



Catalogue of the

Neotropical Squamata

Part I. Snakes

JAMES A. PETERS United States National Museum

and BRAULIO OREJAS-MIRANDA Museum of Natural History Montevideo, Uruguay

With the collaboration of Rol>erto Donoso-Barros Universidad de Concepcion Concepcion, Chile


City of Washington 1970 Publications of the United States National Museum

The scientific publications of the United States Na- cation date of each paper recorded in the table of con- tional Museum include two series, Proceedings of the tents of tlie volume. United States National Miiseurn and United States In the Bulletin series, the first of which was issued in National Museum Bulletin. 1875, a;ppear longer, separate publications consisting of In these series are published original articles and monographs (occasionally in several parts) and vol- monoorraphs dealing with the collections and work of umes in which are collected works on related subjects. the Museum and setting forth newly acquired facts in Bulletins are either octavo or quarto in size, depending the fields of antliropology, biology, geology, history, on the needs of the presentation. Since 1902, papers re- and technology. Copies of eacli publication are dis- lating to the botanical collections of the Museum have tributed to libraries and scientific organizations and to si^ecialists and others interested in the various subjects. been published in the Bulletin series under the head- The Proceedings, begun in 1878, are intended for the ing Conti^ibxdions from the United States National publication, in .separate form, of shorter papers. These Herbarium. are gathered in volumes, octavo in size, with the publi- This work forms number 297 of the Bulletin series.

Frank A. Taylor Director, United States National Museum



For sale b.v the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington. D.C. 20402 - Price .$(j.7.'i per set of 2 volumes, sold in sets only f i a


This catalogue represents an attempt to make Este catalogo representa un intento de posi- it possible for participants in International i i the bilitar la dent f i cac ion de serpientes encontra- Biological Program working in Latin America to das en el campo a los part ic pantes del identify the snakes encountered in the field. It International Biological Program que trabajan en was originally planned to include information on Sudamerica. Or ig I nar iamente se hab'a planeado la the ecology and ethology of the reptilian , inclusion de informacion ecologica y etologica de to permit field investigators to distinguish the las especies de , para permitir al inves- unuEual ecological event from the commonplace tlgador de campana la distincion entre aconte- occurrence, but time has not permitted the inclu- cimientos ecologicos desusados y los que son lugar sion of that degree of detail. We have Instead comun, pero la falta de tiempo impidio la inclu- focussed our attentions on the construction of a slon de tal grado de detalles. En cambio hemos workable field manual with keys designed to help concentrado nuestra atencion en la elaboracion de identification without laboratory facilities. We un manual de campaRa funcional con claves disefia- not been have entirely i successful, because a few das para ayudar a la dent i f I cac i on sin las taxa cannot be separated without the use of a facilidades de un laboratorio. No hemos tenido dissecting microscope or the checking of internal exito en todo porque unos pocos taxones no pueden characteristics, but for the most part the keys can ser separados sin usar el microscopic de disecclon be used with little more than a hand lens for o sin examlnar las caracter'st icas Internas, pero specimen examination. en su mayor'a las claves se pueden usar con poco mas que un lente de aumento con que examlnar el e jemplar.

The limits we have established for the area Los I'mites que hemos establecido para el covered by this work are from the border between area cubierta por este trabajo son desde la Mexico and Guatemala south throughout continental frontera entre Mejico y Guatemala hasta el extreme and all off-shore within the sur de Sudaaerlca continental y todas las islas continental shelf. The Galapagos and the islands costeras dentro de la plataforma continental. Las of the Caribbean are not Included. Islas Galapagos y del Carlbe no han s i do incluidas.

The Synonymies presented for the taxa are Los sinonlmos de los taxones presentados very abbreviated. Within each we include estan muy abrevlados. En cada genero se Incluyen only those generic synonyms whose type species are solamente aquellos sinonlmos generlcos cuya considered to belong to the genus under discussion. especie tipo es considerada como pertenec I ente al Only the original description for each genus Is genero en discuslon. Se Incluye solamente la included, with no attempt made to document changes descripclon original de cada genero, no hemos in the "generic concept". The type species, when intentado documentar cambios en el "concepto given, has always been previously designated as generico". Slempre que damos la especie tipo es

such, unless we clearly Indicate that we are taking porque ha s I do designada como tal prevlamente, a such an action at this time. We apologize for our menos que indiquemos claramente que hemos tomado failure to indicate the method of type designation, aqu' tal medida. Lamentamos no poder indlcar el but time did not permit us to undertake this diffi- metodo de designacion de tipos, pero la falta de cult task. For each species we have included the tiempo no nos permlte emprender tal dif icll tarea. original citation to it, its first assignment to En cada especie hemos incluido su cita original, lis current generic position If other than as su prlmera asignaclon a la posicion generica originally assigned, all "absolute" synonyms (i.e., corriente si es que se le ha asignado otra dlstin- those in which the holotype, lectotype, or neotype ta que la original, todos los sinonlmos "absolutes!' belongs to the species in which the synonym (ej.: aquellos en que el holotipo o neotipo per- occurs), and, whenever possible, a citation to a tenece a la especie en que ocurre el sinonimo) y, recent work which includes a modern description cuando posible, una cita de un trabajo reciente and/or a figure, to aid the user in identification. que Incluye una descripclon moderna y/o una

No other generic shifts, no m i s i dent i Icat I ons, figura, para ayudar al usuarlo en la Identlflca-

and no "in part" references are included. The clon. No se incluye ninguna otra transf erenc i

author's name is not separated in any way from the generica, i dent i f icac I on falsa o referencia

binomial in the citations to original descriptions. "parcial". El nombre del autor no ha s I do separa- In all other citations, the author's name is do de ningun modo del binomio en las citas de las

separated from the binomial by a dash. Each cita- descr pc i ones originales. En todas las otras i tion includes the actual date of publication; the cItas el nombre del autor esta separado del blno- name exactly as it was spelled by the original mio por un gulon. Cada cita incluye la fecha author. Including capitalization of specific names; efectlva de la publicacion; el nombre con la misma the author; the journal; the volume or the number, ortograf'a que uso autor, incluyendo nombres which stands alone If possible but which is quali- espec'flcos con mayijscula; el autor; la revista; fied by material In parentheses if necessary; the el volumen o el numero, por s' solos si es posible page on which the taxon is first named; illustra- o con material aclaratorio entre parentesis si es tions; and finally the type locality, with necesario; la pagina en que se nombra al taxon por summaries of any restrictions or later clarlflca- prlmera vez; i lustraci ones y, finalmente la tlons of it. localldad tipo con resumenes de cualquier restric- clon o aclaraclon posterior. i


We have attempted to avoid any non-documented Hemos tratado de evitar en este catalogo taxonomic changes in this catalogue, although it todos los cambios taxonomicos que no estuvieran has proven necessary to make a few modifications documentados, si bien fue necesario hacer unas

in some taxa. When we have made such changes, we pocas mod if icac i ones en algunos taxones. Cuando indicate it by the words "new combination" after se han hecho tales cambios lo indicamos con las the species heading, and we have given our reasons palabras "new combination" despues del titulo de for so doing in the "Comments". In those genera la especie y explicamos nuestra razones para el en prepared by cooperating herpetolog i sts, however, cambio en "Comments". Sin embargo aquellos we have not prevented the presentation of his con- generos preparados por nuestros colaboradores cepts of the alignment of species within the genus, herpetologos no hemos impedido la presentacion de even though documentation has not been published sus conceptos en el ordenamiento de las especies elsewhere. in every insta.nce we have ascertained dentro del genero, aun cuando no hubiera docu- that prompt publication of documentation is anti- mentacion previamente publicada. En cada caso cipated before including the changes, but we hemos solicitado la pronta publicacion de docu- cannot guarantee that it will be done. In all mentacion antes de introducir tales cambios, pero cases where material has been furnished by a no podemos garantizar que asi se haga. En todos cooperator, his name and address will be found at los casos en que un colaborador ha proporc ionado the beginning of the generic discussion, and he material hemos puesto su nombre y direccion al should be given full credit in any citations of comienzo de la discusion del genero y a el le that material. corresponde todo el credito cuando dicho material

sea c i tado.

The date of publication is always the actual La fecha de publicacion es siempre la fecha date, insofar as we could determine it, and it real en la medida en que se pueda determinar esta does not always agree with the date given in the y no siempre coincide con la fecha dada por la publication itself. When there is a difference, publicacion misma. En tales casos esta ultima the latter date is given in parentheses after the aparece entre parentesis despues del numero del volume number. The only exception to this is vol- volumen. Una excepcion es el volumen 4 de las Mem- ume 4 of the Memorias do Instituto Butantan. We orias do Institute Butantan. Cuando era demasiado learned too late to modify all of the many cita- tarde para modificar las numerosas citas de este tions to this volume that it actually appeared volumen descubrimos que en realidad hab'a aparecido in 1530> "ot 1925* as stated on the cover. All en I53O, no en 1525. Los demas volumenes de las other volumes in the Memorias are cited here by Memorias son citados aquT con el ano efectivo de actual year of publication, which is usually one de la publicacion, que es usualmente uno o dos or two years later than indicated on the publica- anos mas tarde del indicado en la portada. t i on.

The distribution given for each taxon is La distribucion dada en cada taxon se basa en based on information in the literature, with addi- informacion sacada de la literatura con adiciones tions and extensions from specimens we have been y agregados basados en ejemplares que hemos encon- able to find in various collections. Some of our trado en varias colecciones. Algunos de nuestros changes in known distribution have been documented, cambios en la distribucion conocida han sido docu- but we have made no attempt to do so for every mentados, pero no hemos intentado documentar todas nosolros. modification we have included. las mod i f i cac i ones incluidas por

The names of all political and geographic Se dan los nombres de todas las unidades units within any country have been given as politicas y geograficas dentro de cada pais de spelled by that country, but country names have .acuerdo a la ortograf'a de ese pa's, pero los nom- been given in English usage, so that "Brasil" is bres de los pa'ses se han escrito segun la orto- "" and "" is "Panama". Where names graf'a inglesa, as' "Brasil" es "Brazil" y but not boundaries have been changed, we use the "Panama" es "Panama". Oonde los nombres han modern name, even in the citation of type locali- cambiado, pero no las fronteras, usamos el nombre ties. Thus, all localities in "British Guiana" moderno, aun al citar localidades tipo. As' aquf are here given as "Guyana". We have corrected nos referimos a todos las localidades en "British errors in orthography throughout, if we could sue- Guiana" como "Guyana". Hemos corregido todos los cessfully document the error. Our primary source errores ortograf icos que pudieran ser documentados has been the series of gazetteers prepared by the debidamente. Nuestra principal fuente de informa- United States Board on Geographic Names, although cion ha sido la serie de gacetas preparadas por many additional sources have been checked. Board on Geographic Names del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, aunque tambien hemos consultado muchas otras fuentes.

Most of the keys presented here are the La mayor'a de las claves aqu' presentadas son standard dichotomous type, although occasionally del tipo dicotomico comun, aunque ocas onalmente it include we have found useful to "trichotomies" ha sido conveniente incluir "tr i cotom'as", y el and the user should watch for this possibility. usuario debe estar al tanto de esta posibilidad. In such instances, of course, a choice is made En tales ocasiones, naturalmente, hay que elegir from three possibilities rather than two. In the entre tres pos i b i 1 i dades en vez de dos. No obs- case of very large genera, however, we have intro- tante en el caso de generos muy grandes se ha INTRODUCTION

duced a different concept. Any attempt at writing introducido un concepto diferente. Probablemente keys for poorly known, large genera is likely to resultarTa inutil intentar escnbir una clave de be futile, and we have avoided this by presenting un genero grande, poco conocido, hemos evitado as much data as possible in the form of a matrix. esto al presentar la mayor cantidad de datos This permits "random entry" identification, for posibles en forma de una matnz. Esto permite la can in the user select any character the matrix he i dent i f icac i on de "entradas al azar", por que el wishes to check, and eliminate all taxa that do usuario puede seleccionar dentro de la matriz not possess that character, finally arriving at a cualquier caracter que desee poner a prueba y considerably reduced number of taxa (hopefully, eliminar todos los taxones que no posean tal only one) after checking a series of characters. caracter, llegando finalmente a un nijmero suma- This concept has formed the basis of computer mente reducido de taxones (es de esperar que sea identification, since the machine can do such uno solo) despues de revisar una serie de carac- sorting more rapidly and efficiently than the teres. Este concepto constituye la base de la human, and the random entry matrices presented i dent i f icac i on por computadora, ya que esta here are organized in such a way that they can be maquina puede seleccionar mas rapida y ef icazmente incorporated in the computer programs now availa- que el ser humano y las matrices de entradas al ble for such machine sorting. It is our assump- azar presentadas aqu' estan organizadas en tal tion that this method of identification will be forma que se las puede i ncorporar en los programas used more and more in the future, and we hope that para computadoras ahora disponibles para tal presenting these matrices will encourage others to seleccion automatica, Suponenos que este metodo

begin to organize their data similarly, i thus de ident f icac i on se usara cada vez mas en el anticipating the day when computer keys are future y esperamos que la presentacion de estas available to all users. matrices alentara a otros a empezar a organizar A work of this magnitude becomes very depend- sus datos en forma similar, previendo as' el d'a ent upon the cooperation and collaboration of many en que haya claves para computadoras disponibles people. We wish to express our gratitude to all para todos los usuarios. those who have helped us in any way. The following Un trabajo de esta magnitud depende en alto list indicates the number of individuals who have grado de la cooperacion y colaboracion de mucha contributed to the work. While we have tried to gente. La slguiente lista indica el numero de make the list inclusive, the omission of anyone personas que han contribuido a esta obra. Aunque who has aided us should be regarded solely as the hemos tratado de incluir a todos en esta lista, consequence of the faulty nature of our "disc la omision de alguno de los que nos ayudaron debe storage", rather than failure to recognize the ser considerada solamente como consecuencia de la help. naturaleza defectuosa de nuestra memoria, pero no como una inhabilidad de apreciar la ayuda recibida. (in alphabetical order): Jorge Abalos, Fernando Achaval, Joseph Bailey, Avelino Barrio, Charles Bogert, Werner Bokermann, Simon Campden-Ma in, Nelly Carrillo de Espinoza, Antenor de Carvalho, Ronald Crombie, Marcos Freiberg, Howard Gloyd, Jose Gallardo, Alphonse Hoge, Robert Inger, George Jacobs, Edward Keiser, Miguel Klappenbach, Abdem Lancini, Clarence McCoy, Niceforo Marfa, Oswaldo Mineses, Marta Miranda, Charles Myers, Gustavo Orces-V., Donald Owens, Neil Richmond, Carlos

R i vero-Blanco, Douglas Rossman, Janis Roze, Richard Sage, Jay Savage, Wade Sherbrooke, Hobart Smith, Richard Timmerman, Robert Tuck, Paulo Vanzolini, Jaime Villa, Warren Walker, Larry Wilson, George Zug.

In addition to the above, we also wish to Ademas de los mencionados, deseamos expresar acknowledge several specific contributions to the nuestro reconoc im i ento por varias contr i buc i ones work involved in the production of this volume. espec'ficas referentes a la produccion de este By far the bulk of the typing work was done by volumen. Jean Middleton mecanografio la mayor Jean Middleton, and the overall appearance of the parte de este trabajo y la apariencia general del text owes a great deal to her attention to detail, texto gano mucho gracias a su interes en los deta- layout, arrangement, and so on. She functioned lies. Ella opero como adm i n i stradora general de as a general manager of the entire project, and todo el proyecto y no es posible sobreestimar el we cannot overestimate the magnitude of her con- valor de su contr ibuc ion. Beatriz Moisset Peters tribution. Beatriz Moisset Peters spent many dedico muchas horas a la traduccion y correccion hours translating and correcting the Spanish de la version en espanol despues que uno de nos- versions of the text after one of us (Orejas) otros (Orejas) regresara a Sudamerica. Tambien returned to South America, and she also has contribuyo en gran medida a la exactitud del contributed greatly to our overall accuracy. trabajo. Gladys Banks y Dolores Icarangal Additional typing assistance came from Gladys mecanograf iaron el resto del trabajo. Las figuras Banks and Dolores Icarangal. The text figures, del texto fueron hechas por Thomas Yuskiw a menos unless otherwise acknowledged, were done by que se especfique otra cosa. Thomas Yuskiw. Finalmente deseamos expresar nuestra deuda R°berto Donoso Barros, que trabajo con We wish finally to record our debt to P^-"^ "" en catalogo. Talvez se lo deberia Roberto Donoso Barros, who worked with us on nosotros este los autores en vez de cola- this catalogue. He perhaps should have been incluir como uno de borador, ya que^los tres trabajamos en estrecho recorded as an author rather than as a colla- todo el proyecto. borator, since all three of us have worked contacto a traves de closely together on the entire project. i


We are concerned that the users of this Nos preocupa la posibilidad de que los usua- catalogue may regard everything presented as of rios de este catalogo vayan a dar igual valor o equal value and significance, since there are significado a las distintas partes del mismo, ya considerable differences in the comparative relia- que la seguridad de la informacion suministrada bility of the information given from one genus to var'a cons iderablemente de unos generos a otros. another. In order to forestall assumptions of Para evitar que se llegue a la conclusion de que equivalent reliability, we have devised a code to toda la informacion es igualmente digna de confi- indicate an evaluation of the information presented anza hemos ideado un codigo que valore la calidad for each genus. The user will note one to four de la informacion presentada en cada ginero. El stars in the heading line for every genus. These usuario vera de una a cuatro estrellas en el en- stars have the following significance: cabezamiento de cada genero. Estas tienen el siguiente significado: One Star: Low reliability. Keys and synonymies prepared by us from existing literature; Una Estrella: Poca confianza. Claves y sino-

difficulties encountered by us because of nimos preparados exclus i vamente por nosotros insufficient descriptions, non-availability of a partir de la literatura existente; dificul- critical specimens, or other reasons; manu- fades halladas por nosotros a causa de des-

script not checked by outside reviewer, since cripciones i nsuf ic entes, especimenes critlcos no one is currently engaged in revisionary no disponibles u otras razones; el manuscrito study of the genus, to our knowledge. In the no ha sido revisado por nadie de afuera ya qu^ case of monotypic genera, one star means we no sabemos de nadie que este ocupado en hacer have reasons to doubt its validity as a un estudio de revision del genero en el momento distinct genus. actual. En el caso de generos monot'picos una estrella significa que tenemos motivos para Two Stars: Moderate reliability. Keys and dudar de su validez como genero aparte. synonymies prepared almost entirely by us, but usually checked against specimens and adequate Dos Estrellas: Moderada confianza. Claves y information in the literature; manuscript often sinonimos preparados casi totalmente por nos- reviewed externally, although not necessarily otros, pero usualmente confrontados con especi- by specialist actively studying genus. Further menes e informacion adecuada en la literatura; study needed to give better understanding of manuscrito a menudo revisado por alquien de genus. afuera, aunque no necesar iamente por un especia- lista en ese genero. Se necesita mas estudio Three stars. Good reliability. Keys and para comprender mejor ese genero. synonymies prepared either by us in consulta- tion with a specialist or by the expert Tres Estrellas: Bastante confianza. Claves y himself, or modified from monographs, check- sinonimos preparados por nosotros en consulta lists, or regional studies. Added work is con un especialista o por el experto mismo o usually in progress on the genus by the modificados de monograf'as, listas de especies specialist, and we anticipate early publication o estudios regionales. Usualmente hay trabajo by him to improve our understanding even more. adicional en marcha del especialista en el genero, y anticipamos su pronta publicacion Four Stars. High reliability. Manuscript either para mejorar aun mas nuestra comprension del prepared externally, in which case the author mismo. is acknowledged in the heading material; or taken by us from a very recent generic mono- Cuatro Estrellas. Mucha confianza. Manuscrito o graph summarizing the literature and including bien preparado afuera en cuyo caso se nombra all available specimens for study. al autor en el encabezam iento o preparado por nosotros a partir de una monograf'a muy We have submitted this "reliability" list to all reciente que resume la literatura e incluye external authors and asked for their opinion before todos los especimenes disponibles para estudio. assigning the code, so it can be considered an indication of the author's personal evaluation, Hemos presentado esta lista de "dignidad de con- rather than ours. fianza" a todos los autores de afuera y pedido su opinion antes de asignar el codigo, asi que se la puede considerar como indicacion de una valoracion del autor antes que nuestra.

The work on this catalogue was supported by El trabajo del catalogo fue sufragado por a Smithsonian Research Award to the senior author. Smithsonian Research Award al autor principal. The catalogue is listed as project no. 2 in the El catalogo figura como proyecto no. 2 en la parte U.S.A. section of Section CT (Conservation Terr- de los Estados Unidos de la Seccion CT (Conserva- estrial) of the International Biological Program. cion Terrestre) del Programa Biologico Internacion- al. 8


1< Ventrals and dorsals equal in size, or ventrals 1, Ventrales y dorsales de igual tamano, o ven- feebly enlarged, only sliqhtly larger than trales solo ligeramente mayores que dorsales, dorsal scales, do not extend clear across no se extienden a traves de todo el vientre venter 173 173 Ventrals considerably enlarged, much larger Ventrales cons iderablemente dilatadas, mucho than dorsal scales, extend across entire mayores que dorsales, se extienden a traves de ventei 2 todo el vientre 2

2. Large, deep pit in loreal region between eye 2. Con una fosa grande, profunda en region loreal and nostril 18i entre ojo y narina 181 Loreal region without deep pit 3 Sin fosa profunda en region loreal 3

3. Scale rows at mldbody fewer than 3O 3. Hileras de escamas a traves del medio cuerpo menos de 3O i Scale rows at midbody more than 3O- •165 Hileras de escamas a traves del medio cuerpo mas de JO 165

4. Cola no Tail not compressed 5 4, comprlmida 5 Tail compressed, oarlike- -La t icauda Cola comprimlda, en forma de remo Laticsuda

5. Dorsal scale rows about one head length antei— 5" Hileras de escamas dorsales a una cabeza de ior to anus at least two less than count at longitud antes del ano por lo menos dos menos midbody 6 que la cuenta del medio cuerpo 6 Dorsal scale rows same number throughout body, Hileras de escamas dorsales en igual numero a no dorsal reductions 8 lo largo de todo el cuerpo, sin reducciones —

6. Scales in odd number of rows 69 6. Escamas en numero impar de hileras 69 Scales in even number of rows, vertebral row Escamas en numero par de hileras, sin hilera

missing 7 vertebral 7

7. Scale rows 12 or fewer Ch iron ius 7. Hileras de escamas 12 menos Ch iron ius

Scale rows 14 or more Sp ilotes Hileras de escamas 14 mas Sp i lotes

8. Number of dorsal scale rows at midbody more 8. Numero de hileras de escamas dorsales del medio than 18 67 cuerpo mas de 18 67 Number of dorsal scale rows at midbody fewer Numero de hileras de escamas dorsales del medio than 18 9 cuerpo menos de 18 9

9. Anal single 47 9. Anal un ica 47

Anal divided 16 Anal d i V i d ida- -10

10, Dorsal scale rows at midbody I7 32 10. Hileras de escamas dorsales del medio cuerpo I7 Dorsal scale rows at midbody fewer than I7 32 11 Hileras de escamas dorsales del medio cuerpo menos de I7 11

11, Body pattern of complete rings of color around ll,DiseRo del cuerpo con anillos completes de co- body 29 lor alrededor del cuerpo 29 Body pattern without complete rings 12 OiseRo del cuerpo sin anillos completes 12

12.Anter iormost tooth on maxillary (often only 12.Diente mas anterior del maxilar (a menudo el tooth on bone) with venom canal (Fig. l) unico diente en este hueso) con canal de

Leptom icrurus veneno (Fig, 1 ) Leptom i crurus Anteriormost teeth on maxillary without canal Diente mas anterior del maxilar sin canal u

or otherwise differentiated from other maxil- otra d i f erenc iac ion de demas dientes maxilares lary teeth 13 13

13, Loreal present 20 13. Con loreal 20 Loreal absent 14 Sin loreal 14

14, Parietal in contact with labials 15 14, Parietal en contacto con labiales 15 Parietal separated from labials by temporals-l6 Parietal separado de labiales por temporales-l6

15' Internasals fused with prefrontals 15- I nternasales fusionadas con prefronta les

Apostolep i s Apostolep i s Internasals distinct from prefrontals, which Internasales distintas de pref rontales, que may be fused into single scale or not pueden estar fusionadas en una sola escama Elapomorphus no Elapomorphus —


Fig. 1. Maxillary of elapid Fig. 2. Colubrid maxillary, , showing fixed fang all teeth uniform, no di- teeth on anterior end of bone astema, no grooved

S^W^ poKwosa^

Fig. 5- Colubrid maxil- Fig. 3* Colubrid maxil- Fig. 4. Colubrid maxil- lary, diastema present, lary, last two teeth en- lary, last two teeth en- last two teeth enlarged larged, no diastema, no larged, diastema pres- grooves ent, no grooves and grooved

-17 16. I nternasaies normales, no fusionadas- 16. I nternasals normal, not fused Internasals fused, single plate- 17 - Pseudoeryx Internasales fusionadas, una sola lamina Pseudoeryx ly.Ventrals more than 120 18 17.Ventrales mas de 120— 18 Ventrals fewer than 120 19 Ventrales menos de 120- 15

IS.Ventrals fewer than I7O; maxillary teeth anter- IS.Ventrales menos de I7O; dientes maxilares ante-

ior to fangs 12-15 Tant ilia riores a colmillos 12-15 Tant i 11a Ventrals more than I7O; maxillary teeth anter- Ventrales mas de I7O) dientes maxilares ante- ior to fangs 3"5 Elapomorphus riores a colmillos 3-5 Elapomorphus

15. Total maxillary teeth 22-25; last two without 19. Total de dientes maxilares 22-25; los dos ulti-

Tant i i ta i 11 grooves Tant i 1 1 ta mos sin surcos Total maxillary teeth fewer than 21; last two Total de dientes maxilares menos de 21; los dos

i i ultimos con surcos Tant 11a w i th grooves Tant 11a

20, Scale rows at midbody more than thirteen 20.Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo mas de -21 trece 21 Scales at midbody thirteen Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo trece Pseudablabes Pseudablabes

21. Prefrontals two or three 22 21.Pref rontales dos tres 22 Prefrontals fused into single scale Prefrontales fusionadas en una sola escama

- Tr i Tr i metoDon metopon

22. Two prefrontals 23 22. Dos prefrontales — 23 Three prefrontals- - Hydromorphus Tres prefrontales- - Hydromorphus

I distintas 23. I nternasals and prefrontals distinct- 23. nternasaies y prefrontales 24 24 Internasals fused with prefrontals, but still Internasales fusionadas con prefrontales, pero |us pa i red Elapomo jus aun en pares Elapomo

24. Anterior temporals more than one- 24.Temporales anteriores mas de una- - Mast i godryas Mast i godryas One anterior temporal 25 Una temporal anterior— 25

en la 25.Preocular absent; both loreal and prefrontal 25. Sin preocular; loreal y prefrontal entran enter orbit ' 27 orbita 27 Preocular present; prefrontal does not enter Con preocular: prefrontal no entra en la orbita orbit 2i, ...... 26

- 26.Ch i nsh ields large; striped — Adeloh icos 26.Escudos geniales grandes, a rayas- Chinshields small; unicolor- Enul ius - Adelph icos Escudos geniales chicos, unlcolores-

-Enul i us — )


27. Body striped 28 27.Cuerpo rayado 28 Body with dark blotches dorsally Cuerpo con manchas oscuras a dorsal

Calamodontoph i s Calamodontoph i s

28. Apical pits absent on dorsal scales 28«Sin fosetas apicales en escamas dorsales

L i oph i s - L i oph i s Single apical pit present Tr imetopon Con fosetas apicales en escamas dorsales- - Tr imetopon

25.Loreal present- -31 25. Con loreal- -31 Loreal absent-- .30 Sin loreal- -30

30«Fixed fang with venom canal on maxillary bone 30,Colmillo fijo con canal del veneno en maxilar

(Fig. 1) M icrurus (pig. 1 M icrurus No fixed fang with venom canal Hydrops Sin colmillo fijo con canal del veneno Hydrops

31.Apical pits present on dorsal scales 31. Con fosetas apicales en escamas dorsales

I Scolecoph s Scolecoph i s Apical pits absent Erythrolamprus Sin fosetas apicales Erythrolamprus

32. Two prefrontals present, may be fused with 32. Con dos pref rontales, pueden estar fusionadas inter nasals 33 con interna sales 33 Prefrontals fused into single scale Prefrontales fusionadas en una sola escama Tr imetopon Tr imetopon

33'Parietals separated from labials by temporals 33' Psr ietales separadas de labiales por temporales 34 34 Parietals in contact with labials- Parietales en contacto con labiales

Parapostolep is Parapostolep i s

34, Rostral does not separate internasals and/or 34. Rostral no separa las internasales y/o prefron- prefrontals which are in contact on middorsal tales que contactan en I'nea media dorsal 1 ine 35 35 Rostral separates internasals and/or prefron- Rostral separa las Internasales y/o prefron-

and i tals, contacts frontal F ic m ia tales y contacta la frontal F ic i m ia

35' Scales smooth 37 35, Escamas 1 isas 37 Scales keeled on all or only posterior part of Escamas quilladas en todo el cuerpo solo en

body 36 parte poster i or 3^

36. Entire body with keeled scales Storer ia 36. Todo el cuerpo con escamas quilladas Keels only on scales on posterior part of body, Storer ia

most prominent near anus Amastr i d i um Quillas solo en escamas de parte posterior del cuerpo, mas prominentes cerca del ano

Amastr i d i um 37»Nasal not fused with internasal -38 Anterior nasal fused with internasal- 37'Nasal no fuslonada con internasal 38

-Stenorrh i na Nasal anterior fuslonada con internasal

Stenorrh i na

38. round; distinctly I Body head not broader than 38. Cuerpo redondo; cabeza no d i st ntamente mas neck; vertebral scale row approximately same ancha que el cuello; hllera vertebral de esca- width as paravertebral row 39 mas aprox Imadamente tan ancha como hllera Body strongly compressed; head distinctly paravertebral 39 broader than neck; vertebral scale row wider Cuerpo fuertemente comprimido; cabeza clara-

than paravertebral rows I mantodes mente mas ancha que el cuello; hllera verte- bral de escamas mas ancha que hileras paraver- tebrales Imantodes 35" One anterior temporal-- -41 Two anterior temporals- -40 39- Una temporal anterior 41 Dos temporales anteriores — 40

i 40.Ventrals fewer than 160 Scaph odontoph i s 40.\/entrales menos de I6O Scaph i odontoph 1 s

Ventrals more than I59 Mast i qodryas Ventrales mas de 159 Mast Iqodryas

41, Body with "" pattern, may or may not 41. Cuerpo con dlseno de "serpiente de coral", be complete ventrally 42 puede ser complete a ventral o no 42 Body without "coral snake" pattern -43 Cuerpo sin dlseno de "serpiente de coral" 43 s i s


- PI iocercus 42. Maxillary teeth normal PI i ocercus 42.Dientes maxilares normales Maxillary teeth with spatulate tip, arranged in Dientes maxilares con apice espatulado, dispues- groups of three, each group including one tas en grupos de tres, cada grupo incluye un short, one medium, and one long tooth diente corto, mediano y largo

Scaph i odontoph i s Scaph i odontoph i s

43.Loreal and preocular both present, two plates 43. Con loreal y preocular; dos laminas entre nasal between nasal and orbit ** y orbita 44 Loreal or preocular absent, only one plate Sin loreal sin preocular, solo una lamina

hetween nasal and orbit Enul ius entre nasal y orbita Enul i us

44. Apical pits absent on dorsal scales (Fig. 6) 44. Sin fosetas *picales en escamas dorsales (Fig. 102 6) 102 Apical pits present (Fig. ])- -45 Con fosetas apicales (Fig. 7) *5

Fig. 6. Dorsal scales, without apical Fig. 7' Double apical pits on dorsal pits. Anterior end of scale at top in scales. May also be single. Usually this figure and Figure 7- outer layer of scale must be removed and examined dry under high magnifi- cation to see pits.

traves del dorso de 45. No nuchal collar or band across back of head; 45. Sin banda o collar nucal a size generally large 46 la cabeza; generalmente de gran tamano With nuchal collar or band across back of head; 46 Con collar banda nucal a traves del dorso de i Tr imetopon size d im i nut ve

la cabeza; tamano diminuto Tr i metopon

46. Poster iormost maxillary teeth enlarged (Fig. 4) 46. Dientes maxilares posteriores dilatados (Fig. 4)

Le i madoph 1 Le i madoph i s All maxillary teeth about same sizeje (Fig. 2) Todos los dientes maxilares aprox imadamente del

mismo tamano (Fig. 2) Sordell i na -Sordell i na

47»Dorsals at midbody I7 -58 47. Dorsales del medio cuerpo I7 58 Dorsals at midbody fewer than I7- -48 Dorsales del medio cuerpo menos de I7 48

i iguales- 48. Vertebral and paravertebral rows subequal 48.Hileras vertebral y paravertebral cas 51 51 grande que Vertebral scale row distinctly larger than Hilera vertebral d i st ntamente mas paravertebrals 49 paravertebrales 4^

- (Fig. 45.Mental groove absent (Fig. D i psas 45. Sin surco mental 8) Mental groove present 50 Con surco mental 5*^

i S i . showing enlarged Fig. 8. Dipsas lat i frontal . showing ab- Fig. 5* bon nebulata sence of mental groove (from Peters, I56O) sixth labial (from Peters, I96O) i


50. Labial below anterior temporal enlarged and In 50. Labial debajo de temporal anterior agrandado y contact with postocular, anterior and poster- en contacto con postocular, temporal anterior ior temporal, much higher than neighboring y posterior mucho mas altas que labiales S labials (Fig. 5) Sibon vecinas (Fig. 9)' 1 bon No one labial in contact with postocular, Ninguna labial en contacto con postocular,

anterior and posterior temporal temporal anterior y posterior Imantodes Ima n todes

51.Parietals separated from labials by temporals-- 51 • Par etales separadas de labiales por temporales 54 54 Parietals in contact with labials 5^ Parietales en contacto con labiales ^2

52. I nternasals and prefrontals distinct 52. Internasales y prefrontales distintas

Geoph I s Geoph i s Internasales prefrontales fusionadas Internasals and prefrontals fused 53 y 53

- i 53.Loreal absent Apostolep i s 53.Sin loreal- Apostolep s

i Loreal present Geoph i s Con loreal- Geoph s

54. Apical pits absent on dorsal scales (Fig. 6) 54. Sin fosetas apicales en escamas dorsales (Fig. 55 6) 55 Apical pits present (Fig. 7} Drymoluber Con fosetas apicales (Fig. 7) Drymoluber

55.N0 tooth on maxillary either with groove or 55.Ningun diente del maxilar con surco canal closed canal 57 cerrado 57 Tooth on maxillary either with groove or closed Diente en maxilar con surco o con canal cerrado canal 56 56

56. Anter I ormost, often only, tooth on maxilla with 56.Diente anterior (a menudo el unico) del maxilar

closed canal (Fig. l) M icrurus con canal cerrado (Fig. l) M i crurus

Poster i ormost, never only, tooth on maxilla Diente posterior (nunca el unico) del maxilar

with open groove (Fig. 5) Apostolep i s con surco (Fig. 5) Apostolep i s

57'Loreal plate present 60 57'Con lamina loreal- 60 - Loreal plate absent Drepano i des S i n lam I na loreal- Drepano ides

58. Prefrontals fused into single scale 58. Prefrontales fusionadas en una sola lamina- 66 -66 Prefrontals normal 59 Prefrontales normales- -59

59'Subcaudals double 60 59 'Subcau dales dobles 60 Su beau da Is si ngle Pseudoboa Subcaudales de a una Pseudoboa

60. Parietal separated from labials by temporals 60. Par i etales separadas de labiales por temporales 61 61 Parietal in contact with at least one upper Parietales en contacto con una labial superior

lab ial Geoph i s por lo menos Geoph i s

61. Scales keeled 62 61. Escamas quilladas- 62 Scales smooth 63 Escamas lisas — -63

62.Ventrals fewer than 1/0 Ninia 62.Ventrales menos de I7O- -Ninia - i i Ventrals more than I7O Trop i dod i psas Ventrales mas de I7O Trop dod psas

63.Mental groove present 64 63. Con surco mental- 64 - Mental groove absent S i bynomorphus S i n surco mental- S i bynomorphus

64. Labial below anterior temporal enlarged, con- 64, Labiales debajo de temporal anterior agrandadas,

siderably higher than neighboring labials, and cons i derablemente mas altas que labiales veci- in contact with postocular, anterior and pos- nas y en contactocon postocular, temporales

i S i terior temporals (Fig. 9) S bon anterior y posterior (Fig. 9) bon

All labials about same size, not as described Todas las labiales aprox imadamente del m 1 smo above 65 tamaiio, no como el anterior 65

65. Ventrals more than 200 Clelia 65.Ventrales mas de 200 Clel ia Ventrals fewer than 200 Atractus Ventrales menos de 200 Atractus —


66. Scales keeled Chersodromus 66.Escamas quiUadas Chersodromus Scales smooth Xenophol is Escamas lisas Xenophol i s

68 67. Prefrontals normal 68 67.Prefron tales norma les Prefrontals fused to form single scale Prefrontales fusionadas formando una sola Synoph is Synoph i s escama

68.Ventrals fewer than 200 Ninia 68.Ventrales menos de 200 Ninia Ventrals more than 200 Clelia Ventrales mas de 200 Clelia

65. Some or all dorsal scales keeled 140 65,Algunas todas las escamas dorsales quilladas- Dorsal scales smooth 7^^ I'^O Escamas dorsales lisas 7^

70.Anal single II6 70.Anal unica II6 Anal divided 71 ^"^l dividida 7I

71. Rostral normal 73 7I. Rostral normal 73 Rostral modified, either raised, pointed, and Rostral modificada, bien elevada, puntuda y keeled dorsally, or flattened, with hori- quiUada dorsalmente o aplanada con horde zontal edge 7^ hor izontal 12

72. Scales in 15-17 rows Simophis 72. Escamas en 15-17 hileras S imoph is Scales in 19-21 rows Lystrophis Escamas en 19-21 hileras Lystrophis

73. Vertebral row of scales greatly enlarged, dis- 73.Hilera vertebral de escamas muy agrandadas, tinctly larger than neighboring rows of scales claramente mayores que hileras de escamas

— 74 vec i nas 7* Vertebral row of scales approximately same as Hilera vertebral de escamas del mismo tamano neighboring scales 75 aproximado que escamas vecinas 75

Uromacerina 7'l.Ventrals fewer than 200 Uromacerina 74.Ventrales menos de 200 Ventrals more than 200 imantodes Ventrales ma's de 200 ''"3"^°''^^

loreales entre nasal preoculai 75 Two loreal plates between nasal and preocular— 75.O0S laminas y Trimorphodon Trimorphodon One or no loreal plates present 76 Con una o ninguna lamina loreal 76

medio cuerpo 76. Fewer than 26 midbody scale rows 77 76. Menos de 26 hileras de escamas del More than 26 midbody scale rows Elaphe 77 Mas de 26 hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo-- Elaphe 77. Loreal plate present 81 Loreal plate absent 7^ 77. Con la'mina loreal 81 Sin lamina loreal 78

sin diastema en la hilera de dientes, 78. Maxillary lacks diastema in tooth row. last 78.Maxilar teeth distinctly larger than others (Fig. 3)— ultimos dientes mucho mayores que los otros Hydrops (Fig. 3> Hydrops Not as above 79 ^° '^°"'° ^1 anterioi 79

79. Head short, wide; snout rounded 80 79-''abeza corta, ancha; hocico redondeado 80 is Head elongated, slender: snout po i nted- Oxybel is Cabeza alargada, fina; hocico puntudo--0xybel

80. Maxillary bone extremely reduced, without teeth SO.Hueso maxilar extremadamente reducido; sin anterior to enlarged, grooved fangs dientes anteriores a colmillos grandes Opisthoplus Opisthoplus Maxillary not reduced, teeth present anterior Maxilar no reducido; con dientes anteriores a (Fig. Tomodon to enlarged, grooved fangs (Fig. 5) Tomodon colmillos grandes surcados 5)

81. Anterior temporals two or more IO3 Sl.Temporales anteriores dos mas IO3 One anterior temporal or none 82 Temporal anterior uno o ninguno 82

82. Midbody scale rows I7 or fewer 93 82. Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo I7 o menos- Midbody scale rows more than I7 83 93 Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo mas de I7 83 GENERIC KEY

83. Dorsal scales normal (Fig, lO) 84 83.EEcamas dorsales normales (Fig. lO) 84 Dorsal scales in oblique rows (Fig. ll) Escamas dorsales en hileras oblicuas (Fig. ll)- Xenodon Xenodon

Fig. 10. Normal arrangement of dorsal Fig. 11. Dorsal scales arranged in

scale rows. Anterior end of snake is oblique rows, as seen In Xenodon . toward top of page in this and Fig. 11.

84. Apical ptis present (Fig. 7) 85 84 Con fosetas aplcales (Fig. 7 -85 Apical pits absent (Fig. 6) 89 Sin fosetas aplcales (Fig. 6

85. Maxillary with diastema, teeth posterior to 85.Maxilar con diastema, dientes posteriores a diastema enlarged, not grooved (Fig. 4) diastema agrandados, no acanalados (Fig. 4)-86 Not as above No como el anterloi 88

86. Dorsal scales I5 at midbody- 87 .Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo I5 87 - Dorsal scales 21 at midbody- Hyps I plena Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo I7

Hyps I qlena

87. Subcaudals fewer than 80 Le imadoph I s 87 .Subcaudales menos de 80 le Imadoph is Subcaudals more than 80 Prom icus Subcaudales mas de 80 Prom Icus

.Pupil vertically elllptlc- 97 .Puplla vert I calmente el'ptlca- 97 Pupil - - round Ph i lodryas Pupil redonda Ph ilodryas

89. Body striped throughout its length 91 .Cuerpo rayado a todo lo largo -91 Body not striped throughout its length 9'^ Cuerpo no rayado a todo lo largo- .90

90. Con diastema en hilera de dientes maxilares (Fig. 90. Diastema present in maxillary tooth row (Fig, 4) L ioheteroph is

L i I 4) oheteroph s Sin d iastema (f ig, 3) L ioph is

Diastema absent(Fig. 3) L loph i s

dientes maxilares poster I ores--92 91. No grooves on poster i ormost maxillary teeth--92 91, Sin surcos en maxilares posteriores With grooves on poster I ormost maxillary teeth-- Con surcos en dientes

Con I ophanes Con i ophanes

92..Pale brown above, with dark brown vertebral and 92.iCastano claro arrlba, con cinta vertebral y una

L I is single lateral stripe L I oph i s sola cinta lateral, ambos parda oscura- oph

Lyqoph I s Not as above Lyqoph i s No como el anterior

Prefrontals paired 91 93., Prefron tales en par 9^ Single prefrontal scale- - Hydromorphus Una sola escama prefrontal Hydromorphus

94. Apical1 pits present (Fig. 7) 95 94. Con fosetas aplcales (Fig. ] -95 Ap lea 1 pits absent (Fig. 6) 9£ Sin fosetas aplcales (Fig. 6 -98

95 Maxillary with diastema, last teeth enlarged 95 Maxllar con diastema, ultimos dientes agranda-

but not grooved (Fig. i) Le imadoph i s dos pero sin surco (Fig. 4) Le imadoph i s Not as above 9^ No como el anterioi 9^ 8 GENERIC KEY

56. Spotted or blotched dorsally, not unicolor, J^.Con borrones o manchas dorsales, no unicolor, without black margins on scales 57 escamas sin hordes negros 57 Bluish gray dorsally, scales usually with black Gris azulado a dorsal, escamas usualmente con

margins, uniform yellow below Platyn i on borde negro, amarillo uniforme a ventral- - Platyn i on

57«Maxillary teeth gradually and feebly increasing 57''^'^"tes maxilares que aumentan de longitud

in length (Fig. j) ; usually without dark line gradualmente (Fig. 3); usualmente sin I'nea

from eye to corner of mouth Leptode i ra oscura desde el ojo accomisura de la boca

Maxillary teeth subequal (Fig. 2); head usually Leptode i ra light with oblique dark streak from eye to Dientes maxilares casi iguales (Fig. 2); cabeza

corner of mouth Tachymen i s usualmente clara con I'nea oscura obllcua desde el ojo a comisura de la boca-- Tachymenis

58.Ventrals more than I3I 55 58.Ventrales mas de I3I 55

Ventrals fewer than I3I Umbr i vaga Ventrales menos de I3I Umbr i vaga

55»Body striped throughout length 100 ')').Cuerpo rayado a todo lo largo 100

i i Body not striped throughout length L i oph i s Cuerpo no rayado a todo lo largo L oph s

' 100. Without grooves or canals on poster i ormost 100. Sin surcos ni canales en dientes maxilares max illary teeth 101 poster i ores 101— Last raaxillary teeth grooved (Fig. 'i)- D i taxodon Oltimos dientes maxilares con surcos (Fig. 5) Di taxodon

101. No diastema in row of maxillary teeth 102 101. Sin diastema en hilera de dientes max i lares-102

Diastema present Lygoph i s Con diastema Lygoph i s

102. Hem pen i s single; tip capitate Rhad inaea 102.Hemipene simple, apice capitado Rhad i naea i

Hemipenis bifurcate; tip disked L i oph i s Hemipene bifurcado, apice discado L i oph i s

103. Poster i ormost maxillary teeth grooved (Fig. 5)" IO3. Dientes maxilares posteriores con surcos (Fig. 104 5) 104 Without grooved teeth 112 Sin dientes con surcos 112

104. Apical pits present (Fig. 7) IO5 104. Con fosetas apicales (Fig. ] -105 Apical pits absent (Fig. 6) 110 Sin fosetas apicales (Fig. 6 -110

105. Anterior mandibular teeth longest 106 lOJ.Dientes mandibulares anteriores son los mas All mandibular teeth subequal 108 largos 106 Todos los dientes mandibulares aprox imadamen te

i guales 108

106.Max i llary fang rather small, weak; maxillary 106.Colmillo maxilar mas bien chico, debil; dientes teeth usually more than ten (in a few species maxilares usualmente mas de diez (en unas

of Tachymen i s as few as six) IO7 especies de Tachymen i s nada mas que seis)--107 Maxillary fang large, strong; maxillary teeth Colmillo maxilar grande, fuerte; dientes

6-8 Pseudotomodon max i lares 6-8 Pseudotomodon

107. Pupil round; pterygoid teeth 20-24, extend 107.Pupila redonda; dientes pterygoideos 20-24, se

anteriorly beyond articulation of pterygoid extienden anter i ormente mas alia de la articu-

with ectopterygo id Gomesoph i s lacion del pterygoides con ectopterygo ides Pupil vertical; pterygoid teeth fewer than 20, Gomesoph is do not extend anteriorly beyond articulation Pupila vertical; dientet pterygoideos menos de of pterygoid with ectopterygo id 20, no se extienden anter iormente mas alia de

Tachymen i s la articulacion del pterygoides con ectoptery-

go i des Tachymen is

108. More than ten maxillary teeth anterior to two lOS.Mas de diez dientes maxilares anteriores a dos enlarged teeth IO5 dientes agrandados IO5 Fewer than ten maxillary teeth anterior to two Menos de diez dientes maxilares anteriores a enlarged teeth, maxillary may be completely dos dientes agrandados, maxilar puede ser com- edentulous except for enlarged fang-like teeth pletamente desdentado excepto por dientes Tomodon (Fig. 5) Tomodon agrandados, como colmillos (Fiq. 5')

105. Pupil round Ph ilodryas IO5. Pupila redonda Philodryas Pupil vertical Thamnodynastes Pupila vertical Thamnodynastes GENERIC KEY

110. Head and anterior part of body not longitudi- llO.Cabeza y parte anterior del cuerpo no rayada nally striped 111 longitudinalmente 111 Head and anterior part of body with very pro- Cabeza y parte anterior del cuerpo con rayas

nounced, strongly contrasting stripes muy pronunc i adas, que contrasta n i ntensamen te--

Conoph is Conoph i s

lll.Mand I bular teeth subequal Thamnodynastes Hl.Oientes mandibulares casi iguales Anterior mandibular teeth longest Thamnodynastes

Tachymen i s Oientes mandibulares anteriores son los mas

largos Tachymen i s

112. Dorsal scale rows 19 at midbody 113 112.Hlleras de escamas del medio cuerpo 1^ 113 Dorsal scale rows 1/ at midbody 114 Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo 17 114

capitado Rhad inaea 113.Hem ipen is single, capitate tip Rhad i naea 113.Hemipene simple, apice Hemipenis bifurcate, tip normal Drom icus Hemipene bifurcado, apice normal Drom icus

114. Small presubocular below preoculai II5 114, Con presubocular chico debajo del preoculai No presubocular below preocular II5 - Mast i Qodryas Sin presubocular debajo del preocular-

Wast i qodryas llJ.Ventrals more than 180 Mast icoph is II5. Ventrales mas de 180 Mast icoph is Ventrals fewer than 180 Coluber Ventrales menos de 180 Coluber

116. Temporal region covered by small scales II6. Region temporal cubierta de escamas chicas

i Ungal i oph i s Ungal oph is Not as above 117 ^° como el anterior II7

117-Parietal separated from labials by temporal II7. Parietal separada de labiales por escamas tern- scales 118 po rales 118 Parietal in contact with labials Parietal en contacto con labiales Paroxyrhopus Paroxyrhopus

118. Scale rows at midbody I7 or more 120 118. Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo I7 mas Scale rows at midbody fewer than I7 120 -II5 Hileras de escamas del medio cuerpo menos de I7 119

119»Body strongly compressed D i psas 119,Cuerpo fuertemente comprimido D 1 psas

Body cylindrical S i bynomorphus Cuerpo cil'ndrico S i bynomorphus

120. Dorsals at midbody I9 or more 127 120.Dorsales del medio cuerpo I9 mas 127 Dorsals at midbody I7 121 Dorsales del medio cuerpo I7 121

121. Body striped 122 121. Cuerpo rayado 122 Body not striped l^S Cuerpo no rayado 123

122, Ventrals more than I75 Thamnodynastes 122. Centrales mas de 175 Thamnody nastes Ventrals fewer than I75 Leptodrymus Ventrales menos de 175 Leptodrymus

123. Mental groove present 124 123,Con surco mental 124 Mental groove absent (Fig. 8) Dipsas Sin surco mental (Fig, 8) P'P^as

124, Poster ior maxillary teeth grooved 126 124,Dientes maxilares posteriores acanalados Posterior maxillary teeth not grooved 125 1-26 Dientes maxilares posteriores no acanalados-125

Drymarchon 125. Ventrals more than 180 Drymarchon I25. Ventrales mas de 180 Ventrals fewer than 180 Drymoluber Ventrales menos de 180 Drymoluber

126.Subcaudals single Pseudoboa 126.Subcaudales de a una Pseudoboa Subcaudals paired Clel ia Subcaudales en pares ^^1^1 '^

127. Rostral normal 128 1 27. Rostral normal 128 Rostral tip turned up into sharp point Apice de la rostral se levanta formando una

Ph imoph is punta aguda Ph imoph i s

128. Anterior temporal single 129 128. Temporal anterior ijnica 129 More than one anterior temporal 131 Mas de una temporal anterior I3I

.'168-492 O—70 2 10 GENERIC KEY

agrandados, no acana- 125. Last maxillary teeth enlarged, not grooved; 125.Ultimos dientes maxilares diastema present (Fig. i) IJO lados; con diastema (Fig. 4) I3O Oxyrhopus Not as above Oxyrhopus No como el anterioi

en escamas dorsales 130. Apical pits absent on dorsal scales 130.S.n fosetas apicales Paroxyrhopus Paroxyrhopus Apical pits present Xenodon Con fosetas apicales '^g^od""

131. One or more labials enter orb.t 132 131.Una mas labiales entra la 5rbita 132 labiales Row of suboculars separates all labials from Hilera de soboculares separa todas Us or-bit Cyclaaras de la orbita Cyclagras

132. Body pattern of complete rings 132.Diseno del cuerpo con anillos completes Lampropelt is Lampropelt is Body pattern without complete rings 133 Diseno del cuerpo sin anillos completes 133

133.Posteriormost maxillary teeth with grooves (Fig. 133. Dientes maxilares posteriores con surcos (Fig. 5} 134 5) 134 Not as above 138 ^° ^°"'° ^^ antenoi 138

134. Vertebral scales about same size as scales in 134. Escamas vertebrales aprox imadamente del mismo hileras paravertebrales- paravertebral rows 135 tamano que escamas de Scales in vertebral row distinctly larger than 135 paravertebral row scales Tr ipanurqos Escamas de hilera vertebral mucho mayores que escamas de hileras paravertebrales

Tr i panurqos

135. All subcaudals paired or mixed, with some single I35. Todas las subcaudales en pares mezcladas, single, most paired 136 algunas de a una, la mayor'a pares 136 Subcaudals all single Pseudoboa Subcaudales todas de a una Pseudoboa

agranda- 136. Anterior mandibular teeth somewhat enlarged, I36. Dientes mandibulares alteriores algo decrece gradualmente hacia but length decreases gradually pos ter i orly-137 '^°^> 1* longitud Third to fifth anterior mandibular teeth very posterior 137 much enlarged, contrasting sharply with other Tercero al quinto dientes mandibulares anteri- mandibular teeth Siphlophis ores mucho mas grandes, en agudo contraste con los otros dientes mandibulares S i phloph i s

137. Color pattern usually of dark and light cross- 137.Usualmente con diseiTo de bandas transversales bands which do not extend across ventei claras y oscuras que no se extienden a traves Oxyrhopus del vientre Oxyrhopus Juvenile color pattern of dark head and light Diseno de los juveniles de cabeza oscura y collar, with variable pattern on rest of body collar claro con diseno variable en el resto but never with regular crossbands, adults del cuerpo pero nunca con bandas transversales

usually melanistic, obscuring all juvenile regulares, adultos usualmente melan 1 st icos, pattern Clel ia eclipsando todo el diseno juvenil Clel ia

138. Dorsal scale rows at midbody fewer than 25 133 I3B. Hileras de escamas dorsales del medio cuerpo Dorsal scale rows at midbody more than 24 menos de 25 139 Rhachedel is Hileras de escamas dorsales del medio cuerpo

mas de 24 Rhachedel i s

139''^pical pits present on dorsal scales 139»*^°" fosetas apicales en escamas dorsales Pseustes Apical pits absent Hydrodynas tes Sin fosetas apicales Hydrodynastes

140. Anal s ingle 152 140. Anal unica 152

Anal d i vided 141 Anal d 1 vidida 141

141, Dorsal scale rows at midbody more than I7 141. Hileras de escamas dorsales del medio cuerpo 142 mas de I7 142 Dorsal scale rows at midbody I7 or fewer Hileras de escamas dorsales del medio cuerpo I7 146 menos 146

142. Apical pits present on dorsal scales(Fig. 7) 142. Con fosetas apicales en escamas dorsales (Fig. 144 7) 144 Apical pits absent (Fig. 6) 1*3 Sin fosetas apicales (Fig. 6) 1*3 n GENERIC KEY

143. Two internasals; usually single anterior IA3.D0S i nternasales; usualmente temporal anterior

i temporal Tretanorh i nus un ica Tretanorh nus Single internasal; usually but not always more Internasal unica; usualmente, pero no siempre than one anterior temporal Hel icops mas de una temporal antenoi Hel icops

144. Body pattern of complete rings 144.Diseno del cuerpo de anillos completos

Rh i Rh i nobothryum nobothryum Body without rings 1*5 Cuerpo sin anillos 14$

Ph i lodryas 145.Ventrals 160 or more Ph i lodryas lAJ.Ventrales I6O mas Ventrals fewer than I6O Thamnodynastes Ventrales menos de I6O Thamnodynastes

146, Dorsal scale rows at midbody 1/ 147 146.Hileras de escamas dorsales del medio cuerpo I7 Dorsal scale rows at midbody fewer than I7 1*7 Ig4 Hileras de escamas dorsales del medio cuerpo menos de I7 164 vl47,Loreal present 148 1 47. Con loreal 148 Loreal absent Oxybel is Sin loreal Oxybel is

148. Ventrals more than I35 145 1 48. Ventrales mas de 135 149 Ventrals fewer than 135 1 51 Ventrales menos de 135 1 5I

145. Poster ior maxillary teeth grooved (Fig, 5)--150 145,Dientes maxilares posteriores acanalados (Fig. Posterior maxillary teeth not grooved 5) •'5''

Drymob i us Dientes maxilares posteriores no acanalados

Drymob i us

150, Dorsum with some pattern 150.Dorso con algu'n diseno Thamnodynastes Thamnodynastes

i Dorsum unicoloi Ph i lodryas Dorso unicoloi Ph lodryas

151. Diastema on maxillary absent (Fig. 3) 151.Sin diastema en maxilar (pig, 3)

Paraptychoph is Paraptychoph i s

Diastema on maxillary present (Fig. 4) Con diastema en maxilar (Fig. 4}- Ptychoph i s

Ptychoph i s 152, Pref rontales fusionados o reemplazados por mu- 152. Prefrontals fused or replaced by many small chas escamas chicas 153 scales 153 Prefrontales nor males 156 Prefrontals normal 156 153' Subcaudales en pares 15* 153.Subcaudals in pairs 15* Subcaudales unicas Trachyboa Su beau da Is s ingle Trachyboa 15*-HileraE de escamas 25 mas Nothops is

15*'Scale rows 25 or more Nothops i s Hileras de escamas menos de 25 155 Scale rows fewer than 25 155 155,'Jna quiHa en cada escama de hilera vertebral--

155. One keel on each scale in vertebral row Synoph i s

Synoph i s Dos quillas en cada escama de hilera vertebral-

i Two keels on each scale in vertebral row D 1 aphorolep s - D I aphorolep i s

156. Dorsal scale rows more than I5 157 I56. Hileras de escamas dorsales mas de I5 157 Dorsal scale rows 15 164 Hileras de escamas dorsales I5 164

^^ 157. Dorsal scale rows more than I7 158 157- ' Isf^s de escamas dorsales mas de I7 158 Dorsal scale rows I7 Dendroph id ion Hileras de ffscamas dorsales I7 Dendroph id ion

158. Dorsal scale rows 1? 159 158, Hileras de escamas dorsales I9 155 Dorsal scale rows more than I5 I6O Hileras de escamas dorsales mas de 19 I6O

159. Vertebral scales with single keel Thamnoph i s 159'Escamas vertebrales con una quilla Thamnoph i s

Vertebral scales with two keels D iaphorolep i s Escamas vertebrales con dos quillas

D i aphorolep i s

l60,Subcaudals in pairs I6I i60. Subcaudales pares I6I

T i i Subcaudals single Trop i doph i s Subcaudales de a una rop doph s

l6l, Loreal plate present 162 l6l,Con lamina loreal 162 Loreal plate absent Pseus tes Sin lamina loreal Pseustes 12 GENERIC KEY

162. Dorsal scale rows fewer than 2/ 163 l62.Hileras de escamas dorsales menos de 27 I63

dorsales mas-- P i tuoph i s Dorsal scale rows 2] or more P i tuoph i s Hileras de escamas 27 l63.Ventrals fewer than I75 Thamnophis 163. Ventrales menos de 175 Thamnoph is Ventrals more than 1/5 Pseustes Ventrales mas de 175 Pseustes l64.Posteriormost maxillary teeth enlarged but l64.Dientes maxilares posteriores agrandados pero

Leptoph i s i s s i n surcos w i thout grooves Leptooh not or slightly Dientes maxilares posteriores no o ligeramente Poster i ormost maxillary teeth enlarged, with groove present but located agrandados, con surco situado a lateral del Oxybel is laterally on tooth Oxybel i s d iente l65«A'"ea behind eye covered by many small scales l65.Area detras del ojo cubierta de muchas escamas 166 ch icas 166 Area behind eye covered by several large plates Area detras del ojo cubierta de varias laminas Elaphe grandes Elaphe

166. Deep sensory pits in most if not all upper l66.Fosetas sensoriales profundas en la mayor'a labials 171 en todas las labiales superiores I7I No sensory pits in labials 167 Sin fosetas sensoriales en labiales 167

l67.Subcaudals si ngle 168 167. Subcaudales de a una 168 Subcaudals pa ired Loxocemus Subcaudales en pares Loxocemus l68.Scales smooth 16^ 168. Escamas 1 isas 169 Some or all scales keeled Trachvboa Algunas todas las escamas quilladas Trachyboa l65»Dorsum of head with some enlarged plates I7O l69'Dorso de la cabeza con algunas laminas Dorsum of head covered by small scales, no agrandadas 17" enlarged plates on snout Boa Dorso de la cabeza cubierto de pequenas escamas sin laminas agrandadas en el hocico Boa

170. No shields posterior to paired internasals and 170. Sin escudos a posterior de internasales pares y paired prefrontals; body scale rows more than prefrontales pares; hileras de escamas mas de 40 Ep icra tes 40 Ep icra tes Dorsum of head with regular plates, including Dorso de la cabeza con laminas regulares, in-

azygous prefrontal, frontal and parietal; cluyendo prefrontal, frontal y parietal 40 scale rows fewer than 40 Ungal i oph i s azygos; hileras de escamas menos de

Ungal i oph i s

171.Midbody scale rows fewer than 36 Xenoboa 171.Hileras de escamas menos de 3^ Xenoboa Midbody scale rows more than 36 172 Hileras de escamas mas de 36 17^

Fig. 12. Corallus . lateral view Fig. 13. Ed icrates . lateral view of snout of snout

172.Loreal plate absent (Fig. 12); usually more 172. Sin lamina loreal (Fig. 12); usualmente mas de than 50 scale rows at midbody; usually more 50 hileras de escamas en el medio cuerpo; than 65 subcaudals Corallus usualmente mas de 65 subcaudales Loreal plate present (Fig.13 ); usually fewer Corallus than 52 scale rows at midbody; usually fewer Con lamina loreal (Fig. 13)? usualmente menos than 66 subcaudals Ep i era tes de 52 hileras de escamas en el medio cuerpo; usualmente menos de 66 subcaudales Ep icrates 173»Tail not compressed 174 Tail compressed, oarlike Pelam i s 173'Cola no comprimida 17* Cola comprimida, en forma de remo Pelam is —


lyA.Ventrals feebly enlarged but recognizably 174. Ventrales ligeramente agrandadas pero dorsales distinct from dorsals 175 reconoc i blemente distintas de 175 Ventrals same size as dorsals 1](> Ventrales de igual tamano que dorsales I76

de anillos completos-- An il ius 175. Body pattern of complete rings An il ius 175.Diseno del cuerpo No rings encircling body ' Eunectes Sin anillos alrededor del cuerpo Eunectes

176. Body scale rows 15 or more 177 176.Hileras de escamas I5 mas- 177 - Body scale rows 14 Hileras de escamas 14 Leptotyphlops

Fig. 14. Fig. 15- Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 18.

i Helm i nthoph i s L otyphlops Anomalep i s Typhloph is Typhlops

Jan Sordelli, Icon. Figs. 14-16i. Dorsum of head in genera of worm snakes. Figs. 14-17 from and Boulenger, Gen, Oph i d. , various dates; Fig. 18 from 1853'

Fig. 15. Lateral view of head in Fig. 20, Lateral view of head in with nasal and pre- Typhlops . showing fusion of nasal Helm inthophis . and prefrontal, from Jan and Sor- frontal distinct, from Jan and dell i. Sordell i.

177. Scales on dorsum of head behind rostral highly 177. Escamas del dorso de la cabeza detras del modified, usually similar in appearance to rostral muy modificados, usualmente de aspecto body scales, although largei 178 similar a las del cuerpo, pero mas grandes-178 Pair of polygonal prefrontals in contact on Par de prefrontales poligonales en contacto en midline behind rostral, followed by pentagonal la I'nea media detras del rostral, seguidas de frontal (Fig. 14) Anomalepis frontal pentagonal (Fig, 14) Anomalepis

178. Head with plates larger than scales of body-175 178. Cabeza con laminas mas grandes que las escamas Head covered with small scales indistinguish- del cuerpo 179 escamas chicas indiferen- able from those of body (Fig. I5) Typhloph i s Cabeza cubierta de ciadas de las del cuerpo (Fig, l'i)-- T yphloph i s

175. Prefrontals present above nasals (Fig. 20), in 179. Con prefrontales encima de nasales (Fig. 20), contact with frontal 180 en contacto con frontal 180 Prefrontals absent, fused with nasals (Fig. Sin prefrontales, fusionadas con nasal (Fig. detras de la 15), which contact frontal behind rostral 15), la cual contact con frontal (Fig, 16) Typhlops rostral (Fig. I6) Typhlops

180. Prefrontals in contact behind rostral, separat- 180. Prefrontales en contacto detras de rostral, ing latter from frontal (Fig. I7) separando a esta de la rostral (Fig. I7)

Helm i nthoph i s Helm i nthoph i s impidiendo Rostral in contact with frontal, preventing Rostral en contacto con prefrontal, contact between prefrontals on dorsum of head el contacto entre prefrontales sur el dorso de L iotyphlops (Fig. 18) L i otyphlops la cabeza (Fig, 18j 14 GENERIC KEY

181. Tip of tail without rattle 182 ISl.Punta de la cola sin cascabel 182 Tip of tail with rattle Crotalus Punta de la cola con cascabel Crotalus

182. Poster ior subcaudals finely divided 182.Subcaudales posteriores finamente divididas

Laches i s Laches i s Posterior subcaudals normal 183 Subcaudales posteriores normales 183

I83. Dorsum of head posteriorly with large, regular I83. Parte dorsal posterior de la cabeza con laminas

plates Agk i strodon regulares, grandes Aqk i s trodon Dorsum of head covered posteriorly by small. Parte dorsal posterior de la cabeza cubierta de irregular scales escamas irregulares, chicas Bothrops i



1862 Adelph icos Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2; 18. Type-species: Adelph icos quadr i v irqatum Jan.

1866 Rheqnops Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1866: 128. Type-species: Rheqnops v ison i nus Cope.

Distribution: Atlantic slopes from central through British Honduras (apparently not in Yucatan) to central Veracruz; on Pacific slopes from central Guatemala to central Oaxaca; interior valleys of Guatemala and Chiapas.

Content: Two species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Third infralabial nearly as broad as long, sub- Tercera infralabial aprox imadamente tan ancha equal in size to second; chinshields not como larga, de tamano subigual a la segunda; greatly expanded toward lip (Fig, l) escudos mentales no expandidos notablemente

veraepac i s hacia el borde labial (Fig. l) veraepac i s Third infralabial absent, or greatly reduced in Tercera infralabial ausente o muy reducida en size and confined to labial border; chin- tamano y confinada al borde labial; escudos shields greatly expanded toward lip (Figs. mentales muy expandidos hacia el borde labial

2-3/ quadr i v irga tus (Figs. 2-3) quadr i v i rqatus

(Fig. l) (Fig. 2) (Fig. 3)

Figs. 1-3- Arrangement of scales on chin of Adelph icos (adapted from Smith, 15^2)


1862 Adelph icos quadr i v i rga turn Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat.'Fis., 2: 18, pi. i Type-locality: "Mexico".

Distribution: Chiapas, Mexico through British Honduras to Guatemala.

Content: Three , one ( quadr i v i rqatus Jan) ex tral im i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Third infralabial absent; chinshields bor- 1. Tercera infralabial ausente; escudos men- dering lip (Fig. 2); belly not or slightly tales formando el labio (Fig. 2); vientre

p i gmented sarg i i sin con muy poca pigmentacion (Fig. 2)--

Very narrow third infralabial separates sarg i i chinshield from lip (Fig. 3); belly fre- Una tercera infralabial muy angosta separa

quently heavily pigmented v i son i nus los escudos mentales del labio (Fig. 3); vientre f recuentement muy pigmentado

V i son i nus

Adelphicos quadr i v i rga tus sarg i i (F i scher)

188S Rheqnops sarg i Fischer. Jahrb. Hamb. Wiss. Anst., 2: 52. Type-locality: Guatemala. 1887 Adelphicos sarqii — Cope. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32: 85.

1-9^2 Adelph icos quadr i virgatus sarg i i — Smith, Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci., 8: I52.

Distribution: Foothills on Pacific slopes from southern Chiapas to central Guatemala. 16 ADELPHICOS

Adelph i cos quadr i v i rga tus v i son inus (Cope)

1866 Rheanops visoni nus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1866: 128, Type-locality: Honduras.

1887 Adelphicos vi son i nus — Cope, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32: 85.

i i — Acad. Sci., 8: 1542 Adelph i cos quadr i v i rga tus v son nus Smith, Proc. Rochester 186.

Distribution: Foothills on Atlantic slopes from Tabasco, Mexico, south and east to central Honduras.


1541 Adelph icos veraepac is Stuart, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 452: 5- Type-locality: Finca Samac, 7 '<'" west of Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Distribution: Alta Verapaz, Guatemala and San Cristobal, Mexico.

Content: Three subspecies, two ( la t i fasc ia tus Lynch and Smith and n i qr i la tus Smith) ex tral im i tal.

Adelph icos veraepac i s veraepac i s Stuart

i — 1542 Adelph icos veraepac s veraepac i s Smith, Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci., 8: 180.

Distribution: Intermediate elevations of Alta Verapaz and Sierra de los Cuchumatanes of Gua temala. n

R EPTILIA: SERPENTES: CROTALIDAE ^ ^ ^ AGKISTRODON Prepared by Howard K. Gloyd, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

AGKISTRODON Palisot de Beauvois

Type-species: Agkistrodon 1759 Agk istrodon Palisot de Beauvois, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, 4: 381. mokasen Palisot de Beauvois. 37O. 1755 Agk ishodon Palisot de Beauvois (typographical error), Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, 4: 1802 Scytale Latreille, in Sonnini and Latreille, Hist. Nat. Rept., 3: I58. Type-species: Boa

contortr i x Linnaeus. 1803 Cenchris Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 5: 356. Type-species: Cenchris mokeson Daudin.

Sc i 1: 84. I8I9 Scytalus Rafinesque (emendation of Scytale Latreille), Amer. Jour. . , 1826 Tisiphone Fitzinger, Neue Classification der Reptilien: 34. Type-species: Tisiphone cuprea

F i tz i nger. I83O Ancistrodon Waqler (emendation of Aakistrodon Palisot de Beauvois), Nat. Syst. Amphib.: I76. I836 Acontias Troost (preoccupied by Acont ias Cuvier, 182?), Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York, 3: I76. Type-species: Acont ias leucostoma Troost. I836 Toxicophis Troost (substitute name for Acontias Troost, I836), Ann. Lyc. Nat, Hist. New York, 3: 190. 1843 Hypnale Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 28. Type-species: Coph ias hypnale Merrem. Boie. 1849 Halys Gray, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus. : 14. Type-species: Tr iqonocephalus halys

Distribution: Central and southern Asia south of 5^th Parallel, from Caspian Sea to and Including , Japan and islands to south, and Taiwan (but not ); south to northern , Peninsular and Ceylon, and Tonkin (North Vietnam). United States from southeastern Nebraska and southeastern Iowa southwest to Trans-Pecos Texas and south to Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christi Bay and northern Florida, northeast to Massachusetts; Mexico and Central America, from southern Sonora and Nuevo Leon south to Yucatan, Guatemala, and Pacific Coast of .

Content: Approximately eleven species; about eight in Asia and three in New World, of which all but

one are extral i m i tal.


I863 Ancistrodon bilineatus Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 12: 364. Type-locality: Pacific coast of Guatemala. 14: 7I. i American Fauna, i North 1899 Aak i strodon b 1 nea tus — Stejneger, Conant, Chicago Acad. Sci., 7= figs. 4, 11-12. 1943 Agk i strodon bill nea tus — Gloyd and Bull. 1^3,

Distribution: Tamaulipas, Mexico on Atlantic slope and southern Sonora on Pacific slope to Nicaragua. Records in British Honduras have been questioned by Allen and Neill, Herpetolog ica, 15, 1559, 229.

i m i Content: Two subspecies, one of which ( taylor i Burger and Robertson) is ex tral tal.

Aok i strodon bill nea tus b il i neatus (Gunther)

1951 Aqkistrodon bilineatus bilineatus — Burger and Robertson, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 3*' 214, pi. 25, fig. 3.

Distribution: Nicaragua, Guatemala, and possibly British Honduras to southern Sonora on Pacific slope and to Campeche and Yucatan Peninsula on Atlantic slope of Mexico; Tres Marias

I slands. i 1

jj REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE jl^ ^ ^ ^ AMASTRIDIUM Prepared by Larry David Wilson, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana


1861 Amastridium Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I860: 37O. Type-species: Amastridium vellferum Cope. im Museum Senckenberg ischen I858 Fie ischmannia Boettger, Katalog der Rept i ien-Sammlung der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main, 2: 65. Type-species: Fie ischmannia obscura Boettger. iq03 Mimometopon Werner. Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 22: 349, pi. 1, figs. 3-5. Type-species: M imometopon sapper! Werner. Boulenger. 130s PhrydoDS Boulenqer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., {7) 15: 453. Type-spec i es: Phrydops melas

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content; One species.


I86I Amastridium veliferum Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I860: 37O. Type-locality; Cocuyas de Veraguas, N. Grenada, which is Cocuyas, Panama. Rept il ien-Sammlung im Museum der Senckenberg ischen I898 Fie i schmann ia obscura Boettger, Katalog der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main, 2: 69. Type-locality: San Jos^, . figs. Type-locality: 1903 Mimometopon sapper 1 Werner. Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 22: 349, pi. 1, 3-5. Qua temala. iqOS Phrydops melas Boulenger. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 15^ ^5*» Type-locality; Cariblanco, Costa Rica.

1925 Amastr i d ium sapper — Dunn, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 65: !• 1931 Phydrops [TicJ melas — Dunn. Copeia, 1931: I63.

Distribution; Atlantic and Pacific slopes from Nuevo Leon and Chiapas, Mexico, through Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. 1 . —



Famillen, 1811 Tortr i x Oppel (preoccupied by Tortr ix Denis and Sch if f ermuller, 1775)> Die Ordnungen, und Gattungen der Reptilien: 55- Type-species: None indicated.

i 1816 An i ius Oken, Lehrb. Naturgesch., 3= 283. Type-species: Anqu s scytale Linnaeus.

1820 Elys i a Hemprich (new name for Tortr ix Oppel, preoccupied by Elys ia Risso, 1818), Grundriss der Naturgeschichte, 1820: U5. 1820 Hel ison Goldfuss (new name for Tortr ix Oppel, I8II), Handbuch der Zoologie, 2: 146.

1823 I lys ia Lichtenstein (emendation of Elys i a Hemprich), Verzeichniss der Doubletten des Zoologischen Museums der Konigl. Universitat zu Berlin: 104. 182') Torquatr ix Haworth (new name for Tortr ix Oppel), Phil. Mag., 6$: table opposite p. 372'

I833 1 11 is i a Schinz (emendation of I lys ia Lichtenstein), Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Reptilien: I3I.

1844 An i leus Agassiz (emendation of An i 1 i us Oken), Nomenclator i s Zoologici Index Universalis: 23.

Distribution: As for single species.

Content: One species.


1758 Anquis Scytale Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 228. Type-locality: "Indiis". I8I6 Anilius scytale—Oken, Lehrb. Naturgesch., 3: 283.

Distribution: Guianas; northern Brazil; Venezuela; Amazonian drainage of , and .

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals fewer than 225; black bands 1. Ventrales menos de 225; bandas transversas broader than red phelpsorum negras mas anchas que las ro jas- phelpsorum Ventrals more than 225; black bands Ventrales mas de 225; bandas transversas narrower than red scytale negras mas angostas que las rojas scytale

An il ius scytale scytale (Linnaeus)

1768 Angu i s annulata Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: 69. Type-locality: None given.

1768 Anqu i s fasc i ata Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: f^ . Type-locality: None given.

1768 Anqu i s caerulea Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: 71- Type-locality: Surinam.

1768 Anqu i s corall i na Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: fX. Type-locality: Brazil.

1768 Anqu i s atra Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: 71' Type-locality: Ceylon. A.[ nilii7s scytale scytale Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 261. 1958 J [ ] —

Distribution: Amazonian Peru, Ecuador and Colombia; northern Brazil; Guianas; southeastern Venezuela

An i lius scytale phelpsorum Roze

1958 Anilius scytale phelpsorum Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 258. Type-locality: Auyantepui, Estado Bol'var, Venezuela,

Distribution: Eastern and southern Venezuela. 20 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: if * ANOMALEPIS


I860 Anomalep i s Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 1: pi. 5> f'9' 1; pl* 6, fig. 1. Type-species:

Anomalep i s mex icanus Jan.

1853 Anomalolep i s Gunther (substitute name for Anomalep i s Jan), Biol. Cent. Amer., Rept.: 8],

Distribution: Mexico through Central America to Peru and Ecuador.

Content: Four species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

2 1. Head and tip of tail brown- 1. Cabeza y porcion terminal de la cola pardos 2 Head and tip of tail yellowish white — Cabeza y porcion terminal de la cola bianco

f lavap ices amar i llentos f la yap ices

Dorsal scales at midbody in more than 22 rows; 2. Escamas dorsales en el medio cuerpo mas de 22 more than 3OO dorsals from head to tip of filas; mas de 'jOO dorsales totales 3 tail 3 Escamas dorsales en el medio cuerpo en 22 Dorsal scales at midbody in 22 rows; less than filas; menos de 3''^ dorsales totales- 300 dorsals from head to tip of tall- mex icanus mex icanus 3. Escamas dorsales en el medio del cuerpo 24-26 3. Dorsal scales at midbody in 24-26 rows; less filas; menos de 350 dorsales (32O-343) than 35'^ total dorsals {32O-343) aspinosus aspinosus Dorsal scales in 28 rows at midbody; total Escamas dorsales en el medio del cuerpo en 28 dorsals 365 Colombia filas; dorsales totales 3^5 colomb ia


1939 Anomalepis aspinosus Taylor, Proc. New England Zool. Club, I7: 92, pi. 5, figs. 5-7. Type- locality; Perico, Peru.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


19*53 Anomalepis Colombia Marx. Fieldiana: Zool., 3*= 197- Type-locality: La Selva, Pueblo Rico, Department of Caldas, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1957 Anomalepis flat/apices Peters, Amer. Mus. Novitates, I85I: 3- Type-locality: Esmeraldas, Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador.

Distribution: Lowlands of northwestern Ecuador.


1861 Anomalep is mex icanus Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 1: pi. 5> fig- 1> pl- 6, fig. 1. Type- locality: Mexico.

1939 Anomalepis dentatus Taylor. Proc. New England Zool. Club, I7: 9O, pi, 5, figs. I-3. Type-locality: Barro Colorado, Canal Zone, Panama.

Distribution: Known only from Mexico and Panama. 21



- 1862 Apostolepis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1861: 524. Type-species: Elapomorphus flavo torquatus Dumlril, Bibron and Dumeril. 186'j Rhynchonyx Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I865: 43/. Type-species: Rhynchonyx ambiniqer Peters.

Distribution: Guyana and eastern Peru south to Argentinian, Paraguayan and Bolivian Chaco.

Content: Fourteen spec i es.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Nasal in contact with preoculai 2 1. Nasal contacta con la preocular 2 Masai not in contact with preoculai 4 Nasal no contacta con la preocular- 4

2. One postocular 3 2. Con una postocular 3 Two post oculars coronata Con dos postoculares -coronata

3. Less than 35 subcaudals; four or five labials 3- Menos de 35 escamas caudales; cuatro o cinco in contact with anterior pair of chinshields — labiales en contacto con el par anterior de

12 gene i ales 12 More than 45 subcaudals; four labials in con- Mas de 45 escamas caudales; cuatro labiales en tact with anterior pair of chinshields contacto con el par anterior de geneiales

long i caudata long i Cauda ta

4. Six supralabials 5 4. Con seis supralab iales 5

F i ve supralabials qo iasens is Con cinco supralab iales qo iasens is

5. Fifth upper labial only in contact with parie- 5- Unicamente la quinta supralabial contacta con tal 6 la parietal 6 Fifth and sixth upper labials in contact with Quinta y sexta supralabial en contacto con la parietal 8 parietal 8

6. Dorsal pattern other than five stripes 7 6. Sin diseHo dorsal con cinco ifneas longitudi-

Dorsal pattern with five stripes rondon i nal es 7 Diseflo dorsal con cinco I'neas longi tudinales —

7. Four lower labials in contact with anterior rondon i

ch insh ields cearens I s Five lower labials in contact with anterior 7. Cuatro labiales inferiores en contacto con

ch i nsh ields ass imi 1 is gene iales anter iores cearens is Cinco labiales inferiores en contacto con --9 8. No stripes dorsally- gene iales anter iores ass im il i s Dorsum striped -10 8. Diseflo dorsal no lineado 5 OiseHo dorsal lineado 9. Without double row of ventral spots. 11 10 With double row of ventral spots erythronota 5. Sin doble hilera de manchas ventrales 11 Con doble hilera de manchas lO.Five lower labials in contact with anterior erythronota ch insh ields ambi n i qer Four lower labials in contact with anterior 10. Cinco labiales inferiores en contacto con

ch insh ields dorb i qny i gene iales anter iores amb in i qer Cuatro labiales inferiores en contacto con

11. Three or four lower labials in contact with geneiales anter iores dorb i qny i anterior chinsh ields intermed ia Five lower labials in contact with anterior ll.Tres cuatro labiales inferiores en contacto

con i ch insh ields n iqroterm inata geneiales anteriores ntermed ia Cinco labiales inferiores en contacto con

gene iales i ores n i 12. More than 23O ventrals- 13 anter qroterminata - Less than 23O ventrals- qu i nquel i neata 12. Mas de 23O ventrales 13

Menos de 23O ventrales qu i nquel inea ta 13.Body striped; no black-bordered collai n icef oroi 13.Diseflo dorsal lineado; sin collar bordeado de

negro n i Body not striped; black-bordered red collar cef oro i DiseRo present f lavotorquata dorsal no lineado; con collar rojo bor- deado de negro f lavotorquata 22 APOSTOLEPIS


1869 Rhynchonyx ambiniqer Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I865: 438, fig. 2. Type-locality: Paraguay. I887 Rhynchonyx ambiniqer vittatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. , 24: 56. Type-locality: , Brazil. 1896 Apostolepis ambinigra — Boulenger (unjustified emendation). Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., J: 2J]. 1927 Apostolepis tenuis Ruthven, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 188: 1. Type-locality: Buena Vista, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Distribution: Western Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.


1861 Elapomorphus assimilis Reinhardt, Vid. Meddel. Naturh. For. Kjobenhavn, 1860: 235, pi. 4, figs. 1-5. Type-locality: Minas Gerais, Brazil. 1896 Apostolepis assimilis-—Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3= 234.

Distribution: Central and southwestern Brazil, Argentinian Chaco.


191') Apostolepis cearensis Gomes, Ann. Paulistas Med. Cirurg., 4: 122, pi. 3, figs. 4-8. Type- locality: Ceara, Brazil. 1925 Apostolepis amarali Werner. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 134: 62. Type-locality: unknown.

Distribution: Northeastern Brazil.


Type-locality: 1877 Elapomorphus ( Elapomorphus ) coronatus Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom., (7) 1: 110. South America. 1896 Apostolepis coronata —Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3= 233- 1903 Apostolepis Pymi Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 12: 353. Type-locality: Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from Teresopolis, Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


1837 Calamaria d'Orbignyi Schlegel, Essai Physion. Serpens, 2: JO, Type-locality: Chile. 1896 Apostolepis dorbignyi —Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus,, '): 236.

Distribution: Southwestern Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.


1880 Elapomorphus erythronotus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1880: 222. Type-locality: SSo Paulo, Brazil. 1887 Apostolepis erythronotus lineatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, 24: 56. Type-locality: Mato Grosso, Brazil. 1897 Apostolepis niqriceps Werner. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. MiJnchen, 1857: 207. Type-locality: SSo Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Central and southwestern Brazil, northern Argentina and Paraguay.

APOSTOLEPIS FLAVOTOROUATA (Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

1854 Elapomorphus f lavo-torquatus Dumeri], Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 8: 836. Type-locality: "Amerique Meridional". I862 Apostolepis flavotorquata —Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I86I: 524.

I869 Elapomorphus n i i qrol neatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I869: 43?. Type-locality: Given as "Guinea", but assumed by Peters to be South America. 1924 Apostolepis sanctae-ritae Werner. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I33: 43. Type-locality: Santa Rita, Brazil. (Probably Santa Rita do Araguaia, Estado de Goias).

Distribution: Central Brazil. 23 AfOSTOLEPlS


1542 Apostolepis goiasensis Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I6: 7> Pl- !• Type-locality: Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil.

Distribution: Estado de Goias, Brazil.


I858 Apostolep is intermedia Koslowsky, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 8: JO, pi. 1, figs. 4-7. Type-locality: Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Distribution: Estado de Mato Grosso, Brazil.


1521 Apostolepis longicaudata Gomes, in Amaral, Ann. Paulistas Med. Cirurg., 9 (7"^)' 3» Pl- *> figs. 4-7. Type-locality: Municipio de Santa Philomena, Estado de Piauhy, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


'): 1535 Apostolep is n icef oro i Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 221, fig. 5- Type-locality: La Pedrera, Bajo Caqueta, Amazonas, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from type-locality.


I856 Apostolep is n i qrot'erm inata Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., J: 235> pl- ^'^i fig« 2. Type-locality: Cayaria, Northeastern Peru.

1504 Apostolep is borell i i Peracca, Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, I5 (4b0): '). Type- locality: Urucum (probably Mato Grosso, Brazil).

Distribution: Eastern Peru, western Brazil.


I856 Apostolep i s qu i nquel i neata Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., J: 235» pl- 10» fig- 1- Type- locality: Demerara, Guyana.

Distribution: Guyana.


192*) Apostolepis Rondoni Amaral, Comm. L.T.E. Matto-Grosso-Amazonas, 84: 25, figs. 4-6. Type- locality: Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality. s



1828 Atractus Waaler, Isis von Oken, 21: Jil. Type-species: A-tractus trilineatus Wagler. 1843 Urobrachys Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 24. Type-species: Brachyorrhos f lamm igerus Boie. 18S8 Isoscelis Gunther. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 204. Type-species: Isoscelis maculata Gunther.

1910 Atractopsis Despax, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, I6: 372. Type-species: Atractus ( Atractops i )

pauc i dens Oespax.

Distribution: Panama; South America as far south as Amazonian Bolivia and southern Brazil, east of Andes and northwestern Ecuador west of Andes; slopes and highlands of Andes in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Content: Approximately 7" species.

Comment: Atractus subb ic i nctum Jan is omitted from the data matrix below, because there was insufficient information in the original description.

Matrix for Identification of Species Matriz para ident i f icac ion de especles 25 ATRACTUS 26 ATRAC TUS i



1544 Atractus andinus Prado, Ciencia (Mexico), 5= lHj ^'"3- !• Type-locality: Andes, Antioquia,

Colomb i a. IO5, fig. ISAS Atractus and i nus — Prado. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 18 (1544-45):

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1939 Atractus aranqoi Prado. Mem. Inst. Butantan, I3: I5, fig. 1. Type-locality: Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from Puerto AsTs, Putumayo, Colombia.


I827 Brachyorrhos badius Boie, Isis von Oken, 20: $40. Type-locality: ? Java? I827 Brachyorrhos f lamm i gerus Boie, Isis von Oken, 20: 5*0. Type-locality: 1897 Calamar ia badius Schlegel, Essai Physiog. Serpens, 2: 35. Type-locality: . badium var. Rubinianum Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Pis., 2: 14. Type-locality: Venezuela. ?1862 [Tabdosoma ] R.[ abdosoma dubium Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 18. Type-locality: Bogota, Colombia. ?1862 J I854 Atractus badius — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3O8.

Distribution: Northern South America east of Andes and south to northern Argentina.


1898 Atractus balzani Boulenger, Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Geneva, (2) I9: I29. Type-locality: Missiones Mosetenes, northwest Bolivia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1541 Atractus biseriatus Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 14 (154O): 26, fig. Type-locality: Manizales, Departamento de Caldas, Colombia; Villamaria, Departamento de Caldas, according to E. R. Dunn, in Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112, I56O, 80.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1909 Atractus bock Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 228, fig. 5. Type-locality: Cochabamba, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Comment: Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4, 1529j 26, indicated that this was a synonym of A. modestus Boulenger, which is known only from western Ecuador.


I854 Atractus bocourti Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3O6. Type-locality: Acomayo, Departamento de Huanuco, Peru.

Distribution: Northern Peru; Ecuador.


1896 Atractus boettqeri Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: 645. Type-locality: Yungas, Sierra de las Yungas, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. I



1896 Atractus Boulenaer i i Peracca, Bol. Mus, Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 11 (252): 1, fig. Type- locality: South America.

Distribution: Unknown.


1930 Atractus carrion! Parker. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (lO) 5: 208, figs. Type-locality: Loja, Ecuador, 2200 m. ')2. 1560 Atractus carr i on i — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112:

Distribution: Intenmontane valley of Loja, Ecuador.

ATRACTUS CLARK I Dunn and Bailey

1539 Atractus dark i Dunn and Bailey, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 8. Type-locality: Mine at Santa Cruz de Cana, Provincia de Darien, Panama.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1897 Atractus collaris Peracca, Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 12 (284): 4. Type-locality: RTo Cononaco, Provincia Pastaza, Ecuador.

X36O Atractus collar i s — Savage. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 34.

Distribution: Amazonian Ecuador and northeastern Peru, 3OO-6OO ft.

ATRACTUS CRASSiCAUDATUS (Oumeril, Bibron and Oumeril)

I854 Rabdosoma crass icaudatum Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7- 103' Type-locality; Bogota, Departamento de Cundinamarca, Colombia. I894 Atractus crass icaudatus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3IO.

1914 Atractus Fuhrmann i Peracca, Mem. Soc. Neuchatel Sci. Nat., 5= 100. Type-locality: Bogota, Departamento de Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Distribution: Highlands of Colombia.


1961 Atractus duidensis Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuel ica, J: 110. Type-locality: Cumbre del Cerro Duida, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela, 2O5O m.

Distribution: Region of Cerro Duida, Venezuela.


I883 Rabdosoma maculatum Bocourt (preoccupied by maculata Gunther, I858), Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept., J: 539, pi. 34, figs. 2-2e; pl. 35, fig. 1. Type-locality: Ecuador.

1955 Atractus dunn i Savage (subst itute name for Rabdosoma maculatum Bocourt), Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 68: 14.

Distribution: Peru and Ecuador*


1955 Atractus ecuadorens i s Savage, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 68: I5. Type-locality: "Llangate area"; probably Llanganate Range, Provincia Tunguruhua, Ecuador.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. I i



1858 Rhabdosoma elaps Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 241. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador (probably in error). 1862 R. abdosoma_ brevifrenum Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. FIs., 2: 12. Type-locality: Brazil.

1862 R.[ abdosoma Popp ig i J Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 11. Type-locality; Brazil. 1531 Atractus elaps tetrazonus Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer. , 4: S/. Type-locality: Guaicaramo, east of Bogota, Colombia. 1543 Geophi s diplozeuqus Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus., 24: 286. Type- locality: Departamento de Madre de Dios, Peru. 1960 Atractus elaps — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 39.

Distribution: Oriente and interandean highlands of Ecuador, northern Peru, eastern Colombia, and Amazonas, Brazil.


1888 Geophis Emmel Boettger, Ber. Senckenberg Naturforsch. Ges., 1888: I52, figs. Type-locality: R'o Mapiri, Departamento de La Paz, Bolivia.

I894 Atractus emmel i —Boulenger. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3II.

Distribution: Bolivia and Peru.


1903 Atractus erythromelas Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 11: 483, Type-locality: Merlda, Estado de Merida, Venezuela, I6OO m. 1966 Atractus erythromelas — Roze, Of idios de Venezuela: 80.

Distribution: Andes of Merida, Venezuela, above 1000 m.


1845 Coluber fuliqinosus Hallowellf Proc. Acad. Nat. Scl . Phila., 184$: 243, Type-locality: Given as "within 200 miles of Caracas", in Colombia; indicated as Venezuela by Roze (below). 1958 Atractus ful iq inosus — Roze, Notulae Naturae, 3O9: 3.

1966 Atractus ful i q i nosus — Roze, Of idios de Venezuela: 81.

Distribution: Northern Venezuela.


1955 Atractus qa iqeae Savage, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 68: 12. Type-locality: Sant iago-Zaruma or

Morona-Ch i nch pe Provinces, Ecuador. i

Distribution: Amazonian lowlands ot Ecuador.


I86I Geoph i s Gunther i Wucherer, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861: 115> pl« 19> fig- !• Type-locality: Cafiavieras, south of Bahia (Sao Salvador), Estado do Bahia, Brazil.

I894 Atractus quenther i —Boulenger. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3O5,

Distribution: Amazonian Colombia and Brazil.


1940 Atractus indist inctus Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I3 (I939): I6, fig. 2. Type-locality: Ocafia, Departamento de Norte de Santander, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 30 ATR ACTUS


1561 Atractus insipidus Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, J: 106. Type-locality: Poste M-1, cerca de R'o Uraricapara, Venezuela-Brazil border, 400 m.

Distribution: Venezuela-Brazil border.


I856 Atractus iri descens Peracca, Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp, Univ. Torino, 11 (252): 2, fig. Type- locality: South America.

Distribution: Unknown.


1961 Atractus lancinii Roze. Acta Biol. Venezuelica, J: 112. Type-locality: El Junquito, Distrito Federal, Venezuela, I9OO m.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1531 Atractus lasalle i Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 4: 87. Type-locality: San Pedro, north of Medellin, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia.

Distribution: Highlands of northern Colombia.


1868 Geophis latifrons Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (i) 1: 415, pl' 19j 'fig- B. Type-locality: Pebas, Departamento de Loreto, Peru.

1896 Atractus la t i f rons — Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3O3. 1927 Elaps herthae Ahl, Zool. Anz., ]0: 252. Type-locality: Mundurucu, Rio Manacapuru, Estado do

Amazonas, Braz i 1.

Distribution: Western Brazil; eastern Peru; eastern Colombia.


I898 Atractus lehmann i Boettger, Katal. Rept. Mus. Senckenberg, 2: 80. Type-locality: Cuenca, Provincia Azuay, Ecuador.

i960 Atractus lehmann i — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 45.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


ISS'i Leptocalamus 1 i m i taneus Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 9' 219, figs. 1-3- Type-locality: La Pedrera. Rio Caqueta, Comisaria de Amazonas, Colombia, i960 [ Atractus ] 1 imi taneus —Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 81.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


193*^ Atractus lover i dqe i Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 4: 28. Type-locality: Jerico, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia.

Distribution: Highlands of northern Colombia. 3J_ ATRACTUS


1858 I soscel i s macula ta Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., I858: 204. Type-locality: Unknown.

1862 R. ^abdosoma zebr i num Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: I5. Type-locality: None given. I J I854 Atractus macula tus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3^(>) pl- 1*> 'fig- 3-

Distribution: Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


1853 Atractus major Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: JO], Type-locality: Pallatanga, Canelos, and Intac, Ecuador; restricted by lectotype designation to Canelos, Provincia Pastaza, Ecuador, by Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112, I56O, 50. 1560 Atractus major — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: i].

Distribution: Ecuador and Colombia on Amazonian slopes; Venezuela; Brazil.


15*0 Atractus manizalesensis Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I3 (l539)' 17> f'S- *• Type-locality: Colombia; actually from Villamaria, Departamento de Caldas, according to E. R. Dunn, in Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool., 112, I56O, 82.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1516 Atractus melanogaster Werner, Zool. Anz., 47: J08, Type-locality: Caiion del Tolima, Departamento de Tolima, Colombia.

Distribution: Departamentos deTolima and Antioquia, Colombia.


I5O8 Atractus melas Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8) 1: 114. Type-locality: Los Mangos, Departamento Valles, Colombia, 3(^0 <"•

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1904 Atractus Micheli Mocquard, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1504: 3OI. Type-locality: French Guiana.

Distribution: Known only from type specimen,


1868 Rhabdosoma m icrorhynchum Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: 102. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador. i960 Atractus m icrorhynchum — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 52.

Distribution: Lower Andean slopes in northwestern Ecuador.


1854 Atractus modestus Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3O4, pi. I5, fig. 1. Type-locality: Western Ecuador. 1960 Atractus modestus — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 53.

Distribution: Western Ecuador. 32 ATRACTUS


I865 Rabdosoma bad i um var. mult ici nctum Jan, in Jan and Sordelli, Icon. Gen. Ophidiens, Livr. 10: pi. 4, fig. 5- Type-locality: Lima, Peru (in error). I858 Atractus mult ic inctus — Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I858: 116. 1960 Atractus multicinctus — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 5*«

Distribution: Northwestern Ecuador into Choco of Colombia,


1530 Atractus n icefor i Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 4: 28. Type-locality: Jerico, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia.

Distribution: Highlands of northern Colombia,


1543 Atractus n iqr icaudus Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus., 24: 327- Type- locality: Huachon, east of Cerro de Pasco, Departamento de JunTn, Peru, 10,000 ft.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1933 Atractus n iqr i ventr i s Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 7 (1932)! 116. Type-locality: Chita, southeast of San Gil, Departamento de Santander, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


i960 Atractus obesus Marx, Fieldiana: Zool., 39- ^11> ^''9- 71' Type-locality: Santa Barbara, at base of Cerro Frontimo, upper R'o Urrao, a tributary of RTo Penserisco, Cordillera Occidental, Antioquia, Colombia.

Distribution: Known from type locality and El Roblal, R'o Pichinade, tributary of R'o Call, Los Farallones, Valle and Carca Colombia, 7OO-8OO air miles south of type locality.


1916 Atractus obtus irostr i s Werner, Zool. Anz., 47: 3''8. Type-locality: Canon del Tolima, Departamento de Tolima, Colombia.

Distribution: Known from type locality and from Pensilvania, Colombia.


1955 Atractus occ i dental i s Savage, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 68: 16. Type-locality: Mindo, Provincia Pichincha, Ecuador.

Distribution: Pacific slopes of Andes in northwestern Ecuador, 800-1200 m.


1862 Rhabdosoma occ ip i toalbum Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: I6. Type-locality: Andes of Ecuador, 4000 ft.

1880 Rabdosoma Dubo is i Boulenger, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1880: 44. Type-locality: Andes of Ecuador.

1894 Atractus occ ip i toalbus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn, Brit. Mus., 2: 3IO,

19'iS Atractus orces i Savage, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 68: I7. Type-locality: Loreto, Provincia Pastaza, Ecuador.

Distribution: Eastern slopes of Andes in Ecuador. 33 ATR ACTUS


1532 Atractus oculo-temporal is Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 5' ^1 • Type-locality: Jerico, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1537 Atractus pamplonensis Amaral, Compte Rendu 12th Congress Internat. Zool., Lisbon, Vol. 3= 1763> fig. 2. Type-locality: Pamplona, Departamento de Norte de Santander, Colombia.

Distribution: Departamento de Norte de Santander, Colombia.


Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, I6: 372. Type-locality: 1510 Atractus ( Atractops is ) paucidens Despax, Bull. Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Provincia Pichincha, Ecuador. Univ. Mich., 112: 62. I56O Atractus pauc i dens — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool.

Distribution: Northwestern Ecuador in tropical rain forest.


Zool. Ser. Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus., 24: 326. Type- 1543 Atractus pauc i scuta tus Schmidt and Walker, locality: Carpapata, upper Chanchamayo Valley, northeast of Tarma, Departamento de Junin, Peru.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1862 R.[ abdosoma] peruvianum Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 12. Type-locality: Peru. I854 Atractus peruv ianus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3''5-

Distribution: Known only from type specimen.


V i 19?^ Atractus punct i ven tr is Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 7 (1932): 117' Type-locality: illav icenc 0, Intendencia de Meta, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1901 Atractus torqua tus var. resplendens Werner, Ver. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 'jl: 59^- Type-locality: Ecuador. i960 Atractus resplendens — Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 64.

Distribution: Amazonian slopes of Ecuador.


lea's Geophis reticulatus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) I6: 87. Type-locality: Sao Lourenjo, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. I894 Atractus ret icula tus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3II, pi. I5, fig. 3.

Distribution: Paraguay and southern Brazil.

Content: Two subspecies. s


Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Two postoculars ret iculatus 1. Dos postoculares ret iculatus

paraguayens i s One postoculai paragua yens i s Un postoculai

Atractus ret iculatus ret iculatus (Boulenger)

1925 Atractus reticulatus reticulatus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, i: 27.

Distribution: Southern Brazil.

Atractus ret iculatus paraguayens i s Werner

40. Type-locality: 1924 Atractus paraguayens i Werner. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I33 (l): Paraguay. 1525 Atractus ret iculatus paraguayens is — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 2],

Distribution: Paraguay.


Duida, Territorio 1561 Atractus r i vero i Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 3: 114. Type-locality: Cerro Federal Amazonas, Venezuela, 1800 m.

Distribution: Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela.


ISIO Atractus Roulei Despax. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 16: 370- Type-locality: Alausi, Ecuador, 2350 m.

1960 Atractus roule i —Savage. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: 67.

Distribution: Western slopes in southwestern Ecuador, 1200-1600 m.


1346 Atractus sanctaemartae Dunn, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 4^3: 2. Type-locality: San Sebastian, Departamento de Magdalena, Colombia.

Distribution: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.


1944 Atractus sanqu i neus Prado, Ciencia (Mexico), 5' 111> 'fig- 2. Type-locality: Yarumal, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. 1945 Atractus sangu ineus — Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 18 (1944-45): 110, fig.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


193'' Atractus serranus Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer. , 4: 65. Type-locality: Serra de

Paranap iacaba , Estado do S3o Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Estado do Sao Paulo, Brazil.


1958 Atractus steyermark i Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 301« Type-locality: Chimanta Tepui, Estado de Bolivar, Venezuela.

Distribution; Savannas of Estado de Bolivar, Venezuela. 35 ATRACTUS


1862 Rabdosoma badium subb ic i nctum Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 14. Type-locality: Surinam and I j French Gu iana.

Atractus subb i c i nctum Savage. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112: i960 [ ] — 83.

Distribution: Known only from type material.

Comment: This taxon was not mentioned in the literature until Savage, loc. cit., included it in his

list of the nominal species of Atractus . No author discussing A, bad i us has indicated that subspecies are recognized, so it would appear to be necessary to list the taxon here as a species, although it has never been so defined in the literature.


1516 Atractus taen ia tus Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7 (l915)= 173' Type-locality: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

ATRACTUS TORgUATUS (Oumlril, Bibron and Oumlrll)

I854 Rabdosoma torqua turn Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., "J: 101. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 1862 R.[ abdosomaj var ium Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 18. Type-locality: "Santa Cruz", without country. 1894 Atractus torquatus — Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 3O9.

Distribution: Amazonian Colombia and Bolivia; Amazonas, Brazil.


1828 Atractus tr i 1 i neatus Wagler, isis von Oken, 21: 1^2, pi. 10, figs. 1-4. Type-locality: None

q i ven.

1862 R.[ abdosomaj tr i v i rqa turn Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: I7. Type-locality: Unknown.

1862 Rabdosoma puncta tov i tta turn Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: I7. Type-locality: Antilles.

Distribution: Trinidad, Guianas, eastern Venezuela.


iqS^ Atractus trivittatus Amaral. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 7 (1932): 118. Type-locality: Chita, Departamento de Santander, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1862 R. abdosoma un i v i tta turn Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: I5. Type-locality: Caracas, DIstrito [ J Federal, Venezuela. 1961 Atractus univittatus — Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 3: II7.

Distribution: Cordillera de la Costa, Venezuela.


1942 Atractus varieqatus Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I5 (l94l): 379, fig. Type-locality: La Uvita, Departamento de Boyaca, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 36 ATRACTUS


ISOS Atractus ventr imaculatus Boulenqer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 15= *55' Type-locality: Merida,

Estado de Merida, and Fuqueros (Estado desconoc i do), Venezuela.

Distribution: Known only from type material.


1504 Atractus vertebral is Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 13= *51- Type-locality: Santo Domingo, Cordillera de Carabaya, Departamento de Puno, Peru, 6000 ft.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


Ocaria, 1541 Atractus vertebrol i nea tus Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 14 {154O): 25, fig. Type-locality: Departamento de Norte de Santander, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


15*5 atractus wagler i Prado, Ciencia (Mexico), 6: 61, fig. 1. Type-locality; Humbo, Departamento de Boyaca, Colombia.

iqA'i Atractus wagler i —Prado. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 18 (1544-45): 110, fig.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1914 Atractus Werner i Peracca, Mem. Soc. Neuchatel Sci. Nat., 5' 102. Type-locality: Viota, Departamento de Cundi namarca, Colombia, I83O m. 1540 Atractus long Imaculatus Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I3 (l939)' 17> ^'9- 3- Type-locality: Region

of Quindio, Colombia; in error for Pacho, Departamento de Cund i namarca, Colombia, according to E. R. Dunn, Rev. Acad. Colombiana Cien. Exactas Fis. Nat., 6, 19**, 77' 1940 Atractus colomb ianus Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I3 (l939)' 1^> fig- 5- Type-locality: Choconta,

Departamento de Cund I namarca, Colombia.

Distribution: Highlands of Colombia. i i f 2


BOA L I nnaeus

1758 Boa Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 214. Type-species: Boa Constrictor Linnaeus 1768 Constrictor Laurentl, Synopsin Reptilium: 106. Type-species: Constrictor formos iss imus Laurenti.

Distribution: Mexico to Argentina; Antilles.

Content: One species.


I7S8 Boa Constrictor Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 215. Type-locality: India (in error). 1768 Constr ictor rex serpentum Laurenti (unavailable because not binomial), Synopsin Reptilium: 107. Type-locality: ; Java.

1768 Constr i ctor auspex Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: 108. Type-locality: America. of constr ictor Linnaeus), Hist. Amphib., 2: I (unjustified emendation 1801 Boa J constrictrix Schneider 247.

Distribution: Mexico to Argentina; Antilles.

extra- Content: Eight subspecies, two of which ( nebulosus Lazell and orophias Linnaeus) are

1 im i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Conspicuous dorsal pattern always present-2 1. Diseno dorsal conspTcuo siempre presente — Dorsal pattern pale or dark, but always Diseno dorsal palido u oscuro, pero siempre inconspicuous or even absent 5 inconspicuo o ausente 5

2. Longitudinal middorsal band on head without 2. Una banda longitudinal supracefal ica sin lateral projections 3 proyecciones laterales 3 Longitudinal middorsal band on head sends Una banda longitudinal supracefal ica emite lateral projections to eyes imperator proyecciones hacia los ojos imperator

3. Dorsal pattern of yellow spots bordered by 3» Diseno dorsal de manchas amarillas rodeadas black rings which are connected to each por anillos negros conectados entre s i othei 4 Diseno dorsal de manchas amarillas roaeadas

Black rings around yellow dorsal spots not por anillos negros independ i entes entre

occ idental i s in contact with each othei occ idental i s s'

4. More than 21 saddle-shaped dorsal spots; 4. Manchas dorsales en forma de silla de

ventrals 226-237 amaral i montar, con prolongacion anterior y pos- Fewer than 20 rounded dorsal spots; 234-250 terior, en numero de 22 o mas; ventrales

ventrals constrictor 226-237 amaral i Manchas dorsales rodeadas, sin prolonga- ciones, en numero menor de 20; ventrales 234-250 constrictor

orton i i 5. Dorsal color pale, light, sandy orton i i 5' Color dorsal arenoso, palido, claro- Dorsal color dark reddish brown saboqae Color dorsal pardo rojizo oscuro saboqae

Boa constr ictor constr i ctor Linnaeus

America. 1768 Constr Ictor formos Iss I mus Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: IO7. Type-locality; Mexico and Peru. 1768 Constrictor di vi n i loquus Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: 108. Type-locality:

1560 Boa constr i ctor constr ictor — Forcart, Herpetolog ica, ]: 199-

Distribution: Amazonian South America to Argentina and Paraguay; Trinidad; Tobago.

Boa constrictor amaral (Stull)

1932 Constrictor constrictor amaral Stull, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8: 27. Type- locality: SSo Paulo, Brazil. 1951 Boa constrictor amarali —Forcart, Herpetolog ica, 7* 199*

Distribution: Southern and southwestern Brazilj southeastern Bolivia. —

38 BOA

6oa constr ictor impera tor Daudin

I8O3 Boa imperator Daudin. Hist. Nat. Rept., 5= 150. Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to Cordoba,

Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 33j 1950> 350> also restric- ted to Choco of Colombia by flunn and Saxe, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 102, 1550> I6I, in a rather offhand fashion. 1842 Boa eques Eydoux and Souleyet, Voyage La Bonite, Zoology, 1: 144. Type-locality: Paita, Peru original citation not verified by usj. I

icana Jan, Elenco Sistema Of idi: 23. Tyoe-local i ty: Mexico. I863 Boa d i vin iloquax var. mex 1883 Boa constrictor var. isthm ica Carman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8 (3): 9» Type-locality: Given as Central America; further specified, from the syntypes, as Bas Obispo, Panama, and Turbo, Colombia, by Barbour and Loveridge, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 69, I929, 22/. 194^ Constrictor constrictor siqma Smith. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 93: 411. Type-locality: Mar'a Madre , Tres Mar'as, Mexico. 1951 Boa constrictor imperatoi Forcart. Herpetolog ica, 7: I99.

Distribution: Mexico to northwestern South America, west of Andes, in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

Boa constr ictor occ i dental i s Ph i 1 i pp i

187? Boa occidentalis Philippi Zeitsch. Gesammte Na turw i ss. , 41: 128, pi. 3. Type-locality: Argentina; indicated as Provincias de Mendoza and San Juan, Argentina, by Stimson, Das Tierreich, 89, I969, 3. 1951 Boa constrictor occ idental is — Forcart, Herpetolog ica, f: 199-

Distribution: Argentina and Paraguay.

Boa constr ictor orton i i Cope

near I878 Boa ortoni i Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, I7 (I877): 35. Type-locality: Chilete, Pacasmayo, Peru, 3^00 ft. ^' 1951 Boa constr ictor orton i i — Stimson, Das Tierreich, 89, 1969>

Distribution: Northwestern Peru.

