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Foreword iii Avant-propos iv

Headquarters 1 Administration centrale 1 Branch Executive 1 Haute direction 1 Organization of the Research Organisation de la Direction generale de Branch 2 la recherche 3 Programs at major research Programmes aux principaux centres de centres 4 recherches 5 Map of major research centres 6 Carte des principauxcentres de recherches 6 Operational plan framework 7 Cadre du plan operationnel 8 Research Coordination 9 Coordination de la recherche 9 Strategies and Planning 13 Strategies et planification 13

Eastern Region 21 Region de rEst 21 St. John's 22 St. John's 22 Charlottetown 25 Charlottetown 25 Kentville 31 Kentville 31 Fredericton 37 Fredericton 37 Soils and Crop$ (Sainte-Foy) 42 Sols et grandes cultures (Sainte-Foy) 42 Dairy and Swine (Lennoxville) 48 Bovin laitier et porc (Lennoxville) 48 Horticulture (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu) 54 Horticulture (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu) 54 Food (Saint-Hyacinthe) 59 Aliments (Saint-Hyacinthe) 59 Pest Management (London) 64 Lutte antiparasitaire (London) 64 Harrow 73 Harrow 73

Central Experimental Farm 79 Ferme experimentale centrale 79 Food and Research 80 Recherches alimentaires et zootechniques 80 Land and Biological Resources 91 Terres et ressources biologiques 91 Plant Research 109 Recherches phytotechniques 109

Western Region 115 Region de rOuest 115 Winnipeg 116 Winnipeg 116 Morden 123 Morden 123 Brandon 127 Brandon 127 Saskatoon 131 Saskatoon 131 Swift Current 139 Swift Current 139 Lethbridge 144 Lethbridge 144 Lacombe 156 Lacombe 156 Beaverlodge 161 Beaverlodge 161 Summerland 164 Summerland 164 Agassiz 169 Agassiz 169 Vancouver 173 Vancouver 173

Index 177 Index 177

ii Annuaire de la recherche 1993-1994 FOREWORD Today, the Canadian agri-food industry faces To deliver on the Research Branch The Directory of Research highlights unprecedented challenges to its competitive objective, the Branch has four principle the work done by the Research Branch to position. International trading patterns are areas of business: respond to the agri-food sector's need for changing and old markets are disappearing. • resource conservation improved product quality and reduced unit The agri-food sector requires marketing and • crops cost in each of the four areas of research. development strategies that respond to client • It serves as a tool to help employees of the needs and are based on the most advanced • food. Research Branch promote the Branch's technologies available in the world. Research programs in these four areas activities to potential research partners. The Research Branch can respond by are conducted at various locations across This bilingual technology transfer vehicle providing the sector with new products for Canada. The cost of maintaining the is intended to encourage collaboration by emerging markets and the technology infrastructure for research has increased. In linking the agri-food sector to professional needed to improve their quality and addition, the Research Branch recognizes the staff at the 24 research centres across Canada. productivity. The Branch has identified its need to build strong, multidisciplinary teams Businesses, universities, and government objective as follows: of scientists to address new and emerging departments, nationally and internationally, To improve the long-term competitiveness areas of technology development and should find this publication useful in making a of the Canadian food and agriculture agricultural science. As a result, the Branch direct link into the organization. Building on sector through the development and has begun to consolidate its expertise and the Research Branch Business Plan, the transfer of innovative lowwledge and resources at major centres. Each of these Directory of Research contains the following for technologies. centres has a mandate to carry out research of headquarters and each research establishment: national importance in a geographic area that • list of professional staff The phrase "long-term competitiveness" has competitive strength in a particular • mandate acknowledges the role the agricultural sector commodity. • main achievements has traditionally played in ensuring its • resources environmental sustainability. The agri-food For example, Summerland Research • research and departmental publications sector cannot enhance its competitive Centre has a national mandate in tree fruit • index of staff and key words. advantage in the long term unless continued research. Located in the Okanagen Valley of British Columbia, the centre is close to its care is taken to maintain the productivity of Brian Morrissey primary client group. Similiarily, the Harrow the natural resources on which it depends. Assistant Deputy Minister, Research Research Centre serves the needs of the In her report to the United Nations greenhouse sector in southern Ontario. The entitled Our Common Future, World Research and Development Centre in Commisswn on Environment and Development, Lennoxville concentrates on dairy and swine G.H. Brundtland defined sustainable research in Quebec. development as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of Other centres continue to perform future generations to meet their own needs." research in these areas to meet needs that This then is one of the principles by which the can be best satisfied at a particular location Branch conducts its business. "Long-term" and to transfer technology to the private implies "sustainable" and "competitiveness" sector in other regions of the country. For implies "development." example, the Kentville Research Centre in Nova Scotia, the Pest Management Research The Canadian Agri-Food Research Centre in Ontario, and the Horticulture Council (CARC) is helping to establish Research and Development Centre in Quebec research priorities for Canada by bringing will form linkages to the major tree fruit together all the players in the nation. Its research centre in Summerland. Thus the cross-country, consultative approach needs of all parts of the country are met for involves leaders from provincial tree fruit research. governments, industry, and universities. Its recommendations enhance our research Concentrating resources at key and technology transfer capabilities. In centres is intended to build well-resourced, addition to CARC efforts, advisory multidisciplinary research teams. This committees also work with the research restructuring is essential if the Branch is to centres and the Branch Executive in setting provide quality, long-term strategic research priorities that meet the future needs of the that meets the needs of the agri-food industry. industry.

Directory of Research 1993-1994 iii AVANT-PROPOS Min de demeurer concurrentielle, et des universites. Des recommandations Centre de recherches en lutte antiparasitaire l'industrie agro-alimentaire canadienne doit pour ameliorer nos competences en de l'Ontario, ainsi que Ie Centre de recherche relever des defis sans precedent. Pendant recherche et en transfert technologique ont et de developpement en horticulture du qu'on assiste a la disparition de certains ainsi ete formulees. En plus des efforts du Quebec travailleront en collaboration avec Ie marches, Ie commerce international subit CRAC, des comites consultatifs collaborent principal centre de recherches sur les arbres des modifications profondes. II faut au avec les centres de recherches et la haute fruitiers situe a Summerland. Ainsi, les secteur agro-alimentaire des strategies de direction afin d'etablir des priorites qui besoins en recherche de tous les coins du pays commercialisation et de developpement qui satisferont les besoins futurs du secteur. sont combles. repondent aux besoins de ses clients et dont Conformement a I'objectif qu'elle s'est Le fait de concentrer les ressources les assises reposent sur la technologie la plus donne, la Direction generale effectue des dans des centres-cles permettra de batir avancee qui soit. recherches dans quatre domaines des equipes multidisciplinaires bien Or la Direction generale de la principaux : equilibrees. Cette restructuration est recherche peut aider Ie secteur en lui • conservation des ressources essentielle si la Direction generale veut fournissant de nouveaux produits pour les • cultures garantir un niveau de qualite tout en marches naissants ainsi que la technologie • animaux menant des recherches a long terme, de necessaire pour ameliorer sa productivite • aliments. pointe, qui repondent aux exigences de et la qualite de ses denrees. Voici comment Des programmes de recherche dans chacun l'industrie agro-alimentaire. la Direction generale entrevoit son de ces quatre domaines sont menes a L'Annuaire de la recherche fait objectif: differents endroits au Canada. II en coute ressortir les faits saillants du travail Ameliorer la competitivite a long terme de plus en plus cher pour maintenir accompli par la Direction generale de la du secteur agro-alimentaire du Canada I'infrastructure de la recherche. De plus, on recherche dont Ie but est de satisfaire les grace au transfert de connaissances et a reconnait la necessite de former des besoins du secteur agro-alimentaire qui la mise au point de technologies equipes de recherche multidisciplinaires sans cesse doit offrir des produits de innovatrices. qui s'interessent aux nouveaux domaines qualite a des prix concurrentiels dans emerge ant de la science agricole et du chacun des quatre domaines de recherche. Par I'expression « competitivite a long developpement technologique. A cet effet, Les employes de la Direction generale se terme », on reconnalt Ie role joue depuis la Direction generale de la recherche a servent de cette publication comme outil toujours par Ie secteur, c'est-a-dire celui commence a regrouper ses competences et d'assurer un developpement integre au de promotion pour attirer l'attention ses ressources dans des centres-des. d'eventuels parten aires en recherche. milieu. En effet, Ie secteur agro-alimentaire Chacun de ces centres a Ie mandat de ne peut ameliorer ses atouts a long terme realiser des recherches d'interet national Ce vehicule de transfert technologique a qu'en veillant sans relache a maintenir les dans un environnement qui presente des pour objectifde favoriserla collaboration en ressources naturelles dont il depend. avantages competitifs pour un produit creant des liens entre Ie secteur agro- Dans son rapport presente aux Nations donne. alimentaire et Ie personnel professionnel des 24 centres de recherche au Canada. Les Unies, et intitule Notre avenir commun : Par exemple, Ie Centre de recherches Commission mondiale sur l'environnement et Ie entreprises, les universiteset les rninisteres de Summerland a regu Ie mandat de gouvemementaux, a l'eehelle nationale ou diveloppement, MmeG.H. Brundtland a defini mener, a l'echelle nationale, des recherches. Ie developpement integre au milieu comme internationale, trouveront dans ce document sur les arbres fruitiers. Situe dans la vallee un outilleur permettant de creer un lien une activitehumaine qui « repond aux besoins de l'Okanagen, en Colombie-Britannique, direct avec la Direction generale de la actuels sans compromettre les generations ce centre se trouve a proximite de ses futures dans la satisfactionde leurs propres recherche. En tant que complement au Plan principaux clients. De la meme fagon, Ie d'entreprise, l'Annuaire de la recherche inclut besoins ». Voilaun principe qu'a adopte la Centre de recherches de Harrow dessert Ie pour Ie benefice de l'adrninistration centrale Direction generale de la recherche pour qui secteur serricole du sud de I'Ontario, tandis et chacun des etablissements de recherche les « a long terme » signifie« durable » et que Ie centre de recherche et de elements suivants: «competitivite » implique « developpement ». developpement de Lennoxville concentre • liste du personnel professionnel ses efforts sur la recherche laitiere et Le Conseil de recherches • mandat agro-alimentaires du Canada (CRAC) porcine au Quebec. • realisations principales travaille a etablir des priorites nationales D'autres centres continuent de mener • ressources dans Ie domaine de la recherche en des recherches dans ces domaines pour • publications de recherche et du ministere reunissant tous les intervenants du secteur repondre Ie rnieuxpossible aux besoins • index des employes et des principaux agricole du pays. II a donc organise des regionaux et pour effectuer Ie transfert termes. consultations d'un bout a l'autre du Canada technologique vers Ie secteur prive et les auxquelles ont pris part les dirigeants des autres regions du pays.A titre d'exemple, Ie Brian Morrissey gouvernements provinciaux, de l'industrie Centre de recherches de Kentvilleet Ie Sous-ministre adjoint a la Recherche

iv Annuaire de la recherche 1993 -1994 Headquarters Administration centrale Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Sir John Carling Building, Room 7119 Edifice Sir John Carling, piece 7119 930 Carling Avenue 930, avenue Carling Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1AOC5 K1AOC5

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 943-2728 Telecopie EM OTTARA::ADMSEAR C.E.

Branch Executive Hsute direction Assistant Deputy Minister, Research J.B. Morrissey, Ph.D. Sous-ministre adjoint a la Recherche Directors General Directeurs generaux Research Coordination G.M. Weaver, Ph.D. Coordination de la recherche Strategies and Planning J.M. Milne, B.Sc. Strategies et planification Eastern Region Y.A. Martel, Ph.D. Region de l'Est Central Experimental Farm J.e. St-Pierre, Ph.D. Ferme experimentale centrale Western Region D.G. Dorrell, Ph.D. Region de l'Ouest Director, Human Resources Division G. Carpentier, B.A. Directeur, Division des ressources humaines

Directory of Research 1993-1994 1 ORGANIZATION OF THE RESEARCH BRANCH





Research Centres

St. John's Food and Animal Research (5) Winnipeg Charlottetown Land and Biological Morden Kentville Resources (6) Brandon Fredericton Plant Research (7) Saskatoon Soils and Crops (1) Swift Current Dairy and Swine (2) Lethbridge Horticutture (3) Lacombe Food Beaverlodge Pest Management (4) Summerland Harrow Agassiz Vancouver

See Map (p. 6) for location of the research establishments keyed by number






Centres de recherches

St. John's Recherches alimentaires et Winnipeg Charlottetown zootechniques (5) Morden Kentville Terres et ressources biologiques (6) Brandon Fredericton Recherches phytotechniques (7) Saskatoon Sols et grandes cultures (1) Swift Current Bovin laitier et pore (2) Lethbridge Horticulture (3) Lacombe Aliments Beaverlodge Lutte antiparasitaire (4) Summerland Harrow Agassiz Vancouver

Pour situer les etablissements de recherches identifies ici par numeros, voir la carte a la page 6.

AnnulI;re de la recherche 1993-1994 3


Branch programs

4 Directory of Research 1993-1994 o~ C') ~ i S!::? alo OCQ m g3=tiiJ :t:. CQ3 ~ ~'~'mgo (i)a;- ~ ~ Q ~ ~ (') ~ ~ m ):0 5 ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ iii' :Jj Cil (') ~ ~ a (I) if...• co ~ ...•I ~



See Organization of the Research Branch (p. 2) for key to the Branch's research centres.

Pour la liste des centres de recherches de la Direction generale, voir Organisation de la Direction generale de la recherche (p. 3).

6 Annuaire de fa recherche 1993-1994 OPERATIONAL PLAN FRAMEWORK

Departmental mission product quality and safety, in a sustainable manner. Work activities focus on Agriculture Canada is dedicated to the well-being of all Canadians through the • beef advancement of the agriculture and food • dairy sectors. • swine • poultry Branch objective: agricultural research • other animals. and development Food research To contribute to the To improve the long-term competitiveness long-term competitiveness of a diversified of the Canadian agri-food sector through the Canadian agri-food sector through the development and transfer of innovative development and transfer of innovative technologies. technologies needed to optimize food production efficiency, and product quality More specifically, research and and safety, in a sustainable manner. Work technology development are directed toward activities focus on • reducing the costs of food production and • animal products and processes processing • crop products and processes • improving product quality and safety • nonfood products and processes. • advancing environmental practices for the Management and administration To sustainability of agricultural production provide financial, administrative, and • technology transfer. management services to the Research Branch's agricultural research and Objectives for branch planning development activity. Work activities focus Resource conservation research To on contribute to the long-term competitiveness • program management and planning of a diversified Canadian agri-food sector • administrative services. through the development and transfer of innovative means needed to optimize agricultural production, in a sustainable manner. Work activities focus on • land (conserving soil, water, and air) • germ plasm conservation/agricultural pest and biocontrol agents identification.

Crop research To contribute to the long-term competitiveness of a diversified Canadian agri-food sector through the development and transfer of innovative technologies needed to optimize crop production efficiency, and product quality and safety, in a sustainable manner. Work activities focus on • cereals • oilseeds • forages • field crops • vegetables • tree fruits and berries • ornamentals. Animal research To contribute to the long-term competitiveness of a diversified Canadian agri-food sector through the development and transfer of innovative technologies needed to optimize animal welfare, animal production efficiency, and

Directory of Research 1993-1994 7 CADRE DU PLAN OPERATIONNEL

Mission du Ministere Recherches zoo techniques Favoriser la Agriculture Canada se consacre au bien-etre competitivite a long terme d'un secteur de tous les Canadiens par l'avancement des agro-alimentaire canadien diversifie grace a secteurs agricole et alimentaire. la mise au point et au transfert de nouvelles technologies afin d'optimiser Iebien-etre des Objectif de la Direction g{mera/e : la animaux, l'efficacite de la production recherche agrico/e et Ie deve/oppement animale ainsi que la qualite et la salubrite Ameliorer la competitivite a long terme du des produits, tout en respectant secteur agro-alimentaire canadien grace a la l'environnement. Les principaux domaines d'activites sont : mise au point et du transfert de nouvelles technologies. • les bovins de boucherie • les bovins laitiers La recherche et Ie developpement • les pores technologique sont menes de fagon a • les volailles • reduire les coUts de production et de • les autres especes animales. transformation des aliments Recherches sur les aliments Favoriser la • ameliorer la qualite et l'innocuite des competitivite a long terme d'un secteur produits agro-alimentaire canadien diversifie grace a • perfectionner les pratiques la mise au point et au transfert de nouvelles environnementales en vue d'une technologies afin d'optimiser l'efficacite de agriculture durable la production alimentaire ainsi que la qualite • Ie transfert de la technologie. et la salubrite des produits, tout en respectant l'environnement. Les principaux Objectifs de la planification de la domaines d'activites sont : Direction genera/e • les produits animaux et transformation Recherches sur la conservation des • les produits vegetaux et transformation ressources Favoriser la competitivite a long • les produits non alimentaires et terme d'un secteur agro-alimentaire transformation. canadien grace a la mise au point et au transfert de nouveaux moyens afin Gestion et administration Offrir a la d'optimiser l'efficacite de la production Direction generale de la recherche des agricole, tout en respect ant l'environnement. services sur Ie plan des finances, de la Les principaux domaines d'activites sont : gestion et de l'administration pour ses • les terres (conservation des sols, de l'eau activites de recherche et de developpement. et de l'air) Les principaux domaines d'activites sont : • la gestion et planification des programmes • la conservation du materiel genetiquella • les services administratifs. detection des ravageurs agricoles et des agents de lutte biologique. Recherches sur les cultures Favoriser la competitivite a long terme d'un secteur agro-alimentaire canadien diversifie grace a la mise au point et au transfert de nouvelles technologies afin d'optimiser l'efficacite de la production des cultures ainsi que la qualite et la salubrite des produits, tout en respectant l'environnement. Les principaux domaines d'activites sont : • les cereales • les oleagineux • les fourrages • les cultures de grande production • les legumes • les fruits de verger et baies • les piantes ornementales.

8 Annuaire de la recherche 1993-1994 RESEARCH COORDINATION DIRECTORATE DIRECTION DE LA COORDINATION DE LA RECHERCHE Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alirnentaire Canada Sir John Carling Building, Room 717 Edifice Sir John Carling, piece 717 930 Carling Avenue 930, avenue Carling Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) KIAOC5 KIAOC5

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 947-0334 Telecopie EM OTTB::AGIOODGRCD c.E.

RfeSSional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director General G.M. Weaver, Ph.D. Directeur general

Research Coordinators Coordonnateurs de la recherche Resource Conservation Research Recherche sur la conservation des ressources Soil, water, and climate C. De Kimpe, Dr.Sc.Agr. Sol, eau et climat Environment B. Grace, Ph.D. Environnement

Crop Research RecherchesurkscuUures Cereal crops J.w. Martens, Ph.D. Cultures cerealieres Special crops P.w. Perrin, Ph.D. Cultures speciales (seconded to Pest (prete au bureau des nouvelles Management Alternatives Office) methodes de lutte antiparasitaire) Pest management R. Trottier, Ph.D. Lutte antiparasitaire

Animal Research Recherche sur les animaux Animals L.P. Laflamme, Ph.D. Animaux

Food Research Recherche sur les aliments Food G.E. Timbers, Ph.D. Alimentation

Special Advisers Conseillers speciaux Bioresources K. Campbell, Ph.D. Bioressources Soils M.K. John, Ph.D. Sol Biotechnology-Biodiversity D. Kudirka, Ph.D. Biotechnologie-biodiversite Food D. Mercer, Ph.D. Alimentation Ethanol M. Stumborg, P.Eng. Ethanol

CARC Secretariat Secretariat du CRAC Executive Director B. Kealey Directeur executif

Mandate The Research Coordination Directorate research in relation to other research control agents that reduce agriculture's ensures a national perspective on the direction partners. Directorate staff was part of the dependence on chemical pesticides. of research programs and the allocation of steering committee that convened a national Environmental assessment of branch research resources across the Research Branch. On workshop to develop a strategy for daily studies (EARP) was also coordinated by the behalf of the Branch the directorate helps research and technology transfer. directorate, with the help of regional organize research activityto manage issues of Within the Working Group on coordinators and scientiststrained in EARP national significancethat require scientific Environmental Indicators, staff helped procedures. expertise for resolution. develop a framework paper and foster The directorate participated in several Achievements activitiesleading to acceptable indicators that national and regional Branch research demonstrate progress toward sustainability. networks, including National programs The directorate The directorate also provided expertise to • Western Beef Network coordinated programs and helped develop develop guidelinesfor introducing biological • Beef and Forage Network policies for the branch's support of daily

Research Coordination Directorate 1993-1994 9 • National Dairy Network • Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek The directorate acted as the Canadian • National Germplasm Network (DLO) liaison to the Centre for Agriculture and • Tree Fruit Network. • United States Department of Agriculture Biosciences (CAB International) and led the Canadian delegation at their 12th The directorate took the lead in (USDA). review conference in London, England. coordinating the departmental input into Reviews Staff assisted in the review of The directorate sponsored the the national biodiversity strategy as required research centres in Ottawa, Swift Current, by the Biodiversity Convention. Staff also Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, and Morden. empowered team entitled, "Fostering Interest in Research and Development in the convened the annual selection process for Selected coordinators participated in Canadian Agri-Food Industry" and grants to universities through NSERC's research scientists' promotion committees. "Technology Transfer and Training." Staff (Natural Sciences and Engineering The directorate reviewed the new NSERC also led a departmental team to study Research Council) research partnership strategic plan. As well, staff reviewed technology transfer in the agri-food industry, support program. proposals or provided scientific liaison for which in turn spawned a federal-provincial Special programs As part of the projects for NSERC, the NBS-strategic working group. departmental Green Plan initiatives, the technologies program, and the industrial directorate coordinated research activities research assistance program (IRAP). The The directorate managed the on the following topics of national directorate also provided input for development of a memorandum of relevance: • evaluation of the national soil understanding (MOU) between the Research • climate change conservation and crops research and the Food Production and Inspection • greenhouse gases programs Branches to conduct research in areas of • NO,JVOCs • Green Plan evaluation framework common interest in • biotechnology (regulation) • genetic resources. • Recommended code of practice for the • pest management Staff took the lead iiJ.establishing care and handling of farm animals: swine • plant, animal, and food commodities. management committees and developing • Canadian Horticultural Council Subsequently, projects and resources were experimental plans. A special adviser in the recommendations arising from the negotiated for research in support of directorate seconded from the Western annual general meeting. regulation in the area of biotechnology. Region managed and put in place a new program on ethanol research and Linkages The Research Coordination Interdepartmentally, the directorate development. The directorate also Directorate represents the Branch on negotiated and developed an MOU collaborated on the Department's behalf several intra- and inter-departmental, between the Research Branch and the with the Expert Committee on Pest national, and international committees. National Research Council of Canada. The Management to develop a national strategy Staff reactivated the Interdepartmental aim was to formalize cooperation in on pest management research and Advisory Group on Food Irradiation and selected areas of agricultural research and technology transfer. Staff provided assisted in organizing the International development (i.e., biotechnology). Congress of Plant Pathology in Montreal. coordination, as well, for the Great Lakes Internationally, the directorate is The group also assisted in organizing the water quality research and development involved in the management of the MOUs national departmental consultation on program. The directorate provided technical signed between the Department and France regulation in biotechnology. advice to other branches on such issues as and the Netherlands. Contacts are gamefarming and the impact of methyl The directorate convened the annual maintained between these organizations and bromide as an ozone-depleting substance. meeting of the Expert Committee on the Research Branch. Additionally, the Staff also represented the Branch on the Horticulture and .completed the Canadian directorate provided expertise for the national biotechnology strategy (NBS). input to the publication Horticultural development of collaborative research under International programs The directorate Research International. Additionally, staff the Canada-Mexico Committee on organized and participated in a mission to organized meetings to enhance Technologyand Scientific Research. cooperation and consultation between the Mexico to evaluate research programs and Canadian Agri-Food Research Council Branch and agri-food partners represented possibilities for collaboration in animal (CARC) The directorate continued to by the following national organizations: research. Staff also hosted various foreign provide secretariate support to the • Dairy Farmers of Canada delegations interested in our animal Canadian Agri-Food Research Council • Canadian Cattlemen's Association research programs from such countries as (CARC). Staff reviewed and acted on • Canadian Pork Council Belgium, Hong Kong, China, and Poland. recommendations from regional • Canadian Meat Council The directorate participated in a major agricultural coordinating committees and • Canada Grains Council U.S. workshop on food animal integrated Canada committees. It provided the research, where related research priorities • SECAN secretarial function to the Canada • Canadian Seed Growers Association for America were identified. Staff also led committees on crop production services, • Canola Council of Canada in developing closer collaboration with food, land resources, and animals. several international research centres, • Crop Protection Institute of Canada Staff reactivated and chaired the including • Canadian Forage Council Standing Committee on Biotechnology in • Institut National de la Recherche • Prairie Pools Inc. Agronomique (INRA) • Canadian Horticultural Council.

10 Direction de fa coordination de fa recherche 1993-1994 Agriculture and Food and participated in l'elaboration d'un document cadre et ont La DCR a aussi collabore, au nom du CARC's parraine des activitesvisant a definir des Ministere, avec Ie Comite d'experts sur la • Standing Committee on Research indicateurs acceptables des progres realises au lutte antiparasitaire a l'elaboration d'une Partnership Support Program chapitre de la protection de l'environnement. strategie nationale pour la recherche et • National Workshop for Strategy on Pest La DCR a aussi mis a profit ses competences Ie transfert de la technologie en lutte Management Research and Technology pour etablir des lignes directrices sur antiparasitaire. Des fonctionnaires se sont Transfer l'introduction d'agents,de lutte biologique, afin en plus occupes de la coordination du • Workshop on Lactic Acid Bacteria. de reduire la dependance envers les pesticides programme de recherche et de chirniques.Elle a egalement coordonne developpement sur la qualite des eaux CARC also provided support to implement l'evaluation environnementale des activitesde des Grands Lacs. La DCR a fourni des the national strategy for agri-food research recherche de la Direction generale, avec Ie conseils techniques a d'autres directions and technology transfer and to develop the concours,des coordonnateurs et des generales sur des questions comme national strategy for dairy research and scientifiquesdans les regions qui ont r~ la l'elevage du gibier et l'impact du bromure technology transfer in Canada. formation sur Ie Processus d'evaluation et de methyle, substance destructrice de la CARC and the directorate have d'examen en matiere d'environnement couche d'ozone. Des membres du shared the lead in the current restructuring (PEEE), personnel ont aussi represente la Direction of the system. La DCR a participe a plusieurs reseaux generale lors de l'elaboration de la strategie nationale sur la biotechnologie. • Resources nationaux et regionaux de la Direction .generale, notamment Programmes intemationaux La DCR The Research Coordination Directorate • Ie Reseau de la recherche sur Ie bceuf de a organise une mission au Mexique et a consists of the director general, seven l'Ouest envoye de ses membres pour evaluer les research coordinators, five special advisers, programmes de recherches et les possibilites the executive director of CARC, and • Ie Reseau de la recherche sur Ie bceuf et les fourrages de collaboration en recherche animale. Le support staff. Special advisers are seconded personnel a egalement regu diverses from the research centres or appointed • Ie Reseau national de la recherche delegations,venant entre autres de la from industry for terms of 1-2 years to laitiere Belgique, Hong Kong, la Chine et la Pologne, complement the role of the research • Ie Reseau national de la recherche sur Ie qui s'interessent a nos programmes de coordinators. germoplasme recherches animales. La DCR a participe a • Ie Reseau de la recherche sur les fruits un important atelier organise aux Etats-Unis • de verger. sur les recherches integrees sur les aliments destinees aux animaux, au cours duquelles Mandat La DCR a egalement joue Ie role principal dans la coordination de la priorites de recherches connexes pour La Direction de la coordination de la contribution du Ministere al'elaboration l'Amerique ont ete etablies. Des membres recherche (DCR) donne une orientation de la strategie nationale sur la biodiversite, du personnel ont etablit des liens plus nationale aux programmes de recherches et tel que l'exigeait la Convention sur la etroits avec plusieurs centres de recherches a la distribution des ressources dans biodiversite. Des membres du personnel internationaux, dont l'ensemble de la Direction generale de la ont aussi organise Ie premier processus de • l'Institut national de la recherche recherche. Au nom de la Direction selection annuelle des universites agronomique (INRA) generale, elle participe a l'organisation recipiendaires de subventions dans Ie cadre • Ie Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek d'activites de recherche sur des questions du Programme d'aide a la recherche (DLO) d'importance nationale qui necessitent concertee du CRSNG (Conseil de • Ie ministere de l'Agriculture des l'apport d'experts scientifiques quant aux recherches en sciences naturelles et en Etats-Unis (USDA). decisions a prendre. genie). Examens Des fonctionnaires ont Realisations Programmes speciaux Dans Ie cadre des contribue al'examen des centres de initiatives du Ministere au chapitre du Plan Programmes nationaux La DCR a recherches a Ottawa, Swift Current, vert, la DCR a coordonne les recherches coordonne des programmes et a collabore Saint-lean-sur Richelieu et Morden. sur les sujets d'importance nationale al'elaboration de politiques pour assister la Certains coordonnateurs ont participe aux suivants Direction generale dans la promotion de la travaux des comites de promotion des • les changements climatiques recherche en production laitiere avec scientifiques. La Direction a examine Ie • les gaz a effet de serre d'autres partenaires. Des employes de la nouveau plan strategique du CRSNG. De • les NO et les COY DCR faisaient partie du comite directeur x plus, des employes ont etudie des • les ressources genetiques. qui a convoque un atelier national consacre propositions ou ont servi d'agents de a l'elaboration d'une strategie pour la Des employes ont pris les devants en liaison sur Ie plan scientifique pour des recherche et Ie transfert de la technologie mettant sur pied des comites de gestion et projets du CRSNG, pour la strategie en production laitiere. en elaborant des plans experimentaux. Un nation ale sur la biotechnologie-Ie conseiller special au sein de la DCR, Programme des technologies strategiques En tant que membres du groupe de detache de la region de l'Ouest, a gere et et Ie Programme d'aide ala recherche travail sur les indicateurs environnementaux, mis en place un nouveau programme de industrielle (PARI). La DCR a aussi prete des employes de la DCR ont participe a recherche et de developpement sur l'ethanol. son concours

Research Coordination Directorate 1993-1994 11 • a l'evaluation des programmes nationaux La DCR a parraine l'equipe devant Le personnel a remis sur pied Ie de conservation des sols et de recherches s'occuper de mousser l'interet dans Ie Comite permanent sur la biotechnologie sur les cultures secteur agro-alimentaire canadien pour la dans Ie domaine agro-alimentaire dont la • a l'elaboration du cadre d'evaluation du recherche et Ie developpement, Ie transfert presidence est assuree par un de ses Plan vert de la technologie et la formation. Des membres, et a participe dans Ie cadre du employes ont aussi dirige une equipe CRAC • a la redaction du Code de pratiques ministerielle chargee d'etudier Ie transfert • aux travaux du Comite permanent sur Ie recommandees pour les soins et la de la technologie dans l'industrie Programme d'aide la recherche manipulation des animaux de a agro-alimentaire et qui, son tour, a lance concertee ferme :porcs a un groupe de travail federal-provincial. l'Atelier pancanadien sur la strategie • aux recommandations du Conseil • a nation ale pour la recherche en transfert canadien de l'horticulture issues de la La DCR a fa.cilitela signature d'un de technologie et en lutte antiparasitaire reunion generale annuelle. proto cole d'entente entre la Direction generale de la recherche et la Direction • a I'Atelier sur les bacteries lactiques. Liens La DCR represente la Direction generale de la production et de l'inspection Le CRAC it de plus collabore a la mise generale au sein de plusieurs comites intra- des alill;lentspour la realisation de sur pied de la strategie nationale en ministeriels et interministeriels, nationaux recherches dans des domaines d'interet recherche agro-alirnentaireet en transfert de et internationaux. Le personnel a remis sur commun comme technologie, et a l'elaboration de la strategie pied Ie Groupe consultatif interministeriel • la biotechnologie (reglementation) de recherche en production laitiere et en •• sur l'irradiation des aliments et a participe • la lutte antiparasitaire transfert de technologie au Canada. a l'organisation du Congres international • les produits vegetaux, animaux et de phytopathologie a Montreal. Le groupe Le CRAC et la DCR ont codirige a aussi prete main forte a l'organisation de alimentaires. l'actuelle restructuration du reseau. consultations nationales par Ie Ministere Par la suite, elle a negocie des projets et des ressources pour la recherche visant Ressources sur la reglementation de la biotechnologie. a appuyer la regIementation de la La Direction de la coordination de la La DCR a convoque la reunion biotechnologie. recherche a a sa tete un directeur general, annuelle du Comite d'experts de Sur Ie plan interministeriel, la DCR a et compte dans ses rangs sept l'horticulture et a contribue pour Ie Canada negocie et elabore un protocole d'entente coordonnateurs de la recherche, cinq a la publication du Horticultural Research entre la Direction generale de la recherche conseillers speciaux, Ie directeur executif International. En outre, Ie personnel a et Ie Conseil national de recherches du du CRAC, et du personnel de soutien. Les organise des reunions pour favoriser la Canada. Son objectif etait de donner un conseillers speciaux sont detaches des cooperation et la consultation entre la caractere officiel la cooperation dans centres de recherches ou sont recrutes dans Direction generale et les partenaires de a certains domaines de recherche et de Ie secteur prive pour venir preter main l'agro-alimentaire representes par les developpement en agriculture, comme la forte, pendant un an ou deux, aux organismes nationaux suivants biotechnologie. coordonnateurs de la recherche. • Federation canadienne des producteurs de lait Sur la scene internationale, la DCR • Canadian Cattlemen's Association participe a la gestion des protocoles d'entente signes entre Ie Ministere d'une part • Conseil canadien du porc et la France et les Pays-Basd'autre part. Elle • Conseil des viandes du Canada assure la liaison entre ces pays et la Direction • Conseil des grains du Canada generale de la recherche. De plus, la DCR a • SECAN mis a contribution ses competences pour • Association canadienne des producteurs l'elaboration de recherches en collaboration de semences au sein du Comite Canada-Mexique sur la • Conseil du canola du Canada technologie et la recherche scientifique. • Institut canadien de protection des Conseil de recherches agro-alimentaires du cultures Canada (CRAC) La DCR a continue de • Conseil canadien des productions fournir des servicesde secretariat au Conseil fourrageres de recherches agro-alirnentairesdu Canada (CRAC). Le personnel a examine les • Prairie Pools Inc. recommandations des comites regionaux de • Conseil canadien de l'horticulture. coordination agricole et des comites canadiens La DCR a assure la liaison entre Ie et y a donne suite. II a fourni des servicesde Canada et Ie Centre for Agriculture and secretariat aux comites canadiens des Biosciences (CAB International) et a dirige productions vegetales, de l'alirnentation, des la delegation canadienne a sa 12e conference ressources du territoire et des productions d'examen a Londres, en Angleterre. anirnales.

12 Direction de la coordination de la recherche 1993-1994 STRATEGIES AND PLANNING DIRECTORATE DIRECTION DES STRATEGIES ET DE LA PLANIFICATION Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Sir John Carling Building, Room 719 Edifice Sir John Carling, piece 719 930 Carling Avenue 930, avenue Carling Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1AOC5 K1AOC5

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 943-0440 Telecopie EM OTTARA::DGSAP CE.

RfeSSional Staff Rsonnel professionnel Director General J. Milne, RSc. Directrice generale

Financial and Administrative Services Services administratifs et financiers Sir John Carling Building, Room 787 Edifice Sir John Carling, piece 787 930 Carling Avenue 930, avenue Carling Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1AOC5 K1AOC5

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 943-0440 Telecopie EM OTTB::EMlOOMSD CE.

Director D.A. Schmid, B.A. Directeur MMIPS Project Leader L. Garber, M.Ed. Chef de projet, SIGMO Special Projects Officer J. Van Camp Agente des projets speciaux

Assets Management Gestiondes biens Head of section D. Friel Chef de section Contracts/Materiel Management M. Craib, B.A. Agente de la gestion du materiel Officer et contrats Health, Safety, and Security Officer .G. Ford Agent de la sante et de la securite Administrative Services Officer C Gawley Agente des services administratifs Administrative Services Officer J. Johanis Agente des services administratifs Health, Safety, and Security G.P. Morris Agent de la sante et de la securite Officer (seconded in) (prete a la Direction) Real Property Officer D. Violette Agente des biens immobiliers

Headquarters Administration and Administration et ressources, Administration Resources centrale Chief of section R. Boisclair Chef de section Finance and Procurement Officer M. Belley Agente des finances et des achats Informatics Consultant L. Bowie, RSoc. Conseiller en informatique Text Reviser G. Desmarais, B.A. Reviseur de textes Supervisor, Office Services J. Duggan Surveillant, services de bureau

Branch Financial Management Gestion jinanciere de la Direction generale Manager K. Archer, C.M.A. Gestionnaire Financial Analyst G.T. Armitage Analyste financier Financial Planning and Analysis L. LaRocque Agente de planification et d'analyse Officer financiere Financial Analyst G.Nimmo Analyste financiere Cost Accounting and Financial R. Page Analyste en comptabilite et en planification Planning Analyst financiere

Strategies and Planning Directorate 1993-1994 13 Regional Financial and Administration Services administratifs et financiers Services regionaux Financial Adviser, Central S.C. Denis, CG.A. Conseillere en finances,Ferme experimentale Experimental FarmlHeadquarters centrale/Administration centrale Financial Adviser, Eastern Region A. Dignard Conseiller financier, Region de rEst Financial Adviser, Western Region J. LeBlanc Conseiller financier, Region de rOuest Liaison Officer, Western Region H. Pitt, B.A. Agente de liaison, Region de rOuest Liaison Officer, Eastern Region A. Severn Agente de liaison, Region de rEst

Industry Relations Office Bureau des relations avec ['industrie Building 60 Edifice 60 Central Experimental Farm Ferme experimentale centrale Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) KlAOC6 KlAOC6

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 943-2480 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM100IRO CE.

Director (on special assignment) E.E. McGregor, M.RA. Directrice (en affectation speciale) Acting Director E Yassa Directeur interimaire

Industry Relations Relations industrielles Chief, Technology Transfer for M. Collins, M.Sc. Chef, transfert de technologie pour 1es Regulatory Laboratories laboratoires de reglementation Technology'Transfer Adviser R. D'Souza, M.RA. Conseillere en transfert de technologie Special Adviser, Intellectual property L.C Heslop, M.Sc. Conseiller special, gestion de la propriete management and marketing intellectuelle et commercialisation Chief, Tech,nologytransfer KW. Lievers, M.Sc. Chef, commercialisation et transfert and commercialization de technologie Industry Relations Specialist, RK Nielsen, M.Sc. Specialiste des relations industrielles, Collaborative and license ententes de collaboration, delivrance agreements, food technology de permis et transfert de technologie transfer alimentaire Special Adviser, Collaborative P.Van Die, M.Sc. Conseiller special, entente de collaboration and license agreements, et delivrance de permis, mise en crop variety release marche des varietes culturales

International Relations Relations internationales International Coordinator KE. Endemann, RA. Coordonnatrice internationa1e International Liaison Officer, G. Easton, B.A. Agent de relations internationales, International technology exchange echanges internationaux de technologie International Relations Adviser, D. Stevenson Conseillere en relations internationales, Science and technology science et technologie

Information and Planning Services Services d'information et de planification KW. Neatby Building, Room 2153 Edifice KW. Neatby, piece 2153 960 Carling Avenue 960, av.enue Carling Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1AOC6 K1AOC6

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 941-8029 Telecopie

Director P.Hall, M.A. Directeur Senior Planning Analyst w.J. Blackburn, M.Sc. Analyste principal de planification Client Liaison Coordinator RP. Jack, Dipl.Bus.Admin. Coordonnatrice, liaison avec la clientele Senior Production Coordinator J. Sylvestre-Drouin Coordonnatrice principale en production

14 Direction des strategies et de la planification 1993 -1994 Communications Communications Manager S. Chadwick, B.A. Gestionnaire Communications Officer B.R. King, B.A. Agent de communication Internal Communications Coordinator M.-J. Berriault Coordonnatrice des communications internes

Publishing Publications Manager S.M. Rudnitski, B.Sc. Gestionnaire Assistant, Publications and D. Dewan Adjointe, Publications et mise en marketing marche Scientific Editor-Writer J. Laferriere, B.A. Redactrice-reviseure scientifique Scientific Editor-Writer N. Rousseau, M.A. Rectacteur-reviseur scientifique

Research Information Management Gestion de ['information sur la recherche scientifique Manager J.P. Hayes, M.Sc. Gestionnaire Head, Data base management and C.D. Laing, M.Sc. Chef, gestion et developpement de bases development de donnees Research Information Biologist B. Cloutier, B.Sc. Biologiste en information sur la recherche Systems Analyst-Programmer I. Hall, Cert.Info.Proc. Analyste-programmeur en informatique Systems Analyst-Programmer V Kara, B.Sc. Analyste-programmeur en informatique Systems Analyst-Programmer J.R. Kennett, B.Sc. Analyste-programmeur en informatique Leader, Data bases management L. Marchand, B.Sc. Responsable, gestion des bases de donnees Leader, Data bases development E.K. McMillan, B.Math. Responsable, conception des bases de donnees Systems Analyst-Programmer F. Scantland, C.S.Cert. Analyste-programmeur en informatique Head, Pest management information R. McNeil, B.Sc. Chef, renseignements en lutte dirigee Biologist J. Lorion, B.Sc.(Agr.) Biologiste Information Officer B.A. Morrison, Dipl.Agr. Agente d'information

Strategic Planning Planification des strategies Manager A. Sobel, M.A. Gestionnaire Senior Research Policy Analyst S. Bolcso, M.Eng. Analyste principal de la politique en matiere de recherche Senior Adviser, Business economics Z. Piracha, M.A. Conseiller principal, affaires economiques Research Policy Analysis and w.A. Wrigglesworth, B.A. Analyste de la politique en matiere de Planning Officer recherche

Mandate The Strategies and Planning Directorate identify the service provided. Financial and • Branch news and features published in (S&P) supports the Assistant Deputy Administrative Services provides services in the newsletters and annual reports of Minister and directors general in delivering financialmanagement, general administration, several national agri-food organizations agri-food research and technology transfer assets management, health and safety, • Branch speakers asked to address their programs. The Branch-wide services S&P special projects, and office and informatics annual meetings provides facilitate: operations to headquarters and the regions. • lists of new Research Branch • financial decision-making Information and Planning Services retains publications distributed to industry • administration expertise in communications, publishing, memberships • marketing research information management, and • demonstrations/exhibits displayed at • planning. strategic planning. The Industry Relations industry events Office looks after intellectual property Achievements management, patenting and licensing • media coverage. Reorganization On 1 April 1993, a "new" applications,plant material commercialization, Success story data base Selected clients Strategies and Planning (S&P) Directorate and marketing, nationally and internationally. are currently testing a pilot data base of began operation. During a review of S&P published a brochure in May to Research Branch success stories developed directorate programs last year the Branch introduce its staff and services to clients this year. Stories are used as a source for developed a business statement that across the Branch. main estimates, exhibits, Directory of focuses on S&P as a service organization Dialogue with agri-food organizations A pilot Research and other promotional Branch working to help the regions achieve results project with seven national agri-food publications, speeches, and media features. better, faster, and at lower cost. To organizations was launched to enhance the The data base will soon be available to underline this focus, the divisions and exchange of information between the Branch clients within the Branch and the sections within S&P were amalgamated and its industry clients. Results included Department. into three groups, and renamed to clearly

Strategies and Planning Directorate 1993-1994 15 Saskatoon Conference on Competitiveness of common interest with the Research Canada to current research information, Winning in a Global Marketplace was the Branch. was maintained and substantially updated. theme of a departmental conference used Collaborative distribution S&P launched a Commercializing technologies S&P has by Strategies and Planning as a key pilot project this year to encourage groups been helping the Research Branch promotional tool. Held in Saskatoon in that use large numbers of Branch formalize joint projects between scientists November 1992, the conference was the publications to share in the printing costs. and partners since 1987. An increas~ng forum used to launch a new recognition Extension officers, commodity groups, number of companies and technology program for the Branch. There, Minister industry associations, and universities brokers are approaching the Research McKnight presented awards to Branch contributed upwards of $15 000 in 1992-93 Branch to access technologies for scientists and their industry partners for for some 20 000 copies of 15 titles commercial application. The Branch now work on innovative technologies that distributed to their clientele. has more than 350 active collaborative contributed to competitiveness of the sector. Electronic publishing S&P introduced agreements involving an industry partner, AGvance The Research Branch's several new alternatives to traditional with the industry contribution for fiscal quarterly newsletter for industry clients is publishing. Included were year 92-93 valued at $8.5 million. Licensing now into its third year of publication. This • a new Branch series entitled Information agreements are starting to yield a return on year the publication won Canadian and Systems, for publishing computerized our research investment, with royalties for international honors for technical data bases as a replacement for lengthy the 92-93 fiscal year exceeding $600 000. publications. reference books Managing technology and intellectual Promotion, marketing, and communications • Canada Communication Group's property A technology management Many Research Branch successes were Automated Printing Network, a user-pay manual was developed for managers and featured prominently in the Department's system for no-frills publications with scientists within the Research Branch. Its publications, exhibits, and media tip sheets, small print runs worth has been recognized internally and and in the Minister's speeches. Officers • a diskette version of Pest Management by other federal science-based attended domestic and selected foreign Research in Canada departments. S&P also provided a trade shows to promote Canadian technology developer's perspective on • a WordPerfect diskette listing of Branch technologies and companies, furthering venture capital needs in the food and publications for 1992. collaboration between the Branch and biotechnology areas. Research centres industry. S&P also actively coordinated and Study Data Base (SDB) S&P updated the are entering into more collaborative participated in market focus workshops SDB to provide comprehensive information agreements with external partners and are sponsored by the International Centre for on more than 900 studies in progress within doing so with increased ease. Collaborative Agricultural Science & Technology (ICAST). the Branch. The SDB Advisory Committee agreements involving consortia have Such workshops help managers and was reconstituted with broad Branch required special negotiations and scientists learn marketing skills through representation. contractual features. The Food Production work on specific technologies with market and Inspection Branch recognizes the Inventory of Canadian Agri-Food Research opportunities. A pilot project was also importance of commercialization and has (ICAR) S&P continued to transfer undertaken to provide entrepreneurship co-located two staff with S&P' in order to information electronically from SDB to training for scientists. capitalize on collective capabilities and ICAR. ICAR provides information from all experience. Industry dollars reinvested in technology sectors on more than 4000 agri-food development S&P and Treasury Board projects. Staff completely rewrote the International relations In 1993, S&P staff have reached an agreement on a new electronic data entry system for ICAR to developed and implemented the memorandum of understanding to replace greatly enhance its user-friendliness and to International Relations Information the Increased Ministerial Authority and automatically validate the data. ICAR was System (IRIS). This on-line computer Accountability Agreement. When approved exhibited at the Saskatoon conference on system links Branch scientists across the by Treasury Board, this agreement would competitiveness and at meetings of the country to a central data base providing ensure that industry's investments in Dairy Review and the Canadian Horticultural comprehensive information on the collaborative research are retained by the Council. Branch's science and technology activities Branch for reinvestment in agricultural with all major foreign countries. Visits to Pest management information A new science. Germany, France, the Netherlands, and the product, Pest Management Research in United Kingdom fostered increased Research Branch Business Plan, Canada, is available on diskette for international cooperation in research. In 1993-1994 S&P produced the first scientists and research managers. It is used addition, S&P produced a funding sources published business plan on behalf of the to formulate strategies in biocontrol and brochure in support of international Research Branch and distributed it widely pest management. Data for the Canadian collaborative research and distributed it to in May 1993 to businesses, universities, and Plant Disease Survey are now captured all Branch scientists and managers. Officers government departments in the agri-food electronically, and the publication quality also worked with the Human Resources sector. This important communications has been improved. Coverage for Pest Division to develop an administrative tool describes the Branch's products, Management News was expanded. The Pest manual summarizing basic procedures for services, resources, and management Management Research Information System international work transfers. The manual directions. As such, the plan provides (PRIS), providing on-line access across clients an opportunity to recognize areas

16 Direction des strategies et de la planification 1993 -1994 also addresses issues related to financial Award for his work on MMIPS. He was Mandat support and compensation and is expected involved in selecting an information system Le mandat de la Direction des strategies et to increase the number of bilateral work for tracking materiel management for the de la planification (DSP) consiste a aider Ie transfers. An information package of Department. He also developed the sous-ministre adjoint ainsi que les one-page summaries of the scientific Research Branch Executive Information directeurs gene raux a elaborer des research conducted at the Branch's module and demonstrated the MMIPS programmes en recherche agro-alimentaire 24 research centres was also produced for system to public servants at EXPO et en transfert de technologie par Ie biais worldwide distribution to Canadian Innovation. de services offerts l'echelle de la embassies and missions, as well as to the a Departmental submissions and Direction generale. Les services que nous Branch's foreign counterparts, foreign reports Financial input was prepared for offrons facilitent : diplomats in Ottawa, and foreign visitors. the Branch's submissions to the Treasury • la prise de decision en matiere de Corporate international selVices S&P Board and other federal government finance participated in negotiating bilateral departments, such as • I'administration intellectual property agreements with the • Multi-Year Operational Plan (MYOP) • la mise en marcheS United States and the European • Main Estimates • la planification . Community and a new S&T Agreement • Supplementary Estimates. with the European Community. Officers Budget advice Financial guidance was also established Memoranda of Realisations provided to Branch Executive on several Understanding with foreign countries such Reorganisation Le 1er avril 1993, une budget reduction exercises throughout the as China, France, and Holland and are « nouvelle» Direction des strategies et de year. Sessions providing training and coordinating the Tetrapartite 1994 meeting la planification amor~ait ses activites. Au awareness of operating budgets were to be hosted by Canada. This annual cours de I'examen des programmes de la developed and delivered to managers meeting of the heads of agricultural Direction effectue I'an dernier, la Direction across the Branch. The division monitored research from France, the United generale a elabore un plan d'entreprise and controlled budgets totaling 3448 Kingdom, the United States, and Canada etablissant que la nouvelle direction person-years and $261.6 million. Successful provides an excellent forum for augmenting offrirait des services aux regions afin de les negotiations within the Department international contacts, for discussing aider a obtenir de meilleurs resultats, plus provided the Branch with nonpay funds current issues and concerns, and for rapidement et a moindre cout. Pour from the trade of person-years and salaries. planning strategic programs for determiner cette orient".:ion, les divisions Progress is being made in putting together international cooperation. et les sections de la direction ont ete a fee schedule for services provided by the fusionnees en trois groupes, lesquels ont Finance and administration S&P provided Branch. eStenommes de maniere clairement assistance, advice, and interpretation of a Support to senior Branch and Departmental indiquer leur role. Ainsi, les Services corporate and central agency policies, executive group Staff prepared reports, administratifs et financiers offrent des guidelines, and procedures to all levels of schedules, briefings, and correspondence services en gestion financiere, en management at headquarters and in the on financial and administrative matters for administration generale, en gestion des regions. Staff continued to promote the Minister, the Deputy Minister, the biens immobiliers, en sante et en securite, communication and accountability with the Assistant Deputy Minister, and the en projets speciaux, et en travail de bureau responsibility centres in the Branch. This directors general. They also prepared et informatique l'administration centrale function was achieved through day-to-day a various cyclical reports such as variance et aux regions. De meme, les Services contacts and regional meetings of reports and cash forecasts. d'information et de planification se administrative officers held in Winnipeg, specialisent en communication, en Fredericton, and Ottawa. Resources publication, en gestion de l'information sur Hazardous waste management S&P S&P staffs 91 person-years. Our clients la recherche et en planification des coordinated several environmental are the scientists and managers of the strategies. Enfin, Ie Bureau des relations clean-up initiatives on behalf of the Research Branch. The information S&P avec I'industrie s'occupe de la gestion de la Branch, including a comprehensive PCB produces is used federally, provincially, propriete intellectuelle, des demandes de inventory and an assessment of waste and abroad by brevets et de licences, de la disposal sites within the Branch. • scientists, managers, and technologists commercialisation du materiel vegetal et Visiting fellowships S&P managed the doing agdcultural research de la commercialisation a l'echelle Department's activities under the Visiting • agricultural extension professionals nationale et internationale. En mai dernier, Fellowships in Canadian Government • politicians responsible for science policy la DSP a publie une brochure pour presenter son personnel et ses services aux Laboratories program, administered by the • educators and students studying clients de l'ensemble de la Direction Natural Sciences and Engineering agriculture and the environment Research Council of Canada. This year 62 generale. • farmers, producers, and processors in the fellows participated in the program. agri-food industry. Dialogue avec les organismes agro-alimentaires Microcomputerized management information On a lance un projet-pilote avec sept processing system (MMIPS) Mr. Len o organismes agro-alimentaires nationaux Garber was given a Departmental Merit dans Ie but de favoriser l'echange

Strategies and Planning Directorate 1993-1994 17 d'information entre la Direction generale Des employes ont assiste a des expositions rechange aux methodes de publication et ses clients de l'industrie. Parmi les commerciales a l'echelle nation ale et traditionnelles, notamment : resultats obtenus, mention nons : internationale afin de promouvoir les • une nouvelle serie de la Direction • la publication d'articles de la Direction entreprises et les technologies canadiennes generale intitulee Systemes d'information, generale dans des bulletins et des et ainsi promouvoir la collaboration entre pour la publication de bases de donnees rapports annuels de plusieurs organismes la Direction generale et I'industrie. La DSP informatisees en remplacement de livres agro-alimentaires nationaux a coordonne et participe a des ateliers de reference volumineux • la participation de conferenciers de la commandite par l'International Centre for • Ie Reseau d'impression automatise du Direction generale aux assemblees Agricultural Science & Technology(lCAST). Groupe Communication Canada: annuelles de ces organismes Ces ateliers aident les gestionnaires et les systeme utilisateur-payeur pour des • la distribution de listes des nouvelles scientifiques a acquerir certains outils de publications economiques a faible tirage publications de la Direction generale de marketing qui s'appliquent a des technologies • une version sur disquette du Rapport sur la recherche aux representants de bien specifiques pour lesquelles il existe la lutte dirigee au Canada des debouches. Un projet-pilote a I'industrie • la liste des publications de la Direction egalement ete elabore afin d'offrir aux • des demonstrations et des expositions a generale pour 1992 sur disquette, en scientifiques une formation en gestion des evenements organises par l'industrie version WordPerfect. d'entreprise. • la couverture des medias. Reinvestissement des dollars de l'industrie Base de donnees sur les etudes (BDE) La Base de donnees sur les reussites Certains dans Ie developpement de la technologie DSP a mis a jour la BDE afin d'offrir une clients mettent actuellement a l'essai une Cette annee, la DSP a renegocie un . information complete sur plus de 900 base de donnees pilote sur les reussites de nouveau protocole d'entente avec Ie etudes en cours a la Direction generale. Le la Direction generale de la recherche, qui a Conseil du Tresor au nom de la Direction Comite consultatif de la BDE a ete refait et ete mise au point cette annee. Ces cas de generale. Cet accord remplace l'Entente compte main tenant une vaste reussites servent de reference lors de la sur l'accroissement des pouvoirs et des representation de la Direction generale. preparation du budget principal des depenses, responsabilites des ministres. Ainsi, les Inventaire de la recherche agro-alimentaire d'expositions, de discours et d'articles pour investissements de l'industrie dans la au Canada (IRAC) La DSP a continue a les medias, de l'Annuaire de la recherche et recherche en collaboration sont main tenant transferer I'information electroniquement autres publications de promotion de la conserves par la Direction generale et de la base de donnees sur les etudes it Direction generale. La base de donnees reinvestis en sciences agricoles. l'IRAC qui fournit de l'information, sera bient6t offerte aux clients de la Plan d'entreprise de la Direction genera Ie de provenant de tous les secteurs, au sujet de Direction g6nerale et du Ministere. fa recherche, 1993-1994 La DSP a produit plus de 4 000 projets en agro-alimentaire. Conference de Saskatoon sur la competitivite au nom de la Direction generale de la Le personnel a entierement refait Ie Cette conference ministerielle organisee par recherche Ie premier plan d'entreprise a systeme de saisie des donnees la DSP avait pour but de servir d'instrument- etre publie et l'a diffuse largement en mai electroniques pour l'IRAC dans Ie but de Ie cle de promotion. Elle a eu lieu a Saskatoon, 1993 aux entreprises, aux universites et aux rendre nettement plus convivial et de en novembre 1992, et avait pour theme ministeres gouvernementaux lies au secteur valider automatiquement les donnees. Des Gagner a l'echelle mondiale. La Direction agro-alimentaire. Cet important outil de demonstrations de I'IRAC ont ete faites a generale s'est servie de ce forum pour lancer communication decrit les produits, les la conference sur la competitivite de un nouveau programme de reconnaissance services, les ressources et les orientations Saskatoon, a des reunions portant sur des contributions de divers intervenants. Le de la gestion de la Direction generale. A l'examen de la politique laitiere et a des ministre McKnight a donc remis des prix ce titre, Ie plan fournit a la clientele de la rencontres du Conseil canadien de d'excellence aux scientifiques de la Direction Direction generale l'occasion de l'horticulture. generale et a leurs partenaires de I'industrie reconnaitre les domaines d'interet Information sur la lutte dirigee Un qui, par leurs innovations en matiere de commun. nouveau produit, Ie Rapport sur la lutte technologie, ont contribue a la competitivite Distribution en collaboration Cette annee, dirigee au Canada, est offert sur disquette du secteur. la DSP a lance un projet-pilote dans Ie but aux chercheurs et aux gestionnaires de la A Gvance Ce bulletin trimestriel de la d'encourager les groupes qui utilisent un recherche. II sert a elaborer des strategies Direction generale de la recherche qui nombre important de publications de la en lutte biologique et en lutte antiparasitaire. s'adresse aux clients de l'industrie s'est Direction generale a partager les couts Les donnees de I'Inventaire des maladies merite cette annee, dans la categorie d'impression. Des agents de vulgarisation, des plantes au Canada sont maintenant publications techniques, des honneurs, au des groupes de producteurs, des saisies de fa«on electronique et la qualite Canada et a I'etranger. Cette publication associations de l'industrie agro-alimentaire de la publication a ete amelioree. Le en est deja a sa troisieme annee. et des universites ont contribue, en contenu des Nouvelles en lutte dirigee a ete augmente. Le systeme d'information Promotion, marketing et communication 1992-1993, a la distribution de 15 sur la recherche antiparasitaire, qui permet Les reussites de la Direction generale ont publications vers leurs clienteles (environ un acces direct, a l'echelle du Canada, a ete largement soulignees dans les 20000 exemplaires en tout) en injectant l'information sur la recherche en cours, a publications et expositions du Ministere et plus de 15 000 $. ete maintenu et remis a jour en grande dans les bulletins de renseignement, de Publication electronique La DSP a partie. meme que dans des allocutions du ministre. applique plusieurs nouvelles solutions de

18 Direction des strategies et de la planification 1993-1994 Commercialisation de technologies La effectuees en Allemagne, en France, aux Pour ce faire, il a maintenu des contacts DSP a collabore avec la Direction generale Pays-Bas et au Royaume-Uni ont favorise journaliers et organise des rencontres de la recherche depuis 1987 afin d'elaborer une plus grande cooperation internationale regionales d'agents administratifs a des projets mixtes entre scientifiques et dans Ie domaine de la recherche. En plus, Winnipeg, a Fredericton et a Ottawa. parten aires. Un nombre croissant la DSP a produit une brochure dans Gestion des dechets dangereux La DSP a d'entreprises et de courtiers en laquelle figurent les sources de financement coordonne plusieurs projets de nettoyage technologies sont entres en contact avec la pour appuyer la recherche internationale de I'environnement au nom de la Direction Direction generale de la recherche afin en collaboration. Cette brochure a ete generale, notamment un inventaire complet d'acceder a des technologies dans distribuee a tous les chercheurs et des BCP et une evaluation des sites I'intention de les commercialiser. La gestionnaires de la Direction generale. Le d'elimination des dechets au sein de la Direction generale a signe a ce jour plus de personnel de la DSP a egalement produit Direction generale. 350 ententes de collaboration avec des un manuel administratif avec la parten aires de I'industrie. Pour I'annee collaboration de la Division des ressources Visite de boursiers de recherche La DSP a financiere 1992-1993, les entreprises humaines. Le manuel, qui resume les gere les activites du Ministere dans Ie cadre privees ont injecte 8,5 millions. Grace aux pratiques de base pour les affectations a de la visite de scientifiques inscrits au licences qui ont ete accordees, I'argent I'etranger et qui traite des questions liees Programme de bourses de recherche dans investi dans la recherche rapporte des au soutien financier et a I'indemnisation, les laboratoires du gouvernement canadien, profits supplementaires sous forme de devrait accroitre Ie nombre d'affectations administre par Ie Conseil de la recherche redevances qui, pour I'exercice financier _bilaterales. Une trousse d'information, en sciences naturelles et en genie du 1992-1993, depassent les 600000 $. contenant des resumes d'une page des Canada. Cette annee, 62 boursiers ont participe au programme. Gestion des technologies et de la propriete projets de recherche scientifique menes intellectuelle Les gestionnaires et les dans les 24 centres de recherches de la Systeme d'information de la gestion sur scientifiques de la Direction generale de la Direction generale, a ete produite et micro-ordinateur (SIGMO) M. Len recherche disposent maintenant d'un outil distribuee mondialement aux ambassades Garber a rec;u une prime au merite du precieux, Ie Manuel de gestion de la et missions canadiennes, de meme qu'aux Ministere pour ses travaux sur Ie SIGMO. technologie. La valeur de ce document a homologues etrangers de la Direction n a participe a la selection d'un systeme ete reconnue a la fois a I'interne et par generale, aux diplomates d'autres pays a d'information pour Ie suivi de la gestion du d'autres ministeres federaux a vocation Ottawa et aux visiteurs de I'etranger. materiel au sein du Ministere. II a scientifique. Dans Ie cadre de ses activites, Services intemationaux pour Ie compte du egalement mis au point Ie module la DSP a expose Ie point de vue d'une Ministere La DSP a participe aux d'information pour I'administration de la entreprise de developpement de la negociations sur les ententes bilaterales Direction generale de la recherche et a fait technologie sur les besoins de capital- relatives a la propriete intellectuelle avec une demonstration du SIGMO devant des risque dans les domaines de I'alimentation les Etats-Unis et la Communaute fonctionnaires a EXPO Innovation. et de la biotechnologie. Les centres de europeenne, et a la negociation d'une Presentations et rapports ministeriels La recherches ont conclu un plus grand nouvelle entente en science et en technologie DSP a prepare pour Ie compte de la nombre d'ententes avec des parten aires de avec la Communaute europeenne. Le Direction generale Ie volet financier des I'exterieur, et ces demarches se font avec personnel a aussi etabli des protocoles presentations destinees au Conseil du plus de souplesse et de facilite. Des d'entente avec des pays eStrangers, comme Tresor et aux autres ministeres federaux, ententes de collaboration-a laquelle la Chine, la France et la Hollande, et mention nons : participent des consortiums ont necessite coordonne la reunion tetrapartite de 1994 • Ie Plan operationnel pluriannuel (POP) des negociations et des caracteristiques dont Ie Canada sera l'hOte. Cette reunion • Ie Budget principal des depenses contractuelles speciales. La Direction annuelle des chefs de la recherche agricole • Ie Budget supplementaire des depenses. generale de la production et de I'inspection de France, du Royaume-Uni, des Etats-Unis des aliments reconnait I'importance de la et du Canada offrira une excellente tribune Conseils en matiere budgetaire La haute commercialisation et a loge deux membres pour I'intensification des contacts direction a beneticie de conseils en-matiere de son personnel a la DSP dans Ie but de internationaux et la discussion sur des financiere que lui a fournis la DSP sur tirer Ie plus d'avantages possibles des questions et des preoccupations de I'heure, plusieurs exercices de compression capacites et de I'experience collectives. et sur des programmes strategiques pour la budgetaire au CollIS de I'annee. Des sessions Relations intemationales En 1993, la DSP cooperation internationale. de formation sur les methodes de gestion a mis ilU point et en application Ie Systeme Finances et administration La DSP a des budgets de fonctionnement ont ete d'information sur les relations fourni, aux gestionnaires de divers echelons organisees et presentees aux gestionnaires internationales (SIRI), un systeme a I'administration centrale et dans les de la Direction generale. La DSP a surveille informatique en direct qui relie les regions, de I'aide, des conseils et des et contrale des budgets totalisant 3 448 scientifiques de la Direction generale a explications relatives a I'interpretation des annees-personnes et 261,6 millions de I'echelle du pays a une base de donnees politiques, des lignes directrices et des dollars. Des negociations fructueuses a centrale. Cette base de donnees contient de methodes du Ministere et des organismes I'interieur du Ministere ont permis de I'information complete sur les activites centraux. Le personnel a continue de fournir a la Direction generale des fonds, scientifiques et technologiques que la promouvoir la communication et la excluant les remunerations, grace a des Direction generale partage avec tous les responsabilite aupres des centres de echanges d'annees-personnes et de salaires. grands pays etrangers. Les visites responsabilite de la Direction generale. L'elaboration d'un bareme d'honoraires

Strategies and Planning Directorate 1993-1994 19 pour les services offerts par la Direction McNeil, R., editor. 1993. Can. Plant Dis. generale va bon train. Surv./lnvent. Malad. Plantes Can. 73:1-116. Soutien awe cadres superieurs de la Direction McNeil, R., editor. 1992.Pest management news/Nouvellesen lutte dirigee. Vol.4(1, 2, 3). generale et du Ministere Le personnel a 34/20/24 pp. prepare des rapports, des calendriers, des notes d'information et de la McNeil, R., editor. 1993. Pest management correspondance sur des questions newslNouvelies en lutte dirigee. Vol.5(1,2). 24/32 pp. financieres et administratives pour Ie ministre, Ie sous-ministre, Ie sous-ministre Piracha, Z., compiler. 1993. Research Branch adjoint et les directeurs generaux. II a business plan, 1993-1994/Direction generale de la recherche: Plan d'entreprise 1993 en 1994. egalement redige divers rapports Agric. Can. Publ. 1897E/1897F. 32/32 pp. periodiques, comme les rapports sur les ecarts et les previsions de tresorerie. Piracha, Z., compiler. 1993. Research Branch business plan, 1993-1994-Executive Ressources summary/Direction generale de la recherche: Plan d'entreprise 1993 en 1994-Resume a La Direction des strategies et de la l'intention de la direction. Agric. Can. Publ. planification dispose de 91 annees- 1897E/1897F. Flyer/depliant. personnes. Les chercheurs et les Rudnitski, S.M., compiler. 1992. Research gestionnaires de la Direction generale Branch directory of research/Annuaire de la de la recherche compo sent sa clientele. recherche, Direction generale de la recherche, L'information produite par la DSP est 1992. Agric. Can. Publ. 5252. 198 pp. utilisee a l'echelon federal, provincial et Rudnitski, S.M., compiler. 1993. Strategies and international par Planning Directorate/Direction Strategies et • les chercheurs, les gestionnaires et les planification. Research Branch, Agriculture technologues qui font de la recherche en Canada. 22 pp. agriculture • les professionnels de la vulgarisation agricole • les politiciens charges de l'elaboration des politiques scientifiques • les enseignants et leurs etudiants en agriculture et en environnement • les agriculteurs, les producteurs et les transformateurs dans l'industrie agro-alimentaire . • AgriCUlture and Agri-Food Canada PUBLICATIONS Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Heslop, L.; King, B., compilers. 1992. AGvance. Strategies and Planning Directorate, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Vol. 1, no. 3.; Vol. 2, nos. 1and 2. 16/16/20 pp. Heslop, L.; King, B., compilers. 1993. AGvance. Strategies and Planning Directorate, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Vol. 2, nos. 3 and 4. 24/16 pp. McNeil, R., editor. 1992. Pest management research report. Strategies and Planning Directorate, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. 1 diskette. McNeil, R., editor. 1992. Can. Plant Dis. Surv./lnvent. Malad. Plantes Can. 72:1-124.

20 Direction des strategies et de la planification 1993-1994 Eastern Region Region de rEst Headquarters Administration centrale Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Sir John Carling Building, Room 709 Edifice Sir John Carling, piece 709 930 Carling Avenue 930, avenue Carling Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1AOC5 K1AOC5

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 993-1824 Telecopie EM OTTARA::EASTRBHQ c.E.

Director General Y.A. Martel, Ph.D. Directeur general Program Director G.L. Rousselle, Ph.D. Directeur des programmes Directors Directeurs St. John's M.D. Sudom, M.S.A. St. John's Charlottetown c.B. Willis, Ph.D. Charlottetown Kentville P.W Johnson, Ph.D. Kentville Fredericton D.K. McBeath, Ph.D. Fredericton Soils and Crops A. St-Yves, M.Sc. Sols et gran des cultures Dairy and Swine J.-M. Deschenes, Ph.D. Bovin laitier et porc Horticulture D. Demars, Ph.D. Horticulture Food c.B. Aube, Ph.D. Aliments Pest Management C.E Marks, Ph.D. Lutte antiparasitaire Harrow D.R. Menzies, Ph.D. Harrow

Directory of Research 1993-1994 21 sr JOHN'S Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Brookfield Road, P.O. Box 7098 Chemin Brookfield, CP. 7098 St. John's, Newfoundland St. John's (Terre-Neuve) AIE3Y3 AIE3Y3

Tel. (709) 772-4619 Tel. Fax (709) 772-6064 Telecopie EM SJOHRA::DIRECTOR CE.

RfeSSional Staff . Rsonnel professionnel Director M.D. Sudom, M.S.A. Directeur Librarian H. Sabourin, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire Administrative Officer H.M. Stevenson Agente d'administration

Crop Production Production vegetale Agricultural machinery and land drainage G.A. Bishop, M.A.Sc. Machinerie agricole et drainage des terres Integrated pest management P.L. Dixon, Ph.D. Lutte integree Potato and vegetable diseases M.C Hampson, Ph.D. Maladies de la pomme de terre et des cultures legumieres Forage agronomy D.E. McKenzie, Ph.D. Agronomie des fourrages Vegetable and berry crops E.G. Penney, M.Sc. Cultures legumieres et petits fruits Potato and rutabaga breeding K.G. Proudfoot, M.Agr., Amelioration genetique de la pomme de F.A.LC terre et dli rutabaga fauna of Newfoundland and Labrador R.F.Morris, M.Sc., EE.S.C. Entomofaune de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (Honorary Research Associate) (associe honoraire de recherche)

Mandate The St. John's Research Centre conducts more effective than incorporating the Agricultural machinery and land drainage research for crop production on mineral fertilizer. Results were better with Drains were installed at 1-m depth at 3-, 5-, and peat soils under cool climate slow-release formulations at similar rates of 7.5-, and 10-m spacings on 2.5 ha of conditions. It also develops techniques for application. Supplemental applications of undeveloped peat soil at the Colinet • managing stands of native fruit nitrogen and potassium as foliar sprays Research Farm. An experimental • controlling soil-borne potato pests of were ineffective. laser-controlledmole drainage machine quarantine importance. A greenhouse study was conducted contracted from the Finnish company VAPO during the winter of 1992-1993 on Nutricote was used, in cooperation with Northland Achievements Type 40 slow-release fertilizer. Applying a AssociatesLimited. The drains flowedyear Vegetable and berry crops Through a joint concentrated band around each plant round and effectivelyincreased the site's federal-provincial project, three lingonberry resulted in better growth than placing it in abilityto support traffic,although even closer cultivars from Germany, namely Koralle, the hole just before transplanting. spacingmay be necessary. Ammerland, and Red Pearl, were planted Integrated pest management As part of a at two locations in 1992. The objective was Potato and vegetable diseases Using micropropagated potato plantlets, 15°C continuing project with Saint Mary's to determine how well they adapted to a University in Halifax, the occurrence of moist, cool climate. Survival during the first was confirmed as the optimum temperature for wart disease of potato. microbial pathogens in natural populations winter was excellent. Growth during 1993 of blueberry insect pests was assessed. Nine was prolific in Red Pearl but was evident in The effectiveness of crushed crabshell in eradicating the disease was studied in species of fungi and one pathogenic only a small percentage of Ammerland bacterium were recovered. Overall, plants. No growth was evident in Koralle. greenhouse experiments. Crabshell caused dramatic increases in ammonia, pH, pathogens caused about 3% mortality. Field trials were conducted on peat bacteria, and nematodes. The chitin level An exotic parasitic wasp, Microgaster soil to try to relieve symptoms of nitrogen of the crabshell used was> 22%; crabshell hospes, was imported from Switzerland to and potassium deficiency in late cabbage batches were found to vary markedly in the determine its effectiveness in controlling late in the growing season. Applying chitin component. the blueberry leaf tier. farm-grade fertilizer on the surface was

22 St. John's 1993-1994 Forage agronomy A dry spring appeared Tworesearch farms provide added field lente, dans une bande concentree autour to inhibit the establishment of frost-seeded research capabilities. The peat soil of the de chaque plante a entraine une meilleure legumes into a well-established grass stand; 280-ha Colinet Research Farm is used for croissanceque lorsque l'engrais etait applique however, by mid summer alfalfa, red clover, vegetable production research, drainage dans Ie trou juste avant Ie repiquage. white clover, and bird's-foot trefoil were all experiments, and maintenance of Maladies de la pomme de terre et des legumes well established in plots treated with disease-free potato breeding stocks. The L'utilisation de plantules de pomme de glyphosate in the fall. Establishment was 14-ha Avondale Research Farm is used for terre obtenues par micropropagation a poor to extremely poor in the other blueberry trials, as well as field evaluation permis de confirmer que 15 °C etait la treatments. The 1992 yields of pure stand of the resistance of potato stocks to wart temperature la plus propice a la tumeur 1991 on frost-seeded legumes were disease and potato cyst nematode. The verruqueuse. L'utilisation de carapaces de extremely good, with no areas of winterkill. centre also shares its building with the crabe broyees comme agent d'eradication A white clover mixture of six species of Food Production and Inspection Branch de la maladie a de etudiee dans une serie pasture grass in binary pairs established and with Forestry Canada. d'experiences en serre. L'amendement du extremely well at Pynn's Brook, 650 km o sol avec des carapaces de crabe a fait west of St. John's. Large visual differences considerablement augmente les concentrations were evident between each mixture's d'ammoniac, Ie pH et les populations de response to underseeded forage barley. Mandat bacteries et de nematodes. La carapace de A 2nd year of field data at Pynn's Le Centre de recherches de St. John's se crabe utilisee dans ces etudes contenaient Brook shows that varieties of feed com specialise dans la production de cultures plus de 22 % de chitine; cependant, on a bred for low-heat-unit requirements are not sur des sols tourbeux ou riches en mineraux note des differences marquees dans la teneur suitable for growing under Newfoundland dans des conditions climatiques fraiches. On en chitine des lots de carapaces de crabe. conditions. y elabore aussi des techniques afin Machinerie agricole et drainage des • d'exploiter des peuplements de fruits Forage stands of Jerusalem artichoke in terres Des drains ont de installes a une indigenes 1992were similar to those grown in 1991, profondeur de 1 m et disposes a des even though tubers were harvested • de lutter contre les ravageurs de la pomme intervalles de 3, 5, 7,5 et 10 m dans un sol "completely" in 1991.The 1992planted stands de terre vivant dans Ie sol et pour lesquels tourbeux non exploite de 2,5 ha, a la Ferme were greatly affected by variety planted and by la mise en quarantaine des stocks peut de recherches de Colinet. Ce travail a ete the underseeded companion crop. etre necessaire. realise a l'aide d'une charrue-taupe au laser obtenu aupres de I'entreprise finnoise Potato and rutabaga breeding Commercial Realisations VAPO, avec la collaboration de Northland evaluation of selection NI522-8, which has Legumes etpetits fmits Dans Ie cadre d'un Associates Limited. L'eau s'est ecoulee par blue-skinned, long, oval-shaped tubers and projet mixte federal-provincial, trois cultivars les drains pendant toute I'annee, et Ie is resistant to wart disease, will be concluded de lingonne, savoir Ie Koralle, l'Ammeriand drainage a permis d'augmenter efficacement this year. Registration will proceed in 1994. a et Ie Red Pearl, ont ete importes d'Allemagne la traficabilite du site. Toutefois l'installation Crosses with parents resistant to potato et'plantes deux endroits en 1992,dans Ie but des drains a des intervalles plus rapproches leaf roll virus were successfully undertaken. a de determiner leur adaptabilite des pourrait etre necessaire. Selections resistant to a wide range of a conditions climatiqueshumides et fralches. potato pests are included in preliminary Lutte integree On a evalue les quantites de Le taux de survie au premier hiver a ete yield trials; emphasis continues to be bacteries pathogenes dans des populations excellent.La croissanceen 1993a ete placed on combining wart and nematode naturelles de ravageurs du bleuet dans Ie prolifique dans Ie cas du Red Pearl. Par resistance with early maturity and reduced cadre d'un projet permanent mene en contre, un faible pourcentage seulement des susceptibility to common scab. collaboration avec l'Universite Saint Mary's plants Ammerland se sont developpes et on de Halifax. On a alors decouvert neuf AC Brookfield is a green-topped n'a pas observe de croissancechez Ie Koralle. especes de champignons et une bacterie rutabaga cultivar highly resistant to clubroot Des essais de culture ont ete faits sur pathogene; dans I'ensemble, les organismes disease and root maggot injury. Scientists des choux tardifs en sol tourbeux dans Ie but pathogenes ont cause environ 3 % de are evaluating it in partnership with a private de trouver une solution l'apparition des mortalite. seed company in the United Kingdom and a symptomes de carence en azote et en New Zealand. Roots are being selected, to On a importe de Suisse une guepe potassium dans la demiere partie de la saison form the basis of a new purple-top composite parasite exotique, Microgaster hospes, pour cultivar with multi-pest resistance. de croissance. Ces essais ont demontre que voir si elle pouvait servir d'agent de lutte Commercial trials are being initiated. les resultats etaient meilleurs lorsqu'on avait contre la tisseuse de I'airelle. recours a des formulations a liberation lente Agronomie des fourrages Le fait que des et que les taux d'application etaient les Resources legumineuses, semees lorsque Ie sol dait memes. Des pulverisations supplementaires The centre has a staff of 30 person-years, encore gele, ne se soient pas developpees d'azote et de potassium sur les feuilles n'ont including six research scientists, and a total en un peuplement bien etabli semble pas reduit la gravite des symptomes de budget of $1.7 million. It includes offices, attribuable au printemps sec qu'on a connu. carence. laboratories, greenhouses, and numerous Cependant, au milieu de l'ete, la luzerne, farm buildings, all located on 64 ha of land D'apres une etude realisee en serre Ie trefle rouge, Ie trefle blanc et Ie lotier near St. John's. Land on the home centre is durant l'hiver 1992-1993, l'application de cornicule etaient tous bien etablis dans les used primarily for forage and potato trials. Nutricote Type 40, un engrais a liberation parcelles traitees au glyphosate a l'automne.

St. John's 1993-1994 23 L'etablissement variait de pauvre a que des essais commerciaux sont en voie de extremement pauvre dans les parcelles commencer. ayant subi d'autres traitements. Des peuplements purs de legumineuses semees Ressources au printemps 199110rsque Ie sol etait encore Le centre emploie 6 scientifiques et dispose gele ont donne d'excellents rendements en de 30 annees-personnes et d'un budget 1992 sans aucune destruction causee par total de 1,7 millions de dollars. Situe sur un l'hiver. terrain de 64 ha pres de la ville de S1.John's, Vne combinaison en paires binaires de on y trouve des bureaux, des laboratoires, tretle blanc et de six especes de graminees de des serres et plusieurs batiments de ferme. pature s'est tres bien etabli a Pynn's Brook, a Les terres servent principalement de champs 650 kIDa l'ouest de S1.John's. D'importantes d'essais pour Ie fourrage et les pommes de differences ont pu etre observees entre la terre. Deux fermes de recherches offrent reponse de chaque melange a des sous-semis d'autres possibilites d'etude sur Ie terrain. d'orge fourragere. La recherche en production vegetale sur sols tourbeux est effectuee a la Ferme de Les donnees recueillies au champ, recherches de Colinet, d'une superficie de pour une deuxieme annee d'affilee, a 280 ha. On y fait egalement des etudes sur Pynn's Brook, ont permis de montrer que Ie drainage et la conservation de stocks de meme des varietes de mals fourrager pommes de terre, exemptes de maladies, en selectionnees pour la culture.dans les regions vue de la selection.La recherche sur Ie bleuet a faibIes unites thermiques ne conviennent s'effectue a la Ferme de recherches pas a la culture dans les conditions qui d'Avondale, d'une superficie de 14 ha, qui prevalent a Terre-Neuve. sert egalement a l'evaluation en plein Les peuplements fourragers de champ de la reaction des stocks de pommes topinambours en 1992etaient tres semblables de terre a la gale verruqueuse ainsi qu'aux a ceux de 1991 meme si tous Ies tubercules nematodes a kystes. Le centre partage avaient ete recoltes en 1991. La variete egalement ses edifices avec Ie personnel de utilisee et la culture-abri contre-ensemencee la Direction generaIe de la production et ont considerablement intlue sur les de l'inspection des aliments et avec Forets peuplements semes en 1992. Canada. Amelioration genetique de fa pomme de terre et du rutabaga L'evaluation commerciaIe • de la selection NI522-8, une pomme de terre aux tubercules ovales et allonges, a ResearCh Publications peau bleue, et resistante a la tumeur Publications de recherche verruqueuse, sera terminee cette annee. On Dixon, P.L.; McKinlay, R.G. 1992. Pitfall trap procedera a l'enregistrement de cette variete catches of and aphid predation by Pterostichus en 1994.Des croisements avec des parents melanarius and Pterostichus madidus in insecticide resistants au virus de I'enroulement de la treated and untreated potatoes. Entomo!. Exp. App!. 64:63-72. pomme de terre ont ete realises avec sucres. Des selections resistantes a une vaste gamme Hampson, M.e. 1992.A bioassay for Synchytrium de ravageurs de la pomme de terre ont ete endobioticum using micropropagated potato plantlets. Can. J. Plant Patho!' 14:289-292. retenues pour des essais preliminaires sur Ie rendement; les selectionneurs essaient Hampson, M.C. 1992. Some thoughts on toujours de combiner la resistance a la demography of the Great Potato Famine. Plant Dis. 76:1284--1286. tumeur verruqueuse et aux nematodes, la precocite et une moins grande sensibilite a la Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada gale commune. PUBLICATIONS L'evaluation de l'AC Brookfield, un Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada cultivar de rutabaga fanes vertes tres a Proudfoot, K.G. 1992. Potato breeding in resistant a la hernie et aux dommages Newfoundland-developing wart resistant blue causes par la mouche des racines, est en skinned cultivars. Supply & Services Canada Cat. cours avec la collaboration d'une entreprise No. A22-140/1992E. 12 pp. de semences en Grande-Bretagne et en West, R.J.; Meades, J.P.; Dixon, P.L. 1992. Nouvelle-Zelande. La selection de racines Efficacy of single applications of Bacillus qui serviront a la formation d'un nouveau thuringiensis and diflubenzuron formulations cultivar composite a fanes pourpres resistant against the hemlock looper in Newfoundland in a de multiples ravageurs se poursuit, tandis 1988. For. Can. Inf. Rep. N-X-284. 19 pp.

24 Sf. John's 1993-1994 CHARLOTTETOWN Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 440 University Avenue, P.O. Box 1210 440, avenue University, CP. 1210 Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Charlottetown (Ile-du- Prince-Edouard) CIA 7M8 CIA 7M8

Tel. (902) 566-6800 Tel. Fax (902) 566-6821 Telecopie EM OTTB::AG3030000 CE.

RfeSSional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director CB. Willis, Ph.D. Directeur Assistant Director H.T. Kunelius, Ph.D. Directeur adjoint Administrative Officer L.E. Hurry Agent d'administration Information Systems Manager M.J. Green Gestionnaire des systemes d'information Statistical support J.B. Sanderson, M.Sc. Appui statistique Librarian B. Stanfield, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire

Livestock Feed Crops Cultures pour le betail Program Leader; Barley and RA Martin, Ph.D. Chef de programme; maladies de forage diseases I'orge et des piantes fourrageres Barley breeding T.M. Choo, Ph.D. Amelioration de I'orge Clover breeding B.R Christie, Ph.D. Amelioration du trefle Wheat and oat diseases H.W Johnston, Ph.D. Maladies du ble et de l'avoine Forage management RT. Kunelius, Ph.D. Regie des plantes fourrageres Forage conservation and utilization P.R Narasimhalu, Ph.D. Conservation et utilisation des fourrages Wheat breeding, cereal physiology H.G. Nass, Ph.D. Amelioration du ble et physiologie des cereales

Soil and Water Sol eteau Program Leader; Soil fertility, J.A MacLeod, Ph.D. Chef de programme; fertilite du sol, protein crops culture proteagineuse Agricultural engineering, tillage AJ. Campbell, M.Phil. Genie agricole, travail du sol Soil tillage M.R Carter, Ph.D. Travail du sol Soil management L.M. Edwards, Ph.D. Gestion des sols Soil and plant micronutrients U.C Gupta, Ph.D. Sols et oligo-elements

Potato Pommes de terre Program Leader; Weed control J.A Ivany, Ph.D. Chef de programme; lutte contre les mauvaises herbes Potato and tobacco variety WJ. Arsenault, B.Sc. Evaluation des varietes de tabac et de evaluation pommes de terre Nematology J. Kimpinski, Ph.D. Nematologie Potato diseases H.W Platt, Ph.D. Maladies de la pomme de terre Potato production-processing J.B. Sanderson, M.Sc. Production de pommes de terre- and table transformation et pommes de terre de consommation Entomology J.G. Stewart, Ph.D. Entomologie Seed potato and corn-nutrition RP, White, Ph.D. Nutrition et regie des plants de pommes and management de terre et de ma'is

Charlottetown 1993-1994 25 Mandate The Charlottetown Research Centre Soil and water A precise, freeze-thaw were ineffective in raising Se to the develops new cultivars and management technique was developed for increasing the sufficiency level for livestock. The residual programs for barley and clover for eastern sensitivity of the traditional wet-sieving effect of Se as selenate or selenite was Canada. It also conducts research on method for determining aggregate stability. negligible in maintaining Se in the sufficiency • other cereal and forage crops This method willbe useful for characterizing range during the 2nd year. • management, protection, and nutrition soils based on their aggregate-breakdown Low cobalt (Co) concentrations in of potatoes tendencies. In collaborationwith the Technical forages and cereals may not meet the needs • soil management and conservation University of Nova Scotia, a year-round of livestock. Studies showed that Co (winterized) soil erosion measurement • forage-based beef production. applications do not affect yields of forages system was developed for erosion plots and and cereals. If a Co deficiency is suspected, Achievements catchments. A cool-season soil-erosion Co applied as a foliar spray at 60-100 g/ha model (COSSEM) for linking research and should raise the crop Co concentration into Livestock feed crops A new two-row, field practices was developed. the range sufficient for livestock. spring feed barley variety, AC Sterling, was Nitrate peaks at the 70-cm depth in developed from a cross between Rodeo and Potato Results of a joint study between spring soil samples from fall-applied manure AB78-1 and is registered for use in eastern Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the treatments indicate a loss from the crop Canada. It has high yield, good protein Prince Edward Island Department of system to ground water. An automated content, low acid detergent fiber content, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry indicate sampling method was developed to allow high 1000-ker.nelweight, and resistance to that Carlton, Belmont, and Eromosa are stratified sampling of manure storages. powdery mildew. suitable as early-maturing potato varieties Samples taken highlight the differences for production under P.E.I. growing A study was initiated to determine if between farming operations. conditions. barley doubled-haploid lines derived from Minimum-tillage systems for cereal the Leger/CI9831 cross by the bulbosum Irrigation increased Russet Burbank crops produced yields similar to those from method are from random gametes of the F 1 and Kennebec potato yields by 14 tlha in conventional treatments. Direct drilling hybrid. Results showed that the assumption one of five years when dry weather in July increased of randomness seems to be valid and the and August required 100 mm of irrigation. • soil organic carbon content doubled-haploid lines can be used for Responses of 4 tlha or less were observed quantitative genetic studies. • microbial activity at the surface soil in the other four years during which soil structural stability considerably less irrigation was required to AC Proteus has good potential as a maintain soil moisture levels above 80% of high-protein soybean for feed in Atlantic • distribution of stable soil aggregates for field capacity. Canada. Two cultivars of red clover were optimum transport of air and water. registered in 1993: AC Kingston and AC Sequential measurements for characterizing The potential release of N from Charlie. These are higher in forage yield the soil physical condition in reduced-tillage soil-green manure legume systems can be and more winterhardy than the present systems proved a relatively fast procedure. influenced by time of fall tillage and time of cultivars. A study was done to assess the effects application of glyphosate. This potential release should be taken into account when Frost-tolerant supplementary forage of undersowing on the distribution of carbon planning N fertilizer programs for following species such as forage kale and fodder within soil aggregates and on aggregate potato crop. Oilseed radish was identified beets may extend the effective grazing stabilityat the micro- and macro-aggregate as the crop with the best potential for period to December in Atlantic Canada. scale in Atlantic Canada. Barley in short-term reducing nitrate loss by leaching following Supplementing pastures with forage kale, barley-soybean rotations was undersown early potato harvest. fodder beets, or Italian ryegrass was with annual ryegrasses or red clover. compared with permanent pasture and Undersowing provided a 6- to ll-fold Verticillium wilt of potatoes results in feedlot feeding of steers. Data suggested increase in root biomass compared with yield losses and quality reductions for the that grazing forage kale or fodder beets barley alone. After two cycles of the seed, table, and processing sectors. The between early September and mid rotation, soil organic carbon concentration disease is caused mainly by two Verticillium December extended the pasture season by was increased in macro-aggregates in the species. Accurate, rapid diagnosis is essential over 2 months and resulted in animal undersown treatments, but not in the whole for successful control of this disease. performance comparable with feedlot soil.Micro-aggregatestabilityincreased with Improvements in DNA/PCR-based assays feeding. undersowing and was related to soil organic have reduced the time required to detect carbon and root biomass. Macro-aggregation pathogens from 4-6 weeks to 1-2 days with Dry-matter yield of red clover in showed significantdifferencesbetween better accuracy. seeding year was 3 t/ha when harvested in undersown species,but none of the forages late August. This crop can be used as direct The activity of Bacillus thuringiensis increased the level of structural stability cut or wilted silage to meet a forage var. san diego, an environmentally benign compared with barley alone. shortfall resulting from severe winterkill. insecticide used to manage the Colorado Yearly selenate applications of 10 g/ha potato on potatoes, was affected by Beef cattle finished more efficiently enriched barley grain in selenium (Se) to three factors. Young larvae were 67% more when 50% of the dietary barley was replaced levels sufficient to protect livestock from Se sensitive to the bacterial toxin than were with a cheaper substitute made up of 42% deficiency.Applications of up to 40 g selenite older larvae. Insecticidal activity on foliage potato waste and 8% whole soybeans.

26 Charlottetown 1993-1994 treated 1 and 2 weeks before presentation resultant du croisement Leger/CI9831effectue bassins hydrographiques. Des chercheurs to larvae was 37% and 74%, respectively, par la methode bulbosum sont issues de la ont egalement mis au point un modele less than for recently treated foliage. Adding fusion aleatoire des gametes de I'hybride Fl' pour mesurer I'erosion du sol durant la the fungicides chlorothalonil or mancozeb D'apres les resultats obtenus, iI semble que saison fraiche dans Ie but de lier les to the tank mixture did not affect the l'hypothese du hasard soit valide et les lignees resultats des recherches a la situation sur activity of B. thuringiensis var. san diego. dihaploldes peuvent donc servir a des etudes Ie terrain. genetiques quantitatives. Resources Les pics de nitrates observes a 70 cm L'AC Proteus, variete de soja fourrager de profondeur dans les echantillons de sol The research centre operates with a total riche en proteines, presente un bon potentiel preleves au printemps dans des champs sur budget of $6 million and houses under one pour la culture dans la region de I'Atiantique. lesquels du fumier avait ete applique a roof a staff of 97.1 person-years, including Deux cultivarsde trefle rouge, I'AC Kingston I'automne sont une indication de la perte 19 scientific staff, as well as the staff of the et l'AC Charlie, ont ete enregistres en 1993. d'azote du systeme cultural vers les eaux Agriculture Division of the P.E.I. Comparativement aux cultivarsactuels, ils souterraines. Une methode d'echantillonnage Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and donnent un rendement fourrager superieur et automatise a He mise au point pour Forestry. Also located at the centre is the sont plus rustiques. permettre I'echantillonnage stratifie des amas district office of the Agricultural Inspection de fumier entrepose. Les echantillons Directorate of Agriculture and Agri-Food L'ajout au paturage d'especes fourrageres tolerantes au gel, comme Ie preleves illustrent les differences entre les Canada's Food Production and Inspection exploitations agricoles. Branch. chou fourrager et la betterave fourragere, .peut prolonger la peri ode de paissance Les cereales cultivees dans Ie cadre The centre operates two other reelle jusqu'en decembre dans la region de d'un systeme de travail minimum ont properties: Upton Research Farm in West l'Atlantique. On a compare la performance produit des rendements semblables a ceux Royalty,'where the forage and beef de bouvillons qui ont broute des paturages obtenus avec des traitements classiques. Le research programs are centred, and the auxquels on a ajoute du chou fourrager, de semis direct a accru Harrington Research Farm, which la betterave fourragere ou du ray-grass • la teneur du sol en carbone organique accommodates about 70% of the centre's d'Italie avec celie de bouvillons sur paturage • I'activite microbienne a la surface du sol field studies in cereals, potatoes, and soil permanent et nourris en parc d'engraissement. • la stabilite structurelle du sol tillage and conservation. The three Selon les donnees obtenues, Ie broutage de locations have a total land base of 407 ha. chou fourrager ou de betterave fourragere • la distribution d'agregats de sol stables pour un transport optimal de l'air et de l'eau. o entre Ie debut de septembre et la mi- decembre a perm is de pro longer la saison On a demontre que la prise de mesures de paissance de plus de 2 mois et s'est solde sequentielles des caracteristiques physiques Mandat par une performance des animaux du sol dans les systemes de travail Le Centre de recherches de Charlottetown comparable a celie d'animaux nourris en minimum etait une methode relativement cree de nouveaux cultivars et elabore des parc d'engraissement. rapide. programmes de gestion des cultures d'orge Le rendement en matiere seche du Le centre a procede a l'evaluation des et de trefle dans I'est du Canada. II realise trefle rouge pendant l'annee du semis effets des sous-semis sur la distribution dli egalement des recherches dans les s'elevait a 3 t/ha lorsque la recolte etait carbone dans les agregats du sol et sur la domaines suivants effectuee a la fin d'aout. Cette espece peut stabilite des micro-agregats et des macro- • autres cereales et cultures fourrageres servir d'ensilage en coupe directe ou agregats dans la region de l'Atiantique. • aspects nutritifs, gestion et protection d'ensilage prefane pour combler une L'orge cultivee dans des rotations a court des cultures de pommes de terre penurie de fourrage consecutive a une terme avec Ie soja a ete contre-ensemencee • gestio~ et conservation des sols destruction import ante par I'hiver. de ray-grass annuel ou de trefle rouge. Les sous-semis ant contribue a multiplier par • production de bovins de boucherie a La finition de bovins de boucherie un facteur de 6 a lIla biomasse des racines l'aide de plantes fourrageres. etait plus efficace lorsque 50 % de l'orge comparativement a I'orge seule. Apres alimentaire etait remplacee par un produit deux cycles de rotation, la concentration de Realisations moins couteux compose de 42 % de dechets carbone organique dans Ie sol etait de pomme de terre et de 8 % de soja entier. Cultures fourrageres pour le betail Le superieure dans les macro-agregats dans les centre a cree une nouvelle variete d'orge PMologie et hydrologie Le centre a mis endroits avec sous-semis, mais non dans fourragere a deux rangs, de printemps, au point une technique precise de gel-degel tout Ie sol. La stabilite des micro-agregats a I'AC Sterling, a partir d'un croisement pour accroitre la sensibilite de la methode augmente avec les sous-semis et etait liee entre Ie Rodeo et l'AB78-1. Cette variete, classique de tamisage humide servant a au carbone organique dans Ie sol et a la qui est enregistree pour la culture dans determiner la stabilite des agregats. Cette biomasse des racines. On a observe des l'Est canadien, se distingue par son methode sera utile pour caracteriser les differences importantes selon I'espece rendement superieur, sa bonne teneur en sols en fonction de leur ten dance a se sous-semee chez les macro-agregats,mais proteines, sa faible teneur en lignocellulose, desagreger. Avec la collaboration de la aucun des fourrages n'a contribue a ameliorer son poids eleve de 1 000 graines et sa Technical University of Nova Scotia, Ie la stabilite structurelle comparativement a resistance au blanc. centre a elabore un systeme de mesures a l'orge cultivee seule. Une etude a ete entreprise dans Ie longueur d'annee (hiverise) de l'erosion du but d'etablir si les lignees dihaploldes d'orge sol dans des parcelles experimentales et des

Charlottetown 1993-1994 27 Des applications annuelles de selenate de nitrates par lessivage apres la recolte de Research Publications a raison de 10 g/ha ont fait augmenter la pommes de terre hiitives. Publications de recherche teneur des grains d'orge en selenium (Se) La fletrissure verticillienne qui Carter, M.R. 1992. Characterizing the soil jusqu'a un niveau suffisant pour proteger Ie s'attaque ala pomme de terre entraine des physical condition in reduced tillage systems for winter wheat on a fine sandy loam using small bet ail contre une carence en cet element. pertes de rendement et une baisse de la cores. Can. J. Soil Sci. 72:395-402. Des applications allant jusqu'a 40 g de qualite pour les producteurs de semence, selenite n'ont pas reussi a faire grimper la les producteurs de pommes de terre de Carter, M.R 1992. Influence of reduced tillage systems on organic matter, microbial biomass, concentration de Se a un niveau suffisant consommation et les transformateurs. La macro-aggregate distribution and structural pour Ie betail. L'effet residuel du Se sous maladie est surtout causee par deux forme de selenate ou de selenite etait stability of the surface soil in a humid climate. especes de Verticillium. Un diagnostic Soil & Tillage Res. 23:361-372. negligeable pour maintenir Ie niveau de Se precis et rap ide est essentiel pour lutter Carter, M.R.; Ball, B.C. 1993. Soil porosity. dans la fourchette de valeurs suffisantes au avec succes contre cette maladie. Les cours de la deuxieme annee. Pages 581-588 in Carter, M.R, ed. Soil sampling epreuves basees sur I'amplification de and methods of analysis. CRC Press Inc., Boca A cause de la faible concentration de I'ADN par l'ADN polymerase ayant ete Raton, Fla. Co (cobalt) dans les fourrages et dans les ameliorees, il est maintenant possible de Carter, M.R; Kunelius, H.T. 1993. Effect of cereales, les besoins du bet ail en cet detecter les organismes pathogenes en 1 ou undersowing barley with annual ryegrasses or red element ne sont peut-etre pas combles. Des 2 jours plutot qu'en 4 a 6 semaines et ce, clover on soil structure in a barley-soybean etudes ont montre que des applications de avec plus de precision. rotation. Agric. Ecosyst. & Environ. 43:245-254. cobalt n'influent pas sur Ie rendement des Les scientifiques ont montre que trois Carter, M.R.; Mele, P.M. 1992. Changes in fourrages et des cereales. Si I'on soup<;onne facteurs influent sur l'activite de Bacillus microbial biomass and structural stability at the une carence en Co, une application de Co thuringiensis var. san diego, insecticide sans surface of a duplex soil under direct drilling and stubble retention in north-eastern Victoria. Aust. sous forme de pulverisation foliaire a risque pour l'environnement utilise pour J. Soil Res. 30:493-503. raison de 60 a 100 g/ha devrait elever la lutter contre Ie doryphore de la pomme de concentration de Co dans la culture a un terre. Les jeunes larves etaient 67 % plus Carter, M.R; Steed, G.R 1992. The effects of direct-drilling and stubble retention on hydraulic niveau suffisant pour Ie betail. sensibles a la toxine bacterienne que les properties at the surface of duplex soils in Pomme de telTe D'apres les resultats larves plus iigees. L'activite insecticide sur north-eastern Victoria. Aust. J. Soil Res. d'une etude en collaboration entre Ie feuillage traite 1 et 2 semaines avant 30:505-516. Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada et I'arrivee des larves etait respectivement de Cholan, AK; Hamilton, RM.G.; McNiven, MA; Ie ministere de l'Agriculture, des Peches et 37 et de 74 %, soit moins que sur Ie MacLeod, JA 1993. High protein and low trypsin des Forets de l'iIe-du-Prince-Edouard, les feuillage recemment traite. L'addition des inhibitor varieties of fall-fat soybeans in broiler varietes de pomme de terre hiitives fongicides chlorothalonil ou mancozebe au chicken starter diets. Can. 1. Anim. Sci. 73:401-409. Carlton, Belmont et Eromosa conviennent melange en cuve n'a pas eu d'effet sur Christie, B.R; Clark, E.A; Fulkerson, RS. 1992. a la production dans les conditions de l'activite de B. thuringiensis var. san diego. Comparative plowdown value of red clover culture a l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard. strains. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1207-1213. Ressources L'irrigation a favorise une hausse du Christie, B.R.; Shattuck, V.I. 1992. The diallel rendement de 14 t!ha des Russet Burbank Le centre dispose de 97,1 annees-personnes cross: design, analysis, and use for plant breeders. et des Kennebec dans l'une de cinq annees et emploie 19 scientifiques. Son budget total Plant Breed. Rev. 9:9-36. ou les secheresses de juillet et d'aout ont d'exploitation s'eleve a 6 millionsde dollars. II Christie, B.R; Townshend, J.L. 1992. Selection necessite l'apport de 100 mm d'eau pour abrite sous un meme toit Ie personnel de la for resistance to the root-lesion nematode in I'irrigation des cultures. On a observe des Division de l'agriculture du ministere de alfalfa. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:593-598. augmentations d'au plus 4 t!ha les quatre l'Agriculture, des Peches et des Forets de Edwards, L.M.; Burney, J.R 1992. Sediment autres annees, ou il a fallu beaucoup moins l'iIe-du-Prince-Edouard. On y retrouve fractions in interrill runoff under various d'irrigation pour maintenir Ie taux egalement Ie bureau de district de la conditions of ground cover, compaction, and d'humidite du sol superieur a 80 % de la Direction de I'inspection agricole relevant freeze/thaw using a rainfall simulator. Can. Agric. Eng. 34:33-40. capacite de retention d'eau du champ. de la Direction generale de la production et de I'inspection des aliments Edwards, L.M.; Sadler, J.M. 1992. Growth vigour Le moment que l'on choisit pour d'Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada. of some crop species and cultivars when travailler Ie sol a I'automne et appliquer du fall-seeded as winter cover in the Atlantic Region Le centre possede deux prolongement." glyphosate peut influer sur la liberation of Canada. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:421-429. soit la Ferme de recherches de Upton, a West potentielle de N dans les systemes de Edwards, L.M.; Sadler, J.M. 1992. Relationship culture avec enrichissement du sol avec des Royalty,ou sont concentres les travaux de recherches sur les fourrages et Ie boeuf et la between cover performance and date of fall legumineuses comme engrais vert. Cette seeding where winter rye was broadcast into a Ferme de recherches de Harrington, ou se fait liberation potentielle doit etre prise en standing potato crop. Can. J. Plant Sci. consideration au moment de planifier les environ 70 % de la recherche sur les cereales 72:269-274. et pommes de terre et sur la conservation et programmes d'application d'engrais azote Frame, P.A; Burney, J.R; Edwards, L.M. 1992. Ie travail du sol. Les trois emplacements pour la culture de pomme de terre Laboratory measurement of freeze/thaw, suivante. On a determine que Ie radis totalisent 407 ha. compaction, residue, and slope effects on rill oleagineux etait la culture presentant Ie erosion. Can. Agric. Eng. 34:143-149. meilleur potentiel pour reduire les pertes •

28 Charlottetown 1993-1994 Fraser, J.; Kunelius,H.T 1992.Influence of seeding Kunelius, H.T; Johnston, H.W; MacLeod, J.A Platt, H.W 1992. Potato late blight. Pages 93-123 time on the yield of white clover/orchardgrass 1992. Effect of undersowing barley with Italian in Chaude, H.S.; Kumar, J.; Mukhopadhyay, mixtures in Atlantic Canada. J. Agric. Sci.,Camb. ryegrass or red clover on yield, crop composition AN.; Singh, S., eds. Plant diseases of international 120:197-203. and root biomass. Agric. Ecosyst. & Environ. importance. Diseases of vegetables and oil seed 38:127-137. crops. Vol. 2. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, Gupta, Uc. 1992. Characterization of the iron N.J. status in plant parts and its relation to soil pH on Kunelius, H.T; Narasimhalu, P.R 1993. Effect of acid soils. J. Plant Nutr. 15:1531-1540. autumn harvest date on herbage yield and Platt, H.W; Canale, E; Gimenez, G. 1993. composition of grasses and white clover. Field Effects of tuber-borne inoculum of Rhizoctonia Gupta, U.C. 1993. Cobalt content of forages and Crops Res. 31:341-349. solani and fungicidal seed potato treatment on cereals grown on Prince Edward Island. Can. J. plant growth and Rhizoctonia disease in Canada Soil Sci. 73:1-7. Malhi, S.S.; McAndrew, D.W; Carter, M.R and Uruguay. Am. Potato J. 70:385-390. 1992. Effect of surface applied Ca amendments Gupta, U.c. 1993. Boron, molybdenum, and Stewart, J.G. 1992. The European corn borer, selenium. Pages 91-99 in Carter, M.R, ed. Soil and N on solonetzic soil properties and composition of barley. Arid Soil Res. Rehabil. Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): a sampling and methods of analysis.CRC Press Inc., 6:71-81. potential pest of potatoes grown on Prince Boca Raton, Fla. Edward Island. Phytoprotection 73:25-29. Mele, P.M.; Carter, M.R 1993. Effect of climatic Gupta, U.c. 1993. Sources of boron. Pages 45-52 factors o"nthe use of microbial biomass as an Stewart, J.G.; Lund, J.E.; Thompson, L.S. 1991. in Boron and its role in crop production. CRC indicator of changes in soil organic matter. Pages Factors affecting the efficacy of Bacillus Press Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. 57-63 in Mulongoy, K; Merckx, R, eds. Soil thuringiensis var. san diego against larvae of the Gupta, U.c. 1993. Factors affecting boron organic matter dynamics and sustain ability of Colorado potato beetle. Proc. Entomol. Ont. uptake by plants. Pages 87-104 in Boron and its tropical agriculture. John Wiley & Sons, U.K 122:21-25. role in crop production. CRC Press Inc., Boca Milburn, P.; Mosher, A; MacLeod, J.A 1992. Topp, G.c.; Galganov, Y.T; Ball, B.C.; Carter, Raton, Fla. A 32-channel event interface for commercial M.R 1993. Soil water desorption curves. Pages Gupta, Uc. 1993. Deficiency, sufficiency, and portable data acquisition system. Can. Agric. 569-579 in Carter, M.R., ed. Soil sampling and toxicity levels of boron in crops. Pages 137-146 in Eng. 34:291-293. methods of analysis. CRC Press Inc., Boca Boron and its role in crop production. CRC Press Raton, Fla. Murphy, S.; McNiven, M.; MacLeod, J.; Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. Halliday, L. 1993. Grass and lupin silage in Gupta, U.C. 1993. Deficiency and toxicity rations for beef steers supplemented with barley Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada symptoms of boron in plants. Pages 147-156 in in potatoes. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. PUBLICATIONS Boron and its role in crop production. CRC Press 40:273-283. Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. Narasimhalu, P.;Halliday, L.J.; Sanderson, J.B.; Arsenault, WJ.; Coffin, R.; Boswall, P. 1993. Gupta, U.c. 1993. Responses to boron on field Kunelius, H.T; Winter, KA 1992. The Early harvest potato variety trial. Agri-Info and horticultural crops. Pages 177-184 in Boron composition, intake, and digestibility of timothy 93-30. and its role in crop production. CRC Press Inc., silage preserved untreated or treated with formic Burrows, v.; Nass, H.G.; Johnston, H.W 1993. Boca Raton, Fla. acid or a cellulase-hemicellulase preparation. Growing and feeding of naked oats. Agri-Info Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:431-434. Gupta, UC.; Sanderson, J.B. 1993. Effect of 93-11. sulfur, calcium, and boron on tissue nutrient Narasimhalu, P.;Kunelius, H.T; McRae, KB. Carter, M.R 1992. Direct drilling spring cereals concentration and potato yield. J. Plant Nutr. 1992. Herbage yield, leafiness and water-soluble in Prince Edward Island. Agri-Info 92-08. 16:1013-1023. carbohydrate content, and silage composition Gupta, U.C.; Winter, KA; Sanderson, J.B. 1993. and utilization in sheep of first- and second-cut Carter, M.R 1993. Conservation tillage improves Selenium content of barley as influenced by Italian and Westerwolds ryegrasses (Lolium soil structure. Agri-Info 93-18. selenite- and selenate-enriched fertilizers. multifiornm Lam.) Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:755-762. Carter, M.R 1993.Shallow tillage for grain crops. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 24:1165-1170. Narasimhalu, P.;Kunelius, H.T; McRae, KB. Agri-Info 93-17. Ho, KM.; Choo, TM.; Martin, RM. 1992. AC 1992. Chemical and mechanical conditioning for Carter, M.R.; Johnston, H.W 1992. Effect of soil Burman barley. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:473-475. field drying of Trifolium pratense L. Can. J. Plant compaction on root rot severity of spring cereals. Sci. 72:1193-1198. " Hope, H.J.; White, RP.; ... ; Hamilton, RI. 1992. Agri-Info 92-05. Low temperature corn emergence potential of Nass, H.G.; Blatt, C.R.; ... ; Johnston, H.W Carter, M.R.; White, RP. 1992. One-pass tillage short season com hybrids grown under controlled 1992. AC Baltic spring wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. systems for production of spring cereals. environment and plot conditions. Can. J. Plant 72:469-471. Agri-Info 92-06. Sci. 72:83-91. Nass, H.G.; Franck, P.;Teich, AH.; et al. 1993. Charlottetown Research Station. 1992. Research Ivany, J.A; MacLeod, J.A; Sanderson, J.B. 1992. Fundulea hard red winter wheat. Can. J. Plant Hi-Lites. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Response of four soybean cultivars to metribuzin. Sci. 73:199-201. 16 pp. Weed Technol. 6:934-937. O'Neill, H.J.; Milburn, P.; MacLeod, JA.; Charlottetown Research Station. 1993. Research Kimpinski, J. 1993. Nematodes. Pages 333-339 in Richards, J. 1992. A screening survey for Hi-Lites. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Carter, M.R, ed. Soil sampling and methods of chlorothalonil residues in waters proximal to 16 pp. analysis. CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. areas of intensive agriculture. Can. Water Resour. J. 17:7-19. Charlottetown Research Station. 1992. Kimpinski, 1.;Edwards, L.M.; ... ; Sanderson, J.B. Charlottetown Research Station (brochure). 1992. Influence of previous crops and nematicide Platt, H.W 1992. Cultivar response to Fusarium Agri-Info 92-19. treatments on root lesion nematode populations storage rot as affected by two methods of seed Christie, B.R; Choo, T.M. 1993. Red clover, and crop yields. Phytoprotection 73:3-11. origin propagation: clonal selection and in vitro culture. Am. Potato J. 69:179-186. CRS-1. Agri-Info 93-04. Kunelius, H.T; Fraser, J. 1992. Factors required Christie, B.R; Choo, TM. 1993. Red clover, to sustain pastoral farming systems and forage Platt, H.W 1992. Potato cultivar response to late CRS-2. Agri-Info 93-05. supply in winter-cold zones in Canada. J. Korean blight as affected by clonal selection and in vitro Grassl. Sci. 12:3-12. culture. Am. Potato J. 69:187-193.

