Thursday HogFoot. An informal, friendly and not overly competitive evenings game of (usually) 5- to 6-a-side football. Outdoors at Wirksworth (meet 7.45pm at the Red Lion or 8.00pm at the Sports Centre by Anthony Gell School). Thursday evenings Bowls. In the village hall at 7.00pm. Last Friday of most Ladies that Lunch. 12.30 for 1.00pm in the Red Lion, months Hognaston. Contact Jenny Waterall at the Red Lion. The second Tuesday Hoglit. An informal discussion of the month’s book. In the of most months Red Lion at 7.00pm. The third Tuesday of Lite Bites in the Village Hall from 12noon to 14.00pm. most months Midday meditation in the Church at 12noon. Hogweed. Meetings usually @ the Village Hall 7.00 for 7.15. Sundays Boules at the Red Lion, Hognaston (or another local pub).

Summary of key dates in this edition of HN [see the related HN article for details]

16th June (7.30) Hognaston Winter Festival AGM @ High Barn

20th June (7.15) Hogweed meeting – Herbs – @ the Village Hall 25th June Deadline for copy for next HN 8th July HogFest2017. Tickets on sale from 3rd June.

10th July (8.00) Parish Council meeting @ the Village Hall

14th July (10.00) Ashbourne 50+ Forum @ The Elim Church, Ashbourne 16th July Fund-raising for churches in our benefice @ Carsington Water

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