Boa constr i ctor sabogae (Barbour)

I9O6 Epicrates saboqae Barbour, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 46: 226. Type-locality: Saboga Island, Panama, which is now spelled Taboga Island. Boa 1951 constrictor sabooae — Forcart , Herpetolog ica, 7: I99.

Distribution; Taboga Island, Panama. 39 REPTILlA: SERPENTES: VIPER IDAE *** BOTHROPS


1824 Bothrops Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 'jO. Type-species: Coluber lanceolatus Lacepede. 1855 Botlir lech is Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1855= 2/8. Type-species: Bothriechis niqroviridis Peters.

Type-species: Tr i qonocephalus 1860 Teleuraspis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1855' 338.

schleqel i i Berthold.

1860 Thamnocenchr is Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860: 455. Type-species: Thamnocenchr i s aurifer

Salv i n. 1861 Bothr ioDS is Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I86I: 359' Type-species: Bothr iops is

quadr i scutatus Peters.

i I87I Porth id i um Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I87I: 2O7. Type-species: Tr qonocephalus

lansberg i i Schlegel.

1881 Rh i noceroph i s Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8: 85. Type-species: Rh i noceroph is nasus Carman. I887 Ophryacus Cope, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., J2: 88. Type-species: At ropos undulatus Jan.

I885 Thanatoph i s Posada-Arango, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 14: 3^3' Type-species: Thana toph i s torvus Posada-Arango.

Distribution: Mexico; Central America; almost all of South America except southernmost parts, Lesser Antilles as far north as Martinique.

Content: 59 species, of which 5I ^'"e found within limits set for this work, following the most recent list of species by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, I565 (1966), IO5.

Matrix for identification of species Matriz para ident i f icac i on dc especies 40 BOTHROPS 41 A2 BOTHROPS .



153* Bothrops a lbocar i nata Shreve, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8; I3O. Type-locality: R'o Pastaza, from Canelos to R'o Maranon, Ecuador.

Distribution: R'o Pastaza drainage, Ecuador.

BOTHROPS ALTERNATUS Dumlril, Bibron and Dumeril

I854 Bothrops al terna tus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 1512, pi. 82 bis, figs. 1-la. Type-locality: Paraguay and South America.

i i 1525 Laches s naequal i s MagalhSes, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 18: 153» pls. 7"12. Type-locality: Vila de Sao Lourenjo, Lago a Dos Patos, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Distribution: Northern Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and southeastern Brazil.


1534 Bothrops alt icola Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (lO) 14: 272. Type-locality: Five km east of Loja, Ecuador, 5200 ft.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

I873 Bothrops ammodyto i des Leybold, Escursion a las Pampas Arjentinas; Hojas de mi Diario: 80. Type- locality: Northern Argentina.

1881 Rh i noceroph i s nasus Carman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8: 85. Type-locality: Puerto San Antonio,

Argent i na. I885 Bothrops patagon icus Mijller, Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, ]: 697. Type-locality: Bah'a Blanca,

Argent i na.

I855 Bothrops burme ister i Koslowsky, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 6: 365, pi. 4. Type-locality: Chilecito, La Rioja, Argentina.

Distribution: Provincia Tucuman to Provincia Chubut, Argentina.


1923 Bothrops andiana Amaral. Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: IO3. Type-locality: Machu Picchu, Departamento Cuzco, Peru, 8000-10,000 ft.

Distribution: Known only from Departamento Cuzco, Peru.


188S Tr i Qonocephalus asper Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8: 124. Type-locality: Obispo, Darien, Panama

1885 Bothrops atrox septentr ional is Mu'Uer. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, ]: 655. Type-locality: None given; recorded as Costa Grande, Guatemala, by Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122, 1963, 123. 1966 — Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): II3.

Distribution: Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico south on both Atlantic and Pacific slopes at lower elevations throughout Central America and Pacific slopes of Colombia and Ecuador. i



1758 Coluber airox Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 222. Type-locality: "Asia"; restricted to Surinam, according to Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, I965 (1566), II3. 1824 BothroDS furia Waqler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 52, pi. 20. Type-locality: Rio Amazon, Brazil? Type-locality: Demerara, Guyana. 1842 BothroDS Sabini i Gray, Zoological Miscellany: 47. 1842 Bothrops subscutatus Gray. Zoological Miscellany: 47. Type-locality: Demerara, Guyana. 1849 Bothrops affinis Gray. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.; 7- Type-locality: Berbice; Demarara; Tropical Amcr ica.

i Agr'c. Cria, Venezuela, 1534 B.r othroDs ] Neuvoiedi i Venezuelenz Briceno, Bol. Ministerio Salubr. 1 (15): 46. Type-locality: R'o de Oro region, Venezuela.

Distribution: Tropical forests of Guianas, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia; also Misiones, Argentina.


1938 Bothrops barnett i Parl

Distribution: Coast of northern Peru.


1868 Bothrops bicolor Bocourt, Ann. Sc i . Nat. Paris (5) 10: 202. Type-locality: Forests of St. Augustin, on western slope of Cordillera, Departamento de Solola, Guatemala, 6IO m.

I878 Bothrops ( Bothriechis ) Bernoull i i MHller, Verh. Nat. Ges. Basel, 6: 399, pi. 3, fig. A. Type- locality: Volcan Atitlan, Guatemala.

Distribution: Pacific foothills of Guatemala and Chiapas, Mexico.


C.[ 1; Type-locality: I825 ophias J bilineatus Wied, Beitrage zur Naturgesch ichte von Brasilien, 483. Villa Vijoza, = Maroba, according to Hoge and Lancini, Publ. Oc. Mus. Cien. Nat. Caracas, Zool., 11, 1962, 17, on Rio Peruhype, Estado da Bah'a, Brazil.

I854 Bothrops b il i neatus — Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' 151^»

Distribution: Amazonian South America; an isolated Atlantic slope population in Brazil.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dorsum ground color green, with all scales 1. Dorso coloreado en verde, todas las escamas of head and back heavily dark-spotted; no de la cabeza y el dorso densamente mancha- vertical dark bars on upper labials das de oscuro; sin barras verticales oscu-

smaraqd i nus ras en las labiales super iores- smaragdinus

Color not as above b il i neatus Coloracion no como el anterior b i 1 i neatus

Bothrops bill neatus b i 1 i neatus (Wied)

1869 Tr i qonocephalus ( Bothrops ) arboreus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 11: 157« Type- locality: Bah'a, Brazil. — 1966 Bothrops bilineatus b i 1 neatus Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): 114, pi. 1, fig. 1.

Distribution: Equatorial forests of Venezuela and Guianas; Territorio Federal Amapa, Brazil; and isolated population in forests of Atlantic slope from Bah'a to Rio de

Jane i ro, Braz i 1. i


BothrODS bill neatus smaragd i nus Hoge

1966 Bothrops bil ineatus smaragd i nus Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1565): 11^, pi. 1, figs. 2a-b. Type-locality: Upper Rio Perus, Estado do Amazonas, Brazil.

Distribution: Amazonian Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil; one specimen in Universidad Central, Caracas, from Territorio Amazonas, Venezuela, fits description of this subspecies, according to Abdem Lancini.


1553 Bothrops braz il Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 25: I5, figs. 1-6 and 7b. Type-locality: Tome Assu on Rio Acara-Mirim, Estado do Para, Brazil.

Distribution: Probably throughout equatorial forests; known from Venezuela, Guianas, and Colombia, as well as Para, Amazonas, and extreme northern Mato Grosso, Brazil.

BOTHROPS CASTELNAUDI Dumeril, Bibron and Oumeril

I854 Bothrops Castelnaudi Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: I5II. Type-locality: Not designated; Guichenot, in Castelnau, Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de I'Amerique du Sud, Reptiles, 1855> 76, gave type locality as "Province du Goyaz", now Estado de Goias, Brazil.

I854 Atropos Castelnaut i i — Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril (in error for castelnaud i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril), Erp. Gen., J: 388.

1860 Bothr i ech i s Castelnau i — Cope ( in error for castelnaud i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 345.

1861 Bothr iops i s quadr i scutatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I86I: 359' Type-locality: Quito, Ecuador; in error, according to Peters, Rev. Ecuat. Ent. Parasit., 2, 1955> 347-

I87I Bothr iops i s castelnav i i — Cope ( in error for castelnaud i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I87I: 2O9.

I885 Thanatoph i s montanus Posada-Arango, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I889: JH. Type-locality: Mountain; of Antijpquia, Colombia, 2200 m.

1966 Bothrops quadr icar i na tus Hoge (in error for quadr i scutatus Peters), Mem. Inst. Butantan, |_ I J2 (1965): 118.

Distribution: Equatorial forests of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.


1845 Tr igonocephalus Colombiens i s Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1845: 246. Type-locality: "Republic of Colombia, within two hundred miles of Caracas". 1966 Bothrops colombiensis — Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, J2 (1965)' l64.

Distribution: Northern Venezuela except altitudes above 25OO m.


1913 Laches i s cot iara Gomes, Ann. Paulistas Med. Cirurg., 1: 65, pi. 8, figs. 1-6. Type-locality: Nucleo Colonial Cruz Machado, Marechal Mallet, Estado do Parana, Brazil. 1925 Bothrops cot iara —Amaral, Contrib. Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. Med., 2: 53' 1959 Bothrops cot iara — Hoge and Belluomini, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 28 (1957-1958): I96, figs. 3-8.

Distribution: Araucaria forests of Argentina and Brazil.


1923 Bothrops erythromelas Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: 96. Type-locality: Near Joazeiro, Estado da Bahia, Brazil.

Distribution: Areas of Caatinga vegetation en Brazil. 46 BOTHROPS

BOTHROPS FONSECAI Hoge and Belluomini

1555 Bothrops fonsecai Hoge and Belluomini, Mem, Inst. Butantan, 28 (1957-195B): I95, figs. l-J and 5. Type-locality: Santo Antonio do Capivary, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Distribution: Northeastern Sao Paulo, southern Rio de Janeiro and extreme southern Minas Gerais, Brazil.


186s Bothriechis qodmanni Gunther. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., {3) 12: 364, pi. 6, fig. G. Type-locality! Ouenas and other parts of tableland of Guatemala.

1868 Bothrops Bramm ianus Bocourt, Ann. Sc i . Nat. Paris, (5) 10: 201. Type-locality: San Lucas, Guatemala, 155^ m.

I878 Bothrops ( Bothr i ops i s ) qodmann i — Muller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 6: 402, pi. 3> fig. B. 18B0 Bothriechis scut igera Fischer, Arch, fur Naturg., 46 (l): 218, pi. 8, figs. 8-9. Type-locality: Guatemala.

I883 Bothr i ech i s tr ianqul i gera Fischer, Ostei— Programm Akad. Gymnasiums Hamburg, 1833' 1-3' Type- locality: Guatemala.

Distribution: Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico to Panama at moderate to high elevations.


1935 Bothrops hyoprora Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 9= 222, figs. ]-S- Type-locality: La Pedrera, Colomb ia.

Distribution: Equatorial forests of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and western Brazil.


1923 Bothrops i gles ias i Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: 97- Type-locality: Near Fazenda Grande on right bank of Rio Gurgueia, Estado do Piau', Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from northern Piauf, Brazil.


1921 Lachesis insularis Amaral. Anex. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 1; 18, pis. '^-i, figs. I-5. Type-locality: Isla Queimada Grande, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.

1929 Bothrops i nsular i s —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 114.

Distribution: Queimada Grande Island, Brazil.


1907 Lachesis i tapet i n i nqae Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 20: 338. Type-locality:

I tapet i n i nga, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.

1929 Bothrops i tapet i ni nqae —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 235.

Distribution: Southeastern Brazil.


1824 Cophias ja jaraca Wied (later emended to jararaca ). Is is von Oken, I5: IIO3. Type-locality: None mentioned; later given as Mucur', Lagoa d'Arara, Brazil, by Wied, Beitrage zur Naturgesch ichte von Brasilien, 1, 1825, 481. 1824 Bothrops Meqaera Wagler (preoccupied by Bothrops meqaera Shaw, 1802), in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 50, pi. I9. Type-locality: Bah'a, Brazil. [ . I


BOTHROPS JARARACA (Wled), continued

in Sp. Mov. Serp. Bras.: pl- 21, fig. 1. Type-locality: 1824 Bothrops leucost i qma Waqler, Spix, 53> Bah'a, Brazil. 1824 Bothrops tessellatus Waqler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 54, pi. 21, fig. 2. Type-locality: Rio San Francisco, Brazil. 1824 Bothrops taeniatus Waqler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 55, pi. 21, fig. 3. Type-locality: Rio Amazonas, Brazil.

1825 Cj" ophias Jararakka Wied. Beitrage zur Naturgesch i chte von Brasilien, 1: 47O. Type-locality: ] T\lot mentioned.

Nat. Syst. Amph. : I74. 18^0 [ Bothrops ] Jararaca —Waqler. figs. 2-2'; 1925 Bothrops iararaca — Amaral . Cont. Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. Med., 2: 42; pi. 2; pi. 4, pl. 6A, figs. 2-2'; pi. 7, figs. 2-2'.

Distribution: Brazil from central Minas Gerais south; Paraguay; Misiones, Argentina.


1884 Bothrops jararacussu Lacerda, Lejons sur le Venin des Serpents du Bresil: 8. Type-locality; Province of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1925 Bothrops jararacussu — Amaral, Cont. Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. Med., 2: 43, pl. J; pl. 4, figs. 3-3'; pl. 6A, figs. 3-3'; pl. 7, figs. 3-3'-

Distribution: Northeastern Argentina in Misiones, southern Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil from southern Minas Gerais southward.


1841 Tr iqonocephalus lansberqii Schleqel, Mag. Zool. Rept., (I-3)) pl- !• Type-locality: Turbaco, Colomb ia

i Type- 1860 T.[ eleurasp is] Castelnau i var. brachystoma Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc . Phila., 1859= 335-

focal i ty: Unknown. — Jan. Elenco Sist. Ofidi: othrops ] Lansberqi 12/. I889 Thanatophis sutus Posada Arango, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I885: 3^^' Type-locality: Zea,

Colomb i a.

Distribution: Discontinuous; Caribbean Venezuela and Colombia; Honduras.

Content: Three subspecies.

Comment: No recent author has indicated with which subspecies should be associated the synonyms

here 1 i sted.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals more than 146 2 1. Ventrales mas de 146 2

Ventrals menos de 146 roze i Ventrales menos de 146 roze i

2. Snout raised sharply upward lansberq i i 2. Hocico levantado bruscamente hacia arriba--

Snout not at all turned up in front lansbero i i -annectens Hocico no levantado hacia arriba — annectens

Bothrops lansberq i i lansberq i i (Schlegel)

1959 B. othrops ] l.[ ansberq i i j lansberq i i — Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 193*= H-

Distribution: Arid and semi-arid regions of Caribbean coast in Colombia. 48 BOTHROPS

BothroDs lansberg i i annectens (Schmidt)

Soc. Washington, 'j)0. Type- 1536 Tr imeresurus lansberg i i annectens Schmidt, Proc. Biol. 45: locality: Subirana Valley, Yoro, Honduras, 2800 ft. 1566 Bothrops lansberqii annectens — Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 {l955)= 123-

Distribution: Honduras.

BothroDS lansberg i i rozei Peters

i venezuelens i s Sandner), 1555 Bothrops lansberg i i venezuelens s Roze (preoccupied by Bothrops Amer. Mus. Novitates, 153*= H- Type-locality: Caripito, Monagas, Venezuela, 50- is Proc. 1568 Bothrops lansberg i i roze i Peters (replacement name for Bothrops venezuelens Roze), Biol. Soc. Washington, 81: 320.

Distribution: Northern Venezuela.


1863 Bothriechis lateralis Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1862: 674. Type-locality: Veragua and Volcan Barba, Costa Rica. — Basel, 401. I878 Bothrops ( Bothriechis ) lateral is Muller. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. 6:

1951 Bothrops lateralis — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 3*' 175'

Distribution: Costa Rica and Panama.


1958 Bothrops 1 ichenosa Roze, Acta. Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 3O8, three figs. Type-locality: Chimanta Tepui, Estado Bol'var, Venezuela.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1930 Bothrops lo jana Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5 i^^ '• 568. Type-locality; Loja, Provincia de Loja, Ecuador, 2200 m.

Distribution; Known only from vicinity of type locality.


1966 Bothrops mara joens is Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): I23. Type-locality; Severino, Mara jo Island, Estado do Para, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from savannah of Marajo, Brazil.


1920 Lachesis medusa Sternfeld, Senckenberg iana, 2: 180, figs. 1-2. Type-locality: Caracas, Venezuela. 1929 Bothrops medusa — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 236.

Distribution: Cordillera de la Costa, Distrito Federal and Estados de Aragua and Carabubo, Venezuela. 49 BOTHROPS


I876 Bothrops microphthalmus Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8(1875): 182. Type-locality: Between Balso Puerto and Moyabamba, Peru.

Distribution: Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia; Pacific slopes of Colombia.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals more than 16$; scale rows 25 or 1. Ventrales mas de l65i hileras de escamas or more colomb ianus 25 o mas colomb ianus Ventrals fewer than l65; scale rows fewer Ventrales menos de 165; hileras de escamas than 25 m icrophthalmus menos de 25 m icrophthalmus

Bothrops m icrophthalmus m icrophthalmus Cope

1512 Lachesis pleuroxanthus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (b) 10: 423. Type-locality: Alpayaca, R'o Pastaza, eastern Ecuador, 36OO ft. Bothrops m icrophthalmus m icrophthalmus Rendahl and Vestergren (by inference), Ark. 1540 [ J — for Zool., 33A: 15,

Distribution: Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador, Peru, and one locality in Bolivia.

Bothrops m icrophthalmus colomb ianus Rendahl and Vestergren

1540 Bothrops m icrophthalmus colomb ianus Rendahl and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33*' 15' Type-locality: La Costa, Cauca, Colombia.

Distribution: Pacific slope of Colombia.


1966 Bothrops moo jen i Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): 126, pi. 4; pi. 5, fig. 2. Type-locality: Bras'lia, Distrito Federal, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1868 Bothrops nasutus Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris (5) 10: 202. Type-locality: Panzos, on banks of Rl'o Polochic, Guatemala. I876 Bothriopsis proboscideus Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): I5O, pi. 27, fig. 3. Type-locality: Sipurio, Costa Rica.

Distribution; Vera Cruz, Mexico, south on east coast of Central America to Pacific Colombia and Ecuador.


1824 Bothrops neuwiedi Wagler. In Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 56, pl- 22, fig. 1. Type-locality; Estado da Bah'a, Brazil.

1824 Bothrops leucurus Waaler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 57> pl- 22, fig. 2, Type-locality;

Bah ia, Braz i 1.

Distribution: East of Andes and north of 10°S in South America.

Content: Twelve subspecies.

Comment; We have not been able to devise a satisfactory key to the subspecies, and the user will have to consult the original descriptions of the taxa to make an Identification. 50 BOTHROPS

Bothrops neuw led i neuw i ed i Wagler

Med., i Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. 2: 1525 Bothrops neuw iedi i neuwiedi — Amaral, Contr. 57*

Distribution: Southern Bahia, Brazil.

Bothrops neuw i edi bol i vianus Amaral

America, 1: fig. 2. Type- i Antivenin Inst. 1527 Bothrops neuwiedi i bol viana Amaral, Bull. 6, locality: Buenavista, Provincia del Sara, Departamento Santa Cruz de la Sierra,

Bol i V ia.

Distribution! Departamento Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia; extreme western part of Estado de Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Bothrops neuw i ed i d i porus Cope

1862 Bothrops diporus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 14: 347. Type-locality: Vermejo River region; given as region of R'o Vermejo, on boundary of Paraguay and Argentina, by Cochran, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 220, I96I, I5I.

i i i onal i i i mer id is i i edi 1530 Bothrops neuw ed i mer d onal s Amaral (preoccupied by Bothrops neuw Muller), Bull. Antivenin Inst. America, 4 (3): 66, fig. 1. Type-locality: Embarcacion, Salta, Argentina.

1561 Bothrops neuwiedi i d i porus — Cochran. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 220: I5I.

Distribution! Central and northern Argent i na, southern Paraguay and Estado do Parana,

Braz i 1.

Bothrops neuw i ed i goyazens i s Amaral

i 2; 1525 Bothrops neuw ied i i goyazens s Amaral, Contr. Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. Med., 5^, pl. 14, fig. 3; pl' 15> f'9» 3- Type-locality! Ipamery, Goias, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Bothrops neuw i ed 1 lutz i (m 1 randa-R i be iro)

i i 1515 Laches s lutz M i randa-R i be i ro. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, I7: 4, pl. Type-locality: Rio Sao Francisco, Bah'a, Brazil.

1525 Bothrops neuw i ed i i bah i ens i s Amaral, Contr. Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. Med., 2: 57> pl- l** fig. 1, and pl. I5, fig. 1. Type-locality: Itiuba, Bah'a, Brazil.

1529 Bothrops neuw i ed i i lutz i — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 238.

Distribution: Dry regions of Bah'a, Brazil.

Bothrops neuwi edi mattoqrossens is Amaral

1925 Bothrops neuw i ed i i mattoqrossens i s Amaral, Contr. Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. Med., 2: 60, pl. 14, fig. 6; pl. 16, fig. 6. Type-locality: Miranda, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Distribution! Southern Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Bothrops neuw iedi mer i di onal i s Muller

188S Bothrops atrox meridionalis Mijller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, "j: 699- Type-locality: Andarai, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

neuwiedi i 193^ Bothrops fluminensis Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 7 (1932): 97, fig. 1. Type- locality: Easternmost section of Rio de Janeiro, near Cabo SSo Thome, Brazil.

1966 Bothrops neuwi di mer id ional i s — Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): 128.

Distribution! Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara and Espirito Santo, Brazil. 1 s s


Bothrops neuw i ed i paranaens i s Amaral

Med., pi. i Biol. 2: 1525 Bothrops neuw iedi i paranaens s Amaral, Contr. Harvard Inst. Trop. 61, 14, fig. 7; pi. 16, fig. f. Type-locality. Castro, Parana, Brazil.

Distribution: Estado do Parana, Brazil.

Bothrops neuw i ed i pauloens i s Amaral

2: i Biol. Med., pl' 1525 Bothrops neuw i ed i i pauloens s Amaral, Contr. Harvard Inst. Trop. 59> 14, fig. 5; pi. 16, fig. 5. Type-locality: Leme, S3o Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Southern parts of Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Bothrops neuw i ed i p lauhyens i s Amaral

1525 Bothrops neuw i ed i i p i auhyens i s Amaral, Contr. Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. Med., 2: 58> pl- 14, fig. 2; pi. 15, fig. 2. Type-locality: Fazenda Grande, Piau', Brazil.

Distribution: Piau', Pernambuco, Estado do Ceara and southern Maranhao, Brazil.

Bothrops neuw i ed i pubescens (Cope)

I87O Tr i qonocephalus ( Bothrops ) pubescens Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 11 (I865): 157- lype- locality: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

1525 Bothrops neuw i ed 1 i r i oqrandens 1 Amaral, Contr. Harvard Inst. Trop. Biol. Med., 2: 6I, pi. 14, fig. 8; pi. 16, fig. 8. Type-locality: Itaquy, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

1555 Bothrops neuwiedi 1 pubescens — Hoqe . Mem. Inst. Butantan, 28 (1957-I558): 84.

Distribution: Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Uruguay.

Bothrops neuw i ed i urutu Lacerda

1884 Bothrops urutu Lacerda, Lee. Ven. Serp. Bresil: 11, pi. 3- Type-locality: Provincia de Minas Gerais, now Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil.

1937 Bothrops neuwiedi i urutu — Amaral . Mem. Inst. Butantan, 10 (1536): 160.

Distribution: Southern Minas Gerais and northern Sao Paulo, Brazil.


I859 Bothr I ech i s n qrovir id 1 Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1859: 278, fig. 4. Type-locality: Volcan Barba, Costa Rica.

I878 Bothrops ( Bothr i ech i s ) n 1 qrov 1 r i d i s — Muller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 6: 401.

Distribution: Chiapas, Mexico to Panama.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals more than 1 5O 2 1. Ventrales mas de I5O 2

i i i Ventrals fewer than 1 5O n i qrov i r i d i s Ventrales menos de I5O n qrov ir d s

2. Dorsum uniform, scales with narrow black 2. Dorso uniforme, escamas con hordes negros

edges; no temporal streak '"archi i angostos; sin estrfa temporal march i i Dorsum green with scattered yellow spots; Oorso verde con manchas amarillas dispersas; black streak on temporal aurifer con estr'a negra en el temporal aurifer 52 BOTHROPS

Bothrops n igrovi rid is niqrovir idi s (Peters)

Inst. America, 1929 Bothrops niqroviridis nigroviridis — Barbour and Lover i dge, Bull. Antivenin 3: 1.

Distribution; Costa Rica to Panama.

Bothrops nigroviridis aur ifer (Salvin)

I860 Thamnocenchris aurifer Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I860: 459, Pl- 32, fig- !• Type- locality: Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. 18/8 Bothrops aurifer — Muller, Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 6: AOl. Bull. Antivenin Inst. America, !• n ir id i s aur if era — Barbourand Loveridge, 3' 1529 Bothrops i grov

Distribution: Caribbean slope from Chiapas, Mexico to Guatemala.

Bothrops n i grov ir id i s march i i Barbour and Loveridge

America, '}: i Antivenin Inst. 1929 Bothrops n i grov ir id i s march i Barbour and Loveridge, Bull. 2, fig. 1. Type-locality: Quimistan, Santa Barbara, Honduras.

Distribution: Vicinity of type locality.

Comment: Although not listed by Hoge as a valid subspecies of n i grov i r i d i s by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, 1965 (1966), I29, neither is it given as a synonym of any other taxon. Since it apparently has not been synonymized with any existing taxon, we list it here.


1845 Atropos nummifer Ruppell. Verb. Mus. Senckenberg, 3" 313* Type-locality: Mexico; restricted

Sc i Teapa. Tabasco, Mexico, by Burger, Bull. Chicago Acad. . , 9i ^35^> 65. to othrops j nummifer — Jan, Elenco Sist. Of idi: 126.

Distribution; Southeastern edge of Mexican Plateau in San Luis Potos' and Oaxaca to Costa Rica.

Content: Three subspecies, one of which (the nominate subspecies) is ex tral im i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Lateral spots vertically elongate and many 1. Manchas laterales alargadas vert icalmente fused with dorsal blotches mex icanus y muchas fusionadas con los bloques Lateral spots rounded, very few fused with dorsales mex icanus

dorsal blotches occ i duus Manchas laterales redondeadas, muy pocas -fusionadas con los bloques dorsales occ iduus

Bothrops numm ifer mex icanus (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

I854 Atropos Mex icanus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ] (part 2): 1521, pi. 83 bis, figs. 1-2. Type-locality; Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. figs. 10-12. 1880 Bothr iech i s nummifer var. notata Fischer, Arch, fur Naturg., 46: 222, pi. 8, Type locality: Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. 1882 Bothrops mex icanus — Muller, Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, /• 15*- 1952 Bothrops nummifer mexicanus — Mertens, Abh. Senckenberg Naturforsch. Ges., 487: 79-

Distribution: Lower elevations on Caribbean slope from extreme southern Mexico to Panama. 53 BOTHROPS

Bothrops nummifer occiduus Hoge

i Ann. Sc i Nat. f i Gray, 1868 Bothrops af f i n i s Bocourt (preoccupied by Bothrops af n s 1849), . Paris, {5) 10: 201. Type-locality: San Augustin, on south slope of mountains, in Guatemala, 6IO m. 196^ Bothrops nummifer affinis — Stuart. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122: I3O. affinis Bocourt), Mem. 1566 Bothrops numm i f er occ i duus Hoge (replacement name for Bothrops Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): I3O.

Distribution: Pacific slope, Guatemala to El Salvador; possibly in Chiapas, Mexico.


I9CI Lachesis bilineatus var. ol iqolepi s Werner. Abh. Ber. Mus. Dresden, 9 (2): I3. Type-locality;

Bol i V ia. 1912 Lachesis chloromelas Boulenqer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (s) 10: 423. Type-locality: Huancabamba, eastern Peru, above 3OOO ft. 1926 Bothrops chrysomelas Amaral (in error for chloromelas Boulenger), Ann. Carnegie Mus., I6: 3^0.

Distribution: Peru and Bolivia.


Warm regions 1868 Bothrops ophryomeoas Bocourt. Ann. Sc i . Nat. Paris, (5) 10= 201. Type-locality: on western (actually southern) slope of Cordillera, Escuintla, Guatemala.

Distribution: Pacific slope of Central America from western Guatemala to Panama.


1903 Lachesis peruvianus Boulenqer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 12: 35*- Type-locality: La Oroya and Carabaya, southeastern Peru. 1929 Bothrops peruviana — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 240.

Distribution: Southeastern Peru.


1939 Bothrops pessoa i Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 12 (1938-I939): 2. Type-locality: Rio Parauary, Estado do Amazonas, Brazil.

1948 Tr imeresurus pessoa i — Hoge, Bol. Mus. Paraense E. Goeldi, 10: 325'

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1939 Tr imeresurus numm i f er p icadoi Dunn, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 52: l65. Type-locality: La Palma, Costa Rica, 45OO ft. 1945 Bothrops picadoi — Smith and Taylor, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 18/: I83.

1951 Bothrops picadoi — Taylor. Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 34: 180.

Distribution: Central Plateau of Costa Rica and surrounding mountains.


1845 L.[ achesis ] picta Tschudi, Arch, fur Naturg., 11: I66 (fig. 10 in Fauna Peruana, I845). Type- locality: High mountains of Peru. — Sist. Ofidi: I863 B.[ othrops ] pictus Jan. Elenco 126.

Distribution: Coastal region of Peru to 1800 m. . I i s



1523 Bothrops pirajai Amaral. Proc. New^England Zool. Club, 8: 55. Type-locality: llheus, Estado da Bah'a, Brazil. 1923 Bothrops neglecta Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: 100. Type-locality: Bah'a, Brazil.

Distribution; Known only from southern Bah'a, Brazil.


1948 Trimeresurus pradoi Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 20 (1547): I93. Type-locality: Pau Gigante, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil. 1966 Bothrops pradoi — Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): I32, pi. 8.

Distribution: Esp'rito Santo to southern Bahia, Brazil.


1862 Tr iqonocephalus pulcher Peters, Monats Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1862: 672. Type-locality: Quito, Ecuador; in error, according to Peters, Rev. Ecuat. Ent. Parasit., 2, 1555> 3*7' 1525 Bothrops pulchra —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 240.

Distribution: Equatorial forests in Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador and Peru.


I856 Laches i s punctata Garc'a, Los Of idios Venenosas de Cauca, Cali, Colombia: 31> fig. 8. Type- locality; Las Montanas de Oagua, Colombia.

1510 Laches i s Mont icell i i Peracca, An. Mus. Napoli, 3 (l2): 2. Type-locality: Unknown; "America trop icale". 1523 Bothrops leptura Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: 102. Type-locality: Cana, eastern Panama, 3OOO ft. 1944 Bothrops punctatus — Dunn, Caldasia, 3' 21$.

Distribution: Darien of Panama to northwestern Ecuador.


1942 Bothrops roedi nqer i Mertens, Beitrage zur Fauna Perus, 11: 284. Type-locality: Hacienda Huayri, Peru.

Distribution: Desert region. Pacific coast of Peru.


1966 Bothrops sanctaecruci Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): 133> pl» 9- Type-locality: Oromomo, Rio Secure, upper Rio Beni, Bolivia.

Distribution: Amazonian lowlands of Bolivia.


Tr i 1846 igonocephalus schlegel i Berthold, Nachr. Univ. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen: I47. Type-locality: Popayan; indicated to be Popayan, Colombia by Dunn and Stuart, Copeia, 195*> 56- 1859 Lachesis nitidus Gunther. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I859: 414, pi. 20, fig. C. Type-locality: Western Andes of Ecuador.

1863 B. [othrops ] Schlegeli — Jan. Elenco Sist. Ofidi: I27.

I87O Bothrops ( Teleurasp is ) n i oroadspersus Ste i ndachner, Sitz. Math.-Natur. CI. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 62: 348, pi. 8. Type-locality: Central America. 1889 Thanatophis torvus Posada Arango, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1889: 345. Type-locality: Antioquia,

Colomb i a

Bothrops schlegel I 1951 —Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 34: I73. Bothrops 1966 i schleoell —Hoge (in error for schlegel i Berthold), Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): I34.

Distribution: Southern Mexico to Pacific Ecuador; mountains of Urena, Estado de Tachira, Caribbean Venezuela. [ i



i fig. Type- 1554 Bothrops schleqel i i suprac il iar is Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc . Bull., J6: ]')! , 39- locality: Mountains near San Isidro del General, San Jose Province, Costa Rica. Univ. Mich., 122: I3I. 1963 [Bothrops supraciliaris J— Stuart. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1952 Bothrops venezuelens i s Sandner Montilla, Mon. Cien. Inst. Terap. Exp. Lab. "Veros" Ltda., 21 (5): 4. Type-locality: "Boca de Tigre", Serran'a de El Avila, Distrito Federal al Norte de Caracas, Venezuela.

1361 Bothrops p i f ano i Sandner Montilla and Romer, Nov. Cien. Contr. Ocas. Mus. Hist. Nat. La Salle, 29= 3> figs- 1-4. Type-locality: Serran'a de el Avila, El Papelon, Venezuela. 1961 Bothrops venezuelae Sandner Montilla, Mon. Cien. Centr. Ocas. Mus. Hist. Nat. La Salle, Caracas, Zool., JO: 3« Type-locality: Serran'a de El Avila, Venezuela.

Distribution: Northern and central part of Venezuela, including Avila Mountain, western mountains of los Tigres, forests of Rancho Grande and Fila Miranda, Estado de Aragua and forests of Guatopo, Estado Miranda; Estados Trujillo and Sucre.


1868 Tr i qonocephalus xanthoqrammus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 110. Type-locality: Pallatanga, Ecuador.

I889 Bothrops quadr i scuta tus Posada Arango (preoccupied by quadr i scutatus Peters, I86I), Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I889: 3^5* Type-locality: Antioquia, Colombia. 1929 Bothrops xanthoqramma — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 241.

1966 Bothrops xantoqrammus — Hoge ( in error for xanthoqrammus Cope), Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (l965)' 135-

Distribution: Highlands of Ecuador; doubtful in Colombia.


Comment: The following taxa have not been included by Klemmer or Hoge in their recent lists of Neotropical Viperids. Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3, I896, 535> included all in the synonymy of

his composite species Laches i s la nceola t us . a taxon now regarded as endemic to Martinique. These

taxa are probably all synonymous with one of following: a trox . Jararaca . jararacussu . and some could take priority over the latter two.

1788 Coluber amb i guus Gmelin, Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 1104. Type-locality: America

1789 cT oluber T i qr i nus Lacepede, Hist. Nat. Serp., 2: 82. Type-locality: Unknown.

1789 C. oluber ] Brasil iensis Laclpede, Hist. Nat. Serp., 2: 98. Type-locality: Brazil.

1802 V i pera bras i 1 i n i ana Latreille (emendation of bras i 1 i ens i s Lacepede), Hist. Nat. Rept., 4; ].

1803 V ipera We i gel Daudin (substitute name for Coluber amb i guus Gmelin), Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: 60. Type-locality: America. 1821 Coph ias holoser iceus Wied, Reise nach Brasilien, 2: 243. Type -local ity: None given.

1842 Bothrops c i nereus Gray, Zoological Miscellany: 47. Type-locality: America.

B.|_ i I863 othrops J atrox var. d rus Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 126. Type-locality: Buenos Aires, Mexico, and Orizaba; restricted to Buenos Aires, Argentina, by Smith and Taylor, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. I87, 1945, 180. 56 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE "^ ^ CALAMODONTOPHIS


1935 Cala'"°don Amaral (preoccupied by Calamodon Cope, 1875)> Mem. Inst. Butantan, 5' 2O3. Type- species: Calamodon pauc idens Amaral.

1963 Calamodontoph i s Amaral (substitute name for Calamodon Amaral), Copeia, I963! 580.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


1935 Calamodon paudicens Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, '): 204, fig. 1. Type-locality: S. SimSo, Rfo Grande do Sul, Brazil. is 58". 1963 [ Calamodontoph j paucidens —Amaral, Copeia, 1963=

Distribution; Known only from Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 1




1860 Chersodromus Reinhardt, Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn, 1860: 242. Type-species

Chersodromus L i ebmann i Reinhardt.

1861 Op I sth iodon Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1861: 460. Type-species: Op isth iodon torquatus Peters.

Distribution: Mexico to Guatemala.

Content: Two species, one ( annulatus Zwe if el) extral im i tal. Scott, Copeia, I567, 281, considered

annulatus to be synonymous with Trop i dod i psas annul i f era Boulenger.


I860 Chersodromus Liebmanni Reinhardt, Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn, 1860: 243. Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to Cuautlapan, Veracruz, Mexico by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, I55O, 347. 1860 Chersodromus nigricans Reinhardt, Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn, 1860: 24$. Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to Cuautlapan, Veracruz, Mexico by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, I55O, 347. 1861 Ooisthiodon torquatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I86I: 46l. Type-locality: Huanusco, In error for Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico. ISOO Dirosema coUare Werner. Zool. Anz., 23: I97, Figs. 3-5. Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to Cuautlapan, Veracruz, Mexico by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, I55O, 347.

Distribution: Mexico to Guatemala.

36S-J92 0—70- 2


CH I RON I US Fitzinger

ies: Coluber carinatus 1826 Chironius Fitzinqer. Neue Classification der Reptilien, 3I. lype-spec

Paris, Type-species: Not desig- 1826 Eroetodrvas Boie, in Ferussac, Bull. Sc i . Nat. Geol., 9: 237. nated. 180, I83O Herpetodrvas Waqler (emendation of Erpetodryas Boie), Nat. Syst. Amph.: Linnaeus. 1830 Macrops Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: 182. Type-species: Coluber saturninus 1813 Hylophis Fitzinqer. Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-species: Coluber Laevicollis Wied. . 3A9. Type-species: Phyllosira flavescens 1862 Phvllosira Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i Phila., 1862: Cope.

Distribution: Nicaragua to southern Brazil and Argentina.

Content: Sixteen species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

escamas 1. With ten scale rows at midbody 2 1. Con diez filas de en el medio cuerpo — With twelve scale rows at midbody 11 Con doce filas de escamas en el medio cuerpo-11

2. Anal single 3 2. Anal entera 3 Anal divided 6 Anal dividida 6

rojizo o amarillento 4 3. Ground color reddish, brownish or yellowish i 3- Color general pardo, Ground color green, blue or black fuscus Color general verde, azul o negro •^"scus

4. Dorsal scales smooth; fewer than 40 maxillary 4. Escamas dorsales lisas, menos de 40 dientes

teeth 5 max i la res 5 At least two rows of dorsal scales keeled; Por lo menos dos hileras de dorsales carenadas; 41-45 maxillary teeth fuscus 41-4$ dientes maxilares fuscus

iales claras; ocho 5. Ground color reddish cinnamon; light supra- 5- Color canela rojizo; supralab labials; eight scale rows at level of anus hileras dorsales a nivel del ano c innamomeus c innamomeus Color pardo amarillento; supralab iales oscuras; Ground color brownish-yellow; dark supra- diez hileras sobre el ano scurrulus labials; ten scale rows at level of anus scurrulus 6. Hileras de escamas paravertebrales sin fosetas en toda la longitud del 7 6. Paravertebral scales lack pits throughout Hileras de escamas paravertebrales con fosetas length of body 7 en toda la longitud del animal f oveatus Paravertebral scales with prominent apical pits throughout length of body f oveatus ], Menos de 135 caudales 8 Mas de I36 caudales 9

7. Caudals fewer than 135 ^ Caudals more than I36 9 8. Todas las dorsales carenadas con la excepcion de las paravertebrales y la f ila exterior; grandi squam is 8. Temporals 2 + 2; all dorsal scales keeled with 2 + 2 temporales exception of paravertebrals and lowermost row- Solo las dos filas paravertebrales carenadas;

orandi squami s 1 + 2 temporales schlueter i Temporals 1+2; only two paravertebral rows

keeled schlueter i 9. No negro a dorsal; superficie ventral de la distinto color que el dorso; usualmente , ^ ., , cola de lower surface of tail not 9. Not black dorsally; ^^^ temporales secundarios 10 two secondary^ same color as dorsum; usually p^^^^ ^^g^^. ^^p^^^;^;^ ventral de la cola 1^ temporals tambien negra; usualmente un temporal tail also black, Dorsum black; lower surface of secundario melas same color as dorsum; usually one secondary 10. Filas de escamas dorsales diez i nmed ia tamente -— lelas. temporal -— anterior al ano; 30-41 dientes maxilares; rows ten immediately ^nterior to 10. Dorsal scale 153-172 ventrales; a'pices externos de sub- teeth; 153-172 ventrals; vent; 30-41 maxillary caudales negros, en contraste con el color of subcaudals black, contrasting outer tips ventral la cola bicarinatus bicapmatus de W I th ventral tail color ^ .^^^ ^^ escamas dorsales ocho i nmed iatamente immediately anterior to Dorsal scale rows eight anterior al ano; 24-28 dientes maxilares; teeth; ventrals; vent; 24-28 maxillary 137-157 I37-I57 ventrales; a'pices externos de sub- tips of subcaudals not sharply contrasting outer caudales no contrastan fuertemente con color tail color pyprhopoqon with ventral central de la cola nyrrhooooon . i — —


11. Lacking lateral dark stripe on tail 12 11. Sin cinta oscura laterocaudal 12 With lateral black stripe on tail mont icola Con cinta negra a los lados de la cola mont icola

12.Fewertlian 180 caudals- 13 12.Menos de 180 caudales 13

More than I50 caudals- -mult i ventr is Mas de I9O caudales mult i ventr i s

13. Anal divided 14 13. Anal dividida 14

Anal si ngle laev icoll i s Anal en t era laev i coll i s

14. Head not brownish red; lacks median yellowish lA.Cabeza no pardo rojiza sin cinta mediana stripe 15 amarillenta 15 Head brownish red with median yellowish stripe- Cabeza pardo rojiza con una cinta mediana

f lavol i neata amar i 1 lent a f la vol i neata

IJ.Light vertebral stripe present- -16 IJ.Con cinta clara vertebral- -16 Light vertebral stripe absent-- -I7 Sin cinta clara vertebral- -17

l6.Fewerthan four rows of keeled scales in both l6.Menos de cuatro hileras de escamas quilladas en

sexes ear ina tus ambos sexos car i na tus At least four scale rows keeled in both sexes Por lo menos cuatro hileras de escamas qui-

quadr icar i na tus lladas en ambos sexos qua dr i car i natus

ly.Keeled scales with light spot at base, giving ly.Escamas quilladas con mancha clara en la base, appearance of yellow vertebral line; no zig-zag con aspecto de I'nea vertebral amarilla; sin line down median ventral surface of tail; 1 fnea en zigzag a lo largo de la superficie subcaudals 108-120 f lavop ictus media ventral de la cola; subcaudales 108-120 Light vertebral line continuous, not made up of f lavop ictus yellow spots; zig-zag line down median ventral L Tnea vertebral clara continua, no formada por surface of tail; subcaudals 128-154--b icar natus manchas amarillas; con iTnea en zigzag a lo largo de la superficie media ventral de la cola;

subcaudales 128-154 b icar i natus


1820 Coluber b icar i natus W i ed, Reise nach Brasilien, 1; 181. Type-locality: Lake near Rio Jucu, five leagues south of Cidade Espirito Santo, Espirito Santo, Brazil.

1555 Ch i ron i us b i car i natus —Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 571= 8.

Distribution: Espirito Santo and eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil, southwest of Misiones and R'o Uruguay, Provincias Chaco, Corrientes, Salta, Formosa, and Entre Rios, Argentina; northwestern Uruguay.


1758 Coluber car inatus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 223. Type-locality: "Indiis".

1798 Col uber ( Ch i ron i us ) Donndorff, Zoologische Beytrage, 3 Amphibien und Fische: 2O5. Type- [_ J locality: Not given.

1845 Coluber Spixii Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila, 1845: 241. Type-locality: South America.

1845 Coluber Pickerinqii Hallowell. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I845: 242. Type-locality: South Amer ica.

I85I Herpetodryas car i natus var. v i ncent i Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I85I: 355- Type-locality: Saint Vincent Island.

I856 Zaocys torn i er i Werner, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 46: I5, pl. 1, fig. 1. Type-locality: Suma t ra

1522 Ch i ron i us car i natus — Ruthven, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 8: 65.

Distribution: Central America; tropical South America; Trinidad; Guadalupe; San Vicente I.


1824 Na tr i X c i nnamomea Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 20, pl. 6, fig. 1. Type-locality: Amazonian forest, Brazil.

1964 Ch i ron i us c i nnamomeus — Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, JO (156O-62): 53- Distribution: Surinam and Lower Amazonian region of Brazil. s



1885 Herpetodryas f lavol ineatus Boettger, Zeits. fur Naturwiss., 5^! 234. Type-locality: Paraguay. IS')^ Chironius f lavol ineatus—Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 57^' 13"

Distribution! Savannas of central and western Bahia, northeastern Mato Grosso, and SSo Paulo, Brazil; Paraguay; central Bolivia.


1505 Herpetodryas car i natus L. van. flavop i eta Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26; 220. Type- locality: Ecuador, and Guayaquil, Ecuador. 1960 Chironius flavopictus—Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122: 5II.

Distribution: Known under this name only from type-locality and Cabeceras de R'o Congo, Ecuador; possibly occurs in northwestern Peru.


1555 Ch iron i us f oveatus Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 571' 10, fig. 1. Type-locality: Rio Fortuna, llheus, Bahia, Brazil.

Distribution: Bahia to Santa Catarina, on Brazilian coast.


1758 Coluber f useus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 222. Type-locality: Asia (in error).

1758 Coluber saturn i nus Linnaeus, SyStema Naturae, Ed. 10: 223. Type-locality: Indiis.

I854 Dendroph is v ir id i s Dumaril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' 202. Type-locality! unknown,

I860 Herpetodryas sebastus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1860: 562. Type-locality: unknown. 1876 Herpetodryas holochlorus Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc I . Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 178. Type-locality: Rio MaraHon, Peru. 1515 Herpetodryas vicinus Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1515' 660. Type-locality: Andagoya,

Colomb i a.

1929 Ch i ron i us f uscus —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I6I.

Distribution; Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, central Brazil, Peru.


1868 Spilotes grand! squamis Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1868: 45I. Type-locality: Costa Rica.

1951 Chironius grand i squam i —Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., Ji: Jd.

Distribution: Costa Rica, Panama, northwestern Ecuador.


1824 Coluber laev icoll i s Wied, Isis von Oken, 1824, heft 6: 666. Type-locality; None givenj Wied, Beitr. Naturges. Bras., 1825, 299, said Fazenda of Muribeca on lower Rio Itabapoana, on boundary between Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1555 Ch iron ius laev icoll i s —Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 57I: 18.

Distribution: Central Espirito Santo to Parana, Brazil.


1886 Herpetodryas melas Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 23: 278. Type-locality: Nicaragua. Chironius melas Taylor, — i 1951 Univ. Kansas Sc . Bull., 34: 97.

Distribution: Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. - )



1552 Ch iron ius mont icola Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 1: 100, figs. Type-locality: El Junquito, Distrito Federal, Venezuela.

Distribution: Coastal Cordillera from Caracas, to Andes of Tachira, above 1,200 m in Venezuela; Colombia; also recorded from Bolivia by Roze, Ofidios de Venezuela, !%(>, 101.


1543 Chironius mult iventris Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 282. Type- locality: Departamento Madre de Dios, Peru.

Distribution: Known from type-locality; also recorded from Onverwacht, Surinam by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 30> 1964, 5^; Museo Nacional of Brazil has specimen from Benjamin Constant, Brazil.


1824 Coluber pyrrhopoqon Wied, Isis von Oken, 1824, heft 6: 666. Type-locality: None given; Wied,

Beitr. Naturges. Bras., 1825, 296, gave great forests of Rio I r i t i ba or Benevente, Espirito

Santo, Braz i 1. 19')') Chironius pyrrhopogon —Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 571' 12.

Distribution: Bahia to Santa Catarina, Brazil, along coast; Bailey, loc. cit., recorded the same or a closely related form from western Mato Grosso.


4 I827 Erpetodryas dr icar i natus Boie, Isis von Oken, 20 (l): 5^8. Type-locality: None given,

restricted to Asunc i on, Paraguay by Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 571' 15.

1862 Phyllosira flavescens Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: 349. Type-locality: Paraguay or northern Argentina.

1955 Ch i ron i us quadr icar inatus —Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 571' 15.

Distribution: Savanna areas of northern Mato Grosso, Brazil, and central Bolivia; central Paraguay; vicinity of Sao Paulo city, Brazil.


1899 Herpetodryas Schluteri Werner. Zool. Anz., 22: II5. Type-locality: Napo, Ecuador. I960 Chironius schlijteri —Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122: 512.

Distribution: Amazonian slopes of Ecuador.


1824 Natrix Scurrula Waqler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 24, pi. 8. Type-locality: Rio Japura, Brazil. 1964 Chironius scurrulus—Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 72.

Distribution: Amazonas, Minas Gerais, Rondonia, and Para, Brazil; southeastern Colombia; Moyobamba and Xeberos, Peru. i

62 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE *** CLELIA Prepared by Joseph R. Bailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

CLEL lA Fitzinger

1826 Clel ia Fitzinger, Neue Class i f icat ign der Reptilien: 25. Type-species: Coluber del ia Daudin. I83O Cloelia Wagler (emendation of Clelia Fitzinger), Nat. Syst. Amphib.: I87. 71843 Rh inoscy tale Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species; Rhinoscytale Cloelia, nomen nudum, which may be same as Coluber clel ia Daudin.

I843 De i ropeda Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Coluber clel ia Daudin. I843 Hydroscopus Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Coluber plumbeus Wied. I853 Brachyrruton Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, 23: 5^2. Type-species: None given.

1524 Barbour i na Amaral, Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., 14: 201. Type-species: Barbour i na equator iana Amaral.

Distribution: Tropical Mexico to about 35°^ latitude east of Andes and to northwestern Ecuador west of Andes in South America; lesser Antilles.

Content: Six species currently known, plus several undescribed taxa.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal scales in I5 rows at midbody 2 1. Escamas dorsales en I5 filas al medio del Dorsal scales in I7 rows at midbody 5 cuerpo 2 Escamas dorsales en I7 filas al medio del

cuerpo 5 2. Upper labials usually seven (rarely eight), lower labials eight; if eight upper and eight 2. Usualmente siete supralab iales (raramente ocho), or nine lower, subcaudals fewer than 60 in ocho infralab iales; con ocho supralab iales y in males, ^i females; solid maxillary teeth ocho o nueve i nfralab iales, las subcaudales usually thirteen or fewer; loreal smaller than son menos de 60 en machos y 5'' s" hembras; preocular and squarish 3 usualmente trece menos dientes maxilares sin Upper labials eight, lower labials usually canal; loreal rectangular y mas pequena que la nine; solid maxillary teeth 15-1?! loreal preoculai 3 long, about equal to preocular in size Ocho supralab iales, usualmente nueve infra- b icolor labiales; normalmente 15"!? dientes maxilares sin canal; loreal alargada, aprox imadamente de igual tamano que la preocular b icolor 3. Subcaudals fewer than 80 in males, 7^ in females; if overlapping range given above, 3. Subcaudales menos de 80 en machos, 7" ^^ hem- belly prominently smudged (in juveniles) or all bras; si estos numeros se sobremontan, vientre dark; juvenile with dark middorsal stripe prom nentemente tiznado(en juveniles) o todo continuous with nape blotch or nearly uniform oscuro; juveniles con una banda oscura medio- including head pattern 4 dorsal continue con la mancha nucal o casi

Subcaudals over 75 i ^i males, 64 in females; uniforme incluyendo diseno de la cabeza 4 belly immaculate except for dorsal pigment Mas de 75 subcaudales en machos, 64 en hembras; encroaching on tips of ventrals; juvenile vientre inmaculado excepto por la pigmentacion coral red with dark crown and nape blotch dorsal que invade los lados de las placas separated by cream collar clel ia ventrales; juveniles con rojo coral, parte su- perior de la cabeza y nuca con manchas oscuras separadas por collar crema clel ia 4. Subcaudals 53-^2 in males, 42-54 in females, all paired; dorsum dark olive; venter immacu- 4. Subcaudales 53"62 en machos, 42-54 en hembras, late or with dark pigment arranged in trans- todas pares; dorso oliva oscuro; vientre in- verse patterns; juveniles usually lack maculado con pigmento oscuro dispuesto en distinct light occipital collar; if present, disenos transversales; usualmente juveniles median dark stripe less than five scales wide- sin collar occipital claro distinto; cuando rust ica esta presente la banda oscura mediodorsal es Subcaudals i" 59-79 males, 51-69 i" females, de menos de cinco escamas de ancho rust i ca frequently some basal ones single; dorsum dark Subcaudales en machos 59-79> s" hembras ^1-6'), brown or black; venter irregularly smudged f recuentemente algunas de las basales no divi- with dark in juveniles, often almost solid didas; dorso pardo oscuro negro; vientre black in adults; juveniles always with dis- irregularmen te tiznado de oscuro en juveniles, tinct light occipital collar and middorsal f recuentemente negro casi uniforme en adultos; dark stripe more than five scale rows wide juveniles con collar claro occipital siempre

occ i p i tolutea presente y banda mediodorsal oscura de mas de

cinco filas de ancho occ i p i tolutea —


in s 5. Subcaudals 78-52 mal es, 70*81 in females; 5. Subca udale en mac hos 7 92 , en hem bras 7O-8I; ventrals 202-212 in ma les, 216-228 in females; vent rales en mach OS 20 2-21 2, en he mbras 216-

228; hoyu elos ap i cales par es; d i en tes max i- apical scale pits pair ed; sol i d max i llary lare s sin can al f il a teeth 13-1^; middorsal row and head scales 1 3-14; mediod orsal y plac as de la cabe za no rmal es scytal i na normal scytal i na Subca udale 60 82 en ma chos en hem bras Subcaudals 60-82 in mal es, 56-78 in females; , 56-78; vent rales 185 208 en m acho s, en he mbras 202- ventrals 185-208 in ma les, 202-223 in females; 223, free uent emen te si n ho yuelos a p icales, apical pits often lack ing, but numerous tiny au nq ue us ua Im ente hay nume rosos ho yuelos pits centrally located on scale usually pre- d i m i nutos sit uado s en el c entro de la escama; sent; solid maxillary teeth 11-13; middorsal d ien tes m ax i 1 ares s i n cana 1 11-13; f i la medi 0- row frequently widened also anterior or ; dors al fr ecue n t em ente ensa nchada; tambien es posterior reduction fr om 17 dorsal rows comu n red ucc on die 17 f ila s dorsal es poster- common; head scales fr equently reduced by i i or y ant er P lacas cef al i cas f recuente-

absence of loreal, few er than 1+2 oculars, or men t e red uc i d as p or au senc ia de lo real, menos

2+3 temporals equa tor i ana de 1 +2 oc ular es 2+3 temp orales equator iana

CLEL IA BICOLOR (Peracca), new combination b icolor group

1504 Oxyrhopus b icolor Peracca, Rev. Suisse Zool., 12: 667. Type-locality: Morth of Santa Fe,

Argent i na.

Distribution: Southern Mato Grosso, Brazil, south to San Luis and Santa Fe, Argentina. An old specimen from Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, may be an error.

CLELIA CLELIA (Oaudin) del ia group

I8O3 Coluber del ia Daud i n. Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: 33O, pi. 78. Type-locality: Surinam. ia Fi 1826 [ Clelia del ]— tz inger. Neue Classification der Reptilien: 3I.

Distribution: AH of Central America to northwestern Ecuador west of Andes and to northern Argentina east of Andes.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Hemipenis lacks spines; loreal frequently 1, Hemipenis sin esQinas; loreal frecuente- minute or absent plumbea mente muy pequena ausente plumbea Hemipenis spinose; loreal seldom abnormal — Hemipenis espinosos; loreal raramente clelia anormal del ia

Clel ia clelia clelia ( Daud i n)

1826 C.l lei ia j Daud i n i i Fitzinger (substitute name for Coluber clel ia Daudin), Neue Classification der Reptilien: 55* 1944 Clelia clel ia clel ia Dunn, Caldasia, 3 (l2): 201. 1965 Clelia clelia qroomei Greer, Breviora, 223: 1, fig, la-c. Type-locality: Beausejour, Grenada Island, Lesser Antilles.

Distribution: Guatemala and British Honduras to northwestern Ecuador west of Andes, and to Uruguay and northern Argentina east of Andes,

Clel ia clelia plumbea (Wied), new combination

1820 Coluber plumbeus Wied, Reise nach Brasilien, 1: 25. Type-locality: Between Cabo Frio and Rio S3o Joao, Brazil.

Distribution: Mouth of Rio Amazonas to Maranhao and forested areas from Espirito Santo to Santa Catarina, southeastern Brazil, and Misiones, Argentina. 64 CLELIA

CLELIA EQUATORIANA (Amaral), new combination

scy tal i na group

1524 Barbour i na equator iana Amaral, Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., 14: 201. Type-locality; Guayaquil, Ecuador.

1544 Clelia clelia scytal i na-Dunn. Caldasia, 3 (l2): 201.

Distribution: Pirri Range in eastern Panama through Cauca Valley of Colombia to northwestern Ecuador.

CLELIA OCCIPITOLUTEA (Oumeril, Bibron and Oumeril), new combination

occ i p i tolutea group

IOO5. I854 Brachyruton occ ip i to-luteum Oumeril, Bibron and Oumeril, Erp. Gen., 7^ Type-locality: Unl

Distribution: Southern Brazil to Uruguay and central Argentina.

CLEL lA RUSTICA (Cope), new combination rust ica group

I878 Oxyrrhopus rusticus Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, I7 (l877)* 92- Type-locality: Argentina?

Distribution: Southern Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil south to Uruguay and Buenos Aires; west to Tucuman and Jujuy in Argentina.


scytal i na group

I867 Scolecoph i s scytal i nus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1866: 320. Type-locality: Near Tabasco, Mex ico. 1857 Oxyrhopus proximus Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 856, pi. 67, figs. J-i. Type-locality: Western [southernj slope of Volcan Atitlan, Guatemala. 1942 Clelia clelia immaculata Smith. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 52: 354. Type-locality: "Guadalajara", Mexico; see Zweifel, Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 19^5> 1959» i~9> f°'" comments on this type

local i ty. 1963 Clelia scytal ina — Stuart. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122: 9O.

Distribution: Veracruz, Mexico on Atlantic slope and Colima on Pacific slope along Pacific highlands to Costa Rica. J


COLUBER L innaeus

1758 Coluber Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 216. Type-species: Coluber constrictor Linnaeus. 1818 Scol iophis Lesueur, J. Phys. Chin. Hist. Nat., 86: 257. Type-species: Scol iophis atlant icus LesTieur. 1826 Hemorrhois Boie, isis von Oken, I9: 582. Type-species: Coluber hippocrepis Linnaeus. 1826 Tyr ia Fitzinger, Neue Classification der Reptilien: 25. Type-species: none given. Coluber trabalis Pallas - 1827 Haemorrho i s Boie, Isis von Oken, 20: 538. Type-species: Coluber

jugular i s Linnaeus. 18^0 Periops Waqler. Nat. Syst. Amphib.: I85. Type-species: Coluber hippocrepis Linnaeus. trabal is Boie = Coluber 1843 Eremioph i s Fitzinger. Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Coluber (?

jugular i s Linnaeus). 1853 Bascani on Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Amer. Rept.: 53- Type-species: Coluber constrictor Linnaeus. 1854 Coryphodon Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 180. Type-species: Coluber capistratus

L i chtenste i n. I860 Platyceps Blyth, Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 2'): 114. Type-species: Platyceps sem ifasc iatus Blyth. 1862 Bascan ium Cope (emendation of Bascanion Baird and Girard), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862: 338.

1865 Meqablabes Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 15= 3^- Type-spec 1 es: Megablabes olivaceus Gunther. 1868 Pol ichoph is Gistl, Blicke Leben U. Natur, 155- [P^PS'" "°t seen; synonymy according to Romer, Osteology of the Reptiles, 1556, 576. 1855 Acantliocalyx Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, 18: 204. Type-species: Coluber ventromaculatus Gray.

1524 Argyrogena Werner. Sitz. Math. -Naturw i ss. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I33, abt. 1: 5''> f'G- *• Type-

species: Arqyrogena rostra ta Werner = Coluber fasc i olatus (Russell).

Distribution: Central America, North America, Europe, North Africa, Asia, East Indies.

Content: As few as four or as many as 25, depending upon whether the partition of the genus suggested by Clark and Inger, Copeia, 15^3> 1*1-145, is accepted or not. Some recent authors have accepted it (Smith, Taylor, Auffenberg) but others continue to use Coluber in the older sense (Mertens, Minton, Wermuth). Only one species is found within limits of this work.


1758 Coluber Constrictor Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 216. Type-locality: Canada.

Distribution: Parts of southern Canada, all of United States, eastern Mexico to northern Guatemala.

Content: Eight subspecies, according to Auffenberg, Tulane Stud. Zool., 2, 1555> 1*6, of which only one is found within limits of this work.

Coluber constr i ctor ste jneger i anus (Cope)

I855 Zamen i s ste jneger ianus Cope, Amer. Nat., 25: 678. Type-locality: Cameron County, Texas.

153* Coluber ortenburqer i Stuart, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 284: 1. Type-locality:

Kalto Sabana, 3 <" i west of La Libertad, El Peten, Guatemala. 1542 C oluber constrictor ste jneger ianus —Muliak and Muliak, Copeia, 1542: 14.

Distribution: Low elevations, southern Texas through Gulf coastal plain of Mexico to northern Guatemala. . — v —



Type-species: i Phila., I860: 248. 1860 ConioDhanes Hallowell, in Cope, Proc, Acad. Nat. Sc .

Coronella f i ss i dens Gilnther. pictus Jan. 186? GlaDhvroDhis Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 304. Type-species: Glaphyrophis Homalopsis 188S Hydrocalamus Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22 (1884): I76. Type-species: qu inquevi ttatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeri.

Distribution: Extreme southern Texas through Mexico and Central America to Pacific Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

f i irqatus Peters, lateri t ius Cope, Content: Twelve species, of which four ( andresensis Bailey, rang

Andrews) are ex tral i m i tal. and mer i danus Schmidt and

Comment: Coniophanes brevifrons Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 362, 1937, 3, has been Nat. Sci. Phila., shown to be a synonym of Coniophanes andresensis by Dunn and Saxe, Proc. Acad. 102, 1950, 162. The latter is confined to San Andres Island, Colombia.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal scales in 21 or fewer rows- 1. Escamas dorsales en no mas de 21 hileras 2 Dorsal scales in 23-25 rows long i tudi nales como maximo Escamas dorsales dispuestas en 23 a 25 hileras 8 long i tudi nales 2. Dorsal scales in 21 rows Dorsal scales in I9 or fewer rows- 2. Escamas dorsales dispuestas en 21 hileras

long i tudi nales 3 Escamas dorsales dispuestas en I9 hileras Large, dark, rounded spot on external border 3. long i tudi nales como maximo 5 of each ventral 4 Ventrals immaculate, lightly bordered by dorsal 3. Una mancha grande oscura redondeada en el borde ground color, or with very fine punctate spot- externo de cada placa abdominal 4 ting; if spots are present, they are small Escudos abdominales inmaculados ligeramente o f iss i dens bordeados por el tono general del cuerpo, muy finas punteaciones oscuras, si hay manchas

laterales, son muy pequenas f i ss i dens - 4. Ventrals more than I5O qu inquev i ttatus

Ventrals fewer than I5O b i puncta tus Mas de I5O ventrales qu inquev i ttatus

Menos de I5O ventrales- b i punctatus

5. Dorsal scales in I9 rows- 6 5. Escamas dorsales dispuestas en I9 hileras 6 Dorsal scales in I] rows- - ioanae Escamas dorsales dispuestas en I9 h ileras -ioanae

6. Una banda dorsal cont'nua quebrada, del ancho 6. Middorsal stripe one scale row wide, either de una escama 7 continuous or broken, may be absent entirely-7 Una banda dorsal cont'nua, nunca quebrada, de

Middorsal stripe five scale rows wide, always cinco escamas de ancho drom ic i form is

cont i nuous drom ic if orm i s 7. Sin I'nea clara temporal a traves del ojo; hemipenes unifurcados, espinosos y capitados--

7. No light temporal stripe through eye; hemipenis f i ss i dens

unifurcate, spinose, capitate f i ss i dens L'nea clara temporal a traves de la parte Light temporal stripe through top of eye; hemi- superior del ojo; hemipenes bifurcados, no

penis bifurcate, spineless i mper ial i s esp i no SOS i mper ial i s

8. Bandas oscuras laterales ocupan cuatro a cinco Lateral dark stripes four to five scale rows filas de escamas con borde bien definido wide, sharply defined on longer edge pi ce i vi tt i s

i p ice i V i 1 1 s Bandas oscurts laterales ocupan entre un medio - Lateral dark stripes 1/2 1-1/2 scale rows y una y media filas de escamas; esfumandose

wide, shading gradually to ventrals schm i dt i gradualmente hacia los ventrales schm i dt i


1858 Coronella bipunctata Guntherr Cat." Sn. Brit. Mus.: 36. Type-locality: Unknown; suggested as British Honduras by Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 22, I94I, 5O4.

1866 Coniophanes b i puncta tus — Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1866: 128.

Distribution: Tehuantepec and southern Veracruz, Mexico through Central America to northwestern Panama

Content: Two subspecies, of which one ( b i ser iatus Smith) is extral Im i tal. i . s


Con iophanes b i punctatus b i punctatus (Gunther)

Fis., 2: 3O5. Type-locality; None given. I863 G.[ laphvroph is ] pictus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. — Washington, 1940 ^Coniophanes b i punctatus ] b ipunctatus Smith, Proc. Biol. Soc. 53= 59- [

Distribution: Humid lowlands; southern Veracruz, Mexico, east through northern El Peten, Guatemala, into British Honduras, northern Honduras, Nicaragua, and northwestern Panama.


I863 Tachymen is d rom ici formi s Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1863: 273- Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador.

1866 C.[ oniophanes ] drom ic i form is — Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1866: 128. ')!. Guayaquil, Ecuador. I852 Con iophanes s i gnatus Carman, Bull. Essex Inst., 24: Type-locality:

iq?q Coniophanes drom ic i form i s — Ba i ley . Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci., 24 (1538): 32.

Distribution: Pacific coastal areas of southern Ecuador and northern Peru.


')6. San I858 Coronella f i ss idens GDnther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33> 195''> 35^'

I860 C.[ oniophanes ] f iss i dens — Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci, Phila., I860: 248.

Distribution: Both slopes in Mexico, from Nayarit and Veracruz throughout Central America to north- western Ecuador.

Content: Six subspecies, of which three ( converqens Shannon and Smith, d i spersus Smith, and

proterops Cope) are ex tral i m i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. No dorsolateral white stripe on neck 2 1. Sin I'nea blanca dorsolateral en la nuca--2 Dorsolateral white stripe extending poster- Con banda blanca dorsolateral que se ex-

iorly a considerable distance on neck tiende poster i ormente a considerable dis-

i f ss i dens tancia de la nuca f i ss i dens

2. With distinctive dark paravertebral spots-- 2. Con manchas oscuras para vertebrales dis-

punct i qular i s t i ntas punct i qular i s Lacking dark paravertebral spots-- obsole tus Sin manchas oscuras para vertebrales * obsoletus

Con i ophanes f i ss i dens f i ss i dens (Gunther)

Con iophanes fissidens fissidens Pap. 1937 [ | — Bailey, Occ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 362: 5.

Distribution: Central Veracruz south on Atlantic coast of Central America to northwestern Ecuador, avoiding high mountains and Yucatan Peninsula.

Con i ophanes f i ss i dens obsoletus Minton and Smith

1962 Con iophanes f issi dens obsoletus Minton and Smith, Herpetolog i ca , I6: 108, fig. 1. Type- locality: Max Cone FInca, 1 mi east of Volcan de Buenos Aires, Puntarenas Province,

Cos ta R i ca

Distribution: Known from type locality and Turrialba, Costa Rica.

i Con ophanes f i ss i dens punct i qu lar i s Cope

1860 C.[ on iophanes ] punct iqular i 5 Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 248. Type-locality: Honduras.

1878 Dromicus ch talonens i Muller, Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 6: 4O7. Type-locality: Hacienda Chitalon, near Mazatenango, Guatemala.

19^1 Con iophanes f i ss idens punct i qular is — Smith, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 9I: IO7.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Pacific slope in Tehuantepec, Mexico, to Costa Rica. 68 CONIOPHANES


of the Boundary: pi. fig. 1. 1855 Taeniophis imperialis Baird and Girard, in Baird, Reptiles 23, 15, Mexico in Type-locality: Given as Brownsville, Texas, but recorded as Matamoros, Tamaulipas, USNM Catalogue, according to Cochran, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 220, I56I, 216.

Nat. Sc i Phila., I86I: 74. i Proc. Acad. . Coniochanes i mper lal s —Cope, 1861 [ ]

Distribution: Southern Texas to northern Honduras on Caribbean slope.

and Girard and copei Hartweg and Oliver) Content: Three subspecies, of which two ( imperialis Baird

are ex tral im i tal.

Con iophanes imperialis clavatus (Peters)

Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1864: 388. Type- 1864 Dromicus f Dromicus ) clavatus Peters,

local i ty: Mex ico. Zool. Univ. Mich., 362: 6. 19^7 Coniophanes imperialis clavatus — Ba i ley. Occ. Pap. Mus.

Distribution: Low elevations of Caribbean slope, Veracruz, Mexico, to northern Honduras.


1366 Coniophanes joanae Myers, Copeia, I566: 665, figs. 1-2. Type-locality: Cerro Pirre, Serran'a de Pirre, Darien, Panama, 1440 m.

Distribution: Highlands of eastern Panama.


1870 Coniophanes piceivittis Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 11 (I865): I45. Type-locality: Chihuitan, Oaxaca, Mex ico. I87O l.[ach^men_i^J taen iata Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I865: 876. Type-locality: Mexico.

Distribution: Guerrero, Mexico to Costa Rica on Pacific slope; central Honduras. Not yet recorded in Guatemala.

Content: Two subspecies, of which one ( taylor i Hall) is extral i m i tal.

Con iophanes p i ce i v i tt i s p ice i v i tt i s Cope

Con i i i 1551 iophanes picei vi tt s p cei vi tt s — Hall, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 34: 208, fig. 3-

Distribution! As for species, except Guerrero, Mexico.

CONIOPHANES SCHMIDT! Baile^ Coniophanes 1537 schmidti Bailey. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 362: 1. Type-locality: Chiche Itza, Yucatan, Mexico.

Distribution: Lowlands of Yucatan Peninsula to British Honduras and central El Petin, Guatemala. 69_ REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE **** CONOPHIS


1860 Conoph i s Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860: 519> fig- 3' Type-species: Conoph i s vi ttatus Peters.

Distribution: Semiarld regions of southern Mexico and Central America to Costa Rica.

Content; Four species, according to the most recent revision by Wellman, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus.

Nat. Hist., 15, 1963- O^e species ( vi ttatus Peters) is extralimital.

Key to the species Clave de especies

Supralabials immaculate or having dark borders Supralab iales inmaculadas o con hordes inferio- below; head and body usually pale with dark res oscuros; cabeza y cuerpo usualmente cla- stripes, or without stripes 2 ros con o sin ifneas oscuras 2 Supralabials having black borders above; head Bordes superiores de supralabiales negros; ca- and body generally black with two or four beza y cuerpo generalmente negros con dos white lines running length of body (fig. l) cuatro Ifneas blancas a lo largo del cuerpo

tievermann i (fig. 1)- nevermann i

I I I I r ! I I I 1 I I < t

' . ; ' , . M ! . I lilllillUilli


(Fig. 1) (F!g. 2) (Fig. 3)

Figs. 1-3. Color patterns in Conoph is (l and 2 from Wellman, 1563)'

Lateral dark stripe through eye involving upper 2. Lfnea oscura lateral a traves del ojo ocupa la half of second scale-row (fig. 2); dark stripe mitad superior de la segunda fila de escamas on paravertebral row at least posteriorly (fig. 2); a lo menos posteriormente hay una pulcher I'nea oscura paravertebral pulcher Lateral dark stripe becoming indistinct on Lfnea oscura lateral indistinta sobre el cuerpo body, or restricted to fourth or third and o restringida anteri ormente a la cuarta, o fourth rows anteriorly, not involving second tercera y cuarta fila de escamas; no presente scale-row on anterior first third of body; an en la segunda fila, en el primer tercio del

auxiliary lateral stripe sometimes present in- cuerpo; ocas i onalmente una lfnea auxiliar pre- volving second row; no paravertebral stripes — sente en la segunda fila; no hay lfnea para-

1 i neatus vertebral 1 i neatus

CONOPHIS LI NEATUS (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

I854 Tomodon 1 ineatum Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen. /• 93^? Pl* 73- Type-locality: Mexico.

i 8. I87I Conophis lineatus—Cope, Third Ann. Rep. Peabody Acad. Sc . , I869! 1963 Conophis lineatus—Wellman, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., I'j: 262.

Distribution: From Veracruz and Yucatan, Mexico to Costa Rica.

Content: Three subspecies, one ( 1 i neatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril) ex tral im i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

Stripes disappearing posteriorly (except Posteriormente, lineado dorsal ausente (ex- for small spots of pigment on scale-row cepto pequeRos puntos sobre la hilera four or seven): first scale-row unpig- cuarta septima); primera hilera no pig- mented (fig. 3) concolor mentada (fig. 3) concolor Stripes present posteriorly; first scale- Posteriormente, lineado dorsal presente;

row pigmented (fig. 4) dunn i primera hilera pigmentada (fig. 4) dunn i 70 CONOPHIS

Conoph is 1 i neatus concolor Cope

1867 Conophis concolor Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1866: 318. Type-locality: "Yucatan", restricted to Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ.

Kansas Sc i .- Bull., 33. 1950. 3.52- iqOO Conophis lineaticeps Cope, Ann, Rept. U. S, Nat. Mus,, I858: IO94. Type-locality: Peten, Guatemala.

— Wash. Acad. Sc i 31" 122. 1541 Conoph is 1 ineatus concolor Smith, Jour. . , 1963 Conophis lineatus concolor—V/ellman, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 15: 270.

Distribution; Yucatan Peninsula, northern Guatemala, northern third of British Honduras, and questionable record for northeastern Honduras.

Conoph is 1 ineatus dunn i Smith

Bocourt. 1886), Jour. Wash. Acad. 1941 Conophis lineatus similis Smith (preoccupied by similis Sci., 3I: 123. Type-locality: Managua, Nicaragua. Smith), 1942 Conoph is lineatus dunn i Smith (substitute name for similis Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 92: 395" Type-locality: Managua, Nicaragua.

1963 Conoph is 1 i neatus dunn i —Wellman, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., I5: 262.

Distribution: Semiarid from sea level to 1000 m from Cuilco Valley in western Guatemala, El Peten, and British Honduras to northeastern and southern Honduras, western Nicaragua and northwestern Costa Rica.

iM)]Mi!_ m

f(/]|/in;Mi/ riVi"".-.-.-;;]/!/ MMlMr'lliT

Fig. 4. Variations in color pattern of £. 1_. dunn i from different parts of its range (from Wellman, I963).


1937 Conophis nevermanni Dunn, Copeia, 1937' 214. Type-locality: R'o Poas de Aserri ( a few mi south of San Jose), Costa Rica. 1963 Conophis nevermanni —Wellman, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1$, 2/2.

Distribution: Pacific coast of Honduras and northwestern Costa Rica; Meseta Central of Costa Rica.


1869 Conophis pulcher Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I869: 3O8. Type-locality: Peten or Verapaz, Guatemala.

1886 Conoph i s pulcher var similis Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 6*7. pl- 38, fig. 6. Type- locality: unknown} restricted to Tonali, Chiapas, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, 326. 1941 Conophis pulcher plaqosus Smith, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., '}!: 121. Type-locality: Tonal^, Ch iapas. 1963 Conophis pulcher—Wellman, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1$: 274.

Distribution; Pacific coastal region of Chiapas, Mexico, into Guatemala; southeastern highlands and dry valley of central and eastern Guatemala; Caribbean lowlands of Honduras south to region of Teguc igalpa. 7J. REPTILIA: SERPENTES: BOIDAE ** CORALLUS


I8O3 Corallus Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 5' 256. Type-species: Corallus obtus irostr is Daudin.

1824 X i phosoma Wagler, In Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Brasil: 40. Type-species: Boa can i na Linnaeus.

i 1860 Chrvsen s Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860: I32. Type-species: Chrysen is bates i i Gray.

Distribution: Nicaragua to Amazonian South America; Windward Islands.

Content: Three species.

Key to the spec i es Clave de especies

1. Nasals separated; fewer than 85 subcaudals 2 1, Nasales separados; menos de 85 subcaudales 2 Nasals in contact; more than 100 subcaudals Nasales en contacto; mas de 100 subcaudales

enydr is enydr i s

2. Dorsals in 6I or more rows; ventrals fewer than 2. Escamas dorsales en 6I mas hileras; ventrales

225 can i nus menos de 225 can i nus Dorsals in fewer than 60 rows; ventrals more Escamas dorsales en menos de 60 hileras; than 230 annulatus ventrales mas de 23O annulatus


I876 X iohosoma annulatum Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): I29, pi. 28, fig. 6. Type-locality: Costa Rica. I853 Corallus annulatus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1: 102.

Distribution: Nicaragua to Ecuador.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

With one pair of internasals 2 1. Con un par de internasales 2 More than one pair of internasals; anterior Mas de un par de internasales; internasales lateral internasals in contact; posterior anteriores en contacto, posteriores separa- internasals separated by single median das por una escama mediana (Fig. l) scale (Fig. l) annulatus annulatus

Tip of snout as viewed123from above in subspecies of Corallus annulatus (taken from Rendahl and Vester- gren, I 15

2. Two medium-sized lateral internasals 2. Dos internasales laterales de tamano medio, separated by two median scales arranged separadas por dos escamas medianas one behind other (Fig. 2) ubicadas una detras de la otra (Fig. 2)

i blomberg blomberg i Large pair of lateral internasals which are Dos grandes internasales laterales, en in contact anteriorly but separated contacto an ter i ormente y separadas posteriorly by single median internasal poster iormente por una escama mediana i^'S- 3) colomb ianus (Fig. 3) colomb ianus 72 CORALLUS

Corallus annulatus annulatus (Cope)

1540 Boa annulata annulata j — Rendahl and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33* (l)' 2. 1957 Corallus .[" nnu lata annulata — Peters, Amer. Mus. Novitates, I85I: 2.

Distribution: Nicaragua to Colombia,

Corallus annulatus blomberg i (Rendahl and Vestergren)

1941 Boa annulata blombergi Rendahl and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33A (5)' !> figs. 6-7. Type-locality: R'o Zamora, eastern Ecuador. 2. Corallus annulatus blomberg i — Peters, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 1851: 1557 [ ]

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Corallus annulatus colomb ianus (Rendahl and Vestergren)

1540 Boa annulata colomb iana Rendahl and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33* i^l' 2, fig. 1. Type-locality: Cabeceras, Choco, Colombia. 1557 Corallus annulata colomb iana — Peters, Amer. Mus. Novitates, I85I: 1.

Distribution: Pacific lowlands of Colombia and northwestern Ecuador.


I7S8 Boa canina Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 215. Type-locality: America. I7S8 Boa Hipnale Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 21$. Type-locality: Asia. 1768 Boa thalass ina Laurenti (substitute name for Boa canina Linnaeus), Synopsin Reptilium: 85. 1768 Boa aurant iaca Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium; 85. Type-locality: America.

i Synopsin Reptilium: 1768 Boa ex i qua Laurenti (substitute name for Boa H pnale Linnaeus), 85. 1824 Xiphosoma araramboya Waqler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Brasil.; 45, pi. I6. Type-locality: the rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. 24. Type-locality: Upper Amazon. I860 Chrysenis batesi i Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I860: I32, pi. 1: 102. 189^ Corallus can i nus — Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.,

Distribution: Amazonian Basin of Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia; also Guianas.


1758 Boa Enydris Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 21$. Type-locality: America. 1551 Corallus enydris — Forcart, Herpetolog ica, 7= 197'

Distribution; Nicaragua to Ecuador and Peru; Windward Islands.

Content: Two subspecies.

Comment: Authors since Boulenger's Catalogues have used hortulanus Linnaeus and enydr i s Linnaeus equally as often for this taxon. We follow the latest check list of the Boidae by Stimson,

s . Das Tierreich, 85, 1965» '" the use of enydr i

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

Rounded dorsal and lateral blotches; more 1. Manchas dorsales y laterales redondeadas;

than 5c scale rows cook i i mas de 5^^ filas de escamas cook i i Rhomboid dorsal and lateral blotches; fewer Manchas dorsales y laterales romboidales;

than 5c scale rows enydr is menos de 5^^ filas de escamas enydr i s s .


Corallus enydr i s enydr i s (Linnaeus) Type-locality: America. 1758 Boa Hortulana Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 215. Type-locality: Brazil. 1768 Vipera bitis Laurenti. Synopsin Reptilium: 102. Type-locality: "IsleMadere. i 1 iutn: 102. 1768 Vipera madarensis Laurenti. Synops i n Rept Type-locality: unknown. 17% Boa Merremii Sentzen. in Meyer, Zool. Arch., 2: 53. Type-locality: none given. 1798 Boa Ambleocephala Donndorff. Zoologische Beytrage, 3: U?- I6. Type-locality: none 1802 Boa obtusiceps Bechstein, in Lace'pede's Naturgesch. Amphibien, 5:

Nat. Rept., (substitute name for Boa Merremi i Sentzen), Hist. i Daudin 1803 Corallus obtus i rostr 5: 259. fig. Type-local- 1824 Xiphosoma ornatum Waqler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Brasil.: 40, pi. 14, 2.

ity; Rio Solimoes, Brazil. . in Spix, Sp. Nov. 1824 Xiphosoma dorsuale Wagler (substitute name for Boa hortulana Linnaeus), Serp. Brasil.: 43, pi. I5. Type-locality: llheus, Bahia, Brazil. I834 Boa modesta Reuss. Abh. Mus. Senckenberg ianum, 1: 12?. 1842 Corallus maculatus Gray. Zoological Miscellany, 1842: 42. Type-locality: Berbice, Guyana. 1551 Corallus enydris enydris — Forcart, Herpetolog ica, ]: 197'

Distribution: Northern and western Brazil, southern Venezuela, Guianas; Amazonian Ecuador,

Peru, and Bol i v ia.

Corallus enydr i s cook i i Gray

Miscellany, 1842: 42. Type-locality: America. 1842 Corallus Cooki i Gray. Zoological Type- Acad. Nat. Sc i Phila., 8 (I875): 12?. I876 X iphosoma ruschenberq i i Cope. Jour. (2)

local i ty: Panama. George's, 1914 Boa grenadensis Barbour, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 44: 327. Type locality: St. Grenada Island, West Indies. ^ Venezuela, 1141. 1934 Boa salmonidia Bricefio. Bol. Minist. Salubr. Agric. Crfa, 1 (14): Type-locality: R'o de Oro, on Colombian frontier, Distrito Colon, Estado de Zulia,

Venezuela . ica, 1951 Corallus enydris cook i i — Forcart, Herpetolog 7: 197-

Distribution: Nicaragua to Colombia; northern and central Venezuela; Trinidad; Wind-- ward Islands.

368^92 0—70- 1 1



1758 Crotalus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 214. Type-species: Crotalus horr i dus Linnaeus, confirmed by Opinion 52, Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen. 1764 Crotalophorus Houttuyn, Natuur. Hist., 6, part 1: 25O. Type-species: Crotalus horridus Linnaeus.

')2. i i f 1768 Gaud i sona Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: Type-species: G aud sona terr icus Laurenti. 1818 Crotal inus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag. Grit. Rev., '}: 446. Type-spee ies: Crotal inus cyanurus Rafinesque : Grotalus horri dus Linnaeus. 1822 Crotalus Fleming (not of Linnaeus, 1758), Philos. of Zool., 2: 254. Type-species: Crotalus

m il i ar i s Linnaeus. 1825 Crotalophorus Gray (not of Houttuyn, I764), Ann. Philos., 10: 20$. Type-species: Crotalus

m i 1 iar i s Linnaeus. 1826 Caudisona Fitzinger (not of Laurenti, I768), Neue Classification der Reptilien: 63. Type-

species: Crotalus m i iar i s Linnaeus.

I83O Uropsophus Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: I76. Type-species: Uropsophus tr i ser iatus Wiegmann.

1843 Urocrotalon Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium; 29. Type-species: Crotalus dur i ssus Linnaeus.

I867 Aploasp is Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1856: 3^-''* Type-species: Caudi sona lep i da Kenn icott. I875 Aechmophrys Goues, in Wheeler, Rept. Explor. and Surv. West of lOOth Mer., 5= 6O5. Type-species: Crotalus cerastes Hallowell.

I883 S i strurus Carman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8: 118. Type-species: Grotalus m i iar ius Linnaeus.

1883 Haploasp i s Cope (emendation of Aploasp i s Cope), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1883: 13-

Distribution: The Americas.

Content: About 26 species, of which only two occur within the limits of this work, according to latest revision, by Klauber, Rattlesnakes, 1')%. Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, J2, I965 (l96^)> 's followed, as the most recent summary of the genus, in using Crotalus and S istrurus as subgenera.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Pattern obsolete; never conspicuous 2 1. DiseRo obsolete; nuca consp'cuo 2 Pattern well-defined, always conspicuous Diseno definido, siempre consp'cuo dur i ssus

dur i ssus 2. Con algunas escamas salpicadas de puntos

2. With scattered white spots or streaks on some ifneas blancas veqrand i s

but not all scales veqrand i s Escamas no salpicadas de Ifneas blancas

No scattered white streaks on scales dur i ssus dur i ssus


1758 Crotalus Dur i ssus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 214. Type-locality: America; restricted to

Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 33, l')^0, 348.

Distribution: Discontinuous; Mexico to Costa Rica; savannas of South America. See map in Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, I965 (1966), I38.

Content: Twelve subspecies, of which two ( culmlnatus Klauber and totonacus Gloyd and Kauffeld) are

extral im i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Conspicuous pattern of longitudinal bands 1. Disefio consp'cuo de bandas long i tudi nales on neck, followed by rhomboid blotches en la nuca, seguido de manchas romboidales strongly contrasting with ground coloi 2 contrastantes con el color de fondo 2 No conspicuous pattern (except in juven- Diseno no consp'cuo (excepto en juveniles), iles), no strongly contrasting colors no acentuado por contraste entre colores un icolor claros y oscuros un icolor

2. Centers of rhomboid blotches light, 2. Centres de manchas romboidales claros, conspicuous in contrast to rest of blotch- destacandose en contraste con el resto del 3 rombo 3 Centers of rhomboid blotches not light. Centres de manchas romboidales no claros only slightly lighter than rest of blotch- muy ligeramente mas claros que el resto

terr i f icus del rombo terr i f icus 75 CROTALUS

3. Paravertebral nuchal stripes of uniform 3. Cintas paravertebrales nucales de color color, center not lighter than borders 4 uniforme; con centro no mas claro que los Paravertebral nuchal stripes very broad hordes 4 (four scale rows) with lighter borders and Cintas par'avertebrales nucales muy anchas center lighter than borders ruru ima (cuatro escamas) limitadas de claro exter- iormente; con el centro mas claro que los bordes ruru ima 4. Paravertebral nuchal stripes wider than single scale 5 4. Cintas paravertebrales nucales mas anchas Paravertebral nuchal stripes one scale row que una escama 5

w i de dry i nus Cintas paravertebrales nucales de una

escama de ancho dry i nus

5. Paravertebral nuchal stripes long, usually 5. Cintas nucales paravertebrales largas; longer than one head length 6 normalmente mas largas sobre la nuca que Paravertebral nuchal stripes short, less la longitud de la cabeza 6 than one head length cascavella Cintas nucales paravertebrales cortas; menores que la longitud de la cabeza cascavella 6. Paravertebral nuchal stripes lack accessory stripes below 7 6. Cintas paravertebrales nucales sin cintas

Paravertebral nuchal stripes with continu- accesorias debajo 7 ous or interrupted stripes beneath them, Cintas paravertebrales nucales con cintas

never with single accessory spot 8 contfnuas interrump i das debajo; nunca una simple mancha accesoria 8

7. With single, simple accessory spot beneath 7. Con solo una simple mancha suplementar ia

paravertebral nuchal stripe dur i ssus debajo de la cinta paravertebral nucal Lacking any accessory spots beneath para- dur issus vertebral nuchal stripe tzabcan Sin manchas ni cintas suplementar ias debajo de la cinta paravertebral nucal tzabcan

8. Paravertebral nuchal stripes with continu- 8. Bandas nucales paravertebrales acompaftadas ous dark stripe below 5 por 1 fneas no interrump idas debajo 9 Paravertebral nuchal stripes with series of Bandas nucales paravertebrales acompaRadas dark spots below mara ioens is por una serie de puntos oscuros debajo

mara Ioens i s

5. Loreal indistinguishable from other lateral 5. Loreal que no se destaca del resto de las

i head scales coll 1 inea tus escamas latero-cef al icas coll i 1 i neatus Loreal clearly distinguishable from other Loreal muy clara que se destaca del resto lateral head scales cumanens is de las escamas latere -cefal icas-cumanensis

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur issus dur i ssus Linnaeus

1802 Crotalus s imus Latreille, in Sonnini and Latrellle, Hist. Nat. Rept., J: 202. Type- locality: "Ceylan". — 1936 Crotalus dur issus dur i ssus Klauber, Dec. Pap. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 1: 4.

Distribution: Veracruz and Oaxaca, Mexico south to Costa Rica, avoiding Caribbean slope in Central America.

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur i ssus cascavella Wagler

1824 Crotalus cascavella Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 60, pi. 24. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil; restricted through neotype designation to Mina Caraiba, Bahia, Brazil, by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, I965 (1966), I39. 1926 Crotalus terrif icus var. coll irhombeatus Amaral, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 15: 9O, pi. 1. Type- locality: Northeastern Brazil. 1966 Crotalus durissus cascavella —Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): 139, pl- 12.

Distribution: Caatinga regions of northeastern Brazil. 1


Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur i ssus coll i 1 i neatus Amaral

1926 Crotalus terrif icus van. coll 11 ineatus Amaral, Rev. Mus. Paulista, IJ: ')0. Type-locality;

None specified in original description; restricted through neotype des ignat i on t Estado de Mato Grosso, Brazil by Amaral and Hoge, in Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, '}2, I565

(1966), 139. . , ^ 1966 Crotalus durissus coll i ineatus —Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, J2 (I965J: 139, Pl- 13-

Distribution: Goias, Oistrito Federal, Minas Gerais, northeastern SSo Paulo, and south- western Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur i ssus cumanens i s Humboldt

I833 Crotalus cumanens is Humboldt, in Humboldt and Bonpland, Recueil d'Obs. Zool. Anat. Comp., 2: 6. Type-locality: Cumana, Venezuela. Zool. Anat. Comp., I833 Crotalus loefflinqi i Humboldt, in Humboldt and Bonpland, Recueil d'Obs. 2: 6. Type-locality: Cumana, Venezuela.

1966 Crotalus dur i ssus cumanens i s —Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, J2 (1965): 142.

Distribution: Venezuela except high mountains of Andes, savannas of Monagas, and savannas of Bolivar and Amazonas.

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur i ssus dry inus Linnaeus

1758 Crotalus Dryinas Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 214. Type-locality: America: restricted to Paramaribo, Surinam, by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, 19^5 (l566), I43. 1966 Crotalus durissus dryinus—Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (I965): 142, pi. 14.

Distribution: Guianas.

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur i ssus mara joens i s Hoge

'}2 1966 Crotalus dur i ssus mara joens i s Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, (1965): 143, pi. 15- Type- locality: Tuiuiu, llha de Marajo, Estado do Para, Brazil.

Distribution: Marajo Island, Brazil.

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur i ssus ruru ima Hoge

1966 Crotalus dur i ssus ruru ima Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965)' 145, pi. 16. Type- locality: Paulo Camp, Mt. Roraima, Venezuela, 4000 ft.

Distribution: Mt . Roraima, Venezuela; may extend over isolated savannas of southern Venezuela, according to Hoge, loc. cit., p. 147.

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur i ssus terr i f icus (Laurenti)

1768 Caud i sona terr i f ica Laurenti, Systema Reptilium: 93- Type-locality: " in America infra graduum elev. 45"; restricted through neotype designation tc Julio de Castilho, Munic'pio Taquari, Estado Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, 1965 (1966), 147.

1936 Crotalus dur i ssus terr i f icus—Klauber, Rattlesnakes, 1: 32. Type- 1957 Crotalus terr if icus crotam i n icus Moura Conjalves, An. Acad. Bras. Cienc, 28: 3^5' locality: Uncertain (original publication unseen by authors).

Distribution: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana, and SSo Paulo, Brazil; northern Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) dur i ssus tzabcan Klauber

1952 Crotalus durissus tzabcan Klauber. Bull. Zool. Soc. San Diego, 26: 71- Type-locality: Kantunil, Yucatan, Mexico.

Distribution: Yucatan, Mexico to northern El Peten, Guatemala and British Honduras. 77 CROTALUS

Crotalus ( Crotalus ) durissus un icolor van Lidth

I887 Crotalus horr i dus van. un icolor van Lidth, Notes Leyden Mus., 2 (8): 133- Type-locality: Aruba Island, Dutch West Indies. ISO') Crotalus pulvis Ditmars, Ann. Rept. N. Y. Zool. Soc, 9 (I5O4): I55, pi. Type-locality: 20 mi inland from Managua, Nicaragua; "probably based on a specimen with erroneous locality", according to Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, I965 (1966), 14^.

1540 Crotalus dur i ssus un icolor—Brongersma, in Hummel inck, Studies on the Fauna of Curasao, Aruba, Bonaire and Venezuelan Islands, 2: 131j pl- 12.

Distribution: Aruba Island, Dutch West Indies.

CROTALUS ( crotalus ) VEGRANDIS Klauber

1941 Crotalus veqrandis Klauber. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 9 (30): 334. Type-locality: Maturin Savannah, near Uracoa, Sotillo District, Monagas, Venezuela.

Distribution: Southern parts of Estados Monagas and Anzoategui, Venezuela. 78 "^ "^ '^ CYCLAGRAS REPTILIA: SERPENTES : COLUBRIDAE


188S Cyclaqras Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22: I85. Type-species: Xenodon qiqas Dumeril. Bibron and Dumeril.

Distribution: As for single species.

Content: One species.

Comment: Hoge, Pap. Avul. Dept. Zool. Sao Paulo, I3, 1558, 221, has used Le josophis Jan for this taxon. Reasons for using Cyclaqras in preference to Le josoph is are elaborated in a paper by one of us (Peters) to appear elsewhere.

CYCLAGRAS GIGAS (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

I854 Xenodon qiqas Dumeril. Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 761' Type-locality; Provincia de Corrientes, Argentina. I885 Cyclaqras qiqas —Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22: I85.

Distribution: Southern Brazil, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina. I



1843 Dendroph i dion Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-species: Herpetodryas dendrophis Schlegel.

1851 Dendroph i dium Cope in i . ( error for Dendroph dion Fitzinger), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i Phila., 1860: 561.

1855 Cacocalyx Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, 18: 2O5. Type-species: Drymob i us percar Inatus Cope.

Distribution: Mexico; Central America; northern South America.

Content: Eight species.

Comment: This genus is currently under revision by one of us (Peters), and the arrangement shown here, which reflects the current state of the literature, will be rather thoroughly changed upon completion of the review.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Subcaudals fewer than 175 2 1. Subcaudales menos de ^75 2

Subcaudals more than i 1/5 dendroph s Subcaudales mas de 175 dendroph i s

2. Dorsal pattern of stripes, spots or cross- 2. Dibujo dorsal con cintas, manchas, barras bands 3 transver sales 3 Dorsum generally unicoloi 6 Tono general unicolor, sin dibujo 6

3. Without broad, dark paravertebral stripes 4 3" Sin cintas paravertebrales anchas y oscuras 4 With broad, dark, paravertebral stripes Con cintas paravertebrales anchas y oscuras

i V i b ttatus b i v i t ta tus

4. Distinct transverse dark bands 5 *• Con barras transversales, oscuras y anchas 5 Double row of dark spots on each side of mid- Con una serie doble de manchas oscuras en cada

dorsal line i boshell lado de la I'nea vertebral boshell i

5. Anal divided percar inatus 5- Placa anal dividida percar inatus Anal entire v i n i tor Placa anal entera yjn i tor

6. Keels on more than middorsal scale row 7 6. Escamas quilladas en mas filas que la fila Only middorsal scales with keel, and only mediodorsal 7 posteriorly on body pauc icar Inatus Solo la fila mediodorsal es quillada en la parte posterior del cuerpo pauc icar inatus

No keels on 7. first three rows of dorsals ] . Sinquillasen las primeras tres filas de brunneus dor sales brunneus AH dorsals keeled, weakly on first row Todas las filas quilladas, d^bilmente la

i i i dark mera i pr dark i

DENDROPHIDION BIVITTATUS (Dumeril, Bibron and Dume'ril^

I854 Leptoph i s b i -vi ttatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 54O. Type-locality: "New Grenada".

I865 T.[ ropidonotus j subradiatus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 3: 227. Type-locality: Colombia. 1872 Herpetodryas tetrataenia Gunther, Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist., (4) 5: 23. Type-locality: Bogota, Colomb ia.

Distribution: Highlands of Colombia.


1944 Dendrophidion boshelli Dunn, Caldasia, 2 (lO): 475. Type-locality: Volcanes, Municipio de

Caparrapi, Cund i namarca, Colombia, 25O m.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 80 DENDROPHIDION


18S8 Herpetodryas brunneus Gunther. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 116. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador. 1560 DendroDhi dion brunneum — Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122: 51*-

Distribution: Interandean valleys of Ecuador.


8: Type-locality: El Valle iq?3 Dendrophidion dark i i Dunn. Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 78. de Anton, Panama.

Distribution: Panama.


"Cayenne". 18'^7 Herpetodryas dendrophis Schleqel. Essa i Physion. Serpens, 2: I96. Type-locality:

i — 26. 1843 Dendroph i dion dendroph s Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: I8A7 Herpetodryas aestivus Berthold. Abh. K. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, 3: 11. Type-locality: Provincia Popayan, Colombia. I854 Herpetodryas Poi tei Dumeril, Bibron and Outneril, Erp. Gen., J: 208. Type-locality: Cayenne and

El Peten, Guatemala. . 1863 Herpetodryas nuchal is Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863: 285. Type-locality: Caracas, Venezuela.

Distribution: Southern Central America and northern South America.


La 1894 Drymobius pauc icar i natus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1894: 202. Type-locality: Candelaria, Bruno Carranza, Costa Rica.

19^^ Dendrophidion pauc icar i natus — Stuart, Copeia, 1933= 9'

Distribution: Southern Costa Rica and western Panama.


I893 Dryn'obius percarinatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 31= 3*^- Type-locality; Boruca and Buenos Aires, Costa Rica. Oendrophi dion percarinatus — Smith, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 5*: 1941 [ ] 73"

Distribution: Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama.


1941 Dendrophidion vinitor Smith, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 5*' 7^- Type-locality: Piedras Negras, Guatemala.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Caribbean slope, Veracruz, Mexico, to Panama. ^ 81_ REPTILlA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * * "^ * DIAPHOROLEPIS


D I863 iaphorolep i s Jan, Elenco Sistema Of idi: 5^. Type-species: D iaphorolep i s Wagneri Jan.

Distribution: Panama to Ecuador.

Content: Two species, according to most recent revision, by Bogert, Senckenberg iana Biol., 45, 1964.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal scales keeled; vertebral row 1. Escamas dorsales quilladas; fila vertebral

b icar ina i te wagner b icarenada wagner i Dorsal scales smooth laev is Escamas dorsales lisas laev is


1923 Diaphorolepis laevis Werner, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 36= I6O. Type-locality: Colombia.

Distribution: Species still known only from holotype, which lacks precise locality data.


I863 D iaphorolep is Wagner i Jan, Elenco Sistema Of idi: 98. Type-locality: Andes of Ecuador. 1964 Diaphorolep is wagneri — Bogert, Senckenberg iana Biol., 45: 513> figs- 1, 3-7-

Distribution; Darien region of Panama to western Ecuador; one doubtful record from "Eastern Ecuador." 82 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE *••* DIPSAS

DIPSAS Laurent! Laurent!. : Type-spec ! es: Dipsas nd!ca 1768 Dipsas Laurent!, Synops. Rept. 85. J . Par!s, 1810 Bunqarus Oppel (partim; non Bunqarus Daudin I8O3), Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. I3: 351.

Type-'spec i es: none designated. bucephala Shaw. 184S Pholidolaemus Fitzinqer. Syst. Rept., 1: 2/. Type-species: C oluber D ipsas indica Laurenti. Acad. Sc i , Parrs, *67. Type-species: 1853 Di^sadomorus Dumlril, Mem. . 2J: Mem. Acad. Sc i Pans, 46/. 1853 Leptoqnathus Dumeril (non Leptoqnathus Swainson 1839), . 2J: Type-species: none designated.

. 468. Type-species: C oluber catesbeji 18S^ Stremmatoqnathus Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sc i Paris, 23: Sentzen. Gunther. 1895 Neopareas Gunther, Biol. Centr. Amer. Rept.: 178. Type-species: Neopareas bicolor Type-species: Heterorhach is 1523 Heterorhachis Amaral, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, 8: 54. poecilolepsis Amaral.

Distribution: Tropical Mexico, Central America and South America.

(Oliver), and maxiUaris Werner) Content: 3I species, of which three ( eleqans (Soulenger), qaiqeae most recent revision, Py Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. are extral im i tal, according to the Mich., 114, I56O.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Escamas en I7 mas filas (qrupo polvlepis ) 2 1. Scale rows on body I7 or more ( polylep i s group) 2 Escamas en I5 menos filas- 4 Scale rows on body 15 or less 4 2. Filas de escamas en nijmero extremadamente variable over entire 2. Scale rows extremely variable a lo largo del cuerpo 3 body 3 Filas de escamas constantes en numero de la number from head to Scale rows consistent cabeza al ano pqlylepis anus polylepis

3. Ventrales 153 poecilolepis

Ventrals poec i lolep i s 3. 153 Vent rales 153 peri ianensis Ventrals 153 peri janens i s

Fig. 1. Dipsas brevifacies . illustrative of art iculata group.

4. Diseflo dorsal de anchas bandts transversas 4. Dorsal pattern of broad, dark-brown or black pard* oscuras o negras, mis anchas que los

bands that are much wider than interspaces, interespac i OS, completas (excepto »n a lo largo and are couplet* (except in temporal is and temporal! s y vi qu ier i ) co«o anillos

del cuerpo; i nterespac ios rosa rojo en vida, vi qu ier i ) across venter over length of body; interspaces pink or red in life, yellow in amarillo en preservados (grupo art iculata . 5 preservative ( art iculata group, Fig. l) 5 Fig. 1) Dorsal pattern not as above 11 Diseflo dorsal no como el anterior 11

6 5. Paired chin shields present 6 5. Con geneiales pares All chin shields posterior to labials in con- Geneiales, posteriores al primer par labial en tact single bicolor contacto, s imples- bicolor

100 o mas 7 6. Subcaudals 100 or more- 7 6. Subcaudales ° menos brevifac ies Subcaudals 39 °f less — -brevif ac ies Subcaudales 55

de 7. At least one pair of labials in contact behind 7. A lo menos un par de labiales contacta atras mental ' 8 la mentoneana 8 Mental in contact with paired chin shields Mentoneana en contacto con el par anterior temporal is temporal i s geneial —


usualmente dos postoculares; 8. No preocular; usually two postoculars; pos- 8. Preocular ausente; manchados muy terior interspaces not or lightly spotted i nterespac ios posteriores no levemente 5 3 One preocular; usually three postoculars; pos- Una preocular; usualmente tres postoculares; manchados terior interspaces heavily streaked and interespac ios posteriores densamente 10 spotted 10 y lineados

del cuerpo con bandas dos veces 5. Bands on posterior part of body twice as wide 9. Parte posterior

mas anchas que Ios interespacios qrac i 1 i s qrac i i s as i nters paces 1 Bands on posterior part of body approximately Parte posterior del cuerpo con bandas de equal to interspaces art iculata aprox imadamente igual ancho que Ios inter-

espac i OS art iculata

lO.Cabeza dorsalmente unicolor, en pardo oscuro; 10. Dorsum of head unicolor dark brown; upper lab- ocho supra lab iales tenu i ss ima ials e ight tenuiss ima Cabeza dorsalmente manchada de bianco; nueve Dorsum of head spotted with white; upper lab- diez supra lab iales v i qu iefi ials nine or ten v i qu i eri

ll.DiseHo dorsal de manchas redondeadas en forma 11. Dorsal pattern of rounded, dark-brown or black blotches or saddles, interspaces tawny brown de silla de montar, pardo oscuras o negras, interespacios en pardo tostado (grupo ( catesby i group, Fig. 2) 12 catesbyi . Fig. 12 Dorsal pattern not as above 15 2) DiseRo dorsal no como el anterioi 15 12. Dorsal scale rows I3- -—13 12.Dorsales en I3 filas- - — 13 - rows cope i Dorsal scale I5- - Oorsales en I5 filas- cope i

13. Prefrontals two; dorsum of head unicoloi 14 13,Dos pref rontales; cabeza dorsalmente uni- Prefrontals usually fused; dorsum of head coloi 14 variegated and streaked with white normalmente fusionadas; cabeza verm iculata Prefrontales dorsalmente variegada y lineada en bianco verm iculata 14, Blotches narrower at vertebral row than laterally; loreal does not enter eye catesbvi 14. Manchas mas angostas a nivel de la Ifnea ver- Blotches saddle-shaped, wider at vertebral row tebral que lateralmente; loreal no llega el than laterally; loreal enters eye pavon ina jo catesby i Manchas en forma de silla de montar, mas anchas 15. Dorsal blotches triangular or lozenge-shaped, a nivel de la linea vertebral que lateral-

usually widest at ventrals, with yellow spot mente; loreal llega al ojo pavon i na between corners of blotches at ventrals triangulares romboidales ( indica group. Fig. 3) 16 15. Manchas dorsales Dorsal pattern not as above 17 usualmente mas anchas a nivel ventral, con mancha amarilla entre ellas, a 9Se nivel (qrupo indica. Fig. 3) ^^ DiseRo dorsal no como el anterioi 17

i i illustrative i i c ceps . Fig. 2. D i psa s ca tesby . illustrative Fig. 3- D ipsas nd ica st

i of catesby i group. of i nd ca group.

16. Scale rows I5 16. Dorsales en 15 filas nei va i Scale rows I3, often reducing to 11- -i nd ica Dorsales en I3 filas; f recuentemente con re-

duccion a 11 ind i ca 17. Dorsal ground color of light browns and tans, with narrow blotches that are higher than 17. Dorsalmente pardo claro bronceado, con manchas wide, and much narrower than interspaces (at angostas, mas altas que anchas, mucho mas least posteriorly), interspaces streaked, angostas que Ios interespacios (por lo menos

( varieqata spotted or stippled throughout poster i ormente) , interespacios lineados, man- group, Fig. 4) 18 chados o punteados (grupo varieqata .Fig. 4)-18 Dorsal pattern not as above 21 DiseRo dorsal no como el anterior 21 ——


Fig. 4. Dipsas albifrons . illustrative Fig. 5- Dipsas ellipsifera . illustrative

of var i egata group. of oreas group.