Charlottetown 1993-1994 29 Donovan, B.C.; McNiven, M.A; Grimmelt, B.; Kunelius, T. 1992. Fodder beets. Agri-Info 92-22. Stewart, J.G.; Sears, M.K. 1992. Quarter-plant MacLeod, J.A 1992. Protein quality of lupin Kunelius, T. 1992. Phacelia - a new plant species samples to detect populations of imported seeds. Agri-Info 92-15. for cover cropping and beekeeping. Agri-Info cabbageworm and diamondback moth larvae on 92-10. Donovan, B.C.; McNiven, M.A; Van Lunen, 92-21. ,cauliflower. Agri-Info T.A; MacLeod, J.A 1992. Evaluation oflupins 1993. Kunelius, T. 1992. Supplementary green forage White, RP, Corn emergence is reduced in corn-based diets for finisher pigs. Agri-Info 93-10. crops. Agri-Info 92-23. under Maritime conditions. Agri-Info 92-17. MacLeod, J.A; Voldeng, H. 1993. The potential Donovan, B.C.; McNiven, M.A; Van Lunen, for high protein soybeans in the Atlantic region. T.A; MacLeod, J.A 1992. Evaluation of lupins Agri-Info 93-21. in barley-based swine diets. Agri-Info 92-18. Narasimhalu, P. 1993. Wet-hay preservation. Edwards, L. 1993. Can late seeding of winter rye Agri-Info 93-20. at increased rates stem soil erosion? Agri-Info 93-15. Nass, H.G. 1993. Spring wheat variety development. Agri-Info 93-08. Edwards, L. 1993. Is straw usage at its annual rate of production adequate for soil erosion Nass, H.G. 1993. Winter wheat variety control? Agri-Info 93-14. development. Agri-Info 93-07. Gregorich, E.G.; Monreal, C.M.; Ellert, RH.; Sanderson, J.B.; MacLeod, J.A 1993. The fate of Angers, D.A.; Carter, M.R. 1993. Evaluating nitrogen in lupin-potato system. Agri-Info 93-06. changes in soil organic matter in Soil quality Sanderson, K.R; Carter, M.R. 1993. Effect of evaluation program. Research Branch, Agriculture gypsum on yield of Brussels sprouts. Agri-Info Canada, Ottawa. CLBRR Cant. No. 93-40. 93-12. Grimmelt, B.; McNiven, M.A; MacLeod, J.A Sanderson, K.R; Ivany, J.A 1992. Effect of 1992. Analysis of lupin alkaloids. Agri-Info Velpar L impregnated fertilizer in lowbush 92-16. blueberry production. Agri-Info 92-20. Gupta, V.c. 1992. Plant parts as indicators'of Sanderson, K.R; Ivany, J.A 1993. Effect of micronutrients cation status. Agri-Info 92-03. sawdust mulch on yields of select clones of Gupta, V.c. 1993. Cobalt status in livestock feed lowbush blueberry. Agri-Info 93-09. crops in Prince Edward Island. Agri-Info 93-01. Sanderson, K.R; Ivany, J.A 1993. Red raspberry Gupta, V.c.; LeBlanc, P.Y.1992. Effect of cultivar evaluation trial 1989-1992. Agri-Info molybdenum fertilization on plant molybdenum 93-34. and crop yields on peat soils. Agri-Info 92-02. Sanderson, K.R; Ivany, J.A 1993. Strawberry Gupta, V.C.; Sanderson, J.B. 1992. Sulfur status cultivar trials 1990-92. Agri-Info 93-35. of Prince Edward Island soils and crops. Singh, C.K.; McNiven, M.A; Robinson, P.H.; Agri-Info 92-01. MacLeod, J.A 1992. Raw and roasted lupins for Gupta, V.C.; Winter, K.A; Sanderson, J.B. 1993. dairy cows. Agri-Info 92-14. Selenium enrichment of barley through soil Stanfield, B. 1992. Potato production: a fertilization. Agri-Info 93-02. bibliography of research papers from the Ivany, J.A 1993. Potato research program Charlottetown Research Station. Agri-Info summary. Agri-Info 93-13. 92-12. Ivany, J.A 1993. Response of soybean cultivars Stewart, J.G. 1992. The European corn borer: to Sencor. Agri-Info 93-19. a potential pest of potatoes grown on Prince Edward Island. Agri-Info 92-07. Ivany, J.A 1993. Vegetable and berry crops research program summary. Agri-Info 93-16. Stewart, J.G.; Doran, AP. 1992. Economics of three schemes for the management of the Johnston, H.w. 1993. Vse of the fungicide tilt for Colorado potato beetle. Agri-Info 92-11. oat disease control. Agri-Info 93-03. Stewart, J.G.; Kunelius, H.T. 1991. Response of Johnston, H.W.; Martin, RA 1992. Resistance ' stubble turnips to simulated insect damage. to fusarium head blight of cereal cultivars Forage Notes 35:35-38. recommended for the Atlantic region. Agri-Info 92-24. Stewart, J.G.; Lund, J.E.; Thompson, L.S. -1992. Factors affecting the effectiveness of a bacterial Kimpinski, J. 1992. Comparison of population insecticide against larvae of the Colorado potato levels of root lesion nematodes in barley, red beetle. Agri-Info 92-25. clover and soybean. Forage Notes 36:27-32. Stewart, J.G.; Sears, M.K. 1992. Marketability of Kimpinski, J.; Christie, B.R; Choo, T.M. 1992. cauliflower protected with permethrin applied at Evaluation of red clover for resistance to intervals relative to head formation. Agri-Info nematodes. Forage Notes 36:33-35. 92-09. Kimpinski, J.; Craig, B.N.; Diamond, J. 1990. Control of plant parasitic nematodes with chemicals. Agdex #511.1.

30 Charlottetown 1993-1994 KENTVILLE Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 32 Main Street 32, rue Main Kentville, Nova Scotia Kentville (Nouvelle-Ecosse) B4N 115 B4N 115

Tel. (902) 679-5333 Tel. Fax (902) 679-2311 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM306MAIL e.E.

Rfessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director P.W Johnson, Ph.D. Directeur Program Advisor K.I.N. Jensen, Ph.D. Conseiller en matiere de programme Administrative Officer M.E. Steward Agent d'administration Manager, Industry Relations RA Lawrence, M.Sc. Gestionnaire; relations avec I'industrie Regional Statistician KB. McRae, Ph.D. Statisticien regional Regional Librarian J.R Miner, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire regionale Manager, Computer Systems WD. Wilder, M.Sc.(CS) Gestionnaire, systeme informatique

Crop Production Productionsvegetaks Program Leader; Vegetable e.R Blatt, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; physiologie physiology and nutrition legumiere et nutrition Tree fruit breeding M.L.e. Deslauriers, Ph.D. Amelioration des arbres fruitiers Tree fruit physiology e.G. Embree, M.Sc. Physiologie des arbres fruitiers Ornamentals physiology P.R Hicklenton, Ph.D. Physiologie des plantes orne mentales Berry crops breeding AR. Jamieson, Ph.D. Amelioration des petits fruits Tree fruit physiology and nutrition D.H. Webster, Ph.D. Arbres fruitiers-physiologie et nutrition

Crop Protection Protection des cultures Program Leader; Tree fruit R.P. Smith, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; insectes entomology nuisibles aux arbres fruitiers Tree fruit pathology P.G. Braun, Ph.D. Maladies des arbres fruitiers Toxicology S.O. Gaul, Ph.D. Toxicologie Tree fruit entomology J.M. Hardman, Ph.D. Insectes nuisibles aux arb res fruitiers Vegetable pathology P.D. Hildebrand, Ph.D. Maladies des cultures legumieres Weed physiology KI.N. Jensen, Ph.D. Physiologie des mauvaises herbes Berry crops entomology KE. MacKenzie, Ph.D. Insectes nuisibles aux petits fruits Mycology-berry crops N.L. Nickerson, Ph.D. Mycologie-maladies des petits fruits

Food Aliments Program Leader; Food processing R Stark, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; transformation des aliments Storage physiology e.P. Forney, Ph.D. Physiologie de la conservation Food microbiology E.D. Jackson, Ph.D. Microbiologie des aliments Food chemistry W Kalt, Ph.D. Chimie des aliments Food engineering RA Lawrence, M.Sc. Genie alimentaire Food engineering (located at D.1. LeBlanc, M.Sc. Genie alimentaire (Centre de recherches Food Research Centre, sur Ies aliments, Universite Universite de Moncton) de Moncton) Storage physiology RK Prange, Ph.D. Physiologie de la conservation Food quality KA Sanford, M.Sc. Qualite des aliments Food industry liaison T.M. Smith, M.Sc. Relations avec I'industrie alimentaire (on educational leave) (en conge d'etude)

Kentville 1993-1994 31 Poultry Volaille Program Leader; Nutrition and R.M.G. Hamilton, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; physiologie et physiology nutrition

Nappan Nappan Research Farm Ferme de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Nappan, Nova Scotia Nappan (Nouvelle-Ecosse) BOL 1CO BOL 1CO

Tel. (902) 667-3826 Tel. Fax (902) 667-2361 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM307MAIL C.E.

Program Leader R.S. Bush, Ph.D. Responsable de programme Administrative officer AE. Foster Agent d'administration Beef nutrition and management E. Charmley, Ph.D. Conduite d'elevage et alimentation des bovins de boucherie Beef reproductive physiology I.A Robinson, Ph.D. Physiologie de la reproduction des bovins de boucherie Forage management Y.A Papadopoulos, Ph.D. Regie des plantes fourrageres Soil management AY. Rodd, M.Sc. Gestion des sols Swine nutrition and management T.A Van Lunen, M.Sc. Conduite d'elevage et alimentation (on educational leave ) des porcs (en conge d'etude)

Mandate The Kentville Research Centre develops new Forages and cereals A greenhouse. vigor recording of tree and fruit characteristics, as cultivars and technologies for the production test was effective in selecting new bird's-foot well as the identification of individuals that and protection of horticultural crops. The trefoil lines with improved vigor in the meet specific market requirements. centre studies the nutrition and management establishment year in the field. After 2 years, In pest management research, of poultry and production systems for beef. It underseeding of white clover mixtures including several collaborative projects, also develops innovative technology for food established poorly compared with direct advances included storage, handling, and processing. seeding. Reviews on crop husbandry on • improvements in sex pheromones for dykelands and forage research monitoring the eye-spotted budmoth and Achievements accomplishments in Atlantic Canada are spotted tentiform leafminer Beef Silages made with the microbial already having a significant impact on • a promising biodegradable pheromone inoculant "Sila-Prime" increased growth by regional research and extension communities. dispenser approximately 10% compared with untreated Vegetables Interactions between nitrogen and • control of wild apple and hawthorn trees, wheat or grass silage. Supplemental dietary phosphorus fertilizers and row spacing were alternate hosts for many orchard pests, Mo and S increased luteinizing hormone shown to determine head size of lettuce and by EZ-ject injections of glyphosate. levels in prostaglandin-synchronized cabbage. By choosing the appropriate ruminants. Leg pedometers were more combination of factors, growers can now Studies on apple replant disease in accurate than neck pedometers at detecting produce the head size that meets their Nova Scotia showed that the causative increased activity caused by standing heat in particular market demands. Retired vegetable fungi do not significantly affect stone fruits. cows. program leader Dr. c.L. Ricketson was Populations of the apple scab fungus Poultry The highest monetary returns awarded an honorary life membership in the resistant to sterol-inhibiting fungicides are from laying hens occurred when their diet Canadian Society of Horticultural Sciences. less fit than susceptible ones. Mean resistance in an orchard decreases when contained 18% protein and rolled, flame- Treefruits An ll-year trial has defined the other fungicides are used. roasted barley. Diets containing flame- vigor, yield, and fruit characteristics of the roasted grains produced heavier hens laying Kentville Stock Clones (KSC). Six hardy apple Beny crops Six advanced strawberry lower-quality hatching eggs than hens fed rootstocks were selected as candidates for selections were released under contract to two diets containing nomoasted grain. Source of wider field testing. In the breeding program, a nurseries, where they will be propagated for vitamin A activity influenced the incidence of new protocol and database were developed preregistration grower trials. One red early embryo mortality. These studies were for recording observations on pear and apple raspberry selection noted for its large fruit is partially funded through the Atlantic Poultry seedlings. The technique allows more precise currently being tested in grower trials Research Institute.

32 Kentville 1993-1994 throughout eastern Canada. Retired berry shipments. Controlled-atmosphere storage Realisations crops breeder Dr. D.L. Craig received an of Sweet Mama winter squash under 7% Bovins de boucherie Les bovins de Honorary llD at the spring convocation of C02 maintained fruit quality and boucherie nourris avec de l'ensilage auquel the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, in chlorophyll content in the rind. It also on a ajoute l'inoculum microbien recognition of his contribution to the controlled the physiological disorder mealy « Sila-Prime » ont affiche une croissance Canadian berry industry. white breakdown. superieure d'environ 10 % a celle de sujets Ornamentals R.J. Hilton, a new cultivar Development of postharvest pigment and nourris avec du ble ou de l'ensilage de ofAmelanchier laevis characterized by color in strawberrylargelydepended on fruit graminees non traites. Un apport attractive pink spring flowers, abundant maturity at harvest and storage temperature. supplementaire de Mo et de S dans summer fruit, and vibrant fall color, was lbis findingmay offer producers a means to l'alimentation a fait augmenter Ie taux registered with the Canadian Ornamental control color development of differentially d'hormone luteinisante chez les ruminants Plant Foundation. Improved methods of mature fruit during storage. dont I'restrus a ete synchronise par un subirrigation for containerized nursery plants, Soils Cattle increased the compaction of soil traitement a la prostaglandine. En based on an automated sand-bed system, in pastures, as measured by penetration in the attachant des podometres aux pattes plutot increased growth of two woody species by spring and fall.Infiltration and saturated qu'au cou, on obtient une mesure plus 35% over two consecutive seasons. High- hydraulicconductivitywere lower in grazed precise de la hausse de l'activite causee par resolution analysis of stem-elongation pasture than in nongrazed control areas. la disposition chez les vaches a accepter la processes in many flowering plants revealed Frequency of grazinghad no effect on soil monte. distinct circadian patterns in different species. characteristics,but longer rest periods Volaille Le revenu tire des pondeuses a These growth patterns can be modified by increased forage production. Winter frost ete Ie plus eleve lorsque leur regime environmental conditions, thus presenting an action reversed the compaction from the alimentaire contenait 18 % de proteines et opportunity for nonchernical control of stem previous season. de l'orge aplatie, rotie a la flamme. Les growth. poules a qui l'on a servi des rations Food processing Projects,mostly collaborative Resources contenant des grains rotis a la flamme with industry,aimed at increasingfood quality The centre has a total of 124 person-years etaient plus lourdes et pondaient des reufs and safety included including 28 scientists and a total budget of d'incubation de qualite inferieure • assessing systems that monitor $7.8 million. It encompasses 188 ha of land comparativement a celles nourries avec des temperature abuse in the frozen-food on the eastern limits of Kentville and 74 ha rations contenant des grains non rotis. La distribution network of experimental plot land at its Sheffield source de la vitamine A a influe sur • assessing the effect of processing systems Research Farm, about 8 km north of the l'incidence de mortalite precoce chez les on product quality in lowbush blueberry centre. The laboratory-office complex embryons. Ces etudes ont ete partiellement processing plants integrates the Research and Food subventionnees par l'Atlantic Poultry • optimizingraspberryjuice yield and quality Production and Inspection branches of Research Institute. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as well • developing methods for the sensory and Fourrages et ceniales Un essai sur la as the western regional staff of the Nova instrumental evaluation of the color and vigueur en serre a permis de selectionner Scotia Department of Agriculture and appearance of carrot de nouvelles lignees de lotier cornicule qui Marketing. The Nappan Research Farm • defining conditions in chilled, modified- ont ete plus vigoureuses l'annee de leur consists of 240 ha of dykeland and upland atmosphere-packaged coleslaw that favor etablissement au champ. Apres 2 ans, des soils at Nappan. Regional extension offices growth of Listeria monocytogenes. sous-semis de melanges de trefle blanc se of the Nova Scotia Department of sont mal etablis comparativement aux Storage The postharvest quality and Agriculture and Marketing and the melanges semes directement. La revision storage characteristics of seven scab- Maritime Beef and Swine Test Centre are des pratiques agronomiques sur les terres resistant apple cultivars were described for also located on the farm. protegees par des digues et les realisations air and controlled-atmosphere storage. en recherche sur les fourrages dans la o Novaspy stored very well, with virtually no region de l'Atlantique ont deja un impact physiological disorders nor storage rots. considerable sur les communautes Organically grown McIntosh and Cortland Mandat scientifiques regionales et les specialistes apples had a higher incidence of storage Le Centre de recherches de Kentville cree de la vulgarisation. rots, apple scab, and skin russeting than de nouveaux cultivars et met au point de conventional apples. Legumes Les relations reciproques entre nouvelles techniques de production et de les engrais azotes et phosphates et Hydrogen peroxide vapors killed protection des cultures horticoles. On y l'ecartement des lignes determinent la Botrytis spores and reduced decay losses of etudie d'une part la nutrition et la conduite grosseur des pommes de laitue et de chou. Thompson Seedless grapes with no adverse des troupeaux de volaille et d'autre part les En choisissant la combinaison appropriee effects on the grapes. Likewise, a 48-h systemes de production pour les bovins de de facteurs, les producteurs peuvent fumigation of 45% C02 increased larvae boucherie. On y elabore egalement des main tenant obtenir Ie calibre qui repond mortality of blueberry fruit to 90% on techniques innovatrices en ce qui concerne aux besoins de leur marche. Le lowbush blueberry without effect on fruit l'entreposage, la manutention et la Dr c.L. Ricketson, chef du programme des quality. A similar treatment significantly transformation des aliments. cultures legumieres, a la retraite, est reduced living larvae in commercial

Kentville 1993-1994 33 devenu membre honoraire a vie de la reconnaissance de sa contribution au secteur presente une incidence superieure de Societe canadienne de science horticole. canadien des petits fruits. pourriture de canservation, de tavelure des pommes et de roussissement de la pelure Frnits de verger Un essai de 11 ans a permis Plantes omementales Le R.J. Hilton, que celles cultivees selan la methode de definir la vigueur, Ie rendement et les nouveau cultivar de Amelanchier laevis, classique. caracteristiques des fruits des clones de caracterise par ses attrayantes fleurs roses au porte-greffe de Kentville. Les chercheurs ont printemps, I'abondance de ses fruits en ete et Des vapeurs de peroxyde d'hydrogene seIectionne six porte-greffe de pommier sa couleur vibrante a I'automne, a ete ant tue les spores de Botrytis et reduit les resistants comme candidats a des essais plus enregistre aupres de la Fondation pertes causees par la pourriture des raisins etendus au champ. Dans Ie cadre du canadienne des plantes amementales. Grace sans pepins Thompsan et ce, sans eftet programme d'amelioration, les selectionneurs a I'amelioration de I'irrigatian souterraine nuisible sur les fruits. De la meme fa<;on, ont elabore un nouveau protocole et une base des plants de pepiniere en conteneur (les une fumigation pendant 48 h avec du C02, de donnees pour consigner les observations plants sont disposes sur un lit de sable dans a 45 %, a fait augmenter la mortalite des sur les semis de poirier et de pommier. lIs lequelle niveau d'eau est controle larves de la drasophile du bleuet a 90 % peuvent ainsi enregistrer avec plus de automatiquement), on a reussi a faire chez Ie bleuet nain sans nuire a la qualite precision les caracteristiques des arbres et des progresser de 35 % la croissance de deux des baies. Un traitement semblable a fruits, de meme qu'identifier les specimens qui especes ligneuses pendant deux saisons considerablement reduit Ie nombre de larves repondent aux besoins de marches consecutives. L'analyse, a un fort pouvoir de vivantes dans les envois commerciaux. particuliers. resolution du processus d'allongement des L'entreposage sous atmosphere controlee de tiges, chez de nombreuses plantes flariferes, la courge d'hiver Sweet Mama (C02 7 %) Les recherches en lutte dirigee, dont a a revele des rythmes circadiens distincts chez a maintenu la qualite des fruits et la teneur plusieurs projets collectifs, ont donne les Ies differentes especes. Ces rythmes de en chlorophylle de la pelure. II a aussi resultats suivants croissance peuvent etre modifies par les empeche Ie blettissement des fruits. • amelioration des pheromones sexuelles conditions du milieu, ce qui donne la utili sees dans la surveillance du La maturite des fruits a la recolte et la possibilite de regir la croissance de la tige pique-bouton du pommier et de la temperature d'entreposage sont les deux d'une autre fa<;on que par la vaie chimique. mineuse marbree principaux facteurs qui regissent la • mise au point d'un distributeur de Transformation des aliments Parmi les pigmentation et la coloration des fraises pheromones biodegradables qui semble projets, surtout menes en collaboration recoltees. Cette decouverte pourrait prometteur avec l'industrie et vis ant a rehausser la donner aux praducteurs Ie mayen de qualite et l'innocuite des aliments, controler la coloration des fruits de • lutte contre les pommiers sauvages et les mentionnons maturite difterente pendant I'entreposage. aubepines, hotes intermediaires de • I'evaluation de systemes de surveillance nombreux ravageurs des vergers, au Sols Le pietinement des piiturages par les des ecarts de temperature par rapport moyen d'injections EZ-ject de bovins contribue a aggraver Ie compactage aux normes prescrites dans Ie reseau de glyphosate. du sol, d'apres les mesures de la la distribution des aliments surgeles penetration de l'eau au printemps et a Des etudes entreprises en • I'evaluation de I'eftet des systemes de l'autamne. L'infiltration et la conductivite Nouvelle-Ecosse sur la maladie de la transformation sur la qualite du praduit hydraulique en milieu sature etaient replantation des pommiers ont montre que dans les usines de transfarmation des inferieures dans les piiturages broutes que Ie champignon en cause n'a pas d'effet bleuets nains dans les zones temoins non broutees. La notable sur les fruits noyaux. Des a • I'optimisatian du rendement en jus de frequence du broutage n'avait pas d'eftet populations du champignon responsable de framboise et de la qualite du produit sur les caracteristiques du sal, mais un la tavelure des pommes, qui sont • la mise au point de methodes d'analyse allongement des peri odes de repos a resist antes aux fongicides inhibiteurs des sensorielle et instrumentale de la couleur favorise une augmentation de la production sterols, ne survivent pas aussi bien que les et de I'aspect des carottes fourragere. Le gel hivernal a annule les populations sensibles. La resistance eftets de tassement du sol de la saison moyenne dans un verger diminue lorsque • la definitian des conditions favorables a precedente. d'autres fongicides sont utilises. la multiplication de Listeria monocytogenes dans la salade de chau Petits ftuits Six selections avancees de Ressources hache refroidie et emballee sous fraisier ont ete remises, dans Ie cadre d'un Le centre dispose d'un budget de 7 $ atmosphere madifiee. 800 000 contrat, a deux pepinieres OU elles seront et de 124 annees-personnes, tandis qu'j] multipliees en vue d'essais chez des Entreposage On a decrit la qualite apresla emplaie 28 scientifiques. II possede 188 ha de producteurs avant l'enregistrement. Une recolte et les caracteristiques pendant terrain a la limite de la ville de Kentville, en selection de framboisier rouge se distinguant I'entreposage de pommes de sept cultivars plus des 74 ha de parcelles experimentales a par ses gros fruits est actuellement soumise a resistants a la tavelure en entrepot la Ferme de recherches de Sheffield, a des essais chez des producteurs d'un bout a ordinaire et sous atmosphere controlee. environ 8 Ian au nord. Le complexe des I'autre de l'Est canadien. Le Dr D.L. Craig, Les pommes Novaspy se sont tres bien laboratoires et bureaux integre les Directions selectionneur de petits fruits, a la retraite, a canservees, sans pratiquement aucun generales de la recherche ainsi que de la re<;u, Ie printemps demier, un LLD trauble physiologique ni pourriture de production et de l'inspectian des aliments honorifique a la collation des grades du Nova canservation. Les pommes McIntosh et d'Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada, de Scotia Agricultural College, en Cortland cultivees biologiquement ont meme que Ie personnel de la region .ouest du

34 Kentville 1993-1994 ministere de I'Agriculture et de la Hicklenton, P.R; Cairns, KG. 1992. Calcium and Scott, TA; Swetnam, e. 1993.Screening sanitizing Commercialisation de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. La magnesium nutrition of containerized agents and methods of application for hatching Ferme de recherches de Nappan comprend Cotoneasterdammeri 'Coral Beauty'. J. Environ. eggs. II. Effectiveness against microorganisms on 240 ha de plateaux et de polders. Les bureaux Hortic.1O:104-107. the egg shel!.J. App!. Poult. Res. 2:7-11. regionaux de vulgarisation du ministere Hicklenton, P.R; Newman, S.M.; Davies, L.J. Scott, TA; Swetnam, C. 1993. Screening neo-ecossais precite ainsi que les Centres 1993. Growth and flowering of Gypsophila sanitizing agents and methods of application for d'essais pour bovins de boucherie et porcins paniculata L. 'Bristol Fairy' and 'Bridal Veil' in hatching eggs. III. Effect of concentration and des Maritimes y sont egalement reunis. relation to temperature and photosynthetic exposure time on embryo viability. J. App!. Poult. photon flux. Sci. Hortic. 53:319-331. Res. 2:12-18. Hidiroglou, N.; Laflamme, L.E 1993.A dynamic Tutty, J.R; Hicklenton, P.R; Kristie, D.N. 1992. • evaluation of the bioavailabilityof the free and The dynamics of chrysanthemum stem elongation ester forms of vitamin E administered in relation to day and night temperatures. Acta Research Publications intramuscularly to beef cattle. Vet. Res. 24:79--88. Hortic. (Wageningan) 305:61--62. Publications de recherche Kalt, W; Prange, RK; Lidster, P.D. 1993. Van Lunen, TA; Kirkwood, RN. 1992. The Braun, P.G.; McRae, KB. 1992. Composition of Postharvest color development of strawberries: influence of dietary monensin and salinomycin a population of ~nturia inaequalis resistant to influence of maturity, temperature and light. on growth and endocrine status of gilts. Can. J. myclobutani!' Can. J. Plant Patho!' 14:215-220. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:541-548. Anim. Sci. 72:427-429. Bush, RS.; Toullec, R; Caugant, I.; Guilloteau, Laflamme, L.E 1992. Carrot/grass silage as cattle Walde, S.1.; Nyrop, J.P.; Hardman, J.M. 1992. P. 1992. Effects of raw pea flour on nutrient feed. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:441-443. Dynamics of Panonychus ulni and Typhlodromus digestibility and immune responses in the pyri: factors contributing to persistence. Exp. & preruminantcalf. J. Dairy Sci. 75:3539-3552. .Laflamme, L.E 1993. Effect of degree of fatness in yearling replacement beef heifers on lifetime App!. Acarol. 14:261-291. Bush, P.S.;Toullec, R.; Guilloteau, P.;Barre, P. performance. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:295-301. Webster, D.H. 1992. A high-ratio sample splitter 1992.Digestibilite ileale d'un gluten de ble for study of nitrate discharge from drainage tile. partiellement hydrolyse chez Ie veau preruminant. Laflamme, L.E; Connor, L. 1992. Effect of Soil Sci. 154:237-242. Ann. Zootech. 41:31-32. postpartum nutrition and cow body condition at parturition on subsequent performance of beef Cane, J.H.; MacKenzie, K; Schiffbauer, D. 1993. cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:843-851. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Honey bees harvest pollen from the porose PUBLICATIONS anthers of cranberries. Am. Bee J. 133:293-295. Lesser, H.B.; Embree, C.G.; Crowe, AD. 1993. Characterization of the KSC apple rootstocks. II. Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Chohan, AK; Hamilton, RM.G.; McNiven, Precocity and productivity. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Burrows, Y.D.; Cave, N.A.; Friend, D.W; AA; MacLeod, J.A 1993. High protein and low Sci. 118:173-176. trypsin inhibitor varietie<;of full-fat soybeans in Hamilton, RM.G.; Morris, J.M. 1993. broiler chicken starter diets. Can. J. Anim. Sci. MacKenzie, KE. 1993. Honey bees and Production and feeding of naked oat/Avoine nue: 73:401-409. pesticides: a complex problem. Vector Control production et alimentation animale. Agric. Can. Bul!. North Cent. States. 1:123-136. Pub!' 1888/E, 1888/F.21/22 pp. DeEll, J.R; Prange, RK 1992. Postharvest quality and sensory attributes of organically and Midmore, D.J.; Prange, R.K. 1992. Growth Butler, E.A; Papadopoulos, Y.A; Lewis, J.e. conventionally grown apples. HortScience responses of two Solanum spp. to contrasting 1993. Atlantic Canada forage research review. 27:1096-1099. temperatures and irradiance levels: relations to Final report. CanadalNova Scotia Livestock photosynthesis, respiration and chlorophyll Feed Initiative Agreement. 241 pp. DeEll, J.R; Prange, RK 1992. Postharvest fluorescence. Ann. Bot. 69:13-20. quality and storage of scab-resistant apple Fulton, N.R; Papadopoulos, Y.A; Rodd, AY.; cultivars. HortTechnology 2:352-358. Nass, H.G.; Blatt, e.R; Rodd, A Y.;et aI. 1992.AC Lewis, J.C. 1993. Crop husbandry on dykeland Baltic spring wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci.72:469-471. soils. Final report. CanadalNova Scotia Livestock DeEIl, J.R.; Prange, RK 1993. Postharvest Feed Initiative Agreement. 162 pp. physiological disorders, diseases and mineral Nickerson, N.L.; Murray, RA. 1993. Races of concentrations of organically and conventionally the red stele root rot fungus, Phytophthora Jackson, E.D.; Hiltz, L.; Bell, C.R 1992. Factors grown McIntosh and Cortland apples. Can. J. fragaria in Nova Scotia. Adv. Strawberry Res. affecting the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in Plant Sci. 73:223-230. 12:12-16. chilled coleslaw packaged in modified Prange, R.K; Lidster, P.D. 1992. Controlled atmospheres. Res. Br., Agric. Can., Tech. Memo. Embree, e.G.; Lesser, H.B.; Crowe, AD. 1993. 9203.25 pp. Characterization of the KSC apple rootstocks. I. atmosphere effects on blueberry maggot and Growth and efficiency. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. lowbush blueberry fruit. HortScience Jackson, E.D.; Hughes, TJ. 1990. The 118:170-172. 27:1094-1096. elimination of the botulism hazard potentially associated with herb flavoured olive oils. Res. Br., Embree, e.G.; Lesser, H.B.; Crowe, AD. 1993. Proudfoot, EG.; Hamilton, R.M.G.; Jackson, Agric. Can., Tech. Memo. 9004. 11 pp. Characterization of the KSC apple rootstocks. E.D.; Hulan, H.W; Salisbury, e.D.G. 1993. -III. Quality and overall performance. J. Am. Soc. Effects of route and level of administration of LeBlanc, D.1. 1992. Le controle de la Hortic. Sci. 118:177-180. procaine penicillin on the performance of broiler temperature dans Ie systeme de distribution des chickens. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:141-147. aliments. Pages 25-42 dans La conservation et Forney, e.E; Hildebrand, P.D.; Saltveit, M.E. I'emballage'des aliments. Compte rendu des 1993. Production of methanethiol by anaerobic Scott, TA; MacKenzie, C.J. 1993. Incidence and textes presentes au 1er Colloque agro-alimentaire, broccoli and microorganisms. Acta Hortic. classification of early embryonic mortality in Casablanca, Maroc. Bulletin technique-3F, Centre 343:100-104. broiler breeder chickens. Br. Poult. Sci. 34:459-470. de recherche et de developpement sur les aliments, Hicklenton, P.R; Cairns, KG. 1992. Solubility Saint-Hyacinthe,Que. and application rate of controlled release Scott, TA.; Swetnam, e. 1993. Screening Papadopoulos, Y.A.; Adams, E.J.; McRae, KB.; fertilizer affect growth and nutrient uptake in sanitizing agents and methods of application for et a!. 1992. Advanced line selections from the containerized woody landscape plants. J. Am. hatching eggs. I. Environmental and user low heat unit grain corn breeding program. Final Soc. Hortic. Sci. 117:578-583. friendliness. J. App!. Poult. Res. 2:1-6.

Kentville 1993-1994 35 report. CanadalNova Scotia Livestock Feed Development Agreement. 137 pp. Papadopoulos, Y.A; Butler, E.A; Richards, J.E.; McRae, KB. 1992. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivar performance when grown on soils with acidic subsoils. Final report. CanadalNova Scotia Livestock Feed Development Agreement. 50 pp. Proudfoot, EG.; Hamilton, RM.G.; DeWitt, W.E; Jansen, H.N. 1992. Raising chicken and turkey broilers in CanadalL'6\evage du poulet et du dindon it griller au Canada. Agric. Can. PubI. 1860/E, 1860/F.63/67 pp. Robinson, J. 1993. The use of pedometers to detect estrus in beef cows. Final report. CanadalNova Scotia Agri-Food Development Agreement. 42 pp. Rodd, AY.; Wilson, RR; Papadopoulos, Y.A; Laflamme, L.E 1992. Effect of cattle trampling on soil properties and pasture production. Final report. CanadalNova Scotia Livestock Feed Development Agreement. 48 pp. Sanford, KA; Burbidge-Boyd, C.M. 1991. Methods for evaluation of the colour and appearance of frozen carrot slices. Res. Br., Agric. Can., Tech. Memo. 9103. 26 pp. Sutherland, KL.; Papadopoulos, Y.A; Nowak, J.; et aI. 1993. The effectiveness of controlled environment assessment for selecting birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus comiculatus L.) with improved seedling vigour under simulated competition regimes. Final report. CanadalNova Scotia Livestock Feed Initiative Agreement. 103 pages.

36 Kentville 1993-1994 FREDERICTON Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 850 Lincoln Road, P.O. Box 20280 850, chemin Lincoln, c.P. 20280 Fredericton, New Brunswick Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick) E3B 4Z7 E3B 4Z7

Tel. (506) 452-3260 Tel. Fax (506) 452-3316 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM309MAIL c.E.

RfeSSional Staff Rsonnel professionnel Director D.K. McBeath, Ph.D. Directeur Assistant Director P.L. Burgess, Ph.D. Directeur adjoint Administrative Officer S.c. Cassidy Agent d'administration Librarian R.M. Anderson, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire

Potato Breeding Amelioration de la pomme de terre Program Leader; Breeding and T.R Tam, Ph.D. Chef de programme; Amelioration et cytogenetics cytogenetique Breeding and evaluation S.T.Ali-Khan, Ph.D. Amelioration genetique et evaluation Diploid breeding and genetics H. De Jong, Ph.D. Selection de diploi'des et genetique Disease screening AM. Murphy, M.Sc. Evaluation sanitaire Propagation methods J.E.A Seabrook, Ph.D. Methodes de multiplication Quantitative genetics G.c.c. Tai, Ph.D. Genetique quantitative

Potato Pest Management Lutte contre les ennemis de la pomme de terre Program Leader; Analytical RR. King, Ph.D. Chef de programme; Chimie organic chemistry organique et analytique Virus epidemiology and RH. Bagnall, Ph.D. Epidemiologie des viroses et resistance resistance aux virus Insect ecology G. Boiteau, Ph.D. Ecologie des insectes Physiology w.K. Coleman, Ph.D. Physiologie Insect-plant relationships Y. Pelletier, Ph.D. Relations insectes-plantes Virus diseases, viroids R.P. Singh, Ph.D. Viroses, viroi'des

Animals and Crops Productionsanimaksetvegetaks Program Leader; Rumen RE. McQueen, Ph.D. Chef de programme; Microbiologie microbiology durumen Forage crops G. Belanger, Ph.D. Cultures fourrageres Dairy cattle nutrition P.H. Robinson, Ph.D. Alimentation des bovins laitiers

Engineering, Horticulture, Soils Genie, horticulture, sols Program Leader; Soil fertility J.E. Richards, Ph.D. Chef de programme; Fertilite des sols Soil hydrology T.L. Chow, Ph.D. Hydrologie du sol Tree fruits and berry crops E.N. Estabrooks, M.Sc. Fruits de verger et petits fruits Agricultural mechanization engineering C.D. McLeod, M.ASc. Mecanisation agricole et ingenierie Soils engineering P.H. Milburn, M.Eng. Pedotechnique Harvesting and storage engineering G.c. Misener, Ph.D. Techniques de recolte et de conservation

Fredericton 1993-1994 37 Bouctouche Bouctouche Senator Herve J. Michaud Ferme de recherches Research Farm Senateur Herve J. Michaud Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Ryan Road, P.O. Box 667 Chemin Ryan, c.P. 667 Bouctouche, New Brunswick Bouctouche (Nouveau-Brunswick) EOA 1GO EOA 1GO

Tel. (506) 743-2464 Tel. Fax (506) 743-8316 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM31OMAIL C.E.

Program Leader M. Proulx, M.Sc. Chef de programme Vegetable Specialist P.Y.LeBlanc, M.Sc.(Agr.) Specialiste des cultures legumieres Fruit Biologist J.-P. Prive, Ph.D. Biologiste, cultures fruitieres

Mandate The Fredericton Research Centre develops isolated in studies on the biosynthetic on AC PROTEUS, a new high-protein new cultivars and technologies for the pathwaysfor production of the thaxtomin class soybean developed by Agriculture and production, handling, and management of of phytotoxinsassociatedwith Streptomyces Agri-Food Canada plant breeders. Dry potatoes. It also conducts research on scabies (the causal organism of common scab roasting this soybean further enhanced its • soil management and conservation of potatoes). effect on milk production. • silage utilization for dairy cattle A mixture of C02, 02, and N2 applied Soil and water Soil erosion caused by • adaptation and management of for 7 days in either the.presence or absence potato production is being studied at horticultural crops. of ethylene reduced dormancy in several various levels of scale, from 1-m2plots to potato cultivars. All cultivars sprouted a 15-ha watershed. Side-slopes created in Achievements within 3 weeks regardless of age. the hilling process increased soil loss Potatoes Improvements were made in Potato tuber damage incurred when significantly during potato production. methods of selecting potatoes for chipping potatoes are transferred from one conveyor Over 90% of soil loss occurred during the quality. Reducing-sugar content was to another can be significantly reduced. summer months. In the Black Brook confirmed as a means for the indirect The combination of a smooth roller and a Watershed, over 7200 t of soil was selection of chip color, and a commercially padded sprocket at the end of the first discharged as stream sediment in 1992, available, enzyme-based blood-glucose conveyor prevents tubers from dropping 70% during the spring runoff. monitor provided a rapid determination of too far or from getting pinched by the In replicated potato plots where tuber glucose content. A collection of return portion of the first conveyor. cWorothalonil (TCIN) was applied 7 months potato clones has been added to the before sampling, four out of 66 tile-drainage Animals and crops Two alfalfa cultivars genetic resources network for vegetatively developed for improved nutritive quality, samples exhibited TCIN residues at low reproduced crops. Varieties and breeding WL322HQ and Pickseed 8920MF, had concentrations. No TCIN residues were lines are maintained with in vitro and field lower fiber concentrations and higher fiber detected in duplicate samples collected procedures. The data base and material are digestibilities than Oneida VR. These during the fall from 19 private wells in an available to researchers and breeders. improvements could not be attributed to area of intensive potato production where The suspension velocitiesof four life the new cultivars' greater proportion of TCIN use was assumed to be high. In a stages of the Colorado potato beetle were leaves in the shoot biomass. When fed to stream fed by tile-drainage water containing determined with an experimental video sheep, WL322HQ exhibited higher a maximum atrazine concentration of technique. A large percentage of rapidly digestibility of energy and fiber than the 14 I-lgIL,planktonic drift populations were falling adults and large larvae are missed other two cultivars. not affected beyond 50 m of the confluence. during a single pass of commercial Matching the rates of degradation of Carrot Field studies were conducted over field-scale-vacuuminsect collectors,whereas protein and starches in the rumen of dairy several years on a virgin sphagnum peat only 3% of the slowlyfallingsmall larvae bog in St. Charles. Addition of the trace cattle by manipulating the degradation of escaped. Plastic-linedtrenches were found to barley starch through dry roasting or more elements B, Mo, Cu, and Zn did not affect remove up to 40% of the adult Colorado frequent feeding increased milk yield with the marketable yields of carrot, although potato colonizingpotato plants in no change in total feed intake. Manipulating yields differed significantly from year to experimental and on-farm tests. Researchers ruminal degradation of dietary protein, year. Levels of B, Mo, Cu, and Zn in the developed an efficientplastic liner and however, failed to stimulate milk production. leaf tissue were not related to deficiency of trencher, now availableto the industry.Two Dairy cows produced more milk when fed these elements. new unique amino acid intermediates were

38 Fredericton 1993-1994 Resources et de grosses larves dont la vitesse de alimentaires n'a cependant pas stimule la The centre shares its office-laboratory chute est rapide, contrairement a 97 % des production de lait. Les vaches laitieres ont building with the Food Production and petites larves dont la vitesse de chute est produit davantage lorsqu'elles ont ete Inspection Branch of Agriculture and lente. lis ont de plus decouvert qu'en nourries avec une nouvelle variete de soja Agri-Food Canada and with head offices creusant des tranch6es et en les doublant riche en proteines, l'AC PROTEUS, creee of the New Brunswick Department of de plastique, on reussissait a enlever par les selectionneurs d'Agriculture et Agriculture. The centre operates a potato- jusqu'a 40 % des doryphores adultes qui Agro-alimentaire Canada. Le rot issage a breeding research farm at Benton Ridge, colonisent les plants de pomme de terre sec de cette variete de soja a accentue son about 100 km west of Fredericton. The dans les essais experimentaux et a la ferme. effet sur la production laitiere. centre also oversees the operation of the Les chercheurs ont mis au point une Pedologie et hydrologie L'erosion du sol doublure de plastique et une trancheuse Senator Herve J. Michaud Research Farm. causee par la production de la pomme de The land base at the three locations covers efficaces qui sont main tenant mises a la terre est etudiee a differentes echelles,sur des 673 ha; the total staff of 117.7 person-years disposition de l'industrie. On a isole deux superficiesallant de parcelles de 1mZ jusqu'a includes 25 scientists with a total budget of intermediaires d'acides amines au cours des bassinshydrographiques de 15ha. Les $6.5 million. d'etudes sur les voies de synthese pentes creees par la constitution de biologique pour la production du groupe monticules ont considerablement intensifieles o des thaxtomines (phytotoxines) associees a pertes de sol pendant la production de Streptomyces scabies (l'agent causal de la pommes de terre. Plus de 90 % de ces pertes Mandat gale commune de la pomme de terre). sont survenues pendant les mois d'ete. Dans Un melange de COz, de Oz et de Nz Ie bassin hydrographique Black Brook, plus de Le Centre de recherches de Fredericton applique pendant 7 jours en presence ou en 7 200t de sol ont ete dechargees sous forme cree de nouveaux cultivars et elabore de l'absence d'ethylene a raccourci la periode de sediments fluviatilesen 1992,dont 70 % nouvelles techniques de gestion de de dormance chez plusieurs cultivars de pendant Ie ruissellement printanier. production et de manutention des pommes pomme de terre. Tous les cultivars ont de terre. On y realise egalement des Dans des parcelles de multiplicationde germe en l'espace de 3 semaines sans egard recherches dans les domaines suivants pommes de terre traitees au chlorothalonil a leur maturite. • la gestion et la conservation des sols (TCIN) 7 mois avant l'echantillonnage,quatre • l'utilisation de l'ensilage pour l'elevage II est possible de reduire des 66 6chantillonsd'eau de drainage des bovins laitiers considerablement les dommages subis par presentaient de faibles concentrations de les tubercules de pomme de terre au residus de TCIN. On n'a pas detecte de • l'adaptation et la gestion des cultures moment de leur passage d'un tapis residus dans les echantillonsdoubles preleves horticoles. transporteur a un autre. L'utilisation d'un a l'automne dans 19puits prives situes dans Realisations rouleau a surface lisse et d'un pignon dente une region de production intensive de la coussine a la fin du premier tapis pomme de terre ou l'on supposait que Pommes de te"e Les chercheurs ont transporteur empeche les tubercules de l'utilisationdu TCIN etait repandue. Dans un ameliore les methodes de selection des tomber trop loin ou d'etre coinces par Ie cours d'eau alimente par de l'eau de drainage pommes de terre afin d'obtenir des retour du premier tapis transporteur. contenant une concentration d'atrazine de croustilles de meilleure qualite. lis ont 14!-tgILau plus, les populations de plancton a aussi confirme que la teneur en sucres Productions animales et vegetales Deux cultivars de luzerne a valeur nutritive la derive n'etaient pas touchees au-dela de 50 reducteurs pouvait servir indirectement a la m du confluent. selection de la couleur des croustilles. Un superieure, WL322HQ et Pickseed glucometre offert sur Ie marche a permis 8920MF, ont ete crees. lis contiennent Carottes Pendant plusieurs annees, on a de determiner rapidement a l'aide d'une moins de fibres que l'Oneida VR, mais sont etudie une tourbiere de sphaigne vierge des reaction enzymatique la teneur en glucose plus digestibles. Ces ameliorations ne marais a Saint-Charles. L'addition des des tubercules. Le reseau des ressources pouvaient pas etre attribuables au fait que oligo-elements B, Mo, Cu et Zn n'a pas eu genetiques pour les especes a multiplication ces nouveaux cultivars ont une plus forte d'effet sur les rendements commercialisables vegetative s'est enrichi d'une collection de proportion de feuilles dans la biomasse des en carottes, meme si les rendements clones de la pomme de terre. Les varietes tiges. On a constate que, par rapport aux fluctuaient considerablement d'une annee et les lignees de selection sont conservees deux autres cultivars, l'energie et les fibres a l'autre. Les teneurs en B, Mo, Cu et Zn in vitro et au champ. La base de donnees et de la luzerne WL322HQ se digeraient du tissu foliaire n'etaient pas liees a la Ie materiel sont mis a la disposition des mieux par les moutons. carence en ces elements. chercheurs et des selectionneurs. L'appariement des taux de Ressources Les scientifiques ont utilise une degradation des proteines et des feculents dans Ie rumen des bovins laitiers au moyen Le Centre de recherches de Fredericton technique video experimentale pour partage son immeuble de laboratoires et de determiner la vitesse de suspension du de la manipulation de la degradation de l'amidon de l'orge par rotissage a sec ou bureaux avec la Direction generale de la doryphore de la pomme de terre a quatre production et de l'inspection des aliments stades de son cycle biologique. lis ont par une alimentation plus frequente a permis d'accroitre la production de lait d'Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada constate que Ie passage unique dans Ie ainsi qu'avec l'administration centrale du champ d'un modele commercial sans modification de la quantite tot ale d'aliments ingeres. La manipulation de la ministere de l'Agriculture du Nouveau- d'aspirateurs a insectes ne permet de Brunswick.Le centre possede une ferme recolter qu'un faible pourcentage d'adultes degradation dans Ie rumen des proteines

Fredericton 1993-1994 39 d'amelioration genetique de la pomme de predominantly silage diets for late-lactation dairy Khorasani, G.R; Robinson, P.H.; Kennelly, J.J. terre a Benton Ridge, a une centaine de cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:67-77. 1993. Effects of canola meal treated with acetic kilometres a I'ouest de Fredericton. Le centre Chow, T.L. 1992. Performance of an ultrasonic acid on rumen degradation and intestinal digestibility in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. supervise egalement Ie fonctionnement de la level sensing system for automated monitoring of 76:1607-1616. Ferme de recherches Senateur Herve J. snowcover depth. Agric. For. Meteorol. 62:75-85. Michaud. Les trois sites couvrent 673 ha, Chow, T.L.; Rees, H.W; Ghanem, I.; Cormier, R Lakshman, D.K.; Tavantzis, S.M.; Boucher, A; Singh, RP. 1992. A rapid and versatile method tandis qu'ils disposent de 117,7 annees- 1992. Compactibility of cultivated sphagnum for cloning viroids or other circular plant personnes et d'un budget total de 6,5 millions peat material and its influence on hydrologic pathogenic RNAs. Anal. Biochem. 203:269-273. de dollars, et emploient 25 scientifiques. characteristics. Soil Sci. 153(4):300-306. Coleman, WK. 1992. A proposed winter-injury Lakshminarayana, J.S.S.; O'Neill, H.J.; o classification for apple trees on the northern Jo~navithula, S.D.; Leger, D.A; Milburn, P. fringe of commercial production. Can. J. Plant 1992. Impact of atrazine-bearing agricultural tile Sci. 72:507-516. drainage discharge on planktonic drift of a /Research Publications natural stream. Environ. Pollut. 76:201-210. Publications de recherche Coleman, WK.; Estabrooks, E.N.; O'Hara, M.; Embleton, J.; King, R 1992. Seasonal changes in LeClerc, D.; Eweida, M.; Singh, RP.; Ali-Khan, S.T. 1992. AC Tamor field pea. Can. J. Abouhaidar, M.G. 1992. Biotinylated DNA cold hardiness, sucrose and sorbitol in apple Plant Sci. 73:203-204. probes for detecting virus Y and aucuba mosaic trees treated with plant growth regulators. J. Bagnall, RB. 1992. Epidemiology of potato virus Hortic. Sci. 67(3):429-435. virus in leaves and dormant tubers of potato. Y in New Brunswick, Canada; a biennial rhythm Potato Res. 35:173-182. Coleman, WK.; Estabrooks, E.N. 1992. and a 9-plus year cycle. Can. J. Plant Pathol. Enhancement of cold hardiness in apple trees by Levy, D.; Seabrook, J.E.A; Coleman, S. 1993. 14:137-146. paclobutrazol, thidiazuron and flurprimidol. Can. Enhancement of tuberization of axillary shoot buds of potato Solanum tuberosum L. cultivars Belanger, G.; Gastal, E; Warembourg, G.R J. Plant Sci. 72:1267-1274. 1992. The effects of nitrogen fertilization and the cultured in vitro. J. Exp. Bot. 44:381-386. Coleman, WK.; Hawkins, G.; McInerney, J.; growing season on carbon partitioning in a sward Malik, K.A; Ali-Khan, S.T.;Saxena, P.K. 1992. Goddard, M. 1992. Development of a dormancy of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Ann. release technology: a review. Am. Potato J. Direct ortanogenesis and plant regeneration in Bot. 70:239-244. preconditioned tissue cultures of Lathyrus cicera 69:437-445. Belanger, G.; Gastal, E; Lemaire, G. 1992. L., L. ochrus (L.)DC and L. sativus L. Ann. Bot. Colpitts, B.; Pelletier, Y; Cogswell, S. 1992. Growth analysis of a tall fescue sward fertilized 70:301-304. Complex permittivity measurements of the with different rates of nitrogen. Crop Sci. McLeod, C.D.; Misener, G.C. 1992. Variations in Colorado potato beetle using coaxial probe 32:1371-1376. alfalfa juice solute concentrations as water is techniques. J. Microwave Power Electromagn. evaporated. Drying Tech. 10(2):467--473. Belanger, G.; Richards, J.E.; McQueen, R.E. Energy 27(3):175-182. 1992. Effects of harvesting systems on yield, McLeod, C.D.; Misener, G.c.; Tai, G.C.c.; Doohan, D.1.; Belanger, G.; King, R.R; Ivany, persistence, and nutritive value of alfalfa. Can. J. J.A 1992. Residues and efficacy with fluazifop-P Caissie, R 1992. A precision seeding device for Plant Sci. 72:793-799. true potato seed. Am. Potato J. 69:255-264. in alfalfa Medicago sativa. Weed Technol. Boiteau, G.; Misener, G.c.; Singh, RP.; Bernard, 6:25-30. Mellerowicz, E.J.; Coleman, WK.; Riding, RT.; G. 1992. Evaluation of a vacuum collector for Little, C.HA 1992. Periodicity of cambial Gastal, E; Belanger, G.; Lemaire, G. 1992. A insect pest control in potato. Am. Potato J. model of the leaf extension rate of tall fescue in activity in Abies balsamea. I. Effects of 69:157-166. temperature and photoperiod on cambial response to nitrogen and temperature. Ann. Bot. dormancy and frost hardiness. Physiol. Plant. Bush, RS.; Toullec, R; Caugant, I.; Guilloteau, 70:437-442. P. 1992. Effects of raw pea flower on nutrient 85:515-525. Herold, T.;Haas, B.; Singh, RP.; Boucher, A; digestibility and immune responses in the Milburn, P.; Higgins, J.K. 1992. Comparison of Sanger, H.L. 1992. Sequence analysis of five new preruminant calf. J. Dairy Sci. 75:3539-3552. land clearing techniques in Atlantic Canada: a field isolates demonstrates that the chain length case study. Can. Agric. Eng. 34(2):219-225. Bush, RS.; Toullec, R.; Guilloteau, P.;Barre, P. of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV d) is not 1992. Digestibilite ideale d'un gluten de ble strictly conserved but as variable as in other Milburn, P.;Mosher, A; MacLeod, J.A 1992. A partiellement hydrolyse chez Ie veau viroids. Plant Mol. BioI. 19:329-333. 32-channel event interface for a commercial preruminant. Ann. Zootech. 41:31-32. portable data acquisition system. Can. Agric. King, RR; Calhoun, L.A; Singh, RP.; Boucher, Charmley, E.; Hidiroglou, N.; Ochoa, L.; A. 1992. Characterization of Eng. 34(3):291-293. McDowell, L.R; Hidiroglou, M. 1992. Plasma 2,3,4,3'-tetra-O-acylated sucrose esters Misener, G.c. 1993. Comparison of strategies for and hepatic a-tocopherol in cattle following oral associated with the glandular trichomes of ambient-air drying of large round bales. Drying or intramuscular supplementation. J. Dairy Sci. Lycopersicon typicum. J. Agric. Food Chern. Tech. 11(5):1107-1114. 75:804-810. 41:469-473. Misener, G.C.; Boiteau, G. 1993. Holding Charmley, E.; Nicholson, J.WG. 1993. Injectable King, RR; Lawrence, C.H.; Calhoun, LA 1992. capability of the Colorado potato beetle to a-tocopherol for control of oxidized flavour in Chemistry of phytotoxins associated with potato leaves and plastic surfaces. Can. Agric. milk from dairy cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. Streptomyces scabies, the causal organism of Eng. 35(1):27-31. 735:381-392. potato common scab. J. Agric. Food Chern. Misener, G.c.; Boiteau, G. 1993. Suspension Charmley, E.; Nicholson, J.WG.; Zee, J.A 1993. 40(5):834-837. velocity of the Colorado potato beetle in free Effect of supplemental vitamin E and selenium Khorasani, G.R; de Boer, G.; Robinson, P.H.; fall. Am. Potato J. 70:309-316. in the diet on vitamin E and selenium levels and Kennelly, J.J. 1992. Influence of canola fat on Misener, G.C.; Gerber, WA; McLeod, C.D. control of oxidized flavours in milk from ruminal and total tract digestion, plasma 1992. A data acquisition system to monitor a Holstein cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:453-457. hormones, and metabolites in lactating dairy potato digger. Can. Agric. Eng. 34(3):227-232. Charmley, E.; Robinson, P.H.; McQueen, R.E. cows. J. Dairy Sci. 75:492-501. 1993. Corn or alfalfa as the forage source in

40 Fredericton 1993 -1994 Misener, G.C.; McLeod, C.D. 1992. Comparison Robinson, P.H.; McQueen, RE. 1992. Influence of drying large round bales by alternate air of rumen fermentable neutral detergent fiber conditioning methods. Drying Tech. levels on feed intake and milk production of 10(2):521-529. dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 75:520-532. Misener, G.C.; McLeod, C.D.; McMillan, L.P. Robinson, P.H.; Okine, E.K.; Kennelly, J.J. 1992. 1992. Identification of mechanical injury of Measurement of protein digestion in ruminants. potatoes on packing lines. Can. Agric. Eng. Pages 121-144 in Nissen, S., ed. Modern 34(1):55-59. methods in protein nutrition and metabolism. Nicholson, J.WG.; Bush, RS.; Allen, J.G. 1992. Academic Press, San Diego, CA Antibody responses of growing beef cattle fed Seabrook, J.E.A; Coleman, S.; Levy, D. 1993. silage diets with and without selenium Effect of photoperiod on in vitro tuberization of supplementation. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:355-365. potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Cell Tissue Nicholson, J.WG.; Charmley, E.; Bush, RS. Organ Cult. 34:43-51. 1992. The effect of supplemental protein source Seabrook, J.E.A; Farrell, G. 1993. City water as on ammonia levels in rumen fluid and blood and a source for tissue culture stock plants. intake of alfalfa silage by beef cattle. Can. J. HortScience 28(6):628-629. Anim. Sci. 72:853-862. Singh, RP. 1992. Incidence of the tobacco veinal Nicholson, J.WG.; Charmley, E.; Bush, RS. necrotic strain of potato virus Y (PVY") in 1992. Effect of moisture level on ensiling Canada in 1990 and 1991 and scientific basis for characteristics of alfalfa in big bales or chopped eradication of the disease. Can. Plant Dis. Surv. and compacted in plastic tubes. Can. J. Anim. 72(2):113-119. Sci. 72:347-357. Singh, RP.; Boucher, A; Somerville, TH. 1992. O'Neill, H.J.; Milburn, P.;Leger, D.A.; Detection of potato spindle tuber viroid in the MacLeod, J.; Richards, J. 1992. A screening pollen and various parts of potato plant survey for chlorothalonil residues in waters pollinated with viroid-infected pollen. Plant Dis. proximal to areas of intensive agriculture. Can. 76:951-953. Water Res. J. 17(1):7-19. Singh, R.P.; Boucher, A; Somerville, TH. 1993. Pelletier, Y; Clark, C.L. 1992. The haemolymph Interactions between a mild and a severe strain plasma composition of adults, pupae, and larvae of potato spindle tuber viroid in doubly infected of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa potato plants. Am. Potato J. 70:85-92. decemlineata (Say), and development of Singh, RP.; Boucher, A; Wang, RG.; physiological saline solutions. Can. Entomol. Somerville, TH. 1992. Potato spindle tuber viroid 124:945-949. is not encapsidated in vivo by potato virus Y Prive, J.P.; Sullivan, J.A; Proctor, J.TA; Allen, particles. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 14:18-21. O.B. 1993. Performance of three Singh, RP.; Lakshman, D.K.; Boucher, A; primocane-fruiting red raspberry cultivars in Thvantzis, S.M. 1992. A viroid from Nematanthus Ontario and Quebec. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. wettsteinii plants closely related to the Columnea 118:388-392. latent viroid. J. Gen. Virol. 73:2769-2774. Prive, J.P.; Sullivan, J.A; Proctor, J.TA; Allen, Tarn, TR; Tai, G.c.c.; Dejong, H.; Murphy, O.B. 1993. Climate influences vegetative and AM.; Seabrook, J.E.A 1992. Breeding potatoes reproductive components of primocane-fruiting for long day, temperature climates. Plant Breed. red raspberry cultivars. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. Rev. 9:217-332. 118:393-399.

Prud'homme, M.P.; Gastal, F.; Belanger, G.; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Boucaud, J. 1993. Temperature effects on PUBLICATIONS partitioning of 14C-assimilates in tall fescue Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). New Phytol. 123:255-261. Boiteau, G.; Le Blanc, J-P.R 1992. Colorado Ramachandran, P.;Kumar, D.; Varma, A; potato beetle life stages/Stades du cycle vital du Pandey, P.K.; Singh, RP. 1992. Coleus viroid in doryphore de la pomme de terre. Agric. Can. India. Curf. Sci. 62:271-272. Publ. 1878/E, 1878/F. 13/14 pp. Richards, J.E.; Daigle, J.-Y; LeBlanc, P. 1993. Nitrogen availability and nitrate leaching from organo-mineral fertilizers. Can. J. Soil Sci. 73:197-208. Robinson, P.H.; Charmley, E.; McQueen, RE. 1992. Protein supplementation of high protein alfalfa silage fed to lactating dairy cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci..72:831-841.

Fredericton 1993-1994 41 CENTRE DE RECHERCHE ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT SOILS AND CROPS RESEARCH AND SUR LES SOLS ET LES GRANDES CULTURES DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Direction generale de la recherche Research Branch Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2560, boulevard Hochelaga 2560 Hochelaga Boulevard Sainte-Foy (Quebec) Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1V 213 mv 213

Tel (418) 657-7980 Tel. Telecopie (418) 648-2402 Fax c.E. OTTB::AG3360000 EM

R,sonnel professionnel Rfessional Staff Directrice A. St-Yves, M.Sc. Director Directeur adjoint R. Michaud, Ph.D. Assistant Director Agent des services administratifs T. Nadeau Administrative Services Officer Agent de transfert de technologie M. Germain, M.Sc. Technology Transfer Officer Gestionnaire du systeme informatique D. Guindon, B.Sc.(Info.) Data Information Manager Analyste-programmeur A. Levesque, B.Sc.(Info.) Programmer-Analyst Cultures fourrageres Forage Crops Chef de p,rogramme; resistance P.Nadeau, Ph.D. Program Leader; Cold au froid-biochimie resistance-biochemistry Stress, ecophysiologie Y. Castonguay, Ph.D. Stress, ecophysiology Resistance au froid Y. Cloutier, Ph.D. Cold resistance Biologie moleculaire S. Laberge, Ph.D. Molecular biology Malherbologie C. Lemieux, Ph.D. Weed science Genetique des legumineuses fourrageres R. Michaud, Ph.D. Forage legume breeding Pathologie des legumineuses fourrageres C. Richard, Ph.D. Pathology of forage legumes Recolte et conservation des fourrages P. Savoie, Ph.D. Harvest and storage of forages Genetique des graminees fourrageres J. Surprenant, Ph.D. Forage grass breeding Metabolisme azote-physiologie L.-P. Vezina, Ph.D. Nitrogen metabolism, physiology Cultures cerealieres Cereal Crops Chef de programme; genetique des cereales J.-P. Dubuc, Ph.D. Program Leader; Cereal breeding Entomologie A. Comeau, Ph.D. Entomology Pathologie des cereales L. Couture, Ph.D. Cereal pathology Malherbologie A. Legere, Ph.D. Weed science Ressources sol et eau Soil and Water Resources Chef de programme; chimie R. Simard, Ph.D. Program Leader; Soil chemistry et fertilite des sols and fertility Physique et conservation des sols D. Angers, Ph.D. Soil physics and conservation Microbiologie N. Bissonnette, M.Sc. Microbiology Microbiologie L. Bordeleau, Ph.D. Microbiology Endomycorhizes V.Furlan, D.Sc. Endomycorrhizae Chimie et fertilite des sols D. Isfan, Ph.D. Soil chemistry and fertility Microbiologie R. Lalande, Ph.D. Microbiology Microbiologie D. Prevost, Ph.D. Microbiology Fertilite des sols J. Zizka, M.Sc. Soil fertility

42 Centre de recherche et de d{weloppement sur les sols et les gran des cultures 1993-1994 Normandin Normandin Ferme de recherches Research Farm Direction generale de la recherche Research Branch Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 1468, rue Saint-Cyrille 1468 St. Cyrille Street Normandin (Quebec) Normandin, Quebec GOW2EO GOW2EO

TeL (418) 274-3378 Tel. Telecopie (418) 274-3386 Fax c.B. OTTB::EM328MAIL EM

Responsable de programme J.-M. Wauthy, B.Sc. Program Leader PIantes fourrageres et horticoles R. Drapeau, M.Sc. Forage and horticultural crops Bcoagriculture, fertilite des sols J. Lafond, M.Sc. Ecoagriculture, soil fertility Gestion et genetique des cere ales D. Pageau, M.Sc. Cereal management and breeding Valeur nutritive des aliments G. Tremblay, Ph.D. Nutritive value of feed for pour les ruminants ruminants


Au centre de recherche et de developpement luzerne actives par les basses temperatures. quotidiennement plus de matiere seche de Sainte-Foy on travaille a I'amelioration Voici ce qu'on a observe lorsque I'ensilage de graminees avait ete genetique des plantes fourrageres pour I'Est • Ie gene msaCJA code pour une proteine recolte a I'aide d~une fourragere classique ou du Canada, dont principalement la luzerne et riche en glycine avec une fourragere autochargeuse qu'avec Ie la fleole des pres. On y poursuit egalement • Ie msaCJB est associe a I'endurcissement meme ensilage recolte en balles rondes des travaux en' au froid tres eleve deja observe chez les enrobees. De meme, la production laitiere • conservation des ressources du sol et de plants de luzerne acclimates a des etait plus eIevee chez les animaux qui I'eau pour Ie Quebec temperatures geIives recevaient I'ensilage recolte a I'aide d'une • production fourragere et cerealiere • Ie gene msaCJC code pour une proteine fourragere classique. Vne plus grande • amelioration du ble. qui s'accumule lors de changements ingestion volontaire et Ie faible gain de poids De plus, Ie centre developpe des encourus durant Ie developpement de corporel observe chez ces animaux sont les techniques de production et d'utilisation certaines especes vegetales. principaux facteurs de cette performance. des fourrages pour Ie Moyen-Nord. Surconditionnement des fourrages On a Longevite des bourgeons de chiendent Les con~u une machine experimentale qui bourgeons sur les rhizomes de chien dent Realisations permet d'integrer au champ la fauche et Ie peuvent demeurer viables pendant une Jdentifk:ation de champignons glnf:ogenes On a broyage des fourrages, un procede appele periode de 24 a 30 mois lorsque I'on empeche mis au point une methode simple et rapide surconditionnement. Les fourrages la croissance des parties aeriennes. La pour detecter I'activite gla<;ogene dans les surconditionnes sechent deux fois plus vite production de bourgeons se poursuit jusqu'a cultures des especes de La methode que les andains classiques. II sera donc Fusarium. la mi-novembre au Quebec et Ie chiendent se utilise du materiel commun de laboratoire et possible de faire du foin sec en une journee perpetue dans les cultures en produisant un est peu cofiteuse. Elle permet aussi de et demie par temps ensoleille au lieu des grand nombre de bourgeons a I'automne, distinguer les Fusarium acuminatum et trois a quatre jours que necessite la meme apres la recolte. La destruction avenaceum des autres especes. methode traditionnelle. automnale de cette mauvaise herbe doit donc Souches de T1:rticillium L'amplification de etre retenue pour reduire les infestations. Nouvelle methode de depistage du viJus de In certaines regions de I'ADN a permis aux jaunisse nanisante de forge Vne methode Ensilage en balles rondes Le taux de matiere chercheurs de distinguer clairement les rapide, peu cofiteuse et fiable de detection de seche de I'ensilage de graminees en balles souches de T1:rti.cilliumalbo-atntm de la ce virus a ete developpee en utilisant un test rondes doit varier entre 40 et 50 % afin luzerne de celles de la pomme de terre. Les serologique similaire a la methode ELISA d'obtenir un bon ensilage. Les meilleures souches de V.albo-atntm qui attaquent la Elle pourra servir a identifier en moins de 3 h performances observees chez les moutons pomme de terre en Amerique du Nord ne de test en laboratoire les plants de cereales nourris avec ces ensilages indiquent une plus sont pas a I'origine de I'epidemie de qui offrent une resistance a cette maladie. grande efficacite d'utilisation de I'energie verticilliose qui affecte la luzerne depuis 1976 metabolisee pour Ie gain de poids. Nouveaux cultivars de cereales en 1992-1993 aux Btats-Vnis et depuis 1980 au Canada. Recolte d'ensilage de graminees fourrageres On a cree cinq nouveaux cultivars de cereales Genes d'endurcissement au froid de In luzeme pour Ie secteur agro-alimentaire de l'Est du Les vaches laitieres ingeraient On a isole et caracterise trois genes chez la

Soils and Crops Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 43 pays. Le cultivar d'avoine AC Rigodon a Nouvelle methode d'extraction des elements activity in Fusarium species. The method offert les plus hauts rendements et les mineraux du solOn a mis au point une employs common laboratory equipment and meilleures caracteristiques agronomiques methode d'extraction 3 l'aide d'une is inexpensive. It also distinguishes Fusarium durant les essais d'enregistrement. Les solution de 0,02 M de SrClz et 0,05 M acuminatum and avenaceum from other cultivars d'orge AC Sirius (3 deux rangs) et d'acide citrique. Elle est superieure ou species. AC Nadia (3 six rangs) sont destines 3 equivalente aux methodes usuelles pour Strains of Verticillium By amplifying I'alimentation animale et offrent des predire Ie prelevement et la reponse des certain regions of DNA, researchers can rendements eleves de grain et de paille. L'AC plantes aux applications d'engrais comme clearly distinguish strains of Verticillium Pollet est un ble mou panifiable qui offre des Ie P et Ie K. Les quantites extraites de N, albo-atrum in alfalfa from those in potato. rendements eleves et possede des qualites Ca, Mg, Zn et Mn sont beaucoup plus Strains of V.albo-atrum that attack potatoes in boulangeres exceptionnelles. L'AC Mimi est elevees en utilisant cette methode qu'en North America are not the source of the un ble de qualite panifiable de type 3M. ayant recours aux methodes usuelles. Cette verticillium wilt epidemic observed in U.S. methode devrait etre adoptee par les Fusariose de l'epi de ble Deux substances alfalfa since 1976 and in Canadian alfalfa laboratoires d'analyse de l'Est du Canada. retrouvees dans les antheres du ble, la since 1980. choline et la betaIne, stimulent la croissance Utilisation de compost pour la production de Alfalfa cold-hardening genes Researchers in vitro du champignon pathogene Fusarium mars sucre La biomasse microbienne et isolated and characterized three genes in graminearum, agent de la fusariose de l'epi I'activite enzymatique d'un sol sableux se sont alfalfa, activitated by low temperatures: de ble. Toutefois, l'extrait d'antheres du accrues tres rapidement suite 3 l'application • msaCIA codes for a glycine-rich protein Laval-19, ble sensible, inhibe totalement la d'un jeune compost de copaux de bois et de • msaCIB is associated with the high degree croissance du champignon, alors que celui du fumier de cheval, ce qui a immobiliser l'azote of cold hardening observed in alfalfa plants cultivar resistant Nobeoka Bozu stimule tout en accroissant les rendements du mals acclimatized to freezing temperatures nettement la croissance du champignon. Le sucre. L'application d'atrazine a eu peu • msaCIC codes for a protein that pollen de mals stimule Ie champignon. d'effets sur l'activite biologique du sol. accumulates with changes during the Matiere organique et structure du sol Ressources development of certain plant species. L'incorporation, sur un sollimono-argileux, Le centre est situe pres de l'Universite Laval, d'un fourrage de trefle rouge et de fleole des Longevity of quack grass buds Researchers qui abrite une des plus importantes facultes pres a fourni annuellement du carbone au showed that buds of quack grass rhizomes taux de 3 000 kglha. Le fumier de bovin a d'agriculture du pays. n dispose de 94 annees- remain viable for 24-30 months after the fourni pendant la meme periode un taux de personnes et d'un budget total de 6 millions aerial parts stop growing. The aerial parts de dollars. On y emploie 29 scientifiques. Le carbone de 1 000 kglha alors que Ie travail grow until mid November in Quebec. Quack reduit du sol n'a pas eu d'effet. L'apport de centre exploite une ferme de recherches de grass survives in crops by producing many 75 ha 3 Saint-David-de-I'Auberiviere, 3 matiere organique au sol sous forme de buds in the fall before and after crop harvest. environ 15 km au sud de Quebec on residus de culture et de fumiers a provoque OU Fall destruction of the weed is therefore effectue des travaux sur la production vegetale une augmentation de 50 % de la stabilite essential to reduce infestations. et la chimie des sols. De plus, Ie centre a la structurale et de la porosite. Round bale silage The percentage of dry responsabilite de la Ferme de recherches de matter in round bale grass silage should range Activite et biomasse microbienne des sols Normandin, au nord-ouest du Lac-Saint-Jean, from 40 to 50% to obtain a high-quality silage. L'application de fumier, la rotation des d'une superficie de 140 ha. cultures et Ie travail reduit du sol ont The best performance results observed in augmente l'activite et la biomasse microbienne sheep fed on this silage indicate more efficient d'un sol argileux. Le dosage de l'activite • use of metabolized energy for weight gain. microbienne par la phosphatase alcaline a Harvesting of forage grass silage Milk cows Mandate permis de detecter plus rapidement les ingested more dry matter daily when grass changements dans les proprietes biologiques The Research and Development Centre at silage was harvested with a conventional du sol que ne 1'ont perrnis 1'evaluation des . Sainte-Foy develops new cultivars of forage forage harvester or a self-loading forage populations microbiennes et Ie dosage de la crops, primarily alfalfa and timothy, for harvester than when the same silage was biomasse microbienne. eastern Canada. It also conducts research harvested in wrapped round bales. Likewise Inoculo.tion du sainfoin avec du Rhizobium on animals fed silage harvested with a • soil and water conservation for Quebec arctique Sous des conditions contrOlees de conventional forage harvester produced more • forage and grain production basses temperatures et au COUTS d'essais au milk. This performance can be attributed • wheat improvement. champ effectues dans tout Ie pays, Ie sainfoin, mainly to a higher voluntary intake and a low In addition, the centre develops techniques inocule avec des souches arctiques de body weight gain. for producing and using forages in central Rhizobium isolees 3 partir d'Astragalus et Exira-conditioning of forages An experimental northern areas. d'Oxytropis, a donne des rendements en machine was developed, which combines field fourrage de 1,5 3 3 fois plus eleves que celui Achievements mowing with crushing of forages. The process inocule avec des souches commerciales. Sous is called extra-conditioning. Extra-conditioned Identification of ice-forming fungi un regime de temperatures elevees, l'efficacite forages dry twice as fast as conventional Researchers have developed a fast and des souches arctiques avec Ie sainfoin etait swaths. Dry hay of high feed value can thus be simple method for detecting ice-forming egale 3 celIe des souches commerciales.

44 Centre de recherche et de d{weloppement sur les sols et les grandes cultures 1993-1994 produced in 1.5 days of sunny weather, isolated from Astragalus and Oxytropis gave Angers, D.A.; N'dayegamiye, A; Cote, D. 1993. compared with 3 or 4 days by the forage yields 1.5-3 times higher than sainfoin Tillage-induced differences in organic matter of conv~ntional method. inoculated with commercial strains. Under particle-size fractions and microbial biomass. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57:512-516. New method of detecting barleyyellow dwaif high temperatures, Arctic strains were as Angers, D.A; Pesant, A; Vigneux, J. 1992. Early virus A fast, inexpensive, and reliable way effective with sainfoin as were commercial strains. cropping-induced changes in soil aggregation, to detect this virus was developed using a organic matter, and microbial biomass. Soil Sci. serologic test similar to the ELISA method. New method of extracting mineral elements Soc. Am. J. 56:115-119. With this tool cereal plants that exhibit from the soil A method of extraction has Angers, D.A; Samson, N.; Legere, A 1993. resistance to this disease can be identified in been developed using a solution of 0.02 M Early changes in water-stable aggregation less than 3 h of laboratory tests. SrCl2 and 0.05 M citric acid. The method is induced by rotation and tillage in a soil under New cereal cultivars in 1992-1993 Five superior or equivalent to the usual methods barley production. Can. J. Soil Sci. 73:51-59. for predicting sampling and response of new cereal cultivars were for the agri-food Beaulieu, R; Seoane, J.R; Savoie, P.; et al. 1993. industry in eastern Canada. The oat plants to applications of P and K fertilizers. Effects of dry-matter content on the nutritive cultivar AC Rigodon had the highest yields Extracted quantities of N, Ca, Mg, Zn, and value of individually wrapped round-bale timothy and best agronomic characteristics during Mn are also significantly better than those silage fed to sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:343-354. registration trials. The two-row barley achieved by usual methods. This new Beghadi, A; Richard, c.; Dostaler, D. 1992. cultivar AC Sirius and six-row barley method could be adopted to advantage by L 'Aphanomyces euteiches des luzernieres du cultivar AC Nadia are for animal feed and analysis laboratories in eastern Canada. Quebec: isolement, morphologie et variabilite du pouvoir pathogene. Can. J. Bot. 70:1903-1911. give high yields of grain and straw. The Use of compost for producing sweet com cultivar AC Pollet is a soft bread wheat that The microbial biomass and enzymatic Benazon, N.; Simard, R.R.; Lafrance, P.; offers high yields and has exceptional activity of a sandy soil increased quickly Villeneuve, J.-P. 1992. Transport of ammonium and nitrate ions in hydrocarbon contaminated milling qualities. The cultivar AC Mimi is a after applying a young compost of wood soils. Pages 371-376 in Weyer, K.D., ed. 3M-type bread wheat. shavings and horse manure. Compost Subsurface contamination by immiscible fluids. Root rot and head blight of wheat immobilizes the nitrogen while increasing AA Balkema Publishers. the yield of sweet corn. Atrazine had little Choline and betaine extracted from wheat Bertrand, S.; Benhamou, H.; Nadeau, P.; effect on the soil's biological activity. anthers stimulate in vitro growth of the Dostaler, D.; Gosselin, A 1992. Immunogold pathogenic fungus localization of free abscisic acid in tomato root cells. Fusarium graminearnm, Resources which causes root rot and head blight in Can. 1. Bot. 70:1001-1011. wheat. However, the anther extract from the The centre is close to Laval University, which Cai, Q.; Bullen, M.R 1992. Identification of susceptible wheat cultivar Laval-19 totally houses one of the most important agriculture timothy cultivars by SDS-PAGE analysis of seed inhibits growth of the fungus, whereas the facilities in the country. It has a staff of storage proteins. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1215-1222. anther extract from the resistant cultivar 94 person-years, including 29 scientists, and Castonguay, Y.; Markhart, III, AH. 1992. Leaf Nobeoka Bom clearly stimulates growth of a total budget of $6 million. The centre also gas exchange in water-stressed common bean the fungus. Com pollen also stimulates the operates a 75-ha research farm at Saint- and tepary bean. Crop Sci. 32:980-986. David-de-I'Auberiviere, about 15 km south of fungus. Castonguay, Y; Nadeau, P.; Laberge, S. 1993. Quebec, where work on plant production and Freezing tolerance and alteration of translatable Organic matter and soil strncture Forage of soil chemistry is done. The centre is also in mRNAs in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) hardened at red clover and timothy incorporated into a charge of the 140-ha Normandin Research subzero temperatures. Plant Cell Physiol. 34:31-38. silty clay soil supplies 3000 kg of carbon per Farm northwest of Lac Saint-Jean. hectare annually. Cattle manure supplied Cloutier, J.; Prevost, D.; Nadeau, P.; Antoun, H. 1992. Heat and cold shock protein synthesis in 1000 kg of carbon per hectare annually. o artic and temperate strains of Rhizobium. Appl. Minimum soil tillage had no effect. Adding Environ. Microbiol. 58:2846-2853. organic matter to the soil in the form of Rblications de recherche Comeau, A; Collin, J.; St-Pierre, C.-A 1993. crop residues and manure increased the Research Publications Hybridation interspecifique des cereales : comment structural stability and porosity of the soil allier anciennes et nouvelles technologies? Dans by 50%. Abbes, c.; Karam, A; Isfan, D.; Parent L.E. 1992. Fertilisation soufree du soja. Can. J. Plant Chlyah, H.; Demarly, Y, eds. Le progres Microbial activity and biomass of soils Sci. 72:377-382. genetique passe-t-il par Ie reperage des genes? John Libbey Eurotext Limited. 250 pp. Manure application, crop rotation, and Angers, D.A 1992. Changes in soil aggregation minimum soil tillage increased the and organic carbon under corn and alfalfa. Soil Comeau, A; Makkouk, K.M., eds. 1992. Barley microbial activity and biomass of a clay soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:1244-1249. yellow dwarf in West Asia and North Africa. Changes in the soil's biological properties Edition ICARDA (International Center for Angers, D.A; Bissonnette, N.; Legere, A; Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas). 239 pp. were detected more quickly by alkaline Samson, N. 1993. Microbial and biochemical phosphatase determination of microbial changes induced by rotation and tillage in a soil Comeau, A; Nadeau, P.; ... ; Simard, R; et al. 1992. activity than by the evaluation of microbial under barley production. Can. J. Soil Sci. Media for the in ovulo culture of proembryos of wheat and wheat -derived interspecific hybrids or populations and microbial biomass. 73:39-50. haploids. Plant Sci. 81:117-125. Inoculation of sainfoin with Arctic rhizobium Angers, D.A; Mehuys, G.R 1993. Aggregate Derdour, H.; Angers, D.A 1992. Influence of Under controlled low temperatures in several stability to water. Pages 651-657 in Carter, M.R, ed. Soil sampling and methods of analysis. Lewis salinity and other constituents on the mechanical field tests throughout the country, sainfoin Publishers, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. behaviour of clay soils. Soil Technol. 25:39-46. inoculated with Arctic strains of Rhizobium

Soils and Crops Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 45 Dubuc, J.-P.; Boudreau, A 1992. Prediction of Nkongolo, KK; Dostaler, D.; Couture, L. 1993. Sen Tran, T.; Simard, R.R 1993. Mehlich breadmaking quality for wheat breeding by a Effet de la betaIne, de la choline et d'extraits III-extractable elements. Pages 43-49 in Carter, robotic baking method. Cereal Res. Commun. d'antheres du ble sur la croissance du Fusarium M.R, ed. Soil sampling and methods of analysis. 20:105-110. graminearum. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 15:81-84. Lewis Publishers, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. Dumas-Gaudot, E.; Furlan, Y.; Grenier, J.; Petit, H.Y.; Tremblay, G.F. 1992. In situ Asselin, A 1992. New acidic chitinase isoforms degradability of fresh grass and grass conserved Sen Tran, T.; Simard, RR; Fardeau, J.c. 1992. A induced in tobacco roots by vesicular-arbuscular under different harvesting methods. J. Dairy Sci. comparison of four resin extractions and 32p mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza 1:133-136. 75:774-781. isotopic exchange for the assessment of plant-available P. Can. J. Soil Sci. 72:281-294. Dumas-Gaudot, E.; Grenier, J.; Furlan, V; Asselin, Petit, H.Y.; Tremblay, G.F.; Savoie, P.;Tremblay, A 1992.Chitinase, chitosanase and ~-1,3-glucanase D.; Wauthy, J.-M. 1993. Milk yield, intake, and Sen Tran, T.; Simard, RR.; Thbi, M. 1992. activitiesin Allium and Pisum roots colonized by blood traits of lactating cows fed grass silage Evaluation of the electro-ultrafiltration technique Glomus species. Plant Sci.84:17-24. conserved under different harvesting methods. J. (EUF) to determine available P in neutral and calcareous soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. Durand, J.; Surprenant, J. 1993. Relations entre Dairy Sci. 76:1365-1374. 23:2261-2281. les caracteres morphologiques et la qualite chez Plourde, A; Comeau, A; St-Pierre, C.-A 1992. la fleole des pres (Phleum pratense L.). Can. J. Barley yellow dwarf virus resistance in Triticum Simard, RR 1993.Ammonium acetate-extractable Plant Sci. 73:803-814. aestivum X Leymus augustus hybrids. Plant elements. Pages 39-42 in Carter, M.R, ed. Soil Breeding 108:97-103. sampling and methods of analysis.Lewis Publishers, Hagenimana, V; Vezina, L.-P.;Simard, RE. CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. 1992. Distribution of amylases within sweet Pouleur, S.; Richard, c.; Martin, J.-G.; Antoun, potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) root tissue. J. Agric. H. 1992. Ice nucleation activity in Fusarium Simard, R.R; Cluis, D.; Gangbazo, G.; Pesant, Food Chern. 40:1777-1783. acuminatum and F. avenaceum. Appl. Environ. A 1993. Phosphorus .inthe Beaurivage river Microbiol. 58:2960-2964. watershed. Pages 509-516 in Young, R, ed. Joint Hamel, C.; Furlan, Y.; Smith, D.L. 1992. CSCE-ASCE National Conference on Mycorrhizal effects on interspecific plant Richard, c.; Fortier, G.; Boullard, B. 1992.L'usage Environmental Engineering. competition and nitrogen transfer in legume- de l'article devant Ie binome latin designant les grass mixtures. Crop Sci. 32:991-996. especes du monde vivant. Can. J. Bot. 70:443-445. Simard, RR.; De Kimpe, C.R; Zizka, J. 1992. Release of potassium and magnesium from soil Khasa, P.;Furlan, V; Fortin, J.A 1992. Response Richard, c.; Martin, J.-G. 1991.Pourriture fractions and its kinetics. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. of some tropical plant species to endomycorrhizal phytophthoreenne de la luzerne au Quebec: 56:1421-1428 fungi under field conditions. Trop. Agric. distribution geographique des symptomes et 69:279-283. etude des facteurs edaphiques pouvant favoriser Simard, RR; Deschenes, M. 1992. Strontium leur expression. Phytoprotection 72:87-95. chloride-citric acid extraction procedure for Laberge, S.; Castonguay, Y; Vezina, L.-P. 1993. agricultural and environmental purposes. New cold- and drought-regulated gene from Richard, c.; Martin, J.-G. 1993. The influence of Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 23:2207-2223. Medicago sativa. Plant Physiol. 101:1411-1412. Fusalium oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis on total-soluble sugar concentration of infected Simard, RR.; N'dayegamiye, A 1993. Lafond, J.; Angers, D.A; Laverdiere, M.R 1992. alfalfa roots. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:647-649. Nitrogen-mineralization potential of meadow Compression characteristics of a clay soil as soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 73:27-38. influenced by crops and sampling dates. Soil & Richer-Leclerc, c.; Rioux, J.A; ... ; Drapeau, R Tillage Res. 22:233-241. 1993. Potentiel d'adaptation et de croissance Simard, RR.; Sen Tran, T. 1993. Evaluating plant-available phosphorus with the electro- Legere, A; Lemieux, C.; Simard, R.R; Lapierre, d'arbres ornementaux sous les conditions climatiques du Quebec et du nord-est ontarien. ultrafiltration technique. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. C. 1993.Response of weed communities to fertility 57:404-409. and tillage. Pages 41-48 in 8th European Weed Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:557-567. Research Society Symposium, Braunschweig. Romo-Parada, L.; Vezina, L.-P.; Charest, P.-M.; Surprenant, J.; Drapeau, R; Fernet, C. 1993. Cultivar-by-management interaction effects on Lemieux, c.; Cloutier, D.C.; Leroux, G.D. 1992. Castaigne, F.; Willemot, C. 1991. Effect of modification of storage atmosphere on timothy yield and quality evaluation. Can. J. Sampling quackgrass (Elytrigia repens) populations. Plant Sci. 73:445-460. Weed Sci. 40:534-541. phospholipids and ultrastructure of cauliflower mitochondria. Physiol. Plant. 83:664-674. Valdes, M.; Reza-A1eman, F.; Furlan, Y. 1993. Matte, J.J.; Girard, c.L.; Tremblay, G.F. 1992. Savoie, P.; Beauregard, S.; Desilets, D. 1992. Response of Leucaena esculenta to Effect of long-term addition of folic acid on Windrow inversion and climate influence on hay endomycorrhizae and Rhizobium inoculation. folate status, growth performance, puberty drying and quality. Can. Agric. Eng. 34:61-67. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 9:97-99. attainment, and reproduction capacity of gilts. J. Anim. Sci. 71:151-157. Savoie,P.;Beauregard, S.; Lague, c. 1992.Forage Vezina, L.-P.;Lavoie, N.; Joy, KW; Margolis, mat making: maceration, pressure and density H.A 1992. The face of newly absorbed Michaud, R.; Richard, C. 1992. AC Caribou effectson drying.Can. Agric. Eng. 34:69-74. ammonium and nitrate ions roots of Jack Pine alfalfa. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:845-847. seedlings. J. Plant Physiol. 141:61-67: Savoie, P.;Binet, M.; Choiniere, G.; et al. 1993. Monray, AF.; Castonguay, Y; Laberge, S.; et al. Development and evaluation of a large-scale Voisine, R.; Vezina, L.-P.;Willemot, C. 1993. 1993. A new cold-induced alfalfa gene is forage mat maker. Trans. ASAE 36:285-291. Modification of phospholipid catabolism in associated with enhanced hardening at subzero microsomal membranes of irradiated cauliflower temperature. Plant Physiol. 102:873-879. Savoie, P.;Tremblay, D.; Tremblay, G.F.; et al. (Brassica oleracea L.) Plant Physiol. 102:213-218. 1992. Effect of length of cut on conservation of N'dayegamiye,A; Angers, DA 1993.Organic ~ stack silage and milk production. Can. J. Anim. Wang, S.; Roy, G.L.; ... ; Wauthy, J.-M.; et al. matter characteristicsand water-stable aggregation Sci. 72:253-263. 1992. Evaluation of various measures of factors of a sandy loam soil after 9 years of wood-residue influencing feed efficiency of dairy cattle. J. applications. Can. J. Soil Sci. 73:115-122. Savoie, P.;Tremblay, D.; Tremblay, G.F.; et al. Dairy Sci. 75:1273-1280. 1992. Silage harvest with a self-loading wagon on Nkongolo, KK; Armstrong, KC.; Comeau, A; dairy farms. Trans. ASAE 35:1385-1392. Wang,S.; Roy, G.L.; ... ; Wauthy,J.-M.; et al. 1992. St-Pierre, C.-A 1992. Identification of rye Genetic line X concentrate level interactions for chromosomes involved in tolerance to Barley Savoie, P.;Tremblay, D.; Wauthy, J.-M. 1993. milk production and feed efficiencyin dairy cattle. Yellow Dwarf Virus disease in wheat X Triticale Novel harvesting equipment for silage. NRAES Can. J. Anim. Sci.72:227-236. hybrids. Plant Breeding 109:123-129 Publ. 67:46-56.

46 Centre de recherche et de developpement sur les sols et les grandes cultures 1993-1994 Zizka, J.; Isfan, D. 1990. Effet des sources, des Wauthy, J.-M.; Fortin, C. 1993. Rapport annuel methodes d'application et du fractionnement de de meteorologie 1992 de Normandin. Agric. I'azote chez Ie mais fourrager. Nat. Can. Can. (Normandin). Vol. 10.20 pp. 117:183-188.

Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada PUBLICATIONS Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Drapeau, R. 1993. La culture de la gourgane au Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. Agric. Can. (Normandin). Bull. Tech. 3. 79 pp. Drapeau, R; Duchesne, R-M. 1992. Inventaires d'insectes dans les cultures fourrageres au Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. Agric. Can. (Normandin). Bull. Tech. 2. 96 pp. Drapeau, R; Laliberte, C. 1992. Resultats d'essais en plantes fourrageres et horticoles. Resultats 1991. Agric. Can. (Normandin). Vol. 12. 35 pp. Drapeau, R; Laliberte, C. 1993. Resultats d'essais en plantes fourrageres et horticoles. Resultats 1992. Agric. Can. (Normandin). Vol. 12. 34 pp. Dubuc, J.-P. 1992. Rapport d'amelioration du ble. Resultats 1991. Agric. Can. (Sainte-Foy). Vol. 9. 294pp. Dubuc, J.-P. 1992. Rapport d'amelioration de I'orge. Resultats 1991. Agric. Can. (Sainte-Foy). Vol. 34. 158 pp. Dubuc, J.-P. 1992. Rapport d'amelioration de I'avoine. Resultats 1991. Agric. Can. (Sainte-Foy). Vol. 35. 21 pp. Dubuc, J.-P. 1992. Essai d'enregistrement des bles panifiables de printemps pour Ie Quebec et les maritimes. Resultats 1991. Agric. Can. (Sainte-Foy). Vol. 2. 35 pp. Dubuc, J.-P. 1993. Rapport d'amelioration du ble. Resultats 1992. Agric. Can. (Sainte-Foy). Vol. 10. 302 pp. Dubuc, J.-P. 1993. Rapport d'amelioration de l'orge. Resultats 1992. Agric. Can. (Sainte-Foy). Vol. 35. 132 pp. Dubuc, J.-P. 1993. Rapport d'amelioration de I'avoine. Resultats 1992. Agric. Can. (Sainte-Foy). Vol. 36. 52 pp. Dubuc, J.-P. 1993. Essai d'enregistrement des bles panifiables de printemps pour Ie Quebec et les maritimes. Resultats 1992. Agric. Can. (Sainte-Foy). Vol. 3. 47 pp. Gregorich, E.G.; Monreal, C.M.; Ellert, RH.; Angers, D.A.; Carter, M.R 1993. Evaluating changes in soil organic matter. Pages 8-1 it 8-9 in Acton, D.E, ed. A program to assess and monitor soil quality in Canada. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research. Agric. Can. (Ottawa). Contribution 93-49. Pageau, D. 1993. Evaluations des cultivars et lignees; section cereales. Agric. Can. (Normandin). Vol. 4. 71 pp. Wauthy, J.-M.; Fortin, C. 1992. Rapport annuel de meteorologie 1991 de Normandin. Agric. Can. (Normandin). Vol. 9. 20 pp.

Soils and Crops Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 47 CENTRE DE RECHERCHE ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT DAIRYAND SWINE RESEARCHAND SUR LE SOVIN LAITIER ET LE PORC DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Direction generale de la recherche Research Branch Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada c.P. 90, 2000 Route 108 est P.O. Box 90, 2000 Route 108 East Lennoxville (Quebec) Lennoxville, Quebec 11M lZ3 11M lZ3

Tel. (819) 565-9171 Tel. TeIecopie (819) 564-5507 Fax c.E. OTTB::EM326MAIL EM

R,sonnel profess;onnel Rfess;onal Statt Directeur J.-M. Deschenes, Ph.D. Director Adjoint au directeur J.-P. Charuest, M.Sc. Assistant Director Agent d'administration J. de Leseleuc Administrative Officer Analyste-programmeur A Belleau Analyst-Programmer Statisticien J.-P. Charuest, M.Sc. Statistician Evaluation des cultivars C. Fernet, B.Sc. Cultivar verification Bibliothecaire S. Gagne-Giguere, M.Bibl. Librarian Gerant de ferme D. Savage, B.Sc.(Agr.) Farm Manager Bovins laitiers Dairy Cattle Chef de programme; physiologie, nutrition H. Lapierre, Ph.D. Program Leader; Physiology, nutrition Microbiologie du rumen J. Chiquette, Ph.D. Rumen microbiology Physiologie de la digestion D.R. Ouellet, Ph.D. Digestive physiology Ethologie, physiologie AM. B. de Passille, Ph.D. Ethology, physiology Nutrition c.L. Girard, Ph.D. Nutrition Physiologie de la reproduction L.A Guilbault, Ph.D. Reproductive physiology (prete par la Direction) (seconded out) Metabolisme de la lactation P. Lacasse, Ph.D. Lactation metabolism Physiologie de la lactation D. Petitc1erc, Ph.D. Physiology of lactation Nutrition C.M. Vinet, Ph.D. Nutrition

Pores Swine Chef de programme; qualite des viandes . S.A Pommier, Ph.D. Program Leader; Meat quality Gestion des fumiers, environnement G.M. Barnett, M.Sc. Manure management, environment Endocrinologie, conduite de l'elevage C. Farmer, Ph.D. Endocrinology, animal management Nutrition J.J. Matte, Ph.D. Nutrition Physiologie, nutrition G. Pelletier, Ph.D. Physiology, nutrition Physique des sols AR. Pesant, M.Sc. Soil physics Analyse de systemes C. Pomar, Ph.D. Systems analysis Ethologie, physiologie S. Robert, Ph.D. Ethology, physiology

La Pocatiere La Pocatiere Ferme de recherches sur Ie mouton Sheep Research Farm Direction generale de la recherche Research Branch Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 1642, rue de la Ferme 1642 La Ferme Street La Pocatiere (Quebec) La Pocatiere, Quebec GOR lZ0 GOR lZ0

Tel. (418) 856-3141 Tel. Telecopie (418) 856-5374 Fax c.E. OTTB::EM331MAIL EM

48 Centre de recherche et de developpement sur Ie bov;n laitier et Ie pore 1993-1994 Chef de programme; moutons J.G. Proulx, D.M.V Program Leader; Sheep Regie des paturages L. Belzile, M.Sc. Pasture management Conduite de l'elevage, reproduction F. Castonguay, Ph.D. Flock management, reproduction Qualite des carcasses M.H. Fahmy, Ph.D. Carcass quality Nutrition H.V Petit, Ph.D. Nutrition Developpement des supplements R. Rioux, M.Sc. Supplement development

Kapuskasing Kapuskasing Ferme de recherches sur Ie bovin de boucherie Beef Research Farm Direction generale de la recherche Research Branch Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada c.P. 160 P.O. Box 160 ,Kapuskasing (Ontario) Kapuskasing, Ontario P5N2Y3 P5N2Y3

Tel. (705) 335-6148 Tel. Telecopie (705) 337-6000 Fax c.E. OTIB::AG3460000 EM

Chef de programme; bovins de boucherie G.L. Roy, Ph.D. Program Leader; Beef cattle Conduite de l'elevage R. Berthiaume, M.Sc. Herd management Regie des herbages C. Lafreniere, M.Sc. Forage management PIantes annuelles et horticoles D. Ouellet, B.Sc. Annual and horticultural crops

Mandat I.e centre de recherche et de developpement poids vii d'environ 575 kg) est recommande rencontre Ie plus frequemment chez Ie de I.ennoxville ameJiore la productivite et la afm d'obtenir des resultats optimums. Landrace, suivi du Yorkshire et du Duroc. rentabilite des elevages pour 1'est du Canada Chez la jeune genisse laitiere, les La mesure de la croissance en mettant l'accent sur les elevages de bovins variations de concentrations sanguines de allometrique des principaux organes et des laitiers et de pores, sur la production ovine et somatotrophine observees en fonction de 1'age constituants chimiques des carcasses de sur de nouvelles methodes de production et du niveau d'alimentation sont attribuables porcs a permis d'estimer Ie potentiel de bovine. autant au metaboJisme postsecretoire qu'a la croissance proteique des animaux. Cette Realisations secretion hypophysaire elle-meme. information permettra de formuler des Comparativement au follicule dominant regimes aliment aires optimaux du point de Bovins laiJiers I.e surconditionnement de la vue economique et environnemental. fleole (dechirures longitudinales des tiges et sain pendant sa phase de croissance, 1'atr€sie des feuilles au moment de la recolte) a du follicule dominant en phase de regression Contrairement a ce qui a ete observe permis de diminuer de moitie Ie temps de est associee a une diminution de la sous-unite chez des truies multipares, l'administration a sechage au champ. I.e foin surconditionne a a de 1'hinibine. On observe par contre une long terme de supplements alimentaires entraine une digestibilite ruminale superieure nette augmentation de la forme dirnerique d'acide folique n'a pas ameliore la capacite it celIe du foin contrcle. d'hinibine dans Ie Jiquide folliculaire. reproductrice des cochettes. L'ajout d'acide foJique pendant la gestation est donc Un supplement de 2 mg d'acide foJique Pores L'expression genetique de certains facteurs de croissance est modifiee a mesure particulierement benefique aux truies ayant un par kilogramme de poids vii augmente les taux d'ovu1ation eleve. folates seriques chez les bovins et provoque que 1'animal prend de !'age et semble reJiee une legere augmentation de la biomasse au developpement des organes. En optimisant Des rations volurnineuses a haute teneur microbienne ruminale chez des bouvillons l'expression de ces facteurs par des en fibres ont contribue a ameliorer Ie recevant une alimentation it base de fourrages. traitements alimentaires et la selection bien-etre des truies en gestation en genetique, il serait possible d'ameJiorer Ie taux • dirninuant les stereotypies Des taux de croissance acceleres de conversion des aliments et la qualite des • dirninuant la nervosite des cochettes et des (superieurs a 800 g par jour) entre l'age de carcasses. truies en gestation 12 et 24 mois n'ont pas permis d'augmenter L'utilisation du test sur 1'ADN • reduisant la consommation excessive d'eau la production de lait et d'ameliorer • augmentant Ie temps consacre au repos. l'efficacite alimentaire des genisses pour detecter la mutation responsable primipares durant la premiere lactation et de 1'hyperthermie maligne chez Ie porc Des la mise bas, les pies de secretion ont eu des effets negatifs sur la reproduction a permis de demontrer qu'environ 15 % des d'ocytocine sont associes aux montees de et la sante. Un taux de croissance soutenu de pores commerciaux sont porteurs de la colostrum de la truie. Tout stress ou probleme 700-750 g par jour de la naissance au mutation. Une etude faite chez les pores de endocrinien perturbant la secretion premier velage (it l'age de 24 mois et a un race pure demontre que la mutation se d'ocytocine, a ce moment, aura un effet

Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 49 negatif sur la disponibilite du colostrum et avec un fourrage conserve en ensilage avec de 700-750 glday from birth to first calving at diminuera Ie taux de survie des porcelets. l'acide formique. 24 months and a live weight of about 575 kg is recommended for optimum results. La somatocrinine et la somatostatine II est possible de produire des fourrages ant influence la secretion de l'hormone de de bonne qualite avec du chiendent recolte a In young dairy heifers, changes in blood croissance des cellules issues de culture un stade hatif. La productivite du chiendent concentrations of somatotropin observed with d'hypophyses porcines de fretus de 90 et dirninue rapidement si au cours d'une annee age and feeding level were caused as much by 110 jours, de nouveau-nes et de porcs ages la fertilisation azotee est inferieure a 100 postsecretory metabolism as by hypophyseal de 3, 6 et 24 mois. La culture des tissus est kglha. La prairie peut etre regeneree si on secretion itself. un outil prometteur pour l'etude des coupe les rhizomes avec une herse a disque. As compared to the healthy dominant mecanismes hormonaux chez Ie porco Des economies de 14,27 $la tonne de matiere follicle during its growth phase, atresia of the seche peuvent etre realisees avec une Les pertes annuelles de nitrates dans dominant follicle in the regression phase was fertilisation l'azote de l'ordre de 100 kglha les eaux de surface et de drainage qui a associated with a decline in the subunit of par an plutot que de 200 kglha par an meme proviennent de l'epandage (printanier au inhibin. The dimeric form of inhibin in the si les rendements sont 25 % plus faibles. automnal, au les deux) de lisier de pores ant follicular fluid, however, increased overall. ete superieures dans la culture du ma'is a Ressources Swine The genetic expression of certain ensilage que dans Ie fain. L'epandage growth factors was modified with advancing Le centre de recherche et de developpement automnal s'est avere Ie plus nefaste pour la age and seems related to organ development. dispose de 151 annees-personnes et d'un qualite de l'eau. Optimizing the expression of these factors by budget total de 8,9 millions de dollars. II feed treatments and genetic selection could Moutons Un ensilage de 19 % de proteines emploie 29 scientifiques et gere trois fermes improve the rate of feed conversion and augmente la production laitiere des brebis et de recherches carcass quality. l'augmentation de la proteine (15 a 21 %) • 400 ha et un troupeau de bovins laitiers dans l'aliment complementaire reduit la perte d'environ 300 tetes a Lennoxville A DNA test to detect the mutation de poids durant la lactation. Les brebis qui • 244 ha et un troupeau de moutons responsible for malignant hyperthermia in recevaient la meilleure alimentation et d'environ 600 tetes a La Pocatiere swine showed that about 15% of commercial allaitaient trois agneaux ant sevre environ 13 swine carry the mutation. The mutation is • 312 ha et un troupeau d'environ 300 kg d'agneaux de plus que celles qui allaitaient most frequently encountered in Landrace, bovins de boucherie a Kapuskasing qui deux agneaux. followed by Yorkshire and Duroc. a aussi la responsabilite de la Ferme de Le gain de poids et Ie poids des recherches de Thunder Bay (123 ha), The protein growth potential of animals carcasses des agneaux, qui recevaient des R.R. 6, Route 130, Thunder Bay was estimated by measuring the allometric can centres a volante, ant ete superieurs a (Ontario), P7C 4V8, Tel. (807) 939-2523. growth of the main organs and chemical ceux qui recevaient de la farine de poisson constituents of hog carcasses. This information ou des concentres en quantites limitees. Les will allow formulation of optimum diets from Mandate agneaux Romanov X Dorset ont eu un gain an economic and environmental standpoint. de poids superieur et moins de gras dorsal The Research and Development Centre in The long-term administration of folic que les agneaux Romanov X Suffolk. Lennoxville improves the productivity and acid feed supplements did not improve gilt profitability of animal production for Une etude de la morphologie de l'uterus, reproductive capacity, as it did with eastern Canada. The centre focuses on en fonction du nombre d'embryons presents a multiparous sows. Adding folic acid during dairy cattle and swine, but also develops trois stades de gestation, a demontre que chez gestation was particularly beneficial to sows methods to improve sheep and beef cattle les races de moutons prolifiques, comme chez with a high rate of ovulation. les non prolifiques, l'espace uterin semble production. Providing voluminous rations with a suffisant pour permettre Ie developpement de Achievements high fiber .content improved the welfare of tous les embryons qui survivent apres les 30 gestating sows by premiers jours critiques de la gestation. Dairy cattle Further conditioning of timothy by tearing stems and leaves at harvest halved • reducing stereotypies Bovins de boucherie Des injections de drying time in the field. Rumen digestibility • reducing excessive water consumption gonadoliberine concentrent les chaleurs was higher with further-conditioned hay than • reducing nervousness of gilts and induites par des prostagjandines et limitent la with control hay. gestating sows necessite de surveiller les chaleurs entre Ie • increasing rest time. jour 0 et 6 chez la vache de boucherie. La Supplementing feed with folic acid at From the time of farrowing, peaks in presence d'un gros follicule intensifie Ie taux 2 mglkg live weight increases serum folates oxytocin secretion were associated with the de synchronisation et la precision de l'restrus. in bovine ruminants. It also produces a onset of colostrum production by the sow. Le taux de conception n'est pas influence. slight rise in the rumen microbial biomass in steers receiving a forage-based feed. Any stress or endocrine problem disturbing De l'orge humide ajoutee a un fourrage oxytocin secretion will reduce the Accelerated growth rates (over 800 lors de la mise en silo a ete utilisee pour availability of colostrum and lower the glday) between 12 and 24 months did not absorber l'eau, reduire les effluents et agir survival rate of piglets. comme agent de conservation. Les increase milk production or improve feed Somatocrinin and somatostatin performances de croissance et d'efficacite efficiency in primiparous heifers during the influenced the secretion of growth hormone in alimentaire des bouvillons a qui on sert cet first lactation and caused reproduction and cells obtained from the culture of swine ensilage ont ete comparables a celles obtenues health problems. A sustained rate of gain of

50 Centre de recherche et de d{we/oppement sur Ie bovin laitier et Ie porc 1993 -1994 , hypophyses of 90- and 1l0-day-old fetuses, Resources Fahmy, M.H. 1992. Effect of diet on ovarian and newborns, and pigs aged 3, 6, and 24 months. uterine measurements of ewe lambs with or The research centre staffs 151 person-years, Tissue culture is a promising tool for the study without Finnsheep breeding. Small Ruminant including 29 scientists, and has a total budget of hormonal mechanisms in swine. Res. 7:271-276. of $8.9 million. The centre manages three Fahmy, M.H.; Boucher, J.M.; Poste, L.M.; et al. Annual nitrate losses in surface and research farms 1992. Feed efficiency, carcass characteristics, and runoff waters from application of liquid • 400 ha and 300 dairy cattle at Lennoxville sensory quality of lambs, with or without prolific hog manure in spring, fall, or spring and • 244 ha and 600 sheep at La Pocatiere ancestry, fed diets with different protein fall were higher with the growing of silage • 312 ha and 300 beef cattle at Kapuskasing supplements. J. Anim. Sci. 70:1365-1374. corn than with hay. Fall application was the which also manages a research farm at Farmer,.c.; Brazeau, P. 1992. Colostrum and most harmful for water quality. Thunder Bay (123 ha), R.R. 6, Highway milk composition of sows immunized against Sheep Ewes on 19% protein silage 130, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7C 4V8, Tel. somatostatin or its carrier protein. Can. J. Anim. produced more milk. Increasing the protein (807) 939-2523. Sci. 72:177-180. in the feed supplement from 15 to 21 % Farmer, c.; Petitc1erc,D.; Pelletier, G.; Brazeau, P. reduced weight loss during lactation. Ewes 1992. Lactation performance of sows injected with receiving the best feed and nursing three • growth hormone-releasing factor during gestation lambs weaned approximately 13 kg more and (or) lactation. 1.Anim. Sci. 70:2636-2642. Rblications cfe recherche Farmer, c.; Petitc1erc, D.; Pelletier, G.; lamb than those nursing two lambs. Research Publications Gaudreau, P.; Brazeau, P. 1992. Carcass Lambs fed concentrates ad libitum . Angers, D.A; Pesant, A; Vigneux, J. 1992. Early composition and resistance to fasting in neonatal registered a higher weight gain and carcass cropping-induced changes in soil aggregation, piglets born of sows immunized against weight than lambs fed fish meal or organic matter and microbial biomass. Soil Sci. somatostatin and/or receiving growth concentrates in limited amounts. Romanov Soc. Am. J. 56:115-119. hormone-releasing factor injections during X Dorset lambs showed a higher weight Barnett, G.M.; Bullen, M.R; de Kimpe, C.R gestation. BioI. Neonate 61:110-117. gain and lower backfat than Romanov 1992. Potato production on a cat clay soil in Farmer, C.; Pommier, S.A; Brazeau, P. 1993. X Suffolk lambs. relation to stable and uncontrolled water tables. Validation of a culture system for porcine Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:289-297. pituitary cells: effects of growth hormone- A study of uterus morphology was releasing factor and (or) somatostatin on growth done, based on the number of embryos Bernard, C.; Laverdiere, M.R; Pesant, AR 1992. Variabilite de la relation entre les pertes de hormone secretion. J. Anim. Sci. 71:923-929. present at three stages of gestation. In both cesium et de sol par erosion hydrique. Geoderma prolific and nonprolific sheep breeds, the Farmer, c.; Randall, G.; Brazeau, P. 1992. In vivo 52:265-277. growth hormone (GH) response to human uterine space seems adequate for the Bernier, M.; Fortin, J.-P.; Pesant, A 1992. GH-releasing factor (GRF) or somatostatin development of all embryos surviving after Utilisation de boises de coniferes pour etalonner (SRIF) in foetal pigs. J. Dev. Physiol. 17:93-97. the first 30 critical days of gestation. des donnees radar (RAS). Can. J. Remote Sens. Flipot, P.M.; Girard, Y.; Bernier-Cardou, M.; Beef cattle Injections of gonadoliberin 18:73-88. Petit, H.Y. 1992. Digestibility and performance concentrated the heats induced by Caugant, I.; Yvon, M.; ... ; Petit, H.Y.; et al. 1992. of dairy bulls fed corn and grass silages with prostaglandins and eliminated the need to Characterization of products from in vivo and in various sequences and levels of barley. Can. detect heats between day 0 and day 6 in vitro gastric digestion of milk replacers J. Anim. Sci. 72:61-69. beef cows. The presence of a large follicle containing whey proteins. J. Agric. Food Chern. Gangbazo, G.; Couillard, D.; Pesant, AR; Cluis, intensified the rate of synchronization and 40:1367-1374. D. 1993. Effets du lisier de porc sur la charge precision of estruses. The rate of Caugant, I.; Petit, H.Y.; Charbonneau, R; et al. d'azote et de phosphore dans l'eau de conception was not affected. 1992. In vivo and in vitro gastric emptying of ruissellement sous des pluies simulees. Can. protein fractions of milk replacers containing Agric. Eng. 35:97-103. High-moisture barley added to forage whey proteins. J. Dairy Sci. 75:847-856. Gangbazo, G.; Pesant, AR.; Cluis, D.; Couillard, at time of ensiling was used to absorb Chiquette, J.; Flipot, P.M.; Vinet, C.M. 1992. D. 1992. Etude en laboratoire du ruissellement water, reduce effluents, and act as a Effect of ammoniation and urea addition on et de l'infiltration de I'eau suite a l'epandage du preservative. The growth and feed chemical composition and digestibility of mature lisier de pore. Can. Agric. Eng. 34:17-25. efficiency of steers fed with this silage were timothy hay, and rumen fluid characteristics of Gariepy, c.; Amiot, J.; Pommier, SA; Flipot, P.M.; comparable to the results obtained when growing steers. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:299-308. Girard, V.1992. Electrical stimulation and 48 hours the animals were fed forage ensiled with de Passille, AM. B.; Metz, J.H.M.; Mekking, P.; aging of bull and steer carcasses.J. Food Sci. formic acid. Wiepkema, P.R 1992. Does drinking milk 57:541-544. High-quality forages can be produced stimulate sucking in young calves? Appl. Anim. Girard, c.L.; Matte, U.; Levesque, J. 1992. Behav. Sci. 34:23-36. with quack grass harvested at an early Responses of serum folates of preruminant and stage. The productivity of quack grass fell de Passille, AM. B.; Rushen, J.; Foxcroft, G.R.; ruminant calves to a dietary supplement of folic quickly if nitrogen fertilization was less Aherne, EX.; Schaefer, A 1993. Performance of acid. J. Anim. Sci. 70:2847-2851. than 100 kg/ha annually. Grassland may be young pigs: relationships with periparturient Girard, c..L.; Robert, S.; Matte, J.J.; Berard, A progesterone, prolactin, and insulin of sows. regenerated by cutting the rhizomes with a 1993. Forestomach motility and behavior of bull J. Anim. Sci. 71:179-184. disk harrow. Savings of $14.27 per tonne of calves according to changes in regimen. Physiol. & Behav. 53:31-37. dry matter may be realized in the field with Dubreuil, P.;Farmer, c.; Couture, Y; Petitc1erc, D. 1993. Hematological and biochemical changes annual nitrogen fertilization at 100 kg/ha Girard, c.L.; Sissons,1.W 1992. The role of following an acute stress in control and migrating myoelectriccomplexesin the regulation rather than at 200 kg/ha, even if yields are somatostatin-immunized pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 25% lower. of digesta transport in the preruminant calf. Can. J. 73:241-252. Physiol.Pharmacol. 70:1142-1147.

Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 51 Godcharles, L.; Robert, S.; Matte, J.J.; affectingthe electricalimpedance of growing- conditions climatiques du Quebec et du nord-est Bertin-Mahieux, J.; Martineau, G.-P. 1993. finishingpigs. Can. Agric. Eng. 34:189-194. ontarien. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:557-567. Transient stray voltage: is it detrimental to Petit, H.Y. 1992. In situ degradability of feed Rioux, R; Legere, A 1992.Effet de la densite et de growth performance, health status and welfare of ingredients at two proportions of concentrate. la proportion des plantes lors de l'envahissement de market pigs? Vet. Res. Commun. 17:41-53. Ann. Zootech. 41:145-152. la luzerne par Teraxacum officina!e Weber. Weed Res. 32:213-220. Guilbault, L.A; Lussier, J.G.; Grasso, E 1992. Petit, H.Y.;Flipot, P.M.1992.Feed utilization of Interrelationships of hormonal and ovarian beef steers fed grass as hay or silagewith or without Robert, S. 1992. Le comportement: un outil de responses in superovulated heifers pretreated nitrogen supplementation. 1.Anim. Sci. 70:876-883. gestion 11decouvrir en production porcine. Med. with FSH-P at the beginning of the estrous cycle. Vet. Que. 22:64---69. Theriogenology 37:1029-1040. Petit, H.Y.; Flipot, P.M. 1992. Source and feeding level of nitrogen on growth and carcass Robert, S.; Matte, J.J.; Bertin-Mahieux, J.; Guilbault, L.A; Rouillier, P.; Matton, P.; et al. characteristics of beef steers fed grass as hay or Martineau, G.-P. 1992. Stray voltage: its 1993. Relationships between the level of atresia silage. J. Anim. Sci. 70:867-875. influence on swine production during the and inhibin contents (a subunit and a - ~ dimer) fattening period. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:467-475. in morphologically dominant follicles during Petit, H.Y.; Pesant, AR; Barnett, G.M.; Mason, their growing and regressing phases of W.N.; Dionne, J.L. 1992. Quality and Rushen, J.; de Passille, AM. B. 1992. The development in cattle. BioI. Reprod. 48:268-276. morphological characteristics of alfalfa as scientific assessment of the impact of housing on affected by soil moisture pH and phosphorus animal welfare: a critical review. Can. J. Anim. Houde, A; Pommier, SA 1993.Use of polymerase fertilization. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:147-162. Sci. 72:721-743. chain reaction technologyto detect a mutation associated with malignant hyperthermia in different Petit, H.Y.; Tremblay, G.E 1992. In situ Rushen, J.; Foxcroft, G.; de Passille, AM. 1993. pig tissues.Meat Sci. 33:349-358. degradability of fresh grass and grass conserved Nursing-induced changes in pain sensitivity, under different harvesting methods. J. Dairy Sci. prolactin, and somatotropin in the pig. Physiol. Houde, A; Pommier, SA; Roy, R 1993.Detection 75:774-781. & Behav. 53:265-270. of the ryanodine receptor mutation associatedwith malignant hyperthermia in purebred swine Petit, H.Y.; 'ftemblay, G.E; Savoie, P.;Tremblay, Savoie, P.;Tremblay, D.; ... ; Flipot, P.M.; et al. populations. 1.Anim. Sci.71:1414-1418. D.; Wauthy, J.M. 1993. Milk yield, intake, and 1992. Effect of length of cut on quality of stack blood traits of lactating cows fed grass silage silage and milk production. Can. J. Anim. Sci. Lapierre, H.; Farmer, c.; Girard, c.; Brazeau, P. conserved under different harvesting methods. 72:253-263. 1992. Effect of age and intake on growth J. Dairy Sci. 76:1365-1374. hormone kinetics in dairy heifers. Domest. Schaefer, AL.; ... ; de Passille, AM. B.; Rushen, Anim. Endocrinol. 9:199-207. Petit, H.Y.; Yu, Y. 1993. Use of protein J.; et al. 1992. The effect of feeding the supplements for dairy heifers fed fresh grass. beta-adrenergic agonist ractopamine on the Lapierre, H.; Reynolds, c.K.; Elsasser, T.H.; J. Dairy Sci. 76:798-802. behaviour of market-weight pigs. Can. J. Anim. et al. 1992. Effects of growth hormone-releasing Sci. 72:15-21. factor and feed intake on energy metabolism in Pommier, S.A. 1992. Vitamin A, electrical growing beef steers: net hormone metabolism by stimulation, and chilling rate effects on lysosomal Seoane, J.R; Amyot, A; Christen, A-M.; Petit, portal-drained viscera and liver. J. Anim. Sci. enzyme activity in aging bovine muscle. J. Food H.Y. 1993. Performance of growing steers fed 70:742-751. Sci. 57:30-35. either hay or silage supplemented with canol a or fish meal. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:57---65. Lapierre, H.; Tyrrell, H.E; Reynolds, C.K.; et al. Pommier, SA.; Houde, A 1993. Effect of the 1992. Effects of growth hormone-releasing factor genotype for malignant hyperthermia as Surprenant, J.; Drapeau, R; Fernet, C. 1993. and feed intake on energy metabolism in growing determined by a restriction endonuclease assay Cultivar-by-management interaction effects on beef steers: whole-body energy and nitrogen on the quality characteristics of commercial pork timothy yield and quality evaluation. Can. J. Plant metabolism. J. Anim. Sci. 70:764-772. loins. J. Anim. Sci. 71:420-425. Sci. 73:445-460. Lee, AJ.; Boichard, D.A; ... ; Roy, G.L.; et al. Pommier, S.A; Houde, A; Rousseau, E; Twagiramungu, H.; Guilbault, L.A; Proulx, J.; 1992. Genetics of growth, feed intake, and milk Savoie, y. 1992. The effect of the malignant Dufour, 1.1.1992. Effects of Synchro-Mate Band yield in Holstein cattle. J. Dairy Sci. hyperthermia genotype as determined by a prostaglandin F2 a on estrus synchronization and 75:3145-3154. restriction endonuclease assay on carcass fertility in beef cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. characteristics of commercial crossbred pigs. 72:31-39. Levesque, J.; Girard, c.L.; Matte, J.J.; Brisson, Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:973-976. G.J. 1993. Dietary supplements of folic acid: Twagiramungu,H.; Guilbault, LA; Proulx,1.; blood and growth responses of white veal calves. Pommier, S.A; Vinet, c.; Lachance, B. 1992. Dufour, J.1. 1992.Synchronizationof estrus and Livest. Prod. Sci. 34:71-82. Effect of Ca-EDTA on performance, blood fertilityin beef cattle with two injections of buserelin parameters and muscle color of grain-fed and prostaglandin. Theriogenology38:1131-1144. Matte, J.J.; Girard, c.L.; Brisson, G.J. 1992. The Holstein veal calves. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:41-50. role of folic acid in the nutrition of gestating and Twagiramungu, H.; Guilbault, L.A; Proulx, J.; lactating primiparous sows. Livest. Prod. Sci. Proulx, J.; Ribble, C.S. 1992. Congenital joint Villeneuve, P.;Dufour, J.1. 1992. Influence of an 32:131-148. laxity and dwarfism in a beef research herd. Can. agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone Vet. J. 33:129-130. (buserelin) on estrus synchronization and fertility Matte, J.J.; Girard, C.L.; Tremblay, G.E 1993. in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 70:1904-1910. Effect of long-term addition of folic acid on Reynolds, c.K.; Lapierre, H.; Tyrrell, H.E; et al. folate status, growth performance, puberty 1992. Effects of growth hormone-releasing factor Wang, S.; Roy, G.L.; Lee, AJ.; et al. 1992. attainment, and reproductive capacity of gilts. and feed intake on energy metabolism in growing Evaluation of various measures of and factors J. Anim. Sci. 71:151-157. beef steers: net nutrient metabolism by influencing feed efficiency of dairy cattle. portal-drained viscera and liver. J. Anim. Sci. J. Dairy Sci. 75:1273-1280. Matte, J.J.; Pomar, c.; Close, w.H. 1992. The 70:752-763. effect of interrupted suckling and split-weaning Wang, S.; Roy, G.L.; Lee, AJ.; et al. 1992. on reproductive performance of sows: a review. 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52 Centre de recherche et de d{weloppement sur Ie bovin laitier et Ie pore 1993-1994 Zoli, A.P.; Guilbault, L.A.; Delahaut, P.; Ortiz, WB.; Beckers, J.-P. 1992. Radioimmunoassay of a bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in serum: its application for pregnancy diagnosis. BioI. Reprod. 46:83-92.

Agriculture et Agro.alimentaire Canada PUBLICATIONS Agriculture and Agri.Food Canada

Deschenes, J.-M., ed. 1992. Faits saillants des travaux de la Station de recherches de Lennoxville 1992. Agric. Can., Direction generale de la recherche, Bull. 15.41 pp. Fahmy, M.H.; Shrestha, J.N.B. 1992. Moutons DLS et Arcott : nouvelles races canadiennes/DLS and Arcott sheep: new Canadian breeds. Agric. Can. Pub!. 1886/F, 1886/E. 30/30 pp. Lapierre, H.; Petitc1erc, D.; Pelletier, G. 1993. La somatocrinine chez Ie bovin/Somatocrinin in cattle. Direction generale de la recherchelResearch Branch. Bull. tech. 1993-6F, Tech. Bull. 1993-6E. 20/20 pp. Tremblay, G.P.; Bergeron, R.; Pelletier, G.; Wauthy, J.M. 1991. Utilisation de la farine de poisson comme supplement proteique en debut de lactation chez la vache laitiere. Canadex 410.64.4 pp.

Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 53 CENTRE DE RECHERCHE ET DE HORTICULTURE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPPEMENT EN HORTICULTURE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Direction generale de la recherche Research Branch Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 430, boulevard Gouin 430 Gouin Boulevard Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Quebec) Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec J3B 3E6 J3B 3E6

TeL (514) 346-4494 Tel. Telecopie (514) 346-7740 Fax e.E. OTTB::EM335MAlL EM

Rsonnel professionnel Rfessional Staff Directeur D. Demars, Ph.D. Director Directeur adjoint R Chagnon, B.Sc.(Ing.) Assistant Director Agente d'administration S. Joncas Administrative Officer Agente de commercialisation et T. Otis, B.Sc.A. Commercialization and Technology transfert technologique Transfer Officer Informatique R Messier Computer science Bibliothecaire M. Chartier, M.L.S. Librarian

Cultures fruitieres Fruit Crops Chef de programme; entomologie e. Vincent, Ph.D. Program Leader; Entomology Acarologie N.J. Bostanian, Ph.D. Acarology Phytopathologie O. Carisse, Ph.D. Plant pathology Genie genetique J.e. Cote, Ph.D. Genetic engineering Physiologie RL. Granger, Ph.D. Physiology Genetique S. Khanizadeh, Ph.D. Breeding Regie des cultures M.J. Lareau, M.Sc. Crop management

Cultures legumieres Vegetable Crops Chef de programme; malherbologie D. Benoit, Ph.D. Program Leader; Weed science Nematologie G. Belair, M.Sc. Nematology Physiologie de la senescence L.S. Berard, Ph.D. Physiology of senescence Entomologie G. Boivin, Ph.D. Entomology Genetique A. Freve, Ph.D. Breeding Genetique moleculaire B. Landry, Ph.D. Molecular genetics Toxicologie P. Martel, Ph.D. Toxicology

Chimie et genie Chemistry and Engineering Chef de programme; mecanisation R Chagnon, B.Sc.(Ing.) Program Leader; Mechanization Chimie des pesticides A. Belanger, Ph.D. Pesticide chemistry Modelisation G. Bourgeois, Ph.D. Modeling Pulverisation B. Panneton, Ph.D. Spraying Nutrition minerale N. Tremblay, Ph.D. Mineral nutrition Entreposage e. Vigneault, Ph.D. Storage

Projet de protection des vegetaux Plant Protection Project, Burkina Faso au Burkina Faso Agent d'administration; J.J. Daneau, B.A.A. Administration Officer; Saint -Jean-sur -Richelieu Saint -Jean -sur-Richelieu Chef de mission; Ouagadougou G. Benharrosh, B.Sc.(Agr.) Program Leader; Ouagadougou Specialiste en intervention e. Genest, B.Sc.(Agr.) Intervention Specialist Transfert technologique G. Tourigny, M.Sc. Technology Transfer

54 Centre de recherche et de diweloppement en horticulture 1993 -1994 L 'Assomption L 'Assomption Ferme de recherches Research Farm Direction generale de la recherche Research Branch Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 801, route 344 801 Route 344 CP.3398 P.O. Box 3398 L'Assomption (Quebec) L' Assomption, Quebec 10K 1GO JOK 1GO

Tel. (514) 589-2171 Tel. Telecopie (514) 589-4027 Fax CE. OTIB::EM324MAIL EM

Chef de programme F. Darisse, B.Sc.(Agr.) Program Leader Agente d'administration S.J. Berneche Administrative Officer Plantes ornementales Ornamental Crops Physiologie N. Arnold, Ph.D. Physiology Malherbologie D. Cloutier, Ph.D. Weed science Genetique I.S. Ogilvie, Ph.D. Breeding Regie des cultures C Richer-Leclerc, M.Sc. Crop management Petits fruits et legumes Small Fruits and Vegetables Regie des cultures M. Lamarre, M.Sc. Crop management

Mandat Le Centre de recherche et de developpement cultivars dont on a compare Ie volume de la les mauvaises herbes ni d'augmenter Ie sur l'horticulture met au point des techniques recolte et Ie calibre des fruits. 'fiois selections rendement l'annee d'apres. Aucun effet de de productions horticoles axees sur la qualite des Etats-Unis ont ete evaluees; bien que remanence du pendimetha1ine n'a ete observe de l'environnement en cultures fruitieres, donnant un volume total de recolte dans les cultures de sept legumes de terre maraicheres et omementales.' comparable a celui du Patriot, les fruits de ces noire, l'annee suivante. selections americaines sont plus petits. Realisations de l'oignon Un plan d'echantillonnage ConselVation des sols La lutte chimique sequentiel et deux seui1s economiques du Bacillus thwingiensis Le potentiel insecticide contre les nematodes des nodosites de la nombre de thrips a differents stades de de differentes souches de cette bacterie a ete carotte par la fumigation coute tres cher et croissance de l'oignon ont ete determines; ces ameliore par mutagenese en les soumettant a risque d'endommager l'environnement; i1faut nouveaux outi1s sont utilises pour Ie depistage la nitrosoguanidine. Quatre souches a toxicite done mettre au point des solutions de de l'insecte dans Ie sud-ouest quebecois. accrue ont ete obtenues dont une s'est revelee rechange. Une regie integree des rotations des L'insecte devore encore plus les plantes en 10 fois plus toxique que la souche parentale. cultures incluant une annee en cereales periode de secheresse et on doit done Cette souche produit plus de cristaux permet de reduire les populations de augmenter Ie nombre de traitements. insecticides et ne produit aucune spore. nematodes et d'augmenter la matiere L'irrigation souterraine ou par aspersion Pommiers Seize nouvelles selections organique grossiere dans un sol menace par pourrait reduire les dommages causes aux resistantes a la tavelure greffees sur M.M. l'erosion. L'annee en cereales offre la cultures d'oignons par cet insecte. 106 ont donne de bons rendements a leur possibilite de combattre les mauvaises herbes Legumes de transfonnation Quatre e feuilles larges resistantes au Linuron. Les 5 feuillaison. Douze selections ont rapporte a compagnies productrices de pois, de haricots producteurs soucieux de la conservation et de plus que Ie cultivar Mcintosh; les quatre et de mms sucre destines a la mise en l'amelioration des sols organiques du autres se sont bien conservees en entrepot conserves ont cree conjointement des sud-ouest du Quebec suivent cette pratique. refrigere et s'annoncent tres prometteuses methodes de depistage des insectes, des pour la production commerciale ou pour Ie Nouvel herbi£idepour les oignons Le maladies et des mauvaises herbes et ont jardinier amateur. Le porte-greffe Ottawa-3 pendimetha1ine vendu sous Ie nom de implante un programme de depistage pour ce propage par culture in vitro s'est avere plus PROWL a ete evalue pour son efficacite a type de productions. L'equilibre nutritionne1 vigoureux et plus productif que celui propage combattre les mauvaises herbes dans les des cultures, la selection de cultivars et de fagon classique. La meilleure combinaison cultures d'oignons de meme que pour sa l'innocuite des produits transformes ont a ete Ie cultivar Spencer sur Ottawa-3 in vitro remanence et son effet sur les cultures egalement fait l'objet de mesures. formee en fuseau hollandais. subsequentes. n'est pas neeessaire de faire n Parasitoi:des Les reufs du charangon de la une seconde application sur les cultures Bleuetiers en corymbe Les cultivars NortWand carotte sont parasites par differentes et Patriot ont ete les plus productifs des sept d'oignon, car elle ne permet pas de combattre

Horticulture Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 55 especes d'Anaphes. II est bon de les utiliser Apples Sixteen new scab-resistant selections beans, and sweet corn for canning resulted dans un programme de lutte biologique grafted on MM 106 produced good yields at in new procedures for detecting , parce que la femelle d'une nouvelle espece their fifth foliation. Twelve selections yielded diseases, and weeds. A detection program d'Anaphes prefere toujours les ceufs sains more than did the cultivar McIntosh. The was also implemented for these crops. The aux ceufs du charanc;on de la carotte deja other four kept well in cold storage and look nutritional balance of crops, cultivar parasites par une autre espece d'Anaphes. promising for commercial production or for selection, and safety of processed products Huile essentielle Le colorant bleu the amateur gardener. The rootstock were also the subject of measures. Ottawa-3 propagated by in vitro culture chamazulene est extrait par hydrodistillation Parasitoids Eggs of the carrot weevil are proved more vigorous and more productive de I'achillee millefeuille. Recueillies dans parasitized by various species of Anaphes. than its conventionally propagated differents emplacements naturels, les plantes Using several species is beneficial in a counterpart. The best combination was the les plus riches en chamazulene ont ete program of biological control because the cultivar Spencer on Ottawa-3, in vitro trained selectionnees et multipliees par rhizome, female of a new species of Anaphes always in a Dutch slender spindle. cultivees en plein champ et recoltees prefers healthy eggs to eggs of the carrot mecaniquement. Highbush bluebenies The cultivars Northland weevil already parasitized by another species. and Patriot were the most productive of the Contrats de commercialisation Six cultivars Essential oil The blue dye chamazulene is seven cultivars in terms of crop volume and de rosier rustique, un de fraisier et deux de extracted by hydrodistillation of the yarrow. fruit size. Three selections from the Vnited pommier resistant a la tavelure ont ete From plants collected in various natural sites, States were also evaluated. Although yielding donnes a contrat a des pepinieristes pour the ones with the highest chamazulene a total crop volume comparable to that of leur multiplication et leur commercialisation. content were selected and multiplied by Patriot, the fruit from these American Ces selections vegetales sont issues des rhizomes. The plants are grown in the field, selections were smaller. programmes d'amelioration genetique and harvesting is mechanized. poursuivis a I'Assomption et ici meme au Chemical control of root Soil conselVation Marketing contracts Six cultivars of hardy centre. knot nematodes on carrots by fumigation is roses, a strawberry cultivar, and two expensive and may damage the environment. scab-resistant apple cultivars were contracted Ressources Alternatives must therefore be found. out to nurseries for multiplication and Integrated management of crop rotations Le centre emploie 25 scientifiques. II marketing. These plant selections are from including a year of cereals reduces nematode dispose de 90 annees-personnes et d'un genetic improvement programs pursued at budget total de 4,5 millions. De plus, il a la populations and increases coarse organic l'Assomption and Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. responsabilite de la Ferme de recherches matter. The year of cereals offers the de l'Assomption (80 ha) et de la ferme de possibility of controlling broad-leaved weeds Resources 25 ha, situee a Lavaltrie. Trois autres resistant to Linuron, the only herbicide The centre manages 90 person-years fermes lui sont rattachees registered for carrot production. Producers including 25 scientists with a total budget of • Frelighsburg (134 ha); culture des fruits concerned about the conservation and $4.5 million. The centre is also responsible improvement of organic soils in southwestern • L'Acadie (86 ha); culture des legumes et for l'Assomption Research Farm (80 ha), Quebec support this practice. des petits fruits en sol mineral the farm at Lavaltrie (25 ha), and three • Sainte-Clotilde (32 ha); culture des New herbicide for onions Pendimethaline, other farms legumes en sol organique. sold under the name of Prowl, was evaluated • Frelighsburg (134 ha), where fruit is grown for effectiveness of weed control in onion • L'Acadie (86 ha), which grows vegetables crops, persistence, and effect on subsequent and small fruits in mineral soil • crops. A second application on onion crops is • Sainte-Clotilde (32 ha), which grows not required, since it does not control weeds Mandate vegetables in organic soil. or increase onion yields the 2nd year. The The Horticulture Research and Development persistence of pendimethaline was not Centre develops environmentally sustainable observed to have any effect in crops of seven • techniques and systems of production for vegetables on muck soil the following year. fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. RbliCatiOnS de recherche Onion thrips A sequential sampling plan Research Publications and two economic thresholds of the number Achievements Arnold, N.P.; Binns, M.R.; Barthakur, N.N.; of thrips at different stages of onion growth Bacillus thuringiensis The genetic potential of Cloutier, D.C. 1992. A study of the effect of were determined. These new tools are used various strains of this bacterium was improved growth regulators and time of plantlet harvest to detect the insect in southwestern Quebec. through mutagenesis by subjecting them to on the in vitro multiplication rate of hardy and The insect eats plants even more during hybrid tea roses. J. Hortic. Sci. 67(6):727-735. nitrosoguanicline. Four strains with increased drought, and the number of treatments must toxicity were obtained. One of these strains Benoit, D.L.; Cavers, P.B. 1993. Population be increased. Subsurface or sprinkler proved 10 times more toxic than the parental survey of Chenopodium spp. seed banks in a irrigation could reduce damage caused to township in Ontario, Canada. Pages 585-591 in strain. It has the characteristic of producing onion crops by the insect. 8th EWRS Symposium on quantitative more insecticide crystals and the advantage of approaches in weed and herbicide research and Processing vegetables Collaboration not producing spores. their practical application. Braunschweig. involving four companies producing peas,

56 Centre de recherche et de d(we/oppement en horticulture 1993-1994 Benoit, D.L.; Derksen, D.L.; Panneton, B. 1992. Granger, RL.; Freve, A; ... ; Khanizadeh, S.; et Khanizadeh, S.; Lareau, MJ.; Buszard, D.; Innovative approaches to seedbank studies. Weed al. 1992. Performance of several plums in the Beauregard, M. 1992. Resistance of selected Sci. 40(4):660-669. lower St-Lawrence region of Quebec. Fruit Var. strawberry genotypes to the twospotted spider mite. Binns, M.R.; Mailloux, G.; Bostanian, N.J. 1992. J.46(3):183-188. 1. Small Fruit Vitic. 1(3):3-9. Management sampling for larvae of the Colorado Granger, RL.; Khanizadeh, S.; Fortin, 1.; Lapsley, Khanizadeh, S.; Lareau, M.; Lamarre, M.; Buszard, potato beetle. Res. Popul. Ecol. 34(2):293-307. K; Meheriuk, M. 1992. Sensory evaluation of D. 1992. Simulating the effect of spring frost and Boivin, G. 1992. L'impact du depistage sur les several scab-resistant apple genotypes. Fruit Var. clipper weevil on yield of strawberry. J. Small Fruit pratiques phytosanitaires en culture des carottes. 1. 46(2):75-79. Vitic. 1(1):25-31. Mem. Soc. R BeIge Entomol. 35:227-232. Granger, RL.; Rousselle, G.L.; Meheriuk, M.; Khanizadeh, S.; Pelletier, 1.R; Lareau, MJ.; Boivin, G.1993. Density dependence ofAnaphes Khanizadeh, S. 1992 Performance of 'Cortland' and Buszard, D. 1992. Field evaluation of fourteen sordidatus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) 'McIntosh' on fourteen rootstocks in Quebec. Fruit strawberry genotypes in Quebec and their resistance parasitism on eggs of Listronotus oregonensis Var. 1. 46(2):114-118. to ten races of Phytophtom fragariae. 1. Small Fruit (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Oecologia Hance, T.; Boivin, G. 1992. Etude de la resistance Vitic. 1(3):35-48. 93:73-79. au froid des ceufs parasites et non parasites du Lamarre, M.; Lareau, MJ. 1992. Influence des Bostanian, N.J.; Belanger, A; Boudreau, F.; charanc;on Listronotus oregonensis (LeConte) (Col., couvertures hivemales sur la productivite du Mailloux, G. 1993. Dissipation of cyhalothrin Curculionidae). Mem. Soc. R Beige Entomol. fraisier au Quebec. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:299-305. 35:293-299 residues on apple foliage and apples at harvest. Lamarre, M.; Payette, S. 1992. Influence de la J. Agric. Food Chern. 41(2):292-295. Hance, T.; Boivin, G. 1992. Effect of parasitism by fertilisation azotee sur la production du tabac a Bostanian, N.J.; Vincent, c.; Roy, M. 1993. Anaphes sp. (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) on the cigarette au Quebec. Can. 1. Plant Sci. 72:411--419. cold hardiness of Listronotus oregonensis Comparative effectiveness of three trap models Landry, B.; Dextraze, L.; Boivin, G. 1993. Random (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) eggs. Can. 1. Zool. to monitor the apple maggot, Rhagoletis amplified polymorphic DNA markers for DNA 71:759-764. pomonella (Walsh), (Diptera: Tephritidae), in fingerprinting and genetic assessment of minute Quebec. J. Agric. Entomol. 10(2):73-82. Hudon, M.; Bourgeois, G.; Boivin, G.; Chez, D. parasitic wasp species (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae Bouchard, D.; Ouedraogo, A; Boivin, G.; 1992. Yield reduction in grain maize associated with and 'llichogrammatidae) used in biological control Amadou, K. 1992. Mass rearing and life cycle of the presence of European com borer and Giberella programs of phytophagous insects. Genome the African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora H. stalk rot in Quebec. Phytoprotection 73(3):101-110. 36:580-587. & G., in Burkina Faso. Tropical Pest Manage. Hudon, M.; Khanizadeh, S. 1993. Mortality of Landry, B.S.; Hubert, N.; Crete, R; et al. 1992. A 38(4):45D-452. overwintering larvae of european com borer, genetic map for Brassica oleracea based on RFLP Bourgeois, G.; Boote, K.J. 1992. Leaflet and Ostrinia nubilalis Hiibner, from conventional tillage markers detected with expressed DNA sequences canopy photosynthesis of peanut affected by late practices of maize field debris. 1. Agric. Entomol. and mapping of resistance genes to Race 2 of leaf spot. Agron. J. 84:359-366. 10(2):121-124. Plasmodiophora brassicae (Woronin). Genome 35:409--420. Carisse, 0.; Kushalappa, AC.; Cloutier, D.C. 1992. Khanizadeh, S.; Belanger, A 1993. Analysis of the Influence of temperature leaf wetness and high essential oil of the leaves of Fragaria X ananassa Lareau, MJ.; Lamarre, M. 1992. The use of full relative humidity duration on sporulation of Duch. J. Essent. Oil Res. 5:109-111. length "Festival" raspberry canes in a schedules Cerospora carotae on carrot leaf. Phytopathology Khanizadeh, S.; Buszard, D. 1992. Caution required planting and harvesting system. 1. Small Fruit Vitic. 1(2):49-54. 83:338--343. in distribution of plants of red stele (Phytophthora Cessna, A; Benoit, D.L. 1992. Weed-control fragariea Hick.) resistant strawberries. HortScience Lemieux, c.; Cloutier, D.C.; Leroux, GD. 1992. and herbicide residues in onion following use 27(8):870-871. Sampling quackgrass (Elytriga repens) populations. of chlorpropham and cyanazine. Pestic. Sci. Khanizadeh, S.; Buszard, D.; Zarkadas, c.G. 1992. Weed Sci. 40:534-541. 35(4):355-362. Effect of crop load on hardiness, protein and amino Looney, N.E.; Granger, RL.; Chu, c.L.; et al. 1992. Chouinard, G.; Hill, S.B.; Vincent, C. 1993. Spring acid content of apple flower buds at wintering stage Influences of gibberellins Ai, Ai +7> and Ai + behavior of the plum curculio (Coleoptera: and the beginning of the growth. 1. Plant Nutr. iso-A? on apple fruit quality and tree productivity. Curculionidae) within caged dwarf apple trees. Ann. 15(11 ):2441-2455. 1.Effects on fruit russet and tree yield components. Entomol. Soc. Am. 86(3):333-340. Khanizadeh, S.; Buszard, D.; Zarkadas, c.G. 1992. J. Hortic. Sci. 67(5):613-618. Chouinard, G.; Vincent, c.; Hill, S.B.; Panneton, Comparison of three methods for calculating Mailloux, G.; Bostanian, NJ. 1993. Development of B. 1992. Cyclic behavior of plum curculio, protein content in developing apple flower buds. the strawberry bud weevil (Coleoptera: Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: 1. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 75(4):734-737. Curculionidae) in strawberry fields. Ann. Entomol. Burculionidae), within caged dwarf apple trees in Khanizadeh, S.; Fanous, M. 1992. Mathematical Soc. Am. 86(3):384-393. spring. J. Insect Behav. 5(3):385-394. indices for comparing small fruit crops and trait Ogilvie, 1.S.; Amold, N.P. 1992. 'Simon Fraser' Rose. Chung, Y-S.; Cote, J.-c. 1992. Crystals of two similarity. HortScience 27(4):346-348. HortScience 28(6):680. mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis show increased Khanizadeh, S.; Fanous, M. 1992. Statistical Ogilvie, 1.S.; Amold, N.P.; Cloutier, D.C. 1991. toxicity against larvae of Spodoptera littoralis. Methods@: a computer program to calculate 'Louis Jolliet' Rose. HortScience 27(3):278. Entomophaga 37(2):193-196. orthogonal polynomial coefficients. HortScience Ogilvie, 1.S.; Arnold, N.; Cloutier, D.C. 1993. 27(4):367. Deragon, J.M.; Landry, B.S. 1992. PCR and 'Frontenac' Rose. HortScience 28(2):161. RAPD analyses of plant genomes using DNA Khanizadeh, S.; Lareau, M.J.; Buszard, D. 1992. Orsat, Y.; Vigneault, c.; Raghavan, G.S.Y. 1993. Air extracted from small leaf disks. PCR Methods 'Oka' strawberry. HortScience 27(4):374-375. diffusers characterization using a digitized image Appl. 1:175-180. Khanizadeh, S.; Lareau, MJ.; Buszard, D. 1992. analysis system. Appl. Eng. Agric. 9(1):115-121. Ellis, W.O.; Smith, J.P.; Simpson, B.K.; Evaluation of advanced strawberry selections in Panneton, B.; Drummond, AM. 1993. 1Tailing Khanizadeh, S.; Oldham, J.H. 1993. Control of Quebec. Fruit Var. 1. 46(1):53-57. vortex instability and its implications for aerial growth and aflatoxin production of Aspergillus Khanizadeh, S.; Lareau, M.; Buszard. 1992. spraying. Agric. Eng. 35(1):17-25. flavus under modified atmosphere packaging Strawberry cultivar evaluation in Quebec. J. Small (MAP) conditions. Food Microbiol. 10:9-21. Fruit Vitic. 1(2):23-36.

Horticulture Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 57 Picard, c.; Auclair, J.L.; Boivin, G. 1991. Response Zongo, J.O.; Vincent, c.; Stewart, RK. 1993. to host age of the egg parasitoidAnaphes n.sp. Effects of intercropping sorghum-cowpea on (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Biocontr. Sci. Tech. natural enemies of the sorghum shoot fly, 1:169-176. Atherigona soccata (Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso. BioI. Agric. Hortic. 9:201-213. Racette, G.; Chouinard, G.; Vincent, C.; Hill, S.B. 1992. Ecology and management of plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada [Coleoptera: Curculionidaej, in apple orchards. PUBLICATIONS Phytoprotection 73(3):85-100. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Richer-Leclerc, c.; Rioux, J.A; Beaudoin, M.P.; Boivin, G.; Brodeur, L. 1992. Depistage et al. 1993. Potentiel d'adaptation et de croissance systematique des ravageurs : impact sur les d'arbres ornementaux sous les conditions du pratiques phytosanitaires en cultures Quebec et du nord-est ontarien. Can. 1. Plant Sci. maraicheres au Quebec. Bull. Tech. Stn. Rech. 73:557-567. St-Jean 27. 16 pp. Sohati, P.H.; Boivin, G.; Stewart, RK 1992. Michaud, M.-H.; Tremblay, N.; Latour, A. Parasitism of Lygus lineo/flIis eggs on Coronilla varia, 1992. Essais de cultivars de legumes pour la Solanum tuberosum, and three host weeds in transformation: pois, haricot et mals sucre. southeastern Quebec. Entomophaga 37(4):515-523. Rapport conjoint. Agriculture Canada, Vigneault, c.; Orsat, Y.; Panneton, B.; Raghavan, Universite Laval, Association des G.S.Y. 1992. Oxygen permeability and airthightness Manufacturiers de Produits Alimentaires measuring method for breathing bags. Can. Agric. du Quebec et Federation des producteurs Eng. 34(2):183-187. de fruits et legumes du Quebec. 31 pp. Vigneault, c.; Panneton, B.; Orsat, Y.; Raghavan, Svjeda, E; Ogilvie, I.S.; Arnold, N.P. ; et al. G.S.V 1992. Diffuser characterization using a 1992. Winter-hardy roses from Agriculture mechanical sampler for high density clouds of CanadalRosiers rustiques d'Agriculture Canada. bubbles. Can. Agric. Eng. 34(4):353-357. Agric. Can. Publ. 1891/E, 1891/F. 35/35 pp. Vigneault, c.; Panneton, B.; Raghavan, G.S.Y. 1992. Real time digitizing system applied to air bubble measurement. Can. Agric. Eng. 34(2):151-155. Vigneault, c.; Panneton, B.; Raghavan, G.S.Y. 1992. Image analysis of 3-D clouds of bubbles. Can. Agric. Eng. 34(4):347-351. Vigneault, c.; Rothwell, T.M.; Bourgeois, G. 1992. Hammermill grinding rate and energy requirements for thin and conventional hammers. Can. Agric. Eng. 34:203-207. Vmcent, c.; Belair, G. 1992. Biocontrol of the apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea, with entomogenous nematodes. Entomophaga 37(4):575-582. Vincent, G.; Deslauriers, S.; Goutier, D.C. 1992. Biologie et repression de la petite herbe it poux 0mbrosia artemisifolia) au Quebec. Allerg. Immunol. 24:84-89. Yue, D.; Desjardins, Y; Lamarre, M.; Gosselin, A. 1992. Photosynthesis and transpiration of in vitro cultured asparagus plantlets.Sci. Hortic. 49:9-16. Zango, J.O.; Vmcent, c.; Stewart, RK 1993. Effects of neem seed kernel extract on egg and larval survival of the sorghum shoot fly,Atherigona soccata Rondani (Dipt., Muscidae). 1. Appl. Entomol. 115:363-369. Zongo, J.O.; Vincent, c.; Stewart, RK 1992. Efficacite de quatre types de pieges pour la capture de Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptere: Muscidae) et effets de quelques pratiques culturales sur ses degats au Burkina Faso. Pages 116-126 dans La lutte integree contre les ennemis des cultures vivrieres dans Ie Sahel. John Libbey Eurotext, Institut du Sahel, Bamako (Mali).

58 Centre de recherche et de d{we/oppement en horticulture 1993-1994 CENTRE DE RECHERCHE ET DE FOOD RESEARCH AND DEVELOPPEMENT SUR LES ALIMENTS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Direction generale de la recherche Research Branch Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 3600, boulevard Casavant ouest 3600 Casavant Boulevard West Saint-Hyacinthe (Quebec) Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec 12S 8E3 J2S 8E3

Tel. (514) 773-1105 Tel. Telecopie (514) 773-8461 Fax c.E. OTTB::EM333MAIL EM

R,sonnel professionnel R,fessional Staff Directeur c.B. Aube, Ph.D. Director Directeur adjoint C. Toupin, Ph.D. Assistant Director Bibliothecaire F. Bernard, M.B.S.I. Librarian Gestionnaire, systeme informatique S. Boudreault, D.E.C. Data Information Manager Agent d'administration P. Deleu, B.A.A. Administrative Officer Analyste-programmeur L. Laurendeau, B.Sc. Programmer-Analyst Evaluation sensorielle J. Fortin, B.Sc. Sensory evaluation Statisticienne N. Rodrique, B.Sc. Statistician

Services industriels et exploitation Industry Services and Facilities Chef de programme J. Gagnon, M.Sc. Program Leader Agent de programme industriel M. D'Aoust, B.Sc. Industrial Program Officer

Communications et transfert de technologie Communication and Technology Transfer Chef de programme S. Bittner, M.Sc. Program Leader Agent de communication E. Gauthier, M.Sc. Communication Officer

Industrie des viandes Meat Industry Chef de programme; G. Piette, Ph.D. Program Leader; Meat transformation des viandes processing Biochimie et physiologie musculaire C. Gariepy, Ph.D. Muscle biochemistry and physiology Microbiologie des viandes R. Holley, Ph.D. Meat microbiology Transfert de technologie, L. Jacques, M.Sc. Technology Transfer, projets industriels Industrial Projects Biochimie musculaire C. Zarkadas, Ph.D. Muscle biochemistry (prete par la Direction) (seconded out)

Bio-ingn!dients Bio-ingredients CHef de programme; culture de F. Cormier, Ph.D. Program Leader; Plant cells cellules vegetales, metabolites culture, metabolites Genie des procedes F. Brion, M.Sc. Process engineering Micro-organismes industriels, c.P. Champagne, Ph.D. Fermentation, microorganisms, fermentation and processes Genie genetique, enzymologie B. Lee, Ph.D. Genetic engineering, enzymology Enzymologie, metabolites A. Morin, Ph.D. Enzymology, metabolites Chimie des produits naturels, spectroscopie M.-R. Van Calsteren, Ph.D. Chemistry of natural products, spectroscopy

Industrie laitiere Dairy Industry Chef de programme; microbiologie D. Roy, Ph.D. Program Leader; Microbiology Physico-chimie du lait M. Britten, Ph.D. Physical chemistry of milk Boulangerie, fermentation P. Gelinas, Ph.D. Baking, fermentation Genie alimentaire C. Passey, D.Sc. Food engineering Genie des proced€s P. Roy, B.Sc. Process engineering Produits laitiers, fabrication fromagere D. St-Gelais, Ph.D. Dairy products, cheese processing

Centre de recherche et de developpement sur les aliments 1993-1994 59 Technologies de conservation des aliments Food Preservation Technologies Chef de programme; G. Doyon, Ph.D. Program Leader; Storage, conservation, emballage packaging Biopolymeres, produits vegetaux A. Begin, Ph.D. Biopolymers, plant products Extraction et purification M. Boulet, Ph.D. Extraction and purification Materiaux d'emballage, effets technologiques L. Deschenes, M.Sc. Packaging materials, technology impact Biophysique, proteines F. Lamarche, Ph.D. Biophysics, proteins Genie des procedes, emballage M. Marcotte, M.Sc. Packaging, process engineering Physiologie vegetale C. Willemot, Ph.D. Plant physiology (prete par la Direction) (seconded out)

Mandat Le Centre de recherche et de developpement est Ie « developpement integre de la PME Un fromage Cottage probiotique a sur les aliments de Saint-Hyacinthe aide agro-alimentaire » dans les pays de la ete mis au point en ajoutant au caille de la I'industrie alimentaire canadienne it accroitre francophonie. Grace it ce programme, Ie creme fermentee par des bifidobacteries. sa competitivite en effectuant des recherches centre a organise deux colloques Au cours de l'entreposage du fromage dans Ie domaine de la transformation • «Conservation, technologies et emballage Cottage, l'activite de la lactase s'est alimentaire. De plus, Ie centre favorise Ie des aliments » avec Ie concours de I'Institut maintenue it des niveaux eleves, ce qui developpement et Ie transfert de nouvelles marocain d' essais et de conseils, it laisse supposer que ce type de from age technologies en offrant au secteur canadien Casablanca en 1992' pourrait etre une source de lactase pour les des aliments et des boissons un • «Technologie et qualite en agro- personnes digerant mal Ie lactose. environnement technologique et un alimentaire » avec Ie concours de Poudres demineralisees de retentat de lait encadrement scientifique et technique propres I'Association des manufacturiers de Une poudre de retentat de lait, it la mise en reuvre par l'industrie de projets produits alimentaires du Quebec, it partiellement demineralisee, peut etre .de recherche et de developpement. Saint-Hyacinthe en 1993. utilisee pour augmenter la teneur en Realisations Conservation de la viande de porc sous proteines d'un lait de fromagerie sans trop atmosphere modifiee en con tenants modifier son pouvoir tampon. Cette Services industriels Un des attraits majeurs du methode permettrait d'ameliorer les reutilisables On a pu conserver des Centre de recherche et de developpement sur rendements fromagers sans trop affecter tranches de longe de porc deux semaines les aliments consiste it permettre aux les qualites organoleptiques du from age de plus que la normale sous atmosphere de industriels de realiser eux-memes des travaux Cheddar. Cependant, les mineraux jouent 100 % de C02 dans une boite de metal de recherche en usine-pilote. Ceci assure aux un role important durant la fabrication etanche au gaz. A 4 DC en conditions industriels un haut niveau de confidentialite fromagere. Des etudes ont donc ete aerobiques, la viande reste acceptable ainsi qu'un transfert technologique rapide vers entreprises pour evaluer I'impact que peut 6 jours de plus, ce qui procure au detaillant la production. Au total, 126 projets industriels avoir un enrichissement du lait par l'ajout une plus grande flexibilite dans la confidentiels impliquant 65 entreprises ont ete de poudres partiellement demineralisees distribution du porc frais. realises en 1993. de retentat de lait sur les differentes etapes Des outils de transferl technologique En plus Adhesion des bacteries aux saucisses Un de la fabrication de fromages Cheddar systeme modele a ete mis au point pour du bulletin de liaison industrielle Alimentech, reguliers et reduits en calorie. l'etude quantitative de l'adhesion des destine aux intervenants de I'industrie bacteries it la surface des saucisses gainees Ingredients a base de proreines du lactosernm alimentaire, on a cree la serie Techno La demineralisation d'un concentre proteique de collagene. Ce systeme permet de constituee de fiches sur les technologies de lactoserum suivie d'un traitement reduire la contamination bacterienne apres d'interet commercial. Les bulletins techniques thermique produit des ingredients aux cuisson, et par consequent d'allonger la Publitech font Ie point sur une question de proprietes nouvelles. Ainsi, l'acidification du duree de conservation des saucisses. recherche en termes tres vulgarises. Enfin, Ie milieu ou l'enrichissement en calcium conduit centre et la Fondation des gouverneurs ont Les bifidobacteries Les bifidobacteries it la formation de gels. Ces ingredients mis sur pied un service de veille sont de plus en plus utilisees en industrie permettent de substituer les reufs dans les technologique. Ce projet consistera it reperer laitiere. II devient donc important de bien produits de patisserie ou encore la caseine les nouvelles technologies mises au point qui caracteriser les souches d'interet industriel dans certains fromages et yogourts. sont prometteuses pour I'industrie alimentaire, it I'aide de methodes fiables. L'utilisation Emballage sous atmosphere modijiee Dans et it acheminer rapidement cette information de la technique d'electrophorese par Ie but de bien connaitre les caracteristiques vers les groupes interesses. champ pulse permet d'obtenir une physico-chimiques et sensorielles d'aliments it empreinte genetique specifique it la Programme Francophonie (ACCT) Ce l'etat frais et emballes, une etude sur souche. Cette methode a demontre que la programme ministeriel resulte de la l'optimisation de la conservation tant au majorite des souches commerciales collaboration entre la Direction generale de la ruveau de la production, de l'entreposage et etudiees appartiennent aux especes recherche, la Division du developpement du transport a ete entreprise avec un groupe Bifidobacterium longum et B. animalis. agricole international et la Direction des programmes internationaux. Son objectif

60 Food Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 de producteurs de petits fruits. Des • la valeur de permeabilite diminuait, dans Production d'acides amines catalyses parten aires qui travaillent dans les domaines certains cas, en fonction du nombre de enzymatUjuement Vne collaboration de l'emballage sous atmosphere modifiee, du tests subis par un meme echantillon. scientifique de 3 ans avec la compagnie traitement a I'ozone, des atmospheres Ces recherches ont permis de mieux Degussa AG d'Allemagne a pris fin en 1993. d'entreposage et du camionnage ont permis comprendre et d'optimiser les methodes Ce projet a permis d'identifier des sources de mettre au point des pratiques qui d'evaluation de la permeabilite a l'oxygene microbiennes et vegetales d'hydantomases. permettent de prolonger la duree de vie .des des emballages alimentaires. Ces enzymes peuvent etre utilisees pour produits au detail jusqu'a 6 jours. catalyser la production d'acides amines. Elimination des defauts dans Iefromage lors Permiabilite des polymeres d'emhall11ge de la maturation Les genes responsables Ressources Des travaux effectues en collaboration avec de la production de ~-galactosidases chez Le centre possede un eventail d'instruments une societe americaine ont favorise la mise au Kluyveromyces marxianus, Streptococcus specialises et modernes qui permettent de point d'un appareil (Aromatran) et d'un therrnophilus, et Eifidobacterium longum mener des recherches ainsi que des logiciel d'anaiyse qui permettent de mesurer ont ete clones avec succes dans E. coli. usines-pilotes dont les equipements sont la permeabilite des polymeres d'emballage aux Cette etude vise a transferer ce phenotype con<;;usspecialement pour la mise au point aromes et substances volatiles. de microorganismes a faible pouvoir de nouveaux produits. De plus, Ie centre Consewation de produi4 tropicaux Des travaux acidifiant a des microorganismes acidifiants partage ses locaux avec une vingtaine entrepris avec un chercheur universitaire sur tel Lactobacillus casei afin d'utiliser cette d'employes du Service des technologies la conservation des produits tropicaux et sur Ie bacterie pour la maturation fromagere. alimentaires du ministere de l'Agriculture, risque de presence d'aflatoxines dans ces Acceleration de la maturation fromagere Vne des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation du produits ont demontre que Ie type collaboration scientifique avec l'Institute of Quebec et un conseiller technologique du d'emballage utilise ainsi que la temperature et Food Research de Reading en Angleterre a Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Ie degre d'humidite peuvent faire varier la permis de caracteriser, par cristallographie a Le centre dispose de 82 annees-personnes quantite d'aflatoxines dans Ie produit fini et rayons-x, une amino-peptidase L. casei qui et emploie 36 scientifiques. Le budget total par Ie fait meme sa commercialisation finale. peut etre utilisee pour accelerer la maturation s'eleve a environ 7 millions de dollars. Hibiscus Des travaux realises en fromagere. collaboration avec l'Institut de technologie Colorants alimentaires a base d'anthocyanes o agricole de Dakar et des industriels Vne collaboration scientifique de 2 ans canadiens ont permis de mieux caracteriser avec Ie Botanical Phytotech inc., I':Ecole Mandate la physico-chimie d'extraits d'Hibiscus en poly technique de l'Vniversite de Montreal The Food Research and Development Centre vue d'une utilisation eventuelle dans la et Ie Centre quebecois de valorisation de la helps Canada's food industry to become more fabrication de jus ou comme colorant biomasse a pris fin en 1993. Ce projet competitive, mainly by conducting research alimentaire. visant a mettre au point un procede de into food processing. The centre's scientific production de colorants alimentaires a base Utilisation de ['ozone en conselVation On a personnel and technical environment enhance d'anthocyanes extraites de cultures de etudie l'effet de differents niveaux d'ozone the transfer of new research results to the cellules de Vitis vinifera a demontre sur la conservation et l'entreposage de Canadian food and beverage sector. fruits et legumes (petits fruits, oignons, • la stabilite relative de souches de cellules citrus). Ces travaux ont perm is de me surer a haut rendement Achievements l'impact sur la composition chimique des • la mise a I'echelle de cette production Industrial sewices An attractive feature of the aliments et sur Ie profil microbien. dans des prototypes de bioreacteurs. Food Research and Development Centre is Irradiation de materiel d'emballage et effet Concentres Iyophilises de fennents lactUjues Des that industry itself can do research in the pilot sur la microflore des aliments Vn projet de cultures de Lactococcus lacds utilisees dans la plants. This arrangement affords industry a collaboration avec I'Institut Armand- fermentation des produits laitiers ont ete high level of confidentiality and rapid Frappier vise a determiner I'impact des immobilisees et multipliees dans des billes technology transfer into production. A total of substances volatiles generees par d'alginate. Ce procede a permis de preparer 126 confidential industrial projects involving l'irradiation d'emballages plastiques sur la des ferments de haute densite sans recourir a 65 companies were carried out in 1993. viabilite de niicroorganismes responsables des operations de concentration. Ces cultures Technology transfer tools In addition to de la degradation des aliments. Les immobilisees et concentrees ont ete Alimentech, an industrial liaison report for resultats preliminaires ont indique que lyophilisees et utilisees dans la production food industry partners, the centre has now Candida albicans semble influence par la simulee de fromage Quark. Des niveaux created the Techno series. The new series presence de polyethylene lors du d'inoculation plus eleves ont ete necessaires consists of fact sheets on technologies of traitement ionisant. pour obtenir Ie meme taux d'acidification que commercial interest. Publitech technical Evaluation de la perrneabilite de materiel les ferments liquides, sauf que Lactococcus bulletins interpret the latest results in d'emballage alimentaire Vne etude immobilise etait protege de l'action des particular areas of research. Finally, the portant sur les methodes de mesure de la bacteriophages. L'utilisation de telles cultures Centre and the Foundation of Governors permeabilite a l'oxygene d'un film de pourrait reduire Ie recours aux rotations de have launched a technological watch polyethylene de type commercial a cultures et a l'utilisation de ferments service. This project identifies technologies demontre que multisouches dans les fromageries. and promising new developments for the • la permeabilite augmentait avec l'age du food industry and conveys news rapidly to materiel target groups.

Centre de recherche et de developpement sur les aliments 1993-1994 61 Francophone Program (ACCT) This Cheddar cheeses at various stages of presence of polyethyleneduring ionizing collaborative departmental program man ufacturing. treatment. between the Research Branch, Whey protein-based ingredients Permeability of food-packaging material International Agriculture Development Demineralization of a whey protein A studywas done on methods for measuring Division, and International Programs concentrate followed by heat treatment the oxygenpermeabilityof a commercial-type Branch aims to integrate the development produces ingredients with new properties. polyethylenefilm. Results showed that of small and medium-sized agri-food For example, acidifying the medium or • permeability increased with age of concerns in Francophone countries. The enriching with calcium leads to gel material centre organized two Francophone formation. These new ingredients allow for • the permeability value of a sample agri-food symposiums in 1992 and 1993: substitution of eggs in pastry products or sometimes decreased with testing. • Storage, Technologies, and Food casein in some cheeses and yogurts. Packaging, with the Moroccan Testing Through this work, researchers gained a and Consulting Institute, Casablanca Modified-atmosphere packaging To identify better understanding of the oxygen the physicochemicaland sensory permeability of food packaging and could • Agri-Food Quality and Technology, characteristicsof fresh and packaged foods, thereby optimize methods of evaluation. Saint-Hyacinthe, with the Quebec Food researchers workingwith a group of Processors Association. Elimination of defects in cheese during smal1-fruitproducers determined optimum ripening The genes responsible for producing Modified-atmosphere storage of pork in conditions for production, storage, and ~-galactosidasesin Kluyveromyces marxianus, reusable containers Storing slices of pork transportation. With partners involvedin Streptococcus thermophilus, and loin in a 100% C02 atmosphere in a modified-atmosphere packaging,ozone Bifidobacterium longum were successfully gas-tight metal box keeps the meat safely treatment, storage atmospheres, and trucking, cloned in E. coli. This study is designed to for 2 weeks longer than normal. Meat practiceswere developed that extend the shelf transfer the phenotype from microorganisms remains acceptable 6 days longer at 4°C life of retail products to 6 days. with low acid-producingcapacityto high under aerobic conditions. This packaging Permeability of packaging polymers With acid-producingmicroorganismssuch as information allows retailers greater a U.S. company, researchers developed an Lactobacillus casei, to allowuse of this flexibility in distributing fresh pork. analysis apparatus (Aromatran) and bacterium for cheese ripening. Bacterial adhesion to sausages A model software to measure the permeability of Acceleration of cheese ripening Scientists,in systemwas developed for the quantitative food-packaging polymers to flavors and collaborationwith the Institute of Food study of bacterial adhesion to the surface of volatiles. Research, Reading, England, used X-ray sausages in colIagencasings.This system Storage of tropical products Work was crystallographyto characterize a L. casei reduces bacterial contamination after cooking, undertaken with a university researcher on aminopeptidase that can be used to accelerate thus extending the storage life of the sausage. the storage of tropical products and the cheese ripening. Bifidobacteria Bifidobacteria are increasingly risk of aflatoxin in these products. The type Anthocyanin-based food colors A 2-year being used in the dairy industry.A reliable of packaging materials used, temperature, col1aborationwith Botanical Phytotech Inc., method of characterizingstrains that are of and moisture levels affect the quantity of the Ecole polytechnique of the Universityof interest to the industrywas developed. The aflatoxins present in the finished product Montreal, and the Centre quebecois de pulsed-fieldgel electrophoresis technique and hence can influence its final marketing. valorisation de la biomasse ended in 1993.A provides a strain-specificgenetic imprint. With Hibiscus Work was done with the Dakar process was developed for producing food this method, researchers found most Agricultural Technology Institute and colors with anthocyanins extracted from cel1s commercial strains to be Bifidobacterium Canadian industry to better characterize of Vltis vinifera. The study demonstrated longum or B. aninuJlis. the physicochemistry of Hibiscus extracts. • the relative stability of strains of A probiotic Cottage cheese was The extracts are used in juice production or high-yielding cells developed by incorporating bifidobacteria- as food color. • productio~ scaling in bioreactor fermented cream with the curd. During Use of ozone in storage Researchers prototypes. storage of the Cottage cheese, lactase measured the effect of various levels of Freeze-dried concentrates of lactic starters activity remained high. This type of cheese ozone on the storage of fruits and Cultures of Lactococcus lactis used to could possibly provide lactase for people vegetables (small fruit, onions, and citrus ferment dairy products were immobilized who have trouble digesting lactose. fruit). The impact of these treatments on and multiplied in alginate beads. This Demineralized milk powder concentrate the chemical composition of foods and the process makes it possible to prepare A partially demineralized milk powder microbial profile was thus determined. high-density starters without the use of concentrate may increase the protein !lTadiation of packaging material and effect on traditional concentration operations. content of cheese milk without significantly food microflora In col1aborationwith the Immobilized cultures were freeze-dried changing its buffering capacity. This Institut Armand Frappier, scientistsare and used in the simulated production of method should improve cheese yields irradiating plastic packagingand determining Quark cheese. Although higher inoculation without significantly affecting the the impact of the volatilesgenerated on the levels were necessary to obtain the same organoleptic qualities of Cheddar cheese. viabilityof microorganismsresponsible for level of acidification as liquid starters, the Minerals, however, playa key role in food degradation. From preliminary results, immobilized lactococci were protected cheese production. Studies were therefore Candida albicans seems to be affected by the from bacteriophages. The use of these done to evaluate the impact of the concentrate on regular and low-calorie

62 Food Research and Development Centre 1993-1994 cultures in cheesemaking could reduce the Champagne, c.P.; Morin, N.; Couture, R; et al. Morin, A; Leblanc, D.; Roy, D. 1992. Laboratory need for culture rotations and for 1992. The potential of immobilized cell technology scale disruption of microorganisms with a 180 mL multistrain starters. to produce freeze-dried, phage-protected cultures of grinding vessel adapted to a commercial mixer mill. Lactococcus lactis. Food Res. Int. 25:419-427. J. Microbiol. Methods 15:17-23. Production of enzymatically catalyzed amino Cheour, E; Arul, J.; Willemot, c.; et al. 1992. Morin, N.; Bernier-Cardou, M.; Champagne, acids A 3-year scientific collaboration Delay of membrane lipid degradation by calcium c.P. 1992. Production of Lactococcus lactis with Degussa AG of Germany ended in treatment during cabbage leaf senescence. Plant biomass by immobilized cell technology. J. Ind. 1993. This project identified microbial and Physiol. 100:1656-1660. Microbiol. 9:131-135. plant sources of hydantoinases. These Cormier, E; Do, c.B.; Moresoli, c.; et al. 1992. Morin, N.; Bernier-Cardou, M.; Champagne, c.P. enzymes may be used to catalyze the Anthocyanin release from grape (Vttis vim/era L.) 1992. Production of concentrated Lactococcus lactis production of amino acids. cell suspension. Biotechnol. Lett. 14(11):1029-1034. subsp. cremoris suspensions in calcium alginate beads. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58(2):545-550. Resources Dali, N.; Desjardins, Y; Willemot, C. 1992. Storage potential of strawberry cultivars. Adv. Piette, J.-P.G.; Idziak, E. 1992. A model study The centre uses a wide range of complex, Strawberry Res. 11:17-20. of factors involved in adhesion of Pseudomonas modern instruments to carry out research, Delaquis, Pl.; Gariepy, c.; Dussault, E 1992. fluorescens to meat. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. as well as pilot plants with equipment Bacteriology of hot and cold boned pork pre-blends. 58(9):2783-2791. especially designed for developing new J. Food Prot. 55:910-912. Proulx, M.; Gauthier, S.E; Roy, D. 1992. products. The centre shares its premises Delaquis, PJ.; Gariepy, c.; Montpetit, D. 1992. Utilisation d'hydrolysats enzymatiques de with about 20 employees of the Quebec Confocal scanning laser microscopy of porcine caseine pour la croissance des bifidobacteries. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and muscle colonized by meat spoilage bacteria. Elsevier/INRA 72:393-404. Food and a representative of the National Food Microbiol. 9:147-153. Roy, D.; Blanchette, L.; Savoie, L.; Ward, P.; Research Council of Canada. The centre El Agamy, E.S.I.; Ruppanner, R; Champagne, c.P.; et al. 1992. a- and ~-galactosidase properties has 82 person-years, including 36 scientific et al. 1992. Antibacterial and antiviral activity of of Bifidogacterium in/antis. Milchwissenschaft staff, and a total budget of approximately camel milk protective proteins. J. Dairy Res. 47(1):18-21. $7 million. 59:169-176. Roy, D.; Ward, P. 1992. Rapid detection of Gardner, N.; Rodrigue, N.; Champagne, C.P. Bifidobacteriurn dentium by enzymatic hydrolysis o 1993. Combined effects of sulfites, temperature, of ~-glucuronide substrates. J. Food Prot. and agitation time on production of glycerol in 55(4):291-295. Rblications de recherche grape juice by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Appl. St-Gelais, D.; Hache, S.; Gros-Louis, M. 1992. Research Publications Environ. Microbiol. 59(7):2022-2028. Combined effects of temperature, acidification, and diafiltration on composition of skim milk Arora, G.; Lee, B.H. 1992. Purification and Gariepy, c.; Amiot, 1.; Pommier, SA; et al. 1992. retentate and permeate. J. Dairy Sci. characterization of aminopeptidase from Electrical stimulation and 48 hours aging of bull and 75:1167-1172. Lactobacillus casei ssp. casei LLG. J. Dairy Sci. steer carcasses. 1. Food Sci. 57(3):541-544. 75:700-710. Gu, Z.M.; Martindate, D.W; Lee, B.H. 1992. St-Gelais, D.; Roy, D.; Hache, S. 1992. Growth and activities of Lactococcus lactis in milk Begin, A; Beaulieu, Y.; Goulet, J.; et al. 1992. Isolation and complete sequence of the purL gene enriched with low mineral retentate powders. Whey fermentation by Propionibacterium encoding FGAM synthase-II in Lactobacillus casei. J. Dairy Sci. 75:2344-2352. shermanii immobilized in different gels. Gene 119:123-126. Milchwissenschaft 47(7):412-416. Lapsley, KG.; Escher, EE.; Hoehn, E. 1992. The Trepanier, G.; El Abboudi, M.; Lee, B.H.; et al. 1992. Accelerated maturation of Cheddar Bouchard, 1.; Overend, RP.; Van Calsteren, M.R; cellular structure of selected apple varieties. Food cheese: microbiology of cheese supplemented et al. 1992. Mechanism of dilute acid hydrolysis of Struct. 11:339-349. with Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei L2A. J. Food cellulose a=unting for its degradation in the solid Lavigne, P.; Tancrede, P.; Lamarche, E; et al. 1992. Sci. 57:345-349. state. J. Wood Chem. Technol. 12(3):335-354. Packing of hydrophobic a-helices: a study at the Trepanier, G.; El Abboudi, M.; Lee, B.H.; et al. Britten, M.; Lavoie, L. 1992. Foaming properties air/water interface. Am. Chem. Soc. 8(8):1988-1993. 1992. Accelerated maturation of Cheddar cheese: of proteins as affected by concentration. J. Food Maldonado, E.; Oirdeenas, J.; Van Calsteren, influence of added lactobacilli and commercial Sci. 57(5):1219-1222, 1241. M.-R.; et al. 1991. Salvianduline C, a protease on composition and texture. 1. Food Sci. Champagne, c.P. 1992. Effect of penicillin on 5,6-secoclerodane diterpenoid from Salvia 57:898-902. free or immobilized lactococci: milk acidification lavanduloides. Phytochemistry 31(1):217-220. and residual antibiotic level. J. Food Saf. Marcotte, M.; Le Maguer, M. 1992. Mass 12:327-339. transfer in cellular tissues, part II: computer Champagne, c.P.; Gaudy, c.; Poncelet, D.; et al. simulations vs experimental data. J. Food Eng. 1992. Lactococcus lactis release from calcium 17:177-199. alginate beads. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Marcoux, Y.; Beaulieu, Y; Champagne, c.P.; et al. 58(5):1429-1434. 1992. Production of Propionibacterium freudenreichii Champagne, C.P.; Lange, M. 1992. Preparation subsp. shermanii in whey-based media. J. Ferment. of starters and their subsequent sensitivity to Bioeng. 74(2):95-99. bacteriophage. Cult. Dairy Prod. J. 27(2):16-21. Morin, A; Lafond, A 1992. Continuous production Champagne, c.P.; Lange, M.; Blais, A; et al. of N-carbamyl-D-alanime by Peptococcus anaerobius 1992. Factors other than bacteriphage that affect adsorbed on activated charcoal. Biotechnol. Lett. lactic starter activity. Food Res. Int. 25:309-316. 14(2):117-118.

Centre de recherche et de deve/oppement sur les aliments 1993-1994 63 PEST MANAGEMENT RESEARCH CENTRE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES SUR LA LUTTE ANTIPARASITAIRE Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 1391 Sandford Street 1391, rue Sandford London, Ontario London (Ontario) N5V 4T3 N5V 4T3

Tel. (519) 645-4452 Tel. Fax (519) 645-5476 TeIecopie EM OTTB::EM280MAIL c.E.

Rfess;onal Staff Rsonnel profess;onnel Director c.F. Marks, Ph.D. Directeur Administrative Officer J.A Coleman Agent d'administration Librarian D.E.H. Drew, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire

Alternative Pest Control- Autres moyens de lutte antiparasitaire- Vegetable and Field Crops legumes et plantes de grande culture Biochemistry C.J. Bolter, Ph.D. Biochimie Soil physical chemistry B.T. Bowman, Ph.D. Physico-chimie des sols Analytical organic chemistry RA Chapman, Ph.D. Chimie organique et analytique Phytobacteriology-molecular genetics D.A Cuppels, Ph.D. Phytobacteriologie-genetique moleculaire Molecular biology-fungi K.F. Dobinson, Ph.D. Biologie moleculaire--ehampignons Insect molecular biology C. Donly, Ph.D. Biologie moleculaire des insectes Plant biochemistry M.R Gijzen, Ph.D. Biochimie des vegetaux Insect toxicology S.A Hilton, M.Sc. Toxicologie des insectes Biochemistry R.M. Krupka, Ph.D. Biochimie Plant pathology-soilborne diseases G. Lazarovits, Ph.D. Phytopathologie-maladies d'origine tellurique Microbial biochemistry-pathology C. Madhosingh, Ph.D. Pathologie des micro-organismes-biochirnie Insect physiology D.G.R McLeod, Ph.D. Physiologie des insectes Insect pathology B. Mulock, Ph.D. Maladies des insectes Chemistry-natural products AN. Starratt, Ph.D. Chimie-produits nature Is Neurochemistry R.W. Steele, Ph.D. Neurochimie Applied entomology J.R. Tolman, Ph.D. Entomologie appliquee Pesticide ecology AD. Tomlin, Ph.D. Pesticides-----ecologie Plant pathology-mycorrhizae J.A Traquair, Ph.D. Maladies des plantes-mycorhize Microbiology C.M. Tu, Ph.D. Microbiologie Insect biochemistry A Vardanis, Ph.D. Biochimie des insectes Insect rearing J. Whistlecraft, B.Sc. Elevage des insectes

Vineland Vineland Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 4902 Victoria Avenue North, P.O. Box 6000 4902, avenue Victoria Nord, c.P. 6000 Vineland Station, Ontario Vineland Station (Ontario) LOR2EO LOR2EO

Tel. (905) 562-4113 Tel. Fax (905) 562-4335 Telecopie EM VINERA::DIRECTOR c.E.

Research Manager G. Poushinsky, M.Sc. Directeur de la recherche Ornamental diseases W.R Allen, Ph.D. Maladies des plantes ornementales Ornamental entomology AB. Broadbent, Ph.D. Entomologie-plantes ornementales

64 Pest Management Research Centre 1993-1994 Vegetable diseases RE Cerkauskas, Ph.D. Maladies des cultures legumieres Residue chemistry M. Chiba, Ph.D. Chimie des residus Fruit pest management EAC Hagley, Ph.D. Gestion des ennemis des cultures fruitieres Chemistry B.D. McGarvey, M.Sc. Chimie Fruit mycology J. Northover, Ph.D. Mycologie---cultures fruitieres Host-parasite relations Th.HA Olthof, Ph.D. Relations hOtes-parasites Nematode ecology---control J.W Potter, Ph.D. Ecologie des nematodes-lutte chimique Toxicology D.J. Pree, Ph.D. Toxicologie Ornamentals-root rots AA Reyes, Ph.D. Plantes ornementales-pourridie Vegetable pest management AB. Stevenson, Ph.D. Gestion des ennemis des cultures legumieres Virology L.W Stobbs, Ph.D. Virologie Acarology H.M.A Thistlewood, Ph.D. Acarologie Ecology RM. Trimble, Ph.D. Ecologie Mathematics and computing J. Yee, Ph.D. Mathematiques et informatique

Delhi Delhi Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Schafer Road, P.O. Box 186 Chemin Schafer, CP. 186 Delhi, Ontario Delhi (Ontario) N4B2W9 N4B 2W9

Tel. (519) 582-1950 Tel. Fax (519) 582-4223 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM343MAIL CE.

Research Manager G. H. Whitfield, Ph.D. Directeur de la recherche Soil science-agronomy B.R Ball-Coelho, Ph.D. Agronomie-pedologie Soil science-nutrition RP. Beyaert, B.Sc.(Agr.) Pedologie et nutrition Genetics-plant breeding J.E. Brandle, Ph.D. Genetique, amelioration des plantes Chemistry-plant products WA Court, Ph.D. Chimie-produits vegetaux Plant pathology RD. Reeleder, Ph.D. Phytopathologie Agronomy L.B. Reynolds, B.Sc.(Agr.) Agronomie Plant physiology N. Rosa, Ph.D. Physiologie vegetale Agronomy-new crops RC Roy, M.Sc. Agronomie-nouvelles cultures Agronomy-weed science B.E Zilkey, Ph.D. Agronomie-malherbologie

Smithfield Smithfield Research Farm Fermede recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Lafferty Road, P.O. Box 340 Chemin Lafferty, CP. 340 Trenton, Ontario Trenton (Ontario) K8V 5R5 K8V5R5

Tel. (613) 392-3527 Tel. Fax (613) 392-0359 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM348MAIL CE.

Program Leader J. Warner, M.Sc. Chef de programme Curator, Clonal Germplasm M. Luffman, M.Sc. Conservateur, ban que de genes

Centre de recherches sur la lutte antiparasitaire 1993-1994 65 Mandate The Pest Management Research Centre at •years. Total production cost for the bean crops predaceous mite Ambylesius fallacis was London was $96 per hectare lower for the no-till successfully mass-reared and established in • develops alternative and environmentally treatments than for conventional tillage. commercial apple orchards. This natural acceptable technologies for the Average net returns for the rotation involving enemy can effectively control the European protection of tree fruits, vegetables, and kidney beans were approximately $100 per red mite, a key pest of commercial apple field and ornamental crops from disease hectare higher than those involving white and other crops. Production of and insect pests beans and $300 per hectare higher than insecticide-resistant predators has been • develops alternative crops and sustainable soybeans. Conventional tillage produced the licensed to a Canadian supplier of management practices for coarse-textured lowest net returns within each of the biological control agents. Deliveries to fruit soils bean-winter wheat rotations. growers began in the spring of 1993. Sex pheromone-mediated mating disruption is • preserves clonal germ plasm Evening primrose A rapid method was showing promise for controlling the codling • determines the impacts of agricultural developed for analyzing oil content and moth, another key pest of commercial practices on soil and water quality. individual fatty acids of evening primrose. apple. Temporary registration of a This method allows efficient measurement commercial mating disruption product, Achievements of y-linoleic acid in plant production and Isomate C@, was granted in the spring of plant-breeding programs. Soil fauna Continuous soybean cropping 1993. reduced abundance of earthworms, beneficial Ginseng A collaborative agreement was Crown gall A survey for crown gall was soil , and fungi, but not bacteria, signed between Agriculture and Agri-Food conducted in 1993 in response to growing compared with continuous com and rotations Canada and the Ginseng Growers' concern within the industry. Significantly containing cereals. Herbicide treatments Association of Canada (GGAC) to support higher levels of infection were found in reduced populations of earthworms and ginseng research at the Delhi Research Farm. Vinifera and French hybrid varieties than beneficial soil mites as much as machine Under this agreement, GGAC provides was recognized by the industry. Resistance cultivation for weed control. Standard technical support and assistance in of various rootstocks to infection is being agronomic practices were as damaging to establishing and managing research plots. investigated. A rapid diagnostic polymerase biological soil processes as pesticides. An Research supported includes disease and chain reaction assay is being developed in a image analysis technique was developed for weed control, root conditioning and quality, cooperative program with the Summerland discriminating between faunally generated soil and agronomic studies. Research Station. aggregate distributions caused by crop Peppermint Plant biomass and essential oil Ornamentals Natural plant products have rotation and weed control treatments. We yields of peppermint increased with delays in been identified for use as protectant sprays. conclude that soil faunal processes can be harvest, to a maximum in very late August to These sprays significantly reduce feeding and manipulated in predictable ways to improve early September. Menthol, neomenthol, and reproduction of the western flower thrips and soil structure and retention of organic matter. menthyl acetate concentrations increased in its transmission of the tomato spotted wilt Tillagepractices Yields of winter wheat, fall the essential oil with plant development. The virus. They also reduce egg hatch and thrips rye, and soybeans managed under amount of menthone and isomenthone was flight, and are toxic to adults and instars when conservation tillage practices were similar to highest in immature plants. The used as contact sprays. Foliar sprays with the yields of these crops managed under concentrations of menthofuran and pulegone entomopathogenic nematode Steinemema conventional tillage practices in 1992. In in the essential oil corresponded to the carpocapsae controlled larvae of the contrast, yields of flue-cured tobacco and amount of flower bloom in the peppermint. chrysanthemum leaf miner under conditions grain com were significantly higher when These results indicate that peppermint can be of high humidity and the use of adjuvants. managed under conventional tillage than grown successfully on the coarse-textured soils These results indicate that alternatives to under conservation tillage. Total above-ground of Ontario. harsh pesticides can be developed for control nonharvested plant biomass production in all Stevia In examining 13 stevia half-sib of greenhouse pests and diseases. cropping systems was higher under families, leaf yield, leaf-to-stem ratio, and Onion maggot In a 2-year study, onion conventional tillage than under conservation stevioside concentration were all found to be maggot (OM) collected from onion tillage. Continuous com produced higher highly heritable. Leaf-yield levels were production areas showed at least 10 times residue weights than the soybean-winter comparable to those of other stevia-producing more resistance to currently recommended wheat rotation, which yielded higher residue areas in the world. Stevioside concentration soil insecticides. In addition, soil bioassays weights than the tobacco-fall rye rotation. was higher here than in some of those areas, demonstrated limited persistence of the main Economics Yields, costs, and net returns of probably as a result of production under long chemical control agent, chlorpyrifos. Increased three bean-winter wheat cropping systems days. These initial results show that stevia can resistance combined with limited persistence were evaluated under conventional tillage and be improved through selection and that it has may account for some late-season control four no-till systems differentiated by type of the potential for production in southwestern failures. Cross resistance may delay the cover crop. The three beans considered were Ontario. introduction of new replacement insecticides soybeans, white beans, and kidney beans. Pest control in tree fruits Several for OM control. An alternative method of Average yields of the beans grown under environmentally friendly and sustainable OM control being tested is application of conventional tillage were consistently lower pest control technologies show promise. An currently registered insecticides as seed than those of the four no-till treatments, but insecticide-resistant strain of the the differences were significant in only a few

66 Pest Management Research Centre 1993-1994 treatments. These maximizethe amount of dsRNA revealed that the virus was distinct coats, peroxidase is the most abundant insecticideat the point of insect attack and from other strains identified in southern soluble protein in EpEp types, whereas this minimize the amount escaping to the China. A diagnostic antiserum is currently enzyme is present only in trace amounts in environment. Efficacyof seed treatments is being prepared. EpEp plants. No obvious difference in the equivalent to current furrow-granular Insect metabolism modification Genetically gross or microscopic structure of the seed treatments. modified baculovirusesmay prove to be a coat was associated with the Ep locus. The Colorado potato beetle Field microplot highlyspecificand environmentallysound results suggest that soybean seed coat experiments during the past 2 years means of insect pest control. Vrrulence may peroxidase is involved in processes other revealed that water quality has only minor be enhanced by incorporating genes encoding than seed coat biosynthesis, such as plant effects on persistence of two insecticides for regulatory neuropeptides or enzymes. defence. applied to potatoes for control of the Studies include Transgenicflue-cwed tobacco lines Transgenic Colorado potato beetle. The microbial • investigation of the insect adipokinetic tobacco lines carrying a GUS-metal1othionein insecticideM-Trakand the organophosphorus hormone receptor with radio-labeled gene fusionwere evaluated in the field. Some insecticideGuthion were assessed.Growers AKH-I of the transgenic lines were equal to the should not be concerned that water hardness • synthesis of position-2 analogs of untransformed control for yield, days to willaffect insecticideefficacy. proctolin, some with higher biological flower,and leaf number, whereas others Insecticide degradation The degradation activity than the natural peptide, for performed more poorly.All the transgenic patterns of four soil insecticides were studies of its receptor lines expressed the MG gene in the upper determined after application and in the • construction of recombinant baculovirus portion of the plant. One line did not express second and subsequent years of treatment. containing the gene for the neuropeptide the MG gene in the roots. Cd levelsin the The results showed that FMRFamide from Drosophila. leaf tissue of transformed lines were not • assays of parent insecticides alone may significantlydifferent from the untransformed indicate levels in soil sufficient for insect Bacterial speck pathogen We have control. Twofield-growntransgenics in the control, but microbial degradation of the developed a highly sensitive, highly specific absence of herbicide treatment were lower toxic metabolites could preclude control nonradioactive DNA probe for quantifying yieldingthan the controls. Resistance to of feeding pests on the host plant the bacterial speck pathogen on chlorsulfuronwas adequate in the transgenics, symptomless tomato plants. This probe • higher insecticide application rates may but more research on the production hybridizes exclusively to those bacteria that be required to obtain acceptable insect characteristicsof these transgenic lines is produce coronatine. Used in combination control levels. needed before their use at the farm level can with a semi-selective growth medium, the be considered. Biocontrol agent A strain ofAleochara probe is effective for detecting or Transgenic tobacco seedlings Greenhouse bilineata has been developed for control of monitoring the pathogen on both tests showed transgenic tobacco seedlings onion maggot or cabbage maggot that is greenhouse and field tomato plants. to be highly resistant to amidosulfuron and 12times more tolerant to pesticides than the Fungus pathogenicity Recombinant chlorsulfuron herbicides. One of the normal field strain. This work demonstrates plasmids carrying a marker gene were transgenic lines was more resistant to that laboratory selection can raise pesticide taken up in Verticillium dahliae by fungal herbicide application than the other, tolerance levelsin biocontrol agents. The spores lacking the cell wall and were stably indicating that selection for maximum gene effectivenessof the strain in an inundative incorporated into the fungal genome. The expression among transgenic lines is a release program has yet to be demonstrated. marker gene, which was fused to regulatory necessary part of the transgenic cultivar Entomopathogenic nematode Two sequences from other fungal species, was development. experiments were done at the Horticulture efficiently expressed in the transformed Tobacco somatic hybrids The chemical Research Institute of Ontario experimental cells. This procedure permits researchers to composition of somatic hybrids from six mushroom unit at Vineland Research Farm analyze the molecular genetics of pathways separate fusion events involving Nicotiana on the entomopathogenic nematode critical to the long-term survival of the tabacum and N. debneyi was compared with Steinemema feltiae (bibionis) Biosys #27. fungus and to identify potential targets for that of the parent species. The chemical Densities as low as 11-28 organisms per disease control. composition of the hybrids was often square centimeter of bed gave 30-70% Proteinase inhibitor The plant hormone intermediate between the two parents. control of the sciarid mushroom fly, methyl jasmonate inhibited the activity of Sometimes, however, the concentration of without adverse effect on the mycelium of cysteine proteinase in tomato plants. This individual constituents was similar to one Agaricus bisporus. observation is significant because the - of the parents, or concentrations were in CalTot rust fly attractant Hexanal, found Colorado potato beetle uses cysteine excess of either parent. Given the in carrot foliage,is an effectiveattractant of proteinases to digest proteins. The life importance of leaf quality to the value of a adults of the carrot rust fly. Current studies cycle of this beetle could be adversely tobacco crop, careful attention to chemical indicate that this attractant can be affected if this inhibition was induced constituents during backcrossing and incorporated successfully in sticky trap before the pest attacks the plant. introgression is advocated. adhesive. Seed coat peroxidase Peroxidase activity in Clonal genebank The collection comprises Mushrooms A virus disease of oyster the seed coats of soybean is controlled by 2588 accessions including Fragaria, Rubus, mushroom occurring in southern Ontario the Ep locus. The Ep gene may also affect Ribes, vaccinium, Sambucus, Malus, Pyrus, was characterized. Electrophoresis of peroxidase expression in the root. In seed Prunus, and Rosa. Sixty-five percent of the

Centre de recherches sur la lutte antiparasitaire 1993-1994 67 collection is indigenous species germplasm; procedes biologiques dans Ie sol que les y-linoleique dans Ie cadre des programmes the remainder are named cultivars, mostly pesticides. Nous avons mis au point une de production et d'amelioration vegetale. of Canadian origin. Forty requests for technique d'analyse d'images permettant Ginseng Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire germplasm were filled during the past year. de faire la difference entre les distributions Canada a conclu une entente de collaboration Evaluation studies of indigenous Fragaria d'agregats de sol faunique causees par la avec la Ginseng Growers' Association of germplasm have identified considerable rotation des cultures et ceux attribuables Canada (GGAC) pour appuyer la recherche biodiversity among the clones for factors aux traitements contre les mauvaises sur Ie ginseng a la Ferme de recherches de such as foliar disease resistance, fruit herbes. Nous avons conclu qu'il eta it Delhi. Dans Ie cadre de cette entente, la characteristics, and incidence of fall possible de manipuler de fa«on previsible GGAC fournit Ie soutien et l'aide techniques flowering. les procedes attribuables a la faune afin pour etablir et cultiver des parcelles servant, d'ameliorer la structure du sol et la d'une part, aux recherches sur la lutte contre Resources conservation de la matiere organique. les maladies et les mauvaises herbes, Ie The centre employs a staff of 173 Fafons culturales En 1992, les rendements en conditionnement et la qualite des racines et, person-years including 48 scientists. It has a ble d'hiver, en seigle d'automne et en soja d'autre part, a des etudes agronomiques. combined land area of 236 ha and manages a cultives a l'aide de pratiques aratoires Menthe poivree Nous avons constate que la budget of $10.66 M. Activities are conducted antierosives etaient semblables a ceux obtenus biomasse et les rendements en huile at four locations. The main centre is on a I'aide de methodes culturales classiques. Par essentielle augmentaient lorsque nous Sandford Street in London, with 25 ha at the contre, Ie tabac jaune et Ie mai"s-grain ont retardions au maximum la reoolte (fin aout, Siebens Drake Research Institute at the donne de bien meilleurs rendements avec des . debut de septembre). Les concentrations de University of Western Ontario. Delhi fa<;ons culturales classiques qu'avec des menthol, de neomenthol et d'acetate de Research Farm has a land base of 60 ha. The pratiques aratoires antierosives. La production menthyle ont progresse dans I'huile essentielle Vineland Research Farm is located on the totale de biomasse vegetale aerie nne non avec Ie developpement de la plante. La Provincial Research Station property in the recoltee dans tous les systemes de culture etait quantite de menthone et d'isomenthone etait Niagara Peninsula with a 30-ha farm located plus elevee avec les fa<;ons culturales la plus elevee chez les plants irnmatures. Les 3 km from the research farm. The Smithfield classiques qu'avec des pratiques aratoires teneurs en menthofurane et en pulegone Research Farm is located on 121 ha of land. antierosives. Les residus de la culture continue etaient proportionnelles a I'abondance de la de mai"spesaient davantage que ceux de la o floraison chez la menthe poivree. Ces resultats rotation soja-ble d'hiver, Ie poids de ces indiquent que l'on peut cultiver la menthe derniers depassant toutefois celui des residus poivree avec succes dans les sols a texture Mandat de la rotation tabac-seigle d'automne. grossiere de l'Ontario. Le Centre de recherches sur la lutte Aspects economiques Nous avons evalue les Stevia L'exarnen de 13 families ayant un antiparasitaire de London rendements, les couts et Ie profit dans Ie cas parent commun Stevia a revele que Ie • elabore des techniques de remplacement de trois systemes de culture de haricot (soja, rendement en feuilles, Ie rapport feuilles-tige acceptables sur Ie plan environnemental haricot blanc et haricot rognon-ble d'hiver) et la concentration de stevioside etaient tous pour proteger les fruits de verger, les avec travail classique du sol et de quatre des caracteres a heritabilite elevee. Les legumes, les grandes cultures et les cultures systemes de culture sans travail du sol rendements en feuilles etaient comparables a ornementales contre les maladies et les differant par Ie type de plantes tapissantes. ceux obtenus dans d'autres regions insectes nuisibles Les rendements moyens en haricots cultives productrices de Stevia dans Ie monde. La • met a l'essai des cultures de remplacement selon la methode classique etaient concentration de stevioside etait plus elevee et elabore des pratiques agronomiques qui regulierement inferieurs a ceux des haricots ici que dans certaines de ces regions, a cause protegent les sols a texture grossiere cultives dans les quatre systemes sans travail probablement de la production pendant des • conserve Ie germoplasme clonal du sol; toutefois, les differences etaient jours plus longs. Ces premiers resultats irnportantes pendant quelques annees • determine les repercussions des pratiques montrent que I'on peut ameliorer Stevia par seulement. n en a coute au total 96 $ par agricoles sur la qualite des sols et de l'eau. la selection et que sa culture est possible dans hectare de moins pour la culture des haricots, Ie sud-ouest de l'Ontario. sans travail du sol, que pour la culture avec Realisations travail classique du sol. La rotation avec Ie Lutte antiparasitaire chez lesftuits de verger Faune terricole En comparaison avec la haricot rognon a rapporte un profit moyen Plusieurs techniques de lutte culture continue de mai"s et les rotations d'environ 100 $ de plus par hectare que la antiparasitaire qui respectent et protegent I'environnement sont prometteuses. Nous avec les cereales, la culture continue du rotation avec Ie haricot blanc et 300 $ de plus avons reussi un elevage de masse d'une soja a entralne une baisse des populations par hectare qu'avec Ie soja. Ce sont les souche de I'acarien predateur de vers de terre, d'arthropodes terricoles cultures en rotation haricot-ble d'hiver Ambylesius resistante aux insecticides et utiles et de champignons, mais n'a pas eu cultivees avec travail du sol classique qui ont fallacis, I'avons etablie dans les vergers de d'effet sur l'abondance des bacteries. Les rapporte Ie moins. traitements herbicides ont ete aussi pommiers commerciaux. Cet ennemi Onagre Nous avons mis au point une nuisibles aux vers de terre et aux ens naturel peut faire une lutte efficace au methode rap ide pour etablir la teneur en utiles du sol que Ie travail mecanique du sol tetranyque rouge du pommier, important huile et pour analyser chaque acide gras pour lutter contre les mauvaises herbes. ravageur des vergers de pommiers chez l'onagre. Cette methode permet de Les pratiques agronomiques courantes commerciaux et d'autres cultures. Un me surer avec efficience la teneur en acide causaient autant de dommages aux

68 Pest Management Research Centre 1993-1994 fournisseur canadien d'agents de lutte a une remanence lirnitee du produit, peut Research Institute of Ontario, situe a la biologique a obtenu un permis de expliquer certains echecs du traitement en fin Ferme de recherches de Vineland. Des production de predateurs resistants aux de saison. La resistance croisee peut retarder densites aussi faibles que 11 a 28 insecticides. Les livraisons aux producteurs l'introduction de nouveaux insecticides de organismes par centimetre carre de de fruits ont commence au printemps 1993. remplacement pour lutter contre la mouche planche ont permis de reprimer dans une La perturbation de I'accouplement au de l'oignon. Une autre methode de lutte proportion de 30 a 70 % la sciaride du moyen de pheromones sexuel1es semble contre cet insecte, actuellement a l'essai, champignon, sans nuire au mycelium etre une technique prometteuse pour lutter consiste a appliquer les insecticides deja d'Agaricus bisporus. contre Ie carpocapse de la pomme, autre homologues sur les semences. Ainsi, nous Attractif de la mouche de la carotte important ravageur des vergers de maximisons la quantite d'insecticide au point L'hexanal, que I'on trouve dans Ie feuillage pommiers commerciaux. L 'homologation d'attaque de l'insecte, tout en reduisant au des carottes, est un attractif efficace des provisoire d'un produit commercial minimum la quantite de produit qui s'echappe adultes de la mouche de la carotte. D'apres perturbateur de I'accouplement, l'Isomate dans l'environnement. Le traitement des les etudes en cours, cet attractif peut etre C@, a ete accordee au printemps 1993. semences est aussi efficace que I'application incorpore avec succes dans I'adhesif des actuelle de granules dans les sillons. Tumeur du collet Une enquete phytosanitaire pieges col1ants. sur la tumeur du collet a ete menee en 1993 a Doryphore de Inpomme de telre Des Champignons Nous avons caracterise une cause de I'inquietude que cette maladie experiences menees pendant 2 ans dans des maladie virale du pleurote dans Ie sud de suscitait dans l'industrie. L'infection s'est rnicroparcelles au champ ont revele que la I'Ontario. L'electrophorese de I'ARN revelee considerablement plus grave chez qualite de I'eau n'a que des effets rnineurs sur bicatenaire a revele que Ie virus etait Vinifera et certaines varietes hybrides la remanence de deux insecticides appliques distinct d'autres souches identifiees dans Ie fran<;aises que ne I'avait reconnu I'industrie. contre Ie doryphore de la pomme de terre. sud de la Chine. Un antiserum de NOllS evaluons actuellement la resistance de Nous avons evalue l'insecticide rnicrobien diagnostic est en cours de preparation. divers porte-greffe a I'infection et nous M-llak et l'insecticide organophosphore sommes en voie de mettre au point une Guthion. Les producteurs ne devraient pas Modification du metabolisme des insectes epreuve de diagnostic rapide faisant appel a craindre que la durete de I'eau n'in:flue sur L 'utilisation de baculovirus modifies I'amplification genique par polymerase dans Ie I'efficacite des insecticides. genetiquement pourrait s'averer un moyen cadre d'un programme cooperatif avec Ie de lutte hautement specifique et sans Degradation des insecticides Nous avons Centre de recherches de Summerland. risque pour l'environnement, contre les etabli Ie cheminement de la degradation de insectes nuisibles. Nous pouvons intensifier Plnntes omementales Nous avons decouvert quatre insecticides appliques dans Ie sol la virulence en incorporant des genes des produits vegetaux naturels pouvant servir apres Ie traitement, de meme que la codant pour des neuropeptides ou des a des pulverisations preventives. Ces seconde annee et les annees subsequentes enzymes de regulation. Les etudes portent traitements empechent Ie thrips des petits de I'application . .Les resultats sont les notamment sur fruits de s'alimenter et de se reproduire, tout suivants • l'etude du recepteur de l'hormone en reduisant fortement la transmission par cet • les analyses des seuls insecticides parents responsable de la mobilisation de graisse insecte du virus de la maladie des taches peuvent indiquer dans Ie sol des niveaux dans l'organisme chez I'insecte a I'aide bronzees de la tomate. TIsaffectent aussi suffisants pour la lutte contre les insectes, de AKH-I marquee par une substance l'eclosion des oeufs et Ie vol des thrips, et sont mais la degradation microbienne des radioactive toxiques pour les stades laIVaires et adultes metabolites toxiques pourrait empecher la • la synthese des analogues de la lorsqu'ils sont appliques en pulverisation de lutte contre les insectes qui se nourrissent proctoline modifies en position-2 contact. Par ailleurs, au moyen de de la plante hOte (certains ayant une activite biologique pulverisations foliaires avec Ie nematode • il pourrait etre necessaire d'augmenter superieure a celie du peptide naturel) entomopathogene Steinemel1Ulcarpocapsae, les taux d'application des insecticides pour des etudes sur son recepteur nous avons reusSi a lutter contre les laIVes de pour reduire les populations d'insectes a • la construction de baculovirus recombinants la mineuse du chrysantheme dans des des niveaux acceptables. conditions d'humidite elevee et a dirninuer contenant Ie gene codant pour Ie l'utilisation d'adjuvants. Ces resultats montrent Agent de lutte biologique Nous avons cree neuropeptide FMRFarnide de Drosophiln. une souche de Aleochara bi1ineatapour lutter qu'il est possible de mettre au point des Organisme causal de In moucheture bacterienne contre la mouche de I'oignon ou du chou qui solutions de remplacement aux pesticides Nous avons rnis au point une sonde d'ADN est 12 fois plus tolerante aux pesticides que la puissants pour lutter contre les ravageurs et nonradioactive, tres sensible et hautement souche sauvage normale. Ces travaux les maladies en serre. specifique, pour quantifier l'organisme montrent que la selection en laboratoire peut Mouche de l'oignon Au cours d'une etude de pathogene causal de la moucheture augmenter Ie seuil de tolerance aux pesticides 2 ans, les mouches de l'oignon recueillies dans bacterienne chez les plants de tomate des agents de lutte biologique. L'efficacite de les zones de production ont affiche une asymptomatiques. Cette sonde s'hybride la souche dans un programme de Hieher resistance au moins 10 fois superieure aux exclusivement aux bacteries qui produisent de massif reste a demontrer. insecticides actuellement recommandes pour la coronatine. Utilisee de concert avec un traiter Ie sol. De plus, des bioanalyses du sol Nematode entomopathogene Deux milieu de croissance semi-selectif, la sonde ont montre que Ie principal agent de lutte experiences sur Ie nematode entomo- detecte ou surveille efficacement la presence chimique, Ie chlorpyrifos, etait peu remanent. pathogene Steinemema feltiae (bibionis) de l'organisme pathogene chez les plants de La resistance accrue a I'insecticide, conjuguee Biosys #27 ont ete effectuees au Service de tomate de serre et de plein champ. mycologie experimentale du Horticulture

Centre de recherches sur la lutte antiparasitaire 1993-1994 69 Pathogenicite des champignons Des transgeniques cultivees au champ, sans Institute de l'University of Western recombinants de plasrnidesportant un gene traitement herbicide, ont eu un rendement Ontario. La Ferme de recherches de Delhi marqueur ont ete transportes chez Verticillium inferieur a celui des temoins. Les lignees possede 60 ha de terrain. La Ferme de dahliae par des spores de charnpignons transgeniques affichaient une resistance recherches de Vineland est situee sur Ie depourvues de paroi cellulaire,et incorpores adequate au chlorsulfuron, mais d'autres terrain de la station provinciale de en permanence dans Ie genome du recherches sur les caracteristiques de la recherches dans la peninsule du Niagara et charnpignon. Le gene marqueur, qui a ete production de ces lignees sont necessaires compte un terrain de 30 ha situe a 3 km de fusionne aux sequences de regulation d'autres avant que I'on puisse penser ales utiliser a la ferme. La Ferme de recherches de especes de charnpignons,a ete exprime I'echelon de I'exploitation. Smithfield compte 121 ha. efficacement dans les cellulestransformees. Semis de tabac transgeniques Des essais en o Cette methode permet aux chercheurs serre ont montre que les semis de tabac d'analyser la genetique moleculaire des voies transgeniques sont hautement resistants aux crucialespour la survie a long terme du herbicides arnidosulfuronet cWorsulfuron. /Research Publications charnpignon et d'etablir des ciblespotentielles Une des Iigneestransgeniques etait plus Publications de recherche pour la lutte contre les maladies. resistante a I'application d'herbicides que Allen, WR; Greig, N. 1992. Spread of stony pit Inhibition de la protease L 'hormone I'autre, ce qui indique que la selection pour of Bosc pear in Ontario. Plant Dis. 77(2):210. vegetale jasmonate de methyle a inhibe une expressionmaximale du gene parmi les Allen, WR; Trimble, RM.; Vickers, P.M. 1992. I'activite de la protease de la cysteine chez Iigneestransgeniques est un element essentiel ELISA used without host trituration to detect les plants de tomate. Cette observation est de la creation de cultivarstransgeniques. spotted tentiform leafminer larvae, Phyllo- norycter blancardella (F.) (Lepidoptera: d'une importance capitale parce que Ie Hybrides somatiques de tabac Nous avons doryphore de la pomme de terre utilise Gracillariidae) parasitized by Pholetesor ornigis compare la composition chimique des (Weed) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Environ. cette enzyme pour digerer les proteines. hybrides somatiques issus de six fusions Entomol. 21:50-56. Nous pourrions donc perturber fortement distinctes (Nicotiana tabacum et N debneyi) Ie cycle biologique du ravageur en Bowman, B.T 1992. Use of computer a celie des especes parentales. La spreadsheet template to evaluate drifting provoquant cette inhibition avant que ce composition chimique des hybrides etait gas-liquid chromatograph or high-pressure liquid dernier ne s'attaque aux plants. souvent intermediaire entre celie des deux chromatograph detector responses of pesticides. Activite de la peroxydase du tegument parents. La concentration des elements J. Chromatogr. Sci. 30:184-186. L'activite de la peroxydase du tegument du individuels etait parfois semblable a celie Bowman, B.T 1992. Mobility and persistence soja est regie par Ie locusEp. Le gene Ep de I'un des parents, ou depassait celie de of isazofos in granular and microencapsulated peut aussi influer sur I'expressionde la I'un ou I'autre des parents. Etant donne formulations in two soils, using field lysimeter. peroxydase dans la racine. Dans Ie tegument, I'importance de la qualite des feuilles pour Pestic. Sci. 36:181-188. la peroxydase est la proteine soluble la plus la valeur d'une recolte de tabac, nous Brandle, lE.; Labbe, H.; Hattori, J.; Miki, B.L. abondante dans les typesEpEp, alors que recommandons de porter particulierement 1993.Field performance and heavy metal cette enzyme est seulement presente a I'etat attention aux elements chimiques pendant concentrations of transgenic flue-eured tobacco de trace dans les plants EpEp. Aucune Ie retrocroisement et I'introgression. expressinga mammalian metallothionein - B-glucuronidasegene fusion. Genome 36:255-260. difference visibledans la structure Banque de clones La collectioncomprend macroscopique ou microscopique du Brandle, J.E.; Labbe, H.; Zilkey, B.F.; Miki, B.L. 2 588obtentions, appartenant notamment aux 1992. Resistance to the sulfonylurea herbicides tegument n'etait associee au locus Ep. Ces genres Fragaria,Rubus, Ribes, Mlccinium, chlorsulfuron, amidosulfuron, and DPX-R9674 resultats donnent a penser que la peroxydase Sambucus, Malus, Pyms, Pntnus et Rosa. Du in transgenic flue-cured tobacco. Crop Sci. du tegument du soja participe a des procedes germoplasme d'especes indigenes forme 65 % 32:1049-1053. autres que la biosynthese du tegument, de la collection;des cultivarsdenommes, Brandle, J.E.; Miki, B.L. 1993. Agronomic comme la defense de la plante. d'origine canadienne surtout, composent Ie performance of sulfonylurea-resistant transgenic Lignees transgeniques de tabac jaune reste de la collection.Au cours de la derniere flue-cured tobacco grown under field conditions. Nous avons evalue sur Ie terrain des Iignees annee, nous avons repondu a quarante Crop Sci. 33:847-852. transgeniques de tabac porteuses du produit demandes de germoplasme. Des etudes Brandle, J.E.; Rosa, N. 1992. Heritability for de la fusion GUS-metallothioneine. Le d'evaluation du germoplasme de Fragaria yield, leaf:stem ratio and stevioside content comportement agronomique de certaines indigene ont revele une biodiversite estimated from a landrace cultivar of Stevia de ces Iignees etait comparable a celui du considerable parmi les clones sur Ie plan rebaudiana. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1263-1266. temoin non transforme en ce qui a trait au notamment de la resistance aux maladies Broadbent, AB.; Hunt, D.WA 1991. Inability of rendement, a la precocite de floraison et au foliaires,des caracteristiquesdes fruits et de western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis nombre de feuilles, alors que d'autres I'incidencede la f1oraisonautornnale. (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), to lignees ont affiche une performance overwinter in southern Ontario. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Ont. 122:47-49. inferieure a celie du temoin. Toutes les Ressources lignees transgeniques ont exprime Ie gene Le centre dispose de 173 annees-personnes Cerkauskas, RF.; Chiba, M. 1991. Soil densities MG dans la portion superieure de la plante. et emploie 48 scientifiques. II possede des of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. appi race 2 in Ontario, and the association between celery Une lignee n'a pas exprime Ie gene MG terrains d'une superficie de 236 ha et gere un cultivar resistance and photocarcinogenic dans les racines. Les taux de Cd dans Ie budget de 10660000 $. Ses activites sont furocoumarins. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 13:305-314. tissu foliaire des lignees transformees menees a quatre endroits. L'edifice principal Chapman, RA 1992. Some limitations to n'etaient pas tres differents de ceux du est situe rue Sandford a London. Le centre modeling pesticide disappearance from soil temoin non transforme. Deux lignees dispose de 25 ha au Siebens Drake Research

70 Pest Management Research Centre 1993-1994 based on nonlinear regression of concentration- of the apple maggot, Rhogoletispomonella (Walsh) Northover, J. 1992. The effect of fungicides on time data. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part B (Diptera: Tephritidae), on parasitism by Phygadeuon the incidence of leucostoma canker and the 27(6):655-676. wiesmanni Sachtl. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). fungal microflora of peach pruning wounds. Can. Chapman, RA; Harris, CR; Tolman,I.H; et al. Can. Entomol. 125:721-724. J. Plant Pathol. 14:22-29. 1993.Further comparison of the persistence in clay Hall, J.C; Wilson, L.K; Chapman, RA 1992. Northover, J.; Schneider, KE. 1993. Activity of loam of single and repeated annual applications of An immunoassay for metolachlor detection in plant oils on diseases caused by Podospheara some granular insecticides.I. Environ. Sci.Health river water and soil. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part leucotricha, Vi!nturia inaequalis and Albugo Part B 28(2):151-170. B 27(5):523-544. occidentalis. Plant Dis. 77:152-157. Court, WA; Brandle, J.E.; Poes, R; Hendel, J.G. Horsewood, P.;McDermott, M.R; Stobbs, L.W; Pree, DJ.; Marshall, D.B.; McGarvey, B.D. 1992. 1992.The chemical composition of somatic hybrids Brais, P.L.J.; Underdown, B.J. 1991. Residual toxicity of dicofol formetanate HC1, between NicotialUl tabacum and N debneyii. Can. Characterization of a monoclonal antibody to propargite, hexythiazox and clofentezine to J. Plant Sci. 72:209-215. turnip mosaic virus and for use in European red mite on peach. Can. Entomol. Court, WA; Hendel, J.G.; Pocs, R. 1993. immunodiagnosis of infection. Phytoprotection 124:59-67. 72:61-68. Determination of the fatty acids and oil content Reeleder, RD. 1992. Alterations of fungal of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.). Food Jackson, D.P.;Gray, DA; Morris, Y.L.;Cuppels, communities in integrated management of plant Res. Int. 26:181-186. DA 1992.Identification of a DNA region required disease. Pages 869-884 in Carroll, G.C; Court, WA; Roy, RC; Pocs, R. 1993. Effect for growth of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato on Wicklow, D.T., eds. The fungal community: its of harvest date on the yield and quality of the tomato plants. Can. I. Microbiol. 38:883-890. organization and role in the ecosystem. 2nd ed. essential oil of peppermint. Can. J. Plant Sci. Krupka, RM. 1992. Kinetics of transport systems Marcel Dekker Inc., New York. 73:815-824. dependent on periplasmic binding proteins. Reyes, AA 1992. Comparative effects of an Dobinson, KF.; Hamer, I.E 1992.Magnaporthe Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1110:1-10. antitranspirant, surfactants and fungicides on griseas. Pages 67-86 in Molecular biologyof Krupka, R.M. 1992. Testing models for transport mucor rot of tomatoes in storage. Microbios filamentous fungi.Proceedings of the EMBO- systems dependent on peri plasmic binding 71:235-241. Workshop, Weinheim, Germany, August 24-29, proteins. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1110:11-19. Reynolds, L.B.; Olthof, Th.H.A; Potter, J.W 1991. Lewinsohn, E; Gijzen, M.; Croteau, R 1992. 1992. Effects of fumigant nematicides on yield Failes, E.S.; Whistlecraft, J.W; Tomlin, AD. Wound-inducible pinene cyclase from grand fir: and quality of paste tomatoes grown in 1992. Predatory behaviour of Scatophaga purification, characterization and renaturation southwestern Ontario. J. Nematol. stercoraria under laboratory conditions. after SDS-PAGE. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 24(4S):656-661. Entomophaga 37(2):205-213. 293(1):167-173. Reynolds, L.B.; Olthof, Th.H.A; Potter, J.W Fisher, P.A; Laing, J.E.; Pree, DJ. 1991. Toxicity Li, S.-Y.;Harmsen, R; Thistlewood,H.MA 1992. 1992. Effects of fumigants on Pratylenchus of permethrin, azinphosmethyl and methomyl to The effect of pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin penetrans and paste tomato yield and quality. Pholetesor pedias Nixon, parasites of the spotted applications on the spatial distribution of J. Nematol. Suppl. (Ann. Appl. Nematol.) tentiform leafminer, Phyllonorycter blancardella phytophagous and predatory mites in apple 656-661. Fabr. Can. Entomol. 123:1175-1182. orchards. Exp. & App. Acarol. 15:259-269. Schaafsma, AW.; Fuentes, J.D.; Gillespie, T.J.; Gavloski, J.E.; Whitfield, G.H.; Ellis, CR 1992. Mable, B.K.; Pree, D.J. 1992. Stability of dicofol Whitfield, G.H.; Ellis, CR. 1993. Performance of Effect of larvae of the western corn rootworm resistance in populations of European red mite a model for egg hatching of the western corn (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and of mechanical on apples in southern Ontario. J. Econ. Entomol. rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, root pruning on sap flow and growth of corn. 85:642-650. using measured and modelled soil temperatures J. Econ. Entomol. 85(4):1434-1441. as input. Int. J. Biometeorol. 37:11-18. Mable, B.K.;Pree, DJ. 1993.Comparison of Gavloski, J.E.; Whitfield, G.H.; Ellis, C.R 1992. responses of crosses of European red mites (Acari: Schaafsma, AW; Whitfield, G.H.; Gillespie, T.J.; Effect of restricted watering on sap flow and Thtranychidae)to dicofol in laboratory and field Ellis, CR 1993. Evaluation of infrared growth in corn (Zea mays L.). Can. J. Plant Sci. bioassays.I. Econ. Entomol. 86(2):275-282. thermometry as a non-destructuve method to 72:361-368. detect feeding on corn roots by the western corn Madhosingh, C 1992. Interspecies hybrids rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Can. Gijzen, M.; Lewinsohn, E.; Croteau, R 1992. between Fusarium oxysporum lycospersici and Entomol. 125:643-655. Antigenic cross-reactivity among monoterpene Fusarium graminearum by mycelial anastomoses. cyclases from the grand fir and induction of these J. Phytopathol. 136:113-123. Schneider, KE.; Speranzini, D.; Biggs, AR enzymes upon stem wounding. Arch. Biochem. 1992. Ontogeny of shoot regenerants on excised Marshall, D.B.; Pree, D.J. 1993. Factors affecting Biophys. 294(2):670-674. immature peach embryos. Can. J. Plant Sci. toxicity of propargite to the European red mite 72:497-506. Gracia, J.A; Reeleder, RD.; Belair, G. 1991. (Acari: Tetranychidae). J. Econ. Entomol. Interactions between Pythium tracheiphilum, 86(3):854-859. Singh, R.P.; Chiba, M. 1993. Determination of Meloidogyne hapla and Pratylenchus penetrans on benomyl and its degradation products by McGarvey, B.D. 1993 High-performance liquid lettuce. Phytoprotection 72(3):105-114. chromatographic methods in water, wettable chromatographic methods for the determination powder formulations and crops. J. Chromatogr. Hagley,EAC; Barber, D.R 1991.Foliage-feeding of N-methylcarbamate pesticides in water, soil, 643:249-260. Lepidoptera and their parasites recovered from plants and air. J. Chromatogr. 642:89-105. unmanaged apple orchards in southern Ontario. Singh, RP.; Marvin, CH.; Brindle, I.D.; Hall, McLeod, D.GR; Gualtieri, L.L. 1992.Yellowpan Proc. Entomol. Soc. Ont. 122:1-7. CD.; Chiba, M. 1992. Stabilization of water traps for monitoring the squash vine borer, methyl[I-(butylcarbamoyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl] Hagley, EAC; Barber, DR 1992.Effect of food Melittia cucurbitae (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in home carbamate (benomyl) in hydrochloric acid sources on the longevityand fecundity of Pholetesor gardens. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Ont. 123:133-135. solutions. J. Agric. Food Chern. 40:1303-1306. omigis (Weed) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Can. Morris, P.E;Ward, EWB. 1992.Chemoattraction of Entomol. 124:341-346. Stobbs, L.W; Broadbent, AB. 1992.Susceptibility zoospores of the soybean pathogen, Phytophthora of grapevine varieties to tomato spotted wilt virus. Hagley, EAC; Biggs,AR; Timbers, G.E; sojae, by isoflavones.Physiol.Mol. Plant Pathol. Plant Dis. 77:318. Coutu-Sundy, I. 1993.Effect of age of the puparium 40:17-22.

