PLANNING CODE No. NP/DDD/1010/1081 P.FILE No. 5867 GRID REF418860 1 354638 OFFICER APPLICANT: AGENT: Emery Planning Partnership Christopher Fridling Mr + Mrs A Purvis 4 South Park Court RECEIVED Gardener Cottage Hobson Street ATPDNPA Parwich MACCLESFIELD 25/10/2010 Ashbourne Cheshire DE61QB SK118BS VALID FROM: 25/10/2010 TEL: TEL: 01625 433881 email: email:
[email protected] APPL TYPE LBA CERTIFICATE PROPOSAL Listed BUilding consent - Retrospective consent for internal alterations and new A internal doors. PROPOSED Gardener Cottage C3 LOCATION USE CLASS Parwich EXISTING C3 USE CLASS PARISH Parwich EXISTING LAND USE ADVERT DATE 05/11/2010 LAST ADVERT DATE 26/11/2010 ({l.f' l../)! (j I 0 ) Householder PROPOSED CONSTRAINT(S) , LAND USE .nservation Areas Parwich Parwich Householder FCE Landholdings FCE 2681 <No Data Found> Listed BUildings Merged II Plotfile Boundaries 5867 Plotfile boundarv PREVIOUS CONSULTATIONS APPLICATION NO. DATE SENT NP/DDD/0710/069 Parwich Parish Council 28/10/2010 Derbyshire County Council (Highways) 28/10/2010 TCP3 DRAFT Peak District National Park Authority CH 28/10/2010 DELEGATED NEIGHBOUR NOTIFICATIONS Yes No Neighbours 8 WEEK DATE: 20/12/2010 13 WEEKS DATE 25/01/2011 • COMMITTEE EIA Screening Opinion Schedule 3 - Not Required DECISION ~EP Date 8'),\;l..;;:c(0 . APPEAL Date Lodged Decision Date ENFORCEMENT RECORD CARD This card should be filed immediately in front of the decision notice which in turn should be in front ofa set of approved plans. NPfOOD! 10 lO..11LBJ'-------J The following amendments have been formally agreed by the planning officer since the issue of the decision notice: DATE DETAILS ~";';';;=---i-=-=~==------------------------1 ,.