18. Two or more pairs of labials in contact 18. Dos m^s pares de labiales en contacto detras mental 19 de mentoneana 1? Single pair of labials in contact behind Un unico par de labiales en contacto detras de mental incerta mentoneana i ncerta

15.Cabeza dorsalmente unicolor en bronceado palido IJ.Dorsum of head unicolor light tan or with con manchas oscuras poco definidas'en parie- poorly defined darker spots on parietals tales 20 20 Gabeza dorsalmente con manchas pardo-oscuras Dorsum of head with dark-brown spot clearly bien definidas sobre la region parietal y defined on parietal and occipital region, occipital, suturas de escamas cef5l icas in brown sutures of head scales outlined lineadas en pardo varieqata varieqata 20. Con pequeflas manchas pardas en el Ifmite 20. Small brown spot present on tips of ventrals lateral de las ventrales y primeras filas de and first scale rows, alternating with dorsal escamas, alternando con las manchas dorsales blotches varieqata varieqata Spots in interspaces absent or poorly defined, Manchas de los interespac ios ausentes pobre- f never prom inent alb i pons mente definidas, nunca prominentes alb if rons

21. Dorsal blotches wider than interspaces, little 2l'Manchas dorsales mas anchas que los inter- contrast between them, centers of blotches espaclos, con poco contraste entresf; centros

often considerably lightened, so that blotch de las manchas f recuentemente cons i derable- un resembles paired ellipses ( oreas group, Fig. mente mas claros, con manchas que recuerdan 5) 22 par de parentesis (grupo oreas . Fig. 5) 22

Coloracion no como la anterior (grupo pratti ) — Color not as above ( pratt i group) 23 23

22. Centers of do rsal blotches very light, so that 22. Manchas dorsales con centros muy claros; que blotch resem bles paired ellipse s on all in- recuerdan un par de parentesis; geneiales

dividuals; c hin heavily spotted ; venter with densamente manchados; vientre con dos bandas two parallel dark streaksj vent rals often less oscuras y paralelas; ventrales f recuentemente than 170, su bcaudals less than 80-- ell ips if era menos de 170, subcaudales menos de 80 Centers of do rsal blotches light ened only in ellipsifera adults, not in juveniles, and n ever so light Centros de manchas dorsales claros solo en that the bio tch resembles pa ire d ellipses; adultos, no en juveniles, nunca tan claros chin not or sparsely spotted; v enter with como en las manchas que recuerdan un par de large rectan gular blotches betw een ends of parentesis; geneiales no manchadas o con man- ne ighbor ing dorsal blotches; ve ntrals more chas esparcidas; vientre con grandes manchas than 175; su bcaudals more than 75 oreas rectangulares ubicadas entre los nac im ientos de las dorsales; ventrales mas de 175> subcauda- 23.Loreal enters orbit; no suboculars 24 les m^s de 179 oreas Loreal does not enter orbit; suboculars pre-

sent sanct i joannis 23. Loreal conforma la orbita; sin suboculares 24 Loreal no conforma la orbita; con suboculares

24. Ventrals 177 °'~ more- 25 sanct i ioann is - Ventrals I76 or less- pratt i 24. Ventrales 177 ° "'^^ 25 - Ventrales I76 menos- pratt i 25. Dorsum of head not unicolor, spotted 26 Dorsum of head unicolor, not spotted 27 25.Cabeza dorsalmente no unicolor, manchada 26 Cabeza dorsalmente unicolor, no manchada 27 26. Dorsum of head reddish-brown with black spot- ting boettqeri 26.Cabeza dorsalmente pardo rojiza con manchas Dorsum of head black with yellow spotting negras boettqeri

schunki i Cabeza dorsalmente negra con manchas amarillas-

schunk i i ,


27.A11 dorsal blotches fail to meet on venter; 27.Ninguna mancha dorsal se fusiona ventralmente; usually less than two pairs of labials in con- tact behind mental 28 f recuentemente menos de dos pares de labiales First few dorsal blotches fused ventrally; en contacto detras de la mentoneana 28 Pocas de las primeras manchas dorsales fusio- usually two pairs of labials in contact behind nadas ventralmente; f recuentemente dos pares mental lat if asc iata de labiales en contacto detras de la men- -- 28. Anterior body blotches twice as wide as toneana lat if asc iata

lighter interblotch area lat i frontal is 28. Manchas anteriores doblemente anchas que inter— Anterior body blotches approximately the same espacios claros lat i frontal is width as light interblotch areas peruana Manchas anteriores de aprox imadamente igual ancho al de los interespac ios claros peruana

DIPSAS ALBIFRONS (Sauvage) varieqata group

1884 Dipsadomorus albif rons Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (/) 8: 145. Type-locality: Brazil.

I5O8 Pi psas albif rons-—Mocquard in Dumeril & Bocourt, Miss. Sc i . Mex. J: S')] 1950 Dipsas albif rons cavalheiroi Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 22: 154. Type-locality; llha da Queimada Grande, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1960 Dipsas albifrons —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Eool. Univ. Mich., 114: 121.

Distribution: Known from Estados de Santa Catarina and SSo Paulo, Brazil; also reported from Paraguay and Mate Grosso, Brazil.

DIPSAS ARTICULATA (Cope) art iculata group

1868 Leptoqnathus art iculata Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 135' Type-locality: Veraguas, "Costa Rica" (actually in Panama). 1526 Jbipsas articulata —Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 18: 206. ] 1%0 mpsas articulata—Peters. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. ,Univ. Mich., 114: 33.

Distribution: Lower elevations on Atlantic and Pacific slopes, Costa Rica and Panama.

DIPSAS BICOLOR (Gunther) art iculata group

1895 Neopareas bicolor Gunther. Biol. Centr. Amer., Rept.: 1/8. Type-locality: Chontales mine, N icaragua. 1926 [" Dipsas b icolor l—Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., {5) 18: 206. Jalapa, Nueva 1554 Wopareas tricolor Brattstrom and Howell, Herpetologica, 10: 120. Type-locality: Segovia, Nicaragua. I960 Dipsas bicolor—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. UMv. Mich., 114: 36.

Distribution: Pacific slopes of southern Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica.


pratt i group

1501 Leptoqnathus boettqeri Werner, Abh. Ber. Konigl. Zool. Anthropol. -Ethnol. Mus. Dresden, 5' H* Type-locality: Chanchamayo, Peru. 1909 Leptoqnathus boliviana Werner. Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 240. Type-locality: Beni River, Bolivia. 1960 Dipsas boettqeri —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 98.

Distribution: Andean slopes of southern Peru and northern Bolivia. 5 i

86 DIPSAS ___^

DIPSAS BREVIFACIES (Cope) art iculata group

1866 Tropidodipsas brevifacies Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc!. Phila.. 1866; r27. Type-locality: Yucatan. 1884 Dipsadomorus fasciatus Bocourt, Bul,l. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 135> Type-locality: Yucatan. Leptoqnathus torquatus Cope 188 (substitute name for Dipsadomorus fasciatus Bocourt ) , Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, 22: I72. 1526 [Pipsas brevifacies] —Parker, Ann. Mag. Hat. Hist., (5) 18: 206. 1560 D ipsas brevifac ie&—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zoai» Univ. Mich., 114: 38.

Distribution: Yucatan Peninsula to British Honduras on east and Carmen Island on west.


catesby i group

1796 Coluber catesbe i i Sentzen (typographical error), Meyer's Zool. Arch., 2: 66. Type-locality: "Wahrsche inl ich Amerika". 1827 Pipsas catesbyi —Boie, Isis von Oken, 20: 56O. ?19*7 Sibynomorphus macedoi Prado & Hoge, Ciencia, Mexico, 8:180. Type-locality: Pucallpa, Loreto Province, Peru. 1956 Pipsas catesbyi —Peters, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 1783: 2.

P istri but ion: Amazonas region of South America, from Andean slopes of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia to coast of Venezuela and British Guiana, and through northern half of Brazil.


catesby i group

I872 Leptoqnathus Copei Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 9; 3O. Type-locality: "Probably from Suri nam".

i960 Pipsas cope i —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 58.

P i str ibut ion: Guianas and southern Venezuela.

PIPSAS ELLIPSIFERA (Boulenger) oreas group

1898 Leptoqnathus ellipsifera Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I898: II7. Type-locality: Ibarra, Ecuador. 1960 Pipsas ellipsifera —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. 114: 87.

Pi str i but ion: Known only from higher Andean slopes, western Ecuador.

PIPSAS GRACILIS (Boulenger) art iculata group

1902 Leptoqnathus gracilis Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 9: 57. Type-locality: San Javier, Ecuador. 1920 Leptoqnathus hammondii Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (9) 6: 110. Type-locality: Guatea, western Ecuador. 1925 Sibynomorphus macrostomus Amaral, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 67: 9. Type-locality: Ecuador. i960 Pipsas gracilis —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114; 44.

Pistr ibut ion: Northwestern Ecuador.

PIPSAS INCERTA (jan) var ieqata group

I863 Leptoqnathus i ncertus Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofid.: 101. Type-locality: French Guiana. 1885 Leptoqnathus alternans Fischer, Jahrb. Wiss. Anat. Hamburg, 2: IO5. Type-locality: "Angeblich aus Santos". 1923 Sibynomorphus harbour Amaral, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, 8: 92. Type-locality; Utinga, Alagoas, Brazil.

1923 Sibynomorphus qarbe i Amaral, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, 8: 93' Type-locality: Colonia Hansa, Santa Catarina, Brazil. 1935 Pipsas incerta —Parker, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1935: 527. i960 Pipsas incerta —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: I27.

P istr ibut ion: Southeastern coastal area of Brazil, from Espfrito Santo to Santa Catarina. = -


DIPSAS INOICA Laurent! ind ica group

1768 Dipsas indica Laurent!. Synops. Rept.: ')0. Type-local ! ty: "Ceylon"; des!gnated by Peters, M!sc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Un!v. M!ch., 114: 68, as the Amazonian region of South America.

Distribution: South America north of the Tropic of Capricorn.

Content: Four subspecies, according to the latest revision by Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114, I56O.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dorsum of head unicolor light brown, or 1. Cabeza dorsalmente unicolor en pardo claro, with three or four dark brown spots on con tres cuatro manchas pardo oscuras posterior head shields (frontals, sobre los escudos posteriores (frontal, parietals, and occipitals) 2 parietales y occipitales) 2 Dorsum of head darker brown, strongly vari- Dorso de la cabeza pardo oscuro, fuerte- egated with black and yellow or white 3 mente manchado en negro y amarillo bianco 3 2. Spots on posterior head plates absent or small, occupying less than one quarter of 2. Manchas de placas posteriores de la cabeza, each scale bucephala ausentes pequeRas, ocupando menos de un Spots on posterior head plates large, oc- cuarto de cada escama bucephala cupying almost entire area of each scale— Manchas de placas posteriores de la cabeza cist iceps ocupando casi enteramente la superficie de cada escama cist iceps

3. Occipital region not streaked, may be „ j " Regiond„-:4„ _•„:! i i- j ..^ . 3- occipital no lineada, . 1 aunque puede \, J ui 1 1. u ji - => r , f. spotted, first dorsal blotch broadly ^ ^ ' J , ... , , -J- ser punteada, primera mancha dorsal am- fused along middorsal line 1 nd ica ,. '. ,.,,,,, ^ ... : . 1 -1 1 pliamente fusionada al nivel de la linea Occipital region longitudinallyJ- n streaked.i —;; vertebral j nd ica by first dorsal blotch separated light „^ i j n -i. j- 1 '^ d»„;x„ ;„:i i- i • Region occipital lineada long 1 tud inalmente. , , , J is . line at vertebrals ecuadorens u j 1 j •, — primera mancha dorsal separada a nivel vertebral por una 1 fnea clara ecuadorens is

D ipsas ind ica i nd ica Laurenti

I960 Dipsas indica indica—Peters. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 67.

Distribution: Amazon drainage in Brazil, Colombia, British Guiana, Ecuador and Peru.

D ipsas indica bucephala (Boettger)

1802 Coluber bucephalus Shaw, Gen. Zool., 3: 42£. Type-locality: Ceylon; restricted by Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 73, to Brazil. 1S60 Dipsas indica bucephala —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 73.

Distribution: Southeastern Brazil; Misiones, Argentina.

Dipsas indica c ist iceps (Boettger)

188S Leptoqnathus ( Oi psadomorus ) cist iceps Boettger, Zeit. Naturwiss., 58; 237. Type- locality: Paraguay. 1914 Dipsas cisticeps —Bertoni, Descr. Fis. Econom. Paraguay, 5?: 29. 1S60 Dipsas indica cisticeps—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 78.

Distribution: Bolivia and Paraguay.

Dipsas ind ica ecuadorensis Peters

i960 Dipsas indica ecuadorensis Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 81. Type- locality: Rfo Solis, Cabeceras del Rfo Bobonaza, 14 km east southeast of Puyo, Pastaza Province, Ecuador.

Distribution: Amazonian drainage of Ecuador. i



Pratt i group

191^ Leptoqnathus lat if asc iatus Boulanger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (s) 12: 72. Type-locality: Upper Maraflon, Eastern Peru. 1960 Dipsas latifasciata —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 100.

Distribution: Amazonian slopes of Andes of northern Peru and extreme southern Ecuador.


Pratt i group

190') Leptoqnathus lat if rontal is Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 15= 561- Type-locality: Aricagua, Estado Merida, Venezuela, 1000 m. 1909 Leptoqnathus praeornata Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 240. Type-locality: Venezuela. 1512 Leptoqnathus palmer Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (s) 10: 422, Type-locality: El Topo, Rio Pastaza, Ecuador. 1960 Dipsas latifrontalig—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: IO3.

Distribution: Lower Amazonian slopes from Venezuela to southern Ecuador.

DIPSAS NEIVAI Amaral indica group

Minas Geraes, 1926 Dipsas neivai Amaral. Arch. Mus. Nac. Brasil, 26: 14. Type-locality: Caratinga,

Braz i 1. 1960 Dipsas neivai —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 85.

Distribution: Caratinga (Minas Geraes) and Catu (Bahia) Brazil.

DIPSAS OREAS (Cope) oreas group

1868 Leptoqnathus oreas Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila. 1868: IO5. Type-locality: "From the elevated valley of Quito," Ecuador; locality questioned by Peters, Rev. Ecuat. Entom. Parasit., 2, 1955, 347- I856 Leptoqnathus andiana Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' *52. Type-locality: Quito, Ecuador; (locality questioned by Peters, Rev. Ecuat. Entom. Parasit., 2, 1955> 3*7* 1934 Dipsas mikanii oreas—Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (lO) 14: 27I. 1960 Dipsas oreas-—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 52.

Distribution: Higher parts and western slopes of Ecuadorian Andes.


catesby i group

1837 Dipsas pavonina Schlegel, Essai Physion. Serpens, 2: 280. Type-locality: apparently from "Guyanes".

i960 Dipsas pavon i na —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114; 61.

Distribution: Guianas and Venezosla to Para, Brazil, and to Amazonian slopes of Andes; Colombia to Bolivia on eastern slope.

DIPSAS PERIJANENSIS Aleman, new combination

1953 Tropidodipsas peri ianensis Aleman, Mem. Soc. Cien. Nat. La Salle, I3 (35): 217, fig. Type-

locality: Jamayau ja i na. Sierra de Perija, Estado Zulia, Venezuela, I7OO m.

Distribution: Region of Perija, Zulia, Venezuela. I



Pratt i group

1898 Leptoqnathus peruana Boettger, Kat. Rept.-Samml. Mus. Senck. Nat. Ges., 2: 128. Type-locality: Santa Ana, Cuzco Province, Peru.

1543 Dipsas m ikan i i peruanus-—Schmidt & Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24; 288. i960 Pi psas peruana—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 110.

Distribution: Eastern slopes of Andes in southern Peru.


polylep i s group

8: ')i. 1523 Heterorhach i s poecllolepsis Amaral (typographical error), Proc. New England Zool. Club, Type-locality: Villa Bomfim, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1360 Dipsas poecilolepis —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich-, 114: 55.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality.


polylep i s group

1912 Leptoqnathus polvlepis Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (b) 10: 422. Type-locality: Huancabamba, Peru, above 3OOO ft. i960 Dipsas polylepis —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 96.

Distribution: Known only from the typ« locality.

DIPSAS PRATT I (Boulenger)

Pratt i group

1897 Leptoqnathus Pratti Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) 20: 523. Type-locality: Medell'n, Colomb ia.

1899 Leptoqnathus triseriatus Cope. Mus. Sc i . Bull., 1: I3. Type-locality: Colombia. 1916 L^eptoqnathus n igriceps Werner, Zool. Anz., 47: 3O9. Type-locality: CaRon del Tolima, Colombia. 1926 Jbipsas prattn —Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (9) 18: 206. 1940 itipsas nicefor'ii Prado. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 14: 14. Type-locality: Quindfo, Colo:mb ia. 1941 Dipsas tolimensis Prado. Ciencia, Mexico, 2: 345. Type-locality: Tolima, LTbano, Colombia. i960 Dipsas pratti —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 112.

Distribution: Cordillera Central in Colombia.


pratt i group

1911 Leptoqnathus sanct i- joannis Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7: 24. Type-locality Pueblo Rico, slopes of San Juan River, Choco, Colombia, 5200 ft. 1916 Leptoqnathus sanct i- iohannis Werner (substitute name for Leptoqnathus sanct i- joannis Boulenger), Zool. Anz., 47: 310. 1941 Sibynomorphus caucanus Rendahl & Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., (a) 33: 11. Type-locality: Munchique, Cauca, Colombia. I960 Dipsas sanct i joannis —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: II5.

Distribution: Slopes of Cordillera Occidental in Colombia; also recorded from Medellfn.


pratt i group

I9O8 Leptoqnathus schunkii Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (b) 1: I15. Type-locality: Chanchamayo, Peru.

1922 Leptoqnathus schuncki i Werner (substitute name for Leptoqnathus schunki i Boulenger), Arch. Naturgesch., (a) 8: I97. [Dipsas 1 1926 schunki i —Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (9) 18: 206. I960 Uipsas schunkei —Peters, Misc. Publ., Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 11^

Distribution: Amazonian slopes of Andes in Peru.

368-492 f)— 70 7 —


DIPSAS TEMPORALIS (Werner) art iculata group

1909 Lectognathus temporalis Werner, Mitt. Maturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 241. Type-locality: Esmeraldas, Ecuador. 191^ Leptoqnathus spurrelli Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1513- 1^3^' Type-locality: Condoto, Pefla Lisa, Choco, Colombia. 1960 Dipsas temporalis- Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114; 50-

Distribution: Pacific coast of South America in Ecuador and Colombia; Atlantic coast of Panama.


art i culata group

1554 Dipsas tenuissima Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 26: 7/1. Type-locality: On Dominical Road in

swamp , approximately I5 km WSW of San Isidro del General, Costa Rica. 1960 Dipsas tenuissima —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 52.

Distribution: Panama and Costa Rica.

DIPSAS VARIEGATA (Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

var i eqata group

I854 Leptoqnathus varieqatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gin., 7= ^77' Type-locality: Surinam. 1918 Dipsas varieqata—Gomes, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 10: 525-

Distribution: Panama and northern South America.

Content: Three subspecies, according to Peters, I96O, Misc. Pub. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dorsum of head with dark-brown spot clearly Dorso de la cabeza con manchas pardo oscuras defined on parietal and occipital region, claramente definidas sobre la region parie- sutures of head scales outlined in brown-2 tal y occipital; suturas de escamas cefali- Dorsum of head unicolor light or with poor- cas lineadas en pardo 2 ly defined darker spots on parietals Dorso de la cabeza unicolor en tostado

tr i n i tat is claro, con puntos oscuros pobremente

definidos sobre las parietales — tr i n i tat is

2. Dark-brown spots on head unite on frontals Manchas pardo oscura dorso cefalicas to form U-shaped mark, posterior tips of unidas, formando sobre la zona frontal, "U" often fused to first dorsal blotch una U, cuya parte posterior f recuentemente

n ichols i se fusiona a la primera mancha dorsal Dark-brown spots on head not fused on n icholsi frontal, do not extend to first dorsal Manchas pardo oscuras, dorso cefalicas no blotch varieqata unidas sobre la zona frontal y no exten- diendose hasta la primera mancha dorsal varieqata

Dipsas varieqata varieqata (Dumeril, Bibron and Oumeril)

1523 Leptoqnathus robusta L. Muller, Zool. Anz., 57' 155' Type-locality: East Ecuador. I960 Dipsas varieqata varieqata —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: I32.

Distribution: Venezuela, Guianas, Ecuador, and Peru.

Dipsas varieqata n ichols i (Ounn)

1933 Sibynomorphus nicholsi Dunn, Copeia, 1933= 193' Type-locality: mid-basin of Chagres River and mouth of Pequeni River, Panama. I960 Dipsas varieqata nicholsi —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: I37.

Distribution: Atlantic side of Panama to northwestern Ecuador. .


D ipsas var ieqata tr i n i ta t i s Parker

1526 Dipsas trinitatis Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 18: 206. Type-locality: Trinity Hill Reserve, Trinidad. 1960 Dipsas varieqata trinitatis —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., Ill: 135-

Distribution: Island of Trinidad.


catesby i group

1560 Dipsas vermiculata Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 65. Type-locality: Chichirota, Lower Rfo Bobonaza, Pastaza Province, Ecuador.

Distribution: Amazonian Ecuador and northeastern Peru.

DIPSAS VIGUIERI (Bocourt) art iculata group

1884 Leptoqnathus v i qu i er i Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: I36. Type-locality: Isthmus of. Dari^n, Panama. 1926 jDipsas viquieri] —^Parker. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (9) 18: 206.

i960 [Tipsas vi qu i er i —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: ^i

Distribution: Pacific coast of Panama. 92 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * * * DITAXODON


1558 Pi taxodon Hoge, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, Ji (l): 5*> figs. 5~7' Type-species: Ph i lodryas taen ia tus Hensel.

Distribution: Southern Brazil.

Content: One species.


1868 Philodrvas taeniatus Hensel. Arcli. fiir Naturg., 1868: 331' Type-locality: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

1558 Ditaxodon taeniatus—Hoge, Mitt. Zool. Mus, Berlin, 34 (l): 54, figs. 5-7.

Distribution: Southern Brazil. . *


...... — — Prepared by Joseph R. Bailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina


I856 Drepanodon Peracca (preoccupied by Drepanodon Nesti, 1826), Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 11 (231): 3- Type-species: Cloel ia anomala Jan.

1528 Drepano i des Dunn (substitute name for Drepanodon Peracca), Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer,, 2: 22. Type-species: Cloel ia anomala Jan. 1541 Pseudoclelia Rendahl and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33* (5)' 10. Type-species: Pseudoclel ia guttata Rendahl and Vestergren.

Distribution: As for single species.

Content: One species.

Comment: There is a possibility that the species Arrhyton quenselii Andersson, I5OI, belongs here, but it is omitted until additional information on the species is available. Drepanodon eatoni Ruthven is a synonym of Oxyrhopus marcapa tae Boulenger.


I863 Cloel ia anomala Jan, Elenco Sist. Of idi, 1863: 92> Type-locality; Originally given by Jan as "Amer. Merid." and "Brasile", but modified to "Amer. Merid." only by Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., I87O. Livr. 35, pi. 1, fig. 4; Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, I856, 11 (231)* 5> states that the bottle containing the type at NeuchStel includes a label saying "Perou-Voyage Tschudi". I896 Drepanodon anomalus — Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 11 (231): 3.

I836 Drepanodon as t i gma t icus Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 11 (231): 5- Type- locality: Iquitos, Peru. 19*1 Pseudoclel ia guttata Rendahl and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33* (5)' 10. Type-locality: Rfo Pastaza between Rfo Puyo and Rfo Copataza, Ecuador.

Distribution: Central Bolivia north to southern Colombia along Andean front. 94 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * "^ DROMICUS


1843 Dromicus Bibron, in de la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, Spanish Ed., 4: I33. Type-species: Drom icus anqul if er Bibron. Taeniophls tant illus 1854 Taeniophis Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. So i . Phila., 1854: 227. Type-species: G irard. 1855 Pachyurus Philippi, An. Univ. Chile, 104: 72I. Type-species: None given.

Distribution: Pacific slopes of South America, between Peru and Chile, possibly Ecuador, Galapagos Islands and Antilles.

Content: About 20 species, several of them with large numbers of subspecies; most extralimital in Antilles and Galapagos Islands; only four species occur in the area covered by this work.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal pattern not made up of two longitudinal 1. Diseno no formado por dos hileras de manchas

series of dark spots fused anteriorly 2 oscuras dorsales fusionadas anter i ormente 2 Dorsal pattern of two longitudinal series of Diseiio dorsal con dos hileras de manchas

dark spots, fused anteriorly tachymeno i des oscuras fusionadas anter i ormente- tachymeno i des

2. Dorsal pattern with a middorsal black stripe 2. Diseiio dorsal con cinta negra media del ancho only one scale row wide 3 <^6 una escama 3 Dorsal pattern with one longitudinal dark band Diseno dorsal con una cinta parda que ocupa

at least five scale rows wide cham i sson i s por lo menos cinco filas de escamas-

-cham i sson is

3. Fewer than 155 ventrals inca 3- Menos de 155 ventrales inca

i i More than 135 ventrals anqust i 1 i nea tus Mas de 135 ventrales anqust 1 neatus


1543 Dromicus anqust ilineatus Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 3O8. Type- locality: Toquepala, Tacna, Peru.

1566 Drom i cus anqust i 1 i neatus—Donoso-Barros, Reptiles de Chile: 415-

Distribution: Arica valley, Chile; southwestern Peru, from near sea level to about 10,000 ft.


I835 Coronella Cham isson i s Wiegmann, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 1/: 246, pi. 13. Type- locality: Tollo, Chile.

I837 Psammophis temminckii Schlegel, Essa i Physiog. Serpens, 2: 218, pi. 8, figs. 14-15. Type- locality: Valparafso, Chile. I854 Taeniophis tantillus Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1854: 227. Type-locality: Santiago, Chile.

I867 Drom icus cham isson i s —Ste i ndachner, Reise Novara, Rept.: 65.

I833 L i oph i s luctuosa Philippi, An. Univ. Chile, 104: 723- Type-locality: None given.

1566 Drom icus cham i sson i s —Donoso-Barros, Reptiles de Chile: 415, pl* 32.

Distribution: Between 27°S and 41°S in Chile.

DROMICUS INCA Schmidt and Walker

1543 Dromicus inca Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 325. Type-locality: Cajamarca, Departamento de Cajamarca, Peru.

Distribution: Known from type locality only. 95 DROMICUS


19«3 Prom icus tachymeno i des Schmidt and Walker, ?ool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 3O5. Type- locality: Chucurapf, near Mollendo, Departamento Arequipa, Peru.

1566 Prom icus tachymeno i des-— Ponoso-Barros, Reptiles de Chile: A21, pi. 32.

P i str i but i on: Extreme northern Chile and southern coastal Peru, from sea level to 10,000 ft. —



1843 Drvmarchon Fitzinger, Syst. Rept.: 26. Type-species; Coluber corais Boie. 1853 Georgia Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Amer. Rept.: 92. Type-species: Coluber couperi Holbrook. 1867 Geoptyas Ste indachner, Sitz. Math. -Naturwiss. Kl.Akad. Wiss. Wien, 55 (l) ; 27I, pi. 3, figs. 1-]. Type-species: None designated.

Distribution: From southern United States to northern Argentina.

Content: One widely ranging species.


1827 Coluber corais Boie, I s i s. von Oken, 182/: 537* Type-locality: America.

I855 [ Drymarchon corais j—Stejneger, North Amer. Fauna, 14: ]0,

Distribution: From United States to northern Argentina.

Content: Eight subspecies, three ( erebennus Cope, couperi Holbrook and orizabensis Ouges) extra-

1 im ! tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dorsal pattern uniformly black 2 1. Dorso enteramante negro Dorsum with some pattern, not uniformly Dorso no enteramente negro- black 3 2. Cola y vientre no rojizos — cora IS 2. Tail and venter not reddish cora is Cola y vientre rojizos -rub i dus

Tail and venter reddish rub i dus

3. Dorsal pattern light brown at least 3. Disefio dorsal pardo claro por lo menos anteriorly 4 anteriormente 4 Dorsal pattern black with irregular grey Diseno dorsal negro con bandas transversas transverse bands, dim or indistinct irregulares grises, difusa indistinta anteriorly, more prominent posteriorly anteriormente, mas prominente en la parte

and on tail marqar i tae posterior y en la cola marqar i tae

4. Dorsal pattern uniform light brownish 4. DiseRo dorsal en pardo claro uniforme un icolor un icolor Dorsal pattern in dark brown more intensive Disefio dorsal en pardo oscuro mas intense on posterior third of body and entire en el tercio posterior del cuerpo y toda

ta i 1 melanurus la cola melanurus

Drymarchon cora is cora is (Soie)

I867 Geoptyas f lavi ventris Ste i ndachner, SItz. Math. -Naturwiss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 55 (l)' 272, pi. 4, figs. 1-4. Type-localities: Cijyaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil, and Rio Vaupes, which may be either Colombia or Brazil (where it is spelled Uaupes). n is is I855 [ Drymarcho cora cora j—Stejneger, North Amer. Fauna, 14: 70* 1923 Phrynonax anqulifer Werner. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 36: l62. Type-locality: Joinville, Braz il.

Distribution: Amazonian and Paraguayan basins; from Venezuela to Argentina; Trinidad and Tobago.

Drvmarchon cora is marqari tae Roze

1359 Drvmarchon marqaritae Roze, Nov. Cient. Mus. Hist. Nat. La Salle, Venezuela, Ser. Zool., 25: 1. Type-locality: Near San Francisco de Macanao, Isla Margarita, Venezuela. 1964 Drymarchon corais marqaritae-—Roze, Mem. Soc. Cien. Nat. La Salle, Venezuela, 69: 222.

Distribution: Known only from western Margarita Island, Venezuela. >


Orymarchon corais melanurus (Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

1854 Spilotes melanurus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. G^n., ]: 224. Type-locality: Mex ico.

I867 Geoptvas collarls Ste i ndachner, Sitz. Ma th.-Naturw i ss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 55 {^) 271, pi. 3, figs. 4-7. Type-locality: Brazil. 1855 Drymarchon cora is melanurus—Stejneger, North Amer. Fauna, 14: y''- 1511 Drymarchon cora is melanocercus Smith (substitute name for melanurus Dumeril, Bibron and

Dumeril), Jour. Washington Acad. Sc i . , Jl: 473'

Distribution: Pacific slopes of Colombia and Ecuador; Northern Venezuela; Central America to Veracruz, Mexico, on Atlantic Slope and to Nicaragua on Pacific Slope.

i Drymarchon cora i s rub dus Smith

1541 Drymarchon cora is rubidus Smith, Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., 3I: 474. Type-locality: Rosario, Sinaloa, Mexico. 1542 Drymarchon corais cleofae Brock, Copeia, 1942: 24% Type-locality: isla Maria Cleofa, Tres Marias Islands, Mexico.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Pacific coast from Sinaloa, Mexico, south to Isthmus of Tehuantepec and apparently through valley of Rfo Grijalva, Chiapas into extreme southwestern Guatemala.

Drymarchon cora is un icolor Smith

1941 Drymarchon corais unicolor Smith, Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., 31= '^l^- Type-locality: La Esperanza, near Escuintla, Chiapas, Mexico.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from Chiapas, Mexico along Pacific coast into Nicaragua. 98 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE -^ "^ DRYMOBIUS


1843 Drymob ius Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-species: Herpetodryas marqar i t if erus Schlegel. 1853 Crossanthera Cope, American Naturalist, 1853= *81' Type-species: Dendroph id ium melanotrop is Cope.

Distribution: Texas on Atlantic slope and Chiapas, Mexico on Pacific slope through Central America to Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

Content: Four species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal pattern not reticulate; individual 1. Diseno dorsal no reticulado; escamas indivi- scales not green surrounded by black 2 dualmente no verdes rodeadas de negro 2 Dorsal pattern reticulate; each scale green Diseno dorsal reticulado; cada escama verde,

surrounded by blacl< marqar i t i f erus rodeada de negro marqar i t i f erus

2. Dorsal pattern without rhomboid blotches, more 2. Diseno dorsal sin manchas romboidales, mas o

or less uniform green 3 menos un i f ormemente verde 3 Dorsal pattern of rhomboid blotches rhomb iter Disefio dorsal de manchas romboidales-- rhombifer

3. Keels on middorsal scale rows not blackish J. Quillas de las filas mediodorsales no negras

chlorot icus chlorot i cus Keels on three middorsal scale rows blackish Quillas de las tres filas mediodorsales negras-

melanotrop i s melanotrop i s


1886 Dendroph idium chloroticum Cope^ Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 23 (I885): 278. Type-locality: Guatemala; restricted by Cope, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32, I887, 69, to Coban, [Alta Verapaz], Qua temala.

1887 Drymobius chlorot i cus —Cope. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32: 65.

Distribution: Moderate and intermediate elevations; San Luis de Potos', Mexico, along Caribbean coast to Honduras, and Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico to Costa Rica on Pacific slope.


I837 Herpetodryas marqar i t i f erus Schlegel, Essa i Physion. Serpens, 2: 184. Type-locality: New Orleans (in error); restricted by Smith, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 92, 1942, 383, to Veracruz, Mexico; further restricted to Cordoba, Veracruz, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, ,317-

D.[ rymobius i t i f I878 J marqar erus — Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 17 (I877): 35.

Distribution: Texas through Central America to South America.

Content: Four subspecies, one f fistulosus Smith) ex tral i m i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Anterior margins of median dorsal scales j, gorde anterior de escamas dorsales medianas blue in adults, white in faded specimens, 32^]^ g^ adultos, claro en especfmenes gray in juveniles; well differentiated marchitados, gris en juveniles; b i en di- from black scale tip 2 ferenciado de apices negros de escama 2 Color not as above occidental is Diseno dorsal no como el anterior

occ iden tal i s

A petition currently before the International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature [z.N.(S.) I7O4] would set aside Coluber Ch iametla Shaw, Gen. Zool., Amphib., 2, 1802, 440, in favor of its younger

Synonym, i marqar i t ferus Schlegel. The rules direct the retention of the status quo until a decision is reached, so we retain the junior synonym here. The name ch iametla would apparently be allocated to

subspecies f istulosus . if used. 99^ DRYMOBIUS

2. Adults retaining juvenile pattern of 35"^5 2. Adultos reteniendo el patron juvenil de diffuse dorsal blotches or bands, 2-J unas 35"*5 manchas o bandas dorsales que scale rows wide, more conspicuous anter- se extlenden hasta el origen de las iorly; ground color turquoise-green in ventrales; color de fondo verde-turquesa

life (dull or bluish-gray in preservative), en v i da (gris opaco o azulado en I'quido

dorsal scales almost entirely black (on preservat i vo), dorsales color verde-tur- dark blotches) to almost entirely tur- quesa con grados variables de pigmentacion quoise-green (on lighter areas), bordered negra o gris oscura; apice de las dorsales

with gray or black, always black-tipped siempre negro mayd i s

mayd i s No como el anterior marqar i t i f erus

Not as above marqar i t i f erus

i i Drymob i i us marqar t f erus marqar t i f erus (Schlegel)

^amen is tr icolor Hallowell, Jour. . 1855 Acad. Nat. Sc i Phila., (2) 3: 34, pi. 3. Type-locality: Honduras.

i t i 1890 Orvmobius marqar f erus marqar i t i ferus j Bocourt, Mjss. i . [ — Sc Mex., Rept i les:. 7I8.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from Texas south along Caribbean coast to northern South America.

Drymob ius marqar i t i f erus mayd i s Villa

1568 Drymob ius marqar i t i f erus mayd i s Villa, Rev. Biol. Trop. Costa Rica, I5: 117> figs. 2-4, Type-locality! Great Corn Island, Departamento de Zelaya, Nicaragua.

Distribution: Known only from Great Corn Island, Nicaragua.

Drymob ius marqar i t i f erus occ i dental i s Bocourt

I85O Drymob i us marqar i t i f erus var. occ i dental i s Bocourt, Miss. Sc i . Mex., Rept.: 118. Type- locality: Near Volcan Atitlan, Guatemala.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations on Pacific coast of Chiapas, Mexico east to El Salvador.


1876 Dendrophidium melanotropis Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8(1875): I34, pi. 26, fig. 1. Type-locality: Costa Rica.

1533 Drymob ius melanotrop i 5 — Stuart, Copeia, 1533' ^^•

Distribution: Nicaragua to Panama.


1860 Coryphodon rhomb i f er Gunther, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I860: 236. Type-locality: Esmeraldas, Ecuador.

1888 Drymob ius rhomb i f er — Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept., pi. 43, fig. 1.

Distribution: From Nicaragua to Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. 100 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE -^ ^ ^ DRYMOLUBER


1925 Drvmoluber Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 335, fig. Type-species; Herpetodryas dichroa Peters.

Distribution: Tropical South America, from northeastern Brazil and Guianas through Amazonian region to Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Content: Two species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal scales in 15 rows dichrous 1. Escamas dorsales en I5 filas d ichrous Dorsal scales in 17 rows braz ili Escamas dorsales en I7 filas brazili


I5I8 Drymobius Brazili Gomes, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 1: 81, pi. 14, fig. 2. Type-locality: EstajSo de Engenheiro Lisb8a, near Uberaba, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil. Estado de SSo 1523 Drymobius rubriceps Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club , 8: 85. Type-locality: Paulo, Brazil. 19^2 Drymoluber brazili —Stuart, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 236: 3.

Distribution: South central Brazil.


1863 Herpetodryas dichroa Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863: 284. Type-locality: Brazil; Surinam. 1868 Herpetodryas occipitalis Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (a) 1: 43O. Type-locality: Pebas, Ecuador. 1868 Spilotes piceus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868; IO5. Type-locality: Napo or Upper Maraflon, Ecuador. 133^ Drymoluber dichrous—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 82.

Distribution: Colombia, Ecuador, eastern Peru, northern Brazil, Amazonian Venezuela. a


ELAPHE Fitzinger

Ela£he. I833 Fitzinger, In Wagler, Oescrip. Icon. Amphib., J: text for pi. 2]. Type-species: Elaphe parreys i i Fitzinger = Coluber quatuorl Ineatus Lacepede. 1843 Pantherophis Fitzinger, Syst. Rept.: 25. Type-species: Coluber guttatus Linnaeus. 1853 Scotophis Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Amer. Rept.: 73. Type-species: Coluber alleqhan iens is Holbrook - C_. obsoletus Say.

1343 Pseudelaphe Mertens and Rosenberg (subgenus novum), Wochenschr i f t (Blatter) fUr Aquarien and

Terrar i enkunde, J: 6I. Type-species: Coluber f lav iruf us Cope.

Distribution: United States through Central America to Panama and Costa Rica.

Content: Eight species, six of which ( gut ta ta Linnaeus, vulp i na Baird and Girard, obsoleta Say

phaescens Dowling, rosal iae Mocquard and subocular i s Brown) are extral im i tal, according to Cowling, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., $41, 1952.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. With three dark bands on parietal region, one 1. Con tres bandas oscuras en la region parietal, on midline between parietals and one one outer una en la 1 fnea media entre parietales y una margin of each parietal; usually eight upper en borde externo de cada parietal; usualmente

labials tr i asp i s ocho labiales superiores tr lasp is Sin tres bandas mas o menos continuas en los Lacking three more or less continuous bands on parietales; usualmente nueve labiales parietals; usually nine upper labials superiores f lav irufa

f lav i ruf


I867 Coluber flavirufus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I867: 319. Type-locality: Yucatan; restricted to vincinty of Campeche, Campeche, by Dowling, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 542, 1952, 3. 1936 Elaphe flavirufa— Gaige, Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ., 547: 299.

Distribution: Mexico and Guatemala on Caribbean Coast to Corn Island, Nicaragua.

i two Content: i Four subspec which f i es, of ( lav irufa Cope and ma tuda Smith) are ex tral m i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Maximum 34 (usually 33) scale rows; pos- 1. Maximo 34 (usualmente 33) filas de escamas; terior minimum 23 scale rows polyst icha mfnimo posterior 23 filas polyst icha Maximum 3I scale rows; posterior minimum Maximo 3I filas de escamas; mfnimo pos- 21 scale rows pardalina terior 21 filas pardalina

Elaphe f lav irufa pardal ina (Peters)

1868 Elaphis pardalinus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1868: 642. Type-locality: Unknown. 1887 Elaphis rodriguezii Bocourt. le Naturaliste, (2) 14: I68. Type-locality; Panzos, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

1952 E laphe flavirufa pardalina —Dowling, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 540: 9.

Distribution: Alta Verapaz, Guatemala through Honduras to Corn Island, Nicaragua.

Elaphe f lav i rufa polyst icha Smith and Williams

Elaphe 1966 flavirufa polysticha Smith and Williams, Nat. Hist. Misc. i Chicago Acad. Sc . , I85: 1. Type-locality: Ruatan Island, Islas de la Bahfa, Honduras.

Distribution: Known only from type localit y- —



1866 Coluber triaspis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1866: 128. Type-locality: Belize; restricted to vicinity of the town of Belize, British Honduras, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, 316. 1525 Elaphe tr iasp is — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 155»

Distribution: Arizona through Mexico and Central America to Costa Rica.

i Content: Three subspecies, one of which ( i ntermed ia Boettger) is ex tral im tal, according to most recent revision by Dowling, Zoologica, 45, 19^0, 53"80.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Median frontoparietal band with small 1. Una banda frontoparietal mediana, con una rounded opening at about middle of suture abertura pequeHa y redonda aprox imadamente between parietals; band not open anterior- en el medio de la sutura entre parietales;

i i iasp is ly tr iasp i s banda no abierta anter ormente tr Median frontoparietal band with elongate Una banda frontoparietal con abertura alai opening along suture between parietals; gada sobre la sutura interparietal; banda band usually opening anteriorly, thus generalmente abierta anter iormente formando

forming a "Y" mutab il is una "Y" mutabil i s

Elaphe triaspis tr iasp i s (Cope)

Elaphe triaspis triaspis Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 69: 68. 1948 [ j — i960 Elaphe tr iasp is tr iasp is — Dowling, Zoologica, 45: ]l , figs. 1, %.

Distribution: Yucatan Peninsula, from Chichen Itza and Merida south to Uaxactun, in Peten, Guatemala.

Elaphe tr iasp i s mutab i 1 i s (Cope)

1885 Coluber mutabilis Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 1884: I75. Type-locality: Verapaz, Guatemala and Costa Rica. 1948 Elaphe triaspis mutabilis — Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 69: 68.

i960 Elaphe tr iasp is mutab i 1 i s — Dowling, Zoologica, 4$: ^2, fig. 9'^-

Distribution: Highlands of Guatemala south to vicinity of San Jose, Costa Rica. .



1862 Elapomo jus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 42. Type-species: Elapomorphus 1 Elapomo jus )

d i m i d i a t us Ja n

I856 Elapomo i us Boulenger (emendation of Elapomo Jus ) . Cat. Sn, Brit. Mus., 3- 238.

I858 Elapohomoeus Berg (emendation of Elapomo jus ) . An. Mus. Mac. Buenos Aires, 6; 28.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


I862 E.[ lapomorphus ( Elapomo jus )J d im i d iatus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 47. Type-locality: Braz il.

I856 Elapomoius d im i d i atus — Boulenger . Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: 238.

Distribution: Known only from type specimen, which is no longer extant. —



184^ Elapomorphus Wieqmann, Fitzinger, Syst. Rept.t 25. Type-species; Calamaria Blumii Schleqel.

IS'iS Elapocephalus Gunther. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 276. Type-species: Elapocephalus taenjatus Gunther. tricolor 1862 Phalotris Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1861: 524. Type-species: Elapomorphus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumlril.

Distribution: Tropical and subtropical South America; from northeastern Brazil to Argentina.

Content: Eight species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

2 1. Two prefrontals 2 1. Dos prefrontales One prefrontal ^ Una prefrontal 4

long i tud i nales~3 2. Dorsal pattern with three longitudinal stripes- 2. Diseno dorsal con tres Uneas 3 Diseno dorsal con cinco Ifneas long i tudi nales Dorsal pattern with five longitudinal stripes— gu i nguel i neatus

qu i nguel i neatus 3. Parietales por lo menos doblemente mas largas wuchereri 3. Parietals at least twice as long as broad; que anchas; ventrales I76-I84 ventrals 1/6-184 wuchereri Parietales no doblemente largas que anchas; Parietals not twice as long as broad; ventrals ventrales I5O-234 lepi^us I9O-234 lepidus

4. Parietals separated from labials by 4. Parietales separadas de labiales por temporals 5 temporales 5 Parietals in contact with labials; anterior Parietales en contacto con labiales; sin temporal absent nasutus temporal anterior nasutus

5. Dorsal pattern not lineate 6 5' Diseno dorsal no lineado 6

i i Dorsum with lineate pattern b i 1 i neatus Diseno dorsal lineado b 1 neatus

6. Dorsal scales spotted with black on posterior 6. Escamas dorsales manchados de negro en el tip; nuchal collar three scales wide; ventrals apice; collar nucal estrecho de tres escamas

more than 223 mertensi de ancho; ventrales mas de 223 mertens i Dorsal scales without black spotting; nuchal Escamas dorsales sin manchas negras; ancho collar six scales wide; fewer than 217 collar nucal que ocupa seis escamas; menos de ventrals tricolor 21/ ventrals tricolor

7. With fourth labial in contact with parietal ]. Con cuarta labial en contacto con parietal

i bolle i bolle With fifth labial in contact with parietal Con quinta labial en contacto con parietal nasutus nasutus

ELAPOMORPHUS BILINEATUS Dumlril, Bibron and Dumlril

I854 Elapomorphus bil ineatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 835- Type-locality: Corrientes, Argentina. 1854 Elapomorphus lemniscatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 840. Type-locality: "Amerique du Sud". 1860 Elapomorphus reticulatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860: 5I8, pi., fig. 2. Type-locality: "Brazil?" Type-locality: 1884 Elapomorphus Iherinqi Strauch. Bull. Acad. Imp. Sc i . Saint Petersbourg, 29: 5/1. Mundo Novo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 1885 Phalotris melanopleurus Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22: I89. Type-locality: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 1889 Elapomorphus trilineatus Boulenqer, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) 4: 265. Type-locality: Camaquam River District, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 1913 Elapomorphus speqazzinii Boulenqer, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, (3) 6: 49. Type-locality: La Plata, Argentina. Pilar, near 1924 Elapomorphus suspectus Amaral, Jour. Washington Acad. Sc i . , 14: 202. Type-locality: Cordoba, Argentina.

Distribution: Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. — I



153^ Elapomorphus bollei Mertens, Senckenberg iana, 3^' 183, f'g* !• Type-locality: Tandil, about 35O km south of Buenos Aires and about I50 km from coast, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1861 Elapomorphus Lepldus Reinhardt. Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn, 2 (i860): 235, pi. 4, fig. 6-9. Type-locality: "Arrayal de Bicudo near Rio da casca, Minas, Brazil". 1896 Elapomorphus lepidus—Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3= 241.

Distribution: Estados do Minas Gerais, Bahia, Espirito Santo, and Riode Janeiro, Brazil.


1955 Elapomorphus mertensi Hoge, Senckenberg iana Biol., 36: 3'^1> pl- 27 and pi. 29, fig. 3. Type-locality: Serra Azul, SSo Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Sao Paulo, Mate Grosso, Minas Gerais, and Parana, Brazil.


1915 Elapomorphus nasutus Gomes, Ann. Paulistas Med. Cirurg., 4: 121, pi. 3, fig. I-3. Type-locality: Paineiras, near Uberaba, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil. 1949 Elapomorphus nasutus—Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 21 (l948): 67, 4 figs.

Distribution: "Triangulo Mineiro", Estado de Sao Paulo; also Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina,

Braz i 1.


1820 Coluber 5 Lineatus Raddi, Mem. Soc. Italiana Sci. Modena, 18, (Mem. 2, Fisica): 339, pi. Type-locality: Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1837 Calamaria Blumi i Schlegel, Essai Phys. Serp.,2:45. Type-locality: Estado do Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1858 Elapocephalus taeniatus Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 276. Type-locality: "America" ("North America", according to Gray, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1849, 78, referring to same specimen).

1959 Elapomorphus gu i nguel i neatus—Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 28 (1957-58): 27O.

Distribution: Eastern and Central Brazil.

ELAPOMORPHUS TRICOLOR Dumeril, Bibron and Dumlril

I854 Elapomorphus tricolor Dumeril, Bibron and Oumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 837. Type-locality: Santa Cruz "Santa Cruz de la Sierra a Chuquisaca, en Bolivia", according to Vanzolini, Rev. Bras. Biol., 8, 1948, 383. 1955 Elapomorphus tricolor—Hoge, Senckenberg iana Biol., 36: 3''1> Pls. 28 and 29, fig. 4.

Distribution: Southern and western Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay.


1861 Elapomorplius wucherer i Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 7= ^15> ^'9- Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil (according to Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3> 1896, 240, who recognized the composite

nature of Gijnther ' s t ype series, and fixed the name using two female syntypes from Bahia). I86I Elapomorphus accedens Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 46. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil. 1896 Elapomorphus wuchereri —Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' 240.

Distribution: Known from Bahia and Espirito Santo, Brazil.



1871 Enulius Cope. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, 11: 558. Type-species: Enulius murinus Cope. 1872 Leptocalamus Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 5: I6. Type-species: Leptocalamus torquatus Gunther.

Distribution: Western and southern Mexico through Central America to Colombia.

is i m i Content: Three species, one of which ( ol igost ichus Smith, Ardnt and Sherbrooke) extral tal, according to latest summary of genus, by Smith, Ardnt and Sherbrooke, Nat. Hist. Misc. Chicago Acad. Sci., 186, I567.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Rostral pointed; 1/ scale rows at midbody 1. Rostral puntiaguda; I7 filas de escamas en el f lavi flay i torques med i cuerpo torques Rostral not pointed; I5 scale rows at midbody — Rostral no puntiaguda; I5 filas de escamas en

i sclater i el medio cuerpo sclater


1869 Liophis flavitoroues Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: 3O7. Type-locality: R'o Magdalena, Colombia, 1938 Enulius flavitorques—Dunn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 85: 415.

Distribution: Southern Mexico through Central America to Colombia.

i m i Content: Three subspecies, two of which ( sum i chrast i Bocourt and un i color Fischer) are extral tal.

Enul i us flay i torques flay i torques (Cope)

1871 Enul i us mur i nus Cope, Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, 111 558. Type-locality: Chinandega, Nicaragua (this new genus and species were also described by Cope in second and third Ann. Rept. Peabody Acad. Sci., I869-I87O [1871], 80. It is uncertain which paper was published first, according to Osborne, Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., I3, I53O, I93-I55). 1872 Leptocalamus torquatus Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 5' 17' Type-locality: South Amer ica.

Enul ius f[_ lavitorques flay i torques —Smith, Ardnt and Sherbrooke, Nat. Hist. Misc. Chicago 1967 [_ j J Acad. Sci., 186: 4.

Distribution: Guatemala to Colombia.


1894 Leptocalamus sclateri Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 25I, pi. 12, fig. 1. Type-locality: South America. 1938 Enulius slateri (sic) —Dunn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 8J: 417.

Distribution: Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia. — . i —



I83O Ep icra tes Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: 168. Type-species: Boa Cenchria Linnaeus.

1844 Ch ilabo-thrus Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 5^2. Type-species: Boa i noma tus

Re i nhardt . 1849 Cliftia Gray. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 55. Type-species: Cliftia fusca Gray. I856 Epicarsius Fischer, Abh. Nat. Ver. Hamburg., 3= ?''• Type-species: Epicarsius cupreus Fischer.

I856 Homaloch ilus Fischer, Abh. Nat. Ver. Hamburg., J: 100, Type-species: Homaloch i lus striatus F ischer.

1881 Piesi qaster Seoane, Abh. Senck. Ges., 12: 217. Type-species: Pies i qaster Boettqer Seoane.

Distribution: From Costa Rica to Argentina; Antilles.

Coin, i 1 s Content: Seven species, six of which ( anqul i f er Bibron, exsul Netting and qrac i Fischer,

inornatus Reinhardt, striatus Fischer, and subflavus Stejneger) are ex tral i m i tal


1758 Boa Cenchr i a Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 21$. Type-locality: Surinam.

1766 Boa Cenchr i 5 Gmelin, Systema Naturae, Ed. I3: IO83. Type-locality: Surinam. 1788 Coluber tamach la Scopoli, Delicia Florae et Faunae Insubrlcae etc., J: 38, pi. 19, tig. 1. Type-locality: none given. I8O3 Boa ternatea Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 5' 153' Type-locality: none given. I8O3 Boa Aboma Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 5= 132, pi. 62, fig. 2. Type-locality: Surinam and Guiana. I8O3 Boa annulifer Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., $: 202, pi. 63, fig. 3. Type-locality: South America. 1816 Draco ocella tus Oken, Lehrb. Naturg., J: 227. We have been unable to verify this citation from Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1, 1893, 94. I83O Epicrates Cenchr ia —Waqler. Nat. Syst. Amphib.: [ ] I68. 1849 CI ift ia fusca Gray, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 99. Type-locality: India.

1854 Boa liberiensis Hallowell. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I854: 100. Type-locality: Libenaj In error, corrected to South America by Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1857> 66.

I856 Ep i cars i us cupreus Fischer, Abh. Nat. Ver. Hamburg, '}: 96? pl- 2, figs, la-lb. Type-locality: Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.

Distribution: Costa Rica to Argentina; Trinidad and Tobago.

Comment: Recent authors who have described subspecies of this species have not indicated where they thought the synonyms listed above should be assigned. Some of them could easily be prior names for currently recognized taxa. We cannot attempt to make any allocations at this time, but some future worker will need to do so.

Content: Nine subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dorsal pattern always including some con- 1. Coloracion dorsal no uniforme, manchas spicuous dorsal spots 2 bien conspicuas 2 Dorsum uniformly colored maurus Coloracion dorsal uniforme, manchas obso- letas o del mismo color del cuerpo maurus 2. Lateral ocell i, located in interspaces be- tween median distal spots, without outer 2. Ocelos laterales multiples, ubicados en los ring of light coloi 3 intervalos de las manchas medio dorsales, Same ocelli no bordered by light ring 5 circundados de color claro-- 3 Ocelos laterales multiples, ubicados en los 3. Lateral ocelli uniform, without lighter intervalos de las manchas medio dorsales, centei 4 circundados de color claro 5 Lateral ocelli with central area lighter than 3. Ocelos laterales oscuros sin el centre rest of spot- qa i qe i bianco 4 Ocelos laterales 4. Ventrals with dark spotting on lateral mar- oscuros con el centre bianco gins cenchria qa iqe I Ventrals not spotted laterally hyqroph i lus 4. Cara ventral manchada de oscuro en su mar- gen lateral cenchria Cara ventral no manchada de oscuro ni aun

lateralmente hyqroph i lus i


5. Median dorsal spots bordered by black area 5. Manchas medio dorsales aisladas por hordes which does not contact border of neighbor- negros que no contactan entre s T- 6 ing blotch 6 Manchas medio dorsales fusionadas lateral- Median dorsal spots fused laterally by mente por ancha banda oscura-- 8 broad dark band 8

6. Sin manchas medio dorsales en forma de 6. Median dorsal spots not saddle-shaped 7 silla de montar- Median dorsal spots saddle-shaped — harbour 7 Manchas medio dorsales en forma de silla de

montar harbour i 7. Median dorsal stripe on head broken by a circumnuchal stripe; more than 24$ 7. Estrfa medio cef^lica separada de la estr'a

circunnucal; m^s de 245 ventrales ass i s i ventrals ass is i Median dorsal stripe on head fused with Estr'a medio cefalica fusionada con la cii— cunnucal, menos de 240 ventrales- circumnuchal stripe; -fewer than 240 polylepis

ventrals polvlep i s 8. Mas de 47 hileras medio dorsales; 47-55 8. More 'han 47 scale rows at midbody; 47-55 Cauda les alvareri Cauda is alvarez I Menos de 47 hileras medio dorsales; 3''~^5 Fewer than 47 scale rows at midbody; 3^~*5 Cauda les crassus Cauda Is— crassus

Epicrates cenchria cenchria Linnaeus

1525 Epicrates cenchria cenchria—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4; 77'

Distribution: Amazonian Basin; southern Venezuela and coastal Guianas.

Ep icrates cenchria alvarez i Abalos, Baez and Nader

1964 Epicrates cenchria alvarezi Abalos. Baez and Nader, Acta. Zool. Lilloana, 20: 218, fig. 3« Type-locality: Forres, Depto. Robles, Santiago del Estero, Argentina.

Distribution; Provincia de Santiago del Estero, Argentina.

Ep icrates cenchria ass is i Machado

1945 Epicrates cenchria assisi Machado, Bol. Inst. Vital Brazil, 27: 6I, fig. Type-locality; Campina Grande, Poraiba do Norte, NE Brazil. 1954 Epicrates cenchria xerophilus Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 26: 237. Type-locality: Rio Branco, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Distribution: Piaui to northern Bahia in Caatinga region of Brazil.

Ep icrates cenchria barbouri Stull

1998 Epicrates cenchria barbouri Stull, Dec. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8: 3OO. Type- locality; Marajo Island, Para, Brazil.

Distribution; Known only from type locality.

Ed icrates cenchria crassus (Cope)

1862 Epicrates crassus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862( 345. Type-locality: Cadosa, Parana River, Paraguay. 1929 Epicrates cenchria crassus-—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 140.

Distribution: Southern Braz il, Paraguay and northern Argentina.

Epicrates cenchria ga i ge i Stull

1998 Epicrates cenchria gaigei Stull. Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8: 258. Type-locality: Buenavista, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Distribution: Eastern lowlands of Bolivia and Peru. 109 EPICRATES

Ep icrates cenchria hygroph ilus Amaral

19'i4 Epicrates cenchria hyqrophilus Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 26: 239- Type-locality! Baixo Guandu, Rio Doce, Esp'ritu Santo, Brazil.

Distribution: Estado do Amazonas and region of Rio Doce, Estado do Esp'ritu Santo, Brazil. Restricted on west by Serra do Espinha^o, according to Amaral, loc. cit.

Ep icrates cenchria maurus Gray

1845 Ep icrates maurus Gray, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: %, Type-locality: Venezuela. 1863 Epicrates cupreus var. concolor Jan, Elenco SIst. Ofjd.: 24. Type-locality: Costa Rica. 19'^'^ Epicrates cenct^ria maurus-—Stull, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 40: 396.

Distribution: From Costa Rica to northern Colombia and Venezuela, probably northern Guianas; Trinidad, Tobago and Margarita Islands.

Ep icrates cenchria polylep is Amaral

193'i Epicrates cenchria polylepis Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 9' 236. Type-locality: None given by Amaral, specimens included came from Rio Pandeiro, Minas Gerais, and "Canna Brava" (later called Rio Canabrava), inGoias, Brazil. In 195* (below) Amaral selected a neotype from among the syntypes (calling it a "liolotype"), thus restricting the type- locality to Rio Pandeiro. 195* Ep icrates cenchr ia polylep is —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 26: 241.

Distribution: Region of rios Canabrava and Pandeiro in western Bahia and eastern Goiasj also Oistrito Federal, Brazil. — —



18^0 Erythrolamprus Waqler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: I87. Type-species: Coluber aqilis Linnaeus. 184H Ervthrophis Fitzinqer, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Erythrolamprus venust iss iciius Wagler.

Distribution: Nicaragua to southern Brazil and Peru east of Andes, and to northwestern Ecuador on Pacific slope.

Content: Six species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Body with complete black rings 2 1. Cuerpo con anillos negros completes 2 Body reddish, without rings; 25-26 black dorsal Cuerpo rojizo sin anillos; 25-26 manchas negras

i i i aesculap spots with light centers aesculap i dorsales con el centre claro

2. Each dorsal ring equidistant from others- 2. Anillos dorsales aislados 3 Dorsal rings arranged in_pairs Anillos dorsales en parejas 6

3. Lacking black rings bordered by white rings of 3. Sin anillos negros bordeados de blancos de equal width 4 igual ancho 4 Black rings with white borders of equal width-- Con anillos negros con borde bianco de igual

quenther i ancho al de ellos quenther i

4. Red areas less than three times as wide as 4. Espacios rojos de menor extension que tres black rings; lacking light band between eyes anillos negros; sin banda clara sobre los ojos 5 5 Red areas at least three times as wide as black Espacios rojos por lo menos tres veces al ancho

rings; with light band between eyes- aesculap i i de los anillos negros; con banda clara sobre

los ojos aesculap i i 5. Posterior maxillary teeth strongly grooved; more than 5*^ subcaudals pseudocorallus 5. Dientes posteriores fuertemente acanalados; Posterior maxillary teeth not grooved, may be subcaudales mas de 5^ " pseudocorallus weakly striated; subcaudals fewer than 52 Dientes posteriores no acanalados con suaves m imus estrfas; subcaudales menos de 52 m imus

6. Black rings in pairs; distance between pairs 6. Anillos negros dispuestos en parejas que equi- equal to width of pair 7 distan entre sf 7 Black rings in pairs; distance between pairs Anillos negros dispuestos en parejas; cada dos reduced by extension of red interspaces parejas, interespacio entre sf menor, por -.- aesculap i i extension de interespacio rojo aesculap i i

7. Black rings not divided dorsally 8 7. Sin anillos negros con f isura dorsal que se Black rings divided dorsally, giving appearance asemejan a tetradas 8

of tetrad formation bauperthu i s i i Con anillos negros con fisura dorsal que se

asemejan a tetradas bauperthu i s i i - 8. Fewer than 45 caudals- aesculap i i

More than 45 caudals b izona 8. Menos de 45 caudales aesculap i i Mas de 45 caudales bi zona


1766 Coluber Aesculap i i Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 38O. Type-locality: "Indiis". 1766 Coluber aqilis Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 38I. Type-locality: "Indiis".

1789 Cl oluber j n igrof asc iatus Lacepede, Histoire Naturelle des Serpens, 2: ')B. Type-locality: None

g i ven. I8O3 Coluber atro-c inctus Oaudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: 389' Type-locality: None given.

C|_ b i L in, Verzeichniss Museums Konigl. I823 oluber J natus ichtenste der Doubletten des Zoologischen der Universitat zu Berlin: IO5. Type-locality: Brazil.

I854 Erythrolamprus Aesculap i i —Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 845.

I854 Erytrolamprus (sic) M i Ibert i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 854. Type-locality: "New Yorck".

I854 Erythrolamprus i ntr icatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 855« Type-locality: Unknown. I860 Erythrolamprus albostulatus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 259. Type-locality: "Jijuca" = Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I



Anat. Fis., 2: Type-locality: I863 Ervthrolamprus Aesculapi i dicranta Jan, Arch. Zool. 314. "Brasile, Bahia, Popayan". Anat. Fis,, 2: Type-locality. 186^ Erythrolamprus Aesculapi i confluentus Jan. Arcfi. Zool. 315. "Amer ica".

Distribution: Amazonian South America to central Brazil and Bolivia; Tobago Island.

Content: Five subspecies.

Comment: None of the recent authors whi. I'dve recognized subspecies within this species has discussed the proper subspecific allocation of the taxa listed above under the species name. We are not able to assign them at this time.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Body with complete blacl< rings 2 1. Cuerpo con anillos negros completes 2 Body without rings; 25-26 black dorsal Cuerpo sin anillos; 25-26 manchas negras spots, each with light center ocellatus dorsales con el centro claro ocellatus

2. Red interspaces less than three times as 2. 1 nt erespac i OS rojos, entre anillos negros, wide as black rings; no light band between menos de tres veces mas anchos que eyes 3 aquellos; sin banda clara sobre los ojos-3

Red interspaces at least three times as I nterespac i OS rojos, por lo menos tres wide as black rings; light band between veces mas anchos que anillos negros; con eyes monozona banda clara sobre los ojos monozona

3. Black rings in equidistant pairs i 3. Anillos negros dispuestos en parejas que Black rings not in equidistant pairs, but equidistan entre sf 4

forming groups of four, with wider red Parejas de anillos negros no equ I d istantes; interspaces between such groups cada dos de ellas con mayor extension del tetrazona interespacio rojo entre sf tetrazona

A. Head light with dark band across eyes; red 4. Cabeza clara con banda oscura atraves de interspaces equal in width to black bands- los ojos; espacios rojos iguales a anillos

aesculap i i negros aesculap i I Head black with light band between eyes; Cabeza negra con banda clara atraves de los red space twice as wide as black rings ojos; espacios rojos dos veces mayores que

venust i ss i mus anillos negros venust i ss imus

Erythrolamprus aesculap I i aesculap i i (Linnaeus)

I863 Erythrolamprus Aesculap i i [ Aesculap i i j —Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 31^'

Distribution: Amazonian South America.

Ervthrolamprus aesculap i i monozona Jan

Aesculap i i Jan, Arch. 2: I863 [ Erythrolamprus j monozona Zool. Anat. Fis., 312. Type-locality! "Bahia", (Brazil).

19^5 Erythrolamprus aesculap i I monozona—Machado, Bol. Inst. Vital Brazil, 5' 77» °"^ pl'» °'^^ fig.

Distribution: Bahia to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Ervthrolamprus aesculapi i ocellatus Peters

1868 Erythrolamprus ocellatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1868: 642. Type-locality:

None g i ven.

1566 Erythrolamprus aesculap i [ ocellatus j —Emsley, Copeia, I966: I29.

Distribution: Trinidad and Tobago Island. i i


Erythrolamprus aesculap i i tetrazona Jan

Aesculap! tetrazona Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 315. Type-locality: I863 [ Erythrolamprus ]

Bol i V ia, Oekol. Geog. 19S6 Erythrolamprus aesculap! i tetrazona —Mertens, Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst. T!ere, 84: $44, pi. 14, fig. 38.

Distribution: Southwestern Bolivia.

Erythrolamprus aesculap i i venust i ss i mus (Wied)

2: Type-locality: None given. 1821 Coluber venust i ss imus Wied, Reise nach Brasilien, 75.

i Vital Brazil, 1545 Erythrolamprus aesculap i i venust ssima—Machado, Bol. Inst. 5= 77-

Distribution: Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to eastern Bolivia^ Misiones, Argentina.


i Type-locality: I854 Erythrolamprus Bauperthuis i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' ^5". "C8te ferme"; restricted by Hoge and Lancini, Bol. Mus. Cien. Nat, Caracas, 6-7> 1960> 6l> to vicinity of Cumana, Estado Sucre, Venezuela. Caripito, 1959 Erythrolamprus ba i ley i Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: $26, fig. 1. Type-locality: Estado Monagas, Venezuela.

Distribution: Monagas, Sucre, Bolfvar, and Territorio Federal Delta Amacuro, Venezuela.


Aesculapii b izona Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 31*- Type-locality: "Bahia, I863 [ Erythrolamprus j Messico, Popayan, Cayenne, Brasile, Montevideo, Colombia"; restricted to Colombia, by Dunn and Bailey, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86, 1939, 12.

1939 Erythrolamprus b i zona —Dunn and Bailey, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 12.

Distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia and northern Venezuela.


1883 Erythrolamprus quenther Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8 (3): 15*» Type-locality: "Mexico?" (based on Erythrolamprus venust iss imus var. D., Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1848, 48).

Distribution: Amazonian slopes of Ecuador.


1868 Opheomorphus m imus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: JO]. Type-locality: "High regions of Ecuador or New Grenada". 1939 Erythrolamprus m imus— Dunn and Bailey, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 12.

Distribution: Honduras and Nicaragua to Peru and Ecuador.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Black collar covering posterior tips of 1. Collar negro cubriendo porcion posterior de parietals and at least three scales on parietales y por lo menos tres escamas midline of neck 2 medialmente en la nuca 2 Black collar either absent, represented by Collar negro ausente, representado por pun- spots, or only about one scale wide on tos o solo de una escama de ancho medial- midline, diverging to about three scales mente, divergiendo aprox imadamente tres on sides of neck m imus escamas en los lados de la nuca m imus 113 ERYTHROLAMPRUS

Body rings 12-15» with light centers later- 2. Con 12-15 anillos sobre el cuerpo, con

ally; ventrals I7I-I83 i mpar centres claros lateralmente; ventrales

Body rings 5"12 (rarely more); usually I7I-I83 1 mpar solid, but occasionally split ventrally on Con 5-12 (raramente mas) anillos sobre el posterior part of body; ventrals 178-199 — cuerpo, usualmente solidos, aunque ocas- m icrurus ionalmente pueden dividirse ventralmente en la parte posterior del cuerpo;

ventrales 1 78 -199 m icrurus

Ery throlamprus m i mus m i mus (Cope)

Erythrolamprus m imus Dunn and Bailey, Comp. 1939 [ mimus j — Bull. Mus. Zool., 86: 14.

Distribution: Eastern Peru and Ecuador.

Ervthrolamprus m i mus i mpar Schmidt

1936 Erythrolamprus aesculapi i impar Schmidt, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 49= ^9- Type- locality: Yoro, Mataderos Mts., Honduras, 33OO ft. Erythrolamprus m imus impar — and 1939 [ j Dunn Bailey, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: I3.

Distribution: Nicaragua and Honduras.

Ervthrolamprus m i mu s m i crurus Dunn and Ba iley

1939 Erythrolamprus m imus m icrurus Dunn and Bailey, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 12. Type- locality: Mine at Santa Cruz de Caria, Darien, Panama, 2000 ft.

Distribution: Atlantic Panama to Pacific Colombia and Ecuador.


1959 Ervthrolamprus pseudocorallus Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 530- Type-locality: In mountain- ous areas near Maracaibo, Estado Zulia, Venezuela.

Distribution: Per ja region and Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela. i I i




1830 Eunectes Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: I67. Type-species: Boa mur ina Linnaeus.

Distribution: Venezuela and Colombia to Argentina.

Content: Four species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Scale rows at midbody AO-5O 2 1. Filas dorsales al medio del cuerpo, entre Scale rows at midbody 55-80 3 4O-5O 2 Filas dorsales al medio del cuerpo, entre rc_Qn o 2. Dorsal pattern with single series of large uni- formly black vertebral spots and with smaller 2. DiseRo dorsal con una hilera de grandes manchas

lateral black spots deschauensee i negras vertebrales y con manchas laterales

Dorsal pattern with two series of black verte- negras, pequerias deschauensee i bral blotches with lighter centers; vertical Oiseno dorsal en dos hileras de manchas negras black bands laterally notaeus con el centre no melanico; lateralmente fajas vert icales negras notaeus

3. Dorsal spots with lighter centers harbour i 3' Manchas dorsales con centres claros harbour

Dorsal spots uniformly black mur i nus Manchas dorsales un i f ormemente oscuras-- murinus


1936 Eunectes harbour i Dunn and Conant, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 88: 5"*, pl. 1*, fig. 1. Type- locality: Mara jo Island, mouth of Amazon River, Brazil.

Distribution: Marajo Island, Brazil.


1936 Eunectes deschauensee i Dunn and Conant, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 88: 505> pl> 1*> fig- 2. Type-local ity: Marajo Island, mouth of Amazon River, Brazil.

Distribution: Marajo Island, Brazil.


1758 Boa mur i na Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 215- Type-locality: "America".

1831 Eunectes mur i na — Gray, Synopsis Species Class Reptilia, in Griffith, Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, 9: 96.

Distribution: Venezuela and Colombia to Bolivia.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Postocular area enclosed in two dark 1. Area posocular entre dos Ifneas oscuras

stripes same color as ground color of ,del mismo color que el cuerpo mur i nus

body mur i nus Area posocular entre dos Ifneas oscuras Postocular area enclosed in two dark marcadamente mas clara que el cuerpo

stripes markedly lighter than ground color q i gas

of body q i gas

Eunectes mur i nus mur i nus (Linnaeus)

1758 Eunectes scvtale Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 214. Type-locality: Americas. 1824 Boa aquatica Wied. Isis von Oken, 6: 664. Type-locality: Brazil. Eunectes 1936 [ murinusj murinus — Dunn and Conant, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 88: 5O3. Distribution: Amazonian drainage. .


Eunecte? murinus gigas (Latreille)

1802 Boa 9 igas Latreille, in Sonnini and Latreille, Hist. Nat. Rept., 3= 13^. Type-locality:

Gu i ana

1803 Boa anacondo Daudin (substitute name for Boa q i gas Latreille), Hist. Nat. Rept., 5' I6I, pl. 63, fig. 2.

gigas Dunn and Conant, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 88: '}0'}. 1536 [ Eunectes murinus j —

Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas and Trinidad.


1862 Eunectes notaeus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: ]0, Type-locality: Paraguay River

and its tr i butar i es.

1503 Ep Icra tes w i en i noer i Ste indachner, Sitz. Ma th-Na turw i ss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 112, Abt. 1: I5. Type-locality: Altos, Paraguay.

Distribution: Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, western Brazil, and northeastern Argentina. 116 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * "K" * FICIMIA


1845 F ic im ia Gray, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1849: 80. Type-species: F ic imia ol i vacea Gray. I858 Amblymetopon Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., I858; 7« Type-species: Amblymetopon variegatufr Giinther.

Distribution: Mexico to Guatemala and Honduras.

Content: Five species, four of which are extral im i tal.


1866 Ficimia publia Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 18: 126. Type-locality: Yucatan; restricted to Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. BulL,33> ^35^> 352*

Distribution: From the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to Honduras on the Atlantic and to southern Guatemala on the Pacific.

Content; Two subspecies, one ( tavlori Smith) extral im i tal.

Ficimia publ ia publ ia Cope

1883 Ficimia ornata Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., I883: 571' Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33 1550, 352.

[^Ficimia publia publ ia]— i 1547 Sm th. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 37: 411.

Distribution: Southern Veracruz to Honduras on Atlantic, from Guerrero to Guatemala on Pacific slope. —



I83O Catostoma Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: l')i. Type-species: Catostotna chalybeum Wagler.

I83O Geoph i s Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: 3^2. Substitute name for Catostoma Wagler, I83O, to prevent confusion with Qa t n?;tnmii.s Lesueur, I8I7, a fish; Type-species: Catostoma chalybeum Waaler.

i , 440. Rabdosoma sem idol iatum Dumeril, I853 Rabdosoma Oumeril, Mem. Acad. Sc . 2J: Type-species: Bibron, and Dumeril. I855 Coloboqnathus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1859= 275- Type-species: Coloboqnathus

Hoffmann i Peters. I86I Geoph idium Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1861: 523- Type-species; Geophidium dubium Peters.

1868 Colophrys Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: I3O. Type-species: Colophrys rhodoqaster Cope.

I883 Paraqeoph is Bocourt, Miss. Sc i . Mex., Rept.: 53*' Type-species: Rabdosoma sem idol iatum Dumeril, Bibron, and Dumeril.

I894 Pi rosema Boule^ger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 298. Type-species: Geoph i 5 b icolor Gunther.

Distribution: Tamaulipas and Chihuahua, Mexico to northwestern Colombia.

Content: 3* species arranged in seven species-groups, according to the most recent revision by

Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I, 1967' 22 species are extral im i tal, all in Mex ico.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal scales in I7 rows- 1. Escamas dorsales en I7 filas 2 Dorsal scales in I5 rows- Escamas dorsales en I5 filas 6

2. Dorsal scales distinctly keeled on at least 2. Escamas dorsales dist intamente quilladas a lo en posterior half of body 3 menos la mitad posterior del cuerpo 3 Dorsal scales smooth, or keeled only above the Escamas dorsales lisas, quilladas solo sobre vent region 4 la region anal 4

Dorse unicolor pardo negruzco 3. Dorsum unicolor brownish to blackish nasal i s 3. nasal is Dorsum light with dark blotches or saddles Dorso claro con manchas oscuras, con sin

dunn i forma de silla de montar dunn i

4. Supraocular present, frontal not in orbit 5 4. Supraoculares presentes; frontal no conforma Supraocular absent, frontal in orbit (Fig. l) la orbita 5 rhodoqaster Supraoculares ausentes; frontal conforma la orbita (Fig. l) rhodoqaster

Fig. 1. rhodoqaster (all figures in Geoph i s after Downs, I967)

Dorsum un icolor immacula tus 5. Dorso unicolor immaculatus Dorsum with light lateral blotches on dark Dorso con manchas claras lateralmente, sobre ground col 01 f ul voout ta tus f ondo oscuro f ul voqu t ta tus

Supraocular present; parietal not in orbit 6. Supraocular presente; parietal no conforma la

(Fig. 2); color of rostral and prenasals orbita (Fig. 2); rostral y prenasales de color similar to adjacent scales 7 similar al de las escamas adyacentes ] Supraocular absent; parietal enters orbit Supraocular ausente; parietal conforma la

(f^'G' 3); rostral and prenasals whitish, orbita (Fig. 3); rostral y prenasales blanque- contrasting with adjacent head scales cinas, contrastando con las escamas

qodman i adyacentes qodman i 118 GEOPHIS

Fi9. G. cancellatus Fig« 3» ^' qodman i

7. Six supralab ials; venter light or not 8 7. Seis supralab iales; vientre claro o no 8 Five supralab ials; venter mostly light Cinco supralab iales; vientre en su mayor parte

hof f mann i Hoffmann i claro

8. Internasals not fused with prefrontals; 8. Internasales no fusionadas con pref rontales; coloration not as in following 5 coloracion no como el siguiente 5 Internasals fused with prefrontals (Fig. 2); internasales fusionadas con prefrontales (Fig. dark dorsal saddles separated by narrow light 2); dorso con manchas oscuras en forma de interspaces; ventrals light and immaculate silla de montar, separadas por interspacios cancellatus angostos claros; ventrales clares,

i nmaculadas cancellatus

9. Dorsal scales smooth, or faintly keeled above 5. Escamas dorsales lisas, debilmente quilladas the vent region 10 sobre la region anal 10 Dorsal scales keeled on at least the posterior Escamas dorsales quilladas, por lo menos en la half of the body 11 mitad posterior del cuerpo 11

lO.Suma de ventrales y caudales mas de I7O; ho- 10. Sum of ventrals and caudals more than I/O; c ico redondeado zeledon i snout bluntly rounded zeledon i Suma de ventrales y caudales menos de IJO; ho- Sum of ventrals and caudals less than 1]0; c i CO acumi nado champ i on i

snout acumi nose champ i on i

ll.Loreal mas larga que la suma de nasales; la ll.Loreal longer than combined nasals; greatest mayor longitud internasal equivale a menos de internasal length less than half as long as la mitad del largo de la sutura prefrontal; prefrontal suture; frontal one-third longer frontal igual a un tercio del largo de la than parietal suture (Fig. 4) brachycephalus sutura parietal (Fig. 4) brachycephalus Loreal shorter than combined nasals; greatest Loreal mas corta que la suma de nasales; la internasal length as long as prefrontal su- mayor longitud internasal es igual a la sutura ture; frontal twice as long as parietal su- prefrontal; frontal dos veces el largo de la ture (Fig. 5)-™—. ruthven i sutura parietal (Fig. 5) ruthveni

Fig. brachycephalus Fig. 5' £• ruthven i ng GEOPHIS


s iebold i group

1871 Coloboqnathus brachvcephalus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I87I: 211. Type-locality: Near San Jose, Costa Rica. 1871 Coloboqnathus dol ichocephalus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I87I: 211. Type-locality: San Jose, Costa Rica. 1872 Geophis moestus Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 5: 15. Type-locality: NearCartago, Costa Rica. I9O8 Geoghj-S niqroalbus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (s) 2: $22. Type-locality: Pavas, Colombia. 1 1^42 Geophis brachvcephalus—Dunn (in part), Notulae Nat., 108: 4.

1954 Geophis bakeri Taylor, Univ. i Kansas Sc . Bull., 36: 689. Type-locality: Isla Bonita, Cinchona, Costa Rica. 196? Geophis brachycephalus-Dcwns. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: 146, fig. 19.

Distribution: Cordillera Central, Costa Rica south to Colombia; 250-2000 m.


sem i dol iatus group

1941 Geophis cancellatus Smith, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 99 (19): 1. Type-locality: Chicharras, Chiapas, Mexico, IO35 m. 1967 Geophis cancellatus—Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: I29, fig. 16.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality; probably west to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and east into Guatemala. Landy et al,^Jour. Ohio Herp. Soc, 5, I966, 95, add a specimen from a questioned locality, near Union Juarez, Chiapas, Mexico.


champion i group

I894 Geophis championi Boulenger. Cat. Sn.Brit. Mus. 2; 321, pl.l6, f(g.3. Type-locality: Chiriqui, Panama. 1967 Geophis championi —Downs. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 131: 70, fig. I5.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality and Boquete, eastern slopes of Volcan Chiriqui, Chiriqui Prov., Panama.


s i ebold i group

1932 Geophis dunni Schmidt, Copeia, 1932: 8. Type-locality: Matagalpa, Nicaragua, 7O5 m. 1967 Geophis dunni —Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: I53, fig. I9.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

GEOPHIS FULVOGUTTATUS Mertens dub ius group

1952 Geophis f ulvoqut tatus Mertens, Zool. Anz., I49: 134. Type-locality: Hacienda Monte Cristo, Sierra de Metapan, Dept. Santa Ana, El Salvador. 1967 Geophis fulvoauttatus Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. — Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: 88, fig. 7,

Distribution: Known only from the type locality; in a cloud forest at 2200 m.


champ i on i group

1894 Geophis qodmani Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 322, pi. 16, fig. 4. Type-locality: Irazu, Costa Rica. 1967 Geophis qodmani Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. — Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: 72, fig. 5.

Distribution: Caribbean and Pacific slopes of central Costa Rica south to Canal Zone of Panama, between I3OO-2IOO m.

^Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I, I967, 146, indicated that a specimen from eastern

Panama may demonstrate that n i qroalbus is a valid taxon. i i

120 __^____ GEOPHIS


s i ebold i group

1859 Colobognathus Hoffmann i Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 185?: 276, 4 figs. Type-locality: Costa Rica and Puerto Caballo, Costa Rica; fixed as Costa Rica by lectotype designation in Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I, I567, I55.

188? Geophis hof f mann — Bocourt . Miss. Sc i . Mex., Reptiles: 525. 155^ Geophis bartholomew Brattstrom and Howell, Herpetolog lea, 10: 120. Type-locality: Arenal, 25 mi east of Jalapa, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua, 1200 ft.

i is i 155* Geoph s acut irostr Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc . Bull., 36: 391> ^'S- 3- Type-locality: Cot, Volcan Irazu, Provincia Cartago, Costa Rica, about 55^0 ft. 1967 Geophis hoffmanni — Downs. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: I55, fig. 19. Distribution: Low and moderate elevations in Honduras and Nicaragua on both slopes to Panama.

GEOPHIS IMMACULATUS Downs dub ius group

1967 Geophis immaculatus Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 131: 9", f'g.7' Type-locality: Finca Lorena, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, about I7OO f-

Distribution: Known only from the type locality; Pacific slope of Guatemala.


s iebold i group

1868 Catostoma nasale Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: I6O. Type-locality: near the city of Guatemala, Guatemala. 1941 Geophis nasalis —Smith, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 99 (19): 4. 1967 Geophis nasalis-—Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: I6O, fig, 15.

Distribution; Pacific slope of Chiapas, and Guatemala, and adjacent parts of Guatemalan Plateau and South-eastern highlands in eastern Guatemala; 6OO-I5OO mj in "coffee zone".

GEOPHIS RHODOGASTER (Cope) dub ius group

1868 Colophrys rhodoqaster Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: I3O. Type-locality; "the ele- vated country in the neighborhood of the city of Guatemala."

1883 Geophis rhodoqaster—Boc'ourt, Miss. Sc i . Mex., Rept.: 531' 1967 Geophis rhodoqaster—Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I; 9^, fig. ]•

Distribution; Western part of Guatemalan Plateau, east through southeastern highlands of Guatemala and El Salvador; generally from oak-pine associations between I5OO-25OO m.


champ i on i group

192'i Geophis ruthveni Werner. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I34 (l): 60. Type-locality: Sarapigui, Brazil; in error for Sarapiqui, Provincia Heredia, Costa Rica, according to Downs, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 131, 1967, 75. 1967 Geophis ruthveni — Downs. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: 75, fig. 5.

Distribution: Caribbean slopes of western end of Cordillera Central and Pacific slopes of

Cordillera Guanacaste, Costa Rica, 55''"16'^'' '"•


s i eboldi group

195'' Geophis zeledoni Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 3^= ^33) ^'5- ^' Type-locality: Finca Zeledon, between Volcan Barba and Volcan Poas, Costa Rica, about 6000 ft. 1967 Geophis zeledoni — Downs. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., I3I: I74, fig. I9.

Distribution: Slopes of Volcan Poas between I6OO and 2000 m, Cordillera Central of Costa Rica. 1^ REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE "^ * * GOMESOPHIS

GOMESOPHIS Hoge and Mertens

iqSq GomesoDhis Hoge and Mertens, Senck. Biol., 40: 242. Type-species: Tachyinenis brasiliensis Gomes.

Distribution: Estados de Minas Gerais, SSo Paulo, Parang, and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Content: One species.


I5I8 Tachvmenis Bras il iensis Gomes, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 1 (l): 78, pl« 11, fig- !• Type-locality; Pindamonhangaba, SSo Paulo, Brazil. 1555 Gomesophis bras iliens is-—Hoge and Mertens, Senck. Biol., 40: 242, figs. 1-2.

Distribution: Estados de Minas Gerais, SSo Paulo, Parana and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

36S-192 O—70 ',> - i I

122 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE **• HELICOPS Prepared by Douglas A. Rossman, Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana


18^0 Helicops Waqler. Nat. Syst. Amph.: I7O. Type-species: Coluber carinicaudus Wied. 1843 Tachynectes Fitzinqer, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Homalopsis Leopardina Schleqel. 1843 Uranops Fitzinqer. Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Coluber anqulatus Linnaeus.

Distribution: Colombia throughout South America to Argentina.

Content: Thirteen species.

Comment: Helicops wettsteini Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 3» 1929> *0> described from San

Juan de Vinas. base of Volcan Turrialba, Costa Rica, has been shown to be a synonym of Enhydr i s plumbea (Boie), an Asian species, by Rossman and Scott, Herpetolog ica, 24, I568, 262 who concluded the locality data were erroneous.

Key to the species Clave de espec i es

1. More than I7 scale rows at midbody 2 1. Mas de 17 filas de escamas en el medio del 2 With 17 scale rows at midbody p ict i ventr i s cuerpo Con 17 filas de escamas en el medio del cuerpo- ' p ict i ventr is 2. With 15 scale rows at midbody More than I5 scale rows at midbody- 2. Con 15 filas de escamas en el medio del cuerpo- . 3 Mas de I5 filas de escamas en el medio del 4 3. Subcaudals not keeled cuerpo 8 Su beau da Is keeled anqulatus 3. Subcaudales no quilladas- Subcaudales quilladas anqulatus 4. Scale ornamentation uniform throughout body 5 Scale ornamentation not uniform throughout 4. Ornamentac ion de escamas uniforme a lo largo body; anterior scales smooth or feebly keeled, del cuerpo 5 a posterior scales strongly keeled- car i n i caudus Ornamentac i on de escamas no uniforme lo largo del cuerpo; escamas anteriores lisas debil- mente quilladas posteriores fuertemente Dorsum striped, or with at least four rows of 5. qu i lladas car i n icaudus spots or blotches 6 Dorsum with three rows of large spots or 5. DiseRo dorsal lineado con cuatro mas 6 blotches gomes i hileras de manchas Oiseno dorsal con tres hileras de manchas

qomes i 6. Dorsum spotted or blotched- 7 Dorsum striped -modestus 6. Diseno dorsal con manchas 7 Diseno dorsal lineado modestus

7. Belly whitish with two series of black spots 7. Vientre blanquecino con dos series de manchas

dan i el negras dan i el i

Belly pattern of narrow, interconnected black Diseno ventral de bandas angostas, negras y

and white crossbands leopard i nus blancas conectados entre s' leopard i nus

8. Con 21 filas de escamas dorsales en el medio 8. Dorsal scales in 21 rows at midbody 5 del cuerpo 9 More than 21 dorsal scale rows at midbody 11 Mas de 21 filas de escamas dorsales en el medio del cuerpo 11

5. Single preocular- 10 9. Una preocular 10 - Two preoculars tr i V i tta tus Dos preoculares- -tr i V i ttatus

- 10. Dorsum without stripes leopardi nus 10. Diseno dorsalsin Ifnea leopard i nus Three dark stripes on neck- scalar is Tres Ifneas oscuras en la nuca scalar is

11. Dorsum striped -12 11. Diseno dorsal lineado -12 Dorsum spotted or blotched- -13 Diseno dorsal con manchas- -13

12.Single preocular hope i 12. Con una preoculai hoqe

Two preoculars tr i vi ttatus Con dos preoculares- -tr i V i ttatus

13.Subcaudals more than 60 14 13. Subcaudales mas de 60 14

Subcaudals fewer than 60 haqmann i Subcaudales menos de 60 haqmann I 123 HELICOPS

14. Paravertebral spots less than three scales lA.Manchas paraver tebrales de menor extension que

long polylep i s tres escamas dorsales polylep is Paravertebral spots more than three scales Manchas paravertebrales de major extension que long pastazae tres escamas dorsales pastazae


1758 Coluber angula tus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 217. Type-locality: "Asia".

1802 Coluber Sur inamens i s Shaw, Gen. Zool., Amphib., 3' 460, pi. 118. Type-locality: "Said to be a native of Surinam". 1824 Na tr ix aspera Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 37> pl* 13* Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil. I83O Hel icops angula tus —Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: 171>

I869 Helicops Cyclops Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 305. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil.

I865 Hel icops f urn i qa tus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: JOS. Type-locality: Surinam.

Distribution: Venezuela and Colombia throughout South America to Bolivia; Trinidad, Ecuador and Peru.


1825 Coluber car i n icaudus Wied, Beitr. Naturgesch. Bras., 1: 3'"'- Type-locality; "Brazil, Estado do Espirito Santo, Rio Itapemirim" (from label in bottle containing holotype at AMNH).

I83O hel icops car i n icaudus Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: I7O. [ j —

Distribution: From Espirito Santo, Brazil to Uruguay and Argentina.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

Venter with two longitudinal series of Vientre con dos series de puntos negros

black spots along midline, occasionally long i tud inales situados en el centre del with single series of small black spots vientre, pudiendo haber una serie de forming a finer midventral row which puntos negros menores formando una f ila usually begins at end of first third or central mas fina que en general reinicia en beginning of second third of body; ground el fin del primer tercio o principle del

color yellowish-white car i n icaudus segundo; coloracion de fondo bianco

Venter with three narrow black stripes on amar i llenta car i n icaudus yellowish-white, pinkish, or red ground Vientre con estr'as negras sobre fondo color, or anteriorly yellow with red from bianco amarillento, rosado, rojo anter-

second third of body on; stripes may be iormente amarillo y desde el segundo tercio fused with each other by lateral exten- en adelante rojo; estas estrfas son en nu- sions as wide as single ventral, which mero de tres y pueden estar unidas entre sf extend toward central stripe but not por fajas transversales del ancho de un beyond it unless two such extensions meet; escudo ventral que llegan hasta la estrfa these extensions may be so abundant on central no pasando adelante, con excepcion

some individuals that venter appears de cuando dos fajas se encuentran y se black with yellow, pink or red streaks sueldan a la central luciendo entonces como

i nf ra taen ia tus una faja ventral entera; estas fajas son tan frecuentes en algunos ejemplares que el vientre se torna melanico con pequenas fajas amarillas, rosadas o rojas (de acuer- do al color dominante de fondo del

ejemplar) i nf ra taen ia tus

Hel Icops car i n icaudus car In icaudus (wied)

Hel icops car i n icauda car in 1558 icauda — Lema, Iheringia, Mus. R i o-Grandense, Cien. Nat. Zool., 10: 20.

Distribution: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Espirito Santo, southeastern Brazil. 124 HELICOPS

Hel icops car inicaudus inf rataen iatus (Jan)

I865 H-f elicoDs ] infrataeniatus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., J: 253. Type-locality: "Surinam" and "Brasile". I865 Hel icops car in icaudus var. gastrost icta Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 3'- 253- Type- locality: "Brasile". I878 Helicops trivittatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 1/ (I877): 92. Type-locality: "Unknown, supposed to be Argentine Confederation". 188S Helicops balioqaster Cope. Proc. Amer. Phila. Soc, 22 (l884): I93. Type-locality: Rio Grande do Sul Brazil (possibly S5o Joao do Monte Negro). — ]• 1516 Hel icops car in icauda »ar. i nfrataen iata Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 175.

Distribution: Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil; Uruguay and

Argent i na.


1538 Helicops danieli Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 11: 232. Type-locality: Carare, Santander, Colomb ia.

Distribution: Atrato and Magdalena valleys, from Barranquilla to Barrancaberme ja , Colombia.


1-4. 1921 Hel icops gomes i Amaral, Anex. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 1 (l): ], pi. 1, figs. Type-locality: EstajSo Costa Pinto, Sorocabana Railway, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Rio Tiete basin, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


1510 Hel icops haqmann i Roux, Zool. Anz., 36: *39' Type-locality: Santarem, northern Brazil.

Distribution: Northern Brazil.


1964 Helicops hogei Lancini, Publ. Oc. Mus. Cienc. Nat. Venezuela, Zool., 7' 2. Type-locality: R'o Autana, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela.

Distribution: Known from type locality and Territorio Federal de Tamacuro, Venezuela.


I837 Homalops i s leopard ina Schlegel, Essa i Physion. Serp., 2: 358' Type-locality: Unknown.

I854 Hel icops Lepr i eur i i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: ]^0, pi. 68. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil and Cayenne, Guianas.

1865 H.[ el icops j leopard inus — Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 3' 25I.

Distribution: Guianas and Brazil to northern Argentina.


I86I Hel icops modes tus Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) ]'• ^25, fig. Type-locality: "Tropical Amer ica?"

1866 Hel icops ass im i 1 is Reinhardt, Vidensk, Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn, 1866: I56. Type- locality: Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Distribution: Central and southern Brazil. 125 HELICOPS


153^ Hel icops pastazae Shreve, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8: I25. Type-locality: Pastaza River, from Canelos to MaraRon River, Ecuador.

Distribution: Amazonian Ecuador and Colombia.


1897 Helicops pictiventris Werner. Sitz. Math.-Phys. CI. Akad. Wiss. Munich, 27 (2): 2O5. Type- locality: Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Distribution: Southern Brazil.


1861 Hel icops polylep is Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 1'- ^26. Type-locality: Upper Amazon.

1862 Tachynectes chrysost i ctus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: 71' Type-locality: "Amazon",

I865 H.[ ei icops j sp ix i i Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 3' 245. Type-locality: Brazil.

Distribution: Amazonian Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.


I865 H.[ el icops j scalar i s Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 3' 25O. Type-locality: Venezuela.

Distribution: Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela, and adjacent Colombia.


1845 Myron tr i v i tta tus Gray, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 7^' Type-locality: India? 1863 Helicops tr ivi ttatus — Boulenger. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1: 276, pi. 18, fig. 2.



1860 Helm i nthoph i s Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860: 5I8. Type-species: Typhlops

( Helm i nthoph i s ) frontal i s Peters.

1861 I d i otyphlops Jan, ArcFi. fur Naturg., 2]: 6. Type-species: Typhlops f lavoterm i natus Peters.

Distribution: Central America, northern and central South America.

Content: Three species, according to most recent review, by Dunn, Caldasia, 3, 19*^, ''7-

Key to the species Clave de especies

in i 1. Body scales 20 rows praeocular s 1. Escamas del cuerpo en 20 hileras praeocular i s

Body scales in 22 rows frontal i s Escamas del cuerpo en 22 hileras frontal i s

Body scales in 24 rows f lavoterm i natus Escamas del cuerpo en 24 hileras

f lavoterm i natus


1857 Typhlops f lavoterm inatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1857: 402. Type-locality: Caracas, Venezuela.

i i f i I873 Helm nthoph s lavoterm natus — Socage, Jour. Sc i . Math. Phys. Nat. Acad. Lisbon, 4: 252,

Distribution: Venezuela and Colombia,


1860 Typhlops ( Helminthophis ) frontal is Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860: 517, pi., figs. 1-lc. Type-locality: Costa Rica.

1881 H.[ elm inthoph i s j frontal is — Peters, Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. (-reunde Berlin, 1881: 65.

Distribution: Costa Rica.


1924 Helm inthoph is praeocular i s Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 9: 28. Type-locality: Honda, upper valley of R'o Magdalena, Colombia.

19** Helm inthoph i s praeocular is — Dunn, Caldasia, '): 47, figs. 1-2.

Distribution: Interandean area of northern Colombia, in Tolima, Santander and Norte de Santander, from 200 to 1200 m. 127 REPTILlA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE "^ "^ "^ HYDRODYNASTES


1843 Hydrodynastes Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Elaps Schrank i i Wagler.

I863 Le iosoph i s Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 320. Type-species: Coluber b i c i nctus Herrmann.

1544 Duqand ia Dunn, Caldasia, 3' 7^- Type-species: Coluber b ic i nctus Herrmann.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


1804 Coluber b ic i nctus Herrmann, Observat i ones Zoologicae; 2/6. Type-locality: none given.

1958 Hydrodynastes b ic i nctus — Hoge, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. Sao Paulo, I3: 222,

Distribution: Guianas; Amazonian region of Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. First dorsal blotch enlarged; belly 1. Primera mancha dorsal agrandada; vientre

with black and i checkered white schul tz salpicado en negro y bianco schultz i First dorsal blotch not enlarged; black Primera mancha dorsal no agrandada; manchas spots on belly arranged in cross bars negras del vientre ordenadas en barras

b i i c nctus transversas b ic i nctus

Hydrodynastes b ic i nctus b i c i nctus (Herrmann)

1824 Elaps Schrank i i Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 1, pi. 1. Type-locality: Rio Japura, Brazil.

1566 Hydrodynastes b ic i nctus b ic i nctus — Hoge, Ciencia e Cultura, Sao Paulo, 18: 143.

Distribution; Uncertain, not defined by Hoge.

Hydrodynastes b ic i nctus schultz i Hoge

1966 Hydrodynastes bic i nctus Schultz i Hoge, Citncia e Cultura, Sao Paulo, 18: I43. Type-locality: President! Epitacio, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Uncertain, not defined by Hoge. — ,



1855 Hydromorphus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1855= 276. Type-species: Hydromorphus concolor Peters.

Distribution: Costa Rica and Panama.

Jour. Sc i Content; Three species, according to most recent review of genus, by Nelson, Texas . 18, 1566, 365-371.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal pigmentation extending to ends of 1. Pigmentacion dorsal se extiende al extreme de ventrals; anterior temporal excluded from los ventrales; temporal anterior excluido de orb it 2 la orbita 2 Dorsal pigmentation ends on third scale row, Pigmentacion dorsal tormina en la tercera ventral color begins at that level; anterior hilera de escamas, color ventral empieza a ese temporal enters orbit below single postoculai nivel; temporal anterior entra la orbita

clarl< i debajo del unico postoculai dark i

2. Three prefrontals; scales in I5 rows at mid- 2. Ires pref rontales; escamas en I5 hileras al

body dunn i medio del cuerpo dunn i One prefrontal; scales in I7 rows at midbody Un prefrontal; escamas en I7 hileras al medio concolor del cuerpo concolor


15*2 Hydromorphus dark i Dunn, Notulae Naturae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 108: 2. Type-locality: Agua Clara village, near Chagres River, Panama.

1566 Hydromorphus dark i — Nelson, Texas Jour. Sci., 18: 368. Distribution: Known only from type-locality.


I855 Hydromorphus c oncolor Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1855= 277j text-fig. J, Type-locality:

Costa R i ca. 1566 Hydromorphus concolor — Nelson, Texas Jour. Sci., 18: 3^8, figs. 2-3, 5-5' Distribution: Honduras and Costa Rica; not yet recorded from Nicaragua.


1542 Hydromorphus dunni Slevin, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 23: A74. Type-locality: Vicinity north of Boquete, Provincia ChiriquT, Panama, 38OO ft.

1366 Hydromorphus dunn i — Nelson, Texas Jour. Sci., Ig: J&l , fig. 4-

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 129^



IS'^O Hydrops Waqler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: lyC Type-species: Elaps mart i i Wagler. Type-species: Higina fasciata Gray. 1842 H i q ina Gray, Zoological Miscellany: 67.

Distribution: South America east of Andes and north of 15°S.

Content: Two species, according to most recent revision by Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2, 1957-

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. With 15 scale rows at midbody triangularis 1. Con I5 filas de escamas en la mitad del

cuerpo tr i angular is

With 17 scale rows at midbody mart i i Con I7 filas de escamas en la mitad del

cuerpo mart i i


Provincia 1824 Elaps Mart i i Wagler, in Splx, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 3> pl- 2, fig. 2. Type-locality: Maranhao, Rio itapicuru, Brazil.

1830 Hydrops f Mart i i ] —Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: I70.

Distribution: Amazonian region of Peru, Colombia and Brazil.

Content: Two subspecies, according to most recent revision, by Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2, 1557, 65.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals I75-I8O; total ventrals 239-258; 1. Ventrales I75-I8O; ventrales totales 235- 68-88 black cross bands crossing venter, 258; 68-88 bandas transversas negras com-

fused or alternating at midline mart i i pletas, unidas alternas sobre el vientre Ventrals 162-175; total ventrals 226-241; martii 51-70 blacl< cross bands, generally not in Ventrales 162-175; ventrales totales 226- contact on midventral line 241; 51"7'^ bandas negras transversas, callost ictus f recuentemente incompletas, no cubren todo el vientre callost ictus

Hydrops mart i i mart i i (Wagler)

1557 Hydrops mart i i mart i i —Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 69.

Distribution: Amazonian region, from Colombia to Maranhao, Brazil.

Hydrops mart i i callost ictus Gunther

1868 Hydrops callost ictus Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 1: 421, pi. I7, fig. B. Type- locality: Chyavetas, Upper Amazon, Peru.

1957 Hydrops mart i i callost ictus —Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: ]1,

Distribution: Northeastern Peru in drainage areas of Rfo Ucayali and Rfo Maranon.


1824 Elaps triangularis Waqler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 5> pl» 2a, fig.l. Type-locality: Ega (= Tefe) Lago Tefe, at confluence with Rio Amazon, Brazil. Nat. Syst. Amph.: I7O. 1830 Hydrops [ triangularis ]—Wagler,

Distribution: From Venezuela, Guianas and Trinidad to eastern Peru and northern Bolivia.

Content: Six subspecies, according to most recent revision, by Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2, 1957, 71. i si


Key to the subspecies''- Clave de subespecies-'-

1. Black dorsal bands reach vertebral line, 1. Bandas negras siempre alcanzan la Ifnea where they are not noticeably narrower vertebral y no son a este nivel mas than on sides 2 angostas que lateralmente 2 Black dorsal bands often do not reach Bandas negras mas angostas sobre la Ifnea vertebral line, always distinctly narrower vertebral que lateralmente, no la alcan- dorsally than laterally f asciatus zan del todo f asciatus

2. Black bands without extensions posteriorly; 2. Bandas negras sin protuberanc ias negras; fewerthan 69 subcaudals 3 menos de 69 subcaudales 3 Black bands have distinct projections or Bandas negras en su Ifmite posterior dorsal protuberances on posterior edge at dorsal con protuberancias negras irregulares; 69

venezuelens i s end; 65 subcaudals venezuelens i s subcaudales

4 3. More than 5O subcaudals 4 3. Mas de 5^^ subcaudales Subcaudals 47-5I; black bands of equal Subcaudales 47-5I; bandas negras de iqual width but with very irregular borders ancho sobre el cuerpo, con hordes bastante neqlectus irregulares neqlectus

4. Fewerthan 164 ventrals (fewerthan I63 in 4. Menos de l64 ventrales (menos de I63 para females) 5 las hem bras) 5 Ventrals I62-I5I (I65-I5I in females) Ventrales 162-191 (I69-I9I para las

bassler hem bras) bassler i

Black bands narrower on fourth row of Bandas negras mas angostas sobre la cuarta dorsals than either above or below hilera dorsal que sobre las otras

i bol i V i anus bol vianus Black bands not narrower in fourth row of Bandas negras no mas angostas sobre la scales, about same size throughout cuarta hilera dorsal, y aprox imadamente triangular! del mismo tamano sobre el cuerpo triangularis

Hydrops tr ianqular i s tr iangular is (Wagler)

1929 Hydrops triangularis triangularis —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 92. 19S7 Hydrops triangularis triangularis —Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 74.

Distribution: Amazonian basin of Brazil, to Belem, Para.

Hydrops tr iangulari s bassler i Roze

1957 Hydrops tr ianqular is bassler Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 83, fig. 14e. Type- locality: Iquitos, Peru.

Distribution: Northeastern Peru, in drainage areas of R'o Ucayali and R'o MaraRon.

Hydrops tr ianqular i s bol i v ianus Roze

fig. 14f. Type- 1957 Hydrops triangularis bol i v ianus Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 86, locality: Puerto Sucre, R'o Mamore, Bolivia.

Distribution: Northern Bolivia.

Taken directly from Roze, Acta Biol. Tomado directament de Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2, 1957, 68-69. We have exper- Venezuelica, 2, 1957, 68-69. Hemos tenido ienced difficulty in running specimens, alguna dif icultad en el uso de esta clave, including paratypes, through this key. incluso con paratipos de las subespecies que s


Hydrops tr ianqular i s f asc iatus (Gray)

Demerara, 1845 H i g i na f asc lata Gray, Zoological Miscellany: 67. Type-locality: Guyana.

I854 Pseuderyx i naqn i tus Bocourt, Le Naturaliste, (2) I6: 155- Type-locality: Cayenne. 1557 Hydrops triangularis f asc iatus —Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 76.

Distribution: Essequibo, Guyana, to Dutch Guiana.

Hydrops tr ianqular i s neqlectus Roze

1557 Hydrops tr ianqular i s neqlectus Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 81, fig. 13d. Type-

local i ty: Tr i n i dad.

Distribution: Trinidad and western Guyana.

Hydrops tr ianqular i 5 venezuelens i s Roze

1557 Hydrops trianqularis venezuelens i Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: ]8, fig. 13c. Type- locality: San Fernando de Apure, Estado Apure, Venezuela, 25O m.

Distribution: R'o Orinoco basin, Venezuela, and southern llanos of Colombia, to R'o Vaupes. 132



1860 Hyps i qlena Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila,, I860: 246. Type-species: Hyps i qlena ochrorhyrichus Cope.

I863 Comastes Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 102. Type-species: Comastes qu i ncunc la tus Jan.

Distribution: Southwestern United States through Mexico and Central America. No valid records of occurrence in South America exist.

Content: Three species, two of which ( af f i n i s Boulenger and dunl

Comment; The generic name Pseudodi psas Peters, I860, as published was based on a nomen nudum. It is not available under the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature.


1860 Leptodeira torquata Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 5: I7O, pi. 10, fig. A. Type-locality: Laguna Island, Nicaragua. I854 Hypsiqlena torquata — Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 210.

Distribution: Southwestern United States through Mexico and Baja California to Costa Rica.

Content: About twelve subspecies, of which only one has been recorded within limits of this work.

Hyps iqlena torquata torquata (Gunther)

I87I Comastes qu i ncunc i atus Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 3^: pl. 1, fig. 1. Type-locality: Caracas, Venezuela.

1935 Hypsiqlena torquata torquata — Taylor. Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 2$ (1538): 37I, pl. 37, fig. 3-

Distribution: Nayarit, Mexico south on Pacific slope to Costa Rica.

Comment: Although this species has been recorded from South America several times, it appears that all records are erroneous. Roze, Ofidios de Venezuela, I366, 20$, excludes it from Venezuela. Peters, Copeia, 195^, 57> eliminates it from Ecuador and also removes

the name Pseudod i psas f allax Peters, I860, from its synonymy. 133



1853 l^iantodes Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sc i . Paris, 2J: 5^7. Type-species: Coluber cenchoa Linnaeus.

I860 H imantodes Cope (emendation of I mantodes Oumeril), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., 1860: 264.

Distribution; Mexico through Central America to northwestern Ecuador west of Andes to Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia east of Andes.

Content: Five species, of which only one ( tenu i ss imus Cope) is ex tral i m i tal.

Comment: According to Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122, I563, 100, two varieties of Imantodes described by Muller, Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, ] , 1882, 151> 3s Di psas cenchoa var.

rhombea ta and Di psas cenchoa var. ret i culata , cannot be properly determined because of inadequate descriptions. Type locality for both is "Guatemala".

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Scale rows at midbody I7 2 1, Con I7 filas de escamas en el medio 'del cuerpo- Scale rows at midbody I5 lent if erus 2 Con 15 filas de escamas en el medio del cuerpo- lent iferus 2. Vertebral scales not three to four times larger than lateral rows; caudals fewer than 140 3 2. Escamas vertebrales no tres cuatro veces Vertebral scales three to four times larger mayores que las laterales; caudales menos de than lateral rows; caudals more than 140 140 3 cenchoa Escamas vertebrales tres o cuatro veces mayores que las laterales; caudales mas de 140- cenchoa

3. Dorsal pattern of inconspicuous spots on back; 3- Diseno dorsal de manchas inconspTcuas sobre la

ventrals fewer than 223 i noma tus hilera mediana; ventrales menos de 223-

Dorsal pattern of large dark blotches; ventrals i noma tus

more than 223 qemm i stratus Diseno dorsal con manchas oscuras d i f erenc iadas;

ventrales mas de 223 qemm i s tra tus


1758 Coluber Cenchoa Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed, 10: 226. Type-locality: America. 1810 Bunqaruscencoalt Oppel (error for cenchoa Linnaeus), Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, I6: 392.

i i i 1826 D.[ psas j We qel i Fitzinger (substitute name for cenchoa Wied, which is same as cenchoa Linnaeus), Neue Classification der Reptilien: 59*

I — 1853 .[ mantodes ] cenchoa Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, 23: 5O7.

Distribution: Isthmus of Tehuantepec region of Mexico through Central America and South America to Paraguay and Bolivia.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. More than 248 ventrals 2 1. Mas de 248 ventrales 2 Fewer than 245 ventrals leucomelas Menos de 245 ventrales leucomelas

2. Venter light, dotted and spotted with dark- 2. Vientre claro punteado y manchado de er pi gment cenchoa oscuro cenchoa Venter light, no darker pigmentation at all Vientre claro, sin punteado ni manchado sem if asc ia tus sem if asc iatus

I mantodes cenchoa cenchoa Linnaeus

1899 Himantodes platycephalus Cope. Phila. Mus. Sci. Bull., 1: 15, pi. 4, fig. 4a-d. Type- locality: "Colombia; presumably near Bogota" [from label with typej. 1942 [ Imantodes cenchoa ] cenchoa — Smi th, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 52: 384.

Distribution: Panama; northern South America, to Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina; Trinidad. .


Imantodes cenchoa leucomelas (Cope)

1861 Himantodes leucomelas Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861: 256. Type-locality: Mirador, Veracruz, Mexico. fig. 1. 1942 Imantodes cenchoa leucomelas — Sm i th. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 92: 384, pi. 37,

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from Veracruz, Mexico, to northern Honduras on the Caribbean slope and from eastern Chiapas, Mexico, into southern Guatemala along the

Pac i f ic.

Imantodes cenchoa sem if asc i atus (Cope)

1894 Himantodes sem if asc iatus Cope. Amer. Nat., 28: 614. Type-locality: Paso Azul, Santa Clara, Carillo, Alajuela, Monte Aguacate, and San Jose, Costa Rica. I854 Himantodes anisolepis Cope, Amer. Nat., 28: 614. Type-locality: Monte Aguacate, Costa Rica. ISqq Himantodes hemiqenius Cope. Phila. Mus. Sci. Bull., 1: I6. Type-locality: Santa Clara,

Costa R i ca. ')2: 1542 [ Imantodes cenchoa ] sem ifasc iatus — Smith, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 385.

Distribution: Central America; Guatemala to Panama.


1861 Himantodes gemmistratus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861: 256. Type-locality: Originally given as San Salvador, Central America, but cited as "near Isalco, San Salvador", by Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I860, 265.

1542 Imantodes gemm i stratus — Sm i th. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 52: 385.

Distribution: Southern Sonora in Pacific Mexico and central Veracruz in Caribbean Mexico south to Panama.