Centre de recherches sur la lutte antiparasitaire 1993-1994 71 Thistlewood, H.M.A 1991. Predatory mites in in cell cycle protein phosphatase functions. Proc. Ontario apple orchards with diverse pesticide Natl. Acad. Sci. 89:1676-1680. programs. Can. Entomol. 123:1163-1174. Vardanis, A 1992. Particulate glycogen of Thistlewood, H.M.A.; Elfving, D.C. 1992. mammalian liver: specificity in binding Laboratory and field effects of chemical fruit phosphorylase and glycogen synthase. Biochem. thinners on tetranychid and predatory mites. Cell BioI. 70:523-527. J. Econ. Entomol. 85(2):477-485. Warner, J.; Braun, P.G. 1992. Discharge of Thistlewood, H.M.A; Pree, D.J.; Crawford, ~nturia inaequalis ascospores during daytime L.A 1992. Comparison of slide-dip and petri and nightime wetting periods in Ontario and dish assays for measuring resistance to Nova Scotia. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 14:315-321. permethrin in Amblyseius ta l/acis . J. Econ. Whistlecraft, J.W; Deakin, RJ. 1992. Hessian Entomol. 85(6):2051-2057. fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae): biology in southern Tomlin, AD. 1992. Behaviour as a source of Ontario and mass rearing using controlled earthworm susceptibility to ecotoxicants. Pages environment rooms. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Ont. 116-125 in Intercept. Proceedings International 123:123-131. Workshop on Earthworm Ecotoxicology, Yiridoe, E.K.; Weersink, A; Roy, R.C.; Swanton, University of Sheffield, 10-13 April 1991. C.J. 1993. Economic analysis of alternative Tomlin, AD.; McCabe, D.; Protz, R 1992. cropping systems for a bean/wheat rotation on Species composition and seasonal variation of light-textured soils. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:405-415. earthworms and their effect on soil properties in southern Ontario, Canada. Soil BioI. Biochem. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 24(12):1451-1457. PUBLICATIONS Tomlin, AD.; McLeod, D.G.R.; Moore, L.Y.; . Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada et al. 1992. Dispersal ofAleochara bilineata Luffman, M.; Macdonald, P.;Jamieson, G.; (Col.: Staphylinidae) following inundative Nickerson, C. 1993. Clonal genebank inventory, releases in urban gardens. Entomophaga Plant Gene Resources of Canada. Agriculture 37(1):55-63. and Agri-Food Canada, Smithfield Research Tomlin,AD.; Protz, R; Martin, RR; McCabe, Farm. 59pp. D.C.; Lagace, R.I. 1993.Relationships amongst Marks, C.F.; Menzies, D.R.; Poushinsky, G.; organic matter content, heavy metal concentrations, Whitfield, G.H. 1993. Research in southern earthworm activity,and soil microfabric on a sewage Ontario. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada sludge disposal site. Geoderma 57:89-103. Quarterly Publication. Trimble, RM. 1993. Efficacy of mating Marks, C.F.; Poushinsky, G.; Whitfield, G.H. disruption for controlling the grape berry moth, 1993. Central Ontario Agri-Food Research Endopiza viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Complex. (Brochure). Tortricidae), a case study over three consecutive growing seasons. Can. Entomol. 125:1-9. Tu, C.M. 1992. Effect of three newer pesticides on microbial and enzymatic activities in soil. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 49:120-128. Tu, C.M. 1992. Effect of technical and formulated insecticides on activities of enzymes and level of adenosine triphosphate in soil. Int. J. Environ. Health Res. 2:76-83. Th, C.M. 1993.Effect of nematicides, teloneR II and VorlexRon microflora and nitrification in tobacco soil. Bull. Environ. Contam. Thxicol.50:43-48. Tu, C.M. 1993. Effect of fungicides, captafol and chlorothalonil, on microbial and enzymatic activities in mineral soil. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part B 28(1):67-80. Tu, C.M. 1993. Influence of ten herbicides on activities of microorganisms and enzymes in soil. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 51:30-39. Tu, C.M.; Singh,B.L. 1993.Investigationsof Entomophthora muscae (Cohn) (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) conidial infection on housefly Musca domestica (Linn.) by scanning electron microscopy.Can. 1. Microbiol. 39:363-366. Turcq, R; Dobinson, K.F.; Serizawa, N.; Lambowitz, AN. 1992. A protein required for RNA processing and splicing in Neurospora mitochondria is related to gene products involved

72 Pest Management Research Centre 1993-1994 HARROW Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture andAgri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Highway 18 Highway 18 Harrow, Ontario Harrow (Ontario) NOR 1GO NOR 1GO

Tel. (519) 738-2251 Tel. Fax (519) 738-2929 Telecopie EM OTIB::EM344MAIL e.E.

R,fessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director D.R. Menzies, Ph.D. Directeur Assistant Director AS. Hamill, Ph.D. Directeur adjoint Administrative Officer T.v. Carr Agent d'administration Computer Systems Manager J.B. Morand, B.Sc.(Agr.) Gestionnaire des systemes informatiques Librarian E. Champagne, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire Greenhouse energy engineering T.J. Jewett, M.Sc. Amenagement de I'energie dans les serres Biometrician Vacant Biometrie

Crop Science Phytotechnie Program Leader; Soybean B.R Buttery, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; physiologie physiology du soja Soybean breeding RI. Buzzell, Ph.D. Amelioration du soja Field crop genetics B.R Hedges, Ph.D. Genetique des gran des cultures Agronomy R Michelutti, M.Sc. Agronomie Field bean breeding S.J. Park, Ph.D. Amelioration des haricots de grande culture Winter wheat breeding AH. Teich, Ph.D. Amelioration du ble d'hiver Agronomy T.W Welacky, B.Sc.(Agr.) Agronomie

Entomology Entomologie Program Leader Vacant Responsable de programme Field vegetable insects D.W Hunt, Ph.D. Insectes nuisibles aux cultures legumieres de plein champ Insect pests-greenhouse, J.L. Shipp, Ph.D. Insectes nuisibles-serres, cultures field vegetable legumieres de plein champ

Horticultural Science Horticulture Program Leader; Tree fruit RE.e. Layne, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; amelioration breeding des arbres fruitiers Vegetable cultivar-evaluation, RW Garton, M.Sc. Cultivars de legume--evaluation, management regie Orchard management D.M. Hunter, Ph.D. Regie des vergers Vegetable management A Liptay, Ph.D. Regie des cultures legumieres Greenhouse management AP. Papadopoulos, Ph.D. Regie des cultures de serres Vegetable breeding V.W Poysa, Ph.D. Amelioration des cultures legumieres

Plant Pathology Phytopathologie Program Leader; Bacterial WG. Bonn, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; maladies diseases of fruit bacteriennes des cultures fruitieres Soybean and corn diseases T.R Anderson, Ph.D. Maladies du mals et du soja Bacterial diseases of vegetables B.N. Dhanvantari, Ph.D. Maladies bacteriennes des cultures legumieres Vegetable diseases WR Jarvis, Ph.D. Maladies des cultures legumieres Tomato and bean diseases J.e. Tu, Ph.D. Maladies des tomates et des haricots

Harrow 1993-1994 73 Soil and Weed Science Malherbologie et pedologie Program Leader; Weed ecology S.E. Weaver, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; ecologie des mauvaises herbes Soil biochemistry c.P. Drury, Ph.D. Biochimie des sols Environmental chemistry J.D. Gaynor, Ph.D. Chimie de l'environnement Weed science AS. Hamill, Ph.D. Malherbologie Soil moisture, agrometeorology C.S. Tan, Ph.D. Regime hydrique du sol, agrometeorologie Soil physics 1.1. van Wesenbeeck, Ph.D. Physique des sols Weed physiology L. Woodrow, Ph.D. Physiologie des mauvaises herbes

Mandate The Harrow Research Centre develops upright -growth type with high yield potential, rate for individual bees were determined. methods for improving the productivity of was also released for western Canada. Growers should not schedule work and applications of pesticides in the greenhouse • vegetables Field vegetables Established damage when bees are active, 1-7 h after sunrise. • oilseed and protein seed crops thresholds indicated that mid- and late- Bees forage at 3.8 flowers a minute. Under • soft white winter wheat season insecticidal control of the Colorado ideal conditions, a stocking rate of 70 bees • grain corn potato beetle on processing tomatoes does per hectare is recommended. • tree fruits. not increase yield. Growers can reduce the In addition, it develops new management number of sprays used against this insect to A U.S. patent was issued to practices for fine-textured soils. save on cost and slow the development of Dr. AP. Papadopoulos and collaborators, Achievements insecticide resistance in local populations for the Harrow Fertigation Manager (HFM). of the insect. The HFM is a computerized multifertilizer Soil and water Com management practices injector that was developed cooperatively by A large proportion of the Colorado were evaluated for their ability to reduce the research centre and Labbate Climate potato beetle present in processing tomato losses of herbicides and nitrates through Control Systems Inc., Leamington. fields at harvest leave the fields to surface runoff and tile drainage. Conservation overwinter in adjacent wooded areas. Trap Treefruits A 10-year experiment on peach tillage with an annual ryegrass intercrop had crops and trenches should be placed along orchard management was completed, in the lowest herbicide losses; intercrop reduced edges of fields to prevent overwintered which various combinations to optimize aqueous transport more from surface runoff beetles from reentering tomato fields in the tree growth, marketable yields, and tree than from tile drainage; and water table spring. survival were assessed. Permanent sod .control resulted in no net change. Control of strips of creeping red fescue between the the water table reduced nitrate loss, however, A cover crop of fall rye killed with a rows combined with season-long trickle and when combined with intercrop was the herbicide protected beds of processing irrigation in the tree rows of a high-density best management system to abate nitrate tomatoes from beetle defoliation as effectively planting was the most effective contamination of surface and drainage waters. as weekly sprays of insecticide. This control combination. It is now being recommended method is an environmentally preferable Cereals A model was developed to derive to commercial growers. alternative to conventional pesticide use. economic thresholds for control of wild oats Commercialization of Harrow Sweet in winter wheat. It simulates the effects of Six advanced breeding lines of pear in Europe through Castang S.A weather on the growth and development of processing tomato with high resistance to (Bergerac, France) generated a gross royalty both the crop and the weed. It is used to bacterial canker were developed and return of approximately $4000 from sales of predict crop yield losses over a range of distributed to public and private breeders. 5993 trees during 1992. environmental conditions. They should greatly reduce yield and quality losses caused by bacterial canker in Populations of Pseudomonas syringae pv. Beans A white bean line introduced from large-fruited, high-yielding, determinate papulans, the agent that causes blister spot in Colombia was found highly resistant to tomato. Mutsu apples, are reduced by copper three root rot pathogens prevalent in fungicides applied following calyx. rreatments Ontario. The resistant trait is being Greenhouse vegetables A new mathematical applied in late fall or early spring also reduce transferred to commercial cultivars. The model predicts the influence of temperature disease levels, but they increase phytotoxicity work represents a major breakthrough in and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) on the in the fruit. Treatments following calyx may the control of the disease. survival of western flower thrips, a pest of provide an answer for blister spot control in greenhouse crops. This knowledge can form Two new cultivars of colored bean were Mutsu apple. the basis of a control strategy, especially released to public growers in Ontario. A light during crop cleanup. The model can also Honors and awards The following red kidney bean, AC Litekid, produces nearly improve the effectiveness of other biological researchers have been honored: 200 kg more beans per hectare than the control measures. • Dr. R.I. Buzzell received the Outstanding check and matured 2 days earlier. A dark red Researcher Award presented by the kidney bean, AC Darkid, outyields two full- The bumble bee is a cost-effective Canadian Society of Agronomy season check cultivars by more than pollinator for greenhouse sweet pepper, 300 kg/1m and matures 3 days earlier. A navy improving both the fruit grade and yield. The • Dr. R.E.C. Layne received the CSHS bean, AC Mariner, an early-maturing, peak period of bee activity and the foraging Special Recognition Award for the

74 HarroW 1993-1994 Harrow Research Centre stone fruit comme culture intercalaire. La presence champs de tomates de transformation, au breeding program (1992) and the ASHS d'une culture intercalaire etait plus efficace moment de la recolte, vont hiberner dans Outstanding Researcher Award pour reduire les pertes par lessivage dans Ie les regions boisees adjacentes. Les presented by the American Society for cas du ruissellement en surface que dans cultures-pieges et fosses en bordure des Horticultural Science (1993). Dr. Layne celui du drainage sou terrain, et Ie controle de champs de tomates empechent les insectes was also made a fellow of the American la nappe phreatique n'a pas entraine de qui ont hiberne d'y retourner au printemps. Society for Horticultural Science (1992) changement net. Toutefois, Ie controle de la Du seigle d'automne, d'abord utilise nappe phreatique a diminue les pertes de • Dr. WG. Bonn was made a fellow of the comme plante tapissante, puis detruit par un nitrates et, assoclee a l'utilisation d'une Canadian Phytopathological Society (1993) herbicide, a protege les planches de tomates culture intercalaire, a constitue Ie meilleur • Dr. AH. Teich was inducted into the Essex de transformation contre la defoliation par systeme d'exploitation pour reduire la County Agricultural Hall of Fame (1993) les doryphores aussi efficacement que des contamination par les nitrates des eaux de • Mr. C.W Owen and Dr. E.P. Bolton were pulverisations hebdomadaires d'insecticide . surface et de drainage. inducted, posthumously, into the Essex Cette methode de lutte est une solution de County Agricultural Hall of Fame in 1992 Cereales On a mis au point un modele pour remplacement souhaitable sur Ie plan and 1993, respectively. Mr. Owen was also calculer les seuils economiques dans Ie cas de environnemental a l'utilisation des pesticides recognized, posthumously, by the Ontario la lutte contre la folle avoine qui envahit les classiques. cultures de ble d'hiver. Ce modele simule les Soybean Growers' Marketing Board for his La centre a cree six lignees avancees de effets du temps sur la croissance et sur Ie outstanding contributions to soybean tomates de transformation, caracterisees par breeding in Canada. . developpement de la culture et de la leur grande resistance au chancre bacterien. II mauvaise herbe. II sert a prevoir les pertes de les a mises a la disposition de selectionneurs Resources rendement dans une vaste gamme de des secteurs public et prive. On devrait conditions environnementales. The centre complement of 102 person- constater une reduction notable des pertes de years includes 28 scientists and a total Haricots Une lignee de haricot blanc rendement et de qualite attribuables au budget of $6.2 million. Field operations introduite de Colombie s'est montre tres chancre bacterien chez les plants a gros fruits, occur at three locations: the main centre resistante aux trois organismes pathogenes a rendement eleve et a croissance determinee. and Ridge Farm cover 131 and 21 ha, responsables du pourridie en Ontario. Les Legumes de serre Un nouveau modele respectively, of representative sandy loam selectionneurs s'affairent a transmettre Ie mathematique prevoit l'effet de la soils; and the Hon. B.P. Whelan Research caractere de la resistance aux cultivars temperature et d'une reduction de la tension Farm in Essex County covers 67 ha of commerciaux. II s'agit d'une percee de vapeur sur la survie du thrips des petits Brookston clay soil. The centre shares majeure dans la lutte contre cette maladie. fruits, ravageur des cultures de serre. On office and laboratory space with extension Deux nouveaux cultivars de haricot peut alors mettre a profit ces connaissances specialists of Ontario's Ministry of colore ont ete mis a la disposition des pour elaborer une strategie de lutte, en Agriculture and Food. producteurs publics en Ontario. Par rapport particulier durant Ie nettoyage des debris de o ala variete temoin, l'AC Litekid, variete de cultures. On peut aussi ameliorer l'efficacite haricot rognon de coq pille, a un rendement d'autres mesures de lutte biologique grace a superieur de 200 kglha et arrive a maturite l'utilisation du modele. Mandat 2 jours plus tot. La variete de haricot rognon Le bourdon est un pollinisateur rentable de coq fonce, AC Darkid, affiche un Le Centre de recherches de Harrow du poivron de serre, car i! ameliore a la fois Ie rendement qui depasse celui de deux varietes elabore des methodes afin d'ameliorer la calibre et Ie rendement des fruits. Les temoins tardives par plus de 300 kglha et productivite des cultures suivantes chercheurs ont determine la periode d'activite • legumes arrive il. maturite 3 jours plus tot. Le haricot la plus intense chez Ie bourdon, ainsi que Ie • oleagineux et proteagineux rond blanc AC Mariner est une variete nombre de fleurs butinees par unite de temps • ble blanc tendre d'hiver hiitive, au port dresse et au potentiel de par insecte. Les producteurs ne devraient pas rendement eleve; i! a aussi ete mis en • mai's grain prevoir de travaux ni d'applications de commerce dans l'Ouest canadien. • fruits d'especes arborescentes. pesticides dans la serre au moment ou les De plus, l'equipe du centre elabore de Legumes de plein champ D'apres les seuils bourdons sont actifs, soit entre 1 et 7 h apres nouvelles methodes de gestion des sols de de dommages observes, la lutte insecticide, a Ie lever du solei!. Les bourdons butinent 3,8 texture fine. la mi-saison et tard dans la campagne, contre fleurs la minute. Lorsque les conditions sont Ie doryphore de la pomme de terre qui Realisations ideales, on recommande un taux de s'attaque aux tomates de transformation, ne chargement de 70 bourdons par hectare. PMologie et hydrologie Le centre a evalue fait pas augmenter Ie rendement. Les Le Dr AP. Papadopoulos et ses dans quelle mesure les modes d'exploitation producteurs peuvent done reduire Ie nombre collaborateurs ont obtenu un brevet des du mai's pouvaient reduire les pertes de pulverisations dirigees contre cet insecte Etats-Unis pour Ie Fertigateur de Harrow. d'herbicides et de nitrates attribuables au et ainsi epargner au chapitre des couts, en Le Fertigateur est un systeme informatise ruissellement en surface et au drainage plus de ralentir Ie developpement de la d'injection de multiengrais qui a ete mis au souterrain. On a constate que les pertes resistance aux insecticides dans les point au centre avec la collaboration de d'herbicides etaient les plus faibles lorsque populations locales de l'insecte. Labbate Climate Control Systems Inc., de des pratiques aratoires antierosives etaient Une forte proportion de doryphores Leamington. conjuguees a l'utilisation de ray-grass annuel de la pomme de terre presents dans les

Harrow 1993-1994 75 Fruits de verger Apres 10 ans, les Ressources Caron, J.; Kay, B.D.; Stone, J.A; Kachartoski, chercheurs ont termine une experience RG. 1992. Modeling temporal changes in Le centre dispose d'un budget total de structural stability of a clay loam soil. Soil Sci. d'exploitation des vergers de pechers au 6,2 millions de dollars et de 102 annees- Soc. Am. J. 56:1597-1604. cours de laquelle ils ont evalue diverses personnes, et il emploie 28 chercheurs. Le combinaisons pour optimiser la croissance, Clarke, N.D.; McLeish, M.D.; Vyn, T.J.; Stone, travail en plein champ s'effectue sur trois sites, J.A 1992. Using certainty factors and possibility Ie rendement commcrcialisable et la survie soit au centre meme et a la Ferme Ridge qui th,eory methods in a tillage selection expert des arbres. La combinaison la plus efficace couvrent respectivement 131 ha et 21 ha de system. Expert Syst. Appl. 4:53-62. a ete la disposition de plaques permanentes loams sableux. La Ferme de recherches Clarke, N.D.; Tan, C.S.; Stone, J.A 1992. Expert de fetuque rouge tragante entre les E.F. Whelan situee dans Ie centre de la system for scheduling supplemental irrigation for rangees, conjuguee une irrigation goutte a circonscription d'Essex, quant a elle, totalise, fruit and vegetable crops in Ontario. Can. Agric. a goutte tout au long de la campagne dans 67 ha de sol argileux de Brookston. Le centre Eng. 34:27-31. les rangees d'arbres en plantation serree. partage ses bureaux et laboratoires avec les Cousens, RD.; Johnson, M.P.; Weaver, S.E.; La methode est maintenant recommandee specialistes de la vulgarisation du ministere de Martin, T.D.; Blair, AM. 1992. Comparative aux producteurs commerciaux. l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation de l'Ontario rates of emergence and leaf appearance in wild La commercialisation de la poire Harrow afin de favoriser une collaboration etroite en oats (Avena fatua), winter barley (Hordeum Sweet en Europe par l'intermediaire de vue d'un transfert efficace de technologie vers sativa) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). J. Agric. Sci. 118:149-156. Castang SA (Bergerac, France) a genere des l'industrie agricole. redevances brutes d'environ 4000$ issues de Cousens, RD.; Weaver, S.E.; et al. 1992. Growth la vente de 5 993 poiriers en 1992. o and development ofAvenafatua L. (wild oat) in the field. Ann. Appl. BioI. 120:339-351. L'application de fongicides cupriques Drury, C.F.; McKenney, DJ.; Findlay, WI. 1992. apres la formation du calice a reduit les /ResearCh Publications Publications de recherche Nitric oxide and nitrous oxide production from populations de Pseudomonas syringae pv. soil: water and oxygen effects. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Anderson, T.R. 1993. Soil populations of the root papulans, agent causal de la tache vesiculeuse J.56:766-770. chez la pomme Mutsu. Des traitements a la rot fungal pathogen Chalara elegans and the mycophagous amoeba Vampyrella lateritta Gavloski, J.E.; Whitfield, G.H.; Ellis, C.R 1992. fin de I'automne ou au debut du printemps following soil fumigation. Soil BioI. Biochem. Effect of larvae of western corn rootworm attenuent egalement la gravite de la maladie, 25:223-226. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and of mechanical mais accentuent aussi l'action phytotoxique root pruning on sap flow and growth of corn. Anderson, T.R; Buzzell, RI. 1992. Diversity and sur les fruits. L'application apres la formation J. Econ. Entomol. 85:1434-1441. frequency of races of Phytophthora megasperma f. du calice pourrait etre un moyen de lutter sp. glycinea in soybean fields in Essex County, Gavloski, J.E.; Whitfield, G.H.; Ellis, C.R 1992. contre la tache vesiculeuse chez la pomme Ontario, 1980-1989. Plant Dis. 76:587-589. Effect of restricted watering on sap flow and Mutsu. growth in corn (Zea mays L.). Can. J. Plant Sci. Anderson, T.R; Buzzell, RI. 1992. Inheritance 72:361-368. Honneurs et prix Les chercheurs suivants and linkage of the Rps7 gene for resistance to ont ete honores phytophthora rot of soybeans. Plant Dis. Gaynor, J.D.; Hamill, AS.; MacTavish, D.C. 1993. Efficacy, fruit residues, and soil dissipation • la Societe canadienne d'agronomie a 76:958-959. of the herbicide metolachlor in processing deceme l'Outstanding Researcher Award Broadbent, AB.; Hunt, D.WA 1991. Inability of tomato. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 118:68-72. au Dr R.I. Buzzell western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis Gaynor, J.D.; MacTavish, D.C.; Findlay, WI. • Ie Dr REC. Layne s'est merite Ie Special (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), to overwinter in southern Ontario. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Onto 1992. Surface and subsurface transport of Recognition Award de la Societe 122:47-49. atrazine and alachlor from a Brookston clay canadienne de science horticole pour Ie loam under continuous corn production. Arch. Buttery, B.R; Gaynor, J.D.; Buzzell, R.I.; programme d'amelioration des fruits a Environ. Contam. Thxicol. 23:240-245. MacTavish, D.C.; Armstrong, RJ. 1992. The noyaux du Centre de recherches de Harrow effects of shading on kaempferol content and Gaynor, J.D.; MacTavish, D.C.; Hamill, AS. (1992) et l'Outstanding Researcher Award leaf characteristic of five soybean lines. Physiol. 1992. A GC/MSD method for the analysis of de l'American Society for Horticultural Plant. 86:279-284. metolachlor in cabbage, broccoli, and tomato. Science (1993). II est egalement devenu Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 23:1549-1558. Buttery, B.R.; Park, S.J.; Hume, D.J. 1992. associe de cet organisme Potential for increasing nitrogen fixation in grain Gaynor, J.D.; MacTavish, D.C.; Hamill, AS. • Ie Dr WG. Bonn a ete designe associe de legumes. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:323-349. 1992. GCIMSD detection of the metabolic residues of metolachlor in tomato fruit. la Societe canadienne de phytopathologie Buttery, B.R.; Tan, C.S.; Buzzell, RI.; et al. 1993. Chromatographia 33:147-150. (1993) Stomatal numbers of soybean and response to • Ie Dr A.H. Teich a Me admis au Essex water stress. Plant Soil 149:283-288. Hansen, AP.; Martin, P.;Buttery, B.R; Park, SJ. 1992.Nitrate inhibition of Nz fixation in Phaseolus County Agricultural Hall of Fame (1993) Buzzell, RI.; Anderson, T.R 1992. Inheritance vulgaris L. CV. OAC Rico and a supemodulating • Ie Dr E.F. Bolton et M. C.W Owen on and race reaction of a new soybean Rpsl allele. mutant. New Physiol.122:611-615. ete admis titre posthume au Essex Plant Dis. 76:600-602. a Hedges, B.R; Amberger, L.A; Palmer, RG. County Agricultural Hall of Fame en Buzzell, RI.; Buttery, B.R 1992.Inheritance of an 1992. Electrophoretic analysis of soybean seed 1992 et 1993. L'Ontario Soybean Growers' anomalous flavonol glycosidegene in soybean. proteins. Pages 143-158 in Linskens, H.F.; Marketing Board a egalement souligne la Genome 35:636-638. Jackson, J.F., eds. Modern methods of plant contribution remarquable de M. Owen a Caron, J.; Kay, B.D.; Stone, J.A 1992. analysis: seed analysis. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, I'amelioration du soja au Canada. Improvement of structural stability of a clay loam Heidelberg. with drying. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:1583-1590.

76 Harrow 1993-1994 Hedges, B.R.; Palmer, RG. 1992. Inheritance Park, S.J.; Hamill, AS. 1993. Inheritance of Tu, J.C. 1992. Biological control of Sclerotinia of malate dehydrogenase nulls in soybean. reaction to metobromuron herbicide in common sclerotiorum. Pages 23-36 in Mukerji, KG., et aI., Biochem. Genet. 30:491-502. bean Phaseolus vulgaris. J. Hered. 84:21-24. eds. Recent development in biocontrol of plant Hunt, D.W.A.; Drury, e.F.; Maw, H.E.L. 1992. Park, S.J.; Hamill, AS. 1993. Response of diseases. Aditya Books Ltd., New Delhi. Influence of nitrogen on the performance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars to Tu, J.e. 1991. Comparison of the efficacy of Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: metobromuron. Weed Technol. 7:70-75. Gliocladium virens and Bacillus subtilis in the Chrysomelidae) on tomato. Environ. Entomol. Park, S.J.; Welacky, IW 1992. HR14 and HR20 control of seed rots and root rots of navy beans. 21:817-821. common bean germplasm. Can. J. Plant Sci. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent Hunt, D.WA; Lintereur, G.; Raffa, KF. 1992. 72:243-246. 56:229-234. Rearing method for Hylobius radieis and H. pales Alternaria Poysa, VW 1993. Use of Lyeopersieon eheesmanii Tu, J.C. 1992. Control of black pod (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). J. Econ. Entomol. and L. ehmielewskii to increase dry matter disease of bean in southwestern Ontario 85:1873-1877. content of tomato fruit. Can. J. Plant Sci. Canada. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent Hunter, D.M.; ... ; Bonn, WG.; Layne, RE.C 1992. 73:273-279. 57(2a):239-247. 'Harrow Sweet' pear. HortScience 17:1331-1334. Quiring, D.I; Timmins, P.R; Park, SJ. 1992. Tu, J.C 1991. Effect of soil flooding on the Hunter, D.M.; Proctor, J.T.A 1992.Paclobutraml Effect of variations in hooked trichome densities survival of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi and affects growth and fruit composition of potted of Phaseolus vulgaris on longevity of Liriomyza Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi. Med. Fac. Landbouww. grapevines.HortScience 27:319-321. tri/olii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) adults. Environ. Rijksuniv. Gent 56:431-438 .. Jarvis, WR 1992. Grey mold. Pages 21-22 in Entomol. 21:1357-1361. Tu, J.C. 1993. Effects of planting date, irrigation Hall, R, ed. Bean diseases. APS Press, St. Paul, Rennie, B.D.; Buzzell, R.I.; Anderson, IR.; and rain on infection, disease severity and pod MN. Beversdorf, WD. 1992. Evaluation of four discoloration caused byAlternaria alternata (Fr.) (Phaseolus vulgaris Japanese soybean cultivars for Rps alleles Keissler in bean L.). Can. Jarvis, WR 1992.Managing diseases in greenhouse J. Plant Sci. 73:315-321. crops. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. 288 pp. conferring resistance to Phytophthora megaspenna f. sp.glycinea. Can. J. Plant Sci. Tu, J.C. 1991. Etiology, biology and control of a Jarvis, WR.; Shipp, J.L.; Gardiner, RB. 1993. 72:217-220. soilborne root rot complex of green peas. Plant Transmission of Pythium aphanidennatum to Prot. Bull. 33:17-35. greenhouse cucumber by the fungus gnat Shipp, J.L.; Zariffa, N.; Ferguson, G. 1992.Spatial Bradysia impatiens (Diptera: Sciaridae). Ann. patterns of and sampling methods for Orius spp. Tu, J.C. 1992. Inter-season green manure crops Appl. BioI. 122:23-29. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) on greenhouse sweet for biological control of root rot diseases and soil pepper. Can. Entomol. 124:887-894. and water conservation. Pages 154-163 in Jewett, IJ.; Short, IH. 1992. Computer control Tan, C.S. 1992. Effect of different water content Mukerji, KG., et aI., eds. Recent development in of a five-stage greenhouse shading system. Trans. biocontrol of plant diseases. Aditya Books Ltd., ASAE 35(2):651-658. sample number, and soil type on determination' of soil water using a home microwave oven. Soil New Delhi. Kropff, M.J.; Weaver, S.E.; Smits, M.A 1992. Sci. Plant Nutr. 38:381-384. Tu, J.C 1992. Management of root rot diseases Use of ecophysiological models for crop-weed Tan, e.S. 1993. Tomato yield-evapotranspiration of peas, beans, and tomatoes. Can. J. Plant interference: relations amongst weed density, Pathol. 14:92-99. relative time of weed emergence, relative leaf relationships, seasonal canopy temperature and area, and yield loss. Weed Sci. 40:296-301. stomatal conductance as affected by irrigation. Tu, J.e. 1992. Symptom severity, yield, seed Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:257-264. mottling and seed transmission of soybean Layne, RE.C 1992. Breeding cold hardy mosaic virus in susceptible and resistant soybean: peaches and nectarines. Pages 271-300 in Tan, e.S.; Layne, RE.C 1993. Irrigation and ground cover management effect on soil the influence of infection stage and growth Janick, J., ed. Plant breeding reviews, Vol. 10. temperature. J. Phytopathol. 135:28-36. John Wiley & Sons. temperature in a mature peach orchard. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:857-870. Tu, J.C.; Park, SJ. 1993. Root-rot resistance in Liptay, A 1992.Air circulation in growth common bean. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:365-367. chambers stunts tomato seedling growth. Can. Teich, AH.; Fregeau-Reid, J.; Seaman, L. 1992. J. Plant Sci. 72:1275-1281. AC Ron winter wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. Tu, J.C.; Thn, CS.; Park, S.J. 1992. Effect of soil 72:1235-1238. moisture in root rot soil on plant growth and root Liptay, A; Nicholls, S. 1993. Nitrogen supply rot severity of susceptible and resistant bean during greenhouse transplant production affects Teich, AH.; Michelutti, R. 1993. Determining resistance to wheat scab by covering cultivars. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, subsequent tomato root growth in the field. 57(2b):381-386. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 118:339-342. field-inoculated heads with plastic bags. Cereal Res. Commun. 21:69-73. Weaver, S.E.; Kropff, MJ.; Groeneveld, RM.W Palmer, RG.; Lim, S.M.; Hedges, B.R. 1992. 1992. Use of ecophysiological models for Testing for linkage between the Rpx locus and Teich, AH.; Smid, A; Welacky, I; Hamill, A 1993. Row-spacing and seed-rate effects on crop-weed interference: the critical period of nine isozyme loci in soybean. Crop Sci. weed interference. Weed Sci. 40:302-307. 32:681-683. winter wheat in Ontario. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:31-35. Weersink, A; Deen, W; Weaver, S. 1991. Papadopoulos, AI'.; Khosla, S. 1993.Limitations of Traquair, J.A; White, G.P. 1992. Cylindrocarpon Defining and measuring economic threshold the K:N ratio in the nutrient feed of drip-irrigated levels. Can. J. Agric. Econ. 39:619-625. greenhouse tomatoes as a crop-management tool. rot of fruit trees in cold storage. Can. J. Plant Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:289-296. Pathol. 14:310-314. Weersink, A; Deen, W; Weaver, S. 1992. Tu, J.C 1992. Bean anthracnose. Pages 1-17 in Evaluation of alternative decision rules for Park, SJ. 1992. AC Harblack common bean. postemergent herbicide treatment in soybean. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1247-1249. Chaube, H.S.; Mukhopadhyay, AN., eds. Plant disease of international importance, Vol. II. J. Prod. Agric. 5:298-303. Park, S.J. 1993. Response of bush and upright Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Whitfield, G.H. 1992. Pruning of nodal root axes plant type selections to white mold and seed to simulate feeding by corn rootworm yield of common beans grown in various row Th, J.e. 1992. Biological control of root rot diseases of peas. Pages 317-320 in Tjamos, E.S., (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on grain corn. widths in southern Ontario. Can. J. Plant Sci. Field Crops Res. 29:329-352. 73:265-272. ed. Biological control of plant diseases. Plenum Press, NY.

Harrow 1993-1994 77 Whitfield, G.H.; Richards, KW 1992. Temperature-dependent development and survival of immature stages of the alfalfa leafcutter bee, Megachi/e rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Apidologie 23:11-23.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada PUBLICATIONS Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Jarvis, WR. 1992. Cucumber diseases/Maladies du concombre. Agric. Can. Pub\. 1684!E, 1684/F. 51/53 pp. Jarvis, WR.; Ferguson, G.M. 1992. A survey of penicillium stem rot on greenhouse cucumbers in southwestern Ontario. Can. Plant Dis. Surv. 72:2:103-106. Poysa, V.W; lb, J.e. 1993. Response of cultivars and breeding lines of Lycopersicon spp. to Septoria /ycopersici. Can. Plant Dis. Surv. 73:9-13 . . Tu, J.C.; Park, SJ. 1992. Response of cultivars and breeding lines of Phaseo/us vulgaris L. to the black pod fungus, Alternaria a/ternata in southern Ontario. Can. Plant Dis. Surv. 72:9-12.

78 Harrow 1993-1994 Central Experimental Farm Ferme experimenta/e centrale Headquarters Administration centrale Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Sir John Carling Building, Room 715 Edifice Sir John Carling, piece 715 930 Carling Avenue 930, avenue Carling Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) KIAOC5 KIAOC5

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 947-0334 Telecopie EM OTTARA::CEFRBHQ e.E.

Director General J.e. St-Pierre, Ph.D. Directeur general Program Director Y. Belanger, B.Sc. Directeur des programmes Directors Directeurs Centre for Food and Animal A.e. Lachance, Ph.D. Centre de recherches alimentaires Research et zootechniques Centre for Land and Biological J.M.R. Asselin, Ph.D. Centre de recherches sur les terres Resources Research et les ressources biologiques Plant Research Centre H.R. Davidson, Ph.D. Centre de recherches phytotechniques

Directory of Research 1993-1994 79 CENTRE FOR FOOD AND CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ANIMAL RESEARCH ALIMENTAIRES ET ZOOTECHNIQUES Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Central Experimental Farm Ferme experimentale centrale Building 55, The Driveway Edifice 55, The Driveway Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1AOC6 K1AOC6

Tel. (613) 993-6002 Tel. Fax (613) 995-8175 Telecopie EM OITB::EM150MAlL CE. Telex 053-3283 Telex

RfeSSional Staff Rsonnei professionnel Director AC. Lachance, Ph.D. Directeur Program Chairs Responsables de programme Animal program V.I. Stevens, Ph.D. Programme zootechnique Food program KG. Lapsley, D.Sc. Programme alimentaire Operations and Multi- S.K Ho, Ph.D. Programme operationnel et disciplinary program multidisciplinaire Manager; Scientific and D.A Leger, RSc. Gestionnaire; communications technical communications scientifiques et techniques Acting Administrative Officer CI. Dickinson Agent d'administration interimaire Human Resources Adviser V.Templeton Conseillere en personnel

Scientific SUPP0I1 Soutien scientifique Manager; Computer Services RI. McKelvey Gestionnaire; services informatiques Statistical Research M.G. Butler, M.Math. Recherche en statistiques Statistical Research CS. Lin, Ph.D. Recherche en statistiques Statistical Research B.K Thompson, Ph.D. Recherche en statistiques

Food and Feed Salubrite des aliments pour humains et Safety animaux Microbes/Pathogens Agents microbiens et pathogenes Team Leader; Food processing H.w. Modler, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; transformation and probiotics des aliments et probiotique Microbiology F. Bartlett, Ph.D. Microbiologie Probiotic applications-poultry 1.R. Chambers, Ph.D. Applications probiotiques-volailles Microbiology (on educational leave) S. Gouveia, M.Sc. Microbiologie (en conge d'etudes) Pathogens in food R.C McKellar, Ph.D. Maladies alimentaires Pathogen microbiology M. Nazarowec-White, M.Sc. Maladies et microbiologie (on educational leave) (en conge d'etudes) Microbiology (on educational leave) L. Saucier, M.Sc. Microbiologie (en conge d'etudes)

Chemicals/Mycotoxins Produits chimiques et mycotoxines Team Leader; Agrochemical metabolism M.H. Akhtar, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; metabolisme and residues des pesticides et residus Agrochemical residues, AM. Paquet, Ph.D. Metabolisme des residus chemistry of binding et chimie des liants Mycotoxin metabolism, D.R Pre lusky, Ph.D. Metabolisme des mycotoxines toxicology et toxicologie Mycotoxins, in-vitro toxicology B.A Rotter, Ph.D. Mycotoxines, toxicologie in vitro and biochemistry et biochimie Mycotoxins, safety of H.L. Trenholm, Ph.D. Mycotoxines et salubrite des feedstuffs aliments pour animaux

80 Centre for Food and Animal Research 1993-1994 Nutrition and Quality Qualite et valeur nutritive des aliments Composition and Function Composition et fonction Team Leader; Natural toxicants K.J. Jenkins, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; toxiques naturels Phytochemicals and cholesterol AS. Atwal, Ph.D. Metabolisme du cholesterol et de la metabolism chimie des vegetaux Natural product assessment WE Collins, Ph.D. Evaluation des produits naturels Food microstructure, cell wall S.S. Miller, Ph.D. Microstructure alimentaire, constituants polysaccharides des polysaccharides Analytical methodology WJ. Mullin, Ph.D. Methode analytique Human nutrition L.M. Robichon-Hunt, M.Sc. Nutrition chez les humains Carbohydrate chemistry P.J. Wood, Ph.D. Chimie des glucides

Quality Assessment Evaluation de Laqualire des aliments Team Leader; Sensory evaluation L.M. Poste-Flynn, D.Tech. Chef d'equipe; evaluation sensorielle Electron microscopy P.Allan-Wojtas, B.Sc. Microscopie electronique (on educational leave) (en conge d'etudes) Dairy products D.B. Emmons, Ph.D. Produits laitiers Meat quality A Fortin, Ph.D. Qualite de la viande Protein chemistry V.R. Harwalkar, Ph.D. Chimie des proteines Electron microscopy M. Kalab, Ph.D. Microscopie electronique Functional properties of proteins c.-Y. Ma, Ph.D. Proprietes fonctionnelles des proteines Food microstructure S.H. Yiu, Ph.D. Microstructure des aliments (seconded out) (pretee par la Direction)

Nutrition and Metabolism Nutrition et metabolisme Team Leader; Nutrient status and NAG. Cave, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; etat des substances immunity nutritives et immunite Nutrient utilization and E.R Farnworth, Ph.D. Utilisation des elements nutritifs metabolism et metabolisme Lipid chemistry and biochemistry J.K.G. Kramer, Ph.D. Chimie et biochimie des lipides Poultry nutrition M. Lefrangois, Ph.D. Nutrition des volailles (seconded out) (prete par la Direction) Nutrient analysis L.E Russell, Ph.D. Analyse des nutriments

Animal Molecular Biology/ BioLogie moreculaire et Biotechnology biotechnologie animale Rumen Metabolism Metabolisme du rumen Team Leader; Molecular biology RM. Teather, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; biologie moleculaire Molecular biology RJ. Forster, Ph.D. Biologie moleculaire Molecular biology M.A Hefford, Ph.D. Biologie moleculaire Vitamins and immunity M. Hidiroglou, D.V.M. Vitamines et immunite Protozoal metabolism M. Ivan, Ph.D. Metabolisme protozoaire Protein metabolism in the rumen S.Mahadevan,Ph.D. Metabolisme des proteines dans Ie rumen Rumen metabolism ED. Sauer, Ph.D. Metabolisme du rumen Ruminant nutrient utilization D.M. Veira, Ph.D. Utilisation des substances nutritives chez les ruminants

Molecular Genetics Genetique moleculaire Team Leader; DNA analysis AA Grunder, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; analyse of poultry de I'ADN des volailles Disease resistance T.R. Batra, Ph.D. Resistance aux maladies Molecular genetics B.E Benkel, Ph.D. Genetique moleculaire Disease resistance J.S. Gavora, C.Sc. Resistance aux maladies Integration of molecular and AJ. Lee, Ph.D. Integration de la genetique quantitative genetics moleculaire quantitative Immunology M. Lessard, Ph.D. Immunologie Genetic evaluation, computer c.Y. Lin, Ph.D. Evaluation de la genetique et modeling modelisation par ordinateur

Centre de recherches alimentaires et zootechniques 1993-1994 81 Molecular and cellular genetics M.P. Sabour, Ph.D. Genetique cellulaire et moleculaire Physiology-eggshell quality c.P.w. Tsang, Ph.D. Physiologie-qualite de la coquille

Gamete/Embryo Technologies Technologies des embryons-gametes Team Leader; Cryopreservation P.S. Fiser, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; cryopreservation Follicular growth, ovulation L. Ainsworth, Ph.D. Croissance folliculaire, ovulation Molecular reproduction S. Bilodeau, M.Sc. Reproduction moleculaire (on educational leave) (en conge d'etudes) Experimental embryology J.A Carnegie, Ph.D. Embryologie experimentale Conservation of genetic variation R.w. Fairfull, Ph.D. Conservation des mutations genetiques Embryo transfer AJ. Hackett, Ph.D. Transplantation d'embryon Animal genetic resource conservation J.N.B. Shrestha, Ph.D. Conservation des ressources genetiques chez les animaux

Animal Behavior and Environmental Comportement animal et gestion de Management l'environnement Animal Behavior Comportement animal Team Leader; Livestock P.A Phillips, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; environment comportement animal Instrumentation and electronics D.J. Buckley, M.Sc. Appareillage et electronique Animal behavior, swine D.G. Fraser, Ph.D. Comportement animal-porcs Animal behavior and welfare D. Weary, D.Phil. Comportement animal et bien-etre

Structures and Environment Structures et environnement Team Leader; Livestock waste N.K. Patni, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; utilisation des dechets utilization, farm pollution des animaux de ferme, lutte abatement contre la pollution Greenhouse gases, farm H.A Jackson, M.Sc. Emanation de gaz dans les serres, structures structure de la ferme Livestock waste management, D.L Masse, M.Sc.. Gestion des dechets des animaux de farm structures la ferme, structure de la ferme (on educational leave) (en conge d'etudes) Livestock environment, farm J.A Munroe, Ph.D. Environnement des animaux, structure structures; Head, Canada Plan de la ferme; Chef, Services de plans Service Coordination Unit du Canada, Unite de coordination

Mandate The food program at the Centre for Food Achievements may be important to the nutrition of animals and humans. and Animal Research (CFAR) develops Probiotics in poultry Components have methods for assessing and enhancing the been characterized from Jerusalem Pasteurization adequacy Computer models safety, quality, and nutrition of food. The artichoke tubers that support the growth were generated to describe the thermal animal program conducts long-term of bifidobacteria, organisms that inactivation of active milk enzymes and research on competitively exclude Salmonella in food-borne pathogens in whole milk after • safety and quality of animal feeds and poultry. The tubers contain up to 80 treatment with a high-temperature, short- products fructan polymers with bifidogenic activity. time pasteurizer. A user-friendly computer • applications of biotechnologies that Early introduction of both bifidobacteria program allows end-users to access the increase production efficiency and bifidogenic factors was critical in information. • animal behavior and environmental establishing the intestinal flora necessary Microbial safety of wash water for eggs management. for Salmonella reduction. A method for assessing the bacterial quality Within each area of research, specific Food and metabolite analysis Procedures of water used to clean egg shells was multidisciplinary research teams carry out were developed to separate and analyze developed, which will significantly reduce studies on a commodity basis on dairy, quantitatively the major metabolites of the time and cost of inspections. It is based swine, and poultry, as well as on projects in 3-phenoxyacetic acid in chicken and of on determining the wash water's pH, germplasm conservation, food safety, riboflavin vitamins in other foods. temperature, cWorine content, and turbidity, quality, and processing. Studies involve Carbohydrate analyses carried out on four readily measurable parameters found extensive collaboration with external tubers of Jerusalem artichoke varieties to be strongly correlated with total partners. have revealed several fiber fractions that bacterial numbers.

82 Centre for Food and Animal Research 1993-1994 Residues A high-pressure liquid factors did not affect the overall dietary sunflower oil, and synthetic canola oil chromatographic method has been fiber consumption in a normal diet. produced similar results. The problem was developed for determining 3-nitro in liver, Bacterial agglutination Transmission corrected by adding saturated fatty acids to kidney, and muscle of pigs. This method electron microscopy demonstrated that the vegetable oils, which are generally low did not detect 3-nitro in tissues of pigs fed homogenization and heat treatment in saturates. These results alleviated the the organoarsenical for an extended affected changes in membranous material concern that canola oil alone caused period. Supplementation of diets with in raw skim milk. The information helps platelet reduction in newborn piglets. 3-nitro at the recommended level did not explain the reaction of bacterial Amino acid nutrition The effect of dietary have beneficial effects on performance of agglutination by homogenization of milk. requirements for tryptophan on growing-finishing pigs. Astringency Scientists showed that zootechnical performance of breeder hens When diethylphosphate, the common astringent off-flavor in pasteurized or and on immune status of hens and their metabolite of many organophosphate sterilized milk is caused by the proteolysis progeny was examined. Optimum levels of pesticides, became attached to lysine in a of caseins by native milk proteinase tryptophan for good antibody response wheat protein during storage, lysine lost its plasmin or plasmin-like proteinases from corresponded closely to optimum bioavailability. psychotroph bacteria. Subclinical mastitis production of hatching eggs. Mycotoxins Studies have shown that elevated plasmin levels, and Protected protein A novel method for • toxic residues did not accumulate in postpasteurization contamination by protecting soybean meal was developed in tissues of swine or in milk of dairy cows psychotrophs increased levels of collaboration with an industrial partner. consuming deoxynivalenol (DON) for .proteinases from these microorganisms. The method routinely resulted in 85-90% long periods Precaution against these conditions protein protection, as judged by the nylon • the initial effect of DON toxicosis in minimizes the incidence of astringent bag technique. Feeding of the protected swine appeared to be feed refusal, which off-flavor in milk. soybean meal in place of untreated meal in may have a neurochemical basis, Bread products Experiments indicated early lactation increased average daily milk although other subtle, biochemical that embedding and preparing polished production from 2 kg per cow initially to alternations may also be occurring resin specimens of bread and angel food 3.1 kg by week 16. • toxic residues were not transmitted into cake to assess their porosity by digital Bentonite Adding bentonite to the diet the eggs of laying hens exposed to image analysis is feasible. Scaling of the increased the microbial synthesis of protein fumonisin Bl procedure to accommodate entire bread by 10% and the passage of feed protein to • reduced relative thyroid size, reduced slices is in progress. Electron micrographs the intestinal tract by 57%. These effects skin temperature, and changes in of breadcrumbs of various origin showed increased the total supply of amino acids in stomach conditions were noted in young distinct differences in the structure of the intestine by 16.2%. Bentonite could swine ingesting low levels of Fusarium starch granules, depending on the have an industrial application as a feed mycotoxins. composition and extrusion of the source additive to partially protect protein materia!. supplements from microbial degradation in A cell culture bioassay was developed the rumen. to assess the toxicity of various Fusarium Food sources of nutrients in the Canadian mycotoxins in contaminated feed. diet In collaboration with the Marketing Forage legumes Studies showed that 77% and Industry Services Branch, a of the protein in alfalfa and 37% of Oat f3-glucan Oat B-glucan was computerized method was developed to sainfoin protein were degraded in the silo. agglomerated in the presence of estimate current food sources of nutrients When silage samples were incubated in the maltodextrin to produce instagum, a using data on household food purchases. rumen, sainfoin protein degraded more product that reduces blood glucose and The most recent analysis, based on 1990 slowly and at a more desirable rate than did insulin levels as effectively as the statistics, revealed a distribution of 14.7% the alfalfa protein. The difference in unmodified gum. Instagum has the protein, 36% fat, and 49.3% carbohydrate proteolysis between the two forage legumes advantage of being easily dispersed in as a percentage of energy. These data was due to tannins in sainfoin. Tannins water and can be ingested before becoming compare to results from the 1990 Nova confer a significant advantage to sainfoin viscous. The product facilitated a Scotia Nutrition Survey. Estimations based over alfalfa as a crop for ensiling and placebo-controlled, crossover study with on food-purchase data are therefore subsequent feeding to ruminants. hypercholesterolemic subjects, in which effective in examining the relative Rumen fermentation The effect of NaCI significant reductions of approximately importance of specific foods and food concentrations and pH levels on rumen 10% in total and LDL-cholesterollevels groups to the nutrient content of the diet. were obtained. Consuming oat-soluble function was investigated in an artificial fiber was shown to specifically reduce Canola oil Newborn piglets fed milk rumen inoculated with rumen contents blood cholesterol in the absence of any replacers containing canola oil as the sole from a fistulated cow. Low Na+ levels other dietary modification. source of fat showed a delay in the rise of depressed propionate and valerate platelet counts compared with sow-reared synthesis. Conversely, raising Na+ levels Dietary fiber in potatoes A study to piglets. Several studies showed that this increased propionate and valerate determine the effects of variety, location, delay was temporary and not specific to production three- to five-fold. Acetate and and storage on dietary fiber in potatoes was canola oil, since olive oil, high-oleic-acid butyrate levels were less affected. Rumen completed. When calculating intake, these

Centre de recherches alimentaires et zootechniques 1993-1994 83 bacteria survived conditions of either Disease resistance A new assay technique Bovine embryos Using surgical techniques elevated pH or low Na+ concentration, but based on polymerase chain reaction has for collecting embryos after onset of estrus, not both. With pH above 7.5 and Na+ been developed, for the detection of scientists found 60% of the ova and below 1 mM, the cultures died within 24 h. exogenous avian leukosis viruses. embryos in the oviducts on day 4. On day 5, These findings will affect feeding strategies Endogenous viral genes, residing 80% were found in the tip of the uterine for dairy cattle. permanently in genomes of chickens, were horn. This number increased to 91% on day 6. This information will improve the Rumen protein production Genetic found to be absent from geese. A large test engineering has potential to improve the of experimental and commercial stocks of efficiency of embryo recovery. quality of the microbial protein produced chickens for resistance to the highly In a collaborative project with the in the rumen. This approach depends on virulent Canadian field strain of Marek's Centre d'insemination artificielle du the design and synthesis of a protein that is disease virus (AC-l) indicated differences Quebec, scientists studied the rich in the required amino acids and stable in the distribution of lesions compared with developmental capacity and survival after in the bacteria producing the protein. A other such viruses. transfer of frozen-thawed, developmentally gene encoding such a protein has been Molecular genetics A new DNA retarded and lower-quality embryos. The designed and expressed, and the gene fingerprinting probe was developed, based developmentally slow embryos produced an product has been isolated from a on avian endogenous viral elements. The equivalent number of pregnancies as the laboratory bacterial strain. The protein is probe, which usually detects about 50 such controls, but had higher embryonic enriched in amino acids essential for milk elements per chicken, was successfully used mortality rates. Therefore the calving rates production and folds into a compact along with two other DNA probes to were lower than those obtained with structure that is resistant to degradation predict heterosis from DNA fingerprints of control embryos. The study established the within the bacteria producing it. parental poultry strains. economic value of developmentally slow embryos and provided information for Rumen biotechnology Native plasmids Chicken immunity Various forms of more effective use of all embryos from from Butyrivibrio have been isolated and vitamin A were found to have differential characterized to determine their usefulness effects on the function of lymphocytes and genetically superior donors. as genetic vectors. Several structural natural killer cells involved in immune Also in collaboration with industry, features of the plasmids were found to be response. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is an scientists developed improved embryo conserved among the genetically diverse essential factor for activation of T cryopreservation procedures and increased strains. These plasmids are therefore good lymphocytes and regulation of immune the efficiency of cloning bovine embryos by candidates for further genetic response. Positive clones of the IL-2 gene nuclear transfer. In vitro fertilization and in manipulation. have been isolated from a chicken genomic vitro development of zygotes resulted in The complete DNA sequence of two library, using both mice and human IL-2 the efficient production of large numbers of viable blastocyst-stage embryos from closely related plasmids from the rumen probes. immature oocyte cumulus complexes bacterium Butyrivibrio jibrisolvens has now Conservation of animal genetic resources recovered from slaughterhouse ovaries. been determined. Several structural Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has features of the plasmids were found to be initiated a program to establish a national Vocalizations as an indicator of welfare Pig conserved among genetically diverse system to conserve Canada's animal genetic vocalizations can provide a window for the strains, indicating that these plasmids are resources. CFAR was chosen as the lead scientific study of welfare. A series of good candidates for the construction of organization. The aim is to establish a experiments have indicated that the extent cloning vectors for Butyrivibrio. national network that ensures Canada has of calling varies with controlled levels of the technology and mechanisms to identify distress and provides a reliable measure of Rumen microbiology The detection, piglet well-being. isolation, and identification of rumen and conserve in the long term the country's microorganisms in environmental samples unique, valuable, domestic animal Leg abrasions Piglets often develop leg is important both for understanding germ plasm resources. The multi-partner lesions from repeated rubbing against the microbial processes and for monitoring the program will include floor during suckling. A motor-driven behavior of newly introduced organisms in • research apparatus was developed to rub leg the environment. A new technique for the • documentation of genetic resources specimens from stillborn piglets against direct determination of DNA sequences • cryopreservation various floor surfaces in a standardized • live animal conservancy from crude bacterial genomic DNA has way. The results suggested frictional heat • evaluation. been developed. This technique allows build-up combined with floor abrasiveness rapid and accurate identification of normal Cryopreservation of boar semen A to influence rates of tissue damage. The and genetically modified rumen bacteria collaborative study with the University of common practice of warming pen floors isolated from environmental samples. Laval on in vitro fertilization of porcine used by piglets may increase the severity of oocytes using frozen-thawed spermatozoa leg lesions. Vitamin E The nutritional status of cattle can influence resistance and susceptibility has produced a new technology. Porcine Creep feed intake Feeding supplementary to disease. In a study on the effect of oocytes matured in vitro have been solid creep feed to piglets before weaning is vitamin E on immune response, injection of successfully fertilized by boar semen, thought to help them adapt to a post- the vitamin in calves raised plasma vitamin cryopreserved, and thawed by a method weaning diet and ease their adjustment to E concentrations, and higher levels of developed at CFAR, using a protocol with weaning. Variation in intake of creep feed optimal rates of freezing and thawing. immunoglobulins were observed.

84 Centre for Food and Animal Research 1993-1994 and its relation to adaptation to weaning • l'application des biotechniques qui la determination de quatre parametres were studied in two groups of piglets. permettent d'augmenter l'efficacite de facilement mesurables de I'eau de lavage Piglets received either a low-complexity production (pH, temperature, teneur en chlore et creep-starter diet or a high-complexity, . • Ie comportement animal et la gestion du turbidite) dont on a etabli la forte medicated one. Regardless of diet quality, milieu. correlation avec Ie nombre total de intake of creep feed varied widely between bacteries. litter-mates and showed no strong Dans chaque volet, des equipes specifiques de recherche multidisciplinaire Residus On a mis au point une methode relationship to success in adaptation to d'analyse par chromatographie en phase weaning at 4 weeks of age. se consacrent it l'etude des produits laitiers, des pores et des volailles, ainsi qu'it liquide it haute pression pour etablir la Manure additives Several products are l'innocuite, la qualite et la transformation concentration en 3-nitro dans Ie foie, Ie being marketed to farmers for addition to des aliments. Dans bien des cas, ces rein et les muscles du pore. Son application animal manure to control odor, reduce recherches exigent une collaboration n'a pas permis de Meeler les 3-nitro dans solids, and promote nitrogen retention. poussee avec des partenaires de l'exterieur. les tissus des pores it qui I'on a servi Ie Seven commercially available additives compose organo-arsenical pendant une were tested, but none showed any of these Realisations periode prolongee. On a egalement beneficial effects on manure slurrys. decouvert que I'ajout d'un supplement de However, hydrogen cyanamide effectively Utilisation de probiotiques chez la 3-nitro it la dose recommandee n'avait eliminated the release of toxic hydrogen volaille On a caracterise des constituants aucun effet benefique sur la performance sulfide gas, and a cover of peat on the de tubercules de topinambour qui peuvent des pores de croissance-finition. slurry surface reduced nitrogen lost as favoriser la multiplication des Des residus de lysine d'une proteine ammonia gas. bifidobacteries aux fins de l'exclusion par du ble ont perdu leur assimilabilite lorsque competition de Salmonella chez la volaille. Tribute James D. Erfle, a senior research du diethylphosphate, Ie metabolite Ces tubercules contiennent jusqu'it 80 scientist in the rumen metabolism team, commun d'un grand nombre de pesticides polymeres de fructosane it action passed away in September 1992 after a organophosphates, s'est fixe it eux pendant bifidogene. L'introduction hiHive de prolonged illness. Jim was internationally I'entreposage. bifidobacteries et de facteurs bifidogenes recognized for his basic studies on the semble etre essentielle it l'etablissement de Mycotoxines Des etudes ont montre ce biochemistry of rumen fermentation. His la flore intestinale souhaitable pour r6duire qui suit work also found application both in animal la population de Salmonella. • la consommation prolongee de nutrition and in plant breeding. desoxynivalenol (DON) par les pores et Analyse d'aliments et de metabolites On a les vaches laitieres n'entraine pas Resources mis au point des methodes de separation et d'analyse quantitative des principaux d'accumulation de residus toxiques dans The Centre for Food and Animal Research les tissus ni dans Ie lait des vaches is located on the Central Experimental metabolites de I'acide 3-phenoxyacetique • le refus de s'alimenter semble etre l'un Farm and has research facilities in seven dans la chair de poulet et de la riboflavine des premiers effets de la toxicose buildings. The food program has dans les aliments. Des analyses detaillees attribuable au DON chez Ie pore et specialized facilities for sensory and des glucides contenus dans les tubercules pourrait s'expliquer par des instrumental evaluation of food, for food de differentes varietes de topinambour ont modifications d'ordre neurochimique, microstructure research, and for pilot plant revele la presence de plusieurs fractions de bien que d'autres modifications processing. The facilities for animals and fibres qui pourraient etre importantes sur biochimiques tenues seraient egalement some supplementary laboratories are 14 Ie plan de la nutrition pour les animaux et possibles km away at the 1100-ha Greenbelt les humains. Research Farm in Nepean. The centre has Pertinence de la pasteurisation On a • les pondeuses exposees it la fumonisine a total of 300 person-years, of which 79 are construit des modeles informatiques qui Bl ne transmettent pas de residus in the professional categories. decrivent l'inactivation par la chaleur des toxiques it leurs ceufs enzymes actives dans Ie lait et des • l'ingestion de faibles doses de o organismes responsables des toxi-infections mycotoxines de Fusarium par les jeunes alimentaires dans Ie lait entier, apres pores entraine une reduction relative de Mandat traitement de courte duree et it haute la taille de la thyroi'de, une baisse de la temperature de la peau et des Le programme alimentaire au Centre de temperature dans un pasteurisateur. Un changements dans les conditions recherches alimentaires et zootechniques programme informatique facile it utiliser gastriques. (CRAZ) a pour objectif d'ameliorer les permet aux utilisateurs d'acceder it cette information. methodes d'evaluation et d'amelioration de On a mis au point une bioanalyse par I'innocuite, de la qualite et de la valeur Salubrite de l'eau de lavage des ceufs On a culture cellulaire pour evaluer la toxicite de nutritive des aliments. En recherches elabore une methode d'evaluation de la diverses mycotoxines de Fusarium dans les zootechniques, des etudes it long terme qualite bacteriologique de l'eau de lavage aliments contamines du betail. sont menees dans les domaines suivants de la coquille des ceufs qui reduira de fJ-glucane de l'avoine On a agglomere la • I'innocuite et qualite des aliments pour fac;;onconsiderable Ie temps consacre it B-glucane de l'avoine en presence de les animaux et leurs produits cette operation et, par consequent, les maltodextrine dans Ie but de produire de couts connexes. La methode est basee sur l'« instagomme », un produit qui reduit les

Centre de recherches alimentaires et zootechniques 1993-1994 85 taux sanguins de glucose et d'insuline pain de diverses origines ont revele de d'un partenaire de I'industrie) a permis comme la gomme non modifiee. nettes differences dans la structure des d'obtenir regulierement un tourteau de L'instagomme presente des avantages : elle granules d'amidon selon la composition et soja dont 85 a 90 % des proteines etaient est facilement dispersee dans l'eau et peut Ie mode d'extrusion du materiel d'origine. protegees, selon les resultats fournis par la etre ingeree avant de devenir visqueuse. Le Sources d'e!ements nutritifs dans Ie regime technique des sachets de nylon. Le fait de produit a facilite la realisation d'une etude alimentaire canadien Avec la donner aux vaches laitieres du tourteau de croisee controlee contre placebo chez des collaboration de la Direction generale des soja protege plutot que non protege en sujets hypercholesterolemiques, au cours services a l'industrie et aux marches, on a debut de lactation a permis de faire passer de laquelle des reductions d'environ 10 % mis au point une methode informatisee la production moyenne de lait par jour de 2 des concentrations de cholesterol total et d'evaluation des sources aliment aires a 3,1 kg par vache a la semaine 16 de la de lipoproteines de basse densite ont ete actuelles d'elements nutritifs a partir des lactation. obtenues. Les °donnees ont montre que, donnees sur les depenses alimentaires des Bentonite L'ajout de bentonite dans la sans autre modification du regime families. L'analyse la plus recente, fondee ration a accru de 10 % la synthese des alimentaire normal, la consommation de sur les statistiques de 1990, a revele que la proteines d'origine microbienne et de 57 % fibres solubles de l'avoine a reduit Ie taux provenance des macro-elements nutritifs Ie passage des proteines alimentaires dans sanguin de cholesterol. etait la suivante : 14,7 % des proteines, Ie tractus intestinal. Par suite de cela, Fibres alimentaires dans la pomme de 36 % des lipides et 49,3 % des glucides. La l'apport total d'acides amines dans terre On a mene a terme une etude sur les comparaison de ces donnees avec les l'intestin a augmente de 16,2 %. La effets de la variete, du lieu de culture et de resultats de l'Enquete sur la nutrition de bentonite pourrait avoir une application l'entreposage sur les fibres alimentaires 1990 de laoNouvelle-Ecosse permet de industrielle comme additif des aliments du dans la pomme de terre. Dans Ie calcul de conclure que les estimations basees sur les bet ail pour proteger en partie les l'ingestion, ces facteurs n'ont pas influe sur donnees concernant les depenses supplements de proteines contre la la consommation globale de fibres alimentaires brossent un portrait exact de degradation microbienne dans Ie rumen. aliment aires dans un regime normal. l'apport relatif de certains aliments et Legumineuses fourrageres On a decouvert Agglutination des bacteries On a montre a groupes d'aliments en elements nutritifs au que 77 % des proteines de la luzerne et I'aide de la microscopie electronique a regime. 37 % de celles du sainfoin etaient transmission que l'homogeneisation et Ie Huile de canola On a constate un retard degradees dans Ie silo. Lorsque I'on a traitement thermique modifiaient les dans la hausse du nombre de plaquettes incube des echantillons d'ensilage dans Ie proprietes de la membrane des bacteries chez les porcelets nouveau-onesnourris avec rumen, on a observe que les proteines du contenues dans Ie lait ecreme cru. Cette du lait de remplacement contenant de sainfoin se degradaient a un rythme plus decouverte a permis d'expliquer pourquoi I'huile de canola comme unique source de lent et plus souhaitable que celles de la I'homogeneisation du lait entrainait une matiere grasse comparativement aux luzerne. La presence de tanin dans Ie agglutination des bacteries. porcelets nourris par leur mere. Plusieurs sainfoin explique la difference dans la Astringence On a montre que la etudes ont cependant montre que ce retard proteolyse des deux legumineuses proteolyse de la caseine par la plasmine etait temporaire et non particulier a I'huile fourrageres et donne a ce dernier un residente dans Ie lait ou par des proteinases de canola etant donne que des resultats avantage considerable sur la luzerne qui lui sont semblables et qui sont sembIabIes ont ete obtenus avec I'huile comme culture pour l'ensilage destinee a produites par des bacteries psychrotrophes d'olive, l'huile de tournesol riche en acide I'alimentation des ruminants. sont la cause du gout anormal astringent du oleique et I'huile de canola synthetique. II Fermentation dans Ie ntmen On a etudie lait pasteurise ou sterilise. Les suffit d'ajouter des acides gras satures aux l'effet des concentrations de NaCI et du pH concentrations elevees de plasmine huiles vegetales qui en contiennent sur la fonction du rumen dans un rumen associees a une mammite sub-clinique et la generalement peu pour effacer ce retard. artificiel renfermant Ie contenu du rumen contamination posterieure ala Ces resultats ont calme les inquietudes d'une vache porteuse d'une canule. On a pasteurisation par des bacteries selon lesquelles seule I'huile de canola observe que de faibles concentrations de psychrotrophes ont fait augmenter les causait une reduction du nombre des Na+ ralentissaient la synthese du concentrations de proteinases d'origine plaquettes chez les porcelets nouveau-nes. propionate et du valerate. A l'inverse, bacterienne. L'application de mesures Besoins en acides amines On a examine l'augmentation de la concentration de Na+ preventives contre ces micro-organismes les besoins en tryptophane en relation avec haussait de 3 a 5 fois la production de reduira au minimum l'incidence du gout la performance zootechnique des poules propionate et de valerate. Les anormal astringent du lail. reproductrices et avec Ie statut concentrations de Na+ avaient peu d'effet sur la production d'acetate et de butyrate. Produits boulangers Des experiences ont immunologique des poules et de leur montre qu'il est possible d'enrober et de descendance. On a decouvert un lien etroit On a aussi observe que les bacteries preparer des echantillons de pain et de entre l'apport optimal permettant d'obtenir survivaient dans Ie rumen lorsque Ie pH gateau des anges en resine polie aux fins une bonne production d'anticorps et celui etait eleve ou lorsque la concentration de d'evaluation de leur porosite par analyse qui donne la meilleure production d'ceufs Na+ etait faible, mais non quand ces deux d'image numerique. On est en voie d'incubation possible. conditions etaient reunies. Si Ie pH etait de d'adapter la methode pour I'appliquer aux Proteines protegees Un procede 7,5 ou plus eleve et si la concentration en tranches de pain entieres. Les innovateur pour proteger Ie tourteau de Na+ etait inferieure a 1 mM, les cultures micrographies electroniques de miettes de soja (mis au point avec la collaboration mouraient alors dans les 24 h. Ces

86 Centre for Food and Animal Research 1993-1994 decouvertes influeront sur les strategies en chez les veaux, et l'on a observe une Cryopreservation de semence de ve"at Une matiere d'alimentation pour les bovinslaitiers. concentration plus elevee etude menee en collaboration avec Production de proteines dans Ie rumen 11 d'immunoglobulines. l'Universite Laval sur la fertilisation in est possible d'ameliorer la qualite des Resistance aux maladies On a mis au point vitro d'ovocytes porcins avec des proteines microbiennes produites dans Ie une nouvelle technique d'analyse, basee sur spermatozoi'des congeles puis decongeles rumen en faisant appel au genie genetique. l'amplification genique enzymatique, pour s'est soldee par la mise au point d'une La methodologie repose sur la conception la detection des virus exogenes de la nouvelle technique. Des ovocytes porcins et la synthese d'une proteine riche en leucose aviaire. On a montre que les genes arrives a maturite in vitro ont ete fertilises acides amines essentiels et stable dans les viraux endogenes, qui resident en avec succes avec de la semence porcine, bacteries qui la produisent. Un gene codant permanence dans Ie genome des poulets, cryopreservee puis decongelee par la pour une telle proteine a ete con<;;uet en sont absents chez les oies. Un important methode elaboree par Ie CRAZ qui se exprime, et Ie produit genique a ete isole a test sur la resistance a la souche sauvage fonde sur un protocole tenant compte des partir d'une souche bacterienne de canadienne tres virulente du virus de la vitesses optimales de congelation et de laboratoire. La proteine est enrichie mala die de Marek (AC-1) chez des stocks decongelation. d'acides amines essentiels a la production experimentaux et commerciaux de poulets Embryons bovins En prelevant par de lait et se plie en une structure compacte a revele des differences dans la distribution chirurgie des embryons apres Ie debut de resistante a la degradation dans les des lesions comparativement a d'autres l'cestrus, on a observe que 60 % des ceufs bacteries qui la produisent. virus du genre. et des embryons se trouvaient dans les Biotechnologie du rumen On a isole et Genetique moleculaire On a construit une oviductes Ie jour 4. Les jours 5 et 6, on a caracterise des plasmides bicatenaires de nouvelle sonde d'empreinte genetique en constate que 80 puis 91 % de ces derniers Butyrivibrio dans Ie but de determiner leur se basant sur des elements viraux se trouvaient a l'extremite de la trompe utilite en tant que vecteurs genetiques. On endogenes aviaires. La sonde qui detecte uterine. Cette information permettra une a decouvert que plusieurs caracteristiques facilement environ 50 de ces elements par recuperation plus efficace des embryons. structurales des plasmides etaient poulet a ete utilisee avec succes, de meme Un projet en collaboration avec Ie conservees chez des souches que deux autres sondes d'ADN, pour Centre d'insemination artificielle du genetiquement differentes, une indication prevoir l'heterosis a partir d'empreintes de Quebec a porte sur la capacite de que ces plasm ides sont de bons candidats I'ADN de souches parent ales de volaille. developpement et sur Ie taux de survie pour des manipulations genetiques plus Immunite chez Iepoulet On a decouvert apres la transplantation d'embryons poussees. que diverses formes de vitamine A ont des congeles/decongeles, accusant un retard de On a maintenant determine la effets differents sur la fonction des developpement et une qualite inferieure. sequence complete d'ADN de deux lymphocytes et des cellules K naturelles Les femelles a qui I'on avait transplante des plasmides etroitement apparentes de la participant a la reponse immune. embryons au developpement « lent » bacterie du rumen Butyrivibrio jibrisolvens. L'interleukine-2 (IL-2) est un facteur devenaient gestantes dans une proportion Etant donne que plusieurs caracteristiques essentiel a l'activation des lymphocytes T et egale a celles ayant re<;;ules embryons structurales des plasmides se conservent a la regulation de la reponse immune. On a temoins; toutefois Ie taux de mortalite etait parmi des souches genetiquement isole des clones certains du gene de l'IL-2 plus eleve. L'etude a etabli la valeur differentes, il est permis de croire que ces dans la librairie de genes du poulet a l'aide economique des embryons au plasmides pourraient servir a la de sondes IL-2 de souris et d'humains. developpement « lent » et a fourni de construction de vecteurs pour Butyrivibrio. I'information sur l'utilisation plus efficace Conservation des ressources genetiques de tous les embryons de donneuses Microbiologie du rumen La detection, animales Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire genetiquement superieures. l'isolement et l'identification des Canada a lance un programme pour etablir microorganismes du rumen dans les un systeme national de conservation des Une seconde etude effectuee avec echantillons du milieu sont importantes a la ressources genetiques animales du Canada. la collaboration de I'industrie a permis fois pour comprendre les processus Le CRAZ, choisi comme organisme d'ameliorer Ie procede de cryopreservation microbiens et pour surveiller Ie responsable du projet, a constitue un des embryons et l'efficience du cionage des comportement d'organismes nouvellement reseau pour un programme national qui embryons bovins par transfert de noyaux. introduits dans Ie milieu. On a mis au point garantira que Ie Canada posse de la La fertilisation in vitro et Ie developpement une nouvelle technique de sequen<;;age technologie et les moyens pour identifier et in vitro des zygotes se sont soldes par la direct du genome brut des bacteries. Cette conserver a long terme les ressources production efficiente d'un grand nombre technique permet d'identifier rapidement uniques et precieuses en germoplasme de blastocystes viables a partir de et avec precision les bacteries normales et animal canadien. Le programme, auquel complexes de cumulus d'ovocytes genetiquement modifiees du rumen isolees participent de multiples parten aires, immatures preleves en abattoir dans des d'echantillons du milieu. comprendra les volets suivants ovaires. Vitamine E L'etat nutritionnel des bovins • recherche Des vocalisations comme indicateur de peut influer sur leur resistance et leur • documentation des ressources bien-etre Les vocalisations des porcs sensibilite aux maladies. Dans une etude genetiques peuvent servir de base a l'etude scientifique sur l'effet de la vitamine E sur la reponse • cryopreservation du bien-etre. Une serie d'experiences a immune, l'injection de cette vitamine a • conservation d'animaux vivants montre que l'ampleur des vocalisations augmente la concentration plasmatique • evaluation. varie en fonction de niveaux contr6les de

Centre de recherches alimentaires et zootechniques 1993-1994 87 detresse et fournit une mesure fiable du egalement Me appliques dans Ie domaine endogenous Rous-associated virus-type provirus bien-etre du porcelet. de la nutrition animale et de la selection in chickens. Poult. Sci. 71:1520-1526. Ecorchures des pattes Les porcelets vegetale. Boichard, D.; Lee, AJ. 1992.Approximate affichent souvent des lesions attribuables accuracy of genetic evaluation under a Ressources single-trait animal model. J. Dairy Sci. au frottement repete contre Ie plancher 75:868-877. pendant la tetee. On a construit un appareil Le Centre de recherches alimentaires et motorise pour frotter les pattes de zootechniques occupe sept batiments de la Cave, N.A; Poste, L.M.; ... ; Burrows, V.D.; et al. 1992. Effect of dietary level of naked oats (Avena porcelets mort-nes contre differentes Ferme experimentale centrale a Ottawa. II nuda) on internal and sensory quality of eggs and surfaces de plancher d'une maniere possede des installations specialisees pour l'evaluation sensorielle et instrument ale on yolk lipid compositions. Can. J. Anim. Sci. normalisee. Les resultats donnent a penser 72:147-153. que l'accumulation de chaleur occasion nee des aliments, pour la recherche sur la Cave, N.A; Wood, P.J.; Burrows, V.D. 1992. par la friction, conjuguee a une surface microstructure des aliments et pour la transformation de ces derniers dans des Estimation of an acceptable B-glucan level for abrasive, a un effet sur l'ampleur des broiler chick diets. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:691-694. dommages aux tissus et que la pratique unites pilotes. II y a egalement des Charmley, E.; Hidiroglou, N.; ... ; Hidiroglou, M.; courante de rechauffement du plancher des installations pour les animaux et quelques autres laboratoires situes a 14 km de la, et al. 1992. Plasma and hepatic a-tocopherol in parquets logeant les porcelets pourrait cattle following oral or intramuscular dans la Ferme experimentale de la ceinture aggraver les lesions aux pattes. supplementation. J. Dairy Sci. 75:804-810. de verdure, d'une superficie de 1 100 ha, a Ingestion d'aliments complementaires On Nepean, en Ontario. Le Centre dispose au Charmley, E.; Veira, D.M.; ... ; Codagnone, H.C.V.; et al. 1991. The effect of frequency and pense que la consommation de total de 300 annees-personnes. La level of feeding and supplementation with supplements d'aliments solides avant Ie categorie des chercheurs et autres sevrage par les porcelets contribue a sucrose of alfalfa silage on fermentation in the profession nels qui se consacrent a la rumen of sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 71;725-737. pre parer ces derniers au regime recherche compte 79 personnes. alimentaire post-sevrage et ainsi a faciliter Deng, S.-J.; Forster, RJ.; Hiruki, e.; Teather, leur adaptation au sevrage. La variation de RM. 1992. Simultaneous amplification and o sequencing of genomic DNA (SAS): sequencing l'ingestion d'aliments complementaires et of 16S rRNA genes using total genomic DNA sa relation avec I'adaptation au sevrage ont /Research Publications from Butyrivibrio jibrisolvens, and detection and ete etudiees chez deux groupes de Publications de recherche genotyping of nonculturable mycoplasma-like porcelets. Les porcelets ont re<;uune ration organisms directly from total DNA isolated from Akhtar, M.H.; Khan, S.U.; Kacew, S. 1992. A medicamentee de debut-complement infected plants. J. Microbiol. Methods minireview: bioavailability of bound pesticide 17:103-113. d'aliments soit peu, soit tres complexe. residues and potential toxicologic consequences. Sans egard a la qualite du regime, on a J. Soc. Exp. BioI. Med. 199:13-21. Emmons, D.B.; Ernstrom, e.A; Lacroix, e.; constate une variation considerable de Sauve, P. 1993. Further considerations in Akhtar, M.H.; Patterson, J.R; ... ; Hartin, KE.; l'ingestion d'aliments complementaires formulas for predicting cheese yield from the et al. 1992. Effects of feeding composition of milk. J. Dairy Sci. 76:914-920. entre les congeneres et aucune relation 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid on importante avec Ie succes de l'adaptation growing-finishing pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. Farnworth, E.R 1993. Fructans in human and au sevrage a l'age de 4 semaines .. 72:389-394. animal diets. Pages 257-271 in Suzuki, M., ed. Science and technology of fructans. CRC Press, Allan-Wojtas, P.;Poste, L.M. 1992. Additifs pour Ie fumier Plusieurs produits Inc. Boca Raton, Fla. . sont offerts aux agriculteurs comme Microstructural manifestations of two unusual additifs pour Ie fumier afin d'obtenir divers phenomena detected in experimental pork: a Fiser, P.S.;Fairfull, RW; ... ; Underhill, L.; et al. 1993. The effect of warming velocity on motility effets benetiques comme Ie contr61e de scanning and transmission electron microscopy study. Meat Sci. 31:103-120. and acrosomal integrity of boar sperm as l'odeur, la reduction des solides et la influenced by the rate of freezing and glycerol Ameli, H.; Gavora, J.S.; Spencer, J.L.; Fairfull, retention de I'azote. On a mis a I'essai sept level. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 34:190-195. additifs offerts sur Ie marche, mais aucun RW 1992. Genetic resistance to two Marek's disease viruses and its relationship to production Fiser, P.S.;Fuku, E.; ... ; Downey, B.R; et al. d'entre eux ne possedait les traits in chickens. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:213-225. 1993. The effect of partial dehydration on the caracteristiques escomptees d'un fumier developmental capacity of mouse embryos stored Appleby, M.e.; Pajor, E.A.; Fraser, D. 1992. liquide. Toutefois, Ie cyanamide a elimine in the supercooled state. Anim. Reprod. Sci. Individual variation in feeding and growth of efficacement la liberation de sulfure 30:325-333. piglets: effects of increased access to creep food. d'hydrogene toxique et un epandage de Anim. Prod. 55:147-152. Fraser, D.; Rushen, J. 1992. A colostrum feeder tourbe a la surface du fumier liquide a for newborn lambs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. Atwal, AS.; Teather, RM.; Liss, S.N.; Collins, reduit la perte d'azote sous forme 35:267-276. EW 1992. Antimicrobial activity of d'ammoniac. 2-aminophenoxazin-3-one under anaerobic Fraser, D.; Rushen, J. 1992. Colostrum intake by Hommages James D. Erfle, chercheur conditions. Can. J. Microbiol. 38:1084-1088. newborn piglets. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:1-13. principal de l'equipe du metabolisme du Batra, IR.; Singh, K; Ho, S.K.; Hidiroglou, M. Fraser, D.; Thompson, B.K; Rushen, J. 1992. rumen, a perdu Ie combat qu'illivrait 1992. Concentration of plasma and milk vitamin Teat productivity in second lactation sows: depuis longtemps a la maladie et nous a E and plasma B-carotene of mastitic and healthy influence of use or non-use of teats during the first lactation. Anim. Prod. 55:419-424. quittes en septembre 1992. Ses etudes cows. Int. J. Vitam. Nutr. Res. 62:233-237. fondamentales sur la biochimie du Benkel, B.E; Mucha, J.; Gavora, J.S. 1992. A new Friend, D.W; Thompson, B.K.; ... ; Panich, P.L.; mMabolisme du rumen lui ont valu une diagnostic method for the detection of et al. 1992. Toxicityof T-2 toxin, and its reputation internationale. Ses travaux ont

88 Centre for Food and Animal Research 1993-1994 interaction with deoxynivalenol when fed to Kalab, M.; Carie, M.; Milanovic, S. 1991. Neill, L.; Dayrell, M. de S.; Kramer, J.KG.; Ivan, young pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:703-711. Composition and structure of demineralized M. 1992. Procedure for analysis of Fulcher, RG.; Miller, S.S. 1992. Structure of oat spray-dried milk permeate powder. Food Struct. phosphatidylcholine as a protozoal marker in 10:327-332. bran and distribution of dietary fibre ruminants. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:717-719. components. Pages 1-24 in Wood, P.J., ed. Oat Kaminski, J.; Atwal, AS.; Mahadevan, S. 1993. Paquet, A 1992. Further studies on the use of bran. American Association of Cereal Chemists, High performance liquid chromatographic 2,2,2-trichloroethyl protection in phosphoseryl St. Paul, USA determination offormaldehyde in milk. J. Liq. peptide synthesis. Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 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Study of thermostability of Miller, S.S.; Vincent, D.J.; Weisz, J.; Fulcher, B-lactoglobulin genetic variants by differential RG. 1993. Oat B-glucans: an evaluation of Prochazka, R; Durnford, R; Fiser, P.S.; Marcus, scanning calorimetry. J. Dairy Sci. 74:2133. eastern Canadian cultivars and unregistered GJ. 1993. Parthenogenetic development of lines. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:429-436. activated in vitro matured bovine oocytes. Ivan, M.; Dayrell, M. de S.; Hidiroglou, M. 1992. Theriogenology 39:1025-1032. Effects of bentonite and monensin on selected Mullin, WJ.; Emery, J.P.H. 1992. Determination elements in the stomach and liver of fauna-free of alkylresorcinols in cereal based foods. J. Agric. Raymond, D.E.; Harwalkar, Y.R.; Ma, c.-Y. and faunated sheep. J. Dairy Sci. 75:201-208. Food Chern. 40:2127-2130. 1992. Detection of incubator reject eggs by differential scanning calorimetry. Food Res. Int. Jenkins, KJ.; Collins, EW; Hidiroglou, M. 1992. Mullin, WJ.; Wolynetz, M.S.; Emery, J.P. 1992. 25:31-35. Efficacy of various flavonoids and simple A comparison of methods for the extraction and phenolics in prevention of nutritional myopathy quantitation of alk(en)ylresorcinols. J. Food Rotter, B.A; Rotter, RG.; Thompson, B.K; in the chick. Poult. Sci. 71:1577-1580. Compos. Anal. 5:216-223. Trenholm, H.L. 1992. Investigations in the use of mice exposed to mycotoxins as a model for Jenkins, KJ.; Kramer, J.KG. 1992. Changes in Nagai, J.; Sabour, M.P.; Benkel, B.E 1992. growing pigs. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health lipid composition of calf tissues by excess dietary Reproductive impairment and productivity of 37:295-305. zinc. J. Dairy Sci. 75:1313-1319. mice with the rat growth hormone transgene. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 109:291-300.

Centre de recherches alimentaires et zootechniques 1993-1994 89 Rotter, RG.; Thompson, B.K.; ... ; Miller, J.D.; Wolynetz, M.S.; Mullin, w.J. 1993. Factors et al. 1992. A preliminary examination of affecting the precision of dietary fibre potential interactions between deoxynivalenol measurements in potatoes. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. (DON) and other selected Fusarium metabolites Chern. Int. 76:508-513. in growing pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:107-116. Zamir, L.O.; Rotter, B.; Devor, K.A; Vairinhos, Russell, L.F.; Douglass, L.w.; Vanderslice, J.T. F. 1992. Target-oriented inhibitors of the late 1992. Preparation of sampling plans for Bz stages of trichothecene biosynthesis. 2. In vivo vitamers in fast food hamburgers. J. Food inhibitors and chick embryotoxicity bioassay. J. Compos. Anal. 5:224-235. Agric. Food Chern. 40:681-685. Russell, L.F.; Vanderslice, J.T. 1992. Zheng, Y.; Fiser, P.; Sirard, M.-A 1992. In vitro Non-degradative extraction and simultaneous fertilization using in vitro mature porcine oocytes quantitation of riboflavin, flavin and frozen semen protected by 2% or 6% mononucleotide, and flavin adenine dinucleotide glycerol. Theriogenology 38:1055-1065. in foods by HPLC. Food Chern. 43:151-162. Sabour, M.P.; Chambers, J.R.; ... ; Gavora, J.S.; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada et al. 1992. Endogenous viral gene distribution in PUBLICATIONS populations of meat-type chickens. Poult. Sci. Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 71:1259-1270. Leger, D.A; Ho, S.K., ed. 1992. Proceedings of Seoane, J.R; Christen, A-M.; Veira, D.M.; the international roundtable on animal feed Fontecilla, J. ]992. Performance of growing biotechnology-research and scientific steers fed quackgrass hay supplemented with regulation. Centre for Food and Animal canol a meal. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:329-336. Research, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Singh, K.; Ocampo, P.; ... ; Akhtar, M.H.; et al. 251 pp. 1992. Bioavailability in rats of bound residues Poste, L.M.; Mackie, D.A; Butler, G.; Larmond, present in liver and intestine of chickens fed diet E. ]991. Laboratory methods for sensory analysis treated with 3-phenoxybenzoic acid. of food/Methodes d'analyse sensorielle des Chemosphere 24:745-752. aliments. Agric. Can. Publ. 1864E/1864F. Sirard, M.A; Zheng, Y.S.; Fiser, P. 1992. L'effet 90/96 pp. du milieu et du serum sur Ie developpement in Shrestha, J.N.B., ed. 1992. Proceedings of the vitro des ovocytes de porc apres maturation et first national workshop on conservation of fecondation in vitro. Med. Vet. Que. animal germplasm. 13-14 November 1990. 22(3):113-117. Centre for Food and Animal Research, Spencer, J.L.; Chambers, J.R 1992. Endogenous Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. 93 pp. leukosis viral antigen in eggs from meat-type Shrestha, J.N.B., ed. 1993. Canada's animal chickens on an avian leukosis virus eradication genetic resources: research animals in Canada. program. Avian Pathol. 2]:251-259. Centre for Food and Animal Research, Teather, R.M.; Hazlewood, G.P.; Gilbert, H.J. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. 135 pp. 1992. Cloning, sequencing, and expression of anaerobic rumen bacteria genes. Pages 564-580 in Sebald, M., ed. Genetics and molecular biology of anaerobes. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA Teather, RM.; Ohmiya, K. 1991. Molecular genetics of rumen cellulase systems. Pages 701-717 in Physiological aspects of digestion and metabolism in ruminants: proceedings of the seventh international symposium on ruminant physiology. Academic Press, Inc. New York, USA ltenholm, H.L.; Charmley, L.L.; Prelusky, D.B.; Warner, RM. 1992. Washing procedures using water or sodium carbonate solutions for the decontamination of three cereals contaminated with deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. J. Agric. Food Chern. 40:2147-2151. lSang, C.p.w. 1992. Research note: calcitriol reduces egg breakage. Poult. Sci. 71:215-217 Wang, S.; Lee, AJ.; ... ; Winter, K.A; et al. 1992. Evaluation of various measures of and factors influencing feed efficiency of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 75:1273-1280.

90 Centre for Food and Animal Research 1993-1994 CENTRE FOR LAND AND BIOLOGICAL CENTRE DE RECHERCHES SUR LES TERRES RESOURCES RESEARCH ET LES RESSOURCES BIOLOGIQUES Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada KW. Neatby Building, Room B-149 Edifice KW. Neatby, piece B-149 Central Experimental Farm Ferme experimentale centrale Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1AOC6 K1AOC6

Tel. (613) 995-5011 Tel. Fax (613) 995-7283 TeIecopie EM OTIB::EM230MAIL c.E. Telex 053-3283 Telex

~fessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director J.M.R. Asselin, Ph.D. Directeur Program Chairs Responsables de programme Land Resource Data and Applications D.R. Coote, Ph.D. Donnees pedologiques et applications Sustainable Land Management J.L.B. Culley, Ph.D. Gestion durable des terres Research Program Support M. Feldman, M.Sc. Soutien aux programmes de recherche Biological Resources PB. Marriage, Ph.D. Ressources biologiques Head, Management Services J. Cousineau Gestionnaire, Services de gestion

Biological Resources Division Division des ressources biologiques Librarian; Botany (seconded in) E. Gavora, B.L.S. Bibliothecaire; botanique (detachee) Librarian; Entomology (seconded in) S. Sherman, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire; entomologie (detachee) COIpputer Scientist L.I. Speers, M.Sc. Informaticien

Systematic Entomology-Acarology, Entomologie systematique-Acarologie, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera Coleopteres, Lepidopteres Team Leader; Water mites, rust and gall mites I.M. Smith, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; acariens aquatiques, phytoptes Assistant Leader; Soil mites Y.M. Behan-Pelletier, Ph.D. Chef adjoint; acari ens du sol Ground and clavicorn beetles Y. Bousquet, Ph.D. Carabes et clavicornes Bark beetles and weevils D.E. Bright, Ph.D. Scolytes et charanc;ons Predaceous rove beetles J.M. Campbell, Ph.D. Staphylinides Curator of Lepidoptera- Trichoptera; PT. Dang, Ph.D. Conservateur des lepidopteres-trichopteres; Budworms pique-boutons Cutworm moths J.D. Lafontaine, Ph.D . Noctuelles avers gris . Leaf-tying moths J.P. Landry, Ph.D. Microlepidopteres Leaf beetles and beetle larvae L. LeSage, Ph.D. Altises et larves de coleopteres Curator of Arachnida; Predaceous E.E. Lindquist, Ph.D. Conservateur des arachnides; acariens soil mites and plant feeding mites predateurs du sol, acari ens vegetariens Curator of Coleoptera; Aquatic A. Smetana, M.U.D.R. Conservateur des coleopteres; coleopteres beetles, rove beetles aquatiques, staphylins

Systematic Entomology-Hemiptera, Entomologie systematique-Hemipteres, Diptera, Hymenoptera Dipteres, Hymenopteres Team Leader; Aphids, scales, and thrips R.G. Foottit, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; pucerons, kermes et thrips Ichneumonid parasitic wasps J.R. Barron, Ph.D. Ichneumons Curator of Diptera; Dance , J.M. Cumming, Ph.D. Conservateur des dipteres; empidides long-legged flies et dolichopodides Assistant Leader; ChaJcid parasitic wasps GAP Gibson, Ph.D. Chef adjoint; chaJcis Sawflies H. Goulet, Ph.D. Tenthredes Leafhoppers and spittlebugs KGA Hamilton, Ph.D. Cicadelles, cercopes Assistant Leader; Curator of Hymenoptera; J.T. Huber, Ph.D. Chef adjoint; conservateur ChaJcid parasitic wasps des hymenopteres; chaJcis

Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research 1993-1994 91 Proctotrupoid parasitic wasps, L. Masner, Ph.D. Proctotrypoi'des, sphecoi'des et digger and ensign wasps evaniides Tachinid parasitic flies J.E. O'Hara, Ph.D. Tachinides Aquatic midges D.R. Oliver, Ph.D. Chironomes Plant bugs M. Schwartz, Ph.D. Insectes vivant sur les plantes Braconid parasitic wasps M.J. Sharkey, Ph.D. Braconides

Economic Plants Plantes d'interet economique Program Leader and Curator of P.M. Catling, Ph.D. Chef de projet et conservateur de Vascular Plant Herbarium; I'herbier de piantes vasculaires; Sedges and aquatic plants carex et plantes aquatiques Cultivated crops-barley, B.R. Baum, Ph.D. PIantes cultivees-orge, wheat, and allies ble et piantes apparentees Assistant Leader; Economic grasses J. Cayouette, Ph.D. Chef adjoint; graminees d'interet economique Hay-fever plants, honey plants, e.w, Crompton, M.Sc. Plantes allergenes, plantes melliferes, weeds mauvaises herbes Alfalfa and allies E. Small, Ph.D. Luzerne et plantes apparentees Molecular systematics of S.1.Warwick, Ph.D. Systematique moleculaire des piantes economic plants, weeds d'interet economique, mauvaises herbes

Economic Fungi Champignons d'interet economique Team Leader; Mycorrhizae Y. Dalpe, D.Sc. Chef d'equipe; mycorhizes Curator of National Culture e. Babcock, B.Sc. Conservateur de la mycotheque Collection of Fungi and canadienne et de la collection Nonmedical Bacteria de bacteries non medicales Zoosporic disease and soil fungi D.J.S. Barr, Ph.D. Maladies a zoospores et champignons du sol Insect and leaf parasitic fungi J.D. Bissett, Ph.D. Parasites fongiques des feuilles et des insectes Leaf and twig disease fungi M.P. Corlett, Ph.D. Maladies fongiques des feuilles et des brindilles Curator of National Mycological J.R. Ginns, Ph.D. Conservateur de I'herbier national de Herbarium; Rot and wood mycologie; pourritures des arbres et decay fungi du bois Mycologist P. Martin, Ph.D. Mycologue Assistant Leader; Mushrooms SA Redhead, Ph.D. Chef adjoint; champignons Mycotoxigenic fungi KA Seifert, D.Sc. Champignons de mycotoxine

Plant Gene Resources of Canada Centre de recherches phytogenetiques du Canada Acting National Team Leader G. Baillargeon, Dr.ReLNat. Chef par interim de l'equipe nationale Germplasm Database Specialist H. Atchison, B.A Specialiste de la base de donnees de materiel genetique Seed Genebank Curator G. Baillargeon, DLReLNat. Conservateur de la ban que de genes Programmer-Analyst D. Brewin Analyste-programmeur

Biocontrol Research Support Appui scientifique a la lutte biologique Team Leader; Entomology-ecology Ae. Schmidt, M.Sc. Chef d'equipe; entomologie-ecologie

Honorary Research Associates Associes de recherche honoraires Spiral, stylet, and foliar R.Y. Anderson, Ph.D. Nematodes spirales, nematodes a nematodes stylet et nematodes des feuillages Click beetles, wireworms E.e. Becker, Ph.D. Taupins, vers fil-de-fer Canadian flora, ferns w'J. Cody, BA Flore canadienne, fougeres Spiders, harvestmen e.D. Dondale, Ph.D. Araignees, opilions (daddy long legs) Cutworm moths D.E Hardwick, Ph.D. Noctuelles aver gris Conidial molds of wood S.J. Hughes, D.Sc. Moisissures a conidies du and insects bois et des insectes Geometer moths, loopers w'e. McGuffin, Ph.D. Geometres, arpenteuses Weeds, cabbage family (Cruciferae) GA Mulligan, B.Sc. Mauvaises herbes, familles des cruciferes Pyralid moths E.G. Munroe, Ph.D. Pyrales Leafroller moths A Mutuura, Ph.D. Tordeuses Plant rusts and smuts J.A Parmelee, Ph.D. Rouilles et charbons des plantes Lauxaniid flies and blow flies G.E. Shewell, M.Sc. Lauxaniictes, mouches de la viande

92 Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques 1993 -1994 Parasitic fungi RA Shoemaker, Ph.D. Pleosporacees parasites Flower flies lR. Vockeroth, D.Phil. Syrphes Tachinid parasitic flies D.M. Wood, Ph.D. Tachinides Chalcid parasitic wasps eM. Yoshimoto, Ph.D. Chalcis

Land Resource Division Division des terres Land Resource Data and Applications Donnees pedologiques et applications Program Chair; Provincial! D.R Coote, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; inventaire Territorial soil inventory des sols des provinces et des territoires Soil inventory-Saskatoon AJ. Anderson, B.Sc. Inventaire des sols (Saskatoon) Soil correlation-Edmonton J.A Brierley, M.Sc. Correlation des sols (Edmonton) Programmer-Analyst P. Brimacombe Analyste-programmeur Head of Land Resource Unit- G.M. Coen, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe pedologique Alberta (Alberta) Head of Land Resource Unit- J.M. Cossette, B.Sc. Chef d'equipe pedologique Quebec (Quebec) Head of Land Resource Unit- RG. Eilers, M.Sc. Chef d'equipe pedologique Manitoba (Manitoba) Soil interpretation-Saskatoon WD. Eilers, M.Sc. Interpretation pedologique (Saskatoon) Soil inventory-Fredericton S. Fahmy, M.Sc. Inventaire des sols (Fredericton) Land evaluation-Winnipeg W.R Fraser, M.Sc. Evaluation des terres (Winnipeg) Soil inventory-Sainte-Foy L. Grenon, B.S.A Inventaire des sols (Sainte-Foy) Head of Land Resource Unit- D.A Holmstrom, B.S.A Chef d'equipe pedologique Prince Edward Island (Ile-du -Prince- Edouard) Soil data interpretations I.E. Jarvis, B.Sc. Interpretations des donnees pedologiques Soil quality-Saskatoon L.M. Kozak, Ph.D. Qualite des sols (Saskatoon) Soil correlation-Sainte- Foy L. Lamontagne, B.Sc. Correlation des sols (Sainte-Foy) Head of Land Resource Unit- KB. MacDonald, Ph.D Chef d'equipe pedologique Ontario (Ontario) Soil correlation-Winnipeg W Michalayna, Ph.D. Correlation des sols (Winnipeg) Soil data interpretations- G.T. Patterson, M.Sc. Interpretations des donnees pedologiques Truro (Truro) Team Leader; Soil data applications- WW Pettapiece, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; applications des donnees Edmonton pedologiques (Edmonton) Head of Land Resource Unit- H.P.W Rostad, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe pedologique Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan) Head of CanSIS- P. Schut, M.Sc. Chef de SISCan-Banque nationale National Soil Database de donnees sur les sols Team Leader; National soil inventory J. Shields, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; Inventaire national des and correlation sols et correlation Head of Land Resource Unit-Yukon; CAS. Smith, M.Sc. Chef d'equipe pedologique (Yukon); Agroecological stratification stratification agroecologique Agroecological stratification-Winnipeg RE. Smith, M.Sc. Stratification agroecologique (Winnipeg) Soil correlation-Saskatoon H.B. Stonehouse, M.Sc. Correlation des sols (Saskatoon) Land evaluation-Edmonton J. Tajek, B.Sc. Evaluation des terres (Edmonton) Team Leader; Soil C. Tarnocai, M.Sc. Chef d'equipe; taxonomie des sols Soil inventory-Winnipeg H. Veldhuis, M.Sc. Inventaire des sols (Winnipeg) Soil correlation-Edmonton B.D. Walker, M.Sc. Correlation des sols (Edmonton) Team Leader; Benchmark sites e Wang, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; sites-reperes Head of Land Resource Unit- K Webb, M.Sc. Chef d'equipe pedologique Nova Scotia (Nouvelle- Ecosse ) Head of Land Resource Unit- E.F. Woodrow, B.Sc. Chef d'equipe pedologique Newfoundland (Terre-Neuve) Programmer-Analyst M. Zawalsky, M.Sc. Analyste-programmeur

Sustainable Land Productivity Pratiques culturales et conservation des sols Program Chair; Soil physics J.L.B. Culley, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; physique des sols Team Leader; Soil quality evaluation- D.F. Acton, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; evaluation de la qualite des Saskatoon sols (Saskatoon) Farm-weather interactions J. Boisvert, M.Sc. Interactions agrometeorologiques (on educational leave) (en conge d'etudes)

Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research 1993-1994 93 Climatology A. Bootsma, M.Sc. Climatologie Water use R. De Jong, Ph.D. Utilisation de l'eau Soil interpretation-Guelph KA. Denholm, M.Sc. Interpretation pedologique (Guelph) Team Leader; Land evaluation J. Dumanski, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; evaluation des terres Team Leader; Land management L.M. Dwyer, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; gestion des terres Land evaluation-Vancouver M.-e. Fortin, Ph.D. Evaluation des terres (Vancouver) Biomathematics R.N. Hayhoe, Ph.D. Biomathematiques Land use-Edmonton J.e. Hiley, M.A. Utilisation des terres (Edmonton) Team Leader; Land use E.e. Huffman, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; utilisation des terres Resource economist-Vancouver S.c. Jeck, B.Sc. Economiste des ressources (Vancouver) Soils and instrumentation engineering N.B. McLaughlin, Ph.D. Sols et techniques d'instrumentation Land evaluation-Vancouver D.E. Moon, Ph.D. Evaluation des terres (Vancouver) Soil interpretation-Sainte-Foy M.e. Nolin, M.Sc. Interpretation pedologique (Sainte-Foy) Team Leader; Wind erosion-Saskatoon G. Padbury, M.Sc. Chef d'equipe; erosion eolienne (Saskatoon) Head of Land Resource Unit- R. W Rees, B.Sc. Chef d'equipe pedologique New Brunswick (Nouveau-Brunswick) Programmer-Analyst W Royds, B.Sc. Analyste-programmeur Land evaluation-Vancouver e.J. Selby, M.Sc. Evaluation des terres (Vancouver) Plant growth modeling D.W Stewart, Ph.D. Modelisation de la croissance des piantes Team Leader; Soil structure G.e. Topp, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; structures des sols Acting Head of Land Resource Unit- L.J.P. van Vliet, M.Sc. Chef d'equipe pedologique par interim British Columbia (Colombie- Britannique)

Environmental Quality Qualiti de l'environnement Program Chair J.L.B. Culley, Ph.D. Responsable de programme Team Leader; Pesticides R. Behki, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; pesticides Air quality R.L. Desjardins, Ph.D. Qualite de l'air Soil organic matter H. Dinel, Ph.D. Matiere organique du sol Micromorphology e.A. Fox, Ph.D. Micromorphologie Pesticide-soil interactions D.S. Gamble, Ph.D. Interaction sol-pesticide Team Leader; Soil organic matter E. Gregorich, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; matiere organique des sols Trace element chemistry M. Ihnat, Ph.D. Chimie des oligo-elements Soil-pesticide chemistry S.U. Khan, Ph.D. Chimie des sols et des pesticides Team Leader; Soil processes R. Kodama, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; processus des sols Team Leader; Water quality J.A. Millette, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; qualite de l'eau Soil organic matter e. Monreal, Ph.D. Matiere organique du sol Plant pesticide uptake S. Nelson, Ph.D. Absorption des pesticides par les piantes Meteorology E. Pattey, Ph.D. Meteorologie Soil physics WD. Reynolds, Ph.D. Physique des sols Meteorology P. Rochette, Ph.D. Meteorologie Soil chemistry S. Singh, Ph.D. Chimie des sols Microbial pesticide degradation E. Topp, Ph.D. Degradation microbienne des pesticides Team Leader; Water erosion-Guelph G.J. Wall, Ph.D. Chef d'equipe; erosion hydrique (Guelph) Soil physical structure K Wires, B.Sc. Structure physique du sol

Research Support . Soutien a la recherche Program Chair M. Feldman, M.Sc. Responsable de programme Scientific Editor J.T. Buckley, M.A. Reviseure scientifique Programmer-Analyst D.J.Z.J. Chaput Analyste-programmeur Business development T. Goodyear, B.Sc. (Agr.) Promotion des affaires Programmer-Analyst A. Jones Analyste-programmeur Public relations J.-L. Tanguay, B.Ph. Relations publiques

Honorary Research Associates Associes de recherche honoraires Agrometeorology W Baier, Dr.Agr. Agrometeorologie Composting S.P.Mathur, Ph.D. Compostage Soil mineralogy G.J. Ross, Ph.D. Mineralogie des sols Emeritus Research Scientist; Organic chemistry M. Schnitzer, Ph.D. Chercheur emerite; chimie organique

94 Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques 1993-1994 Mandate The Centre for Land and Biological previously unrecognized. These taxonomic biologists needing taxonomic and related Resources Research (CLBRR) is a national advances enable entomologists to correctly distributional and biological information. centre of expertise that provides identify the species and establish With contributions from outside information on appropriate biocontrol agents. experts, we published Hymenoptera of the • the sustainable management of Canadian A completed revision of species of World, an illustrated identification guide lands of agricultural interest parasitic wasps included 12 new species. that for the first time permits users to • the identification and control of pest A particular species was found to be identify any hymenopteran to family, organisms established as a biocontrol agent of the regardless of origin. This book is invaluable • the use of organisms in biological birch leaf-miner after release in the 1970s. to plant quarantine and biological control control, crop development, and crop This represents a first record of workers in Canada and around the world. diversification establishment of this species in Economic plants Results from this program • the development of indicators for Newfoundland and a first confirmation included of establishment in Quebec. environmental quality and sustainability. • advances made in the improvement of A handbook on the genera of the cereal crops Achievements aphids of Canada was published. It • three additional species defined in the Systematic entomology Baseline data on assembled information on the new Kengyilia from China and a systematics and ecology of Inoninsect soil nomenclature, morphology, host plant nomenclature survey completed ranges, biology, pest status, and taxonomy arthropods in Canada and soil • analyses of the Hordeum lechleri complex of this important group of crop pests and diversity in North America was provided. conducted, using techniques of DNA contains the only workable identification These groups are important in profile detection decomposition and nutrient cycling in soil key to the aphid genera from North • data on the 5SDNA locus in Triticum and are potentially effective bioindicators America. This comprehensive work will be submitted to the European Molecular of soil quality. Collaborative studies on of importance to research workers and Biology Data Bank biodiversity in arboreal habitats provided extension, pest monitoring, and pest strong evidence for the diversity of management personnel. An international • biology of the native aquatic wild celery fungivorous oribatid mites in the collaborative project using taxonomic, reviewed, for potential as green manure phylloplane, an unexpected niche for a genetic, evolutionary, and ecological data and livestock feed group traditionally considered inhabitants determined the prevalence and importance • smartweeds (Polygonum spp.) identified of soil. of long- and short-distance movements of • weedy wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) Results of international collaborative aphids in their dispersal. As a number of analyzed with respect to a newly studies on the systematics, ecology, and aphid species are transported by winds discovered phenoxy-resistant race from distribution of groundwater and from the south into Canada each year, this Manitoba stream-inhabiting mites were incorporated aspect of aphid biology will help pest • aquatic spikerushes important in into computerized data bases. These mites management actions. irrigation management clarified are indicators of the impact of A taxonomic treatment of the North taxonomically, to help in controlling environmental changes and land use American species of the tachinid fly genus spread of panic grass weeds of row crops practices on water quality. Cyzenis was completed. One of the species in southern Quebec and spikerush weeds of pastures The World Catalog of Bark Beetles was in this genus has been used in biological published with assistance from Forestry control attempts against the winter moth, a • several additional wild species of Canada. It brings together information that defoliator of deciduous forests. Brassica shown through molecular is economically important for biocontrol, As part of collaborative research in research to be much more closely related pest management, and biotechnology. support of the Great Lakes Quality to the crop than previously suspected; genetic markers provided for different A progress report on the Guide to the Initiative, a systematic treatment of the Brassica genomes Ticks of Canada, an ongoing collaborative chironomid genus Micropsectra was project with Health and Welfare Canada completed. This work describes all life • germ plasm useful for the improvement and the University of Guelph incorporating stages of the species living in small, flowing of Canadian alfalfa identified through a computerized database for all genera and waterbodies receiving agricultural run-off, systematic work on Medicago scutellata species, has been favorably received by which may be potential bioindicators of seed proteins clients. The tick specimens in the Canadian environmental disturbance. • Medicago lupulina examination National Collection formed the basis for A taxon-based computer data base completed, showing that hairs on foliage the description of a new species of Ixodes program was developed to store and and leaves are important in breeding tick from Canada. retrieve known data on the classification, pest-resistant alfalfa The so-called western tentiform nomenclature, identification, distribution, • in cooperation with the clonal genebank, leafminer (small moth), currently an and biological relationships of any the extensive collection of strawberries important pest in apple orchards in interior family-level group of organisms on a world from the Pacific Coast analyzed, yielding British Columbia, has been determined to basis. The program is useful to taxonomists important discoveries on separating consist of three species, two of which were in developing data bases, as well as to hybrid and pure material

Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research 1993-1994 95 • The atlas of pollen grains of Canadian Systematics studies on Pythium federal departments, and Canadian honey plants published, providing diseases of safflower (Alberta) greatly universities. information necessary for the analysis of increased our understanding of the genetic Soil inventory and correlation The purity and origin of Canadian honey diversity of these pathogenic species. application of national standards was • in forages, a new species of sedge The relational computer data base assured through collaboration and described, classification and program on Canadian plant disease coordination of soil inventory activities in identification of blue grasses clarified, organisms and their hosts was completed. eight provinces. In Saskatchewan, there factors relating to the occurrence of When published, it will become a basic tool was inventory work in 13 regiomil natural hybrids in forage groups for scientists with interest and expertise in municipalities, involving over 1.4 million established, and a data base concerning plant pathology, biogeography, biodiversity, ha. Other provinces with major activity the North American perennial brome and epidemiology. It will allow users to were Alberta (326 000 ha), Manitoba grasses completed efficiently access the taxonomic and (48 000 ha), and Quebec (43 000 ha). Only • five contributions to the cooperative biological literature as well as distribution British Columbia and Prince Edward Island Flora of North America project data. had no new field surveys during the year. completed, making information on all of Plant Gene Resources of Canada (PGRC) Methods were developed in Alberta, North America's economically important The seed genebank in Ottawa holds over Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario to plants readily available for the first time 100 000 samples. To make sure that this upgrade old soil surveys, to improve • Marcel Jomphe, Jane Buckley, and Carl genetic heritage is maintained in an accuracy, and include information not Halchuk recognized by the International optimum manner, PGRC recently installed previously available. Society for Technical Communication new state-of-the-art storage facilities. This The Canadian Soil Information with awards for the graphic design of the new technology employs long-term seed System (CanS IS) continued to serve the publication Fescue Grasses of Canada. conservation in large tanks in the gaseous needs of both internal and external clients, phase of liquid nitrogen at approximately Economic fungi Highly antagonistic soil as follows fungi from Trichoderma genus were -160°C. • over 1000 digital data sets for use in assessed for their potential in controlling A data base of the permanent maize Geographic Information Systems (GIS) soilborne plant pathogens. Tolypocladium collection preserved at the Seed Genebank prepared and distributed in response to organisms that are also important for of PGRC was published on a CD-ROM 213 client requests potential application as biocontrol agents disk, together with the maize data from the • digital data files prepared for 33 more of insects, particularly aquatic Diptera, Latin American Maize Project (LAMP), map sheets . were characterized. CIMMYT, Central and South American • maps produced for 14 new map sheets Countries, and the U.S. Department of The first extensive review in 70 years • six soil inventory reports printed Agriculture. on the ecology, distribution, and • allllO soil maps of Prince Edward Island systematics of lignicolous corticoid fungi The microcomputer version of converted to the province's GIS (CARIS). was completed. These fungi cause diseases PGRC's germplasm data base management and decays valued at millions of dollars system CAPGRIS (Canadian Agricultural The following cooperative data damage annually. Some form mycorrhizae, Plant Genetic Resources Information interpretation projects were completed others cause allergies of prime importance, System) was released for use in the newly • distribution maps of potato virus, a few are successful biocontrol agents, established gene jJank nodes. As well, an blueberry maggot, and gypsy moth several have biotechnological uses, and automated inventory system using bar infestations-Food Production and many cause plant diseases. codes to data base seed-handling Inspection Branch Several fungal strains were isolated, operations was implemented at the seed • bioinventory of western Parks-Parks cultivated, and tested for plant growth genebank. Canada efficiency as a result of a survey of Biocontrol research support Centralized • locations of Ontario lots and endomycorrhizal fungi from the Great scientific services, advice, and publications concessions-Statistics Canada. Lakes area. Growth chamber and were provided to facilitate and promote Soil landscapes of Canada This map series long-term preserved collections of these national and continental programs for is now essentially complete with 28 map symbionts are maintained in support of biological control of weeds and insects. sheets at a scale of 1:1 million and digital Canadian agricultural research on Desired parasitic species, free of data sets for the entire country. This year mycorrhizae. hyperparasites, were delivered to field the Northwest Territories (6 map sheets), research sites across Canada. DNA of the most common B.C.-north, and Quebec-north were added. nephrotoxic Penicillium species on prairie National identification se/1lice During Printed maps and reports are now available grain was characterized. An integrated key 1992, the division identified 72 653 for all provinces and the Yukon, with only for rapidly identifying species was designed specimens of insects, mites, spiders, and the northern portions of some provinces using colony characters and mycotoxin nematodes; 1219 vascular plants; and 1965 still in preparation. Uses for this analysis. Fusarium strains that produce fungi. Major clients for this service were information include soil quality assessment, toxin levels comparable to the Agriculture Canada, provincial soil degradation risk mapping, highest-yielding strains reported in the departments, Forestry Canada, other environmental impact assessment, and soil literature were characterized. conservation planning.