Content: Six subspecies, four of which ( grac ill imus Gunther, lat istratus Cope, luc iodorsus Oliver

and splendi dus Gunther) are ex tral i m i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dorsal spots fewer than 45, of which at 1. Manchas dorsales en numero menor de 45, por least 'jOf are continuous laterally lo menos el 5"? se continua lateralmente —

gemm i stratus gemm i stratus Dorsal spots more than 45, of which more Manchas dorsales en niimero mayor de 45, de than 50? 3fe interrupted laterally las cuales mas del 5^^ se interrumpen

i i ol i ver i lateralmente ol ver

I mantodes gemmistratus gemm i stratus (Cope)

I87I H imantodes cenchoa var. elegans Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 3^' pl- 2, fig. 1. Type- locality: Central America. 1886 Leptognathus stratissima Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 23 (I885): 280. Type-locality: Panama

195^ [ I mantodes j g[_ emm istra tus j gemm i stratus — Peters, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool.Univ. Mich., 55^' 24.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Pacific slope from eastern Guatemala south to Panama; Motagua Valley on Caribbean slope of Guatemala; where it may also extend across southeastern highlands.

I mantodes gemm I stratus ol i ver i Smith

1942 Imantodes splendidus oliveri Smith. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 92: 388. Type-locality: Tapanatepec, Oaxaca, Mexico.

195* I mantodes gemm i stratus ol i ver i — Peters, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 55^' 23.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from Oaxaca, Mexico, into western Guatemala. 135 IMANTODES


I856 H iman todes i nornatus Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' 88, pi. 5> ^'9- !• Type-locality: Hacienda Rosa de Jericho, nicara,gua, 3^5'' 'ft.

Imantodes i nornatus — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., pi. 14. 1551 Ji: IJO ,

Distribution: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador.


I894 Himantodes lent iferus Cope, Amer. Nat., 28: 613. Type-locality: Pebas "Ecuador" (= Peru), and "E. Ecuador".

1925 Imantodes lent i f erus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 2O3.

Distribution: Amazonas, Brazil; Amazonian Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 136 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: CROTALIDAE *•** LACHESIS


I8O3 Lachesis Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 5= 3^9- Type-species: Crotalus mutus Linnaeus.

Distribution: As for only known species.

Content: One species.


Crotalus mutus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 373. Type-locality: Surinam. 1766 [ ] 180^ Lachesis mutus —Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 5: 351.

Distribution: Costa Rica and Panama; Pacific slope of Colombia and Ecuador; equatorial forests east of Andes.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals more than 214 in males, 226 in 1. Ventrales mas de 214 en machos, 225 en females 2 hembras 2 Ventrals less than 214 in males, 226 in Ventrales menos de 214 en machos, 226 en females stenophrys hembras stenophrys

2. Large and distinct spots on head; wide 2. Puntos grandes y distintos en la cabeza; postocular stripe, not bordered by light ancha banda postocular, no bordeada de stripe above; triangular rostral shield; claro por encima; rostral triangular; bright reddish ground color; color of color de fondo pojlzo brillante; supra- supraoculars contrasts strongly with sur- oculares fuertemente contrastados con

i vaqa rounding black spots noct i vaqa manchas negras que los rodean noct Small spots on head; narrow black post- Pequei^os puntos sobre la cabeza; angosta ocular bordered with white above; trape- banda negra postocular bordeada de bianco zoidal rostral; greyish ground color; por encima; rostral trapezoidal; color de color of supraoculars not strongly con- fondo grisaceo; supraoculares no contrast- trasting with surrounding black spots ados fuertemente por manchas negras que muta las rodean muta

Laches i s muta mu ta (Linnaeus)

1788 Coluber crotalinus Gmelin, Systema Naturae, Ed. I3, 1: IO34. Type-locality: None given. 1802 Coluber alecto Shaw, General Zoology, Amphibians, 3- 4O5. Type-locality: Ceylon. 1802 Scytale catena tus LatreiUe, in Sonnini and Latreille, Hist. Nat. Rept., 3: l62. Type- locality: Surinam. 1802 Scytale ammodytes Latreille, in Sonnini and Latreille, Hist. Nat. Rept., 3' 165- Type- locality: Ceylon. 1824 Bothrops Surucucu Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Brasil: 59» pl* 23. Type-locality: Brazil. 1824 Lachesis rhombeata Wied, Abbild. Nat. Brasil, n+. 5'- pl- 5 ^nd Ja. Type-locality: Brazil. I896 Bothrops achrochordus Garcia, Of idios Venenosos del Cauca: 23, pi. 4. Type-locality; None specified; statement of distribution only.

1551 Laches i s muta muta — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 34: 184.

Distribution: Equatorial forests of Brazil, Guianas, Venezuela, Trinidad, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia; Pacific slopes of Ecuador and Colombia.

Laches i s muta noct i vaqa Hoge

1*^66 Lachesis muta noctivaqa Hoqe. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): 162, pi. 20. Type-locality: Vitoria, Esp'rito Santo, Brazil.

Distribution: Forests of Atlantic slope in Brazil, from Estado de Alagoas to Estado do Rio

de Jane i ro. 137 LACHESIS

Laches i s muta stenophrys Cope

1876 Lachesis stenophrys Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., (2) 8 (I875): I52. Type-locality:

S i pur i 0, Costa Rica.

1551 Laches i s muta stenophrys — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., Ji: 184.

Distribution: Forests of Costa Rica and Panama.



18*3 Lampropelt is Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Herpetodryas qetulus Schlegel. 1843 Sphenoph is Fitzirger, Systema Reptilium: 25- Type-species: Coronella coccinea Schlegel, not of Blumenbach, = Lampropelt is tr ianqulum (Lacepede).

I853 Oph ibolus Ba i rd and Girard, Cat. N, Amer. Rept., : Serp. 82. Type-species: Oph ibolus Say i Baird and Girard. I876 Belloph is Lockington, Proc. California Acad. Sc i . , ]: 52. Type-species: Belloph is zonatus Lockington = Coluber zonatus Blainville. I857 Oreoph is Ouges, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857' 281. Type-species: Oreophis boulenqeri Duges =

Oph i bolus tr ianqulus mex icanus Garman. 1521 Triaenopholis Werner, Sitz. Math.-Naturw iss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I33, abt. 1: 5O. Type-species:

Tr iaenophol i s arenar i us Werner.

Distribution: Southwestern Canada through United States, Mexico and Central America into extreme northwestern South America.

Content: About 16 species, only one of which occurs within limits of this work.


1785 Coluber Triangulum Lacepede, Hist. Nat. Quadr. Ovip. Serp., 2: 86. Type-locality: America. I860 L[ ampropelt is j trianqula —Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 256.

Distribution: Most of continental United States to Panama and northwestern Colombia and Ecuador.

Comment: Opinion 804, Bull. Zool. Nomen., 24, I967, fixes the trivial name of this taxon as " tr ianqulum ". which must therefore be used rather than " dol iata ".

Content: About I5 subspecies, of which five occur within limits of this work.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Body with ringed pattern in adults 2 1. OiseRo de adultos anillado 2 Body in adults uniformly black qa iqae DiseRo de adultos un if ormemente negro qa iqae

2. Black annuli not expanded middorsally; 2. Anillos negros no expandidos mediodorsal- light annuli complete middorsally 3 mente; anillos claros completes en el Black annuli expanded middorsally to pinch medio dorso 3 out intervening light annuli abnorma Anillos negros expandidos mediodorsalmente, invaden comprimiendo los claros abnorma

3. Less than 180 ventrals 4 3. Menos de 180 ventrales 4 More than 210 ventrals m icrophol is Mas de 210 ventrales m icrophol is

4. Light annuli numbering more than 18 on 4. Anillos claros en numero mayor a 18 en el body; scales in red annuli with darker cuerpo; escamas de los anillos rojos con tips in adults polvzona marcas oscuras en adultos polvzona Light annuli on body numbering I7 or less; Anillos claros en numero de I7 menos scales in red annuli without darker tips-- sobre el cuerpo; escamas de los anillos

ol i qozona rojos sin marcas oscuras ol iqozona

Lampropelt is tr ianqulum abnorma (Bocourt)

1886 Coronella f ormosa var. anomala Bocourt (preoccupied by Coronella anomala GDnther, 1858), I j Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 614. Type-locality: Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. 1886 Coronella f ormosa abnorma Bocourt (substitute name for Coronella anomala Bocourt, 1886), Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept., 1886: pi. 35, figs. 4-4e.

1542 Lampropelt i s t[ r ianqulum a_bnorma—Sm i th, Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci., 8: 246. [ j j

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations in central Guatemala.

Lampropelt is tr ianqulum qa i qae Dunn

1937 Lampropel t is tr iangulum ga i9ae Dunn, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 353' 9' Type- locality: Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama.

Distribution: Mountains of western Panama and eastern Costa Rica. 139 LAMPROPELTIS

Lampropelt is tr ianqulum m icrophol i s Cope

1860 Lampropelt is m icrophol is Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phlla., 1860: 257. Type-locality: Panama. is trianqulum microphol is Dunn, Dec. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. MIcli., 353= 3- 1537 [ lampropelt ] —

Distribution: Costa Rica and Panama; northwestern and Caribbean Colombia; northwestern Ecuador; northwestern Venezuela.

Lampropelt is tr ianqulum ol ioozona (Bocourt)

1886 Coronella formosa ol iqozona Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 614, pi. 39> ^''9^- 8-8d. Type-locality: Western slope of Guatemala to Isthmus of Tehuantepec; corrected to

"southern slope of . . . .", by Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122, I963, 102. 1945 Lampropelt is trianqulum oliqozona—Smith, Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci. 8: 202.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Pacific coast from Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, south through El Salvador.

Lampropelt is tr ianqulum polyzona Cope

1860 Lampropelt is polvzona Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 258. Type-locality; Jalapa; and Quatupe, near Jalapa, Mexico {= Cuatupe, according to Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122, I563, 102).

1945 lampropelt i s tr ianqulum polvzona —Smith, Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci., 8: 200.

Distribution: Veracruz, Mexico through Nicaragua, except outer end of Yucatan Peninsula and mountains of central Guatemala. i



1768 La t icauda Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: IO9. Type-species; Lat icauda scutata Laurenti, which is synonymous with Laticauda laticaudata (Linnaeus). 1802 Platurus Latreille. in Sonnini and Latreille, Hist. Nat. Rept., 4: I83. Type-species: Pla turus f asc ia tus Latreille, which is synonymous with Lat icauda lat icaudata (Linnaeus). 1847 Platyurus Agassiz (substitute name for Platurus Latreille), Nomenclator Zoologici index Universalis: 257.

Distribution: Bay of Bengal to southern Japan; north coast of Australia; Oceania; west coast of Ni caragua.

Content: Four species, according to last generic summary, by Smith, Monograph of the Sea Snakes

(Hydroph i i dae) , 1926. Only one occurs within limits of this work.


i nus Hist. 1799 [ Hydrus J colubr Schneider, Amphib.: 238. Type-locality: Unknown. 1905 Platurus frontal is DeVis, Ann. Queensland Mus., 6: 48. Type-locality: ,

1907 Laticauda colubr i na —Stejneger, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 58: 406.

1926 Laticauda colubrina — Sm I th, Monograph of the Sea Snakes: 6.

Distribution; Bay of Bengal to southern Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Oceania; west coast of N icaragua.

Comment: This species Is reported from Nicaragua by Jaime Villa, "Las Serplentes Venenosas de Nicaragua", I962, 29. i



1843 Le imadoph is Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-species: Coronella almadens is Wagler. 1843 Par iopelt is Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium; 25. Type-species: Coluber tr iscal is Linnaeus.

1843 Pseudoph is Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-species: Xenodon schott i i Schlegel. 1843 Caloph is Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-species: Herpetodryas cursor Schlegel.

I847 L imadoph is Agassiz (emendation of Le imadoph is Fitzinger), Nomenclator i s Zoologici Index Universalis: 210. I854 Ech inanthera Cope, Amer. Nat., 28: 841. Type-species: Aporoph is cyanopleurus Cope.

Distribution: Southern Central America; most of South America; Caribbean Islands.

Content: About 40 species, of which about 20 are ex tral im i tal.

Key to the species'- Clave de especies

1. Scale rows at midbody more than I5 2 1. Mas de quince escamas en el medio del cuerpo--2

Scale rows at midbody I5 ol i qolep i s Quince escamas en el medio del cuerpo-->

ol igolep i s

2. Scale rows at midbody I5 3 2. Escamas en el medio del cuerpo I5 3 Scale rows at midbody I7 5 Escamas en el medio del cuerpo I7 5

3. Temporals 1 + 2 4 3. Temporales 1 + 2 4

Temporals 2 + 3 5 imons i Temporales 2 + 3 s imons i

4. Dorsum uniform green; venter uniformly light 4. Dorso verde uniforme; vientre claro homogeneo

colored (occasionally with scattered black ( ocas onalmente con puntos negros dispersos)- spotting) 5 5 Not as above 6 No como el anterioi 6

5. Caudals 6O-78 v irid i s 5* Caudales 6O-78 v iridis Fewer than 59 caudals typhlus Menos de 57 caudales 1 vphlus

6. Lower surfaces of tail not uniformly black 7 6* ^°^^ "O un if ormemente negra 7 Lower surfaces of tail uniformly black Cola, en normal ventral, un if ormemente negra taen iurus taen iurus

7. Fewer than 68 caudals 8 7- Menos de 68 caudales 8

More than 75 caudals sag i tt i f er Mas de 75 caudales sag i tt if er

8. Head with irregular, whitish, U- or Y-shaped 8. Cabeza con un diseRo blanquecino irregular en U

mark ing almadens i s Y almadens i s

No such head pattern poec i logyrus Sin diseno cefalico como el anterioi

poec i logyrus

5. Two upper labials in orbit 10 5. Oos supralab iales formando la orbita 10 Three upper labials in orbit melanost igma Tres supralab iales formando la orbita melanost igma

10. More than 48 caudals 11 10. Mas de 48 caudales 11 Fewer than 45 caudals pygmaeus Menos de 45 caudales pygmaeus

11. Two preoculars 12 11. Con dos preoculares 12 One preoculai 13 Con una preocular 13

12. Four lower labials in contact with first chin- 12.Cuatro labiales inferiores en contacto con la sh ields b imaculatus primera gene ial b imaculatus Five lower labials in contact with first chin- CInco labiales inferiores en contacto con la sh ields tr iscal is primera gene ial tr iscal is

13. Ventral part of tail not black 14 I3. Norma ventral de la cola no negra 14

Ventral part of tail uniformly black-- taen i urus Norma ventral de la cola un If ormemente negra taen iurus

14. Fewer than I65 ventrals 15 14.Placas ventrales menos de I65 15

More than I65 ventrals tr iscal is Placas ventrales mas de I65 tr iscal i s

-*- atahuallpae is not included in this key. lEn esta clave no se incluye atahuallpae . 142 LEIMADOPHIS

15. Vertebral region black, well marked on middle 15. Region dorso vertebral negra, bien manifiesta of body 16 en el centro del cuerpo 16 Not colored as above 17 No como el anterior 17

16. Venter light, without spots melanotus l6.Vientre claro, sin manchas melanotus Venter with transverse black spotting Vientre con fajas negras transversas pseudocobella pseudocobella

17. More than 155 ventrals 18 17. Mas de 155 ventrales 18 Fewer than 155 ventrals 15 Menos de 155 ventrales 15

18. Venter uniformly light 22 18. Vientre un if ormemente claro 22

Venter black spotted f raser i Vientre manchado de negro f raser i

15. Fewer than 65 subcaudals 20 15. Menos de 65 subcaudales 20

More than 7O subcaudals zwe if el i Mas de 7'^ subcaudales zwe if el i

20. No black stripe along tail and posterior part 20. Sin iTnea negra longitudinal en la cola y parte of body 21 posterior del cuerpo 21

Distinct black stripe along tail and posterior Con I'nea negra longitudinal en la cola y parte part of body b imaculatus posterior del cuerpo b imaculatus

21. Dorsum reticulate, without transverse spots; 21.Diseiio reticulado sin manchas transversas; cola

tail more than I/4 total length req i nae no mas de cuatro veces en la longitud total

Dorsum without reticulation; with large trans- req i nae verse spots; tail less than l/4 total length — Diserio sin retfculo, con manchas transversas

ep i nephelus grandes; cola mas de cuatro veces y media en

la longitud total ep i nephelus

22. Ventrals more than 185 ep i nephelus 22. Mas de I85 ventrales ep inephelus

Ventrals fewer than 185 alb i ventr i s Menos de 185 ventrales alb i ventr is


I863 [ l ioph is reoi nae j var. alb iventr is Jan, Arch. Zdol. Anat. Fis., 2: 2')i. Type-locality: Western Andes of Ecuador and "fra Lacutunga e Guayaquil", Ecuador.

1868 Opheomorphus alt icolus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 102. Valley of Quito, Ecuador. Le imadoph is albi is 19** [ j ventr — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 481.

Distribution: Found in lowlands on both sides of Andes in Ecuador. Its range elsewhere in South America is obscured at present by erroneous use of name in literature.


1824 Natrix Almada Wagler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 3". Type-locality: Proximity of Bahia,

Braz i 1. 1824 Natrix Almadensis Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: pi. 10. Type-locality: Proximity of Bahia, Brazil. I858 L ipph is con irostr is GCTnther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 46. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil. L.[_ iophis ?1863 J verecundus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 3OO. Type-locality: Unknown.

1882 Liophis ( lygophis ) y-qraecum Peters. Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde, Berlin, 1882: I25. Type- local ity: 1906 Tr iqonocephalus scolecomorphus Bacque, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 12: II6. Type-locality: Asuncion, Paraguay. 1926 Leimadoph is [ J almadens is —Amaral, Rev. Mus. Paulista, I5: 78.

Distribution: Central, western and southern Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay.

Comment: Wagler used two names in the original description of this species, almada and almadensis . Vanzolini, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. SSo Paulo, 8, I947, 255, argues that almada must be used, but very few authors have done so. Since the use of almadens is has been widely accepted, and the rule of the first revisor would seem to be applicable, we see no reason to change a name long established in the 1 i tera ture. s I e



1501 L i oph i s atahuallpae Ste I ndachner, Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 38: 195' Type-locality: Las Palmas, W. spur of Andes between Babahojio and Guaranda, Ecuador, 25OO m.

1569 Le imadoph i s atahuallpae — Myers, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2385: 21.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


Cope. Scl 1899 Llophis bimaculatus . Bull. Mus. Phila., 1: 11, pi. 4, fig. 2a-e. Type-locality: "Presumably from Colombia. the vicinity of Bogota", according to Dunn, Caldasia, 2, 1944 484.

1944 Le imadoph i s b imaculatus — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 484.

Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Venter distinctly spotted with black 2 2 1. Vientre manchado en negro d i st ntamen t Venter immaculate or with small, indistinct Vientre Inmaculado con pequenas manchas

spott i ng op i sthotaen ia obsoletas op Isthotaen ia

2. Ventrals 15* or fewer; caudals fewer than 2. Ventrales 154 menos; caudales menos de 60 60 lamonae lamonae Ventrals 165 °'' more; caudals 60 or more Ventrales I65 mas; caudales 60 mas bimaculatus b imaculatus

Le imadoph i s b imaculatus b imaculatus (Cope)

1903 Liophis bipraeocular I Boulenger. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 12: 351. Type-locality: Facatativa, Colombia, 8000 m.

19** Le imadoph i s b imaculatus b imaculatus — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 484.

Distribution: Eastern Andes of Colombia.

Le imadoph i s bimaculatus lamonae Dunn

19*^ Le imadoph is bimaculatus lamonae Dunn, Caldasia, 2; 485. Type-locality: Sonson, Antioquia, Colombia, 2410 m.

Distribution: Provincias Antioquia and Caldas, in central and western Andes, Colombia;

Laurent, Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc i . Nat. Belgique, 25 (9), I949, 8, reports a specimen from Ecuador.

Le Imadoph is b imaculatus op isthotaen ia (Boulenger)

1908 Liophis opisthotaenia Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (s) 1: 114. Type-locality: Merida, Venezuela, I6OO m.

1966 Le imadoph i s b imaculatus op i sthotaenia — Roze, Of idios de Venezuela: I57.

Distribution: Andes of Merida, Venezuela.


1862 Liophis epinephalus Cope (corrected in errata sheet to ep inephelus ). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: 78. Type-locality: Truando, Colombia.

1929 Le imadoph is ep i nephelus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I65.

Distribution: Costa Rica to northwestern Ecuador.

Content: Three subspecies. i


Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

2 1. Ventrals fewer than I75 2 1. Menos de 175 ventrales Ventrals more than I75 ecuadorensi s Mas de 175 ventrales ecuadorens is

2. Venter white epinephelus 2. Vlentre bianco epinephelus Venter red with black blotches Juvenal is Vientre rojo con manchas negras Juvenal is

Le imadoph is ep i nephelus ep i nephelus (Cope)

1544 Le imadoph is ep i nephalus ep i nephalus — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 483«

Distribution: Canal Zone, Panama to western Ecuador.

Le imadoph i s ep i nephelus ecuadorens i s Laurent

1945 Le imadoph i s ep i nephalus ecuadorens i s Laurent, Bull. Inst. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, 25 (5)5 S. Type-locality: Ecuador.

Distribution: Known only from type specimen.

Le imadoph is epj nephelus Juvenal is Dunn

1937 Le imadoph is taen iurus Juvenal i s Dunn, Copeia', 1937' 213- Type-locality: San Jose, Costa Rica.

1944 Le imadoph i s j ep i nephalus Juvenal is — Dunn, Caldasia, 2; 483. [^

1951 Le imadoph i s taen i urus Juvenal is — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 3*' 102.

Distribution; Costa Rica to western Panama.


I894 L ioph is fraser Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I3I, pi. 6, fig. 2. Type-locality: Western Ecuador. 1929 Leimadophis fraseri — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I66.

Distribution: Western Ecuador.


1824 Natrix melanostiqma Wagler. in Spix. Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: I7, pi. 4, fig. 2. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil. I885 Aporoph is cyanopleurus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22: I9I. Type-locality: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, probably Sao Joao do Monte Negro, according to Cope, loc. cit., p. I85.

1929 Le imadoph i s melanost i gma — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 166.

Distribution: Brazil.


1802 Coluber Melanotus Shaw. General Zoology, 3: 534. Type-locality: Cape of Good Hope, Africa. 1820 Coluber ix [ ( Natr )J raninus Merrem, Tentamen Systematis Amphibiorum: 106. Type-locality: None

g i ven. 1845 Coluber vittatus HaUowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1845: 242. Type-locality: Withi.T 200 mi of Caracas, "Colombia"; actually in Venezuela.

I860 L i oph i s melanonotus Cope, ( replacement name for melanotus Shaw), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 253.

1929 Le imadoph i s melanotus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I66.

1966 Le imadoph i s melanotus — Roze, Of idios de Venezuela: 159> ^'9' 3^'

Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Tobago and Grenada. 145 LEIMADOPHIS


1505 L iophi s ol iqolepi s Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 15' ^55- Type-locality: igape-Assu, Para, Brazil.

1525 Le imadoph i s ol i golep i s — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 86.

Distribution: Estado do Para, Brazil.

LEIMADOPHIS POECILOGYRUS (Wied) Zoologischen Museums, Berlin: i der Doubletten Des ?1823 (i,[Biub£r] alternans L ichtenstein, Verzeichn ss 104. Tvpe-iocality: Brazil. , ^-,, t 1 i-* von Brasilien, 1: 37I. Type-locality: 1825 C.[ oluber] poecilogyrus Wied. BeitrSge zur Na turgesch ichte Santo, Brazil. Barra de Jucu, Rio Espirito . von Brasilien, 1: 368. Type-locality: 1825 C.[ oluber] doliatus Wied. Beitrage zur Naturgesch ichte Barra de Jucij, Rio Espirito Santo, Brazil. Type-locality: Nat. Sc i , Phila., 1860: 252. 1860 l ioph is Merremi i van. sublineatus Cope, Proc. Acad. [ ] Buenos Aires, Argentina. fig. 1. i Ophid., livr. 18: pi. 2, 1866 L.[ i oph is ] req inae var. v r id icyanea Jan, Icon. Gen. Type-locality: Parana, Brazil. 1909 Rhadinaea praeornata Werner. Jahrb. Ver, Naturl<. Stuttgart, 65: 58. Type-locality: Central Brazil. Paulista, le imadoph i s poeci loqyrus — Amaral, Rev. Mus. 15: JS, 1927 [ j

Distribution: Argentina and Uruguay north to Amazonian Brazil and Ecuador.

Content: Twelve subspecies.

Comment: Amaral did not mention any of the synonyms listed above in his review of variation in this taxon (Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. SSo Paulo, 5> l?*'*)* and further study will be necessary to deter- mine the proper place of each within the system. All are listed as synonyms of poeciloqvrus by Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2, 1894, I3I.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Belly without spots 2 1. Vientre sin manchas 2 Belly spotted 4 Vientre manchado 4

3 2. Not as below 3 2. No como el siguiente Dorsum pinkish-brown with very fine reticu- Dorso rosado-parduzco con retfculo muy lation, usually lacking bands or stripes-.- fino, usualmente sin bandas estrias

i net i ncola p i net i ncola p

3. Dorsum uniform brown or with numerous 3* Dorso pardo uniforme o con numerosas bandas transverse dark bands resulting from transversales oscuras que resultan de la fusion of dark spotting, or, occasionally, fusion de manchas oscuras, y ocasional- a zig-zag pattern formed of elongated and mente un dibujo en zig-zag formado por

fused spots subf asc i atus manchas alargadas y fusionadas Not as above ret iculatus subfasc iatus No como el anterioi ret iculatus

4. Head uniformly colored 5 4. Cabeza de color uniforme Head with spots or markings 8 Cabeza con manchas marcas-

5. Dorsum not reddish-brown with black spot- 5. Dorso no pardo rojizo, sin manchas negras ting on scales 6 en escamas 6 Dorsum reddish-brown with black spotting on Dorso pardo rojizo con manchas negras en scales amazon icus escamas amazon icus

6. Dorsum not olive-brown with faint traces of 6. Dorso no pardo olivaceo con debiles trazas dark bands 7 de bandas oscuras 7 Dorsum olive-brown with faint traces of Dorso pardo olivaceo con debiles trazas de

dark bands xeroph i lus bandas oscuras xeroph i lus s 5 —


Dorsum olive-green stippled with black on Dorso verde olivaceo, con bordes de las borders of scales; no trace of light escamas negros; sin rastros de bandas transverse stripes; stippling occasionally transversales claras; los puntos negros se agglomerated into transverse or zig-zag aglomeran a veces en manchas transversales

spott i ng D ictostr ia tus o en zig zag p ictostr ia tus Not as above poec ilogyros No como el anterior poec i loqyrus

8. Dorsum not brown with dark transverse bands 8. Dorso no pardo con bandas transversas oscu- which tend to form into groups of three — ras que tienden a agruparse de a tres 5 Dorsum brown with poorly marked dark trans- Dorso pardo con bandas transversas oscu- verse bands, which tend to form groups of ras debilmente marcadas que tienden a for- three, posteriorly becoming three longitu- mar grupos de tres hacia posterior que se

dinal stripes separated by lighter stripe- transforman en tres cintas long i tud I nales franc iscanus separadas por cintas claras franc iscanus

5. Dorsum not greenish-brown; no cream spot- 5. Dorso no pardo verdoso, escamas dorsales ting on dorsal scales; no black tips on sin manchas crema, sin apices negros 10 scales 10 Dorso pardo verdoso; escamas dorsales con Dorsum greenish-brown; cream-colored spots manchas crema, algunas con apices negros

on dorsal scales, some of which have black i ntermed ius

ap ices i ntermed ius 10, Dorso no verde botella con manchas amari- 10. Dorsum not bottle-green with yellow spots in llas en el centre de las escamas 11 centers of scales 11 Dorso verde botella, con manchas amarillas Dorsum bottle-green, with yellow spots in en el centro de las escamas, las manchas centers of scales, spots may be confluent puede confluir en bandas transversales into transverse light bands with inter- claras intercaladas con bloques de calated blocks of dark coloi platens is pigmento oscuro platens is

11. Dorsum with ol i ve ret iculat ions, and with 11. Dorso olivaceo reticulado, con bandas black narrow and white transverse bands transversales angostas blancas y negras made up of white specks and black spots, formadas por estrTas blancas y manchas ne- posteriorly forming a dark paraventral gras que forman hacia posterior una cinta stripe bordered above by a light stripe oscura paraventral bordeada pop una cinta with a dark line on vertebral area clara con una ifnea oscura en la region men ta nus vertebral montanus Not as above i i schott No como el anterior schott i i

Le imadoph is poec i loqyrus poec i loqyrus (Wied)

Pap. 1544 L.l e imadoph i s j poec iloqyrus poec ilogyrus — Amaral, Avul. Oept. Zool. SSo Paulo, 5'

Distribution: Espirito Santo to Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and SSo Paulo, Brazil.

Le imadoph i s poec i loqyrus amazon icus Amaral

L.[ i 1544 e imadoph J poecilooyrus amazonjcus Amaral, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. SSo Paulo, 5: 81. Type-locality: Probably Para, Brazil; not clearly stated as such.

Distribution: Estados do Amazonas and Para, Brazil.

Le imadoph i s poec i loqyrus franc i scanus Amaral

1544 L.|_ e imadoph i sJ poec iloqyrus franc i scanus Amaral, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. Sao Paulo, 5' 80, Type-locality: Pirapora, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Distribution; Region of Rio Sao Francisco, in northern Minas Gerais, central and western Bahia, Goias and southwestern Pernambuco, Brazil.

Le imadoph i s poec iloqyrus i ntermed ius Amaral

L.| 1544 e imadoph is j poec iloqyrus i ntermedius Amaral, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. Sao Paulo, 5' 81. Type-locality: Goias, Brazil. 1^52 Leimadophis poeciloqyrus intermedius — Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 24 (2): 188.

Distribution; Goias and Mato Grosso, Brazil. 147 LEIMADOPHIS

Lp imadoph i s poec i logyrus montanus Amaral

montanus Amaral, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. SaoPaulo, 5: 75. 1544 L.[ einiadoDh is ] poeciloqyrus Type-locality: Piquete, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Region of type locality.

ia Amaral Le imadoph i 5 poec i logyrus o ictostr tus

Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. SSo Paulo, 5: 1544 L.[ eimadoDhis ] poecilogyrus p ictostr ia tus Amaral, 77. Type-locality: Sao Lourenjo, Brazil.

Distribution: Central and soutliern Rio Grande do Sul to coastal Santa Catarina, Brazil and Uruguay.

Le imadoph i s poeciloqyrus p i net i ncola Amaral

Zool. Sao Paulo, 1544 L.[ eimadophis l poeciloqyrus pinet incola Amaral, Pap. Avul. Depto. 5= l^- Type-locality: Central Parana, Brazil.

Distribution: Central highlands of Estado do Parana, to Santa Catarina and Sao Paulo, Brazil.

i Le imadoph i s poec i logyrus platens s Amaral

ilogyrus platensis Amaral, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. SSo Paulo, 5= 77' 1544 L.[ e imadophis ] poec Type-locality: La Plata, Argentina.

Distribution: Eastern and central Argentina.

Le imadoph i s poecil ogyrus ret iculatus Parker

Jour. Linn. Soc. London Zool., = i reticulatus Parl• 1544 L.[ e imadoph is ] poeciloqyrus reticulatus — Amaral,

Distribution: Bolivia, northern Argentina, Paraguay, and Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Le imadoph i s poeci loqyrus schott i i (Schlegel)

2: Type-locality: South America; I837 X.[ enodon] Schott i i Scheqel. Essai Physion. Serpens, 5I. restricted to Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil, by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, JO, I56O-62 (1964), 68. Zool. Sao Paulo, 1944 Le imadoph is poec i logyrus albadspersus Amaral, Pap. Avul. Depto. 5' 1^' Type-locality: Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 3O (196O-62): 1964 Leimadophis poeciloqyrus schott i i —Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan, d].

Distribution: Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Le imadoph i s poec i loqyrus subfasc ia tus (Cope)

1862 Liophis subfasciatus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: 77' Type-locality: Paraguay. 1862 Opheomorphus dol iatus var. caesius Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862: 348. Type- locality: Santa Fe, Paraguay. Pap. Depto. Zool. Sao Paulo, 5' 1944 L.[ e imadoph is ] poecilogyrus subfasciatus — Amaral, Avul. 76.

Distribution: Paraguay and Entre Rfos, Argentina. .


Leimadoph is poecilogyrus xerophi lus Amaral

1544 L.[ e imadophi s j poecilogyrus xerophi lus Amaral, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool. SSo Paulo, 5- 81.

Type local i ty: Not clearly statedj perhaps Ceara, Brazil.

Distribution! Semi-arid regions, Pernambuco to PiauT, northeastern Brazil.


1514 L ioph is pseudocobella Peracca, Mem. Soc. Neuchatel Sci. Nat., 5' 59- Type-locality: Angelopolis, Colomb ia.

1525 Le imadoph i s pseudocobella — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 167.

1531 L i oph i s cobella alt icolus Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. America, 4: 87. Type-locality: Jerico, Colomb ia

1544 Le imadoph i s pseudocobella — Dunn, Caldasia, 2; 484.

Distribution: Central and western Andes of Colombia.


1868 Liophis pyqmaeus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: 103. Type-locality: Napo or neighbor- ing part of MaraRon, Ecuador

1854 L ioph i s pyqmaeus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I25.

1529 Le imadoph i s pyqmaeus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 167» 1944 Leimadophis pyqmaeus — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 488.

Distribution: Upper Amazonian region of Colombia and Ecuador.


i 1758L/-)0 Coluberooiuoer neqinaeReg nae Linnaeus, Systemaoystema Naturae, Ed.to. lu:10: 213.di^. Type-locality:1 yoe-iocai 1 ty: Indiis;inoiis; in error, according to Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, JO, I96O-62 (I964), 57> ^^° designated it as Surinam.

^1.?1789, _Coluber Violaceus Lacepede. Histoire Naturelle des Serpens, 2 (l): II6, pi. 8, fig. 1. Type- locality: None given.

1802 Coluber Graph i cus Shaw, General Zoology, J: iji. Type-locality: America. 1824 Natrix semilineata Waqler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 33> Pl- Hj ^'S' 2. Type-locality: Rio Sol imoes, Brazil.

I863 L ioph i s reo i nae var. quadr i 1 i neata Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: Type-locality: |_ j 295' Ecuador.

I863 L ioph is req I nae var. ornata Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: Type-locality: Buenos Aires, |_ J 295'

Argent i na.

Distribution: Northern South America, east of Andes; Goias and Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Content: Two subspecies.

Comment: Neither Amaral, in his description of macrosoma . nor Hoge, in the description of

macul icauda . discussed the position of the many synonyms listed above. It is appropriate here only to suggest that full review of the species with proper allocation of the synonyms and detailed statement of ranges needsto be made.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Caudal scales with dark spotsj no lateral 1. Escamas caudales con manchas oscuras; sin spots on body anteriorly; body light; tail manchas laterales en el parte anterior del long macrosoma del cuerpo; cuerpo claro; cola larga Caudal scales without dark spots; body with macrosoma lateral spots anteriorly; body dark; tail Escamas caudales sin manchas oscuras; cuer-

short reg i nae po con manchas laterales anter iormente;

cuerpo oscuro; cola corta reg i nae 149 LEIMADOPHIS

Le imadoph i s req i nae req i nae (Linnaeus)

Butantan, '): 1935 Le imadoph is req i nae [ req i nae j — Amaral, Mem. Inst. 238.

Distribution: As for species, except for Goias and S3o Paulo, Brazil.

[ e imadoph is reg i nae macrosoma Amaral

iq35 Leimadophis reginae macrosoma Amaral. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 5: 238. Type-locality: Canna Brava, Goias, Brazil. 1554 Leimadophis reginae maculicauda Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 24 (2) (1952): 241. Type-

local i ty: Not g i ven. iqSq Leimadophis reginae macrosoma — Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 28 (1557-58): 69-

Distribution: Goias and Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Mendoza, I863 L.[ iopelt is ] saoittifer Jan. Elenco Sistematico Degli Ofidi: 82. Type-locality:

Argent i na. pl- figs. I-3. I867 Liophis pulcher Ste i ndachner, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 55: 267, 2, 1894 Rhadinaea saqittifera — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: l65. 1896 Rhadinaea modesta Koslowsky. Rev. Mus. La Plata, 7: 453, Pl- 3- Type-locality: Provincia de Salta, Argentina. 14: I9. 1526 Le imadoph i s sag i tt iter — Amaral, Rev. Mus. Paulista, Acta Zool. Lilloana, 20: ^'9' 5- i Nader, 1964 Leimadophis sag i tt f er — Abalos. Baez, and 227,

Distribution: Northwestern Argentina; southern Brazil.


6: Type-locality: Cajamarca, Peru, 1900 Philodryas Simonsi i Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) I85. 9000 ft. Hist., (lO) 22. 1932 Leimadophis s imons i i —Parker. Ann. Mag. Nat. 9:

Distribution: Higher elevations in northern Peru and southern Ecuador.

Comment: Schmidt and Walker, Zooi. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, I943, 315, put this species in to Parker's paper (above), the synonymy of Ph ilodryas elegans ruf i dorsatus . but they do not refer in which the species is re-validated, and it is not certain whether they had seen it.


Type-locality: Peru; "in der 184S L.[ iophis ] taeniurus Tschudi. Arch, fur Naturg., 11 (l): l64. heissen Waldregion," Peru, according to Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, Rept., 1846, 51- I894 Liophis taeniurus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I3O. 2: 481. Leimadoph i s taTniurus — Dunn, Caldasia, 1944 [ j

Distribution: Amazonian Peru and Ecuador.


1758 Coluber Triscalis Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 224. Type-locality: Indiis. I7S8 Coluber cqrallinus Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 223. Type-locality: Asia. Unknown. ?1863 L.[ iophis ] rufus Jan. Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 3OI. Type-locality: I894 Liophis triscalis — Boulenger. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I29. 1929 Leimadophis triscalis — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I68.

Distribution: Caribbean South America; Curajao. A record from Paraguay, by Gatti, 1955> 's probably an erroneous identification. Roze, Ofidios de Venezuela, I966, I63, also questions validity of records from Venezuela. 150 LEIMADOPHIS


1758 Coluber Typhlus Linnaeus. Systems Naturae, Ed. 10: 218. Type-locality: Indiis. I87O Xenodon isolepis Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. See, 11 (I865): 155. Type-locality: Pebas, Peru. I887 Opheomorphus brachyurus Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 24: 57' Type-locality: Near Chapada, Mato Grosso, Brazil.

I857 L i oph i s Guenther i Peracca, Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 12 (27A): 11. Type-locality: Caiza, Chaco of Bolivia.

i Santa 1516 L i oph i s elaeo des Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7 (l^lS)' 187' Type-locality: Cruz de la Sierra, Provincia del Sara, Bolivia. 1925 Liophis macrops Werner. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 134 (l): 57- Type-locality: Paramaribo,

Sur i nam.

1526 Le imadoph i s typhlus — Amaral, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 16: 3^2.

Distribution: South America east of Andes and north of about 35°^ latitude.

Content: Two subspecies.

Comment: Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, JO, I56O-62 (1964), did not comment on any of the above

Synonyms when he revived the taxon f orster i Wagler, and we cannot place them in their proper positions below. This must await a review of their status by future workers.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals 136-148- -- typhlus 1. Ventrales 136-148- — typhlus

- Ventrals I55-I65- forsteri Ventrales I55-I65- -f orster i

Leimadoph i s typhlus typhlus (Linnaeus)

1964 Leimadophis typhlus typhlus — Hoge . Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 58.

Distribution: Uncertain; not defined by Hoge, loc. cit.

Le imadoph i s typhlus f orster i (Wagler)

1824 Natr ix G. Forster i Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: I6, pi. 4, fig. 1. Type- locality: Bahia, Brazil.

1964 Leimadophis typhlus f orster i — Hoge . Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 59.

Distribution: Uncertain; not defined by Hoge, loc. cit., when he revalidated this taxon.


1862 L iophis vir idis Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) '): 58, pi. 9, fig. 2. Type-locality: Pernambuco, Brazil; and South America.

1863 L ioph i s typhlus var. pras i na Jan, Icon Gen. Ophid., Livr. 18: pi. 4, fig. 3« Type-locality: Brazil. I894 Liophis viridis — Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I35.

Le imadoph i 1926 [ s viridis — Amaral, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 15= (78? Taken from reprint).

Distribution: Southern and eastern Brazil; Paraguay.


1959 Leimadophis zweifeli Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 1934: 4, fig. 1. Type-locality: Rancho Grande, Estado de Aragua, Venezuela, 1100 m.

1966 Leimadoph is zweifel i — Roze, Ofidios de Venezuela: 164, fig. 39.

Distribution: Central part of Cordillera de la Costa, Venezuela. 151 LEIMADOPHIS


1820 Coluber M-niqrum Raddi. Mem. Nat. Fis. Soc. Ital. Sci, Modena, 18: 338. Type-locality: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Comment: Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Iilus. , 2, 185^, 131> listed this as a synonym of poec i logyrus . It was not mentioned by Amaral in his review of that species. If considered synonymous with

poec i logyrus . it will take priority over that name.

i i i i 2: 1863 L.[ oph s j poec logyrus var. cal torn ica Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 232. Type-locality:

Cal i torn i a.

Comment: Neither Boulenger nor Amaral mention this taxon. Since Jan considered it to belong in

i poec i logyrus . we presume it is a Le 1 madoph 5 . but we are uncertain of this. 5 i




18*3 Leptodeira Fitzinger, Syst. Rept.: 2]. Type-species: Coluber annulatus Linnaeus.

1861 Meqalops Hallowell, Proc. Acad, Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1860: 488, Type-species: Meqalops maculatus Hallowell. 1853 Anoplophallus Cope, Amer. Natur,, 2/: 480. Substitute name for Meqalops Hallowell, pre- occupied. Type-species; Meqalops maculatus Hallowell. - 19^8 Pseudoleptodeira Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 2$: 3^3' Type-species: Hypsiqlena lati fasc iata Giinther.

Distribution: Southern Sonora, Mexico, and Rfo Grande in southern Texas to northern Argentina and Paraguay, except in the high Andes and the coastal deserts of Peru and Chile.

Content: Nine species arranged in four species groups, according to the most recent revision of

the genus by Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114, 1958, of which four ( lat ifasc iata

Gunther, maculata Hallowell, punctata Peters, and splendida Gijnther) are extral im i tal.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Maxillary teeth 14 or fewer, including those 1. Dientes maxilares 14 menos incluyendo los posterior to diastema- 2 posteriores al diastema- 2 Maxillary teeth 16 or more, including those Dientes maxilares I6 mas, incluyendo los posterior to diastema 3 posteriores al diastema 3

2. More than 20 dark blotches on dorsum f renata 2. Mas de 20 manchas oscuras dorsales f renata

Less than 20 dark dorsal blotches- niqrofasciata Menos de 20 manchas oscuras n i qrof asc iata

3. With 19 or fewer body scale rows at midbody 4 3. Con 17 a 19 filas de escamas al medio del With more than 19 body scale rows at midbody — cuerpo 4 Con mas de 19 filas de escamas al medio del 4. Large dorsal spots which extend to margins of cuerpo 5

ventrals baker i 4. grandes extendidas hasta las Dorsal spots extend to level of third or Manchas dorsales proximidades de las ventrales baker fourth scale row an nu lat a Manchas dorsales no muy grandes extendidas solo hasta la tercera cuarta fila de escamas 5. With median stripe on i.uchal region 6 annulata Without median nuchal stripe, or if present, dorsales bordered on either side by a longitudinal 5. Con una cinta nucal mediana 6 bar annulata Sin cinta nucal mediana, si la hay, bordeada por una barra longitudinal a cada lado 6. Ventrals less than 186j body rounded; no paired annulata nuchal blotches; nape stripe may or may not touch nuchal blotch 7 6. Ventrales menos de 186; cuerpo redondeado; no Ventrals 186 or more; body slender; two lateral hay manchas nucales apareadas; cinta nucal nuchal blotches that may be fused to form contacta con la primer mancha no 7 U-shaped blotch; nape stripe not touching Ventrales 186 mas, cuerpo delgado; dos

nuchal blotch septentr i onalis bloques nucales laterales que pueden

fusionarse const i tuyendo una mancha en U; 7. Nape stripe laterally expanded anteriorly to cinta nucal no contacta con la mancha form butterfly-shaped mark on postpar ietals nucal septentrional is and posttemporals; 3*"^9 (average 42) dorsal 7. Cinta nucal lateralmente expandida anterior- blotches septentrional i s mente forma un contorno en mariposa en las Nape stripe not expanded to form butterfly posparietales y postemporales; 3*"*9 (*2 pro- pattern; 23-56 (average Jd) dorsal blotches medio) manchas dorsales s eptentrional i s annulata Cinta nucal no expandida lateralmente para formar contorno en mariposa; 2'}-'j6 (36 pro- medio) manchas dorsales annulata

LEPTODEIRA ANNULATA (Linnaeus) annulata group

1758 Coluber annulatus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10: 224. Type-locality: ; restricted by Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114, 1958, 48, to lower Rio Amazon, Para, Brazil. 1843 Leptodeira annulata —Fitzinger, Syst. Rept.: 27.

Distribution: Mexico to Argentina.

im i Content: Six subspecies, two ( cuss il i r i s Duellman and maculata Hallowell) ex tral tal. 153 LEPTODEIRA

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Body rounded; vertebral row normal; nape 1. Cuerpo redondeadoj fila vertebral normal- pattern present 2 diseHo nucal presente 2 Body compressed; vertebral row enlarged; Cuerpo comprimido; fila vertebral agran- no stripes on nape annulata dada ; sin disefio nucal annulata

2. Two bars laterally on nape 3 2. Diserio nucal con dos bandas longitudi-

On'e stripe middorsally on nape rhomb i f era nales 3 Disefio nucal con una banda longitudinal 3. Neither longitudinal stripes on parietals rhomb if era or temporals, nor Y-shaped mark . . on parie- „ . , , , . ,»

. , v L J- -^3- r'arietaies temporales sin lineas oscuras tais ashmead i j: j „ , ,. •! • '• marca en torma de Y ashmeadi c-L, , J- 1 J 1 i Either • longitudinal dark stripes on pane- o ± , , •, ,» , 1 . , rarietaies o temporales con lineas oscuras V u J I ^ tals or temporals, or a Y-shaped mark on ^ . , ,, con una marca en forma de Y sobre parie- parietals pulchr iceps tales pulchr iceps

Leptode i ra annulata annulata (Linnaeus)

178? Coluber albofuscus Lacepede. Hist. Nat. Serp., 2: 312. Type-locality; America. 1863 Ete irodipsas annulata var. rhomboidal is Jan, Elenco Syst. Ofidi: IO5. Type-locality:

Bras i 1. 1872 Dipsas approximans Gijnther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (l) 5: 32. Type-locality: Chyavetas, Peru. 1884 Eteirodipsas Wieneri Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 146. Type-locality; Ecuador. 1901 Leptodira nycthemera Werner. Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, I5OI: 598. Type-locality: Ecuador. 1929 Leptode ira annulata annulata —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 78. 1958 Leptodeira annulata annulata —Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114: 47.

Distribution: Amazon Basin from below 1100 m in southern Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, to mouth of Amazon; along Atlantic coast south to Sao Paulo.

Leptode ira annulata ashmead i (Hallowell)

1845 Coluber ashmeadi Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I845: 244. Type-locality: "200 miles of Caracas, Venezuela" restricted by Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114, 1958, **, to vicinity of Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela.

1547 Leptode i ra rhomb if era kuqler i Shreve, Bull. Mus. Comp, Zool., 99' 531- Type-locality: Riecito, Acosta District, Falcon, Venezuela.

1958 Leptode i ra annulata ashmeadi —Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114; 43.

Distribution: East of Santa Marta Mountains, Colombia, through coastal northern Venezuela, to Rfo Orinoco; Tobago, Trinidad, and Isla Margarita, Venezuela.

Leptodeira annulata pulchr iceps Duellman

1958 Leptode i ra annulata pulchr iceps Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114: 51- Type- locality: Bodoquena, Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Distribution: Southern Mato Grosso to vicinity of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, and Asuncion, Paraguay; Chaco region, Argentina.

Leptode ira annulata rhomb if era Gunther

1872 Leptodeira rhombifera Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) '): 32. Type-locality: Rfo Chisoy, near Cubulco, Guatemala. I893 Sibon septentrionale Kenn., subsp. rubricatum Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 3I: 347. Type-locality: Boca Mala, Costa Rica. 1895 Leptodeira ocellata Gunther, Biol. Cent. Amer., Rept.: I72, pi. 55, fig. B. Type- localities: Chontales Mines, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Leptodeira 1958 annulata rhombifera —Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114: 39.

Distribution: Central and southeastern Guatemala to Panama in subhumid habitats; Archipielago de las Perlas, Panama.

.•'.r.S-192 O—70 11 s S . .


LEPTODEIRA BAKERI Ruthven annulata group

19S6 Leptodeira bakeri Ruthven, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 33^: !• Type-locality: Aruba Island, Dutch West Indies. iqS8 Leptodeira bakeri — Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114; 51.

Distribution: Aruba Island.

LEPTODEIRA FRENATA (Cope) annulata group

1886 Si bon f renatum Cope, in Ferrari -Perez, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 5' 184. Type-locality: Jalapa,

Veracruz, Mex i co. IBJl Leptodeira frenatum—Cope, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 14: 677.

Distribution: Veracruz, Tabasco, and Chiapas, throughout Yucatan Penfnsula, El Peten, Guatemala and British Honduras.

Content: Three subspecies, according to the most recent revision, by Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus.

Nat. Hist., 114, 155S> 58» of which two ( f renata Cope and yucatanensis Cope) are "xtral im i tal.

Leptode ira f renata malle i si Dunn and Stuart

1935 Leptode ira yucatanens i s malle is i Dunn and Stuart, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 313- 1. Type-locality: Tuxpena, Campeche, Mexico. 19^5 Leptodeira frenata malleisi —Duellman and Werler, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 57'^' 1, pi. 1.

1558 Leptode i ra frenata malle isi —Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114: 62.

Distribution: Northern Chiapas, El Peten, Guatemala and British Honduras.


n I qrofasc iata group

1868 Leptodeira n I orof asciata Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 1; 425. Type-locality: Nicaragua. I865 Leptodeira mystacina Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 11: I5I. Type-locality: Western Mexico,

Isthmus of Tehuantepec; restricted to Tehuantepec city by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i Bull., 33, 1950, S-'O-

19S8 Leptodeira n i qrofasc iata —Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114; 87.

Distribution; Pacific lowlands of Guerrero, Mexico to Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.


septentr i onal I group

I859 Dipsas septentrional is Kennicott, in Baird, Rept. of the Boundary, 2: I6, pi. 8, fig. 1. Type-

locality: Matamoras, Tamaulipas, Mexico; restricted by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i Bull., 33, 1950, 361, to Brownsville, Texas. I89I Leptodeira septentrional is —Stejneger Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 14: ^0^.

Distribution: From Texas on east and central Nayarit on west, south along both coasts to Caribbean Colombia, Pacific slope of South America to northern Peru, and in upper R'o MaraRon Valley, Peru.

Content; Four subspecies, one ( septentr i onal is Kennicott) extral imi tal, according to the latest revision by Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114; 195^. Shannon and Humphrey, Herpetologica, I9, I963 (1964), 262, include taylori Smith, 1941, as a subspecies of

i septentr onal i s . 155 LEPTODEIRA

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

Dorsal scales in 21-25 rows, with vertebral 1. Dorsales en 21-2$ filas, vertebral y para- and paravertebral rows not noticeably en- vertebral no notoriamente agrandadas; larged; body rounded or only slightly com- cuerpo redondeado o muy poco comprimido pressed 2 lateralmente 2 Dorsal scales in 21 rows, with vertebral Dorsales en 21 filas, vertebral y para- and paravertebral rows noticeably en- vertebral notoriamente agrandadas; cuerpo larged; body laterally compressed ornata comprimido lateralmente ornata

Ventrals 186 or more; body slender; two 2. Ventrales 186 o m^s; cuerpo delgado; dos lateral nuchal blotches that may be fused manchas latero-nucales que pueden fusio- to form U-shaped blotch; nape stripe not narse en una con forma de U; banda nucal touching nuchal blotch; 38-/0 (average 5*) no contacta con mancha nucal; '^S-^'JO (pro- small dorsal blotches as wide as or wider medio 5*) manchas dorsales tan anchas o than long; usually three preoculars mas anchas que largas; normalmente ires polyst icta preoculares polyst icta Ventrals fewer than 186; body rounded; no Ventrales menos de 186; cuerpo redondeado; paired nuchal blotches; nape stripe may or sin par de manchas nucales; banda nucal may not touch first body blotch; 5^ or contacta la primer mancha nucal o no; man- fewer large dorsal blotches, longer than chas grandes, en numero de 5^ o menos interspaces; usually two preoculars mayores que los interespac ios; normal- larcorum mente dos preoculares larcorum

Leptodeira septentrional is larcorum Schmidt and Walker

1543 Leptodeira larcorum Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24; 3II. Type- locality: Chiclin, Libertad, Peru.

19')8 Leptodeira septen tr i onal i s larcorunt—Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114: 77*

Distribution: Northern coastal Peru and upper R'o MaraHon Valley, Peru.

Leptode i ra septentrional i s ornata (Bocourt)

1884 Comas tes ornatus Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 141. Type-locality: Isthmus of Oarien, Panama. 1895 Leptodeira affinis Giinther, Biol. Cent. Amer., Rept.: I7O. Type-locality: Central America. 1913 Leptodeira dunckeri Werner, Mitt. Nat. Hist. Mus. Hamburg, 3^: 28. Type-locality: "Mexico or Venezuela".

1558 Leptode i ra septentrionali s ornata —Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114: 75-

Distribution: Southern Costa Rica to Caribbean Panama, Colombia, and western Venezuela, also Pacific Colombia and Ecuador.

Leptode ira septentrional i s polyst icta Giinther

1895 Leptodeira polysticta Giinther, Biol. Cent. Amer., Rept.: 172, pi. 55» Type-locality: Mexico and Central America; restricted by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33> 1950» 316. to Belize, British Honduras.

1941 Leptode i ra annulata taylor i Smith, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., '^i: 115- Type-local i ty: Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico.

1558 Leptode i ra septen tri onal is polyst icta —Duellman, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 114: 72.

Distribution: Both slopes below 2000 m from Nayarit and southern Veracruz, south to central Costa Rica, in local mesic habitats only on dry Pacific coast from El Salvador to Costa Rica. 156 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * "^ * LEPTODRYMUS


1527 Leptodrymus Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 1: 28. Type-species: Leptodrvmus clarki Amaral.

Distribution: As for only known species.

Content: One species.


I874 Masticophis pulcherr imus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874: 65. Type-locality: Western side of central America. im Mus. Senckenberg ischen 1898 Zamenis bitaeniatus Boettger, Katalog der Rept i 1 i en-Sammlung Naturforsch. Ges., pt. 2: 42. Type-locality: Retalhuleu, Guatemala. 1927 Leptodrymus clarki Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 1: 25, fig. lOa-b. Type-locality: Taloa Creek, Tela, Honduras. 1531 Leptodrymus pulcherrimus—Dunn, Copeia, 1531-' I63.

Distribution: Low elevations on Pacific coast of Guatemala to Nicaragua; Caribbean coast of Honduras to Costa Rica. s



1537 Leptom icrurus Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 363- Type-species: Elaps collar is Schlegel.

Distribution: Tropical South America, east of Andes in Colombiaj Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia; also Guianas, southern Venezuela and northern Brazil.

Content: Three species, according to most recent revision, by Hoge and Romano, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, I565 (1966).

Key to the species Clave de espec i es

1. Temporal formula 1+1; ^hite nuchal collar 1. Formula temporal 1+1; collar nucal bianco crosses parietals (Fig. l) 2 sobre las parietales (Fig. l) 2 Temporal formula 0+1; white nuchal collar Formula temporal 0+1; collar nucal bianco

entirely behind parietals collar i s atras de parietales col lar i s

Fig. 1. Leptom i crurus narducc ii . showing single anterior temporal and white nuchal collar.

- 2. Ventrals more than 23I-- narducc i i 2. Ventrales mas de 23I narducc i i

Ventrals fewer than 225- — schm i dt i Ventrales menos de 225 schm i dt i


I837 Elaps collar i s Schlegel, Essai Physion. Serpens, 2: 448. Type-locality: unknown; designated as Guianas by Hoge and Romano, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32, 15^5 (l9^S)> *• I854 Elaps gas trodelus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7= 1212. Type-locality: unknown.

1937 Leptomicrurus collar i s — Schm idt . Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 261.

1966 Leptom icrurus collar 1 — Hoge and Romano, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965): 4, figs. 3, 3a-c.

Distribution: Guyana; southeastern Venezuela.


I863 Elaps Narducc i i Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 222. Type-locality: Bolivia, There is some doubt about this type locality. Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20, I936, I9O, cited it as "Ecuador". Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122, I96O, 525j felt it was unknown.

Klemmer, in Behri ngwerk-Mi tte i lungen. Die G i f tschlangen der Erde, 1963> 299> gave it as "Bolivien und Peru". Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, 1967> 3> gives it as Bolivia. Jan, in the original description, said the type was in a shipment received in very fresh condition from Narducci, sent during his trip through Bolivia, and in the Icon. Gen., Ophid., Livr. 42, pi. 6, fig. 5» says Bolivia. 1870 Elaps scutiventris Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 11 (I869): I56. Type-locality: Pebas, Peru. 1881 Elaps melanotus Peters, Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1881: ')!. Type-locality; Sarayacu, Ecuador.

1937 Leptom icrurus narducc i i —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 363-

1966 Leptom icrurus narducc i i — Hoge and Romano, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (1965)' 5> Tigs. 1, la-c.

Distribution: Amazonian slopes of Andes in southern Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia; Estado

do Acre, Braz i 1. I



1566 Leptom i crurus Schm i dt i Hoge and Romano, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 32 (l965)= 1> 'figs. 2, 2a-c. Type-locality: Tapurucuara, M. Uaupes, Estado do Amazonas, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 119 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE *** LEPTOPHIS


1825 Leptoph i s Bell, Zool. Jour., 2: 328. Type-species: Coluber ahaetulla Linnaeus. 1825 Ahaetulla Gray, Ann. Phil., new sen., 10: 208. Type-species: Coluber ahaetulla Linnaeus.

1826 Dendroph i s Boie, in Fitzinger, Neu'e Classification der Reptilien: 25. Type-species: Coluber ahaetulla Linnaeus.

I83I Ahoetula Gray (substitute name for Leptoph i s Bell), Synopsis Species Class Reptilia, in Griffith, Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, 5' 93'

Pi plotrop i s Gijnther, Ann. Mag. Hist., (i) '): Pi i i I872 Nat. 24. Type-species: plotrop s b 1 i nea ta Gunther.

19^7 Thaleroph i s Oliver, Copeia, 1947- 6** Type-species: Coluber r i chard i Bory St. Vincent.

Distribution: Mexico; Central America, South America west of Andes to Ecuador, east of Andes to central Argentina.

Content: Seven species, including six recognized in most recent generic revision by Oliver, Bull.

Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 52, l?''^, and one other ( cupreus ) more recently revived. One species

( d i plotrop i s Gunther) is extral im i tal.

Comment: Romer, Osteology of the Reptiles, 195^, 579> includes Leptoph i na Bonaparte, I83I as a

generic synonym of Leptoph i s . Neave, Nomenclator Zoologicus, 2, 1939> 9l6> gives Leptoph i na

Bonaparte, I83I, Sagg. An. Vert., p. ]i, as a replacement name for Leptoph i s . There is no such name on p. "Ji, however, and Leptoph is Bell is cited without comment on p. 80, both in Bonaparte.

Key to the species Cla de espec I es

1. Loreal present- 1. Loreal presente 2 Loreal absent-- Loreal ausente 3

Keels present only on paravertebral row and 2. Quillas presentes solo en la fila paravertebral occasionally on adjacent rows; no keels on y ocas ionalmente, en las adyacentes; escamas

dorsal i i caudal scales depress irostr s dorsocauda les no quilladas depress i rostr s Keels present on all dorsal scales except first Quillas presentes en todas las escamas dorsales row; keels on most dorsal caudal scales excepto en la primera fila; la mayoria de las mex icanus escamas dorsocaudales quilladas mex icanus

3. Ventrals usually more than 149; adults lack 3. Usualmente mas de 145 ventrales; adultos sin dark oblique bands on body; no keels on first bandas oscuras oblTcuas en el cuerpo; primera dorsal row 4 fila dorsal no quillada 4 Ventrals 133-145; adults with dark oblique Ventrales 133"1*5! adultos con bandas oscuras bands on body; all dorsal scales keeled obl'cuas sobre el cuerpo; todas las filas dor-

r i vet i sales qui 11a das r i vet i

Dorsum usually uniform green or blue or with 4. Usualmente, dorso en verde azul, uniforme stripes; ventral color contrasts with dorsal lineado; coloracion dorsal en contraste con color 5 la ventral 5 Dorsum with strong coppery tint; venter also Porso pigmentado en tinte cobre fuerte; vientre coppery, but slightly darker, with dark brown semejante aunque ligeramente mas oscuro, con and white streaking cupreus lineado en pardo oscuro y bianco cupreus

Adult color pattern with broad greenish blue or 5. Piseno de adultos con ancha banda dorsolateral on blue dorsolateral stripe anteriorly second anterior, sobre segunda y tercera o tercera y and third or third and fourth rows; Central cuarta filas, en azul o azul verdoso; America America nebulosus Central nebulosus Adult color pattern not as above, if greenish Piseno de adultos no como el anterior, si hay blue or dark blue stripe is present anterior- banda azul verdosa azul oscura anter iormen te,

ly, it covers more than rows three, four, and ocupa mas que la tercera, cuarta y quinta five; Central and South America, with striped filas; America Central y delSur; formas con forms only in lattei ahaetulla diseno lineado solo en la ultima ahaetulla — i —



17S8 Coluber Ahaetulla Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 225. Type-locality: "Asia, America".

1825 Leptophis Ahaetulla — Bell , Zool. Jour., 2: 328. 1958 Leptophis ahaetulla — Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 524: 2/0.

Distribution: Southern Mexico through Central America to northwestern Ecuador west of Andes and central Argentina east of Andes.

Content: Twelve subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subeSpecies

1. Adult pattern not of two dark dorsolateral 1. Diseno de adultos sin dos bandas dorso- stripes separated by light vertebral laterales oscuras separadas por una verte- stripe 2 bral clara 2 Adult color pattern consisting of a broad Diseiio de adultos con una ancha banda greenish blue or dark blue dorsolateral dorsolateral azul oscura azul verdosa,

stripe anteriorly on rows three to seven, anter i ormente, en las filas tercera a separated by light vertebral stripe on row septima, separada por una banda clara eight ahaetulla vertebral, sobre la fila octava ahaetulla

2. Adult color pattern of predominantly uni- 2. Diseno de adulto predom nantemente uniforme form greenish blue occupying scales of all en color azul verdoso sobre la totalidad dorsal rows 3 '^^ l^s filas dorsales 3 Adult color pattern not as above, or, if Diseno dorsal en adultos no como el anter-

predom i nantly uniform greenish blue, not ior; si la coloracion es uniforme en azul occupying scales of all dorsal rows 8 verdosa no ocupa la totalidad de las filas dorsales 8

3. Black postocular stripe present; dorsal J. Banda negra postocular presente; diseno body pattern without narrow, white, dorsal del cuerpo sin bandas angostas blan- chevron-shaped bands 1 cas paralelas en forma de V (cheuron) 4 No black postocular stripe; dorsal body Banda negra postocular ausente; diseno dor- pattern with narrow, white, chevron-shaped sal del cuerpo con bandas angostas, blan- transverse bands that may not be apparent cas y paralelas en forma de V (cheuron); until dorsal scales have been spread las bandas transversas pueden no ser apa-

3pa^^ : praestans rentes hasta que las escamas dorsales hayan sido extendidas aparte praestans

4. Black postocular stripe narrow, occupying 4. Banda postocular angosta que ocupa solo los only lower edges of anterior temporal and hordes inferiores de las temporales ante- if lower posterior temporal; black marks rior e 'nf eroposter i or; si hay marcas ne- present on keels of dorsal scales, marks gras sobre las quillas de las escamas are narrow and well defined 5 dorsales, son angostas y bien definidas--5 Black postocular stripe very broad, Banda postocular muy ancha, que ocupa toda

occupying all or nearly all of anterior • o casi toda la temporal anterior as' como

temporal and lower posterior temporal; la Tnferoposter i or; marcas negras sobre heavy, irregularly defined black marks on las quillas de escamas de la fila dorsal

keels of scales on median dorsal rows mediana irregulares y densas chocoens i s

-chocoens 1 s 5. Placas de la cabeza marginadas de negro. Head plates margined with black and with con pequenos y numerosos puntos negros o numerous small black spots or with promi- con una prominente mancha negra sobre cada nent large black spot on each parietal and parietal y supraoculai 6 supraocular 6 Placas de la cabeza raramente marginadas de Head plates rarely margined with black; if negro; si los margenes negros estan pre- narrow black margin is present, head sentes, nunca ofrecen pequenos y numerosos plates never marked with numerous small puntos negros promlnentes manchas sobre

black spots or with prominent large black parietales y supraoculares occ i dental Is spot on each parietal and supraoculai

-occ i dental i s ,


Head plates and dorsal scales not marked as Placas de la cabeza y escamas dorsales sin below, but with prominent large spot on manchas irregulares, pequenas y negras; each parietal and supraocular 7 con mancha negra prominente sobre cada Head plates and dorsal scales with numerous parietal y supraocular 7 small, irregularly shaped black spots, Placas de la cabeza y escamas dorsales con also present on extreme outer edge of manchas irregulares, pequenas y negras,

van Ira Is anter iorly bocourt i tambien presentes sobre el borde exterior

de las ventrales anteriores bocourt i

Dorsal scales without, or with only a Escamas dorsales con solo un angosto margen narrow black margin, but with distinct negro o sin el; con una conspicua linea narrow black line along keel of each angosta negra, sobre las quillas de cada dorsal scale; ventrals in males 156-l65> escama dorsal; ventrales en machos I56-I69,

i in females 162-173 bol i v ianus en hembras 162-173 bol v ianus Dorsal scales with heavy prominent black Escamas dorsales con densos y prominentes margins, no black on keels; ventrals in margenes negros no hay negro sobre las males I47-I65, in females I5O-I66 quillas; ventrales en machos li'J-16'j), en

n i i i hembras I5O-I66 gromarg natus n i qromarq natus

Ventrals fewer than 172- Ventrales menos de I72 5

Ventrales more than 172- cope I Ventrales mas de I72 copei

Dorsal coloration of head and anterior body Coloracion de la cabeza y parte anterior region persisting throughout length of del cuerpo que persiste a lo largo de todo body although sometimes reduced distri- el cuerpo, aunque a veces se reduce su

bution; north and central South America-10 d i str i buc i on; Sur America norte y central-lO Dorsal coloration of head and anterior body Coloracion de la cabeza y parte anterior

distinctly different from that of poster- del cuerpo sustanc i almente diferente de la ior half of body; southern South America-- mitad posterior del cuerpo; sur de Sur 11 America 11

10. Dorsal coloration on body occupies pro- 10. Colorac i on dorsal del cuerpo ocupa pro-

portionately same width throughout entire pore ionalmente el m i smo ancho a lo largo body length; ventral plates margined de todo el cuerpo; placas ventrales mar- anteriorly and laterally with dark green- ginadas anterior y lateralmente con azul

ish blue; maxillary teeth 24-28 orton i grisaceo oscuro; dientes maxilares 24-28--

Dorsal coloration on body reduced in dis- orton i tribution posteriorly; ventrals not mar- Coloracion dorsal del cuerpo que reduce

gined; maxillary teeth 21-23 poster iormente su d i str i buc i on; ventrales coeruleodorsus no marginadas; dientes maxilares 21-23 coeruleodorsus

11. Plates on top of head heavily margined with 11. Placas de la parte superior de la cabeza

black, postparietal scales five to eight, densamente marginadas en negro; c i nco a

temporals frequently 1+1 marq i natus ocho escamas postpar ietales, temporales

Plates on top of head not or but slightly frecuentemente 1 + 1 marq i natus margined with black; postparietal scales Placas de la parte superior de la cabeza no seven to eleven, temporals typically 1+2-- marginadas levemente marginadas de

1 i ocercus negro; siete a once escamas postpariet ale s

temporales tipicamente 1+2 1 i ocercus

Leptoph i s ahaetulla ahaetulla (Linnaeus)

I823 Coluber R ichard i Bory de Saint Vincent, Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 4: 588. Type-locality: Guiana,

I83I Ahoe .l tula j L i nne i Gray (substitute name for Coluber ahaetulla Linnaeus), Synopsis Species Class Reptilia, in Griffith, Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, '): 53« 462: 1. 1542 Leptophis ahaetulla ahaetulla — 01 i ver. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., ')2: *• 1^48 Thalerophis richardi r ichard i — 01 i ver. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 219, ^'3'

Distribution: British Guiana to Estado da Bahia, Brazil, along Atlantic coast. — i


Leptoph i s ahaetulla bocourt i Boulenger

I898 Leptoph i s bocourt i Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I858: II6. Type-locality: Paramba and Cachabe, Ecuador.

1505 Leptoph i s occ idental i s i nsular i s Barbour, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ^6: 101. Type-locality: Isla de Gorgona, Colombia.

1948 Thalerophis r ichard i bocourt i —01 i ver. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 52: 223, pi, I5.

iq'iS Leptophis ahaetulla [ bocourt i ]— I nt. Comm. Zool. Women., Op. 524: 27O.

Distribution: Northwestern Ecuador; Gorgona Island, Colombia.

Leptoph i s ahaetulla bol i v ianus Oliver

1542 Leptoph i s ahaetulla bol i v ianus Oliver, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 462: 1. Type- locality: Buenavista, Departamento Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

iq48 Thalerophis richardi bol i vianus — 01 i ver. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 225, ^ig- 6 and pi. 18, fig. 2.

Distribution: Oepartamentos Beni and Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Leptoph i s ahaetulla chocoens i s Oliver

1942 Leptoph i s occ i dental i 5 chocoens i s Oliver, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 462: 15. Type-locality: Pena Lisa, R'o Condoto, Choco, Colombia.

1948 Thalerophis r ichard i chocoens is— 01 i ver . Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 22/.

1958 Leptoph i s ahaetulla [ chocoens i s j Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 52*! 27O.

Distribution: Colombian Choco.

Leptophis ahaetulla coeruleodorsus Oliver

1942 Leptophis coeruleodorsus Oliver, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 462: 4. Type-locality:

Tr i n i dad. 1948 Thaleroph is richardi coeruleodorsus — Oliver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., ')2: 228.

1958 Leptoph i s ahaetulla [ coeruleodorsus ] — Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 5^4: 27O.

Distribution: Coast of northeastern Venezuela; Trinidad and Tobago Islands.

Leptoph i s ahaetulla cope i 01 i ver

1942 Leptoph i s cope i Oliver, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 462: ] . Type-locality: Salto - do Hua, Braz i 1 Venezuela boundary.

1948 Thalerophis r ichard i cope i —01 i ver . Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 23O, 1958 Leptophis ahaetulla [ copei ] — Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 524: 27O.

Distribution: Area of divide between R'o Orinoco and R'o Negro in Venezuela, Brazil and

Colomb I a.

Leptoph is ahaetul la 1 i ocercus (Wied)

1824 Coluber 1 i ocercus Wied, Abbildungen zur Naturgesch chte von Brasilien: section 14, pi. 3 [also numbered as pi. 5^] ^"'^ accompanying unnumbered page of text. Type-locality: Wied mentions material from Cabo Frio, Parahiba, Marica, Sagoarema, [lake?] Araruama, Ponta Negra, Lagoa Freia, and Espirito Santo, Brazil.

1901 Leptoph i s f laqellum Andersson, Bihang Till K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar, 27 (4, No. 5): 13' Type-locality: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1909 Leptoph i s vertebral i s Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 221. Type-locality:

Petropol i s, Braz i 1.

iq48 Thalerophis r ichard i 1 iocercus -Ol i ver . Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 232, fig. 4.

Leptoph i s ahaetul la l i ocercus Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 27O. 1958 [ J — 524:

Distribution: Atlantic drainage of southeastern Brazil. i 1 s—— i


Leptoph i s ahaetulla marq i na tus (Cope)

1862 Thrasops marq inatus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: 3^9' Type-locality: Paraguay.

ISyO Herpetodryas aff i n is Ste i ndachner, Sitz. Math. -Na turw i ss. CI. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 62: 348, pi. 7> "figs. 4-5» Type-locality: Brazil.

1502 Leptoph i s rostral is Lonnberg, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 10: 458. Type-locality: San Miguel, Chaco, Argentina. 1903 Leptophis arqentinus Werner. Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Munchen, 22 (2): 384. Type- locality: Rosario, Argentina. 1^48 Thalerophis richardi marqinatus — Oliver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 52: 235, fig. 4 and pi. IB, fig. 3.

1958 Leptoph i s ahaetulla [ marq i natus j Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 524: 27O.

Distribution: Southeastern Bolivia to western Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil south to Paraguay and northern Argentina.

Leptoph i s ahaetulla n i qromarq i natus (Cunther)

n 1 1866 Ahaetulla i qromarq nata Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 18: 28. Type-locality: "Upper Amazons".

1915 Leptoph i 5 n i qromarq i natus — Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7 (3)= I85.

i 19*2 Leptoph s ahaetul la n i qromarq inatus — Oliver, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 462: 4. 1948 Thalerophis richardi n qromarq inatus — Oliver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., i 92: 238, figs.

4 and 6; pi. 18, f i g. 1.

Distribution: Western Brazil; Amazonian lowlands of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

Leptoph i s ahaetulla occ idental i s (Gijnther)

18S9 Ahaetulla occidental is Gunther. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859: 412. Type-locality: Guayaquil and western Ecuador. I873 Ahaetulla urosticta Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I873: 606. Type-locality: Bogota, Colombia.

1894 Leptophis ultramarinus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1894: 2O3. Type-locality; Pazo Azul, Costa Rica.

1918 Thaleroph is r ichard i occ idental i s — Oliver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 241.

1958 Leptoph i s ahaetulla [ occ dental i j Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 524: 27O.

Distribution: Central America from Nicaragua on Caribbean coast and Costa Rica on Pacific coast to coast of western Venezuela and to Pacific Colombia and Ecuador. Not known from Choco of Colombia.

Leptoph i s ahaetulla ort on i i Cope

I876 Leptophis ortonii Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): I77. Type-locality: Solimoes or middle Amazon, Brazil.

1942 Leptoph i s a haetulla orton i — Oliver, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 462: 4.

19^8 Thaleroph 1 5 r ichardi orton — Oliver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 245.

Distribution: Amazon Valley of sou t heas tern Colomb i a , m ddle Amazon region of Brazil, and extreme northern Bolivia.

Leptoph i s ahaetul la praestans (Cope)

IB69 Thrasops praestans Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: 3O9. Type-locality: Near El Peten, Guatemala.

1881 Thrasops ( Ahaetulla ) sargi i Fischer, Arch, fur Naturg., 47 (l): 229, pi. 11, figs. 7-9. Type-locality: Coban, Guatemala.

193'' Leptoph i s max imus Weller, Proc. Jr. Soc. Nat. Hist. Cincinnati, 1: ] . Type-locality: Unknown,

19^8 Thalerophis r i chard i praestans — 01 i ver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 248, fig. 5.

Leptoph i s 1958 ahaetulla [ praestans I — Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 524: 27O.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from central Veracruz, Mexico, south on Caribbean slope into northern Honduras. i s



1868 Thrasops cupreus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 106. Type-locality: From Napo and Maranon, Ecuador.

1560 Leptoph i s cupreus — Peters and Orcls, Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna, 2: 139-

Distribution: Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador.


i 1861 P.f h i lothamnus ] depress irostr s Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 557* Type-locality: Cocuyas de Veraguas, New Grenada; actually in Panama. 1872 Diplotropis bilineata Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 5: 24, pi. 6, fig. B. Type-locality: Costa Rica. I876 Leptophis aeruqinosus Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): I32. Type-locality: Costa Rica. 1876 Leptophis saturatus Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8(1875): I33. Type-locality:

S i pur i o, Costa R i ca.

i — Pap. 1S37 Leptophis depress i rostr Gaige, Hartweg, and Stuart, Occ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 357= !*•

1948 Thalerophis depress irostr i s — 01 i ver. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 2O3, fig. 4.

Distribution: Atlantic slopes of Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama; Pacific slopes of Colombia and Ecuador. A questionable record from Peru.

LEPTOPHIS MEXICANUS Dumlril, Bibron and Dumlril

I854 Leptoph i s mex icanus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 53^' Type-locality: Mexico.

Distribution: Southern Mexico from Veracruz and Oaxaca south to Costa Rica.

Content: Two subspecies, one of which ( yueatanens i s Oliver) is ex t pal i m i tal.

Leptoph i s mex i canus mex icanus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril

I872 Ahaetulla modesta Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 5: 26, pi. 6, fig. C. Type-locality: Rto Chisoy (= Chixoy or Negro), below town of Cubulco, Baja Verapaz, Guatemala.

1342 Leptoph i s mex icanus mex icanus — Oliver, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 462: 10.

1948 Thaleroph i s mex icanus mex icanus — Oliver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., ')2: 211, figs. 4 and 7-

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from Tamaulipas, Mexico, into Costa Rica (except outer end of Yucatan Peninsula) on Caribbean slope and from Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, into Guatemala along Pacific slope.


1942 Leptoph i s nebulosus Oliver, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 462: 12. Type-locality: Cariblanca, Costa Rica, 1948 Thalerophis nebulosus — Oliver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 217, fig. 4.

Distribution: Patuca, Honduras, to Cariblanco, Costa Rica.


1910 Leptophis Riveti Despax. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, I9IO: 368. Type-locality: Gualaquiza, Ecuador, 73^^ "••

1914 Leptoph i s brev i or Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1514: 8I5. Type^local i ty: Near Pena Lisa, Condoto, Choco, Colombia.

1348 Thalerophis r i vet — 01 i ver , Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 25O, figs. 4-5.

Distribution: Higher altitudes to 5COO ft on both sides of Andes in Ecuador; Amazonian Peru; western and north central Colombia; Panama. A single record from Trinidad. . .

165 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: LEPTOTYPHLOPIDAE * ** LEPTOTYPHLOPS Prepared by Braulio Ore jas-M iranda, Museo Nacional de Uruguay


182i Stenostoina Waaler (preoccupied by Stenostoma Latreillei 1810), in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 68,

pi. 25, fig. 3» Type-species: Stenostoma a lb i f rons Wagler.

I843 Leptot yphlops Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 24. Type-species: Typhlops n i qr icans Schlegel. 1843 Bucephalus Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 24. Type-species: Typhlops bill neatus Schlegel. 1844 Ca todon Dumeril and Bibron (preoccupied by Ca todon Linnaeus, I76I), Erp. Gen., 6: 3^^. Type- species: Typhlops septem-str iatus Schneider. 1845 Ep ic t ia Gray, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.: 139- Type-species: None designated. 1845 Glaucon ia Gray, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.: 139' Type-species: Typhlops n iqr icans Schlegel. I853 Rena Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Amer. Rept., 1: 142. Type-species: None indicated.

1857 Sabr i na Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1857= 181. Type-species: Typhlops tesselatum

Tschud i 1861 Rhamphostoma Jan (preoccupied by Rhamphostoma Waqler, I83O), Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 1: I5O. Type-species: S

1861 Tr iche i lostoma Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 1: I9O. Type-species: None indicated.

I86I Te trache i lostoma Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 1: I?!- Type-species: Typhlops b i 1 i nea tus Schlegel. I863 Ramphostoma Jan (emendation of Rhamphostoma Jan), Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 16.

1881 S i aqonodon Peters, Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1881: ]1. Type-species: Typhlops septemstr iatus Schneider.

I885 S tenostomoph i s Rochebrune (substitute name for Stenostoma Waqler), Faune de la Senegambie, Rept.: 141.

Distribution: Southeastern Asia; Africa; southwestern United States; most of Central and South Amer ica

Content: About 55 species, of which 31 ^'"s found within limits of this work.

Key to the species-*- Clave de especies

1. Supraoculars absent 2 1. Sin supraoculares 2 Supraoculars present 6 Con supraoculares 6

2. Rostral lacks sharp horizontal cutting edge 2. Rostral sin agudo f i lo cortante horizontal

anteriorly 3 anter i or 3 Rostral with sharp horizontal cutting edge Rostral con agudo filo cortante horizontal

anter i orly borr ich ianus anter ior borr ich ianus

3. Ten or twelve rows of scales around central 3. Filas de escamas en diez doce series alre- part of tail 4 dedor de la parte media de la cola 4 Fourteen rows of scales around central part of Filas de escamas en 14 series alrededor de la

ta i 1 cup i nens i s parte media de la cola cup i nens i 5

4. Dorsum uniform, without lineate pattern 5 4. Dorso sin diseno lineado consp'cuo, de colora- Dorsum with conspicuous lineate pattern, dark cion uni forme 5

brown on light ground color septemstr i atus Dorso con diseno lineado consp'cuo, en pardo oscuro sobre fondo claro septemstr iatus

5. Prefrontal present; nasals normally developed, 5. Prefrontal presente; nasales de normal desarro- not elongated past line connecting posterior llo, que no se prolongan hacia atras de una

border of eyes bras i 1 i ens i s I'nea que pasara por el borde posterior de los Prefrontal absent; nasals elongated posteriorly, jos brasiliensis passing through line between posterior border Prefrontal ausente; nasales prolongadas hacia

of eyes nasal i s atras, que sobrepasan el n i vel de una I'nea que pasara por el borde posterior de los

o jos nasal i s 6. Supraoculars in contact with supralabials 7

Supraoculars not in contact with supralab i als-- 6. Supraoculares en contacto con supralab iales J 10 Supraoculares no en contacto con supralab iales- 10

7. Venter not uniform black; dorsal coloration 7. Vientre no negro uniforme; coloracion dorsal en reddish brown with longitudinal stripes of pardo rojizo con diseno en bandas longitudi- same width 8 nales de semejante ancho 8 Venter uniform deep black; dorsal coloration of Vientre negro intenso uniforme; coloracion red and black, with longitudinal stripes of dorsal en rojo y negro con diseiio de bandas

unequal width 5 long i tud i nales de ancho desigual 5

J_. undec imstr iatus is not included in this key. 1^. undecimstr iatus no se Incluye en esta clave. 166 LEPTOTYPHLOPS

8. More than 25O total dorsals; very small size; 8. Mas de 25O dorsales totales; tamano muy pe- total length/diameter greater than 55 quefio; relacion longitud total diametro mayor tessela tus de 55 tesselatus Fewer than 240 total dorsals; size medium to Menos de 240 dorsales totales; tamano medio large; total length/ di ameter less than 45 mayor; relacion longitud total diametro menor tenella de 49 tenella

5. Four reddish stripes dorsally, two wide white 5. Cuatro bandas rojizas sobre el dorso, dos

bands laterally teaquei anchas bandas blancas laterales teaque I Five red stripes dorsally, no lateral white Cinco bandas rojas sobre el dorso, sin bandas

bands rubrol i neatus blancas laterales rubrol i neatus

10. Supraoculars lartje, larger than prefrontal and lO.Supraoculares grandes, mayores que la pre- frontal 11 frontal y frontal con que limitan 11 Supraoculars small, smaller than prefrontal and Supraoculares pequenas, menores que la pre- frontal 21 frontal y frontal con que limitan 21

11. Twelve rows of scales around central part of 11. Con doce escamas alrededor de la parte media de tail 12 la cola 12 Ten rows of scales around central part of Con diez escamas alrededor de la parte media de tail 14 la cola 14

12. Lacking dorsal striping; uniform coloration — 13 12. Sin diseno longitudinal; coloracion dorsal Longitudinal striping present melanotermus un if or me 13 Diseno longitudinal presente melanotermus

13. Dorsals more than 240; ventrals spotted along 13. Dorsales mas de 240, escamas ventrales man-

free edge weyrauch i chadas en el borde libre weyrauch i Dorsals fewer than 220; ventrals spotted at Dorsales menos de 220, escamas ventrales man-

base alb i puncta chadas en la base alb i puncta

14. Rostral normal, que en su desarrollo dorsal no

14. Rostral normal, does not extend past line con- sobrepasa el n i vel de una I'nea que pasara por necting eyes; with prefrontal 15 detras de los ojos; con prefrontal 15 Rostral elongated dorsally, extends beyond line Rostral prolongada, que en su desarrollo dorsal

connecting eyes; prefrontal absent qoudot i i sobrepasa el nivel de una iTnea que pasara por

detras de los ojos; sin prefrontal qoudot i i

15.First supralabial low, never reaches level of 15.Primera supralabial baja, nunca llega a la center of eye; always separated from supra- mitad del ojo; siempre distante de la supra- ocular by at least twice its width 16 ocular por lo menos dos veces su ancho I6 First supralabial high, reaches point as high Primera supralabial alta, que llega por lo as or higher than center of eye, approaches menos hasta la mitad del ojo sobrepasa ese supraocular by distance equal to or less than nivel; proxima a la supraocular una distancia

its w i dth ruf i dorsus igual menor a la de su ancho ruf i dorsus

l6.More than 25O total dorsals 17 16. Mas de 25O dorsales totales 17 Fewer than 280 total dorsals 18 Menos de 280 dorsales totales 18

17. Fewer than 35O total dorsals subcrotillus 17. Menos de 35^ dorsales totales subcrot illus More than 37*^ total dorsals melanurus Mas de 37*^ dorsales totales melanurus

IB.Lineate dorsal pattern 15 18. Dorso con diseno lineado 15

i Uniform dorsal pattern n i cef or i Dorso con pigmentacion uniforme n icef or

15»Light and dark stripes of equal size, at least 15. Bandas oscuras y claras de igual ancho, por lo on the median dorsal area 20 menos en el medio dorso 20 Dorsum with wide dark bands separated by very Diseno dorsal de bandas oscuras muy anchas, inconspicuous, much narrower light lines that limitadas por poco consp'cuas I'neas claras may or may not be absent laterally; never with mucho mas angostas, que pueden no estar pre-

liaht lines as wide as dark alb i f rons sentes lateralmente; nunca i'neas claras de

igual ancho a las oscuras alb i f rons

20. Dorsum with seven dark and eight light stripes, 20. Diseno dorsal de siete bandas oscuras y ocho all equal in width, at least on posterior half claras todas de semejante ancho, a lo menos of body 30 en la mitad posterior del cuerpo 3O Dorsum with three dark and four light stripes, Dise'o dorsal de tres bandas oscuras y cuatro equal in width; laterally with two wider claras de seme jante ancho; lateralmente dos dorsal stripes which may or may not be divided bandas anchas oscuras divididas no por by narrow light stripe, at least in posterior angostas claras, a lo menos en la mitad

i i half of body qoudot i i posterior del cuerpo qoudot i


21. With ten rows of scales around middle of tail-- 21. Con diez filas de escamas alrededor de la parte 22 media de la cola 22 With twelve rows of scales around middle of Con doce filas de escamas alrededor de la parte

i i media la cola Joshua ta i 1 Joshua de

22. Rostral lacks sharp cutting edge anter i orly--23 22. Rostral sin borde cortante anterior proyectado Rostral with sharp cutting edge projecting hacia adelante 23

forward unqu i rostr i s Rostral con borde cortante anterior proyectado

hac ia adelante ungu i rostr i s

23.With two supralab i als, four scales plus rostral 23. Con dos supralab i ales, cuatro escamas mas la form border of upper lip on each side 24 rostral formando el borde labial superioi 24

With three supralab i als, five scales plus ros- Con tres supralab iales, cinco escamas mas la tral form border of upper lip on each side — 25 rostral formando el borde labial superior 25

24. Labial border of first supralabial equal to or 24. Borde labial de primera supralabial subigual o

smaller than labial border of oculai menor que el de oculai d im i d i a tus

di m i d iatus Borde labial de primera supralabial mucho mayor

Labial border of first supralabial much larger que el de oculai af f i n i s

than labial border of oculai af f i n i s

25.Vientre pigmentado un i f ormemente, sin diseno 25. Venter uniformly pigmented, without reticulate reticulado 26 pattern 26 Vientre con escamas pigmentadas densamente en Ventral scales densely p gmented centrally, sus centres y claras en la periferia, ofre- lightly pigmented peripherally, making con- ciendo un conspicuo diseno reticulado

spicuous reticulate pattern macrolep i s macrolep is

26. No longitudinal stripes 27 26. Sin diseno dorsal longitudinal 27 With longitudinal stripes, seven dark and eight Con diseno dorsal longitudinal; siete I'neas light lines length of body duqandi oscuras y ocho claras a lo largo del dorso

duqand i

27.0orsum uniform, violet-black or dark brown 28 27. Dorso coloreado en negro violaceo pardo

Dorsum uniform, light brown 29 oscuro un i forme 28 Dorso coloreado en pardo claro uniforme 25

28. Dorsum violet-black; total dorsals more than 28. Dorso negro violaceo; dorsales totales mas de

170 anthrac i nus 170 anthrac i nus Dorsum reddish-brown; total dorsals fewer than Dorso pardo rojizo; dorsales totales menos de

170 brev i ss i mus 170 brevissimus

i p i 25. Fewer than 200 total dorsals; i nterocc p i tal 25. Menos de 200 dorsales totales; nterocc tal i i neither enlarged nor surrounded by smaller no agrandada ni rodeada de pequenas escamas

scales koppes i koppes i

i i p i More than 200 total dorsals; nterocc p i tal Mas de 200 dorsales totales; nterocc tal i i enlarged and surrounded by small scales agrandada rodeada de pequenas escamas

i i salque i ro i salque ro

30, More than 23O total dorsals; conspicuous black 30. Mas de 23O dorsales totales; anillo negro con-

ring around posterior half of tail austral i s spTcuo en la mitad terminal de la cola

Fewer than 23O total dorsals; no black rings on austral i s

ta i 1 munoa i Menos de 23O dorsales totales; sin anillo negro

en la mitad terminal caudal munoa i

LEPTOTYPHLOPS AFFINIS (Boulenger) dulc is group

1884 Stenostoma aff ine Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 13' 396. Type-locality: Tachira, Venezuela. 192S Leptotyphlops affinis — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I38.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


alb i f rons group

1824 Stenostoma alb i frons Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 68, pi. 25, fig. 3- Type-locality: Vicinity of Belem, Para, Brazil.

1529 Leptotyphlops alb i frons — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 76-

Distribution: Known only from type locality and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. 168 LEPTOTYPHLOPS

LEPTOTYPHLOPS ALBIPUNCTA (jan) melanotermus group

1861 Stenostoma alb i f rons var. alb i puncta Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 2: pi. 5> ^'"j' !*• Type- locality: Tucuman, Argentina.

Distribution: Known only from type specimen.

Comment: Earlier authors have regarded this as synonymous with Leptotyphlops alb i f rons but reasons for its recognition here will be published elsewhere.


dulc i s group

15''6 Leptotyphlops anthrac i nus Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 4^2: 1. Type-locality: Bafios, Provincia Pastaza, Ecuador.

1567 Leptotyphlops anthrac i nus — Ore jas-Mi randa, Atas Simp. Biota Amaz., 5' 432.

Distribution: Bancs and Abituagua in eastern lowlands of Ecuador, and one record from Balzapamba, in western Ecuadorian lowlands.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS AUSTRALIS Freiberg and Ore jas-MI randa alb if rons group

1568 Leptotyphlops austral i s Frieberg and Ore jas-Mi randa, Physis, Soc. Arg. Cien. Nat., 28: 145, figs. 1-2. Type-locality: Valcheta, Rfo Negro, Argentina.

Distribution: Rio Negro to Cordoba, Argentina.


septemstr i atus group

1523 Glauconia borrichiana Degerb^l, Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn, ](>: 113. Type- locality: Santa Ros^, Mendoza, Argentina.

1525 Leptotyphlops borr i ch iana — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 135' 1551 Leptotyphlops borrichiana — Freiberg, Physis, Rev. Asoc. Arg. Cien. Nat., 20: 255» f'gs. 1-2.

Distribution: Mendoza to R'o Negro, western Argentina.


septemstr i a tus group

1519 Leptotyphlops brasil iensis Laurent, Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc i . Nat. Belgique, 2$ (9): 4, figs. ]-'). Type-locality: Brazil.

Distribution: Known from type specimen and another from Barrieras, Bahia, Brazil.


156^ Leptotyphlops brev i ss i ma Shreve, Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., 211: 1. Type-locality: Florencia, Caqueta, Colombia.

1567 Leptotyphlops brevi ssima — Ore jas-M i randa, Atas Simp. Biota Amaz., J: 433.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS CUPINENSIS Bailey and Carvalho septemstr iatus group

19^6 Leptotyphlops cupi nensi s Bailey and Carvalho, Bol. Mus. Nac. Brazil, Nova Ser., Zool., 52: 1, figs. I-3. Type-locality: Rio Tapirape (tributary of Rio Araguaia), Mato Grosso, Brazil. 1*^66 Leptotyphlops cupinensis — Ore jas-Miranda, Com. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 9 (IO8): 1.

Distribution: Known from type locality and Serra do Navio, Amapa, Brazil. I i



dulc i s group

1861 Stenostoma dimidiatum Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 1: 188. Type-locality: Brazil; herewith restricted to Sao Marcos, near confluence of Rios Uriracuera and Tacutu, both tributaries of Rio Branco, Territorio de Roraima, Brazil.

— . i: 1529 Leptotyphlops dim i diata Amaral Mem. Inst. Butantan, 76. Biota Amaz., '^33- i Simp. i , Atas 5= 1567 LeptotyphloDS d i m diatus — Ore jas-M randa

Distribution: Guianas, northern Brazil and southeastern Venezuela.


dulc i s group

m, about kci 1544 Leptotvphlops duqandi Dunn, Caldasia, 3 (ll): 52. Type-locality: Juanamina, 20 11

SW of Barranqu i 11a, Departamento Atlantico, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


alb i frons group

Type-locality: Valley of R'o 1844 Stenostoma Goudoti i Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 330. Magdalena, Colombia. 1857 Stenostoma fallax_ Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1857: 402. Type-locality: La Guaira, Venezuela.

1925 Leptotvphlops goudoti i — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 139-

Distribution: Colima on Pacific coast and Tehuantepec on Atlantic coast of Mexico throughout Central America; Caribbean Colombia and Venezuela; many offshore islands.

im i Content: Five subspecies, one of which ( bakewell Oliver) is extral tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecles

Rostral normal, does not extend dorsally 1. Rostral normal, que en su desarrollo dorsal beyond line connecting eyes; prefrontal no sobrepasa el nivel de una linea que present 2 pasara por detras de los ojos; prefrontal Rostral elongated dorsally, extending presente 2 beyond line drawn between eyes; prefrontal Rostral prolongada, que en su desarrollo absent ater dorsal sobrepasa el nivel de una I'nea que pasara por detras de los ojos; sin pre- frontal ater 2. Light caudal spot about equal in size dor- sally and ventrally 3 2. Mancha clara caudal de semejante superficie Light caudal spot at least twice as large dorso y ventralmente 3 ventrally than dorsally phenops Mancha clara caudal por lo menos dos veces mayor ventral que dorsalmente phenops mancha dorso 3. With strongly contrasting pattern; dorsal 3. Disefio de v'vido contraste, spot on head usually very conspicuous and cefalica generalmente muy conspicua y large; total length/diameter 13-58; total grande; relacion longitud total diametro dorsal scales 233-253 maqnamaculatus 43-58; dorsales totales 233-253 Weakly contrasting dorsal pattern; dorsal maqnamacula tus spot on head, if present, usually Incon- Diseno de poco contraste; mancha dorso spicuous and small; total lenqth/d iameter cefalica, si existe, generalmente poco longitud to- 56-66; total dorsals 217-248 (less than consp'cua y pequena; relacion %-(>(>•, totales 217- i dorsales 230 In Panama) qoudot i tal diametro

248 (menos de 23O en Panama) Qoudot I I

combination i i and Bibron), new Leptotyphlops qoudot I I qoudot (Dum«ril Cien. Nat. La Salle, Venezuela, 12: 1952 Leptotyphlops albifrons marqar I tae Roze, Mem. Soc. 154, figs. 6-7. Type-locality: San Francisco de Macanao, Isla Margarita, Venezuela. Distribution: Panama and Colombia to Caribbean coast of Venezuela; Trinidad, Bonaire and

Margar i ta I slands.

368-492 O—70- 170 LEPTOTYPHLOPS

Leptotyphlops qoudot i i a ter Taylor, new combination

1540 Lep-totyphlops a ter Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 26: 53^, text-fig. 4. Type-locality: Managua, Nicaragua, iq'i') Leptotyphlops ater — Taylor. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 37: $62.

Distribution: Nicaragua and Costa Rica; possibly Honduras and southern El Salvador.

Leptotyphlops qoudot i i maqnamacula tus Taylor, new combination

1540 Leptotyphlops maqnamaculata Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 26: 532, text-fig. 1. Type- locality: Isla Utilla, Islas de la Bahl'a, Honduras.

Distribution: Bay islands of Honduras; San Andres and Providence islands.

Leptotyphlops qoudot i i phenops (Cope), new combination

I876 Stenostoma phenops Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 128. Type-locality: Tehuantepec, Mexico and Coban, Guatemala.

193^ Leptotyphlops phenops — Sm i th , Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 28.

Distribution: Tehuantepec and Yucatan, Mexico to Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador; Suma Islands.


dulc i s group

19*'' Leptotyphlops ioshuai Dunn, Caldasia, 3 (n): 53> 'figs. 5"1''' Type-locality: Jerico, Antioquia, Colombia, I567 i".

Distribution: Central and western Andes, in Provincias Antioquia and Caldas, Colombia.


dulc i s group

19'5'i Leptotyphlops koppesi Amaral. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 26 (l554): 2O3, figs. 4-6. Type-locality: Terenos, Mate Grosso, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


I857 Stenostoma macrolepis Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I857: 402. Type-locality: Caracas and Puerto Cabello, Venezuela; restricted to Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, by Ore jas-M iranda, Atas Simp. Biota Amaz., 5, I567, 43O. 1522 Leptotyphlops macrolepis — riuthven. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 8: 64. 1933 Leptotyphlops ihlei Brongersma, Zool. Meded., I5: I75, figs. 1-2. Type-locality: Toegoemoetoe,

Sur i nam. Leptotyphlops 1967 macrolepis — Ore jas-Miranda. Atas Simp. Biota Amaz., J: 43O.

Distribution: Panama to Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas and northern Brazil. I i


I FPTOTYPHLOPS MELANOTERMUS (Cope) melanotermus group

Corrientes, 1Rft2 Stenostoma mpl anot erma Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: 350. Type-locality:

Argent i na.

i Type- I876 Stenostoma flavifrons Weyenberqh. in Napp, Die Argent n i sche Republik, Buenos Aires: l64. locality: Argentina. I853 Stenostoma melanostoma — Guntlier (in error for melanoterma Cope), Biol. Cent. Amer. , Rept.: 85. 189? Stenostoma melanosterna — Boulenger (in error for melanoterma Cope), Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1: 63. 1545 Leptotyphlops striatula Smith and Laufe, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 58: 25, figs. A and B, and Bolivia. pi. 5, figs. A and B. Type-locality: "Yamachi" = Yanacachi, Sur de Yungas, Nat. Montevideo, 8 (IO3): 4. 1564 L.[ eptotyphlops ] melanotermus — Ore jas-Miranda, Com. Zool. Mus. Hist.

Distribution: Extreme southern Peru, through Bolivia and northern Argentina to Santa Fe; possibly western and southern Paraguay and southwestern Brazil.


alb i f rons group

1943 Leptotyphlops melanurus Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 3O3. Type- locality: Chicl'n, Libertad, Peru.

Distribution: Known only from type-locality.


alb i f rons group

, Venezuelica, figs. la-c. Type-locality: 1961 Leptotyphlops munoa Ore jas-M i randa Act. Biol. 3: 85, Pozo Hondo, Tambores, Departamento de Tacuarembo, Uruguay.

Distribution: Northern Argentina, Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS NASALIS Taylor septemstr ia tus group

Type-locality: 1940 Leptotyphlops nasalis Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 26: 535> text-fig. J. Managua, Nicaragua.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Comment: Dunn and Saxe, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 102, 155^, I6I, considered this a synonym

of Leptotyphlops ater , but this is rejected here.


alb i f rons group

1546 Leptotyphlops nicefori Dunn, Caldasia, 4 (17): 121. Type-locality: Mogotes, Santander, Colombia, 1746 m.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS RUBROL I NEATUS (Werner) tessela tus group

1901 Glauconia albifrons rubrolineata Werner, Abh. Ber. Zool. Anthro. -Ethno. Mus. Dresden, 9 (2): 6. Type-locality: Lima, Peru.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Comment: This species has been considered a synonym of Leptotyphlops alb i f rons by previous authors, but is restored here, reasons to be amplified elsewhere. 172 LEPTOTYPHLOPS


alb i f rons group

1540 Leptotyphlops ruf i dorsum Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 26: 533> text-fig. 2. Type-locality: Lima, Peru. 1543 Leptotyphlops ruf idorsus — Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 3O2.

Distribution: Known only from type locality and Chicl'n, Libertad, Peru.


dulc i s group

iqS'S Leptotyphlops salqueiroi Amaral. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 26 (155")' 203, figs. I-3. Type-locality:

I ta, Espirito Santo, Brazil

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS SEPTEMSTR I ATUS (Schneider) septemstr ia tus group

1801 Typhlops Septemstr ia tus Schneider, Hist. Amphib., 2: Type-locality: Unknown. [ J 3^1' 1525 Leptotyphlops Sep temstr ia tus — Mertens, Senckenberg iana, 7: 78.

?153^ Leptotyphlos ta tacua . Br i ceno-Ross , Bol. Min. Salub. Agri. Cr'a, Venezuela, 1: II33. Type- i locality: RTo de Oro, Distrito Colon, Estado Zulia, Venezuela. 1567 Leptotyphlops septemstr iatus — Ore jas-Mi randa, Atas Simp. Biota Amaz., 5= 426.

Distribution: Northern Brazil, Guiana and southeastern Venezuela.


alb i f rons group

1939 Leptotyphlops subcrotilla Klauber, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., '): 6I, figs. 2a-b. Type- locality: Grau Tombes, northern Peru; in error, according to Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1943, 3O3, who correct it to Grau, Tumbez, Peru.

1943 Leptotyphlops subcrot i llus — Schm i dt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 3O3.

Distribution: Chicl'n, Libertad, Peru to Pacific lowlands of southwestern Ecuador.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS TEAGUEI Ore jas-Miranda tesselatus group

1964 Leptotyphlops teaque i Ore jas-Mi randa. Com. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 8 (IO3): 4, pis. 2-3. Type-locality: RTo Chotano, between Chota and Cutervo, northern Peru, 2350 "'•

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS TENELLA Klauber tesselatus group

1939 Leptotyphlops tenella Klauber. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 9: 59, figs, la-lb. Type- locality: Kartabo, Guyana. 1967 Leptotyphlops tenella — Ore jas-Mi randa, Atas Simp. Biota Amaz., 5: 435.

Distribution: Guianas, Trinidad, southeastern Venezuela, Amazonian Brazil; possibly Ecuador and Peru.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS TESSELATUS (Tschudi) tesselatus group

184$ Typhlops ( Stenostoma ) tesselatum Tschudi, Arch, fur Naturg., 11: 162. Type-locality: Peru; more precisely stated as Lima, Peru, by Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, Herp., 1846, 46. Leptotyphlops 19*3 tessel la t us — Schm i dt and Walker, Zool, Ser. Field Mus, Nat, Hist., 24: 3O4.

Distribution: Known only from vicinity of Lima, Peru. 173 LEPTOTYPHLOPS

LEPTOTYPHLOPS UNPEG IMSTRIATUS (Schlegel) melano termus group

1835 TyphloDS undec imstr ia tus Schlegel, Abbildungen Amphibien, text: J(>. Type-locality: Santa Cruz, Bolivia (= Santa Cruz de la Sierra).

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


dulc i s group

1902 Glauconia unguirostris Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 5- 338. Type-locality: Gruz del Eje, Cordoba, Argentina.

1521 Leptotyphlops ungu i rostr i s — Serie, An. Soc. Gien. Argentina, 5^: 148.

Distribution: San Juan to Santiago del Estero, Argentina; southern Paraguay.

LEPTOTYPHLOPS WEYRAUGHI Ore jas-Mi randa melanotermus group

1564 Leptotyphlops weyrauch i Ore jas-M i randa , Gom. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 8 (IO3): 1, pi. 1. Type-locality: Cludad de Tucuman, Provincia de Tucuman, Argentina.

Distribution: Provincias Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, and Gordoba, Argentina.


alb i f rons group

1565 Leptotyphlops amazon icus Ore jas-M iranda, Comun. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 10 (l24): 1, fig. 1. Type-locality; Esmeralda, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela.

Distribution: Estado Bol'var to Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela; possibly in Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador.


alb i f rons group

Nat. Montevideo, (l24): 1565 Leptotyphlops diaploc ius Ore jas-M i randa, Comun. Zool. Mus. Hist. 10 5, fig. 2. Type-locality: Requena, Montecarmelo, Peru.

Distribution: Lower parts of valleys of RTos Ucayali and Huallaga, northeastern Peru.


alb i frons group

1965 Leptotyphlops peruvianus Ore jas-M iranda, Comun. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 10(124): '), pi. 2, fig. 1. Type-locality: Chancharaayo, Departamento Jun'n, Peru.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

The descriptions of these new species were received too late to permit including them in the key, putting them in proper alphabetical order, or inserting them in the index. 174 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * LIOHETEROPHIS


1535 L ioheteroph i s Amaral, Mem, Inst. Butantan, 8 (l53*)' 187- Type-species: L i oheteroph i s i her i nq i Amaral.

Distribution: As for only known species.

Content: One species.


ISS'S L ioheteroph i s iherinqi Amaral^ Mem. Inst. Butantan, 8 (l93*)' IB], Type-locality; Campina Grande, Estado da Parahyba, Brazil.

Distribution: Still known only from type specimen. 175 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * LIOPHIS


I83O L i oph i s Waaler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: 187- Type-species: Coluber cobella Linnaeus.

i i I843 Opheomorphus Fitzlnger, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Coluber m 1 i ar s Linnaeus.

1862 Oph iomorphus Cope (emendation of Opheomorphus Fitzinger), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: 75'

1855 Taen iophallus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, 18: 201. Type-species: Taen 1 ophallus n icaqus Cope.

Distribution: South America.

Content: Twenty-five species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. With 15 scale rows at midbody 2 1. Con I5 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo 2 More than I5 scale rows at midbody 3 '*'^s de 15 filas al medio del cuerpo 3

2. Fewer than I5O ventrals 22 2. Menos de I5O ventrales 22

More than I52 ventrals occ ip i tal is Mas de I52 ventrales occ ip i tal is

3. With 19 scale rows at midbody 1 3- Con I9 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo 4 With 17 scale rows at midbody 7 ^°'^ 17 fil^s de escamas al medio del cuerpo ]

4. Single preocular 5 ^- '-'"^ preoculai 5 Two preoculars f estae Dos preoculares f estae

5. Fewer than I68 ventrals 6 5- Menos de I68 ventrales 6 Ventrals more than I7O obtusus Mas de I7O ventrales obtusus

6. Dorsum uniform green (occasionally reddish 6. Dorso verde unifcrme (ocas ionalmente una banda

i dorsal stripe) jaeger i dorsal rojiza) jaeger

Dorsal pattern profusely spotted and streaked-- Dorso profusamente diseRado, con manchas y anomalus 1 'neas anomalus

7. Loreal absent 8 ]. Loreal ausente 8 Loreal present 9 Loreal presente 9

8. Anal single f rena ta 8. Anal entera f renata

Anal divided amaral i Anal dividida amaral i

9. Preocular single 10 9* Una preocular 10 Two preoculars subocular is Oos preoculares suboculari s lO.Eight supralabials 11 lO.Ocho supra lab iales 11 Six or seven supralabials 20 Seis o siete supralab iales 20

ll.Caudals fewer than 100; ventrals more than I3O- 11. Menos de 100 caudales; mas de I30 ventrales — 12 12 Mis de 100 caudales; menos de I3O ventrales Caudals more than 100; ventrals fewer than I3O- alb iceps alb iceps 12. Dos supralab iales entran en la orbita I3 12. Two supralabials entering orbit 13 Tres supralab iales entran en la orbita Three supralabials entering orbit undulatus undulatus

13. Ventrals more than 189 14 13.Mas de I89 ventrales 14 Ventrals fewer than I89 15 Menos de I89 ventrales 15

14. Dorsal pattern with three longitudinal stripes- 14.Diseno dorsal con tres ifneas long i tudi nales

iobert i jobert i Dorsal pattern with cross bands anteriorly, Disef^o dorsal con bandas transversas; poster-

posteriorly uniformly blacl< braz i 1 i lormente un if ormemente negra braz i 1 i

15.0orsal pattern other than salt and pepper (dark 15.Diseiio dorsal no en sal y pimienta (escamas scales with lighter base) 16 oscuras con la base clara) 16 Salt and pepper dorsal pattern (dark scales Oiseno dorsal uniforme en sal y pimienta

i with lighter base) m i 1 iar is (escamas oscuras con la base clara) m 1 iar is

16. Lacking laterocaudal black stripe 17 l6.Sin cinta laterocaudal negra 17 With laterocaudal black stripe purpurans Con cinta laterocaudal negra purpurans I —


ly.Ventrals more than I7O-- -18 ly.Ventrales mas de 1/0 -18 Ventrals fewer than I7O- -19 Ventrales menos de I7O- -19

18. Dorsal pattern reticulate (occasionally uni- IS.Oiseno dorsal reticulado (a veces uniforme-

form black) i nqer i mente negro) i nqer i Uniform olive grayish or with dark and light Coloracion gris-oliva uniforme o con bandas

cross bands trebbau i transversales claro-oscuras trebbau i

IJ.Uniform green, with or without brick-red 15.Colorac i on verde uniforme con o sin una banda

vertebral str ipe jaeger i vertebral rojo ladrillo jaeger i Other than uniform green, with or without Coloracion no verde uniforme con sin una brick-red vertebral stripe cobella banda vertebral rojo ladrillo cobella

20.Preocular not higher than eye- 21 20.Preocular no mas alta que el ojo 21 Preocular higher than eye -canaima Preocular mas alta que el ojo cana ima

21. Dorsal pattern other than three longitudinal 21.Diseno dorsal sin tres I'neas long i tud i nales-23

str ipes 23 Diseno dorsal con tres Ifneas long i tud inales

Dorsal pattern of three longitudinal stripes poec i lopoqon poec ilopogon 22.Dorso pardo rojizo con bandas transversales negruzcas melanauchen brown above, with blackish cross bands- 22. Reddish Dorso gris, parte anterior del cuerpo con melanauchen banda vertebral oscura y bandas laterales Gray above, anterior part of body with broad mas angostas ste i nbach i dark vertebral band and narrower lateral band-

ste i nbach i 23. Ventrales menos de I7O- 24 Ventrales mas de I7O - lonqi ventr is 23.Ventrals fewer than I7O- 24 - 24. Con bandas transversas 25 Ventrals more than I7O long i ventr i s

Sin bandas transversas ins i qn i ss imus 24. With crossbands 7-7-— 7-25 25. Mas de I5O ventrales breviceps Lacking crossbands- i ns i qn i ss i mus Menos de I5O ventrales- - leucogaster

25. More than 1 5O ventrals-- brev iceps Fewer than 15O ventrals- - leucogaster


1924 Rhadinaea albiceps Amaral, Jour. Washington i Acad. Sc . , 14: 200. Type-locality: "Probably frc Ecuador". 1929. Liophis albiceps—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 17O.