96 Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques 1993-1994 Soil carbon The preparation of a soil • increasing variability on coarse-textured • erosion and respiration both affecting carbon data base for Canada has been soils and marginally decreasing organic matter levels in prairie soils largely undertaken and completed within variability on fine-textured soils shown in • cultivated soils having about 35% less the year in collaboration with Environment Manitoba over the past 20 years carbon and 20% less nitrogen than did Canada and Natural Resources Canada. • a crop growth model suitable for corresponding forested sites in eastern This remarkable achievement has resulted establishing crop insurance premiums Canada in a data base of approximately 105 000 soil developed and tested for the Peace River • salinity not increasing at seven carbon data sets for 14 000 polygons on area representative sites across the prairies 28 map sheets. Soil carbon content is • Landsat thematic imagery mapping crop • significant opportunities for dryland recorded for three soil layers and up to sequences on the prairies with 88% managers to alter soil salinity levels four soils per map polygon. The data set accuracy at a scale of 1:10 000 provides information on both total and • cultivation appearing to increase soil • all prairie farms classified using a active soil carbon for use in modeling strength across the country published farm typing system and the global change. • intensive cultivation over long periods 1991 Census of Agriculture. causing some prairie soils to wet Ecological stratification In collaboration with Environment Canada, all of Canada Resource-conserving management reluctantly under infiltration, resulting in has been defined and mapped in terms of research directed to farmers and input very nonuniform wetting and limited soil landforms, climate, and vegetation. suppliers demonstrated that water retention This work provides a standardized • removing in-row residue accelerated • fungi-derived sterols, lignin dimers, and framework for examining environmental corn growth under no-tillage and other long-chain fatty acids appearing to sustainability and for preparing periodic increased inter-row soil water compared be indicators of soil-structure stability reports on the state of the environment. with conventional tillage • in the Haldimand-Norfolk region of Approximately 220 ecoclimatic regions • damage from corn root worm appeared Ontario, fine-textured soils underlying have been identified and described. to be greater under no-tillage than under tilled Ap horizons not vulnerable to conventional management Soil quality benchmark sites Some 22 future compaction from traffic agricultural and two undisturbed sites have • ridge tillage did not completely • low or non detectable levels of common been mapped, sampled, and characterized. overcome reduced soil temperatures industrial pollutants measured in Soil quality is strongly affected by under no-tillage agricultural soils landscape position. Yield monitoring has • minimum concentrations of nitrogen in • compliance to Ontario guidelines quantified some relationships between soil leaf for photosynthetic response varied minimizing the risks to agricultural land quality and productivity. Resampling of one by corn cultivar associated with industrial organic site has already shown that significant • a meter for measuring leaf greenness was chemicals changes in soil carbon distribution can useful for determining lower levels of • concentrations of soil pesticides occur in intensively cultivated potato fields nitrogen in corn leaf, but not for high consistent with previous chemical use. after only 3 years. concentrations A bacterial plasmid was identified that • mathematical models could predict corn Soil taxonomy and pedological processes contains a gene capable of degrading the canopy parameters such as leaf areas Improvements have continued to be sought in insecticide carbofuran. A bacteria the Canadian System of Soil Ckissifk;ation. An based on the geometry of individual previously shown to degrade EPTC also international field tour was held in western leaves effectively metabolizes atrazine, simazine, Canada to examine the need to add a • longer (European style) moldboard and propazine. Such bacteria have great Vertisolicorder. Sites were selected for the plows required about 15% less tractor potential for cleaning up pesticide spills. International Correlation Meeting and Tour draft than did the shorter moldboards The fates of pesticides in selected plants dealingwith these soilsin July 1993. currently favored by North American and animals were also determined. Applications of land resource data A manufacturers. Metribuzin was found to be present in system for rating suitability of land for Software packages were developed to bound-residue fractions of varieties of spring-seeded small grains was prepared, facilitate the reporting of weather data from soybean that are both resistant and tolerant improving on the Soil Capability for manual stations and to acquire, assess, store, to metribuzin. Transgenic plants were Agriculture assessments of the Canada and report data obtained from commercially shown to be able to alter chlorsulfuron and Land Inventory. Software developed to available automated weather stations. incorporate the residues into their tissues. apply the system is now being evaluated Water quality Results from theoretical and across the country. Soil quality Agricultural soil quality evaluation showed supporting experimental work on the Sustainable land management Crop • very high annual rates of soil environmental fate of pesticides include insurance agencies were provided with the redistribution from erosion and tillage in the following following improved assessment capabilities Quebec and New Brunswick • 4 years after application, atrazine was for prairie soils detected in underlying groundwater and • a 0.15% loss in potato yield associated • yield ratings revised for Black approached the recently reduced with each tonne of soil lost per hectare Chernozemic and Solonetzic soils in Canadian drinking water standard annually in New Brunswick Alberta (3 I-lg/L)in stream water

Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research 1993-1994 97 • for many soils, leaching through the soil Mandat I'integration d'une base de donnees profile is not an important pathway for Le Centre de recherches sur les terres et informatisee sur tous les genres et toutes atrazine dispersion in the environment. les ressources biologiques (CRTRB) est un les especes, a ete bien accueilli par les clients. Les specimens de tiques de la Air quality Initiatives to measure organisme national qui regroupe un Collection nationale canadienne ont servi agricultural contributions to atmospheric personnel qualifie dans les domaines de fondement a la description d'une concentrations of greenhouse gasses suivants nouvelle espece d'/xodes au Canada. showed that • la gestion durable des tern~s canadiennes • a fallow field cumulatively lost carbon as d'interet agricole On a decouvert que l'insecte C02 at a rate of 1.8 tlha, more than a • I'indentification et la lutte contre les communement appele mineuse a tente de barley field over one growing season ennemis des piantes l'Ouest (petite noctuelle), ravageur • soil respiration was consistently lower • l'utilisation d'insectes utiles dans la lutte redoutable des vergers de pommiers when measured in static chambers than biologique et dans la creation et la exploites dans la region interieure de la in a dynamic closed system diversification des cultures Colombie-Britannique, compte en fait trois especes, dont deux jusqu'a maintenant • tower-based flux measurements of C02 • la mise au point d'especes indicatrices inconnues. Grace aces progres and H20 were used to validate a. qui favorisentun environnement durable. taxinomiques, les entomologistes sont en computer model simulating water use mesure d'identifier correctement l'espece efficiency Realisations et de t!ouver des agents de lutte biologique aircraft-based measurements of heat, Entomologie systematique Le CRTRB appropries. C02, and H20 fluxes highly correlated a recueilli des donnees de base sur la with those obtained from NOAA and Une revision complete des especes systematique et sur l'ecologie des COSMOS satellite imagery. de guepes parasites a permis de decouvrir arthropodes terricoles autres que les 12 nouvelles especes. On a constate qu'une Resources insectes au Canada, de meme que sur la espece, lachee dans la nature dans les diversite des arthropodes terricoles en annees 1970, s'etait bien etablie comme The centre is located in buildings on the Amerique du Nord. Ces groupes, qui agent de lutte biologique de la petite Central Experimental Farm (CEF), jouent un role important dans la mineuse du bouleau. II s'agit du premier Ottawa, which include specialized decomposition et dans la mise en cas signale d'etablissement de cette espece laboratories. This location permits vital circulation des elements nutritifs du sol, a Terre-Neuve et du premier cas collaboration with other disciplines and pourraient etre de bons indicateurs d'etablissement confirme au Quebec. access to land and crops for field work. biologiques de la qualite du sol. Des etudes Le CRTRB a publie un guide sur les Soil inventory units, located in each of the en collaboration sur la diversite biologique genres de pucerons au Canada. On y trouve 10 provinces and the Yukon, share various des habitats boises ont fourni des preuves . de l'information sur la nomenclature, la provincial or university facilities, or in some sans equivoque de la diversite des morphologie, I'aire de distribution des cases research stations. These oribatides fongivores dans la phyllosphere, plantes hotes, la biologie, Ie statut de arrangements provide proximity with niche inattendue pour un groupe que l'on ravageur et la taxinomie de cet important collaborators and clients for soil inventory considere habituellement terricole. and research activities. groupe de ravageurs des cultures, de meme Les resultats d'etudes internationales que la seule cle pratique d'identification The centre houses the Canadian collectives sur la systematique, I'ecologie et des genres de pucerons en Amerique du National Collection of Insects, , la distribution des acariens vivant dans les Nord. Cet ouvrage complet sera un outil and Nematodes; the Canadian Collection eaux souterraines et dans les cours d'eau precieux pour les scientifiques et les of Fungus Cultures; the National ont ete incorpores dans des bases de vulgarisateurs, ainsi que pour Ie personnel Mycological Herbarium; and the donnees informatisees. Ces acariens sont charge de surveiller les ravageurs et departmental Vascular Plant Herbarium. des indicateurs de I'impact des d'appliquer la lutte dirigee. Un projet These are steadily improved with relevant changements environnementaux et des collectif international, consistant dans material and provide opportunities for pratiques d'exploitation des terres sur la I'etude de donnees sur la taxinomie, la loans and exchanges. A National qualite de I'eau. genetique, I'evolution et l'ecologie, a Identification Service identifies specimens Le CRTRB a publie un catalogue permis de determiner la frequence et of insects, mites, spiders, and nematodes; mondial des scolytes (World Catalog of Bark l'importance des deplacements des vascular plants; and fungi. Strains of fungi Beetles) avec l'aide de Forets Canada. pucerons sur de courtes et de longues are distributed to clients from the culture L'ouvrage reunit de l'information qui, sur distances au moment de leur dispersion. collection. Ie plan economique, est import ante pour la Etant donne que des pucerons d'un certain The Plant Gene Resources of Canada lutte biologique, la lutte dirigee et la nombre d'especes sont transportes par Ie (PGRC) Central Office and Seed biotechnologie. vent des regions meridionales jusqu'au Genebank are also located on the CEF; the Canada chaque annee, cet aspect de la Un rapport d'etape sur Ie guide des PGRC Clonal Genebank is located on the biologie des pucerons facilitera la prise de tiques au Canada (Guide to the Ticks of Smithfield Experimental Farm at Trenton. mesures de lutte dirigee. Canada), projet que mene actuellement Ie The staff of 290 person-years includes 105 CRTRB avec la collaboration de Sante On a etudie la systematique des in the professional categories. nationale et Bien-etre social Canada et de especes nord-americaines du genre Cyzenis. • l'Universite de Guelph et qui consiste dans Une de ces especes a ete utilisee dans des

98 Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques 1993 -1994 essais de lutte biologique contre plante comme engrais vert et aliment • decerner a Marcel Jomphe, Jane Buckley I'arpenteuse tardive, insecte defoliateur des pour Ie betail et Carl Halchuk un prix de l'Intemational forets decidues. • proceder a l'identification de renouees Society for Technical Communication en Au cours de recherches menees en (Polygonum spp.) reconnaissance de leur travail de commun dans Ie cadre du Projet de qualite • faire I'analyse d'une race nouvellement conception graphique de la publication de I'eau des Grands Lacs, on a etabli la decouverte de moutarde sauvage sur les fetuques du Canada (Fescue Grasses systematique du genre Micropsectra adventice (Sinapis aTvensis) au Manitoba of Canada). (chironomide). Les scientifiques ont decrit qui resiste aux herbicides a action Champignons d'interet economique On a tous les stades biologiques des especes qui hormonale evalue Ie potentiel de champignons du sol vivent dans de petits cours d'eau recevant • clarifier la taxinomie des eleocharides fortement antagonistes du genre les eaux de ruissellement de terres aquatiques qui jouent un rOle important Trichoderma dans la lutte contre les agricoles; ces especes pourraient etre des dans la conduite de I'irrigation dans Ie phytopathogenes vivant dans Ie sol. On a indicateurs biologiques des perturbations but de lutter contre la propagation des egalement caracterise les Tolypocladium, de l'environnement. panics adventices dans les cultures organismes aptes a servir d'agent de lutte Le CRTRB a mis au point un sarclees dans Ie sud du Quebec et des biologique contre les insectes, en programme de base de donnees eleocharides adventices dans les paturages particulier les dipteres aquatiques. informatisee fondee sur les taxons pour • decouvrir par la recherche moleculaire On a termine la premiere revision saisir et extraire I'information sur la que plusieurs autres especes sauvages de complete en 70 ans de l'ecologie, de la classification, la nomenclature, Brassica sont beaucoup plus etroitement distribution et de la systematique des l'identification, la distribution et les apparentees a la culture qu'on ne I'avait champignons lignicoles et corticicoles. Ces parentees de n'importe quelle famille d'abord cru; on a etabli des marqueurs champignons sont responsables des d'organismes de la planete. Les genetiques pour differents genomes de maladies et de la pourriture qui taxinomistes utilisent ce programme pour Brassica occasionnent des dommages de plusieurs constituer des bases de donnees, tandis que • decouvrir du germoplasme pouvant millions de dollars chaque annee. Certains les biologistes y puisent I'information servir a l'amelioration de la luzerne forment des mycorhizes, d'autres causent taxinomique dont ils ont besoin et autres canadienne grace a des travaux de graves allergies, quelques-uns sont des renseignements connexes sur la distribution systematiques sur les proteines des agents de lutte biologique efficaces, et la biologie des organismes en question. graines de Medicago scutellata plusieurs ont des usages biotechnologiques Avec la participation d'experts de • mener a bonne fin I'etude sur Medicago et nombre d'entre eux causent des maladies l'exterieur, Ie CRTRB a publie un guide lupulina et montrer que la presence de chez les vegetaux. d'identification illustre des hymenopteres poils sur les feuilles est importante dans On a isole plusieurs souches de du monde entier (Hymenoptera of the la selection de luzerne resistante aux champignons, que l'on a cultivees et World) qui, pour la premiere fois, permet ravageurs soumises a des essais de croissance, au aux utilisateurs d'identifier n'importe quel • faire l'analyse, en collaboration avec la cours d'un reIeve des champignons hymenoptere jusqu'a la famille, quelle Banque de clones, de la collection endomycorhizogenes de la region des qu'en soit l'origine. II s'agit d'un outil complete de fraisiers de la cote du Grands Lacs. Le CRTRB entretient ces indispensable pour les personnes qui Pacifique et ainsi de faire des decouvertes symbiotes en chambre de croissance et il travaillent dans les domaines de la importantes sur la separation du materiel conserve en permanence des specimens quarantaine des plantes et de la lutte pur du materiel hybride vivants pour appuyer la recherche agricole biologique au Canada et dans Ie monde. • publier un atlas des grains de pollen des canadienne sur les mycorhizes. Plantes d'interet economique Les realisations pIantes melliferes canadiennes contenant Des scientifiques ont caracterise dans ce programme ont permis de l'information necessaire a l'analyse de la I'ADN des especes de Penicillium • progresser dans l'amelioration des purete et de l'origine du miel canadien nephrotoxiques les plus communes chez les cultures cerealieres • faire, en ce qui concerne les fourrages, la cereales des Prairies. lis ont con<;;uune cle • definir trois autres especes dans Ie description d'une nouvelle espece de integree pour l'identification rapide des nouveajl genre Kengyilia trouve en Chine carex, de clarifier la classification et especes a l'aide des caracteres des colonies et de terminer un catalogue de I'identification des paturins, d'etablir des et de l'analyse des mycotoxines. lis ont nomenclature' facteurs lies a la presence d'hybrides aussi caracterise des souches de Fusarium • faire I'analyse du complexe Hordeum naturels dans .Iesgroupes de fourrages et qui produisent des toxines a des doses lechleri a l'aide de techniques de de constituer une base de donnees sur les comparables a celles des souches les plus detection du profil de l'ADN bromes vivaces d'Amerique du Nord productrices signalees dans la • soumettre des donnees sur Ie locus • reunir, avec les cinq contributions documentation scientifique. 5SDNA chez Triticum pour la banque de apportees au projet cooperatif sur la Des etudes de systematiques sur les donnees de l'Organisation europeenne flore de l'Amerique du Nord (Flora of maladies du carthame causees par Pythium de biologie moleculaire North America), pour la premiere fois (en Alberta) nous ont permis de nettement • faire I'examen de la biologie de la I'information sur toutes les plantes mieux comprendre la diversite genetique vallisnerie americaine aquatique d'importance economique en Amerique de ces especes pathogenes. indigene dans Ie but d'utiliser cette du Nord

Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research 1993-1994 99 La mise au point du programme 1 965 champignons. Agriculture et Pedopaysages du Canada Cette serie de informatise pour la constitution d'une base Agro-alimentaire Canada, des ministeres cartes est pour ainsi dire complete de donnees sur les relations entre les provinciaux, Forets Canada et d'autres maintenant avec 28 cartes a I'echelle de organismes phytopathogenes au Canada et ministeres federaux ainsi que des 1/1 000 000 et des series de donnees leurs hates est terminee. Une fois publie, Ie universites canadiennes sont les principaux numeriques pour Ie pays en entier. Cette programme deviendra un outil indispensable clients qui ont fait appel a ce service. annee, la serie s'est enrichie de cartes des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (6), du nord de aux scientifiques qui travaillent ou se Inventaire des sols et correlation specialisent en phytopathologie, en L'application denormes nation ales a ete la Colombie-Britannique et du nord du biogeographie, en biodiversite et en assuree par la realisation conjointe et la Quebec. Des cartes et des rapports imprimes pour toutes les provinces et Ie epidemiologie. Les utilisateurs pourront coordination des activites de prospection Yukon sont desormais offerts, seules les avoir facilement acces a la bibliographie en des sols dans huit provinces. En cartes sur les parties septentrionales de taxinomie et en biologie, de meme qu'a des Saskatchewan, l'inventaire a porte sur 13 certaines provinces sont encore en donnees sur la distribution. municipalites regionales couvrant plus de preparation. Cette information sert a Ressources phytogenetiques du Canada 1,4 million d'hectares. Les autres provinces differentes fins: evaluation de la qualite (RPGC) La Banque de genes d'Ottawa qui ont effectue d'importants inventaires des sols, cartographie des risques de renferme plus de 100 000 echantillons. Pour sont l'Alberta (326 000 ha), Ie Manitoba degradation des sols, evaluation des assurer Ie maintien optimal de cet heritage (48 000 ha) et Ie Quebec (43 000 ha). impacts sur I'environnement et genetique, les RPGC ont recemment Seules la Colombie-Britannique et planification de la conservation des sols. amenage de nouveaux entrepats l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard n'ont pas effectue ultra-perfectionnes. Les semences sont de nouveaux releves pendant I'annee. Carbone contenu dans les sols La preparation d'une base de donnees sur Ie conservees a long terme dans de grands En Alberta, en Saskatchewan, au. carbone contenu dans les sols canadiens a, reservoirs d'azote liquide en phase gazeuse Manitoba et en Ontario, Ie CRTRB a mis pour ainsi dire, ete entreprise et completee en maintenu aux environs de -160 0c. au point des methodes pour ameliorer la un an avec la collaboration d'Environnement Une base de donnees sur la collection qualite et I'exactitude des anciens releves Canada et de Ressources naturelles Canada. permanente de mai"sde la Banque de genes pedologiques et leur ajouter de nouveaux Cette realisation remarquable s'est soldee des RPGC est main tenant disponible sur renseignements. par la constitution d'une base de donnees CD-ROM; on y trouve egalement des Le Systeme canadien d'information contenant environ 105 000 series de donnees sur Ie mai"sproduites par Ie Projet sur les sols (SISCan) a continue de donnees sur Ie carbone contenu dans sur Ie mai"sd'Amerique latine (PMAL), Ie repondre aux besoins des clients tant 14 000 polygones repartis sur 28 cartes. La CIMMYT, les pays d'Amerique Centrale et internes qu'externes de la fagon suivante teneur des sols en carbone est consignee du Sud et par Ie ministere de I'Agriculture • plus de 1 000 series de donnees pour trois couches de sol et pour jusqu'a des Etats-Unis. numeriques destinees aux Systemes quatre types de sol par polygone. La serie La version pour micro-ordinateur du d'information geographique (SIG) ont de donnees fournit de I'information sur la systeme de gestion de la base de donnees ete preparees et distribuees en reponse a teneur en carbone tot ale dans Ie sol et sur sur Ie germoplasme des RPGC (Systeme 213 demandes de clients la portion de carbone echangee activement d'information sur les ressources • des dossiers de donnees numeriques ont avec l'atmosphere pour I'etablissement de phytogenetiques agricoles du Canada ete prepares pour 33 autres cartes modeles sur les changements qui (SIRPGAC)) est maintenant mise a la pedologiques surviennent a l'echelle mondiale. disposition des m-euds nouvellement etablis • de nouvelles cartes pedologiques (14) Stratification ecologique Avec la de la Banque de genes. De meme, on a mis ont ete produites collaboration d'Environnement Canada, en place un systeme informatise • des rapports de prospection des sols (6) Ie CRTRB a defini et cartographie tout Ie d'inventaire des stocks de semences qui ont ete imprimes territoire canadien du point de vue du repose sur I'utilisation de balances de haute relief, du climat et de la vegetation. Ces precision et de codes a barres. • les 110 cartes pedologiques de I'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard ont ete cartes fournissent un cadre normalise pour Soutien ii la recherche sur la lutte biologique converties au SIG de la province l'examen de la viabilite de I'environnement Le CRTRB a offert de fagon centralisee (CARIS). et pour la preparation de rapports des services, des conseils et des periodiques sur I'etat de I'environnement. publications scientifiques dans Ie but de Les projets collectifs suivants Environ 220 regions ecoclimatiques ont faciliter et de promouvoir les programmes d'interpretation de donnees ont ete menes ainsi ete identifiees et decrites. nationaux et continentaux de lutte a bonne fin Sites reperes de la qua lite des sols Le biologique contre les mauvaises herbes et • cartes de distribution des infestatioD$ par CRTRB a cartographie, echantillonne et les insectes. II a distribue des especes Ie virus de la pomme de terre, la mouche caracterise quelque 22 sites agricoles et parasites exemptes d'hyperparasites a des de l'airelle et la spongieuse - Direction deux sites non exploites. La topographie installations de recherches a I'echelle du generale de la production et de I'inspection des aliments influe considerablement sur la qualite des Canada. sols. La surveillance des rendements a • inventaire biologique des parcs de Se/1lice national d'identification En 1992, permis de quantifier certaines relations l'Ouest - Parcs Canada Ie Service a identifie 72 653 specimens entre la qualite et la productivite des sols. d'insectes, d'acariens, d'araignees et de • emplacement des lots et des concessions Un nouvel echantillonnage d'un site a deja nematodes, 1219 piantes vasculaires et de l'Ontario - Statistique Canada.

100 Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques 1993 -1994 montre que, apres 3 ans seulement, des regions de culture sans travail du sol et a • I'aridoculture offre aux agriculteurs des changements importants peuvent se augmente la teneur en eau du sol entre possibilites interessantes pour modifier produire dans la distribution du carbone les rangs comparativement aux modes Ie taux de salinite des sols dans les champs ou la pomme de terre est d'exploitation conventionnels • Ie travail du sol semble en accroltre la cultivee de fa«on intensive. • les dommages causes par la tisseuse des force, partout au pays Taxinomie des sols et processus pedologiques racines du mais ont semble plus • l'eau s'infiltre difficilement dans certains On a continue de chercher a ameliorer Ie importants en I'absence de travail du sol sols des Prairies soumis longtemps a la Systeme canadien de classification des sols. qu'en regime cultural classique culture intensive; par consequent, les sols Vne tournee sur Ie terrain a ete organisee • Ie labourage sur buttes n'a pas s'humectent tres inegalement et dans l'Ouest canadien a l'intention des completement compense la baisse de retiennent peu l'eau scientifiques etrangers pour verifier la temperature du sol constatee lorsqu'il n'y • les sterols d'origine fongique, les dimeres necessite d'ajouter un ordre vertisolique. a pas de travail du sol de lignine et d'autres acides gras a Des sites ont ete choisis en vue de la • les concentrations minim ales d'azote longue chaine semblent etre des rencontre sur la correlation et sur la visite disponibles dans les feuilles pour la indicateurs de la stabilite de la structure des vertisols qui ont eu lieu en juillet 1993. photosynthese ont varie selon Ie cultivar des sols Applications des donnees sur les terres On de mais • dans la region de Haldimand-Norfolk de a prepare un systeme pour coter dans • un appareil de mesure de la coloration l'Ontario, les sols a texture fine sous Ie quelle mesure les terres se pretent a la verte des feuilles a ete utile pour sol superficiellaboure ne sont pas culture de petites cereales semees au determiner les faibles teneurs en azote vulnerables au futur compactage par la printemps, ameliorant ainsi l'evaluation de dans les feuilles de mais, mais non les machinerie agricole I'aptitude agricole des sols dans Ie fortes concentrations • des doses faibles ou non decelables de Repertoire des terres du Canada. Le • des modeles mathematiques pourraient polluants industriels ont ete mesurees logiciel d'application du systeme fait prevoir les parametres du couvert du dans des sols agricoles actuellement I'objet d'une evaluation a mais, comme la surface foliaire, d'apres • Ie respect des lignes directrices de I'echelle du pays. la geometrie des feuilles individuelles l'Ontario reduit au maximum les risques Gestion des terres viables Des evaluations • des charrues a socs et versoirs plus longs que comportent pour les terres agricoles ameliorees de la capacite de production (de style europeen) ont necessite environ les produits chimiques organiques des sols des Prairies ont ete fournies aux 15 % moins d'efforts de traction que les industriels regies d'assurance-recolte, a savoir charrues a socs et versoirs plus courts qui • les concentrations de pesticides dans Ie • des cotes de rendement revisees pour ont actuellement la faveur des fabricants sol correspondent a l'utilisation les sols noirs chernozemiques et nord-americains. anterieure de produits chimiques. solonetziques en Alberta On a mis au point des progiciels pour Les scientifiques ont identifie un • une plus grande variabilite des sols a faciliter les rapports meteorologiques des texture grossiere et une variabilite a plasmide bacterien contenant un gene stations non automatisees et pour acquerir, peine plus faible des sols a texture fine capable de degrader l'insecticide evaluer, emmagasiner et rapporter des au Manitoba au cours des vingt dernieres carbofuran. Vne bacterie dont on a deja donnees obtenues a l'aide des composantes annees demontre la capacite de degrader le EPTC commerciales des stations meteorologiques met abolise aussi de fa«on efficace • la mise au point et l'essai d'un modele de automatisees. l'atrazine, la simazine et la propazine. De croissance des cultures permettant Qualite des sols L'evaluation de la qualite telles bacteries presentent un fort potentiel d'etablir les primes d'assurance-recolte pour Ie nettoyage des deversements pour la region de la Riviere-de-Ia-Paix des sols agricoles a montre ce qui suit • les taux annuels de redistribution des sols accidentels de pesticides. On a aussi • la cartographie des sequences culturales causee par I'erosion et les travaux determine Ie devenir des pesticides chez dans les Prairies par imagerie culturaux sont tres eleves au Quebec et certains vegetaux et animaux et decouvert thematique fournie par Ie satellite au Nouveau-Brunswick la presence de metribuzine sous forme de Landsat, avec une exactitude de 88 % et residus lies, autant chez des varietes de soja a une echelle de 1/10 000 • une tonne de sol perdue par hectare chaque annee au Nouveau-Brunswick est resistantes que tolerantes a la metribuzine. • la classification de toutes les associee a une baisse de 0,15 % du Les scientifiques ont montre que les exploitations agricoles des Prairies a rendement en pommes de terre piantes transgeniques peuvent transformer I'aide d'un systeme publie de Ie chlorsulfuron et en incorporer les residus • l'erosion et la respiration influent sur la classification des exploitations et du dans leurs tissus. teneur en matiere organique des sols des Recensement de l'agriculture de 1991. Prairies Qualite de l'eau Les travaux theoriques et Des recherches sur la gestion de la • les sols cultives contiennent environ les experiences de soutien sur Ie devenir conservation des ressources a I'intention 35 % moins de carbone et 20 % moins des pesticides dans l'environnement ont des agriculteurs et des agro-fournisseurs d'azote que les sites forestiers donne les resultats suivants ont montre ce qui suit correspond ants dans l'Est canadien • quatre ans apres l'application d'atrazine, • I'enlevement des residus sur les rangs a on en a detecte la presence dans les eaux • la salinite n'a pas augmente a sept sites accelere la croissance du mais dans les souterraines sous-jacentes et sa representatifs dans les Prairies

Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research 1993-1994 101 concentration appro chait la norme specimens d'insectes, d'acariens, Baum, B.R; Bailey, L.G. 1991 (1992). canadienne recemment abaissee pour d'araignees et de nematodes, des pIantes Relationships among native and introduced l'eau courante potable (3 f-lg/L) vasculaires et des champignons. Des North American species of Hordeum, based on chloroplast DNA restriction site variation. Can. souches de champignons sont distribuees • en ce qui concerne de nombreux sols, Ie J. Bot. 69:2421-2426. lessivage a travers Ie profil pedologique . aux clients a partir de la collection de cultures. Baum, B.R; Gupta, P.K 1991.A taxonomic ne constitue pas une voie importante de Le bureau central de Ressources study of Triticale (Triticosecale). Pages 32-35 in dispersion de l'atrazine dans phytogenetiques du Canada (RPGC) et la CIMMYT. 1991. Proceedings of the second l'environnement. Banque de genes sont egalement situes international Triticale symposium. Mexico, D.E Qualite de l'air Des projets de me sure a la FEC; la Banque de clones des RPGC Behan-Pelletier, Y.M. 1993. Diversity of soil des emissions de gaz de serre dans se trouve a la Ferme experimentale de arthropods in Canada: systematic and ecological Smithfield, Trenton. Le Centre de I'atmosphere imputables aux activites a problems. Mem. Entomo!. Soc. Can. 165:11-50. agricoles ont donne les resultats suivants recherches sur les terres et les ressources Behan-Pelletier, Y.M.; Bissett, B. 1993. biologiques dispose de 290 annees- • un champ en jachere a cumulativement Biodiversity of Nearctic soil arthropods. Can. personnes, et emploie 105 professionnels. perdu du carbone sous forme de C02 a Biodiversity 2(3):5-14. raison de 1,8 tlha, so it plus qu'un champ o Behan-Pelletier, Y.M.; Mahunka, S. 1993. d'orge pendant toute une saison de Description of Humerobates setosus sp. n. (Acari: croissance Humerobatidae) from South Africa. Folia /Research Publications Entomol. Hung. 54:9-16. • la respiration des sols etait regulierement Publications de recherche moindre lorsqu'elle etait mesuree en Behan-Pelletier, Y.M.; Paoletti, M.G. 1993. A new species of Oribatella Banks 1895 (Acari: chambres sans echange de gaz que dans Abbaspour, KC.; Hall, J.W; Moon, D.E. 1992. A yield model for use in determining crop ) from bromeliads in northern un systeme ferme avec echange insurance premiums. Agric. For. Meteoro!. Venezuela. Trop. Zoo!. (Special Issue) 1:31-38. dynamique de gaz 60:33-51. Behan-Pelletier, Y.M.; Paoletti, M.G.; Bissett, 80; • les mesures des flux de C02 et de H20 Appels, R.; Baum, B.R; Clarke, B.C. 1992. The Stinner, B.R. 1993. Oribatid mites of forest prises a I'aide d'un systeme monte sur 5S DNA units of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum habitats in northern Venezuela. Trop. Zoo!. une tour ont servi a la validation d'un L.). Plant Syst. Evo!. 183(3-4):183-194. (Special Issue) 1:39-54. modele informatique de simulation de Arshad, M.A.; Coen, G.M. 1992. Belcher, J.W; Keddy, P.A.; Catling, P.M. 1992. I'efficacite de l'utilisation de I'eau Characterization of soil quality: physical and Alvar vegetation in Canada: a multivariate • une correlation etroite a ete signalee chemical criteria. J. Altern. Agric. 7:25-31. description at two scales. Can. J. Bot. 70:1279-1291. entre les mesures des flux de chaleur de Bandoni, RJ.; Ginns, J. 1993. On some species C02 et de H20 prises a partir d'un avion of Tremella associated with Corticiaceae. Trans. Betts, AK; Desjardins, RL.; MacPherson, J.I. et celles obtenues grace a l'imagerie Myco!. Soc. Jpn. 34:21-36. 1992. Budget analysis of the boundary layer grid flights during FIFE-1987. J. Geophys Res. fournie par des satellites americain et Barrington, S.E; Madramootoo, c.; Beaudoin, 97:18533-18547. russe. G.; Millette, J. 1992. Planning irrigation water supplied for organic soils of south-western Bissett, J. 1991. A revision of the genus Ressources Quebec. Water Pollut. Res. J. Can. Trichoderma IY. Additional notes on section 27(4):787-806. Longibrachiatum. Can. J. Bot. 69:2418-2420. Le CRTRB occupe des immeubles de la Ferme experimentale centrale (FEC) Barron, J.R 1992. The Nearctic species of Bissett, J. 1991. A revision of the genus Trichoderma Ill; section Pachybasium. Can. d'Ottawa, qui abritent notamment des Perilissus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ctenopelmatinae). Can. Entomo!. 124:211-272. J. Bot. 69:2373-2417. laboratoires specialises. Cet emplacement favorise une collaboration essentielle entre Barton, D.R; Oliver, D.R; Dillon, M.E. 1993. Bissett, J. 1992. Trichoderma atroviride Karsten. Can. J. Bot. 70:639-641. les diverses disciplines et l'acces a des The first Nearctic record of Stackelbergina Shilova and Zelentsov (Diptera: Chironomidae); terres et a des especes vegetales pour les Bissett, J. 1991. A revision of the genus taxonomic and ecological observations. Aquat. travaux sur Ie terrain. Les equipes Trichoderma II. Infrageneric classification. Can. Insects. 15:57-63. J. Bot. 69:2357-2372. d'inventaire des sols, situees dans chacune des 10 provinces et au Yukon, partagent Baum, 8oR. 1992. Combining trees as a way of Blum, M.S.; Foottit, RG.; Fales, H.M. 1992. combining data sets for phylogenetic inference, des installations avec diverses provinces ou Defensive chemistry and function of the anal and the desirability of combining gene trees. exudate of the thrips leucanthemi. universites ou, dans certains cas, des Taxon 41:3-10. Compo Biochem. Physio!. 102(C)209-211. stations de recherches. Ces dispositions Baum, 8oR; Appels, R 1991. Evolutionary facilitent les contacts avec les collaborateurs Boisvert, J.B.; Dwyer, L.M.; Lemay, M. 1992. change at the 5S DNA loci of species in the Estimation of water use by four potato (Solanum et les clients pour l'inventaire des sols et les Triticeae. Plant Syst. Evo!. 183:195-208. tuberosum L.) cultivars for irrigation scheduling. activites de recherche. Baum, B.R.; Bailey, L.G. 1991 (1992). A Can. Agric. Eng. 34:319-325. Le Centre abrite la Collection numerical taxonomic investigation of the H. Bousquet, Y. 1992. Eembidionfemoratum Sturm nationale d'insectes, d'arachnides et de brevisubulatum aggregate. Can. J. Bot. andAmara communis (Panzer) (Coleoptera: nematodes, la Mycotheque canadienne et 69:2011-2019. Carabidae) ne}\'to North America. J. N.Y. I'Herbier des plantes vasculaires du Baum, 8oR; Bailey, L.G. 1992. Morphometric Entomo!. Soc. 100(3):503-509. Ministere. Ces collections sont enrichies study of three closely related South American Bousquet, Y. 1992. Descriptions of new or poorly regulierement et sont l'occasion d'echanges species of Hordeum section Stenostachys known species of Gastrosticta Casey, 1918 and et de prets. Un Service national (Poaceae). Can. J. Bot. 496-502. Paraferonina Ball, 1965 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: d'identification est charge d'identifier des

102 Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques 1993-1994 Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810). J. N.Y Entomol. Soc. Cody, WI.; Scotter, G.w; Zoltai, S.c. 1992. De Jong, R; Dumanski, J.; Bootsma, A 1992. 100(3):510-521. Vascular plant flora of the Melville Hills Region, Implications of spatial averaging weather and Northwest Territories. Can. Field-Nat. 106(2):87-99. Bousquet, Y. 1992. On Say's entomological soil moisture data for broad scale modelling activities. Soil Use Manage. 8:74-79. publications printed in New Harmony, Indiana. Consaul, L.; Warwick, S.I.; McNeill, J. 1991. Entomol. News 104:1-14. Allozyme variation in the Polygonum lapathifolium Desjardins, R.L.; Hart, RL.; MacPherson, J.I.; complex. Can. J. Bot. 69:2261-2270. Bousquet, Y; Tchang, J.-P. 1992. Anisodactyline Schuepp, P.H.; Verma, S. 1992. Aircraft and larvae (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini): Corlett, M. 1991. An annotated list of the tower-based fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent and descriptions of genus-group taxa of eastern published names in Mycosphaerella and sensible heat. J. Geophys. Res. 97:18477-18487. Canada and phylogenetic remarks. Can. Sphaerella. Mycologia Memoir No. 18, J. Cramer, Desjardins, RL.; MacPherson, J.I.; Schuepp, Entomol. 124:751-783. Berlin/Stuttgart. 328 pp. P.H. 1992. Sampling strategies to quantify gas exchange for complex ecosystems. Ecol. Bull. Bright, D.E. 1992. Synopsis of the genus Courtney, G.W; Smith, I.M. 1992. First record 42:24-30. Hemicryphalus Schedl with descriptions of four of larval water mites (Acari: Lebertioidea: new species from Borneo (Coleoptera: Sperchontidae) parasitic on mountain midges Desjardins, RL.; Schuepp, P.H.; MacPherson, Scolytidae). Koleopterol. Rundsch. 62:183-190. (Diptera: Deuterophlebiidae). Can. Entomol. J.I.; Buckley, D.J. 1992. Spatial and temporal 124:421-423. Bright, D.E.; Skidmore, RE. 1991. 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A 31:1-25. prototype land evaluation system for Canada II. Culley, J.L.B. 1993. Density and compressibility. Dinel, H.; Levesque, P.EM.; Jambu, P.; Righi, D. Selected applications and prospects. Soil Use Pages 10529-10539, in Carter, M.R., ed. Soil 1992. Interactions between microbial activity and Manage. 8(1):8-15. sampling and methods of analysis. Lewis nature of aliphatic compounds in the formation Publishers, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. of stable soil aggregates. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Campbell, C.A; Brandt, SA.; Biederbeck, V.O.; 56:1455-1463. Zentner, RP.; Schnitzer, M. 1992. Effect of crop Cumming, J.M.; Cooper, B.E. 1993. Techniques rotations and rotation phase on characteristics of for obtaining adult-associated immature stages Dumontet, S.; Dinel, H.; Levesque, P.EM. 1992. soil organic matter in a dark brown chernozemic of predacious tachydromiine flies (Diptera: The distribution of pollutant heavy metals and soil. Can. J. Soil Sci. 72:403-416. Empidoidea), with implications for rearing and their effect on soil respiration and acid biocontrol. Entomol. News 104(2):93-101. phopotase activity in mineral soils of the Campbell, J.M. 1992. A review of the family Rouyn-Noranda region, Quebec. Sci. Total Micropeplidae (Coleoptera) onhiwan. Bull. Cumming, J.M.; Cooper, RE. 1992. A revision of Environ. 121:231-245. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Taiwan. 3:209-224. the Nearctic species of the tachydromiine fly Dupont, S.; Khan, 'S.U. 1992. Bound Campbell, J.M. 1993. A review of the species genus Stilpon Loew (Diptera: Empidoidea). Can. Entomol. 124:951-998. (non-extractable) 14C residues in soybean treated ofNitidotachinus new genus (Coleoptera: with [ 14C] metribuzin. J. Agric. Food Chern. Staphylinidae: Tachyporinae). Can. Entomol. Dalpe:\ Y 1992. Glomus lamellosum sp. nov.: 40:890-893 . . 125:521-548. a new species associated with beach grass. Dwyer, L.M.; Stewart, D.W; Hamilton, RJ.; Campbell, J.M. 1991. 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Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research 1993-1994 103 Fox, C.A; Guertin, RK; Mermut, A. 1993. Hamilton, KG.A 1992. Lower Jurzysta, M.; Burda, S.; Small, E. 1993. Chemical Micromorphological methodology for inorganic Homoptera from the Koonwarra fossil bed in composition of seed saponins as a guide to the soils. Pages 683-709 in Carter, M.R., ed. Soil Australia, with a new superfamily and synopsis of classification of Medicago species. Can. J. Bot. sampling and methods of analysis. Can. Soc. mesozoic Homoptera. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 70:1384-1387. Soil Sci., Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Fla. 85(4):423--430. Khan, S.U.; Kacew, S.; Mathews, W 1992. Fox, C.A; Parent, L.E.; Guertin, RK 1993. Hattori, J.; Rutledge, RG.; Miki, RL.; Baum, Bioavailability to rats of bound [14c] Micromorphological methodology for organic RR 1992. DNA sequence relationships and pyriphos-methyl in stored wheat. J. Environ. soils. Pages 473--485 in Carter, M.R., ed. 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106 Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques 1993-1994 Bootsma, A; De long, R; Dumanski, 1. 1992. Fraleigh, B. 1992. Plant germplasm resources in and Biological Resources Research, Research Stress indices for spring wheat on the Canadian Canada: policy and organizational choices in a Branch, Agriculture Canada. 23 pp. + 6 maps. prairies. Centre for Land and Biological genetic resources conservation system. Pages Rees, H.W; Fahmy, S.H. 1992. Soils of the Resources Research, Research Branch, 33-36 in Shrestha, 1.N.B., ed. Proceedings of the Agriculture Canada Benton Ridge Potato Agriculture Canada. Misc. Pub!' 5 pp. + 3 maps. first national workshop on the conservation of Breeding Substation, Benton Ridge, New animal germplasm. Research Branch, Bootsma, A; Dumanski, 1.;De long, R 1992. Brunswick. Centre for Land and Biological Agriculture Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. Soil moisture available at seeding on the Canadian Resources Research, Research Branch, prairies. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Goulet, H.; Huber, 1.T., eds. 1993. Hymenoptera Agriculture Canada. 28 pp. Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. of the world: an identification guide to families. Rees, H.W; Langmaid, KK; ... ; Wang, e.; e!. a!. Misc. Pub!' 7 pp. + 6 maps. Agric. Can. Pub!' 1894E. 668 pp. 1992. Soils of the Chipman-Minto-Harcourt Bootsma, A; Dumanski, 1.; De long, R 1992. Goulet, H. 1992. The insects and arachnids of region of New Brunswick/Sols de la region de Estimated soil moisture conserved by Canada. Part 20. The genera and subgenera of Chipman-Min to-Harcourt au Nouveau- summerfallowing on the Canadian prairies. the sawfliesof Canada and Alaska Brunswick. New Brunswick Soil Survey Report Centre for Land and Biological Resources (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Agric. Can. Pub!' No. 11. Centre for Land and Biological Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. 1876. 235 pp. Resources Research, Research Branch, Misc. Pub!' 6 pp. + 5 maps. Heringa, P.K.; Woodrow, E.F. 1991. Soils of the Agriculture Canada. 317/340 pp. + 4 maps. Bousquet, Y, ed. 1991. Checklist of beetles of Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland. Centre for Sarazin, M.l., ed. 1992. Biocontrol news/ Canada and Alaska. Agric. Can. Pub!' 1861/E. Land and Biological Resources Research, Nouvelles en lutte biologique. Volume 5. Centre 430pp. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. 196 pp. for Land and Biological Resources Research, Brierley, 1.A; Rodvang, AT.; Pettapiece, WW . Huffman, E.e.; Hiley, 1.C.; Kirkwood, v.; Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. 86 pp . 1991. Soil survey of the municipal district of Toogood, KE. 1993. Assessment of cropping Sarazin, M.J., ed. 1992. Insect liberations in Cardston, Alberta. Alberta Soil Survey Report systems in Manitoba using agroecological Canada/Uichers d'insectes au Canada. 1991. No. No. 48. Centre for Land and Biological resource regions. Centre for Land and Biological 55. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Resources Research, Research Branch, Resources Reseach, Research Branch, Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Agriculture Canada. 86 pp. + maps. Agriculture Canada. Tech. Bul!. 1993-4E. 53 pp. 86pp. Bright, D.E. 1992. The insects and arachnids of Kodama, H.; Ross, G.l.; Wang, e.; MacDonald, Sarazin, M.l., ed. 1992. The Canadian Canada. Part 21. The weevils of Canada and KB. 1993. Clay mineralogical database of agricultural insect pest reviewlLa revue Alaska. Vo!. I. (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea, Canadian soils. Centre for Land and Biological canadienne des insectes nuisibles aux cultures, excluding Scolytidae and Curculionidae). Agric. Resources Research, Research Branch, Volume 69, 1991. Centre for Land and Biological Can. Pub!' 1882. 217 pp. Agriculture Canada. Tech. Bull. 1993-lE. 67 pp. Resources Research, Research Branch, Cann, M.; Dumanski, 1.; Brklacich, M. 1992. The LeSage, L. 1992. The lily beetle, Lilioceris lilii Agriculture Canada. 62 pp. impacts of soil degradation on crop yields in the (Scopoli), in Canada (Coleoptera: Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1991. The soils of Canadian prairies: an anriotated bibliography. Chrysomelidae). Mimeographed. 11 pp. Grayson (184), McLeod (185), Cana (214), and Centre for Land and Biological Resources Marriage, P., ed. 1992. Proceedings of the Stanley (215) rural municipalities, Saskatchewan. Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. workshop on systematics. University of Ottawa, Centre for Land and Biological Resources Misc. Pub!' 227 pp. 16-17 lune 1992. Centre for Land and Biological Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Cooper, B.E.; Cumming, 1.M. 1993. Diptera Resources Research, Research Branch, CanadalUniversity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. types in the Canadian National Collection of Agriculture Canada. Misc. Pub!' 73 pp. Sask. Inst. Pedo!' Pub!' S209. Insects. Part 2. Brachycera (exclusive of Martin, A; Nolin, M.e. 1991. Etude pedologique Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Val Schizophora).Agric. Can. Pub!' 1896/B. 105 pp. du comte de Chambly (Quebec). Volume 1. Marie rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Centre Coote, D.R; Gordon, R.; Langille, D.R.; Description et interpretation des unites for Land and Biological Resources Research, Rees, H.W; Veer, e. 1991. Water erosion risk- cartographiques. 369 pp. Volume 2. Description Research Branch, Agriculture Canada/ Maritime Provinces/Risque d'erosion hydrique- et classification des series de sols. 144 pp. Centre University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Sask. Provinces Maritimes. Agric. Can. Pub!' 5282/B. de recherches sur les terres et les ressources Ins!. Pedo!' Pub!' 17. 16 pp. + map .. biologiques, Direction generale de la recherche. Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The Soils of Corlett, M.; MacLatchy, I. 1988. Petriella sordida. Agriculture Canada. Lone Tree rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Fungi Can. 313. Millette, 1.A; Torreiter, M. 1992. Nonpoint Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture De long, R; Bootsma, A; Dumanski, 1.; Samuel, source contamination of groundwater in the CanadalUniversity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. K 1992. Characterizing the soil water regime of Great Lakes Basin: a review. Centre for Land Sask. Inst. Pedo!' Pub!' 18. the Canadian prairies. Centre for Land and and Biological Resources Research, Research Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Tech. Bull. 21 pp. Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Branch, Agriculture Canada. Tech. Bul!. Mulligan, G.A 1992. Common and botanical frontier rural municipality, Saskatchewan. 1992-2E. 15 pp. + 23 maps. names of weeds in Canada/Noms populaires et Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Fahmy, S.H.; Rees, H.W 1992. Soils of the scientifiques des piantes nuisibles du Canada. CanadalUniversity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Woodstock-Florenceville area, Carleton County, Agric. Can. Pub!' 1397/B. Revised edition. Sask. Ins!. Pedo!' Pub!' 19. New Brunswick, Volume 2. New Brunswick Soil 217 pp. Survey Report No. 14. Land Resources Division, Patterson, G.T. 1993. Site description. Chapter 1 Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Old Centre for Land and Biological Resources in Carter, M.R, ed. Soil sampling and methods Post rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Centre Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. of analysis. Canadian Soc. Soil Sci. Lewis for Land and Biological Resources Research, 37pp. Publishers, Boca Raton, Fla. Research Branch, Agriculture CanadalUniversity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Sask. Ins!. Pedo!' Foottit, RG.; Richards, WR 1993.The insects and Patterson, G.T.; Langman, M.N. 1992. Merging Pub!' 43. arachnids of Canada. Part 22. The genera of the census of agriculture data with agricultural aphids of Canada (Homoptera: Aphidoidea and resource areas in Nova Scotia. Centre for Land Phylloxeroidea).Agric. Can. Pub!' 1885.766pp.

Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research 1993-1994 107 Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Shields, J.A.; Tarnocai, C.; Valentine, K.w.G.; Glen McPherson rural municipality, MacDonald, K.B. 1991. Soil landscapes of Saskatchewan. Centre for Land and Biological Canada: procedures manual and user's Resources Research, Research Branch, handbook/Pedo-paysages du Canada: guide de Agriculture Canada/University of Saskatchewan, l'utilisateur. Agric. Can. Publ. 1868!E, 1868/F. Saskatoon. Sask. Inst. Pedol. Publ. 46. 74/82 pp. Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Soil Carbon Data Base Working Group. 1992. Cupar rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Centre Soil carbon data 'for Canadian soils; soil carbon for Land and Biological Resources Research, component of the Soil Landscapes of Canada Research Branch, Agriculture Canada/University (1:1 Million Scale Data Base). Tarnocai, c.; of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Sask. Inst. Pedol. Shields, J.A.; MacDonald, B., eds. Centre for Publ. 218. Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. 137 pp. Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Longlaketon rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Tajek, J.; Coote, D.R. 1993. Water erosion risk- Centre for Land and Biological Resources Alberta/Risque d'erosion hydrique-Alberta. Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada Soil Inventory, Centre for Land and Canada/University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Biological Resources Research, Research Sask. Inst. Pedol. Publ. 219. Branch. Agric. Can. Publ. 5292/B. 16 pp. (report map). Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of + McKillop rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Tarn, T.R.; Davidson, C.G.; Fraleigh, B., eds. Centre for Land and Biological Resources 1992. Proceedings of the national workshop on Research, Research Branch, Agriculture the preservation of clonal genetic resources. Canada/University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Sask. Inst. Pedol. Publ. 220. Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. 79pp. Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Sarnia rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Centre Tarnocai, C. 1992. Sampling frozen soils. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada/University Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. 20 pp. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Sask. Inst. Pedol. Walker, B.D.; Brierley, J.A.; Coen, G.M. 1991. Publ. 221. Soil survey of the Pincher Creek-Crowsnest Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Pass area, Alberta. Centre for Land and Craik rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Centre Biological Resources Research, Research for Land and Biological Resources Research, Branch, Agriculture Canada/University of Research Branch, Agriculture Canada/University Alberta, Edmonton. Alberta Inst. Pedol. Publ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Sask. Inst. Pedol. S-91-50. 194 pp. + 4 maps. Publ. 222. Woodrow, E.F. 1991. Soils of the Sunnyside area, Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Newfoundland. Centre for Land and Biological Last Mountain Valley rural municipality, Resources Research, Research Branch, Saskatchewan. Centre for.Land and Biological Agriculture Canada. St. John's, Newfoundland. Resources Research, Research Branch, 1 map. Agriculture Canada/University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Sask. Inst. Pedol. Publ. 250. Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Mount Hope rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada/University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Sask. Inst. Pedol. Publ. 279. Saskatchewan Soil Survey. 1992. The soils of Prairie Rose rural municipality, Saskatchewan. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada/University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Sask. Inst. Pedol. Publ. 309. Schwartz, M.D.; Foottit, R.G. 1992. Lygus bugs on the prairies: biology, systematics, and distribution. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Tech. Bull. 1992-4E. 44 pp.

108 Centre de recherches sur les terres et les ressources biologiques 1993-1994 PLANT RESEARCH CENTRE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES PHYTOTECHNIQUES Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Central Experimental Farm Ferme experimentale centrale KW Neatby Building, Room 2077 Edifice KW Neatby, piece 2077 Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) KIAOC6 KIAOC6

Tel. (613) 995-3700 Tel. Fax (613) 992-7909 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM220MAIL e.E.

R,fessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director H.R Davidson, Ph.D. Directeur Program Chair, Research Operations J.S. McKenzie, Ph.D. Responsable de programme, Operations de and Industry Partnerships recherches et partenariat avec l'industrie Administrative Officer G.A Robitaille Agent d'administration

Molecular Technologies Technologies moleculaires Program Chair; J. Singh, Ph.D. Responsable de programme; Developmental physiology physiologie du developpement Molecular cytology Ke. Armstrong, Ph.D. Cytologie moleculaire Developmental physiology D.e.W Brown, Ph.D. Physiologie du developpement Cereal cytogenetics G. Fedak, Ph.D. Cytogenetique des cereales Cell genetics S.e. Gleddie, Ph.D. Cytogenetique Molecular genetics L. Harris, Ph.D. Genetique moleculaire Molecular genetics B.L. Miki, Ph.D. Genetique moleculaire Cell genetics S.J. Molnar, Ph.D. Cytogenetique Cell biology WM.S. Orr, Ph.D. Biologie cellulaire Lipid biochemistry M.K Pomeroy, Ph.D. Biochimie des lipides Molecular genetics L. Robert, Ph.D. Genetique moleculaire Cell genetics D. Simmonds, Ph.D. Cytogenetique Cereal tissue culture J.A Simmonds, Ph.D. Culture tissulaire des cere ales

Plant-Microbe Interaction Interaction microbe-plante Program Chair; Disease Re. Sinha, D.Sc. Responsable de programme; diagnostic des diagnosis maladies Rhizobium ecological genetics L.R Barran, Ph.D. Genecologie des Rhizobiums Spectroscopy BA Blackwell, Ph.D. Spectroscopie Rhizobium ecology E.S.P. Bromfield, Ph.D. Ecologie des Rhizobiums Rhizobium physiology Y.K. Chan, Ph.D. Physiologie des Rhizobiums Fusarium physiology and toxins J.D. Miller, Ph.D. Physiologie et toxines des Fusariums Microbial genetics T. Ouellet, Ph.D Genetique microbienne Phytochemistry AK Picman, Ph.D. Phytochimie Corn pathology L. Reid, Ph.D. Pathologie du mai"s Mycotoxin chemistry M.E. Savard, Ph.D. Chimie des mycotoxines Snow mold diseases E.F. Schneider, Ph.D. Maladies causees par la moisissuredes neiges Cereal pathology WL. Seaman, Ph.D. Pathologie des cereales . Rhizobium genetics RJ. Watson, Ph.D. Genetique des Rhizobiums Rhizobium genetics RG.L. Wheatcroft, D.Phil. Genetique des Rhizobiums Analytical chemistry of mycotoxins J.e. Young, Ph.D. Chimie analytique des mycotoxines

Plant Breeding Selection vegetale Program Chair; Soybean H.D. Voldeng, D.Phil. Responsable de programme; amelioration breeding du soja Forage quality N.P. Ames, Ph.D. Qualite des fourrages Crop physiology e.J. Andrews, Ph.D. Physiologie des plantes cultivees

Plant Research Centre 1993-1994 109 Oat breeding Y.D. Burrows, Ph.D. Amelioration de I'avoine Cereal physiology and grain quality J. Fregeau-Reid, Ph.D. Physiologie des cereales et qualite des grains Corn breeding R.!. Hamilton, Ph.D. Amelioration du mai's Barley genetics K.M. Ho, Ph.D. Genetique de I'orge Crop physiology H.J. Hope, Ph.D. Physiologie des pIantes cultivees Genetics of forage quality A.R McElroy, Ph.D. Aspects genetiques de la qualite des pIantes fourrageres Integrated pest management F. Meloche, M.Sc. Lutte integree Crop physiology M.J. Morrison, Ph.D Physiologie des pIantes cultivees Wheat genetics R Pandeya, Ph.D. Genetique du ble Grain quality L. Pietrzak, Ph.D. Qualite des grains Protein chemistry (seconded in) C. Zarkadas, Ph.D. Chimie des proteines (prete a la Direction)

Electron Microscopy and Services de microscopie electronique et de Spectroscopy Sen/ices spectroscopie Head of Unit RC. Sinha, D.Sc. Chef de section

Mandate The Plant Research Centre develops new virus in crude leaf extracts of infected resistance. Resistant lines were crossed to knowledge and technologies for improving barley and oat plants. transposon-active maize lines, in order to forage, oilseed, and cereal crops. Included Random amplified polymorphic DNA identify and locate the gene(s) for is research on (RAPD) genetic tags were identified for resistance. • crop quality oat stem rust gene Pg3 and crown rust gene Soybeans AC Harmony oilseed type • plant health Pc68. soybean was registered for areas of Ontario • optimum plant-environment having 2500 corn heat units. interactions. Microdissection of individual chromosome arms yielded highly specific AC Proteus, the first variety high in The centre also develops new cultivars molecular markers. These markers now protein and low in oil and suitable for of soybeans and oats and new inbred lines allow detailed genetic mapping of feeding whole cooked beans in place of of corn. agronomically important traits and soybean meal on the farm, was registered. Amino acid analysis showed that only the Achievements localization of these loci to very specific regions of the chromosomes. amino acids valine and 4-hydroxyproline Wheat Monoclonal antibodies from four decreased significantly with the increase in Barley A high-yielding six-row-type feed cell lines were identified, capable of whole-seed protein content. barley with excellent resistance to powdery detecting deoxynivalenol (DON) in mildew was registered as AC Stephen. A microprojectile bombardment naturally infected grains. Four hundred double haploid plants technique and tissue culture system were A modified peptidyl transferase from the cross between the early-maturing developed for gene transfer and enzyme in wheat was identified, resistant to regeneration of northern soybean varieties. short-statured variety CIMMYT 6, and the fusarium head-blight. hull-less Chinese variety B1352, were Canola Two cold-tolerance genes were Specific DNA probes that allow produced for marker-assisted selection isolated and sequenced. Canol a and determination of genetic differences studies. tobacco were transformed with these genes among isolates of Fusarium graminearum to assess their ability to transfer cold Com Eight inbred lines with diverse were noted for the first time. genetic background and superior tolerance. A map was created, showing sowing combining ability were released to Subunit 6 of adenosine triphosphatase dates that result in maximal yield of winter commercial plant breeders. of canol a was isolated and sequenced, and wheat in Ontario. the biochemical role in cytoplasmic male The mycotoxins fumonisin Bl and sterility was determined. This system has An association was made between fumonisin B2 were purified from liquid potential in hybrid seed production. winter flooding, ice encasement, and cultures, and 14C-fumonisin Bl was changes in isozyme patterns of alcohol produced. The mycotoxins were distributed Another gene, involved in pollination dehydrogenase and aldolase enzymes. to scientists in the Centre for Food and self-incompatibility, was also characterized. Oats The hull-less oat AC Percy and the Animal Research and at Health and Forages Technologies were developed to hulled milling oat AC Hunter were Welfare Canada for toxicological studies. isolate and quantify Rhizobium species registered, carrying two genes for Resistance to infection via the silk of from soils. Used were a newly developed resistance to new races of crown rust. maize ears by Fusarium graminearum is medium and a diagnostic DNA-probe that A rapid procedure was developed controlled by a single dominant gene in the allowed specific detection of R. meliloti in using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inbred C0272. Inbred lines C0325, mixed bacterial populations in agricultural techniques to detect barley yellow dwarf C0332, and C0336 showed similar soils.

110 Centre de recherches phytotechniques 1993-1994 Aspartate aminotransferase was shown • les interactions optimales entre les rendement eleve et affichant une excellente to be essential for symbiotic nitrogen vegetaux et leur milieu. resistance au blanc. fixation by R. meliloti in alfalfa, and the Le centre cree egalement de Nous avons produit 400 piantes gene for this enzyme was localized and nouveaux cultivars de soja et d'avoine et de dihaploi"des it partir du croisement entre la cloned. nouvelles lignees autofecondees de mai"s. variete courte et precoce CIMMYT 6 et la A prototype of an invention designed variete chinoise d'orge nue B1352 pour des to estimate the number of bacterial strains Realisations etudes de selection assistee par marqueur. in environmental samples was built. An Ele Nous avons identifie des anticorps Mai"s Nous avons cree puis mis it la agreement was signed with Bioman monoclonaux de quatre lignees cellulaires, disposition des selectionneurs Products Inc., Mississauga, for patenting, qui permettent de mettre en evidence Ie commerciaux huit lignees autofecondees de licensing, and commercialization. desoxynivalenol (DON) dans les grains genealogie differente presentant une tres A genetically engineered strain of R. infectes de fac,;onnaturelle. grande aptitude it la combinaison. meliloti was monitored on a site in the Nous avons decouvert une enzyme Nous avons purifie les mycotoxines Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. The peptidyl-transferase modifiee qui resiste it fumonisine B1 et fumonisine B2 it partir de information obtained is being used by Food la bnl1ure de l'epi. cultures liquides et avons produit la Production and Inspection Branch as a test Nous avons observe pour la premiere 14C-fumonisine Bl. Nous avons distribue case to draft regulations governing the fois des sondes d'ADN specifiques qui nous les mycotoxines it des scientifiques du release of such microorganisms in field permettent d'etablir les differences Centre de recherches alimentaires et environments. genetiques entre des isolats de Fusarium zootechniques et de Sante nationale et A high-yielding winterhardy graminearum. Bien-etre social Canada pour des etudes orchardgrass, Dactylis glomerata synthetic, Nous avons dessine une carte ou toxicologiques. was registered as AC Splendor. figurent les dates de semis qui permettent Un seul g~ne dominant dans la lignee Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy d'obtenir un rendement maximal du ble autofecondee C0272 contr61e la resistance techniques were developed and used to d'hiver en Ontario. it l'infection des soies de l'epi de mai"spar evaluate the quality of alfalfa synthetics in Nous avons etabli un lien entre les Fusarium graminearum. Les lignees Ontario. This work represents the first inondations hivernales, Ie verglas et les autofecondees C0325, C0332 et C0336 systematic application in North America of changements dans la configuration des ont affiche une resistance semblable. Nous forage quality parameters for registration. avons croise des lignees resistantes avec isozymes de l'alcool-deshydrogenase et de l'aldolase. des lignees de mai"sit transposons actifs Resources dans Ie but d'identifier et de reperer lees) The centre, located in 16 buildings on the Avoine Nous avons enregistre l'avoine gene(s) de la resistance. Central Experimental Farm (CEF), is nue AC Percy et I'avoine decortiquee de qualite meuniere AC Hunter, des varietes Soja Nous avons enregistre l'AC Harmony, managed from the K.w. Neatby Building. une variete de soja oleagineux adaptee it la The director of PRC is responsible for qui posse dent deux genes de resistance aux nouvelles races de la rouille couron nee. culture dans les regions de I'Ontario ayant three research programs and the 2500 unites thermiques mai"s.Nous avons operations for the 500-ha CEF. The Nous avons mis au point une methode aussi enregistre l'AC Proteus, la premiere operations include maintaining the CEF rap ide faisant appel it la technique variete riche en proteines et pauvre en grounds, the Arboretum, the Ornamental d'amplification genique enzymatique huile dont les graines entieres cuites Gardens, growth facilities, and experimen- (PCR) pour depister Ie virus du nanisme peuvent remplacer avantageusement Ie tal fields for CEF establishments. PRC is jaune de l'orge dans des extraits de feuilles tourteau de soja dans l'alimentation du also responsible for the motor vehicle fleet. brutes de plants d'orge et d'avoine infectes. betail. ~analyse des acides amines a revele Research services are provided to other Nous avons etabli des marqueurs que seules les teneurs en valine et en establishments in electron microscopy, genetiques constitues d'ADN polymorphe 4-hydroxyproline diminuaient avec nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, amplifie au hasard pour localiser Ie gene I'augmentation de la teneur en proteines mass spectroscopy, and microspectro- Pg3 de la rouille de la tige et Ie gene Pc68 des graines entieres. photometry. The staff of 217 person-years de la rouille couron nee de l'avoine. includes 42 in the professional categories. Nous avons mis au point une Par microdissection de bras de technique de bombardement de o chromosomes individuels, nous avons microprojectiles et un systeme de culture obtenu des marqueurs moleculaires tres de tissus pour Ie transfert de genes et la regeneration des varietes de soja adaptees Mandat specifiques. Cette realisation nous permettra de dessiner une carte genetique aux regions nordiques. Le Centre de recherches phytotechniques detaillee des caracteres agronomiques Canola Nous avons isole et sequence (CRP) cree de nouvelles connaissances et importants et d'etablir la position de ces deux genes regissant la tolerance au froid. de nouvelles techniques pour loci sur des segments tres precis des Nous avons introduit ces genes dans des l'amelioration des cultures fourrageres, chromosomes. plants de canola et de tabac dans Ie but oleagineuses et c~realieres. La recherche d'evaluer leur aptitude it transmettre la porte notamment sur Orge Nous avons enregistre I'AC Stephen, tolerance au froid. • la qualite une variete d'orge fourragere it six rangs, it • les aspects phytosanitaires

Plant Research Centre 1993-1994 111 Nous avons isole et sequence la experimentale centrale, I'administration Barran, L.R; Bromfield, E.S.P. 1993. Does sous-unite 6 de I'adenosine-triphosphatase centrale etant logee a I'Edifice K.W siderophore production influence the relative du canol a et determine Ie role biochimique Neatby. Son directeur gere trois abundance of Rhizobium meliloti in two field joue par cette derniere dans la sterilite programmes de recherche ainsi que populations? Can. J. Microbiol. 39:348-351. male cytoplasmique. Ce systeme presente l'exploitation de la Ferme experimentale Bauer-Weston, B.; Keller, W; Webb, J.; Gleddie, des possibilites pour la production de centrale (500 hectares). eexploitation S. 1993. Production and characterization of semences hybrides. Nous avons egalement comprend I'entretien des terrains de la asymmetric somatic hybrids between Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus. Theor. Appl. Genet. Ferme, de I'Arboretum, des jardins de caracterise un autre gene associe a 86:150-158. l'auto-sterilite. plantes ornementales, des installations de culture et des champs experimentaux a Blais, L.A; ApSimon, J.W; Blackwell, B.A; Fourrages Nous avons mis au point des Greenhalgh, R.; Miller, J.D. 1992. Isolation and l'usage des etablissements de la Ferme. Le techniques pour isoler et quantifier les characterization of enniatins from Fusarium especes de Rhizobium du sol. Nous avons Centre est egalement charge du parc avenaceum DAOM 196490. Can. J. Chern. utilise un nouveau milieu et une sonde automobile. Des services de recherche sont 70:1281-1287. fournis aux autres etablissements en d'ADN pour Ie diagnostic qui nous ont Bonfils, A-C.; Gleddie, S.; Webb, J.A; Keller, permis de detecter precisement Ie R. microscopie electronique, en resonance WA 1991. Somatic embryogenesis from cell meliloti dans des populations bacteriennes magnetique nucleaire, en spectroscopie de suspension and protoplast cultures of Capsella mixtes de sols agricoles. masse et en microspectrophotometrie. Le bursa - pastoris (L.) Medic. In Vitro Cell Dev. centre dispose de 217 annees-personnes et BioI. 28P:137-142. Nous avons montre que I'aspartate- emploie 42 personnes de la categorie Brandle, J.E.; Labbe, H.; Zilky, B.F.; Miki, B.L. aminotransferase etait essentielle la a professionnelle. 1992. Resistance to the sulfonylurea herbicides fixation symbiotique de l'azote par R. Chlorsulfuron, Amidosulfuron and DPX-R9674 meliloti chez la luzerne, et nous avons o in transgenic flue-cured tobacco. Crop Sci. repere et clone Ie gene de cette enzyme. 32:1049-1053. Nous avons construit un prototype ResearCh Publications Burrows, V.D. 1992.AC-Hill oat. Can. J. Plant d'un dispositif servant a estimer Ie nombre Publications de recherche Sci. 72:439-441. de souches bacteriennes dans les Albani, D.; Sardana, R.; Robert, L.S.; et al. 1991. Burrows, Y.D. 1992. AC-Lotta oat. Can. J. Plant echantillons preleves dans Ie milieu. Nous A Brassica napus gene family which shows Sci. 72:443-445. avons signe une entente avec Bioman sequence similarity to ascorbate oxidase is Burrows, Y.D. 1992. AC-Stewart Oat. Can. J. Products Inc. de Mississauga concernant Ie specifically expressed in developing pollen. Plant Sci. 72:447-449. brevet, la licence et la commercialisation. Molecular characterization and analysis of promoter activity in transgenic tobacco plants. Cave, N.A; Poste, L.M.; Butler, G.; Farnworth, Nous avons mis a I'essai a la Ferme Plant J. 2:331-342. E.E.; Burrows, Y.D. 1992. Effect of dietary level experimentale centrale Ottawa une of naked oats (Avena nuda) on internal and a Ames, N.P.; Hartley, RD.; Akin, D.E. 1992. souche de R. meliloti issue du genie sensory quality of eggs and on yolk lipid Distribution of phenolic compounds in coastal composition. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:147-153. genetique. La Direction generale de la Bermudagrass cell walls using ultraviolet production et de I'inspection des aliments absorption scanning microspectrophotometry. Chong, J.; Seaman, WL. 1991. Distribution and utilise l'information que nous avons tiree Food Struct. 11(1):25-32. - virulence of Puccinia coronata in Canada in 1990. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 13:365-370. de cette experience comme cas d'essai pour Andrews, C.J.; Morrison, M.J. 1992. Freezing la redaction d'un projet de reglement and ice tolerance tests for winter brassica. Agron. Denes, AS.; Sinha, RC. 1992. Alteration of regissant la dissemination de tels J.84:960-962. clover phyllody mycoplasma DNA after in vitro culturing of phyllody-diseased clovers. Can. J. microorganismes dans l'environnement. Andrews, C.J.; Pomeroy, M.K.; Seaman, W.L.; Plant Pathol. 14:189-196. Hoekstra, G. 1992. Planting dates and seeding Nous avons enregistre sous la Donaldson, P.;Sproule, A; ... ; Pandeya, R; et al. designation AC Splendor une vadete rates for soft white winter wheat in eastern Ontario. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:391-402. 1993. Non-random chloroplast segregation in synthetique de dactyle pelotonne, Dactylis Nicotiana tabacum X N rustica somatic hybrids glomerata, rustique et a rendement eleve. Assabgui, R.A; Arnason, J.T.; Hamilton, RI. selected by dual nuclear-encoded resistance. 1992. Hydroxamic acid content in maize roots of Theor. Appl. Genet. 86:465-473. Nous avons mis au point puis applique 18 Ontario recommended hybrids and prediction des techniques de spectroscopie dans Ie of antibiosis to the western corn root worm, Dwyer, L.M.; Stewart, D.W; Hamilton, R.O.; Houwing, L. 1992. Ear position and vertical proche infrarouge pour evaluer la qualite Diabrotica virgifera Lecont, Coleoptera: distribution of leaf area in corn. Agron. J. des varietes synthetiques de luzerne en Chrysomelidae. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:359-363. 84:430-438. Ontario. II s'agit de la premiere application Attree, S.M.; Pomeroy, M.K.; Fowke, L.c. 1992. systematique en Amerique du Nord de Manipulation of conditions for the culture of Edwards, O.E.; Dvornik, D.; Kolt, RJ.; Blackwell, B.A 1992. Formation, reactions and criteres de qualite des fourrages en vue de somatic embryos of white spruce for improved NMR spectra of 1,20-cycloatidanes. Can. J. l'enregistrement. triacylglycerol biosynthesis and desiccation tolerance. Planta 187:395-404. Chern. 70:1397-1405. Ressources Balyan, H.S.; Fedak, G. 1991. A study on genome Fedak, G. 1991. Intergeneric hybrids in the genus Hordeum. Pages 433-448 in lSuchiya, T.; Gupta, Le Centre de recherches phytotechniques relationships in Hordeum parodii, H. jubatum, Elymus trachycaulus and£. canadensis. Cytologia P.K., eds. Chromosome engineering in plants. occupe 16 edifices situes la Ferme a 56:431-436. Elsevier Scientific Publishers.

112 Centre de recherches phytotechniques 1993-1994 Fedak, G. 1991. Intergeneric hybrids in Kim, N.-S.; Armstrong, K; Knott, D.R 1993. Morrison, M.J.; Andrews, C.J. 1992. Variable Hordeum. Pages 44-69 in Shewry, P.R, ed. Molecular detection of Lophopyrum chromatin increases in cold hardiness induced in winter Barley, genetics molecular biology and in wheat-Lophopyrum recombinants and their rape by plant growth regulators. Plant Growth biotechnology, CAB International. use in the physical mapping of chromosome 7D. Regul. 11:113-117. Theor. Appl. Genet. 85:561-567. Gottlob-McHugh, S.G.; ... ; Miki, B.L.; Dennis, Morrison, M.J.; Stewart, D.W; McVetty, PRE. D.J. 1992. Normal growth of transgenic tobacco Kim, N.-S.; Kuspira, J.; Armstrong, K; 1992. Maximum area, expansion rate and plants in the absence of cytosolic pyruvate Bhambhani, R 1993. Genetic and cytogenetic duration of summer rape leaves. Can. J. Plant kinase. Plant Physiol. 100:820-825. analysis of the A genome of Triticum Sci. 72:117-126. monococcum. VIII. Localization of rDNAs and Halford, N.G.; Field, J.M.; ... ; Robert, L.S.; et al. Orr, W; lu, B.; White, TY.; Robert, L.S.; Singh, characterization of 5S rRNA genes. Genome Analysis of HMW glutenin subunits encoded by J. 1992. cDNA sequence of a low temperature 36:77-86. chromosome IA of bread-wheat (Triticum induced B. napus gene with homology to theA. aestivum L.) indicates quantitation effects on Kim, N.-S.; Whelan, E.D.P.; Fedak, G.; thaliana kin 1 gene. Plant Physiol. 98:1532-1534. grain quality. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83:373-378. Armstrong, K 1992. Identification of a Ouellet, T; Rutledge, RG.; Miki, B.L. 1992. Triticum-Lophopyrum noncom pen sating Hattori, J.; Rutledge, RG.; ... ; Brown, D.; et al. Genes within the AHAS multigene family of translocation line and detection of Lophopyrum 1992. Multiple resistance to sulfonylureas and Brassica napus have divergent patterns of DNA using a wheatgrass specific molecular imidazolinones conferred by acetohydroxy acid expression. Plant J. 2:321-330. synthase gene with separate mutations probe. Genome 35:541-544. Ouellet, T; Rutledge, RG.; Miki, B.L. 1992. responsible for selective resistance. Molec. Gen. Laroche, A; Geng, X-M.; Singh, J. 1992. Members of the acetohydroxyacid synthase Genet. 232:167-173. Differentiation of freezing tolerance and multigene family of Brassica napus have vernalization responses in Cruciferae to low Ho, KM.; Choo, TM.; Martub, R.A. 1992. AC divergent patterns of expression. Plant J. temperatures. Plant Cell Environ. 15:439-445. Burman Barley. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:473-475. 2:321-330. Lin, e.S.; Morrison, M.J. 1992. Selection of test Hope, H.J.; Dwyer, L.M.; White, RP.; et al. 1992. Picman, AK; Schneider, E.F. 1992. Inhibition of locations for regional trials. Theor. Appl. Gen. A screening test for corn (Zea mays L.) fungal growth by selected sesquiterpene lactones. 83:968-972. emergence potential in cool early season Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 21(3):307-314. environments. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:83-91. Martin, RC.; Voldeng, H.D.; Smith, D.L. 1991. Rastogi, RK; Bromfield, ES.P.; Whitwill, S.T; Nitrogen transfer from nodulating soybean Hope, H.J.; White, RP.; Dwyer, L.W; et al. 1992. Barran, L.R 1992. A cryptic plasmid of [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] to corn (Zea mays L.) Low temperature emergence potential of short indigenous Rhizobium meliloti possesses and non-nodulating soybean in intercrops: direct season corn hybrids grown under controlled reitereated nod C and nifE genes and undergoes 15Nlabelling methods. New Phytol. 117:233-241. environment and plot conditions. Can. J. Plant DNA rearrangement. Can. J. Microbiol. (Special Sci. 72:83-91. McElroy, AR 1991. Expected levels of Issue) 38:563-568. heterozygosity in auto tetraploid progeny Hudon, M.; Pitblado, R.E.; Hamilton, R.I.; et al. Rastogi, Y.; Labes, M.; Finan, T; Watson, R populations. Euphytica 55:117-123. 1991. Response of maize inbred lines to two 1992. Overexpression of the dctA gene in European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hubner) McElroy, AR 1992. Evaluation of timothy Rhizobium meliloti: effecton transport of C4 strains in Canada. Phytoprotection 72:69-76. (Phleum pratense L.) genotypes for yield and dicarboxylates and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Johnson-Flanagan, AM.; Zhang, H.; ... ; Brown, quality in simulated swards. Can. J. Plant Sci. Can. J. Microbiol. 38:555-562. 70:403-409. D.e.W; et al. 1992. Frost, ABA and desiccation Reid, L.M.; Arnason, J.T; Nozzolillo, e.; hasten embryo development in B. napus. Plant McElroy, AR; Brown, D.e.W 1992. A Hamilton, RI. 1991. Laboratory and field Physiol. 99:700-706. transplant plug technique for production of resistance in maize (Zea mays) to the European Kao, H.M.; Keller, WA; Gleddie, S.; Brown, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants from somatic corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis). Crop Sci. G.G. 1992. Synthesis of Brassica embryos. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:483-485. 31:1496-1502. oleracealBrassica napus somatic hybrid plants McNiven, M.A; Grimmelt, B.; McLeod, J.A; Reid, L.M.; Bolton, AT; Hamilton, RI.; with novel organelle DNA compositions. Theor. Voldeng, H. 1993. Biochemical characterization Woldermariam, T; Mather, D.E 1992. Effect of Appl. Genet. 83:313-320. of a low trypsin inhibitor soybean. J. Food Sci. silk age on resistance of maize to Fusarium Kasitu, G.e.; ApSimon, J.W; Blackwell, B.A; et 57(6):1375-1377,1407. graminearum. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 14:293-298. al. 1992. Isolation and characterization of Miki, RL.; Fobert, PR; Charest, P.J.; Iyer, Y.N. Reid, L.M.; Mather, D.E.; Amason, J.T; culmorin derivatives produced by Fusarium 1993. Procedures for introducing foreign DNA Hamilton, RI.; Bolton, AT 1992. Changes in culmorum CM14764. Can. J. Chern. into plants. Pages 67-88 in Thompson, J.E.; phenolic constituents of maize silk infected with 70:1308-1316. Glick, RR, eds. Methods in plant molecular Fusarium graminearum. Can. J. Bot. Kepczynski, J.; McKersie, B.D.; Brown, D.e.W biology and biotechnology. CRC Press. 70:1697-1702. 1992. Requirement of ethylene for growth of Miller, J.D. 1992. Fungi as contaminants of Reid, L.M.; Mather, D.E.; Hamilton, RI.; callus and somatic embryogenesis in Medicago indoor air. Atmos. Environ. 26A(12):2163-2172. Bolton, AT 1992. Diallel analysis of resistance sativa L. J. Exp. Bot. 43(254):1199-1202. Miller, R.W; Yu, Z.; Zarkadas, e.G. 1993. The of maize to Fusarium graminearum infection via Khanizadeh, S.; Buszard, D.; Zarkadas, C.G. nitrogenase proteins of Rhizobium meliloti: the silk channel. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:915-923. 1992. Comparison of three methods for purification and properties of the MoFe and Fe Reid, L.M.; Mather, D.E; Hamilton, RI.; calculating protein content in developing apple components. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1163:31-41. Bolton, AT 1992. Genotypic differences in the flower buds. J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chern. Molnar, S.J.; Wheatcroft, R.; Fedak, G. 1992. resistance of maize silk to Fusarium 75:734-737. RFLP analysis of Hordeum species relationships. graminearum. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 14:211-214. Khanizadeh, S.; Buszard, D.; Zarkadas, e.G. Hereditas 116:87-91. Rotter, RG.; Thompson, B.K.; ... ; Miller, J.D. 1992. Effect of crop load on hardiness, protein Morrison, M.J. 1993. Heat stress during 1992. A preliminary examination of the potential and amino acid content of apple flower buds at reproduction in summer rape. Can. J. Bot. interactions between deoxynivalenol and other the wintering stage and the beginning of the 71:303-308. selected Fusarium metabolites in growing pigs. growth. J. Plant Nutr. 15(11):2441-2455. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:107-116.

Plant Research Centre 1993-1994 113 Savard, M.E; Apsimon, J.W 1992. Watson, RJ.; Rastogi, Y.K. 1993. Cloning and Non-trichothecene secondary metabolites of nucleotide sequencing of Rhizobium meliloti Fusarium: recent work. Bioact. Nat. aminotransferase genes: an aspartate Prod.13:519-551. aminotransferase required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation is atypical. J. Bacteriol. Savard, M.E.; Miller, J.D. 1992. Characterization 175(7):1919-1928. of fusarin F, a new fusarin from Fusarium moniliforme. J. Nat. Prod. 55:64-70. Watson, RJ.; Wheatcroft, R 1991. Nucleotide sequence of Rhizobium meliloti insertion Sehgal, O.P.; Sinha, Re.; et al. 1993. Replication sequence ISRml homology to IS2 from and encapsidation of the viroid-like Escherichia coli and IS426 from Agrobacterium satellite-RNA of lucerne transient streak virus tumefaciens. DNA sequence. DNA Sequenc. are supported in divergent hosts by cocksfoot mapp.2:163-172. mottle virus and turnip rosette virus. J. Gen. Virol. 74:785-788. Young, J.C.; Games, D.E. 1993. Supercritical fluid extraction and supercritical fluid Simmonds, D.H. 1992. Plant cell wall removal: chromatography of the fungal metabolite cause for microtubule instability and division ergosterol. J. Agric. Food Chern. 41:577-581. abnormalities in protoplast cultures? Physiol. Plant. 85:387-390. Young, J.C.; Games, D.E 1992. Supercritical fluid chromatography of Fusarium mycotoxins. J. Simmonds, J.; Stewart, P.; Simmonds, D. 1992. Chromatogr. 627:247-254. Regeneration of Triticum aestivum apical explants after microinjection of germline Zarkadas, e.G. 1992. Assessment of the protein progenitor cell with DNA Physiol. Plant. quality of selected meat products based on their 85:197-207. amino acid profiles and their myofibrillar and connective tissue protein contents. J. Agric. Food Simmonds, J.A; Grainger, J.L. 1993. The toxicity Chern. 40:790-880. of antibiotics to protoplast cultures of Triticum aestivum L. Plant Sci. 89:209-214. Zarkadas, C.G.; Karatzas, C.N.; Khanizadeh, S. 1993. Evaluating protein quality of model Spaner, D.; Mather, D.E; Hamilton, R.I. 1992. meat/soybean blends using amino acid Characterization of the agronomic potential of compositional data. J. Agric. Food Chern. shott-season quality protein maize hybrids. Plant 41:624-632. Var. & Seeds 5:113-12l. Zarkadas, e.G.; Larmond, E.; Elliot, J.I.; Khalili, Spaner, D.; Mather, D.E.; Hamilton, Rl. 1992. AD.; Beddard-Neil, e. 1992. Effect of dietary Genetic and agronomic evaluation of restriction during gestation on amino acid short-season quality protein maize. Can. J. Plant composition and myofibrillar and collagen Sci. 72:1171-1181. contents of skeletal muscle in gilts mated at Takahata, Y.; Brown, D.C.W; Keller, WA 1991. puberty. J. Agric. Food Chern. 40:98-106. Effect of donor plant age and inflorescence age Zarkadas, e.G.; Marliss, EB.; Zarkadas, G.e.; et on microspore culture of Brassica napus L. al. 1992. Amino acid composition and protein Euphytica 58:51-55. contents of selected very low energy reducing Taylor, D.C.; Weber, N.; Hogge, L.R.; Underhill, diets. J. Agric. Food Chern. 40:2198-2207. E.W; Pomeroy, M.K. 1992. Formation of Zarkadas, e.G.; Yu, Z.; Voldeng, H.D.; trierucoylglycerol (trierucin) from Minero-Amador, A 1993. Assessment of the 1,2-dierucoylglycerol by a homogenate of protein quality of a new high-protein soybean microspore-derived embrhyos of Brassica napus cultivar by amino acid analysis. J. Agric. Food L. J. Am. Oil Chern. Soc. 69:355-358. Chern. 41:616-623. Telmer, e.A; Newcomb, W; Simmonds, D.H. 1993. Microspore development in Brassica napus Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the effect of high temperature on division in PUBLICATIONS vivo and in vitro. Protoplasm a 172:154-165. Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Telmer, e.A; Simmonds, D.H.; Newcomb, W 1992. Determination of developmental stage to Ames, N., editor. 1992. Forage notes/Notes sur obtain high frequencies of embryogenic les fourrages. Vol. 36, 1992. Research Branch, microspores in Brassica napus. Physiol. Plant. Agriculture Canada. 82 pp. 84:417-424. Burrows, Y.D.; Cave, N.A; Friend, D.W.; et al. Visconti, A; Blais, L.; ApSimon, J.W; 1993. Production and feeding of naked Greenhalgh, R; Miller, J.D. 1992. Production of oat/Avoine nue : production et alimentation enniatins by Fusarium acuminatum and Fusarium animale. Agric. Can. Publ. 1888 ElF. 21/22 pp. compactum in liquid culture: isolation and characterization of three new enniatins, B2, B3 and B4. J. Agric. Food Chern. 40:1076-1082.

114 Centre de recherches phytotechniques 1993-1994 Western Region Region de "Ouest Headquarters Administration centrale Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Sir John Carling Building, Room 711 Edifice Sir John Carling, piece 711 930 Carling Avenue 930, avenue Carling Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1AOC5 K1AOC5

Tel. (613) 995-7084 Tel. Fax (613) 947-0155 Telecopie EM OTTARA::WESTRBHQ c.E.

Director General D.G. Dorrell, Ph.D. Directeur general Program Director P.D. Lidster, Ph.D. Directeur des programmes Directors Directeurs Winnipeg J.B. Bole, Ph.D. Winnipeg Morden R.M.N. Kucey, Ph.D. Morden Brandon J.A. Robertson, Ph.D. Brandon Saskatoon R.E. Howarth, Ph.D. Saskatoon Swift Current PA O'Sullivan, Ph.D. Swift Current Lethbridge B.H. Sonntag, Ph.D. Lethbridge Lacombe J.F.CA Pantekoek, Ph.D. Lacombe Beaverlodge J.D. McElgunn, Ph.D. Beaverlodge Summerland J. Dueck, Ph.D. Summerland Agassiz J.M. Molnar, Ph.D. Agassiz Vancouver D.L. Struble, Ph.D. Vancouver

Directory of Research 1993-1994 115 WINNIPEG Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 195 Dafoe Road 195, chemin Dafoe Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg (Manitoba) R3T2M9 R3T2M9

Tel. (204) 983-5533 Tel. Fax (204) 983-4604 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM364MAIL C.E. Internet [email protected] Internet

RfeSSional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director J.B. Bole, Ph.D. Directeur Assistant Director D.E. Harder, Ph.D. Directeur adjoint Administrative Officer w.B. Atkinson, B.A Agent d'administration

Scientific Suppon Soutien scientifique Computer Systems M,:\llager J.R Anderson, B.Sc. Gestionnaire des systemes informatiques Technology Transfer Officer AJ. Leyshon, M.Sc. Agent de transfert de la technologie Librarian M. Malyk, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire Statistician S.M. Woods, Ph.D. Statisticien

Genetics and Breeding Amelioration genetique Section Head; Common wheat T.E Townley-Smith, Ph.D. Chef de section; amelioration du ble breeding ordinaire Wheat cytogenetics T.Aung, Ph.D. Cytogenetique du ble Oat breeding P.D. Brown, Ph.D. Amelioration de l'avoine Common wheat breeding E.M. Czarnecki, M.Sc. Amelioration du ble ordinaire Wheat genetics P.L. Dyck, Ph.D. Genetique du ble Durum wheat breeding D. Leisle, Ph.D. Amelioration du ble dur Canada Prairie Spring wheat RI.H. McKenzie, Ph.D. Amelioration du ble de printemps canadien breeding des Prairies Cereal quality J.S. Noll, Ph.D. Qualite des cere ales

Cereal Diseases Maladies des cereales Section Head; Cereal rust D.E. Harder, Ph.D. Chef de section; rouille de la tige des cereales Oat crown rust J. Chong, Ph.D. Rouille couronnee de l'avoine Leaf diseases J. Gilbert, Ph.D. Maladies foliaires Cereal viruses and biotechnology S.M. Haber, Ph.D. Virus et biotechnologie des cereales Wheat leaf rust J.A Kolmer, Ph.D. Rouille des feuilles du ble Leaf diseases A Tekauz, Ph.D. Maladies foliaires Cereal smuts P.L. Thomas, Ph.D. Charbons des cere ales

Chemistry and Biotechnology Chimie et biotechnologie Section Head; Biochemistry and toxicology RP. Bodnaryk, Ph.D. Chef de section; biochimie et toxicologie Molecular biology-<:ereal quality N.K. Howes, Ph.D. Biologie moleculaire-qualite et maladies and diseases des cere ales Cereal chemistry-<:ommon wheat A Hussain, Ph.D. Chimie des cereales-ble ordinaire Molecular biology-<:ereal w.K. Kim, Ph.D. Biologie moleculaire-maladies des diseases and biotechnology cereales et biotechnologie Cereal chemistry-durum wheat M.I.P. Kovacs, Ph.D. Chimie des cereales-ble dur Cereal chemistry-<:ommon wheat O.M. Lukow, Ph.D. Chimie des cereales-ble ordinaire Cereal molecular cytogenetics G.A Penner, Ph.D. Cytogenetique moleculaire des cere ales Cereal molecular genetics J.D. Procunier, Ph.D. Genetique moleculaire des cere ales

116 Winnipeg 1993-1994 Ecology of Field and Stored-Product Ecologie des insectes nuisibles awe grandes Pests cultures et awe produits entreposes Section Head; Biology and control N.D.G. White, Ph.D. Chef de section; biologie et maitrise des of stored-product insects insectes nuisiblesaux produits entreposes Mycotoxicology and analytical chemistry D. Abramson, Ph.D. Mycotoxicologie et chimie analytique Stored grain entomology CJ. Demianyk, M.Sc. Entomologie des grains entreposes Postharvest insect physiology P.Fields, Ph.D. Physiologie des insectes des produits recoltes Histology, physiology, and behavior G.H. Gerber, Ph.D. Histologie, physiologie et comportement Systems biology-Dilseeds R.J. Lamb, Ph.D. Biologie des systemes-Dleagineux Development and control of J.T. Mills, Ph.D. Apparition des moisissures des produits storage molds entreposes et lutte antiparasitaire Insect-host interactions P.Pachagounder, Ph.D. Relations insectes-plantes Integrated pest management I. Wise, M.Sc. Lutte integree

Mandate The Winnipeg Research Centre develops A chromosome from Agropyron white hulled oat, 0T262 will also serve the . superior wheat and oat cultivars for the intermedium with gene Lr38 carrying leaf racehorse market. Canadian prairies. Programs in plant rust resistance was involved in Dumont oat was found to have the pathology, cereal chemistry, and translocations with five different wheat genes Pc38, Pc39, and PcX for crown rust biotechnology provide research support to chromosomes. A Thatcher backcross line resistance and Pg2, Pg9, and Pg13 for stem Winnipeg and to other centres in western Lr38 with from one of these translocations rust resistance. Pg13 is the only gene in Canada that have cereal-breeding showed reduced grain yield. However, two current cultivars that provides a high level programs. The centre also develops other genes in this material should be of resistance. Pg9 confers moderate improved methods to useful for seedling resistance and resistance and is a backup to Pg13. Because • control insect pests of oilseed and field adult-plant resistance. Dumont is being used as a recurrent parent crops Twenty races of leaf rust were to develop resistant cultivars by • maintain the quality and safety of stored detected in Canada in 1991. Races virulent pyramiding, all resistant genes should be grain and grain products. to the genes Lrll, Lr24, and Lr26 increased retained in the breeding line. In addition, the centre provides to 60, 35, and 26%, respectively.Combining Distinct populations of oat crown rust regional disease and quality screening for the genes Lr13 and Lr34 with other have evolved in easte;rn and western cereal-breeding programs in western resistance genes resulted in a higher-than- Canada. In Manitoba and Saskatchewan expected level of resistance against many Canada. virulence to oat cultivars with genes Pc38 rust races. Leaf rust populations from and Pc39 increased after their introduction. Achievements Quebec were distinct from those of Ontario, In Ontario, virulence to cultivars with the and both had different race frequencies Wheat The hard red spring wheat line BW genes also increased following their from those in western Canada. Canadian 152 was supported for registration. This release. Higher levels of race diversity in high-quality, hollow-stemmed variety has leaf rus.twas shown to have high levels of Manitoba and Saskatchewan indicate that heterozygosity. excellent resistance to leaf rust. It yields sexual recombination is important in this 3% more grain but is otherwise similar to Flame cWorosis,a new soil-transmitted population. Katepwa, the most widely grown prairie disease of cereals, was found to induce A new variant of race QCC, a wheat variety. BW 152 complements the recently extensivevesiculationand hypertrophy in the stem rust fungus, has overcome the existing released cultivars Pasqua and AC Minto, all chloroplasts and mitochondria of affected resistance in barley imparted by the Rpgl cereals. Double-stranded RNAs specific to three of which have different sources of gene. It was the most prevalent race of leaf rust resistance. A new race of rust is flame chlorosis in the vesicles suggest that stem rust isolated in 1992 and will be a unlikely to be able to attack more than one the disease agent is replicated at this site. potential problem in rust years. Resistant of these varieties. These three cultivars The causal agent of flame chlorosis has also genotypes of barley have been identified should therefore provide adequate been identified in two grassy weeds of and incorporated into barley-breeding cereals. protection against leaf rust for some time. programs. A gene for resistance to stem rust Other cereals A white hulled oat, 0T262, Biotechnology Molecular markers enable was supported for registration and willbe (Sr40) has been transferred from Triticum genetic mapping in plants, improved araraticum to hexaploid wheat by a series of distributed by Proven Seeds as AC Preakness. selection in plant breeding, and gene backcrosses. Sr40 shows promise in It yields 8% more than comparable check cloning. Markers specific for Pg3 and Pc68 varieties and is resistant to the prevalent breeding for stem rust resistance in wheat. have been identified, the first of their kind It gives resistance to a wide range of races stem rust races, to loose and covered smut, linked to rust resistance genes in cereals. and has not transferred any deleterious and to the crown rust races avirulent to the With innovative techniques DNA markers characteristics. combined resistance of Pc38 and Pc39. As a

Winnipeg 1993-1994 117 for leaf rust resistance genes Lr21, Lr25, The insect could thus be controlled by programmes d'amelioration des cereales de Lr29, and Lr34 have also been identified. temperatures of -10°C in less than 7 days. l'Ouest du Canada. Specific designer primers are being Scientists in partnership with McKenzie constructed to help test for the pyramiding Seed Company will investigate the use of Realisations of resistance genes in new cultivars. low temperatures to control Indian meal Ele On a fourni des donnees aux fins de Polyphenol oxidase enzymes in moth in warehouses. Researchers in l'enregistrement de la lignee de ble roux Canadian wheat flour may adversely affect partnership with Hedley Pacific Ventures vitreux de printemps BW 152. Cette variete noodle quality. A simple, nondestructive Ltd. will develop other safe and effective de qualite superieure, it paille creuse, test for the enzyme has been developed to methods to control insects in grain using a affiche une excellente resistance it la rouille help select for and develop low-enzyme diatomaceous earth. des feuilles. Son rendement grainier varieties rapidly and efficiently. The new In durum wheat, corn, and barley, depasse de 3 % celui de Katepwa, la variete varieties will make Canadian wheats more stored at 19% moisture, blue-green la plus cultivee dans les Prairies, quoique attractive to the Asian market. Penicillium molds produced ochratoxin and les deux varietes soient sembiabies sur Ie plan des autres caracteres. La lignee BW Oilseeds Two species of flea beetles that citrinin after 20 to 28 weeks. Even at 15% moisture, these toxins occurred during the 152 vient completer les cultivars Pasqua et are pests of canol a preferred some cultivars AC Minto recemment mis sur Ie marche, la as hosts over other related plants. 2nd year of storage. Foods or feeds based on these toxin-contaminated cereals are a resistance it la rouille des feuilles chez les However, the reason for their preferences trois lignees provenant de sources is still under study. Analysis showed that health hazard. This danger emphasizes the need to establish mycotoxin risk levels, differentes. II est done improbable qu'une changes in some glycosinolate concentrations nouvelle race de rouille puisse s'attaquer it in Brassica cotyledons after mechanical detection methods, and safe storage guidelines. plus de l'une d'entre elles. Ces trois wounding or flea beetle feeding could not cultivars devraient par consequent opposer account for wound-induced resistance to Resources une resistance adequate it la rouille des the flea beetle. Similarly, 14 volatile feuilles pour un certain temps. chemicals produced by crucifers and known The offices, laboratories, greenhouses, and to attract flea beetles were unrelated to the environment chambers of the Winnipeg Des scientifiques ont transfere it du ble susceptibility of crops to damage. Research Centre are situated on the Fort hexaplolde,par une serie de retrocroisements, Garry campus of the University of Manitoba. un gene control ant la resistance it la rouille Leaf hairs have been identified as a Field research is carried out at a 103-ha de la tige (Sr40) de Triticum araraticum. Le trait that imparts resistance to flea beetles research farm at Glenlea, 12 km south of gene Sr40 semble prometteur pour la in crucifers. The hairs act as a physical Winnipeg. Field operations at this facility selection de ble resistant it cette maladie. II barrier against flea beetle feeding. operate only during the summer, but grain confere en effet la resistance it une vaste A laboratory method to efficiently storage bins located there are used gamme de races et n'a pas transmis de screen crucifer species for the throughout the year for research on stored caracteres deleteres. nonpreference mode of resistance to flea grain pests. The staff comprises 101.5 Un chromosome d'Agropyron beetles was developed and tested. Resistant person-years, including 34 in the intermedium portant Ie gene Lr38 qui sources have been identified and false flax, professional categories. controle la resistance it la rouille des feuiIles Camelina sativa, was found to be the most a ete engage dans des translocations avec resistant crucifer to flea beetle feeding. • cinq differents chromosomes du ble. Une A low level of nonpreference to flea lignee retrocroisee de Thatcher portant Ie beetles was identified in some inbred lines Mandat gene Lr38 de l'une de ces translocations a of canola, and the trait was shown to be Le Centre de recherches de Winnipeg cree affiche un moins bon rendement grainier. heritable. A test to link the trait with a des cultivars de ble et d'avoine de qualite Cependant, deux autres genes de ce simple inherited gene controlling a seed superieure, adaptes it la region est des materiel devraient etre utiles pour doter de protein polymorphism proved negative. Prairies. Les programmes dans les la resistance les plants jeunes et adultes. Product storage Improved. storage domaines de la phytopathologie, de la Vingt races de rouille des feuilles ont guidelines for peas, beans, and yellow chimie des cereales et de la biotechnologie ete depistees au Canada en 1991. Les mustard have been developed. Sunflower servent d'appui it la recherche qui se fait en proportions de races virulentes pour les seed can be safely stored for up to 12 amelioration des cereales it Winnipeg et cultivars porteurs des genes Lr 11, Lr24 et months at 6% moisture and 30°C, 7% dans les autres centres de l'Ouest canadien. Lr26 ont augmente respectivement it 60, 35 moisture and 20°C, or 8% moisture and L'equipe du centre examine egalement des et 26 %. La combinaison des genes Lr13 et 100e. At high relative humidities, fungal fa<;onsde realiser les objectifs suivants : Lr34 avec d'autres genes conferant la growth was extensive and free fatty acids • lutter contre les insectes ravageurs des resistance a donne un niveau de resistance increased rapidly at all temperatures above oleagineux et des plantes de grande plus eleve que prevu contre de nombreuses 10°e. culture races de rouille. Les populations de rouille des feuilles du Quebec etaient distinctes de Cooling stored grain to -10°C for 60 • ameliorer les methodes d'entreposage celles de l'Ontario, et les frequences des days is usually necessary to control insect des cereales et des produits cerealiers. races dans ces deux provinces etaient pests. Adding ice-nucleating bacteria to De plus, Ie centre offre un service differentes de celles dans l'Ouest canadien. grain in storage, however, reduced the regional de diagnostic des maladies et On a montre que Ie taux d'heterozygotie coldhardiness of the rusty grain beetle. d'evaluation de la qualite it l'intention des

118 Winnipeg 1993-1994 est eleve dans les populations de rouille des par Ie gene Rpgl. n s'agit de la race de rouille altises. Des sources resistantes ont ete feuilles au Canada. de la tige la plus courante isolee en 1992; il identifiee et on a decouvert que la Les scientifiques ont decouvert que la pourrait donc y avoir des problemes les cameline, Camelina sativa, est la plante chlorose pan achee, une nouvelle maladie annees ou les conditions sont propices a la crucifere qui resiste Ie plus aux attaques des cereales transmise par Ie sol, rouille. Les scientifiques ont identifie des des altises. genotypes d'orge resistants qu'ils ont provoquait la formation de nombreuses Des chercheurs ont decouvert que incorpores aux programmes d'amelioration vesicules dans les chloroplastes et les certaines lignees autofecondees de canol a genetique de l'orge. mitochondries, ainsi qu'une import ante n'ont pas, dans une faible mesure, la hypertrophie de ces organites chez les Biotechnologie Les marqueurs moleculaires preference des altises et montre que ce cereales infectees. La presence d' ARN permettent de dresser la carte genetique des caractere est transmissible. I1s ont toutefois bicatenaire specifique de la chlorose plantes, d'ameliorer la selection vegetale et de echoue dans leur tentative de lier Ie panachee dans les vesicules donne a penser faire Ie clonage de genes. Les scientifiques ont caractere a un seul gene herite contralant que I'agent infectieux est replique a cet identifie des marqueurs specifiques des genes Ie polymorphisme des proteines dans les en droit. Les scientifiques ont aussi decele Pg3 et Pc68, les premiers du genre a etre lies grains. la presence de l'agent causal de la chlorose aux genes conferant la resistance a la rouille Entreposage On a etabli de meilleures panachee dans deux mauvaises herbes aux cereales. Au moyen de techniques lignes directrices pour la conservation des graminees des cereales. innovatrices, ils ont aussi identifie des pois, des haricots et de la moutarde jaune. Autres cereales Une avoine a grains nus et marqueurs genetiques des genes Lr21, Lr25, Les graines de tournesol peuvent etre et resistants a la rouille des feuilles. blancs, OT262, sera distribuee par Proven Lr29 Lr34 entreposees sans risque pendant une I1ssont en train de construire des amorces Seeds sous la designation AC Preakness. periode pouvant aller jusqu'a 12 mois, a un specifiques sur mesure qui serviront a verifier Son rendement depasse de 8 % celui des taux d'humidite de 6 % et a une s'il y a accumulation pyramidale de genes de varietes temoins com parables. Cette avoine temperature de 30°C, ou a un taux resistance dans de nouveaux cultivars. resiste aux races courantes de rouille de la d'humidite de 7 % et a une temperature de tige, au charbon nu, au charbon couvert et La presence de polyphenoloxydases 20°C, ou a un taux d'humidite de 8 % et a aux races de rouille couronnee avirulentes (enzymes) dans la farine de ble canadien peut une temperature de 10 0e. A des taux pour les plantes jouissant de la resistance nuire a la qualite des nouilles. Les d'humidite relative eleves, on a constate combinee attribuee par les genes Pc38 et scientifiques ont mis au point un test de une forte multiplication des champignons Pc39. Etant une avoine a grains nus et depistage de l'enzyme, simple, non et une augmentation rapide des acides gras blancs, 0T262 sera egalement destinee au destructeur, afin de faciliter la selection et la libres a toute temperature superieure a marche des chevaux de course. creation de fa<;on rapide et efficace de varietes 100e. a faible teneur en enzymes. Les nouvelles Chez l'avoine Dumont, les genes Pc38, II est habituellement necessaire de varietes rendront Ie ble canadien plus Pc39 et PcX assurent la resistance a la refroidir les grains entreposes a -10°C attrayant pour Ie marche asiatique. rouille couronnee et Pg2, Pg9 et Pg13 pendant 60 jours pour lutter contre les assurent la resistance ala rouille de la tige. Oliagineux Deux espeees d'altises qui sont insectes nuisibles. Cependant, l'ajout de Le gene Pg13 est Ie seul chez les cultivars des ravageurs du canola ont prefere certains bacteries glagogenes aux grains entreposes courants qui confere une grande resistance. cultivars comme hates a d'autres plantes a reduit la resistance au froid du cucujide Le gene Pg9 attribue une resistance apparentees. Cependant, la raison de leur roux. II serait alors possible d'eliminer cet moderee et vient« epauler» Ie gene Pg13. preference fait encore l'objet d'une etude. Des insecte en moins de 7 jours lorsque la Etant donne que Dumont est utilise analyses ont montre que des changements temperature est abaissee a -10 0e. Des comme parent recurrent dans la creation dans la concentration de glucosinolates dans scientifiques, en association avec de cultivars resistants par la methode les cotyledons de Brassica ayant ete ]'entreprise McKenzie Seed, etudieront pyramidale, tous les genes conferant la endommages par de la machinerie ou par des l'utilisation de temperatures basses pour resistance devraient etre conserves dans la altises ne pouvaient pas expliquer la resistance lutter contre la pyrale indienne de la farine. lignee de selection. aux altises induite par les dommages. De la Des chercheurs, en partenariat avec la Des populations distinctes de rouille meme fa<;on, on n'a pas trouve de lien entre, Hedley Pacific Ventures Ltd., mettront au couronnee de l'avoine se sont developpees d'une part, 14 substances chirniques volatiles point d'autres methodes efficaces et sans dans l'Est et dans l'Ouest canadien. Au produites par des cruciferes et reconnues risque pour lutter contre les insectes dans Manitoba et en Saskatchewan, la virulence comme attirantes pour les altises et, d'autre les grains avec de la terre de diatomees. part, la sensibilite des cultures aux dommages. envers les cultivars d'avoine porteurs des Les chercheurs ont constate que des genes Pc38 et Pc39 s'est accrue apres leur Les scientifiques ont determine que la moisissures bleu-vert du genre Penicillium, introduction. La meme chose s'est produite presence de poils sur les feuilles de qui s'etaient developpees sur du ble dur, en Ontario. La plus grande diversite de cruciferes rend ces vegetaux resistants aux du mai"s et de I'orge entreposes a un taux races au Manitoba et en Saskatchewan altises. Les poils agissent comme barriere d'humidite de 19 %, ont produit de temoigne de l'importance de la physique en empechant les altises de se I'ochratoxine et de la citrinine apres 20 a 28 recombinaison genetique dans cette nourrir des feuilles. semaines d'entreposage. Meme a un taux population. On a mis au point et a I'essai une d'humidite de 15 %, ces toxines ont ete Un nouveau variant de la race QCC, un methode de laboratoire pour selectionner produites au cours de la deuxieme annee champignon de la rouille de la tige du ble, est efficacement les especes de cruciferes qui d'entreposage. Des aliments pour les venu a bout de la resistance attribuee a l'orge ne semblent pas avoir la preference des humains ou pour les animaux fabriques a

Winnipeg 1993-1994 119 partir de cereales contaminees par ces Bodnaryk, RP. 1992. Distinctive leaf feeding Dyck, P.L. 1992. Transfer of a gene for stem rust toxines comportent des risques pour la sante. patterns on oilseed rapes and related Brassicaceae resistance from Triticum araraticum to hexaploid Ce danger fait ressortir la necessite d'etablir by flea beetles, PhylJotreta cruciferae (Goeze) wheat. Genome 35:788-792. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Can. J. Plant Sci. les teneurs en mycotoxines qui posent des Dyck, P.L. 1993. Inheritance of leaf rust and stem 72:575-581. risques, des methodes de depistage et des rust resistance in 'Roblin' wheat. Genome lignes directrices pour un entreposage sans Bodnaryk, RP. 1992. Folded cotyledon-a 36:289-293. condition in hybrid cabbage, Brassica oleraceae L. risque. Dyck, P.L. 1993. The inheritance of leaf rust cv. Survivor, that affects the distribution and resistance in the wheat cultivar Pasqua. Can. 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Quantitative variation in high molecular weight 85(3):743-752. Computer simulation modelling for stored-grain glutenin subunit 7 in some Canadian wheats. J. Palaniswamy,P.;Lamb, RJ.; McVetty,P.B.E.1992. pest management. J. Stored Prod. Res. Cereal Sci. 15:29-37. Screening for antixenosisresistance to flea beetles, 28:139-145. Masojc, P.;Lukow, O.M.; McKenzie, RI.H.; Phyllotreta crncifeme (Goeze) (Coleoptera: Kawamoto, H.; Sinha, RN.; Muir, W.E.; Woods, Howes, N.K 1993. Responsiveness to anther Chrysomelidae),in rapeseed and related crucifers. S.M. 1991. Simulation model ofAcarns siro culture in cultivars and F1 crosses of spring Can. Entomol. 124:895-906. (Acari: Acaridae) in stored wheat. Environ. wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:777-783. Penner, G.; Chong, J.; Levesque, M:; Molnar, S.; Entomo!. 20:1381-1386. Masojc, P.;Zawistowski, J.; Howes, N.K; Aung, Fedak, G. 1993. Identification of a RAPD Kim, WK; Innes, RL.; Kerber, E.R 1992. I; Gale, M.D. 1993. Polymorphism and marker linked to the oat stem rust genePg3. Ribosomal DNA repeat unit polymorphism in six chromosomal location of an endogenous Theor. App!. Genet. 85:702-705. Aegilops species. Genome 35:510-515.

Winnipeg 1993-1994 121 Penner, G.A; ... ; Kim, W; et a1.1993. White, N.D.G.; Jayas, D.S.; Mills, J.T.; Dronzek, Reproducibility ofrandom amplified RL. 1992. Effects of canola oil or white mineral polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis among oil at dust suppressant levels on the storage laboratories. PCR Methods & Appl. 2:341-345. characteristics of wheat. Cereal Chern. 69(2): 182-187. Pivnick, KA; Lamb, RJ.; Reed, D. 1992. Response of flea beetles, Phyllotreta spp., to Wilson, D.M.; Abramson, D. 1992. Mycotoxins. mustard oils and nitriles in field trapping Pages 341-392 in Sauer, D.B., ed. Storage of experiments. J. Chern. Ecol. 18:863-873. cereal grains and their products. Fourth Edition, American Association of Cereal Chemists Inc., Preston, KR; Lukow, O.M.; Morgan, R 1992. St. Paul, Minnesota. Analysis of relationships between flour quality properties and protein fractions in a world wheat Wong, L.S.L.; Tekauz, A; Leisle, D.; Abramson, collection. Cereal Chern. 69(5):560-567. D.; McKenzie, RI.H. 1992. Prevalence, distribution and importance of fusarium head Procunier, J.D.; Fernando, M.A; Barta, J.R. blight in wheat in Manitoba. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 1993. Species and strain differentiation of 14:233-238. Eimeria ssp. using DNA polymorphisms amplified by arbitrary primers (RAPD-PCR). Zawistowski, J.; Ansell, M.; Zawistowski, D.; Parasitol. J. 79:98. Howes, N.K 1992. A monoclonal antibody to endogenous a-amylase II inhibitor of barley. J. Sinha, RN. 1991. Storage ecosystems. Pages Cereal Sci. 14:1-4. 17-30 in Gorham, J.R., ed. Ecology and management of food-industry pests. Assoc. Off. Zerucha, T.;Kim, W.K; Mauthe, W.;Klassen, Anal. Chern., Arlington, VA G.R 1992. The location and nucleotide sequence of the 5S rRNA gene of bunt of wheat, Tilletia Sinha, RN. 1992. The fungal community in the caries in R. controversa. Nucleic Acids Res. stored-grain ecosystem. Chapter 40, pages 20(10):2600. 797-815 in Wicklow, D.T.; Carroll, G.c., eds. The fungal community: its organization and role in Zhang, Q.; Muir, WE.; Sinha, R.N. 1992. the ecosystem. 2nd ed. Marcel Dekker Inc., Spontaneous heating of high moisture wheat New York. under adiabatic conditions. Can. Agric. Eng. 34:233-238. Sinha, RN. 1992. Management of postharvest ecosystems: current and future trends. J. Stored Zimmer, RC.; Haber, S. 1991. First report of . Prod. Res. 28:71-72. tomato spotted wilt virus in Manitoba and of Lathyrus sativus as a host. Plant Dis. 76:753. Sinha, R.N. 1993. Overcoming complexity in the management of the stored-grain ecosystems. Sci. Zimmer, R.C.; Lamb, RJ. 1993. Amplification Aliments 13:3-14. and spread of pea seed-borne mosaic virus in field-grown peas. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 15:17-22. The, D.; Gupta, R; Dyck, P.L.; Appels, R; McIntosh, RA 1992. Characterization of stem rust resistant derivatives of wheat cultivar Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Amigo. Euphytica 58:245-252. PUBLICATIONS Turnock, WJ.; Bilodeau, RJ. 1992. Life history Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada and coldhardiness ofAthrycia cinerea (Dipt.: Mills, J.T., ed. 1992. Forum on stored grain Thchinidae) in western Canada. Entomophaga products. Agriculture Canada Research Station, 37(3):353-362. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Vol. 7, nos. 1 and 2; Vol. 8, Thrnock, WJ.; Timlick, B.; Galka, B.; nos. 1 and 2. 12/12/12/20 pp. Palaniswamy, P. 1992. Root maggot damage to Reimer, M.; Ramsay, S.; Sims, R, eds. 1992. canola and the distribution of Delia spp. Trailblazer. Agriculture Canada Research (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in Manitoba. Can. Stations, Morden, Brandon, and Winnipeg. Entomol. 124:49-58. Vol. 1, nos. 1-3; Vol. 2, no. 1. 4/4/4/4 pp. Thrnock, WJ.; Timlick, B.; Palaniswamy, P. 1993. Reimer, M.; Ramsay, S.; Sims, R; Leyshon, AJ., Species and abundance of cutworms (Noctuidae) eds. 1993. Trailblazer. Agriculture Canada and their parasitoids in conservation and Research Stations, Morden, Brandon, and conventional tillage fields. Agric. Ecosyst. Winnipeg. Vol. 2, no. 2. 4 pp. Environ. 45:213-227. Sims, R, ed. 1992. Research Dpdate-1992. White, N.D.G. 1992. A multidisciplinary Agriculture Canada Research Station, Winnipeg, approach to stored-grain research. J. Stored Manitoba. 23 pp. Prod. Res. 28:127-137. Turnock, WJ.; Timlick, B. 1992. Coccinella White, N.D.G.; Jayas, D.S. 1993. Microfloral septempunctata in Manitoba in 1991. Biocontrol infection and quality deterioration of sunflower News. 5:38-40. seeds as affected by temperature and moisture content during storage and the suitability of the seeds for insect or mite infestation. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:303-313.

122 Winnipeg 1993-1994 MORDEN Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Unit 100, 101 Route 100 Unite 100, 101 route 100 Morden, Manitoba Morden (Manitoba) R6M 1Y5 R6M 1Y5

Tel. (204) 822-4471 Tel. Fax (204) 822-6841 Telecopie EM MORDRA::AG362MAIL CE.

fRt,fessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director RM.N. Kucey, Ph.D. Directeur Administrative Officer H.G. Brodie Agent d'administration Computer Programmer- Analyst RG. Palmer, B.Sc. Programmeur-analyste Client Services M.P. Reimer Services it la clientele

Field Crops Plantes de grande culture Section Head; Breeding of CG. Campbell, Ph.D. Chef de section; amelioration du buckwheat and Lathyrns sarrasin et du Lathyrus New alternative crops EA. Kiehn, M.Sc. Nouvelles cultures de remplacement Potato management B.L. Rex, B.S.A. Regie de la pomme de terre Weed science D.A. Wall, Ph.D. Malherbologie Breeding of field peas T.D. Warkentin, Ph.D. Amelioration des pois Diseases of field peas Vacant Maladie des pois de grande culture

Oilseed Crops Cultures oleagineuses Section Head; Breeding of flax E.O. Kenaschuk, Ph.D. Chef de section; amelioration du lin Breeding of sunflowers W. Dedio, Ph.D. Amelioration du tournesol Crop management, physiology G.H. Gubbels, Ph.D. Regie des cultures, physiologie Diseases of flax and sunflowers K.Y. Rashid, Ph.D. Pathologie du lin et du tournesol

Crop Utilization and Landscape Plants Utilisation des cultures et plantes d'omement Section Head; Breeding of CG. Davidson, Ph.D. Chef de section; Amelioration des plantes ornamentals ornementales Breeding of ornamentals L.M. Collicutt, M.Sc. Amelioration des plantes ornementales Food research D.B. Cumming, Ph.D. Recherche sur les aliments Food research B.D. Oomah, Ph.D. Recherche sur Ies aliments Food research Vacant Recherche sur les aliments


The Morden Research Centre develops Achievements will be grown as a source of a-linolenic acid improved cultivars and production and Flax AC McDuff, a variety with high oil for the health food market. protection practices for flax, field peas, content and good lodging resistance, was sunflowers, buckwheat, potatoes, and The effect of three desiccants on the registered in 1993. The late-maturing alternative crops for the prairie region. rate of flax drying was determined. Diquat variety is better adapted to the black soils Morden also conducts crop utilization produced the most rapid drying and also of the prairies, particularly in Manitoba research to enhance the marketability of resulted in the lowest level of discolored where it is higher yielding than McGregor. these crops, develops landscape plants for seed caused by freezing of immature flax. the prairies, and maintains germplasm of M3549, a flax line with over 60% Early application of glyphosate reduced alternative crops and winter-hardy woody linolenic acid, was released under a seed germ inability, and early application of ornamentals. collaborative research agreement. M3549 glufosinate-ammonium sometimes resulted in darker brown seed.

Morden 1993-1994 123 Rust resistance in flaxwas found to be marketable tuber yields by as much as 40, storage, plant-processing units, improved controlled by the resistance gene L6 in the 29, and 41%, respectively. phytotron, greenhouse facilities, and a pathology containment laboratory. Local cultivarNorLin, and by the resistance genes . Ornamentals Twonew lilycultivarswere agricultural inspectors from the Prairie L6 and Kl in the cultivarsNorMan and AC registered as Northern Beauty and Starburst Farm Rehabilitation Administration and Linora. A 3-year field study of slow rusting in Sensation. These hybridsrepresent new types the Food Production and Inspection flax identified several cultivarsthat can be of liliesfor Canada. A trial was initiated to Branch are located in the new building. used as stable background resistance in evaluate hardiness and adaptabilityof The centre oversees the operation of the breeding slow-rustingresistant commercial ornamental grassesfor prairie conditions. cultivars. Portage la Prairie Research Farm. The land Landscape plants A research program on base of the two units covers 286 ha. The Sunflower Several new races of downy asexualpropagation of jack pine has achieved staff comprises 51 person-years, including mildew (Plasmopara halstedii) that are rooting levelsof 80-90%. This successrate is 15 in the professional categories. virulent on commercial hybrids of realized through the correct combinations of sunflower were discovered in western age and crown location, donor plant fertility, Canada. Methodology for testing sunflower propagation environment, and auxin carrier • reaction to sclerotinia wilt indoors was treatments. developed to facilitate screening sunflower Mandat germ plasm for resistance to this disease. A second-generation seedling Le Centre de recherches de Morden cree population of birch was established with des cultivars ameliores et met au point des Six parent lines of sunflower with good the goal of selecting plants resistant to the methodes de production et de protection combining ability have been released to bronze birch borer. breeders. These lines are either early, have des cultures de lin, des pois de grande resistance to new races of downy mildew, Crop utilization A microcomputer-based culture, du tournesol, du sarrazin, des or have striped achenes. A 3-year study monitoring and control system for potato pommes de terre ainsi que des cultures showed that the early sunflower hybrids can storage was designed, assembled, and substituts pour la region des Prairies. Le be grown in areas where the season is short field-tested. The system used respired C02 centre fait aussi des recherches sur and that they compete economically with to determine the amount of fresh air l'utilisation des cultures afin d'ameliorer les other oilseeds and grains. needed. It has been successfully used to possibilites de commercialisation de ces monitor and control carbon dioxide, cultures, cree des plantes d'ornement Peas Crosses were made to develop field pea temperature, and relative humidity of very adaptees a la region des Prairies et cultivarsfor the food, feed, and niche markets. large commercial potato storage bins. conserve Ie plasma germinatif de cultures Advanced breeding lines were also evaluated Response surface methodology was de remplacement et de pIantes ligneuses at Melfort and Lacombe. Studies were rustiques d'ornement. initiated to evaluate the efficacyof several used to determine optimum conditions for fungicidesfor the control of ascochytablight the aqueous extraction of the Realisations and powdery mildew diseases. polysaccharide gum from flaxseed. Optimization of the process was conducted Lin La variete AC McDuff, riche en huile Potatoes In commercial-scale evaluations, using yield, rheological properties, and . et resistante a la verse, a ete enregistree en Ranger Russet was shown to produce a chemical composition of the gum. 1993. Cette variete tardive convient mieux good yield of tubers at an earlier date than aux sols noirs des Prairies qu'a d'autres Russet Burbank. Ranger Russet is also Biodegradable films have been sols, en particulier au Manitoba ou elle significantly more resistant to internal produced using pea starch and pea protein affiche un rendement superieur a celui de as base components. Barrier and physiological disorders such as brown la McGregor. mechanical properties of the films, centre and hollow heart. including thickness, tensile strength, and La M3549, une lignee contenant plus Two cultivars, Niska and Snowden, water vapor transmission, can be controlled de 60 % d'acide linolenique, a ete mise sur have shown excellent potential for chip and modified as required. Ie marche dans Ie cadre d'une entente de processing from storage. Preliminary recherche en collaboration. Elle sera The anthocyanin pigments of studies suggest Niska can be processed cultivee comme source d'acide purple-hulled sunflower and purple-fleshed successfully from storage to mid-March, alpha-linolenique pour Ie marche des potato have been extracted and identified. and Snowden until early June. aliments de sante. This is the first report of the occurrence of A portable nitrate electrode for malonated anthocyanins in oilseeds. On a determine la vitesse de sechage du rapidly determining nitrate-N showed lin apres l'application de trois agents de Field beans Wild mustard growing within significant differences in nitrate levels in dessiceation.Le s6chage a l'aide du diquat crop rows was demonstrated to be a strong sap of petioles caused by varying rates of s'est revele Ie plus rapide et a demontre Ie competitor with navy beans. Twenty wild nitrogen application in spring or by split plus faible taux de grains decolores par suite mustard plants per square metre reduced nitrogen applications. de l'effet du gel du lin immature. Thpplication bean yields by as much as 57%. hil.tivede glyphosate a reduit Ie taux de A 4-year study on the effects of germination, tandis que celie de sublethal rates of clopyralid, dicamba, and Resources glufosinate-arnmoniuma parfois entraine tribenuron was completed. Rates 2 A 5100-m office and laboratory building l'apparition de graines d'un brun plus fonce. equivalent to 16% or recommended field includes food research laboratories, cold rates for each herbicide reduced

124 Morden 1993-1994 On a decouvert que la resistance du lin Une electrode de nitrate portative et de la composition chimique de la a la rouille etait controlee par Ie gene de la servant a determiner rapidement les taux gomme. resistance L6 du cultivar Norlin et par les d'azote de nitrate a mis en evidence les On a produit des pellicules genes de la resistance L6 et K1 des cultivars differences considerables qui existent dans biodegradables a partir d'amidon et de NorMan et AC Linora. Une etude de 3 ans les teneurs en nitrates de la seve des proteines de pois com me elements de base. sur l'apparition de la rouille au champ a mis petioles. Ces variations sont attribuables Les proprietes barrie res et mecaniques des en lurniere des differences significatives entre aux differentes doses de nitrates appliques pellicules, y compris I'epaisseur, la les cultivars de lin; on en a identifie plusieurs au printemps et a celles qu'on applique de resistance a la rupture et la transmission de chez qui les symptomes de la rouille tardent a fa<;on fractionnee. la vapeur d'eau, peuvent etre controlees et apparaitre et qui pourraient seIVir de sources Une etude de 4 ans sur les effets des modifiees au besoin. de resistance stables pour la selection de doses sublet ales de c1opyralid, dicamba et cultivars commerciaux. Les pigments anthocyaniques du tribenuron a montre que des taux tournesol a coque pourpre et des pommes Toumesol On a decouvert, dans l'Ouest equivalents a 16 %, c'est-a-dire la dose de terre a chair pourpre ont ete extraits et canadien, plusieurs nouvelles races de d'application recommandee au champ, identifies. C'est la premiere fois que l'on mildiou du tournesol (Plasmopara halstedii) pour chaque herbicide reduisaient les signale la presence d'anthocyanes qui sont virulentes pour les hybrides rendements en tubercules malonatees chez des oleagineux. commerciaux de tournesol. On a mis au commercialisables jusqu'a des point une methode pour etudier, a pourcentages aussi eleves que 40, 29 et Haricots de grande culture On a montre I'interieur, la reaction du tournesol a la 41 %, respectivement. que la moutarde sauvage qui pousse dans f1etrissure sclerotique dans Ie but de les rangs de culture entre en competition Plantes omementales Deux nouveaux faciliter la selection de germoplasme de avec les petits haricots ronds. Vingt plants cultivars de lis, Northern Beauty et Starburst tournesol resistant a cette maladie. de moutarde sauvage au metre carre ont Sensation, ont ete emegistres. Ces hybrides reduit les rendements de haricots jusqu'a Six Iignees parentales de tournesol representent de nouveaux types de lis au un pourcentage aussi eleve que 57 %. affichant une bonne aptitude a la combinaison Canada. On a entrepris un essai pour evaluer et qui sont soit precoces, ou soit resistantes la rusticite et l'adaptabilite des graminees Ressources a de nouvelles races de mildiou, ou qui ornementales dans les conditions qui Un immeuble moderne de 5 100 m2 loge presentent des akenes rayes ont ete mises a la prevalent dans les Prairies. les laboratoires de recherches sur les disposition des selectionneurs. Une etude de Vegetaux d'amenagement paysager Un aliments, des locaux refrigeres, des unites 3 ans a montre qu'il est possible de cultiver programme de recherches sur la de traitement des vegetaux, un phytotron des hybrides de tournesol precoces dans des multiplication vegetative du pin gris a ameliore, des serres ainsi qu'une salle . regions de saison courte et de faire permis d'obtenir des taux d'emacinement blanche pour la detection des maladies. Les concurrence, sur Ie plan economique, a de 80 a 90 %, et ce a I'aide des bonnes inspecteurs locaux de la production et de d'autres cereales et oleagineux. combinaisons d'age et de position de la I'inspection des aliments ainsi que de Pois On a effectue des croisements dans bouture, de fertilite du plant donneur, de l'administration du retablissement agricole Ie but de creer des cultivars de pois de conditions ambiantes de multiplication et des Prairies ont leurs bureaux dans Ie grande culture pour l'alimentation humaine d'additions de solutions d'auxine. nouvel immeuble. Le centre supervise Ie et animale et de trouver des creneaux Une population de jeunes plants de fonctionnement de la Ferme de recherches commerciaux. Des lignees de selection seconde generation de bouleau a ete de Portage la Prairie. La superficie des avancees ont aussi ete evaluees a Melfort et etablie dans Ie but de selectionner des deux entites totalise 286 ha. On dispose en a Lacombe. On a entrepris des etudes pour plants resistants a l'agrile du bouleau. tout de 51 annees-personnes, et parmi les evaluer I'efficacite de plusieurs fongicides employes, 15 personnes sont de la Utilisation des cultures On a con<;u, contre la bnllure ascochytique et Ie blanc. categorie professionnelle. construit et mis a l'essai sur Ie terrain un Pommes de terre ~evaluation a I'echelle systeme microinformatise de controle pour commerciale de la variete Ranger Russet les entrepots de pommes de terre. Le • revele un bon rendement en tubercules et systeme en mesurant les emissions de C02, une maturation plus hative que la Russet ResearCh Publications permettait de determiner Ie volume d'air Burbank. Elle est aussi considerablement Publications de recherche frais requis, de surveiller et de controler plus resist ante aux desordres avec succes Ie gaz carbonique, la Biliaderis, e.G.; Mazza, G.; Przybylski, R. 1993. physiologiques internes comme Ie Composition and physico-chemical properties of temperature et I'humidite relative a brunissement du centre et Ie coeur creux. starch from cow cockle (Saponaria vaccaria L.) l'interieur de tres gran des cellules seeds. Starch/Starke 45:121-127. Deux cultivars, Niska et Snowden, ont d'entreposage commerciales de pommes Bonner, D.M.; Gubbels, G.H.; Kenaschuk, E.O. demontre un excellent potentiel pour la de terre. 1993. Frost tolerance of maturing flax. Can. transformation en croustilles apres On a utilise la methode de surface de J. Plant Sci. 73:167-170. l'entreposage. D'apres des etudes reponse pour etablir les conditions preliminaires sur l'entreposage, Ie Niska peut Callicutt, L.M. 1992. Hardy-rose breeding at the optimales pour I'extraction en phase Morden Research Station. HortScience etre transforme avec sucres du debut de aqueuse de la gomme glucidique du lin. On 27(1O):(Cover story). l'entreposage jusqu'a la mi-mars, tandis que Ie a optimise Ie processus en tenant compte Snowden peut l'etre jusqu'au debut de juin. Callicutt, L.M. 1992. 'Prairie Joy' Rose. du rendement, des proprietes rheologiques HortScience 27(5):478-479.

Morden 1993-1994 125 Collicutt, L.M.; Davidson, e.G. 1992. Landscape MacKenzie, S.L.; Giblin, EM.; Mazza, G. 1993. Warkentin, T.D.; McHughen, A: 1992. plant improvement for cold climates. Acta Stereospecific analysis of Onosmodium Agrobaeterium tumefaeiens-mediated Hortic. 320:221-229. hispidissimum Mack. Seed Oil Triglycerides. beta-glucoronidase (GUS) gene expression in J. Am. Oil Chern. Soc. 70(6):629-631. lentil (Lens eulinaris Medik.) tissues. Plant Cell Davies, AJ.; Mazza, G. 1993. Copigmentation of Rep. 11:274-278. simple and acylated anthocyanins with colorless Mazza, G.; Kiehn, F.A 1992. Essential oil of phenolic compounds J. Agric. Food Chern. Agastaehe foenieulum, a potential source of Warkentin, T.D.; McHughen, A 1991. Crown gall 41:716-720. methyl chavicol. J. Essent. Oil Res. 4:295-299. transformation of lentil (Lens eulinmis Medik) with virulent strains ofAgrobaeterium Davies, AJ.; Mazza, G. 1992. Separation and Mazza, G.; Marshall, H.B. 1992. Geraniol, linalool, tumefaeiens. Plant Cell Rep. 10:48-493. characterization of anthocyanins of Monarda thymol and carvacrol-rich essential oils from fistulosa by high-performance liquid Monarda hybrids. 1. Essent. Oil Res. 4:395-400. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada chromatography. J. Agric. Food Chern. Mazza, G.; Miniati, E 1993. Anthocyanins in PUBLICATIONS 40:1341-1345. fruits, vegetables and grains. CRC Press Inc., Dedio, W 1993. Heterosis and prediction of Boca Raton, Fla. 362 pp. Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada achene oil content in sunflwoer hybrids from Mazza, G.; Velioglu, YS. 1992. Anthocyanins Zimmer, Re.; ... ; Gubbels, G.H.; et al. 1992. parental lines. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73(3):737-742. and other phenolic compounds in fruit of Tomato spotted wilt virus, a problem on grass Dedio, W 1992. Performance comparison of red-flesh apples. Food Chern. 43:113-117. pea and field pea in the greenhouse in 1990 and single and three-way crosses in sunflower. Can. 1991. Can. Plant Dis. SUTY.72:29-31. Mazza, G.; ... ; Oomah, B.D.; et al. 1992 J. Plant Sci. 72:431-434. Compositional and morphological characteristics Dedio, W 1993. Regression model relating of cow cockle (Saponaria vaeearia) seed, a decortication of oilseed sunflower hybrids with potential alternative crop. J. Agric. Food Chern. achene characteristics. Can. J. Plant Sci. 40:1520-1523. 73(3):825-828. Mazza, G.; Qi, H. 1992. Effect of after-cooking Gubbels, G.B. 1992. Effect of phosphorus rate darkening inhibitors on stability of frying oil and and placement on the yield and cooking quality quality of french fries. J. Am. Oil Chern. Soc. offield peas. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:251-255. 69:847-853. Gubbels, G.H. 1992. Seedling growth and yield Miniati, E.; Damiani, P.; Mazza, G. 1992. offield corn grown on summerfallow. Can. Copigmentation and self-association of J. Plant Sci. 72:831-836. anthocyanins in food model systems. Ital. J. Food Sci. 2:109-116. Gubbels, G.H.; Bonner, D.M.; Kenaschuk, E.O. 1993. Effect of swathing and desiccation time on Oomah, B.D.; Mazza, G. 1992. Microwave oven seed yield and quality. of flax. Can. J. Plant Sci. drying for moisture determination in flax, canol a 73:397-404. and yellow mustard seeds. Lebensm-Wiss. Technol. 25:523-526. Gubbels, G.H.; Campbell, C.G. 1992. Response of buckwheat to phosphorus rate and placement. Oomah, B.D.; Mazza, G.; Kenaschuk, E 1992. Fagopyrum 12:14-16. Cyanogenic compounds in flax seed. J. Agric. Food Chern. 40:1346-1348. Gubbels, G.B.; Kenaschuk, EO. 1993. Capsule closure and seed discoloration in flax from Rashid, KY; Bernier, C.e. 1993. Genetics exposure to various moisture and temperature diversity among isolates of Rhizoetonia solani conditions. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:155-158. and sources of resistance in Vicia faba. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 15:23-28. Hobbs, S.L.A; Warkentin, T.D.; DeLong, e.M.O. 1993. Transgene copy number can be Rashid, KY; Dedio, W 1992. Differences in the positively or negatively associated with transgene reaction of sunflower hybrids to sclerotinia wilt. expression. Plant Mol. BioI. 21:17-26. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:925-930. Hoes, J.A 1991. Flax (Unum usitatissimum L. Rashid, KY; Kenaschuk, E.O. 1993. Effects of and other Unum spp.) in Common names for trifluralin on fusarium wilt in flax. Can. J. Plant plant diseases. Plant Dis. 75:225-230. Sci. 73:893-901. Hoes, J.A; Kenaschuk, E.O. 1992. Host- Rashid, KY; Kenaschuk, E.O. 1992. Genetics of pathogen specificity in post-seedling reaction of resistance to rust in the flax cultivars Vimy and Unum usitatissimum to Melampsora lini. Can. Andro. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 14:207-210. J. Bot. 70:1168-1174. Remphrey, WR; Davidson, C.G. 1992. Branch Hung-Chang Huang; ... ; Collicutt, L.M.; et al. architecture and its relation to shoot tip abortion 1992. Wilt of hardy chrysanthemum caused by a in mature Fraxinus pennsylvaniea. Can. J. Bot. new race of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. 70:1147-1153. ehrysanthemi. Plant Pathol. Bull. 1:57-61. Remphrey, WR; Davidson, e.G. 1992. Jayas, D.S.; Mazza, G. 1993. Comparison of Spatio-temporal distribution of epicormic shoots modified GAB equation with four other and their architecture in -branches of Fraxinus three-parameter equations for the description pennsylvaniea. Can. J. For. Res. 22:336-340. of sorption data of oats. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Warkentin, T.D.; Jordan, M.e.; Hobbs, S.LA 1992. Agric. Eng.) 36:119-125. Effect of promoter-leader sequences on transient Kenaschuk, E.O.; Rashid, KY 1993. AC Linora reporter gene expression in particle bombarded pea flax. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:839-841. (Pisum sativum L.) tissues. Plant Sci. 87:171-177.

126 Morden 1993-1994 BRANDON Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 18th Street and Valley Road 18e rue et chemin Valley P.O. Box 1000A, RR.#3 CP. 1000A, R.R.#3 Brandon, Manitoba Brandon (Manitoba) R7A5Y3 R7A5Y3

Tel. (204) 726-7650 Tel. Fax (204) 728-3858 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM360MAlL CE.

IPofessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director J.A Robertson, Ph.D. Directeur Administrative Officer H.A. Reid Agent d'administration Computer System Manager R.J. Bomford, M.Sc. Gestionnaire du systeme informatique Librarian CP. Enns, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire Technology Transfer Officer S. Ramsay, B.Sc.(Agr.) Agent de transfert de la technologie

Animal Science Zootechnie Section Head; Meat physiology R.L. Cliplef, Ph.D. Chef de section; physiologie des viandes Swine nutrition AG. Castell, Ph.D. Alimentation des pores Beef cattle reproductive R.P. Del Vecchio, Ph.D. Physiologie de la reproduction physiology des bovins de boucherie Swine reproductive physiology G.W Dyck, Ph.D. Physiologie de la reproduction chez Ie pore Swine nutrition RR Grandhi, Ph.D. Alimentation des pores Beef cattle breeding RA Kemp, Ph.D. Amelioration genetique des bovins de boucherie Swine genetics RM. McKay, Ph.D. Genetique du pore

Soil and Plant Science Phytologie et science des sols Section Head; Corn breeding S. Plett, Ph.D. Chef de section; amelioration du mai's Soil-plant relationships L.D. Bailey, Ph.D. Relations sol-plante Biochemistry WT. Buckley, Ph.D. Biochimie Soil managemen~ CA Grant, Ph.D. Gestion des sols Barley genetics WG. Legge, Ph.D. '__.. Genetique de l'orge Forage agronomy and pasture WP. McCaughey, Ph.D. Agronomie herbagere et regie des management paturages Herbicides and weed control P.M. McMullan, Ph.D. Herbicides et desherbage Forage agronomy RG. Simons, Ph.D. Agronomie herbagere Barley breeding M.C Therrien, Ph.D. Amelioration de I'orge

Mandate The Brandon Research Centre conducts Achievements A 4-year study at Brandon and research on production systems for beef Beef cattle Researchers evaluated the Manyberries indicated few differences in cattle and swine. Sustainable management relationship between reproductive traits in milk yield and composition among systems are being developed for cultivated young bulls and those in heifers over 6 reciprocal backcrosses and between soils and crops in the Black soil zone, which years. Age at puberty in bull calves proved backcross and first-cross cows. Possible include forage agronomy and pasture to be a good indicator of reproductive genotype x environment interactions were management as well as weed control in potential in their half-sib sisters. Beef cattle observed in the crosses common to both annual crops. New cultivarsof barley and com producers should therefore select bulls locations. Results are expected to assist are also developed through conventional carefully to improve reproductive beef cattle producers in choosing breed breeding programs. performance in their female offspring. combinations to maximize cow productivity under extensive range management or

Brandon 1993-1994 127 semi-intensive cultivated pasture Cereals The new corn inbred CB16 was nodulation, and a weaker response to management. offered for release to private industry. indigenous soil fertility. Swine After selection for reduced backfat CB16 is an early-maturing grain corn with Wild mustard is a weed that often thickness and improved growth rate for good yield and combining ability. It is limits production in canola, western 7 years in Hampshire pigs and for 8 adapted to areas of western Canada with a Canada's predominant oilseed crop. Trials generations in Yorkshire pigs, an increase maturity range of between 1900 and 2300 on Polish, Argentine, and triazine-tolerant in internal organ weights was observed. corn heat units. This inbred makes an canola cultivars confirmed that Changes to both the digestive and excellent seed parent for use in the ethametsulfuron and cyanazine controlled circulatory systems are accompanied by development of early-maturing, high-yielding wild mustard without reducing yield of related changes in meat physiology. corn hybrids. Two new early-maturing grain canol a seed. Both wild mustard seed and Low-fat lines have longer carcasses, lower corn hybrids were also made available. competition from the weed altered the fatty fat levels at all major depots throughout MBXOlO and MBX013 are currently being acid composition of canola oil and meal. the body, more dissectible muscle in the marketed by Cargill Limited and Jacques Wild mustard must be controlled in canola fresh hams, easier separation of muscle and Canada Inc. as Cargill 1027 and Jacques as early as possible to maximize yield and fat in the loin, and softer subcutaneous fat. JBX-013, respectively. These hybrids have ensure high-quality oil and meal. Low-fat lines also appear to be more early maturity, excellent cold tolerance and dry-down, and competitive yield. Their Scientists assessed the effects of tillage aggressive and are more easily agitated as system and KCl applications against they nurse their litters. These findings lower moisture levels at harvest translate into lower drying costs for producers. common root rot on barley at 4 site-years. provide researchers, producers, and Findings are expected to assist in making processors with insights into managing the The new two-row malting barley fertilizer recommendations to producers, in genetic improvement of swine herds. TR229 was supported for interim avoiding applications of unnecessary A 3-year study on preweaning growth registration by the Prairie Registration nutrients, and in targeting areas where from birth to 35 days old found differences Recommending Committee for Grain. fertilizer response may occur. among the Landrace, Yorkshire, and TR229 possesses an excellent combination Hampshire breeds and between male and of yield potential, malting quality, and Resources disease resistance. Equaling or exceeding female piglets. Factors were derived for Brandon Research Centre is one of the five Harrington and Manley in most traits, making adjustments to piglet weights on a original experimental farms established by TR229 has better disease resistance overall. 21-day basis. This new information will be the federal government through an act of It is the first cultivar to have good incorporated into the National Sow Parliament in 1886. The land base covers resistance to all three smuts of barley, thus Productivity and Management Program. 755 ha owned and 443 ha rented. The staff reducing the need for seed treatment by comprises 75 person-years, including 20 in Preliminary studies examined the producers to control these fungal diseases. potential of using up to 30% Lathyrus or the scientific and other professional lupins in swine diets. Performance of Forages Superior yield in tests supported categories. the addition of Impact to the list of wean lings declined as the dietary content of A 6860-m2 office and laboratory recommended early-maturing alfalfas for Lathyrus increased and as the dietary level building includes modern research Manitoba. Citation was deleted from the of lupin meal exceeded 10%. The decrease laboratories, computer-controlled recommendations. was less severe with an improved (low- environment chambers and greenhouses, neurotoxin) Lathyrus line from Morden Soils Field studies showed that black long-term cold-storage units, a library, Research Centre. The adverse effect lentils have more potential than either field conference rooms, and offices. Local staff appears to be related to a change in the peas, fababeans, Tangier flatpeas, or from the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation availability of amino acids. The findings will seedling alfalfa for use as a summerfallow Administration and Food Production and be used to establish the place of these pulse substitute in the Black and Gray soil zones. Inspection Branch are also located in the crops in commercial practice as an Although field peas also ranked well, the new building. alternative source of supplementary low seeding rate and thus low seed cost of protein for market pigs. black lentils made this green-manure crop • Scientists evaluated differences in live a more attractive choice. performance, carcass traits, and meat In the Brown soil zone, field peas and Mandat quality of a control line of crossbred pigs chickling vetch were more suitable for Le Centre de recherches de Brandon and one selected for reduced backfat. green manuring than either black lentils or elabore des systemes de production du Although the responses to selection Tangier flatpeas. A 4-year study found field porc et des bovins de boucherie. L'equipe included leaner carcasses at market weight, peas to be drought-sensitive, to be more du centre con<;oitegalement des methodes voluntary feed intake declined significantly. competitive with weeds, and to consistently ecologiques de gestion des sols et des This, coupled with the direct relationship outproduce the other legumes in organic cultures dans la zone de sol noire. Ces between age at 25 kg and age at 100 kg, matter contribution. With a tall and methodes touchent l'agronomie des indicated a need to improve current decumbent growth habit, field peas proved fourrages et la gestion des pftturages aussi feeding practices after weaning for pigs more effective for soil conservation. bien que la lutte contre les mauvaises with high rates of lean-tissue deposition. Chickling vetch showed early flowering, herbes qui s'attaquent aux pIantes greater drought tolerance, more abundant annuelles. De nouveaux cultivars de mai's

128 Brandon 1993-1994 et d'orge sont crees dans Ie cadre de Vne etude de 3 ans sur la croissance nouveaux hybrides de mai's grain precoces programmes traditionnels d'amelioration. de porcelets non sevres, de la naissance a ont egalement ete offerts au secteur prive. 35 jours, a revele des differences entre les Les entreprises Cargill Limited et Jacques Realisations races Landrace, Yorkshire et Hampshire et Canada Inc. s'occupent actuellement de la Bovins de boucherie Des scientifiques ont entre les porcelets males et femelles. Les mise en marche de MBXOlO et de evalue la relation qui existe entre les scientifiques ont elabore des facteurs pour MBX013 sous les noms respectifs de caracteristiques associees a la reproduction extrapoler Ie poids des porcelets a 21 jours. Cargill 1027 et Jacques JBX-013. II s'agit chez les jeunes taureaux et chez les Ces nouvelles donnees seront incorporees d'hybrides precoces tres resistants au froid, genisses, sur une peri ode de 6 ans. La au Programme national sur la productivite qui sechent tres bien et donnent un puberte chez les taurillons constitue un bon et la conduite de I'elevage d~s truies. rendement concurrentiel. Comme leur indice du potentiel reproductif de leurs Lors d'etudes preliminaires, on a teneur en eau a la recolte est faible, Ie demi-soeurs. Les eleveurs de bovins de evalue la possibilite d'ajouter jusqu'a 30 % sechage colite moins cher aux producteurs. boucherie devraient done choisir de Lathyrus (gesse) ou de lupins au regime Le Comite de recommandation des soigneusement leurs taureaux en vue alimentaire des pores. Plus la proportion de grains des Prairies a propose d'ameliorer Ie rendement reproductif des Lathyrus dans les aliments augmentait, plus l'enregistrement de la nouvelle orge descendants femelles. Ie rendement des porcelets sevres brassicole a deux rangs TR229. Ce cultivar Vne etude d'une duree de 4 ans, qui a diminuait; la meme chose se produisait possede d'excellentes caracteristiques, a ete realisee a Brandon et a Manyberries, lorsque la proportion de tourteau de lupin savoir des possibilites de rendement eleve n'a reIeve que peu de differences dans Ie depassait 10 %. Toutefois, la baisse etait et de bonnes qualites brassicoles et il rendement en lait et la composition du lait moins prononcee lorsque l'on utilisait une resiste bien aux maladies. De valeur egale de vaches a retrocroisements reciproques lignee amelioree de Lathyrus, a faible ou superieure aux cultivars Harrington et (avec Ie pere et la mere), ainsi qu'entre des teneur en neurotoxine, creee au Centre de Manley en ce qui concerne la plupart des vaches retrocroisees et des vaches issues recherches de Morden. Les effets nefastes caracteristiques agronomiques, TR229 a d'un premier croisement. On a observe une semblent etre associes a une moins bonne egalement une meilleure resistance globale interaction possible du genotype et de assimilation des acides amines. Les aux maladies. II s'agit du premier cultivar l'environnement chez les croisements qui resultats serviront a determiner Ie role que qui resiste bien aux trois types de charbon ont ete realises aux deux endroits. En ces legumineuses a grains pourraient jouer de l'orge, ce qui veut dire que Ie recours s'appuyant sur ces resultats, les eleveurs de dans les entreprises commerciales, comme aux fongicides pour Ie traitement des bovins de boucherie devraient pouvoir source substitut de proteines semences pourra etre reduit. choisir les combinaisons de races qui leur supplement aires pour les pores de marche. Fourrages L'augmentation du rendement permettront d'obtenir une productivite Des scientifiques ont evalue les aux essais vient appuyer l'addition d'Impact maximale dans des conditions d'elevage differences dans Ie rendement sur pied, les a la liste des cultivars de luzerne precoces extensif, en parcours, ou d'elevage caracteristiques de la carcasse et la qualite recommandes pour Ie Manitoba. Par semi-intensif, en piiturages amenages. de la viande d'une lignee temoin de pores contre, Citation a ete raye de la liste. Porcins La selection pendant 7 ans des hybrides et d'une lignee ayant fait l'objet Pedologie Des etudes au champ ont pores Hampshire et pour 8 generations de d'une selection en vue de reduire montre que les lentilles noires offrent de pores Yorkshire, qui avait pour objet de l'epaisseur du gras dorsal. Meme si la meilleures possibilites que les pois de reduire l'epaisseur du gras dorsal et selection a produit des carcasses de poids grande culture, la feverole, les pois de d'accelerer Ie taux de croissance, a entralne de marche plus maigres, elle a egalement Tanger ou les jeunes plants de luzerne, une augmentation du poids des organes entralne une nette baisse de l'ingestion comme substitut des jacheres dans les internes de ces animaux. Vne modification volontaire d'aliments. Comme, en plus, on zones de sols noirs et gris. Meme si les pois des systemes digestif et circulatoire a a note un rapport direct avec l'age a 25 kg de grande culture se sont egalement bien entralne des changements a la physiologie et l'age a 100 kg, il semble necessaire classes, Ie faible taux de semis et, par de la viande. Les lignees a faible gras ont d'ameliorer les methodes actuelles consequent, Ie faible colit des semences de des carcasses plus longues et une teneur en d'alimentation apres Ie sevrage chez les lentilles noires en font un choix plus gras plus faible a tous les principaux sites pores qui ont une forte proportion de tissus interessant comme engrais vert. de stockage adipeux du corps; les muscles maigres. En revanche, comme engrais vert dans la dissecables des jambons frais sont plus Cen!ales On a offert au secteur prive de zone des solsbruns, les pois de grande culture nombreux, Ie muscle et Ie gras de la longe commercialiser la nouvelle lignee et la gesse cultivee sont preferables aux se separent plus facilement et les tissus autofecondee de mai's CB16. II s'agit d'un lentillesnoires ou aux pois de Tanger.Vne adipeux sous-cutanes sont plus tendres. Les mai's grain precoce dont Ie rendement et Ie etude d'une duree de 4 ans a permis de lignees a faible gras semblent plus comportement agronomique general sont montrer que les pois de grande culture sont agressives et s'agitent plus facilement bons. II est adapte aux regions de l'ouest du sensiblesa la secheresse, livrent nne meilleure lorsqu'elles allaitent leur portee. Ces Canada ou la maturite est atteinte entre concurrence aux mauvaisesherbes et resultats procurent aux chercheurs, aux 1 900 et 2300 unites thermiques de mai's. produisent constamment plus de matiere eleveurs et aux transformateurs des donnees Ce mai's autofeconde donne une excellente organique que les autres legumineuses. sur lesquelles ils peuvent s'appuyer pour plante mere pour la production d'hybrides Comme les pais de grande culture sont ameliorer les caracteristiques genetiques precoces a rendement eleve. Deux des troupeaux de pores.

Brandon 1993-1994 129 grands, mais ant un port decombant, ils Research Publications enzyme activities of malt. Can. J. Plant Sci. contribuent davantage a la conservation des Publications de recherche 72:435-438. sols.La gesse cultivee fleurit tot, elle a une Castell, AG.; Cliplef, RL. 1993. Evaluation.of Plett, S. 1992. Comparison of seasonal thermal meilleure resistance a la secheresse, elle pea screenings and canol a meal as a indices for measurement of corn maturity in a produit de plus nombreuses nodosites et elle supplementary protein source in barley-based prairie environment. Can. J. Plant Sci. est moins sensible a la fertilite du sol indigene. diets fed to growing-finishing pigs. Can. J. Anim. 72:1157-1162. Sci. 73:129-139. Townley-Smith, L.; Slinkard, AE.; Bailey, L.D.; La moutarde des champs est une Cliplef, RL.; McKay, RM. 1993. Visceral organ Biederbeck, V.O.; Rice, W.A 1993. Productivity, mauvaise herbe qui reduit souvent la weights of swine selected for reduced backfat water use and nitrogen fixation of annual-legume production de canola, culture oleagineuse thickness and increased growth rate. Can. J. green-manure crops in the Dark Brown soil zone dominante dans l'Ouest du Canada. Des Anim. Sci. 73:201-206. of Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:139-148. essais menes avec les cultivarsPolish, Foy, e.L.; Chow, P.N.P.;Grant, C.A. 1992. Rice, W.A.; Olsen, P.E.; Bailey, L.D.; Biederbeck, Argentine et des cultivarsde canola resistants Formulations and applications of adjuvants for V.O.; Slinkard, AE. 1993. The use of annual a la triazine ont permis de confirmer que agrichemicals: a selected bibliography of world legume green-manure crops as a substitute for l'ethametsulphuron et la cyanazine luttent literature in Eglish (revised and updated). Pages summerfallow in the Peace River region. Can. J. efficacement contre la moutarde des champs 691-715 in Foy, e.L., ed. Adjuvants for Soil Sci. 73:243-252. sans rMuire Ie rendement en graines de agrichemicals. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. canola. Le melange de graines de moutarde Gauer, L.E.; Grant, CA.; Gehl, D.T.; Bailey, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada des champs avec celles de canola et la L.D. 1992. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on PUBLICATIONS concurrence que livre cette mauvaise herbe au grain protein content, nitrogen uptake, and Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada nitrogen use efficiency of six spring wheat canola provoquent une modification de la Castell, AG. 1992. Utilization of pulse crops in (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, in relation to composition en acides gras de l'huile et du market pig diets. Agriculture Canada, Research estimated moisture supply. Can. J. Plant Sci. tourteau de canola. La lutte contre la Station, Brandon, Man. Mimeo 92-05. 5 pp. 72:235-241. moutarde des champs doit se faire Ie plus tot Cliplef, R.L.; McKay, RM. 1992. Consumer Grandhi, RR 1992. Effect of feeding possible afin d'obtenir un rendement maximal preference and acceptability trial- 1992. supplemental fat or lysine during the ainsi qu'une IlUileet un tourteau de qualite Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Brandon, postweaning period on the reproductive Man. Mimeo 92-07. 5 pp. elevee. performance of sows with low or high lactation Les scientifiques ont evalue les effets body weight and fat losses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. Grandhi, RR 1992. Changes in reproductive de differents regimes de travail du sol et 72:679-690. performance and nutrient utilization in gilts selected for lean growth. Agriculture Canada, d'apport de KCl sur Ie pietin commun de Grant, CA.; Bailey, L.D. 1993. Interactions of Research Station, Brandon, Man. Mimeo 92-09. I'orge 4 annees-sites. II devrait etre zinc with banded and broadcast phosphorus a 18 pp. dorenavant plus facile de formuler des fertilizer on the dry matter and. seed yield of Grant, e.A; Bailey, L.D. 1992. Reduced tillage recommandations aux producteurs au sujet oilseed flax. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:7-16. systems: evaluation of the influence of tillage and Grant, CA.; Bailey, L.D. 1993. Interactions of de la fertilisation, d'eviter l'apport fertilizer management on soil quality, crop zinc with banded and broadcast phosphorus d'elements nutritifs inutiles et de cibler les productivity and economic sustain ability. fertilizer on the concentration and uptake of p, endroits ou l'apport d'engrais pourrait avoir Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Brandon, Zn, Ca and Mg in plant tissue of oilseed flax. des resultats positifs. Man. Mimeo 92-02. 5 pp. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:17-29. Grant, e.A; Bailey, L.D. 1992. Placement, level Ressources Grant, C.A.; Bailey, L.D. 1993. Fertility and timing of fluid fertilizer N, P, and KCI in management in canola production. Can. J. Plant Le Centre de recherches de Brandon canol a and barley: a summary of the latest Sci. 73:651-670. compte parmi les cinq premieresfermes research results from the Brandon Research experimentales creees par Ie gouvernement Grant, e.A; Lafond, G.P. 1993. The effects of Station. Agriculture Canada, Research Station, tillage systems and crop sequences on soil bulk federal en vertu d'une loi adoptee en 1886. Brandon, Man. Mimeo 92-04. 6 pp. density and penetration resistance on a clay soil McKay, R.M. 1992. Preweaning growth of II couvre une superficie de 755 ha a in southern Saskatchewan. Can. J. Soil Sci~ purebred piglets. Agriculture Canada, Research laquelle s'ajoute 443 ha loues. Le centre 73:223-232. dispose de 75 annees-personneset emploie Station, Brandon, Man. Mimeo 92-03. 14 pp. McKay, RM. 1992. Effect of index selection for McKay, RM. 1992. Practical guide to swine 20 scientifiques et autres personnes de reduced backfat thickness and increased growth breeding/Guide de l'amelioration genetique des categorieprofessionnelle. rate on sow weight changes through two parities porcins. Agric. Can. Pub!' 1877/E, 1877fF. in swine. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:403-408. Un immeuble d'une superficie de 51/54 pp. 6 860 m2 comprend des laboratoires de McKay, RM. 1993. Preweaning losses of piglets Rahnefeld, G.w.; Weiss, G.M.; Coulter, G.H.; as a result of index selection for reduced backfat recherche, des chambres de croissance et Ward, D. 1992. Relationship of reproductive thickness and increased growth rate. Can. J. des serres commandees par ordinateur, des traits in young bulls to reproductive traits in Anim. Sci. 73:437-442. entrepots frigorifiques a long terme, une heifers. Agriculture Canada, Research Station, bibliotheque, des salles de conference et McMullan, P.M. 1992. Effect of adjuvant and Brandon, Man. Mimeo 92-01. 30 pp. acidifying agent on imazamethabenz efficacy. des bureaux. Le personnel local de la Ramsay, S., ed. 1993. Review of results 1991. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1389-1392. Direction de la production et de l'inspection Research Station, Research Branch, Agriculture des aliments et celui de l'administration du McMullan, P.M. 1993. Two-row barley response Canada, Brandon, Man. 77 pp. to diclofop and HOE-6001. Crop Prot. retablissement agricole des Prairies Therrien, M.e. 1992. Cereal variety update - the 12:155-159. travaillent dans cet immeuble. good, the bad and the ugly. Agriculture Canada, McMullan, P.M.; Noll, J.; Therrien, M.e. 1992. Research Station, Brandon, Man. Mimeo 92-06. o Effect of diclofop and HOE-600l on amylolytic 5 pp.

130 Brandon 1993-1994 SASKATOON Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 107 Science Place 107, Science Place Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatoon (Saskatchewan) S7NOX2 S7NOX2

Tel. (306) 975-7014 Tel. Fax (306) 242-1839 Telecopie EM OITB::EM375MAlL c.E.

R,fessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director RE. Howarth, Ph.D. Directeur Assistant Director H. Harding, Ph.D. Directeur adjoint Administrative Officer G.1. Johannson Agent d'administration Cereals Protection Protection des cereales Section Head; Entomology 0.0. Olfert, Ph.D. Chef de section; entomologie Plant pathology KL. Bailey, Ph.D. Maladies des plantes Plant pathology L.J. Duczek, Ph.D. Maladies des plantes Entomology RH. Elliott, Ph.D. Entomologie Entomology M.A Erlandson, Ph.D. Entomologie Computer systems D.W Giffen, M.L.S. Systemes informatiques Entomology c.F. Hinks, Ph.D. Entomologie Entomology P.G. Mason, Ph.D. Entomologie Chemistry N.D. Westcott, Ph.D. Chimie Crop Utilization Utilisation des cultures Section Head; Cereal processing, D. Paton, Ph.D. Chef de section; chimie de la transformation Chemistry des cereales Oilseed processing, Biochemistry M.J.T. Reaney, Ph.D. Transformation des oleagineux et biochimie Forage Crops Cultures fourrageres Section Head; Range and pasture G.G. Bowes, Ph.D. Chef de section; gestion des paturages et management des parcours Grass breeding B.E. Coulman, Ph.D. Amelioration des graminees Plant pathology B.D. Gossen, Ph.D. Maladies des pIantes Molecular biology M.Y. Gruber, Ph.D. Biologie moleculaire Grass breeding RP. Knowles, Ph.D. Amelioration des graminees (Emeritus/ honoraire) Plant physiology G.L. Lees, Ph.D. Physiologie vegetale Biochemistry AD. Muir, Ph.D. Biochimie Entomology J.J. Soroka, Ph.D. Entomologie Oilseeds Oleagineux Section Head; Breeding G.F.W Rakow, Ph.D. Chef de section; amelioration Biotechnology c.T. Campbell, Ph.D. Biotechnologie Breeding RK Downey, Ph.D. Amelioration (Emeritus/ honoraire) Breeding K Falk, Ph.D. Amelioration Germplasm maintenance RK Gugel, M.Sc. Conservation du materiel genetique Biotechnology C. Jasalavich, Ph.D. Biotechnologie Biotechnology E.B. Lefol, Ph.D. Biotechnologie Biochemistry D.1. McGregor, Ph.D. Biochimie Plant pathology G.A Petrie, Ph.D. Maladies des piantes

Saskatoon 1993-1994 131 Chemistry J.P. Raney, Ph.D. Chimie Cytogenetics G. Seguin-Swartz, Ph.D. Cytogenetique Plant pathology P.R. Verma, Ph.D. Pathologie des plantes

Scientific Support Soutien scientifique Project Manager M.J. Bentham, M.Sc. Gestionnaire de projet Librarian Y. Keane, M.L.I.S. Bibliothecaire Information Officer CE. Lynn, B.Sc. Agent d'information Computer systems J. Ormiston, B.Comm. Systemes informatiques Statistician D.T. Spurr, Ph.D. Statisticien Biographies RE. Underwood Illustrations biologiques Computer Systems Manager RM. Young, RSc. Gestionnaire des systemes informatiques

Weed Management Gestion des mauvaises herbes Section Head; Weed ecology AG. Thomas, Ph.D. Chef de section; inventaires des mauvaises herbes Biological control S.M. Boyetchko, Ph.D. Lutte biologique Environmental chemistry AJ. Cessna, Ph.D. Chimie du milieu Weed physiology AI. Hsiao, Ph.D. Physiologie des mauvaises herbes Crop losses-modeling L. Hume, Ph.D. Pertes en culture/modelisation Biological control RM.D. Makowski, Ph.D. Lutte biologique Biological control L. Morin, Ph.D. Lutte biologique Biological control K. Mortensen, Ph.D. Lutte biologique Environmental chemistry AE. Smith, Ph.D. Chimie du milieu Spray application technology T.M. Wolf, M.Sc. Technologie de la pulverisation Computer support R.E Wise Appui informatique

Melfort Melfort Research Farm Ferme de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Highway 6 South Route 6 sud P.O. Box 1240 CP.1240 Melfort, Saskatchewan Melfort (Saskatchewan) SOE lAO SOE lAO

Tel. (306) 752-2776 Tel. Fax (306) 752-4911 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM372MAIL CE.

Manager AT. Wright, M.Sc. Gestionnaire Soil fertility H. Beckie, Ph.D. Fertilite du sol Computer systems R Beimuts, RSc. Systemes informatiques Agronomy A Johnston, Ph.D. Agronomie Weed management H.A. Loeppky, M.Sc. Lutte contre les mauvaises herbes Pasture management D.H. McCartney, M.Sc. Regie des paturages Soil management and conservation AP. Moulin, Ph.D. Gestion et conservation des sols Annual crops agronomy L. Townley-Smith, Ph.D. Agronomie des cultures annuelles Pasture management AS. Vaage, Ph.D. Regie des paturages Forage crops agronomy S.B.M. Wright, Ph.D. Agronomie des fourrages

132 Saskatoon 1993-1994 Scott Scott Research Farm Ferme de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture ~nd Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Highway 374, P.O. Box 10 Route nO374, c.P. 10 Scott, Saskatchewan Scott (Saskatchewan) SOK4AO SOK4AO

Tel. (306) 247-2011 Tel. Fax (306) 247-2022 Telecopie EM OTTB::AG3770000 c.E.

Superintendent; Weed management K.J. Kirkland, M.Sc. Regisseur; gestion des mauvaises herbes Agronomy S.A. Brandt, M.Sc. Agronomie

Mandate The Saskatoon Research Centre and the proportion of seedlings that emerged • preventing grasshopper maturation and its research farms bring a long-term and developed into mature plants reproduction. commitment in crops research to the decreased; the number of branches and Second-instar nymphs of the migratory agri-food industry in western Canada. The pods per plant and the number of days to grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.) centre's deliverables are crop production maturity also decreased. were fed diets of wheat cultivars grown practices, improved varieties, processing Yield increases with zero tillage were from 1880 to 1980. In general, the technology, and pest control practices in generally related to increased spring soil grasshoppers gained the least on the oldest four broad areas of research: moisture and to weed control. Yield cultivars. Among the cultivars tested, those • agronomy decreases under zero tillage were normally developed before 1928 are apparently more • breeding associated with poor weed control. resistant to grasshopper damage. • processing Inadequate weed control was a major Tillage produced no consistent effects • protection. factor limiting response to zero tillage. on wheat leaf diseases. Incidence of The four main activities are integrated Improved varieties A new summer rape take-all was greater on winter wheat than around oilseeds, cereals, forages, and field cultivar, Brassica napus L. 'AC Elect', was on spring wheat and was also greater on crops. Each program has strong input from registered in 1992. This canol a-quality winter wheat under conventional than biotechnology and chemistry, as well as cultivar combines early to medium maturity under minimum or zero tillage. The strong support from statistics, computer with high seed yield. It has a very high seed severity of common root rot varied from analysis, and biographics. Research on crop oil and high meal protein content. year to year; generally the disease was processing is conducted in collaboration reduced under minimum-till and zero-till. with the POS Pilot Plant Corporation in A new cultivar of alfalfa, AC Nordica, Saskatoon. was released in 1992. It was registered as Damage from winter crown rot alfalfa strain S7312. reduced the density of alfalfa stands by Achievements Processing technology Process systems are 21-98% and reduced first-cut yields by Crop production practices Trials were in the final stages for recovering a fraction 10-79%. Damage caused by the disease conducted on a heavily grazed bluegrass- from the oat process liquid waste stream and low-temperature injury in the winter dominated pasture located in eastcentral that exhibits anti-irritant cosmetic after the initial epidemic resulted in losses Saskatchewan. Scientists compared the properties. Process concepts for obtaining in stand and yield as great as those incurred establishment of alfalfa and forage grasses oat ~-glucan in liquid and dried form are initially. Line S7312 (AC Nordica), selected with or without treatments to suppress the nearing completion. This ingredient has for resistance to winter crown rot, exhibited resident vegetation. Alfalfa successfully extremely high potential for value-added the lowest losses. established with or without suppression. cosmetic and medical preparations. Disease spread and symptom Smooth bromegrass, however, established Pest control practices First-instar expression on blackleg-infected canola only when a suppression treatment was grasshoppers infected with an were related to the level of host resistance. applied. The low-cost no-suppression entomopoxvirus consumed 25% less food However, establishment of infection early sod-seeding treatment was as profitable as than the controls within 5 days after in the season was not. The major the sod-seeding treatment using inoculation. This effect could reduce the component of resistance was a long period glyphosate. damage potential of grasshoppers, by of latent infection. An empirical rule to As seeding depth of yellow mustard • causing initial mortality predict disease levels at the end of the increased, emergence and development to • reducing the amount of plant material season from early stem infection was maturity were delayed and plant densities consumed by surviving grasshoppers developed. decreased. With increased seeding rates,

Saskatoon 1993-1994 133 The importance of the cuticle in detectable in the straw or seed at maturity. phytotechnique est un projet de longue resistance to infection by Rhizoctonia solani Dicamba residues at 0.03-0.04 mg/kg were haleine dont profite Ie secteur in Sinapis alba and Brassica napus was detected in the mature straw. Residues of agro-alimentaire de I'ouest du Canada. Le demonstrated. Infection by R. solani dicamba were not detected in the seed in centre poursuit des recherches dans quatre progressed more slowly in S. alba the 1st year of study, but were detected at grands domaines, a savoir I'agronomie, la (resistant) than in B. napus (susceptible). 0.065 ::I:0.014 mg/kg the 2nd year. selection, Ie conditionnement et la In the early stages of infection, the Multiple regression equations were protection, pour obtenir les nouveaux pathogen invaded the vascular tissue of the developed to describe the relationship produits suivants : susceptible host, whereas it was limited to between yield loss in hard red spring wheat • methodes de culture cortical tissue in the resistant host. and the density and shoot dry weight of • varietes ameliorees In studies of the reaction of Brassica multi-species weed communities • techniques de conditionnement spp. to R. solani, progeny from disease-free dominated by green foxtail. Other • methodes de lutte antiparasitaire plants of B. napus 'Midas' showed a higher important species included in the equations L'orientation de chacune des quatre level of resistance than the original were stinkweed, common lamb's-quarters, principales activites est fonction du groupe parental strains. The results indicate that wild buckwheat, and wild mustard. de produits etudies, soit les oleagineux, les selection could improve resistance. Including crop density as a variqble cereales, les plantes fourrageres et les Polymorphism in chromosome size significantly improved the efficiency of the plantes de grande culture. Chaque among nine isolates of Leptosphaeria equations. 'programme puise genereusement dans les maculans was demonstrated in studies on Hexazinone provided effective weed connaissances de la biotechnologie et de la DNA fragment hybridization. Three control in alfalfa grown for seed. Average chimie et les ressources statistiques, general patterns could be distinguished by control of Canada thistle, cleavers, informatiques et photographiques. La • differences in size range dandelion, perennial sowthistle, recherche sur Ie conditionnement des cultures est effectuee en collaboration avec • distribution of bands within the size quackgrass, Russian pigweed, and scentless la Societe de l'usine-pilote proteine, huile ranges chamomile was 80%. Average seed yield increased by 33%. et amidon (POS Pilot Plant Corporation) de • hybridization to probes. Saskatoon. These three banding patterns corresponded Resources to the three pathogenicity groups identified Realisations The main office-laboratory building and previously. The results indicate that these the greenhouse-growth chamber complex Methodes culturales Des essais ont ete groups are distinct and may represent are located on the campus of the University menes, dans un piiturage du centre-est de different species. of Saskatchewan. This location encourages la Saskatchewan domine par Ie piiturin et Absorption of 2,4-D by oriental collaboration with other research broute de fac;onintensive, afin de comparer mustard seedlings was generally not establishments, public and private, on the l'etablissement de luzerne et de graminees affected by droplet size. However, the university campus. Importantly, it also fourrageres accompagne ou non d'un percentage of absorbed 2,4-D that was allows graduate students to participate in traitement consistant a detruire la translocated away from the treated leaf our research programs. Offices, vegetation existanfe. La luzerne s'est bien increased as droplet size decreased. laboratories, and shops service the etablie avec ou sans destruction, Absorption either increased slightly or was programs at Scott and Melfort. Total staff contrairement au brome inerme qui a not affected by increased herbicide comprises 62 in the professional categories necessite un traitement du champ pour concentration. Translocation of absorbed and 130 in scientific and administrative s'etablir avec succes. Les sursemis sans 2,4-D, however, was reduced as herbicide support groups. traitement coilteux etaient aussi rentables concentration increased. que les sursemis avec apport de glyphosate. The centre has a 180-ha research farm Following a postemergence 5 km northeast of the university. The On a montre que plus les semis de application of mecoprop to barley at 1.1 research farm at Scott is 160 km west of moutarde jaune sont profonds, plus la levee kglha at the five-leaf stage, initial residues Saskatoon, with a land base of 340 ha. Scott et la maturite sont retardees et moins les were 100 mg/kg. Six weeks after also manages project farms at Lashburn peuplements sont compacts. Lorsque la application, residues in the whole plant and Loon Lake. The land base at Melfort, densite de semis est plus elevee, moins de decreased to 0.1-0.2 mg/kg. At maturity, 200 km northeast of Saskatoon, consists of graines germent et atteignent la maturite, et chaque plante porte moins de residues in the straw were less than 0.1 370 ha near the city of Melfort. In addition, ramifications et de gousses et prend plus de mg/kg. No residues were detected in the Melfort operates another 390 ha of temps (jours) atteindre la maturite. seed. bushland pasture near Pathlow, under an a Residues of 2,4-D and dicamba in agreement with Saskatchewan. On a prouve que, d'une part, wheat were monitored over the growing I'augmentation de rendement observee en season, following postemergence o l'absence de travail du sol concorde en application as tank mixtures. Residues general avec une hausse de la teneur en decreased rapidly immediately after Mandat eau du sol au printemps et avec la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes. D'autre part, application. At 5-6 weeks after application Pour Ie Centre de recherches de Saskatoon la baisse de rendement observee dans les residues of both herbicides were less than et ses fermes satellites, la recherche 0.1 mg/kg. Residues of 2,4-D were not

134 Saskatoon 1993-1994 memes conditions est normalement plut6t que dans ceux ou Ie travail du sol • la distribution des bandes chez les associee a une lutte inadequate contre les etait minimal ou absent. La gravite du differents groupes de taille mauvaises herbes, qui est une cause pietin commun varia it d'une annee a I'autre • l'hybridation a l'aide de sondes. import ante de la reponse mitigee observee et diminuait generalement lorsque Ie Ces trois types de distribution des ban des en I'absence de travail du sol. travail du sol etait reduit ou absent. correspondaient a trois groupes de Varietes ameliorees Une nouvelle variete Les degats causes par la pourriture pathogenicite identifies precedemment. de colza d'ete, Brassica napus L. 'AC Elect', hivernale du collet ont reduit de 21 a 98 % Les resultats etablissent la distinction entre a ete enregistree en 1992. II s'agit d'un la den site des peuplements de luzerne et ces groupes et donnent a penser qu'iI s'agit cultivar de canol a a maturite, variant de ont cause des pertes de rendement de 10 a peut-etre d'especes differentes. precoce a moyenne, et a rendement en 79 % a la premiere fauche. Les degats Dans l'ensemble, I'absorption de 2,4-D graines eleve. Ses graines ont une tres forte causes par la maladie et les blessures par de jeunes plants de moutarde joncee teneur en huile et Ie tourteau qu'on en tire infliges par Ie froid de I'hiver, n' est pas perturbee par la taille des est tres riche en proteines. subsequemment a l'infection initiale, ont gouttelettes. Toutefois, un pourcentage Un nouveau cultivar de luzerne, AC entralne des pertes de rendement et de plus eleve du 2,4-D absorbe est transporte Nordica, a ete mis en marche en 1992. II a densite aussi importantes que les premieres loin de la feuille traitee lorsque les ete enregistre comme souche S7312 de la pertes. C'est la lignee S7312 (AC Nordica), gouttelettes sont plus grosses. L'absorption luzerne. selectionnee en raison de sa resistance a la est soit la meme soit legerement plus pourriture hivernale du collet, qui a ete la intense lorsque la concentration de Techniques de conditionnement On est a moins touchee. mettre la dernihe main a des systemes de l'herbicide augmente, mais Ie transport du recouvrement d'une fraction des dechets La propagation de la jambe noire et 2,4-D absorbe ralentit lorsque I'herbicide liquides de la transformation de I'avoine l'apparition des sympt6mes de la maladie est plus concentre. possedant des proprietes cosmetiques chez des plants de canol a deja infectes A la suite de I'application post-levee anti-irritantes. On achevera bient6t de etaient associees au degre de resistance de de mecoprop a I'orge a raison de 1,1 kglha mettre au point la methode d'extraction du l'h6te, contrairement a l'etablissement de au stade de cinq feuilles, on a trouve des B-glucane de l'avoine sous forme liquide ou I'infection en debut de campagne. La residus de l'herbicide a une concentration sechee. Ce produit offre des possibilites resistance s'exprimait principalement par de 100 mglkg. Six semaines apres extremement elevees de valeur ajoutee une longue peri ode d'infection latente. On l'application, les residus avaient diminue lorsqu'il entre dans la preparation de a mis au point une regIe empirique qui dans la plante entiere (parties epigees), produits cosmetiques et medicaux. permet de predire la gravite de la maladie a pour se situer entre 0,1 et 0,2 mglkg. Ala la fin de la campagne en mesurant Ie degre Methodes de lutte antiparasitaire Les larves maturite, les residus dans la paille etaient d'infection de la tige en debut de inferieurs a 0,1 mglkg. Aucun residu n'a ete de sauterelles de premier age (LI) infectees campagne. par un virus entomopox consomment 25 % trouve dans les graines. moins d'aliments dans les cinq jours apres On a montre I'importance de la On a mesure les residus de 2,4-D et de I'inoculation que les temoins. On peut tirer cuticule dans la resistance a l'infection dicamba presents dans Ie ble pendant toute profit de ces resultats pour reduire les causee par Ie Rhizoctonia solani chez Ie une campagne, apres application post-levee risques de degats causes par les saute relies, Sinapis alba et Ie Brassica napus. de melanges en cuve. Les residus en L'infection par Ie R. solani progresse plus diminuaient rapidement immediatement • provoquant la mort initiale d'insectes lentement chez Ie S. alba (espece apres l'application et se situaient a moins resistante ) que chez Ie B. napus (espece • reduisant la quantite de materiel vegetal de 0,1 mglkg, 5 a 6 semaines plus tard. Ala sensible). Aux premiers stades de consomme par les sauterelles survivantes maturite, on n'a pas pu deceler de residus I'infection, I'agent pathogene envahit Ie • empechant les sauterelles d'atteindre la de 2,4-D dans la paille ou les graines. tissu vasculaire de l'h6te sensible, tan dis Toutefois, des residus de dicamba de maturite et de se reproduire. qu'il reste dans Ie tissu cortical de l'h6te l'ordre de 0,03 a 0,04 mglkg ont ete trouves resistant. Les nymphes Lz du criquet migrateur, dans la paille mature. La premiere annee, Melanoplus sanguinipes (F), ont ete Lors d'etudes de la reaction de aucun residu de dicamba n'avait ete trouve nourries de cultivars de ble qui avaient ete differentes especes de Brassica au R. solani, dans les graines, tandis que la deuxieme utilises entre 1880 et 1980. En general, les on a montre que la resistance de la annee, ceux-ci atteignaient 0,065 :l: 0,014 cultivars les plus anciens provoquaient Ie descendance de plants de B. napus 'Midas' mglkg. plus faible gain de poids. Les cultivars crees exempts de la maladie etait meilleure que On a mis au point des equations de avant 1928 semblaient etre, parmi les celie des souches parentales originales, ce regression multiple pour definir la relation cultivars eprouves, les plus resistants aux qui prouve que la resistance peut etre qui existe entre la perte de rendement du degats causes'par les criquets. amelioree par selection. ble roux vitreux de printemps et la densite Le travail du sol n'a eu aucun effet Des etudes d'hybridation de fragments et Ie poids sec de la tige, dans des constant sur les maladies des feuilles chez d'ADN ont permis de montrer Ie peuplements comptant de multiples Ie ble. L'incidence de pietin-echaudage polymorphisme des chromosomes par especes de mauvaises herbes, mais domines etait plus marquee chez Ie ble d'hiver que rapport a la taille, chez neuf isolats de par la setaire verte. Le tabouret des chez Ie ble de printemps, ainsi que chez Ie Leptosphaeria maculans. Trois grands champs, Ie chenopode blanc, la renouee ble d'hiver cultive dans des champs soumis modeles ont ete identifies d'apres grimpante et la moutarde sauvage etaient aux methodes classiques de travail du sol • les variations de taille au nombre des autres especes importantes

Saskatoon 1993-1994 135 dont on a tenu compte dans les equations. tannins on endoglucanase activity and filter Douglas, D.W.; Thomas, AG.; Peschken, D.P.; L'inclusion de la den site des cultures paper digestion by Fibrobacter succinogenes S85. Bowes, G.G.; Derksen, D.A 1992. Scentless comme variable a nettement ameliore la Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:2132-2138. chamomile (Matricaria per/orata Merat) fiabilite des resultats. Bailey, KL.; Mortensen, K; Lafond, G.P. 1992. interference in winter wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. Effects of tillage systems and crop rotations on 72:1383-1387. L 'hexazinone est un moyen de lutte root and foliar diseases of wheat, flax, and peas Duczek, L.J. 1993. The effect of soil salinity on efficace contre les mauvaises herbes dans in Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 75:583-591. common root rot of spring wheat and barley. des champs de luzerne cultives pour les Bowes, G.G.; Zentner, RP. 1992. Effect of Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:323-330. graines. En moyenne, la reduction du vegetation suppression on the establishment of Duczek, LJ.; Wildermuth, G.B. 1992. Effect of chardon du Canada, du gaillet gratteron, sod-seeded alfalfa in the Aspen Parkland. Can. J. temperature, freezing period, and drying on the du pissenlit, du laiteron des champs, du Plant Sci. 72:1349-1358. sporulation of Cochliobolus sativus on mature chiendent, de I'anserine de Russie et de la Brandt, S.A 1992. Depths, rates and dates of stem bases of wheat. Can. J. Plant Pathol. %. 14:130-136. matricaire maritime atteignait 80 On a seeding and yield of yellow mustard (Sinapis alba egalement observe une hausse du L.) in west-central Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Foster, RK; Townley-Smith, L.; Dyck, P.B. 1992. rendement moyen en graines de 33 %. Sci. 72:351-359. Seeding method and nitrogen effects on two ,Canadian wheat types. J. Prod. Agric. 5:540-545. Ressources Brandt, S.A 1992. Zero vs. conventional tillage and their effects on crop yield and soil moisture. 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Comparison of Heap, I.M.; Murray, B.G.; LoeppkY, H.A; professionnels, et 130 employes qui extraction/hydrolysis procedures for the Morrison, LN. 1993. Resistance to assurent Ie soutien scientifique et determination of acidic herbicides in plants: aryloxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexanedione residues of mecoprop in barley following herbicides in wild oat (Avenafatua). Weed Sci. administratif. postemergence application. J. Agric. Food 41:232-238. La centre comprend une ferme de Chern. 40:1154-1157. Hinks, c.P.; Hupka, D.; Olfert, O. 1993. recherches de 180 hectares situee a 5 km Cessna, AJ.; Benoit, D.L. 1992. Weed control Nutrition and the protein economy in au nord-est de I'Universite. La Ferme de and herbicide residues in onion following use of grasshoppers and locusts. CompoBiochem. recherches de Scott est a 160 km a l'ouest chlorpropham and cyanazine. Pestic. Sci. Physiol. 104A:133-142. de Saskatoon et a une superficie de 340 35:355-362. Hinks, c.P.; Olfert, O. 1992. 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136 Saskatoon 1993-1994 Johnston, AM.; Fowler, D.B. 1992. Response of Leptosphaeria maculans. Phytopathology Rakow, G.; Downey, R.K 1993. Profit summer no-till winter wheat to nitrogen fertilization and 83:503-509. rape. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:187-188. drought stress. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1075-1089. Muir, AD.; Goplen, B.P. 1992. Quantitative Rakow, G.; Downey, RK 1993. Tribute summer Kataria, H.R; Verma, P.R 1992.Rhizoctonia reversed-phase HPLC analysis of dicumarol in rape. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:189-191. solani damping-off and root rot in oilseed rape sweetclover hay and silage samples. J. Agric. Saharan, G.S.; Verma, P.R. 1992. White rusts: a and canola. Crop Prot. 11:8-13. Food Chern. 40:820-823. review of economically important species. Kataria, H.R.; Verma, P.R.; Gisi, U. 1991. Muir, AD.; Soroka, J.J. 1992. 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Koupai-Abyazani, M.R; McCallum, J.; Muir, soils. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chern. 46:111-116. AD.; et al. 1993. Developmental changes in the 40:1836-1838. Sokhansanj, S.; Venkatesam, Y.S.;Wood, H.C.; composition of proanthocyanidins from leaves of Nawolsky, KM.; Morrison, LN.; Marshall, G.M.; Doane, J.F.; Spurr, D.T. 1992. Thermal kill of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) as Smith, AE. 1992. Growth and yield of flax wheat midge and Hessian fly. Postharvest BioI. determined by HPLC analysis. J. Agric. Food (Linum usitatissimum) injured by trifluralin. Technol. 2:65-71. Chern. 41:1066-1070. Weed Sci. 40:460-464. Spurr, D.T. 1992. Bioassays in microbiology- Koupai-Abyazani, M.R; McCallum, J.; Muir, Nuttall, WF.; Moulin, AP.; Townley-Smith, L.J. methodology. Pages 257-268 in Lederberg, J., AD.; et al. 1993. Purification and 1992. Yield response of canola to nitrogen, ed., Encyclopedia of microbiology. Academic characterization of a proanthocyanidin polymer phosphorus, precipitation, and temperature. Press, San Diego, CA from seed of alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. Beaver). Agron. J. 84:765-768. J. Agric. Food Chern. 41:565-569. Teo, BK; Verma, P.R.; Morrall, RAA 1992. Olfert, 0.; Erlandson, M.A 1991. Wheat foliage The effects of herbicides and mycoparasites at Lafond, G.P.; Loeppky, H.; Derksen, D.A 1992. consumption by grasshoppers (Orthoptera: different moisture levels on carpogenic The effects of tillage systems and crop rotations Acrididae) infected with Melanoplus sanguinipes germination in Sclerotinia sclerotiornm. Plant Soil on soil water conservation, seedling entomopoxvirus. Environ. Entomol. 139:99-107. establishment and crop yield. Can. J. Plant Sci. 20:1720-1724. 72:103-115. Tinline, RD.; Spurr, D.T. 1991. Agronomic Pedras, M.S.C.; Seguin-Swartz, G. 1992. The practices and common root rot in spring wheat: Liu, S.H.; Hsiao, AI.; Quick, WA 1992. Effects blackleg fungus: phytotoxins and phytoalexins. effect of tillage on disease and inoculum density of sodium bisulphate, acidic buffers and Can. J. Plant Pathol. 14:67-75. of Cochliobolus sativus in soil. Can. J. Plant ammonium sulphate on imazamethabenz Peschken, D.P.; Derby, J.L. 1992. Effect of Pathol. 13:258-266. phytotoxicity to wild oats. Crop Prot. 11:335-340. Urophora cardui (L.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Tinline, RD.; Ukrainetz, H.; Spurr, D.T. 1993. Ma, F.; Zhu, X.; ... ; Hsiao, AI. 1992. Shoot tip Ceutorhynchus litura (F.) (Coleoptera: Effect of fertilizers and of liming acid soil on culture of Ribes nigrum in vitro. J. Hortic. Sci. Curculionidae) on the weed Canada Thistle, common root rot in wheat, and of chloride on 67:751-759. Cirsium alvense (L.) Scop. Can. Entomol. the disease in wheat and barley. Can. J. Plant 124:145-150. Makowski, RM.D.; Mortensen, K 1992. The Pathol. 15:65-73. first mycoherbicide in Canada: Col/etotrichum Pivnick, KA; Labbe, E. 1992. Emergence and Tompkins, DK; Fowler, D.B.; Wright, AT. 1993. gloeosporioides f. sp. malvae for round-leaved calling rhythms, and mating behaviour of the Influence of agronomic practices on canopy mallow control. Pages 298-300 in Proc. First Int. orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis microclimate and septoria development in no-till Weed Control Congress, Vol. 2. Weed Science mosel/ana (Gehin) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). winter wheat produced in the Parkland region of Society of Victoria Inc., Melbourne, Australia. Can. Entomol. 124:501-507. Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:331-344. Malik, N.; Bowes, G.G.; Waddington, J. 1993. Pivnick, KA; Labbe, E. 1993. Daily patterns of Tompkins, DK; Wright, AT.; Fowler, D.B. 1992. Residual herbicides for weed control in activity of females of the orange wheat blossom Foliar disease development in no-till winter established alfalfa (Medicago sativa) grown for midge, Sitodiplosis mosel/ana (Gehin) (Diptera: wheat: influence of agronomic practices on seed. Weed Technol. 7:483-490. Cecidomyiidae). Can. Entomol. 125:725-736. powdery mildew development. Can. J. Plant Sci. McIntyre, G.I. 1992. Nutritional control of bud Pivnick, KA; Lavoie-Dornik, J.; McNeil, J.N. 72:965-972. growth in perennial weeds. Pages 105-109 in 1992. The role of the androconia in the mating Townley-Smith, L.; Slinkard, AE.; Bailey, L.D.; Proc. First Int. Weed Control Congress, Vol. 1. behaviour of the European skipper, Thymelicus Biederbeck, Y.O.; Rice, WA 1993. Productivity, Weed Science Society of Victoria Inc., lineola, and evidence for a male sex pheromone. water use and nitrogen fixation of annual-legume Melbourne, Australia. Physiol. Entomol. 17:260-268. green-manure crops in the Dark Brown soil zone Miranpuri, G.S.; Erlandson, M.A; Gillespie, J.P.; Pivnick, KA; Lamb, RJ.; Reed, D. 1992. of Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:139-148. Khachatourians, G.G. 1992. Changes in Response of flea beetles, Phyl/otreta spp., to Van Donkersgoed, J.; Ribble, C.S.; Booker, C.W; hemolymph of the migratory grasshopper, mustard oils and nitriles in field trapping McCartney, D.; Janzen, E.D. 1993. The Melanoplussanguinipes, infected with an experiments. J. Chem. Ecol. 18:863-873. predictive value of pelvimetry in beef cattle. Can. entomopoxvirus. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 6:274-282. Rakow, G. 1992.AC Tristar summer rape. Can. J. Vet. Res. 57:170-175. Moulin, AP.; Beckie, H.J. 1993. Evaluation of J. Plant Sci. 72:1239-1240. Waite, D.T.; Grover, R; Westcott, N.D.; the CERES and EPIC models for predicting Rakow, G. 1993.AC Elect summer rape. Can. J. Sommerstad, H.; Kerr, L. 1992. Pesticides in spring wheat grain yield over time. Can. J. Plant Plant Sci. 73:181-182. Sci. 73:713-719. ground water, surface water and spring runoff in Rakow, G. 1993. AC Excel summer rape. Can. J. a small Saskatchewan watershed. Environ. Morales, Y.M.; Seguin-Swartz, G.; Taylor, J.L. Plant Sci. 73:183-184. Toxicol. Chern. 11:741-748. 1993. Chromosome size polymorphism in

Saskatoon 1993-1994 137 Westcott, N.D.; Hinks, C.P.; Olfert, O. 1992. Dietary effects of secondary plant compounds on nymphs of Me/anop/us sanguinipes (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 85:304-309. Wolf, IM. 1992. Novel approaches to spray delivery. Pages 31-40 in Proc. Appli-Tech '92. Agricultural chemical application technology for the 90's. Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK Wolf, IM. 1992. The effect of protective cones, screens, and shrouds on the drift and deposition characteristics of field sprayers. Pages 176-191 in Proc. Appli-Tech '92. Agricultural chemical application technology for the 90's. Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK Wolf, IM.; Caldwell, RC.; McIntyre, G.I.; Hsiao, AI. 1992. Effect of droplet size and herbicide concentration on absorption and translocation of 14C-2,4-D in Oriental mustard (Sisymbrium orienta/e). Weed Sci. 40:568-575. Xi, K; Kutcher, H:R; Westcott, N.D.; Morrall, RAA; Rimmer, S.R 1991. Effect of seed treatment and fertilizer coated with flutriafol on blackleg of canola (oilseed rape) in western Canada. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 13:336-346. Xi, K; Morrall, RAA; Gugel, R.K.; Verma, P.R 1991. Latent infection in relation to the epidemiology of blackleg of spring rapeseed. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 13:321-331. Yang, J.; Verma, P.R 1992. Screening genotypes for resistance to pre-emergence damping-off and postemergence seedling root rot of oilseed rape and canol a caused by Rhizoctonia so/ani AG-2-1. Crop Prot. 11:443-448. Yang, J.; Verma, P.R; Lees, G.L. 1992. The role of cuticle and epidermal cell wall in resistance of rapeseed and mustard to Rhizoctonia so/ani. Plant Soil 142:315-321. Yang, J.; Verma, P.R; Tewari, J.P. 1992. Histopathology of resistant mustard and susceptible canol a hypocotyls infected by Rhizoctonia so/ani. Mycol. Res. 96:171-179. Zentner, RP.; Brandt, S.A; Kirkland, K.J.; Campbell, C.A; Sonntag, G.J. 1992. Economics of rotation and tillage systems for the Dark Brown soil zone of the Canadian Prairies. Soil & Tillage Res. 24:271-284.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada PUBLICATIONS Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Knowles, RP.; Baron, V.S.; McCartney, D.H. 1993. Meadow bromegrass/Le brome des pres. Agric. Can. Pub!' 1889/E, 1889/F. 19/23 pp.

138 Saskatoon 1993-1994 SWIFT CURRENT Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Airport Road Chemin de l'aeroport P.O. Box 1030 CP. 1030 Swift Current, Saskatchewan Swift Current (Saskatchewan) S9H 3X2 S9H 3X2

Tel. (306) 773-4621 Tel. Fax (306) 773-9123 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM379MAIL CE.

RfeSSional Staff Rsonnel professionnel Director P.A. O'Sullivan, Ph.D. Directeur Administrative Officer G.A. Tower Agent d'administration

Support Services Services de recherche Section Head; Technology Transfer G.E. Parker, B.S.A. Chef de section; transfert technologique Systems Manager RW. Luciuk, B.Sc. Gestionnaire des systemes Librarian K.E. Wilton, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire Chemist G.E. Winkleman, B.Sc. Chimiste

Crop Science Phytotechnie Section Head; Grass breeding P.G. Jefferson, Ph.D. Chef de section; amelioration et physiology physiologie des graminees Wheat breeding J.M. Clarke, Ph.D. Amelioration du ble Wheat breeding RM. DePauw, Ph.D. Amelioration du ble Cereal pathology M.R Fernandez, Ph.D. Pathologie des cereales Pasture management N.W. Holt, Ph.D. Regie des paturages Grass breeding G.A. Kielly, Ph.D. Amelioration des herbages Ruminant nutrition J.E. Knipfel, Ph.D. Nutrition des ruminants Cereal pathology R Knox, Ph.D. Pathologie des cere ales Programmer Cw.B. Lendrum Programmeur Quality physiology T.N. McCaig, Ph.D. Physiologie de la qualite Rye breeding J.G. McLeod, Ph.D. Amelioration du seigle Pasture establishment and physiology J. Waddington, Ph.D. Installation et physiologie des piiturages

Soil Science Science des sols Section Head; Economics RP. Zentner, Ph.D. Chef de section; economie Soil microbiology VO. Biederbeck, Ph.D. Microbiologie des sols Soil chemistry and fertility CA. Campbell, Ph.D. Chimie et fertilite des sols Agrometeorology, soil physics H.w. Cutforth, Ph.D. Agrometeorologie, physique des sols Equipment design EB. Dyck, M.Sc. Conception de l'equipement Crop modeling Y.w. Jame, Ph.D. Modelisation des cultures Engineering, crop production E.Z. Jan, Ph.D. Genie, production vegetale Hydrology B.G. McConkey, Ph.D. Hydrologie Soil fertility E Selles, Ph.D. Fertilite des sols Subsurface hydrology, salinity H. Steppuhn, Ph.D. Hydrologie et salinite des eaux souterraines Energy, equipment design M.A. Stumborg, M.Sc.(Eng.) Energie, conception de l'equipement

Swift Current 1993-1994 139 Indian Head Indian Head Research Farm Ferme de recherches P.O. Box 760 c.P. 760 Indian Head, Saskatchewan Indian Head (Saskatchewan) SOG 2KO SOG2KO

Tel. (306) 695-2274 Tel. Fax (306) 695-3445 TeIecopie EM INDIRA::Gehl C.B.

Officer in Charge D.T. Gehl, M.Sc. Agent responsable Weed-crop ecology D.A. Derksen, Ph.D. Bcologie des mauvaises herbes Weed management in wheat I.H. Hunter, Ph.D. Regie des mauvaises herbes Agronomy, cereal G.P. Lafond, Ph.D. Agronomie et cereales

Mandate The Swift Current Research Centre AC Copia, a new variety of spring The relationship between soil water focuses on the semiarid regions of the triticale, was registered and released for and alfalfa seedling survival was studied. southern prairies by pedigreed seed production and sale. In the Seeding alfalfa directly into established • breeding wheat, rye, and forage crops Brown and Dark Brown soil zones of the pasture succeeds in a semiarid environment • developing management systems for prairies, it has 4% better test weight and if the vegetation around the seed is killed range and pasture lands 7% yield advantage over the check variety, before seeding and it rains at key stages Frank. AC Copia is resistant to the prevalent during the next growing season. • developing soil conservation and crop races of leaf and stem rust, highly resistant management systems. Soil management and conservation to common bunt, and moderately resistant Chickling vetch and feedpea, two annual The Indian Head Research Farm to common root rot. legumes grown for green manure as an increases and distributes seed after new Cooperative research with the alternative to summerfallow, produced crop cultivars are registered. Through its University of Saskatchewan shows a large significant amounts of dry matter. This programs it verifies cultivars, maintains variation in extract viscosity in fall rye. finding correlated with prolificnodulation, breeder seed, and evaluates potential Through genetic selection, we can now indicatinga superior abilityto benefit from crops, conservation tillage systems, and produce rye having high or low extract symbiosiswith Rhizobiwn. Prolificroot integrated weed management strategies. viscosity. Rye with high extract viscosity has nodulation and earlier floweringmake the chicklingvetch most suitable for less fertile Achievements potential in the food and fiber industry. Rye of low viscosity may be desirable as a soilsin drought-prone regions. Green manure Cereals AC Eatonia, a new variety of hard livestock feedstuff and distillery feedstock. legume crops take soilwater from only half red spring wheat resistant to wheatstem the depth from which spring wheat normally Field crops In a 4-year study, integrated sawfly,was registered and released for extractswater. Chicklingvetch and feedpea weed management (IWM) has shown production and sale of pedigreed seed. In used water more efficientlyfor biomass potential for controlling quackgrass in the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones of production than did three other crops. western Canada, AC Eatonia yields 2.6% conservation-tillage systems. Growers An economic analysisfrom the first cycle more grain, exhibits more solid stems, has should consider crop type and stature in of the crop management study demonstrated better resistance to common root rot and IWM programs. Semi-dwarf varieties of that zero tillage is economically viable and common bunt, and has larger kernel size spring and winter wheat had denser that crop diversificationincreases profitability. than the wheatstem-sawfly-resistant quackgrass populations than varieties of Conservation tillage has a large economic cultivar Leader. standard height. impact on high-value crops like field pea Forage Faster-growinggrasseswere stocked The relationship between stomatal and flax. frequency and rate of water loss from with Russian wildryeto assess increases in The Indian Head Research Farm excised leaves has been published. The production of total forage over 3 years. has developed a new approach to crop positive, though inconsistent, relationship Dahurian wildryecontributed 50% of the total production. It consists of combining wide between the two variables suggests that forage in the first crop year. The amount row spacingwith tall stubble, placing fertilizer stomatal frequency is but one of the factors declined to 10% in the 2nd year and to zero near the seed row, and using zero till. The contributing to observed genotypic by the 3rd year. Slender wheatgrass made up 50, 50, and 17% of the forage production in process protects the soil, conserves water, differences in rate of water loss. establishes a more favorable above-ground Physiologists are working to gain further the first 3 years. These studies emphasize the microclimate for the seedlings, and allows insight into explaining and eventually short life of Dahurian wildrye,along with its the crop full access to the nutrients applied. exploiting this simple screening technique. high yield and easy establishment.

140 Swift Current 1993-1994 The new production system is more La Ferme de recherches de Indian dont les extraits sont tres visqueux pourrait productive, environmentally friendly, and Head s'occupe de la multiplication et de la avoir des debouches dans I'industrie efficient. distribution des semences de cultivars alimentaire ou dans celie des textiles. Un nouvellement enregistres. Dans Ie cadre seigle dont les extraits sont peu visqueux Water and climate The CERES wheat peut etre souhaitable comme aliment pour growth model was adapted for use in the des programmes qui y sont menes, on Ie betail et comme matiere premiere pour prairies. A user-friendly version has been verifie les cultivars, conserve la semence de la distillerie. produced with Prairie Agricultural I'obtenteur et evalue les cultures potentielles, Research Initiative funding. les pratiques aratoires de conservation du Grandes cultures Une etude de 4 ans sur sol et les strategies de lutte integree contre A water-shed study area was upgraded la lutte integree contre les mauvaises les mauvaises herbes. herbes (LIMH) a montre qu'il etait to conduct studies on the quantity and possible de lutter contre Ie chiendent dans quality of run-off water. The site is also part Realisations of a national soil-qualitymonitoring study. les systemes culturaux de conservation des Cereales Une nouvelle variete de ble roux sols. Les producteurs devraient tenir Excessivesodium in soil leads to many vitreux de printemps resistante au cephe du compte du type et de la hauteur de I'espece difficulties,includinga change in phosphorus ble, AC Eatonia, a ete enregistree et est cultivee dans les programmes de LIMH. balance. High sodium content in the absence maintenant disponible pour la production Des varietes demi-naines de ble de of elevated electrolyte concentrations brings et la vente de semences controlees. Dans printemps et de ble d'hiver etaient plus additional phosphorus into soil solution. les zones de sols bruns et brun fonce de densement envahies par Ie chiendent que Soil-testinglaboratories should reduce their I'Ouest canadien, I'AC Eatonia s'est les varietes de hauteur courante. phosphorus fertilizationrecommendations in distinguee par son rendement grainier plus these areas to lower the economic and eleve de 2,6 %, une plus grande resistance Fourrages On a cultive des graminees a environmental impact of overfertilizingwith de la tige, une meilleure resistance au croissance plus rapide avec de I'elyme de phosphorus. pietin commun et a la carie et un grain plus Russie pour evaluer la hausse de gros comparativement au Leader, qui production de tous les fourrages en 3 ans. Resources resiste au cephe du ble. L'elyme de Daourie a compte pour 50 % de la production totale de fourrages la Swift Current Research Centre is located Des chercheurs ont publie leurs premiere campagne. Cette contribution a on 900 ha of land used for research plots, conclusions sur la relation entre la flechi a 10 % la deuxieme annee et a ete pasture studies, and grounds servicing. frequence des stomates et Ie taux de nulle la troisieme annee. L'agropyre elance Headquarters is situated in a modern deperdition d'eau des feuilles excisees. La a donne respectivement 50, 50 et 17 % de administration and laboratory building that relation positive, quoique non constante, la production de fourrages les 3 premieres includes growth rooms and greenhouses. entre les deux variables donne a penser que annees. Ces etudes mettent en lumiere la Other laboratory and service areas la frequence des stomates n'est que I'un des courte longevite de I'elyme de Daourie, de traditionally housed in old buildings are facteurs pouvant expliquer les differences meme que son rendement eleve et sa being moved to a new crop services genotypiques observees dans Ie taux de facilite a s'etablir. building. This move is expected to reduce deperdition d'eau. Des physiologistes energy cost and improve research tachent d'approfondir leurs connaissances Une etude a porte sur la relation entre efficiency. Other major buildings include a afin de pouvoir expliquer et ultimement Ie taux d'humidite dans Ie sol et la survie well-equipped laboratory for designing exploiter cette simple technique de des semis de luzerne. On peut reussir a machinery, a machine shop, and a selection. semer directement de Ja luzerne dans un metabolism barn for studying ruminant paturage etabli dans un environnement livestock feed utilization. The Indian Head Une nouvelle variete de triticale de demi-aride si la vegetation qui se trouve Research Farm is located 70 km east of printemps, l'AC Copia, a ete enregistree et dans la zone ou seront semees les graines Regina on the eastern edge of the town of est maintenant disponiblepour la production est detruite avant I'ensemencement et s'il Indian Head. It occupies 490 ha of clay et la vente de semences controlees. Dans pleut a des eta pes critiques au cours de la loam soil in the thin Black soil zone. The les zones de sols bruns et brun fonce des campagne suivante. Prairies, cette variete a eu un poids total staff comprises 128 person-years, Exploitation et conservation des sols La including 29 in the professional categories. specifique et un rendement respectivement superieurs de 4 et de 7 % a ceux de la gesse cultivee et Ie pois fourrager, deux o variete temoin Frank. L'AC Copia resiste legumineuses annuelles cultivees comme aux races communes de rouille des feuilles engrais vert en remplacement de la jachere, et de la rouille de la tige, et affiche une ont donne un rendement significatif en Mandat grande resistance a la carie et une matiere seche. Cette decouverte va de pair Les recherches effectuees au Centre de resistance moderee au pietin commun. avec la prolificite des nodosites, signe d'une Swift Current portent sur capacite superieure a bene~cier de la Des recherches menees avec la • la selection de ble, de seigle et de symbiose avec Rhizobium. A cause de la collaboration de l'Universite de la fourrages prolificite des nodosites sur ses racines et Saskatchewan montrent une import ante • I'elaboration de systemes d'exploitation de sa floraison plus hiitive, la gesse cultivee variation dans la viscosite des extraits chez convient tout a fait aux sols moins fertiles des parcours naturels et des pfiturages Ie seigle d'automne. Au moyen de la des regions exposees a la secheresse. Les • la mise au point de systemes de selection genetique, nous pouvons legumineuses utilisees comme engrais vert conservation des sols et d'exploitation main tenant produire du seigle dont les ne puisent l'eau du sol qu'a une profondeur des cultures. extraits sont peu ou tres visqueux. Le seigle

Swift Current 1993-1994 141 egale a la moitie de celIe a laquelle Ie ble services.L'administration centrale se trouve biomass and mineralizable nitrogen in a thick de printemps extrait normalement I'eau. La dans un irnmeuble modeme qui renferme a la Black Chernozem. Can. J. Soil Sci. 72:417-427. gesse cultivee et Ie pois fourrager ont utilise fois les laboratoires, les serres et les chambres Campbell, e.A; Selles, E; Zentner, RP.; l'eau plus efficacement pour la production de de croissance.D'autres laboratoires et services McConkey, B.G. 1993. Nitrogen management for biomasse que trois autres cultures. qui se trouvaient auparavant dans de vieux zero-till spring wheat: N disposition in plant and N utilization efficiency..Agron. J. 85:114-120. Une analyse economique du premier immeubles ont ete demenages dans un nouvel cyclede l'etude des techniques agronomiques immeuble qui sert d'entrepot pour Ies Campbell, CA.; Zentner, RP. 1993. Soil organic matter as influenced by crop rotations and a montre que la culture sans labour est cultures. Ce nouvel amenagement est cense reduire les couts energetiques et accroitre fertilization in an aridic haploboroll. Soil Sci. economiquement viable et que la Soc. Am. J. 57:1034-1040. diversification des cultures accroit la I'efficacitedes recherches. Parmi les autres Campbell, C.A; Zentner, RP.; McConkey, B.G.; rentabilite. Les pratiques aratoires de constructions irnportantes, on retrouve un Selles, E 1992. Effect of nitrogen and snow conservation du sol ont un impact batirnent a metabolisme ou l'on etudie I'utilisationdu fourrage par les ruminants, un management on efficiency of water use by spring economique important sur Ies cultures a wheat grown annually on zero-tillage. Can. J. Soil laboratoire bien equipe pour la conception de valeur eIevee comme Ie pois de grande Sci. 72:271-279. culture et Ie lin. la machinerie et un atelier. La Ferme de recherches de Indian Head est situee a 70 km Campbell, CA.; Zentner, RP.; Selles, E; Biederbeck, VO.; Leyshon, AJ. 1992. La Ferme de recherches de Indian l'est de Regina I'extremite est de la ville de a a Comparative effects of grain lentil wheat and Head a mis au point un nouveau systeme Indian Head. D'une superficie de 490 ha, de culture qui combine des elements comme monoculture wheat on crop production, N cette ferme presente un sol limoneux argileux economy and N fertility in a Brown chernozem. la grande interligne avec chaume eleve, dans la zone de sol noir. En tout Ie centre Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1091-1107. I'engrais dispose pres de la rangee de dispose de 128 annees-personnes et emploie semences et la culture sans travail du sol. Campbell, CA.; Zentner, RP.; Selles, E; 29 professionnels. McConkey, B.G.; Dyck, EB. 1993. Nitrogen Ainsi, on protege Ie sol, conserve I'eau, management for spring wheat grown annually on etablit un micro-c1imat au-dessus du sol o zero-tillage: yields and N use efficiency. Agron. J. plus favorable pour les semis et permet a la 85:107-114. culture d'avoir pleinement acres aux elements /Research Publications Clarke, J.M. 1992. Effect of phenological nutritifs appliques. Le nouveau systeme de Publications de recherche variability on determination of leaf water loss in production est plus productif, plus respectueux Anstey, T.H.; Foroud, N.; Jame, YW 1991. wheat. Crop Sci. 32:1457-1459. de l'environnement et plus efficace. Evaluating water requirements of crops: a Clarke, J.M.; DePauw, RM. 1993. Residue Eau et climat Le modele de croissance du review. ICID Bull. 40:1-11. production of semidwarf and conventional wheat ble CERES a ete adapte pour utilisation dans Bailey, K.L.; Mortensen, K.; Lafond, G.P. 1992. genotypes. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:769-776. les Prairies. La production d'une version Effects of tillage systems and crop rotations on Curtin, D.; Selles, E; Steppuhn, H. 1992. convivialedu modele a ete rendue possible root and foliar diseases of wheat, flax, and peas Influences of salt concentration and sodicity of grace a une subvention dans Ie cadre du in Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:583-591. phosphate in soil. Soil Sci. 153(5):409-416. Prairie Agricultural Research Initiative. Benoit, D.L.; Derksen D.A; Panneton, B. 1992. Cutforth, H.W; Jame, Y.W; Jefferson, P.G. 1992. Des ameliorations ont ete apportees Innovative approaches to seed bank studies. Effect of temperature, vernalization and water Weed Sci. 40:660-669. stress on phyllochron and final main stem leaf a une region servant a une etude de bassin Biederbeck, VO.; Geissler, H.J. 1992. Effect of number of HY320 and Neepawa spring wheats. hydrographique pour qu'y soient menees Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1141-1151. des etudes sur la quantite et la qualite des storage temperature on Rhizobium meliloti survival in peat- and clay-based inoculants. Can. Cutforth, H.W; Selles, E 1992. Yield and water eaux de ruissellement. Le site sert J. Plant Sci. 73:101-110. use of paired-row versus equidistant-row seeded egalement a une etude nation ale de spring wheat in a semiarid environment. Can. J. surveillance de la qualite des sols. Blackshaw, RE.; Derksen, D.A 1992. Response of cultivated mustard species to DPXA7881. Plant Sci. 72:459-463. Un exces de sodium dans Ie sol peut Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:203-207. DePauw, RM.; McCaig, T.N.; Clarke, J.M.; et a!. etre la source de nombreux problemes, Bowes, G.G.; Zentner, RP. 1992. Effect of 1992. Registration of sprouting tolerant notamment une modification du bilan du vegetation suppression on the establishment of white-kerneled wheat germplasms SC8019Rl phosphore. Une teneur elevee en sodium sod-seeded alfalfa in the Aspen Parkland. Can .. and SC8021V2. Crop Sci. 32:838. en I'absence de concentrations elevees J. Plant Sci. 72:1349-1358. Fernandez, M.R 1992.The effect of Trichodenna d'electrolytes apporte plus de phosphore Campbell, e.A; Brandt, S.A; Biederbeck, VO.; harzianum on fungal pathogens infestingwheat and dans la solution du sol. Les laboratoires Zentner, RP.; Schitzer, M. 1992. Effect of crop black oat straw. Soil BioI.Biochem. 24:1031-1034. d'analyse du sol devraient etre prudents rotations and rotation phase on characteristics of Fernandez, M.R. 1992. The effect of Trichoderma dans leurs recommandations quant a soil organic matter in a Dark Brown Chernozemic harzianum on fungal pathogens infesting soybean I'application de phosphore dans ces regions soil. Can. 1. Soil Sci.72:40~16. residue. Soil BioI. Biochem. 24:1027-1029. afin d'attenuer I'impact economique et Campbell, e.A; McConkey, B.G.; Zentner, R.P.; Fernandez, M.R; Dossantos, H.P. 1992. environnemental d'une fertilisation Selles, E; Dyck, EB. 1992. Benefits of wheat Contribution of Avena spp., used in crop rotation excessive avec du phosphore. stubble strips for conserving snow precipitation systems under conservation tillage, to the in southwestern Saskatchewan. J. Soil Water inoculum levels of some cereal pathogens. Can. Ressources Conserv.47:112-115. J. Plant Pathol. 14:271-277. Le centre occupe 900 ha subdivisesen Campbell, e.A; Moulin, A; ... ; Biederbeck, Fernandez, M.R.; Fernandes, J.M.; Sutton, J.e. parceIIesexperimentales ou utilisespour YO. 1992. Effect of crop rotations on microbial 1993. Effects of fallow and of summer and winter l'etude des paturages et comme section des

142 Swift Current 1993-1994 crops on survival of wheat pathogens in crop Leyshon, AJ.; Campbell, e.A 1992. Effect of Swanton, CJ.; Clements, D.R.; Derksen, D.A residues. Plant Dis. 77:689-703. timing and intensity of first defoliation on 1993. Succession theory: implications for subsequent production of 4 pasture species. conservation tillage. Weed Technol. 7:286-297. Foster, R.K.; Townley-Smith, L.; Dyck, EB. 1992. J. Range Manage. 45:379-384. Seeding method and nitrogen effects on 2 Townley-Smith, L.; Slinkard, AE.; Bailey, L.D.; Canadian wheat types. J. Prod. Agric. 5:540-545. Malik, N.; Bowes, G.G.; Waddington, J. 1993. Biederbeck, va.; Rice, W.A. 1993. Productivity, Fall versus spring applications of residual water use and nitrogen-fixation of annual legume Gossen, B.D.; Jefferson, P.G.; Horton, P.R 1992. herbicides in established alfalfa. Weed Technol. green manure crops in the Dark Brown soil zone Evaluation of alfalfa lines for reaction to winter 7:483-490. of Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:139-148. crown rot in field trials in Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 14:159-168. McCaig, 'IN.; DePauw, RM. 1992.Breeding for Waddington, J. 1992. A comparison of drills for preharvest sprouting tolerance in white-seed-coat direct seeding alfalfa into established grasslands. Grant, e.A; Lafond, G.P. 1993. The effects of spring wheat. Crop Sci. 32:19-23. J. Range Manage. 45:483-487. tillage systems and crop sequences on soil bulk density and penetration resistance on a clay soil McCaig, 'IN.; DePauw, RM.; McLeod, J.G.; et Wang, H.; Clarke, J.M. 1993. Relationship of in southern Saskatchewan. Can. J. Soil Sci. al. 1992. Registration of six near-isogenic wheat excised-leaf water loss and stomatal frequency in 73:223-232. genetic stocks differing in glaucousness. Crop wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:93-99. Sci. 32:1300. Holben, WE.; Schroeter, B.M.; ... ; Biederbeck, Wang,H.; Clarke, J.M. 1993.Genotypic, intra-plant, va.; et al. 1992. Analysis by gene probes of soil McCaig, 'IN.; DePauw, RM.; Williams, P.e. and environmental variation in stomatal frequency microbial populations selected by treatment with 1992. Assessing seed-coat colour in a wheat and size in wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci.73:671-{)78. 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Appl. breeding program with a VISINIR instrument. Zentner, R.P.; Campbell, e.A; Selles, E 1992. Environ. Microbiol. 58:3941-3948. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:535-539. Build-up in soil available P and yield response of Holt, N.W 1992. Forage intake and grazing times McCaig, 'IN.; McLeod, J.G.; Clarke, J.M.; spring wheat to seed-placed P in a 24-year study of yearling beef steers grazing nitrogen fertilized DePauw, RM. 1992. Measurement of durum in the Brown soil zone. Can. J. Soil Sci. Russian wildryePsathyrostaehysjuneeus. Can. J. pigment with an NIR instrument operating in 73:173-181. Anim. Sci. 72:375-387. the visible range. Cereal Chern. 69:671-672. Zentner, RP.; Dyck, EB.; Handford, K.R; Holt, N.W 1992. Calibration curves for the McLeod, J.G.; Campbell, e.A; Dyck, EB.; Vera, Campbell, e.A; Selles, E 1992. Economics of determination of low levels of chromium in feces. e. 1991. Optimum seeding date for winter wheat flex-cropping in southwestern Saskatchewan. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:109-115. grown on stubble and chemical fallow in the Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:749-767. Brown soil zone of Saskatchewan. Agron. J. Holt, N.W; Knipfel, J.E. 1992. Productivity of Zentner, RP.; Selles, E; Campbell, CA.; 84:86-90. Russian wildrye as fall pasture with and without Handford, K.; McConkey, B.G. 1992. Economics non-protein nitrogen supplementation. Can. J. McLeod, J.G.;Dyck, EB.; Campbell, e.A; Vera, offertilizer-N management for zero-till Anim. Sci. 73:117-127. C.L. 1992. Evaluation of four zero-tillage drills continuous spring wheat in the Brown soil zone. equipped with different row openers for seeding Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:981-995. Janzen, H.H.; Campbell, e.A; Brandt, S.A; winter wheat in the semi-arid prairies. Soil & Lafond, G.P.; Townley-Smith, L. 1992. Light Tillage Res. 25:1-16. fraction organic matter in soils from long-term Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada crop rotations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Morgan, J.A.; LeCain, D.R.; McCaig, 'IN.; PUBLICATIONS 56:1799-1806. Quick, J.S. 1992. Transpiration efficiency, water Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada relations and carbon isotope discrimination in Jefferson, P.G.; Gossen, B.D. 1992. Fall harvest Lafond, G.P.; Derksen, D.A; Bowes, G. 1992. winter wheat. Crop Sci. 33:178-186. management for irrigated alfalfa in southern Zero tillagefield day-Indian Head: a sustainable Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1183-1191. Olfert, M.R; Stumborg, M.A; Craig, W; farming system. Summary of research results. Schoney, RA 1991. The economics of collecting Knox, RE.; De Pauw, R.M.; Morrison, R.J.; et Swift Current Research Station, Agric. Can. al. 1992. AC Taber red spring wheat. Can. J. chaff. Am. J. Altern. Agric. 6(4):154-160. 66pp. Plant Sci. 72:1241-1245.' Rice, WA; Olsen, P.E.; Bailey, L.D.; Biederbeck, McLeod, J.G. 1992. Fall rye reference manual. Lafond, G.P. 1992. Evaluation of winter wheat va.; Slinkard, AE. 1993. The use of annual Agriculture Canada and Prairie Pools Inc. 46 pp. management practises under semi-arid legume green-manure crops as a substitute for summerfallow in the Peace River region. Can. J. McLeod, J.G. 1992. Utilisation and marketing of conditions. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1-12. fall rye. Agriculture Canada and Prairie Pools Soil Sci. 73:243-252. Lafond, G.P. 1993. The effects of nitrogen, row Inc. 66 pp. Scoles, GJ.; Campbell, G.L.; McLeod, J.G. 1992. spacing and seeding rate on the yield of flax Messer, D.E.; Winkleman, G.E. 1992. Quality Variability for extract viscosity in rye grain Seeale under a zero-till production system. Can. J. Plant control and quality assurance for the support Sci. 73:375-382. eereale L. 1. Inbred lines and an F2 population. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:1-6. services laboratory. Swift Current Research Lafond, G.P.; Kattler, K.H. 1992. The tolerance Station, Agric. Can. Tech. Inf. Bull. 379M0018. of spring wheat and barley to post-emergence Selles, E 1993. Residual effect of phosphorus 6pp. harrowing. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:1331-1336. fertilizer when applied with the seed or banded. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 24:951-960. Lafond, G.P.; Loeppky, H.A; Derksen, D.A 1992. The effects of tillage systems and crop SelIes, E; Zentner, RP. 1993. Spring wheat yield rotations on soil water conservation, seedling trends in long-term fertility trials. Can. J. Plant establishment and crop yield. Can. J. Plant Sci. Sci. 73:83-92. 72:103-115. Selles, E; Zentner, RP.; Read, D.WL.; Lafond, G.P.; Zentner, RP.; Geremia, R; Campbell, e.A 1992. Prediction of fertilizer Derksen, D.A 1993. The effects of tillage requirements for spring wheat grown on stubble systems on the economic performance of spring in southwestern Saskatchewan. Can. J. Soil Sci. wheat, winter wheat, flax and field pea 72:229-241. production in east central Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:47-54.