Distribution: Known only from type specimen.


1930 LL°£Jlls amarajj. Wettstein, Zool. Anz., 88: 93. Type-locality: Bello Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Distribution: Bahia, Minas Gerais, Parana and Santa Catarina, Brazil.


I858 Coronella anomala Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 37* Type-locality: "Banks of the Parana" (=Rro Parana?, country unknown).

1862 Lyqoph i s rut i lus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: 80. Type-locality: R'o Tigre and RTo Parana, Paraguay.

1863 C.|_ oronella _ pulchella Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 25I. Type-locality: Buenos Aires,

Argent i na.

I895 Rhad i naea elegant i ss i ma Koslowsky, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 7' 155» pl* !• Type-locality: Sierra de la Ventana, Provlncia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1925 L iophis anomala — Amaral. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 67 (24): 7.

Distribution: Southern Brazil, Northern Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Comment: Cranwell, Rev. Argentina Zoogeog., 2, 1942, 143, suggested that elegant i ss i ma Koslowsky is recognizable, but did not revalidate it. Specimens in the Institute Malbran, Buenos Aires, Argentina, support this suggestion. i i i



Type-locality: Julio Pontes, 192^ Rhadinaea brazil i Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, /: 87.

SSo Paulo, Braz 1 1. 1926 L ioph is braz il —Amaral, Arch. Mus. Nacional Brazil, 26: 5, pi. 1, figs. 4-6.

Distribution: Mato Grosso and SJo Paulo, Brazil.


Surinam. i . Phila., 1860: Type-locality: IB6I L ioph i s breviceps Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc 252.

Distribution: Surinam, northwestern Brazil and Ecuador.


iqS7 L iophis canaiina Roze, Bol. Mus. Cien. Nat. Venezuela, 1 (1555)= 188, fig. Type-locality: Ugueto, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela.

Distribution: Known only from type-locality.


17'i8 Coluber Cobella Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 218. Type-locality: America. 180'^ Coluber seroentinus Daudin. Hist. Nat. Rept., 7: 87. Type-locality: none given. 180^ Coluber cenchrus Daudin. Hist. Nat. Rept., 7: I35. Type-locality: Asia. I863 L iophi s taenioqaster Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Pis., 2: 232. Type-locality: Brazil and South Amer ica. 2. i pi. i Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., livr. 16: 'f'G- 1866 L ioph i s cobella var. flay ventr s 5» Type-locality: South America. I85I Rhadinaea cobella — Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I66. iq2S Liophis cobella — Amaral. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 67 (24): 7.

Distribution: Northern South America east of Andes.


I897 Rhadinaea festae Peracca, Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 12 (3OO): I6. Type-locality: Valley of R To Santiago, Ecuador.

1525 L ioph i s festae—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I7I.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


iqoq Rhadinaea frenata Werner. Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 224. Type-locality: Paraguay.

Distribution: Paraguay.

Comment: Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4, I925, 23, suggested that this taxon is probably identical name. He did not use I latter with L ioph s braz i 1 Amaral, I525, but he has continued to use the frenata for the taxon in his list of Neotropical Ophidia (i.e., 17l)> although he put it in the

i 1 . with a question mark. i in synonymy of braz genus L i oph s and also the


Type-locality: Chimanta' Tepui, Estado 1958 Liophis inoeri Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2 (25): 303- Bolivar, Venezuela, I9OO m.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. I



18S8 Coronella iaegeri Gunther. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: J], Type-locality: Brazil.

I863 L iophis ( Ophiomorphus ) dorsal is Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, IB63: 283. Type-locality: Brazil. 1899 Rhadinaea dichroa Werner. Zool. Anz., 22; II5. Type-locality: Argentina. I9OO: IO5, fig. 1. ISOO Rhad i naea 1 i neata Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn, Type-locality: Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

1925 L i oph i s a e g e r i — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I72. i

Distribution: Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.


1884 En icoqnathus Jobert i Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 146. Type-locality: Marajo Island, Para, Brazil.

1885 L i oph i s ( Lyqoph i s ) gen imacula ta Boettger, Zeitsch. fijr Naturwiss., 58: 225. Type-locality: Paraguay.

1958 L iophis jobert i —Hoge, Pap. Avul. Depto. Zool., Sao Paulo, I3: 223.

Distribution: Central and coastal Brazil from Para to Rio de Janeiro and from Mato Grosso to Ceara; Bolivia and Paraguay.


I863 L i oph i s leucogaster Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 289. Type-locality: Unknown.

Distribution: Known only from type specimen.


i i 1925 L oph s long i ventr i s Amaral, Commissao de Linhas Telegraf icas Estrategicas de MatoGrosso ao Amazonas, publ. 84, Anex. 5= 16> pl- 1"3' Type-locality: None given.

Distribution: Mato Grosso, Brazil.


I863 Enicognathus melanauchen Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 267. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil.

I894 Rhad i naea melanauchen — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 175-

1929 L i oph i s melanauchen — Amaral, Mem, Inst. Butantan, 4: 173'

Distribution: Bahia, Brazil.


1758 Coluber miliaris Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 220. Type-locality: "Indiis"; restricted to Santos, SSo Paulo, Brazil, by Gans, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2178, 1964, 39.

1821 Coluber merremi i Wied. Re i se nach Brasil, 2: 121. Type-locality: SSo Pedro d'Aldantara, Bahia, Brazil; = Itabuna, according to Gans, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2178, 1964, 39. 1824 C.[ oluber J dictyodes Wied, Isis von Oken, 6: 668. Type-locality: None given; according to Wied, Beitr. Naturges. Bras., 1825, 343, it is Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1834 Coluber bicolor Reuss. Abh. Senckenberg. Naturforsch. Ges., 1: 145, pi. 8, fig. 1. Type-locality: llheos, Bahia, Brazil. 1858 Coronella australis Gunther. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 40. Type-locality: Australia; restricted to southern Bahia, Brazil, by Gans, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2178, 1964, 39.

1862 Opheomorohus merrem i i var. sem iaureus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862: 348. Type- locality: Paraguay; probably lower Paraguay River, according to Gans, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2178, 1964, 39. 1885 Opheomorphus fuscus Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22 (l884): 19O. Sao JoSo de Monte Negro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

1915 Rhadinaea or i na Griffin. Mem. Carnegie Mus., ]: I95. Type-locality: Sierras of Bolivia, restricted to S3o Paulo, S3o Paulo, Brazil, by Gans, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2178, 1964, 39.

Distribution: Brazil, from Rio Negro, Amazonas (Hoge and Gans, Copeia, I965, 5II) south to Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. , 1



Type-locality: Paysondu, 1863 Rhadinaea obtusa Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I863: 101. Uruguay, = Paysandu, Uruguay, according to Vaz Ferreira and Sierra de Soriano, Rev. Fac. Hum. Gienc. Montevideo, 18, I56O, 35. Butantan, 4: i Inst. 89- 1525 L i oph s obtusus —Amaral, Mem. Distribution: Southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.


Fis., 2: 267. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil. 1863 E.[ nicoanathus ] occipitalis Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 12: 225, ^'"3' Type-locality: 1864 Dromicus ( lygophis ) wuchereri Gunther, (3) Bahia, Brazil. Bolivia. I89I Dromicus miolepis Boettger, Zool. Anz., I89I: 346. Type-locality: Sonata, Inst. Butantan, 4: 89. i i i Mem. 1529 L i oph i s occ p tal s — Amaral,

Distribution: Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and eastern Peru.

LIOPHIS PURPURANS (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

I854 Ablabes purpurans Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril), Erp. Gen., /: 312. Type-locality: Mana, French

Gu i ana.

1864 Coronella or i ental 1 s Gunther, Reptiles of British India: 236. Type-locality: "Dekkan;" stated by Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2, 1894, I68, to be unknown.

71866 L i oph i s cobella var. collar i s Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 293- Type-locality: South

Amer i ca

1868 Rhad i naea chrysostoma Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: 104. Type-locality: Napo or Maranon, Ecuador. I872 Coronella poec lolaemus Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 9: 19- Type-locality: Upper Rio Amazonas. I872 Liophis purpurans — Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 9: I9.

Distribution: Guianas; Upper Amazonian region of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.


1905 Rhadinaea Steinbachi Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 1$: 454. Type-locality: Provincia Sara, Departamento Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Las Juntas, 1915 Aporoph i s melanocephalus Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., ]: IJl- Type-locality:

Bol i via, 250 m.

i — 1929 L i oph i s ste i nbach Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I74.

Distribution: Eastern Bolivia.


1902 Rhadi naea subocular i s Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 9= 56- Type-locality: Paramba, Ecuador, 35OO ft.

1929 L i oph i s subocular i s —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I74.

Distribution: Western Ecuador.


fig. Auyantepui, 1958 L i oph is trebbau i Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 262, 11. Type-locality: Estado Bol'var, Venezuela.

Distribution: Region of Auyantepui, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela. 180 LIOPHIS


1824 C. oluber ] undt^latus Wied. Isis von Oken, 6: 667 Type locality: none given,

I863 £ n icoqna thus taen i olatus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 272. Type-locality: Brazil.

I855 Taen i ophallus n i caqus Cope, Trans. Amer Phil. Soc, 18: 201 Type-locality: Brazil.

iq09 Rhadinaea binotata Werner. Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 223 Type-local i t y: Novo Friburgo, Brazil.

1525 L i oph i s undulatus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 174.

Distribution; Brazil, Ecuador and Guianas. 181 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: ANOMALEPIDIDAE LIOTYPHLOPS


1857 Rh i notyphloDS Peters (preoccupied by Rh i notyphlops Fitzinger), Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin,

1857' ^02. Type-species: Rh i notyphlops albirostris Peters. 1881 L iotyphlops Peters, Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. Freiburg, 1881: 65- Type-species: Rh inotyphlops

alb irostr i s Peters.

Distribution: Costa Rica to Paraguay.

Content: Twelve species.

Key to the spec i es

1. Either dark dorsally 4nd lighter ventrally or 1, bien oscuro dorsalmente y claro ventralmente entire body dark, never uniformly light 2 todo el cuerpo oscuro, nunca un if ormemente Entire body nearly uniform pale greenish-slate claro 2

col 01 rowan i Todo el cuerpo de color pizarra verdoso pal i do

i cas i un i forme rowan

2. Three upper labials 3 2. Tres labiales superiores 3 Four upper labials (Fig, l) 5 Cuatro labiales superiores (Fig. l) 5

3. Ocular separated from labials by subocular 4 3. Ocular separado de labiales por suboculai i Ocular in contact with labial; one preocular Ocular en contacto con labial, un preocular

(Fig. 2) w i Ider i (Fig. 2) wilder!

- 4. One preocular (Fig. 3)" schubart i 4. Un preocular (Fig. 3) schubart i

Two preoculars — i ncertus Dos preoculars i ncertus

i L. Cope, Fig. L. Lateral123*5view of head in L otyphlops species. Fig. 1, anops . after 1895' 2, wilderi . after Hammar, I9O8. Fig. 3» k- schubart i . after Vanzolini, 1548. Fig. 4, 1^. metae . after

Dunn, 1344. Fig. 5> k- caracasens i s . after Roze, 1952.

6 5. Scale rows 24 or fewei 6 5. Hlleras de escamas 24 o menos- Scale rows 26 or more anops Hileras de escamas 26 mas - anops

6. Two scales in contact with posterior margin of 6. Dos escamas en contacto con margen posterior de prefrontal between frontal and nasal J prefrontal entre frontal y nasal 7 Three scales in contact with prefrontal between Tres escamas en contacto con prefrontal entre frontal and nasal (Fig. 4) metae frontal y nasal (Fig. 4) metae

7. Ocular separated from labial by subocular- 7. Ocular separado de labial por subocular- Ocular in contact with labial row -10 Ocular en contacto ccn hilera labial -10

Prefrontal in contact with anterior half of Prefrontal en contacto con mitad anterior de nasal (Figs. 5> 6) 9 nasal (Figs. 5> 6) 9 Prefrontal not in contact with anterior half of Prefrontal no contacta la mitad anterior de nasal; posterior half of nasal contacts nasal, mitad posterior del nasal contacta con

i i rostral (Fig. 7) peters i i rostral (Fig. 7) peters

7 5

Lateral view of head of L i otyphlops species. Fig. 6, I., t erne tz i i . after Parker, I928 (holotype of

collenette i ). Fig. 7> k- peters i i . after Boulenger, 1893» Pig. 8, L. cucu tae . after Dunn, I944.

^'g- 9> k- quenther i . after Boulenger, 1893' I —


9. Uniform dark brown earaeasensi s 5* Castano oscuro uniforme caracasens is

Brown above, lighter beneath ternetz i i Arriba castano, claro abajo ternetz i i

10. Two preoculars (Fig. 8] 11 lO.Oos preoculares (Fig. 8) 11

One preocular (Fig. 5) guenther i Un preoculai quenther i

11. Scale rows 24; scales light with dark dot at ll.Hileras de escamas 24; escamas claras con punto base; length/diameter ratio 41 cucu tae negro en la base; proporcion largo/d iametro Scale rows 22; scales uniform dark; length/ 41 cucutae

diameter ratio 65 alb i rostr is Hileras de escamas 22; escamas oscuras unifor-

nes; proporcion largo/d iametro 65 alb i rostr i s


1857 Rh.[ inotyphloDs ] alb irostr is Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1857: 402. Type-locality: "Veragua," Panama. 1881 LiotyphloDS albirostris — Peters, Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch, Freunde Freiburg, 1881: 65.

I883 Typhlops ( I d i otyphlops ) emunctus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8 (3)' 3' Type-locality: Panama. 1%^ Helminthophis Canellei Mocquard. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, I5O3: 211. Type-locality: Isthmus of Panama.

1916 Helm i n thoph i s bondens i s Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7 (l915)- l65« Type-locality: Bonda, Colomb ia.

1932 L i otyphlops alb i rostr i s — Dunn, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 45: I76.

Distribution: Southern Central America and northern South America, including Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and Curasao.

Comment: Dunn, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 45, 193^, 17^j placed emunctus Garman as a synonym of

alb i rostr i s after examining both types. Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 3*> 1951> ^5, indicated that he thought emunctus was a valid species, but he did not document this sufficiently to permit the two species to be distinguished, so we follow Dunn until further information is presented.


I899 Helm i nthoph i s anops Cope, Phila. Mus. Sci. Bull., 1: 10, pi. 4, figs, la-lf. Type-locality: "Mew Grenada," which is Colombia; Dunn, Caldasia, 3, 19''*j ^> says "near Bogota."

1944 L i otyphlops anops — Dunn, Caldasia, J: 48.

Distribution: Provincias Santander and Cund i namarca, Colombia.


1952 L iotyphloDS caracasens i s Roze, Mem, Soc. Cien. Nat. La Salle, Caracas, 12 (32): 15''> 'f'GS. 1-2. Type-locality: Cuartel Urdaneta, Caracas, Venezuela.

Distribution; North central Venezuela.


1944 L i otyphlops cucutae Dunn, Caldasia, J: 49, figs. 5"6. Type-locality: Cucuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia, 215 ">•

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

LIOTYPHLOPS GUENTHER (Boulenger), new combination

I889 Helm i nthoph I s quenther i Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) 4: 36I. Type-locality: Porto Real, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1893 Helm i nthoph i s quenther i — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1: 6, pi. 1, fig. 2.

Distribution: Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I



1524 Helm i n thoph i s i ncertus Amaral, Prq.c. Mew England Zool. Club, '): 25. Type-locality: Surinan

1948 L.[ iotyphlops ] i ncertus — Vanzol in i . Rev. Brasil. Biol., 8: 38O.

Distribution: Surinam,


1544 L i otyphlops metae Dunn, Caldasia, 3= ^9> "f'gs- 3'^' Type-locality: V i llav icenc i 0, Meta, Colombia, 458 m.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


I885 Helm inthoph is peters i i Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., (6) 4: 36O. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador.

I853 Helm i nthoph i s peters i i — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1: 6, pi. 1, fig. 1.

1944 L i otyphlops peters i i Dunn, Proc, Biol, Soc. Washington, [ j — 4$: 175-

Distribution: Northwestern Ecuador.


L i i 1958 otyphlops rowan Smith and Grant, Herpet olog i ca, 14: 2O7. Type-locality; Pacific shoreline. Ft, Clayton Reservation, Panama Canal Zone, Panama,

Distribution: Known only from type locality,


1948 Liotyphlops schubarti Vanzolini, Rev. Brasil. Biol., 8: 375, figs. 1-2. Type-locality: Cachoeira de Emas, Sao Paulo, Brazil,

Distribution: Known only from type locality,


I896 Helm inthoph i s ternetz i i Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' 5^4. Type-locality: Paraguay.

1924 Helm i nthoph i s beu i Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, ^i 25. Type-locality: Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1928 Helminthoph is collenettei Parker, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., (lO) 2: 57, fig. Type-locality: Burity, 30 mi northeast of Coyaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil.

1955 Helminthophis t ernetz i i —Amaral . Mem, Inst, Butantan, 26 (l954): I9I, figs, 1-2,

1958 L i otyphlops ternetz i — Smith and Grant, Herpetolog ica, 14: 2O7, |_ j

Distribution: Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso, Brazil; northern Argentina,


I883 Typhlops W i Ider i Garman, Science Observer, Boston, 4 (5/6): 48. Type-locality: Sao Cyriaco, Brazil; noted as Cyriaco, near Serra Providencia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, by Hammar, Ann, Mag. Nat, Hist,, (b) 1, I9O8, 334; corrected by Marx, Fieldiana: Zool,, 36, 1958, 496, to Sao Cypriao, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

I9O8 Helm I nthoph i s wilder i — Hammar, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (b) 1: 334, figs. a-c. 1948 L.[ iotyphlopT] wilderi — Vanzolini, Rev. Brasil. Biol., 8: 38O.

Distribution: Minas Gerais, Brazil} Paraguay. 184 _ REPTILIA: SERPENTES: BOIDAE * * * LOXOCEMUS


1861 Loxocemus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1861: 1(s, Type-specles: Loxoceinus bicolor Cope. 1862 Plastoseryx Jan, Arch, ftlr Naturg., 28 (l): 244. Type-species: Plastoseryx Bronni Jan.

Distribution; Nayarit, western Mexico to Costa Rica.

Content: One species.


1861 Loxocemus bicolor Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1861: 77- Type-locality: Unknown; re- stricted to La Unicfn, El Salvador, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33> "^35^) 31^. 1862 Plastoseryx Bronni Jan, Arch, fur Naturg., 28 (l): 244. Type-locality:, America.

I876 Loxocemus sumjchrast i Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. Paris, (6) 4 (7): 1. Type-locality: Tehuante- pec, Mex ico. 1567 Loxocemus bicolor—Nelson and Meyer, SW Nat., 12: 439.

Distribution: On Pacific coast from Nayarit, Mexico to Costa Rica; Atlantic coast in northwestern Honduras. s


LYGOPHIS Fitzinger

1843 Lygoph i s Fitzinger, Systetna Reptilium: 26. Type-species: Given as Herpetodryas 1 i nea tus

Schlegel, which is Coluber 1 i nea tus Linnaeus.

1878 Aporoph i s Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 17: 3^* Type-species: Coluber 1 i nea tus Linnaeus.

Distribution: Northern and central South America.

Content: Eight species.

Key to the species Clave de espec i es

1. Seventeen scale rows at midbody 2 1. Diecisiete filas de escamas en el medio del Nineteen scale rows at midbody 6 cuerpo 2 Diecinueve filas de escamas en el medio del cuerpo 6 2. More than 14 maxillary teeth 3

Fewer than 15 maxillary teeth pauc i dens 2. Mas de 14 dientes maxilares 3

Menos de 15 dientes maxilares pauc i dens

3. More than I52 ventrals 4 3. Mas de I52 ventrales 4 Fewer than I52 ventrals amoenus Menos de 152 ventrales amoenus

4. Dorsal pattern without two yellow lines begin- 4. Diseno sin dos ifneas amarillas desde el hocico ning on snout 5 ...... 5 Two yellow lines beginning on snout Diseno con dos lineas amarillas desde el hocico

f la V i f rena tus f lav i f rena tus

5. Darl< vertebral and lateral lines broken or 5. L'neas oscuras vertebral y laterales discon- absent anteriorly, occasionally also post- tinuas ausentes a anterior; ocas ionalmente eriorly; scale edges usually dark; hemipenis tambien a posterior; hordes de las escamas

one-half b i lobated hours i er i usualmente oscuro; hemipene bilobulado hasta

Dark lines continuous anteriorly; dorsal la mi tad hours i er i ground color uniform brown or gray without Lineas oscuras continuas a anterior; dorso con

dark edges on scales; hemipenis one-third color de fondo uniforme castano gr i s sin

b i lobated tr i str ia tus hordes oscuros en las escamas; un tercio del hemipene bi lobulado tr istr ia tus

6. Not as below 7 6. No como el siguiente 7 Venter totally or partially red; tail red Vientre (total pare ialmente) rojo; cola ventrally with black border on individual ventralmente roja con hordes de placas en

ventrals corall i ventr i s negro corall i ventr is

i Head i i i i 7. and body dark brown an t oqu ens s 7. Cabeza y cuerpo castaiio oscuro ant oqu i ens s Head and body with prominent, contrasting Cabeza y cuerpo con cintas en marcado

i i str pes 1 nea tus contraste 1 i nea tus


I863 E.[nicoqnathus] amoenus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 27O. Type-locality: Unknown. 1525 Lygoph is amoenus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I69.

Distribution: Estado do Parana through Sao Paulo as far north as Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


1943 Rhadinaea ant i oqu i ens i Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 307. Type-locality: San Pedro, Antioquia, Colombia, 256O m.

1965 Lygoph i s ant i oqu iens is — Myers, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2385: 2, figs. I-3.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

368-492 O— 70 Hi i



1867 Dromicus Boursieri Jan. Icon, Gen. Ophid., Livr. 2$: pi. 2, fig. 2. Type-locality: Quito, Ecuador. 1882 Coronella Whymperi Boulenqer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 9: 460, fig. Type-locality: Milligalli, Ecuador. 1534 Lygophis boursieri — Shreve, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8: 125-

Distribution: R'o Pastaza region, Amazonian slopes and western slopes above 1000 m, Ecuador; southwestern Colombia.


An I854 Aporoph is corall i ventr is Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) I3: 3^6- Type-locality: island north of Concepcion, near San Salvador, north Paraguay.

1525 Lyqoph i s corall i ventr i s — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I65.

Distribution: Paraguay; Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


1862 Lygoph i s flay i f rena tus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Scl. Phila., 1862: 80. Type-locality: R'o Vermejo region, Paraguay, according to Cope; Cochran, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 224, 1561, !')(>, says Buenos

A ires. Argent i na. I867 Drom icus amab ills Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 24: pi. 5» fig- 2. Type-locality: Brazil.

Distribution: Paraguay; Argentina; southern Brazil as far north as Estado de S3o Paulo.


1758 Coluber 1 neatus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 221. Type-locality: Asia.

Lyqoph i s 1 i neatus Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 26. 1843 [ j —

Distribution: Panama; north and middle South America from northern Argentina; to northwestern Ecuador west of Andes.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Three distinct dark stripes not interrupted 1. Diseiio dorsal con tres bandas longitudi-

on neck; first through fourth series of nales no i nterrump i das en la nuca; primera dorsal scales white or nearly white 2 a cuarta fila la tero-dorsal blancas o casi Three indistinct dark stripes, interrupted blancas 2 on neck; lateral scales heavily dotted Diseno dorsal con tres bandas longitudi-

with blackj ventrals with lateral series nales i nterrump i das en la nuca; primera a

of black spots mer i d i onal i s cuarta fila latero-dorsal manchada de

negro mer i d i onal i s

2. Lateral stripe about one scale wide on body 2. Banda lateral del grosor de una escama o

i (much larger on head) 1 neatus ligeramente mayor 1 i neatus Literal stripe three or more scales wide Banda lateral del grosor de tres o mas

di lep i s escamas d i lep is

Lyqoph i s 1 inea tus 1 i neatus (Linnaeus)

1758 Coluber m inervae Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 226. Type-locality: "Indiis". 71766 Coluber jaculatr ix Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 38I. Type-locality: Suririam. 1826 Coluber terl ineatus Lacepede, Hist. Nat. Quad., Serp., Ne"w Ed., 4: 106 [not seen]. Type- locality: None given. 1953 Lygophis lineatus 1 ineatus — Hoqe. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 24 (1952): 24% fig. 1; pi. 1.

Distribution: Panama; northern South America; to northwestern Ecuador west of Andes.

Comment; It is not certain that Coluber jaculatr i x Linnaeus belongs in this synonymy, but Hoge, loc. cit., included in his species synonymy citations to Lacepede and Latreille which mentioned the Linnaean species. Boulenger dpes not mention jaculatr i x at all, and we have found no other discussion in the literature of its status. 1 .


Lyqoph i s 1 i neatus d i lep i s Cope

1862 Lygophis dilepis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862: 348. Type-locality: Paraguay. 1928 Aporophis lineatus lativittatus Muller, Zocl. Anz., 77: 74. Type-locality: San Fermin (Chiquitos), Bolivia, fig. 2. i 24 iq'i'^ Lygophis lineatus d lep i s — Hoqe. Mem. Inst. Butantan, (1952): 251,

Distribution: Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil through Mato Grosso and Paraguay to northern Argentina, according to Hoge, loc. cit.

Lygoph i s 1 i neatus mer i dional i s (Schenl

1901 Aporoph i s 1 i neatus var. mer i d i onal i s Schenkel, Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, I3 (19OO): 160. Type-locality: "Mte. Sociedad", Bemalcue, Paraguay.

19S2 Lygophis lineatus mer i dional i s — Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 24 (1952): 252, fig. 3.

Distribution: Southern Brazil, Paraguay, northern Argentina, according to Hoge, loc. cit.


1953 Lygophi s pauci dens Hoqe, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 24 (l952): 189- Type-locality; Mato Verde, Estado

de Go ias, Braz i 1

Distribution: Known only from type locality,

LYGOPHIS TRISTRIATUS (Rendahl and Vestergren)

1941 Rhadinaea tristriata Rendahl and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33* i^)' 5- Type-locality: Cauca, Colomb ia.

1969 Lygoph i s tr i str atus — Myers, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2385: 6.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 188 ___^ — LYSTROPHIS REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE -^ ^ ^


Wagler. 1826 Rhinostoma Fitzinqer, Neue Classification der Reptilien; 56. Type-species: Vipera nasua Suppressed by Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 658, 1564, 101. Dorbignyi 1885 Lystrophis Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 1884: I53. Type-species: Heterodon Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril.

Argentina, and Distribution: South and southeastern Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, north and central Uruguay.

Content: Three species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

2 1. Dorsals in 21 rows 2 1. Dorsales en 21 f i las

i icus Dorsals in I5 rows h i str icus Dorsales en I5 filas h str

2. Tip of tail very rounded; dorsum with succes- 2. Punta de la cola muy redondeada; coloracion ven- amarillos, negros s i ve rings of black, yellow, black, red; dorsal en anillos negros, y

ter predominantly black; ventrals more than rojos; vientre predom i nantemente negro; ven-

148 sem ic i nctus trales mas de 148 sem ic i nctus Tail ending in point; dorsal pattern of rounded Cola puntiaguda; coloracion dorsal de manchas black blotches or irregular transverse bands, circulares o bandas transversas irregulares usually bordered by yellow; coloration between negras usualmente bordeadas de amarillo; colo- spots usually red; venter with equal amounts racion entre las manchas usualmente roja; of red and black; ventrals fewer than 148 vientre con igual cantidad de rojo y negro;

i dorb i qny ventrales menos de 148 dorb i qny i

LYSTROPHIS DORBIGNYI (Dumeril, Bibron, and Dumeril)

Suppressed 18S0 "iper a ( Rhinostoma ) nasua Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib,: I7I. Type-locality: America. by Int. Comm. Zool. Nomen., Op. 658, 1564, 101. I854 Heterodon Dorbignyi Dumeril, Bibron, and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' 772. Type-locality: The series of syntypes apparently came from four areas, including Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santa Cata- rina, and "Bresil", without more precise data. No restrictions have been made. 1885 '-ystroDhis dorbiqnyi— Cope. Proc. 'Amer. Phil. Soc, 1884: I53,

i i- 1566 Lyst roph s dorb i qny — Orejas Miranda, Copeia, I566: I56, figs. 8a b, ')a-d.

Distribution; Between 25 and 40° S: southeastern and southern Paraguay, southern Brazil, central Argentina east of the Andes, and Uruguay.


186? Heterodon histricus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 224. Type-locality: unknown.

I867 Heterodon naftereri Ste i ndachner, Re i se der Osterre ich i schen Fregatte Novara, Zool., Reptiles; 50. Type-locality; Brazil. 1894 Lystrophis histricus— Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2; I52. 1966 Lystrophis histricus — Orejas Miranda, Copeia, I566: 203, "figs. 8e-f, 5f.

Distribution: Between 15° and 34° S: southern and southeastern Brazil, northeastern Argentina, Paraguay, and northeastern Uruguay.

LYSTROPHIS SEMICINCTUS (Dumlril, Bibron, and Dumeril)

I854 Heterodon semi-ci nctus Dumeril, Bibron, and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 774. Type-locality; "a Buenos Ayres i et Santa-Cruz" i (see note under Lystroph s dorb qny i ). I863 Heterodon pulcher Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 222. Type-locality: Bolivia. I854 Lystrophis semicinctus— Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I53.

1528 Lystrophis semicinctus weiser i Muller, Zool. Anz., 77= 72. Type-locality: Catamarca, Argentina. 1566 Lystrophis semicinctus — Ore |as Miranda, Copeia, I566: 202, figs. 8c-d, 5e.

Distribution: 20° Between and 30° S; central and northern Argentina, southwestern Brazil, southern Bolivia, and probably northern Paraguay. i


MASTICOPHIS Baird and Girard

1853 Mast icoph is Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Amer. Rept.: 5^. Type-species: Mast icoph is ornatus Baird and Girard.

Distribution: Southern and western United States to northern Colombia and Venezuela.

Content: Eight species, of which only one is found within limits of this work.

MASTICOPHIS MENTOVARIUS Dumeril, Bibron and Ducneril

C[ Mento-var ius Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Type-locality: ISJ* orYPhodon J Erp. Gen., 7' I87. Mexico,

1523 Mast icoph i s men tovar ius—Ortenburger, Dec. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 135- 2.

Distribution: San Lui's Potosi and Guerrero, Mexico through Central America to Colombia and Venezuela.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Juveniles with longitudinal stripes, adults 1. Juveniles con cintas long tudi nales, los may show stripes or be unicolor; nasal adultos pueden presentar bandas sen uni- divided 2 color; nasal dividida 2 Juveniles with irregular transverse dorsal Juveniles con bandas dorsales, trans- bands; adult color unl

central i s desconocido; nasal entera central is

2. Juveniles with two lateral light stripes, 2. Juveniles con dos cintas laterales Claras, head in adults heavily mottled and cabeza del adulto intensamente moteada y spotted mentovar ius manchada mentovar ius Juveniles with four or more light stripes. Juveniles con cuatro mas cintas claras,

head in adults immaculate suborb i tal is cabeza del adulto inmaculada-- suborbitalis

Mast icoph i s mentovar ius mentovar i us Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril

1067 Bascan i on suboculare Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1866: 315' Type-locality: Between Coban and Clusec (corrected to Chisec by Stuart, I366), Guatemala.

1942 Mast icoph i s m[ en tovar i us j mentovar ius—Sm i th. Cope i a, 1942: 87.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, to Honduras on Caribbean slope and from Guerrero, Mexico, to Costa Rica along Pacific.

Mast icoph i s mentovar i us central i s (Roze)

'): 1953 Coluber ( Mast icoph is ) mentovar i us central i s Roze, Herpetolog ica, II7. Type-locality: Maicao, Guajira, Colombia.

Distribution: Panama and northern Colombia to northwest Venezuela.

Mast icoph i s mentovar ius suborb i tal i s (Peters)

1868 Sp i lotes cora i s var. suborb i tal i s Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin: 641. Type- locality: Caracas, Venezuela.

1942 Mast icoph i s mentovar i us suborbi tal i s —Smith, Copeia, 1942: 86.

Distribution: Northern and southeastern Venezuela; Isla Margarita. —



1843 Eudryas Fitzinger (preoccupied by Eudryas Boisduval, 1835)) Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-species:

Coluber Boddaert i Sentzen.

i 1535 Mast i qodryas Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 8 (l933"3'')' 157- Type-species: Mast qodryas dan i el i Amaral.

1539 Dryadoph i s Stuart (substitute name for Eudryas Fitzinger), Copeia, 1939' 55-

Distribution; Mexico through Central and South America to Argentina.

Content: Eleven species arranged in four species groups; one ( brues i Barbour) ex tral im i tal.

Comment: Romer, Osteology of the Reptiles, 1955, pointed out that Mast i qodryas and Dryadoph i s were

Synonymous. He did not use Mast i qodryas for the taxon. It is the prior name, however, and one of us (Peters) has examined the type, which clearly indicates the synonymy of the two taxa, so the earlier name is used here.

Key to the species Clave de espec i es

1. With 17 scale rows at midbody- 1. Con 17 filas de escamas en el medio cuerpo 2

W i th 15 scale rows at midbody- -b if ossatus Con 15 filas de escamas en el medio cuerpo

b i f ossatus

2. Usually nine supralab ials; dorsal pattern lacks 2. Normalmente nueve supralab iales; diseno dorsal alternate lateral and dorsal rectangular dark sin manchas rectangulares laterales y dorsales blotches 3 oscuras alternadas 3 Usually eight supralab ials; dorsal pattern with Normalmente ocho supralab iales; diseno dorsal alternate lateral and dorsal rectangular dark con manchas rectangulares laterales y dorsales

blotches pulchr iceps oscuras alternadas pulchr i ceps

4 3. With vertebral stripe at least anteriorly 3. Con 1 1 nea vertebral por lo menos anter iormente- Without vertebral stripe anteriorly 6 4

Sin iTnea vertebral anter i ormente 6

4. Lacking lateral stripes, or if present, never 4. Lineas laterales ausentes, si estan presentes fused with vertebral stripe posteriorly 5 nunca fusionadas con la 1 'nea vertebral poste- Two dorsolateral stripes anteriorly which fuse ri ormente 5 with vertebral stripe on posterior part of Dos I'neas dorsola terales anteriores que se

body; lateral dark stripe present plee i fusionan con la vertebral poster i ormente;

linea oscura lateral presente plee i

5. Light lateral line on part of fourth and fifth 5. L'nea clara lateral sobre parte de la cuarta y

rows i i i i sanqu ventr s qu nta f las sanqu i ventr i s

i Light lateral line on third row dorsal s Linea clara lateral sobre tercera f i la- dorsal i s

6. Dorsum unicoloi -7 6. Dorso unicoloi 7 Some indication of dorsal pattern- Con por lo menos alguna indicacion de diseno dorsal 8

Subcaudals 100 1 i 7. fewer than dan el 7. Subcaudales menos de 100 dan i el i Subcaudals more than 100 melanolomus Subcaudales mas de 100 melanolomus

8. Pattern reticulate, each scale with distinct 8. Diseno reticulado, cada escama con consp'cuo black borders melanolomus borde negro melanolomus Pattern not reticulate, each scale may have Oisefio no reticulado, cada escama puede tener slightly darker borders 9 hordes ligeramente oscuros 9

9. One or more light lateral stripes on body 10 9. Una o mas cintas laterales claras en el cuerpo- No lateral light stripes melanolomus 10 Sin cintas laterales claras melanolomus

10. Dorsal pattern with one light stripe dorso- ICDiseRo dorsal con una l'nea dorsolateral clara- laterally 11 11 Dorsal pattern with two lateral light lines--12 Diseno dorsal con dos I'neas claras laterales 12 11. Dorsolateral light line on fourth, fifth and 11. L'nea dorsolateral clara sobre cuarta, quinta y sixth rows heath i i sexta f ilas heath i i Dorsolateral light line on fourth and fifth Linea dorsolateral clara sobre cuarta y quinta rows i i boddaert f las boddaert i I i — —


12. Upper lateral light stripe on scale rows four 12.Cinta clara lateral superior en hileras de and five only 13 escamas cuatro y cinco solamente 13 Upper lateral light stripe on scale rows three, Cinta clara lateral superior en hileras de

four and five amaral i escamas tres, cuatro y cinco amaral i

13. More than 110 subcaudals lA 13. Mas de 110 subcaudales 14 Fewer than 110 subcaudals melanoloinus Menos de 110 subcaudales melanolomus

14. Upper light stripe without border 15 14. Cinta clara superior sin borde 15 Upper light stripe with prominent dark bordei Cinta clara superior con borde oscuro promi-

boddaert i boddaert i nent e

i 15. Lateral light stripes prominent boddaert i IJ.Cintas Claras laterales prominentes boddaert Lateral light stripes obscure melanolomus Cintas Claras laterales confusas melanolomus

MASTIGODRYAS AMARAL (Stuart), new combination

plee i group

1938 Eudrvas amarali Stuart. Copeia, 1538: ?• Type-locality: Margarita Island, Venezuela. 1541 Dryadophis amarali —Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 45; 57, pi. 3, fig. 3.

1966 Drvadoph i s amaral —Roze, La Taxonom'a y Zoogeograf fa de Los Of idios en Venezuela; II6, Map 24.

Distribution: Margarita Island and dry areas in northeastern Venezuela; Tobago Island.

MAST IGODRYAS BIFOSSATUS (Raddi), new combination

b i f ossa tus group

1820 Coluber bifossatus Raddi. Mem. Soc. Italiana Sc i . Modena, 18: 333. Type-locality: Rio de

Jane i ro, Braz i 1.

Dryadophis b i fossa tus Stuart . Copeia, I939: 1939 [ j— 55.

Distribution: From northern South America in Venezuela and Colombia to southern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and northeastern Argentina.

Content: Four subspecies; three according to latest revision by Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 1941, 49, and one described by Hoge, 1952.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Body pattern of less than 48 constricted, 1. Diseflo de bandas transversas anchas, broad, dark crossbands, or series of dark oscuras y constreT i das, en numero menor dorsal and lateral blotches; total ven- de 48, series de manchas oscuras dor- trals less than 2/8 2 sales y laterales; ventrales totales menos Body pattern of 5O-62 continuous dark de 278 2 crossbands; total ventrals more than 2/6 Diseno de bandas transversas angostas, con-

str i atus tfnuas y oscuras; en numero mayor de 49; ventrales totales m^s de 278 str iatus 2. Body pattern of dark crossbands unbroken 2. DisePlo de bandas transversas oscuras, no laterally 3 Body pattern of series of dark, dorsal interrumpidas lateralmente- 3 blotches separated from lateral series of Oisefio de series de manchas oscuras doi similar blotches tr iser iatus sales, separadas de series laterales simi- lares tr iser iatus 3. Broad crossbands, with lateral constriction but at least four scale rows wide at mid- 3. Anchas bandas transversas con constriccion do rsum b if ossatus lateral, por lo menos de cuatro escamas de Crossbands triangular, very constricted ancho en el medio dorso b if ossatus middorsally, never more than two scale Bandas transversas triangulares, muy cons— trefiidas medio dorsalmente, donde nunca rows wide at middorsum v i llela i alcanzan mas de dos escamas de ancho

v I llela i i


Mast igodryas b if ossatus bifossatus (Raddi), new combination

des Zoologischen Museums i Doubletten i Verzeichniss der 1823 Coluber cap i stratus L chtenste n, der Konigl. Universitat zu Berlin: 104. Type-locality: Brazil. -Carol. , 12 Type-locality: 1825 Coluber L ichtenste i n i Wied. Nova Acta Acad. Leop. (2): 493. Braz il. 2: pi. I837 Coluber panther inus Schlegel (not of DaudinJ, Essa i Physion. Serpens, 143, 5, figs. 13-14. Type-locality: "St. Paul" [Sao PauloJ, Brazil. Univ. Mich., pi. 1941 Dryadophis bifossatus b if ossatus — Stuart . Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. 49: 39, 2, fig. 5-

Distribution: From Rio Grande do Sul to Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, Brazil) Uruguay.

Mast i qodryas b if ossatus str ia tus (Amaral), new combination

1931 Drymobius bifossatus striatus Amaral. Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 4: 86. Type-locality:

V i llav Icencio, Colombia. 1941 Dryadophis bifossatus striatus-—Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 49, pi. 2, fig. 4.

Distribution: Eastern Colombia, southern Venezuela, northern Brazil.

Mastigodryas bifossatus triserlatus (Amaral), new combination

IS^l Drymobius bifossatus triseriatus Amaral. Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 4: 86. Type- locality: Taunay, Mato Grosso, Brazil. 1941 Dryadophis bifossatus triseriatus—Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 49: 43, pi. 2, fig. 2.

Distribution: Northern Argentina, Bolivia; Mato Grosso, Goias and Ceara, Brazil.

Mastigodryas bifossatus villelai (Hoge), new combination

1952 Dryadophis bifossatus villelai Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 24: 184, pi. 1-3, fig. Type- locality: Santa Izabel, Uha do Bananal, Estado de Goii's, Brazil.

Distribution: Known from Goias, Para, and Mato Grosso, Brazil; Bananal Island and

vie i n i ty.

MASTIGODRYAS BODDAERT I (Sentzen), new combination

boddaert i group

1796 Coluber Boddaerti Sentzen, Oph iolog ische Fragjente, Meyer's Zool. Arch., 2: 59. Type-locality: Unknown. 1939 Dryadophis [ boddaerti ]—Stuart, Copeia, 1939: 55.

Distribution: Tropical South America, from Colombia and Venezuela to Bolivia and western Brazil.

Content: Three subspecies, according to latest revision by Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 1949, 49.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Upper light stripe not bordered by darker 1. Banda clara superior no marginada 2 color 2 Banda clara superior con conspTcuos hordes Upper light stripe with prominent dark oscuros ruthveni borders ruthveni 2. Con dos bandas Claras laterales dunni 2. Two lateral light stripes dunni Con una banda clara lateral boddaerti

Single light lateral stripe boddaert i . i


Mast i qodryas boddaert i boddaert i (Sentzen), new combination

184S Coluber fuscus Hallowell. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1845: 241. Type-locality: 200 mi of Caracas, Republic of Colombia [Venezuela]. 18S8 Herpetodryas rappii Gijnther, Cat. Col. Sn. Brit. Mus., 116. Type-locality: Many locali- ties in South America. 71863 Herpetodryas ret iculata Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863: 28$. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador (Questionably synonymized with boddaert i by Stuart, 1541). Zool. Univ. Mich., 49: pi. 1541 Drvadophis boddaert i boddaert i —Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. 66, 4, fig. 1.

Distribution: Amazon basin from lower slopes of Andes to mouth of Amazon Riverj from Bolivia to Colombia, except Santa Marta region; extreme western Venezuela west of Andes on Pacific slope of Colombia and Ecuador; an isolated colony in Bah'a, Brazil is cited by Stuart, 1941.

Mast i qodryas boddaert i dunn i (Stuart), new combination

Tobago 1933 Eudrvas dunni Stuart, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 254: 5. Type-locality: Island, British West Indies.

1939 Drvadophis [ dunni ] —Stuart, Copeia, 1939: 55. 1941 Drvadophis boddaerti dunni —Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus, Zool. Univ. Mich., 49: 76, pi. 3, fig. 6.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Mast iqodryas boddaert i ruthven i (Stuart), new combination

1933 Eudryas ruthveni Stuart. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 254: 4. Type-locality: slopes of San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada, Santa Marta, Colombia, 5OOO ft. 1939 Drvadophis [ ruthveni ]—Stuart, Copeia, I939: 55.

1941 Drvadoph is boddaert i ruthven i —Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 49: 4, pl. 3> fig. 5.

Distribution: Known only from Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia, above 2200 ft.

MASTIGODRYAS DANIEL 1 Amaral group unknown

19'=t5 Mastiqodryas danieli Amaral. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 8 (l933-34): I58. Type-locality: Medell'n,

Colomb i a

1935 Mast iqodryas un icolor Amaral (lapsus for dan i el Amaral), Mem. Inst. Butantan, 8 (l933"3*)' 155-

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

MASTIGODRYAS DORSAL IS (Bocourt), new combination mela nolomu s group

I89O Orymobius Eudryas is ( ) dorsal Bocourt, Miss. Sc i . Mex., Rept.: 724, pl. 51, fig, 2a-d, Type- locality: Guatemala,

iq^q Dryadophis [ dorsal i s ]— Stuart , Copeia, I939: 55,

1941 Dryadophis dorsal i s Stuart Misc, Publ, — ^ Mus, Zool. Univ. Mich,, 49: 95, pl. 4, fig, 5.

Distribution: Highlands of western and southern Guatemala; Honduran uplands.

Comment: Lynch and Smith, Trans. Kansas Acad. i Sc . , 69, I966, 69, considered this a subspecies of ^1. melanolomus. i


MASTIGODRYAS HEATH I I (Cope), new combination

boddaert i group

18/6 DrYmobius heath! Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., (2) 8 (I875): I75. Type-locality: Valley of Jequetepeque, Peru.

1535 Dryadophis [ heath i i j—Stuart. Copeia, 1935: 55. 1941 Dryadophis heathii —Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 45, pi. 4, fig. 2.

Distribution: Coastal Peru.

MAST IGODRYAS MELANOLOMUS (Cope), new combination melanolomus group

1868 Masticophis melanolomus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 13^. Type-locality; Yucatan, Mex ico. 1935 Dryadophis [ melanolomus ]—Stuart, Copeia, I939: 55.

Distribution: Mexico through Central America to Panama.

Content: Seven subspecies (five discussed in most recent revision by Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool, Univ. Mich., 1941, 49, plus two described by Smith, I943). Three (veraecrucis Stuart, slevini

Stuart, and i stuart Smith) extral im i tal; slevini Stuart, was mentioned from Volcan Zunil, Guate- mala, by Stuart, 1941, loc. cit., but Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122, I963, does

not include slev i ni as a Guatemalan form.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dorsal pattern not uniform 2 1. DiseHo dorsal no uniforme 2 Dorsal pattern uniform olive tehuanae Oise^o oliva unfforme tehuanae

2. Pattern not reticulate 3 2. DiseHo no reticulado 3 Pattern reticulate melanolomus DiseRo reticulado melanolomus

3. Two light longitudinal bands on each side — J, Dos bandas long i tud inales claras a cada alternatus lado del cuerpo alternatus Body pattern of narrow, light crossbands DiseRo de bandas claras transversas, sobre anteriorly laevis la parte anterior del cuerpo laevis

Mast igodrvas melanolomus melanolomus (Cope), new combination

1941 Dryadophis melanolomus melanolomus—Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 49: 88, pi. 4, fig. 4.

Distribution: Lowlands of Yucatan Peninsula south to central El Peten, Guatemala.

Mast iqodryas melanolomus alternatus (Bocourt), new combination

1884 Coryphodon alternatus Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: I33. Type-locality: Isthmus de Darien, Panama. 1933 Eudryas boddaerti qaigae Stuart. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 254: 7. Type-locality: Wright's ranch, Boquete, Chiriquf Province, Panama.

Distribution: Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.

Mastiqodryas melanolomus laevis (Fischer), new combination

1881 Herpetodrvas Laevis Fischer, Arch, fur Naturg.: 227. Type-locality: Guatemala. 1885 Dromicus coeruleus Fischer, Jahrb. Wiss. Anst. Hamburg, 2, 1884; IO3, pi. 4, fig. 7- Type-locality: Cobtfn, Guatemala.

1903 Drymobius boddaert i var modesta Werner, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Milnchen, (2) 24: 3*6. Type-locality; Coban, Guatemala. 1941 Dryadophis melanolomus laevis—Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 49: 86.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations in mountains of Alia Verapaz, Guatemala.- i S


Mast igodryas melanolomus tehuanae (Smith), new combination

19*3 Drvadoph is melanolomu s tehuanae Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 93= ''20. Type-locality: Cerro Guengola, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from Nayarit, Mexico, along Pacific slope south to western Guatemala.

MASTIGODRYAS PLEEI (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril), new combination

plee i group

I854 Drvadophis Pleei Dumlril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' 66I. Type-locality; Venezuela.

I87O Herpetodryas qu i nquel ineatus Ste i ndachner, Sitz. Math.-Naturwi ss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 61; "^iO. Type-locality: Rio Vaupes, [Brazil or ColombiaJ.

1877 Dromicus ( Alsoph is ) macul i vi tt is Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I877: 458. Type-locality: Calabozo, Venezuela. 1887 Alsophis pulcher Garman, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 24; 283. Type-locality: Testigos Islands. DryadophisTpleei Stuart, 1939 ]— Copeia, I939: 55. 1941 Dryadophis pleei —Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 49: 53, pi. 3, figs. 1-2.

Distribution: Arid parts of Panama, Colombia, and Venezuelaj also Margarita and Testigos Islands.

MASTIGODRYAS PULGHRICEPS (Cope), new combination group unknown

1868 Masticophis pulchrlceps Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Pnila., 1868: IO5. Type-locality: Plateau Valley of Quito, Ecuador. 1905 Coluber fasciatus Rosen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 1$: 172, pi. 11, fig. 2. Type-locality: Ecuador. 1939 Dryadophis [ pulchri ceps ]—Stuart, Copeia, I939; 55.

19^11 Dryadophis pulchriceps—Stuart . Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 49: ^0, pi. 2, fig. 3-

Distribution: Guaymas Basin and more humid habitats of west central Ecuador.

MASTIGODRYAS SANGU I VENTR I (Taylor), new combination melanolomus group

iqS4 Dryadophis sanou ventr is Taylor. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 36: 722. Type-locality: Esquinas, Forest Reserve, Las Esquinas (between Palmar and Golfito), Punta Arenas Province, Costa Rica.

Distribution: Known from type locality and Los Diamantes, near Gu^piles, Costa Rica. — —

196 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: ELAPIDAE • *** Prepared by Janis Roze, American Museum of Natural History. New York, New York


1824 Micrurus Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 48. Type-species: Micrurus sp ix i i Wagler.

Distribution: Southern United States throughout neotropical region to northern Argentina.

Content: Forty-six species, eight of which are ex tral im i tal.

Key to the species Clave de espec i es

1. Pattern of triads of black bands (black-white- 1. Coloracion de triadas de bandas negras (negro-

black-white-black) separated by red bands on blanco-negro-blanco-negro) , separadas por body 2 bandas rojas, cubre todo el cuerpo 2 Color pattern not forming triads 16 Bandas negras no forman triadas 16

2. Anal plate divided 3 2. Placa anal dividida 3 - Anal plate undivided- hempr ich i i Placa anal entera hempr ich i i

3. First triad represented by more than one band 3. Primera triada representada por mas de una 1 ban da negra 4 Only lastblack band of first body triad present En primera triada solamente ultima banda negra (first two black bands are absent )- dissoleucus presente (dos bandas negras anteriores ausentes) di ssoleucus

4, First triad represented by two bands 5 4. Primera triada representada por dos bandas First triad complete, consisting of three negras 5 black bands 5 Primera triada completa, formada por tres bandas negras 3

5. More than nine triads on body 6 5. Mas de nueve triadas sobre el cuerpo 6 Fewer than ten triads on body sp ix i i Menos de dlez triadas sobre el cuerpo sp i x i i

6. of Dorsum head black, including parietals / 6. Toda la parte superior de la cabeza negra, Some light bands present on head 8 incluyendo parietales "J Bandas claras presentes en la parte superior de la cabeza 8 7. Supra-anal tubercles present in males; fewer

14 i than triads on body dumer i 1 i 7. Tuberculos supraanales presentes en machos; No supra-anal tubercles present; 14 or more menos de 14 triadas sobre el cuerpo dumer i 1 i i triads on body bocourt i No hay tuberculos supraanales; 14 mas triadas

sobre el cuerpo bocourt i

8. Temporals usually 0-1; white bands without 8. Temporales usualmente 0-1; bandas blancas sin black spots decoratus manchas negras decoratus Temporals 1-1; white bands with abundant black Temporales 1-1; bandas blancas con abundantes spots eleqans manchas negras eleqans

5. Several supracephal ic scales black, not out- 9. Varias escamas supracefal icas negras, sin lined by black; frontal wider than supraocular hordes negros; frontal mas ancha que IQ supraoculai 10

All supracephal ic scales red, outlined by Todas las escamas supracefal i cas rojas con black; frontal not wider than supraocular; 6-5 hordes negros; frontal no mas ancha que supra-

complete triads on body sur inamens i s ocular; 6-3 triadas completas sobre el cuerpo-

sur i namens i s

10. First triad normal; first white band not 10. Primera triada normal; primera banda blanca no

obi i que 11 oblicua 11 First two black bands in first triad anchor Primeras dos bandas negras de primera triada shaped, outlining oblique first white band, forman una figura de ancla, primera banda which is interrupted or nearly interrupted on blanca oblicua, interrumpida casi interrum- middorsal line; 12-21 black triads ancoralis p i da sobre 1 i nea media dorsal; 12-21 triadas

negras sobre el cuerpo ancoral i s — i


11. No red band, or red and white bands present on 11. Sin banda roja o con bandas rojas y blancas en supracephal ic scales; first nuchal black band las escamas supracefal icas; primera banda usually does not cover parietal tips 12 negra nucal usualmente no cubre los apices Single red band or spot present on parietals; parietales 12 some light spots occasionally present on Con una sola banda mancha roja en parietales, snout; first nuchal black band usually reaches ocas ionalmente con algunas manchas claras en and covers parietal tips 5^ el hocico; primera banda negra nucal usual- mente llega hasta y cubre los apices parie- tales "J^ 12. Fewer than 26^ ventrals in both sexes 13 More than 27O ventrals in both sexes; 14-20 12,Menos de 26^ ventrales en ambos sexos I3

triads on body f i 1 i form i s Mas de 27O ventrales en ambos sexos; 14-20

triadas sobre el cuerpo f i 1 i form i s

13.Snout all black; white in^ernasal band present, 13*lodo el hocico negro; una banda internasal well outlined and regular; black supraocular blanca presente, n'tidamente formada y regu- band of different width followed by red that lar; banda supraocular negra de diferente covers posterior part of parietals, posterior ancho seguida por rojo que cubre la parte temporals and first dorsal scales 14 posterior de parietales, temporales poste-

No white internasal band, or when present, ii riores y las primeras escamas dorsales 14 regular, narrow and with black spots; parie- Sin banda blanca internasal 0, cuando presente, tals all black or with some light, irregular irregular, angosta y con manchas negras; todas spots at least anteriorly 15 las parietales negras con algunas manchas

claras irregulares por lo menos anter i ormen te- _ 15 14.Subcaudals fewer than 28, usually below 25; 7"9 black triads in males and f-lO in females 14. Subcaudales menos de 28, usualmente menos de

i b i boboca 25; 7"9 triadas negras en machos y "J-IO en

Subcaudals 27 or more, usually over 3^5 excep- hembras i b i boboca tionally 8, usually more triads in both sexes- Subcaudales 27 o mas, usualmente mas de 3^^;

lemn i scatus excepc onalmente 8, usualmente mas triadas en

ambos sexos lemn i scatus

15. Snout black; irregular white internasal band 15. Hocico negro; con banda internasal blanca includes anterior part of frontal and supra- irregular que incluye la parte anterior de

oculars; all or at least posterior part of frontal y supraoculares ; todas o por lo menos parietals, temporals and at least first three la parte posterior de las parietales rojas

rows of dorsals red, latter without or como tambien las temporales y por lo menos las with barely visible black tips; J-IO triads on tres primeras dorsales que no poseen apices

body i b i boboca negros apices negros apenas percept ibles;

Snout usually with some white spots; usually no 7-IO triadas sobre el cuerpo i b i boboca internasal band, when present irregular and Hocico usualmente con algunas manchas blancas; narrow, spotted with black and covering part of sin banda internasal o cuando presente, irre- prefrontal; all or at least posterior part of gular, angosta y manchada de negro, cubre parte parietals black; first dorsals usually red de prefron tales; todas por lo menos la parte with large black tips; usually more than 10 posterior de parietales negras; las primeras

tr iads frontal i s dorsales usualmente rojas con apices de escamas consp 'cuamente negros; usualmente mas

de 10 triadas frontal i s 16. At least some bands present 17 Body black with more than 13O rows of trans- 16. Por lo menos algunas bandas presentes I7 verse white spots; no bands distinguishable Cuerpo negro con mas de I3O hileras de manchas

marqar i t i f erus blancas transversales; no hay bandas regulares

sobre el cuerpo marqar i t i f erus

17.More than nine black bands present 18 17.Mas de nueve bandas negras presentes 18 Fewer than 10 black bands on body Menos de 10 bandas negras sobre el cuerpo

la t i f asc ia tus lat i fasc iatus

18. Head black (black cap present), including part IS.Cabeza negra (con casquete negro), incluyendo or all of parietals; no light band interrupts parte todas las parietales; ninguna banda black cap 15 clara interrumpe el casquete negro 19 Black reduced on head, not or barely reaching Color negro sobre la cabeza reducido, sin parietals, or at least one 1 ight band crosses llegar apenas llegando a parietales, por head on or anterior to parietals 3* lo menos una banda clara cruza las parietales o delante de ellas 3^ — i —


15'Solid black color reachs beyond parietals, 15.Color negro solido llega mas alia de parie- including one or more dorsal scale rows, tales, incluyendo una mas dorsales, todas all temporals and almost all supralabials 20 las temporales y casi todas las supralab iales- Blacl< usually does not cover all temporals, or 20 with some light spots on supracephal ic scales, El negro usualmente no cubre todas las tempo- or black on posterior part of parietals rales, o existen manchas claras sobre las reduced; only few supralabials black; black escamas supracefal icas, el negro esta redu- tips on red scales present or absent 21 cido sobre la parte posterior de las parie-

tales; solo unas pocas supralab i ales negras; apices negros sobre las escamas rojas 20. Black bands cover 10 or more dorsal scales; presentes ausentes 21 red scales with black tips pu tumayens is Black bands cover fewer than 10 dorsals; no 20. Las bandas negras ocupan diez o mas escamas

black tips on red scales averv i dorsales; escamas rojas con apices negros

putumayens i s Las bandas negras ocupan menos de diez escamas 21.Fewer than 7^^ black bands in males; fewer than dorsales; sin apices negros a very i 80 in females 22 More than fi black bands in males; more than 21. Menos de 7'^ bandas negras en machos, y menos de ' 84 in females albicinctus 80 en hembras 22 Mas de 1^ bandas negras en machos, y mas de 84 en hembras albici nctus

22, Some i nf racephal ic scales always black, parti-

cularly infra lab ials 23 22.Algunas escamas i nf racefal icas siempre negras,

i All i nf racephal i c scales white, some outlined sobre todo las nf ralab iales 23 with salt and pepper borders; 13-20 black Todas las escamas inf racefal icas blancas, al-

body bands in both sexes dark i gunas delimitadas por un borde salpicado negruzco; 13-20 bandas negras en ambos sexos

dark i 23. More than 3I black bands in males; more than 33 in females 24 23. Mas de 3I bandas negras en machos; mas de 33 6" Fewer than 32 black bands in males; fewer than hembras 24 32 in females 26 Menos de 32 bandas negras en machos; menos de 32 en hembras 26

24. Narrow white bands usually present on body, 24. Con bandas blancas angostas sobre el cuerpo, delimiting black bands; no small white supra- separando las negras; sin manchas claras

cephalic spots, but snout occasionally lighter supracefal i cas, pero el hocico ocas onalmente than rest of head; usually not more than 3O mas claro que el resto de la cabeza; usual- black bands in males (occasionally up to 3S)> mente menos de 3*^ bandas negras en machos fewer than 35 i" females (occasionally up to (ocas ionalmente hasta 3^), menos de 35 ^^

42) 25 hembras ( ocas ionalmente hasta 42) 25 Black bands delimited by transverse rows of Bandas negras delimitadas por hileras trans- white spots; red bands either present or versales de manchas blancas; bandas rojas replaced by black; some small white spots presentes reemplazadas por negras; algunas usually present on supracephal ic scales, pai manchas claras usualmente presentes sobre

ticularly supraoculars; 32-67 black bands in escamas supracefal i cas, part icularmen te las

i machos, males, 35"75 ' "^ females lanqsdorf f supraoculares; 32-67 bandas negras en 35-79 e" hembras lanqsdorf f i

25.Ventrals 200-216 in males, 225-234 in females; 25.Ventrales 200-216 en machos, 225-234 en hem- 24-38 black bands in males, 30-^2 in females-- bras; 24-38 bandas negras en machos, 30-^2 en

i ste i ndachner i hembras ste i ndachner Ventrals 180-200 in males, 192-218 in females; Ventrales 180-200 en machos, 192-218 en hem- 15-22 black bands In males, 22-41 in females-- bras; 15-22 bandas negras en machos, 22-41 en psyches hembras psyches

26. Black cap does not cover all of parietals; 26.Casquete negro no cubre todas las parietales; posterior border of black cap usually angular- borde posterior de casquete usualmente —27 angulai 27 Slack head cap covers all of parietals- — 25 Casquete negro cubre todas las parietales 29

27.Subcaudals 3I Of" more in females, 46 or more 27.Subcaudales 3I mas en hembras, 46 mas en in males; supra-anal tubercles present at machos; tuberculos supraanales presentes por least in males 28 lo menos en machos 28 Subcaudals 26-31 in females, 41-47 in males; no Subcaudales 26-3I en hembras, 41-47 en machos;

supra-anal tubercles present corall i nus sin tuberculos supraanales corall i nus 199 MICRURUS

28. Supra-anal tubercles present only in males; 28. Tuberculos supraanales presentes solo en ventrals 177-204 in males, 154-217 in females- maclios; 177"204 ventrales en machos, 154-217

i 1 i i dumer en hem bra s dumer i 1 i i Supra-anal tubercles present in Both sexes; Tuberculos supraanales presentes en ambos 205-224 ventrals in males, 221-237 in females- sexos; 205-224 ventrales en machos, 221-237 en

i alien hembras alien i

25. Supra-anal tubercles present in either both 25. Tuberculos supraanales presentes en ambos sexos sexes or in males only 3^ o solo en machos 3O No supra-anal tubercles present 31 Sin tuberculos supraanales 3I

30. Supra-anal tubercles present in both sexes; 30. Tuberculos supraanales presentes en ambos 205-224 ventrals in males and 221-237 in sexos; 205-224 ventrales en machos, 221-237 en

females alien i hembras alien i Supra-anal tubercles present only in males; Tuberculos supraanales presentes solo en 177-204 ventrals in males and 154-217 in machos; 177"204 ventrales en machos, 154-217

f ema les dumer i 1 i i en hembras dumer i 1 i i

31. More than 21 black bands in males, 200 or more 31.Bandas negras 22 mas en machos; 200 mas ventrals in males, or when fewer than 200, ventrales en machos, 0, cuando menos, enton- then more than 24 black bands 3^ ces mas de 24 bandas negras J2 Fewer than 23 black bands in males, 180-200 Bandas negras 22 menos en machos; 180-200 ventrals in males, and 152-218 in females ventrales en machos, 192-218 en hembras psyches psyches

32. Ventrals 206 or more in both sexes, or when 32. Ventrales 206 o mas en ambos sexos, o, cuando fewer than 206, then 3O or more black bands in menos, entonces 3^ ^ ^^s bandas negras en females 33 hembras 33 Ventrals 20$ orfewer in both sexes; 18-27 black Ventrales 2O5 menos en ambos sexos; 18-27

bands in females peru v i anus bandas negras en hembras peruv i anus

33'Red bands usually melanistic, dark purple or 33»Bandas rojas usualmente melan 'st i cas, morado nearly black; 30"''2 black bands in females, oscuro o casi negras; 3^-42 bandas negras en

24-38 in i i males ste ndachner hembras, 24-38 en machos ste i ndachner i Red bands not melanistic, with regular black Bandas rojas no melan'st icas, pero con apices tips; 26-31 black bands in females and 22-28 negros regulares; 26-3I bandas negras en

I n males mertens I hembras, 22-28 en machos mertens i

34. Only one light band crosses dorsal head scales, 34, Solo una banda clara cruza las escamas supra- separating black of snout from first black cefalicas, separando la coloracion negra del nuchal band 35 hocico de la primera banda nucal negra 35 At least two light bands cross dorsal head Por lo menos dos bandas claras cruzan las scales anterior to first nuchal black band; escamas supracefal i cas hasta los apices parie- ocular-frontal band or spot very irregular tales y delante de la primera banda nucal

with sinuous outline spurel 1 i negra; banda o mancha oculai— frontal muy

irregular con borde sinuoso spurel 1 i

35-More than I5O ventrals in males, more than 208 35-Mas de I5O ventrales en machos, mas de 208 en in females, or if fewer in either sex, then hembras, 0, cuando menos en ambos sexos, en- fewer than I7 black bands JG tonces menos de I7 bandas negras Jd Ventrals 180-187 in males, 200-20$ in females; Ventrales I8O-I87 en machos, 200-20$ en 25-45 black bands in both sexes ruatanus hembras; 25-4$ bandas negras en ambos sexos ruatanus

36. More than 38 subcaudals in males, usually more 36, Mas de 38 subcaudales en machos, usualmente mas than 31 subcaudals in females, or if fewer, de 31 subcaudales en hembras, cuando menos, then fewer than 221 ventrals 37 entonces menos de 221 ventrales en hembras — 37 Subcaudals 27-38 in males, 23-3O in females; Subcaudales 27-38 en machos, 23-3O en hembras; 37-80 black bands in both sexes; 222-335 37-8O bandas negras en ambos sexos; 222-335

ventrals in females m i part i tus ventrales en hembras m i part i tus

37-Bands of only two colors present on body, 37'Solamente bandas de dos colores presentes sobre either black-white (yellow) or black-red J8 el cuerpo, negro-bianco (amarillo) negro- Black, red, and white (yellow) bands present on rojo 38 body 41 Bandas negras, rojas y blancas (amarillas) presentes sobre el cuerpo 41 —


38. All or most of parietals red; red and black 38.Todas o mayor parte de parietales rojas; bands on body 39 bandas rojas y negras sobre el cuerpo 39 Narrow white band covers part of parietals, Una banda blanca angosta presente sobre parte rest of head black; more than 20 black bands de las parietales, resto de la cabeza negro; on body, separated by white annellatus mas de 20 bandas negras sobre el cuerpo, separadas per bandas blancas annellatus

'}'). Black bands shorter than or as wide as red 40 39'Bandas negras iguales o mas angostas que las Black bands dorsally two or more times wider rojas 40 than red; 224 or more ventrals in males; 13-21 Dorsalmente, las bandas negras doso mas veces

black bands in both sexes stewart i mas anchas que las rojas; 224 o mas ventrales en hembras, 13-21 bandas negras en ambos

sex OS Stewart i

40. More than 39 black bands on body d i astema 40. Mas de 39 bandas negras sobre el cuerpo

Fewer than 3O black bands n i qroc i nctus diastema

Menos de 3^ bandas negras n i qroc i nctus

41. Posterior border of black snout color without 41.Borde posterior de la coloracion negra del posterior extension along parietal suture; hocico recto o sinuoso no llega hasta parie- supra-anal tubercles absent or present in tales; tuberculos ausentes presentes sola- males only 42 mente en machos 42 Black snout color extends back into point along Coloracion negra del hocico se proyecta a lo parietal suture; supra-anal tubercles present largo de sutura parietal en angulo; tuberculos in both sexes; 205-224 ventrals in males, 221- supraanales presentes en ambos sexos; 209-224

in i 237 females alien ventrales en machos, 221-237 en hembras- allen i

42. More than 23 black bands in both sexes 43 42. Mas de 23 bandas negras en ambos sexos 43 Fewer than 24 black bands in both sexes 46 Menos de 24 bandas negras en ambos sexos 46

43. Usually fewer than 224 ventrals in females and 43.Usualmente menos de 224 ventrales en hembras, usually fewer than 206 ventrales in males, or usualmente menos de 206 en machos, 0, cuando if more, then more than 2] black bands on mas, entonces mas de 27 bandas negras sobre el body 44 cuerpo 44 Ventrals 224 or more in females, 206-215 in Ventrales 224 o mas en hembras, 206-215 ven- males; not more than 2] black bands on body trales en machos; no mas de 27 bandas negras

i brown sobre el cuerpo brown i

44. No supra-anal tubercles in males; usually more 44, Sin tuberculos supraanales en machos; usual- than 24 black bands in both sexes 45 mente mas de 24 bandas negras en ambos sexos-- Supra-anal tubercles present in males; fewer -. 45

than 26 black bands on body n i qroc i nctus Tuberculos supraanales presentes en machos; no mas de 26 bandas negras en machos, no mas de

26 en hembras n i qroc i nctus 45.Subcaudals 38-48 in males, 26-35 '" females annellatus 45. Subcaudales 38-48 en machos, 26-35 «" hembras-- Subcaudals 48-57 '" males, 37-''3 i" females annellatus

d i astema Subcaudales 48-57 sn machos, 37"^3 s" hembras diastema 46. Fewer than 206 ventrals in males, 221 In females 47 46. Menos de 206 ventrales en machos y menos de 221 More than 2O5 ventrals in males, 221 in en hembras 47 females 49 Mas de 2O5 ventrales en machos y mas de 221 en hembras 49 47. No supra-anal tubercles; usually 1-2 temporals; 47. Sin tuberculos supraanales; usualmente 1-2 tem- black tips on red scales absent or present — 48 porales; apices negros sobre escamas rojas Supra-anal tubercles present in males; usually presentes ausentes 48 1-1 temporals; black tips on red scales Tuberculos supraanales presentes en machos, usually present n i qroc i nctus usualmente 1-1 temporales; usualmente hay apices negros sobre las escamas rojas

48. Black bands 12-16 in both sexes; no black tips n i qroc i nctus or hardly any on red scales h i ppocrep i s Black bands I9 or more in both sexes; conspicu- 48. Bandas negras 12-16 en ambos sexos; sin apices ous black tips always present annellatus negros sobre las escamas rojas, apices

negros apenas percept ibles h i ppocrep i s Bandas negras I9 o mas en ambos sexos; apices negros conspTcuos siempre presentes - annellatus 45. Ventrals 206 or more in males, more than 223 in females 50 49. Ventrales 206 o mas en machos, mas Ventrals I8O-2O5 in males, I97-223 in females — de 223 en hembras 50 n i qrocinctus Ventrales 180-205 en machos, 197-223 en hem-

bras n i qroc inctus 201 MICRURUS

50. Black bands 15 or more on body, four or more on 50.Bandas negras 15 o mas sobre el cuerpo, cuatro bandas tail in males; 17-27 black body bands, usually mas sobre la cola en machos; l]-2] more than four on tail in females; usually 1-1 neqras sobre el cuerpo y, usualmente, mas de sometimes 1-2 temporals 5^ cuatro sobre la cola en hembras; usualmente Black bands 13"!^ on body, four on tail in 1-1, ocas ionalmente 1-2 temporales 51 males; I6-I5 on body, 3"* on tail in females; Bandas negras 13-14 sobre el cuerpo, cuatro machos; sobre el cuer- usually 1-2 temporals stuart i sobre la cola en I6-I9 po, J-i sobre la cola en hembras; usualmente

1-2 temporales stuart i 51.Ventrals 213-217 in males; 31-35 subcaudals in females; some irregular black tips always 51.Ventrales 213-217 en machos; 31-35 subcaudales present on red scales; belly usually witli some en hembras; algunos apices negros irregulares presentes sobre las escamas rojas; dark spots; 1-1 temporals n i qroc i nctus siempre Ventrals 206-213 in males; 34-38 subcaudals in vientre usualmente con algunas manchas oscuras; females; no black tips or few and small pre- 1-1 temporales nioroc inc tus sent on red scales; belly without black spots Ventrales 206-213 en machos; 3''-38 subcaudales usually; frequently 1-2, sometimes 1-1 en hembras; sin apices negros con apices vientre usualmente temporals brown i negros pequenos y pocos; sin manchas oscuras; f recuentemente hay 1-2,

i ocas i onalmente 1-1 temporales brown 52. White (yellow) bands as wide as or usually 52. Bandas blancas (amarillas) tan wider than black body bands i sozonus anchas como 0, White (yellow) bands narrower than black body usualmente, mas anchas que las bandas negras del cuerpo bands tschud i i i sozonus Bandas blancas (amarillas) mas angostas que las bandas negras del cuerpo tschud i i MICRURUS ALBICINCTUS Amaral

1926 Wicrurus alblcinctus Amaral, Comm. Linh. Telegr. Mato Grosso, Publ. 84, annex 5= 26, figs. 7-10. Type-locality: None given; collection containing type came from northern and central Mato

Grosso, Braz i 1. 1938 Micrurus waehnerorum Meise, Zool. Anz., 123: 20. Type-locality: SSo Paulo de Olivenja, Brazil.

Distribution: From Mato Grosso to region of SSo Paulo de Olivenja, Brazil.


1936 Micrurus niqrocinctus alleni Schmidt. Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 20% fig. 25. Type- locality: Rfo Mico, seven mi above Rama, Siqufa District, Nicaragua, ] Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 3*= 172' 1551 [ wicrurus alleni —Taylor,

Distribution: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals 22^-237 in females, 214-224 in 1. Ventrales 229-237 en hembras, 214-224 en males; black bands 15-20 in females; sub- machos; bandas negras 15-20 en hembras;

machos alien 1 caudals 5O-55 i" males alien i subcaudales 5*^-55 ^" Ventrals 221-230 in females, 20^-215 in Ventrales 221-230 en hembras, 209-215 en males; black bands 20-28 in females; sub- machos; bandas negras 20-28 en hembras;

48-50 en machos yates i caudals 48-50 in males ya tes i subcaudales

Micrurus alien i alien i Schmidt

alleni alleni Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 3^= 172. 1551 [ Micrurus ] — pi. fig. Type- 1551 Micrurus alleni richardi Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 3^= I69, 23, 7- locality: Los Diamantes, 2 km south of Guapiles, Costa Rica.

Distribution: Atlantic slopes of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and northwestern Panama.

Micrurus alleni yatesi Dunn Type-locality: Farm Two, .9 M^r^.rns niorocinctus yatesi Dunn, Notulae Nat., 108: 8. 15 Panama. Chiriquf Land Co., near Puerto Armuelles, Chiriqui, '^"'«'"- ""^- ^ovitates, 2287: 6. 1967 JlLorurus alleni ;aiS^—''°^«' Costa Rica and southwestern Panama. Distribution: Pacific slopes of southeastern

36S-t92 O—70 14 202 MICRURUS


I872 Elaps marcqrav i i var. ancoral i s Jan, in Jan and Sordelli, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 42: pi. i, fig. 2. Type-locality: Ecuador 1925 Micrurus ancoral is — Amaral, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 67: I?-

Distribution: Eastern Panama to northwestern Ecuador, west of Andes.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Black body bands 16-20 in males, 17-21 in 1. Bandas negras sobre el cuerpo 16-20 en

females ancoral i s machos, 17-21 en hembras ancoral i s Black bands 12-15 in males, 14-16 in Bandas negras sobre el cuerpo 12-15 en

females jan i machos, 14-16 en hembras jan i

Mi erurus ancoral i s ancoral i s (Jan)

I858 Elaps rosenberqi Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I858: II7, pi. I3. Type-locality: Paramba, Esmeraldas Province,— Ecuador. 1536 Micrurus ancoral i s ancoral is Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: I57.

Distribution: Rain forests of northwestern Ecuador.

Micrurus ancoral i s jan i Schmidt

1536 Micrurus ancoral is jan i Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 157* Type- locality: Andagoya, Choco, Colombia.

Distribution: Eastern Panama to Choco region of western Colombia.


I87I Elaps annellatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I87I: 402. Type-locality: Pozuzo, Peru. 1925 Micrurus annellatus-—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 228.

Distribution: Moderate elevations on Amazonian slopes of Andes, from Ecuador to Bolivia.

Content: Four subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Black body bands fewer than 41 in males and 1. Bandas negras sobre el cuerpo menos de 41 49 in females 2 en machos, menos de 49 en hembras 2 Black body bands 41-61 in males, 49-83 in Bandas negras sobre el cuerpo 41-61 en females annellatus machos, 49-83 en hembras annellatus

2. Two postoculars 3 2. Dos postoculares 3

i One postoculai balzan i Un postoculai balzan

3. Usually 1-2 temporals; light band covers 3- Temporales usualmente 1-2; banda clara more than 5O? of parietals boli v ianus cubre mas de 5"^ '^^ parietales-- bolivianus Usually 1-1 temporals; light band covers Temporales usualmente 1-1; banda clara less than ^Oi of parietals montanus cubre menos de 5'^'^ de parietales-- montanus

Micrurus annellatus annellatus (Peters)

1954 Micrurus annellatus annellatus—Schmidt, Fieldiana: Zool., 34: 322, fig. 62.

Distribution: Southern Ecuador to central Peru. i


Micrurus a'nnellatus balzan i (Boulenger)

1898 Elaps faalzani Boulenqer. Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Geneva, (2) I5: I3O. Type-locality: Yungas, Bolivia. Chulumani, 1902 Elaps reqularis Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 10: 402. Type-locality: Bolivia, 2000 m. 19^6 Micrurus balzani —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: I52. 1967 Micrurus annellatus balzani— Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 6.

Distribution: Western Bolivia.

Micrurus annellatus bol vianus Roze

Type- 1567 ^jljcrurus annellatus bolivianus Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 7, fig. 2. locality: RTo Charobamba, about 50 km northeast of Zudanez, Chuqulsaca, Bolivia.

Distribution: Western Bolivia, south of area occupied by M^. a_. balzan i .

Micrurus annellatus montanus Schmidt

1954 Micrurus annellatus montanus Schmidt. Fieldiana: Zool., 3*= 3^2. Type-locality: Camp Four, about ten km north of Santo Domingo Mine, Puno, Peru, 2000 m.

Distribution: Southeastern Peru to central Bolivia.


1999 Micrurus averyi Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 45, fig. 5. Type-locality: At head of Itabu Greek, Courantyne District, Guyana, 2000 ft (near Brazilian border, at Lat. 1°40' N and Long. 58° w).

Distribution: Known only from type-locality.


fig. Type- I872 Elaps Bocourti Jan. in Jan and Sordelli, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 42: pi. 6, 2. Roze, Amer. Mus. locality: Unknown, restricted to R'o Daule, Guayas Province, Ecuador, by Novitates, 2287, I567, 8. Micrurus bocourti ] — Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 8. 1567 [ northern Colombia. Distribution: A disjunct distribution; known from western Ecuador and

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

en machos; subcaudales 1. Ventrals 197-206 in males, 32-35 subcaudals 1. Ventrales 197-206 bPeou''^^i in females bocourti 32-35 en hembras Ventrals I9O-I96 in males, 35-37 subcaudals Ventrales I9O-I96 en machos; subcaudales sang ilensis in females sanqilensis 35-37 en hembras

Micrurus bocourt i bocourt i (Jan)

1996 Micrurus ecuadorianus Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: I96. Type-locality: R'o Daule, Guayas Province, Ecuador. 8. i Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 1967 Micrurus bocourt i bocourt — Roze,

Distribution: Western Ecuador.

i a i i N ceforo-Mar 1 Micrurus bocourt i sang lens s Colomb. Cien. Exact. Fis. 1942 Mi crurus ecuador ianus sanq ilensi s N icef oro-Mar la. Rev. Acad. Santander, Colombia. Nat., 5: 98, pi. 3, fig. 10. Type-locality: San Gil, Novitates, 8. i s Roze, Amer. Mus. 2287: 1967 Micrurus bocourt i sanq ilens —

Distribution: Region between Cordilleras Central and Oriental, northern Colombia. i I


MICRURUS BROWN I Schmidt and Smith

Nat. Hist., 2'): 2'). Type-locality: 1543 Micrurus brown i Schmidt and Smith, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Ch Ipanci ngo, Guerrero, Mexico.

Distribution: Pacific Mexico from Guerrero south to western Guatemala.

Content: Three subspecies, one of which ( tavlori Schmidt and Smith) is extralim i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Subcaudals 51-58 importunus 1. Subcaudales 51"58 importunus

Subcaudals 46-51 browni Subcaudales 46-51 brown i

Micrurus brown i brown i Schmidt and' Smith

1567 Micrurus brown i brown i —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 11.

Distribution: Sierra Madre del Sur of central Guerrero south to mountains of western Guatemala.

Micururs brown i importunus Roze

1567 Micrurus brown I importunus Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 11, fig. 4. Type-locality: Dueflas, about 25 km west-southwest of Guatemala City, in Antigua Basin, Sacatepequez, Guatemala.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1936 Micrurus dark I Schmidt. Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 211. Type-locality: Yavisa, Darien, Panama.

Distribution: Eastern Costa Rica to western Colombia.


1820 Elaps corall I nus Merrem, Tentamen Systematis Amphibiorum: 144, Type-locality: Brazil; given as Rio de Janeiro, Cabo Frio, Brazil, by Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, 19^7> 13-

1925 Micrurus corall i nus — Amaral . Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 67: 20.

Distribution: Brazil south of Amazon Basin to Uruguay and northeastern Misiones, Argentina.


I858 Elaps decora tus Jan, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: ^2'j, pi. B. Type-locality: Mexico (in error).

1521 Elaps f i scher I Amaral, Anex. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 1: 59j pl- 2, figs. 1-5- Type-locality: Fazenda Bonito, Serra Bocaina, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

1523 Elaps ezequ i el I Lutz and Mello, Folha Medica, 4: 2. Type-locality: Caxambu, Serra da Mantiqueira, MInas Gerals, Brazil. 1526 Mi crurus decoratus — Amaral, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 14: J2.

Distribution: Eastern Brazil, from Rio de Janeiro to Santa Catarlna.

MICRURUS DIASTEMA (Oumeril, Bibron and Dumerll)

I854 Elaps D iastema Dumerll, Bibron and Dumerll, Erp. Gen., ]: 1222. Type-locality: Mexico (restricted to Colima, Mexico, by Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20, 1533, 39; Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, I967, 14 points out that this locality is far outside the range of the typical subspecies). 1933 Micrurus diastema — Schm idt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 36.

Distribution: Caribbean slopes from Veracruz to Honduras, Including Yucatan Peninsula.

Content: Seven subspecies, of which four (the nominate subspecies, af f i n is Jan, al i enus Werner, and macdouqall Roze) are extral I m i tal. i


Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Fewer than 40 black bands in both sexes 2 1. Menos de 40 bandas negras en ambos sexos--2 Black bands 40-55 '" males, 44-61 in Bandas negras 40-59 ^" machos, 44-61 en females ap iatus hem bras ap iatus

2. More or less perfect narrow black central 2. Con banda central negra angosta mas o menos band present between two regular black perfecta entre dos bandas negras regulares body bands, dividing red band in two and del cuerpo, dividiendo la banda roja en

formed by concentration of black tips; dos y formada por concentrac i on de apices black bands 31"3'' i" females aqlaeope negros; 31"3^ bandas negras en hembras No central black band within red band; aqlaeope occasionally black tips concentrated Sin banda negra central en el rojo, oca- around middle of red band; black bands 24- sionalmente ap ices negros se concentran

33 in females, usually fewer than 3'' aprox i madamen te en el medio de la banda

sapper i roja; 24-33 bandas negras en hembras,

usualmente menos de 3'^ sapper i

Micrurus d iastema aqlaeope (Cope)

1860 Elaps aglaeope Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I855: 344. Type-locality: Honduras. 1967 Mi crurus d iastema aqlaeope —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 15-

Distribution: Mountains of northwestern Honduras.

M icrurus d iastema ap i a tus (jan)

1858 Elaps apiatus Jan, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: 522. Type-locality: Veracruz, Mexico (shown to be a lapsus for Verapaz, Guatemala, by Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20, 1933> 38; later restricted to Coban, Guatemala, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 33> 1950, 317)- 1967 Micrurus diastema apiatus —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 15-

Distribution: Caribbean slope from Chiapas, Mexico, to central Guatemala; may also occur in Tabasco and Veracruz, Mexico, according to Roze, I.e.

Micrurus d iastema sapper (Werner)

1903 Elaps fulvius var. sapperi Werner, Zool. Anz., 26: J^O. Type-locality: Guatemala. 1927 Elaps quatemalens is Ahl, Zool. Anz., 7'^= 25I. Type-locality: Guatemala. 1933 Micrurus affinis stantoni Schmidt. Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 36. Type-locality: Belize, British Honduras. 1967 M icrurus d iastema sapperi —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 17-

Distribution: Southern Veracruz to lowlands of northern Guatemala and British Honduras, omitting Yucatan Peninsula.


1860 Elaps dissoleucus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1859' 3*5' Type-locality: Venezuela (restricted to Maracaibo, Zulla, Venezuela, by Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 1, 1955> ^l^)- 1925 Micrurus dissoleucus—Amaral, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 47: 18.

Distribution: Caribbean slopes from Panama Canal Zone to eastern Venezuela.

Content: Four subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

usualmente 1. Subcaudals more than 22 in males; usually 1. Subcaudales mas de 22 en machos; 2 more than 18 in females 2 mas de 18 en hembras ^n Subcaudals 21-22 in males, 17-19 'n females Subcaudales 21-22 en machos; 17-19 melanoqeny s hembras melanogenvs

triadas en ambos 2. Usually eight or more triads in both sexes- 2. Usualmente ocho o mas 3 ....1...1 3 sexos

n i or irostr i s i 6-8 en ambos sexos Triads 6- in both sexes- — n i qr i rostr s Triadas i


3. Subcaudals fewer than 20 in females; ven- J, Subcaudales menos de 20 en hembras; gene- trals usually more than 212 in females ralmente mas de 212 ventrales en hembras

dunn i dunn i Subcaudals more than 20 in females; ven- Mas de 20 subcaudales en hembras; 201-212

trals 201-212 in females d i ssoleucus ventrales en hembras d i ssoleucus

M icrurus d Issuleucus d i ssoleucus (Cope)

19^6 Micrurus dissoleucus dissoleucus —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 202.

Distribution: Northeastern Colombia to eastern Venezuela.

Micrurus d i ssoleucus dunn i Barbour

1523 M icrurus dunn i Barbour, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 125: 15- Type-locality: Ancon, Panama Canal Zone, Panama. 1936 Micrurus dissoleucus dunni —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 2O3.

Distribution: Canal Zone to eastern Panama.

Micrurus d i ssoleucus melanoqenys (Cope)

I860 Flaps melanoqenys Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I860: ]2. Type-locality: Unknown; restricted to Santa Marta region, Colombia, by Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 3*> 1955> 355- iqi6 Flaps hollandi Griffin. Mem. Carnegie Mus., ]: 218, pi. 28, figs. 10-12. Type-locality: Bonda, Colombia. 20: 2O3. 1936 Micrurus d i ssoleucus melanoqenys —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist.,

Distribution: Santa Marta region of Colombia.

Micrurus di ssoleucus n i gr i rostr i s Schmidt

18'58 Flaps qravenhorsti Jan, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: 523- Type-locality: Brazil (in error). '}A: 1955 Micrurus d i ssoleucus n i gr i rostr i s Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 355- Type-locality:

Barranqu i 11a, Colombia.

Distribution: Lower Magdalena region, northern Colombia.


1058 Flaps dumer i 1 i i Jan, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: 522. Type-locality: Cartagena, Colombia.

1922 Micrurus dumer i 1 i — Ru thven. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 8: 68.

Distribution: Northern Venezuela around northern end of Andes in Colombia snd south along Pacific slope to Ecuador.

Content: Five subspecies.

Comment: The oldest available name for this species is dumer i 1 i i Jan, and it replaces car i n icaudus Schmidt, used by Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, I967, I3.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Black bands not in triads 2 1. Bandas negras no en triadas 2 Black bands in triads 4 Bandas negras en triadas 4

2. First black nuchal band usually complete; 2. Primera banda nucal negra usualmente corn-

most i nfrac^phal ic scales light 3 pleta; mayorfa de escamas i nfracefal i cas black First nuchal band absent or reduced; claras 3

usually most i nf racephal ic scales Primera banda nucal negra ausente redu-

blackened ant ioqu i ens i s cida; usualmente mayorfa de escamas infra-

cefalicas negruzcas an t i oqu i ens i s

^Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, 1967» 18, suspects that this species probably belongs within this taxon, but he plans to petition to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, asking that

it be set as i de. .


3. Black bands II-I6 in males and 15-21 in J. Bandas negras 11-15 en machos, 15-21 en females; yellow (white) and red bands hembras; bandas amarillas (blancas) y

among black bands on tail transand i nus rojas entre las bandas negras de la cola--

Black bands 15-24 in males and 15"25 in transand i nus females; usually only yellow (white) and Bandas negras 15-24 en machos y 15-25 en

black bands on tail cari n i Cauda hembras; usualmente solo bandas amarillas (blancas) y negras en la cola-- carinlcauda

4, Fewer than 187 ventrals in males, fewer 4. Menos de 187 ventrales en machos, menos de than 208 in females colomb ianus 208 en hembras colomb ianus More than I85 ventrals in males, more than Mas de I85 ventrales en machos, mas de 208

208 in females dumer i 1 i i en hembras dumer i 1 i i

Micrurus dumer i 1 i I dumer i 1 i i (Jan), new combination

1567 Micrurus car i n icauda dumer i 1 i i — Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287= 13>

Distribution: Lower Magdalena River region to Norte de Santander, Colombia.

M i crurus dumer i 1 i i an t i oqu i ens i s Schmidt, new combination

1536 Micrurus ant ioqu iensi s Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 195- Type- locality: Santa Rita, north of Medell'n, Antioquia, Colombia.

1555 Micrurus car i n icaudus ant i oqu iens i s — Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 3^' 3^3*

Distribution: Cauca Valley, Colombia.

M icrurus dumer i 1 i i car i n i cauda Schmidt, new combination

1936 Micrurus carinicauda Schmidt. Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 194. Type-locality: Grope, Zulia, Venezuela.

1555 Micrurus car in i caudus car in icaudus — Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 3^= 3^3-

Distribution: Northern Venezuela to Norte de Santander, Colombia.

Micrurus dumer i 1 i i colomb ianus (Griffin), new combination

1916 Elaps colomb ianus Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7' 216. Type-locality: Minca, Colombia.

1967 Micrurus car i n i cauda colomb ianus — Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 13-

Distribution: Santa Marta region of northern Colombia.

Micrurus dumer i 1 i i transandi nus Schmidt, new combination

1936 Mi crurus transand i nus Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 195- Type-locality: Andagoya, Choco, Colombia.

1955 M i crurus car i n i caudus transandi nus — Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 3^= 3^3'

Distribution: Pacific lowlands of Colombia and northwestern Ecuador.


1858 Elaps eleqans Jan, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: 521- Type-locality: Mexico (restricted to Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, 348). 1929 Micrurus eleqans —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 229.

Distribution: Central Veracruz to Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Content: Two subspecies, one ( eleqans Jan) ex tral im i tal 208 MICRURUS

Micrurus eleqans veraepac i s Schmidt

- 1533 Micrurus eleqans verae pac i s Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: '}2. Type-locality: Campur, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Distribution: Chiapas and southern Tabasco, Mexico, to Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.


I855 Elaps f il i form is Gunther, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859: 86, pi. 18, fig. b. Type-locality: Para, Brazil. 1925 Micrurus filiformis —Amaral, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 67: I5.

Distribution: Northern Amazon region, extreme southern Colombia to northern Peru.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Two postoculars; ventral counts in males 1. Dos postoculares; ventrales en machos 274-275 subtilis 271-275 subtilis Usually one postocular; ventral counts in Usualmente una postocular; ventrales en males 283-3O9 filiformis machos 283-305 filiformis

Micrurus f i 1 if orm is fill form i s (Gunther)

1567 Micrurus filiformis filiformis—Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 22.

Distribution: Northern Amazon region, extreme southern Colombia to northern Peru.

Micrurus f il if orm is subt il is Roze

1567 Micrurus f il iform i s subt il i s Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 22, fig. 8. Type- locality: Caruru, Rfo Vaupes, Colombia-Brazil boundary.

Distribution: Provinces of Vaupes and Amazonas, Colombia.

MICRURUS FRONTALIS (Oumlril, Bibron and Dumeril)

18*54 Elaps Frontalis Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 1223. Type-locality: Corrientes and Misiones, Argentina. 1525 Micrurus frontalis —Amaral, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., (>]: I5.

Distribution; .South America east of Andes, between 10°S and 35 S.

Content: Four subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. More than nine triads 2 1. Mas de nueve triadas 2 Six to nine triads in both sexes Triadas seis a nueve en ambos sexos pyrrhocryptus pyrrhocryptus

2. Subcaudals more than 18 in females; ven- 2. Mas de 18 subcaudales en hembras; usual- trals usually fewer than 223 in males 3 mente menos de 223 ventrales en machos 3 Subcaudals I6-I8 in females; ventrals 223" Subcaudales I6-I8 en hembras; ventrales

242 in males bras i 1 i ens i s 223-242 en machos brasi 1 iens is

3- Ventrals usually more than 215 '" males; 3. Usualmente mas de 215 ventrales en machos; parietals all black or with narrow light parietales totalmente negras o con banda band inferiorly, head with some black clara angosta que las atraviesa; infe- spots only 4 riormente cabeza con solo algunas manchas Ventrals 152-216 in males; anterior part of negras * parietals with irregular light spot; Ventrales 152-216 en machos; parte anterior

inferiorly, head blackened alt irostr i s de parietales con mancha irregular clara;

cabeza negruzca i nf er iormente- alt i rostr is .


4. Ventrals 215-222. in females; median black A, Ventrales 215-222 en hembras; banda negra band of triad much wider than outer ones; media de la triada mucho mas ancha que las head black with narrow light crossband externas; cabeza negra con banda trans- mesoDotamicus versal clara angosta mesopotami cus Ventrals 222-242 in females; median black Ventrales 222-242 en hembras; banda negra band not or slightly wider than outer media igual o llgeramente mas ancha que ones; head nearly or all black frontal is las externas; cabeza negra o casi total-

men te negra frontal i s

Micrurus frontal is frontal I s (Oumlril, Bibron and Dumeril)

1859 Elaps bal iocoryphus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1859: S^fi. Type-locality: Buenos

A i res, Argent ina.

1936 Micrurus frontalis frontalis -—Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: I55.

Distribution: Southern Brazil and southern Paraguay, including adjacent Argentina.

M icrurus frontal i s alt irostr i s (Cope)

1860 Elaps altirostris Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I855: 345. Type-locality: South Amer ica. 1887 Elaps heterochilus Mocpuard. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 11: 35- Type-locality: Brazil. 1536 Micrurus frontal is altirostris —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: I55.

1544 M icrurus lemn i scatus mult ic i nctus Amaral, Pap. Avul. Dept. Zool. SSo Paulo, 5= 91' Type-locality: Texeira Scares, Parana, Brazil.

Distribution: Southern Brazil, Uruguay, and northeastern part of Provincia de Misiones,

Argent i na

M icrurus frontal i s brasiliensis Roze

1967 Micrurus frontalis brasiliensis Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 25, fig. 9. Type-locality: Barreiras, Bahia, Brazil.

Distribution: Southeastern Brazil.

M icrurus frontal i s mesopotam i cus Barrio and Miranda

1968 Micrurus frontal is mesopotam icus Barrio and Miranda, Mem, Inst. Butantan, 33 (l?^^)' 872. Type-locality: Villa Federal, Entre R'os, Argentina.

Distribution: Provincias de Entre R'os, Corrientes and southwestern Misiones, Argentina.

Micrurus frontal is pyrrhocrvptus (Cope)

1862 Elaps Pyrrhocrvptus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1862: Ji]. Type-locality: Vermejo River, Argentina (Roze says "Argentine Choco"). 1902 Elaps Simonsii Boulenqer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) '): 338. Type-locality: Cruz del Eje, Cordoba, Argentina.

1953 M icrurus frontal i s Pvrrhocryptus—Shreve, Breviora, I6: 5- 1956 M icrurus tr icolor Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 27: 67, figs. 1-4, 6. Type-locality: Garandazal, Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Distribution: Southwestern Mato Grosso in Brazil, western and southwestern Bolivia and adjacent Paraguay, south to Mendoza and Santa Fe, Argentina.


1858 Elaps hemprichii Jan. Rev. Mag. Zool, (2) 10: 523. Type-locality: Colombia. Inst. Butantan, 4: 23O. 1929 Micrurus hempr ichi i —Amaral, Mem.

Distribution: Northern South America east of the Andes.

Content: Two subspecies. —


1. Triads 5"6 in both sexes; ventrals 184-151 1. Triadas 'j-6 en ambos sexos; ventrales 184-

in males orton i I5I en machos orton i Triads 7"10 in both sexes; ventrals 155-184 Triadas 7-1"; ventrales 155-184 en machos--

i n males h em p r i c h i i hempr i ch i i

Micrurus hemprichi i hemprichi i (jan)

ISS^ Micrurus hemprichii hemprichii —Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 3^' 166.

Distribution: Eastern Colombia and southern Venezuela to Guianas.

Micrurus hempr ich i i orton i Schmidt

1553 M icrurus hempr ich i i orton i Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., Ji: 166. Type-locality: Pebas, Peru.

Distribution: Amazonian slopes of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru; also recorded from Pari, Brazil.


1862 Elaps hippocrepis Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1861: 525' Type-locality: Santo Tomas (=Puerto Matias de Galvez), Guatemala. 1533 Micrurus hippocrepis —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 36.

Distribution: Caribbean lowlands of British Hondoras and Guatemala.


1820 Elaps ibiboboca Merrem, Tentamen Systematis Amphibiorum: 142. Type-locality: Brazil.

1820 Elaps marcqrav i i Wied, Nova Acta Acad. Leop. -Carol. , 10: 105- Type-locality: Brazil; noted as mouth of Rfo Belmente In Wied, Beltrage zur Naturgesch ichte von Brazlllen, 1, 1825, 420. 1525 Micrurus ibiboboca — Amaral, Rev. Mus. Paullsta, 15: 25.

Distribution: Eastern Brazil.


1860 Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1860: South America; E[ laps J isozonus 73' Type-locality: restricted to Caracas, Venezuela, by Roze, Acta Biol. Venez., 1, 1555> *86. 1520 Elaps omissus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 6: IO5. Type-locality: Venezuela. 1536 Micrurus isozonus —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: I58.

Distribution: Northern and central Venezuela to Intendencia Meta, Colombia.


1824 Micrurus Lanqsdorffi Waqler in Splx, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 10, pi. 2, fig. 2. Type-locality: Rio Japura, Amazonas, Brazil.

Distribution: Headwaters of Amazonian basin, from southern Colombia to northern Peru.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. More than 40 black bands on body 1. Mas de 40 bandas negras sobre el cuerpo

orna 1 1 ss imus orna t I ss I mus Fewerthan 36 black bands on body Menos de 3^ bandas negras sobre el cuerpo

langsdorf f i lanqsdorf f I . i i


Micrurus lanqsdorf f i Xanqsdorf f i Wagler

,• Type-locality: Napo and 1868 Elaps imperator Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Ph i la. 1868: 110. MaraRon, Peru. 1868 Elaps bates Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 1: 428, pi. I7-I. Type-locality: Pebas, Peru. iq^S Micrurus mimosus Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 5: 221. fig. 6. Type-locality: Rfo Putumayo,

Colomb i a Mus. Novitates, 30- 1567 Micrurus lanqsdorff i lanqsdorff —Roze, Amer. 2287:

Distribution: Upper Amazonian region from southern Colombia to northern Peru, including north- western Brazil and adjacent Ecuador.

Micrurus lanqsdorff i ornat iss imus

18=^8 Elaps ornatissimus Jan. Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: $21. Type-locality: Mexico (in error). 1896 Elaps buckleyi Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: 416, pi. 22-1. Type-locality: Canelos, Ecuador, and Para, Brazil. 1536 Micrurus ornat issimus —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: I5I. - Novitates, 2287: 3^- 1567 Micrurus lanqsdorff i ornat issimus —Roze, Amer. Mus.

Distribution: Amazonian slopes in eastern Ecuador and northern Peru.


1933 Micrurus lat if asc iatus Schmidt. Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 35. Type-locality: Finca

El Cipres, Volcan Zunil, Such i tepequez, Guatemala.

Distribution: Pacific slopes from southern Chiapas to western Guatemala.


17*^8 Elaps lemniscatus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 224. Type-locality: Asia; restricted to Belem, Para, Brazil, by Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, I943, 254: subsequent restriction considered invalid by Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, ^')^1 > 3^>

because the locality lies outside known distribution of M. 1^. lemn i scatus . 2: 216. 1519 Micrurus lemn i scatus —Beebe. Zoologica,

Distribution: Trinidad, eastern Venezuela, Guianas, and Amazon Basin.

Content: Five subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

Ventrals fewer than 226 in males; usually 1. Menos de 226 ventrales en machos; usual- fewer than 243 '" females 2 mente menos de 243 en hembras 2 Ventrales more than 226 in males; more than Mas de 226 ventrales en machos; mas de 243 243 in females 3 en hembras 3

i Practically all infralabials white; sub- 2. Pract i camente todas las nf ralab iales caudals 30-34 in females front ifasc iatus blancas; 3'^~3'' subcaudales en hembras

Some infralabials black; subcaudals 32-41 front i fasc iatus

i i 32-^1 sub- i ius Algunas nf ralab ales negras; i n females d ut caudales en hembras di ut ius

3. Subcaudals usually more than 33 '" females; 3. Usualmente mas de 33 subcaudales en hem- no black spots, only regular black tips on bras; escamas rojas sin manchas solo con red scales; white bands usually more than apices negros regulares; bandas blancas two scales long 4 usualmente mas de dos escamas de largo 4 Subcaudals 27-33 '" females; few and irreg- Subcaudales 27-33 ^" hembras; escamas rojas ular black spots or tips on red scales; con pocos apices manchas negras irregu- white bands one to two scales long lares; bandas blancas de una dos

carvalho i carvalho i escamas de largo

4. Black triads 9"11 '" both sexes helleri 4. Triadas negras ')-ll en ambos sexos — helleri Black triads 12-14 in both sexes (occasion- Triadas negras 12-14 en ambos sexos ( oca-

i scatus ally 11 in females) lemn i scatus sionalmente 11 en hembras) lemn .


Micrurus lemniscatus lemniscatus (Linnaeus)

m i Bol. Mus. Cien. Nat. Caracas, 1: 40. 1555 [ crurus j lemniscatus lemniscatus —Burger,

Distribution: Northern parts of Guyana, Surinam, and French Guiana.

Micrurus lemn i scatus carvalho i Roze

i "fig- 1567 M i crurus lemn iscatus carvalho Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287= 33> H- Type-locality: Catanduva, SSo Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Amazon Basin of Brazil.

Micrurus lemn i scatus diut i us Burger

1555 Mi crurus lemn iscatus d iut ius Burger, Bol. Mus. Cien. Nat., Caracas, 1: 8. Type-locality: Tunapuna, Trinidad.

Distribution: Trinidad, eastern Venezuela, and central areas of Guyana, Surinam, and French

Gu i ana

Micrurus lemn i scatus front if asc iatus (Werner)

1927 Flaps front ifasc iatus Werner. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Vienna, 135= 25O. Type-locality: Bolivia.

1567 M icrurus lemn iscatus front i fasc iatus —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 3*-

Distribution: Eastern Andean slopes in Bolivia.

M icrurus lemn i scatus heller i Schmidt and Schmidt

iq2S Micrurus helleri Schmidt and Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 12: I25. Type-locality: Pozuzo, Huanuco, Peru.

1967 M i crurus lemn i scatus heller i — Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 35-

Distribution: Northern Brazil, southern Venezuela and Colombia to Amazonian foothills of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.


1967 Micrurus margar i t i f erus Roze. Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 35, fig. 12. Type-locality: Boca R'o Santiago-Rfo Marafion, Peru.

Distribution: Known only from type-locality.


1936 Micrurus mertensi Schmidt. Zool. Ser. Field Must. Nat. Hist., 20: I92. Type-locality: Pacasmayo, Peru.

Distribution: Lowlands of southwestern Ecuador to central Peruvian coastal areas.

MICRURUS MIPARTITUS (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

Elaps 1854 mipartitus Dumeril. Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 1220. Type-locality: "Col. rio-sucio ou senio.'^'; Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, 1567. 36, suggested that this might be the same as "Sinu," Colombia.

1926 Micrurus mipart i tus—Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 9: 66.

Distribution: Caribbean Central America from Nicaragua to northern South America on both sides of Andes; coastal mountains of Venezuela.

Content: Six subspecies. .


Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals more than 223 in males; usually 1. Ventrales mas de 223 ^n machos; usualmente more than 25I in females 2 mas de 25I en hembras 2 Ventrals 197-220 in males; 222-251 in Ventrales 157-220 en machos; 222-251 en

sem i part i tus females sem i part i tus hembras

en hembras; 2. Subcaudals usually 25 or more in females; 2. Usualmente 25 o mas subcaudales black-red or black-white on body 3 negro-rojo negro-bianco en el cuerpo— -3 Subcaudals 23-25 in females; black-white Subcaudales 23-25 en hembras; negro- (yellow) on body mipart itus bianco (amarillo) en el cuerpo--m i part i tus

A 3. Black-white (yellow) on body i 3- Negro-bianco (amarillo) en el cuerpo Black-red on body 5 Negro-rojo en el cuerpo 5

4. Ventrals 224-247 in males, 244-287 in 4. Ventrales 224-247 en machos; 244-287 en females anomalus hembras anomalus Ventrals 254-275 in males, 276-335 in Ventrales 254-275 en machos; 276-335 en females decussatus hembras decussatus

5. Ventrals 237-244 in males, 256-265 in 5. Ventrales 237-244 en machos; 256-269 en

i i females hertw i q i hembras hertw q Ventrals 247-265 in males, 278-3II in Ventrales 247-265 en machos, 278-3II en

i f asc i atus females mult i f asc iatus hembras mult

M icrurus m i part i tus m i part i tus (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

?iqoq Ela ps aequlcinctus Werner. Zool. Anz., 26: 249- Type-loc«l i ty: Unknown, supposedly Venezuela or Ecuador. 1955 Micrurus mipartitus mipartitus —Rendahl and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33* i^)' 9-

Distribution: Darien of Panama to Pacific lowlands of Colombia.

Micrurus m ipart i tus anomalus (Boulenger)

1896 Elaps anomalus Boulenqer, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: 417, Pl- 22, fig. 2. Type-locality: Colomb ia. 1929 Mi crurus anomalus —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 228.

1567 Micrurus m i part i tus anomalus —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 37-

Distribution: Santa Marta Mountains and Cordillera Oriental, east of Magdalena River, Colombia, and of Andes In western Venezuela.

Micrurus mipartitus decussatus (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

1845 Elaps decussatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 1221. Type-locality: Probably

Colomb i a 1896 Elaps fraseri Boulenqer, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: 432, pi. 22, fig. J. Type-locality: West Ecuador. 1896 Elaps mentalis Boulenqer, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: 432, pi. 22, fig. 4. Type-locality: Pallatanga, Ecuador, and Call, Colombia. 1902 Elaps calamus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 9: 57- Type-locality: San Javier, north- western Ecuador. 1913 Elaps microps Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913: 1''36, pl- 108, fig. 2. Colombia. Type-local I ty: PeRa Lisa, Condoto, Choco, and Vestergren, Ark. for Zool., 33A (l): "fig- 3- 1940 Micrurus mipartitus mult i scutatus Rendahl 9> Type-locality: El Tambo, Cauca, Colombia. 1967 Micrurus mipartitus decussatus —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 37-

Distribution: Western and central Andes and southern part of eastern Andes in Colombia; western Ecuador; possibly Peru. 214 MICRURUS

Micrurus mipart i tus hertwiai (Werner)

1857 Elaps hertwiqi Werner. SUz. Akad. Wiss. Munich, 27: 354. Type-locality: Central America.

1567 M icrurus m i part i tus hertwi q i —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 37-

Distribution: Caribbean slopes of Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.

Micrurus mipart i tus mult if asc iatus (Jan)

1858 Elaps mult ifasciatus Jan. Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: 521. Type-locality: Central America. 1555 Micrurus m ipart itus mult ifasciatus —Roze, Acta Biol. Venez., 1: 467.

Distribution: Central Panama, including Canal Zone.

Micrurus m ipart i tus semipart i tus (jan)

1858 Elaps semipartitus Jan, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: II3. Type-locality: Cayenne; restricted tc Caracas, Venezuela by Roze, Acta Biol. Venez., 1, 1555, 467-

1555 Micrurus m i part i tus sem ipart i tus —Roze, Acta Biol. Venez., 1: 456.

Distribution: Cordillera de la Costa in Northern Venezuela.


n I854 Elaps iqroc inctus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1854: 226. Type-locality: Taboga Island, Bay of Panama. 1527 Micrurus niqrocinctus—Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 1: Ji.

Distribution: Chiapas, Mexico through Central America to Pacific Colombia.