Swift Current 1993-1994 143 LETHBRIDGE Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Highway 3 East Route nO3 est P.O. Box 3000, Main c.P. 3000, Principale Lethbridge, Alberta Lethbridge (Alberta) TlJ 4Bl TlJ 4Bl

Tel. (403) 327-4561 Tel. Fax (403) 382-3156 Telecopie EM (correspondence) OTTB::EM387ADMN C.E. (correspondance) EM (data) OTTB::AG3870000 C.E. (donnees)

RfeSSional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director B.H. Sonntag, Ph.D. Directeur Assistant Director G.A. Neish, Ph.D. Directeur adjoint Head, Administration M. Parent Chef, Administration Administrative Officer, Finance WH. Marshall Agent d'administration, Finances and Materiel Management et gestion du materiel Administrative Officer, Human Resources M.M. Tarnava Agent d'administration, Ressources humaines Head, Facilities Management WH. Mains, P.Eng. Chef, Gestion des installations

Scientific Support Soutien scientifique Programmer-Analyst H.S. Chung, B.Sc. Programmeur -analyste Mass Spectroscopist J.L. Elder, M.Sc. Technicien, spectroscopie de masse Statistician T. Entz, M.M. Statisticien Electron Microscopist; Image E.G. Kokko, B.Sc. Technicien en microscopie electronique Analyst et analyse d'images Statistician G.c. Kozub, M.Sc. Statisticien Electron Microscopist; Image EL. Leggett, Ph.D. Technicien en microscopie electronique Analyst et analyse d'images Computer Systems Manager c.T. Lund Gestionnaire des systemes informatiques Scientific Editor H. McMenamin, M.Sc. Reviseur de textes scientifiques Technology Transfer Officer R.W McMullin, M.Sc. Agent de transfert de technologies Programmer-Analyst R.B. Reaney Analyste-programmeur Librarian C.M. Ronning Mains, B.L.S. Bibliothecaire

Crop Sciences Phytotechnie Section Head; Cereal crop J.R Byers, Ph.D. Chef de section; insectes nuisibles aux insects cultures cerealieres Assistant Section Head; Pulse G. Saindon, Ph.D. Chef de section adjoint; amelioration crop breeding genetique des legumineuses a graines Assistant Section Head; Weed control- J.R. Moyer, Ph.D. Chef de section adjoint; desherbage- forages cultures fourrageres Forage breeding S.N. Acharya, Ph.D. Amelioration des pIantes fourrageres Weed control-cereals, field RE. Blackshaw, Ph.D. Desherbage--eereales, pIantes de grandes crops culture Insect bionomics RA. Butts, Ph.D. Ecologie des insectes Cereal diseases R.L. Conner, Ph.D. Maladies des cere ales Biological control of weeds R.A. DeClerck-Floate, Ph.D. Lutte biologique contre les mauvaises herbes Forage agronomy and J. Fraser, Ph.D. Agronomie et physiologie des pIantes physiology fourrageres Cereal diseases D.A. Gaudet, Ph.D. Maladies des cere ales Insect pathology M.S. Goettel, Ph.D. Pathologie des insectes

144 Lethbridge 1993-1994 Biocontrol of weeds P.Harris, Ph.D. Lutte biologique contre les mauvaises herbes Residue chemistry RD. Hill, Ph.D. Chimie des residus Forage, field crop diseases H.C. Huang, Ph.D. Fourrage, maladies des plantes de grande culture Potato diseases L.M. Kawchuk, Ph.D. Maladies de la pornme de terre Molecular genetics A. Laroche, Ph.D. Genetique moleculaire Potato breeding D.R. Lynch, Ph.D. Amelioration de la pomme de terre Native grass, barley KW May, Ph.D. Graminees indigenes et development amelioration de l'orge Safflower, canola development H.-H. Muendel, Ph.D. Amelioration du safran et du canola Forage legume pollination K W Richards, Ph.D. Pollinisation des legumineuses fourrageres Soft white spring wheat RS. Sadasivaiah, Ph.D. Amelioration du ble tendre blanc breeding de printemps .Forage crop pests RD. Schaber, Ph.D . Ravageurs des cultures fourrageres Winter wheat breeding J.R Thomas, Ph.D. Amelioration du ble d'hiver Insect biocontrol D.S.-K Yu, Ph.D. Lutte biologique antiparasitaire

Livestock Sciences Zootechnie Section Head; Reproductive G.H. Coulter, Ph.D. Chef de section; physiologie de la physiology reproduction Assistant Section Head; Immunology RW Baron, Ph.D. Chef de section adjoint; immunologie Beef cattle genetics D.RC. Bailey, Ph.D. Genetique des bovins de boucherie Ruminant nutrition KA. Beauchemin, Ph.D. Alimentation des ruminants Rumen microbiology K-J. Cheng, Ph.D. Microbiologie du rumen Ruminant parasitology D.D. Colwell, Ph.D. Bacteriologie des ruminants Toxicology T.J. Danielson, Ph.D. Toxicologie Biological control of pests KD. Floate, Ph.D. Lutte biologique antiparasitaire Bioeconomics R Freeze, Ph.D. Bioeconomique Nuclear magnetic resonance T.W Hall, Ph.D. Spectroscopie it resonnance magn6tique spectroscopy nucleaire Reproductive physiology J.P. Kastelic, D.V.M., Ph.D. Physiologie de la reproduction Insect population ecology n. Lysyk, Ph.D. Ecologie des populations d'insectes Sheep production L.A. McClelland, Ph.D. Production ovine Ruminant physiology, biochemistry G.J. Mears, Ph.D. Physiologie des ruminants et biochimie Ruminant physiology, nutrition P.S.Mir, Ph.D. Physiologie des ruminants et nutrition Ruminant nutrition Z. Mir, Ph.D. Alimentation des ruminants Ruminant nutrition L.M. Rode, Ph.D. Alimentation des ruminants Pesticide chemistry WG. Taylor, Ph.D. Chimie des pesticides Bacteriology L.J. Yanke, RSc. Bacteriologie

Land Resource Sciences Ressources pedologiques Section Head; Conservation tillage C.W Lindwall, Ph.D. Chef de section; travail de conservation du sol Assistant Section Head; Organic chemistry J.E Dormaar, Ph.D., D.Sc. Chef de section adjoint; chimie organique Hydrology G.J. Beke, Ph.D. - Hydrologie Irrigation agronomy J.M. Carefoot, Ph.D. Aspects agronomiques de l'irrigation Soil physics C. Chang, Ph.D. Physique des sols Microbial ecology M.J. Clapperton, Ph.D. Ecologie des microbes Carbon cycling RH. Ellert, Ph.D. Cycle du carbone Irrigation engineering N. Foroud, Ph.D. Technique de l'irrigation Nutrient cycling H.H. Janzen, Ph.D. Cycle des elements nutritifs Rangeland insect ecology D.L. Johnson, Ph.D. Ecologie des insectes de parcours Soil conservation EJ. Lamey, Ph.D. Protection du sol Remote sensing D.J. Major, Ph.D. TeIedetection Agrometeorology S.M. McGinn, Ph.D. Agrometeorologie Soil and Water Specialist J.J. Miller, Ph.D. Specialiste du sol et de l'eau Biochemistry RM. Olson, Ph.D. Biochimie Economics E.G. Smith, Ph.D. Economie Soil crop physiology KM. Volkmar, Ph.D. Physiologie des cultures et du sol Range ecology WD. Willms, Ph.D. Ecologie des parcours

Lethbridge 1993-1994 145 Kamloops Kamloops Range Station Station d'e parcours 3015 Ord Road 315, route Ord Kamloops, British Columbia Kamloops (Colombie-Britannique) V2B8A9 V2B8A9

Tel. (604) 554-5200 Tel. Fax (604) 554-5229 Telecopie EM OTIB::EM393MAIL c.E.

Soil research K. Broersma, Ph.D. Recherche sur les sols Biochemistry W. Majak, Ph.D. Biochimie Range management, ecology D.A Quinton, Ph.D. Ecologie et regie des parcours Forage physiology D.G. Stout, Ph.D. Physiologie des piantes fourrageres Soil research AL.van Ryswyk, Ph.D. Recherche sur les sols

One/our One/our Substation Sous-station Onefour, Alberta Onefour (Alberta) TOK 1RO TOK 1RO

Tel. (403) 868-2364 Tel. Fax (403) 868-2489 Telecopie

Farm Manager AG. Ross Contremaitre de ferme

Mandate The Lethbridge Research Centre produces Entomological Society of Canada. D.R.C. China. Several research projects are new technology and information to help Bailey was awarded the Young Scientist undeIWayat Hebei. develop more competitive and sustainable Award of the Canadian Society of Animal Soil management and conservation production systems for rainfed and Science. Measurements of wind erosion of exposed irrigated cultivated land and rangeland in Collaboration with universities has soil have shown that a single windstorm can the southern Canadian prairies and the been recognized in 22 adjunct professorships. remove over 30 Mg of topsoil per hectare interior of British Columbia. Collaborative research is also being funded (more than 13 tons/ac). Simulated erosion Crop research focuses on cultivar through the Alberta Agricultural Research has quantified losses in productivity caused development, agronomy, and protection of Institute, Green Plan initiatives, the by loss of topsoil. Summerfallow continues cereals, forages, potatoes, and some special Canada-Alberta Livestock Research Trust, to be a valid option for the southern crops. Research on beef cattle, dairy cattle, the Nat Christie Foundation, various industry prairies, but winter wheat continuously and sheep emphasizes pest management, organizations, and other government-funded cropped in rotation with canola or flax is economics, and nutritional and reproductive programs. feasible. Zero-till, but not paired rows, increases winter wheat yields. Fall blading efficiency; it also includes rangeland Lethbridge and the range station in following chemical weed control in the management. Management and Kamloops have been successfully linked. fallow season produces the greatest wheat conservation of soil and efficient use of Research on the biocontrol of weeds has water in the Brown and Dark Brown soil been incorporated into the range program, yields. zones are the major objectives of soil and and we now have a single, integrated Applying fertilizer N by point injection water research, which complements the program addressing range management in is as effective as conventional methods but research on commodities. diverse ecosystems. has the advantages of low draft requirements, compatability with minimum tillage Achievements The Hebei Dryland Project with China, systems, and flexibility of application time. sponsored by the Canadian International RH. Sonntag received the Leadership A prototype pointinjector has been Development Agency, is improving the Award of the Association of Professional developed and is now ready for farm-scale understanding of dryland agriculture in Executives of the Public Service in Canada testing. Provide@, a new product based on western Canada and China. The centre has and Agriculture Canada's Agcellence research into phosphorus-soubilizing fungi, trained Chinese participants here and in Award for Management. D.L. Johnson was awarded the J. Gordon Hewitt medal of the

146 Lethbridge 1993-1994 was marketed extensively by DowElanco The polyembryonic parasitoid Growers Ltd. Amisk was found to be a for the first time this year. Copidosoma bakeri sometimes parasitizes superior clonal variant of Ranger Russet, Soil and vegetation types distinguishable over 50% of a cutworm population, causing which may give prairie potato growers a by radar backscatter and reflectance were the pest to grow 65% larger and feed for competitive edge in the U.S. market. identified. This work is essential for use of 1-2 weeks longer than unparasitized Phytotoxic components of a culture filtrate remote-sensing data from soon-to-be- cutworms. Since larval weight gain is of Alternaria solani were used to launched satellites for monitoring the related to food consumption and crop differentiate between early blight resistant biosphere. damage, this parasitoid changes the and susceptible genotypes. Techniques for economic threshold and complicates DNA fingerprinting of potato varieties and Water and climate Perennial forage crops control recommendations. clonal variants were developed. restore soil tilth in drained saline soils and also reduce soil erosion. Sowing alfalfa at A technique for anther culture has Forages In order to persist in the interior 3 cm increases germination in some saline been developed to produce haploid and region of British Columbia, alfalfa cultivars soils. Studies over 28 years indicate some double-haploid wheat lines. It is being used must exhibit high resistance to verticillium risk of salinization from irrigation in areas to incorporate disease resistance more wilt and slow fall growth. VW34-2, resistant with semipermeable till within 150 cm of quickly into adapted varieties. to verticillium and bacterial wilt, gives high the soil surface. More efficient irrigation, Four distinct groups were formed by yields in wilt-infested fields and has high drainage, or deep-rooted forages would numerical analysis of DNA differences in winterhardiness. It will be registered as alleviate this risk. 23 low-temperature basidiomycetes ACBlueJ. A user-friendly model for managing . associated with snow mold of winter wheat. Preinoculating clover seed with irrigation on the farm has been developed This genetic diversity among the causative Rhizobia using commercially available and is being used by extensionists. agents of snow mold indicates multiple Guardcoat@ produced nodulation on 30% Prototypes for automated-surge irrigation sources of resistance will be needed to of cloverplants, whereas the use of Dormal @ systems are being tested at the centre and develop resistant winter wheat. produced no nodules. Guardcoat@ is an in Hebei, China. These microcomputer- Field crops The bulletin Safflower effective method of delivering Rhizobia to based systems allow more efficient use of Production on the Canadian Prairies was aerially seeded clover. Fifty-nine percent of irrigation water. Potato tubers near published and favorably received by the N in clover top growth was derived neutron access tubes raise soil moisture growers. from atmospheric nitrogen. readings and cause underestimation of crop . Upright beans in 30-cm rows have Chalkbrood is greatly reduced in water use. Neutron access tubes should be higher yields and less white mold infection leafcutter bees by fumigating the nesting placed between potato rows for optimum than viny beans in 60-cm rows. An upright materials with formaldehyde. The bees are irrigation and maximum production. navy bean line, LRS92-1, was not essential to commercial production of alfalfa Herbicide residues in groundwater at developed as a cultivar because of its late seed. A method for axenic rearing of several sites were measurable but were maturity and marginal seed quality, but it leafcutter bee larvae has also been developed. considerably below levels considered was released to the scientific community as The epizootiologyof chalkbrood has thus hazardous to health of humans or animals. a source of upright architecture that avoids been investigated,and many of the Levels varied seasonally and were highest infection by white mold. microorganismsnormally associatedwith when irrigation or rainfall occurred within a leafcutter bees have been identified. A new pathogen strain, Pythium sp. few days after spraying. Herbicides appear "group G," was identified as the cause of Applying phosphorus at seeding to to be rapidly degraded or diluted, but widespread damping-off in safflower and P-deficient soils increases alfalfa yields for leaching losses may be a concern. Monitoring sugar beet. 10 years but has little effect on weed is continuing. Triploid white amur, stocked at infestation. Controlling weeds in alfalfa in 42 kglha, reduced aquatic vegetation in an Stamens were identified as common the year of establishment does not increase infection sites for Sclerotinia sclerotiomm irrigation canal by 36%. These sterile fish subsequent forage yields. Energy levels are could greatly reduce herbicide use in leading to pod rot in peas. Pollen grains similar to crops in uncontrolled fields and ~ . southern Alberta's irrigation canals. infected by this disease organism spread are adequate for most ruminants. In alfalfa the disease from plant to plant. An A method employing digital image grown for seed, the economic threshold for effective bacterial biocontrol agent against analysis was developed for estimating total quackgrass control is three grass heads per. sclerotinia pea pod rot has been identified. root surface area in soil core samples. square metre. A tank mix of sethoxydim, c1opyralid, Wheat A binomial method of sampling A full suite of insects feeding on and ethametsulfuron selectively controlled for Russian wheat aphid has been knapweeds has been established at some grass and broad-leaved weeds in canola. If developed and tested. It is more efficient sites on RC. rangelands, lowering the registered, the mix would provide than previous methods and suitable for use populations of diffuse and spotted postemergent weed control, rather than by farmers and extension workers. knapweed at these sites. Insects that attack soil-incorporated control, reducing the risk Chlorpyrifos was registered at half the scentless chamomile, purple loosestrife, of soil erosion. previously recommended rate for control and toad flax have been released. Potatoes AC Ptarmigan has been of Russian wheat aphid. The reduced rate Grasshopper bait containing carbaryl provides adequate control at lower cost and registered, and plant breeders rights were has less adverse effects on leafcutter bees, with less harm to the environment. . assigned by tender to Edmonton Potato

Lethbridge 1993-1994 147 beetles, and mice than baits containing 3-nitropropanol in timber milkvetch. • the extent and mechanisms of movement other insecticides. The locust biocontrol Nitroethane also reduced rumen of salts, herbicides, and fertilizers agents Nosema cuneatum and N. locustae, absorption of this toxin. Supplements may through the soil profile into groundwater which are not usually fatal, significantly prevent timber milkvetch from poisoning • management of the rhizosphere, the reduce numbers of migratory locust cattle under rangeland conditions. A rapid region of plant-soil-microorganism reaching adulthood by extending nymphal statistical procedure was developed for interaction on which crop development development, thereby exposing the nymphs screening treatments for legume bloat. depends to more risks. Three supplements used to prevent • the economics of minimum tillage legume-caused bloat and two experimental cropping systems Deltamethrin dissipates quicklyfrom formulations were found to be ineffective. • the impact of agriculture on greenhouse standing crops but any residue carried over gases and methods of reducing agricultural into baled hay disperses slowly.Deltamethrin Chronic exposure to cold reduces emissions of these waste gases. was registered for use on hay crops with turnover, clearance, and secretion of application and feeding restrictions based on somatostatin, enhancing production of Rangeland-related research has been the dissipation data. thyroid hormone necessary for increased combined into one unit within the new thermogenesis. Land Resource Sciences Section. Rough fescue is the dominant grass of foothill grasslands. It tolerates heavy Horn fly development takes 20% Resources grazing when dormant but is easily longer in Alberta than in the United States. The research is conducted at the main damaged by grazing during the growing Temperature was found to be the major centre near Lethbridge, the range station in season. Cattle grazing rough fescue lose factor in this variation. To optimize use of Kamloops, and the substations in Onefour, condition, but if they graze annual pastures rearing facilities, life-history parameters of Vauxhall, and Stavely. The main centre is for 2 months in late fall, they can maintain horn fly have been characterized. located in the Agriculture Centre, a facility body condition until calving in spring. This The location of breeding sites and the shared with the regional office of Alberta system may allow producers to reduce costs seasonal abundance of stable flies and house Agriculture, Food and Rural Development without loss of cow productivity. flies in Alberta have been documented. and the Food Production and Inspection Beef Steers fed corn silage mixed with Biting fly attack induces an opioid-mediated Branch of Agriculture and Agri-Food commercial cellulase from the United analgesic response in rodents. A similar Canada. It has an immediate land area of States had 15% greater dry matter intake analgesic response has been found in 500 ha. It also includes a 17 OOO-habeef and 18% greater average daily gain than response to infection with internal parasites. cattle ranch near Manyberries, a 400-ha steers fed untreated silage. Calves receiving A bulletin on the biology and control of ranch near Stavely in the foothills of the creep diets were approximately 30 kg cattle grubs has been published. Rocky Mountains, and a 130-ha irrigation heavier than calves without any. The Dairy Chewing during eating of forages substation at Vauxhall. The Kamloops benefits depend on the relative values of increases their degradation. The action Range Station has a land base that includes creep feed and calves. Highest genetic increases the fiber fraction and the 57 ha of irrigated land, 470 ha of forested correlations for postweaning average daily potentially digestible dry matter fraction rangeland, and several thousand hectares gain were found for cannon bone and decreases the lag time for fiber . of provincial rangeland. The staff circumference, body length, and heart digestion, but it does not alter the rate of comprises 298 indeterminate positions, girth. Faster-growing cattle were longer in digestion. A rapid, inexpensive method of including 76 in the professional categories. body, but not necessarily taller. Bulls fed a measuring the susceptibility of forage stems moderate- versus a high-energy diet had to breakdown during mastication was • lower scrotal surface temperature, more developed. Cows fed rumen-protected morphologically normal spermatozoa, and methionine and lysine produced more milk Mandat more progressively motile spermatozoa. and milk protein, required less feed L'equipe du Centre de recherches de protein, and had less nitrogen in manure. The protein matrix surrounding starch Lethbridge con«oit de nouvelles techniques in grains is the key to the difference in Sheep A computer model was developed et produit de I'information pour favoriser digestion rates of corn in the rumen for use on sheep farms to compare lambing la mise au point de systemes de production compared with wheat and barley. Proteolytic systems. The model can be used to identify plus concurrentiels et respectueux de bacteria easily digest the protein matrix factors limiting returns. Romanov crossbreds l'environnement pour les terres cultivees et surrounding starch granules in wheat and are equal or superior to straightbred lambs les parcouts naturels irrigues ou non du sud barley, so digestion is very rapid and can for most growth and carcass traits. des Prairies canadiennes et de l'interieur de cause digestive upset. The protein matrix of New programs Researchers have initiated la Colombie-Britannique. corn, however, retards digestion. Up to 40% of starch in corn escapes absorbtion in studies on D'une part, la recherche sur les • native grass species or clones suitable for the rumen, compared with 10% of barley or cultures met l'accent sur la creation de revegetation and reclamation in western wheat starch. Vector systems were cultivars, l'agronomie et la protection des developed for transferring cellulolytic and Canada cereales, des pIantes fourrageres, des • the biological control of livestock pests, hemicellulolytic genes from bacteria and pommes de terre et de certaines cultures particularly horn flies, stable flies, and fungi to industrial bacteria. speciales. D'autre part, la recherche sur les house flies bovins de boucherie, les bovins laitiers et Nitroethane or protein supplements increased rumen degradation of

148 Lethbridge 1993-1994 les ovins est principalement axee sur la de la disparition de terre vegetale. Les des humidimetres a neutrons, la mesure de lutte contre les ravageurs, I'economie et jacheres restent une solution utile dans Ie sud la teneur en eau du sol est trop elevee et on l'efficacite nutritionnelle et reproductive; des Prairies, mais on peut egalement avoir sous-estime l'utilisation reelle d'eau par les elle porte egalement sur la gestion des recours a la culture continue du ble d'hiver en cultures. II est donc recommande de placer parcours nature Is. La gestion et la rotation avec Ie canola ou Ie lin. L'absence de les tubes entre les rangees de pommes de conservation des sols et l'utilisation efficace travail du sol, contrairement aux semis en terre pour obtenir une irrigation optimale de l'eau dans les zones de sols bruns et lignesjumelees, provoque une augmentation et une production maximale. noirs sont les principaux objectifs de la du rendement en ble d'hiver. C'est Ie sarclage Des residus d'herbicides ont €te recherche sur les sols et I'eau, qui se greffe a I'automne a l'aide d'un cultivateur a large trouves en quantite mesurable dans l'eau a la recherche sur les produits primaires. lames, a la suite de I'application d'herbicides souterraine a plusieurs sites, bien qu'a une chimiquespendant la periode des jacheres, Realisations concentration considerablement plus faible qui produit Ie meilleur rendement en ble. que les niveaux juges dangereux pour la B.H. Sonntag a re<;uIe prix de leadership L'apport ponctuel d'engrais azote a sante des humains et des animaux. Les de I'Association professionnelle des cadres I'aide d'un dispositif d'injection sur roue a concentrations variaient selon la saison et de la Fonction publique du Canada et Ie rayons est aussi efficace que les methodes €taient plus elevees lorsqu'il y avait eu prix Agcellence de gestion d'Agriculture classiques de fertilisation, mais a I'avantage irrigation ou pluie quelques jours apres la Canada. D.L. Johnson a, quant a lui, re<;u de necessiter peu de puissance, d'etre pulverisation. Les herbicides semblent se la medaille J. Gordon Hewitt de la Societe compatible avec les systemes de travail degrader ou se diluer rapidement, rnais les entomologique du Canada. Par ailleurs, reduit du sol et de permettre de varier pertes dues au lessivage peuvent etre D.R.C. Bailey a re<;uIe prix des Jeunes davantage Ie moment d'application. On a inquietantes. On poursuit la surveillance. scientifiques de la Societe canadienne de mis au point un prototype d'un tel dispositif L'ensemencement a l'aide d'amour blanc zootechnie. qui est maintenant pret a etre mis a I'essai triplolde, a raison de 42 kg/ha, a reduit de La collaboration avec les universites se ala ferme. La firme DowElanco a lance 36 % la flore aquatique d'un canal concretise dans les 22 postes de professeur cette annee, pour la premiere fois, une d'irrigation. Le recours aces poissons auxiliaire. La recherche collective est vaste campagne de publicite concernant steriles pourrait reduire de fa<;on egalement subventionnee par I'Alberta Provide@, ce nouveau produit decoulant importante la quantite d'herbicides Agricultural Research Institute, Ie Plan de la recherche sur des champignons deversee dans les canaux d'irrigation du vert, Ie Canada-Alberta Livestock inferieurs qui solubilisent Ie phosphore. sud de l'Alberta. Research Trust, la Nat Christie Foundation On a identifie des types de sols et de Les chercheurs ont mis au point une et diverses organisations professionnelles vegetation qui peuvent etre distingues par methode d'analyse d'image numerique et autres programmes recevant un appui retrodiffusion radar et reflectance. Ce pour estimer la superficie totale du systeme financier des tresors publics. travail est essentiel si l'on veut interpreter racinaire dans des carottes de sol. Lethbridge et la station de parcours a les donnees de teledetection que Bie On a elabore et mis a I'essai une Kamloops entretiendron~ dorenavant des recueilleront les satellites qui seront methode binomiale d'echantillonnage pour liens etroits et profitables. La recherche sur bient6t lances pour surveiller la biosphere. la detection du puceron russe du ble. Plus la lutte biologique contre les mauvaises Eau et climat La culture de plantes efficace que les methodes precedentes, herbes a ete incorporee au programme sur fourrageres vivaces retablit I'€tat physique cette methode peut etre utilisee par les les parcours naturels et nous disposons des sols salins draines et reduit ainsi agriculteurs et les vulgarisateurs. De dorenavant d'un programme integre l'erosion des sols. En semant de la luzerne surcroit, pour lutter contre ce ravageur, on unique pour la regie des parcours naturels a 3 cm de profondeur, on ameliore Ie taux a homologue l'utilisation du chlorpyrifos a dans divers ecosystemes. de germination dans certains sols salins. raison de la moitie de la dose Le projet d'exploitation en culture Des etudes d'une duree de 28 ans montrent recommandee auparavant. Cette reduction seche d'Hebei, realise en collaboration que l'irrigation dans les 150 cm superieurs de la dose permet de lutter efficacement avec la Chine et parraine par I'Agence du sol, dans des regions de till semi- contre Ie ravageur, mais a un cmIt moindre canadienne de developpement permeable, risque de provoquer la et en nuisant moins a l'environnement. international, permet d'ameliorer notre salinisation. Vne meilleure irrigation, un Le parasitolde polyembrionique, comprehension de l'aridoculture dans meilleur drainage ou la culture de plantes Copidosoma bakeri, parasite parfois plus de fourrageres a systeme radiculaire profond l'ouest du Canada et en Chine. Les 50 % de la population de vers-gris. Les vers attenuerait ce risque. chercheurs du Centre de Lethbridge ont parasites sont 65 % plus gros que ceux non forme des participants chinois au Canada On a mis au point un modele convivial parasites et se nourrissent pendant 1 a 2 et en Chine. Plusieurs projets de recherche de gestion de l'irrigation a la ferme dont les semaines de plus. Comme Ie gain de poids sont egalement en cours a Hebei. vulgarisateurs se servent actuellement. Au des larves est associe a la consommation Gestion et conselVation des sols En mesurant centre ainsi qu'a Hebei en Chine, on evalue d'aliments et aux degats causes aux l'erosion par Ie vent des sols exposes, on a des prototypes de systemes automatises cultures, la presence de ce parasitolde montre qu'une seule tempete de vent peut d'irrigation par submersion et gravite. Ces modifie les parametres servant a calculer Ie emporter plus de 30 mg de terre vegetale par systemes, geres par micro- ordinateur, seuil economique et vient compliquer la hectare (soit plus de 13 tonnes americaines/ permettent d'utiliser I'eau d'irrigation a formulation de recommandations sur les acre). Vne erosion simulee a perrnis de meilleur escient. Lorsque des tubercules de methodes de lutte. quantifier les pertes de productivite resultant pommes de terre sont places pres des tubes

Lethbridge 1993-1994 149 Des scientifiques ont mis au point une herbes, ce qui evitera de I'incorporer au sol mauvaises herbes ne provoque pas une technique de culture des antheres afin de et reduira les risques d'erosion. augmentation subsequente du rendement produire des lignees haploi'des et Pommes de terre La variete AC Ptarmigan fourrager en luzerne. Les niveaux haplodiploi'des de ble. Cette technique sert a ete enregistree et son certificat d'obtention energetiques sont semblables a ceux des a incorporer plus rapidement la resistance a ete attribue par soumission a l'entreprise cultures des champs non traites et sont aux maladies a des varietes adaptees a la Edmonton Potato Growers Ltd. On a etabli adequats pour la plupart des ruminants. region. qu'Amisk est un variant clonal de Ranger Chez la luzerne cultivee pour la graine, Ie Quatre groupes distincts ont ete Russet de qualite superieure. II pourrait seuil economique au-dessus duquella lutte contre Ie chiendent est recommandee a ete etablis grace a I'analyse numerique des procurer aux producteurs de pommes de differences de l'ADN chez 23 terre des Prairies un avantage concurrentiel fixe a trois epis de graminees par metre basidiomycetes psychrophiles causant la sur Ie marche americain. Les composants carre. moisissure des neiges du ble d'hiver. La phytotoxiques d'un filtrat de cultures A certains endroits dans des parcours diversite genetique qui a ete identifiee chez d'Altemaria solani ont servi a distinguer les naturels de la Colombie-Britannique, on a les agents responsables de la moisissure des genotypes resistants et sensibles a la propage une gamme d'insectes qui se neiges montre qu'on devra s'alimenter a de bnllure alternarienne. On a egalement mis nourrissent de la centauree, ce qui a permis multiples sources de resistance pour creer au point des techniques d'identification de d'y reduire les populations de centaurees un ble d'hiver resistant. I'ADN des varietes de pommes de terre et diffuse et maculee. Une tephrite gallicole de leurs variants clonaux. (mouche) et un charanl$on perce-tiges qui Cultures de plein champ On a publie un permettent de lutter contre Ie chardon des bulletin intitule Safflower Production on the Plantes jourrageres S'ils veulent subsister champs ont ete identifie. On a egalement Canadian Prairies, qui a ete bien accueilli dans la region de I'interieur de la Colombie- lache des insectes qui s'attaquent a la par les agriculteurs. Britannique, les cultivars de luzerne doivent posseder une resistance elevee a la matricaire inodore, a la salicaire et a la Les haricots dresses semes en rangees linaire. de 30 cm ont un rendement plus eleve et fletrissure verticillienne et une faible Les appats acriquets contenant du presentent moins d'infection par la moisissure vitesse de croissance a l'automne. La lignee carbaryl sont moins nefastes pour les blanche que les haricots sarmenteux cultives VW34-2, qui est resistante aux fletrissures abeilles coupeuses de feuilles, les en rangees de 60 cm. On n'a pas poursuivi verticillienne et bacterienne, produit un coleopteres et les souris que les appats la selection de la lignee d'haricot rond rendement eleve dans des champs infestes contenant d'autres insecticides. Les agents blanc dresse LRS92-1 pour en faire un par la fletrissure et est tres rustique. Elle de lutte biologique Nosema cuneatum et N. cultivar, en raison de sa maturite tardive et sera enregistree sous Ie nom de AC Blue J. locustae, sans etre habituellement mortels de la qualite mediocre de ses semences. La pre-inoculation de Rhizobium a pour Ie criquet migrateur, reduisent Toutefois, la lignee a ete offerte ala I'aide d'un produit commercial du nom de nettement Ie nombre d'adultes en collectivite scientifique a cause de son port Guardcoat@ a provoque la formation de prolongeant Ie developpement des dresse qui permet d'eviter I'infestation par nodosites chez 30 % des plants de trefles; nymphes et en les exposant ainsi a de la moisissure blanche. en revanche, I'utilisation de Dormal@ n'a plus nombreux dangers. Une nouvelle souche pathogene du pas produit de nodosites. On en deduit que Guardcoat@ est une methode efficace Le deltamethrine disparait rapidement genre Pythium, « groupe G », a ete des cultures sur pied, mais les residus qui identifiee comme etant I'agent responsable d'incorporation de Rhizobium au trefle demeurent dans Ie foin en bales se dispersent de l'infestation a grande echelle du carthame seme par voie aerienne. Cinquante-neuf plus lentement. Ce produit a ete homologue et de la betterave a sucre par la fonte des pour cent de I'azote des parties epigees du trefle etait d'origine atmospherique. en vue d'une utilisation dans les prairies de semis. On peut reduire nettement Ie couvain fauche. I.:homologationprevoit cependant On a determine que les etamines des restrictions quant a l'application et a la etaient un site commun d'infection par platre chez les abeilles coupeuses de feuilles en fumigeant avec de la formaldehyde les distribution des aliments qui dependent de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, agent de la donnees relatives au degre de dissipation. pourriture sclerotique chez Ie pois. Les materiaux servant a la nidification. Les La fetuque scabre est la graminee grains de pollen infestes par I'organisme abeilles sont essentielies a la production dominante dans les prairies situees au pathogene propagent la maladie d'une commerciale de graines de luzerne. On a piemont des Rocheuses. Elle tolere un plante a I'autre. On a toutefois trouve un egalement mis au point une methode pacage intensif l'etat de dormance, mais agent bacterien qui livre une lutte biologique d'elevage axenique des larves d'abeilles a elle est facilement endommagee par Ie efficace contre la pourriture sclerotique coupeuses de feuilles. On a donc etudie l'evolution epizootique du couvain platre et pacage pendant son cycle vegetatif. Les chez Ie pois. identifie bon nombre de microorganismes bovins qui broutent la fetuque scabre sont Un melange en cuve de sethoxydime, normalement associes aux abeilles en moins bon etat; toutefois, s'ils paissent de clopyralide et d'etametsulphuron permet coupeuses de feuilles. dans un paturage OU poussent des piantes une lutte selective contre les graminees et L'apport de phosphore au moment annuelles pendant 2 mois a la fin de les mauvaises herbes dicotyledones qui I'automne, ils peuvent maintenir leur des semis, dans des sols carences en cet envahissent les champs de canola. Si Ie condition physique jusqu'au velage au melange est homologue, il pourra servir a element, fait grimper Ie rendement de la luzerne pendant 10 ans, mais a peu d'effets printemps. Un tel regime pourrait permettre la lutte post-levee contre les mauvaises aux eleveurs de reduire leurs frais sans sur l'infestation par les mauvaises herbes. baisse de la productivite de leurs vaches. L'annee de I'etablissement, la maitrise des

150 Lethbridge 1993-1994 Bovins de boucherie Les bouvillonsqui sont experimentales dont on se sert pour contrer Ie vegetale et a la remise en etat de terres nourris d'ensilage de'mills melange a de la meteorisme cause par les legumineuses. de l'Ouest du Canada cellulasecommerciale provenant des Une exposition chronique au froid • lutte biologique contre les ravageurs du Etats-Unis ingerent 15 % plus de matiere reduit Ie taux de renouvellement, la bet ail et, particulierement, contre les seche et ont un gain de poids quotidien disparition du courant sanguin et la mouches des comes, les mouches moyen de 18 % plus eleve que les bouvillons secretion de la somatostatine et augmente piquantes des etables et les mouches mangeant de I'ensilagenon traite. Les veaux ainsi la production de I'hormone thyroide domestiques qui rec;oiventune alimentation necessaire pour ameliorer la thermogenese. • etendue et mecanismes du deplacement complementaire sont environ 30 kg plus des sels, des herbicides et des engrais a lourds que les veaux qui en sont prives. Les Le developpement de la mouche des comes prend 20 % plus de temps en Alberta travers les couches de sol jusqu'a la benefices qu'en tirent les veaux sont nappe aquifere tributaires de la valeur relative de l'aliment qu'aux Etats-Unis. La temperature semble • gestion de la rhizosphere, zone complementaire et du veau. C'est entre Ie etre Ie principal facteur en cause. On a d'interaction des microorganismes, des gain quotidien moyen apres Ie sevrage et la caracterise les parametres du cyclevital de la vegetaux et du sol, dont Ie circonference de I'os canon, la longueur du mouche des comes afin de faire un usage developpement des cultures est corps et Ie perimetre thoracique que I'on a optimal des installationsd'elevage. tributaire constate les correlations genetiques les plus On a etudie I'emplacement des lieux fortes. Les bovins qui croissent plus de reproduction et I'abondance saisonniere • economie des regimes de travail reduit rapidement ont un corps plus long, mais ne des mouches piquantes des etables et des du sol sont pas necessairement plus hauts sur patte. mouches domestiques en Alberta. Les • repercussions de I'agriculture sur la La temperature a la surface du scrotum des attaques des mouches piqueuses produisent production de gaz a effet de serre et taureaux recevant un regime alimentaire a une reaction analgesique opioide chez les methodes pour reduire I'emission de ces valeur energetique moderee est plus basse rongeurs. On a identifie une reaction gaz residuaires des operations agricoles. que chez ceux dont les aliments sont riches en analgesique semblable en presence La recherche sur les parcours naturels energie; de plus, Ie nombre de spermatozoides d'endoparasites ..On a publie un bulletin a ete fusionnee en un service unique a morphologiquement normaux est plus eleve et sur la biologie de I'agent responsable de I'interieur de la nouvelle Section des les spermatozoides montrent une mobilite I'hypodermose bovine et les methodes de ressources pedologiques. plus progressive,dans Ie premier cas. lutte. C'est dans Ie substrat proteique Bovins loitiers La mastication des plantes Ressources entourant I'amidon des grains que reside fourrageres ingerees ameliore leur C'est au centre situe pres de Lethbridge, a I'explicationde la difference constatee entre Ie degradation. Cette action augmente la la station de parcours naturels de taux de digestion du mais et celui du bIe et de proportion de fibres ainsi que de matiere Kamloops et aux sous-stations de Onefour, I'orge, dans Ie rumen. Les bacteries seche pouvant etre digeree et diminue Ie de Vauxhall et de Stavely que se font les proteolytiques digerent facilement Ie substrat temps d'attente lors de la digestion des fibres, recherches. Le centre de recherches proteique entourant les granules d'amidon du sans toutefois modifier Ie taux de digestion. principal est situee au Centre agricole, ou il ble et de l'orge et la digestion est a10rstres On a mis au point une methode rapide et peu partage des installations avec Ie bureau rapide, ce qui peut causer des troubles couteuse pour evaluer dans quelle mesure les regional du ministere de l'Agriculture, de digestifs.En revanche, Ie substrat proteique tiges des plantes fourrageres sont susceptibles l'Alimentation et du Developpement rural du millsretarde la digestion.lusqu'a 40 % de de se degrader pendant la mastication. Les de I'Alberta et la Direction generale de la I'amidon du millsn'est pas assirniledans Ie vaches dont Ie regime alimentaire contient de production et de I'inspection des aliments rumen, comparativement a 10 % pour la methionine et de la lysineabsorbables dans d'Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada. I'amidon de I'orge et du ble. On a mis au I'intestin produisent plus de lait et de Sa superficie dans Ie voisinage immediat point des systemesde vecteurs pour transferer proteines du lait, elles ont besoin d'un regime est de 500 h. II comprend egalement trois des genes cellulolytiqueset hemicellulolytiques alimentaire moins riche en proteines et stations satellites: un ranch de 17 000 ha de bacteries et de champignons inferieurs a donnent un fumier plus pauvre en azote. pour I'elevage des bovins de boucherie, des bacteries industrielles. Ovins On a elabore un modele situe pres de Manyberries, un ranch de Le nitroethane ou des supplements informatique qui permettra aux eleveurs 400 ha situe pres de Stavely au piemont des proteiques augmentent la degradation dans Ie d'ovins de comparer leurs systemes montagnes Rocheuses et une sous-station rumen du 3-nitropropanol present dans d'agnelage. Le modele sert a determiner d'irrigation de 130 ha a Vauxhall. La I'astragale prostree. Le nitroethane reduit les facteurs qui limitent Ie rendement. Les Station de parcours naturels de Kamloops egalement I'assirnilationde la toxine dans Ie races croisees Romanov sont egales ou inclut 57 ha de terres irriguees, 470 ha de rumen. L'ajout de supplements pourrait donc superieures aux agneaux consanguins en ce parcours naturels boises et plusieurs empecher I'empoisonnement des bovins par qui concerne la plupart des caracteristiques milliers d'hectares de parcours naturels I'astragale dans les parcours naturels. On a associees a la croissance et a la carcasse. provinciaux. Le centre dispose de 298 elabore une methode statistique rapide qui emplois de duree indeterminee et compte Nouveaux programmes Des etudes ont ete permet d'evaluer les traitements contre Ie 76 employes qui appartiennent a la entreprises sur les sujets suivants meteorisme qui resulte de I'ingestionde categorie professionnelle. • graminees indigenes ou clones pouvant legumineuses. On a ainsi prouve I'inefficacite servir a la restauration de la couverture de trois supplements et de deux preparations o

Lethbridge 1993-1994 151 Research Publications (Grt.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), by Copidosoma Foroud, N.; Hobbs, E.H.; Riewe, R.; Entz, T 1992. Publications de recherche bakeri (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and Field verificationof a microcomputer irrigation Acharya, S.N.; Darroch, B.A; Hermesh, R; effect on crop damage. Can. Entomol. model. Agric. Water Manage. 21:215-234. 125:329-335. Woosaree, J. 1992. Salt stress tolerance in native Foroud, N.; Lynch, D.R; Entz, T. 1993. Potato Alberta populations of slender wheatgrass and Chang, C; Lindwall, C.w. 1992. Effects of tillage water content impact on soil moisture alpine bluegrass. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:785-792. and crop rotation on physical properties of a measurement by neutron meter. Plant Soil Anstey, T.H.; Foroud, N.; Jame, Y.w. 1991. loam soil. Soil & Tillage Res. 22:383-389. 148:101-106. 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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada PUBLICATIONS Agriculture et Agro-alimentai;.e Canada Colwell, D.D. 1992. Cattle grubs: biology and controllL 'hypoderme : qu'est-ce que c'est? comment Ie combattre? Agric. Can. Pub!' 1880/E, 18801F. 17/17 pp. Hironaka, R.; Freeze, B. 1992. Feedlot finishing of cattle/Engraissement des bovins en parc. Agric. Can. Pub!' 1591/E, 15911F. 57/65 pp. Kline, P.;Broersma, K.; Wright, S.B.M.; Rode, L.M. 1993. Meadow foxtail: a production guidelLe vulpin des pres: guide de culture. Agric. Can. Publ. 1890/E, 18901F. 23/25 pp. Rode, L.M.; Hironaka, R.; Bowden, D.M. 1992. Feeding beef cows and heifers/Alimentation des vaches et des genisses de boucherie. Agric. Can. Publ. 1670/E, 16701F. 51/56 pp. Schaber, B.D. 1992. Insects infesting seed alfalfa in the Prairie Provinces: a field guide/Guide d'identification des insectes qui s'attaquent a la luzerne de semence dans les provinces des Prairies. Agric. Can. Publ. 1881/E, 18811F. 26/26pp. Willms, W.D.; Adams, B.W.; Dormaar, J.E 1992. Grazing management of native grasslands. Handbook 1: foothills fescue prairie/Gestion du paturage dans les herbages naturels. Manuel nO1 : prairie a fetuque des avant-monts des Rocheuses. Agric. Can. Publ. 1883/E, 18831F. 33/35 pp.

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RfeSSional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director J.F.CA Pantekoek, D.V.M.,Ph.D. Directeur Administrative Officer KJ. Robinson Agente d'administration

Scientific Support Soutien scientifique Systems and Programming Manager L.R. Fobert Gestionnaire des systemes et du service de programmation Librarian D.A Anderson, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire Information Officer E.A de St. Remy, Ph.D. Agent d'information

Meat Research Recherche sur les viandes Section Head; Carcass evaluation S.D. Morgan Jones, Ph.D. Chef de section; evaluation des carcasses Beef quality J.L. Aalhus, Ph.D. Qualite de la viande de breuf Meat hygiene and preservation e.O. Gill, Ph.D. Salubrite de la viande et preservation Meat microbiology G.G. Greer, Ph.D. Microbiologie de la viande Food technology L.E. Jeremiah, Ph.D. Technologie alimentaire Food-processing engineer D.S. McGinnis, M.Sc. Genie-transformation des aliments Meat biochemistry AC. Murray, Ph.D. Biochimie de la viande Swine production AP. Sather, Ph.D. Production de pores Animal physiology, growth, AL. Schaefer, Ph.D. Physiologie de la croissance et du and behavior comportement des animaux Statistics and modeling AKW. Tong, Ph.D. Statistique et modelisation

Soil and Plant Research Phytologie et science des sols Section Head; Plant pathology PA Burnett, Ph.D. Chef de section; pathologie des piantes Forage physiology V.S. Baron, Ph.D. Physiologie des plantes fourrageres Weed physiology KN. Harker, Ph.D. Physiologie des mauvaises herbes Oat breeding S. Kibite, Ph.D. Amelioration de l'avoine Soil fertility S.S. Malhi, Ph.D. Fertilite des sols Crop physiology J.S. Taylor, Ph.D. Physiologie des plantes cultivees Barley breeder (seconded out) R.I. Wolfe, Ph.D Selectionneur d'orge (prete par la Direction)

156 Lacombe 1993-1994 Vegreville Vegreville Research Farm Ferme de recherches P.O. Box 1408 C.P. 1408 Vegreville, Alberta Vegreville (Alberta) TOB 4LO TOB4LO

Tel. (403) 632-3985 Tel. Fax (403) 632-3666 Telecopie

Superintendent; Soil management D.W. McAndrew, Ph.D. Regisseur; gestion des sols Crop physiology and management J.R. Pearen, Ph.D. Physiologie et regie des cultures Soil management L.G. Fuller, Ph.D. Gestion des sols

Mandate The Lacombe Research Centre conducts The storage life of beef in well- .Forage A model describing the research on the processing, quality, and managed rail cars approached the possible production of barley silage was developed. preservation of red meats. It also develops maximum. However, road transport trailers The model was based on the production and evaluates crop production systems for are designed only to maintain temperature. relationships of eight barley cu1tivarsharvested forages and feed grains. Lacombe's They could therefore not cool the beef at seven intelValsin central Alberta. Growing conventional cereal breeding program adequately if it was loaded above the desired degree days were the most reliable variable focuses on new oat cultivars for use in the storage temperature. Storage life of the road- from which to predict optimum barley silage agri-food industries of the western transported beef was thus reduced harvest time. Whole plant harvest for silage Parkland. substantially. should occur about 176 degree-days after The Vegreville Research Farm Meat microbiology The effectiveness of heading or 200 degree-days before normal conducts research on soil management organic acids in decontaminating red meat grain maturity. practices that conserve and improve carcasses, subprimals, and retail cuts was Soils Solonetzic soils have characteristics problem soils of northeastern Alberta. assessed. Meat was inoculated with cold- that cause severe restrictions in plant tolerant pathogens, mesophyllic pathogens, growth because of poor water infiltration, Achievements and spoilage bacteria, then treated with aeration, and root penetration. The effects Carcass grading Most countries use lactic and acetic acids. Acid temperature, of surface-applied gypsum, lime, and subjective scoring systems to classifylamb concentration, and initial bacterial numbers ammonium nitrate, alone and in combination, carcasses for fatness and conformation. were studied. on the chemical properties of Solonetzic Electronic probe measurements of fat, The response to the two acids was the soil and barley yield were studied. Only muscle, and tissue thickness versus subjective same. The reduction in bacterial numbers gypsum increased soluble Ca and reduced appraisal were conducted on 1660 carcasses was inconsistent. Bacterial numbers were the sodium adsorption ratio. Gypsum plus from lambs of various weights and ages. To maximally reduced with 3% acid at 55°C. ammonium nitrate further enhanced these classifylamb carcasses for lean meat content, The spoilage organisms were more sensitive characteristics. Grain yields were variable, probe measurements for fat or tissue depth to the acids than were the pathogens. Within but tended to be higher in ameliorated between the 12th and 13th ribs were shown the pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus was treatments. to be superior to visual assessments of most susceptible,Salmonella typhimwium the Cereal breeding Large-scale certified seed carcass fatness. Electronic probes also allow least. production is under way for AC Lacombe. carcasses to be graded on the slaughter floor. Consumer acceptability Canadian consumers This feed barley has superior yield, kernel Based on this research and collaboration with weight, and plumpness. Its feeding value the lamb-packing industry, a new lamb- were asked to evaluate beef strip loin steaks with four different levels of marbling. They equals or betters most feed barley cultivars grading system has been developed and was currently registered in Canada. BW653, a introduced 1 April 1993. were then asked to rank cooked samples from each level of marbling for tenderness, new hard red spring wheat cultivar designed Meat storage Temperature histories were juiciness, flavor, and overall palatability. to replace Park wheat, was supported for collected from beef transported by rail and On a visual basis, consumers preferred registration. BW653 will be distributed by road from western North America to steaks with trace or slight levels of marbling. SeCan. eastern markets. The temperatures However, in the taste test, consumers Weed control Quackgrass competition can measured were used to estimate bacterial preferred steaks with small or moderate cause substantial loss of crop yield. Five proliferation over the duration of the levels of marbling. Consumers desire herbicides used to control quackgrass were journey, and thereby derive storage leanness and palatability of beef, but the compared under various conditions. The efficiency factors. Maximum storage life is two qualities are not necessarily herbicides were not as effective under zero obtained when the meat surface is coincidental. till as they were under conventional tillage. maintained at -1°C.

Lacombe 1993-1994 157 -

Under zero till, none of the herbicides des carcasses d'agneau en fonction de leur que les organismes pathogenes. provided a 50% reduction in quackgrass teneur en maigre, les scientifiques ont donc Staphylococcus aureus s'est revele shoot weight 3 months after treatment. demontre que les mesures a la sonde de la I'organisme pathogene Ie plus sensible aux Growing a competitive crop augmented the profondeur du gras ou des tissus entre la traitements et Salmonella typhimurium Ie ability of the herbicides to control 12e et la Be cote etaient plus precises que moins sensible. quackgrass significantly. les evaluations visuelles de la teneur en Acceptabilite par Ie consommateur On a gras des carcasses. L'utilisation de sondes Resources demande aux consommateurs canadiens electroniques permet egalement de classer d'evaluer des biftecks de contre-filet de les carcasses dans I'aire d'abattage. En se The research centre is located between breuf presentant quatre differents niveaux Edmonton and Calgary on 879 ha of land, basant sur ces recherches, Ie centre a mis de persillage. On leur a ensuite demande, which has facilitit;s for raising beef cattle au point, avec la collaboration de pour chacun des niveaux de persillage, de 2 and hogs. A 1525-m red meat complex I'industrie de I'agneau, un nouveau systeme coter des echantillons de breuf cuit, consists of a holding barn, an abattoir and de classement qu'il presentera sous peu. relativement a la tendrete, la jutosite, la cutting room, a taste panel kitchen and Conservation de la viande On a consigne saveur et a la palatabilite globale. En ce qui 2 booths, and laboratories. A 2230-m crop dans un registre la temperature de la concerne l'aspect visuel, les service building houses dryers, threshers, viande de breuf transportee par chemin de consommateurs ont prefere les biftecks a and seed storage, as well as laboratories fer et par camion de I'ouest de l'Amerique peine ou tres legerement persilles. and offices. The staff complement of du Nord jusqu'aux marches de l'Est. On a Toutefois, au test de degustation, ils ont 84 person-years includes 20 scientists. estime, d'apres les temperatures prefere les biftecks au persillage leger ou The centre also operates a research enregistrees, la proliferation des bacteries modere. Les consommateurs preferent farm 100km east of Edmonton at Vegreville. pendant Ie transport, puis calcule les manger du breuf maigre et savoureux, deux The administration-laboratory complex is facteurs d'efficacite de la conservation. qualites qui ne sont pas necessairement shared with the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Ainsi, la duree de conservation sera plus conciliables. Administration. The 121-ha land base is longue si la temperature a la surface de la Fourrages Le centre a mis au point un devoted to work on problem soils. viande est maintenue a-1°C. modele decrivant la production de La duree de conservation du breuf l'ensilage de l'orge, base sur les relations de o atteignait presque Ie maximum possible production de huit cultivars d'orge recoltes dans les wagons bien entretenus. Toutefois, a sept intervalles dans Ie centre de Mandat les remorques utilisees pour Ie transport I'Alberta. Le nombre d'unites thermiques Le Centre de recherches de Lacombe routier ne sont con<;uesque pour maintenir de croissance a ete la variable la plus fiable poursuit des recherches sur la transformation, la temperature. Par consequent, il est a partir de laquelle on pouvait prevoir Ie la qualite et la conservation des viandes impossible de refroidir adequatement la moment optimal pour recolter I'orge rouges. De plus, l'equipe du centre con~it viande dont la temperature, au moment de destinee a l'ensilage. Les plantes entieres et evalue des systemes de production son chargement a bord de la remorque, pour I'ensilage devaient etre recoltees vegetale pour les pIantes fourrageres et les serait superieure a la temperature de environ 176 degres-jours apres I'epiaison grains fourragers. Le Centre de recherches conservation souhaitee. Le breuf expedie ou 200 degres-jours avant l'arrivee a de Lacombe cree aussi, grace a un par transport routier se conserverait alors maturite normale des grains. programme classique d'amelioration beau coup moins longtemps. Sols Les sols solonetziques font obstacle a genetique des cereales, des cultivars d'avoine Microbiologie des viandes Les chercheurs la croissance des vegetaux parce qu'ils sont pour les entreprises agro-alimentaires de ont evalue I'efficacite des acides organiques peu permeables et mal aeres et que les Western Parkland. a decontaminer les viandes rouges et plus plantes ont de la difficulte a s'y enraciner. La Ferme de recherches de Vegreville precisement les carcasses, les coupes Les scientifiques ont etudie les effets de mene des recherches sur les methodes de subprimaires et les coupes servant a la vente l'application en surface de gypse, de chaux gestion des sols afin de resoudre les au detail. lis ont inocule la viande avec des et de nitrate d'ammonium, seul et en problemes que posent les sols dans Ie organismes pathogenes psychrotrophes et combinaison, sur les proprietes chimiques nord-est de I'Alberta. mesophiles et avec des bacteries qui des sols solonetziques et sur Ie rendement deteriorent les aliments, puis ils l'ont traitee en orge. Seule l'application de gypse a Realisations avec de I'acide lactique et de l'acide acetique. augmente la concentration de Ca soluble et reduit Ie ratio d'absorption du sodium. La Classement des carcasses La plupart des lis ont consigne la temperature et la combinaison du gypse et du nitrate pays utilisent des systemes de notation concentration des acides, ainsi que la d'ammonium a accentue davantage ces subjective pour classer les carcasses numeration bacterienne initiale. caracteristiques. Les rendements grainiers d'agneau en fonction de leur teneur en gras Les chercheurs ont constate une ont ete variables, mais ont eu tendance a et de leur conformation. Des chercheurs meme reaction aux deux acides et une ont compare des mesures de l'epaisseur du reduction inegale du nombre de bacteries. etre superieurs la ou il y avait eu un gras, des muscles et des tissus effectuees a C'est Ie traitement a l'acide, au taux de traitement ameliore. l'aide d'une sonde electronique et des 3 %, a une temperature de 55°C, qui a Amelioration des cereales La production a evaluations subjectives de ces caracteres permis de reduire Ie plus les populations grande echelle de semences certifiees d'AC chez 1 660 carcasses d'agneaux de poids et bacteriennes. Les organismes degradant les Lacombe est commencee. Cette orge d'ages divers. Pour ce qui est du classement aliments etaient plus sensibles aux acides fourragere se distingue par son rendement

158 Lacombe 1993-1994 superieur et par Ie poids et Ie gonflement Baron, V.S.;Dick, Ae.; Wolynetz, M.S. 1992. Gortel, K; Schaefer, AL.; Young, B.A; de ses grains. Sa valeur alimentaire est Characterization of barley silage-maturity Kawamoto, S.e. 1992. Effects of transport stress egale ou superieure a celie de la plupart relationships for central Alberta. Can. J. Plant and electrolyte supplementation on body fluids and weight of bulls. Can. J. Anim. Sci. des cultivars d'orge fourragere actuellement Sci. 72:1009-1020. 72:547-553. enregistres au Canada. Des donnees ont ete Baron, V.S.;Najda, H.G.; Salmon, D.E; Dick, foumies aux fins de I'enregistrement de Ae. 1993. Cropping systems for spring and Greer, G.G.; Dilts, B.D. 1992. Factors affecting winter cereals under simulated pasture: yield and the susceptibility of meatborne pathogens and BW653, un nouveau cultivar de ble roux yield distribution. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:703-712. spoilage bacteria to organic acids. Food Res. Int. vitreux de printemps qui devrait remplacer Ie 25:355-364. ble Park. L'association SeCan distribuera Ie Baron, V.S.;Najda, H.G.; Salmon, D.E; Dick, Harapiak, 1.T.;Malhi, S.S.;Nyborg, M.; Flore, N.A. nouveau cultivar. Ae. 1992. Post-flowering forage potential of spring and winter cereal mixtures. Can. J. Plant 1992.Dry matter yield,protein concentration, N use Lutte contre les mauvaises herbes La Sci. 72:137-145. efficiencyand N recovery of bromegrass in south-central Alberta: effect of N rate. Commun. concurrence exercee par Ie chiendent peut Blackshaw, RE.; Harker, KN. 1992. Combined Soil Sci.Plant Anal. 23:1245-1256. causer des pertes considerables de postemergence grass and broadleaved weed rendement. Les chercheurs ont compare, control in canola (Brassica napus). Weed Harker, KN. 1992. Effects of various adjuvants sous diverses conditions, cinq herbicides Technol. 6:892-897. on sethoxydim activity. Weed Technol. 6:865-870. utilises pour lutter contre Ie chiendent. En Briggs, KG.; Kibite, S.; Kutschera, K 1992. I'absence de travail du sol, les herbicides Cutler red spring wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. Harker, KN.; O'Sullivan, P.A 1993. Herbicide n'etaient pas aussi efficaces que s'ils avaient 72:229-233. comparisons on quackgrass (Elytrigia repens) within different crop competition and tillage ete appliques sur des sols travailles selon les de Passille, AM.B.; Rushen, J.; Foxcroft, G.R; conditions. Weed Sci. 41:94-99. pratiques culturales classiques. Sans travail Aherne, EX.; Schaefer, A 1992. Performance of du sol, aucun des herbicides n'a reussi a young pigs: relationships with periparturient Heaney, DJ.; Nyborg, M.; Solberg, E.D.; Malhi, reduire de 50 % Ie poids des tiges de progesterone, prolactin, and insulin of sows. S.S.; Ashworth, J. 1992. Overwinter nitrate loss chiendent 3 mois apres Ie traitement. La J. Anim. Sci. 71:179-184. and denitrification potential of cultivated soils in Alberta. Soil BioI. Biochem. 24:877-884. culture d'une espece concurrente a augmente de St. Remy, B.A; Vanden Born, WH. 1993. The la capacite des herbicides a mener une bonne effect of crop density on yield and competition Jeremiah, L.B.; Busboom, J.R.; Gibson, L.L.; lutte contre cette mauvaise herbe. between "volunteer barley" and spring-seeded et al. 1993. Effects of freezing and thawing on oilseed rape. Pages 135-142 in 8th EWRS moisture losses and sensory traits of Ressources Symposium "Quantitative approaches in weed Shabu-shabu beef. J. Muscle Foods 4:161-170. and herbicide research and their practical Jeremiah, L.B.; Gill, e.O.; Penney, N. 1992. La centre de recherches est situee entre application", Braunschweig. Vol. 1. Edmonton et Calgary, sur une terre de Effect on pork storage life of oxygen Foster, KR; Taylor, J.S. 1993. Response of contamination in nominally anoxic packagings. 879 ha. On y trouve des installations pour barley to ethephon: effects of rate, nitrogen and J. Muscle Foods 3:263-281. l'elevage des bovins et des pores. Un irrigation. Crop Sci. 32:1345-1352. complexe de 1 525 m2 abrite une aire Jeremiah, L.E.; Jones, S.D.M.; Kruger, G.; Tong, Gill, e.O.; Bryant, J. 1992. The contamination of AKW; Gibson, R 1992. The effects of gender d'attente, un abattoir, une unite de coupe, pork with spoilage bacteria during commercial and blast-chilling time and temperature on une salle de degustation et des laboratoires. dressing, chilling and cutting of pig carcasses. lnt. cooking properties and palatability of pork 2 Un biitiment de 2 230 m destine aux J. Food Microbiol. 16:51-62. longissimus muscle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. travaux sur les recoltes abrite des sechoirs, Gill, e.O.; Jeremiah, L.E. 1992. The storage life 72:501-506. des egreneuses et des entrepots de of non-muscle offals packaged under vacuum or Jeremiah, L.E.; Penney, N.; Gill, C.O. 1992. The stockage de semences, ainsi que des carbon dioxide. Food Microbiol. 8:339-353. effects of prolonged storage under vacuum or laboratoires et des bureaux. Le centre Gill, e.O.; Jones, S.D.M. 1992.Efficiencyof a C02 on the flavor and texture profiles of chilled dispose de 84 annees-personnes et emploie commercial process for the storage and distribution pork. Food Res. lnt. 25:9-19. 20 scientifiques. of vacuum-packaged beef. J. Food Prot. 55:880-887. Jeremiah, L.B.; Schaefer, AL.; Gibson, L.L. De plus, Ie centre exploite une ferme Gill, e.O.; Jones, S.D.M. 1992. Evaluation of a 1992. The effects of antemortem feed and water de recherches a Vegreville, a 100 km a l'est commercial process for collection and cooling of withdrawl, antemortem electrolyte d'Edmonton. Le complexe administration- beef offals by a temperature function integration supplementation and postmortem electrical stimulation on the palatability and consumer laboratoire est partage avec I'Administration technique. lnt. J. Food. Microbiol. 15:131-143. acceptance of bull beef. Meat Sci. 32:149-160. du retablissement agricole des Prairies. Gill, e.O.; Jones, T. 1992. Assessment of the Cette terre de 121ha est consacree a l'etude hygienic efficiencies of two commercial processes Jeremiah, L.B.; Tong, AKW; Jones, S.D.M.; McConell, e. 1992. Consumer acceptance of des sols qui presentent des problemes. for cooling pig carcasses. Food Microbiol. 9:335-343. beef with different levels of marbling. J. Cons. Stud. Home Econ. 16:375-387. Gill, e.O.; McGinnis, e. 1993. Changes in • microflora on commercial beef trimmings during Jeremiah, L.E.; Tong, AKW; Jones, S.D.M.; their collection, distribution and preparation for McConell, e. 1993. A survey of Canadian lilesearchPublicauons consumer perceptions of beef in relation to Publications de recherche retail sale as ground beef. lnt. J. Food Microbiol. 18:321-332. general perceptions regarding foods. J. Cons. Aalhus, J.L.; Jones, S.D.M.; Tong, AKW; et al. Stud. Home Econ. 17:13-37. 1992. The combined effects of time on feed, Gill, e.O.; Phillips, D.M. 1993. The efficiency of storage during distant continental transportation Jones, S.D.M.; Jeremiah, L.E.; Robertson, WM. electrical stimulation and aging on beef quality. 1993. The effects of spraying and blast-chilling Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:525-535. of beef sides and quarters. Food Res. lnt. 26:239-245. on carcass shrinkage and pork muscle quality. Meat Sci. 34:351-362.

Lacombe 1993-1994 159 Jones, S.D.M.; Jeremiah, L.E.; Tong, AKW; McKinnon, J.J.; Cohen, RD.H.; Jones, S.D.M.; Jones, S.D.M.; Robertson, WM.; Talbot, S. 1992. Robertson, WM.; Gibson, L.L. 1992. Estimation Christensen, D.A 1993. Crude protein Marbling standards for beef and pork of lamb carcass composition using an electronic requirements of large-frame cattle fed two levels carcasses/Normes d'evaluation du persille pour probe, a visual scoring system and carcass of energy as weaned calves or as background les carcasses de bceuf et de pore. Agric. Can. measurements. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:237-244. yearlings. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 73:315-325. Publ. 1879/E, 1879/F.9/10 pp. Jones, S.D.M.; Schaefer, AL.; Tong, AKW Nadeau, L.B.; King, J.R; Harker, KN. 1992. Knowles, RP.; Baron, V.S.;McCartney, D.H. 1992. The effects of fasting, electrolyte Comparison of growth of seedlings and plants 1993. Meadow bromegrass/Le brome des pres. supplementation and electrical stimulation on grown from root pieces of yellow toadflax Agric. Can. Publ. 1889/E, 1889/F. 19/23 pp. carcass yield and meat quality in bulls. Can. J. (Linaria vulgaris). Weed Sci. 40:43-47. Malhi, S.S.; Laverty, D.H.; Harapiak, J.T.; Anim. Sci. 72:791-798. Nyborg, M.; Malhi, S.S. 1992. Effectiveness of Kryzanowski, L.M.; Penney, D.e. 1993. Fertilizer Malhi, S.S.; Harapiak, J.T.; Nyborg, M.; Fiore, fall- versus spring-applied urea on barley. Pellet management for forage crops in central Alberta. N.A 1992. Dry matter yield, protein size and depth of placement. Fert. Res. Agric. Can. Tech. Bull. 1993-3E. 38 pp. concentration, N use efficiency and N recovery 31:235-239. Malhi, S.S.; Nyborg, M. 1993. Better use of of bromegrass in south-central Alberta: effect of Nyborg, M.; Malhi, S.S.; Robertson, J.A; Zhang, nitrogen for barley under zero tillage. Agric. time and source of N application. Commun. Soil M. 1992. Changes in extractable P in Alberta Can. Tech Bull. 1993-2E 6 pp. Sci. Plant Anal. 23:953-964. soils during the fall-winter-spring interlude. Malhi, S.S.; Nyborg, M.; Solberg, ED.; Heaney, Malhi, S.S.; McAndrew, D.W; Carter, M.R Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 23:337-343. D.J. 1992. Fall- compared to spring-application 1992. Effect of surface applications of gypsum, Robinson, J.; Calhoun, D.S.; Burnett, P.A 1992. of nitrogen fertilizers in Alberta/Comparaison lime and nitrogen on some soil chemical Greenhouse rearing and field infestation of des applications automnales et printanieres properties, and grain yield and chemical Russian wheat aphid using triticale as an d'engrais azotes en Alberta. Agric. Can. Tech. composition of barley on a Solonetzic soil. Arid example. Southwest. Entomol. 17:17-21. Bull. 1992-8E, 1992-8F. 17/20 pp. Soil Res. Rehabil. 6:71-81. Schaefer,AL.; Jones, S.D.M.; Tong,AK W; et al. Malhi, S.S.; McBeath, D.K; Arshad, M.A.; Gill, 1992.The effect of feeding the beta adrenergic KS. 1992. Effect of phosphorus fertilization on agonist Ractopamine on the behaviour of market .alfalfa hay yield. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. weight pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci.72:15-21. 23:717-724. Schaefer, AL.; Jones, S.D.M.; Tong, AKW; Malhi; S.S.; Nyborg, M. 1992. Fall- versus et al. 1992. Effects of post transport electrolyte spring-applied urea: influence of N rate. supplementation on tissue electrolytes, Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 23:301-312. hematology, urine osmolality and weight loss in Malhi, S.S.; Nyborg, M. 1992. Placement of urea beef bulls. Livest. Prod. Sci. 30:333-346. fertilizer under zero and conventional tillage for Schaefer,AL.; Murray, Ae.; Thng,AK W; Jones, barley. Soil & Tillage Res. 23:193-197. S.D.M.; Sather, AP. 1993.The effect of ante Malhi, S.S.;Nyborg, M. 1992.Recovery of nitrogen mortem electrolytetherapy on animal physiology by spring barley from ammonium nitrate, urea and and meat quality in pigs segregating at the sulphur-coated urea as affected by time and method halothane gene. Can. J. Anim. Sci.73:231-240. of application. Fert. Res. 32:19-25. Schaefer, AL.; Scott, S.L. 1993. Amino acid Malhi, S.S.; Nyborg, M.; Aulakh, M.S. 1992. flooding doses for measuring rates of protein Surface-applied urea on a Black Chernozemic synthesis (review article). Amino Acids 4:5-19. soil: hydrolysis, nitrification and pH change. Swanton, C.J.; Harker, KN.; Anderson, RL. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 23:1119-1129. 1993. Crop losses due to weeds in Canada. Weed Malhi, S.S.; Nyborg, M.; Harapiak, J.T.; Technol. 7:537-542. Robertson, J.A; Walker, D.R 1992. Downward movement of surface-applied P on established Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada forage stands. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. PUBLICATIONS 23:1781-1790. Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Malhi, S.S.; Nyborg, M.; Heaney, D.J. 1992. Aalhus, J.L.; Murray, AC.; Jones, S.D.M.; et al. Potential for nitrogen mineralization in central 1992.Environmental conditions for swineduring Alberta soils. Fert. Res. 32:321-325. marketing for slaughter. A national review/ Malhi, S.S.; Nyborg, M.; Penney, D.C.; et al. Conditions ambiantes auxquellessont soumis les 1993. Yield response of barley and rapeseed to pores de boucherie durant Ie transport a l'abattoir. P fertilizer: influence of soil test P level and Etude nationale. Agric. Can. Tech.Bull. 1992-6E, method of placement. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant 1992-6F.20/19pp. Anal. 24:1-10. de St. Remy, EA, ed. Research Highlights 1992. McAndrew, D.W; Malhi, S.S. 1992. Long-term Lacombe Research Station, Agric. Can. 56 pp. N fertilization of a Solonetzic soil: effects on Gill, e.O. 1992. Cleaning of the equipment used chemical and biological properties. Soil BioI. for carcass fabrication at large pig-slaughtering Biochem.24:619-623. plants. Agric. Can. Tech. Bull. 1992-7E. 19 pp. Mcinnes, D.; Harker, KN.; Blackshaw, RE; Hwang, S.F.; Berg, B.P.;Howard, RJ.; Vanden Born, WH. 1992. Chapter 17. The McAndrew, D.W 1992. Screening of sainfoin influence of ultraviolet light on the phytotoxicity cultivars and lines for yield, winter hardiness and of sethoxydim tank mixtures with various resistance to fusarium crown and root rot in east adjuvants. Pages 205-213 in Foy, e.L., ed. central Alberta. Can. Plant Dis. Surv. Adjuvants for agrichemicals. CRC Press, Florida. 72:107-111.

160 Lacombe 1993 ~ 1994 BEAVERLODGE Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada P.O. Box 29 c.P. 29 Beaverlodge, Alberta Beaverlodge (Alberta) TOHOCO TOHOCO

Tel. (403) 354-2212 Tel. Fax (403) 354-8171 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM380MAIL c.E. Internet EM380MAIL Internet @ABRSBL.AGR.CA

R,fessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director J.D. McElgunn, Ph.D. Directeur Administrative Officer A Newell Agent d'administration Computer Systems Manager B.N. Quick Gestionnaire des systemes informatiques

Scientific Support Soutien scientifique Librarian L.S. Christiansen, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire

Environment and Soils Environnement et sols Section Head; Microbiology WA Rice, Ph.D. Chef de section; microbiologie Soil physics M.A. Arshad, Ph.D. Physique des sols Tillage and crop agronomy; G.W Clayton, Ph.D. Travail du sol et agronomie des cultures; Officer-in-Charge, Fort Vermilion agent responsable de la Ferme de Research Farm recherches de Fort Vermilion Weed control AL. Darwent, Ph.D. Lutte contre les mauvaises herbes Agrometeorology P.E Mills, B.A. Agrometeorologie Soil chemistry Y.K. Soon, Ph.D. Chimie des sols

Apiculture and Plant Science Phytologie et apiculture Section Head; Apiculture D.L. Nelson, Ph.D. Chef de section; apiculture Wheat breeding P.J. Clarke, B.Sc. Amelioration du ble Legume seed production D.T. Fairey, Ph.D. Production de semences de legumineuses Grass seed production N.A Fairey, Ph.D. Production de semences de graminees Apiculture pathology T.P.Liu, Ph.D. Pathologie des abeilles Apiculture (seconded out) T.1.Szabo, Ph.D. Apiculture (ptete par la Direction) Canola breeding G.R. Stringam, Ph.D. Amelioration du colza canol a Canola breeding D.L. Woods, Ph.D. Amelioration du colza canola

Mandate The Beaverlodge Research Centre improves The Fort Vermilion Research Farm Canada thistle population. Thi~ use pattern production systemsfor crops, honey bees, and develops crop management systems for was approved by the Food Production and other pollinating insects adapted to oilseed, cereal, and pulse crops. Inspection Branch and is being used by environmental conditions in northwestern farmers. Glyphosate applied this way also Canada. It also develops technologyfor Achievements controls other perennial weeds and has managing the soil,water, and climatic Bees An enzyme-linked immunosorbent benefits as a harvest aid. resources of the region, for a productive and assay (ELISA) can detect tracheal mites in Laura wheat, because of seemingly sustainable agricultural industry.The centre honey bees at 5-7% infestation. This level low requirements for phosphorus, is has breeding programs in canola, wheat, and is well below that believed to have an recommended on acid soil where available honey bees. Our major crops are economic impact on colonies. P is usually a limiting factor. • cereal grains Cereals Glyphosate, applied annually to • forage seed production barley 1-2 weeks before harvest, reduced • oilseeds.

Beaverlodge 1993-1994 161 Red clover plow down increased cereal categories. The centre controls 390 ha of En raison de ses besoins apparemment yields by 0.8-1.3 t/ha over cereals grown on land at two sites and rents about 35 ha of peu eleves en phosphore, Ie ble Laura est cereal stubble on Dark Gray and Black soils. land a year for research. recommande pour la culture en sol acide The N fertilizer equivalent of red cloverwas The Fort Vermilion Research Farm dont la faible teneur en P assimilable limite 30-80 kglha and is dependent on soil moisture reports to Beaverlodge. It has 187 ha of habituellement la croissance vegetale. during the growingseason. The yield land and rents about 3 ha of land a year for Le rendement des cereales cultiveesavec advantage is attributed to improvements in research. Its staff of seven includes one du trefle rouge comme engrais vert a depasse soil quality. scientist. de 0,8 a 1,3t/ha celui des cereales cultiveessur Forages The length of the corolla tube of The centre has a 12-person research chaume dans des sols gris fona: et noirs. a plant dictated which species of bumble centre advisory committee consisting of L'equivalent du trefle rouge en engrais azote bee foraged on the crop. Thus Bombus farmers and provincial and university leaders. est de 30 a 80kglha et I'efficacitede ce rufocinctus and B. vagans, bees with short The centre supplements its resources by dernier depend de l'humidiie du sol pendant proboscises, were more abundant on alfalfa receiving funds from outside agencies, la saison de culture. L'augmentation du and alsike clover, plants with short corollas. including the provinces, producer groups, rendement des cereales est attribuable a The long-proboscidal B. borealis was found and agri-business. I'amelioration de la qualite du sol. in red clover, plants with corollas twice as FOUlTages La longueur du tube de la corolle long as the other two crops. o d'une plante determine I'espece de bourdon A strain of Rhizobium meliloti tolerant qui butinera celle-ci.Ainsi, les especes a to low temperatures and suitable for alfalfa Mandat promuscis court Bombus rufocinctus et B. and sweet clover was developed. A licensing vagans etaient plus abondantes sur la luzerne Le Centre de recherches de Beaverlodge agreement was signed with Philom Bios Inc. et Ie trefle d'alsike dont la corolle est courte. ameliore les systemes de production des L'espece B. borealis a long promuscisbutinait Oilseeds A new canola cultivar, AC cultures, des abeilles domestiques et autres Ie trefle rouge dont la corolle est deux fois Sunshine, was released. AC Sunshine has insectes pollinisateurs dans la region plus longue que celle des deux autres cultures. high protein and oil content compared with agricole septentrionale du Canada. Dans Ie other Brassica campestris cultivars and is but de rentabiliser I'industrie agricole et de Les selectionneurs ont cree une resistant to white rust. l'adapter a son milieu, des recherches sont souche de Rhizobium meliloti tolerante aux Blackleg-resistant canola lines produced effectuees afin de trouver les technologies basses temperatures et convenant a la with the double-haploid technique yielded appropriees a la region en gestion des sols, luzerue et au melilot. Un contrat de licence up to 119% of checks. de l'eau et des ressources climatiques. Le a ete signe avec la Philom Bios Inc. centre met en ceuvre des programmes Crop management A no-till crop production Oleagineux Un nouveau cultivar, l'AC d'amelioration genetique du canola, du ble system measurably improves soil Sunshine, qui a une teneur en proteine et et des abeilles domestiques. L'accent est characteristics. en huile comparable a ceDe d'autres mis principalement sur les cultures suivantes Brassica campestris, en plus d'i:tre resistant Zero tillage cropping results in 7% • cereales a la rouille blanche, a ete mis ilIa vente. higher yields than conventional or minimum- • semences des pIantes fourrageres Les lignees de canol a resistantes a la tillage treatments. The economic advantage • oleagineux. coupled with enhanced soil quality and jambe noire produites par la technique de La Ferme de recherches de Fort prevention of erosion makes this practice haplo-diploldisation ont eu un rendement Vermilion elabore des systemes de gestion correspondant 119% de celui des temoins. very desirable. a de culture d'oleagineux, de cere ales et de Regie des cultures L'application d'un systeme Recommended tillage practices need pIantes fourrageres. de culture sans travail du sol a ameliore de to be evaluated on a regional and climatic fa<;anmesurable les caracteristiques du sol. basis, and according to the type of soil. On Realisations heavy clay soils, a single spring cultivation Apiculture La technique ELISA permet de La culture sans travail du sol per met alleviated some of the constraints detecter la presence d'acariens de I'abeille d'obtenir des rendements plus eleves de associated with zero tillage and improved chez les abeilles domestiques lorsque les taux 7 % que la culture conventionnelle ou la the crop yield and weed control. d'infestation sont de l'ordre de 5 a 7 %, culture avec travail minimal du sol. Cet avantage economique assorti une Field peas as a seed crop provided N niveau bien inferieur a celui ayant un impact a amelioration de la qualite du sol et la at up to 30 kglha to the following barley economique sur les colonies. a prevention de I'erosion rend cette pratique crop. Subsequent cereal crops have yields Cereales Le glyphosate,que I'on a applique tres attrayante. enhanced by 18-21 % following peas. annuellement sur I'orge 1 a 2 semaines avant Les pratiques de travail du sol The occurrence .ofbrown girdling root la recolte, a reduit la population de chardon recommandees doivent etre evaluees en rot was not affected by tillage treatment. des champs. Cette pratique culturale, qui a ete fonction de la region, du climat et du type Disease incidence decreased as the rate of approuvee par la Direction generale de la de sol. Dans Ie cas des sols argileux lourds, applied N increased from 0 to 102 kglha. production et de I'inspectiondes aliments, est utilisee par des agriculteurs.Applique de cette un seul travail du sol au printemps a Resources fa<;an,Ie glyphosatepermet de lutter contre attenue certaines des contraintes associees a l'absence de travail du sol, en plus The Beaverlodge Research Centre has a d'autres mauvaises herbes vivaceset contribue d'ameliorer Ie rendement cultural et la total staff of 50, with 16 in the professional d'une certaine maniere a faciliterla recolte. lutte contre les mauvaises herbes.

162 Beaverlodge 1993-1994

, I I ' " 'I 1\ I Les pois secs pIantes comme culture Fairey, N.A; Lefkovitch, L.P. 1993. Agronomic Woods, D.L. 1993. Comparative economics of semenciere ont fourni a la culture d'orge feasibility of producing seed of tall fescue in the selection for oil content in Brassica juncea on the suivante des taux d'azote qui s'elevaient Peace River region. Can. J. Plant Sci. basis of single plant versus progeny row analysis. jusqu'a 30 kglha. Le rendement des 73:123-129. Plant Var. & Seeds 6:3--8. cultures cerealieres qui ont suivi la culture Fairey, N.A.; Lefkovitch, L.P. 1993. Persistence des pois secs a augmente de 18 a 21 %. of herbage treatment effects in barley and consequences for subsequent crop Les travaux du sol n'ont pas eu d'effet experimentation. J. Agric. Sci. Cambridge sur l'apparition du cerne brun de la racine. 120:25-32. L'incidence de la maladie a diminue avec Gill, KS.; Prihar, S.S.; Arshad, M.A. 1992. Water l'augmentation de 0 a 102 kglha de la dose profiles, isohydral fronts and evaporation from a d'azote appliquee. sandy loam soil dried under three levels of evaporativity. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. Ressources 23:(13&14):] 359-1370. L'effectif du Centre de recherches de Gill, KS.; Arshad, M.A; Chivunda, B.K.; Phiri, Beaverlodge est de 50 personnes, dont 16 B.; Gumbo, M. ] 992. Influence of residue mulch, chercheurs. Le centre administre 390 tillage and cultural practices on weed mass and hectares repartis sur deux sites. De plus, il corn yield from three field experiments. Soil & loue chaque annee environ 35 ha pour Tillage Res. 24(]99):211-223. effectuer des recherches. . Lewis, L.J.; Woods, D.L. 1993. Field performance of self compatible and an equal La Ferme de recherches de Fort proportion mixture of self compatible and self Vermilion releve du Centre de recherches incompatable summer rape lines at two Alberta de Beaverlodge. Elle requiert les services locations in ]989. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:829-833. de 7 personnes, dont un chercheur. Sur une Liu, T.P.; Nasr, M. 1992. Effects of formic acid superficie de 187 ha, la ferme en loue trois treatment on the infestation of tracheal mites, pour la recherche. Acarapis woodi (Rennie) in the honey beeApis Le comite consultatif du centre est melli/era A Am. Bee J. 132:666--668. compose de 12 membres representant les Malhi, S.S.; Arshad, M.A.; Gill, KS.; McBeath, producteurs et les autorites universitaires D.K 1992. Response of alfalfa hay yield to et provinciales. Le centre beneficie de phosphorous fertilization in two soils in central Alberta. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. fonds exterieurs proven ant des provinces, 23(7&8):717-724. des groupes de producteurs et des negociants agricoles. Rice, WA; Olsen, P.E.; Bailey, L.D.; Biederbeck, va.; Slinkard, AE. 1993. The use of annual o legume green-manure crops as a substitute for summerfallow in the Peace River region. Can. J. Soil Sci. 73:243-252. Research Publications Rice, WA; Olsen, P.E 1993. Root nodule Publications de recherche bacteria and nitrogen fixation. Pages 303-317 in Arshad, M.A.; Coen, G.M. 1992. Carter, M.R., ed. Soil sampling and methods of Characterization of soil quality: physical and analysis. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Fla. chemical criteria. Am. J. Altern. Agric. 7:25-3l. Soon, Y.K 1992. Differential response of wheat Befus-Nogel, J.; Nelson, D.L.; Lefkovitch, L.P. cultivars to phosphorous in acid soils. J. Plant 1992. Observations on the effect of management Nutr. 15:513-526. procedures in chalkbrood levels in honey bee Soon, Y.K.; Abboud, S. 1993. Cadmium, colonies. Bee Sci. 2(1):20-24. chromium, lead, and nickel. Pages 101-108 in Fairey, D.T.; Lefkovitch, L.P. 1992. Seed yields of Carter, M.R, ed. Soil sampling and methods of consecutive harvests from legume stands. J. analysis. Lewis Publications, Boca Raton, Fla. Appl. Seed Prod. 10:25-30. Soon, Y.K; Warren, c.J. 1993. Soil solution. Fairey, D.T.; Lefkovitch, L.P. 1992. Arrangement Pages 147-159 in Carter, M.R, ed. Soil sampling of new and used nesting materials in Ieafcutting and methods of analysis. Lewis Publishers, Boca bees, Megachile rotundata (E), shelters to Raton, Fla. maximize cell production. J. Appl. Entomol. Szabo, T.I.; Sporns, P.; Lefkovitch, L.P. 1991. 115:62-65. Effects of frequency of honey removal and empty Fairey, D.T.; Lefkovitch, L.P.; Owen, RE. 1992. comb space in honey quantity and quality. Bee Resource partitioning: bumble bee (Bombus) Sci. 2(4):187-192. species and corolla lengths se'ed fields in the Townley-Smith, L.; Slinkard, AE.; Bailey, L.D.; Peace River region. Bee Sci. 2(4):170-174. Biederbeck, va.; Rice, WA 1993. Productivity, Fairey, N.A; Lefkovitch, L.P. 1993. water use and nitrogen fixation of annual-legume Environmental sensitivity of seed production in green-manure crops in the Dark Brown soil zone orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). J. Appl. of Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:139-148. Seed Prod. 10:58--66.

Beaverlodge 1993-1994 163 SUMMERLAND Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Highway 97 Route 97 Summerland, British Columbia Summerland (Colombie-Britannique) VOH 1Z0 VOH 1Z0

Tel. (604) 494-7711 Tel. Fax (604) 494-0755 Telecopie EM OTTB::EM402MAIL CE.

RfeSSional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director J. Dueck, Ph.D. Directeur Head, Administration L.C Godfrey, B.Sc. Chef, Administration Librarian P.Watson, M.Lib. Bibliothecaire Computer Systems Manager J. Wild, M.Div. Gestionnaire des systemes informatiques

Environmental Studies Etudes environnementales Program Leader; Soil fertility G.H. Neilsen, Ph.D. Chef de projet; fertilite du sol Plant-water relations R. Berard, Ph.D. Relation plante-irrigation Integrated control J.E. Cossentine, Ph.D. Lutte integree Environmental chemistry AP. Gaunce, Ph.D. Chimie de l'environnement Insect behavioral ecology G. Judd, Ph.D. Ecologie du comportement des insectes Irrigation engineering P.Parchomchuk, Ph.D. Irrigation-ingenierie Pesticide resistance MJ. Smirle, Ph.D. Resistance aux pesticides Biological control R.S. Utkhede, Ph.D. Lutte biologique

Food Research Recherche sur les aliments Program Leader; Food G. Mazza, Ph.D. Chef de projet; transformation processing and products alimentaire et produits Food chemistry HJ.T. Beveridge, Ph.D. Chimie des aliments Sensory evaluation M. Cliff, Ph.D. Analyse sensorielle Food microbiology P. Delaquis, Ph.D. Microbiologie alimentaire Food processing B. Girard, Ph.D. Transformation des aliments Storage physiology M. Meheriuk, Ph.D. Physiologie de la conservation Food engineering AL. Moyls, Ph.D. Genie alimentaire Postharvest pathology P.L. Sholberg, Ph.D. Maladies post-recolte

Horticulture and Basic Studies Horticulture et etudes de base Program Leader; Plant physiology N.E. Looney, Ph.D. Chef de projet; physiologie des plantes Biotechnology K. Eastwell, Ph.D. Biotechnologie Vegetation management E.J. Hogue, Ph.D. Regie de la vegetation Fruit tree management E Kappel, Ph.D. Regie des arbres fruitiers Tree fruit breeding WD. Lane, Ph.D. Amelioration des arb res fruitiers Crop diversification T.S.C Li, Ph.D. Diversification des cultures Cold hardiness H.A Quamme, Ph.D. Rusticite Grape management AG. Reynolds, Ph.D. Regie des vignobles Fruit quality P.Wiersma, Ph.D. Qualite des fruits

164 Summerland 1993-1994 Mandate The Summerland Research Centre conducts Sevin XLR has been successfully Pseudomonas species were identified multidisciplinaryresearch on tree fruits and registered as a thinning agent for apples in with scion bud mortality grapes and on food science and technology Canada. This product is much less toxic to • shredded paper used as mulch for weed for horticultural crops. Included are honey bees than older formulations. control in apple orchards virtually • development of sustainable production In other orchard research scientists eliminated the need for herbicide systems,including soil and water resource found that treatments. management, control of plant growth and • orchardists realize greater economic returns productivity, and improvement of fruit Jojoba and canola oil sprays were if they transplant trees as quicklyas possible quality effective in controlling Botrytis powdery from the nursery to the orchard location mildew on Auxerrois and Riesling vines. • integrated management of pests and • soil solution sampling and nitrate diseases Jojoba could also control most grape analysis may be useful to growers in insects during the growing season. This • cultivar and rootstock breeding and regulating N use food-grade product may have potential in evaluation • trickle-irrigated trees have a lower leaf the pesticide-reduced future facing • food chemistry, sensory evaluation, and water potential and a higher yield than agriculture. No negative organoleptic enology microjet-irrigated trees effects were detected in the wines. • storage and modified atmosphere • fertigation causes significant acidification Cultivar and rootstock breeding and packaging of the soil below the emitter, particularly evaluation The American Pomological • processing technology. at the 20-30 cm depth Society has recognized scientists with the • leaching of Ca, Mg, and K is another Shepard Award for their work on new Achievements problem found with fertigation procedures for evaluating sensory Sustainable production systems The natural • uptake of Cd from soil is much higher in attributes of new strains of Gala and plant hormone gibberellicacid (GA3) strawberry plants than in apple trees. Jonagold apple. Four promising apple- effectivelyimproved fruit size and qualityof seedling selections arising from the cross of Integrated pest management The program late-maturing sweet cherry cultivars.It also Gala X Splendour, now coming into slowedfruit ripenillg,thus extending the to eradicate codling moth through sterile production for commercial evaluation, are marketing season. Further studies indicated insect release has begun operation from the attracting international attention. In that this effect on fruit qualitymay be new facility in Osoyoos. This transfer of cooperation with a Kelowna nursery confined to a very few gibberellinspecies. technology from research to industry producing apple rootstocks by in vitro culminates a successful partnership. The rain-splitting phenomenon of sweet meristem culture, several commercially cherries was studied using light microscopy. Thermal responses and temperature- important clones have been successfully Sue cherries, which are resistant to rain dependent development of laboratory and identified by DNA fingerprinting. splitting, were found to possess a defined field-wintered eggs of the fruit-tree leaf Scientists working in other areas of cuticle. In contrast, cherries that are highly roller were described in a linear degree-day apple research found that susceptible to splitting, Van, possess a model for predicting egg hatch. The model • micropropagated apple trees on their own discontinuous cuticle. Light microscopy should prove useful in controlling roots were larger but had loweryields than revealed numerous fractures in the wax layer leafrollers in pears and new apple cultivars. comparable trees on M.26 or MA . of Van cherries, which were not observed in The codling moth granulosis virus was • rootstock do not affect fruit characteristics Sue cherries. identified in wild codling moth populations or maturity for Macspur McIntosh in their A cDNA library from ripening cherry for the first time since its original isolation first 4 years of production fruits was constructed and screened for in Mexico. The virus is effective against • the Russian apple rootstock Budagovsky gene products related to fruit ripening. obliquebanded and fruit-tree leaf rollers. 9 (B.9) proved to be a reliably hardy Riesling vines trained to divided The following advances in apple stock with dwarfing and tree-efficiency canopies consistently produced more than 27 research were made: characteristics comparable to M.9, a less t/ha. The berries are higher in desirable • two new fungicides, flusilazole and hardy cultivar. myclobutanil, were effective at very low monoterpene flavorants than berries from Research into other fruits included a concentrations for control of apple scab, standard trellis treatments. study in which consumer preferences in although progenies of selected regional pear were determined, with regard to Foliar sprays of ammonium thiosulfate populations of apple scab revealed optimum size of fruit, optimum color, applied at blossom-time to apricots potential resistance to the fungicides efficiently reduced fruit set to about the minimum value for sweet-to-sour ratio, and • the B8 bacterium (Enterobacter extent desired by producers. The benefits optimum shape. Three Canadian nurseries aerogenes), a good inhibitor of crown and are improved fruit size and better return are now licensed to propagate 10 selections root rot, is now patented in Canada and flowering. This liquid fertilizer also of seedless table grapes from Summerland, some parts of the world improved fruit size and return flowering in including Skookum Seedless and Sooke McIntosh apple by balancing crop load to • paper bark disorder of M.9 apple Seedless. Three new cherry rootstock the size of the tree. rootstock in the nursery was caused by selections from Germany dramatically Pseudomonas cichlorii, and two other outperformed Mazzard seedling rootstocks, the current industry standard.

Summerland 1993-1994 165 I I I I I I I I

Food chemistry Maturity and ripening effects Mandat Chez les abricotiers, les pulverisations on chemical and sensory properties of apple Au Centre de recherches de Summerland, des feuilles avec du thiosulfate juice were determined. Scientists found the une equipe pluridisciplinaire poursuit des d'ammonium au moment de la floraison ont perm is de reduire efficacement la flavor of apple juice to be influenced by fruit recherches sur la culture des fruits d'especes nouaison et d'obtenir une mise a fruit maturity and storage duration. arborescentes et des raisins, ainsi que sur la correspondant aux attentes des A rapid method for complete chemical technologie alimentaire appliquee aux cultures producteurs. Ces traitements ont ameliore characterization of anthocyanins was horticoles. Cela comprend Ie calibre des fruits et favorise Ie retour de developed. Using acid hydrolysis to • Ie developpement de systemes de la floraison. On a pu constat(~ egalement effectively cleave the intact pigments into production durable comportant la que cet engrais liquide ameliorait Ie calibre stable aglycones, sugars, and acyl groups, gestion des res sources en sols et en eau, des pommes Mcintosh et Ie retour de la this method is expected to find use in la maltrise de la croissance et de la floraison en assurant un equilibre entre Ie studies of natural colors and in quality productivite des plantes, et volume de la recolte et la taille de I'arbre. assurance and control of wines and juices. I'amelioration de la qualite des fruits Les resultats obtenus a Summerland ont The influence of storage environment, • la gestion integree des ravageurs et des ete determinants pour l'homologation du harvest date, and skin color on the volatile maladies Sevin XLR comme produit d'ec1aircissage components of Jonagold apples was • l'amelioration et l'evaluation de cultivars dans les vergers de pommiers au Canada. Ce determined. The method of storage et de porte-greffes produit est beau coup moins toxique pour les (controlled atmosphere versus air) was • la chimie alimentaire, I'analyse abeilles domestiques que les anciennes found to affect concentration of esters, sensorielle et I'renologie formulations. alcohols, and other flavor components. • I'entreposage et I'emballage sous De plus amples recherches realisees Storage and pack11ging A new static cell atmosphere modifiee dans les vergers ont demontn~ que method for determining the rates of gas • la technologie de transformation. • les pomiculteurs realisaient plus de transmission through packaging film was profits en transplant ant les arbres de developed. Test cells gave simultaneous values Realisations pepiniere Ie plus rapidement possible for 02 and C02 that were corroborated by Systemes de production durable L'acide dans Ie verger independent tests in a MOCON apparatus. gibberellique (GA3), une hormone vegetale This technology will enable industry to select • I'echantillonnage d'une solution de sol et naturelle, ameliore Ie calibre des fruits et la suitable films for packaging of fresh and Ie dosage du nitrate pourraient aider les qualite des cerises douces tardives. II minimally processed produce. producteurs a regula riser I'azote dans les retarde en outre Ie murissement des baies, vergers Processing technology A novel method for ce qui prolonge la campagne de • les arbres irrigues au goutte-a-goutte the control of spoilage microorganisms on commercialisation. En cherchant des avaient un potentiel hydrique foliaire the surface of food products has been gibberellines encore plus efficaces, les plus faible et un rendement plus eleve developed. Patenting and commercialization scientifiques se sont rendu compte qu'il n'y que ceux qui Ie sont au moyen de of this technology is under way. en a qu'un tres petit nombre qui ont une microjets The conditions necessary for incidence reelle sur la qualite des fruits. • l'irrigation fertilisante acidifiait successful juice extraction from apples by Les chercheurs ont observe au considerablement Ie sol sous I'emetteur, decanter centrifugation were defined microscope optique Ie phenomene en particulier a une profondeur de 20 a relative to cultivar and storage conditions. d'ec1atement des cerises douces induit par de 30cm fortes pluies. lis ont constate que la variete The composition and structure of apple • l'irrigation fertilisante provoquait aussi Ie Sue, qui y resiste, possede une cuticule bien juice haze formed under normal commercial lessivage du Ca, du Mg et du K practices were determined. These findings definie. Par contre, les cerises Van, qui y sont • I'absorption du Cd du sol etait beaucoup are expected to lead to modifications in tres sensibles, presentent une cuticule plus elevee chez les fraisiers que chez les commercial production of apple juice. irreguliere. L'exarnen au microscope optique a aussi revele de nombreuses fractures de pommiers. Resources l'assise cireuse chez les cerises Van et aucune Lutte antiparasitaire integree Le chez la variete Sue. The centre, located near Summerland in the programme d'eradication du carpocapse de Okanagan Valley, has a modem office and Les chercheurs ont dresse une librairie la porrime, lequel utilise Ie Wcher d'insectes laboratory complex complete with pilot plant d'ADN complementaire a partir de cerises sterilises, a demarre dans Ie nouvel facilities for food research. Research on tree mures, puis ont selectionne Ie materiel etablissement a Osoyoos et a abouti au fruit production and protection is also done at genetique Ie plus important pour Ie transfert fructueux de la technique a the research farm in Kelowna. The centre murissement des fruits. l'industrie. proper resides on a land base of 320 ha, of Les tiges des vignes du cepage L'observation au laboratoire et au which approximately 90 hi are irrigated and Riesling, palissees afin de separer les champ des reactions thermiques et Ie available for tree fruit and viticulture research. rideaux de feuillage, ont constamment developpement selon la temperature des The staff comprises 82.6 person-years, donne des rendements superieurs a 30 t/ha reufs de la tordeuse du pommier apres inc1uding 25 research scientists. et des baies a plus forte teneur en I'hiver a permis de dresser un modele monoterpenes aromatisants que celles qui lineaire fonde sur les degres-jours pour la o sont fixees a des treillis reguliers. prediction de I'eclosion des renfs. Le

166 Summerland 1993-1994 modele devrait etre utile dans la lutte commerciale, retiennent l'attention a contr6le de la qualite des vins et des jus, contre les tordeuses chez Ie poirier et les I'echelle internationale. En collaboration d'autre part. nouvelles varietes de pommier. avec une pepiniere de Kelowna qui produit Les chercheurs ont pu determiner les C'est la premiere fois, depuis la des porte-greffes de pommier par culture effets des conditions d'entreposage, de la premiere decouverte du virus au Mexique, de meristemes in vitro, les chercheurs ont date de recolte et de la couleur de la peau que l'on depiste la granulose dans les reussi a identifier plusieurs clones sur les compos antes volatiles des pommes populations indigenes du carpocapse de la d'importance commerciale grace aux Jonagold. La methode d'entreposage pomme. Le virus est egalement efficace empreintes genetiques d'ADN. (atmosphere contr6lee par opposition a contre la tordeuse a ban des obliques et la D'autres scientifiques qui effectuent l'air nature!) influe sur la concentration en tordeuse du pommier. des recherches en pommiculture ont esters, en alcools et en d'autres La recherche sur les pommes a permis observe les phenomenes suivants composantes responsables de la saveur. de faire les progres suivants • les pommiers obtenus par Entreposage et emballage On a mis au • deux nouveaux fongicides, Ie flusilazole micropropagation a partir de leurs point une nouvelle methode de et Ie myclobutanil, se sont reveles propres racines sont plus grands, mais determination des taux de transmission des efficaces en tres faibles concentrations donnent des rendements inferieurs a gaz a travers les pellicules d'emballage. contre la tavelure; cependant, la ceux d'arbres comparables sur Cette technique utilise des cellules dans descendance de certaines populations porte-greffes M.26 ou M.4 lesquelles les gaz sont statiques. Les regionales de la tavelure semble • les porte-greffes n'ont influe ni sur les cellules d'essai ont donne des valeurs developper une resistance potentielle caracteres du fruit, ni sur la precocite des simultanees pour 1'02 et Ie C02 qui ont ete aux fongicides Macspur McIntosh pendant les quatre corroborees par des essais independants • la bacterie B8 (Enterobacter aerogenes), premieres annees de production avec un appareil MaCON. Grace a cette qui est un bon inhibiteur de la pourriture • Ie porte-greffe russe Budagovsky 9 (B.9) technique, l'industrie pourra choisir des du collet, est maintenant brevetee au s'est revele passablement rustique et pellicules appropriees pour l'emballage des Canada et dans certaines parties du favorise la nanisation et la productivite produits frais ou ayant subi une monde des arbres de maniere comparable au transformation minimale. • la maladie de l'ecorce de papier des M.9, un porte-greffe moins rustique . Technologie de la transfonnation Les porte-greffes du pommier M.9 dans les Dans une etude sur les preferences des chercheurs ont mis au point une nouvelle pepinieres est causee par Pseudomonas consommateurs a l'egard des poires, les methode de lutte contre les microorganismes cichlorii; deux autres Pseudomonas ont chercheurs se sont interesses au calibre responsables de la deterioration superficielle aussi provo que la mort des bourgeons optimal du fruit, ala couleur optimale, a la des produits alimentaires. Le brevetage et la des greffons valeur minimale du rapport doux-amer et a commercialisation de la methode sont • Ie papier dechiquete utilise comme la forme optimale. Trois pepinieres en cours. paillis pour enrayer les mauvaises herbes canadiennes sont maintenant autorisees a Les scientifiques ont defini les dans les vergers de pommiers a permis multiplier dix lignees de raisins de conditions necessaires a une extraction de pratiquement eliminer les traitements consommation sans pepins, proven ant de reussie du jus de pomme au moyen d'une herbicides. Summerland, dont Skookum Seedless et centrifugeuse-decanteuse, et ce, par varietes Sooke Seedless. Trois nouveaux Les pulverisations a l'huile de jojoba et et selon les conditions d'entreposage. porte-greffes de cerisier venant de canola ont reussi a enrayer Ie blanc lis ont aussi etabli la composition et la d'Allemagne ont donne des resultats cause par Botrytis dans les vignes des structure de la turbidite du jus de pomme remarquablement superieurs a ceux des cepages Auxerrois et Riesling. L 'huile de extrait au moyen des pratiques commerciales porte-greffes francs Mazzard, qui sont jojoba est aussi efficace contre la plupart courantes. Ces donnees devraient permettre actuellement la norme dans l'industrie. des insectes nuisibles du raisin pendant la aux fabricants de modifier leurs procedes. periode vegetative. Grace a ses possibilites, Chimie alimentaire Les chercheurs ont ce produit alimentaire pourrait a l'avenir evalue l'incidence de la precocite et du Ressources permettre de reduire l'utilisation de murissement sur les proprietes chimiques Le centre, situe pres de Summerland dans la pesticides dans Ie secteur agricole. Les et organoleptiques du jus de pomme. Les vallee de I'Okanagan, possede un complexe de chercheurs n'ont observe aucun effet resultats revelent que la saveur du jus bureaux et de laboratoires modemes auquel organoleptique indesirable. depend de la maturite des fruits et de la s'ajoutent des installationspilotes de duree de l'entreposage. Selection et evaluation des varietes et des recherches alimentaires. Les chercheurs porte-greffes Dans Ie cadre de travaux qui Les scientifiques ont mis au point une menent aussi des travaux sur la production leur ont merite Ie prix Shepard de methode rapide de caracterisation fruitiere et la protection des vergers a la l'Arnerican Pomological Society, les chimique des anthocyanes. Cette technique Ferme de recherches de Kelowna. Le centre scientifiques de Summerland ont mis au utilise l'hydrolyse acide pour cliver proprement dit couvre 320 ha, dont environ point de nouvelles methodes d'evaluation efficacement les pigments intacts en 90 sont irrigues et consacres a la recherche sur des attributs organoleptiques des nouvelles aglycones stables, en sucres et en groupes les fruits de verger et sur la viticulture.Le lignees de pomme Gala et Jonagold .. acyl. Cette methode devrait trouver une centre dispose de 82,6 annees-personnes et Quatre francs de pommier issus du application dans Ie cadre des etudes sur les compte 25 scientifiques. croisement Gala X Splendour, en cours de colorants naturels, d'une part, et des o production a des fins d'evaluation programmes d'assurance-qualite ou de

Summerland 1993-1994 167 Research Publications or without fruit. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. fruit maturity by paclobutrazol-induced Publications de recherche 116:201-205. reduction of lateral shoot growth. J. Am. Soc. Berard, RG.; Thurtell, G.W 1991. Interactive Kappel, F.; Dever, M.e.; Bouthillier, M. 1992. Hortic. Sci. 117:430-435. effects of increased evaporation demand and soil Sensory evaluation of 'Gala' and 'Jonagold' Reynolds,AG.; Wardle, DA; Zurowski, e.L.; water on photosynthesis in maize. Can. J. Plant strains. Fruit Var. J. 46:37-43. Looney, N.E. 1992.Phenylureas CPPU and Sci. 71:31-39. Looney, N.E.; Granger, R.L.; Chu, e.L.; et a!. thidiazuron affect yield components, fruit Bergh, J.e. 1992. Monitoring the emergence and 1992. Influences of gibberellins Ai, Ai+? + composition, and storage potential of four seedless behaviour of pear rust mite (Acarina: Eriophyidae) iso-A? on apple fruit quality and tree grape selections.1. Am. Soc. Hortie. Sci. 117:85-89. deutogynes using sticky-band traps. J. Econ. productivity. I. Effects on fruit russet and tree Sholberg, P.L.; Gaudet, D.A 1992. Grass as a Entomo!. 85:1754-1761. yield components. J. Hortic. Sci. 67:613-618. source of inoculum for rot caused by Coprinus Beveridge, I; Day, N. 1991. Respiration of sweet Looney, N.E; Granger, RL.; Chu, e.L.; Manger, psychromorbidus in stored apples. Can. J. Plant cherries determined in sealed, impermeable L.N.; Pharis, RP. 1992. Influences of gibberellins Patho!' 14:221-226. containers. Can. Inst. Food Sci. Techno!. J. Ai, Ai +iso-A?on fruit quality and importance of Sholberg, P.L.; Shimizu, B.N. 1991. Use of the 24:213-217. fruit position within the tree canopy. J. Hortic. natural plant product, hinokitiol, to extend Beveridge, I; Harrison, J.E.; Gayton, RR 1992. Sci. 67:841-847. shelf-life of peaches. Can. Inst. Food Sci. Decanter centrifugation of apple mash: effect of Mathers, H.M.; Quamme, H.A; Brownlee, RI Techno!. J. 24(5):273-277. centrifuge parameters, apple variety and apple 1991. A procedure for converting an ultra-low Smirle, M.J.; Isman, M.B. 1992. Metabolism and storage. Food Res. Int. 25:125-130. temperature freezer for freezing biological elimination of ingested allelochemicals in a Cossentine, J.E; Jensen, L.B. 1992. material. Can. J. Plant Sci. 71:1281-1283. holometabolous and a hemimetabolous insect. Establishment of Phyllonorycter mespilella McBrien, H.; Gries, G.; Gries, R; et a!. 1991. Sex Entomo!. Exp. Appl. 62:183-190. (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in fruit pheromone components of the eyespotted bud Tagliavini, M.; Hogue, E.J.; Neilsen, G.H. 1991. orchards in the Okanagan and Similkameen moth, Spilonta ocellane (Denis and Influence of phosphorus nutrition and root zone valleys of B.e. J. Entomo!. Soc. B.e. 89:18-24. Schiffermuller) (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae). temperature on growth and mineral uptake of Dever, M.C.; Cliff, M.; Lau, O.L. 1992. Maturity Can. Entomo!. 123:1391-1394. peach seedlings. J. Plant Nutr. 14:1267-1276. and ripening effects on chemical and sensory Meheriuk, M.; Neilsen, G.H.; Hogue, E.J. 1992. Tagliavini, M.; Looney, N.E. 1991. Response of properties of apple juice. J. Sci. Food Agric. Influence of nitrogen fertilization, season of peach seedlings to root-zone temperature and 60:355-360. application, and orchard floor management on root-applied growth regulators. HortScience Dyck, VA.; Gardiner, M.G.I 1992. Sterile-insect fruit quality and leaf mineral content of 'Golden 26:87G-872. Delicious' apple trees. Fruit Var. J. 46:71-75. release program to control the codling moth Thompson, D.J.; Stout, D.G. 1991. Duration of Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae) Meheriuk, M.; Neilsen, G.B.; McKenzie, D.-L. the juvenile period in diffuse knapweed in British Columbia, Canada. Acta Phytopatho!. 1991. Incidence of rain splitting in sweet cherries (Centaurea diffusa). Can. J. Bot. 69:368-371. Entomo!. Hung. 27:219-222. treated with calcium or coating materials. Can. J. Thomson, D.R; Angerilli, N.P.D.; Vincent, C.; Plant Sci. 71:231-234. Girard, B.; Nakai, S. 1991. Static headspace gas Gaunce, AI'. 1991. Evidence for regional chromatographic method for volatiles in canned Moyls, L.; Hocking, R; Beveridge, I; Timbers, differences in the response of obliquebanded salmon. J. Food Sci. 56:1271-1274. G. 1992. Exponential decay method for leafroller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to sex Granger, RL.; Frere, A; ... ; Meheriuk, M.; et a!. determining gas transmission rate of films. Trans. pheromone blends. Environ. Entomo!. 1992. Performance of several plums in the lower ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 35:1259-1265. 20:935-938. St. Lawrence region of Quebec. Fruit Var. J. Neilsen, D.; Neilsen, G.H.; Sinclair, AH.; Utkhede, R.S. 1992. Biological control of 46:183-186. Linehan, D.J. 1992. Soil phosphorus status, pH soil-borne pathogens of fruit trees and Granger, RL.; Khanizadeh, S.; Fortin, J.; and the manganese nutrition of wheat. Plant Soil grapevines. Can. J. Plant Patho!' 14:10G-I05. 145:45-50. Lapsely, K.; Meheriuk, M. 1992. Sensory Utkhede, RS.; Li, IS.e.; Smith, EM. 1992. The evaluation of several scab-resistant apple Neilsen, G.H.; Hogue, E.J. 1992. Long-term effect of Glomus mosseae and Enterobacter genotypes. Fruit Var. J. 46:75-79. effects of orchard soil management on tree vigor aerogenes on apple seedlings grown in apple Granger, RL.; Rouselle, G.L.; Meheriuk, M.; and extractable soil nutrients. Can. J. Soil Sci. replant disease soi!. J. Phytopatho!. 135:281-288. 72:617-621. Khanizadeh, S. 1992. Performance of 'Cortland' Utkhede, RS.; Smith, E.M. 1992. Promotion of and 'McIntosh' on fourteen rootstocks in Neilsen, G.H.; Parchomchuk, P.;Wolk, WD.; Lau, apple tree growth and fruit production by the Quebec. Fruit Var. J. 46:114-118. O.L. 1992.Growth and mineral composition of EBW-4 strain of Bacillus subtilis in apple replant newlyplanted apple trees followingfertigation with soi!. Can. J. Microbio!. 38:127G-1273. Hogue, EJ.; Neilsen, D. 1991. Rapid production methods for Ottawa-3 rootstock and branched Nand P.J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 188:5G-53. Utkhede, RS.; Smith, E.M.; Palmer, R 1992. apple nursery stock. HortScience 216:1416-1419. Neilsen, G.B.; Yorston, J. 1991. Soil disinfection Effect ofroot rot fungi and root-lesion and monoammonium phosphate fertilization nematodes on the growth of young apple trees Hunter, D.M.; Pinsonneault, P.;Kappel, F.; et a!. increase precocity of apples on replant problem grown in apple replant disease soi!. Z. 1992. Harrow sweet pear. HortScience Pflanzenkr. Pflanzenschutz 99:414-419. 27:1331-1334. soils. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 116:651-654. Quamme, B.A 1991. Application of thermal Utkhede, R.S.; Vrain, IC.; Yorston, J.M. 1992. Judd, G.J.R; Borden, J.B. 1992. Aggregated analysis to breeding fruit crops for increased cold Effects of nematodes, fungi, and bacteria on the oviposition in Delia antiqua: a case for mediation hardiness. HortScience 26:513-517. growth of young apple trees grown in apple by semiochemicals. J. Chern. Eco!. 18:621-635. replant disease soil. Plant Soil 139:1-6. Reynolds, AG.; Sholberg, P.L.; Wardle, D.A Judd, G.J.R; Borden, J.B. 1992. Influence of 1992. Canopy manipulation of Okanagan Wiersma, P.A; Hachey, J.E; Crosby, WL.; different habitats and mating on olfactory Riesling vines for improvement of winegrape Moloney, M.M. 1990. Specific truncations of an behavior of onion flies seeking ovipositional quality. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:489-496. acetolactate synthase gene from Brassica napus hosts. J. Chern. Ecol. 18:605-620. Reynolds, AG.; Wardle, D.A; Cottrell, Ae.; efficiently complement ilvBlilvG mutants of Kappel, F. 1991. Partitioning of above-ground Salmonella typhimurium. Mo!. & Gen. Genet. Gaunce, AP. 1992. Advancement of 'Riesling' dry matter in 'Lambert' sweet cherry trees with 224:155-159.