Content: Seven subspecies, according to the latest review by Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, 1967, 38.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. First black nuchal band does not cover 1. Primera banda nucal negra no cubre parie- parietals 2 tales 2 First black nuchal hand covers at least Primera banda nucal negra cubre al menos tips of parietals 3 apices de las parietales 3

2. Ventrals I8O-I52 in males; 192-211 in 2. Ventrales I8O-I92 en machos; 192-211 en

females mosqu i tens i s hembras mosqu i tens I s Ventrals 195-210 in males; 205-220 in Ventrales I95-2IO en machos; 205-220 en

females d i var ica tus hembras d i var i ca tus

3. Ventrals fewer than 213 i" males, fewer 3. Ventrales menos de 213 sn machos; menos de than 228 in females 4 228 en hembras 4 Ventrals 213-217 in males, 228-230 in Ventrales 213-217 en machos; 228-230 en

females co i bens i s hembras co i bens i s

4. Ventrals usually fewer than I93 in males 4. Ventrales usualmente menos de 193 6" and more than in 205 females 5 machos; mas de 205 ^^ hembras 5 Ventrals approximately 193 in males, 2O5- Ventrales aprox imadamente 193 s" machos; 209 in females; black bands 21-23 in 205-209 en hembras; 21-23 bandas negras en females babaspul hembras babaspul

5. At least some black tips present; white 5. Al menos algunos apices negros presentes; bands present; usually more than 14 black bandas blancas presentes; usualmente mas bands 6 de 14 bandas negras 6 Usually no black tips on red scales; no Usualmente escamas rojas sin apices negros; white band or barely visible white bands bandas blancas ausentes apenas visibles on body (when well developed, then no more en el cuerpo (cuando bien desarrolladas than 14 black bands on body) zun i lens is entonces no mas de 14 bandas negras en el

cuerpo) zun i lens i s 215 MICRURUS

6. Black covers only parietal tips; white or El negro cubre solo los apices parietales; banda parietal blanca o clara light parietal band wide 7 ancha f Black covers anterior and posterior part of Color negro cubre parte anterior y posterior parietals; white parietal band narrow or de parietales; banda parietal blanca an- nearly absent (when black does not cover gosta cas i ausente (cuando el negro no anterior part of parietals, then usually cubre parte anterior de parietales, en- black spots present on parietals; black tonces usualmente hay manchas negras en frequently projects on chin shields) parietales; el negro frecuentemente se melanocephalus proyecta en geniales) melanocephalus

7- Black bands 13-21 in both sexes; usually Bandas negras 13-21 en ambos sexes; usual- black tips on all red scales-- niarocinctus mente apices negros en todas las escamas

Black bands usually more than 1% up to 26 ro jas n i oroc i nctus in both sexes; only few, irregular black Usualmente mas de I3, hasta 26 bandas ambos sexos; solo pocos apices tips present on red d i var i ca tus negras en negros irregulares en escamas rojas

d i var i catus

M icrurus n i qroc i nctus ni qroc i nctus (Girard)

Nat. Hist., 20: I , Field Mus. i dt Ser. 1933 Micrurus niqrocinctus n i qroc nctus —Schm Zool. 33.

Distribution! Pacific slope of southeastern Costa Rica and Panama to adjacent Colombia.

Micrurus ni qroc i nctus babaspul Roze

1967 Micrurus niqrocinctus babaspul Roze. Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 38, fig. I3. Type-locality: Nicaragua. Little Hill, Great Corn Island, about 55 '<"' east-northeast of Bluefields,

Distribution: Corn and Great Corn Islands, Nicaragua.

Micrurus nigroci nctus coi bens is Schmidt

2O9. 1936 Micrurus niqrocinctus coibensis Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: Type-locality: Coiba Island, Panama.

Distribution: Coiba Island, Panama.

Micrurus n i qroc inctus di var icatus (Hallowell)

Type-locality: 18'i'5 Flaps div^ricatus Hallowell, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 3: 36. Honduras. — 1933 Micrurus n iqroc inctus di varicatus Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 33.

Distribution: Northern and central Honduras to British Honduras.

Micrurus n i qroc i nctus melanocephalus (Hallowell)

1860 Elaps melanocephalus Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 226. Type-locality: Oraetepec, Nicaragua. Type-locality: 1951 Micrurus pachecoi Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 34: I65, pi. 22, fig. 6. Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 39- 1967 Micrurus n i qroc inctus melanocephalus —

Distribution: Pacific slope of Nicaragua and southwestern Costa Rica.

M icrurus n i qroc i nctus mosqu i tens i s Schmidt

1933 Micrurus niqrocinctus mosguitensis Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 33. Type-locality: Limon, Costa Rica.

Distribution: Atlantic slopes of eastern and southern Nicaragua to northwestern Panama. s


M icrurus n i qroc inctus zun liens is Schmidt

1532 M icrurus n i groc inctus zun i lens is Schmidt, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., (4) 20: 266.

Type-locality: F i nca El Cipres, lower slopes of Volcan Zunil, Such i teoequez Province, near Samayac and Mazatenango, Guatemala.

1541 M icrurus n i groc inctus waqneri Mertens, Senckenberg iana, 23: 216. Type-locality: Finca Germania, Sierra Madre, Chiapas, Mexico, 4OO-I3OO m.

1943 Micrurus n igroc inctus ovandoens i s Schmidt and Smith, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 29: 26. Type-locality; Salto de Agua, Mount Ovando, about 15 mi northeast of Escuintla, Ch iapas, Mex ico.

Distribution: Pacific slopes of Chiapas, Mexico to El Salvador and southern Honduras.


1936 M i crurus peruv ianus Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 193' Type-locality: Perico, Departamento de Cajamarca, Peru-

Distribution: Andes of northeastern Peru.


180'^ Vipera psyches Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 8: 320, pi. 100, fig. 1. Type-locality: Surinam. 1919 Micrurus psyches—Beebe, Zoologica, 2: 216.

Distribution: Northern South America from Colombia to Guianas; Trinidad.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

!• Black bands usually more than 22 in males; 1. Usualmente mas de 22 bandas negras en ventrals usually fewer than 193 "^ males machos; usualmente menos de 193 ventrales and usually fewer than 211 In females 2 en machos y menos de 211 en hembras 2 Black bands 15-22 in males; ventrals I93- Bandas negras 15-22 en machos; ventrales 210 in males and 211-218 in females 193-210 en machos; 211-218 en hembras

medem i medem i

2. Red bands usually melanistic; ventrals 188- 2. Bandas rojas usualmente melanTst icas; ven- 195 in males, and 2O3-213 in females trales I88-I95 en machos; 203-213 en psyches hembras psyches

Red bands not melanistic; ventrals I8O-I9I Bandas rojas no melan'st i cas; ventrales

in males and 192-205 in f emales-c ire inal I I8O-I9I en machos; I92-2O5 en hembras

c ire i nal i s

Micrurus psyches psyches (Daudin)

1931 Micrurus psyches psyches —Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst., 4: 89.

Distribution: Guianas, eastern and southern Venezuela, and extreme southern part of Colombia.

Micrurus psyches c ire i nal is (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

1854 Elaps circinalis Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' 1210. Tvpe-local i ty: Martinique

(in error, according to Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287, ^3^1 > *l)- 1858 Elaps ri isei Jan, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: 525. Type-locality: lie Saint Thomas, Antilles. 40. 1967 Micrurus psyches c irci nal i s —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287:

Distribution: Trinidad and adjacent mainland of Venezuela. 217 MICRURUS

Micrurus psyches medem i Roze

V illavicenc io, 1967 Micrurus psyches medemi Roze. Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 41. Type-locality: Meta, Colombia.

Distribution: Known only from immediate vicinity of Villav icenc io.


1962 M icrurus schm idt i Lancini (preoccupied by M icrurus Schmidt i Dunn, 1540)> Publ. Ocas. Mus. Cien. Nat. Caracas, Zool., 2: 1, fig. 1. Type-locality: Puerto Socorro, 27O km northeast of Iquitos, Rfo Putumayo, Depto. de Loreto, Peru.

1563 Micrurus putumayens i s Lancini (replacement name for Mi crurus schm i dt i Lancini, I562), Publ. Ocas. Mus. Cien. Nat. Caracas, Zool., 3' !•

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


I895 Elaps ruatanus GQnther, Biol. Centr. Amer., Rept.: 185, pi. 57"''* Type-locality: Roatan Island, Honduras. 1933 Micrurus ruatanus —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 34.

Distribution: Roatan Island and adjacent mainland in Honduras.


1824 Micrurus spi x i i Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 48, pi. 18. Type-locality: Rio SolimSes, Braz il.

Distribution: Amazonian Basin, from mouth to Andean foothills.

Content: Four subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. First nuchal black band not projecting 1. Primera banda nucal negra no se proyecta forward, covering fewer than eight dorsals hacia adelante, cubre menos de ocho h i le- 2 ras dors ales 2 First nuchal black band elongated and pro- Primera banda nucal negra alargada, se jecting forward, covering eight or more proyecta hacia adelante cubriendo ocho dorsal rows obscurus mas hileras dorsales obscurus

2. Head all black or with small white spots; 2. Cabeza toda negra o con pequenas manchas parietals black 3 blancas, parietales negras 3 Head with large light spots; sometimes Cabeza con manchas Claras, grandes; a veces nearly all parietals white; usually 2/3 casi todas las parietales blancas; usual-

plus 01 body i nceps 7 triads pr mente 2/3 mas 7 triadas en cuerpo- pr i nceps

3. Black triads 2/3 plus 4-6 on body; ventrals 3. Triadas negras en cuerpo 2/3 mas 4-6; 212-224 in females i i sp ix ventrales 212-224 en hembras spix i i Triads usually more than 2/3 plus 6; Usualmente mas de 2/3 mas 6 triadas; ventrals approximately 226 in females ventrales aprox i madamen te 226 en hembras--

mart ius i mart i us i

M icrurus spi x i i sp i x i i Wagler

1926 Elaps ehrhardt i Muller, Zool. Anz., II&: I98. Type-locality: Manacapuru, Rio SolimSes, Brazil.

i i and 1943 [ Micrurus ] spixi spixi —Schmidt Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 294.

Distribution: Middle Amazonian region of Brazil,

368^92 O—70 15 218 MICRURUS

Micrurus spix i i mart ius i Schmidt

iqq^ Micrurus spixi martiusi Schmidt. Fieldiana, Zool., 34: 175, 'f'gs. 33-3*- Type-locality: Santarem, Para, Brazil.

Distribution: Amazonian drainage of Para and Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Micrurus spixi i obscurus (Jan)

Gen. Ophid.,Livr. 41: pi. 6, fig. 3- 1872 Elaps corallinus var. obscura Jan, in Jan andSordelli, Icon. Type-locality: Lima (corrected and restricted to eastern Peru by Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, I943, 25*; apparently further designated as Iquitos, Peru, by Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 34, I553, I75). 1881 Elaps heterozonus Peters, Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1881: 'j2. Type-locality: Sarayacu, Ecuador. — Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist,, 24: 294. 1943 Micrurus spixi i obscura Schmidt and Walker,

Distribution: Periphery of Amazon Basin, from southern Venezuela and Colombia to southern Peru.

Micrurus spixi i princeps (Boulenger)

190*5 Elaps princep s Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 15= *56. Type-locality: Provincia Sara, Departamento Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 19S3 Micrurus spixi princeps—Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 3*' 175«

Distribution: Northwestern and central Bolivia.


1914 Elaps spurelli Boulenger. Proc. Zool. See. London, 1914: 8I7. Type-locality: Pefia Lisa, Rfo Condoto, Colombia. 19-SS Micrurus nicefori Schmidt. Fieldiana, Zool., 34: 346, fig. 65. Type-locality: Vi llav icenc io, Cundi namarca, Colombia.

Distribution: Western and central Colombia.


1901 Elaps Steindachneri Werner. Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. Vienna, 'yl: 599* Type-locality: Ecuador. 1967 Micrurus steindachneri —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 43.

Distribution: Eastern slopes of Andes in Ecuador.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Subcaudals more than 29 in females; snout 1. Subcaudales mas de 29 en hembras; hocico usually black 2 usualmente negro- Subcaudals 21 in females; snout with light Subcaudales 21 en hembras; hocico con

spots peters i mane has claras peters i

2. Ventrals 200-207 in males; subcaudals 35-36 2. Ventrales 200-207 en machos; subcaudales

i in females ste indachner i 35"36 ^" hembras ste i ndachner Ventrals 214-216 in males; subcaudals 29-33 Ventrales 214-216 en machos; subcaudales

in females orcesi 29-33 ^" hembras orces i

Micrurus steindachneri ste indachner i (Werner)

1926 Elaps fassli Werner. Sitz. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I35 (abt. l): 249. 1967 Micrurus steindachneri steindachneri —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: 43.

Distribution: Eastern slopes of Andes in Macas-Mendez region, southern Ecuador. i i


Micrurus ste indachner i orces i Roze

1'367 Micrurus steindachneri orcpsi Ro7(»r Atner. Mus. Novitates, 2287: tj, fig. I5. Type-locality: Meta trail, Banos, Ecuador, 1200 m.

Distribution: Higher elevations, from 1000 to 1800 1,1, in valley of Rfo Pastaza, Pastaza Province, Ecuador.

Micrurus steindachneri peters Roze

1967 Micrurus steindachneri petersi Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287; *5> fig. I6. Type-locality: One mi south of Plan de Milagro on trail to Pan de Azucar, Morona-Sant iago Province, Ecuador, 56OO ft.

Distribution: Known only from type-locality.

MICRURUS STEWART I Barbour and Amaral

1S28 Micrurus stewarti Barbour and Amaral, Bull. Antivenin Inst. Amer., 1: 100. Type-locality: Nombre de Dios, Sierra de la Bruja, Panama.

1940 Micrurus schmidti Dunn. i Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc . Phila., 92: II9, pi. 2. Type-locality: Valle de Anton, 50 mi west of Canal Zone, Panama, 2000 ft.

Distribution: Intermediate elevations east and west of Canal Zone, Panama.


1967 Micrurus stuart i Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2287: i] , fig. I7. Type-locality: F i nca La Paz, San Marcos, Guatemala, 13^5 m.

Distribution: Known only from type locality and Finca El Naranjo, Volcan Santa Clara,

Such i tepequez, Guatemala.


I8I7 Elaps sur inamens is Cuvier, Le Regne Animal, Paris, 2: 84. Type-locality: Surinam.

1919 Micrurus sur i namensis-—Beebe, Zoologica, 2: 216.

Distribution: Northern South America east of Andes.

Content: Two subspecies-

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals I62-I74 in males; 173-187 in 1. Ventrales I62-I74 en machos; 173-187 en

females sur inamens i s hembras sur inamens i s Ventrals I86-I53 in males; I97-2O6 in Ventrales 186-193 en machos; 197-206 en

females na tterer i hembras natterer i

Micrurus sur i namens is sur i namens i s (Ouvier)

1952 Micrurus surinamensis sur i namens i s-—Schmidt, Fieldiana, Zool., 34: 29, figs. 4-5.

Distribution: Guianas and Amazonian region, including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and

Bol i V ia.

M icrurus sur i namens is natterer Schmidt

1952 Micrurus surinamensis nattereri Schmidt. Fieldiana, Zool., JA: 27. Type-locality: Between Guaramoca and San Fernando, Venezuela.

Distribution: Upper Rfo Orinoco and Rfo Negro region of southern Venezuela and northern Brazil. 220 MICRURUS


1858 Elaps tschudi i Jan. Rev. Mag. Zool., (2) 10: 524. Type-locality: Peru.

1925 Micrurus tschudi i —Schmidt and Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 12: I32, pi. 12.

Distribution: Pacific slopes from southern Ecuador to southern Peru and possibly northwestern

Bol i V ia.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Black triads 13-15 (usually more than I3) 1. Triadas negras 13-1? (usualmente mas de I3) in males; ventrals 2O6-23O in females en machos; ventrales 206-230 en hembras

tschudi i tschudi i Black triads IO-I3 in males; ventrals l??" Triadas negras IO-I3 en machos; ventrales

210 in females olsson i 197-210 en hembras olsson i

Micrurus tschudi i tschudi i (Jan)

1936 Micrurus tschudi i tschudi i —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 202.

Distribution: Pacific slopes of Peru from Departamento de Libertad probably to northwestern

Bol i V ia.

Micrurus tschudi i olsson i Schmidt and Schmidt

1925 Micrurus olssoni Schmidt and Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 12: I3O, pi. 11. Type-locality: Negritos, Piura, Peru.

1936 Micrurus tschudi i olssoni —Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20; 202.

Distribution: Pacific slopes from southern Ecuador to northwestern Peru. 2n REPTILlA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * "A" NINIA

NINIA Baird and Girard

1853 iiilLi-3. Baird and Girard, Catalogue of North American Reptiles: i'). Type-species: Ni n ia d iademata Baird and Girard. 185* Streptophorus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen,, 7" 51*' Type-species; Streptophorus

b i fasc ia tus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril.

Distribution: Mexico through Central America to Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.

Content: Eight species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Fewer than 21 scale rows at midbody 2 1, Menos de 21 filas de escamas al medio del

With 21 scale rows at midbody hudson i euerpo 2

Filas de escamas al medio del euerpo 21- hudson i

2. Scale rows at midbody I5 3 2. Escamas en I9 filas al medio del euerpo 3 Scale rows at midbody 1/ 6 Escamas en I7 filas al medio del euerpo 6

3. Fewer than 75 subcaudals 4 3» Menos de 75 escamas subcaudales i

' More than ]0 subcaudals d iademata Mas de ]0 escamas subcaudales d i adema ta

4. Venter usually immaculate, not variegated with 4. Vientre generalmente inmaculado, no variegado yellow and black 5 de negro amarillo 5 Venter never immaculate, variegated with yellow Vientre nunca inmaculado, variegado de negro and black maculata y amarillo macula ta

5. Dorsum reddish, with black collar sebae 5- Dorso rojo, con collar negro sebae Dorsum black, no collar a tra ta Dorso negro, sin collai a tra ta

6. Dorsum not unicolor, at least a nuchal collar 6. Dorso no unicolor, al menos collar nucal

present 7 presente 7 Dorsum uniform black psephota Dorso negro uniforme psephota

7. Dorsum blackish with 5*"64 light crossbars; no J, Dorso pardo negruzco, atravesado por '^i-6t nuchal collai oxynota bandas grises claras; collar nucal ausente Dorsum dark blue, without crossbars; yellow oxynota nuchal collar cerroensis Dorso azul oscuro, no atravesado per bandas grises claras; collar nucal presente, de color

amar i lien to cerroens i s

NINIA ATRATA (Hallowell)

1845 Coluber atratus Hallowell^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila,, 1845: 245. Type-locality; within 200 miles of Caracas, Venezuela.

1854 Streptophorus Lansberq i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7^ 518. Type-locality: Caracas, Venezuela.

I854 Streptophorus Droz i i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7= 518. Type-locality: New Orleans; in error. I860 Ninia atrata — Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 34O.

1862 Streptophorus sebae Schm i dt i Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 27. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador. 1881 Ninia spilogaster Peters, Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1881: 43. Type-locality: Ecuador.

Distribution: Southern Central America In Panama and Costa Rica to Ecuador, Venezuela and Trinidad.

Comment: This taxon is a primary homonym of Coluber atratus Gmelin, I788, but it has been validated by the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, Op. 644, Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 20, 1963, 26.


195* Ninia cerroens is Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., J6: 699' Type-locality: Pacific slope of Cerro de la Muerte, on Pan-American Highway, Costa Rica, at approximately 75^^ ^^'

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 222 NINlA

NINIA OIADEMATA Ba i rd and Girard

185S Ninia diademata Baird and Girard, Cat, U. Amer. Rept.; 45. Type-locality: Orizaba, Mexico.

Distribution; Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala.

ex im I tal. Content: Four subspecies, two ( diadeinata Baird and Girard and plorator Smith) tral

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Rounded dark spots on belly; ventrals 1. Manchas oscuras medioventrales redondeadas; 132-145 in males, I38-I5O in females ventrales 132-145 (machos) y I38-I5O lab iosa (hem bras) labiosa Crescent-shaped spots on belly; ventrals Manchas oscuras en forma de crecientes; 127-131 in males, 13O-I37 in females ventrales I27-I3I (machos) y 130-137

n i e 1 i (hem bras) n ietoi

Ninia d iademata labiosa (Bocourt)

6-6f. Type- 188S Streptophorus labiosus Bocourt. Miss. Sc i . Mex., Rept.: 550, pi. 32, fig. locality: Guatemala. 19^0 Ninia diademata labiosa —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: I5I.

Distribution: Moderate elevations of Pacific slope from Oaxaca to Guatemala.

Ninia diademata n ietoi Burger and Werler

1554 Ninia diademata nietoi Burger and Werler, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 36: 657> fg- !• Type-locality: San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico.

Distribution: Caribbean slope from southern Veracruz to Honduras; not on northern part of Yucatan Peninsula.


1940 Ninia hudsoni Parker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (ll) 5: 27O. Type-locality: New River, British Gu iana.

Distribution: British Guiana; Amazonian Ecuador.


19*0 Streptophorus maculata Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I86I: 924. Type-locality: Costa Rica. 1935 Ninia maculata —Dunn, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 21: 11.

Distribution: Alta Verapaz, Guatemala to Darien region in Panama.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Fewer than 65 subcaudals 2 1. Menos de 65 subcaudales 2 More than 65 subcaudals pavimentata Mfs de 65 subcaudales pavimentata

2. More than 49 light grey cross bands 2. Bandas transversales de color gris pflido tessellata en numero de 5'^ ° mas- tessella ta Fewer than 25 light grey cross bands Bandas transversales de color gris pSlldo ~ maculata en numero de 25 menos maculata 223 NINIA

Ninia maculata maculata (Peters)

1948 Ninia maculata maculata —Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 69: 75*

Distribution: Pacific slopes of Darien and Panama Canal Zone to central Costa Rica; Carib- bean drainage of Costa Rica.

Ninia maculata pavimentata (Bocourt)

I883 Streptophorus maculatus pavimentatus Bocourt, Miss. Sc i . Mex., Rent.: 5^9> Pl' 32, figs. 8-8d, pi. 33> fig- 2. Type-locality: Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. 1948 Ninia maculata pavimentata —Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 69; 75'

Distribution: Moderate elevations in mountains of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Ninia maculata tessellata Cope

1876 tessellata Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8, I875: 14$. Type- locality: Costa Rica. 1910 Streptophorus subtessellatus Werner. Mitt. Nat. Hist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 215. Type- locality: Cariblanco, Costa Rica. 195* Ninia maculata tessellata—Burger, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 36: 653-

Distribution; Caribbean slope of southern Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and probably of Panama.


1910 Streptophorus oxynotus Werner. Mitt. Nat. Hist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 216. Type-locality; Cariblanco, Costa Rica. 1951 Ninia oxynota —Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., Ji: 56-

Distribution; Subtropical zone of Cordillera Central, Costa Rica, above 4000 ft.


1876 Catostoma psephotum Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8, 1875' 1*6. Type-locality: Higher points on Pico Blanco, chiefly in rainy zone from 5OOO-7OOO ft, Costa Rica. 1535 Ninia psephota —Dunn, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 21; 12.

Distribution: Subtropical zone, Volcan de Chiriquf, Panama, and adjacent Cordillera de Talamanca, eastern Costa Rica, above 4000 ft.

NINIA SEBAE (Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

I854 Streptophorus sebae Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' 5^5' Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to state of Veracruz, Mexico, by Schmidt and Andrews, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20, 1936, 171> 3nd to Veracruz, State of Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, I95O, 351. 193*5 Ninia sebae—Dunn, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 21: 11.

Distribution: Oaxaca and Veracruz, Mexico, including dryer part of Yucatan Peninsula south to Costa Rica.

Content: Four subspecies, according to the most recent revision of the species by Schmidt and Rand, Fieldiana: Zool., 39, 1957, 73-8'''

Key to the subspecies d^^^ ^^ subespecies

1. Black dorsal spots in the form of well- 1. oiseflo dorsal de barras transversas, negras defined transverse bars, often reduced in f recuentemente reducidas en numero y tama- both size andnumber or absent (nuchal „^^ „ ausentes; mancha nucal negra, en black saddle invariable) 2 f^rma de silla de montar, constante 2 Dorsal markings of small spots rather than 0;^^^,^ d^^^^l pequePtas manchas muy nume- vertical bars, very numerous, never re- ^^^^^^ ,„,^3 ^.s^^tes punctulata duced in number or absent punctulata 224 NINIA

Dorsal crossbars usually present, occasion- Barras dorsales usualmente presentes, ally reduced or absent; loreal rectangu- occas ionalmente reducidas ausentes; lar; caudals in males 41-72, in females loreal rectangular; subcaudales en machos 37.61 3 41-72, en hembras 37-6I 3 No dorsal crossbars; loreal usually narrow- Sin barras dorsales transversas; usualmente ed posteriorly; caudals in males 64-74, in loreal angosta posteriormente; subcaudales females 53"65 immaculata en machos 64-74, en hembras 53*65 immaculata Ventrals in males I39-I5I, in females 142- 156; caudals in males 41-57» in females Ventrales en machos 139-151> «" hembras en 37-*9) about 5" PS"" cent of specimens with 142-156; subcaudales en machos 41-57> much reduced body spots, or without spots- hembras 37"*9; alrededor del 5" por ciento _ -morlevi de los ejemplares con manchas muy reduci-

Ventrals In males 131-151> '" females 134- das sin ellas morlev i 152; caudals In males 41-72, in females Ventrales en machos 131-151> en hembras 40- 40-61; majority of specimens boldly black- 6I; mayorfa de ejemplares con manchas marked sebae negras promi nentes sebae

Ninia sebae sebae (Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

IS'^S Elapoides fasciatus Hallowell. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 3: 35, pi. 4. Type- locality: Honduras. I862 Streptophorus sebae collaris Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 27. Type-locality; Mexico. 188^ Streptophorus sebae var dorsal is Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 5*7- Type-locality: Belize, Honduras. 1936 NinIa sebae sebae—Schmidt and Andrews, Zool. Sen. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: I70.

Distribution: Caribbean slopes except Yucatan Peninsula, from Veracruz to Guatemala} also El Salvador and Honduras.

Ninia sebae immaculata Schmidt and Rand

1957 Ninia sebae immaculata Schmidt and Rand, Fieldiana: Zool., 39: 81. Type-locality: R'o Escondido (or Bluefields River), southeastern Nicaragua.

Distribution: Nicaragua.

Ninia sebae morleyi Schmidt and Andrews

1936 Ninia sebae morlevi Schmidt and Andrews, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20; 169.

Type-locality: Chichen I tza, Yucatan, Mexico.

Distribution; Northern half of Yucatan Peninsula; Peten, Guatemala.

Ninia sebae punctulata (Bocourt)

188S Streptophorus sebae var Dunctulata Bocourt. Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 5*7' Type-locality: Guatemala; restricted to vicinity of Quezaltenango, Pacific slope, southern Guatemala, by Schmidt and Rand, Fieldiana: Zool., 39, 1957> 75- 1957 Ninia sebae punctulata —Schmidt and Rand, Fieldiana: Zool., 39= 79-

Distribution: Pacific slope of Guatemala and contiguous Chiapas, between 5OO ^nd 2000 m. 225 NOTHOPSIS REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * -^ T^T *


1871 Nothopsis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., IS/l: 201. Type-species: Nothopsis ruqosus Cope.

Distribution: Atlantic coast of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama; Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador.


I87I Nothopsis ruqosus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., ISyit 201. Type-locality: Darien, Panama. iqO'i Nothopsis affinis Boulenger. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 15= ^53- Type-locality: Salidero, Ecuador.

1551 Nothops i s torres i Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., Ji: ')!, pi. 1. Type-locality: Morehouse Finca, five m! southwest of Turrialba, Costa Rica. 19*57 Nothopsis ruqosus—Dunn and Cowling, Copeia, 1957' ^55> Pl- !•

Distribution: Atlantic coast of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama; Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador. i




1882 Opisthoplus Peters, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, ^2: 1148. Type-species: Opisthoplus deqener Peters. 1947 Aproterodon VanzolinI, Pap. Avul^ Depto, Zool. Sao Paulo, 8: 181. Type-species: Aproterodon

clemente i Vanzolini.

Distribution: As for only known species.

Content: One species.


1882 Opisthoplus deqener Peters. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 52: 114% figs. 1-4. Type-locality; Not indicated) restricted by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan 28, 1959> 68, to Estado Rio Grande do Sul,

Braz i 1. 1947 Aproterodon clemente Vanzolini, Pap. Avul. Oepto. Zool. SSo Paulo, 8, I83. Type-locality: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 19'i9 Opisthoplus deqener—Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan (1957-1958), 28: 68.

Distribution: Known only from Quinta, Carazinho and vicinity of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 227 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE **** OXYBELIS Prepared by E. D. Keiser, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana


1826 Dryoph i s Fitzinger (preoccupied by Dryoph i s Dalman, 1823), Neue Classification der Amphibien: 60.

Type-species: Coluber f ula i dus Daudin.

I83O Oxvbelj.s Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: I83. Type-species: Dry i nus aeneus Wagler.

1848 Plastor Gistl (substitute name for Oxybel i s Wagler), Na turgesch ichte des Tli i erre i chs: x.

Distribution: Extreme southwestern United States, tropical Mexico and South America to Brazil,

Bol i V ia, and Peru.

Content: Four species.

Key to the species Clave de espec i es

1. Lateral and vertebral dark stripes lacl

2. Anal plate divided; supralabials usually eight 2. Placa anal dividlda; ocho mas supralab iales-3 or more 3 Placa anal entera; seis supralab iales Anal plate single; supralabials usually six brev irostr i s

brev i rostr i s

3. Paired white or yellow lateral stripes on 3. Par de ifneas blancas o amarillas prominente a venter prominent of on full length body lo largo de todo el vientre fulq i dus

f ulq i dus Par de ifneas ventrales blancas o amarillas Paired white or yellow ventral stripes absent, ausente; si esta presente, las ifneas son or if present, weak and restricted to extreme palidas y restrictas a los extremes de los lateral edges of ventrals on anterior half of margenes laterales, en la mitad anterior body aeneus ventral del cuerpo aeneus


182A Dry I nus aeneus Wagler, in Splx, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 12, pi. 3" Type-locality; "Habitat in sylvis adjacentibus flumlnl Sollmoens, prope Ega." Ega is an older name for Tefe, Amazonas, Brazil.

C.^ i natus W led. Isis von Oken, 6: Type-locality: None stated; Wied, 1824 oluber J acum 667. but Beitrage Naturgesch. Bras., 1825, 3^6, wrote: "Sie kommt besonders in der Gegend des Flusses Espirito Santo vor." 1825 Dry inus aura tus Bell, Zool. Jour., London, 2: 325» pl- 12. Type-locality: Mexico. I83O Oxybelis aeneus Wagler. Nat. Syst. Amphib.: I83. [ ] —

I854 Dryophis vittatus Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1854: 226. Type-locality: Taboga, Bay of Panama.

1926 Oxybel i s m icrophthalmus Barbour and Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 9= 8f- Type-locality: Calabasas Canyon, Arizona.

i i 1941 Oxybel i s potos ens s Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 2]: 128, pi. 6, figs. 4-6. Type-locality: Km 192, 3^ '<'" northwest of Cludad Maiz, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

Distribution: Low to moderate and occasionally intermediate elevations from southern Arizona south along eastern and western coasts of Mexico, throughout Central America, and east and west of Andes in northern half of South America.


I8O3 Coluber arqenteus Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: 336. Type-locality: Unknown.

i — 1853 0.[ xYbel s arqenteus Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sc i . Paris, 23: 487. 1923 Oxybelis boulenoeri Procter, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I923: 1062, fig. la-c. Type-locality: Trinidad, Rfo Mamore, Bolivia.

Distribution: Lowlands of northern South America east of Andes. 228 OXYBELIS


i . 1861 D.[ ryoph i s ] brevirostris Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc Phila., 1860: 555. Type-locality: "Veraguas, New Grenada".

I863 O.T xybel i s j coerulescens Jan, Elenco Sist. Degl i Ofidi: 88. Type-locality: Costa Rica.

I856 Oxybel i s brev i rostr is — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' 19".

Distribution: Caribbean lowlands of Central America from Nicaragua through Panama to Pacific lowlands of Colombia and Ecuador.


I8O3 Coluber fulqidus Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: 352, pi. 80. Type-locality: In neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, Santo Domingo (presumably in error); suggested as Surinam by Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 22, 15*1, 5O6; restricted to Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ.... Kansas Sci... -I95O, -J , Bull.,, 33,^ ^j J y r y352.J--

1837 D, ry i oph is j catesby i Schlegel, Essa i Physion. Serp., 252. Type-locality: Uncertain.

1853 0. xybel i s^i.Iq i dus — Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, 23: 487.

Distribution: Low to moderate elevations of Mexico, Central America, and tropical South America east of Andes. :

229 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE *** OXYRHOPUS Prepared by Joseph R. Bailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina


I83O Oxyrhopus Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.; I85. Type-species: Oxyrhopus petola Linnaeus (by sub- sequent restriction. This species not mentioned in Wagler). I843 Sphenocephalus Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 25. Type-species: Lycodon f ormosus Schlegel. I847 Oxyrrhopus Agassiz (emendation of Oxyrhopus Wagler), Nomenclator Zoologici Index Universalis: 268. 1513 Erythroxyrhopus Thompson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1513= 80. Type-species: Oxyrhopus

tr i gem i nus Dumeril, Bibron and Oumeril.

Distribution: Southern Mexico to about 35°^ latitude east of Andes and to just north of Lima, Peru, west of Andes, in South America.

Content: Six species groups containing eleven species for which names are currently available in the literature, plus several as yet undescribed taxa.

Key to the spec ies Clave de especies

1. Preocular usually in contact with frontal; 1. Preocular usualmente en contacto con frontal; hemipenis with sulcus opening on terminal hemipenis cuyo sulcus se abre en espacio ter- clear space or disc; usually ten lower labials minal o disco; frecuentemente diez infra- with six in contact with chin shields (often labiales con seis en contact con geneiales (a

nine with five contacting chin shields in menudo nueve i nf ralab iales, cinco en contacto

rhomb i f er group); dark body bands only on con las geneiales en el grupo rhomb if er ) outer quarter of ventrals posteriorly, unless bandas oscuras posteriores del cuerpo solo en in tr iads 2 los cuartos exteriores de las ventrales, si no Preocular usually well separated from frontal; hay triadas 2 hemipenis with calyces at tips; lower labials Preocular usualmente bien separada de frontal; nine, five or fewer in contact with chin hemipenis con calices en los apices; infra-

shields ( clathra tus has ten, six in about labiales nueve, cinco o menos en contacto con

16?); body bands often reaching midventral geneiales ( clathra tus tiene diez, seis en con- line posteri orly 6 tacto en alrededor del 16?); las bandas del cuerpo frecuentemente llegan al mediovientre posteri or mente 6

Dorsal body bands either include outer edges of 2. Bandas dorsales del cuerpo u ocupan bordes ventrals or are completely absent posteriorly- exteriores de ventrales o estan ausentes --3 completamente en la zona posterioi 3 Dorsal body bands throughout body not extending Bandas dorsales sobre todo el cuerpo que no se laterally to ventrals rhombi fer extienden lateralmente hasta las ventrales

rhomb i fer

3. Bandas dorsales dispuestas en tr'adas a lo menos en la region anal, bien extendidas hasta Dorsal bands arranged in triads at least in las ventrales (algunos individuos de anal region, extending well onto ventrals melanoqenys pueden perder algunas o todas las (some individuals of melanoqenys may lose some tr'adas de la parte posterior del cuerpo, or all triads from posterior part of body, but reteniendo un par de bandas oscuras sobre la retain a pair of dark bands on nape unless nuca a no se suelden en casos de coalesced through ontogenetic melanism) 4 ser que melanismo ontogenico) 4 Dorsal bands (unless obscured by ontogenetic Bandas dorsales (a menos esten oscurecidas por melanism) not arranged in triads, and extend melanismo ontogenet ico) no dispuestas en only onto outer tips of ventrals poster iorly-- tr'adas, extendidas hasta alcanzar las ven- petola trales solo poster iormente petola

4. Tr'adas distintas presentes a lo largo de todo el cuerpo (raramente oscurecidas por melanismo 4. Distinct triads present throughout body (rarely ontoqenetico) 5 obscured by ontogenetic melanism) 5 Tr'adas ausentes poster iormente incompleta- Triads absent posteriorly or incompletely mente desarrolladas a lo menos anter iormente — developed at least anteriorly melanoqenys melanoqenys i


5. Scales along middorsal row from parietal notch 5. Con IO-23, usualmente trece o mas, escamas en to posterior edge of second dark band on neck la fila mediodorsal, desde la muesca parietal IO-23, usually thirteen or more; triads much al borde posterior de la segunda banda oscura longer than interspaces; snout frequently sobre la nuca; tr'adas mayores que interespa- 1 ight spotted tr igem inus cios; hocico f recuentemente manchado en claro-

Scales from parietal notch to end of second tr iqem i nus dark band 6-14, usually ten or fewer; triads Con 6-14, usualmente diez o menos, escamas en generally equal to or shorter than inter- la fila mediodorsal, desde la muesca parietal spaces; snout dark melanogenys hasta el borde posterior de la segunda banda oscura sobre la nuca; trfadas generalmente

iguales o mas cortas que los interespac i os; 6. Black body bands extending well onto ventrals hoc ico oscuro melanogenys and light interspaces, unless modified by ontogenetic change, in which case snout may be 6. Bandas negras bien extendidas sobre ventrales light and body scales tipped with dark, or conjuntament con interespac ios claros a menos

snout dark and considerable dorsal pigment que hayan s i do modificados por cambios onto- extending onto ventrals 7 genicos, en cuyo caso el hocico puede ser Body color (in alcohol) dark brown and yellow claro y las escamas del cuerpo salpicadas de or white irregularly spotted, each scale oscuro o el hocico oscuro y considerable pig- generally of a single color; venter immacu- mento dorsal se extiende por las ventrales 7 late; juvenile with light collar followed by Color del cuerpo (en alcohol) pardo oscuro man-

dark nape blotch f i tz inger i chado irregularmente con amarillo bianco, cada escama generalmente de un solo tono; vientre inmaculado; juveniles con collar claro

7. Snout and crown dark anterior to parietals; seguido de mancha nucal oscura f i tz i nger body with dark and light bands, no ontogenetic Hocico parte superior de la cabeza anterior- fading of dark bands 8 7. y mente a las parietales oscura; cuerpo con Head red (white in alcohol); body with dark and bandas claras oscuras, no hay decoloracion light bands; in some populations, dark bands y ontogenetica de las bandas oscuras 8 may fade while light interspaces and crown may Cabeza roja (blanca en alcohol); cuerpo con darken, leaving unpatterned snake with dark bandas oscuras claras; en algunas poblacio- scale tips and with dark brown crown and nape; y nes, las bandas oscuras pueden decolorarse snout always light f ormosus mientras los interespac ios claros y la parte superior de la cabeza puede oscurecerse, dando una ausencia de diseRo con escamas oscuras en 8. Dorsal scales in I5 rows at midbody 5 los apices y pardo oscuro sobre la parte Dorsal scales in I7 or I5 rows at midbody 11 superior de la cabeza y la nuca; hocico s iempre claro f ormosus

5. Body bands fewer, 25-36, nearly or quite com- 8. Escamas dorsales en I5 filas al medio del plete posteriorly; light interspaces wider cuerpo 9 posteriorly than anteriorly and considerably Escamas dorsales en I7 o I5 filas al medio del on melanism wider lower sides; ontogenetic cuerpo 11

i ncomplete 10 Body bands generally more numerous, over JO in 5. Bandas del cuerpo menos de 25-36, casi comple-

south, 40 in north; bands usually not continu- tas poster i ormente; i nterespac ios claros mas

ous across belly; light interspaces about one anchos posterior que anter i ormente, considera- scale wide throughout length of body and not blemente mas anchos sobre los lado inferior- widening appreciably on sides; larger speci- mente; melanismo ontogenico incompleto 10 mens frequently completely melanistic except Bandas del cuerpo generalmente mas numerosas,

m i dvent rally clathratus sobre 30 en el sur, 40 en el norte; usualmente las bandas no son cont'nuas a traves del

vientre; i nterespac ios claros alrededor de una escama de ancho a lo largo de todo el cuerpo 10. Posteriorly light interspaces 2-1/2 to 3 times no ensanchandose aprec iablemente en los lados; length of dark bands; dark bands on body grandes ejemplares f recuentemente totalmente 25-29; light collar covers three to six scales melanicos excepto medioventralmente-clathratus along median row venezuelanus Posteriorly light interspaces usually less 10. Interespac ios claros posteriores 2-1/2 a 3 than twice length of dark bands; dark bands veces la longitud de las bandas oscuras; ban- on body 27-36; light collar covers 1 to 2-1/2 das oscuras sobre el cuerpo 25-25; collar scales along median row dol iatus claro que cubre tres a seis escamas sobre la

f i la mediana venezuelanus Interespac ios claros posteriores menos del doble de la longitud de las bandas oscuras; bandas oscuras sobre el cuerpo 27-36; collar claro que cubre 1 a 2-1/2 escamas sobre la f ila med iana dol iatus i i


11. Dorsals in I7 rows; usually eight upper ll.Oorsales en I7 filas; usualmente ocho supra- labials, fourth and fifth in orbit; subcaudals labiales, cuarta y quinta en la orbita; sub- more than 75 leucomelas caudales mas de 75 leucomelas Dorsals in I5 rows; seven upper labials, third Dorsales en I5 filas; siete supralab iales, ter- and fourth in orbit; subcaudals fewer than cera y cuarta en la orbita; subcaudales menos 55 marcapa tae de 55 marcapatae

OXYi^HOPUS CLATHRATUS Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril dol ia tus group

I854 Oxyrhopus clathra tus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 1026. Type-locality: Brazil.

1503 Oxyrhopus dol ia tus var. v i per ina Werner, Zool. Anz., 26: 250- Type-locality: Brazil. 1923 Clel ia cla thra ta pulcherr ima Muller, Zool. Anz., 57= 153' Type-locality: Humboldt, Santa Catar ina, Braz il.

Distribution: Southeastern Brazil from southern Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul and Misiones,

Argent i na.

OXYRHOPUS DOLIATUS Dumlril, Bibron and Dumeril dol ia tus group

I85* Oxyrhopus dol iatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7* 1020. Type-locality: Brazil?

1913 Drepanodon erdisi i Barbour, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I913: 5O6, pi. I7, figs. 3-4. Type- locality: Machu Picchu, Peru.

Distribution: Definitely known only from Cuzco Province, Peru.


f i tz i nger i group

I845 S i phloph i s F i tz inqer i Tschudi, Arch, fur Naturg., 11 (l): I65. Type-locality: Peru; further stated as coastal region of Peru by Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, Rept., 1846, 57> Pl- ^•

I863 O.|_ xyrhopusj F i tz i nger i — Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 93'

Distribution: Coastal areas of Ecuador and Peru.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

More than i i i 1. 220 ventrals f tz inqer 1. Ventrales mas de 220 f i tz inqer 210' Fewer than ventrals f r i zzell i Ventrales menos de 210 f r i zzell i

Oxyrhopus f i tz i nger i f i tz inqer i (Tschudi)

1943 Oxyrhopus f i tz i nqer i f i tz inqer i — Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 312.

Distribution: Coast of southern Peru.

Oxyrhopus f i tz i nger i f r izzell Schmidt and Walker

1943 Oxyrhopus f i tz inqer i f r izzell Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 313' Type-locality: Negritos, Piura, Peru.

Distribution: Dry Pacific lowlands of Ecuador and Peru. 232 OXYRHOPUS


1820 Coluber formosus Wied. Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Carol., 10 (l): IO5. Type-locality: Lagoa d'Arara, Rio Mucuri, Bahia, Brazil. 1824 Natr ix occ ipi tal is Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 21, pi. 6, fig. 2. Type-locality: Rio

Sol imoes, Braz i 1. I854 Oxyrhopus leucocephalus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' IO38. Type-locality: Unknown. I863 Cf xyrhopus ] lab ial is Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 53> ^"d Jan and Sordell i, I87O, Icon. Gen. Opbidiens, Livr. 35= Pl- 2, fig. 2, Type-locality: South America. 1871 Oxyrhopus submarq inatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I87I: 401. Type-locality: Pozuzu, Peru. 1516 Clelia peruviana Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7' 204. Type-locality: Tarma, Peru. 1927 Oxyrhopus iridescens Werner. Sitz. Math. -Naturw iss. Kl. Acad. Wiss. Wien, 135= 248. Type- locality: Huancibamba, Peru.

Distribution: Forested South America north of about 20°S latitude.

Comment: This is obviously a complex of forms, and much more material than is presently available will be required to study it satisfactorily. The eastern Brazilian and the westernmost Peruvian material, along with a few other specimens, retain the characteristic orange head and banded pattern throughout life with only some darkening of the crown. Most of the specimens from the Amazon watershed and Colombia lose the dark bands with maturity, and the head behind the snout

darkens to resemble closely unhanded specimens of Oxyrhopus melanogenvs . with which these specimens have usually been confused.

OXYRHOPUS LEUCOMELAS (Werner), new combination dol iatus group

1516 Trop i dod i psas leucomelas Werner, Zool. Anz., 47: JO'). Type-locality: CaSon de Tolima, Colombia.

1561 Tr ipanurqos leucomelas — Downs, Copeia, I56I : 3^6, fig. 1.

Distribution: Amazonian slopes of Ecuador and Peru; headwater areas of Cauca and Magdalena river valleys.

OXYRHOPUS MARCAPATAE (Soulenger), new combination doliatus group

1502 Homalocran ium marcapatae Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Mat. Hist., (7) 10: 401. Type-locality: Marcapata Valley, eastern Peru.

1914 Drepanodon eaton i Ruthven, in Barbour, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i , Phila., 1913= 5^6. Type-locality: Machu Picchu, Peru.

Distribution: Marcapata and Urubamba valleys in Peruvian highlands.

OXYRHOPUS MELANOGENYS (Tschudi) melanogenys group

184'5 Sphenocephalus melanoqenys Tschudi, Arch fur Naturg., 11 (l): I63. Type-locality: Peru; further specified as Chanchamayo region, Peru, by Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, Rept., 1846, 49, pl. 4. Amazon. 1872 Tachymen is b i torquata Gijnther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 9= 19' Type-locality: Peruvian I896 Oxyrhopus melanoqenys — Boulenger, Cat. Sn, Brit. Mus., J: IO5.

Distribution: Amazonian watershed of Bolivia, Peru, Brazil and Ecuador.

OXYRHOPUS PETOLA (Linnaeus) petola group

1758 Coluber petola Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 22$. Type-locality: Africa. [Ox — Bihang till K. Svenska 22 1896 yrrhopus J Petola Lonnberg, Vet. -Akad. Handlingar, (4): 7.

Distribution: Mexico through Central America to northwestern Ecuador west of Andes and to Amazonian Bolivia and Brazil east of Andes.

Content: Three subspecies. —


Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dorsal bands on body 17"59> usually more 1. Bandas dorsales en el cuerpo 17"55» usual- than 20; if fewer than 25, then more wide- mente mas de 20; si son menos de 25 son ly spaced, especially posteriorly; little mas espaciadas, part icularmente posterior- or no ontogenetic melanism 2 mente; melanismo ontogenico pequefio o Dorsal bands on body few and long, 10-24, ausente 2 but usually fewer than 20, and distinctly Bandas dorsales en el cuerpo pocas y lai wider than light interspaces posteriorly; gas, 10-24, usualmente menos de 20, dis- large individuals often completely tintamente mas anchas que los interespa-

melan i st ic di g i tal i s cios Clares poster iormente; grandes indi- viduos f recuentemente completamente

2. Bands on body 24-55, usually more than 35> melan i cos di q i tal i s approximately equal in length, separated 2. Bandas en el cuerpo 24-55, usualmente mas by interspaces about one scale wide de aprox imadamente iguales en largo, petola 35>

separadas por i nterespacios de una escama Bands on body 15"36, more widely spaced; in ancho interior Colombia posterior bands fre- de petola Bandas en el cuerpo I5-36, "'as anchamente quently very short and widely spaced; in espaciadas; en el interior de Colombia middle America, preoculars usually not in bandas contact with prefrontal sebae posterlores frecuentemente muy cor- tas y anchamente espaciadas; en America Central usualmente las preoculares no con- tactan con prefrontal sebae

Oxyrhopus petola petola (L i nnaeus)

1758 Coluber petolarius Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 225. Type-locality: "Indiis". 1766 Coluber Pethola Linnaeus (emendation of Coluber Petola Linnaeus), Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 387.

1766 Coluber petalar ius Linnaeus (emendation of Coluber petolar i us Linnaeus), Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 387.

I854 Oxyrhopus mult i f asc ia tus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., f: IOI3. Type-locality: Brazil or Cayenne; herewith restricted to Cayenne.

I854 Oxyrhopus spad i ceus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., f: 1028. Type-locality: "Cote-Ferme"; which is determined as Cumana and vicinity by Hoge and Lancini, Bol. Mus. Hist. Nat. Caracas, 6-7, I56O, 53.

Oxyrhopus i s I854 bi-prae-ocular Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., "J: IO3O. Type-locality: Cayenne.

1528 Clel ia cornel i i Muller, Zool. Anz., 77' 1^- Type-locality: Maracay, Venezuela. 15*6 Oxyrhopus petola petola — Beebe, Zoologica, "^1: 37-

V i i Distribution: i 11a v cenc o, Colombia east probably to French Guiana; Trinidad.

Oxyrhopus petola dig i tal is (fieuss), new combination

I834 Coluber digital is Reuss, Mitgleid. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., 1: 148, pi. 5, '^9' !• Type-locality: llheos, Brazil.

I854 Lycodon ( Oxyrrhopus ) semi f asc latus TschudI, Arch, fur Naturg., 11 (l): I65. Type- locality: Peru; further specified as forest regions of middle Peru by Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, Rept,, 1846, 55, pl- 7'

1854 Oxyrhopus I mmacula tus Dumeril, Bibron, and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' 1025. Type-locality: Unknown.

1855 Oxyrrhopus I ntermedius Werner, Zool. Anz., 22: 481. Type-locality: Southern Brazil.

Distribution: Amazonian parts of northern Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador; coastal and central Brazil In forested areas; Choco region of Colombia and eastern Panama, Intergrading with petola petola along the Amazon-Orinoco divide.

;i68-192 0—70- 234 OXYRHOPUS

Oxyrhopus petola sebae Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril

18S4 Oxyrhopus Sebae Dumeril. Bibron, and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7= IO36. Type-locality: Colombia, New Grenada, Cayenne, Brazil, and Mexico; herewith restricted to Colombia. I887 Oxyrrhopus doliatus semicinctus Cope. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32: 76. Type-locality: Eastern Costa Rica. 1505 Oxyrhopus dol iatus van. aegu ifasciata Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 231. Type-locality: Coban, Guatemala. 1942 Clelia baileyi Smith. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 52: 35I. Type-locality: Potrero Viejo, Veracruz, Mexico. 1544 O.[ xyrhopus] petola sebae — Dunn. Caldasia, 3 (l2): 201.

Distribution: Western Ecuador and interior Colombia north to Veracruz, Mexico; inter- grading with digitalis in eastern Panama and Choco of Colombia.

OXYRHOPUS RHOMBIFER Dumlril, Bibron and Dumeril rhomb if er group

18'i4 Oxyrhopus rhombifer Dumeril. Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7= 1018. Type-locality: Provincia Corrientes, Argentina.

Distribution: Amazon River south to central Argentina.

Content: Four subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

Dark bands black, about same shade centrally Bandas oscuras negras, de igual intensidad as on edges; sutures of head scales not en el centro que en los bordes; suturas distinctively colored except sometimes on entre placas cefalicas no coloreadas dis- snout; dark pigment in light interspaces tintamente excepto a veces sobre elhocico;

usually confined to scale tips; subcaudals pigmento oscuro en los i nterespac ios usually fewer than 72 in males, 62 in claros solo confinado usualmente a los females (except in Mato Grosso and Goias)- apices de escamas; subcaudales normalmente 2 menos de ]2 en machos, 62 en hembras Dark bands brown, usually lighter in tone (excepto en Mato Grosso y Goias) 2 centrally; head scales all with light Bandas oscuras pardas, usualmente mas claras sutures giving pied appearance; dark en el centro; suturas entre placas cefali- dorsal pigment usually not confined to cas claras dando el aspecto de manchas; scale tips in light interspaces; sub- pigmento oscuro dorsal no confinado a los

caudals usually more than 7I i" males, 6I apices de escamas en los i nterespac i os

i n females 3 claros; subcaudales normalmente mas de 71 en machos, 61 en hembras 3 Dark dorsal bands numerous, about 3O-6O, Bandas dorsales oscuras numerosas, alre- anterior slightly longer than posterior, dedor de 3^-60, anter iormente algo mas second band three to six scales long largas que poster iormente, segunda banda

— i rhomb i f er de tres a seis escamas de largo rhomb f er Dark dorsal bands fewer, I6-3O, anterior Bandas dorsales oscuras poco numerosas, I6- much longer than posterior, second band 30, anter iormente mucho mas largas que seven to twelve scales in length poster iormente, segunda banda de siete a

septentr ional is doce escamas de largo septentr i onal is

Bandas anteriores mas largas que posteri- Anterior bands much longer than posterior, ores, segunda banda alrededor de 10-16 second band about IO-I6 scales in length; escamas de largo; ventrales mas subcau- ventrals plus subcaudals usually more than dales usualmente mas de 269

i i fasc iatus 269 i naequ i fasc iatus naequ Anterior bands slightly longer than Bandas anteriores ligeramente mas largas posterior, second band fewer than ten que posteriores, segunda banda menos de scales in length; ventrals plus subcaudals diez escamas de largo; ventrales mas subcau-

usually fewer than 27O bachmann i dales usualmente menos de 27D bachmann i i


Oxyrhopus rhomb if er rhomb i f er Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril

I854 Oxyrhopus sub-punctatus Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7" IOI6. Type-locality: Braz il.

I854 Oxyrhopus D'Orb i any i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7= 1024. Type-locality: Buenos Aires, Argentina, iqoq Oxyrhopus rhombifer [ rhomb if er j—Werner. Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 23O.

Distribution: Provincia de Buenos Aires to east of Rfo Parana in Argentina and Uruguay; north to southern Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Oxyrhopus rhomb if er bachmann i (Weyenbergh) , new combination

I876 Coronella Bachmann Weyenbergh, Period. Zool. Cordoba, 2 (I875)! 153' Type-locality: Cordoba, Argentina.

1523 Leptod ira we i ser i Mtjller, Zool. Anz., 57' ^5^' Type-locality: Casp i nchango, Valle Cachaque, Catamarca, Argentina.

Distribution: West of Rfo Parana and south to Mendoza and Cordoba, Argentina.

Oxyrhopus rhomb if er inaequ i fasc iatus Werner

1505 Oxyrhopus rhomb iter var. i naequ i f asc ia ta Werner. Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 23O. Type-locality: Estancia Postilion, Puerto Max, Paraguay. 1955 Pseudoboa orna ta Hoge and Mertens, Senckenberg iana Biol., 36: 3''5> pis. 3''"31- Type- locality: Forte de Coimbra, PSrto Esperanja, Mate Grosso, Brazil.

Distribution: Salta and Jujuy, Argentina through Bolivian Chaco and Brazilian Pantanal.

Oxyrhopus rhomb iter septentr ional i s Vellard

1543 Oxyrhopus rhomb if er septentr i onal i s Vellard, Acta. Zool. Lilloana, 1; 85, pi. Type- locality: Campos de Vilhena, northern Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Distribution: Central Planalto of Brazil; Mato Grosso (except Pantanal), Goias, and north to Rio Amazonas in region of Santarem, Brazil.

OXYRHOPUS TRIGEMINUS Dumeril, Bibron and Oumlril melanogenys group

I854 Oxyrhopus tr iqem i nus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' IOI3. Type-locality; Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; restricted to Distrito Federal, Brazil, by Vanzolini, Rev. Brasil. Biol., 8: 3^2; restriction here rejected, for reasons to be published elsewhere.

ISl^ Oxyrhopus trigeminus — Thompson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1913' 79-

Distribution: Most of Brazil north of Rio de Janeiro, to Rio Amazonas and west into Mato Grosso; Marajo Island.

OXYRHOPUS VENEZUELANUS Shreve dol iatus group

1947 Oxyrhopus venezuelanus Shreve, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 95' 532- Type-locality; Pauji, Distrito Acosta, Estado de Falcon, Venezuela.

Distribution: Andes of north central Venezuela. 236 REPTILIA: SERPEN TES: COLUBRIDAE ^k 'k if PARAPOSTOLEPIS


1530 Parapostolep is Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4 (1529)! 51« Type-species: Apostolep is polylep is Amaral.

Distribution! As for only known species.

Content: One species.


1521 Apostolep i s polylep is Amaral, Anex. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 1 (l): I'j, -pi. 1, figs. ^-8. Type-locality! Eng. Oodt, Munic'pio de Santa Filomena, Estado do Piauf, Brazil. 153" Parapostolepis polylepis — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4 (1925): 51'

Distribution; Known only from type locality. i



1967 Paraptychoph i s Lema, Iheringia, Zool., no. 35- 62. Type-species: Paraptvchophis meyer Lema.

Distribution; Known only from type locality of species.

Content: One species.


1567 Paraptychoph is meyeri Lema, Iheringia, Zool., no. 35' 63, figs. 1-10. Type-locality; P6rto Alegre, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Distribution; Known only from type locality. 238



1500 Paroxyrhopus Schenkel, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 13' I68. Type-species; ParoxyrhoDus ret iculatus Schenkel.

Distribution: Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia,

Content: Two species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Two postoculars; supraocular not turned down 1. Dos postoculares; supraocular no contorneando behind orbit; unicolor dorsally, sides atras y hacia abajo la orbita; dorsalmente variegated with small spots or reddish coloi— unicolor, lados variegados con pequeflas man- undula tus chas en color rojizo undula tus One postocular; supraocular has downward pro- Una postocular; supraocular con una extension jecting extension behind orbit; dorsum with que proyecta atras y hacia abajo de la orbita; large, brownish-black spots ret iculatus dorso con grandes manchas pardo negras ret icula tus

PAROXYRHOPUS UNDULATUS (Jensen), new combination

1900 Oxyrhopus undulatus Jensen. Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. K jobenhavn, I899 (19OO): 106, fig. 2. Type-locality: Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 1913 Oxyrhopus lat ifrontal is Werner. Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 3''' 3*^- Type-locality: Eastern part of Estado de Minas Gerias, Brazil. 1923 Paroxyrhopus a tropurpureus Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: 9"' Type-locality: Nova Baden, Estado do Minas Gerais, Brazil.

1929 Paroxyrhopus lat i frontal is —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 208.

Distribution: Mato Grosso, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Goias, Brazil; Institute Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil, has a specimen identified as this species from Amazonian Colombia.

Comment: Dr. Joseph R. Bailey has pointed out this prior name for the species called Paroxyrhopus lat ifrontal is by earlier authors. He also thinks it likely that the two species are not distinguishable, but we retain both at this time.


1900 Paroxyrhopus ret iculatus Schenkel, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, I3: l69> 'figs. 5'5^' Type- locality: Bemalcue, Paraguay.



I8O3 Pelam i s Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 1: 357* Type-species: Anqu i s platura Linnaeus. 1816 Pelamys Oken (emendation of Pelam is Daudin), Okens Lehrbuch der Naturgesch ichte, 3 (2): 275. 1817 Ophi nectes Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag. Crit. Rev., 1: ^"^2. Type-species: None designated.

1848 Elaphrodytes Gistl (substitute name for Hydrus Daudin), Naturgesch i chte des Tierreichs: ix. 1910 Pelamydrus Stejneger, Proc. U.i Nat. Mus., 38= 111» Type-species: Anqu is platura Linnaeus.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


1766 Anqu is platura Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 391' Type-locality: None given. b 1799 Hydrus J icolor Schneider, Hist. Amphib. Nat., 1: 242. Type-locality: None given,

I8O3 Pelam i — "]: ^ s j platuros Daudin (in error for platurus ) . Hist. Nat. Rept., 36I.

i i i I8I7 Pelam s schne der Rafinesque (substitute name for Pelam i s b icolor var. Daudin), Amer. Month. Mag. Crit. Rev., 1: 432. 1842 Pelamis ornata Gray. Zool. Misc., 1842: 60. Type-locality: "India".

I854 Pelam i s var i eqata Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 1337* Type-locality: Macassar, Celebes.

I854 Pelamis bicolor var. S i nua ta Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., Type-locality; [ j 7= 1338. Unknown.

I856 Hydroph i s ( Pelam i s ) b icolor var. al ternatus Fischer name for i s ieoa ta [ j (substitute Pelam var Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril), Abh. Naturwiss. Ver. Hamburg, 3' 63.

I872 Hydroph i s b icolor var. maculata Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 40; pi. 3> fig. 3' Type-locality: "Mer des Indes" (Indian Ocean?); coast of China.

Distribution: I ndo-Austral i an seas from Siberia to Tasmania; Pacific Ocean; west coast of Americas from Mexico to Ecuador; one unverified report on Gulf Coast of Central America. s i



1830 Philodryas Waqler. Nat. Syst. Amphib.: 185- Type-species: Coluber Olfersii L ichtenste in.

I83O Chlorosoma Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.: 185- Type-species: Coluber vir i di ss imum Linnaeus.

1843 TroD i dodryas Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-species: Herpetodryas Serra Schlegel.

1857 Callirh i nus Girard (preoccupied by Call i rh i nus Cuvier), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1857' 181.

Type-species: Callirhinus patagon i ens i Girard. 1858 Euophrys GOnther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 139- Type-species: Euophrys modestus Gunther. 1859 Galeoph is Berthold, Nach. Univ. K. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, 1/: 181. Type-species: Galeoph is Jani Berthold. I87O Teleolepis Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 11 (I869): 153- Type-species: Teleolepis striaticeps Cope. I887 Aqratomus Cope, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32: 93' Type-species: Philodryas burmeisteri Jan.

1887 Dirrhox Cope (substitute name for Call i rhinus Girard), Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 24: 58. I887 Atomophis Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 24: 58. Type-species: Philodryas burmeisteri Jan. 1903 Rh inodryas Werner, Abh. Bayerischen Akad., 22: 384, fig. Type-species: Rhinodryas KBnigi Werner. 1924 Pseuduromacer Werner, Sitz. Math. -Naturw iss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I33, abt. 1: 52. Type-

species: Pseuduromacer luqubr i s Werner.

Distribution: South America.

Content: Fifteen species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Normal rostral, without accessory scales- 1. Rostral normal, sin escudos accesorios 2 Rostral prominent, with accessory scales- Rostral prominente con escudos accesorios

-baron i baron i

2. Mas de I5 filas de escamas al medio del 2. More than I5 scale rows at midbody 3 cuerpo 3

With 15 scale rows at midbody ol i qolep i s Con 15 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo

ol i qolep is

3. More than I7 scale rows at midbody 4 3. Con m£s de I7 filas de escamas al medio del

With 17 scale rows at midbody carbonell i cuerpo 4 Con 17 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo carbonell 4. More than I9 scale rows at midbody- With 19 scale rows at midbody 4. Con mas de I9 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo 5 Con 19 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo 9 5. With 21 scale rows at midbody 6

With 23 scale rows at midbody burme i ster i 5. Con 21 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo 6 Con 23 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo

burme i ster i 6. Scales keeled -7 Scales not keeled- 6. Escamas carenadas 7 Escamas no carenadas 8

7. Belly immaculate; dorsal pattern uniform 7. Vientre inmaculado; dorso verde uniforme

green aest i vus aest i vus Dark belly with yellow stripes; dorsal pattern Vientre oscuro con ifneas amarillas; dorso brown spotted serra manchado serra.

8, Belly brownish with yellow spotting; end of 8. Vientre pardo con punteado amarillo; porcion

ta i 1 h i sp i d pseudoserra final de la cola h'spida pseudoserra Belly not spotted; end of tail not hispid Vientre sin mancha^s; porcion final de la cola

natterer i no h fsp i da natterer i

9. Lacking dark, zig-zag vertebral stripe 10 9. Sin banda oscura vertebral en zig-zag 10 With a dark, zig-zag vertebral stripe eleqans Con banda oscura vertebral en zig-zag eleqans lO.Ventrals edged with black 11 lO.Ventrales bordeadas de negro -11 Ventrals not black bordered 12 Ventrales no bordeadas de negro- -12 241 PHILODRYAS

11. Sharp canthus rostral i s . 11 + 2 maxillary 11. Canthus rostralis saliente y n'tido; 11 + 2

teeth; 15 mandibular teeth pataqon i ens is dientes maxilares; 15 dientes mandibulares * Canthus rostral i s inconspicuous; 15 2 pataqon i ens i s * teeth; 21 mandibular teeth arnaldo i Canthus rostral i s imperceptible; 15 2 dientes

maxilares; 21 dientes mandibulares arnaldo i 12. Dorsal pattern uniformly green -13 Dorsal pattern not uniformly green- -14 12.Dorso verde uniforme 13 Dorso no verde uniforme 14

13.Ventrals fewer than 205 16 13.Ventrales menos de 205 16

Ventrals more than 205 v ir i d i ss i mus Ventrales mas de 205 v ir idiss imus 14. Lacking dark vertebral stripe, 3~5 scales wide- 15 14. Sin cinta vertebral oscura de tres a cinco With dark vertebral stripe 3"5 scales wide escamas de ancho 15

psammoph i deus Con cinta vertebral oscura de tres a cinco

escamas de ancho psammoph i deus

15.Ventrals more than 200; deep green dorsally, 15.Mas de 200 ventrales; dorso oliva oscuro,

posteriorly reddish mattogrossens i s rojizo poster iormente mattoqrossens i s Fewer than 200 ventrals; yellowish-green dor- Menos de 200 ventrales; dorso verde amarillento

sally, often with scales streaked with black con escamas f recuentemente I'neadas de negro y

and wh i te pataqon iens i s bianco pataqon i ens i s

16. Dorsal scales smooth; usually fewer than 120 l6.Escamas dorsales lisas; usualmente menos de

su beau da Is olf ers i i 120 subcaudales olf ers i i Dorsal scales keeled; usually more than 120 Escamas dorsales quilladas; usualmente mas de subcaudals- -aestivus 120 subcaudales aest i vus

PHILODRYAS AESTIVUS (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumlril)

I854 Drvophvlax aest i vus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 1111. Type-locality: South

Amer i ca. 1896 Philodryas aestivus—Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: 128.

Distribution: Southwestern and southern Brazil; Amazonian Bolivia; Paraguay, Uruguay and northern

Argent i na.

Co mment: The composite nature of Herpetodryas aest i vus Schlegel (Essai Physion. Serp., 1837, 186) was noted by Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, in Erp. Gen., 7, I854, who restricted Schlegel's name to the Asian material (p. 2O5), and gave a new name to the American material (p. IIU). Unfortunately, they chose the same specific epithet for the latter that Schlegel gave to the former (aest i vgs), and this has led to considerable confusion in later literature concerning the authorship of the names. It is clear that they were dealing with two distinct taxa, and by ndicating the American species as Dryophylas aest i vus Nobis they intended this to be a newly coined name. We so use it here.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. With 21 scale rows, strongly keeled except 1. Con 21 filas de escamas fuertemente qui- outer row; black line behind eye lladas excepto la fila exterior; una I'nea

maneqarzon i negra detras del ojo maneqarzon i With 15 moderately keeled scale rows, Con 15 filas de escamas moderadamente qui-

lacking black line behind eye aest i vus lladas; sin I'nea negra atras del ojo aestivus

Philodryas aestivus aestivus (Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

1900 Philodryas campicola Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kjobnhavn, I5OO: 108. Type- locality: Laqoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 1902 Philodryas subcarinatus Boulenqer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) J: 287. Type-locality: Coloni Ben'tez, Paraguay. 1524 P.[ seuduromacer is ] luqubr Werner, Sitz. Math.-Naturw i ss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I33, abt. 1: 53- Type-locality: SSo Paulo, Brazil. 1959 Philodryas aestivus [ aestivus ] —Ore jas-M iranda. Com. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 4 (82):' 2.

Distribution: S3o Paulo, Brazil to Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina. I i


Ph ilodryas aest i vus maneqarzon i Ore jas-Miranda

i i 1555 Ph i lodryas aest i vus man e qarzon Ore jas-Miranda, Com. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, (82): 2. Type-locality: Near Zapican, Departamento Lavalleja, Uruguay.

Distribution: Uruguay.


1*932 Chlorosoma arnaldoi Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 7: 1^0, figs. 2-4. Type-locality: SSo Bento, Santa Catharina, Brazil. 1536 Philodryas arnaldoi —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 10: 140.

Distribution: Sao Paulo, Parana, Rio GraHde do Sul, and Santa Catarina, Brazil.


189'5 Philodryas Baron i Berg, An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 4: I85. Type-locality: Tucuman, Argentina.

1903 Rhinodryas Kon i q Werner. Abh. Bayerischen Akad., 22: 3^4, fig. Type-locality; Rosario, Argentina (province not mentioned).

Distribution: Chaco, Santiago de Estero, Salta, Tucuman and Catamarca, Argentina.

Comment: Serie described Ph ilodryas baron i var. fusco-flavescens (An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 26, 1514, 228, pi. ), with the type-locality Salta, Argentina, and a paratype from Tucuman, Argentina. Insofar as we can determine, the range of the variety is the same as the nominate form, both as given by Serie in later papers, and in Abalos et al. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 20, 1964, 26I. It seems

clear that this does not represent a subspecies as usually recognized by herpetolog i sts.


I86I Herpetodryas trilineatus Burmeister fnomen nudum), Reise Durch die La Plata-Staaten, 1: JO').

1861 Dr. yophylax burmeister i Burmeister (nomen nudum), Reise Durch die La Plata-Staaten, 2: 529'

I863 P7[ hilodryas urme i ster i Jan, E^enco Sistema Ofidi: 84. Type-locality: Mendoza, Argentina.

1 Ph i lodryas arenar i us Andersson, Ofv. K. Vet. -Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 7' *5S> * figs. Type- locality: Puerto Madryn, , Argentina.

Distribution: Northwestern Argentina to Patagonia.


19*17 Philodryas carbonelli Roze, Sol. Mus. Cien. Nat. Caracas, 1 (l955): 186, figs. 2-3. Type- locality: Maroa, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela.

Distribution; Southern Venezuela.


I845 L.|_ yqoph is ( Lyqoph i s )J eleqans Tschudi, Archiv. fur Naturg., 2: l64. Type-locality: Peru; more precisely stated later by Tschudi, Fauna Peruviana, Herp., 1845, 53» pl« 6, as Montanas de Urubamba and vicinity of Lima, Peru; restricted to Lima, Peru, by Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, I943, 317. I896 Philodryas eleqans—Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: I33.

Distribution: Ecuador to Chile.

Content: Two subspecies. s


Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Dark vertebral band broken anteriorly into 1. Banda vertebral oscura interrumpida paired or alternating spots, or into anter iormente, generando puntos apareados

crossbands ruf i dorsatus o alternos o bandas transversales

Dark vertebral band continuous anteriorly — ruf i dorsatus - eleqans Ganda vertebral oscura anter i ormente

cont I nua eleqans

Ph I lodrvas eleqans eleqans (Tschudi)

I854 Dryophvlax f rem i nv i lie i Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., f: III5. Type-locality: Guiana and Gallao, Peru; restricted to Callao by Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Mat. Hist., 24, I543, 317. 1943 Ph ilodryas eleqans eleqans —Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus.- Nat. Hist., 24: 317.

Distribution: Rimac Valley in Peru to northern Chile.

Ph i lodryas eleqans ruf i dorsatus (Gunther)

I858 Drom icus ruf i dorsatus Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: I3O. Type-locality: America; restricted to coastal Peru by Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1943, 315.

1868 Tachymenis canilatus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 104. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador.

1876 Lyqophis poec i lostomus Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 180. Type- locality: Valley of Jequetepeque, Peru.

I878 Dryophvlax v i tell i nus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, I7: 33* Type-locality: Pacasmayo, Peru. 1943 Philodryas eleqans rufidorsatus —Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 315.

Distribution: Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Departamento Libertad, Peru.


1898 Philodryas mattoqrossens i Koslowsky. Rev. Mus. La Plata, 8: 29, pi. 1, figs. I-3. Type- locality: Miranda, Mate Grosso, Brazil. 1901 Philodryas ternetzii Schenkel. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, I3 (I9OO): I7O, fig. 6. Type- locality: Bemalcue, Paraguay. 1902 Philodryas Erlandi Lonnberq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 10: 460. Type-locality: Crevaux and Tatarenda, Bolivian Chaco, Bolivia.

1909 Philodryas boulengeri Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26; 232, fig. f. Type-locality: Unknown (Werner added "angeblich 'Indien'").

Distribution: Southwestern Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.


I87O Philodryas Nattereri Ste i ndachner, Sitz. Math.-Naturw i ss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 62: 345, pi. 7, figs. 1-3- Type-locality: Mato Grosso, Brazil. Ph I896 ilodryas natterer i — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: I34.

Distribution: Paraguay and western central Brazil. i S I s ,


PHILODRYAS OLFERSI I (L ichtenste i n)

i K5nigl. 1823 Coluber Olf ers i i L ichtenste n, Verzeichniss der Doubletten des Zoologischen Museums der Universitat zu Berlin: 104. Type-locality: Brazil. Brasilien, 1: Type-locality: i von 182'i Cf oluber ] p leatus W ied. Beitrage zur Naturgesch ichte 3*^' Rio Itabafiuana, Brazil. ichte von Brasilien, 1: Type-locality: 182S C.r oluber ] herbeus Wied. Beitrage zur Naturgesch 349. Capitania da Bahia, Brazil. 1862 Philodryas Reinhardtii Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) ?: 127, pl- 9> ^'Q- ?• Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil, and Brazil. 1862 Philodryas latirostris Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862: 73. Type-locality: Paraguay.

1896 Philodryas olfersi i —Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: 12?. iqOO Philodryas laticeps Werner. Zool. Anz., 23: I58. Type-locality: Santa Catharina, Brazil. 1924 Philodryas argent inus MuUer, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 11: ')0. Type-locality: Provincia Salta,

Argent i na.

Distribution: Western Brazil and eastern Peru through Bolivia and Paraguay to Uruguay and

Argent i na.


'): 1521 Ph i lodryas ol i qolep i s Gomes, in Amaral, Ann. Paulistas Med. Cirurg., 4, pi. A, figs. l-3» Type-locality: Mariana, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Distribution: Minas Gerais, Brazil.


18*^7 Callirhinus pataqon i ens i s Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I857: 182. Type-locality: Mouth of R fo Negro, Patagonia, Argentina. 185P Euophrys modestus Gunther. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: I39. Type-locality: "Canton, China".

i i i Anat. Fis., 2: Type-locality: Uruguay. 1863 L.[ ioph s ] poec lost c tus Jan, Arch. Zool. 289.

1964 Philodryas pataqon i eno 1 —Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3C: b]

Distribution: Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay.


Philodryas 1872 psammoph ideus Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) J: 23, pi. 4, fig. A. Type-locality: Tucuman, Argentina. 1896 Ph ilodryas bol vianus Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3: I32, pi. 9, fig. 1. Type-locality: Charobamba, Bolivia,

1897 Philodryas Borelli i Peracca, Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 12 {274): 14. Type-locality: "Las Concas fra Tala e Gnaichipa, prov. di Salta Argentina, la ? da San Paolo". 1899 Liophis trifasciatus Werner. Zool. Anz., 22: 114. Type-locality: Paraguay. 1909 Liophis bolivianus Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 222. Type-locality: Charobamba,

Bol i V ia. 1909 Philodryas lineatus Werner. Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 233, fig. 8. Type-locality: Argent ina. 1925 Ph ilodryas werner Muller, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 12: IO3. Type-locality: Sierra de Curumalan,

Argent i na. 1926 Philodryas pallidus Werner. Sitz. Math.-Naturw iss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I35, abt. 1: 247. Type- locality: Montevideo, Uruguay.

Distribution: Western and southern Brazil, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.


1998 Philodryas pseudo-serra Amaral. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 11 (1937): 2O7. Type-locality: Porto Martins, Estado de SSo Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Rio de Janeiro, Parana, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Saata Catharina, Brazil. 245 PHILODRYAS


Serra i 2: figs. 1-2. 1837 Herp .|_ etodryas J Schlegel, Essa Physion. Serpens, 180, pi. 7> Type-locality:

Braz i 1. 18*18 Philodryas serra — Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 125. 71855 Geleophis (sic) Jani Berthold, Nach. Univ. K. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, ly: 181. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil.

18/0 Teleolep i s str i at iceps Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. See, 11: 153* Type-locality: Brazil. 18% Philodryas serra — Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., J: 134.

Distribution: Northeastern, central and south central Brazil.


1758 Coluber vir idiss imus Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 226. Type-locality; Surinam. I8O3 Coluber janthinus Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: 273. Type-locality: America. Cayenne. ?186l P.[ hilodryas crassifrons Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1860: 559. Type-locality: I896 Philodryas viridissimus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' 129- km northwest of i 80 1928 Ph ilodryas af f i n s Muller, Zool. Anz., 77: 77- Type-locality: Buenavista, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

Distribution: Amazonas and Paraguay valleys, from southern Venezuela and Guianas to Argentina. 246

REPTILIA: SERPENTES : COLUBRIDAE * * * I^T PHIMOPHIS Prepared by Joseph R. Bailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina


I854 Rh i nos imus Dumeril, Bibron and Oumeril (preoccupied by Rh i nos imus Latreille, I8O2-O3), Erp. Gen.,

]'• 991' Type-species: Rh inos imus Guer i n j Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril.

I860 Ph imoph i s Cope (substitute name for Rh i nos imus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1850; ]'). Type-species: Rhinosimus Guerini Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril.

Distribution: Panama to central Argentina in grassland regions.

Content: Four species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Loreal present 2 1. Loreal presente 2

Loreal absent i qles iasi Loreal ausente i qles iasi

2. Ventrals more than I96 3 2. Mas de I56 ventrales 3 Ventrals fewer than 195 qu ianens is Menos de 195 ventrales qu ianens is

3. Two wide, longitudinal, dark brown bands 3- ^°" '^°^ bandas anchas long i tudinales pardo

V i ttatum oscuras v i ttatum

Without longitudinal bands quer in i Sin bandas long i tudi nales guer i n i

PHIMOPHIS GUERINI (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumlril)

I854 Rh inos imus quer i n i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: ')')!, pi. ]2. Type-locality: Unknown; Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril mentioned a second specimen, from Bahia, Brazil, in the original description.

1913 Rh inostoma scytalo i des Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 30- 31- Type-locality: Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil. 1926 Rhinosimus amarali Mello, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, I9: 128, figs. 1-11. Type-locality: BeltrSo, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 1962 Ph imoph is querini — Bailey, Bull. Zool. Nomen., I9: l64.

Distribution: Southern Piaui, Brazil, south to Estado de S5o Paulo and southwest to Cordoba,

Argent i na.


i 1848 Heterodon qu ianens s Troschel, in Schomburgk, Reise in Br i t i sch-Gu iana: 653» Type-locality: Savannah near Pirara, Guyana.

I860 R.[ hinostoma J Guntheri Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 243. Type-locality: Interior Venezuela.

1944 Ph imoph i s qu ianens i s — Dunn, Caldasia, J: 202.

Distribution: Code Province, Panama, to Surinam, in savannah and scrub areas.


1915 Rh i nostoma I qles ias i Gomes, Ann. Paulistas Med. Cirurq., 4: 126. Type-locality: Piauf, Brazil. 1923 Rhinostoma bimaculatum Lutz and Mello, Folha Medica, 4t 3- Type-locality: Pirapora, Minas

Gera is, Braz i 1. 1967 Phimophis iqlesiasi — Bailey, Herpetolog ica, 23: 159*

Distribution: Interior east central Brazil from Pirapora, Minas Gerais, to Piau'.

PHIMOPHIS VITTATUS (Boulenger), new combination

I896 Rhinostoma vittatum Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3" 115' Type-locality: Buenos Aires, Argentina (probably in error).

Distribution: Santa Fe and Entre Rios, Argentina, to southern Bolivia. s



1842 P i tuoph i s Holbrook, North American , Ed. 2, 4: ], Type-species: Coluber melanoleucus Daudin.

Distribution: United States to Central Guatemala.

Content: About thirteen species, all except one of which are extral im i tal.


1861 Arizona 1 i neat i coll i Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861: 300- Type-locality: Given as "Mexico" in original description, but Cope later (Ann. Rept. U. S. Nat. Mus., I898 [1900], 861) said it came from "Jalapa". Stull, BuU. U. S. Nat. Mus., I75, 1540, 52, said this was probably Jalapa, Oaxaca, but Smith and Taylor, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., I87, 1945, 108, gave it as Jalapa, Veracruz, with no explanation. Duellman, Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 10, I96O, 6O7, designated a neotype, thus fixing the type locality as 24 km northwest of Ciudad Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico. I894 Pituophis 1 ineat icoll is GOnther, Biol. Cent. Amer., Rept.; 124, pi. 47.

Distribution: Mexico and Guatemala.

Content; Two i i i subspecies, one of which ( 1 neat coll s Cope) is extral im i tal.

i i Pi tuoph s 1 i neat icoll s q i bson i Stuart

P i i 195^ tuoph s deppe i g i bson i Stuart, Proc. Biol. Sec. Washington, 67; 172. Type locality; Vicinity of Yepocapa, Departamento Oh imaltenango, Guatemala, I43O m.

i960 Pi tuoph is 1 i neat icoll is q ibsoni-— Duellman, Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas, 10: 608.

Distribution: Moderate and intermediate elevations on Pacific coast of western Guatemala and Caribbean coast of Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Guatemala. 248 REPTILIa: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE "^ * * PLATYNION


1923 Platynion Amaral, Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: Jl. Type-species: Platynion lividum Amaral

Distribution; As for only known species.

Content: One species.


192^ Platynion lividum Amaral. Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: %. Type-locality: Dorizon, Parana,

Braz i 1.

Distribution: Mato Grosso, Parana and Sao Paulo, Brazil. 249 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE "^ '^ PLIOCERCUS


1860 PI iocercus Cope, Proc, Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1860: 253- Type-species: PI iocercus elapoi des Cope.

1860 Elapochrus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1850: 253* Type-species: Elapochrus Deppe i Peters.

1861 Pie i ocercus Salvin (emendation of PI iocercus Cope), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1851: 227.

1862 Pleiokerkos Cope (emendation of PI iocercus Cope), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1852: ]2.

1863 Cosm i osoph i s Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Phys., 2: 285. Type-species: Not designated.

Distribution: Tropical Mexico through Central America to Amazonian South America.

Content: Seven species, two of which ( andrews i Smith and b icolor Smith) are ex tral imi tal.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Scale rows at midbody 1/ 2 1. Con I7 filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo 2

Scale rows at midbody I5 arubr i cus Con I9 filas de escamas al medio del cuerop arubr icus

2. One or two preoculars 3 2. Con dos o menos preoculares 3

Three preoculars dim i d ia tus Con tres preoculares dim i d iatus

3. Body rings alternating red and black, not dis- 3- Anillos del cuerpo con alternancia de rojo y posed in triads 4 negro, no hay disposicion en triadas 4 Body rings alternating red, black, and yellow, Anillos del cuerpo con alternancia de rojo, with black rings frequently arranged in negro y amarillo, los anillos negros frecuen-

triads elapo i des temente dispuestos en triadas elapo i des

4. More than 40 black rings euryzonus 4. Mas de 40 anillos negros dorsales euryzonus Fewer than 40 black rings annellatus Menos de 40 anillos negros dorsales-- annellatus


1951 PI iocercus annellatus Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 3*= IO7, pi. 10; fig. 4. Type-locality:

Morehouse Finca, 5 "> ' southwest of Turrialba, Costa Rica.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1954 PI iocercus arubr icus Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., Jd: 73^> 'f '9- !*• Type-locality: Isla Bonita, southeastern slope of Volcan Poas, Costa Rica, about 55^"^ 'ft-

Distribution: Atlantic slope of Costa Rica; known from type locality and Boca de R'o Colorado.


186s Pliocercus dimidiatus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I865: I9O. Type-locality: Arriba, Costa Rica.

1951 Pliocercus dimidiatus — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 3*' 106.

Distribution: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.


Near Jalapa, 1860 Pliocercus elapoides Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1860: 253. Type-locality: Veracruz.

Distribution: Tropical Mexico to Guatemala and Honduras.

Content: Nine subspecies, of which five ( cela tus Smith, elapo i des Cope, hobartsm i th i Liner,

i im i tal, ecc idental i s Smith and Landy and schm idt SmithV are extral

S6S-492 0—70 17 s


Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

primaries 1. All primary black rings complete around 1. Todos los anillos negros body 2 completes alrededor del cuerpo 2 Most primary black rings incomplete La mayor'a de los anillos negros primaries a lat icellar is ventrally lat icollar i s incompletes ventral

14 2. Black rings on body fewer than 14 3 2. Anillos negros del cuerpo menos de 3 cuerpo mas de Black rings on body more than I3 salvini i Anillos negros del 13

salv i n i i

oscuro entre anillos amarillos 3. Dark margin present between yellow and red 3* '-'°" margen y rings diastemas rojos diastemas No dark margin between yellow and red rings Sin margen oscuro entre anillos amarillos y salvadorens is salvadorens i s rojos

PI iocercus elapo i des d iastemus (BocourtJ

fig. 8. 1886 L ioph is elapoides var. diastema Bocourt, Miss. Sc i . Mex., Rept.: 636, pi. 41, Type-locality: Plateau of Guatemala. 120. 1541 PI iocercus elapoides d iastemus — Sm i th, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 54:

Distribution: Pacific slope of Chiapas, Mexico to El Salvador.

PI iocercus elapoi des lat icollar is Smith

Washington, 122. Type- 1941 Pliocercus elapoides laticollaris Smith, Proc. Biol. Soc. 54: locality: Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., ii: y^d. 1941 Pliocercus elapoides semicinctus Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Type-locality: Double Falls, west of Stann Creek, British Honduras.

Yucatan Peninsula. Distribution: Tabasco, Mexico to British Honduras, excluding regard Comment! Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122, I563, 110, does not this subspecies as valid.

PI i ocercus elapo i des salvadorens i s Mertens

i 1552 PI i ocercus elapo 1 des salvadorens i s Mertens, Zool. Anz., 148: 51' Type-locality: F nca San Jose, Santa Tecla, Departamento La Libertad, El Salvador, II5O m.

Distribution: Departamento La Libertad, El Salvador.

PI i ocercus elapo i des salv i n i i Muller

I878 Pliocercus Salvini i Muller. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 6: 7O9, pi. 2A. Type-locality: Verapaz, Guatemala.

1548 PI i ocercus elapo i des salv i n i i — Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 6^: 71*

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations in central and northern Guatemala.


1862 PI iocercus euryzonus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862: 72. Type-locality: Region of the Truando, New Grenada; this is now Colombia.

Distribution: Colombia, Ecuador, and equatorial Brazil to Guatemala.

Content: i Three subspecies, one of which ( b icolor Smith) is extral m i tal.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Red rings half scale row wide euryzonus 1. Anillos rojos del ancho de media escama Red rings more than two scale rows wide euryzonus

aequal i s Anillos rojos de ancho mayor de dos

escamas aequal i 251 PLIOCERCUS

PI i oeercus euryzonus euryzonus Cope

1853 L.[ ioph i s ] splendens Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 302. Type-locality: Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia.

1548 PI i oeercus euryzonus [ euryzonus j — Stuart, N^isc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 69: 72.

Distribution: Amazonian Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador; Panama,

PI iocercus euryzonus aequal i s Salvin

I86I PI iocercus aequal i s Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I86I: 227. Type-locality: San Geronimo and neighboring mountains of Ba ja Verapaz, Guatemala.

1881 PI iocercus sarg i i Fischer, Arch, fur Naturg., 47 (l): 225, pi. 11, figs. I-3. Type- locality: Coban, Guatemala.

1518 PI iocercus euryzonus aequal i s — Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 65: 72.

Distribution: Known only from low and moderate elevations of Caribbean slope of central Guatemala. 252 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE *•• PSEUDABLABES


i Jan. 1696 Pseudablabes Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., J: 126. Type-species: Eiremis agassizi

Distribution: South and southwest Brazil, northeastern Argentina, Uruguay.

Content: One species.


186s Eiremis Aqassizii Jan. Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis.,2: 260. Type locality: Uruguay. 186s Philodryas paucisquamis Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863: 286. Type-local i tys Brazil. 186s L.[ iopeltis brevicauda Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 82. Type-locality: unknown.

I856 Pseudablabes aqass i z i i — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., J: 126.

Distribution: South and southwest Brazil, northeastern Argenti na, Uruguay. 253 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE **•* PSEUDOBOA Prepared by Joseph R. Bailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina


1801 Pseudoboa Schneider. Hist. Amphib., 2: 286. Type-species: Pseudoboa coronata Schneider. 1859 Olisthenes Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1855: 256. Type-species: Olisthenes euphaeus Cope.

Distribution: South America east of Andes to Santa Catarlna, Brazil and central Bolivia; west of Andes In Colombia and western Panama; Tobago and Grenada Islands.

Content: Two species groups, containing a total of four currently recognized species, as well as several as yet undescribed taxa.

Key to the species Clave de especies

Dorsal scales in I5 rows; upper labials usually 1. Escamas dorsales en I5 filas; usualmente ocho 2 eight (except seven in haas i ) labiates superiores (excepto en haas i que Dorsal scales in I7 rows; upper labials seven — tiene siete) 2 coronata Escamas dorsales en I7 filas; siete labiates

super i ores coronata Upper labials usually eight; body lighter 2. Usualmente ocho labiates superiores; cuerpo mas dorsally than dark nape blotch or with rostral claro dorsalmente que la mancha nucal o con la scale modified; subcaudals IJ-IOJ in males, escama rostral modificada; subcaudales 66-57 '" females (counts overlapping those of T)-10^ en machos, 66-57 s" hembras (las cifras que haas i occur only in northern South America) — 3 sobremontan estas son haas i Upper labials usually seven; body dark brown de y solo en el norte de America del Sur) 3 dorsally even in juveniles; rostral scale Usualmente siete labiates superiores; cuerpo normal; subcaudals 83 in one male, 73 oi" fewer dorsalmente pardo oscuro, aun en juveniles; i n females haas i escama rostral normal; 83 subcaudales en un

macho ° menos en hembras haas i Loreal short, highest posteriorly; rostral y 73 elevated from adjacent scales at edges, blunt 3. Loreal corta, mas alta poster i ormente; rostral as viewed from above; body coloration elevada en los hordes de las escamas adya- variable, wholly dark dorsally, with large centes, redondeado como se ve de encima; colo- irregular white blotches, or with no dark racion del cuerpo variable; totalmente oscuro markings behind nape blotch; nasal bones fused dorsalmente con grandes e irregulares manchas blancas o sin ninguna marca detras de la nu- along m i dl i ne n i qra cal; huesos nasales fusionados en la I'nea Loreal long with parallel horizontal edges; med ia n i qra rostral normal (or prominent and pointed in Loreal larga con hordes horizontales paralelos; large adults); body coloration fairly rostral normal (o prominente y puntiaguda en constant; salmon red above in juveniles becom- adultos); coloracion del cuerpo mas menos ing brown dorsally in adults, but remaining constante; rojo salmon arriba en juveniles, en lighter than nape blotch; nasal bones separa- adultos pardo manteniendo la clara mancha nucal; huesos nasales separados por sutura ted by suture neuw i ed I i

neuw i ed i i


1801 Pseudoboa coronata Schneider, Hist. Amphib., 2: 286. Type-locality: America. I856 Oxyrhopus coronatus — Soulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' 111.

Distribution: Guianas; Amazonian watershed in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

PSEUDOBOA HAAS I (Boettger) coronata group

1505 Oxyrhopus haasi Boettger, Zool. Anz., 25: 37*- Type-locality: Campos de Palmas, Parana, Brazil. 1526 Pseudoboa haasi — Amaral, Rev. Mus. Paulista, I5: IO5.

Distribution: Arucaria forests of Parana and northern Santa Catarina, Brazil. .


PSFIinORnA NEilWIEDI I (Dumeril, Bibron and Oumeril)

neuw i edi i group

Type-locality; CSte Ferme I854 Scytale neuwi ed i i Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 1001. and Brazilj restricted to Cumana, Venezuela through lectotype selection by Hoge and Lancini, Bol. Mus. Cien. Nat. Caracas, 6-7, I96O, 55. lesq Olisthenes euphaeus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I855: 296. Type-locality: "Probably South America". 1887 Rhinocheilus thominoti Bocourt, Le Naturaliste, (2) 9: 45, figs. 1-4. Type-locality: Venezuela. 1901 Pseudoboa robinsoni Stejneqer. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 24: I9O, fig. Type-locality: La Guaira, Venezuela. 24: 1901 Pseudoboa neuwiedi i —Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., I89.

Distribution: Pacific Panama from just west of Canal Zone through northern and interior Colombia to Surinam; south to Brazil, along Amazon River; Trinidad and Tobago Islands.

PSEUDOBOA NIGRA (Pumeril, Bibron and Oumeril)

neuw i ed i i group

Type-locality: I854 Scytale neuw i ed i i van. N i qrum Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 'J: 1002.

Bah i a, Braz i 1 1926 Pseudoboa albimaculata Mello, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 19: 129- Type-locality: Minas Gerais, Brazil.

1^62 Pseudoboa n iqra — Ba i lev. Bull. Zool. Nomen., I9 (3): l64.

Distribution: Northeastern Brazil to eastern Para, south to Estado do Rio de Janeiro and SSo Paulo, thence west to northwestern Mato Grosso and central Bolivia and south to northern Corrientes, Argentina. Primarily, but not exclusively, a savanna species. 255



1826 Pseudoeryx Fitzinger, Neue Classification der Reptilien: 55* Type-species: Coluber pi icat i 1 is

L i nnaeus. I838 Pseudoer ix Thon (emendation of Pseudoeryx Fitzinger), in Ersch and Gruber, Enc. 2 (l2): 38? (citation from Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2, 1557> 20; not seen by us). I843 Pseuderyx Fitzinger (emendation of Pseudoeryx Fitzinger), Systema Reptilium; 25.

I845 D imades Gray, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 1i>. Type-spec i es! Coluber pi i ca t i 1 i s Linnaeus.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


s". 1758 Coluber plicatilis Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 217. Type-locality: "Terna tae i

1826 Pseudoeryx pi icat i 1 i s- F i tz i nqer, Neue Classification der Reptilien: 55-

Distribution: Colombia and Guianas to Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina.

Content: Two subspecies, according to latest revision, by Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 30 (196O-62), 1964, 80.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Labials black with yellow spotting; I5I-I63 1. Labios negros manchados de amarillo; I5I-

ventrals m imet icus I63 vent rales m i met icus Labials yellow with brown spotting; 125-1'12 Labios amarillos manchados de castano; 129-

ventrals pi icat i 1 is 142 vent rales pi ica t i 1 i s

Pseudoeryx pi ica t i 1 i s pi icat i 1 is (Linnaeus)

1826 Pseudoeryx Daud i n i i Fitzinger, Neue Classification der Reptilien: 55- Type-locality: Unknown.

I895 Pseuderyx pi icat i 1 i s var. anomalolep i s Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 804, pi. 60, figs. 6-6d. Type-locality: Colombia.

1944 Hydrops lehmann i Dunn, Caldasia, 3 (n)' 71' Type-locality: Popayan, Cauca, Colombia, I76O m.

1964 Pseudoeryx plicatilis pi ica t i 1 i s — Hoqe. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 80, figs. 28, 30-31.

Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela and Guianas to Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina.

Pseudoeryx plicatilis m i met icus Cope

I885 Pseuderyx m imet icus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 23: 9^- Type-locality: R'o Mamore,

eastern Bol i v i a.

1957 Pseudoeryx m i met icus — Roze, Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2: 23.

1964 Pseudoeryx pi icat i 1 i s m imet icus — Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 82, figs. 27, 29, 32.

Distribution: Amazonian Bolivia. 256 -^ REPTILIA: SERPENTES : COLUBRIDAE PSEUDOTOMODON

Prepared by Joseph R. Bailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina


1856 Pseudotomodon Koslowsky, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 7' 45^. Type-species: Pseudotomodon mendoz inus Koslowsky. 1857 Pseudotomodon Peracca, Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 12 (278): 1. Type-species:

Pseudotomodon Or i veil i i Peracca.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


I873 Pel ias tr igonatus Leybold, Excursion a las Pampas Argentlnas, Hojas de mi Diario, 1873' 82. Type-locality: Mendoza Province, Argentina.

1856 Pseudotomodon mendoz i nus Koslowsky, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 7' *55> pl- ^- Type-locality: Rfo Diamante, Oepartamento 25 de Mayo, Provlncia Mendoza, Argentina.

1857 Pseudotomodon Cr i veil i i Peracca, Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 12 (278): 1. Type- locality: Las Chimbas, about 5" km northwest of San Luis, Argentina.

Distribution: Western Argentina.

Comment: This species has most recently been considered a subspecies of Tomodon ocellatus Oumeril,

Bibron and Dumeril, but both it and the genus Pseudotomodon are clearly distinct from Tomodon . The author will publish full substantiation of this at a later date. 257


PSEUSTES Fitzinger

1843 Thamnob i us Fitzinger (preoccupied by Thamnob i us Schoenherr, 1836)j Systema Reptilium: 26. Type-

species: Coluber poec i los toma Wied.

1843 Pseustes Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 27. Type-species: D i psas D ieper i nk i i Schlegel.

1862 Phrynonax Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862: 3*8. Type-species: Trop i dod ipsas lunulata Cope.

1322 Paraphrvnonax Lutz and Mello, Folha Medica, 3 ( I920): 97' Type-spec i es: Paraphrynonax vers icolor Lutz and Mello.

Distribution: Central America; northern and central South America.

Content: Four species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Lower rows of dorsal scales usually without 1. Las hileras mas bajas de escamas dorsales keels; usually two postoculars; no subocular usualmente sin quillas; usualmente dos post- scales 2 oculares; sin escamas suboculares 2 All dorsals keeled except first row; usually Todas las dorsales quilladas excepto la three postoculars; suboculars present or primera hilera; usualmente tres postoculares; absent sulphureus con sin cuboculares sulphureus

2. Ventrals weakly angulate; no longitudinal line 2. Ventrales ligeramente angulados; sin 1 'nea of color on ventrals 3 longitudinal coloreada en ventrales 3 Ventrals strongly angulate; longitudinal dark Ventrales fuertemente angulados; I'nea longi- line along angles of ventrals sexcar inatus tudinal oscura a lo largo de las ventrales

sexcar i na tus

3. Dorsum irregularly barred with yellow, or each J, Dorso con barras irregulares amarillas o cada scale with yellow center and black margin escama con centro amarillo y borde negro- - shropsh i re i shropsh i re i

Dorsum other than above description Dorso distinto del descripto poec i lonotus - poec i lonotus


I858 Sp i lotes poec i lonotus Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 100. Type-locality: Honduras and Mexico; restricted to Honduras through lectotype selection by Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2, 1894, 20.

1937 Pseustes [ poeci lonotus ] — Brongersma, Zool. Meded., 20: 6.

Distribution: Isthmus of Tehuantepec and Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico through all of Central America and northern South America into Amazonian drainage of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia; Trinidad.

Content: Four subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. No paravertebral stripes on body 2 1. Sin cintas paravertebrales en el cuerpo 2 Pair of paravertebral stripes on body Par de cintas paravertebrales en el cuerpo- - poec I lonotus poec i lonotus

2. Head and neck same color as rest of body 2, Color de cabeza y cuello igual que el resto 3 del cuerpo 3 Head and neck coal black, rest of body with Cabeza y cuello negro carbon, resto del transverse markings chrysobronchus cuerpo con marcas transversales chrysobronchus

3. Body unlcolor, dull brown In adults; series J- Cuerpo unlcolor, pardo opaco en adultos; of brown bands on light brown ground color serie de bandas pardas en fondo pardo

I in juveniles polylep i s claro en juveniles polylep s Body markings of scattered dark spots and Cuerpo marcado por manchas oscuras oblique lines arqus dispersas y I'neas obllcuas arqus i


Pseustes poec i lonotus poec i lonotus ( Gun t her)

1861 Tropidodipsas lunulata Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 517. Type-locality: Honduras.

1529 poeci lonotus—Amaral , Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 311> ^ "S- 2.

1537 Pseustes [ poeci lonotus poec i lonotus j — Brongersma, Zool. Meded., 20: 6.

Distribution: Yucatan, Mexico through El Peten, Guatemala and British Honduras to Honduras.

Pseustes poec i lonotus arqus (Bocourt)

1888 Spilotes argus Bocourt. Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 652, pi. 48, figs. 10-lOf. Type-locality: Mex ico. 18^4 Phrynonax quentheri Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 20. Type-locality: Atoyac, Veracruz, Mexico. 1529 Phrynonax poecilonotus arqus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 313> fig. 3'

Pseustes poec i lonotus arqus — Brongersma, Zool. Meded., 20: 6. 1937 [_ J

Distribution: San Luis Potosi, Mexico, south on Atlantic slopes to El Peten, Guatemala; also on Pacific slope in region of Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico,

Pseustes poec i lonotus chrysobronchus (Cope)

I876 Spilotes chrysobronchus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): I36, pi. 28, figs, lla-b.

1893 Synchal i nus corall i i des Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 31= 3*5- Type-locality: Buenos Aires, Costa Rica.

1929 Phrynonax poec i lonotus chrysobronchus— Amaral , Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 315'

1937 Pseustes I poec i lonotus chrysobronchus j — Brongersma, Zool. Meded, 20: 6.

Distribution: Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

Pseustes poec i lonotus polylep i s (Peters)

I867 Ahaetulla polylepis Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1867: 709- Type-locality:

Sur i nam. I869 Spilotes fasciatus Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I869: 443. Type-locality: Maroni, Surinam; Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4, I929 (193O), 3O2, suggests that this locality is in French Guiana.

1894 Phrynonax eu trop i s Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 22, pi. 1, fig. 1. Type-locality: Unknown.

1901 Phrynonax lyon i Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 24: I85. Type-locality: Macuto, Venezuela.

1913 Phrynonax atr i ceps Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 3'^: 22. Type-locality: None

g i ven. 1929 Phrynonax poecilonotus polylepi s — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 313.

1937 Pseustes [ poec i lonotus polylep is j — Brongersma, Zool. Meded., 20: 6.

Distribution: Amazonian region of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia; also from Venezuela, Trinidad and Guianas.


1824 Natrix sexcar natus Waqler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Brasil; 35' Type-locality: RioAmazonas,

Braz i 1.

1964 Pseustes sexcar i natus — Hoqe. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 28, 2 figs.

Distribution: Estado do Para, Brazil; Misiones, Argentina,

Comment: The specimen described by Hoge, loc. cit., is very similar to specimens of poec i lonotus as described by Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4, I929, 3^8, and we are not sure our key will suffice to distinguish the two taxa. i


PSEUSTES SHROPSHIRE! (Barbour and Amaral)

1524 Phrynonax shropsh i re i Barbour and Amaral, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Mat. Hist., 5= 131- Type- localitv: Fort Sherman, Canal Zone, Panama.

Pseustes shropsh i i 20: 6. 1537 [ re J — Brongersma, Zool. Meded.,

Distribution: Costa Rica; Panama; Pacific Colombia and Ecuador.


1824 Na tr i X sulphurea Wagler. in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Brasil: 26, pi. 9' Type-locality: Shoreline forests along Rio Japura, Brazil. 1537 Pseustes [ sulphureus j — Brongersma, Zool. Meded., 20: 6.

Distribution: Peru; Ecuador; Brazil; Guianas; Trinidad.

Content: Two subspecies.

Comment: Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3> I856, 626, questioned whether Coluber caracaras Gmelin, Systema Naturae, Ed. I3, 17^6, 1117> should be synonymized with this species. If this

were to be demonstrated, Gmelin's name would have priority over sulphureus .

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Subocular absent; anterior chinshields 1. Subocular ausente; escudos mentales longer than posterior; 205-227 ventrals anteriores mas largos que posteriores; sulphureus 205-227 vent rales sulphureus Subocular present; anterior chinshields Subocular presente; escudos mentales anteri- shorter than posterior; 159-215 ventrals-- ores mas cortos que posteriores; 199-215

poec i lostoma ven trales poec i los toma

Pseustes sulphureus sulphureus (Wagler)

1837 D i psas Di eper i nk i i Schlegel, Essa i Physion. Serpens, 2: 282. Type-locality: Paramaribo,

Sur i nam 1903 Phrynonax Fauchere Mocquard. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Paris, I9O3: 212. Type-locality:

Sur i name. 1929 Phrynonax sulphureus sulphureus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: JOG. 1937 Pseustes sulphureus sulphureus — Brongersma, Zool. Meded., 20: 6, figs. la-b.

Distribution: Equatorial Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Guianas, and Trinidad.

Pseustes sulphureus poec i lostoma (Wied)

1824 C.[oluber] poecilostoma W led, Isis von Oken, 6: 665. Type-locality: Brazil; Wied, Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte von Brasilien, 1, 1825, 263, mentions specimens from Rio de Janeiro, Cabo Frio, Marica, Sagoarema and Parahyba, Brazil. 1922 Paraphrynonax versicolor Lutz and Mello, Folha Medica, 3 (192O): 97. Type-locality! Cataguazes, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Phrynonax i 1929 sulphureus poec lostoma — Amaral . Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 3O8, fig. 1. 1937 Pseustes [ sulphureus poecilostoma ] — Brongersma, Zool. Meded., 20: 6.

Distribution; Southeastern Brazil. 260 PTYCHOPHIS REPTILIA: SERPENTES : COLUBRIDAE ***


f lavov irgatus iqi'i Ptychophis Gomes. Ann. Paulistas Med. Cirurg., i: I27. Type-species: Ptychophis Gomes.

Distribution: As for single species.

Content: One species.


1515 Ptychophis flavovirqatus Gomes, Ann. Paulistas Med. Cirurg., 4: 128, pi. 4, figs. 4-6. Type- locality: SSo Bento, Estado de Santa Catharina, Brazil.

Distribution: Santa Catherina and Parana, Brazil. i



I5O8 Rhachi delus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (b) 2: 3I. Type-species: Rhachidelus brazili Boulenger.

Distribution: As for single species.

Content: One species.


I5O8 Rhach i delus braz il Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (s) 2: 31' Type-locality: Near Sao Paulo, Braz il.

Distribution: Southern Brazil and Misiones, Argentina. — —



I863 Rhad i naea Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1863' 101, Type-species; Taeniophis verm iculat Iceps Cope.

Distribution! Southeastern United States through Mexico and Central America to Uruguay and northern

Argent i na.

Content: About 40 species, of which 24 are found within limits of this work.

Comment: Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2, 1854, 160, synonymized Calonotus Jan, I863 (proccupied

by Calonotus Agassiz, 1846), with Rhad i naea Cope, and was followed in this synonymy by Romer, Osteology of the Reptiles, 1956, 5^1. Both of the African species included in Calonotus by Jan

were considered by Boulenger, I.e., p. I96, to belong to Coronella . however, and there is no valid reason to include Calonotus Jan in this generic synonymy. Romer, I.e., also gave

Rhad inella Smith, 19*1> as a synonym of Rhad i naea . but we know of no published documentation of

th i s act i on. This genus is currently being revised by C. W. Myers, and will be considerably changed from the arrangement seen here upon completion of his work.

Key to the species Clave de espec i es

1. Scale rows at midbody 21 2 1. Filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo 21- Scale rows at midbody 19 3 Filas de escamas al medio del cuerpo I9- Scale rows at midbody I7 6 rilas de escamas al medio del cuerpo I7-

2. i Dorsum with longitudinal stripes qodman 2. Diseno dorsal con iTneas long i tud i nales- qodman i

Dorsum un i col 01 altamontana Dorso un i forme altamontana

3. Broad lateral dark stripe occupies all of 3. Cinta lateral ancha y oscura ocupa toda la fourth and adjacent halves of third and fifth cuarta hilera de escamas y las mitades adya- rows 4 4 scale centes de la tercera y quinta Not as above 5 No como el anterioi 5

4. With dark stripe occupying adjacent halves of 4. Cinta oscura ocupa las mitades adyacentes de first and second scale rows serperaster primera y segunda hilera de escamas No dark stripe below broad stripe on fourth and serperaste r adjacent rows hempsteadae Sin cinta oscura debajo de la cinta ancha en cuarta hilera de escamas y adyacentes hempsteadae

5. Lateral dark stripe broad, occupying all of 5. Cinta lateral oscura, ancha ocupa toda la tei third and neighboring halves of second and Cera hilera de escamas y las mitades adyacen-

fourth scale rows montecr ist i tes de la segunda y cuarta hileras- montecristi Lateral dark stripe narrow, occupying only Cinta lateral oscura, angosta ocupa solamente contiguous halves of third and fourth scale las mitades contiguas de tercera y cuarta rows stadelman i hileras de escamas stadelman i

6. Subcaudals fewer than 75 7 6. Subcaudales menos de 75" -1 Subcaudals more than 75 16 Subcaudales mas de 75 -16

7. Upper labials eight- 7. Labiales superiores ocho Upper labials seven- -12 Labiales superiores siete- -12

8. Fourth and fifth labials in orbit; usually I7 Cuarta y quinta labiales en orbita; usualmente scale rows immediately anterior to vent 9 17 hileras inmed iatamente anterior al ano 9 Third, fourth and fifth in orbit; labials Tercera, cuarta y quinta labiales en orbita; usually with reduction to 15 anterior to usualmente con reduccion a I5 delante del

vent i i brev rostr s ano brev i rostr i s

9. More than I3O ventrals 10 9. Mas de I3O ventrales- — 10

Fewer than I3O i - ventrals saroent Menos de I3O ventrales- saroent i

10. Two posterior temporals 11 10. Dos temporales posteriores- 11 One posterior temporal pachyura Una temporal posterioi - pachyura . s —


11. Anterior chinshields longer than posterioi ll.Escudos geniales anteriores mas largos que

k i nkel i n i los poster i ores k i nkel i n i Anterior chinshields shorter than posterioi Escudos geniales anteriores mas cortos que

pulver i ventr i s los poster i ores pul ver i ventr i s

12.Ventrals more than 140 13 12.Ventrales mas de 140 13

i Ventrals fewer than 135 beu Ventrales menos de 135 beu i

13»Midline area of individual ventral scale 13.Zona de la I'nea media de cada escama ventral usually immaculate; outer tips of ventral usualmente inmaculada; apices externos usual- usually with black spot or line 14 mente con mancha o I'nea negra 14 Black crescent shaped spon on midline of most Con mancha negra en forma de media luna en la ventrals, outer tips of ventrals usually i'nea media de la mayor'a de las ventrales;

ent irely black call i qaster apice9 externos usualmente todo negros call iqaster

14. No light spots on dorsum of head 15 14. Sin manchas claras en el dorso de la cabeza--15 Triangular light spot behind eye and two round- Con mancha clara triangular detras del ojo y ish spots on parietals immediately behind dos manchas redondeadas en parietales Inmedia-

frontal af f i n i s tamente detras de frontal affin i s

15.Temporal formula 1+1- pachyura 15. Formula temporal 1+1- pachyura - - Temporal formula 1+2- poec i lopogon Formula temporal 1+2- poec i lopogon

16. Upper labials seven 17 Ifi.Labiales superiores siete- -17 Upper labials eight 15 Labiales superiores ocho-- -15

17. Ventrals fewer than I6O; anterior temporal ly.Ventrales menos de I6O; con temporal anterior — present 18 18 Ventrals more than 160; anterior temporal may Ventrales mas de I6O; temporal anterior puede be fused with sixth labial, which then con- estar fusionada con sexta labial, que entonces

tacts par i etal quen ther i contacta con parietal quen ther i

18, Light occipital collar across posterior tips of 18. Collar occipital claro a traves de los apices parietals; edged anteriorly with black; no posteriores de parietales, bordeada anterior-

light spots on head dec i p i ens mente de negro; sin manchas claras en la

No light occipital collar; light spot on each cabeza dec i p i ens parietal and posterior temporal, larger light Sin collar occipital claro; mancha clara en spot between temporal and lateral line cada parietal y temporal posterior, mancha

pers im il i s clara mas grande entre temporal y i'nea

lateral pers im i 1 i s

19. Temporal formula 1 + 2-- 20 15. Formula temporal 1+2- 20 + 1-- - Temporal formula 1 -later i s tr i qa Formula temporal 1+1- later i str i qa

20.Ventrals fewer than 152- 21 20. Ventrales menos de 152- 21 Ventrals more than I52-- -lachrvmans Ventrales mas de 152 - lachrymans

21 .Subcaudals fewer than JO- -22 21 .Subcaudales menos de 5^" -22 Subcaudals more than 5O -23 Subcaudales mas de ')0 -23

22. Dorsum of head vermiculated with yellow 22. Dorso de la cabeza vermiculado de amarillo

verm iculat i ceps verm i culat iceps

Dorsum of head unicolor p i n i cola Dorso de la cabeza unicolor p i n icola

i 23. Ventrals more than im 1 i im i 1 usually 135 pers s 23.Ventrales usualmente mas de 135 pers i s Ventrals usually fewer than 135 decorata Ventrales usualmente menos de 135 decorata


I858 Prom icus af f in i s Gu'nther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 128. Type-locality: Rio de Janeiro and Brazil; restricted to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2, 1894, 173- 1885 Coronella Iherinqii Boulenqer. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 15= l?''- Type-locality: Rio Grande do

Sul, Braz i 1

1943 Rhadi naea af f i n 1 — Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I7: 12.

Distribution: Southern and southeastern Brazil. 264 RHADINAEA


195* Rhadinaea altainontana Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., ')(>: ]iO, fig. l6a-c. Type-locality: Edge of Costa Rican National Forest Reserve, Pan-American Highway, Talamanca Range, Costa Rica, 7OOO-8OOO ft.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1543 Rhadi naea beu i Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I7: 13, two figs. Type-locality: Curitiba, Estado do Parana, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


I863 Dromicus brevirostris Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863: 280. Type-locality: Apparently from Quito, Ecuador, purchased; probably erroneous, according to Peters, Rev. Ecuat. Ent. Parasit., 2, I555, 347. 1868 Prom icus viperinus Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 1: 418. Type-locality: Pebas, Peru. 1544 Rhadinaea brevirostris — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 453.

Distribution: Amazonian Basin, Guianas to Bolivia,


1876 Contia calliqaster Cope^ Jour, Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 146, pi. 28, fig. 12. Type- locality: Pico Blanco, Costa Rica. 1894 Rhadinaea calliqaster — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus,, 2: 164.

Distribution: Costa Rica and Panama.


1893 Ablabes decipiens Gunther. Biol. Cent. Amer., Reptiles: IO5, pi. 37, fig. A. Type-locality: Irazij, Costa Rica. 1538 Rhadi naea pachyura dec ip iens — Dunn, Copeia, I538: I58. Rhadinaea decipiens 1954 — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 36: 740.

Distribution: Costa Rica.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1, Ventrals I3O; subcaudals 12$; total 1, Ventrales I3O; subcaudales 125; ventrales y ventrals plus subcaudals 256 rubncoUis subcaudales en total 256 rubricoll is Ventrals 133-157; subcaudals 110; total Ventrales 133-157; subcaudales 110; ven- ventrals plus subcaudals 249 decipiens trales y subcaudales en total 243-

-dec i p iens

Rhad inaea decip iens dec ip iens (Gunther)

1954 Rhadinaea decipiens dec ip i ens Taylor, — Univ, Kansas Sc i . Bull., 36: 740.

Distribution: Costa Rica except for area occupied by R. d. rubricoll is .

Rhad i naea dec ip iens rubr icoll i s Taylor

1954 R hadinaea decipiens rubricoll is Taylor, Univ, Kansas Sc i . Bull,, 36: 739. Type- locality: Cinchona, Volcan Poas, Costa Rica, about 55OO ft.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 1



1858 Coronella decora ta Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 35- Type-locality: Mexico. Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I863: 101. I863 [ RhadinaeaJ decorata — 1903 Erythrolamprus long icaudus Werner. Abh. Bayerische Akad. Wiss., 22 (2): Ji8. Type-locality: Guatemala.

1551 Rhad i naea decorata decorata — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc 1 . Bull., Ji: 113> pl- H-

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations, Veracruz, Mexico to Panama on Caribbean slope and locally on Pacific side in western Chiapas, Mexico.


1865 Dromicus qodmanni Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 15'- 5^- Type-local 1 ty: Duenas, Guatemala.

I876 R.[ hadinae a J qodmanj i . Cope, Jour, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): I39.

Distribution: Intermediate elevations on the southwestern highlands of Guatemala into El Salvador.

Content: Two subspecies.

Comment: Gunther corrected the spelling of this taxon to godman i in Biol. Cent.Amer., Reptiles, 1893, 110, a justified emendation.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Adult males with supra-anal keels; lateral 1. Machos adultos con quillas supra-anales; black stripe on fifth and neighboring cinta lateral negra en la quinta hilera de edges of fourth and sixth scale rows escamas y en los hordes vecinos de cuarta

z i Ich i y sexta hileras z llch i Adult males lack supra-anal keels; lateral Machos adultos sin quillas supra-anales; black stripe on second through fourth rows cinta lateral negra de la segunda a la - godman i cuarta hilera godman i

Rhad i naea godman i godman i Gijnther

I Rhad i naea godman i 1952 J godman — Mertens, Abh. Senckenb, Naturforsch. Ges., 487: 71'

Distribution: Southwestern Guatemala to El Salvador.

Rhad I naea cfodman i z i Ich i Mertens

1952 Rhad i naea z i Ich i Mertens, Zool. Anz., 148: 92. Type-locality: Laguna de las Ninfas (= Laguna de Apaneca), Volcan de la Lagunita, Departamento Sonsonate, El Salvador, I63O m

1952 Rhad i naea godman i z i Ich i — Mertens, Abh. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., 487: ]0, pi. 6, fig. 23.

Distribution: Known only from region of type locality.


I895 Tachymen i s dec i p iens Gunther (preoccupied in this genus by Ablabes dec i p iens Gunther), Biol. Cent. Amer., Rept.: 163, pi. 53» 'fig- A. Type-locality: Irazu, Costa Rica.

1938 Rhad i naea gunther i Dunn (replacement name for Tachymen i s dec i p i ens Gunther), Copeia, 1938: I98.

Distribution: Costa Rica.


1941 Rhad i naea hempsteadae Stuart and Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 442: 2. Type- F locality: Cloud forest zone, above 1 nca Chichen, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, about 57"" ^^'

Distribution: Intermediate elevations In mountains of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala,

:!6S^92 0—70 IS 1


RHADINAEA I NS I GN ISS IMUS (Amaral), new combination

IO3, pi. figs. ]-'). Type- i i 26: 1, I Nacional Brazil, 1526 L i oph s i ns gn ss imus Amaral, Arch. Mus. locality: Estajao Biologica, Serra de CubatSo, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Sao Paulo and Espirito Santo, Brazil.

Comment: One of us (Peters) has seen the holotype of this species in the Institute Butantan, SSo

i a name for Paulo, Brazil, and it seems unquestionably a Rhad i naea . Amaral used L ioph s as generic members of both taxa.


i 1 im schen i i Museum Senckenberg 1858 Rhadi naea k nkel i n i Boettger, Katalog der Rept 1 en-Sammlung der Naturforschende Gesellschaft im Frankfurt am Main, 2: 68. Type-locality: Matagalpa, N icaragua.

Distribution: Nicaragua to Guatemala.


I87O Lyqophis lachrvmans Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 11 (I865): 154. Type-locality; Unknown; Bailey, Dec. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 412, 1540, 7, suqgested Chiapas, Mexico.

1846 R. [hadinaea ] lachrymans — Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 140.

Distribution: Moderate and intermediate elevations of Pacific slope, Chiapas, Mexico to Guatemala.


1859 Liophis lateristriqa Berthold. Anz. Gottingen Gehlert., 3: 180. Type-locality: Popayan, Colomb ia.

i Andes of I867 Prom cus nunt i us Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., livr. 24: pi. 6, fig. 1. Type-locality: Ecuador.

1^44 Rhadinaea later i str i qa — Dunn. Caldasia, 2: 453.

Distribution; Caribbean South America; Pacific slope of Colombia and Ecuador.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Single light spot on each parietal 1. Una sola mancha clara en cada parietal

later i str i qa la ter i str i qa

i Light line on each parietal mul t i 1 i neata L'nea clara en cada parietal mult 1 i neata

Rhad I naea later i str i ga later i str i qa Berthold

186^ Dromicus frenatus Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1863: 218. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador.

1501 Urotheca coronata Ste I ndachner, Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I9OI: 106, pi. 1, figs. 3-3a. Type-locality: Region of Babahoyo, Ecuador. iqoq Erythrolamprus labial is Werner. Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 237, ^'9- 1^. Type-

local i ty: Ecuador.

1544 Rhad i naea later i str i qa later i str i qa — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 453'

Distribution: Pacific slope, central Colombia to Ecuador.

Rhadinaea later istr i qa mult il ineata (Peters)

1855 Dromicus mult ilineatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863; 275.^ Type-locality; var. A from Puerto Cabello and Caracas, Venezuela, and var. B from Bogota, Colombia; name restrict- ed to var. A by Dunn, below.

1544 Rhadinaea lateristriqa mult i ineata — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 435«

Distribution; Caribbean Colombia and Venezuela. .



Rh^dinaga rnontecnsti 1352 Mortens, Zool. Anz., 145: I36. Type-locality: Hacienda Monte Cnsto, Metapan IMounta.n?], Departamento Santa Ana, El Salvador, 2200 m.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


Cont ia 18/6 pachyura Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 145. Type-locality: Sipurio,

Costa R I ca. 1538 Rhadinaea pachyura — Dunn, Copeia, I538: I58.

Distribution: Costa Rica to Pacific Ecuador.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Subcaudals 102-11/ fulviceps 1. Subcaudales 102-117 fulviceps Subcaudals fewer than 75 pachyura Subcaudales menos de 75 pachyura

Rhad I naea pachyura pachyura (Cope)

15*4 [Rhadinaea pachyura J pachyura — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 453.

Distribution: Costa Rica and western Panama.

Rhad i naea pachyura f ul v 1 ceps Cope

1886 Rhadinaea fulv.ceps Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 23: 275. Type-locality: Panama.

1544 Rhad I nata pachyura f ul v I ceps — Dunn, Caldasia, 2: 452.

Distribution: Panama; Pacific Colombia and Ecuador.


1538 Rhad 1 naea pers im 1 1 is Dunn, Copeia, 153^' 197' Type-locality: La Loma, Provincia Bocas del Toro, Panama, I5OO ft.

i 1951 Rhadinaea pers i m 1 1 s — Taylor. Univ. Kansas Sc 1 . Bull., 34: I17. Distribution: Costa Rica.

Comment: Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2, 1854, 173> tentatively synonymized L i oph i s pers im i 1 i s

Cope, 1868, with Rhad i naea poec i lopoqon Cope, 1863. If this synonymy is demonstrated to be

i i i 1 valid, Rhad naea pers m i s Dunn, 1938> will require a new name.


1952 Rhadinaea pimcola Mertens. Zool. Anz., 145: 135, Type-locality: Hacienda San Jose, Metapan (Mountain?), Departamento Santa Ana, El Salvador, I5OO m.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1863 Rhadinaea poecilopooon Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I863: 100. Type-locality: Paysondu, Uruguay; actually Paysandu, Uruguay, according to Vaz Ferreira and Sierra de Soriano, Rev. Fac, Hum. Cien., Montevideo, 18, I96O, 36. 1863 E.[ n icoqnathus ] elegans Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 268. Type-locality: Montevideo and

Buenos A i res. I863 Dromicus melanoceohalus Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863: 277. Type-locality: apparently Sao Paulo, Brazil. ?1865 Liophis persimilis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 3O8. Type-locality: Rio de

Jane i ro, Braz i 1 1885 Enicojnathus billneatus Fischer, Jahr. Wiss. Anst. Hamburg, 2: 58, pi. 3, fig. 5. Type-locality: Santos, Brazil.

1943 Rhad i naea poec i lopogon — Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I7: I3.

Distribution: Southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. Si s



186s Rhadinaea poecilopoqon Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I863: 100. Type-locality: Paysondu, Uruguay, = Paysandu, Uruguay, according to Vaz Ferreira and Sierra de Soriano, Rev. Fac. Hum, Cien. Montevideo, 18, I56O, 36.

1543 Rhad i naea poec i lopogon — Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I7: 13«

Distribution: Southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.


"}: 1896 Rhadinaea pulver i ventr i s Boulenqer. Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 635- Type-locality: Azahar de Cartago, Costa Rica.

1551 Rhadinaea pulver ventr i — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 31= II6.

Distribution: Costa Rica and western Panama.


1539 Rhadi naea sarqent i Dunn and Bailey, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 10. Type-locality: Pequeni- Esperanza Ridge, near head of R'o Pequeni, Panama, 1800 ft.

Distribution: Hills east of Canal Zone, Panama.


I87I Rhadinaea serperaster Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IB/l: 212. Type-locality: Near San

Jose, Costa R i ca.

I854 Rhad i naea serperastra — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I72.

1551 Rhad i naea serperastra — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 3*= 112.

Distribution: Costa Rica and Panama.


1341 Rhad i naea stadelman i Stuart and Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 442: 4. Type-locality: Todos Santos, Huehuetenango, Guatemala, 8000 ft.

Distribution: Intermediate elevations on eastern and western flanks of Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Guatemala.


1860 T.[ aen i i Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Type-locality: oph s | verm iculat iceps Cope, 1860: 249. Veragua, Panama. Proc. Acad. Nat. I863 [ Rhadinaea ] vermiculat iceps —Cope. Sci. Phila., 1863: 101.

1929 L ioph i s verm imaculat iceps — Amaral ( in error for verm iculat iceps Cope), Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 175. 1951 Rhadinaea verm iculat iceps — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., Ji: 116.

Distribution: West central Panama. 269 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * ^ * RHINOBOTHRYUM


I83O Rh inobothryum Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: 186. Type-species: Coluber macrorh inus Wagler.

Distribution: Panama and Costa Rica through tropical South America to valley of R'o Paraguay.

Content: Two species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Wide red and black rings separated by narrow 1. Anchos anillos rojos y negros separados por

yellow rings bovall i i finas bandas amarillas bovall i i No yellow ring between neighboring red and Anchos anillos' rojos y negros no separados

black rings lent iq i nosum por finas bandas amarillas lent iq i nosum


'): 1916 Rh inobothr ium bovall i i Andersson, Medd. Goteborgs Mus. Zool. Afd., ')2, fig. 4. Type-locality: Siquirres, Costa Rica.

1565 Rh i nobothrvum Bovall i i —Pons, Kasmera, Univ. Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 2: 55> f'gs.

Distribution: Honduras, . Costa Rica, Panama, northwestern Colombia and Ecuador, northwestern Venezuela.


1785 Coluber Lent iq i nosus Scopoli, Deliciae Florae et Faunae Insubricae, 3= *1> pl- 20, fig. 2. Type-locality: None given.

I83O Coluber macrorh i nus Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: 186. Type-locality: "America?" |_This name was credited to Boie by Wagler ("H. Boie in Mus. Lugd."), and served as type species of

Rh inobothryum , but we find no evidence that Boie ever published a description of the species, so it must be assigned to WaglerJ.

I85* Rh i nobothryum lent i g inosum — Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., J: IO6I.

Distribution: Basins of R'os Amazon and Paraguay in tropical South America, 270 REPTILlA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE ** SCAPHIODONTOPHIS


1543 Scaoh iodontoDh is Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 2J: 302. Type-spec ies! En icoqnathus annulatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril.

Distribution: Southern Mexico through Central America to Panama.

Content: Five species, one of which ( sum ichrast i Bocourt) is extral im i tal.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Triads composed of two black bands enclosing 1. Trtadas de dos bandas negras encerrando una one white (yellow) 2 blanca (amarilla) 2 Triads composed of two yellow bands enclosing Tr'adas de dos bandas amarillas encerrando una one black, on body and tail venust iss imus negra, sobre el cuerpo y la cola- venust iss imus

2. Black head cap followed by red area (sometimes 2. Cabeza negra dorsoanter i ormente seguida en

narrow), then a pair of black bands sucesion por un area roja (aveces angosta) y enclosing a white band 3 un par de bandas negras encerrando una Black head cap followed by one white band, blanca 3 one black band, and a longer red band Cabeza negra dorsoanter iormente seguida en

zeteki sucesion por una banda blanca, una negra y una

ancha roja zetek i

3. Black bands few, no more than three sets on 3. Pocas bandas negras, no mas de tres grupos en

anterior part of body carp ic i nctus la pore ion anterior del cuerpo carp ic i nctus Black bands numerous, five or more sets on Bandas negras numerosas, cinco o mas grupos en anterior part of body annulatus la porcion anterior del cuerpo annulatus

SCAPHIODONTOPHIS ANNULATUS (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

I854 Enicognathus annulatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 335> Pl- 8". Type-locality: Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. 15*3 Scaph iodontoph is annulatus—Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 2'): 311-

Distribution: Yucatan Peninsula to Guatemala and Honduras.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. No black spots on scales of red inter- 1. Sin puntos negros en las escamas de los spaces hondurens is interespacios ro jos hondurens is Black spots on scales of red intei— Puntos negros en las escamas de los inter- spaces annulatus espac ios ro jos annulatus

Scaph iodontoph is annulatus annulatus (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

— 2'): 1543 Scaph iodontoph i s annulatus annulatus Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 3^1-

Distribution: El Peten, Guatemala, and British Honduras south to Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Scaph iodontoph i s annulatus hondurens i s (Schmidt)

1536 Sibynoph is annulatus hondurens is Schmidt, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, '19: 48. Type- locality: Portillo Grande, Yoro, Honduras, 4100 ft. 15*3 Scaph iodontoph is annulatus hondurens is —Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 2'): 314.

Distribution; Known from type-locality; Subirana Valley at 2800 ft; and Tela, Honduras. 271 SCAPHIODONTOPHIS


15^3 Scaph i odontoph i s carp i c i nctus Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 29: Jl^- Type-locality: Piedras Negras, Guatemala.

Distribution: Known only from type-locality and Tikal, El Peten, Guatemala; probably restricted to forests of base of Yucatan Peninsula.

Comment: Nelll and Allen, Publ. Res. Div. Ross Allen's Rept. Inst., 2, 1555, *7> suggested that this should be .cons idered a subspecies of annulatus . Smith, in Smith and Taylor, Herpetology of Mexico, Preface, I566, 26, indicated that it perhaps should be a junior

synonym of annulatus . Stuart, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122, l')(>J, IH, recognized this as a full species. We do not know what the status of this taxon really is.


I85* Hen icoqnathus venust i ss imus Gunther, Biol. Cent. Amer., Rept.: 144, pi. 51> fig- c. Type- locality: Hacienda Santa Rosa de Jerico, Matagalpa, Nicaragua, 3^5'' 'ft. 1543 Scaph iodontoph is venust iss imus —Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 25: 3''5> 'fig- 5-

Distribution: Nicaragua and Costa Rica.


1530 Sibynophis zeteki Dunn, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 5= 323' Type-locality: Ancon, Canal Zone, Panama. 1543 Scaphiodontoph is zeteki —Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 25: 317,

Distribution: Southern Mexico to Panama.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Snout white zetek i 1. Hocico bianco zetek i Snout not white nothus Hocico no bianco nothus

Scaph iodontoph i s zetek i zetek i (Dunn)

i — 1958 Scaph iodontoph is zetek zetek i Alvarez del Toro and Smith, Herpetolog ica, 14: I7.

Distribution: Panama,

Scaph iodontoph i s zetek i nothus Taylor and Smith

1913 Scaphiodontophis nothus Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 25: 32O, pi. 23, fig. 2 and text fig. 8. Type-locality: Potrero Viejo, Veracruz, Mexico. 15*3 Scaph iodontoph is cvclurus Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 25: 3I8, pi. 22, fig. 2, text fig. /• Type-locality: Cuautlapan, Veracruz, Mexico. 1543 Scaph iodontoph is albonuchal is Taylor and Smith, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 29: 323, pi. 23, fig. 1; pi. 24; pi. 25, figs. 1-2; text fig. 9- Type-locality: La Esperanza, near Escuintla, Chiapas, Mexico. 15')8 Scaphiodontophis zeteki nothus—Alvarez del Toro and Smith, Herpetolog ica, 14: 17.

Distribution: Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, through Guatemala to Nicaragua, and Veracruz to Tabasco, Mexico. 272



1843 Scolecoph i s Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 25- Type-species: Calamar ia atroc i ncta Schlegel.

I863 Platycran i on Jan, Elenco Systema Of i d i : 40. Type-species: Calamar ia a troc i ncta Schlegel.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


I837 Calamar ia atroc i ncta Schlegel, Essai Phys. Serp., 2: 47. Type-locality: Chile (in error).

I843 Scolecoph i s atroc i ncta — Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 25.

'}: 18'iS Elaps zonatus Hallowell. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., (2) 35« Type-locality: Honduras.

Distribution: Moderate elevations along Pacific slope from El Salvador to Costa Rica. 273 SIBOH REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE -^ ^ ^ ^

SI BON Fitzinger

1826 Si bon Fitzinger, Neue Classification der Rept II ien: -31» Type-species: Coluber nebula tus Linnaeus. 1843 Si bynon Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 2], Type-species: Coluber nebulatus Linnaeus.

i , 1853 Petaloqnathus Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sc . Paris, 23: 466. Type-species: Coluber nebulatus L innaeus.

1866 Mesopeltis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1866: 3I8. Type-species: Wesopeltis sanniolus Cope. 1884 Asthenoqnathus Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 141. Type-species; Petaloqnathus mult if asc iatus Jan.

Distribution: Southern Mexico, Central America and northern South America.

Content: Nine species arranged in three species groups, according to the most recent revision of the genus, by Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114, 156O.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. With 15 rows of scales 2 1. Con 15 filas de escamas • 2 With 13 rows of scales 11 Con I3 filas de escamas 11

2. Sin labiales inferiores en contacto detras de 2. No lower labials in contact behind mental -3 mentoneana-- 3 Con un de labiales inferiores en contacto One pair of lower labials in contact behind par mental- 10 detras de mentoneana- 10

. . entre qeneial , 3. Un escudo qeneial (azyqus) el par „ . ,.,.,,,, , ; r An azygous chin shield between paired chin ^ j / ^ ->3. J 3 r 1 i _ y la mentoneana 4 shlelds and mental 4 Sin escudo geneial (azygus), o con uno extrema- No azyqous chin shields, or an extremely tiny j i > '" ' ' ' damente pequeno one-

4. Mas de IO5 subcaudales 5 4. Subcaudals more than IO5 5 Menos de 100 subcaudales 7 Subcaudals fewer than 100 7 5. Manchas dorsales uniformes, sin centres

5. Dorsal blotches unicolor, not lighter toward claros 6 centers 6 Centres de manchas dorsales, cons iderablemente Centers of dorsal blotches in adults consider- mas claros que la periferia, en adultos ably lighter than outer parts dimidiata dimidiata

, , 6. Ventrales 192 menos annulata 6. Ventrals I52 or fewer ^r^u^liii Ventrales I93 o m^s dimidiata Ventrals 193 O"" '«°re dimidiata

7. Diseflo dorsal formado par serie de pequeRas y 7. Dorsal pattern of a series of vertebral numerosas manchas vertebrales sanniola blotches, small and numerous sanniola DisePio dorsal formado por grandes ocelos verte- Dorsal pattern of large ocelli, which extend brales que se extienden lateralmente low on sides lonqifrenis longifrenis

8. Menos de 195 ventrales 9 8. Ventrals fewer than I95 9 Mas de 195 ventrales arqus Ventrals 195 °^ more arqus 9. Primer par geneial extremamente pequefto

. Extremely small pair of chin shields behind segundo , , , i,io Primer par geneial mayor que el mental -annu l ata y___l r__J -- lonqifrenis First pair of chin shields larger than second pair lonqifrenis 10. Ventrales menos de I50 dunni Ventrales mSs de 155 nebulata 10. Ventrals fewer than I5O dunni Ventrals more than 155 nebulata 11. Sin temporal primaria, quinto labial superior en contacto con parietal carri Una temporal primaria, sin supralablales en 11. No primary temporal, fifth upper labial in anthracops contact with parietal -—carri contacto con parietal One primary temporal, no upper labial in con- tact with parietal anthracops 274 SI BON

SI BON ANNULATA (canther) annulata group

I872 Leptoqnathus annulatus GUnther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 5: 3'^- Type-locality; Near Cartago, Costa Rica.

I876 Leptoqnathus p ict i ventri s Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 8 (2): I30. Type-locality: Costa Rica. 1535 SI ibon annulata—Dunn and Bailey, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, 86: 5» I 1960 Sibon annulata —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114; 176.

Distribution: Atlantic slopes of Costa Rica and Panama.

SIBON ANTHRACOPS (Cope) annulata group

1868 Leptoqnathus anthracops Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: 136. Type-locality; Central

Amer i ca- 1521 S ibynoinorphus ruthveni Barbour and Dunn, Proc. Biol. Ssc. Wash., Ji: I58. Type-locality: Aguacate Mountains, Costa Rica. 1960 Sibon anthracops.—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114; 180, pi. 7c.

Distribution; Pacific slopes of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras.

SIBON ARGUS (Cope) arqus group

1876 Leptoqnathus arqus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc!. Phila., 8 (2): I3O. Type-locality; Costa Rica. 1960 Sibon arqus—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114; ISJ.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

SIBON CARRI (Shreve) nebulata group

1551 Tropidodipsas carri Shreve, Copeia, 1551: 52. Type-locality: Escuela Agrfcola Panamer icana, near Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 1960 Sibon carri —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: I94.

Distribution; Pacific slopes of Honduras; El Salvador.

SIBON DIMIDIATA (Cunther) annulata group

1872 L eptoqnathus dimidiatus Gijnther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 9: 3I. Type-locality: Mexico. 1943 Sibon dimidiatus—Smith. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 93: 47O.

Distribution: Southern Mexico and Central America.

Content; Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Centers of dorsal blotches in adults con- 1. Centros de manchas dorsales cons iderable- siderably lighter than outer parts mente m^s claros que la perlferia, en dimidiata adult os dimidiata Dorsal blotches unicolor, not lighter to- Manchas dorsales unlformes sin centre ward centers qrandocul is claro qrandocul is i

275 SI BON

Sibon dim! diata dimjdiata (Ciinther)

1884 Petaloqnathus mult fasciatus Jan, in Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 182. Type- locality: Verapaz, Guatemala. 1*^60 Sibon dimjdiata dimjdiata —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 182, pi. 7b.

Distribution! Atlantic coast of central America from Veracruz to Nicaragua, excluding the Yucatan Peninsula.

S j bon dimjdiata qrandocul i s (Mullen)

I85O Leptoqnathus ( Asthenoqna thus ) qrandocul is Miiller, Verh. Nat. Ges. Basel, 8: 27I. Type- locality: Mazatenango, Guatemala. I960 Sibon dimjdiata qrandoculis —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 185, pi. 7a.

Distribution: Pacific slope of Guatemala.

SIBON DUNN I Peters nebulata group

1957 Sibon dunni Peters. Copeia, 1557= ll'^- Type-locality: Pimanpjro, San Nicholas, Imbabura Province, Ecuador. 1960 Sibon dunnj —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: I56, pi. 7d.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

SIBON LONGIFRENIS (Stejneger) arqus group

1909 Mesopelt is lonqif renis Stejneger, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., JS: 457- Type-locality: Bocas del Toro, Panama.

1951 Dipsas costaricensis Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., "^i: 63. Type-locality: 5 '"' southwest of Turrialba, Morehead Finca, Costa Rica. 1960 Sibon lonqifrenis—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 192.

Distribution: Atlantic slopes of Panama (a single locality) and Costa Rica (two localities).

SIBON NEBULATA (Linnaeus) nebulata group

1758 Coluber nebulatus Linnaeus. Syst. Nat., Ed. 10: 222. Type-locality: America. 1826 Si bon nebula tu&—Fitzinger, Neue Glassif. Rept.! 31'

Distribution: Southeastern Mexico, Central America and northern South America.

Content: Four subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. First dorsal blotches not different from 1. Primerai manchas dorsales no diferentes rest of body blotches 2 del resto de manchas del cuerpo 2

First dorsal blotches wide, well-marked Primeras manchas dorsales anchas, b i en

hartweq i marcadas hartweq i

2. Dorsal pattern often obscured by heavy 2. Dise^o dorsal f recuentemente oscurecido por deposition of black pigment, belly heavily mayor deposito de pigmento negro, vientre spotted with dark brown, or may be com- densamente manchado de pardo oscuro, pletely black 3 pudiendo ser completamente negro 3 Dorsal pattern of chocolate or reddish- DiseTIo dorsal con manchas de color choco- brown blotches, contrasting strongly with late pardo rojizo que contraste fuerte- light-brown or grayish interblotch areas — mente con los interespac ios grises nebulata pardo claros nebulata i


sexos; sub- 3. Ventrals fewer than I75 in both sexes; sub- 3. Ventrales menos de 175 e" ambos caudals fewer than 85 in males, fewer than caudales menos de 85 en machos, y de 75 e" 75 in females popayanens is hembras popayanens is Ventrals more than I75 In both sexes; sub- Ventrales mas de 175 e" ambos sexos; sub- caudals more than 5O in males, more than caudales mas de ^0 en machos, mas de 80 en 80 in females leucomelas hembras leucomelas

Sibon nebulata nebulata (Linnaeus)

I7S8 Coluber sibon Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 222. Type-locality; Africa. Type-locality: 184S Coluber varieqatus Hallowell. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1845: 244. within 200 mi of Caracas, Venezuela. 1879 Leptoanathus affinis Fischer, Verh. Naturwiss. Ver. Hamburg, (2) 3: 78, pi. 1, figs. la-c. Type-locality: Sabanna Larga, Colombia. 1960 Sibon nebulata nebulata — Peters. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 199.

Distribution: Nayarit on west and Veracruz on east in Mexico, through lowlands of Central America, including Yucatan Peninsula, to extreme northern South America east and north of Andean Chain; Trinidad and Tobago Islands; an isolated population in northwestern Ecuador below range of ^. n. leucomelas .

Sibon nebulata hartweq i Peters

1960 Sibon nebulata hartweq Peters. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 200, pi. 8, figs, d-e. Type-locality; Barrancaberme ja, Provincia Santander, Colombia.

Distribution: Upper reaches of R'o Magdalena and tributaries, valley of R'o Porce (Medell'n), Colomb ia.

S ibon nebulata leucomelas (Boulenger)

1896 Leptoqnathus leucomelas Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) I7; 18. Type-locality: Buenaventura, Colombia. 1960 Sibon nebulata leucomelas — Peters. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 202, pi. 8, fig. c.

Distribution: Panama-Colombia border, including all coastal Colombia to northwestern Ecuador.

S ibon nebulata popayanens is Peters

i960 S i bon nebulata popayanens is Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 203, Pl* ^i figs. a-b. Type-locality; Popayan, Provincia Cauca, Colombia.

Distribution: Upper reaches of R'o Cauca, Colombia.

SIBON SANNIOLA (Cope) annulata group

1866 Mesopeltis sanniolus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat, Sc i . Phila., 1866: 3I8. Type-locality; Yucatan,

Mexico; restricted to Chichen I tza, Yucatan, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, 352. 1949 Sibon sanniolus — Smith. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 93; 47O. 1960 Sibon sanniola — Peters. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: I87.

Distribution: Northern and eastern parts of Yucatan Peninsula; British Honduras. 277 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE *** SIBYNOMORPHUS


18A^ Si bynomorphus Fitzinger, Syst. Rept.! 2J. Type-species; Si bynomorphus mikan ii Schleqel.

I854 Anholodon Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., "Ji II65. Type-species: Si bynomorphus mikanii Schlegel. I854 Cochl iophagus Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. G«n., ]: i]6. Type-species: Si bynomorphus

inaegu i fasc iatus Dumeril and Bibron. I856 Pseudopareas Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3- *62. Type-species: Si bynomorphus vagus Jan. t

Distribution: South America, south of the equator.

Content; Six species, according to the most recent revision of the genus, by Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114, I56O.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Color pattern of clearly defined dorsal blotch- Diseflo dorsal de manchas claramente definidas es or spots over entire body 2 sobre todo el cuerpo 2 Lacking clearly defined dorsal blotches; narrow Sin manchas dorsales claramente definidas; an- lateral spots anteriorly, jagged broken teriormente manchas angostas laterales; pos- streaks on scales posteriorly vagus teriormente, las escamas con Ifneas quebradas zigzagueantes vagus 2. Subcaudals 60 or more— Subcaudals 55 °'' fewer- 2. Subcaudales 60 mas — Subcaudales 59 ° '"enos- 3. Ventrals more than 163; dorsal blotches narrow posteriorly but reaching to first row of 3. Ventrales mas de I63; manchas dorsales pos- dorsal scales- 4 teriormente angostas, alcanzando la primer Ventrals fewer than 162; dorsal blotches reduced hilera de escamas dorsales 4 posteriorly to vertebral spots vaqrans Ventrales menos de l62; manchas dorsales pos- teriormente reducidas a puntos vertebrales

• vagrans 4. Upper labials ten i naequ if asciatus

Upper labials nine or fewer- m i kan i i 4. Supralabiales diez inaegu ifasc iatus

Supralab iales nueve o menos m ikan.i i 5. Upper labials usually seven or more; blotches only slightly wider than or equal to inter— f recuentemente siete o mas; spaces posteriorly on body 6 5- Supralabiales manchas ligeramente mas anchas iguales a los Upper labials usually six; blotches much wider

i OS en la parte posterior del than interspaces on posterior part of body nterespaci ventr imaculatus cuerpo 6 Supralabiales f recuentemente seis; manchas mucho mas anchas que las interespac ios en la 6. Blotches on posterior part of body reach only parte posterior del cuerpo ventr imaculatus fourth or fifth row of scales turg i dus Blotches on posterior part of body reach first 6. Manchas que en la mitad posterior del cuerpo

or second row of scales m i kan i i alcanzan solo la cuarta quinta fila de escamas turoidus Manchas que en la mitad posterior del cuerpo alcanzan la primera segunda fila de

escamas m ikan i I

SIBYNOMORPHUS INAEOU IFASC IATUS (Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril) Type-locality: 18S4 CochlioDhagus inaegu if asc iatus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Ge'n., ?: 480. South America, "Doubtfully from Brazil". 146. 1960 Sibvnomorphus inaegu if asciatus—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114:

Distribution; Unknown.


Type-li)cal i ty: Brazil. 18^7 Dipsas mikani i Schlegel. Essai Physion. Serpens, 2:277. Systema Reptilium: 1843 Sibvnomorphus mikan i —Fitzinger, 27.

Distribution: Southeastern Brazil.

Content; Two subspecies. 278 SIBYNOMORPHUS

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Subcaudals 60 or more neuw i ed i 1. Subcaudales 60 o mas neuwied i

Subcaudals i or fewer i o 55 -mikan Subcaudales 5? menos m ikan i i

Si bynomorphus mikanii m ikan i i (Schlegel)

1887 Leptoqnathus qarmani Cope. Proc. Amer. Philos, Soc, 24: 60. Type-locality: SSo Paulo, Brazil.

1525 Si bynomorphus wikani I m ikani I —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4; I58. 1960 Si bynomorphus mikani mikani —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich, 114: 148.

Distribution: Internal drainage areas of southeastern Brazil, not including coastal areas except in north, in states of Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Paran^, Rfo Grande do Norte, Rfo Grande do Sul, and SSo Paulo.

Si bynomorphus mikanii neuwiedi (ihering)

1910 Cochl iophaqus mikani neuwiedi Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 8: 333- Type-localities; States of SSo Paulo and Espfrito Santo.

1530 Si bynomorphus m ikan i I f asc iatus Amaral, Bull. Antlvenin Inst. Amer., 4: 28. Type- localities: Pernambuco, Bahia, Rfo de Janeiro, and Porto Real in Brazil.

1560 Sibynomorphus mikan i neuw led i —Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114; 15*.

Distribution: Southeastern coastal strip of Brazil, from Bahia to Rfo Grande do Sul.


1868 Leptoqnathus turqida Cope. Proc, Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868; I36. Type-locality: Northern part of the Paraguay River. I874 Leptognathus atypicus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874: 65. Type-locality; Peruvian Andesj questioned by Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114, I96O, I6O.

1915 Trop idod ipsas sp i loqaster Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7' 197' Type-locality: Sara Province, Bolivia, 350 m. 1926 Sibynomorphus turqidus—Amaral, Comm. Linh. Telegr. Estrat. Matto Grosso ao Amazonas SSo Paulo, 84 annex 5, Hist. Nat. Zool.: 5. 1560 Sibynomorphus turqi dus—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: I58.

Distribat ion; Northern Paraguay; southeastern Bolivia; Mato Grosso, Brazil.


1923 Pseudopareas vaqrans Dunn, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., jGt I87. Type-locality; Bellavista, Peru. 1560 Si bynomorphus vaqrans Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 161.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1863 Leptoqnathus vagus Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi : 100. Type-locality: Hong Kong, designated as South America by Dunn, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 36, I923, I87. i960 Sibynomorphus vaqus.—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 164.

Distribution: Known only from Huancabamba, Peru.


1885 Leptoqnathus ventr imaculatus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) I6: 87. Type-locality; SSo Lorenyo, Serra dos Tapes, Rfo Grande do Sul, Brazil. Wien, abt. 1: i Wiss. 1903 Leptoqnathus intermedia Ste i ndachner. Sitz. Math.-Naturw ss. Kl. Akad. 112, 16. Type-locality: Altos, Paraguay. 1929 Si bynomorphus ventr imaculatus—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 200. I960 Sibynomorphus ventr Imaculatus—Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: I65.

Distribution: Southern Paraguay; northeastern Argentina; Rfo Grande do Sul, Brazil; Uruguay. 1



1860 S imoph i s Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860: 521' Type-species: He terodon rh inostoma Schlegel.

I863 Ph inasp is Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 215. Type-species: Rh inasp i s probosc i deus Jan.

Distribution: Brazil and Paraguay.

Content: Two species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Seven upper labials, dorsals in I5 rows at 1. Siete labiales superiores; con I5 filas de

midbody i rh nos toma escamas al medio del cuerpo rh i nostoma Eight upper labials, dorsals in 1/ rows at Ocho labiales superiores; con I7 filas de

midbody rohde i escamas al medio del cuerpo rohde i


18^7 Heterodon rhinostoma Schlegel, Essai Physion. Serpens, 2: 100, pi. 3, figs. I7-I5. Type- locality: Interior of Brazil.

I858 Rh inostoma schlegel i i Gijnther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus. : 8. Type-locality: North America. 1860 Simophis Rhinostoma — Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860: 521. I863 Rh inasp is probosc ideus Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 21$. Type-locality: Brazil.

D i str i but i on: Braz i 1.


I885 Rhinaspis Rohdei Boettger, Zeits. fur Naturwiss., 58: 23I. Type-locality: Paraguay.

1894 Simophis rohd i i — Boulenger . Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 254.

Distribution: Paraguay. —— — s

280 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE • *** SIPHLOPHIS Prepared by Joseph R. Bailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina


1843 Siphlophis Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 27. Type-species: Given as Lycodon audax Boie, which same as Coluber audax Daudin. audax Daudin. IR53 Lycoqnathus Dumeril, Mem. Acad. So i . Paris, 23: 495' Type-species: Coluber

204. Type-species: Callopistria rubrovertebral i 1535 Callop i stria Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 9' Amaral. Butantan, Type-species: Allei dophis worontzowi Prado. 1535 Alle i dophis Prado, Mem. Inst. I3: 5-

Distribution: Panama to Brazil and Bolivia.

Content: Five species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

Body pattern series of distinct dorsal or 1. Diseno del cuerpode manchas n'tidas dorsales paired dorsolateral spots not extending onto dorsola terales pares que no se extienden ventrals, although lower series of smaller dentro de las ventrales, aunque las series mas alternating spots may touch them; venter with- bajas de manchas alternadas menores pueden out pigment or suffused with brownish; third tocarlas; vientre sin pigmento parduzco di- upper labial usually excluded from orbit 2 fuso; tercer labial superior generalmente Body pattern of somewhat to very irregular excluido de la orbita 2 light and dark markings, latter extending onto Diserio del cuerpo con manchas claras y oscuras ventrals at least posteriorly; third upper llgeramente o muy irregulares, las oscuras se labial usually entering orbit J extienden dentro de las ventrales, al menos a posterior; tercer labial superior generalmente entra la orbita 3 Dorsal pattern of 40-62 large brown spots, sometimes more or less offset on midline; head 2. Diseno dorsal con 40-62 manchas pardas grandes, with scattered brown spots; solid maxillary a veces no coinciden en la ifnea media; cabeza teeth 13-16; anterior mandibular teeth model con manchas pardas dispersas; dientes maxi- ately enlarged, gradually decreasing postei lares solidos I3-I6; dientes mandibulares iorly; ventrals 23O or fewer long icaudatus anteriores moderadamente ensanchados, decrec- Dorsal pattern of 6O-72 black spots on either iendo gradualmente a posterior; ventrales 23O side separated or joined across back into menos long i caudatus head dumbbells; with black markings; solid Diseno dorsal con 60-/2 manchas negras a cada maxillary teeth I6-I8; fifth and sixth mandi- lado separadas o unidas a traves del dorso por bular teeth greatly enlarged, followed by una banda angosta; cabeza con marcas negras; diastema and much smaller posterior mandibular dientes maxilares solidos 16-18; quinto y sex- teeth; ventrals <"" 229 more gem i na tus to dientes mandibulares muy ensanchados, se- guidos de diastema y de dientes mandibulares posteriores mucho menores; ventrales 229 mas Dorsal pattern with fewer than 25 light or dark

gem i natus spots or bands; head scales without light centers 4 3. Diseno dorsal con menos de 25 manchas bandas Dorsal pattern of 55-103 irregular black and claras u oscuras; escamas de la cabeza sin white vertical bars; venter with distinct centres claros 4 black checks; top of head variegated light and Diseno dorsal con 55"1''3 barras verticales dark; larger head scales light on margins and irregulares negras blancas; vientre con centers y cerv i nus cuadrados negros n'tidos; dorso de cabeza variegado claro y oscuro; escamas mayores de la cabeza claras en hordes y centres cerv inus 4. Dorsum dark (in preservative) except for pair of light nape spots and I6-I9 light lateral 4. Dorso oscuro (en preservative) excepto por un bars or spots; venter uniformly dark except par de manchas nucales y I6-I9 barras man- when adjacent to light spots; solid maxillary chas laterales claras; vientre un i f ormemente teeth 16-19; three postoculars; I5 rows of oscuro excepto en adyacencias a manchas scales anterior to vent worontzowi claras; dientes maxilares solidos 16-19; tfes Dorsum with about 18 large dark spots or postoculares; I5 hileras saddles de escamas anteriores extending about half way across ven- al ano ter; head and worontzowi collar for four scales light Dorso con aprox imadamen te 18 manchas o monturas with dark round spots; solid maxillary teeth que se extienden aprox imadamente a mitad de thirteen; two postoculars; rows of 1/ scales camino a traves del vientre; cabeza y collar anterior to vent leucoceoha] us claros con manchas redondas oscuras en las cuatro primeras I'neas de escamas; dientes maxilares solidos trece; dos postoculares; I7 hileras de escamas anteriores al ano leucocephalus i s



1768 Coronella cerv ina Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: 88. Type-locality: "America". I8O3 Coluber audax Daud in. Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: 345, pi. 75- Type-locality: None given.

i b i Type-locality: None 1820 Coluber ( Matrix ) Ma x i m i 1 i a n i Merrem, Tentamen Systematis Amph orum: IO5. given. ^ I854 Lvcognathus scolopax Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril (replacement name for Coluber audax DaudinJ, Erp. Gen., 7: 515. iqi6 Clelia euprepa Griffin. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7 (15I5): 2O3, pi. 28, figs. J-'j. Type-locality: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 1520 Drepanodon attenuatus Barbour and Moble, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 58: 619. Type-locality: San Fernando, R'o Cosireni, Cusco, Peru, 3'''"' ft. 1964 Siphlophis cervinus — Hoqe. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (156O-62): 43.

Trinidad. Distribution: Central Bol i v ia and Maranhao to the Canal Zone and

SIPHLOPHIS LEUCOCEPHALUS (Cunther), new combination

I863 Leptodira leucocephala Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) U: 23. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil. I856 Lycoqna thus rhombea tus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' 58.

Distribution: "Bahia" and Canna Brava, Goias on border of Goias and Minas Gerais, Brazil.


1507 Trop i dod i psas Long i Cauda ta Andersson, BIhang Till K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar, 27 (4): I7, pi. 2, figs. 5"H" Type-locality; Brazil. l%i Siphlophis lonqicaudatus — Hoqe. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 43.

1964 S i phloph i s c i nereus Lema, Rev. Bras. Biol., 24: 222, figs. 1-13- Type-locality: ColSnia de Sao Padro, Torres, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Distribution: Espirito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


1820 Coluber pulcher Raddi, Mem. Soc. Italiana Sci. Modena, 18: 537. Type-locality: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I854 Lvcognathus gem i natus Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 922. Type-locality: Brazil. I863 Oxyrhopus rhombeatus Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863: 288. Type-locality: Unknown.

1935 Callopistria rubrovertebral i Amaral. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 9: 2O5. Type-locality: Morro Azul, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1964 Siphlophis pulcher — Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 40, figs. 2, 8, 11, 13-14, 21.

Distribution: Guanabara and sou thern M 1 nas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Comment: Although Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 30, I96O-62 (1964), 40, Invoked the noroen obi Itum rule to eliminate pulcher Raddi as the proper name for this species, it seems appropriate to use Raddi 's name in preference to geml natus Dumeril,1, Bibron and Dumlril,Dumeril, which has had a history of misinterpretation and erroneous usage.

SIPHLOPHIS WORONTZOWI (Prado), new combination

1940 Alleidophis worontzowi Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I3 (l939): 5, pi., p. ]. Type-locality: Rio Amana, Estado do Amazonas, Brazil.

1964 Alleidophis worontzow — Hoge , Mem. Inst. Butantan, 3O (196O-62): 40, figs. 4, 6, 10.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.



1523 Sordellina Procter, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 11: 228, figs. I-3. Type-species: Sordellina

brandon- Jones i i Procter.

Distribution: As for single l

Content: One species, according to Hoge, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 3*> 195S> 52«


1880 Xenodon punctatus Peters, Monats. Al

Distribution: Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, S?o Paulo and Parana, Brazil. —



I83O Sp i lotes Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: !]')• Type-species: Coluber pullatas Linnaeus.

I863 Aqr iotes Jan, Elenco Sist. Of idi: ^1. Type-species: Herpetodryas i ncertus Jan.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Comment: It is unclear to us that Jan intended Aqr i tes as a new generic or subgeneric name. His technique for handling such names is clear, with the genera within a family numbered, and the subgenera centered on the page in parentheses and the species listed below with the initial letter

of the genus. Neither method is used for Aqr iotes . which is given in the same fashion used else- where by Jan to indicate prior synonymic placement of the species. It has been cited as a genus by Smith and Taylor, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 187, IJAJ, 13I.

Content: One species.


1758 Coluber pullatas L i nnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 22$. Type-locality: Asia; in error. 1830 Spilotes pullat .[us] —Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amph.: 175.

Distribution: Southern Mexico through Central and South America to Argentina.

Content: Five subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Without reticulate pattern 2 1. Diseno no reticulado 2

Pattern reticulate in black and yellow Disef^o reticulado en negro y amarillo

arqus i form i s arqus i form i s

2. Dorsum yellow with black streaks and/or 2. Dorso amarillo con fajas manchas negras spots 3 3 Dorsum black with oblique yellow streaks, Dorso negro con fajas oblTcuas amarillas, posteriorly less conspicuous or becoming poco conspfcuas poster iormente trans- rings pullatus formadas en anillos pullatus

3. Loreal absent 4 J, Loreal ausente i Loreal present mex icanus Loreal presente mex icanus

4. Regular, subrectangular, transverse 4. Manchas transversas regulares subrectan- spot s maculatus gulares macula tus Irregular spots, sometimes broken, Manchas irregulares, interrump idas no,

occasionally forming rings anomalep is a veces formando anillos anomalep i s

Sp i lotes pullatus pullatus (l i nnaeus)

1788 Cerastes coronatus Laurent!, Synopsin Reptilium: 83. Type-locality: Nova' His pa nia.

i 1 1790 Coluber var lab i s Merrem, Beitr., 2: 40, pi. 12. Type-locality; not known. We have not been able to verify this citation taken from Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2, 1854, 23. I8O3 Coluber plutonius Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: '}2i. Type-locality: unknown.

1820 Coluber ( Na tr i x ) Can i nana Merrem, Tentamen Systematis Amphibiorum: 121. Type-locality!

Mex ico, Braz i 1 , and other regions of South America.

I825 C.[ olube r J var iab il is Kuhl i i Wied, Beitrage zur Na turgesch ichte von Brasilien, 1: 27I. I865 Spilotes meoalolepis Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 15' 93* Type-locality: South Amer ica.

1920 Sp i lotes pullatus var. ater Sternfeld, Senckenberg i ana, 2: I85. Type-locality: Tobago.

1929 Sp i lotes pullatus pullatus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 277, fig. !•

Distribution: Costa Rica and Panama to Paraguay and northern Argentina; Trinidad and Tobago

I slands.

368-492 O—70 20 284 SPILOTES

Sp i lotes pullatus anomalep i s Bocourt

i Sci. Mex., pi. H, figs. 3"^- 1888 Sp i lotes pullatus van. anomalep s Bocourt, Miss. Rept.: 685, Type-locality: Brazil.

i 4: tig. '). 1525 Sp i lotes pullatus anomalep s —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 284,

Distribution: Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul, southeastern Brazil.

Sp i lotes pullatus argus i form i s Amaral

1525 Sp i lotes pullatus argus i form i s Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 25I, fig. 5" Type- locality: R'o Ulua, Tela, Honduras.

Distribution: Honduras to Nicaragua.

Sp i lotes pullatus maculatus Amaral

'^'9' 1525 Sp i lotes pullatus maculatus Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 285, *• Type-locality: Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution: Vicinity of Serra Paranap iacaba and Serra do Mar, SSo Paulo, Brazil.

Sp i lotes pullatus mex icanus (laurenti)

1768 Cerastes mex icanus Laurenti, Synopsin Reptilium: 83. Type-locality: Mexico (based on plate in Seba).

1788 Coluber novae H i span iae Gmelin (unavailable, because not binomial), Systema Naturae, £d. 13: 1088. Tvpe-local ity: New Spain. 1861 [ Spilotes pullatus ] auribundus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I86I: 3OO. Type- locality: Mirador, Veracruz, Mexico. 1862 Spilotes Salvini Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) ?: 12$, pi. 9, fig. 5. Type-locality: Izabal, British Honduras. 1863 Herpetodryas incertus Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 81. Type-locality: Belize, British Honduras.

I854 Coluber novae-h i span iae Boulenger (first binomial use). Cat, Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 33*

1503 Sp i lotes m icrolep i s Werner, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Munchen, I9O3! 3^6. Type-locality: Gua t emala.

1929 Sp i lotes pullatus mex icanus — Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 272, fig. 2.

Distribution: Tamaulipas on Atlantic slope and Oaxaca on Pacific Slope of Mexico to Guatemala and Honduras. 285



1853 Stenorrh i na Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, 23: ^90. Type-species: Stenorh ina ventral i s Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, ISJA (nomen nudum in original description of genus).

185^ Mi croph i s Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 185*: 57- Type-species: Mi croph i s

qu i nquel i n iatus Hallowell.

185* Stenorh ina Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril (emendation of Stenorrh i na Dumeril), Erp. Gen., 7: 865-

Type-species: Stenorh ina ventral i s Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril.

I867 Bergen ia Ste indachner, Reise der Osterre ich i schen Fregatte Novara, Zool., Rept.: ')2, Type-

species: Bergen i a mex i cana Ste indachner.

Distribution: Central Veracruz and Guerrero, Mexico, through Central America to Colombia, Venezuela and Pacific Ecuador.

Content: Two species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Ventrals more than I6O f rem i n v 1 11 1 i 1. Ventrales mas de I6O f rem i n v i 11 i i

Ventrals less than 160 degenhardt i i Ventrales menos de I6O deqenhardt i i


1846 Calamaria Degenhardtii Berthold, Abh. K. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, 3: 8, pi. 1, figs. 3-4. Type- 2° L , locality: "Etwa N.B. und 301° . " Popayan Province, Colombia.

1876 S[ tenorrhina ] deqenhardt i i —Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 142.

Distribution: Mexico to Venezuela and Pacific Ecuador.

Content: Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Without temporal stripe 2 1. Sin linea temporal 2

With temporal stripe degenhardt i i Con ifnea temporal deqenhardt i i

2. Dorsum uniform grey in adults; belly with 2. Dorso gris uniforme en los adultos; vientre light spots on greyish ground coloi con manchas claras sobre fondo gris ocella ta ocellata Dorsum brownish in adults; belly with Pardo encima en adultos; vientre con black spots mex icana manchas negras mex icana

Stenorrh i na degenhardt i i degenhardt i i (Berthold)

I854 Stenorh i na ventral i s Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7: 867. Type-locality: Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. 1860 Stenorh ina Kenn icott iana Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 242. Type-locality: Isthmus of Panama.

I876 Stenorh ina degenhardt i i deqenhardt i i Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid.: Liv. 48, pi. 2, figs. ^-(>. [^ J —

Distribution: Panama to Pacific Colombia and Ecuador.

Stenorrh ina deqenhardt i i mex icana (Ste i ndachner)

I867 Bergen ia mex icana Ste i ndachner, Reise der Osterre i ch ischen Fregatte Novara, Zool., Rept.: 92, 3 figs. Type-locality: Mexico; restricted by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, 347, to Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. 1541 Stenorh ina mex icana —Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 27: 122. 1943 Stenorhina degenhardtii mexicana —Smith, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 93: 472.

Distribution: Central Veracruz south to Guatemala. 286 STENORRHINA

Stenorrh ina deqenhardt i i ocellata Jan

I876 Stenorh i na Deqenhardt i i var. ocellata Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid.: Liv. 48, pi. 2, fig. 5» Type-locality: Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.

1559 Stenorh i na deqenhardt i i ocellata —Roze, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 193*= H-

Distribution: North central and northwestern Venezuela; possibly Colombia.

STENORRHINA FREMINVILL I I Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril

i i 1-2. 1854 Stenorh i na Frem i nv 11 i Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 1: 868, pi. "JQ, figs. Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to Totolapam, Oaxaca, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor, Univ.

Kansas Sc i . Bull., 33, I95O, 34I.

1855 Microph is qu inquel in iatus Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 185*, 1: 97- Type-locality: Honduras; restricted to Totolapam, Oaxaca, Mexico by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, 311- I86I Stenorhina lactea Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I86I: 3O3. Type-locality: La Union, Guatemala; restricted to La Union, El Salvador, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, 31^- Phila., 8 142. I876 s[ tenorhina ] d[ eQenhardt i i ] apiata Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. (2) (I875): Type-locality: El Barrio, Oaxaca, Mexico.

1906 Geoph i s mult i torques yucatanens is Barbour and Cole, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool,, 5O' 153- Type- locality: Chichen Itza, Yucatan.

Distribution: Guerrero, Mexico, to Panama.

Content: Although several subspecies have been recognized in this species, Stuart (Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 122, 19^3, H?) points out the difficulties in defining them, and recommends use of the specific name only. We follow this until a thorough review is available. I



STORERIA Baird and Girard

1853 Storer la Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Amer. Rept.: 135- Type-species: Tropi donotus Dekay i Holbrook.

Distribution: North America and Mexico into Guatemala and Honduras.

i Content: Two species, one of which ( occ ip i tomaculata Storer) is ex tral mi tal.


1842 Tropidonotus Dekayi Holbrook, North American Herpetology, Ed. 2, 4: 53, pi. 14. Type-locality: Massachusetts and New York; restricted to Cambridge, Massachusetts, according to Schmidt, Checklist of North American Amphibians and Reptiles, Ed. 6, 1553> ^^5- 18S3 Storeria Dekayi — Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Amer. Rept.: 135.

Distribution: Eastern North America west to Kansas, south through Mexico into Guatemala and Honduras.

Content: Eight subspecies, seven of which ( anomala Duges, dekay i Holbrook, 1 i mnetes Anderson,

i tral im i tal. temporal i nea ta Trapido, texana Trapido, v icta Hay, and wr qhtorum Trapido) are ex

Storer ia dekay i trop i ca Cope

1865 Storeria tropica Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22 (l884): I75. Type-locality: El Peten,

Guatemala . 1565 Storeria dekayi trop ica — Saba th and Sabath, Amer. Midi. Nat., 81: 154.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Caribbean slope of northern and central Guatemala to northern Honduras. 288 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE "At * * "^ SYNOPHIS


I856 Svnoph is Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 11 (266); 1. Type-species: Synoph i s bicolor Peracca.

Distribution: Ecuador and Colombia.

Content: Three species, according to the most recent revision by Bogert, Senck. Biol., 45> 156*'

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Scales in I5 rows at midbody- 2 1. Escamas en I5 filas al medio del cuerpo- 2

Scales in 21 to 23 rows at midbody lasalle i Escamas en 21 a 23 tilas en el medio del cuerpo lasallei

m i ops • 2. One •^postocular: no loreal o ,, 1 1 t „_ ' . —-»- 2. Una posocular; sin loreal miops

Two loreal present b 1 color „ , , '^postoculars: ' , , w ^ ' ^ — Dos posoculares; loreal present b icolor


1896 Svnophis bicolor Peracca, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 11 (266): 1. Type-locality: South America. 1964 Svnophis bicolor—Bogert, Senck. Biol., 15: 515.

Distribution: Amazonian Ecuador.


19'50 Diaphorolepis lasallei MarTa. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cien., 7: 149, fig. 1, 2 figs, in text. Type- locality; northwest of Alban, Prov. Cundi namarca, Colombia, 2200 m. 1964 Svnophis lasallei —Bogert, Senck. Biol., 4$: 5I8.

Distribution: Amazonian lowlands of Colombia and Ecuador.


1896 Synophis miops Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I898: II5, pi. 12, fig. 1. Type-locality: Paramba, western Ecuador.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 289 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * * TACHYMENIS


1835 Tachymenis Wiegmann. Nova Acta Acad. Caes.-Leop. Carol., 17= 251. Type-species: TachYmen i s peruv iana Wiegmann.

1860 Zacholomorphus Fitzinqer. Sitzb. Math. -Nat. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 42: iO] . Type-species: None

des i gna ted.

Distribution: Pacific Peru and Chile; Amazonian Peru and Bolivia; Surinam.

Content: Six species. In the most recent revision of genus, Walker, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 96, 1545, suggested that peruv iana and its allies may represent a distinct genus or subgenus, and

pointed out two species of very uncertain status ( elonqa ta Despax, and sur i namens i s Dunn).

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Caudals fewer than 60; ratio of tail length/ 1. Caudales menos de 60; relacion largo cola' total length less than 0.22 2 longitud total menos de 0.22 2 Caudales 60 o mas; Caudals 60 or more; ratio of tail length/total relacion largo cola /long i tud length 0.22 or more 4 total 0.22 mas 4

2. Con 15 filas al medio del cuerpo 2. Midbody scale rows I9 3 3 Con filas al 17 medio del cuerpo af f i n i s Midbody scale rows I7 af f i n i s

3. Escamas dorsales con un solo hoyuelo apical, 3. Dorsal scales with single apical pits, may be que puede ser pobremente desarrollado; dorsal- poorly developed; spotted dorsal ground color; mente manchado; 5^ '^ menos caudales en '^0 or six to solid female caudals fewer; ten hembras; seis a diez dientes maxilares sin peruv iana maxillary teeth surco peruv iana dorsum uni- Dorsal scales lacking apical pits; Escamas dorsales sin hoyuelos apicales; dorso color grayish brown, with no or only slight unicolor en pardo grisaceo; sin manchas female caudals more trace of darker spots; oscuras con muy debiles; mas de 5" caudales than 5O; twelve solid maxillary teeth en hembras; doce dientes maxilares sin.surco--

tarmens i s tarmens i s

4. Ventrals more than 185 5 4. Mas de I85 ventrales 5 a ttenua ta Ventrals fewer than 160 Menos de 160 ventrales attenuata

Scales with apical pits; parietal as long as 5. 5. Escamas con hoyuelos apicales; parietales tan frontal; temporals 1-2 elonqa ta largas como frontal; temporales 1-2 elonqata shorter than Scales lack apical pits; parietal Escamas sin hoyuelos apicales; parietales mas frontal; temporals 1-1 sur i namens i s cortas que frontal; temporales 1-1

sur i namens i s


Type-locality: Mufia, I856 Tachymen i s aff i n is Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3= 115> Pl- 7j ^'3- !• Peru; Walker, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 96, IJ^Sj 22, suggests this is on upper Rfo Huallaga, Huanuco, Peru.

1945 Tachymen i s aff i n is —Walker, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., %: 22, pi. 4, fig. 12.

Distribution: Highland valleys of Peru.


1945 Tachymen i s attenuata Walker, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 96: 24. Type-locality: Peru; thought tc be Departamento Madre de Dios by Walker, loc. cit.

Distribution: Eastern Andean slopes of Bolivia and southern Peru.

Content: Two subspecies. 290 TACHYMENIS

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Maxillary teeth 12-14; black-speckled body I. DIentes maxilares 12-14; cuerpo salpicado pattern obscuring any other pattern; de negro; 148-150 ventrales; 60-64 148-150 ventrals; 60-64 caudals-- attenuata caudales attenuata Maxillary teeth 14-16; checkered body Dientes maxilares 14-16; diseno en manchas pattern; 152 ventrals; 65 caudals cuadradas blancas y negras; I52 ventrales;

bol i V iana 65 caudales bol i v iana

Tachymen i s attenuata attenuata Walker

15^5 Tachymen is attenuata attenuata Walker, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., %: 24, pi. 2, fig. 3; pi. 4, figs. 13-15.

Distribution: Departamento Madre de Dios, Peru and Departamento Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Tachymen i s attenuata bol i v iana Walker

15*5 Tachymen is attenuata bol i v iana Walker, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., %: 26, fig. 16. Type- locality: Incachaca, Departamento Cochabamba, Bolivia, 25OO m.

Distribution: Edge of Amazonian basin, Bolivia.


1910 Tachymenis elonqata Despax , Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris, I5IO; 373. Type-locality: Tablazo de Payta, Peru, 3O m.

Distribution: Still known only from type locality.


I835 Tachymenis peruviana Wiegmann, Nova Acta Acad. Caes.-Leop. Carol., I7: 252, pi. 20, fig, 1. Type-locality: None given.

Distribution: Coastal Peru and Chile.

Content: Four subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Not heavily melanistic dorsally 2 1. Dorse no densamente melanico 2 Heavily melanistic dorsally; may be without Dorso densamente melanico; puede no discernible pattern melanura presentar diseno definido melanura

2. With paravertebral stripes 3 2. Con I'neas paravertebrales J With of ^ row spots on either side of verte- Con fila de puntos a cada lado de la ifnea

bral 1 i ne peruv iana vertebral peruv iana

Ground color yellowish ass imi 3. ochre 1 is 3- Color de fondo amarillo ocre ass im i 1 is Ground color brown with reddish tints Color de fondo pardo con tinte rojizo ch ilens is ch i lens i s

Tachymen i s peruv i ana peruv iana Wiegmann

Tachymenis peruviana i 1501 [ ] var. dorsal s Werner. Abh. Ber. K. Zool. Ant hro. -Ethn. Mus. Dresden, 5' 5- Type-locality: Bolivia. 1915 Leimadophis andicolus Barbour, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 28: I45. Type-locality: Huispang, Andes of southern Peru.

1962 Tachymen i s peruviana peruviana — Donoso-Barros, Not. Mens. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Chile, 6 (66): 1.

Distribution: Coastal Peru to Antofagasta region of Chile. 291 TACHYMENIS

Tachymen is ppniv iana ass im i 1 is (Jan)

P[ im i i s Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: '}!!• Type-locality: Unknown; I863 sammoDhylax J ass 1 given as Chile by Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. I5, pi- 1, fig. 2; given as Valparaiso, Chile, by Donoso-Barros, Reptiles de Chile, I566, 4O3.

lachymen i s i ana var. coronell i na Werner, Zool. Jahrb., suppl. 4: pl- 13» ^'9- I858 [ peruv j 255> 5b. Type-locality: Coquimbo, Chile.

'f Tachymen i s peruviana var. catenata Werner, Zool. Jahrb., suppl. 4: pl. 13> '9- I858 [ ] 255, Ja. Type-locality: Coquimbo, Chile.

i 1 i i Copeia, 1561 Tachymen s peruv i ana ass m 1 s — Donoso-Barros, I96I: 487.

Distribution: From about 26°S to 34°S in coastal Chile.

Tachymen i s peruv i ana ch i lens i s (Schlegel)

I837 C.I oronella j ch i lens i s Schlegel, Essa i Physion. Serpens, 2: ]0. Type-locality: Chile.

i I854 Tachymenis ch i lens i s — G i rard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc . Phila., 1854: 226.

I858 Tachymen i s peruv iana var. v i ttata Werner, Zool. Jahrb., suppl. 4: 255> pl- 13> fg- 9<^* Type-locality: Frutillar, Chile. Nat. i Chile, i Nac. Hist. 1562 Tachymen i s peruviana ch lens s — Donoso-Barros, Not. Mens. Mus. 6 (66): 1.

Distribution: From about 34°S to about 42°S, in coastal Chile.

Tachymen i s peruv 1 ana melanura Wall

'fig' i Type- 1945 Tachymen i s ch lens i s melanura Walker, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 96: 35> 32. locality: Mafil, Provincia Valdivia, Chile.

1962 Tachymen i s peruv i ana melanura — Donoso-Barros, Not. Mens. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Chile, 6 (66): 1.

Distribution: From about 42°S to about 44°S in coastal Chile; Islas de Chiloe and Calbuco.


Surinam. i 220. Type-locality: 1922 Tachymen i s sur inamens s Dunn, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35'

Distribution: Still known only from type specimen.


1S45 Tachymenis tarmensis Walker. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., %: 21, pl. 4, figs. 10-11. Type-locality: Tarma, Departamento Junin, Peru.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. — i s—A


TANTILLA Baird and Girard

Tant i coronata and 1853 Tant i 11a Baird and Girard, Cat. N. Amer. Rept.: 131. Type-species: 11a Baird G irard. li^^. None given, 1854 Homalocran ion Dumeril, Mem. Acad. Sc i . Paris, 2y. Type-species:

1860 Lioninia Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nal. Sci. Phila., 1860; 484. Type-species: Lioninia vermiform i Hallowell.

i Ann. Mag. i on Dumeril), Nat. Hist., 12: I863 Homalocran i urn Gunther, (emendat on of Homalocran (3) 352. I872 Microdromus Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 9; I7. Type-species: Microdromus viraatus Gunther. Type-species: Poqonaspis ruficeps I894 P ogonasp i s Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1894: 204. Cope.

Distribution: Southern United States through Central America and South America to northern Argent ina.

Content: About 47 species, of which 25 occur within limits defined for this work.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. With two pairs of chinshields- 1. Con dos pares geneiales- With one pair of chinshields — ruf iceps Con un par geneial - ruf iceps

2. Without white collar on neck 3 2. Sin collar nucal bianco del ancho de seis With white neck collar, about six scale rows e sea mas 3

wide suprac i ncta Con collar nucal bianco del ancho de seis

e sea mas suprac i ncta 3. Lacking two longitudinal black stripes vent rally 4 3. Sin dos cintas long tudi nales ventrales With two longitudinal black stripes on negras 4

ventei v i rgata- Con dos cintas long i tudi nales ventrales

negras > v irqata 4. Some combination of labials other than fourth

and fifth entering orbit, usually third and 4. Otra combinacion de supralab iales, no cuarta y fourth 5 quinta entrando en la orbita, generalmen te, Fourth and fifth supralabials in orbit tercera y cuarta 5

tr i taen iata Cuarta y quinta supralabial entran en la

orb i ta tr i taen iata 5. Dorsal pattern not made up of transverse, 6 alternating light and dark bands 5- Sin diseflo dorsal formado por cintas Claras y Dorsal pattern entirely of alternating, negras transversas, alternas o

transverse, light and dark bands sem i c incta DiseRo dorsal formado totalmente por cintas

Claras y negras transversas alternas 6. First pair of infralabials not in contact sem ic incta on m idl tne 7

First pair of infralabials in contact on 6. Primer par de I nf ralab iales no coatacta entre midline 15 sr -7

Primer par de i nf ralab iales contacta entre s' 7« Dorsum not olive, head and neck not ivory 8 15 Dorsum uniform olive; head and neck ivory coloi alb iceps 7. Sin dorso oliva ni cabeza y nuca en color marfil 8 8. Dorsum not white with small black spots 9 Dorso oliva; cabeza y nuca en color marfil Dorsum white with small black spot s- vermi form is albiceps

9. With fewerthan 5" caudals- -10 8. Dorso no bianco con peque?ias manchas negras 9 With more than 5" caudals- -13 Dorso bianco con pequeRas manchas negras

verm i form i s 10. Fewer than 120 ventrals 11 -10 More than 120 ventrals 12 9. Con menos de 5'' caudales- Con mas de 5^^ caudales -13 11. Head shields with light borders and centers ca nula 10. Menos de 120 ventrales- -11 Head shields without light borders and centers- Mas de 120 ventrales -12

brev i s ll.Escudos cefalicos con hordes y centros claros

12.Maxillary teeth anterior to diastema 12 ba ird i canula Maxillary teeth anterior to diastema 14 Bscudos cefalicos sin hordes ni centros claros- sch istosa brev i s —


13'No dorsal reticulation; no light vertebral 12.0ientes maxilares anteriores al diastema 12

stripe 14 ba i rd i Dorsum with reticulate pattern; a light verte- Dientes maxilares anteriores al diastema 14

bral str i pe ret iculata sch i stosa

13. Sin diseRo dorsal reticulado; ni cinta verte-

14. Venter yellowish white al t i cola bral Clara 14 Venter blackish brown moesta Con diseno dorsal reticulado y cinta vertebral

clara ret i culata

IJ.First third of body lacks either transverse 14.Vientre bianco amarillento alt icola yellow spots or irregular bands bordered with Vientre pardo negruzco moesta black 16 First third of body with transverse yellow 15. Primer tercio del cuerpo sin manchas transver- spots or irregular bands bordered with black sales amarillas ni cintas irregulares bordea- annulata das de negro 16 Primer tercio del cuerpo con manchas transver- sales amarillas cintas irregulares bordeadas 16. Not uniformly black 17 de negro - annulata

Uniformly black above and below n i gra 16. No negra dorsal y vantralmente 17

Dorsal y ventralmente negra n i gra ly.Nuchal collar present- -18 No nuchal collai -26 17.Collar nucal presente- -18 Collar nucal ausente-- -26

18. Frontal not twice as long as wide 15 18. Frontal no dos veces mas larga que ancha I9

Frontal twice as long as wide long if rental i s Frontal dos veces mas larga que ancha

long i frontal i s

-20 15«With light stripes dorsally- IJ.Con ifneas dorsales long i tud inales Claras 20

No light i stripes on dorsum-- -23 Sin I'neas dorsales long i tud nales claras 23

20. Fewer than three light dorsal stripes; 20. fewer Con menos de tres iTneas claras dorsales y than 60 caudals 21 menos de 60 caudales 21 With three light dorsal stripes; more than 60 Con tres iTneas claras dorsales, mas de 60

caudals taen ia ta caudales taen i ata

21. Caudals more than 35> single light vertebral 21. Caudales mas de 35> una I'nea clara mediana por line at least anteriorly 22 lo menos anter iormente 22 Caudals 21-27; two light paravertebral stripes- Caudales 21-27, dos I'neas claras paraverte- brev icauda bral es brev icauda

22. Nuchal collar four scales wide tr i 1 i neata 22. Collar nucal de cuatro escamas de ancho

i Nuchal collar one scale wide or less jan tr i 1 i neata Collar nucal del ancho de una escama menos

jan i 23. Postnasal not in contact with preocular 24 Postnasal in contact with preoculai 23.Posnasal no contacta con la preoculai 24 melanocephala Posnasal contacta con la preoculai melanocephala

24. Without dark stripes on sides of body 25 24. Sin cintas oscuras a los lados del cuerpo 25

With dark stripes on sides of body arm i llata Con cintas oscuras a los lados del cuerpo

arm i llata

25.Ch i nsh ields approximately equal in length 25.Geneiales subi guales mex icana

mex i cana Geneiales anteriores mas largas que posteriores

Anterior chinshields much larger than posterior f raser i

f raser i


1925 Tantilla albiceps Barbour, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., No. 5: I56. Type-locality: Barro Colorado Island, Gatun Lake, Canal Zone of Panama.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 294 TANTILLA


1903 Homalocranium alticola Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 12; 353- Type-locality: Santa Rita, northern Medelltn, Colombia. 1913 Homalocranium coralliventre Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1513= IO35, pi. 108, fig. 1. Type-locality: PeRa Lisa, Rfo Condoto, Choco, Colombia. 1929 Tantilla alt icola —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 215.

Distribution: Choco region of Colombia.


1B92 Tantilla annulata Boettqer. Zool. Anz., 1892: 419. Type-locality: Nicaragua.

Distribution: Nicaragua to Costa Rica.


1876 Tantilla armillatum Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 143. Type-locality: Middle Costa Rica.

Distribution: Costa Rica., Honduras and El Salvador.


1941 Tantilla bairdi Stuart, Dec. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 452: 1. Type-locality: Two km north- east of Finca Chichen (lO km south of Coban, airline) on Chemelco trail, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, about 155'^ "<•

Distribution: Known only from type-locality.


1952 Tantilla brevicauda Mertens, Zool. Anz., 149: I37. Type-locality: El Grito, Los Angeles, Depto. La Libertad, El Salvador, I5IO m.

Distribution: Known only from La Libertad and San Vicente, El Salvador.


189'5 Homalocranium breve Gunther. Biol. Centr. Amer., Rept.: 15''- Type-locality: British Honduras. 1929 tantilla brevis—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 220.

Distribution: British Honduras.

TANT ILLA CANULA Cope Type-locality! I876 Tantilla canula Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 144. and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Yucatan, Mexico; restricted to Chichen I tza, Yucata'n, by Smith Sci. Bull., 33, 1950, 352. Honduras. Distribution: Lowlands of Yucata'n Peninsula south to El Peten, Guatemala and British

ica, 9O, indicated that brevis Gunther should Comment: Neill and Allen, Herpetolog I7, I96I, _ late to add it to this list. probably be considered a subspecies of canula . We noted this too


189S Homalocranium melanocephalum fraseri Gunther. Biol. Centr. Amer., Rept.: 148. Type-locality: Quito, Ecuador and "W. Ecuador." 1960 Tantilla fraseri —Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122: 539.

Distribution: High western slopes of Andes in Ecuador, perhaps in Quito valley. s



1895 Homalocran ium jani Gijnther, Biol. Centr. Amer. , Rept.: 148, pi. 'j2, fig. D. Type-locality: Guatemala and Nicaragua; restricted to Guatemala, by Smith, Zoologica, 2], 15*2, 37- 1342 Tantilla jani —Smith, Zoologica, 2/: 36.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Pacific coast from Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, to Guatemala.


1896 Homalocran ium long i f rontale Boulenqer, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) 17= 17- Type-locality: Gali, Colomb ia.

1929 Tantilla long if rental i —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 220.

Distribution: Eastern slopes of Andes, at lower altitudes, in Colombia and Ecuador.


1758 Coluber melanocephalus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. 10: 218. Type-locality: "America".

1861 I Tantilla Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. i . Phila., I melanocephala — Sc I86I: 74.

Distribution: Central America through South America to northern Argentina.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

Tip of snout white; prefrontals contact Punta del hocico blanca; prefrontales en labials cap istrata contacto con labiales cap istrata Tip of snout dark brown; prefrontals and Punta del hocico pardo oscura; prefrontales labials not in contact melanocephala y labiales no contactan melanocephala

Tant i 11a melanocephala melanocephala (Linnaeus)

I887 Tant ilia pall ida Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 24: S6. Type-locality: Mato Grosso, Brazil. Homalocran ium melanocephalum var. pernambucense Gunther, Biol. Centr. Amer., Reptiles: I895 [ j 148. Type-locality; Pernambuco, Brazil.

1909 Homalocran i urn hof f mann i Werner, Mitt. Nat. Hist. Mus. Hamburg, 26; 239« Type-locality: Guatemala. 1914 Elapomorphus nuchalis Barbour, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 27: I99. Type-locality: Villa Bella, Estado do Para, Brazil. 1943 Tant ilia melanocephala melanocephala — Schm idt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat, Hist., 24: 3I8.

Distribution: Central America throughout South America east of Andes, including northern Argentina and Uruguay.

Tant i 11a melanocephala cap i strata Cope

capistrata 1876 Tantilla Cope. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., (2) 8 (I875): 181. Type- locality: Valley of Jequetepeque (Libertad), Peru.

1943 Tant i 11a melanocephala cap istrata —Schmidt and Walker, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 24: 3I8.

Distribution: Northern coastal Peru to arid valley of R'o Marafion; Catamayo and Malacatos Valleys in southern Ecuador. i s



Ann. ^ 1862 Elapomorphus mex icana Gunther, Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 9= 51 > Pl- 9> '9- !• Type-locality;

Mex i CO.

I883 Homalocran ion melanocephalum var. fuscum Bocourt, Miss. Sc i . Mex., Rept.: 589' Type-locality: |_ j Guatemala . 19^2 Tantilla mexicana —Smith, Zoologica, 2]: 37-

Distribution: Moderate elevations on Pacific slope from Chiapas, Mexico, to Guatemala.


1863 Homalocran ium moestum Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 12: 352- Type-locality: El Peten, Guatemala. 1866 Tantilla moesta —Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1866: 126.

Distribution: Lowlands of Yucatan Peninsula south to central El Peten, Guatemala.


1914 Homalocran Ium n iqrum Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1914: 8I6, pi. 2, figs. 2-2a. Type-locality: Choco of Colombia. 1929 Tantilla nigra —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 221.

Distribution: Choco of Colombia.


I860 T[ antilla ] reticulata Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: ]]. Type-locality: Cocuyas de Veragua, "New Grenada".

Distribution: Costa Rica; Institute Butantan has one specimen identified as this species from Rfo San Juan, Colombia.


I894 Poqonaspis ruficeps Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1894: 204. Type-locality: Costa Rica. 1929 Tantilla ruficeps—Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 221.

Distribution: Still known only from type specimen.


1883 Homalocran ion schlstosum Bocourt. Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 584, pi. 36, figs. 10-lOe. Type- locality: Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, and Mexico. Restricted to Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, by Smith, Zoologica, 2/, 1942, 39. 1942 [ Tantilla ] schistosa —Smith, Zoologica, 2]: 39.

Distribution: Mexico to Costa Rica.

Content: Four subspecies, one ( phren it ica Smith) ex tral im tal .

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. More than 121 ventrals 2 1. Mas de 121 ventrales 2 Fewer than 120 ventrals taylori Menos de 120 ventrales taylori

2. Males w i th fewer than I36 ventrals; ventrals 2. Machos con menos de I36 ventrales; hembras plus caudals fewer than I69 in females menos de I69 ventrales totales (ventrales

i 3Ch stosa mas cau dales) sch i stosa Males with more than I37 ventrals; ventrals Machos con mas de 13/ ventrales; hembras plus caudals more than I72 In females con mas de 1/2 ventrales totales (ven- costar is Icens trales mas caudales) costar icens i 297 TANTILLA

Tant i lla sch i stosa sch i stosa (Bocourt)

1562 Tant i lla sch i stosa sch i stosa —Smith, Herpetolog ica, 18: I5.

Distribution: Moderate elevations from southern Veracruz, Mexico, to Panama,

Tant i lla sch i stosa costar i cens i s Taylor

195^ Tan t i lla costar i cens i s Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., J6: ]6(>, fig. 25a. Type-locality: Cervantes, Cartago Province, Costa Rica, 4200 ft.

1962 T an t i lla sch i stosa costar icens i s —Smith, Herpetolog ica, 18: I6.

Distribution: Known only from Cervantes and Cinchona, Costa Rica.

Tan t i lla sch i stosa ta ylor i Smith

1962 Tan t i lla sch i stosa ta ylor i Smith, Herpetolog i ca, 18: I7. Type-locality: Suretka, Costa Rica.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

TANTILLA SEMICINCTA (Oumeril, Bibron and Dumeril)

I854 Homalocran i on sem i -c i nctum Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 862, Type-locality: Colomb ia. 1860 Tant ilia lat iceps Gunther, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860: 240. Type-locality: Cartagena, Colomb ia,

1861 lant ilia ic i [ ] sem ncta —Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861: 74,

i IB83 Homalocran on 1 i neatum Fischer, Ostei— Programm Akad. Gymn. Hamburg, I883! 6, figs, 6-8, Type-locality: Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Distribution: Panama to Venezuela and Colombia.


186'^ Homalocran ion supracinctum Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I863: 272. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador. iq60 Tantilla supracincta —Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122: 539.

Distribution: Ecuador, probably on coastal plain from Guayaquil northward.


, Mi 'jB] figs. Type-locality: 1883 Homalocran ion taen i a turn Bocourt ss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: , pi. 37> 3-3^-

Guatemala .

i i Type-locality: 1885 Homalocran i um tr v t ta turn M'uller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, ]: 678. Guatemala. 1887 Tant ilia taen iata —Cope, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32: 83.

Distribution: Known from Guatemala and Honduras.


1880 leptocalamus trilineatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1880: 221, fig. 2. Type-locality: Brazil; in error, according to Smith and Williams, Southwestern Nat., 11, 1965, 485, ^^° Indicate it "presumably came actually from some locality in Central America or Mexico".

1929 Tant i lla tr il ineata —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 222.

Distribution: Unknown. 298 TANTILLA

TANT IlLA TRITAENIATA Smith and Williams

1567 Tant ilia tri taeniata Smith and Williams, Southwestern Nat., 11 (1566): 483. Type-locality: Bonacca Island, Bay Islands, Honduras.

Distribution: Known only from type-locality.


1860 Lioninia vermiformis Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1860: 484. Type-locality: Ni caragua.

1861 [ lantilla ] vermiformis —Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., I86I: 74.

Distribution: Nicaragua.


fig. B. Type-locality: 187^ Microdromus viraatus Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) J: l] , pi. 4, Near Cartago, Costa Rica. 1881 Homalocranium sexfasciatum Fischer, Abh. Naturwiss. Vereins Bremen, ]: 22$, pi. 14, figs. 8-10. Type-locality: Costa Rica. 1887 Tantilla virqata —Cope, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32: 84.

Distribution: Known from Cartago, Costa Rica only. 299 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE -^ -^^ TANTILLITA


1541 Tant ill ita Smith, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 31' 117« Type-species: Tantilla lintoni Smith.

Distribution: As for only known species.

Content: One species,


iq40 Tantilla lintoni Smith. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 53= 6l» fig- !• Type-locality: Piedras Negras, El Peten, Guatemala. 1541 Tant illita lintoni —Smith, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 3I: II7.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.



18S0 Thamnodynastes Waqler. (Jat. Syst. Amphib., 182. Type-species: Natrix puncta t i ss imus Wagler. I83O Dryophylax Waqler, Mat. Syst. Amphib.: 181. Type-species: Coluber nattereri Mikan. I863 Mesotes Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 3O6 Type-species: Mesotes obtrusus Jan (by present restriction).

Distribution: Caribbean coast of South America to northern Argentina.

Content: Five species. Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 122, I56O, 535, erroneously used may represent an ]_. nattereri (Mil

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal scales in I7 rows 2 1. Escamas dorsales en I7 hileras 2 Dorsal scales in ij rows 3 Escamas dorsales en I5 hileras 3

2. Ventrals 144-159; subcaudals 9O-97 pallidus 2. Ventrales 144-159; subcaudales q0-q7--- pall i dus Ventrals 125-129; subcaudals 56-58 chimanta Ventrales 125-129; subcaudales 56-58 chimanta

3. Ventrals more than I36 4 3. Ventrales mas de I36 4

rut i Ventrals fewer than I36 rut i lus Ventrales menos de I36 lus

4. Dorsals keeled; supra-anal tubercles absent in 4. Dorsales quilladas; tuberculos supranales males str iqilis ausentes en los machos str iq il is Dorsals smooth; supra-anal tubercles present in Dorsales lisas; tuberculos supranales presentes

i qa males str i ga tus en los machos str tus


1958 Thamnodynastes chimanta Roze. Acta Biol. Venezuelica, 2 (25): 305- Type-locality: Chimanta Tepui, Estado Bol'var, Venezuela.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1758 Coluber pallidus Linnaeus. Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 221. Type-locality: "Indiis".

1824 Natr ix punctat i ss ima Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 35> pl* l** fig- 1- Type-locality:

Bah ia, Braz i 1. 1899 Thamnodynastes pallidus — Andersson, Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar, 24; I7.

Distribution: Guianas; Brazil; Peru; Venezuela.


1942 Dryophylax rut ilus Prado, Ciencia, Mexico City, 3= 204, figs. 1-2. Type-locality: Galia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1943 Dryophylax rutilus Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, I7: 2, figs. Type-locality: Galia, Sao Paulo, Braz il.

1947 Dryophylax rut i lus — Prado. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 20(l948): I89.

1948 Thamnodynastes rut i lus — Vanzol i n i . Rev. Brasil. Biol., 8: 382,

Distribution: Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.


18S8 Tomodon striqatus Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 52. Type-locality: "India". Argentina. M.[ Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 3O6. Tyoe-local i ty: La Plata, I863 esotes J obstrusus f'gs- !-*> 6-I3. 1953 Thamnodynastes s tr i qa tus — Hoqe. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 24 (1952): 157>

Distribution: Provincia Buenos Aires, Entre Rios, Corrientes, and Misiones, Argentina; Paraguay) southern and southeastern Brazil. s



ig il i Mus. Nat. Acad. Pt. 2: 22. 1787 [ Coluber ] Str s Thunberg, Upsaliensis, Type-locality: None given.

I825 Coluber 1 i neola tus Wied, Beitr. Naturg. Brasil, 1: 284. Type-locality: None given,

1828 Coluber na tterer i Mikan, Delect. Faun. Flor. Braz.: fig. 1. Type-locality: "Lectus prope Sebast iano pol im".

1860 T.r achvmen is ] hypocon ia Cope, Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 247. Type-locality: Buenos

A i res. Argent i na.

I885 Thamnodynastes Natterer i van. laevis Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 15= 195' Type-locality: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

1896 Thamnodynastes str iq i 1 i — Lonnberq. Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar, 22 (4): 38.

Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, to Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. 302 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * * * * THAMNOPHIS Prepared by Douglas A. Rossman, Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana


i Linnaeus. 1843 Thamnoph i s Fitzinger, Systema Reptllium; 26. Type-species: Coluber saur ta

1853 Euta i n ia Baird and Girard, Cat. North Amer. Reptiles: 24. Type-species: None designated; first

of 15 forms listed is Coluber saur i ta Linnaeus.

1859 Eutaen ia Kennicott (substitute name for Euta i n ia Baird and Girard, preoccupied by Eutaen ia

Thompson, 1857), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 185?: 58.

1861 Prymnom i odon Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 558- Type-species: Prymnomi odon chalceus Cope.

IB75 Ch i lopoma Cope, in Yarrow, Wheeler's Rept. Explor. Surv. W. 100th Mer., 5" 5^3- Type-species:

Ch i lopoma ruf opunctatum Cope.

I883 Atomarchus Cope, Amer. Nat.: I3OO. Type-species: Atomarchus mult i maculatus Cope.

I885 Stypocemus Cope (substitute name for Ch i lopoma Cope, preoccupied by Che ilopoma Murray, I867), Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22: 387.

Distribution: Central Canada throughout North America to central Costa Rica.

Content: Twenty-two species, I5 of which are ex tral im i tal.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Vertical black markings border some supralabial 1. Marcas negras verticales bordean a algunas 2 sutures 2 suturas lab i ales

Supralabials without black markings prox i mus Supralab iales sin marcas negras prox imus

2. Belly with two rows of black spots, often 2. Vientre con dos hileras de manchas negras, a

interconnected; lateral stripe, when present, menudo i nterconectadas; cinta lateral, cuando confined to row three on anterior part of presente, confinada a la hilera tercera en

body marc i anus parte anterior del cuerpo marc ianus Belly unspotted; lateral stripe on rows two and Vientre sin manchas; cinta lateral en hileras

three anteriorly cyrtops is segunda y tercera anter iormente cyrtops i s


1860 E.[ utaenia ] cyrtopsis Kennicott. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860: 333. Type-locality: Rinconada, Coahuila, Mexico.

1861 Thamnophis cyrtops i s — Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861: 299. 1953 Thamnophis Cyrtopsis — Milstead, Texas Jour. Sci., 5' 3^^-

Distribution: Southwestern United States throughout Mexico, exclusive of eastern lowlands, to western Honduras.

Content: Six subspecies, five of which are ex tral im i tal.

Thamnoph is cyrtops i s f ulvus (Bocourt)

I893 Eutaen ia cyrtops i s var. f ulvus Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept.: 777' Type-locality: Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

1942 Thamnoph i s sum ichrast i cerebrosus Smith, Zoologica, 27= 111. Type-locality: Escuintla, Guatemala.

i 41: 1950 Thamnoph s sumichrast i salv in i Smith, Nixon and Smith, Linn. Soc. Jour. Zool., 579»

Type-locality: R'o Chixoy, below town of Cubules ( 7Cub i Igu i tz) , Guatemala.

1965 T.[ hamnoph i s j c.[ yrtops i s j f ulvus — Rossman, Copeia, I965! 243.

Distribution: Upland areas, Chiapas, Mexico to western Honduras.


I853 Euta i n ia Marc iana Baird and Girard, Cat. North Amer. Reptiles: JG, Type-locality: Red River, Arkansas; restricted to vicinity of Slough Creek, east of Hollister, Tillman County, Oklahoma, by Mittleman, Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci., 8, I949, 243, 1907 Thamnophis marciana — Ruthven, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat, Hist,, 23: 589»

19^9 Thamnoph i s marc ianus — Mittleman, Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci,, 8: 235»

Distribution: Southwestern United States and northern Mexico; Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, to northern Costa Rica.

Content; Three subspecies, one of which is ex tral im i tal, according to revision currently in press by author. 303 THAMNOPHIS

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Vertebral stripe present, broad; blacl< 1. Con cinta vertebral ancha; manchas ven- ventral spots small and separate trales negras chicas y separadas- - praeocular i s praeocular i s Vertebral stripe absent; black ventral Sin cinta vertebral; manchas ventralcs

spots large and often interconnected negras grandes y a menudo i nterconectadas

across venter bovall i i a traves del vientre bovall i i

Thamnoph i s marc ianus bovall i i Dunn, new combination

l')AO Thamnoph i s bovall i i Dunn, Herpetolog i ca, 1: 151« Type-locality: Granada, Nicaragua.

Distribution: Lakes Managua and Nicaragua, Nicaragua, to northern Costa Rica.

Thamnoph i s marc ianus praeocular is (Bocourt), new combination

I852 Eutaen ia praeocular is Bocourt, Le Naturaliste, (2) 14: 278. Type-locality: Belize, British Honduras.

1937 Thamnoph i s arabdotus Andrews, Zool. Ser, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 20: 357' Type-locality: Catmis, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

1940 T.[ hamnoph i s j praeocular is — Dunn, Herpetolog ica, 1: 191.

1942 Thamnoph i s sum i chrast i praeocular i s — Smith, Zoologica, 27: 99-

1945 Thamnoph i s eques praeocular i s — Bogert and Oliver, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 83: 385-

Distribution: Quintana Roo, Mexico, coastal British Honduras, and Lake Yojoa, Honduras.


I823 Coluber prox imus Say, in James, Exped. Pittsburgh to Rocky Mts., 1: 335* Type-locality: Approxi

"^ mately 3 ' east northeast of Fort Calhoun, Washington Co., Nebraska, according to Rossman, Bull. Florida St. Mus., ]: IO9.

I892 Thamnoph i s prox i ma — Carman, Bull. Essex Inst., 24: IO5.

1963 Thamnoph i s prox i mus — Rossman, Bull. Florida St. Mus., ]: IO9.

Distribution: Central United States through eastern Mexico to central Costa Rica.

Content: Six subspecies, five of which are ex tral im i tal.

Thamnoph i s prox imus rut i lor i s (Cope)

188'j Eutaenia rutiloris Cope. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22: 388. Type-locality: Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

is i i — 1938 Thamnoph saur tus rut lor i s Smith, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 388: 5.

1963 Thamnoph i s prox imus rut i lor i s — Rossman, Bull. Florida St. Mus., ]: I38.

Distribution: Southern Tamaulipas, Mexico, to central Costa Rica, from sea level to 8000 ft; occurs in Pacific lowlands only from vicinity of Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico, south to Isthmus of Tehuantepec; no records from highlands of Guatemala. .


TOMODON Dumeril and Bibron

1853 Tomodon Dumeril and Bibron, Mem. Acad. Scl . Paris, 23: A95' Type-species; Tomodon dorsatum Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril (name appears as nomen nudum, species described one year later in

Erp. Gen. )

Distribution: From central Braz il to Paraguay, Uruguay and north central Argentina.

Content: Two species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Loreal present; two dorsal series of large, 1. Loreal presente; dos series de manchas dorsales dark brown, black bordered, roundish spots pardo oscuras, grandes bordeadas de negro ocella tus ocellatus No loreal; small blackish spots present or not Sin loreal; pequenos puntos negros presentes o on back dorsatus no sobre el dorso dorsa tus

TOMODON DORSATUS Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril

ISJ'J Tomodon dorsatum Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7' 93^" Type-locality: Brazil?, Amer ica. I896 Tomodon dorsatus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3' 121.

Distribution: Central and southeastern Brazil, northern Argentina.

TOMODON OCELLATUS Dumeril, Bibron and Dumlril

1854 Tomodon ocellatum Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., 7^ 938' Type-locality: Brazil. I896 Tomodon ocellatus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3" 121.

Distribution; Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. 305 REPTILIA: SERPENTES : BOIDAE * * TRACHYBOA


1860 Trachvboa Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860: 200. Type-species: Trachyboa qularis Peters.

Distribution: Panama; Pacific Colombia and Ecuador; possibly Brazil.

Content: Two species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Top of head without horns qularis 1. Parte superior de la cabeza sin protu- Top of head, canthus rostralis, with horns berancias qular is boulenqeri Parte superior de la cabeza, canthus rostralis, con protuberanc ias boulenqeri


1510 Trachyboa boulenqeri Peracca, Ann. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, 3 (12): 1. Type-locality: unknown.

Distribution: Rainforests of Pacific Ecuador and Colombia; Panama.


1860 Trachyboa qularis Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860: 200. Type-locality: Guayaquil, Ecuador. I'jOS Trachyboa qularis mult imaculata Rosen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 1$: I65. Type-locality: Balao, Ecuador.

Distribution: Dry parts of western coastal Ecuador (Brazil?). 306 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * "^ TRETANORHINUS

JRETANnRHINIIS Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril

I854 Tretanorhinus Dumlril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]i '}i8. Type-species: Tretanorh inus var iabil is Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril.

Distribution: Extreme southern Mexico to Colombia and Ecuador; Cuba, Isla Pinos and Caymans in the Antilles.

Content: Four species, one extralimital ( variabilis , which includes four subspecies, waqleri (jan),

i nsulaep inorum Barbour, adnexus Bocourt and var iab i 1 i s Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, in the Antilles).

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Three longitudinal stripes dorsally; ventrals 1. Disefio dorsal de tres I'neas long i tud i nales; 156 or more 2 ventrales 166 mas 2 Two rows of alternating small dots dorsally Disefio dorsal de dos filas de pequeiios puntos (very rarely a single row of large dots); alternados (muy raro una unica fila de puntos ventrals I5I or fewei niqroluteus grandes); ventrales I5I menos n igroluteus

2. Dorsal scales in 21 rows; three prefrontals; 2. Escamas en 21 filas; tres pref rontales; sub- subcaudals 7*-81 in females, unknown in caudales en hembras 74-81, desconocido en males taen iatus machos taen ia tus Dorsal scales in I9 rows; one prefrontal Escamas en I5 filas; una prefrontal (raramente (rarely two); subcaudals 69-/4 in females, dos); subcaudales en hembras 69-74, en in 78-85 males mocquard i machos 78-85 mocquard i


1861 Tretanorhinus niqroluteus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I86I: 298. Type-locality: Grey- town, Nicaragua (in error, actually Aspinwall, Panama, according to USNM Catalogue).

Distribution: From Tabasco, Mexico, through Guatemala and Honduras to Panama and Costa Rica.

Content; Three subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. First and second scale rows dark in color; 1. Primera y segunda fila de escamas de color one loreal on each side 2 oscuro; solo una loreal a cada lado 2 First and second scale rows light in color; Primera y segunda fila de escamas de color generally two loreals on each side claro; generalmente dos loreales a cada - n igroluteus lado n igroluteus

is 2. Three preoculars-- lateral i s 2. Tres preoculares lateral

i Two preoculars mertens i Dos preoculares mertens

Tretanorh inus n i qroluteus n i qrolu teus Cope

1865 Helicops Aqassizi Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol., 3: 248. Type-locality: San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua. 1884 Helicops bifrenatus Bocourt. Bull. Soc. Philom., (7) 8: 134. Type-locality: Colon (Aspinweld), Panama. 1905 Tretanorhinus intermedius Rosen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 15: 1/1, pi. 12, fig. 2. Type- locality: Central America. 216. 1939 Tretanorhinus n i qroluteus niqroluteug—Dunn, Copeia, 1935'

Distribution: Lqw elevations of Caribbean slope from Panama and Costa Rica to extreme eastern Guatemala.

Tretanorh inus n igroluteus lateral is Bocourt

I89I Tretanorhinus lateralis Bocourt, Le Naturaliste, (2) 101: 122. Type-locality: Belize, British Honduras. 1939 Tretanorh inus niqroluteus lateral is—Dunn, Copeia, 1939= 216.

Distribution: At present definitely known only from British Honduras; probably also elsewhere on Yucatan Peninsula. 307 TRETANORHINUS

Tretanorh inus n igrolu-teus mertens i Smith and Gillespie

1965 Tretanorh inus n igroluteus mertens i Smith and Gillespie, in Smith, Jour. Ohio Herp. Soc, 5! 1. Type-locality: north edge of Lake Catemaco, 5 km east of Catemaco, Veracruz, Mex ico.

Distribution: Southern Veracruz south and east through El Peten, Guatemala.


I85I Tretanorh i nus Mocquardi Bocourt, Le Naturaliste, (2) 101: 122. Type-locality: "a Panama"; which is Panama City, according to Dunn, Copeia, 1539> 214.

Distribution: Panama.


1903 Tretanorh i nus taen iatus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 12: J^O. Type-locality: R '0 Sapayo, northwestern Ecuador, 45O ft.

Distribution: Pacific lowlands in Colombia and Ecuador. I s



1885 Tr imetopon Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. , 22: 177- Type-species: Ablabes qrac ills Gunther.

Distribution: Guatemala to Panama.

Content: Ten species.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Prefrontals fused 2 1. Prefrontales fusionados 2 Prefrontals separate, paired i Prefrontales separados, en pares 4

2. Dorsal scales in 15 rows- 2. Escamas dorsales en I5 hileras- - - i i Dorsal scales in I7 rows- pl i olep i s Escamas dorsales en I7 hileras- pl olep s

i m i 3. Two postoculars; ventrals fewer than 130- s im i le 3. Oos postoculares; menos de I3O ven trales- s le One postocular; ventrals more than l'^5-- qrac ile Un postocular; mas de 135 ventrales qrac ile

4. Dorsal scales in I7 rows- 5 4. Escamas dorsales en I7 hileras- - Dorsal scales in I5 rows- harbour i Escamas dorsales en I5 hileras- -barbour i

5. Seven upper labials- 6 5. Siete labiales superiores- Eight upper labials- Ocho labiales superiores--

6. Two postoculars; fewer than 80 subcaudals ] 6. Dos postoculares; menos de 80 subcaudales 7 One postocular; more than 80 subcaudals Un postocular; mas de 80 subcaudales

Posadas i Posadas i

- - 7. Fewer than 40 subcaudals- V I quez 7. Menos de 40 subcaudales- V I quez I More than 45 subcaudals-- -slevini Mas de 45 subcaudales -slevini

8. One postocular-- 8. Un postocular - Two postoculars- veraepac 1 s Dos postoculares- veraepac 1

3. More than I6O ventrals p i lonaorum 9. Mas de 160 ventrales p i lonaorum

Fewer than 160 ventrals hannste i n i Menos de 160 ventrales hannste i n I


1930 Tr imetopon harbour i Dunn, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 'j: 331* Type-locality: Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone, Panama.

Distribution: Known from Ancon and Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Panama, as well as from type locality.


1872 Ablabes gracilis Gunther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 3: 18, pi. 3, fig. D. Type-locality: Near Cartago, Costa Rica.

1885 Tr imetopon qrac i le — Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 22: 177-

Distribution: Costa Rica.


19*9 Tr imetopon hannste i n i Stuart, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 62; I65. Type-locality: Finca La Paz, 18 km north of Coatepeque, Departamento San Marcos, Guatemala; I45O m.

Distribution: Moderate elevations along Pacific slope of western Guatemala and Chiapas, Mexico. 309 TRIMETOPON


155* Tr imetopon p i lonaorum Stuart, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 67! 176- Type-locality: Finca La

Gloria, about 12 km northeast of Ch qu imul i 11a, Departamento Santa Rosa, Guatemala; about 55O i

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


I854 Trimetopon pliolepis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1854: 201. Type-locality: San Jose, Costa Rica.

Distribution: Costa Rica.


i i 2'}: 1536 Tr imetopon posadas Slevin, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc . , 79- Type-locality: Southern slope of

Volca'n Zunil, Such i tepequez, Guatemala.

Distribution: Known only from immediate vicinity of type locality.


153" Tr imetopon simile Dunn, Dec. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 5' 331' Type-locality: Reventazon,

Costa Rica; said by Dunn to be same as La Junta; Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i . Bull., 3^> 1951» 79»

sa i d it i s S i qu i rres.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


19*0 Trimetopon slevi n i Dunn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ')2: II7. Type-locality: Near Boquete, Provincia Chiriqu', Panama, 4000 ft.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1941 Rhadi naea veraepac i s Stuart and Bailey, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 442: 9- Type-locality: Pine zone at Finca Chichen, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, 51OO ft. 19^9 Trimetopon veraepacis — Stuart, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 62: I67.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.


1937 Trimetopon viquezi Dunn, Copeia, 1937' 215. Type-locality: Siquirres, Costa Rica.

Distribution: Known only from type locality. 310 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * * TRIMORPHODON


1861 Tr imorphodon Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1861: 257- Type-species: Lycodon lyrophanes Cope. 1863 Ete irod ipsas Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 10$. Type-species: Not indicated. 1901 Hetaerodi psas Berg (emendation of Ete irodipsas Jan), Comun. Mus. Buenos Aires, 1: 25O.

Distribution: Southwestern United States through Central America to Costa Rica.

Eleven Content: i species, all but one of which are ex tral m i tal.


I854 Pi psas b i-scutata Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 7: II53. Type-locality: "Mexico". 1861 Trimorphodon biscutatus — Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I86I: 257.

Distribution: Pacific slope from Colima, Mexico, to Costa Rica.

Content: Two subspecies, of which ( b i one scutatus Dumeril and Bibron) is extral im i tal.

i Tr imorphodon b scutatus quadruplex Sm i th

19"! Tr imorphodon b i scutatus quadruplex Smith, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Jl: I57. Type-locality:

Estel , N icaragua . i

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Pacific slope, Guatemala to Costa Rica. 311 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE 'W ^ ^ ^ TRIPANURGOS Prepared by Joseph R. Bailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina


I8A3 Tr ipanurqos Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 2], Type-species: Given as Dipsas leucocephala Schlegel, which is same as Coluber leucocephalus Mil

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.

recognized as Tr i panurqos leucomelas by Downs, Comment: Trop i dod i psas leucomelas Werner, recently

Copeia, 1961, 386, is a member of the genus Oxyrhopus .


I8O3 Coluber compressus Daudin, Hist. Nat. Rept., 6: 247, Type-locality: Surinam. 1820 Coluber leucocephalus Mikan, Delect. Fauna Flora Brasil: fig. 2 on unnumbered pi. Type-locality: Corcovado Mountain, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I856 Trypanurqos compressus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3= 58.

Distribution: Discontinuous. Coastal strip of Brazil from Rio de Janeiro (city) to Sergipe. Mouth of Amazon and central Bolivia to Trinidad and Panama. s i



1858 Trop i dodi psas Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 180. Type-species: Tropi dodipsas fasc iata Gijnther. I863 Galedon Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 55- Type-species; Galedon annular is Jan.

1878 Trop idogeoph i Muller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 6: 411. Type-species: Geophis annulatus Peters. 1887 Dipeltophis Cope, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 32: 5I. Type-species: Leptoqnathus albocinctus Fischer.

Distribution: Mexico and Central America.

Content: About ten species, of which only three are found within limits of this work.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Infralabials usually eight or more 2 1. Normalmente ocho mas i nf ralab iales 2

infralabials normally seven fasc iata Normalmente siete i nf ralab iales fasc iata

2. Darl< annuli on body fewer than 25 sartor i i 2. Menos de 25 anillos oscuros en el cuerpo

Dark annuli on body more than 25 f ischer i sartor ii

Mas de 25 anillos oscuros en el cuerpo- f i scheri


I858 Trop idod ipsas fasc iata Gunther, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus.: 181. Type-locality: Mexico; restricted to

Chichen Itza, . Yucatan, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sc i Bull., 33, I95O, 352.

Distribution: Guerrero on west and possibly Veracruz on east in Mexico to Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Content: Three subspecies, of which two ( fasc iata Gunther and querreroens is Taylor) are

cxtral im i tal.

Trop i dod i psas fasc iata subannulata (Muller)

I887 Leptoanathus ( Trop idod ipsas ) subannulatus Muller, Ver. Nat. Ges. Basel, 8: 274, pi. 1, fig. 5. Type-locality: probably Mexico; restricted to Chichen Itza, Yucatan, by Smith and Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 33, I95O, 352; restriction rejected by Lynch and Smith, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 6% I566, 72. 1942 Trop idod ipsas kidderi Stuart. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 55' 177» Type-locality: Finca Samac, 6 km west of Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, about I5OO m. Trop idod iata 1956 ipsas fasc subannulata — /flvarez del Toro and Smith, Herpetolog i ca, 12: 14. 1966 T.[ rop idod ipsas j fasciata subannulata — Lynch and Smith, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 69: 72.

Distribution: Upper elevations on Atlantic slope from southwestern Chiapas and southeastern Oaxaca, Mexico, to Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.


I885 Virq in ia fasc iata Fischer, Jahrb. Wiss. Anst. Hamburg, 2 (l884): 95' Type-locality: Guatemala.

i I892 Trop doclon ium annulatum Bocourt (preoccupied in Trop i dod i psas by annulatus Peters, I87O), Le Naturaliste, (2) 14: I32. Type-locality: Godinez, northeastern slope of Volcan Atitlan, Guatemala, 215I m.

i i I894 Trop dod psas f i scher i Boulenger (substitute name for Virginia fasc iata Fischer, preoccupied in Tropidodipsas ). Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: 296.

Distribution: Intermediate elevations on plateau of Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, southwestern Guatemala, to Oaxaca, Mexico.


1863 Tropidodipsas sartorii Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I863: 100. Type-locality: Mirador,

Veracruz, Mex i co.

Distribution: San Luis Potosi and Chiapas, Mexico to Guatemala, on both slopes.

Content: Three subspecies, one of which ( macdouoall Smith) is extral im i tal. . . i


Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Light bands, including nuchal collar, 1. Bandas claras, incluyendo el collar nucal, yellow in life; bands very regular, all amarillas en vida; bandas muy regulares, complete' on body and tail annulatus todas completas en cuerpo y cola- annulatus Light bands, red or orange, only nuchal Bandas claras, rojas o naranjas, solo el collar yellow in life; bands variable, collar nucal amarillo en vida; bandas usually at least some incomplete on ven- variables, generalmente al menos algunas

tral surface sartor i i incompletas en la superficie ventral

sartor i i

Trop i dod i psas sartor i i sartor i i Cope

Mexico. I863 L.T eptognathus ] Dumer i 1 Jan, Elenco Sist. Ofidi: 101, Type-locality:

I87O Galedon annular i s Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophid., Livr. 36, pl- 5> ^'9- !• Type-locality: Unknown 1884 Leptoqnatus leucostomus Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: I38. Type-locality: Yucatan.

1884 Leptoqna thus sem ic i nctus Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 139' Type-locality: Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

I887 Leptoqnathus ( Trop i dod i psas ) cucull iceps Mijller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 8: 273) pi. 1, fig. 4. Type-locality: Verapaz, Guatemala.

1943 Trop idodipsas sartorii sartor i i —Sm i th, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 33: 494.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Caribbean slope from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, south to Guatemala.

Trop i dod i psas sartor i i annulatus (Peters)

I87O Geophis annulatus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I87O: 643, pi. 1, figs. 2-2c. Type- locality: "Probably South America"; in error. I874 Leptoqnathus sexscutatus Bocourt, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 137- Type-locality:

At i tlan, Guatemala.

I887 Leptoqnathus ( Trop idod ipsas ) Bernoull i i Muller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 8: 272, pi. 1, fig. 3- Type-locality: Chitalon, Guatemala.

1943 Tropidodipsas sartorii annulatus — Sm i th, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 93: 495.

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations of Pacific slope of Chiapas, Mexico, and Guatemala 314 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: BOIDAE * "A TROPIDOPHIS


1840 Tropidophis Bibron, in de la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, Spanish Ed., 8: pi. 23, also vol. 4, 1843: 125. Type-species: Boa melanura Schlegel. 1840 Leionotus Bibron, in de la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, Spanish Ed., 8: pi. 24, also vol. 4, I843: 125. Type-species: Leionotus maculatus Bibron, 1842 Unqal ia Gray, Zool. Misc., 1842: 46. Type-species: Boa melanura Schlegel.

IB43 Erycops i s Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium; 2]. Type-species: Boa melanura Schlegel. 18S6 Nothophis Hallowell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I856: I56. Type-species: Nothophis bicarinatus Hallowell. 1868 Ungual ia Cope (invalid emendation of Unqalia Gray). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868: 128.

Distribution: West Indies; Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil.

Content: Fifteen species, all but three of which are extral im i tal, according to latest summary by Stimson, Das TierrSich, 85, I965, 32.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Dorsal scales smooth 2 1. Escamas dorsales lisas- 2 Dorsal scales keeled taczanowskvi Escamas dorsales carenadas taczanowskvi

2. Scale rows at midbody 23; ventrals 200 2. Escamas al medio del cuerpo en 23 filas; ven- battersbvi t rales 200 battersbyi Scale rows at midbody 21; ventrals I78 Escamas al medio del cuerpo en 21 filas; ven- pauc isguamis t rales 1/8 paucisguamis


1949 Tropidophis battersbvi Laurent. Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belg., 25(9): 6, figs. 10-12. Type- locality: Ecuador.

Distribution: Known only from holotype, which has no definite locality data.


1901 Unqalia paucisguamis MiJller. in Schenkel, Verb. Na turf orsch. Ges. Basel, I3: 154. Type-locality: Tropical America. 1901 Unqali a brasiliensis Andersson. BihangTill K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar, 27(4, No. 5): 4, pi. 1, fig. 1. Type-locality: Brazil.

Distribution: Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and SSo Paulo, Brazil, Northeastern Peru.


1880 Unqalia Taczanowskvi Ste indachner, Sitz. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 80 (2): $22, 1 pi. Type-locality: Tambillo, Peru. 1928 Tropidophis taczanowskyi —Stull, Occ Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 195: 21.

Distribution: Peru and Ecuador; Brazil? 315 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: ANOMALEPIDIDAE * * * TYPHLOPHIS


1843 Typhlophis Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 24. Type-species: Typhlops squamosus Schlegel. 1844 Cephalolepis Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 314. Type-species: Cephalolepis leucocephalus Oumeril and Bibron.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


Typhlops squamosus 1835 Schlegel, Abbildungen . . . Amphibien, text: 36; Abbild.: pi. 32, figs. 3-12. Type-locality: Cayenne. 1844 Cephalolepis leucocephalus Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 315. Type-locality: French Guiana. 1843 Typhloph is squamosus — Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 24.

I853 Typhloph i s squamosus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1: 57.

Distribution: Trinidad; Atlantic coast of South America from Guianas to Grao Para, Brazil. .



1811 Typhlops Oppel, Ordnungen, Familien und Gattungen der Reptilien: 5^- Type-species: Anqu is

lumbr i cal i s Linnaeus.

1815 T i phloDS Rafinesque (emendation of Typhlops Oppel), Analyse de la Nature: ]S.

IB3O Typhi i na Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphib.': I56. Type-species: Acont i as 1 i neatus Reinwardt = Typhlops

1 i nea tus Boie.

1843 GerrhoD i lus Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium; 24. Type-species: Typhlops a ter Schlegel. - I843 Asp i dorhynchus Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium: 24. Type-species: Typhlops eschr icht i i Schlegel Acont ias puncta tus Leach. I843 Pseudotyphlops Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium; 24. Type-species: Typhlops polyaramm icus Schlegel.

I843 Rhamphotyphlops Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium; 24. Type-species: Typhlops mul t i 1 i neatus Schlegel

1843 Rh i notyphlops Fitzinger, Systema Reptilium; 24. Type-species; Typhlops laland i i Schlegel.

1844 P i 1 i di on Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 257* Type-species: P i 1 i di on 1 i nea tum Dumeril and B ibron.

1844 Ophthalm i d i on Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 262. Type-species: Ophthalm i di on long i ss imum Dumeril and Bibron.

1844 Ca thetorh i nus Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 268. Type-species: Ca thetorh inus melanocephalus Dumeril and Bibron.

1844 Onychocephalus Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 272. Type-species; Typhlops lalandi i Schlegel.

1845 An i 1 i OS Gray, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.: 135' Type-species: An i 1 i os leach i i Gray = Angu is lumbr ical is Linnaeus.

I845 Onychoph i s Gray, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.: I32. Type-species: Onychoph i s f rankl i n i i Gray = Typhlops

laland i i Schlegel.

I845 Typhi i nal i s Gray (substitute name for Typhi i na Wagler), Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.: 13^»

I845 Arqyroph i s Gray, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.: I36. Type-species; Argyroph is b icolor Gray = Typhlops

n i qroalbus Dumeril and Bibron. ia = 1845 Medi tor Gray, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.: 135- Type-species: Med i tor i a nasuta Gray Anqu is

lumbr ical i s Linnaeus. 1846 Thyphlops Gistl (emendation of Typhlops Oppel), Na turgesch ichte des Thierreichs: xi. D Jan, I86I iaphorotyphlops Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 1; I85. Type-species: D iaphorolep i s disparilis Jan.

1869 Letheobia Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 322. Type-species: Letheobia pallida Cope. 1881 Gryptotyphlops Peters, Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1881: 7O. Type-species: Onychocephalus acutus Dumeril and Bibron.

Distribution: World-wide, in tropical and subtropical regions.

Content: Probably somewhat more than 200 of species, which all but eight are extral im i tal.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Preocular present; fewer than 26 scale rows 2 1. Preocular presente; menos de 26 filas de

No preocular; 26-28 scale rows un i 1 i neatus escamas 2 Sin preocular; 26-28 filas de escamas

un i 1 i neatus

2. Con 20 filas de escamas 3

Con 18 filas de escamas tenu i s

in 3. Preocular contact with upper labials two and 3- Preocular en contacto con segunda y tercera three 4 supralab ial 4 Preocular in contact with upper labial three Preocular en contacto con solo la tercera only lumbr ical is supralab ial lumbr ical is

4. Nasal suture complete, contacts rostral 5 *• Sutura nasal completa que contacta con rostral-

Nasal suture i ncomplete, not in contact with 5 rostral ret iculatus Sutura nasal incompleta que no contacta con rostral ret icula tus

5- More than 355 middorsal scales 6 5. Mas de 355 escamas medi odorsales 6 Fewer than 355 middorsal scales ] Menos de 355 escamas med iodorsales ] . i


6. Color with rows of brown dots on yellow back- 6. Color de fondo amarillo con filas de puntos ground; third and fourth upper labials similar pardos; tercera y cuarta supralabial de simi- in size and shape, both higher than long; eye lar forma y tamaRo, ambas mas altas que situated under ocular-preocular suture largas; ojo situado bajo la sutura oculo-

i n i ta tus tr i preoculai tr n i tatus Color dull brown with irregular blacl< spots; Color de fondo pardo apagado con manchas negras fourth labial large, much higher than long, irregulares; cuarta labial grande, mas alta extends up to posterior margin of ocular; eye que larga, que se extiende por encima del not situated under ocular-preocular suture margen posterior de la ocular; ojo no situado

i s costar icens bajo la sutura oculo-preoculai costar icens i s

Middorsal i Con i f, scales 3^7 stadelman 7. 347 escamas med odorsales stadelman i

Middorsal scales 285-332 lehneri Con 289-33^ escamas medi odorsales lehner i


1552 Typhlops costar icens i s Jimenez and Savage, Rev. Biol. Trop., Costa Rica, 10: 155* Type-locality: Monteverde, Sierra de Tilaran, Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica, I5OO m.

Distribution: Costa Rica.


T.|_ i 1526 YPhloDs J lehner Roux, Rev. Suisse Zool., 33- 258. Type-locality: El Pozon, Estado Falcon,

Venezuela .

1566 Typhlops lehner i — Roze, Los Ofidios de Venezuela: 35'

Distribution: Estado Falcon, Venezuela.


1766 Angu is lumbr ical is Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 391' Type-locality: America.

1811 Typhi .[ ops j lumbr ical i s — Oppel, Ordnungen, Familien, und Gattungen der Reptilien: 55'

1840 Typhlops Cubae Bibron, in de la Sagra, Historia . . . de Cuba, 4, Rept.: 122, pi. 22. Type-

local i ty: Cuba.

1845 An il ios Leach i i Gray, Cat. Liz. Brit. Mus.: 135- Type-locality: None given. 1504 Typhlops lumbr ical is — Stejneger, Ann. Rept. U.S. Nat. Mus., I9O2: 684, figs. 141-144.

1959 Typhlops s i lus Legler, Herpetolog ica, I5: IO5, fig- 1. Type-locality: Banes, Provincia Oriente, Cuba.

Distribution: Cuba, , Bahamas; introduced into Guyana and Florida.


1766 Angu i s ret i cula ta Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 12: 391' Type-locality: America. 1782 Anquis rostralis Weiqel. Schrift. Berlin. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde, 3= 193- Type-locality:

Sur i nam.

1788 Angu i s nasutus Gmelin, Systema Naturae, Ed. I3: 1120. Type-locality: Unl

1801 Angu i s crocota tus Schneider, Hist. Amphib., 2: 3'"^* Type-locality: None given.

i 1802 Angu s rostratus Daudin (in error for Angu i s rostral i s Weigel), Hist. Nat. Rept., 1% 316. 1844 Tv hlopsLops ret iculaicul tus — Dumeril and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 282, pi. 60.

0, i ion 1851 phthalmithalm d j Crassum Dumeril, Cat. Meth. Coll. Rept. Paris Mus.: 202, Type-locality: Unknown. 1864 Typhlops ret icula tus Troschel Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophidiens, Livr. 4: pi. 6, fig. c. Type-locality:

None 9 i ven

1864 Typhlops ret icula tus n i grolactea Jan, Icon. Gen. Ophidiens, Livr. 4: pi. 6, fig. d. Type- locality: None given. 1946 Typhlops ret iculatus — Beebe, Zoologica, 3I: 15j pl- 1> figs. 2-3.

Distribution: Tropical South America east of Andes.

.•!6S^92 O- 318 TYPHLOPS


1936 Typhlops stadelman i Schmld-t, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, i'): 48. Type-locality: Subirana Valley, Yoro, Honduras, 2800 ft.

Distribution: Honduras.


I860 Typhlops tenuis Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1850: 4$*. Type-locality: Coban, Guatemala.

1867 Typhlops bas imaculatus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1866: '}20. Type-locality: Cordoba and Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico. I865 Typhlops perditus Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I869: 435. Type-locality: Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico.

1885 Typhlops ( praelonqus n. sp.?) MuUer, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, ]: 6]i. Type-locality: Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. 189? Typhlops tenuis — Boulenqer, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1: 28.

Distribution: Moderate elevations in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala; Gulf area of Mexico.


1965 Typhlops trinitatus Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 78: 121, fig. 1. Type-locality: Arima Road, 3 ">' above Simla, Trinidad.

Distribution: Known only from Trinidad.


1844 Onychocephalus un i 1 i nea tus Dumer i 1 and Bibron, Erp. Gen., 6: 278: Type-locality; Cayenne.

T.^ ) un i 1 i neatus Jan, Elenco Sistema Ofidi: I863 Yphlops J ( Onychocephalus — I3.

I893 Typhlops un i 1 i neatus — Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1: IJ.



1964 Umbrivaga Roze. Senckenberg iana Biol., 4$! 533. Type-species: Umbrivaga mer-tensi Roze.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


1964 Ll[nbriva9a mertensi Roze, Senckenberg iana Biol., 4$: 536. Type-locality: Parque Nacional Henri Pittier (Rancho Grande) Estado de Aragua, Venezuela.

Distribution: Known only from type-locality. i i



1882 Ungal iophis Muller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, J: 142. Type-species: Unqal iophis cont inental is Muller (an earlier description of this genus appears as an unknown genus of the in Muller, pi. l). Peropodes , i.e., boids, ifli. ciL. , 6, 1878, 652, 1882 Peropodum Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept., 1882: 5^2. Type-species: Peropodum quatemalens is

Bocourt (based on Muller's 18/8 description, lac., c i t . ).

Distribution: Mexico to Colombia.

Content: Two species, according to most recent revision, by Bogert, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 23*0, 1568, 1-26, figs.

Key to the species Clave de especies

1. Scale rows at m dbody fewer than 25 panamens i s 1. Menos de 25 filas en el medio del cuerpo

Scale rows at midbody 25 cont i nental i s panamens is Filas en el medio del cuerpo 25 cont inental is


1882 Ungal iophis cont i nental is Muller, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, Jx 142. (An earlier description

; ia . is " name was used by Muller, appeared as "Nov. gen. Boid. Affin. Unqal[ j Spec, quatemalens loc. cjj.., 6, I878, 59I; full description, Muller, loc. cjj.. , I878, 652, pi. l). Type-locality: Retalhuleu, Guatemala.

1882 Peropodum quatemalens i s Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept., 1882: 'J2J, pi. 31> 'figs. 5"5'' (based on

Muller's I878 description, loc . c it . ).

1568 Ungal ioph i s cont i nental i s — Bogert, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2340: 14, figs. 2, 5> 3nd 8.

Distribution: Low elevations from eastern Chiapas, Mexico, to Guatemala and Honduras along Pacific slopes.


1933 Ungal iophis panamens is Schmidt, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 89 (l): 12. Type-locality: Cerro Brujo, Panama. 1940 Ungal iophis dan iel Prado, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 14: 35, 4 figs., 1 col. (p. 4l). Type-locality: Andes, southeast of Antioqu'a, Colombia. ^'^'^ 1968 Ungal i oph i s panamens is — Bogert, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 2340: 14, figs. 1, 3"^» 1'

Distribution: Nicaragua, Panama, and Colombia. 321 . REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBR IDAE * * UROMACERINA


1923 Uromacerina Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: 18. Type-species: Uromacer ricardinii Peracra.

Distribution: Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Content: One species.


I897 Uromacer Rjcardini i Peracea, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 12 (282): 1, fig. Type-locality: Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Uromacer ina i 1929 [ j r icard in i —Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 4: IP

Distribution: Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil. I i



1553 Xenoboa Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, 25 (l): 2/. Type-species: Xenoboa cropani i Hoge.

Distribution: Same as given below for single known species.

Content: One species,


1953 Xenoboa cropani Hoge. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 25 (l): 27, figs. I-5, col. pi. Type-locality: Miracato, State of SSo Paulo, Brazil.

Distribution; Known only from type locality and Pedro de Toledo, Estado de SSo Paulo, Brazil. .



1824 Oph is Wagler (preoccupied by Oph is Turton, I8O7), in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.: 47. Type-

species: Oph i s Merrem i i Wagler. I827 Xenodon Boie, in Schlegel, Isis von Oken, 20: 253- Type-species: Coluber severus Linnaeus.

I853 Acanthophallus Cope, Amer. Nat., 27: 482. Type-species: Xenodon colubr i nus Gunther.

Distribution: Mexico through Central America east of Andes in South America to Argentina (see

commen t )

Content: Seven species.

Comment: Eiselt, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 66, 1563> 275> discussed the status of Proeteria

V ir idi s Werner, 1924, and gave it the new name Xenodon werner I . The holotype was supposedly from Tsumeb, German Southwest Africa, but Eiselt questioned this, and indicated it was possibly from

South America. It appears to be very similar to suspectus .

Key to the species Clave de espec i es

1. Maxillary teeth more than twelve, including 1. Dientes maxilares mas de doce, incluyendo los those posterior to diastema 2 posteriores al diastema 2 Maxillary teeth B-5, including those posterior Dientes maxilares 8-5, incluyendo los poste-

tod iastema merrem i i riores al diastema merremi i

2. Dorsal scales in I5 rows- 2. Con 15 hileras de escamas dorsales 3 Dorsal scales in 21 rows- Con 21 hileras de escamas dorsales 6

3. Fewer than six labials in contact with first 3- Menos de seis labiales en contacto con el pri- chinshield 4 mer geneial 4 Six labials in contact with first chinshield Seis labiales en contacto con el primer geneial

i berthold i berthold

4. Anal plate entire-- 5 4. Placa anal entera 5 - Anal plate divided- quen ther i Placa anal dividida quenther i

5. Single black spot, bifurcated posteriorly on 5. Sobre el casquete cefalico, una mancha negra dorsum of head; tail 1/6 of total length bifurcada poster iormente; cola equivalente a rabdocephalus 1/6 de la longitud total rabdocephalus Dorsum of head with black spotting; tail l/lO Sobre el casquete cefalico manchas negras; cola of total length suspectus equivalente a l/lO de la longitud total suspectus

6. Caudals fewer than 42 severus 6. Caudales menos de 42 severus

i Caudals more than 42 neuwied i i Caudales mas de 42 neuwiedi


I863 X.[ enodon ] Bertholdi Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 2: 3I8. Type-locality: Mexico, probably in error.

1551 Xenodon berthold i — Taylor, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., Ji: Gj.

Distribution: Costa Rica.


I854 Xenodon quenther i Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2: I47, pi. ], fig. 1. Type-locality: Lagos, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Distribution: Southern Brazil. [ I i s —



1824 Ophis Merrem i Wagler, in Spix, Sp. Nov. Serp. Bras.! i] , pi. I]. Type-locality: Bahia, Brazil.

1826 X.l enodon j merrem i i — Fitzinger, Neue Classification der Reptilien: 57' 71827 Xenodon ocellatus Bole, Isis von Oken, 20: 5*1. Type-locality: Brazil. ?1827 Xenodon a e n e u Boie, Isis von Oken, 20: 5*1' Type-locality: Surinam. 186^ Xenodon irregularis Gunther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 12: 354, pi. 5, fig. D. Type-locality: Para, Braz il. 1906 Tr iqonocephalus f lavescens Bacque, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 12: 114, fig. 1. Type-locality: Asuncion, Paraguay.

1506 Tr i qonocephalus al terna tus b i nocular ius Bacque, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 12: 115, ^'9- 2. Type- locality: Asuncion, Paraguay.

Distribution: Guianas, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, central and northern Argentina.


1863 Xenodon Neuwiedii GUnther. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 12: 354, pi. 5, fig. C. Type-locality: Rio

de Jane i ro, Braz 1 1.

1858 Xenodon neov i di i Cope (emendation of neuwiedi i Gunther), Proc. Acad. Nat. So i . Phila., 1868: 133" 1522 Xenodon hemileucurus Lutz and Mello, Folha Medica, 3 (I52O): 58. Type-locality: S. SimSo do Manhassu, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Distribution: Central and southern Brazil, Paraguay, northern Argentina.


6: stated 1824 C.[ oluber J rabdocephalus Wied, Isis von Oken, 668. Type-locality: Brazil, further as Bahia, Brazil by Wied, Beitrage zur Naturgesch ichte von Brasilien, 1, 1825, 356. 1826 X. enodon j rabdocephalus — Fitzinger, Neue Classification der Reptilien: 57"

Distribution: Guerrero and Veracruz, Mexico through Central and South America to Bolivia.

Content: Two subspecies.

Key to the subspecies Clave de subespecies

1. Ventrals 124-133- mex icanus 1. Ventrales 124-133- mex I canus Ventrals 141-153- - rabdocephalus Ventrales 141-153" - rabdocephalus

Xenodon rabdocephalus rabdocephalus (Wied)

I837 X.l enodon j rhabdocephalus Schlegel (emendation of rabdocephalus Wied), Essa i Physion. Serpens, 2: 87, pi. 3, figs. 6-7.

I858 Xenodon colubr i nus Gunther, Cat. Sn, Brit. Mus.: 55- Type-locality: Para, Brazil.

1864 Xenodon anqust i rostr i s Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1864: '}')0. Type-locality: Veragua, Panama.

I885 Xenodon b i praeocul i s Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 23: 95' Type-locality: R'o Mamore,

Bol i V ia.

1941 I Xenodon rabdocephalus rabdocephalus j Schmidt (by inference), Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 22: 501.

Distribution: Nicaragua(7) through Central America to Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia.

Xenodon rabdocephalus mex i canus Smith

1940 Xenodon mex icanus Smith, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 53= 51 • Type-locality: Piedras Negras, Guatemala. 19*1 Xenodon rabdocephalus mex icanus — Schmidt, Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 22: 5''1'

Distribution: Low and moderate elevations from Guerrero, Mexico , on Pacific and Veracruz, Mexico, on Caribbean south through Guatemala. 325 XENODON


1758 Coluber severus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, Ed. 10: 215. Type-locality: "Asia"; restricted to South America by Gunther, Ann. Mag. Mat. Hist., (3) 12, I863, 353. 1802 Coluber breviceps Shaw, Gen. Zool., Amphib., 3 (2): 43O. Type-locality: Ceylon and Brazil.

1820 Coluber ( Natr i x vers icolor Merrem, Tentamen Systematis Amph i b i orum: Type-locality: [ )J 55- Braz il.

1824 C.I oluber j saurocephalus Wied, Isis von Oken, 6: 668. Type-locality: Brazil; stated more fully as Rio ilheus, Brazil, by Wied, Beitrage zur naturgesch ichte von Brasilien, 1, 1825, 367- 1826 X.I enodon j severus — Fitzinger, Neue Classification der Reptilien: 57-

Distribution: Amazonian South America.


1868 Xenodon suspectus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc i . Phila., 1868: 133- Type-locality: Lago Jose Assu, Brazil.

Distribution: Eastern Peru. 326 REPTILIA: SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE * * * * XENOPHOLIS


I869 Xenophol is Peters, Monats. Akad. Wiss, Berlin, I865! 440. Type-species: Xenopholis Braconnieri Peters. I874 Gerrhosteus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874: Jl. Type-species: Gerrhosteus prosopis Cope. 192=^ Sympeltophis Werner. Sitz. Math-Na turw iss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. 1, I34: $2, fig. 1.

Type-species: Sympel toph i s ungal io ides Werner.

Distribution: As for single known species.

Content: One species.


t I86I Elapomorpiius scalaris Wucherer. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I86I: 325. Type-locality: Canavieras, Matta de Sao Joao, a few leagues south of Bahia, Brazil. 1869 Xenopholis Braconnieri Peters. Monats. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, I865: 441, pi., fig. 3, Type-locality: none given. I874 Gerrhosteus prosopis Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I874: 71. Type-locality: Nauta, Peru. 192*) Sympeltophis unqalioides Werner. Sitz. Math-Na turw iss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. 1, I34; 52, fig. 1. Type-locality: Central Brazil.

Distribution: Amazonian Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil. 327 INCERTAE SEDIS


1525 Aporoph i s cruc i f er Ahl, Zool. Anz., 63: 27I. Type-locality: Either Buea, Cameroons or Paramaribo, Surinam,

Distribution: Unknown,

Comment: Werner, Zool. Jahrb,, Abt, fur Syst., 57> 1929> 11*> assigned this to Lyooph i s . and stated that, although the locality for the type was uncertain, it was impossible for it to be Buea, Cameroons, He does not elaborate on this statement. The holotype will have to be re-examined for proper generic placement of the taxon.


1526 A tractus tr i hedrurus Amaral, Arch, Mus, Nac. Brazil, 26: 11, pi, 2, figs. 1-4. Type-locality:

Southern Braz i 1.

Distribution: Known only from type specimen.

Comment: Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112, I56O, Jl , indicated that this was

probably not an Atractus . but that its generic status must be regarded as uncertain until the holotype can be re-examined.


I894 Atractus vittatus Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus,, 2: 3O4, pi. I5, fig. 2. Type-locality: Caracas, Venezuela.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Comment: Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich,, 112, I96O, 31, pointed out that the characters exhibited by the holotype and only l

genus Geoph i s .


1840 Calamar ia favae Filippi, Catalogo Raggionato e Descr i tt i vo, . .Serpent i del Museo dell' I, R. Universita de Pavia, Bibliot, Ital,, 99: 16. Type-locality: Unknown. IB54 Rabdosoma long icaudatum Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 106. Type-locality: Java.

Distribution: Unknown.

Comment: This taxon was called Atractus favae by Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 2, I894, 313, and its distribution was given by Boulenger as "Brazil?" It is not mentioned by Inger and Marx in their recent revision of Calamar ia , and it has not been included in any recent works on Javan species. Savage, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 112, I96O, regarded it as a nomen dubium and did not include it in his list of species of the genus Atractus . Recent authors on Brazilian species have not mentioned it.


1924 Cochl ioDhaaus isolepis MuUer, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 11: 9I. Type-locality: South America.

Distribution: Unknown.

Comment: This is clearly not a Dipsadine snake, although the genus Cochl iphaqus is a synonym of

S i bynomorphus . We do not know where it properly belongs. 328 INCERTAE SEDIS


iqO'i Dipsas infrenalis Rosen. Ann". Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) IJ: 180. Type-locality: None given. 1960 Dipsas infrenalis — Peters, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 214.

Distribution: Unknown.

i t Comment: Listed as i ncertae sed is by Peters, loc . c .


1880 Dipsas subaequalis Fischer, Arch, fur Naturg., 46; 224, pi. 5» figs. 18-21. Type-locality: Unl

Distribution: Unknown.

an Imantodes Comment: Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 3, I856, 88, suggested that this might be , but the coloration as described is so different from any other species in that genus that this seems a most Improbable generic assignment.


1522 Dromicus amazonicus Dunn, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 35' 215. Type-locality: Santarem, Brazil.

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Comment: The generic assignment of this species is very questionable. The holotype must be re-examined in the light of recent interpretations of generic lines.


1509 Erythrolamprus mental is Werner, Mitt. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 26: 238. Type-locality: Guatemala.

Distribution: Unknown. Stuart does not mention the species in his Guatemalan checklist (1563).

Comment: This taxon has been placed in Con i ophanes by various authors and in Rhad i naea by Bailey, Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts, Letters, 24, I938 (l539), 5, but all such actions have been tentative, awaiting re-examination of the type. This specimen was destroyed during World War II, and the taxon may never be properly allocated.


icops i I865 Hel Lepr i [ ieur ] van. moesta Jan, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 3: 253. Type-locality: None

G i ven.

Distribution: Unknown.

Comment; Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus., 1, 1893» '^11 > tentatively synonymized this variety with

Hel icops modestus . but this cannot be determined without question from Jan's description. The type, which has not yet been located, must be re-examined for proper allocation of the taxon.


1924 Herpetodryas annectens Werner. Sitz. Ma th. -Na turwi ss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. 1, 133' 33- Type-locality: Presumed to be Brazil by Werner, since it was in bottle with two other snakes from that country.

Distribution: Unknown.

Comment: Amaral, Mem. Inst. Butaiitan, 4, I929, 14, stated that this was not Brazilian, not neotrop- ical, and wrong in the generic assignment. Amaral did not attempt to assign it elsewhere. Z29 INCERTAE SEDIS


1884 Leptoqna thus Andre i Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7) 8: 146. Type-locality: New Grenada.

1960 Leptognathus andre i —Peters. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 212.

Distribution: known only from locality given for holotype.

Comment: Placed in i ncertae s ed i s in the by Peters, loc. cit.

LEPTOGNATHUS BREVIS Dumeril, Bibron and Dumlril

I854 Leptoqna thus brev i s Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril, Erp. Gen., ]: 476. Type-locality: Mexico.

1%0 Leptognathus brev i s — Peters. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 114: 212.

Distribution: Unknown, except for vague type locality given by Dumeril, Bibron and Dumeril.

Comment: This taxon may be synonymous with S i bon nebulata nebulata . according to Peters, Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna, 4, 1564, 49.


1885 Thanatoph i s pa toqu i 11a Posada Arango, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 14: JiJ. Type-locality: Provincia de Medillin, Colombia,

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Comment: This taxon is not mentioned in Boulenger, Cat. Sn. Brit, Mus., J, I856, or in Hoge, Mem. Inst. Butantan, J2, I965 (l?^^)* '" their reviews of viperid snakes. We presume it belongs to Bothrops . but we are unsure of this. Blanchard, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I889, 347, suggested it

may be a synonym of Bothrops n i grov i r i d i s (Peters).


1958 Urotheca will iams i Roze, Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., 88: 1. Type-locality: El Junquito, Distrito Federal, Venezuela.

Distribution: Central part of Cordillera de la Costa, Venezuela.

Comment: Roze used Urotheca rather than Rhad i naea for this generic taxon, and presumably the

species should be transferred to Rhad i naea here. Creation of this new taxonomic arrangement

should await completion of review of Rhad i naea by C. W. Myers, and we do not make it here. It is

not appropriate to Urotheca unless one considers it congeneric with Rhad i naea . which we do not do here.


1917 Zamen is argent inus Brethes, Rev. Soc. Argentina Cien. Nat. Hist., 3' 93> fig- Type-locality:

Argent i na.

Distribution: Uncertain.

Comment: We have not seen this description, and the data presented are unverified. Werner, S.itz. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. 1, I33, 1924, 34, suggested that the taxon

belonged in the genus Ph ilodryas . but gives no reasons for this suggestion.



NUMBERS agilis alternatus (cont.) andresensiI s Coluber 110 Coryphodon 154 Coniophanes 66 angulatus 4-dr icar i natus, Agkishodon I7 Hydrophis (Pelamis) Erpetodryas 6I Agkistrodon I7 bicolor 239 Coluber 123 5-lineatus aglaeope Mastigodryas melano- Helicops 123 Coluber IO5 Elaps 205 lomus I54 angulifer Micrurus diastema 20$ alticola Phrynonax 96

angust i 1 i neatus A Agratomus 240 Homalocran i urn 294 Agriotes 283 Tantilla 294 Dromicus 94 abnorma AhaetuUa 159 alticolus angust i rostr i a Coronella formosa I38 ahaetulla Bothrops 43 Xenodon 324 Lampropeltis triangulum Coluber I6O Liophis cobella 148 Anholodon 277 138 Leptophis 160 Opheomorphus 142- Anileus I9 aboma Leptophis ahaetulla I6I altirostris Anilios 3I6 Boa 107 Ahoetula I59 Elaps 2O9 Anilius I9 Acanthocalyx 65 albadspersus Micrurus frontalis 209 anisolepis Acanthophallus 323 Leimadophis poecilo- alvarezi Imantodes I34 accedens gyrus 147 Epicrates cenchria 108 annectens Elapomorphus IO5 albiceps amabilis Bothrops lansbergii 48 achrochordus Liophis I76 Oromicus 186 Herpetodryas 328 Bothrops 136 Rhadinaea I76 amarali Trimeresurus Ian s- Acontias I7 Tantilla 293 Apostolepis 22 bergii 48 acuminatus albicinctus Boa constrictor 37 annellatus Coluber 227 ' Micrurus 201 Constrictor constric- Elaps 202 Micrurus 202 acutirostris albifrons tor 37 Geophis 120 Dipsadomorus 85 Dryadophis I9I Micrurus annellatus 202 Adelphicos I5 Dipsas 85 Eudryas I9I Pliocercus 249 Aechmophrys 74 Leptotyphlops I67 Liophis I76 annularis aeneus Stenostoma I67 Mastigodryas I9I Galedon 313 Oryinus 227 albimaculata Rhinosimus 246 annulata Oxybelis 227 Pseudoboa 254 Amastridium 18 Anguis I9 Xenodon 324 albipuncta amazonicus Boa annulata 71 aequalis Leptotyphlops 168 Dromicus 328 Leptodeira I52 Pliocercus 25I Stenostoma albifrons Leimadophis poecilo- Leptodeira annulata I52 Pliocercus euryzonus 25I I68 gyrus 146 Sibon 274 aequicinctus albirostris ambiguus Tantilla 294 Elaps 213 Liotyphlops 182 Coluber 55 annulatum aequ if asc iata Rh i notyphlops 182 ambiniger Trop i doclon i urn 312 Oxyrhopus doliatus 234 albiventris Apostolepis 22 Xiphosoma 7I aeruginosus Leimadophis 142 Rhynchonyx 22 annulatus Leptophis 164 Liophis reginae 142 ambinigra Coluber I52 Corallus 7I aesculapii albocar i natus Apostolepis 22 Coluber 110 Bothrops 43 ambleocephala Corallus annulatus 72 En icognathus 27O Erythrolamprus 110 albofuscus Boa 73 Erythrolamprus aescu- Coluber 153 Amblymetopon 116 Geophis 313 lapii 111 albonuchalis ammodytes Leptognathus 274

Scaph i odontoph i 27O aestivus Scaph i odontoph i s 27I Scytale I36 s

Dryophylax 241 albostulatus ammodytoides Scaph odontoph i s ann- Herpetodryas 80 Erythrolamprus 110 Bothrops 43 ulatus 27O

Trop i dod psas sartor- Philodryas 241 alecto amoenus i Philodryas aestivus 241 Coluber I36 Enicognathus 185 '' 313 affine Alleidophis 280 Lygophis 185 annulifer Stenostoma I67 alleni anacondo Boa IO7 affinis Micrurus 201 Boa II5 anomala Bothrops 44, 53 Micrurus alleni 261 Ancistrodon I7 Cloelia 93 Bothrops nummifer 53 Micrurus nigrocinct- ancoralis Coronella I76 Oromicus 263 us 201 Elaps marcgravii 202 Coronella formosa I38 Herpetodryas I63 almada Micrurus 202 Anomalepis 20 Leptodeira I55 Natrix 142 Micrurus ancoralis 202 anomalepis Leptotyphlops I67 almadensis andiana Spilotes pullatus 284 Nothopsis 225 Leimadophis 142 Leptognathus 88 Anomalolepis 20 Philodryas 245 Natrix 142 andianus anomalolepis Rhadinaea 263 altamontana Bothrops 43 Pseuderyx plicatilis Tachymenis 289 Rhadinaea 264 andicolus 255 agassizi alternans Leimadophis 29O anomalus Helicops 306 Coluber 145 andinus Drepanodon 93 agassizi i Leptognathus 86 Atractus 27 Elaps 213 Eiremis 252 alternatus andrei Liophis I76 Pseudablabes Bothrops 43 Leptognathus 328 Micrurus 213 i s

332 ANOM-BINO anomalus (cont.) ashmeadi auri'fer battersbyi

Micrurus mipartitus 213 Coluber Bothrops n grov rid i Tropidophis 31* 153 i

i s i Anoplophallus 152 Leptodeira annulata 153 5^ bauperthu i anops asper Thamnocenchr i s 52 Erythrolamprus 112 Helminthophis 182 Bothrops 43 aurifera Bellophis I38 Liotyphlops 182 Tri gonocephalus ij Bothrops nigroviridis Bergenia 285 anthracinus aspera 52 bernoullii

Leptotyphlops I68 Matrix I23 auspex Bothrops ( Bothr i ech i s) anthracops Asp idorhynchus Jld Constricto 37 ** Leptognathus 274 aspinosus australis Leptognathus (iropi- Sibon 274 Anomalepis 20 Coronella I78 dodipsas) 313 ant i oqu iens is assimilis Leptotyphlops I68 bertholdi Lygophis I85 Apostolepis 22 averyi Xenodon 323 Micrurus 2O7 Elapomorphus 22 Micrurus 2O3 beui Micrurus carinicaudus 2O7 Helicops 124 Helminthophis 183 Micrurus dumerilii 2O7 Psammophylax 25I B Rhadinaea 264 Rhadinaea I85 Tachymenis peruviana bicarinatus apiata 25I babaspul Chironius 55 Stenorhina degenhardtii assisi Micrurus nigrocinctus Coluber 59 286 Epicrates cenchria 108 215 bicinctus apiatus Asthenognathus 273 bachmanni Coluber I27 Elaps 205 astigmaticus Coronella 235 Hydrodynastes I27 Micrurus diastema 2O5 Drepanodon 93 Oxyrhopus rhombifer 235 Hydrodynastes bicinc- Aploaspis 7* atahuallpae badius tus 127 Aporophis I85 Leimadophis 143 Atractus 27 bicolor Apostolepis 21 Liophis 143 Brachyorrhos 27 Bothrops 44 approximans ater Calamaria 27 Clelia 63 Dipsas 153 Leptotyphlops I7O bahiensis Coluber 178 Aproterodon 226 Spilotes pullatus 283 Bothrops neuwiedi 5'^ Dipsas 85 aquatica Leptotyphlops goudot i i baileyi Hydrus 239 Boa 114 170 Clelia 234 Loxocemus 184 arabdotus Atomarchus 3^2 Erythrolamprus 112 Neopareas 85 Thamnophis 3^3 Atomophis 240 bairdi Oxyrhopus 63 arangoi atra Tantilla 294 Synophis 288 Atractus 27 Anguis I9 bakeri bifossatus araramboya Atractopsis 24 Leptodeira 154 Coluber I9I Xiphosoma 72 Atractus 24 Geophis II9 Dryadophis I9I arboreus atrata bal iocoryphus Dryadophis bifossatus Trigonocephalus (Bothrops) Ninia 221 Elaps 2O5 192 44 atratus baliogaster Mastigodryas I9I arenarius Coluber 221 Helicops 124 Mastigodryas bifossa- Philodryas 242 atriceps balzani tus I92 argenteus Phrynonax 258 Atractus 27 bifrenatus Coluber 227 atrocincta Elaps 2O3 Helicops 3O6 Oxybelis 227 Calamaria 272 Micrurus 2O3 bilineata argentinus atrocinctus Micrurus annellatus 2O3 Diplotropis l64 Leptophis 163 Coluber 110 barbouri bilineatus Philodryas 244 Scolecophis 272 Epicrates cenchria 108 Agkistrodon I7 Zamenis 329 a tropurpureus Eunectes 114 Agkistrodon bilineat-

argus Paroxyrhopus 238 S i bynomorphus 86 us I7 Leptognathus 274 atrox Trimetopon 3O8 Ancistrodon I7 Pseustes poecilonotus 258 Bothrops 44 Barbourina 62 Bothrops 44 Sibon 274 Coluber 44 barnetti Bothrops bilineatus 44 Spilotes 258 attenuata Bothrops 44 Cophias 44 argusiformis Tachymenis 289 baroni Elapomorphus 104 Spilotes pullatus 284 Tachymenis attenuata Philodryas 242 Enicognathus 267 Argyrogena 65 29O bartholomewi bimaculatum Argyrophis 3I6 attenuatus Geophis 120 Rhinostoma 246 armillata Drepanodon 281 Bascanion 65 bimaculatus Tantilla 294 atypicus Bascanium 65 Leimadophis 143 arnaldoi Leptognathus 278 bas imaculatus Leimadophis bimacula- Chlorosoma 242 audax Typhlops 3I8 tus 143 Philodryas 242 Coluber 281 bassleri Liophis 143 articulata aurantiaca Hydrops triangularis 130binatus Dipsas 85 Boa 72 batesi Coluber 110 Leptognathus 85 auratus Elaps 211 binocularius arubricus Dryinus 227 batesi i Trigonocephalus altei— Pliocercus 249 auribundus Chrysenis 72 natus 324 Spilotes pullatus 284 s i


binotata bondensis brevifrenum carina

Rhadinaea 180 Helm inthoph i s 182 Rabdosoma 2') Boa ]2

b i praeocular i borelli brevifrons caninana Liophis 143 Apostolepis 23 Coniophanes 66 Coluber (Natrix) 283 Oxyrhopus 233 Philodryas 244 brevior caninus bipraeoculis borrichiana Leptophis l64 CoraUus 72 Xenodon 324 Glauconia l68 brevirostris canula bipunctata borrichianus Dromicus 264 Tantilla 294 Coronella 66 Leptotyphlops l68 Oryophis 228 capistrata bipunctatus boshelli Oxybelis 228 Tantilla 295 Coniophanes 66 Dendroph i d i on 79 Rhadinaea 264 Tantilla melanoceph- Coniophanes bipunctatus Bothriechis 35 brevis a^j 295 67 Bothriopsis 35 Leptognathus 328 capistratus biscutata Bothrops 35 Tantilla 254 Coluber I92 Dipsas 310 boulengeri brevissimus caracasensis Trimorphodon 3IO Oxybelis 227 Leptotyphlops 168 Liotyphlops 182 biseriatus Philodryas 243 bronni carbonelli Atractus 27 Trachyboa 305 Plastoseryx 184 Philodryas 242

bitaeniatus boulengeri i browni carinatus Atractus Zamenis I56 28 Micrurus 204 Chironius 55 bitis boursieri Micrurus browni 204 Coluber 55 Vipera 73 Dromicus 186 brunneus carinicauda bitorquata Lygophis 186 Oendroph i d i on 80 Micrurus 2O7 Tachymenis 232 bovallii Herpetodryas 80 Micrurus dumerilii 2O7 bivittatus Rh i nobothr i um 265 bucephala carinicaudus Dendroph id ion 75 Rh i nobothryum 265 Dipsas indica 87 Coluber 123 Leptophis 73 Thamnophis 3O3 Coluber 87 Helicops I23 bizona Thamnophis marcianus buckleyi Helicops carinicaudus Erythrolamprus 112 3O3 Elaps 211 I23 Erythrolamprus aesculapii brachycephalus Bungarus 82 Micrurus carinicaudus 112 Colobogna thus II5 burmeisteri 207 blombergi Geophis II5 Bothrops 43 carpicinctus Boa annulata Brachyrruton 62 Dryophylax 242 ]2 Scaph i odontoph i s 27I Corallus annulatus 72 brachystoma Philodryas 242 carri blumil Teleuraspis castelnaui Sibon 274 Calamaria IO5 47 C Trop i dod psas 27* i Boa 37 brachyurus carrioni bock! Opheomorphus I5O Cacocalyx 75 Atractus 28 Atractus 27 braconnieri caerulea carvalhoi bocourti Xenopholis 326 Anguis I5 Micrurus lemniscatus Atractus 27 brammianus caesius 212 Elaps 203 Bothrops 46 Opheomorphus doliatus cascavella

Leptophis 162 brandon- Jones i i nj Crotalus 75 Leptophis ahaetulla l62 Sordellina 282 Calamodon 56 Crotalus (Crotalus) Micrurus 2O3 brasiliensis Calamodontoph i s 56 durissus 75 Micrurus bocourti 2O3 Coluber 55 calamus castelnaudi Thalerophis richardi Gomesophis 121 l62 Elaps 213 Bothrops 45 boddaerti Leptotyphlops I68 californica castelnaui Micrurus frontalis Coluber I92 203 Liophis poecilogyrus Bothriechis 45 Dryadophis 152 Tachymen i s 121 151 castelnaut.i Dryadophis boddaerti I93 Ungalia 314 calligaster Atropos 45 Mastigodryas I52 brasiliniana Contia 264 castelnavii Mastigodryas boddaerti Vipera 55 Rhadinaea 264 Bothriopsis 45 153 brazili Callirhinus 240 catenata boettgeri Bothrops 45 CaUopistria 280 Tachymenis peruviana Atractus 27 Drymobius 100 callostictus 291 Dipsas 85 Drymoluber 100 Hydrops I23 catenatus Leptognathus 85 Liophis I77 Hydrops martii 125 Scytale I36 boliviana Rhachidelus 26l Calonotus 262 catesbe j i Leptognathus 85 Rhadinaea I77 Calophis 141 Coluber 86 Tachymenis attenuata 23O breve campicola catesbyi

bolivianus Homalocran i um 254 Philodryas 241 Dipsas 86 Bothrops neuwiedi 5" brevicauda canaima Dryiophis 228 Hydrops triangularis I3O Liophis 252 Liophis I77 Cathetorh i nus 3I6 Leptophis ahaetulla l62 Tantilla 254 cancellatus Catodon I65 Liophis 244 breviceps Geophis II5 Catostoma II7 Micrurus annellatus 2O3 Coluber 325 canellei caucanus Philodryas Liophis 244 I77 Helm nthoph i s 182 S i bynomorphus 83 Thalerophis richardi l62 brevifacies canilatus Caudisona 74 bollei Dipsas 86 Tachymenis 243 cavalheiroi Elapomorphus IO5 i Trop idod psas 86 Dipsas albifrons 85

;i6S-492 0—70 2:! i s i i s


chrysost ictus cearensis coll i 1 i neatus coraUinus Apostolepis 22 Tachynectes 125 Crotalus (Crotalus) Anguis I5 chrysostoma cenchoa durissus 76 Coluber 145 Coluber I33 Rhadinaea I75 Crotalus terrificus 76 Elaps 204 Imantodes I33 cinereus coll i rhombeatus Micrurus 204 Bothrops Imantodes cenchoa I33 55 Crotalus terrificus 75 coraUioides Siphlophis 281 cenchria Colobogna thus II7 Synchalinus 258 Boa 107 cinnamomea Colombia corall i ventre Epicrates IO7 Natnx 59 20 Anomalepis Homalocran i um 294 cinnamomeus Epicrates cenchria 108 colombiana corall ventri s Chironius Cenchris I7 59 Corallus annulata 72 Aporophis 186 circinalis cenchris colombianus Lygophis 186 216 B°a 107 l^^P^ Atractus 36 Corallus 7I cenchrus Micrurus psyches 216 Boa annulatus 72 cornel i Coluber IO7 cisticeps Bothrops m i crophthalmus Clelia 233 DIpsas cencoalt 87 45 coronata D'psas indica Bungarus I33 87 Elaps 2O7 Apostolepis 22 centralis Leptognathus (Oipsado- Micrurus carinicauda Pseudoboa 253 morus} Coluber (Mast icoph i s) 87 2O7 Urotheca 266 mentovarius 189 dark 1 M icrurus dumer i 1 i i 2O7 coronatus Atractus 28 Masticophis mentovarius colombiensis Cerastes 283 Hydromorphus 128 189 Bothrops 45 Elapomorphus 22 Cephalolepis 315 ^ Oxyrhopus Tr i gonocephalus 45 253 M.crurusL^^ ^^""on/^^204 cerebrosus Colophrys II7 coronellina clarkii Thamnophis sumichrasti Coluber 65 Tachymenis peruviana 302 Dendrophidion 80 colubrina 29I clathratus cerroensis Laticauda 140 Coryphodon 65 Ninia 221 Oxyrhopus 23I colubrinus Cosmiosophis 249 cervina clavatus Hydrus 140 costar icens i Coniophanes Coronella 281 imperialis Xenodon 324 Dipsas 275 cervinus 68 Comastes I32 Tantilla 297 Dromicus Siphlophis 281 (Dromicus) 68 compressus Tantilla schistosa 297 Clelia 62 chamissonis Coluber 3II Typhlops 317 clelia Coronella 94 Tripanurgos 3II cotiara Dromicus 94 Clelia 63 concolor Bothrops 45 championi Clelia clelia 63 Conophis 7O Lachesis 45 Coluber Geophis 119 63 Conophis lineatus 7O crass icauda turn Chersodromus 57 dementi Epicrates cupreus IO9 Rabdosoma 28 chiametla Aproterodon 226 Hydromorphus 128 crass icaudatus Coluber 98 cleofae confluentus Geophis 28 Chilabothrus IO7 Drymarchon corals 97 Erythrolamprus aescula- crass ifrons Cliftia chilensis IO7 p|| -^^-^ Philodryas 245 Cloelia 62 Coronella 29I Coniophanes 66 crassum Tachymenis peruviana 29I cobella conirostris Oph thalm id i on 317 Chilopoma 302 Coluber I77 Liophis 142 crassus chimanta Liophis I77 Conophis 69 Epicrates 108

Cochl , Thamnodynastes 3OO ophagus 277 Constrictor Epicrates cenchria 108 coeruleodorsus 37 Chironius 58 constrictor crivellii = ^'''-°"'"s Leptoph.s 162 Boa 37 Pseudotomodon 256 Coluber Leptoph.s ahaetulla 162 59 g^^ constrictor 37 crocotatus chitalonensis Thalerophis r, chard, Coluber 65 Anguis 317 lb2 Dromicus 67 constrictrix cropanii chloromelas coerulescens g^^ j-j Xenoboa 322 Lachesis Oxybelis 228 53 cont nental i Crossanthera 98 Chlorosoma 240 coeruleus Ungaliophis 320 Crotalinus 74 Drom.cus I94 . ^hloroticum ^^^|^ , crotalinus Dendrophidium co.bensis 98 Corallus 73 Coluber I36 chloroticus Micrurus nigrocnctus Corallus enydris 73 Crotalophorus 74 Drymobius 215 98 copei Crotalus 74 collare chocoensis Oipsas 86 crotaminicus Dirosema Leptophis ahaetulla 162 57 Leptognathu: Crotalus terrificus collans 86 76 Leptophis occidentalis Leptophis l62 crucifer 1^2 Leptophis ahaetulla 162 Aporophis 327 , Elapsr,*'"*^*^c-,^^I57 Thalerophis richardi 162 Thalerophis richardi cubae Geoptyas Chrysenis 7I 97 ^gg Typhlops 317 chrysobronchus Leptom icrurus I57 corais cuculliceps Liophis cobella I79 Pseustes poecilonotus 258 Coluber 96 Leptognathus (Tropido Spilotes Streptophorus sebae 258 224 Drymarchon 96 dipsas) 3I3 chrysomelas coUenettei Drymarchon corais 96 cucutae Bothrops 53 Helminthophis I83 Leptotyphlops 182 s s i


cumanensis iaphorolep i s 81 doliatus dunni (cont.) Coluber Crotalus 76 D i aphorotyphlops 3l6 145 Dryadophis boddaerti Crotalus (Crotalus) diastema Oxyrhopus 231 153 durissus 76 Elaps 204 dol Ichocepha lus Eudryas 153 cupincnsis Liophls elapoides 25O Colobognathus II5 Geophis II5 Leptotyphlops 168 Micrurus 204 Dolichophis 65 Hydromorphus 128 cupreus diastemus dorbignyi Mast godryas bod- i Epicarsius IO7 Pliocercus elapoides Apostolepis 22 daertii 153 Leptophis 164 250 Calamaria 22 Micrurus 206 Thrasops l64 dichroa Heterodon 188 Micrurus dissoleucus cyanopleurus Herpetodryas 100 Lystrophis 188 206 Aporophis 144 Rhadinaea I78 Oxyrhopus 235 Sibon 275 Cyclagras 7^ dichrous dorsalis durissus Cyclops Drymoluber 100 Dryadophis 153 Crotalus (Crotalus) 7* Helicops 123 dicranta Drymobius (Eudryas) 193 Crotalus (Crotalus cyclurus Erythrolamprus aescu- Liophis (Opheomorphus) durissus 75 Scaphiodontophis 27I lapii 111 I7B cyrtopsis dictyodes Mastigodryas 153 ^ Eutaenia 3O2 Coluber I78 Strep tophorus sebae 224 Thamnophis J02 dieperinkii Tachymenis peruviana eatoni Dipsas 255 250 Orepanodon 232 D digitalis dorsatum Echinanthera 141 Coluber 233 Tomodon 3O4 ecuadorensis danieli Oxyrhopus petola 233 dorsatus Atractus 28 Helicops 124 dilepis Tomodon 3O4 Dipsas indica 87 Mastigodryas 153 Lygophis I87 dorsuale Leimadophis epine- Ungaliophis 320 Lygophis lineatus I87 Xiphosoma 73 phalus 144 daudinii Dimades 255 Orepanodon 53 Leimadophis epine- Clelia 63 dimidiata Drepanoides 53 phelus 144 2O3 i Micrurus Pseudoeryx 255 Sibon 274 drom ic f orm i decipiens Sibon dimidiata 274 Coniophanes 67 ehrhardti Ablabes 264 Stenostoma I65 Tachymenis 67 Elaps 217 Rhadinaea 264 dimidiatus Dromicus 5" elaeoides Rhadinaea decipiens 264 Elapomojus 103 drozii Liophis I5O Tachymenis 265 Elapomorphus (Elapomo- Streptophorus 221 Elaphe 101 decorata jus) IO3 Dryadophis I5O Elaphrodytes 235 Coronella 265 Leptognathus 274 dryinas Elapocephalus 104 Rhadinaea 265 Leptotyphlops I65 Crotalus 76 Elapochrus 245 decoratus Pliocercus 245 dryinus Elapomoeus IO3 Elaps 204 Dipeltophis 312 Crotalus (Crotalus) elapoides Micrurus 204 Diplotropis 155 durissus 76 Pliocercus 245 decussatus diplozeugus Drymarchon 56 Elapomoius IO3 Elaps 213 Geophis 25 Drymobius 58 Elapomojus IO3 Micrurus mipartitus 213 diporus Drymoluber 100 Elapomorphus 104 elaps degener Bothrops 5° Dryoph i s 227 Opisthoplus 226 Bothrops neuwiedi 5O Dryophylax 3OO Atractus 25 degenhardtii Dipsadomorus 82 dubium Rhabdosoma 25 Calamaria 285 Dipsas 82 Rabdosoma 27 elegans Stenorrhina 28$ Dirosema II7 duboisi Elaps 2O7 Stenorrhina degenhardtii Dirrhox 240 Rabdosoma 32 Enicognathus 267 285 dirus dugandi Himantodes cenchoa 134 Deiropeda 62 Bothrops atrox 55 Leptotyphlops I65 Lygophis (Lygophis) dekayi dissoleucus Dugandia I27 242 Storeria 287 Elaps 2O5 duidensis Micrurus 2O7 Tropidonotus 287 Micrurus 205 Atractus 28 Philodryas 242 Philodryas elegans 243 Dendroph i dion 75 Micrurus dissoleucus dumerili

i ss i Dendrophidium 73 206 Leptognathus 313 elegant ma Rhadinaea Dendrophis I55 Ditaxodon 52 dumerili i I76 dendrophis diutius Elaps 206 eUipsifera Dipsas 86 Dendroph id i on 80 Micrurus lemniscatus Micrurus 206 Herpetodryas 80 212 Micrurus carinicauda Leptognathus 86 dentatus divaricatus 2O7 elongata 25O Anomalepis 20 Elaps 215 Micrurus dumerili i 2O7 Tachymenis Elysia I5 depress i rostri Micrurus nigrocinctus dunckeri Leptophis 164 215 Leptodeira 155 emmel Philothamnus l64 diviniloquus dunni Atractus 23 deschauenseei Constrictor 37 Atractus 28 Geophis 25 Eunectes 114 doliata Conophis lineatus JO emunctus ( diademata Lampropeltis I38 Dryadophis 153 Typhlops I d i otyphlops) Ninia 222 182 i i


Enulius 106 fasciatus f la voterm i na tus fulviceps enydris Coluber 155- Helm i nthoph i s 126 Rhadinaea 26/ °°3 72 Dipsadomorus 86 Typhlops 126 Rhadinaea pachyura 26/ Corallus 72 Elapoides 224 f lavotorquata f ulvogu t ta tus Corallus enydris 73 Hydrops triangularis Apostolepis 22 Geophis II5 Epicarsius IO7 131 f lavotorqua tus fulvus Epicrates IO7 S i bynomorphus mikanii Elapomorphus 22 Eutaenia cyrtopsis 3^2 Epictia 165 278 f lavov i rga tus Thamnophis cyrtopsis epinephalus Spilotes 258 Ptychophis 260 302 Leimadophis epinephalus fassli Fie ischmann ia 18 fumigatus 1*3 Elaps 218 fluminensis Helicops 123 Liophis 143 faucherei Bothrops neuwiedi 5O furia Leimadophis 143 Phrynonax 255 fonsecai Bothrops 44 epinephelus favae Bothrops 46 fusca Leimadophis epinephelus Calamaria 327 f ormos i ss imus Cliftia IO7 1*3 festae Constrictor 37 f uscof lavescens equatoriana Liophis I77 formosus Philodryas baroni 242 Barbour ina 64 Rhadinaea I77 Coluber 232 fuscum ''^^^'^ °^ Ficimia 116 Oxyrhopus 232 Homalocran i on melano- ^''"^^ filiformis forsteri cephalum256 ^°^.3^ Elaps 208 Leimadophis typhlus I5O fuscus ^'"'^'^'' Micrurus 208 Matrix G. I50 Chironius 60 Drepanodon 23I Micrurus filiformis 208 foveatus Coluber 60, I53 Eremiophis 65 fischeri Chironius 60 Opheomorphus I78 ^'"^^"'^' Elaps 204 franciscanus Philodryas 243 Trop idod i psas 312 Leimadophis poecilogy- G Erpetodryas 58 fissidens rus 146 Erycopsis 314 Coniophanes 67 fraseri gaigae hrythrolamprus 110 Coniophanes fissidens Elaps 213 Eudryas boddaerti I54 erythromeias gy Homalocranium melano- Lampropeltis triangu- Atractus 25 Coronella 67 cephalum 254 lum I38 Bothrops 45 fitzingeri Leimadophis 144 gaigeae erythronota Oxyrhopus 23I Liophis 144 Atractus25 Apostolepis 22 Oxyrhopus fitzingeri Tantilla 254 gaigei erythronotus 23I freminvillei Epicrates cenchria 108 Elapomorphus 22 Siphlophis 23I Oryophylax 243 Galedon 312 Erythrophis 110 flagellum freminvillii Galeophis240 Erythroxyrhopus 225 Leptophis 162 Stenorrhina 286 garbei Eteirodipsas 3IO flammigerus frenata S i bynomorphus 86 Eucephalus I65 Brachyorrhos 27 Leptodeira 154 garmani Eudryas I5O flavapices Liophis I77 Leptognathus 278 Eunectes 114 Anomalepis 20 Rhadinaea I77 gastrodelus Euophrys 240 flavescens frenatum Elaps I57 euphaeus Phyllosira 61 Sibon I54 gastrosticta Olisthenes 254 Tr gonocephalus 324 frenatus Helicops carinicauda euprepa i f lav i frenatus Dromicus 266 124 Clelia 281 Lygophis 186 frizzelli geminatus euryzonus flavifrons Oxyrhopus fitzingeri Lycognathus 281 Pliocercus 25O Stenostoma I7I 23I gemmistratus Pliocercus euryzonus 25I flavirufa frontalis Himantodes I34 Eutaenia 3O2 Elaphe 101 Elaps 208 Imantodes I34 Eutainia 302 Imantodes flavirufus Helm nthoph i s 126 gemmistratus ®"*'"°P'^ Coluber 101 Micrurus 208 13'1 Phrynonax 258 flavitorques Micrurus frontalis 2O5 genimaculata ^"'9"^ Enulius 106 Platurus 140 Liophis (Lygophis) I78 ' Enulius flavitorques Typhlops (Helminth- Geophidium II7 106 ophis) 126 Geophis II7 "l"^"'^^',2"* ""^^P^ Liophis 106 frontifasciatus Geoptyas 56 flaviventris Elaps 212 Georgia 56 Geoptyas ')G Micrurus lemniscatus Gerrhopilus 3I6 Liophis cobella I77 212 Gerrhosteus 326 ^ *" f lavol ineatus f uhrmann gibsoni Kseudodipsas 132 Chironius 60 Atractus 28 Pituophis deppei 247 stenostoma 163 Herpetodryas 60 fulgidus^ Pituophis 1 1 nea t i coll is f asc lata -- ^

. _ flavopicta Coluber 228 247 ^^nguis 5 Herpetodryas carinatus Oxybelis 228 gigas ^° Boa T^'"! i- oio fuliginosus II5 flavopictus Atractus Cyclagras V^r^'inia'qir 23 78 ^ -' Chironius 60 Coluber 25 Eunectes murinus II5 Xenodon J8 I


Glaphyrophis 66 H holochlorus i naequal is Glauconia I65 Herpetodryas 60 Lachesis 43

godman i haas i holoser iceus i naequ i fasc iata Bothrops 46 Oxyrhopus 253 Cophias 55 Oxyrhopus rhombifer Geophis 115 Pseudoboa 253 Homalochilus IO7 235 Rhadinaea 265 Haemorrhois Homalocran 65 ion 292 i naequ i fasc iatus

Rhadinaea godmani hagmann i 265 hondurens i s Cochl iophagus 277 godmann Hel icops 124 Scaph i odontoph i s annu- S i bynomorphus 277 Bothriechis 46 Halys 17 latus 27c i nagn i tus Rhadinaea 265 Hammond i i Sibynophis annulatus Pseuderyx I3I

go iasens i s Leptognathus 86 270 i nca Apostolepis 23 hannste i n i Hortulana Oromicus 9^

gomes i Trimetopon 3O8 Boa 73 i ncerta Hel icops 124 Haploaspis fi hudson i Dipsas 86

Gomesophis 121 hartweg i Ninia 222 i ncertus goudot i i Sibon nebulata 276 Hydrocalamus 66 Helminthophis 183 Leptotyphlops 169 heathi i Hydrodynastes I27 Herpetodryas 284 Leptotyphlops goudotii Oryadophis 194 Hydromorphus 128 Leptognathus 86 169 Drymobius 194 Hydrops 129 Liotyphlops 183 Stenostoma I69 Mastigodryas 194 Hydroscopus 62 i nd ica

goyazens i s Helicops 122 hygroph i Ius Dipsas 87 Helison Bothrops neuwiedi 5'' I9 Epicrates cenchria IO9 Dipsas indica 87

grac i le heller! Hylophis 58 i nd ist inctus Trimetopon 3O8 Micrurus 212 hyoprorus . Atractus 29

grac i 1 is Micrurus lemniscatus Bothrops 46 i nf rataen iatus Ablabes 3O8 212 Hypnale I7 Hel icops 124 Dipsas 86 Helminthophis 126 hypocon ia Helicops carinicauda Leptognathus 86 hem igen ius Tachymenis 3OI 124 grand i squam i s Himantodes Hypsiglena I32 134 i nf renal i s Chi nonius 60 hem i leucurus Dipsas 328

Spilotes 60 Xenodon I 324 i nger i grandocul i s Hemorrhois 65 L i oph is 177

Leptognathus (Astheno- hempr ich i i i b i boboca i nornatus gnathus) 275 Elaps 209 Elaps 210 Himantodes 135 S i bon dimidiate 275 Micrurus 209 Micrurus 210 Imantodes 135 graph i cus Micrurus hemprich 210 Idiotyphlops 126 i ns i gn iss imus

Coluber 148 hemps teadae i gles ias i L i oph i s 266 gravenhorst i Rhadinaea 265 Bothrops 46 Rhadinaea 266 Elaps 206 herbeus Phimophis 246 i ns ip idus grenadens i s Coluber 244 Rh inostoma 246 Atractus 30

Boa Herpetodryas iheri ng i 73 58 i nsular i s groome i herthae Elapomorphus 104 Bothrops 46 Clel ia clelia 63 Elaps 30 L ioheteroph is I74 Lachesis 46

Gryptotyphlops 3I6 hertw i g i i heri ng i i Leptophis occidentalis guatemalens i s Elaps 214 Coronella 263 162 Elaps Micrurus mipartitus 214 ihlei 205 i nt ermed i a Peropodum 32O Hetaerod psas 3IO Leptotyphlops i 170 Apostolepis 23 guenther i heteroch i Ius lllisia 19 Leptognathus 278 Atractus Elaps 29 209 llysia 19 i ntermed ius Erythrolamprus 112 Heterorhachis 82 Imantodes I33 Leimadophis poecil- Helminthophis 182 heterozonus immaculata ogyrus 146 L ioph is 150 Elaps 218 Clel ia clel ia 64 Oxyrrhopus 233 L iotyphlops 182 Higinia Ninia 129 sebae 224 Tretanorh i nus 3O6 Himantodes I33 Phrynonax 258 immaculatus i ntr i catus Rhadinaea 265 h i pnale Geophis 120 Erythrolamprus 110 Xenodon Boa 72 323 Oxyrhopus 233 i r i descens

i guer i n i h ippocrep s impar Atractus 3O Phimophis 246 Elaps 210 Erythrolamprus aescula- Oxyrhopus 232 Micrurus 210 pii Rhinosimus 246 113 i rregular is h istr gu ianens i s icus Erythrolamprus mimus Xenodon 324 Heterodon 188 Heterodon 246 113 i solep i s Phimophis Lystrophis 188 imperator 246 Cochl i ophagus 3^7

Hoffmann i gular i s Boa 38 Xenodon I5O Trachyboa Colobogna thus 120 Boa constrictor 3O5 38 I soscel i s 24 gun i Geophis 120 Elaps 211 then i sozonus

Geophis 29 Homalocran ium 295 i mperial i s Elaps 210 Rhadinaea 265 hoge i Coniophanes 68 Micrurus 210

Rhinostoma 246 Hel icops 124 Taen i opH i s 68 Isthm ica guttata Holland i importunus Boa constrictor 38 Pseudoclelia 93 Elaps 206 Micrurus brown i 204 t i s s


i tapet in i ngae lactea lativittatus liebmanni Bothrops 46 Stenorhina 286 Aporophis llneatus I87 Chersodromus 57 Lachesis *6 laevicollus leachii Limadophis 141 Chironius 60 Anilios 31/ limitaneus J Coluber 60 lehmanni Atractus 3'' laevis Atractus JO Leptocalamus 3O jaculatrix Oiaphorolep i s 81 Hydrops 255 lineata Coluber 186 Dryadophis melanolomus lehneri Rhadinaea I78 jaegeri 15^ Typhlops 31? lineaticeps Coronella 1/8 Herpetodryas 15* Leimadophis 141 Conophis 7" Mastigodryas melano- Liophis 178 Leionotus 314 1 i neat icoll i jajaraca lomus I94 Lejosophls 78, 127 Arizona 247 Cophias 46 Thamnodynastes natter- lemniscatus Pituophis 247 jani eri 3''! Elapomorphus 104 lineatum lamonae Geleophis 245 Elaps 211 Homalocran i on 297 Homalocran ium 295 Leimadophis bimacula- Micrurus 211 Tomodon 69 Micrurus ancoralis 202 tus 143 Micrurus lemniscatus lineatus Tantilla 295 Lampropeltis I38 212 Apostolepis erythro- janthinus lancinii lentiferus notus 22 Coluber 245 Atractus 3O Himantodes I35 Coluber 186 jararaca langsdorffi Imantodes 135 Conophis 69 Bothrops 46 Micrurus 210 lentiginosum Lygophis 186 Micrurus langsdorffi jararacussu Rh i nobothryum 269 Lygophis lineatus 186 Bothrops 47 211 lentiginosus Philodryas 244 jararakka lansbergi Coluber 269 lineolatus Cophias 47 Streptophorus 221 leopardina Coluber 3OI joanae lansbergi i Homalopsis 124 linnei Coniophanes 68 Bothrops 47 leopardinus Ahoetula I6I joberti Tri gonocephalus 47 Helicops 124 lintoni

Enicognathus I78 Bothrops lansbergi i 47 lepidus Tantilla 299 Liophis 178 larcorum Elapomorphus IO5 Tantillita 299 joshuai Leptodeira 155 leprieurii liocercus Leptot yphlops 170 Leptodeira sepentrion- Helicops 124 Coluber l62 juvenalis alis 155 Leptocalamus 106 Leptophis ahaetulla Leimadophis epinephalus lasallei Leptodeira I52 162 144 Atractus JO Leptodrymus I56 Thalerophis richardi Leimadophis epinephelus Oiaphorolep i s 288 Leptognathus 82 l62 144 Synophis 288 Leptom i crurus 157 L i oheteroph i s 174 Leimadophis taeniurus 144 lateralis Leptophlna 159 Lioninia 292 Bothriechis 48 Leptophis 159 Liophis I75 K Bothrops 48 Leptot yphlops I65 Liotyphlops 181

Tretanorh i nus JOd leptura lividum kenn icott iana Tretanorh i nus nigro- Bothrops 5* Platynion 248 Stenorhina 285 luteus 3O6 Letheobia 316 loefflingii^ kidderi lateristriga leucocephala Crotalus 76 Tropidodipsas 312 Liophis 266 Leptodira 281 lojanus kinkelini Rhadinaea 266 leucocephalus Bothrops 48 Rhadinaea 266 Rhadinaea lateristriga Cephalolepis 315 longicaudata konigi 266 Coluber 3II Apostolepis 23 Rhinodryas 242 Laticauda 140 Oxyrhopus 232 Tropidodipsas 281 koppesi laticeps Siphlophis 281 Siphlophis 281 Leptotyphlops 170 Philodryas 244 leucogaster longicaudus kugleri Tantilla 297 Liophis I78 Erythrolamprus 265 Leptodeira rhombifera laticollaris leucomelas longifrenis 153 Pliocercus elapoides Himantodes I34 Mesopeltis 275 l

Ninia diademata 222 lat i frontal is Leptognathus 313 loveridgei labiosus Dipsas 88 liberiensis Atractus 3O Streptophorus 222 Leptognathus 88 Boa IO7 Loxocemus 184 Lachesis I36 Oxyrhopus 238 lichenosus lubricus lachrymans latirostris Bothrops 48 Hydrops 68 Lygophis 266 Philodryas 244 1 ichtenste in i luctuosa Rhadinaea 266 Coluber I92 Liophis 94 s

339 LUGU-MICR lugubris marcapatae melanocephalus mentovar i us (cont. ) Pseuduromacer 241 Homalocran i um 232 Aporophis I79 Masticophis mentovar- lumbncalis Oxyrhopus 232 Coluber 255 ius I89 '^"9"'^ 317 marcgravii Oromicus267 meridionalis Typhlops Elaps 210 317 flaps 21$ Aporophis lineatus 187 ^"""1^*^ marchii M icrurus n groc i nctus Bothrops atrox SO Tropidodipsas Bothrops i 258 nigrovindis 215 Bothrops neuwiedi '"^' 50 52 melanocercus Lygophis lineatus I87 Bothrops neuwiedi 5O marciana Drymarchon cora i s 57 merremii Lachesis $0 Eutainia 302 melanogaster Boa 73 Lycognathus 280 marcianus Atractus 3I Coluber I78 Lygophis 185 Thamnophis 3O2 melanogenys Ophis 324 ly°"' margantae Elaps 206 Xenodon 324 Drymarchon Phrynonax 258 56 Micrurus dissoleucus mertensi

Drymarchon cora 1 Lystrophis 188 s 96 2O6 Elapomorphus IO5 Leptotyphlops albifrons Qxyrhopus 232 Micrurus 212 ^ '°5 Sphenocephalus 232 Tretanorh i nus nigro- margantiferus melanolomus luteus 3O7 "lacedoi Drymobius 98 Dryadophis I94 Umbrivaga 319 Sibynomorphus Drymobius margar 1 t 1 f er- 86 Dryadophis melanolomus Mesopeltis 273 us macrolepis 99 I54 mesopotam icus Leptotyphlops I7O Herpetodryas 98 Masticophis I94 Micrurus frontalis 2O9 Stenostoma I7O Micrurus 212 Mastigodryas I94 Mesotes 3OO Macrops 58 marginatus Mast godryas melano- metae i macrops Leptophis ahaetuUa I63 lomus I94 Liotyphlops I83 Liophis 150 Thalerophis richardi melanonotus mexicana macrorhinus I63 Liophis 144 Bergenia 285 Coluber Thrasops I63 269 melanopleurus Boa diviniloquax 38 macrosoma martii Phalotrisl04 Calopisma quinque- Leimadophis reginae 149 Elaps 129 melanosterna vittatum 68 macrostomus Hydrops I29 Stenostoma I7I Elapomorphus 296 Sibynomorphus 86 Hydrops martii I29 melanostigma Stenorhina 285 "•^="1^*3 martiusi Leimadophis 144 Stenorhina degenhardt- Hydrophis bicolor 239 Micrurus spixii 218 Matrix 144 ii 285 Isoscelis 31 Masticophis I89 mclanostoma TantiUa 296 222 ^"^'^ Mastigodryas I9O Stenostoma I7I mexicanus Ninia maculata 223 ma ttogrossens i melanoterma Anomalepis 20 Streptophorus 222 Bothrops neuwiedi 50 Stenostoma I7I Atropos 52 "'^ "1^*""' Philodryas = 243 melanotermus Bothrops nummifer 52 Rabdosoma 28 maurus Leptotyphlops I7I Cerastes 284 "'^'="1^*^^ Epicrates IO9 . melanotropis Leptophis 164 Atractus 3I Epicrates cenchria IO9 Dendroph i d i um 99 Leptophis mexicanus Corallus maximiliani 73 Drymobius 99 l64 Oxyrhopus 64 Coluber (Natrix) 281 melanotus Thalerophis mexicanus Spilotes pullatus 284 maximus Coluber 144 l64 maculicauda Leptophis I63 Elaps I57 Xenodon 324 Leimadophis reginae 149 maydis Leimadophis 144 Xenodon rabdocephalus - maculivittis 1 Drymob 1 us margar 1 1 melanura 324 Dromicus (Alsophis) I95 ferus 99 Tachymenis chilensis meyeri "^^^^^'^^'^ "-edemi 291 Paraptychophis 237 Micrurus ^'P^'"^ 73 psyches 217 Tachymenis peruviana micheli magnamaculata Meditoria 3I6 291 Atract 91

Leptotyphlopsf jt^ t^ 170 medusa mol amir-nc u J I meianurus Microdromus 292ono magnamaculatus Bothrops 48 Drymarchon cora is 97 microlepis Leptotyphlops goudotii Lachesis 48 Leptotyphlops I7I Spilotes 284 170 Megablabes 65 Spilotes 97 Microphis 285 major megaera melas m icrophol i s ^t'-^'^t^^ Bothrops 31 46 Atractus 3I Lampropeltis I39 "^ll^'^' megalolepis Chironius 60 Lampropeltis triangu- Leptodeira Spilotes frenata 154 283 Herpetodryas 60 lum I39 Leptodeira yucatanensis Megalops I52 Phrydops 18 m icrophthalmus 154 melanauchen Phydrops 18 Bothrops 49 manegarzon, Enicognathus I78 mendozinus Bothrops microphthal- Philodryas aestivus 242 Liophis I78 Pseudotomodon 256 mus 49 manizalesensis Rhadinaea I78 mentalis Oxybelis 227 Atractus 3I Belanocephala Elaps 2I3 microps marajoensis TantiUa 295 Erythrolamprus Elaps 213 Bothrops 48 TantiUa melanocepha la mentovarius m i crorhynchum Crotalus (Crotalus) 295 Coryphodon U^ Atractus^ ^.3I durissus 76 Masticophis I89 Rhabdosoma 3I s


Micrurus I56 nebulata (cent.) n grof asc iatus mosquitensis i micrurus Micrurus nigrocinctus Sibon nebulata 2/6 Coluber 110 Erythrolamprus mimus II3 215 nebulatus nigrolactea "likanii mult ic inctum Coluber 275 Typhlops reticulata Dipsas 277 Rhabdosoma badium 32 nebulosus 3I7 Sibynomorphus 277 Leptophis n i mul t ic i nctus l64 grol nea tus i Sibynomorphus mikanii 278 Atractus 32 neglecta Elapomorphus 22 "iilberti Micrurus lemniscatus Bothrops 5* nigroluteus Erytrolamprus 110 2O5 neglectus Tretanorh i nus 3O6 '"'1'*'"'^ mult ifasc iatus Hydrops triangularis Tretanorh i nus nigro- Coluber I78 ^-^^^^ 214 I3I luteus 3O6 Liophis 178 neivai n gromarg i na ta Micrurus mipartitus 214 i mimeticus Oxyrhopus 233 Oipsas 88 Ahaetulla I63 Pseuderyx 255 Petalognathus 275 Neopareas 82 Leptophis I63 Pseudoeryx 255 multilineata neovidii Leptophis ahaetulla Pseudoeryx plicatilis 255 Rhadinaea lateristriga Xenodon 324 I63 Mimometopon I7 266 neuwiedi n groterm i nata i '"'"'°sus multilineatus Bothrops 4? Apostolepis 23 Micrurus 211 Dromicus 266 Bothrops neuwiedi 5^^ nigroviridis '"'"'"s mul t imaculata Cochl i ophagus mikanii Bothriechis 5I Erythrolamprus 112 Trachyboa gularis 3O5 278 Bothrops 51 Erythrolamprus mimus 112 mul t i scutatus Sibynomorphus mikanii Bothrops nigroviridis Opheomorphus 112 Micrurus mipartitus 213 ^78 52 minervae multiventris neuwiedi i nigrum Coluber 186 Chironius 6I Pseudoboa 254 Homalocran i um 296 "'ioleP's munoai Scytale 254 Scytale neuwiedi i 254 Dromicus I75 Leptot yphlops I7I Xenodon 324 Ninia 221 mipartitus murina nevermanni nitidus Elaps 212 Boa 114 Conophis 7O Lachesis 54 Micrurus 212 murinus nicagus noctivaga Micrurus mipartitus 213 Enulius 106 Taen i ophaUus 180 Lachesis muta I36 ""'ops Eunectes 114 nicefori notaeus Synophis 288 Eunectes murinus 114 Atractus 32 Eunectes 115 m-nigrum ^^^3 Leptotyphlops I7I notata Coluber I5I Lachesis muta I36 Micrurus 218 Bothrieches nummifer mocquardi mutabilis niceforoi 52 Tretanorhinus 3O7 Coluber 102 Apostolepis 23 Nothopsis 225 <^°

341 OBTU-PHYL obtusiceps Onychocephalus '}l6 pachecoi Pelamis 239 Boa 73 Onychophis Jli: Micrurus 215 Pelamydrus 239 obtusirostris Opheomorphus 175 pachyura Pelamys 239 Atractus 32 Ophibolus I38 Contia 267 percarinatus Ophinectes Corallus 73 239 Rhadinaea 267 Dendroph i d i on 80 obtusus Ophiomorphus 175 Rhadinaea pachyura 267 Drymobius 80 Liophis 179 Ophis 323 Pachyurus 94 perditus occidentalis Ophryacus 39 pallida Typhlops 3I8 Ahaetulla I63 ophryomegas Tantilla 295 perijanensis Atractus 32 Bothrops 53 paUidus Dipsas 88 Ophthalmidion Boa 38 316 Coluber 3OO Trop i dod psas 88 i Boa constrictor 38 Opisthiodon 57 Fhilodryas 244 Periops 65

i Opisthoplus 226 Drymobius margar i t f erus Thamnodynastes JOO pernambucense op Isthotaen ia 99 palmeri Homalocran i um melano- Leptophis ahaetulla I63 Leimadophis bimaculatus Leptognathus 88 cephalum 295 Thalerophis richardi^ 143 pamplonensis Peropodum 32O 163 Liophis 143 Atractus 33 persimilis occiduus orces panamensis Liophis 267 Bothrops nummifer 53 Atractus 32 Ungaliophis 320 Rhadinaea 267

Micrurus ste i ndachner occipitalis i pantherinus peruana Enicognathus 179 ^19 Coluber I92 Dipsas 89 Herpetodryas 100 oreas Pantherophis 101 Leptognathus 89 Liophis 179 Dipsas 88 Parageophis II7 peruanus

Matrix 232 Dipsas mikanii 88 paraguayens i Dipsas mikanii 89 occ i p i toalbum Leptognathus 88 Atractus '}i peruviana Rhabdosoma 32 Oreophis I38 Atractus reticulatus 34 Clelia 232 occ ip i toalbus orientalis paranaensis Tachymenis 29O Atractus J2 Coronella 179 Bothrops neuwiedi 5I Tachymenis peruviana occ p i tolutea orina Paraphrynonax i 257 296

Clelia 64 Rhadinaea I78 Parapostolep i s 236 peruvianum occ p i tolu teum ornata Parapt ychoph i s 237 Rabdosoma i 33 Brachyruton 64 Ficimia II6 pardalina peruvianus ocellata Leptodeira septentr i on»- Elaphe flavirufa 101 Atractus 33 Leptodeira 153 alls 155 pardalinus Bothrops 53 Stenorhina degenhardtii Liophis reginae 148 Elaphis 101 Lachesis 53 286 Pelamis 239 Pariopeltis 141 Micrurus 216 ocellatum Paroxyrhopus Pseudoboa 235 238 pessoa i Tomodon 3O* ornatissimus pastazae Bothrops 53 ocellatus Elaps 211 Helicops 125 petalarius Draco IO7 Micrurus 211 patagonicus Coluber 233 Erythrolamprus 111 Micrurus langsdorffi Bothrops 43 Petalogna thus 273 aesculapii Erythrolamprus 211 patagon i ens i petersi 111 ornatum Callirhinus 244 Micrurus ste ndachneri Tomodon 3O4 Xiphosoma 73 Philodryas 244 219

Xenodon 324 ornatus patoquilla petersi i

oculotemporal i s Comastes 155 Thanatophis 328 Helm i nthoph 1 s I83 Atractus 33 ortenburgeri paucic rinatus Liotyphlops I83 olfersii Coluber 65 Dendroph i di on 80 pethola Coluber 244 ortoni Drymobius 80 Coluber 233 Philodryas 244 Micrurus hemprichii paucidens petola oligolepis 210 Atractus 33 Coluber 232 Bothrops 53 Thalerophis richardi Calamodon 56 Oxyrhopus 232

Lachesis bilineatus 53 I63 Calamodontoph i s % Oxyrhopus petola 233

Leimadophis 145 ortoni i Lygophis I87 petolarius

Liophis 145 Boa 38 pauc i scutatus Coluber 233 Philodryas 244 Boa constrictor 38 Atractus 33 Phalotris 104 oligozona Leptophis I63 paucisquamis phelpsorum Coronella formosa 139 Leptophis ahaetulla I63 Philodryas 252 Anilius scytale I9 Lampropeltis triangulum ovandoensis Tropidophis 3^^ phenops 139 Micrurus nigrocinctus Ungalia 31^ Lep tot yphlops I7O Olisthenes 253 216 pauloensis Leptotyphlops goudot- oliveri Oxybelis 227 Bothrops neuwiedi 5I ii I7O Imantodes gemmistratus oxynota Sordellina 282 Stenostoma I7O 13" Ninia 223 pavimentata Philodryas 240 Imantodes splendidus 134 oxynotus Ninia maculata 223 Phimophis 246 olssoni Streptophorus pavimentatus 223 Phol i dolaemus 82 Micrurus 220 Oxyrhopus 229 Streptophorus macula- Phrydops 18 Micrurus tschudii 220 Oxyrrhopus 229 tus 223 Phrynonax 257 omissus pavonina Phyllosira 58 Elaps 210 Dipsas 88 )


iauhyens is pi i ca t i 1 i s (cont. p potos i ens i s psyches (cont. ) Bothrops neuwiedi 5^ Pseudoeryx 255 Oxybelis 227 Micrurus psyches 216

Icado i Pseudoeryx p plicatilis prado i Vipera 216 Bothrops 53 Bothrops 54 Ptychophis 260 PI Trimeresurus nummifer 53 iocercus 245 Trimeresurus 54 pubescens p ice i V i tt i s pi iolep i s praelongus Bothrops neuwiedi 5^ Coniophanes 68 Trimetopon 3^9 Typhlops 3I8 Tr i gonocephalus Coniophanes piceivitt s plumbea (Bothrops) praeocular i s 51 68 Clelia clelia 63 Eutaenia 3O3 publ ia p iceus F ic im ia plumbeus Helm i nthoph is 126 116 Spilotes 100 Coluber 63 Thamnophis 3O3 F ic im ia publ ia II6

i i ng i i p cker pluton i us Thamnophis eques 3O3 pulchella Coluber 55 Coluber 283 Thamnophis marcianus Coronella I76 icta p poec I logyrus 303 pulcher Laches is 53 Coluber 145 praeorna ta Alsophis 195

p ict i ventr i s Leimadophis 145 Leptognathus 88 Bothrops 54 Helicops 125 Leimadophis poecilo- Rhadinaea 145 Coluber 287 Leptognathus 2/4 gyrus 146 praestans Conoph is 70 ia p ictostr tus poec i lolaemus Leptophis ahaetulla I63 Heterodon 188 Leimadophis poecllo- Coronella I79 Thalerophis richardi Liophis 149

gyrus 147 poec i Iolep i s 163 Siphlophis 281

p i ctus Dipsas 89 Thrasops I63 Tri gonocephalus 54 Bothrops i ima 53 poec loleps i s pras ina pulcherr Glaphyrophis 67 Heterorhachis 89 L ioph i s typhlus 150 Clelia clathrata 23I Piesigaster IO7 poec i lonotus prat t i pulcherrimus

p i fano i Pseustes 257 Dipsas 89 Leptodrymus I56 Bothrops 55 Pseustes poecilonotus Leptognathus 89 Mast icoph is 156

p i leatus 258 pri nceps pulchra Coluber 244 Spilotes 257 Elaps 218 Bothrops 54

Pilidion i 316 poec lopogon M icrurus sp ix i i 218 pulchr iceps

i onaorum p Rhadinaea 267 probosc i deus Dryadophis 195 Trimetopon 30? poec i lost ictus Bothriopsis 49 Leptodeira annulata p i net incola Liophis 244 Rhinaspis 279

Leimadophis i poecilo- poec lostoma prosop i s Masticophis 195

gyrus 147 Coluber 259 Gerrhosteus 326 Mast i godryas 195

p i n icola Phrynonax sulphureus prox imus pulla tas Rhadinaea 267 259 Coluber 3O3 Coluber 283

p i ra ja i Pseustes sulphureus 259 Oxyrhopus 64 pullatus

Bothrops 54 poec i lostomus Thamnophis 3O3 Spilotes 283 Pituophis 247 Lygophis 243 Prymnomiodon 302 Spilotes pullatus 283 plagosus i Pogonaspis 292 psammoph i deus pulveri ventr s

Conophis pulcher 7C po i te i Philodryas 244 Rhadinaea 268 Plastor 227 Herpetodryas 80 psephota pulvi s Plastoseryx 184 polylep i s Ninia 223 Crotalus 77 platens is Ahaetulla 258 psephotum punctata Leimadophis poecilo- Apostolepis 236 Catostoma 223 Laches is 54 gyrus 147 Dipsas 89 Pseudablabes 252 Sordellina 282 platura Epicrates cenchria IO5 Pseudelaphe 101 puncta t i ss i ma Anguis 235 Helicops 125 Pseuderyx 255 N'atrix 300 platuros Leptognathus 85 Pseudoboa 253 punctatovi ttatum

Pelamis 235 Parapostolep i s 236 Pseudoclelia 93 Rabdosoma 35 Platurus 140 Pseustes poecilonotus pseudocobella puncta tus pla turus 258 Leimadophis 148 Bothrops 54

Pelamis 235 polyst i cha L iophis 148 Xenodon 282 pla tycephalus Elaphe flavirufa 101 pseudocorallus punc t i gular i s

Himantodes I33 polyst icta Erythrolamprus II3 Con i ophanes 67 Platyceps 65 Leptodeira I55 Pseudodipsas I32 Coniophanes fissidens Platycranion 272 Leptodeira septentrion- Pseudoerix 255 67

Platynion 248 alis 155 Pseudoeryx 255 punct i ventr i s

Platyurus 140 polyzona Pseudoleptode 1 ra I52 Atractus 33 Lampropel t is plee i 133 Pseudopareas 277 punctula ta Lampropeltis triangulum Pseudophis 141 Ninia sebae 224 Dryadophis 195 pseudoserra S treptophorus sebae Mastigodryas 195 135 Pleiocercus 245 popayanens i s Philodryas 244 224 Pleiokerkos 245 Sibon nebulata 276 Pseudotomodon 256 purpurans pleuroxan thus poppigi Pseudo typhlops 3I6 Ablabes I79 Rabdosoma Pseuduromacer 240 Liophis Laches i s 45 23 179 Porthidium Pseustes putumayens is pi icat i 1 i s 35 257 Coluber 255 posadas i psyches Micrurus 217 Trimetopon 3O9 Micrurus 216 i )

343 PYGM-SANN pygmaeus ret icula ta (cent. rob i nson i ruthveni (cont.)

i madoph i Le s 148 Herpetodryas 193 Pseudoboa 254 Dryadophis boddaerti L iophis 148 Tantilla 296 robusta 193 pymi ret i cula tus Leptognathus 9" Eudryas I93 Apostolepis 22 Atractus 33 rodr i guez i i Geophis 120 pyrrhocryptus A tractus -ret i cula tus 3^ Elaphis 101 Mastigodryas boddaer- Elaps 205 Elapomorphus 104 roed I nger i ti 193 Micrurus frontal 205 Geophis Bothrops 33 5* S i bynomorphus 274 pyrrhopogon i Leimadophis poecllo- rohde rut i lorus Chironius 5l gyrus 147 Rhinaspis 279 Eutaenia 3O3 Coluber 61 Paroxyrhopus 238 Simophis 279 Thamnophis proximus

Typhlops 317 rondon i 303 rex serpentum Apostolepis 23 Thamnophis sauritus

Constrictor 37 rosenberg i 303 quadr icar I natus rhabdocephalus Elaps 202 rut i lus Bothrops 45 Xenodon 324 rostral i s Dryophylax 3OO Ch iron i us 61 Rhachidelus 261 Anguis 317 Lygophis I76 quadr i 1 i neata Rhadinaea 262 Leptophis 163 Thamnodynastes 3OO L i oph i s reg i nae 148 Rhadinella 262 rostra tus quadri scutatus Rhamphostoma I65 Anguis 3I7 Bothriopsis 45, 55 Rhamphotyphlops 31^ roule i quadr i v irgatus Rhegnops 15 Atractus 3^ sab i n i i Adelph icos I5 Rhinaspis 279 rowan i Bothrops 44 quadruplex Rh i nobothryum 269 L iotyphlops 183 sabogae Trimorphodon biscutatus Rh i noceroph i s 35 roze i Boa constrictor 38 310 Rhinodryas 240 Bothrops lansbergii 48 Epicrates 38 quensel i i Rh i noscytale 62 ruatanus Sabrina I65 Arrhyton I 93 Rh nos imus 246 Elaps 217 sag i tt i f er

i ncunc ia qu tus Rhinostoma 188 Micrurus 217 Le imadoph is 149 Comastes I32 rh inostoma rub i dus Liopeltis 149 qu i nquel i neata Heterodon 279 Drymarchon cora i s 97 sag i 1 1 if era Apostolepis 23 Simophis 279 rub i n ianum Rhadinaea I49 Elapomorphus IO5 Rhinotyphlops 181, 3I6 Rabdosoma badium 27 salgue i ro i qu inquel i neatus rhodogaster rubr ica tum Leptotyphlops I72 Herpetodryas 195 i Colophrys 120 S bon i septentr onale 153salmon i d ia qu i nquel i n ia tus Geophis 120 rubr i ceps Boa 73 Microphis 286 rhombea ta Drymobius 100 salvadorens i s qu i nquev i ttatus Dipsas cenchoa I33 rubr icoll i s Pliocercus elapoides Con iophanes 68 Lachesis I36 Rhadinaea decipiens 264 250 Homalopsis 68 rubrol i rhombea tus neata salv in i Oxyrhopus 281 Glauconia albifrons I7I Spilotes 284

rhomb i f er rubrol i nea tus Thamnophis sumichrasti Coryphodon 99 Leptotyphlops I7I 302 rabdocephalus Drymobius rubrovertebral i s 99 salv i n i i Coluber 324 Oxyrhopus 234 Callopistria 281 PI iocercus 25O Xenodon 324 Oxyrhopus rhombifer 235 ruf iceps Pliocercus elapoides Xenodon rabdocephalus 324 rhomb i f era Pogonaspis 296 250 Rabdosoma II7 Leptodeira Tantilla 153 296 sanctaecruc i s Ramphos toma I65 Leptodeira annulata 153 ruf i dorsatus Bothrops 5^ ran i nus rhombo i dal i s Dromicus 243 sanctaemartae Coluber (Matrix) 144 Eteirodipsas annulata Philodryas elegans 243 Atractus Ji rapp i i ruf i dorsum 133 sanctaer i tae Herpetodryas I93 Rhynchonyx 21 Leptotyphlops I72 Apostolepis 22 reg i nae r icard i n i i ruf i dorsus sanctijoannis Coluber 148 Uromacer 3^1 Leptotyphlops I72 Dipsas 89

Le i madoph is 148 Uromacerina 321 ruf us Leptognathus 89 Leimadophis reginae 148 r i i L ioph Is ichard 149 sanct i johann i s regular i s Coluber I6I rugosus Leptognathus 89 Elaps 203 Micrurus alleni 201 Nothopsis 225 sang i lens i s reh I Thalerophis richardi ruru i ma Micrurus bocourti 2O3 Liophis 282 161 Crotalus (Crotalus) Micrurus ecuadorianus re inhardt i i r i i se i durissus 76 203 Philodryas 244 Elaps 216 ruschenberg i I sangu ineus Rena I65 r i ograndens i s X i phosoma 73 Atractus 3* resplendens Bothrops neuwiedi 5I rust ica sangu i ventr i s Atractus 33 r i vero i Clelia 64 Dryadophis 195 Atractus torquatus 33 Atractus 34 rust i cus Mastigodryas 195 ret i cula ta r i vet i Oxyrrhopus 64 sann iola Anguis 31/ Leptophis 164 rut hven i Si bon 276 Oipsas cenchoa I33 Thalerophis 164 • Dryadophis I93 sann i olus Mesopeltis 276 i i


sapperi sclateri serpentinus spixii Amastridium 18 Enulius 106 Coluber 1/7 Coluber 55 Elaps fulvius 205 Leptocalamus 106 serperaster Helicops I25 Micrurus diastema 20$ scolecomorphus Rhadinaea 268 Micrurus 21/ Mimometopon 18 Tr i gonocephalus 142 serperastra Micrurus spixii 217 sargenti Scolecophis 272 Rhadinaea 268 splendens Rhadinaea 268 Scoliophis 65 serra Liophis 25I sargii scolopax Herpetodryas 245 spurelli Adelphicos I5 Lycognathus 281 Philodryas 245 ^^^P^ ^^^ Adelphicos quadrivir- Scotophis 101 serranus Micrurus 218 gatus 15 scurrula Atractus 34 spurrelli Pliocercus 25I Natrix 6I severus Leptognathus 5O Rhegnops I5 scurrulus Coluber 325 squamosus Thrasops (Ahaetulla) I63 Chironius 6I Xenodon 325 Typhlophis 315

carton I scutigera sexcarinatus Typhlops 315 Tropidodipsas 312 Bothriechis 46 Natrix 258 stadelmani Tropidodipsas sartorii scutiventris Pseustes 258 Rhadinaea 268 313 Elaps 157 sexfasc iatum Typhlops 3I8 saturatus Scytale I7 Homalocran i urn 298 stantoni Leptophis 164 scytale sexscutatus Micrurus affinis 2O5 saturninus Anguis I5 Leptognathus 3I3 ste i ndachner Coluber 60 Anilius 1? shropshirei Elaps 218 saurocephalus Anilius scytale IJ Phrynonax 259 Micrurus 218 Coluber 325 Eunectes 114 Pseustes 259 Micrurus steindach- scalaris scytalina Siagonodon I65 neri 218 Elapomorphus 326 Clelia 64 Sibon 273 s te jneger ianus Helicops 125 Clelia clelia 64 sibon Coluber constrictor 65 Xenopholis 326 Scolecophis 64 Coluber 276 Zamenis 65 Scaph iodontoph is 27O scytaloides S i bynomorphus 277 stelnbachi schistosa Rhinostoma 246 Sibynon 273 Liophis I79 TantiUa 296 Scytalus I7 sigma Rhadinaea I79 Tantilla schistosa 297 sebae Constrictor constrictor stenophrys schistosum Ninia 223 38 Lachesis I37

Homalocran i on 296 Ninia sebae 224 signatus Lachesis muta 137 schlegelii Oxyrhopus 234 Coniophanes 67 Stenorhina 285 Bothrops 5* Oxyrhopus petola 234 silus Stenorrhina 28$ Rhinostoma 279 Streptophorus 223 Typhlops 317 Stenostoma I65

Tr i gonocephalus 'j/i sebastus simile S tenostomoph is I65 schlegelii Herpetodryas 60 Trimetopon 3O9 stewarti Bothrops 5^ semiaureus similis Micrurus 219 schlueteri Opheomorphus merremii Conophis lineatus 7O s teyermark Chi^ronius 6I 178 Conophis pulcher 7O Atractus 34 schlii'teri semicincta simonsii Storeria 287 Herpetodryas 61 Tantilla 297 Elaps 2O9 stratissima schmidti semicinctum Leimadophis 149 Leptognathus 134 Coniophanes 68 Homalocran ion 297 Philodryas I49 S tremma togna thus 82 Leptom icrurus I58 semicinctus Simophis 279 Streptophorus 221 Micrurus 2I7, 219 Heterodon 188 simus strlatlceps Streptophorus sebae 221 Leptognathus 313 Crotalus 75 Teleolepis 245 schneideri Lystrophis 188 sinuata striatula Pelamis 239 Oxyrhopus doliatus 234 Pelamis bicolor 239 Leptotyphlops I7I schottii Pliocercus elapoides Siphlophis 280 striatus Leimadophis poecilo- 25O Sistrurus 74 Oryadophis bifossatus gyrus 147 semif asc ia tus slater! I92 Xenodon I47 Himantodes I34 Enulius 106 Drymobius bifossatus schrankii Imantodes cenchoa 134 slevini I92 Elaps 127 Lycodon (Oxyrrhopus) Trimetopon 3^9 Mastigodryas bifoss- schubarti 233 smaragdinus atus I92 Liotyphlops I83 semilineata Bothrops bilineatus 45 strigatus schultzi Natrix 148 Sordellina 282 Thamnodynas tes 3OO Hydrodynastes bicinctus semipartitus spadiceus Tomodon 3^0 127 Elaps 214 Oxyrhopus 233 strigilis schunck i i Micrurus mipartitus 214 spegazzinii Coluber 3^1 Leptognathus 89 septemstr ia tus Elapomorphus 104 Thamnodynastes 3^1 schunkei Leptotyphlops I72 Sphenocephalus 229 stuarti Dipsas 89 Typhlops I72 Sphenophis I38 Micrurus 219 schunkii septentr i onal is spilogaster Stypocemus 302 Dipsas 89 Bothrops atrox 43 Ninia 221 subaequalis Leptognathus 89 Dipsas I54 Tropidodipsas 278 Dipsas 328 sclateri Leptodeira I54 Spilotes 283 subannulata Enulius 106 Oxyrhopus rhombifer 235 Tropidodipsas fasciata 312 s


subannulatus T ternetzii (cont.) Tretanorh i nus 3O6 Leptoqnathus (Tropidodip- Liotyphlops 183 Tr iaenophol i s I38 sasj 312 Tachymenis 28? Philodryas 243 triangularis subbicinctum tachymeno i des terrifica Elaps 129 Atractus 35 Oromicus 55 Caudisona Id Hydrops 129 Rabdosoma badium 35 Tachynectes 122 terrificus Hydrops triangularis subcarinatus taczanowskyi Crotalus (Crotalus) 125 Philodryas 241 Tropidophis 3I* durissus 76 tr iangul i gera subcrotillus Ungalia 3I* tessellata Bothriechis 46 Leptotyphlops 172 taeniata Ninia sebae 223 triangulum subfasciatus Tachymenis 68 Ninia maculata 223 Coluber I38

Le imadoph i s poecilo- Tantilla 257 tessellatum Lampropel t is I38 gyrus 147 taeniatum Typhlops (Stenostoma) triaspis Liophis 147 Homalocranion 257 I72 Coluber 102 sublineatus taeniatus tessellatus Elaphe 102 Liophis merremii 145 Atractus 35 Bothrops 47 Elaphe triaspis 102 submarg i natus Bothrops 47 Leptotyphlops 172 Triche i lostoma I65

Oxyrhopus 232 Ditaxodon 52 Tetrache i lostoma I65 tricolor suboculare Elapocephalus 105 tetrataenia Elapomorphus IO5 Bascanion I85 Philodryas 52 Herpetodryas 75 Micrurus 2O5 subocularis Tretanorh i nus 3^7 tetrazona Neopareas 85 Liophis 173 taeniogaster Erythrolamprus aescula- Zamenis 53 Rhadinaea 175 Liophis 177 P'' ^^^ trifasciatus suborbitalis taeniolatus tetrazonus Liophis 244 Masticophis mentovarius Enicognathus 180 Atractus elaps 25 trigeminus I85 Taen iophallus 175 thalassina Oxyrhopus 235 Spilotes corais I85 Taeniophis 5^ ^°'' 7^ trigonatus subpunctatus taeniurus Thalerophis 155 Pelias 256 Oxyrhopus 235 Leimadophis 143 Thamnobius 257 Pseudotomodon 256 subradiatus Liophis 145 Thamnocenchr i s 33 trihedrurus Tropidonotus 73 tamachia Thamnodynastes 3^0 Atractus 327 subscutatus Coluber IO7 Thamnophis 3^2 trilineata Bothrops 44 Tantilla 232 Thanatophis 33 Tantilla 257 subtessellatus Tantillita 233 thominoti trilineatus Streptophorus 223 tantillus Rhinocheilus 254 Atractus 35 subtilis Taeniophis 5* Thyphlops 3I6 Elapomorphus 104 Micrurus filiformis 208 tarmensis Tiphlops 3I6 Herpetodryas 242 sulphurea Tachymenis 25I tigrinus Leptocalamus 257 Natrix 255 tatacua Coluber 55 Trimetopon 3O8 sulphureus Leptotyphlos I72 Tisiphone I7 Trimorphodon 3IO Phrynonax sulphureus 255 taylori tolimensis trinitatis Pseustes 255 Leptodeira annulata 155 Dipsas 85 Dipsas 5I Pseustes sulphureus 253 Tantilla schistosa 237 Tomodon 3^4 Dipsas variegata 3I sumichrasti teaguei tornieri trinitatus Loxocemus 184 Leptotyphlops I72 Zaocys 55 Typhlops 3I8

suprac i 1 iar i tehuanae torquata Tripanurgos 3II Bothrops 55 Dryadophis melanolomus Hypsiglena I32 triscalis Bothrops schlegelli 55 155 Hypsiglena torquata I32 Coluber 145 supracincta Mastigodryas melano- Leptodeira I32 Leimadophis 145 Tantilla 257 lomus 155 Torquatrix I5 Liophis 145 supracinctum Teleolepis 240 torquatum triseriata Homalocranion 257 Teleuraspis 33 Rabdosoma 35 Rhadinaea I87 surinamensis temmincki torquatus triseriatus Coluber I23 Psamophis 54 Atractus 35 Dryadophis bifossatus Elaps 213a temporalis Leptocalamus 106 I52 Micrurus 215 Dipsas 5O Leptognathus 86 Drymobius bifossatus Micrurus surinamensis 215 Leptognathus 3O Opisthiodon 57 15^ Tachymenis 25I tenella torresi Leptognathus 85 surucucu Leptotyphlops I72 Nothopsis 225 Lygophis 187 Bothrops 136 tenuis Tortrix 13 Mastigodryas bifoss- suspectus Apostolepis 22 torvus atus I52 Elapomorphus 104 Typhlops 3I8 Thanatophis 5'' tritaeniata Xenodon 325 tenuissima Toxicophis I7 Tantilla 258 sutus Dipsas 50 Trachyboa 305 trivirgatum Thanatophis 47 terlineatus transandinus Rabdosoma 35 Sympeltophis 326 Coluber 186 Micrurus 2O7 trivittatum Synophis 288 ternatea Micrurus carinicaudus Homalocran ium 237 Boa 107 207 trivittatus ternetzii Micrurus dumerilii 2O7 Atractus 35 Helminthophis I83 trebbaui Helicops 124, 125 L iophis 175 Myron 125 ' s


*'"°P'^^ urutu versicolor wagneri (cont.) . (cont.) Storeria 28/, Bothrops 5I Paraphrynonax 259 Micrurus nigrocinctus Storena dekayi 28/ Bothrops neuwiedi 5I vertebralis 216 Tropidodipsas 312 Atractus 36 weigeli Tropidodryas 240 V Leptophis l62 Vipera 55 Tropidogeophis 312 vertebrol i neatus Dipsas I33 Tropidophis 314 vagrans Atractus 36 weiseri troscheli Pseudopareas 278 vicinus Leptodira 235 Typhlops reticulatus 317 S i bynomorphus 278 Herpetodryas 60 Lystrophis semicincta *^^^"^' vagus viguieri 188 Elaps 220 Leptognathus 278 Dipsas 5I werneri Micrurus 220 S I bynomorphus 278 Leptognathus 5I Atractus 36 Micrurus tschudii 220 variabilis viUelai Philodryas 244 *"'"9"^^ Coluber 283 Dryadophis bifossatus Xenodon 323 Leptognathus 278 variegata I52 wettsteini '^"[;9'^"^ Dipsas 90 Mastigodryas bifoss- Helicopsl22 Sibynomorphus 278 Dipsas variegata 9O atus I92 weyrauchi Typhi, na 316 Pelamis 239 vincenti Leptotyphlops I73 Typhlinalis 3I6 variegatus Herpetodryas carinatus "hymperi Typhlophis 315 Atractus 35 Coronella 186 Typhlops 59 316 Coluber 276 vinitor wieneri *^p^!"! Leptognathus 9O Eteirodipsas I53 irn Dendroph i di on 80 varium violaceus wieningeri Leimadophis? A J\^^I5O Rabdosoma 35 Coluber 148 Epicrates II5 Leimadophis typhlus I5O vegrandis viperina wilderi

/^'^ 5 Crotalus i (Crotalus) 77 Oxyrhopus doliatus 23I Helm nthoph i s I83 veliferum ^ viperinus Liotyphlops 183 Crotalusn !"i (Crotalus)/P . , Amastridium 18 Dromicus 264 Typhlops I83 durissus 7b venezuelae viquezi wiUiamsi Bothrops 55 Trimetopon 3O9 Urotheca 329 venezuelanus virgata worontzowi -, Oxyrhopus 235 TantiUa 298 Alleidophis 281 ultramarinus venezuelens i virgatus wuchereri Leptophis 163 Bothrops 55 Mi crodromus 298 Dromicus (Lygophis) Umbrivaga 319 Bothrops lansbergii 48 viridicyanea 179 undecimstriatus Hydrops triangularis L ioph i s req i Elapomorphus IO5 Leptotyphlops nae 145 173 131 viridis Typhlops 173 venezuelenzi Dendrophis 60 X undulatus Bothrops neuvoiedii 44 Leimadophis I5O Loluber 180 ventralis Liophisl50 xanthogrammus Liophis IbU Stenorhina 285 Procteria Bothrops Uxyrhopus 323 55 2j8 ventr imacula tus viridissimus Tr gonocephalus Paroxyrhopus i 55 238 Atractus 36 Coluber xantogrammus Ungaiia 245 314 Leptognathus 278 Philodryas Bothrops ungaiioides 245 55 S ibynomorphus 278 visoninus Xenoboa 322 bympeltophis 326 venustissimus Adelphicos I6 Xenodon 323 Ungaliophis 320 Coluber 112 Adelphicos quadrivir- Xenopholis 326 ungual la ji4 Erythrolamprus aescula- gatum 16 xerophilus unguirostns piill2 Rhegnopsl6 Epicrates cenchria 108 blauconia 173 Henicognathus 27I i vitellinus Le imadoph s poec i lo- Leptotyphlops I73 Scaph i odon toph i s 27I Dryophylax 243 9y^"s 148 veraepacis vittata Xiphosoma 7I ""r'^°:°rLrotalus (Crotalus)fr^ . \ ' "ueipnicosAdelohico'; loI6 t i, , . Tachymenis peruviana durissus /7 Adelphicos veraepacis 16 29I Y Crotalus horridus 77 Micrurus elegans 208 vittatum Drymarchon corais 97 Rhadinaea 3O9 Rhinostoma 246 y^tesi Mastigodryas I93 Trimetopon 3O9 vittatus Micrurus aUeni 201 unilineatus verecundus Atractus 92? Micrurus nigrocinctus Onychocephalus 3I8 Liophis 142 Coluber 144 201 Typhlops 318 vermiculata Dryophis 227 y-graecum Dipsas L i 91 Phimophis 246 ioph s (Lygoph i s) 142 ""fi'hHKaoaosoma qq 35 verm icula t iceps yucatanensis RhynchonyxJ ambiniqera 22 univittatus Rhadinaea 268 / Geophis multitorques Atractus 35 Taeniophis 268 W 286 Uranops 122 vermiformis

Urobrachys 24 Lioninia1 Inninla ^^BPPR u 7 1 -,. waehnerorum ^ UrocrotalonII i 7'' Tantnij. 9QR . - ,,«, lantiiia ^98 Micrurus 201 uromacerinaii,-nm=^ ooTj<^l verm imaculat iceps waqleri Zacholomorphus 289 ^"!°P^"^ 74 Liophis 268 Atractus 36 zebrinum versicolor wagneri Rabdosoma 3I Ahaetulla.r ^,^ I63.en Coluber (Matrix) 325 D iaphorolep is 81 i


zeledon i Geophis 120 zetek i

Scaph I odontoph i s 271

Scaph i odontoph i s zetcki 271 Sibynophis 27I z ilch i Rhadinaea 26$ Rhadinaea godmani 265 zonatus Scolecophis 272

zun i lens i s Micrurus nigrocinctus 216

zwe i f el

Le imadoph i s I5O