168 Summerland 1993-1994 AGASSIZ Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 6947 NO.7 Highway 6947, route nO7 P.O. Box 1000 CP 1000 Agassiz, British Columbia Agassiz (Colombie-Britannique) VOM lAO VOM lAO

Tel. (604) 796-2221 Tel. Fax (604) 796-0359 Telecopie EM AGASRA::DIRECTOR CE.

RfeSSional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director J.M. Molnar, Ph.D. Directeur Administration Officer D. Neve, RA. Agente d'administration

Scientific Support Soutien scientifique Analyst-Programmer D.H. Frey, B.Sc. Analyste-programmeur Librarian D.L. Stack Boyd, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire

Animal Science Zootechnie Section Head; Dairy cattle L.J. Fisher, Ph.D. Chef de section; alimentation des bovins nutrition laitiers Poultry behavior R.C Newberry, Ph.D. Comportement de la volaille Poultry nutrition T.A. Scott, Ph.D. Alimentation de la volaille

Crop Science Phytotechnie Section Head; Weed control S. Freyman, Ph.D. Chef de section; desherbage Vegetable physiology P.A. Bowen, Ph.D. Physiologie des legumes Greenhouse vegetable physiology D.L. Ehret, Ph.D. Physiologie des legumes de serre Greenhouse vegetable entomology D.R. Gillespie, Ph.D. Entomologie-legumes de serre Field vegetables- S. Gillies, Ph.D Physiologie post-culturale des postharvest physiology legumes de plein champ Kiwi fruit, new crops C Kempler, M.Sc. Kiwis, cultures exotiques Greenhouse vegetables- WC Lin, Ph.D. Physiologie post-culturale des postharvest physiology legumes de serre Greenhouse vegetables-plant pathology J.G. Menzies, Ph.D. Pathologie des legumes de serre Field vegetables-postharvest PM. Toivonen, Ph.D. Physiologie post-culturale des legumes physiology de plein champ

Soil and Environmental Protection Sol et protection de l'environnement Section Head; Forage crop S. Bittman, Ph.D. Chef de section; regie des cultures management fourrageres Heavy metals L. de Pieri, Ph.D. Metaux lourds Soil biochemistry and fertility CG. Kowalenko, Ph.D. Biochimie et fertilite des sols Livestock Waste Management J.W Paul, Ph.D. Gestion du fumier Soil physics RJ. Zebarth, Ph.D. Physique des sols

. Mandate The Agassiz Research Centre develops • forage Soil and fertilizer management systems for production systems for • field vegetables the Fraser Valleyregion of British Columbia • poultry • small fruits and storage systems for vegetables are also • dairy cattle • greenhouse vegetables. developed.

Agassiz 1993-1994 169 Achievements Microperforated films maintain soil and mineralizable N and does not Animals A trial with lactating cows was broccoli freshness for several weeks in compete with the raspberries. storage and subsequent shelf display. The designed to simulate the excess intake of K Dairy cattle manure applied in fall that occurs with the feeding of grass microperforations ensure good ventilation provides no N for subsequent corn. But forages containing 3.5% K. Results and prevent off-odors and wilting. Micro- when it is applied in spring, it supplies all demonstrated perforated film for lettuce overwrap the N required without increasing leaching • increased water intake and urine volume maintains appearance and reduces wilting. in the short term. Denitrification losses • interference with magnesium absorption The material is superior to currently used increase after manure application, • decreased calcium content of milk. lettuce wraps. particularly in summer. Milk replacers containing 0, 25, or Kiwi fruit selections were identified In raspberries, mineral N must be 50% of the protein as a processed soy that flower and mature 2-4 weeks earlier applied in early spring to benefit the crop protein were compared with the feeding of than do the Hayward cultivar. The new and minimize leaching of nitrate. Raspberry whole milk to calves. Calves fed milk selections feature plants take up N at 110 kg/ha, of which • a high Brix index replacer containing 50% processed soy 15-30 kg/ha is removed in the berries. protein gained less weight than those fed • good tolerance to winter conditions in Fields with a history of manure application whole milk. Starter intake was greater and coastal British Columbia can supply N requirement of berries cost of feed per kilogram of gain was less • light flesh color without addition of fertilizer. • hairless fruit. for calves fed milk replacers than for those Micronutrients are widelyused in British fed whole milk. Removing selected trees and pruning Columbia, but a review recently completed Wheat diets varying in cultivar, tree centres improves the amount of light showsthat little research has been done. growing location, or both differed penetrating hazelnut orchard canopies. significantly in broiler performance. Both methods reduce the yield of nuts in Resources the 1st year, but by the end of the 2nd year Addition of feed enzymes significantly The Agassiz Research Centre was the cumulative yield is greater than that of reduced variation and improved the established in 1886 under the terms of the unthinned orchards. performance. Experimental Farm Act and was one of the Ultraviolet (UV) light significantly Marine glacial clay was added to the five original experimental farms in Canada. lowered microorganism levels in the root zone of long English cucumber plants The centre operates two research farms in hatching eggs of broiler breeders. UV light grown in soilless culture through the Agassiz covering 665 ha and a farm at is user and environmentally friendly. It nutrient feed. The treatment increased Abbotsford with 8 ha. The staff comprises shows potential for improving hatchability fruit number and fruit weight. Similar 58 person-years, including 19 in the and reducing salmonella in poultry meat results were observed when plants were professional categories. and eggs. grown in rock-wool slabs presoaked in a clay suspension. Breast buttons, when present on • broiler turkeys, downgrade the product and Some fungi that occur on the roots of Mandat reduce returns. The litter material used to hydroponically grown plants are beneficial brood and grow turkeys to market to plant growth and yield. One isolate Le Centre de recherches d'Agassiz elabore significantly affected their incidence. increased yields of tomato plants by 10%. des systemes de production propres aux Avoiding coarse and hard-packing litter Greenhouse sweet pepper cultivars domaines suivants materials reduced the problem and Bison and poria showed no chilling injury • volailles improved the carcass quality. Furthermore, when stored at 1°C for 2 weeks as fully • bovins laitiers cool temperatures in the brooding room colored fruit. Green fruit stored at 1°C for • fourrages increased incidence of breast buttons. 1 week showed severe pitting. The • legumes de plein champ tolerance of ripe greenhouse pepper fruit • petits fruits Crops Fusilade II was registered in July • legumes de serre. 1993 under the Minor Use of Pesticides to 1°C storage suggests that they can be De plus, on y poursuit des recherches afin Program to control annual and perennial stored at lower temperatures and longer than is currently recommended. de mettre au point des systemes de gestion grasses in rutabaga. des sols et des engrais pour la region de la Soil and environmental protection Winter Ground cover residues planted in vallee du Fraser, en Colombie- cover crops planted after corn harvest in untilled plots of spring rye, spring barley, Britannique, ainsi que des systemes September reduce soil erosion and trap soil and fall rye stimulated the growth of sweet d'entreposage pour les legumes. corn. When trials were enlarged to field N at 25-35 kglha, an amount that would otherwise have been leached over winter. scale, lodging was also reduced. Realisations Italian ryegrass produces high quality feed Productions animales Selon une Sprays of potassium silicate controlled at 4-5 tlha between September and April. powdery mildew of cucumber, muskmelon, experience consistant a simuler chez des Spring cereals planted between zucchini, and grape. Silica deposits on leaf vaches en lactation une ingestion excessive raspberry rows reduce N-leaching and surfaces may be a barrier to infection, but de K, resultant de la consommation de erosion. White clover planted between the silica is also taken up by the leaves and fourrages de graminees contenant 3,5 % de rows increases wet aggregate-stability of deposited around infection sites. K, on a constate ce qui suit

170 Agassiz 1993-1994 • un accroissement de la consommation seigle de printemps, d'orge de printemps et hydroponique favorisent la croissance et Ie d'eau et du volume de l'urine de seigle d'automne ont stimule la croissance rendement des plantes. Un isolat a fait • une interference avec l'absorption de du mai"ssucre. Lorsque les essais ont ete augmenter de 10 % Ie rendement de plants magnesium etendus a l'echelle du champ, on a egalement de tomate. • une baisse de la teneur en calcium du observe une reduction de la verse. Les cultivars Bison et Doria de lait. La pulverisation de silicate de poivron de serre, arrives a pleine maturite potassium est un moyen de lutte efficace de coloration, n'ont pas ete endommages' Les chercheurs ont compare les laits contre Ie blanc du concombre, du melon par Ie refroidissement lorsqu'on les a de remplacement, contenant 0, 25 ou 50 % brode, de la courgette et du raisin. Des entreposes a 1 °C pendant 2 semaines. Les de proteines de soja transformees, au lait depots de silice a la surface des feuilles fruits verts conserves a la meme entier servi aux veaux. Les veaux nourris peuvent constituer une barriere a temperature pendant 1 semaine etaient avec des laits de remplacement contenant I'infection, mais la silice est aussi absorbee gravement marques. La tolerance a 50 % de proteines de soja transformees ont par les feuilles et deposee autour des sites I'entreposage, a 1°C, des poivrons de serre pris moins de poids que ceux alimentes d'infection. murs donne a penser que ces fruits peuvent avec Ie lait entier. L'ingestion de rations de etre entre poses a des temperatures plus debut etait superieure et les couts des L'emballage du brocoli avec une basses et plus longtemps qu'il ne I'est aliments, par kilogramme de gain de poids, pellicule microperforee contribue a en recommande a l'heure actuelle. moins eleves dans Ie cas des veaux nourris conserver la fraicheur pendant plusieurs avec des laits de remplacement que chez semaines en entrepot et, par la suite, a Protection du sol et de l'environnement La les veaux alimentes avec Ie lait entier. . I'etalage. Les microperforations assurent plantation de plantes de couverture d'hiver une bonne aeration et empechent Ie apres la recolte de mai"sen septembre a On a constate des differences developpement d'odeurs anormales et Ie permis de reduire I'erosion du sol et marquees dans la performance des volailles tletrissement du brocoli. La laitue ainsi d'emprisonner dans Ie sol de I'azote a a griller selon Ie cultivar de bIe utilise dans emballee conserve son aspect et a moins raison de 25 a 35 kg/ha, quantite qui la ration et selon l'endroit ou il a ete ten dance a tletrir. Cette pellicule est autrement aurait ete perdue par lessivage cultive, ou selon l'un ou l'autre des deux superieure aux emballages couramment pendant I'hiver. Le ray-grass d'Italie a facteurs. L'addition d'enzymes dans les utilises pour la laitue. donne du fourrage de qualite, a raison de 4 aliments pour animaux a considerablement a 5 t/ha entre septembre et avril. reduit les ecarts et ameliore la performance Des travaux de selection ont permis des volailles. d'obtenir des kiwis qui tleurissent et Les cere ales de printemps semees arrivent a maturite 2 a 4 semaines avant Ie entre les rangs de framboisiers contribuent La lumiere ultraviolette (UV) a fait cultivar Hayward. Les caracteres des a freiner Ie lessivage de I'azote et I'erosion chuter de fagon importante les populations nouveaux cultivars sont les suivants du sol. La culture de tretle blanc entre les de microorganismes dans les <:eufs • un degre Brix eleve rangs accroit la stabilite des agregats d'incubation des volailles a griller d'elevage. humides du sol et la quantite d'azote Elle est facile a utiliser et sans risque pour • une bonne tolerance aux conditions mineralisable sans entrer en concurrence I'environnement. Elle pourrait ameliorer hivernales de la cote de la Colombie- avec les framboisiers. l'eclosabilite et reduire Ie nombre de Britannique salmonelles dans la chair de volaille et dans • une chair de couleur pale L'epandage de fumier de bovin laitier les <:eufs. • des fruits denudes de poils. a l'automne ne fournit aucun azote a la culture subsequente de mai"s.L'application Les dindons a griller qui presentent En enlevant des arbres et en taillant Ie au printemps procure toutefois tout I'azote des ampoules au brechet sont declasses et centre des autres, on facilite la penetration necessaire sans accroitre Ie lessivage a court rapportent moins. On a constate que Ie d'une plus grande quantite de lumiere dans terme. Les pertes dues a la denitrification type de Iitiere utilisee dans les poussinieres la couronne des noisetiers cultives en augmentent apres I'application de fumier, et les enclos d'elevage des dindons jusqu'a verger. Les deux traitements ont entraine particulierement en ete. leur mise au marche influe considerablement une baisse du rendement en noisettes la sur I'incidence de ce defaut. II est possible premiere annee mais, a la fin de la Dans Ie cas des framboisiers, il faut d'attenuer Ie probleme et d'ameliorer la deuxieme annee, Ie rendement cumulatif appliquer du N mineral au debut du qualite des carcasses en evitant d'utiliser de depassait celui des vergers non tailles. printemps pour en faire beneficier la culture la litiere tassee et a texture grossiere. De et reduire au minimum Ie lessivage de L'ajout d'argile glacio-marine dans la plus, on a observe que les cas d'ampoules nitrates. Les plants de framboisier absorbent solution d'elements nutritifs baignant la au brechet etaient plus nombreux lorsqu'il l'azote jusqu'a des taux de 110kglha. De ces rhizosphere des plants de concombre, de faisait frais dans la poussiniere. quantites, 15 a 30 kglha vont dans les baies. type long anglais cultives sans sol, a Les champs ou il y a eu application de Productions vegetales Le pesticide Fusilade entraine une augmentation du nombre et fumier par Ie passe peuvent repondre aux II a ete homologue en juillet 1993, dans Ie du poids des fruits. On a obtenu des besoins en N des baies sans ajout d'engrais. cadre du Programme des pesticides a usage resultats sembIabies en cultivant des plants restreint, pour lutter contre les graminees dans des blocs de laine de roche L'utilisation des micro-elements annuelles et vivaces qui envahissent les pretrempes dans une suspension d'argile. nutritifs est largement repandue en cultures de rutabaga. Colombie-Britannique, mais peu de Certains champignons qui poussent recherches ont ete effectuees sur Ie sujet Des residus de plantes de couverture sur les racines des plantes en culture jusqu'a main tenant. enfouis dans des parcelles non labourees de

Agassiz 1993-1994 171 Ressources Menzies, J.G.; Bowen, P.; Ehret, D.L.; Glass, Zebarth, B.J.; Sheard, RW 1991. Influence of AD.M. 1992. Foliar applications of potassium Le centre a ete cree en 1886, en application cultivar on yield and quality response of wheat to silicate reduce the severity of powdery mildew on rate of nitrogen fertilization in southern Ontario. de la Loi sur les stations agronomiques. II cucumber, muskmelon and zucchini squash. J. Cereal Res. Commun. 20:263-271. fait partie des cinq fermes experimentales Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 117(6):902-906. Zebarth, B.J.; Sheard, RW 1992. Influence of d'origine au pays et fait fonctionner deux Menzies, J.G.; Ehret, D.L.; Glass, AD.M.; rate and timing of nitrogen fertilization on yield fermes de recherches a Agassiz, dont la Samuels, AL. 1991. The influence of silicon on and quality of hard red winter wheat in Ontario. superficie totalise 665 ha, et une ferme, a cytological interactions between Sphaerotheca Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:13-19. Abbotsford, d'une superficie de 8 ha. Le fulinginea and Cucumis sativus. Physiol. Mol. Zebarth, RJ.; Sheard, R.W 1992. Yield and Plant Pathol. 39:403-414. centre dispose de 58 annees-personnes et protein response of hard red winter wheat to rate emploie 19 professionnels. Mir, A; Mir, P.;Bittman, S.; Fisher, L.J. 1992. of nitrogen fertilization and previous legume Ruminal degradation characteristics of corn and crop. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:21-25. o corn-sunflower intercropped silages prepared at Zebarth, B.J.; Warren, C.J.; Sheard, RW 1992. two stages of maturity. Can. J. Anim. Sci. Influence of rate of nitrogen fertilization on the 72:881-889. Research Publications mineral content of winter wheat in Ontario. J. Publications de recherche Newberry, RC. 1993. The role of temperature Agric. Food Chern. 40:1528-1530. Blair, R; Newberry, R.e.; Gardiner, E.E. 1993. and litter type in the development of breast Effects of lighting pattern and dietary tryptophan buttons in turkeys. Poult. Sci. 72:467-474. Agriculture and Agri~FoodCanada supplementation on growth and mortality in Newberry, RC.; Blair, R. 1993. Behavioral PUBLICATIONS broilers. Poult. Sci. 72:495-502. responses of broiler chickens to handling: effects . Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Bowen, P.; Menzies, J.; Ehret, D.; Samuels, L.; of dietary trytophan and two lighting regimens. Poult. Sci. 72:1237-1244. Bowen, P.A 1992. Support your bell peppers and Glass, A 1992. Soluble silicon sprays inhibit they will be fruitful. Tech. Report #87. powdery mildew development on grape leaves. J. Paul, J.W; Beauchamp, E.G. 1993. Nitrogen Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 117(6):906-912. availability for corn in soils amended with urea, Bowen, P.A 1992. Wavelength-selective mulches increase soil temperature and enhance yield and Cherif, M.; Benhamou, N.; Menzies, J.G.; cattle slurry, and solid and composted manures. Can. J. Soil Sci. 73:253-266. earliness of eggplant. Tech. Report #88. Belanger, RR 1992. Silicon-induced resistance Bowen, P.A; Menzies, J.G.; Ehret, D.L. 1992. in cucumber plants against Pythium ultimum. Scott, TA 1993. The effect of UV-light and air Potassium silicate foliar sprays control the Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 41:411-425. filtering system on embryo viability and powdery mildews of cucumber, muskmelon and Cherif, M.; Menzies, J.G.; Benamou, N.; microorganism load on the egg shell. J. Appl. Poult. Sci. 2:19-25. grape. Tech. Report #89. Belanger, R.R 1992. Studies of silicon Bowen, P.A; Zebarth, B.J., eds. 1993. Growing distribution in wounded and Pythium ultimum- Scott, TA; Mackenzie, C.J. 1993. Incidence and ideas, Volume 1. Agassiz Research Station. infected cucumber plants. Physiol. Mol. Plant classification of early embryonic mortality in Pathol. 41(5):371-385. broiler breeder chickens. Br. Poult. Sci. Ehret, D.L. 1993. Evaluation of the use of 34:459-470. marine glacial clay in the production of Ehret, D.; Helmer, T; Hall, J. 1993. Cuticle greenhouse crops. Tech. Report #93. cracking in tomato fruit. J.Hortic. Sci. Scott, TA; Swetnam, e. 1993. Screening 68:195-201. sanitizing agents and methods of application for Kempler, e.; Kabaluk, T 1991. Kiwi winter hatching eggs. I. Environmental and user protection trial~1991. Res. Report #83. Freyman, S.; Hall, J.W; Brookes, Y.R 1992. friendliness. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 2:1-6. Effect of planting pattern on intra-row Kempler, e.; Kabaluk, T 1993. Fruiting and competition between cabbage and shepherd's Scott, TA; Swetnam, C. 1993. Screening ripening characteristics ofActinidia arguta andA. purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Can. J. Plant Sci. sanitizing agents and methods of application for kolomikta-novel kiwi fruit relatives. Res. 72:1393-1396. hatching eggs. II. Effectiveness against Report #91. microorganisms on the egg shell. J. Appl. Poult. Kempler, e.; Kabaluk, J.T; Toivonen, P.M.A Kempler, C.; Kabaluk, T; Toivone'n, P.M.A 1991. Res. 2:7-11. 1992. Effect of environment and harvest date on Effect of flowering date, harvest date, and maturation and ripening of kiwifruit in British Scott, TA; Swetnam, C.; Kinsman, R 1993. growing environment on fruit maturation and Columbia. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72:863-869. Screening sanitizing agents and methods of storage physiology of kiwi fruit. Res. Report #84. application for hatching eggs. III. Effect of Kowalenko, e.G. 1993. Extraction of available Kowalenko, C.G.; Neilson, G.A 1992. concentration and exposure time on embryo sulphur. Pages 65-74 in Carter, M.R, ed. Soil Assessment of the need for micronutrient viability. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 2:12-18. sampling and methods of analysis. Lewis application for agricultural production in British Publishers Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. Teerling, C.R; Gillespie, D.R.; Borden, J.B. Columbia. Agric. Can. Tech. Bull. 1992-5E. 1993. Utilization of western flower thrips alarm 84pp. Kowalenko, e.G. 1993. Total and fractions of peromone as a prey-finding kairomone by sulphur. Pages 231-238 in Carter, M.R, ed. Soil Menzies, J.; Kempler, C. 1991. Powdery mildew predators. Can. Entomol. 125:431-437. sampling and methods of analysis. Lewis of babaco at Agassiz, B.C. Can. Plant Dis. Surv. Publishers Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. Teerling, e.R.; Pierce, B.D., Jr.; Borden, J.H.; 71(1):43-46. Gillespie, D.R 1993. Identification and Makoni, N.F.; Shelford, J.A; Nakai, S.; Fisher, Toivonen, P.M.A 1993. The use of bioactivity of alarm pheromone in the western L.J.; Majak, W 1993. Characterization of protein micro-perforated film wrap to improve handling flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. J. Chern. fractions in fresh, wilted and ensiled alfalfa. J. and shelf life of broccoli. Res. Report #92. Ecol. 19(4):681-691. Dairy Sci. 76:1934-1944. Toivonen, P.M.A 1992. The reduction of Makoni, N.F.; von Keyserlingh, M.AG.; browning in parsnips. J. Hortic. Sci. 67:547-551. Shelford, J.A; Fisher, L.J.; Pruchala, R. 1992. Fractionation of fresh, wilted and ensiled alfalfa Toivonen, P.M.A 1992. Chlorophyll fluorescence proteins. Anim. Feed Sci. & Technol. 41:1-13. as a nondestructive indicator offreshness in harvested broccoli. HortScience 27:1014-1015.

172 Agassiz 1993-1994 VANCOUVER Research Centre Centre de recherches Research Branch Direction generale de la recherche Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada 6660 N.W Marine Drive 6660, promenade Marine N.-O. Vancouver, British Columbia Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique) V6T lX2 V6T lX2

Tel. (604) 224-4355 Tel. Fax (604) 666-4994 TeIecopie EM OTTB::EM404MAIL CE.

R,fessional Staff R,sonnel professionnel Director D.L. Struble, Ph.D. Directeur Administrative Officer B.G. Jensen Agent d'administration

Scientific Support Soutien scientifique Librarian T. Matsumoto, M.L.S. Bibliothecaire

Statistical Services Services statistiques Regional Statistician J.W Hall, Ph.D. Statisticien regional

Entomology Entomologie Section Head; Aphid ecology B.D. Frazer, Ph.D. Chef de section; ecologie des pucerons Berry insects S.M. Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. Insectes des petits fruits Biological control D.A. Raworth, Ph.D. Lutte biologique Pesticide chemistry S.Y.S. Szeto, Ph.D. Chimie des pesticides Insect virology D.A. Theilmann, Ph.D. Virologie des insectes Vegetable insects RS. Vernon, Ph.D. Insectes nuisibles aux cultures legumieres

Plant Pathology Phytopathologie Section Head; Bacterial diseases S.H. De Boer, Ph.D. Chef de section; bacterioses Plant breeding, small fruits H.A. Daubeny, Ph.D. Amelioration des plantes, petits fruits Potato viruses P.J. Ellis, Ph.D. Virus de la pomme de terre Mycology CA. Levesque, Ph.D. Mycologie Small fruit viruses RR Martin, Ph.D. Virus des petits fruits Nematology T.C Vrain, Ph.D. Nematologie

Plant Virology Virologie des plantes Section Head; Physiological plant CJ. French, Ph.D. Chef de section; virologie des virology plantes-physiologie Virus interactions RI. Hamilton, Ph.D. Interaction des virus Plant viruses, molecular biology D.M. Rochon, Ph.D. Virus des piantes, biologie moleculaire Radioactive isotope facility WP. Ronald, M.Sc. Installation-isotope radioactif Virus host specificity H. Sanfacon, Ph.D. Specificite d'h6te des virus

Mandate The VancouverResearch Centre conducts Achievements over the next 3 years in cooperation with multidisciplinaryresearch at the cellular and The twospotted spider mite is a significant producers and two companies. molecular level on viruses,bacteria, and fungi pest of strawberry and raspberry crops. A Baculoviruses have potential as of significanceto agricultural crops. The 4-year study showed that the pest can be biological control agents for several pest centre also breeds new cultivarsof raspberries controlled by a native predacious mite, insects. Previously described recombinant and strawberries,and develops integrated Amblyseius faliacis. Mass rearing and larger viruses do not produce foreign proteins management controls of nematodes, insect releases of the predator will be conducted until 1 day after host infection and require pests, and plant diseases of crops in the coastal region.

Vancouver 1993-1994 173 2-5 days to kill their host. Researchers infected plants. They are common among Realisations have now constructed a recombinant animal viruses and have recently been Le tetranyque a deux points cause des baculovirus that produces foreign proteins reported in association with other plant dommages considerables awecultures de as soon as the recombinant virus infects viruses. Further characterization of these fraises et de framboises. Um: etude de 4 host cells and continues protein production defective forms of the genome will provide ansa toutefois montre qu'il (:tait possible until the death of the host cell. Rapid a better understanding of the mechanisms de lui faire la lutte a I'aide d'un acarien knockdown of insects offers a significant by which they act and may lead to new predateur indigene, l'Amblyseius fallacis. advantage in protecting crops from insect methods for controlling virus infection and' L'elevage en masse et des lachers plus damage. disease induction. importants du predateur seront effectues Blackleg of canola, caused by a highly Tomato ringspot nepovirus (TomRSV) au cours des trois prochaines annees avec virulent strain of the fungus Leptosphaeria causes disease in perennial crops such as la collaboration des producte:urs et de deux maculans, has caused extensive losses since peach, cherry, apple, raspberry, and entreprises. its introduction to the prairies in the mid grapevines. The movement of TomRSV Les baculovirus offrent des possibilites 1970s. Infected seed can spread the from the initial point of infection through comme agents de lutte biologique contre pathogen over long distances. Monoclonal the tubular structures within a plant is un certain nombre d'insectes nuisibles. Les antibodies have been produced that test crucial in the development of disease. For virus recombinants Mcrits anterieurement seed specifically for the virulent strain of the first time, a protein from TomRSV ne commencent a produire des proteines fungus. These serologically specific probes containing virus particles has been detected etrangeres qu'un jour apres avoir infecte do not cross-react with the nonvirulent within the tubular structures present in the leur hote. II s'ecoule de 2 a 5 jours avant la strain and will reduce the testing time from cell wall in plants infected by a nepovirus. mort de leur hote. On a construit un 20 days to less than a day. This development will allow further baculovirus recombinant qui produit des Management and functional characterization of the cell-to-cellmovement proteines etrangeres des qu'il infecte les eradication of the tobacco veinal necrosis through the tubular structures and will help cellules hotes et qui continue d'en produire strain of potato virus Y (pyyn) depends on researchers find ways to prevent the spread jusqu'a la mort de ces cellules. La a reliable 3;ndsensitive assay that of the virus. neutralisation rapide des insectes permet specifically identifies the pyyn strain. One Resources en effet de proteger les cultures contre les of the monoclonal antibodies produced dommages que causent les insectes. The research centre is located on the campus here currently provides reliable detection La jambe noire du canola, causee par of pyyn. This effective tool rapidly of the Universityof British Columbia, allowing close collaborationwith the facultyand une souche tres virulente du champignon, reduces the number of bioassays required laLeptosphaeria maculans, a entralne des in the current testing procedure used by the students of the university.Many of the research staff hold universityappointments pertes importantes depuis son introduction Food Production and Inspection Branch. It dans les Prairies au milieu des annees 1970. is currently being evaluated by other and teach graduate courses. Research facilities are provided for graduate students at the Les graines infectees peuvent faire en sorte research laboratories in Canada, the que la maladie se prop age sur de longues United States, and Europe. master's and doctoral levels,and for visiting scientistsand postdoctoral fellowsfrom many distance. On a produit des anticorps The coat protein gene of potato countries. monoclonaux qui permettent de voir si leafroll virus (PLRV)was inserted in three reellement les graines sont infectees par la different forms into the genome of Russet The centre maintains a research farm souche virulente du champignon. Ces Burbank potato to develop transgenic at Abbotsford, 75 km from Vancouver. The sondes serologiquement specifiques ne plants resistant to PLRY. Two forms of the farm, with 8.5 ha, provides experimental donnent pas de reaction croisee avec la coat protein gene contained varying lengths plots for the berry-breeding program and souche non virulente. Grace a cette of viral DNA and the third form had the research on the control of insects,nematodes, technologie, la duree des essais passera de gene inserted in the reverse order. When and diseases. The staff consists of 53.0 20 jours a moins d'une journee. person-years, including 18 professionals. the resulting transgenic plants were La lutte contre la souche necrotique challenged with PLRV, the transformed o des nervures du tabac (Pvyn) du virus Y plants contained 1-5% of the PLRV found de la pomme de terre et son eradication in normal plants. Aphid transmission of fonctionnelle dependent de la mise au Mandat virus from transgenic plants inoculated with point d'un essai fiable et sensible PLRV was reduced significantly. One Le Centre de recherches de Vancouvermene permettant d'identifier specifiquement la transgenic line with the PLRV gene des recherches virales multidisciplinairessur souche Pvyn. L'un des anticorps inserted in reverse order has performed les plans moleculaire et cellulaire et ainsi que monoclonaux produits au centre permet en well compared with normal plants in 3 sur les bacteries et les champignons qui ce moment de detecter Ie Pvyn de fagon years of field trials. revetent une importance particuliere pour Ie fiable. Cet outil efficace reduit rapidement Plants infected with cucumber necrosis secteur agricole.On y elabore egalement des Ie nombre d'epreuves biologiques virus (CNV) were discovered to contain fa«ans de lutter contre les insectesnuisibles, auxquelles il faut recourir dans high concentrations of defective forms of les nematodes et les maladies des vegetaux l'application de la methode dont se sert the viral genome. Defective forms interfere cultivesdans la region c6tiere. Par ailleurs, actuellement la Direction generale de la with viral replication and slow the I'equipe du centre cree de nouveaux cultivars production et de l'inspection des aliments. development of disease symptoms in de framboises et de fraises. . D'autres laboratoires de recherche au

174 Vancouver1993-1994 Canada, aux Etats-Unis et en Europe en caracterisation plus poussee du sepedonicus in potato stems and tubers. Potato font maintenant l'evaluation. deplacement des particules virales d'une Res. 35:217-226. Le gene de la proteine d'enveloppe du cellule a I'autre par l'entremise des Ellis, P.J. 1992. Weed hosts of beet western yellows virus and potato leafroll virus in British virus de I'enroulement de la pomme de structures tubulaires et de concevoir des Columbia. Plant Dis. 76:1137-1139. terre (PLRV) a ete introduit sous 3 methodes de prevention de la propagation differentes formes dans Ie genome de la du virus. Ellis, PJ.; Converse, R.H.; Stace-Smith, R. 1992. pomme de terre Russet Burbank dans Ie Isolation and some properties of a North Ressources American carlavirus in Sambucus racemosa. Acta but de creer des plants transgeniques Hortic.308:113-119. resistants au PLRV Deux formes du gene Le centre de recherches est situe sur Ie de la proteine d'enveloppe contenaient des campus de l'Universite de la Colombie- Ellis, PJ.; Stace-Smith, R 1993. Beet western yellows virus is not an important component of brins d'ADN viral de longueurs differentes. Britannique, ce qui permet une collaboration etroite avec la faculte et les potato Ieafroll disease in Canada and the United En ce qui concerne la troisieme forme, Ie States. Plant Dis. 77:718-721. gene a ete insere dans I'ordre inverse. On a etudiants. Beaucoup de scientifiques sont Ellis, P.J.; Stace-Smith, R.; Converse, RH. 1992. observe que les plants ainsi transformes, egalement membres de l'universite et y donnent des cours de 2e et 3e cycles. Les Viruses of Sambucus canadensis in North mis en presence du PLRV, contenaient de 1 America. Acta Hortic. 308:69-75. a 5 % de la quantite de PLRV presente etudiants des niveaux de la maltrise et du Ellis, P.J.; Wieczorek, A 1992. Production of dans les plants normaux. On a aussi doctorat, ainsi que les chercheurs invites et monoclonal antibodies to beet western yellows constate une reduction significative de la les boursiers d'etudes postdoctorales de nombreux pays, beneficient d'installations virus and potato leafroll virus and their use in transmission par les pucerons du virus des luteovirus detection. Plant Dis. 76:75-78. plants transgeniques inocules avec Ie de recherches. Fitzpatrick, S.M.; Troubridge, J.T. 1992. Relative PLRV. Vne lignee transgenique dans A la Ferme de recherches efficacies of two commercial pheromone blends laquelle Ie gene du PLRV avait ete insere d'Abbotsford, qui totalise 8,5 ha, a 75 km for monitoring the blackheaded fireworm dans l'ordre inverse s'est bien comportee de Vancouver, on a amenage des parcelles (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) of cranberries. J. comparativement aux plants normaux au experimentales pour un programme Beon. Entomol. 85:947-949. cours de 3 ans d'essais au champ. d'amelioration genetique des petits fruits et Forbes, AR.; Chan, C.K 1993. A new species of On a decouvert que des plants infectes pour la recherche sur la lutte contre les Sitobion (Homoptera: Aphididae) from par Ie virus de la necrose du concombre insectes, les nematodes et les maladies. Le Holodicsus discolor ssp. discolor in British (CNV) presentaient des concentrations centre dispose de 53 annees-personnes et Columbia. Can. Entomol. 125:(4)737-744. import antes de formes defectives du emploie 18 professionnels. Frazer, B.D.; McGregor, RR 1992. genome viral qui nuisent a la replication du Temperature-dependent survival and hatching CD virus et ralentissent l'apparition des rate of eggs of seven species of coccinellidae. Can. Entomol. 124:305-312. symptomes de la maladie chez les plants infectes. Les formes defectives sont tres Research Publications French, c.J.; Elder, M.; Skelton, F. 1992. courantes parmi les virus animaux et l'on a Publications de recherche Infectious plant viruses in guttation fluid. HortScience 28:746-747. remarque recemment leur presence chez Abbaspour, KC.; Hall, J.W; Moon, D.E. 1992. A d'autres virus vegetaux. Une caracterisation yield model for use in determining crop Freyman, S.; Hall, J.W; Brookes, Y.R 1992. plus poussee de ces formes defectives du insurance premiums. Agric. For. Meteorol. Effect of planting pattern on intra-row competition between cabbage and shepherd's genome, qui permettra de mieux 60:33-51. purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Can. J. Plant Sci. Beczner, L.; Hamilton, R.I.; Rochon, D.M. 1992. comprendre Ie mecanisme par lequel elles 72:1393-1396. fonctionnent, pourrait aider a elaborer de Properties of the mentha strain of Iychnis nouvelles methodes de lutte contre ringspot virus. Intervirology 33:49-56. Hall, J.W; Majak, W 1992. Rapid screening of feed supplements for the prevention of legume Daubeny, H.A; Fear, C. 1992. Primocane I'infection virale et Ie declenchement de la bloat. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 72:613-617. maladie. .' fruiting raspberries in the Pacific Northwest and /" California. Fruit Var. J. 46:197-199. Helms, K; Chu, P.WG.; Martin, RR. 1992. Le nepovirus de la..ta:che annulaire de Subterranean clover distortion: a new viruslike Daubeny, H.A; Maloney, K; McGregor, G.R la tom ate (TomRSV)s'attaque aux cultures disease with unusual characteristics. Plant Dis. 1992. 'Heritage' red raspberry. Fruit Var. J. 76:42D-425. vivaces comme la peche, la cerise, la 46(1):2-3. pomme, la framboise et la vigne. Le Hepp, R; Martin, RR 1992. Isolation and Daubeny, H.A; Pepin, H.S.; Levesque, C.A deplacement du TomRSV dans un plant identification of strawberry viruses in wild 1992. Breeding for resistance to aphids and root depuis Ie point d'infection initial travers Fragaria chiloensis in the Andes Mountains. Acta a rot in red raspberry. Acta Hortic. 317:187-190. les structures tubulaires represente une Hortic. 308:57-59. De Boer, S.H.; Janse, J.D.; Stead, D.E.; Van etape cruciale dans l'evolution de la Huguenot, C.; Furneaux, M.T.; Thottappilly, G.; Vaerenbergh, J.; McKenzie, AR 1992. maladie. On a decouvert qu'une proteine Rossel, H.W; Hamilton, R.I. 1993. Evidence that Detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. cowpea aphid-borne mosaic and blackeye regissant Ie deplacement du TomRSV etait sepedonicus in potato stems and tubers grown cowpea mosaic viruses are two different associee aux structures tubulaires presentes from seed pieces with various levels of inoculum. potyviruses. J. Gen. Virol. 74:335-340. dans la paroi cellulaire et qu'elle contenait Potato Res. 35:207-216. Irniger, S.; Sanfacon, H.; Egli, C.M.; Braus, G.H. des particules virales. C'est la premiere fois De Boer, S.H.; Van Vaerenbergh, J.; Stead, D.E.; 1992. Different sequence elements are required que l'on detecte et situe de telles proteines Janse, J.D.; McKenzie, AR 1992.A for function of the cauliflower mosaic virus dans des plants infectes par un nepovirus. 11 comparative study among five laboratories on polyadenylation signal in Saccharomyces sera main tenant possible de faire une detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.

Vancouver 1993-1994 175 cerevisiae compared with in plants. Mol. Cell. Szeto, S.Y. 1993. Determination of kinetics of BioI. 12:2322-2330. hydrolysis by high-pressure liquid Jelkmann, W; Maiss, E.; Martin, RR 1992. The chromatography: application to hydrolysis of the nucleotide sequence and genome organization of ethylene glycol butyl ether ester of triclopyr. J. strawberry mild yellow edge-associated Agric. Food Chern. 41:(7)1118-1121. potexvirus. J. Gen. Virol. 73:475-479. Theilmann, D.A; Stewart, S. 1992. Tandemly Levesque, e.A; Beckenbach, K.; Baillie, D.L.; repeated sequence at the 3' end of the IE-2 gene Rahe, J.E. 1993. Pathogenicity and DNA of the baculovirus Orgyia pseudotsugata restriction fragment length polymorphisms of multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus is an isolates of Pythium spp. from glyphosate-treated enhancer element. Virology 187:84-96. seedlings. Mycol. Res. 97:307-312. Troubridge, J.T.; Fitzpatrick, S.M. 1993. A Levesque, e.A; Holley, J.D.; Utkhede, RS. revision of the North American Operophtera 1993. Individual and combined effects of (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Can. Entomol. Enterobacter aerogenes and metalaxyl on apple 125:379-397. tree growth and Phytophthora crown and root rot Troubridge, J.T.; Fitzpatrick, S.M.; Lafontaine, symptom development. Soil BioI. Biochem. J.D. 1992.Apamea ophiogramma (Esper), a 25:975-979. palearctic cutworm new to North America Levesque, e.A; Rahe, J.E.; Eaves, D.M. 1993. A (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Can. Entomol. study of fungal colonization in glyphosate- 124:109-112. treated plants using a new root plating Utkhede, RS.; Vrain, T.e.; Yorston, J.M. 1992. technique. Mycol. Res. 97:299-306. Effects of nematodes, fungi and bacteria on the MacKenzie, D.J.; Ellis, PJ. 1992. Resistance to growth of young apple trees grown in apple tomato spotted wilt virus infection in transgenic replant disease soil. Plant Soil 139:1-6. tobacco expressing the viral nucleocapsid gene. van Ryswyk, AL.; Stout, D.G.; Hogue, E.J.; Hall, Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 5:34-40. J.W; Roddan, B.H. 1993. Soil properties Martin, RR; MacDonald, S.G.; Podleckis, E.Y. associated with alfalfa winter survival at 1992. Relationships between blueberry scorch Kamloops, British Columbia. Can. J. Soil Sci. and Sheep Pen Hill viruses of highbush 73:141-146 blueberry. Acta Hortic. 308:131-139. Vrain, T.e.; Wakarchuk, D.A; Levesque, A; Maxwell, J.E; Drinkwater, R; Clark, D.; Hall, Hamilton, RI. 1992. Intraspecific rDNA J.W 1992. Effect of grazing, spraying and seeding restriction length polymorphism in the on knapweed cover in British Columbia. J. Xiphinema americanum group. Fundam. Appl. Range Manage. 45:180-182. Nematol. 15(6):563-573. McLean, M.A; Hamilton, RI.; Rochon, D.M. Wieczorek, A; Sanfacon, H. 1993. 1993. Symptomatology and movement of a Characterization and sub-cellular localisation of cucumber necrosis virus mutant lacking the coat tomato ringspot nepovirus putative movement protein protruding domain. Virology protein. Virology 194:734-742. 193:932-939. Wu, X.; Stewart, S.; Theilmann, D. 1993. Sanfacon, H. 1992. Regulation of mRNA Characterization of an early gene coding for a formation in plant: lessons from the cauliflower highly basic 8.9 kd protein from the baculovirus mosaic virus transcription signals. Can. J. Bot. OpNPY. J. Gen. Virol. 74:1591-1598. 70:885-899. Sanfacon, H.; Cohen, J.Y.; Elder, M.; Rochon, D.M.; French, e.J. 1993. Characterization of a tobamovirus (Ob) that overcomes the N resistance gene. Phytopathology 83:400-404. Sanfacon, H.; Wieczorek, A 1992. Analysis of cauliflower mosaic virus RNAs in Brassica species showing a range of susceptibility to infection. Virology 190:30-39. Spiegel, S.; Martin, RR 1992. Detection of strawberry mild yellow-edge in vitro grown strawberry plantlets. Acta Hortic. 308:61--{j8. Stout, D.G.; Hall, J.W; Brooke, B.; Baalim, G.; Thompson, D. 1993. Effect of storage temperature and time on the viability of rhizobia on lime-coated alsike clover seed. J. Agric. Sci. (Camb.) 120:205-211.

176 Vancouver 1993-1994 INDEX A genetic resources, conservation, 84 Canada thistle in, 161 Aalhus, J.L., 156 waste management, research specialization,169 diseases of, 45, 117, 128 Abbotsford Research Farm/Ferme de recherches -see also individual animals new varieties, 26, 45, 128, 157 (SummerlandNancouver), 170, 172, 174, 175 Animaux research specialization, 25,110,127,145 Abeilles, 75, 150 comportement, specialite en recherches, 82, 156 roasted, and milk production, 32, 38 -voir aussi Apiculture conservation des ressources genetiques, 87 as silage, 51, 157 Abramson, D., 117 dechets d'elevage, specialite en recherches, 169 Barnett, G.M., 48 Abricotiers, 167 -voir aussi les animaux individuellement Baron, RW, 145 l'Acadie, Ferme de rechercheslResearch Farm Anthocyanes, 61, 125, 167 Baron, Y.S., 156 (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu), 55, 56 Anthocyanins,62, 124, 166 Barr, D.J.S., 92 Acariens, donnees assorties, 98 Aphids, 95, 173 Barran, L.R, 109 Acarology/Acarologie, research Apiculture, 161-162 Barron, J.R, 91 specialization/specialite en recherches, 54, Apples Bartlett, E, 80 65,91 assorted studies, 32-33,165-166 Bases des donnees, 18, 98, 100 Acharya, S.N., 144 blister spot in, 74 Basidiomycetes/Basidiomycetes, 147, 150 Achillee millefeuille et production de mite infestation and control, 66 Batra, TR, 81 chamazulene, 56 Mutsu,74 Baum, B.R, 92 Acide folique, 49 research specialization, 31, 73, 164 Beans, 56, 66, 74,124,147 Acton, D.E, 93 scab-resistent varieties, 56 Beauchemin, KA, 145 Aflatoxin( e)s, 61, 62 Apricots, 165 Beaverlodge Research Centre/Centre de Agaricus bisporus, 67, 69 Arboretum (Central Experimental Farm/Ferme recherches (Alta.), 161-163 Agassiz Research Centre/Centre de recherches experimentale centrale), 111, 112 Becker, E.C., 92 (B.C),169-172 Arbres fruitiers Beckie, H., 132 Agri-food industry lutte antiparasitaire, 68-69 Beef and Forage Network, 9 advisory group on food irradiation, 10 reseau national sur, 11 Beef cattle liaison with, 15, 59, 61 specialite en recherches, 31, 73, 164 barley in ensiled forage, 26, 32, 51,148 -see also Foods/Food sciences -voir aussi Poiriers; Pommiers reproductive physiology, 51, 127 Agri-Food Quality and ThchnologySymposium,62 Archer, K, 13 genetics and physiology, research Agricultural engineering, research specialization, Armitage, G.T, 13 specialization, 145 22,37,54,82 Armstrong, KC., 109 insect pests, 148 Agro-alimentaire, industries Arnold, N., 55 meat, assorted studies, 157 group consultatif sur l'irradiation des aliments, 12 Arsenault, WJ., 25 national networks for producers, 9 liaison avec, 17-18,59,60 Arshad, M.A., 161 research specialization, 32, 51,127,145,156 Agrochemicals, 54, 80 Asselin, J.M.R, 79 Beef Research Farm (Lennoxville, Que.), 49 -see also Fertilizers; Herbicides; Pesticides Asselin, J.M.R, 91 Bees, 74, 147 AGvance, 16, 18 Association canadienne des producteurs de Beets, fodder .26 Ainsworth, L., 82 semences, 12 Begin, A, 60 Air, quality/qualite, assorted studies/donnees I'Assomption, Ferme de recherches/Research Behan-Pelletier, Y.M., 91 assorties, 98, 102 Farm (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu), 55, 56 Behki, R, 94 Akhtar, M.H., 80 Atchison, H., 92 Beimuts, R, 132 Alfalfa Atkinson, WB., 116 Beke, G.J., 145 assorted studies, 44, 147 Atrazine, in groundwater, 97-98 Belair, G., 54 early-maturing, 128 Atwal, AS., 81 Belanger, A, 54 evaluation of, 111 Aube, C.B., 21, 59 Belanger, G., 37 improved nutritive quality, 38 Aubepines, 34 Belanger, Y., 79 protein degradation in ensiling, 83 Aung, T, 116 Belleau, A, 48 research specialization, 43 Avian leukosis viruses, 84 Belley, M., 13 seedling water regime, 140 Avoine Belzile, L., 49 weed control, 134 cultivars de hauts rendements, 44 Benharrosh, G., 54 winter crown rot, 133 etude des maladies, 111 Benkel, B.E, 81 Ali-Khan, S.T, 37 extraction du B-glucan, 135 Benoit, D., 54 Alimentech industry liaison report/bulletin de fibres solubleset taux sanguin de cholesterol, 86 Bentham, M.J., 132 liaison industrielle, 60, 61 folie, 75 Benton Ridge Research Farm/Ferme de Aliments/sciences alimentaires B-glucan et «instagomme» chez, 85-86 recherches (Fredericton), 39, 40 donnees assorties, 34, 86, 158 resistance aux maladies, 119 Bentonite, 83, 86 specialite en recherches, 31, 59--60,81, 123, specialite en recherches, 25, 116, 109 Berard, R, 164 156,164 B Berard, L.S., 54 Allan-Wojtas, P., 81 Bernard, E, 59 Babcock, C., 92 Allen, W;R" 64 Berneche, S.J., 55 Bacillus thuringiensis, 26-27, 55, 56 Ames, N.P., 109 Berriault, M.-J., 15 Baculoviruses, 67, 69, 173, 174 Anderson, AJ., 93 Berthiaume, R, 49 Bagnall, RH., 37 Anderson, D.A, 156 Betterave, fourragere, 27 Baier, W, 94 Anderson, J.R, 116 Beveridge, H.J.T, 164 Anderson, RB., 92 Bailey, D.RC., 145, 146, 149 Bailey, KL., 131 Beyaert, RP., 65 Anderson, RM., 37 Bailey, L.D., 127 Bied~rbeck, Y.O., 139 Anderson, TR, 73 Baillargeon, G., 92 Bifidobacteria/Bifidobacterie, 60--62,82, 85 Andrews, C.J., 109 Bilodeau, S., 82 Ball-Coelho, B.R, 65 Angers, D., 42 Biodiversity/Biodiversite, national Animals Banque de genes (Ottawa), 100, 102 Barley strategy/strategie nation ale, 10, 11 behavior and management, research breeding studies, 110 specialization, 82, 156

Index 1993-1994 177 BiotechnologylBiotechnologie, national Brassica spp., 95, 99, 118, 119, 133-135, 162 nouveaux cultivars, 133, 135, 162 strategy/strategie nation ale, 10, 11 Braun, P.G., 31 specialite en recherches, 145, 161 Birch, ornamental, 124 Brewin, D., 92 sterilite, 110, 112 Bishop, G.A., 22 I!rierley, J.A., 93 Canola Council of Canada, 10 Bissett, J.D., 92 Bright, D.E., 91 Carbon/carbone, 26, 27, 97, 100 Bissonnette, N., 42 Brimacombe, P., 93 CARC-see Canadian Agri-Food Research Council Bittman, S., 169 Brion, F., 59 Carefoot, J.M., 145 Bittner, S., 59 Britten, M., 59 Carisse, 0., 54 Blackburn, WJ., 14 Broadbent, AB., 64 Carnegie, J.A, 82 Blackshaw, RE., 144 BroccolilBrocoli, 170, 171 Carottes, 34, 39, 55-56, 69 Blackwell, B.A., 109 Brodie, H.G., 123 Carpentier, G., 1 Blanc, lutte contre, 167, 171 Broersma, K., 146 Carpocapse de la pomme, 166, 167 Blatt, C.R, 31 Bromfield, E.S.P., 109 Carr, T.y., 73 Ble Bromure de methyle, 11 Carrots, 33, 38, 56, 67 culture des ant heres, 150 Brown, D.C.W, 109 Carter, M.R, 25 donnees assorties, 44, 111, 118-119 Brown girdling root rot, 162 Cassidy, S.c., 37 folie avoine chez, 75 Brown, P.D., 116 Castell, AG., 127 Laura, 162 Buckley, D.J., 82 Castonguay, F., 49 maladies des feu illes, 135 Buckley, J.T., 94 Castonguay, Y., 42 modele de croissance CERES, 142 Buckley, WT., 127 Catling, P.M., 92 perte de rendement et peuplements de Buckwheat, 123 Cave, N.A.G., 81 mauvaises herbes, 135-136 Budmoth, monitoring, 32 Cayouette, J., 92 puceron russe du ble, 149 Bureau des relations avec I'industrie, 17 Centauree, 150 en regimes alimentaires pour les volailles, 171 Burgess, P.L., 37 Central Experimental Farm (Ottawa, OnL), specialite en recherches, 25, 110, 116, 139, 145 Burkino Faso Plant Protection Project/Projet de 79-114 variete resistante au cephe du ble, 141 protection des vegetaux, 54 Centre de recherche et de developpement sur les Bleuets, 23, 34, 55 Burnett, P.A, 156 aliments (Saint-Hyacinthe, Que.), 59-63 Blueberries, 22, 33, 56 • Burrows, V.D., 110 Centre de recherche et de developpement sur Ie Bodnaryk, R.P., 116 Bush, RS., 32 bovin laitier et Ie pore (Lennoxville, Que.), Breuf-voir Bovins de boucherie Butler, M.G., 80 48-54 Boisclair, R, 13 Buttery, B.R., 73 Centre de recherche et de developpement en Boisvert, J., 93 Butts, RA, 144 horticulture (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que.), Boiteau, G., 37 Buzzell, RI., 73, 74, 76 11,54-58 Boivin, G., 54 Byers, J.R, 144 Centre de recherche et de developpement sur les Bole, J.B., 115, 116 C sols et les grandes cultures (Sainte-Foy, Que.), Boleso, S., 15 42-47 Cabbage, 22, 32, 33, 67 Bolter, c.J., 64 Centre de recherches alimentaires et zootechniques Campbell, AJ., 25 Bolton, E.F., 75, 76 (Ferme experimentale centrale), 80-90 Campbell, C.A, 139 Bomford,R.J., 127 Centre de recherches phytogenetiques du Campbell, C.G., 123 Bonn, WG., 73, 75, 76 Canada, 92 Campbell, c.T., 131 Bootsma, A, 94 Centre de recherches phytotechniques (Ferme Campbell, J.M., 91 Bordeleau, L., 42 experiment ale centrale), 109-114 Campbell, K., 9 Bostanian, N.J., 54 Centre de recherches sur la lutte antiparasitaire Canada Grains Council, 10 Botrytis, 33, 34, 165, 167 (London), 64-72 Canadiam Collection of Fungus Cultures, 98 Boudreault, S., 59 Centre de recherches sur les teITes et les ressources Canadian Agri-Food Research Council (CARC), Bouctouche, 38 biologiques (Ferme experiment ale centrale), 10-11 Bouleau, plantes ornementales, 125 91-108 Canadian Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Boulet, M., 60 Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences (CAB Information System (CAPGRIS), 96 Bourdons, 75 International), 10, 12 Canadian Cattlemen's Association, 10, 12 Bourgeois, G., 54 Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research Canadian Forage Council, 10 Bousquet, Y., 91 (Ce'lntral Experimental Farm), 91-108 Canadian Government Laboratories program, 17 Bovins de boucherie Cere ales Canadian Horticultural Council, 10 donnees de recherches alimentaires, 27, 33, 50, deperdition d'eau des feuilles excisees, 141 Canadian Meat Council, 10 151 donnees assorties, 119-120 Canadian National Collection of Insects, donnees de recherches sur la reproduction, 50, specialite en recherches, 42, 116, 131, 144 Arachnids, and Nematodes, 98 129 systemes de culture, 142 Canadian Plant Disease Survey, 16 insectes nuisibles, 151 -voir aussi les cereales individuellement Canadian Pork Council, 10 reseaux nationals sur recherches, 11 Cereals Canadian Seed Growers Association, 10 specialite en recherches, 31, 49; 127,145,156 assorted studies, 117-118 Canadian Soil Information System (CanSIS), 96 viandes, donnees assorties, 158 research specialization, 42, 116, 131, 144 Canola Bovins laitiers tillage methods for, 140-141 blackleg infection, 133, 162, 174 donnees assorties, 49 water loss from excised leaves, 140 cold-tolerance genes, 110 donnees de recherches alimentaires, 39, 43, -see also individual cereals flea beetle infestation of, 118 151,170-171 CERES wheat growth model/modele de croissance new cultivars, 133, 135, 162 laits de rem placement pour les veaux, 171 du ble, 141, 142 oil, in diet of newborn piglets, 83 specialite en recherches, 37, 48, 169 Cerises, 167, 168 postemergent weed control, 147 -voir aussi Lait/produits laitiers Cerkauskas, RF., 65 research specialization/specialite en Bowen, P.A, 169 Cerne brun de la racine, 163 recherches, 145, 161 Bowes, G.G., 131 Cessna, AG., 132 sterility/sterilite, 110, 112 Bowie, L., 13 Chadwick, S., 15 Canol a Bowman, B.T., 64 Chagnon, R, 54 altises chez, 119 Boyetchko, S.M., 132 Chamazulene, 56 genes regissant la tolerance au froid, 111 Brandle, J.E., 65 Chambers, J.R, 80 huile de, et porcelets nouveau-nes, 86 Brandon Research Centre/Centre de recherches Champagne, C.P., 59 jambe noire du, 135, 162, 174 (Man.), 127-130 Champagne, E., 73 lutte contre les mauvais herbes, 150 Brandt, S.A, 133

178 Index 1993-1994 Champignons, 43, 69 Conseil national de recherches du Canada, 12 Dechets dangereux, gestion des, 19 donnees assorties, 99-100 Conservation, technologies et emballage des DeClerck-Floate, RA, 144 specialite en recherches, 92 aliments (colloque), 60 Dedio, W, 123 -voir aussi Mycologie Coordination de la recherche, Direction de la, Del Vecchio, RP., 127 Chan, Y.K., 109 9-12 Delaquis, P., 164 Chang, C., 145 Coote, D.R., 91, 93 Deleu, P.,59 Chapman, R.A, 64 Corlett, M.P., 92 Deltamethrin, 148, 150 Chaput, D.J.Z.J., 94 Cormier, E, 59 Demars, D., 21, 54 Charlottetown Research Centre/Centre de Corn Demianyk, e.J., 117 recherches (P.E.I.), 25-30 early-maturing, 128 Denholm, KA, 94 Charmley, E., 32 Fusarium infection and mycotoxin production, Denis, S.e., 14 Chartier, M., 54 110 DePauw, RM., 139 Charuest, J.-P., 48 management studies, 23, 74 Derksen, D.A, 140 Cheeses, 62--63 research specialization, 110, 127 Deschenes, J.-M., 21, 48 Cheng, K-J., 145 sweet, 45, 56, 170 Deschenes, L., 60 Cherries, 165, 166 Cossentine, J.E., 164 Desjardins, RL., 94 Chiba, M., 65 Cossette, J.M., 93 Deslauriers, M.L.e., 31 Chiendent, 43, 50,141,159 Cote, J.e., 54 Desmarais, G., 13 Chimie des pesticides, 54 Coulman, RE., 131 Dewan, D., 15 Chiquette, J., 48 Coulter, G.H., 145 Dhanvantari, B.N., 73 Chloropyrifos, 66, 69 Courge d'hiver, 34 Dicamba, 134, 135 Chlorose panachee, 119 Court, W.A, 65 Dickinson, C.J., 80 Chlorothalonil (TNIC), 38, 39 Cousineau, J., 91 Dignard, A, 14 Chong, J., 116 . Couture, L., 42 Dindons, 171 Choo, TM., 25 CRAC-voir Conseil de recherches Dinel, H., 94 Choux, application d'engrais, 23, 27, 33, 34, 69 agro-alimentaires du Canada Diptera/Dipteres, 91 Chow, TL., 37 Craib, M., 13 Direction des strategies et de la planification, 13-20 Christiansen, L.S., 161 Craig, D.L., 33, 34 Direction generale de la production et de Christie, B.R, 25 Criquets, appats ii, 150 l'inspection des aliments, 12 Chrysanthemum/Chrysantheme, 66, 69 Crompton, C.W., 92 Dixon, P.L., 22 Chung, H.S., 144 Crop Protection Institute of Canada, 10 Dobinson, KE, 64 Clapperton, M.J., 145 Crown gall (vinifera), 66 Dondale, e.D., 92 Clarke, J.M., 139 CRSNG-voir Conseil de recherches en sciences Donly, C., 64 Clarke, P.J., 161 naturelles et en genie du Canada Dormaar, J.E., 145 Cliff, M., 164 Cucumbers, 170, 174 Dorrell, D.G., 1, 115 Cliplef, RL., 127 Culley, J.L.B., 91, 93, 94 Doryphore de la pomme de terre, 28, 39, 69, 70, 75 Clone bank/Banque de clones, 67, 70 Cultures fruitieres-voir les fruits Downey, RK, 131 Cloutier, B., 15 individuellement Doyon, G., 60 Cloutier, D., 55 Cumming, D.B., 123 Drainage (soillsols), 22, 23 Cloutier, Y, 42 Cumming, J.M., 91 Drapeau, R, 43 Clover, red, 26, 162 Cuppels, D.A, 64 Drew, D.E.H., 64 Clover, white, 23, 26, 33 Cutforth, H.W, 139 Drury, C.E, 74 Cobalt, 26, 28 Czarnecki, E.M., 116 Dubuc, J.-P., 42 Codling moth, 66, 165 D Duczek, L.J., 131 Cody, WJ., 92 Dueck, J., 115, 164 D'Aoust, M., 59 Coen, G.M., 93 Duggan, J., 13 D'Souza, R, 14 Coleman, J.A, 64 Dumanski, J., 94 Dactyle pelotonne, 112 Coleman, WK, 37 Durum wheat, research specialization, 116 Dairy and Swine Research and Development Coleoptera/Coleopteres, 91 Dwyer, L.M., 94 Centre (Lennoxville, Que.), 48-53 Colinet Research FarmlFerme de recherches Dyck, EB., 139 Dairy cattle (St. John's), 22, 23, 24 Dyck, G.W, 127 assorted studies, 50 Collection nationale d'insectes, d'arachnides et Dyck, P.L., 116 de nematodes, 102 diet studies, 38, 44, 148, 169 Collicutt, L.M., 123 research specialization, 37, 48, 169 E Collins, M., 14 soy-containing milk replacers for calves, 170 Earthworms, tillage studies, 66 Collins, WE, 81 -see also Milk/milk products Easton, G., 14 Colorado potato beetle, 26, 38, 67, 74 Dairy Farmers of Canada, 10 Eastwell, K, 164 Colwell, D.D., 145 Dairy production/industry, 9, 10, 59 Eaux, qualite des, 9, 50,101-102, Colza d'ete-voir Canol a Dalpe, Y, 92 Ecologie, specialite en recherches, 64--65 Comeau, A., 42 Daneau, J.J., 54 Ecology, research specialization, 64-65 Competitiveness/Competitivite, conference Dang, P.T, 91 Edwards, J...M.,25 on/conference sur la, 16, 18 Danielson, TJ., 145 Eggs, 32, 82 Compost, 44, 45 Darisse, E, 55 Ehret, D.L., 169 Concombre, 171, 175 Darwent, AL., 161 Eilers, RG., 93 Conference de Saskatoon sur la competitivite, 18 Data bases, 15-16, 95-96 Eilers, WD., 93 Conner, R.L., 144 Daubeny, H.A, 173 Elder, J.L., 144 Conseil canadien de l'horticulture, 12 Davidson, e.G., 123 Electronic publishing, 16 Conseil canadien des productions fourrages, 12 Davidson, H.R, 79, 109 Ellert, RH., 145 Conseil canadien du porc, 12 de Useleuc, J., 48 Elliott, RH., 131 Conseil de recherches agro-alimentaires du de Passille, AM.B., 48 Ellis, P.J., 173 Canada (CRAC), 12 de Pieri, L., 169 Elyme, comme culture fourragere, 141 Conseil de recherches en sciencesnaturelles et de St. Remy, E.A, 156 Emballage des aliments, 60--61, 125, 167 en genie du Canada, 11, 19 De Boer, S.H., 173 specialite en recherches, 60 Conseil des grains du Canada, 12 De Jong, H., 37 Embree, C.G., 31 Conseil des viandes du Canada, 12 De Jong, R., 94 Embryons-gametes, 87 Conseil du canol a du Canada, 12 De Kimpe, e., 9 specialite en recherches, 82

Index 1993-1994 179 I I I I I

Emmons, D.B., 81 Fisher, L.J., 169 Furlan, v., 42 Endemann, KE., 14 Fitzpatrick, S.M., 173 Fusarium Endomycorrhizae, 42 Flame chlorosis, 117 graminearum, 43, 44,110,111 Engineering-see Agricultural engineering Flax, 123-124 mycotoxin/mycotoxine, 83, 85, 96, 99 Engrais Fletrissure verticillienne, de pomme de terre, 28 research specialization/specialite en azote, 149 Floate, KD., 145 recherches, 109 verts, 28, 129-130, 141-142 Fobert, L.R., 156 Fusilade II (herbicide), 170, 171 Enns, CP., 127 Folic acid, 50 G Ensilage, 43, 50, 86 Food and Animal Research Centre (Ottawa), -voir aussi Fourrages 80-90 Gagne-Giguere, S., 48 Entomologie Food/food science Gagnon, J., 59 des cereales, specialite en recherches, 131 assorted studies, 33, 83, 157 Gamble, D.S., 94 donnees assorties, 98-99 research specialization, 31, 59-{i0, 81, 123, 156, Gamete/embryo technology, 84 entomofaune de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador, 164 research specialization, 82 22 Food Production and Inspection Branch, 10 Garber, L., 13 lutte dirigee, specialite en recherches, 64-65 Food Research and Development Centre Gariepy, C., 59 des plantes, specialite en recherches, 25, 54, (Saint-Hyacinthe, Que.), 59-{i3 Garton, R.W., 73 73,173 Foottit, R.G., 91 Gaudet, D.A, 144 systematique, specialite en recherches, 91 Forage Gaul, S.O., 31 Entomology assorted studies, 44-45, 51,110-111,147-148 Gaunce, AP., 164 assorted studies, 95 extra-conditioning of, 44-45 Gauthier, E., 59 cereal, research specialization, 131 frost-seeded legumes for, 23 Gavora, E., 91 fauna of Newfoundland and Labrador, 22 frost-tolerant, 26 Gavora, J.S., 81 pest control, research specialization, 64-{i5 national network on, 10 Gaw1ey,C., 13 plant, research specialization, 25, 54, 73, 173 research specialization, 22, 32, 42,131,144 Gaynor, J.D., 74 systematic, research specialization, 91 and tillage practices, 133 Gehl, D.T., 140 Entz, T., 144 wildrye as, 140 Gelinas, P., 59 Environment, 9 -see also invididual forage crops; Silage Gene bank-see Animal genetic resources; research specialization, 82, 93-94, 164 Ford, G., 13 Clone bank Working Group on Environmental Indicators, 9 Forney, CP., 31 Genest, C., 54 Environnement, 11 Foroud, N., 145 Genie agricole, specialite en recherches, 22, 37, Groupe de travail sur les indicateurs Forster, R.J., 81 54,82 environnementaux, 11 Fort Vermillion Research Farm!Ferme de Gerber, G.H., 117 specialite en recherches, 82, 93-94,164 recherches (Beaverlodge), 161, 162, 163 Germain, M., 42 Erfle, James D., 85, 88 Fortin, A, 81 Germoplasm( e), national network on/reseau Erlandson, M.A, 131 Fortin, J., 59 national sur, 10, 11 Erosion, 26, 38,146,170 Fortin, M.-C., 94 Gesse cultivee, 141-142 Erosion des sols, 27, 39,149,171 Foster, AE., 32 Gibson, GAP., 91 Estabrooks, E.N., 37 Fourrages/cultures fourrageres Giffen, D.W., 131 Ethanol, 10, 11 chiendent comme, 50 Gijzen, M.R, 64 Evening primrose, 66 donnees assorties, 43-44, 112, 150 Gilbert, J., 116 Gill, C.O., 156 F l'elyme comme, 141 methodes cultura1es, 134 Gillespie, D.R, 169 Fahmy, M.H., 49 semees lorsque Ie sol etait encore gele, 23-24 Gillies, S., 169 Fahmy, S., 93 surconditionnement des, 43 Ginns, J.H., 92 Fairey, D.T., 161 tolerantes au gel, 27 Ginseng, 66, 68 Fairey, NA, 161 -voir aussi les cultures individuellement; Girard, B., 164 Fairfull, RW., 82 Ensilage Girard, CL., 48 Falk, K, 131 Fox, CA, 94 Gleddie, S.C., 109 Farmer, C, 48 Fraises, 34, 56, 173 G1enlea Research Farm/Ferme de recherches Farnworth, E.R, 81 Framboises, 34, 171, 173 (Winnipeg), 118, 120 Faune terri cole, 68 Francophone agri-food program, 62 Godfrey, L.C, 164 Fedak, G., 109 Fraser, D.G., 82 Goettel, M.S., 144 Federation canadienne des producteurs de lait, Fraser, J., 144 Goodyear, T., 94 12 Fraser, W.R, 93 Gossen, B.D., 131 Feldman, M., 91, 94 Frazer, B.D., 173 Goulet, H., 91 Ferme de recherches Senateur Herve J. Michaud Fredericton Research Centre/Centre de Gouveia, S., 80 (Fredericton, N.B.), 38 recherches (N.B.), 37-41 Grace, B., 9 Ferme de recherches sur Ie bovin de boucherie Freeze, B., 145 Grandhi, RR, 127 Grands Lacs, recherche sur la qualite des eaux, 11 (Lennoxville, Que.), 49 Fregeau-Reid, J., 110 Ferme de recherches sur Ie mouton Frelighsburg, Ferme de rechercheslResearch Granger, RL., 54 (Lennoxville, Que.), 48 Farm (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu), 55, 56 Grant, CA., 127 Ferme experimentale centrale (Ottawa), 79-114 French, C.J., 173 Grapes, 33, 66, 165 research specialization, 164 Ferme experimentale de la ceinture de verdure Freve, A, 54 Grasshoppers, bait for, 133, 147-148 (Ferme experimentale centrale), 88 Frey, D.H., 169 Great Lakes, water quality research, 10 Fernandez, M.R., 139 Freyman, S., 169 Green, MJ., 25 Fernet, C, 48 Friel, D., 13 Green Plan, 10 Fertigateur de Harrow, 75 Fromages, 60-61 Greenbelt Research Farm (Central Experimental Fertilizers Fruits, research specialization/specialite en green manure, 26, 128, 140 recherches, 54, 65 Farm), 85, 88 Greenhouse gases, 98 nitrogen point injection, 146 -see also individual fruits; Tree fruits/voir Greenhouses, research specialization, 73, 82, 169 Fescue, rough, 148 aussi les fruits individuellement; Arbres Greer, G.G., 156 Fetuque scabres, 150 fruitiers Gregorich, E., 94 Fields, P., 117 Fumier, 27, 50, 88, 171 Films, food-wrapping, 124, 166 Fungi-see Mycology/voir Mycologie Grenon, L., 93 Gruber, M.Y., 131 Financial and Administrative Services, 15 Fungicides, 165 Fiser, P.S., 82

180 Index 1993-1994 Grunder, AA, 81 Horticulture Research and Development Centre Jensen, KJ.N., 31 Gubbels, G.H., 123 (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que.), 11,54-58 Jeremiah, L.E., 156 Guepes, parasites, 98 Howarth, RE., 115, 131 Jerusalem artichoke, 23, 82 Gugel, RJ., 131 Howes, N.K, 116 Jewett, TJ., 73 Guilbault, L.A., 48 Hsaio, AJ., 132 Johanis, J., 13 Guindon, D., 42 Huang, H.C., 145 Johannson, G.I., 131 Gupta, D.C., 25 Huber, J.T, 91 John, M.K., 9 H Huffman, E.C., 94 Johnson, D.L., 145, 146, 149 Hughes, S.J., 92 Johnson,P.VV.,21,31 Haber, S.M., 116 Hume, L., 132 Johnston, A, 132 Hackett, AJ., 82 Hunt, D.W, 73 Johnston, H.W, 25 Hagley, E.A.C., 65 Hunter, D.M., 73 Jojoba oil/huile de, 165, 167 Hall, I., 15 Hunter, J.H., 140 Joncas, S., 54 Hall, J.W, 173 Hurry, L.E., 25 Jones, A, 94 Hall, P., 14 Hussain, A, 116 Judd, G., 164 Hall, TW, 145 Hydrology/Hydrologie, research K Hamill, AS., 73, 74 specialization/specialite en recherches, 139, Hamilton, KG.A, 91 145 Kalab, M., 81 Hamilton, R.I., 110, 173 Hymenoptera/Hymenopteres, 91 Kale, 26 Hamilton, RM.G., 32 Kalt, W, 31 Hampson, M.C., 22 I Kamloops Range Station/Station de parcours Harder, D.E., 116 ICAR-see Inventory of Canadian Agri-Food (Lethbridge), 146 Harding, H., 131 Research Kappel, E, 164 Hardman, J.M., 31 Ihnat, M., 94 Kapuskasing (Lennoxville)-see/voir 48, 50, 51 Hardwick, D.E, 92 Indian Head Research Farm/Ferme de Kara, Y., 15 Haricots, 55, 68, 75; 125, 150 recherches (Swift Current), 140, 141, 142 Kastelic, J.P., 145 Harker, KN., 156 Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP), Kawchuk, L.M., 145 Harrington Research Farm/Ferme de recherches 10 Kealey, B., 9 (Charlottetown), 27, 28 Industrie agro-alimentaire-voir Keane, Y., 132 Harris, L., 109 Agro-alimentaire, industrie; Kelowna Research Farm/Ferme de recherches Harris, P., 145 Aliments/Sciences alimentaires (Summerland), 166, 167 Harrow Fertigation Manager (HFM), 74 Industry Relations Office, 15 Kemp, RA, 127 Harrow Research Centre/Centre de recherches Information and Planning Services, 15 Kempler, C., 169 (Ont.),73-78 Information, electronic/lnformation Kenaschuk, E.O., 123 Harwalkar, Y.R, 81 electronique-see Data bases; Electronic Kennett, J.R, 15 Hawthorns, 32 publishing/voir Bases des donnees; Kentville Research Centre/Centre de recherches Hayes, J.P., 15 Publication electronique (N.S.),31-36 Hayhoe, H.N., 94 Inhibin, in dairy cattle, 50 Khan, S.u., 94 Hazardous wastes, 17 Insecticides, 67, 69, 97, 101 Khanizadeh, S., 54 Hazelnuts, 170 Instagum, 83 Kibite, S., 156 Hebei (Chine), Projet d'exploitation en culture Institut canadien de protection des cultures, 12 Kiehn, EA, 123 seche,149 Intellectual property, 16, 17 Kielly, G.A., 139 Hebei Dryland Project (China), 146, 147 International Centre for Agriculture Science and Kim, WK, 116 Hedges, B.R, 73 Technology (ICAST), 16, 18 Kimpinski, J., 25 Hefford, M.A., 81 International relations, 10, 16-17 King, B.R., 15 Hemiptera/Hemipteres, 91 Inventaire de la recherche agro-alimentaire au King, RR., 37 Herbicides Canada (IRAq, 18 Kirkland, KJ., 133 assorted studies/donnees assorties, 134, Inventory of Canadian Agri-Food Research Kiwis, 170, 171 135-136 (ICAR),16 Knapweed,147 for/pour rutabaga, 170, 171 IRAC-voir Inventaire de la recherche Knipfel, J.E., 139 residues/residus, 147, 149 agro-alimentaire au Canada Knowles, RP., 131 Herbier des plantes vasculaires du Ministere, 102 Irrigation, 147, 149 Knox, R, 139 Herbier national de mycologie, 92 Isfan, D., 42 Kodama, H., 94 Heslop, L.c., 14 Ivan, M., 81 Kokko, E.G., 144 Hexazinone, 134, 136 Ivany, J.A, 25 Kolmer, J.A, 116 Hibiscus, extracts/extraits, 61, 62 J Kovacs, M.I.P., 116 Hicklenton, P.R, 31 Kowalenko, c.G., 169 Jack, B.P., 14 Hidiroglou, M., 81 Kozak, L.M., 93 Jack pine, ornamental, 124 Hildebrand, P.D., 31 Kozub, G.C., 144 Jackson, E.D., 31 Hiley, J.C., 94 Kramer, J.KG., 81 Jackson, H.A, 82 Hill, B.D., 145 Krupka, RM., 64 Jacques, L., 59 Hilton, S.A., 64 Kucey, R.M.N., 115, 123 Jame, YW, 139 Hinibine, 49 Kudirka, D., 9 Jamieson, AR., 31 Hinks, C.E, 131 Kunelius, H.T, 25 Ho, KM., 110 Jan, E.Z., 139 L Ho, S.K., 80 Janzen, H.H., 145 Hogue, E.J., 164 Jardins de plantes ornementales (Ferme La Pocatiere (Lennoxville)-see/voir 48, 50, 51 Holley, R, 59 experimentale centrale), 112 Laberge, S., 42 Holmstrom, D.A, 93 Jarvis, I.E., 93 Lacasse, P., 48 Holt, N.W, 139 Jarvis, WR, 73 Lachance, AC., 79 Hope, H.J., 110 Jasalavich, c., 131 Lachance, AC., 80 Horticulture Jeck, S.c., 94 Lacombe Research Centre/Centre de recherches expert committee on/comite d'experts en, 10, 12 Jefferson, P.G., 139 (Alta.), 156-160 research specialization/specialiteen recherches, Jenkins, KJ., 81 Laferriere, J., 15 54, 73, 164 Jensen, B.G., 173 Laflamme, L.E, 9

Index 1993-1994 181 Lafond, G.P., 140 Levesque, A, 42 Manyberries Substation/Sous-station Lafond, J., 43 Leyshon, AJ., 116 (Lethbridge), 148, 151 Lafontaine, J.D., 91 Li, IS.C, 164 Marchand, L., 15 Lafreniere, C, 49 Lidster, P.D., 115 Marcotte, M., 60 Laing, CD., 15 Lievers, KW, 14 Marek's disease/maladie de, 84, 87 Lait/produits laitiers Lilies, 124 Marks, CE, 21, 64 donnees assorties, 60-61, 85-96 Lin, 124-125 Marriage, p.B., 91 reseau national sur, 11 Lin, CS., 80 Marshall, WH., 144 specialite en recherches, 59 Lin, CY., 81 Martel, 0., 54 transfert de la technologie, 11 Lin, WC, 169 Martel, W.A., 21 Laitue,33 Lindquist, B.E., 91 Martel, Y.A, 1 Lalande, R., 42 Lindwall, C.W, 145 Martens, J.W, 9 Lamarche, E, 60 LingonberrylLingonnes, 22, 23 Martin, P.,92 Lamarre, M., 55 Linuron,55,56 Martin, RA, 25 Lambs-see Sheep Liptay, A, 73 Martin, RR., 173 Lamb, RJ., 117 Lis, 125 Masner, L., 92 Lamontagne, L., 93 Liu, IP., 161 Mason, P.G., 131 Landry, B., 54 Loeppky, H.A., 132 Masse, D.I., 82 Landry, J.E, 91 London-see Pest Management Research Mathur, S.P.,94 Lane, WD., 164 Centre/voir Centre de recherches sur la lutte Matsumoto, I, 173 Lapierre, H., 48 antiparasitaire Matte, J.1., 48 Lapsley, KG., 80 Loon Lake Research Farm/Ferme de recherches May, KW, 145 Lareau, M.J., 54 (Melfort), 134, 136 Mazza, G., 164 Larney, EJ., 145 Looney, N.E., 164 McBeath, D.K, 21, 37 Laroche, A, 145 Lorion, J., 15 McCaig, IN., 139 LaRocque, L., 13 Lotier cornicule, 33 McCartney, D.H., 132 Lashburn Research Farm/Ferme de recherches Luciuk, R.W, 139 McCaughey, WP., 127 (Melfort), 134, 136 Luffman, M., 65 McClelland, L.A, 145 Lathyrus, research specialization/specialite en Lukow, O.M., 116. McConkey, B.G., 139 recherches, 123, 124 Lund, CI, 144 McElgunn, J.D., 115, 161 Latin American Maize Project (LAMP), 96 Lutte antiparasitaire McElroy, AR, 110 Laurendeau, L., 59 agents microbiens, 23 McGarvey, B.D., 65 Lavaltrie, Fenne de recherches/Research Farm et arbres fruitiers, 34 McGinn, S.M., 145 (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu), 55, 56 lutte biologique, 173 McGinnis, D.S., 156 Lawrence, RA, 31 programmes biologiques, 100 McGregor, D.I., 131 Layne, RE.C, 73, 74-75, 76 specialite en recherches, 64-65 McGregor, E.E., 14 Lazarovits, G., 64 strategie nationale sur, 11 McGuffin, WC., 92 LeBlanc, D.I., 31 -voir aussi Malherbologie McKay, RM., 127 LeBlanc, J., 14 Luzerne McKellar, R.C, 80 LeBlanc, P.Y.,38 donnees assorties, 150 McKelvey, B.J., 80 Lee, AJ., 81 evaluation de, 112 McKenzie, D.B., 22 Lee, B., 59 genes d'endurcissement au froid de la, 43 McKenzie, J.S., 109 Lees, G.L., 131 humidite dans Ie sol et survie des semis, 141 McKenzie, R.I.H., 116 Lefol, E.B., 131 nouveau cultivar, 39, 129, 135 McKnight, Hon. William H., 16, 18 Lefran<;;ois,M., 81 pourriture hivernale du collet, 135 McLaughlin, N.B., 94 Leger, D.A, 80 proteines degradees dans Ie silo, 86 McLeod, CD., 37 Legere, A, 42 et sols salins, 149 McLeod, D.G.R., 64 Legge, WG., 127 Luzerne, Verticillium albo-atrum chez, 43 McLeod, J.G., 139 Leggett, EL., 144 Lynch, D.R, 145 McMenamin, H., 144 Legumes, specialite en recherches, 31, 37 Lynn, C.B., 132 McMillan, E.K, 15 genetique et physiologie, specialite en Lysyk,T.J., 145 McMullan, P.M., 127 McMullin, RW, 144 recherches, 54 M maladies et entomologie, specialite en McNeil, R., 15 recherches, 22, 65 Ma, C.-Y., 81 McQueen, R.E., 37 regie des cultures, specialite en recherches, 73 MacDonald, KB., 93 McRae, KB., 31 -voir aussi les legumes individuellement MacKenzie, KB., 31 Mears, G.1., 145 Legumes, research specialization, 42 MacLeod, J.A, 25 Meat and meat processing, research -see also Forage; individual legumes Madhosingh, C, 64 specialization, 59, 156 Legumineuses a graines, specialite en Mahahevan, S., 81 -see individual animals recherches, 144 Mains, W.H., 144 Meheriuk, M., 164 Leisle, D., 116 Mais Meloche, E, 110 Lemieux, C., 42 grain precoce, 129 Menthe poivree, 68 Lendrum, CWB., 139 infection par Fusarium et production de Menzies, D.R, 21, 73 Lennoxville-voir Centre de recherche et de mycotoxines,111 Menzies, J.G., 169 developpement sur Ie bovin laitier et Ie pertes d'herbicides et de nitrates, 75 Mercer, D., 9 porc/see Dairy and Swine Research and specialite en recherches, 109, 127 Messier, R, 54 Development Centre a Terre-Neuve, 24 Methyl bromide, 10 Mais sucre, 44, 55, 171 LepidopteralLepidopteres, 91 Michalayna, W, 93 Leptosphaeria maculans, 134, 135, 174 Majak, W, 146 Michaud, R, 42 LeSage, L., 91 Major, D.J., 145 Michaud (Fredericton)-see/voir 39, 40 Lessard, M., 81 Makowski, RM.D., 132 Michelutti, R., 73 Lethbridge Research Centre/Centre de Malherbologie, specialite'en recherches, 31, 42, Microbiologie recherches (Alta.), 144-155 73,131,140 des aliments, specialite en recherches, 31, 59, Lettuce, 32 Malhi, S.S., 156 80, 156 Leucose aviaire, 87 Malyk, M., 116 du rumen, specialite en recherches, 37 Levesque, CA, 173 Manure, 26, 51, 85, 170

182 Index 1993-1994 specialite en recherches, 64-65 research specialization/specialite en Oomah, B.D., 123 du sols, specialite en recherches, 42, 139 recherches, 80 Orge Microbiology risk levels for stored grains, 118 l'ensilage de, 50, 158 maladies de, 43, 119, 162 food, research specialization, 31, 59, 80, 156 N research specialization, 64 nouveaux cultivars, 27, 44, 111, 129, 158-159 Nadeau, P., 42 rumen, research specialization, 37 pietin commun de, 130 Nadeau, T., 42 soil research specialization, 42, 139 r6tie, 33, 39 Nappan Research Farm/Ferme de recherches Micr~computerized management information specialite en recherches, 25, 109, 127, 145 (Kentville,), 32, 33, 35 processing systems (MMIPS), 17 Ormiston, J., 132 Narasimhalu, P.R, 25 Miki, B.L., 109 Ornamental Gardens (Central Experimental Nass, H.G., 25 Milburn, P.H., 37 Farm),111 National Identification Service, 96, 98 Mildew, control of, 165, 171 Ornamentals National Mycological Herbariam, 92, 98 Milk/milk products, assorted studies, 62-63, pest control in, 66 National Research Council of Canada, joint 82-83 assorted studies, 33, 67, 124 agreement with, 10 national network, 10 research specialization, 31, 64-65,123 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research research specialization, 59 Orr, WM.S., 109 Council (NSERC), 10, 17 technology transfer, 10 Otis, T., 54 Nazarowec-White, M., 80 Miller, J.D., 109 Ouellet, D., 49 Neilsen, G.H., 164 Miller, J.1., 145 Ouellet, D.R, 48 Neish, GA, 144 Miller, S.S., 81 Ouellet, T., 109 Nelson, D.L., 161 Millette, JA, 94 Ovins Nelson, S., 94 Mills, J.T., 117 classement des carcasses d'agneaux, 158 Nematodes/Nematodes Mills, P.E, 161 donnees sur I'alimentation, 43, 50 control through crop rotation, 56 Milne, J.M., 1 modele informatique, 151 entomopathogenic/entomopathogene, 66-67, Miner, J.R, 31 morphologie de I'uterus, 50 Mir, P.S., 145 69 specialite en recherches, 49, 145 regie integree des rotations des cultures, 55 Mir, Z., 145 Owen, C.W, 75, 76 research specialization/specialite en Misener, G.C., 37 recherches, 25,54,65,92, 173 P Mites, 66, 95, 173 Networks, national coordination, 10 Pachagounder, P., 117 Modler, H.W, 80 Neurochemistry/Neurochimie, research Packaging (food), 62, 124, 166 Molnar, J.M., 115, 169 specialization/specialite en recherches, 64 research specialization, 60 Molnar, S.J., 109 Neve, D., 169 Padbury, G., 94 Monreal, c., 94 Newberry, RC., 169 Page, R, 13 Moon, D.E., 94 Newell, A, 161 Pageau, D., 43 Morand, J.B., 73 Palmer, RG., 123 Morden Research Centre/Centre de recherches Nickerson, N.L., 31 Pandeya, R, 110 (Man.), 11, 123-126 Nielsen, B.K., 14 Nimmo, G., 13 Panneton, B., 54 Morgan Jones, S.D., 156 Pantekoek, J.ECA, 115, 156 Morin, A, 59 Noisetiers, 171 Nolin, M.C., 94 Papadopoulos, AP., 73, 74, 75 Morin, L., 132 Noll, J.S., 116 Papadopoulos, Y.A, 32 Morris, G.E, 13 Normandin (Sainte-Foy)-see/voir 44, 45 Paquet, AM., 80 Morris, RE, 22 Parchomchuk, P., 164 Morrison, B.A, 15 Northover, J., 65 NSERC-see Natural Sciences and Engineering Parent, M., 144 Morrison, M.J., 110 Research Council of Canada Park, S.l., 73 Morrissey, J.B., 1 Parker, G.E., 139 Mortenson, K., 132 Nutrition, 83, 86 Parmelee, l.A, 92 Moulin, AP., 132 Nutrition, research specialization/specialite en Passey, 59 Moutarde, 125, 130, 135 recherches, 81 c., Pastures, research specialization, 131-132, 139 Moutons-voir Ovins o Patni, N.K., 82 Moyer, J.R., 144 O'Hara, J.E., 92 Paton, D., 131 Moyls, AL., 164 O'Sullivan, PA, 115, 139 Patterson, G.T., 93 Muendel, H.-H., 145 Oats Pattey, E., 94 Muir, AD., 131 diseases, 110, 117 Patures, specialite en recherches, 131-132, 139 Mulligan, GA, 92 high-yield cultivar, 45 Mullin, W.1.,81 Paul, J.W., 169 soluble fibre and blood cholesterol, 83 Peaches, 74 Mulock, B., 64 B-glucan, 83, 133 Pears, 32, 74, 165 Munroe, E.G., 92 research specialization, 25, 110, 116 Munroe, J.A, 82 Peas wild, 74 field, 124, 140, 162 Murphy, AM., 37 Oeufs, 33, 85 processing improvements, 56 Murray, AC., 156 Ogilvie, I.S., 55 Mushrooms, pest control and disease, 67 research specialization, 123 Oignons, 55, 69 sclerotinia pod rot, 147 Mustards, 124, 128, 134 Oilseeds/Oleagineaux, 118, 119 Mutuura, A, 92 Peches,76 research specialization/specialite en Pedologie-voir Sols Mycology/Mycologie recherches, 131 assorted studies/donnees assorties, 95, 99-100 Pelletier, G., 48 -see also Canola; FlaX;Sunflower/voir aussi Pelletier, Y., 37 research specialization/specialite en Canola; Lin; Tournesol recherches, 31, 64-65,92, 173 Pellicules d'emballage, 125, 167 Olfert, 0.0., 131 Pendimethaline, 55, 56 -see also Mushrooms/voir aussi Champignons Oliver, DR, 92 Mycorrhizae/Mycorhize, research Penicillium, 96,118, 119-120 Olson, B.M., 145 Penner, G.A, 116 specialization/specialite en recherches, 64 Olthof, Th.HA, 65 Mycotheque canadienne, 102 Penney, B.G., 22 Onagre,68 Peppermint, 66 Mycotoxin(e)s Onefour Substation/SollS-station (Lethbridge), assorted studies/donnees assorties, 80, 85 Peppers, sweet, 74, 170 146, 148, 151 Perrin, P.W, 9 dans les cereales entreposees, 119-120 Onions, 56, 66-67 Fusarium production/production, 96, 99

Index 1993-1994 183 Pesant, A.R, 48 fibres alimentaires dans, 86 Raspberries, 32-33, 170, 173 Pest management, 66-68 fletrissure verticillienne , 28, 43 Raworth, D.A., 173 biological control, 96 maladies des, 144, 174-175 Reaney, M.T.J., 131 data base on, 16 specialite en recherches, 22, 25, 37 Reaney, R.B., 144 fruits, 22, 32, 165 -voir aussi Doryphore de la pomme de terre Redhead, SA, 92 integrated, research specialization, 22 Pommier, S.A., 48 Reeleder, RD., 65 national strategy, 10 Pore Rees, H.W, 94 research specialization, 64-65, 94, 173 code de pratiques pour les pores, 12 Reid, HA, 127 -see also/voir aussi Herbicides donnees assorties, 49-50, 87-88, 129 Reid, L., 109 Pest Management Research Centre 3-nitro dans la chair, 85 Reimer, M.P., 123 (London, Ont.), 64-72 specialite en recherches, 48, 127, 156 Relations internationales, 11-12, 19 Pest Management Research in Canada, 16 viande,60 Research Branch Business Plan, 16 Pesticides, research specialization/specialite en Pork/swine, Research Coordination Directorate, 9-12 recherches, 54, 64,94 assorted studies, 50-51, 84-85, 128 Reseaux nationaux, 11 Petit, H.Y., 49 code of practice for swine, 10 Ressources phytogenetiques du Canada Petitclerc, D., 48 meat and sausage, 62 (RPGC), 92, 100, 102 Petrie, GA, 131 3-nitro levels in tissues, 83 Rex, B.L., 123 Pettapiece, WW, 93 research specialization, 48, 127, 156 Reyes, A.A., 65 Pheromones, 32, 34, 66, 69 Portage la Prairie Research Farm/Ferme de Reynolds, A.G., 164 Phillips, PA, 82 recherches (Morden), 124, 125 Reynolds, L.B., 65 Phytopathologie Poste-Flynn, L.M., 81 Reynolds, WD., 94 Congres international de, 12 Potatoes Rhizobium. specialite en recherches, 54, 64-65, 73, 131, 173 assorted studies, 22-23, 26, 38, 124, 147 and chickling vetch and feedpea, 140 Picman, A.K, 109 research specialization, 37, 145 inoculation of clover seed with, 147 Pietrzak, L., 110 dietary fibre in, 83 meilioti, 110-111, 112, 162 Piette, G., 59 verticillium in, 26, 44 research specialization, 109 Pin gris, 125 viral diseases of, 174 Rhizobium Piracha, Z., 15 -see also Colorado potato beetle meilioti, 112, 162 Pitt, H., 14 Potter, J.W, 65 pre-inoculation de semis de trefles, 150 Plan d'entreprise de la Direction generale de la Poultry, 32, 82-84, 169 specialite en recherches, 109 recherche, 18 -see also Eggs symbiose avec la gesse cultivee et Ie pois Plan vert, 11-12 Poushinsky, G., 64 fourrager, 141-142 Plant disease, data base on, 16 Poysa, Y.W, 73 Rice, WA., 161 Plant Gene Resources of Canada (PGRC), 92, Prairie Pooks Inc., 10, 12 Richard, c., 42 96,98 Prange, RK, 31 Richards, J.E., 37 Plant pathology Pree, D.J., 65 Richards, KW, 145 International Conference on, 10 Prelusky, D.B., 80 Richer-Leclerc, C., 55 research specialization, 54, 64-65, 73, 131, 173 Prevost, D., 42 Ricketson, c.L., 32, 33-34 Plant Research Centre (Central Experimental Prive, J.-P., 38 Rioux, R, 49 Farm), 109-114 Procunier, J.D., 116 Robert, L., 109 Plantes ornementales Programme d'aide a la recherche industrielle Robert, S., 48 donnees assorties, 34, 69, 125 (PARI), 11-12 Robertson, J.A., 115, 127 specialite en recherches, 31, 64-65, 123 Programme Francophonie (ACCT), 60 Robichon-Hunt, L.M., 81 Plants Propriete intellectuelle, 19 Robinson, J.A., 32 genetic resources, 67, 92 Proudfoot, KG., 22 Robinson, KJ., 156 molecular biology and biochemistry, research Proulx, J.G., 49 Robinson, P.H., 37 specialization, 109-110 Proulx, M., 38 Robitaille, GA, 109 physiology, research specialization, 156 Pseudomonasspp., 74, 165,167 Rochette, P., 94 -see also Cereals; Forages; individual plants Publication electronique, 18 Rochon, D.M., 173 Plasmopara halstedii, 124, 125 Publications program/programme de, 16, 20 Rodd, A.Y., 32 Platt, H.W, 25 Publitech technical bulletinslbulletins techniques, Rode, L.M., 145 Plett, S., 127 60,61 Rodrique, N., 59 Poires/poiriers, 34, 76, 167 Pucerons Ronald, WP., 173 Poirvons, 75, 171 guide sur les genres, 98 Ronning Mains, C.M., 144 Pois russe du ble, 149 Rosa, N., 65 comme culture semenciere, 163 specialite en recherches, 173 Roses/rosiers, 56 pourriture sclerotique, 150 Pulses, research specialization, 144 Ross, A.G., 146 sees/de grande culture, 123, 125, 141-142 Pythium spp., 96, 147, 150 Ross, G.J., 94 specialite en recherches, 123 Q Rostad, H.P.W, 93 transformation amelioree, 55 Rotter, B.A., 80 Quackgrass, longevity of buds, 44, 51,140, Polygonum spp., 95, 99 Rousseau, N., 15 157-158 Pomar, C., 48 Rousselle, G.I., 21 Quamme, H.A., 164 Pomeroy, M.K, 109 Roy, D., 59 Quick, B.N., 161 Pommes/pommiers Roy, G.L., 49 Quinton, D.A., 146 donnees assorties, 34, 167-168 Roy, P.,59 entreposage de, 34, 167 R Roy, RC., 65 jus de pommes, 167 Radishes/Radis, 26, 28 Royds, W, 94 lutte antiparasitaire, 68-69 Raisins, 34, 69, 167 Rudnitski, S.M., 15 Mutsu,76 -voir aussi Vignes/vignobles Rumen/ruminants, nutrients, 166 Rakow, G.F.W, 131 assorted studies, 83-84 specialite en recherches, 31, 73, 164 Ramsay, S., 127 digestion studies, 38, 148 tavelure des, 34, 56 Raney, J.P., 132 luteinizing-hormone levels, 32 tache vesiculeuse des, 76 Range management, research specialization, 146 research specialization, 37, 81, 145 Pommes de terre Rape-see Canol a Rumen/ruminants carapace de crabe et la tumeur verruqueuse, 23 Rashid, KY., 123 donnees de recherches alimentaires, 39, 151 donnees assorties, 24, 28, 39,125,149-150

184 Index 1993-1994 donnees assorties, 86-87 Selles, E, 139 Soja specialite en recherches, 37, 81, 145 Senator Herve J. Michaud Research Farm comme fourrage dans la region de l'Atiantique, taux d'hormone lut6inisante, 33 (Fredericton, N.B.), 38 27 Russell, L.E, 81 Serres, specialite en recherches, 73, 169 dans Ies laits de remplacement pour les veaux, Russian wheat aphid, 147 Service national d'identification, 100, 102 171 Rusts, cereal, assorted studies, 117 Services administratifs et financiers, 17 graines entieres cuites dans l'alimentation du Rutabaga, 23, 24 Services d'information et de planification, 17 betail,l11 research specialization/specialite en Severn, A., 14 methodes culturales, 68 recherches, 22 Sharkey, M.J., 92 peroxidase du tegument, 70 Rye, 74, 140 Sheep et production de lait chez les bovins laitiers, 39 S computer model, 148 proteines protegees dans Ie tourteau,.86 diet studies, 44, 51 en regime alimentaire pour bovins de Sabour, M.P., 82 lamb carcass grading, 157 boucherie, 27 Sabourin, H., 22 research specialization, 49,145 specialite en recherches, 73, 109 Sadasivaiah, RS., 145 uterus morphology, 51 Sols Safflower/safran, research Sheep Research Farm (Lennoxville, Que.), 48 chimie et fertilite, specialite en recherches, 42, specialization/specialite en recherches, 145 Sheffield Research Farm/Ferme de recherches 64-65,139 Saindon, G., 144 (Kentville), 33, 34 coordination de la recherche, 9 Sainfoin, 44, 45, 83, 86 Sherman, S., 91 cultures, 27, 68, 100, 162 Saint-David-de-I'Auberiviere, Ferme de Shewell, G.E., 92 donnees assorties, 27, 44, 1OG-101,149 recherches/Research Farm Shields, J., 93 ecologie des, specialite en recherches, 145 (Sainte-Foy), 44, 45 Shipp, J.L., 73 engrais verts, 129-130, 141-142 Saint-Gelais, D., 59 Shoemaker, RA, 93 evaluation et inventaire, specialite en Saint-Hyacinthe-voir Centre de recherche et de Sholberg, P.L., 164 recherches, 93 developpement sur les aliments/see Food Shrestha, J.N.B., 82 faune terricole, 68 Research and Development Centre Siebens Drake Research Institute (London), 68 gestion des, specialite en recherches, 127, 157 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu-voir Centre de Silage, 44, 51, 83 gestion des terres viables, 101 recherche et de developpement en -see also Forage hydrologie des, specialite en recherches, 37 horticulture/see Horticulture Research and Simard, R, 42 inventaire national, 92, 10G-101 Development Centre Simmonds, D., 109 St-Pierre, J.e., 1, 79 jacheres dans les zones de sols noir et gris, 129 Simmonds, J.A, 109 et lutte contre les nematodes, 55 St-Yves, A, 21, 42 Simons, RG., 127 physico-chimie, specialite en recherches, 64 Sainte-Clotilde, Ferme de recherches/Research Sinapsis spp., 95, 99, 134, 135 pietinement par les bovins, 34 Farm (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu), 55, 56 Singh, J., 109 pratiques culturales et conservation, specialite Sainte-Foy-voir Centre de recherche et de Singh, R.P., 37 en recherches, 93-94 developpement sur Ies sols et les gran des Singh, S., 94 cultures/see Soils and Crops Research and regie des paturages, specialite en recherches, Sinha, R.C., 109, 110 Development Centre 131 Small, E., 92 salinite des, specialite en recherches, 139 Salmonella spp., 82, 85, 157, 158 Smetana, A, 91 Sanderson, J.B., 25 salins, 142, 149 SmirIe, M.J., 164 Sanfacon, H., 173 solonetziques, 158 , Smith, AE., 132 Sanford, KA, 31 -voir aussi Drainage des terres; Erosion des Smith, CAS., 93 Sarrasin, specialite en recherches, 123 sols Smith, E.G., 145 Saskatoon Conference on Competitiveness, 16 Somatotrophin(e), 49, 50 Smith, I.M., 91 Saskatoon Research Centre/Centre de Sonntag, B.H., 115, 144, 146, 149 Smith, RE., 93 recherches (Sask.), 131-138 Soon, Y.K., 161 Smith, RE, 31 Sather, AP., 156 Soroka, J.J., 131 Smith,T.M.,31 Saucier, L., 80 Soybean Smithfield Experimental Farm/Ferme Saucisses, 60 seed coat peroxidase, 67 experimentale (Trenton), 98 Sauer, ED., 81 and milk production in dairy cattle, 38 Sobel, A, 15 Sausage, 62 as beef finishing feed, 26 Soil management, research specialization, 65, Sauterelles, 135 cropping systems, 66 127, 156 Savage, D., 48 in milk replacers for calves, 169 Soils Savard, M.E., 109 protected protein in meal, 83 aggregate stability, 26 Savoie, P.,42 research specialization, 73, 110 Scantland, E, 15 assorted studies, 26-27, 45, 96-97,146-147 whole-cooked for feeding, 110 cattle compaction, 33 Schaber, B.D., 145 Speers, L.I., 91 Schaefer, AL., 156 chemistry, research specialization, 42, 64, 139 Spurr, D.T., 132 Schmid, DA, 13 drainage, research specialization, 22 Squash, 33 ecology, research specialization, 145 Schmidt, AC., 92 St. John's Research Centre/Centre de recherches faunal studies, 66 Schneider, E.E, 109 (Nfld.), 22-24 Schnitzer, M., 94 green manure for Brown zones, 128, 140 Stack Boyd, D.L., 169 Schut, P., 93 hydrology and engineering, research Stanfield, B., 25 Schwartz, M., 92 specialization, 37 Staphylococcus aureus, 157, 158 inventory and classification, 93, 96-97 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, 147, 150 Stark, R, 31 nemotode control in, 56 Scott Research Farm/Ferme de recherches Starratt, AN., 64 research coordination, 9 (Saskatoon), 133,134, 136 Stavely Substation/Sous-station (Lethbridge), research specialization, 42, 93 Scott, T.A, 169 148, 151 salinity, 141, Seabrook, J.E.A, 37 Steele, RW, 64 Solonetzic, 157 Seaman, WK, 109 Steinemema carpocapsae, 66, 69 SECAN, 10, 12 summerfallows for Black and Grey zones, 128 Steinememafeltiae, 67, 69 sustainable practice, research specialization, Seed genebank (Ottawa), 96, 98 Steppuhn, H., 139 93-94 Seguin-Swartz, G., 132 Stevens, v.I., 80 Seifert, KA, 92 tillage studies, 26, 66, 162 Stevenson, AB., 65 -see also Drainage; Erosion Seigle, 75,141 Stevenson, D., 14 Selby, e.J., 94 Soils and Crops Research and Development Stevenson, H.M., 22 Centre (Sainte-Foy, Que.), 42-47 Selenium/selenium, 26, 28 Stevia, 66, 68

Index 1993-1994 185 Steward, M.F., 31 Ticks, 95 Vegreville Research FarmlFerme de recherches, Stewart, D.W, 94 Timbers, G.E., 9 157, 158, 159 Stewart, J.G., 25 Tiques,98 Veira, D.M., 81 Stobbs, L.W, 65 Tobacco, 67 Veldhuis, H., 93 Stonehouse, H.B., 93 Toivonen, P.M., 169 Vergers, regie des, specialite en recherches, 73 Storage, Technologies, and Food Packaging Tolman, AD., 64 Verma, P.R, 132 Symposium, 62 Tolypocladium, 96 Veron, RS., 173 Stout, D.G., 146 Tomates, 69-70, 75, 171, 175 Vers de terre, 68 Strategies and Planning Directorate, 13-20 Tomatoes, 66-67, 74, 171, 175 Vers-gris, 149 Strawberries, 32, 33, 56, 173 Tomlin, AD., 64 Verticillium spp., 26, 43, 44, 67, 70, 147 Stringam, G.R, 161 Tong, AKW, 156 Vetch, chickling, as green manure, 140 Struble, D.L., 115, 173 Topinambours, 24, 85 Vezina, L.-P., 42 Study Data Base (SDT) Topp, E., 94 Viandes, specialite en recherches, 59, 156 Stumborg, M., 9 Topp, G.C., 94 -voir les animaux individuellement Stumborg, M.A, 139 Toupin, c., 59 Vigneault, c., 54 Sudom, M.D., 21, 22 Tourigny, G., 54 Vignes/vignobles Summerland Research Centre/Centre de Tournesol, 125 donnees assorties, 167-168 recherches (B.C.), 66, 164-168 Tower, G.A, 139 specialite en recherches, 164 Sunflowers, 124 Townley-Smith, L., 132 -voir aussi Raisins Surprenant, K, 42 Townley-Smith, TF., 116 Vincent, c., 54 Swift Current Research Centre/Centre de Toxicology/toxicology, research Vineland (London)-see/voir 64-65, 68, 70 recherches (Sask.), 10, 11, 139-143 specialization/specialite en recherches, 54, Vinet, C.M., 48 Sylvestre-Drouin, J., 14 65, 80-81, 116 Violette, D., 13 Systeme canadien d'information sur les sols Transfert de technologie, specialite en VirologyNirologie, research (SISCan),100 recherches, 59, 60 specialization/specialite en recherches, 37, Systeme d'information de la gestion sur Traquair, J.A, 64 65,173 micro-ordinateur (SIGMO), 19 Tree fruits, 165, 166 Vitamin(e) A, 84, 87 Systeme d'information sur les relations pest control studies, 66 Vitamin(e) E, 84, 87 internationales (SIRI), 19 research specialization, 31, 73, 164 Vockeroth, J.R, 93 Systeme d'information sur les ressources -see also individual fruits Volailles, 33, 85-87, 169, 171 phytogenetiques agricoles du Canada Trefle blanc, 24, 33 -voir aussi Oeufs (SIRPGAC), 100 Treflerouge,27,162 Voldeng, H.D., 109 Szabo, TI., 161 Trefoil, bird's foot, 32 Volkmar, KM., 145 Szeto, S.Y.S., 173 Tremblay, G., 43 Vrain, TC., 173 Tremblay, N., 54 T W Trenholm, HJ., 80 Tabac,70 Trimble, R.M., 65 Waddington, J., 139 Tai, G.c.c., 37 Triticale, 140, 141 Walker, B.D., 93 Tajek, J., 93 Triticum spp., 95,99,117,118 Wall, D.A., 123 Tan, C.S., 74 Trottier, R, 9 Wall, G.J., 94 Tanguay, J.-L., 94 Tryptophan(e),83,86 Wang, c., 93 Tarn, TR., 37 Warkentin, TD., 123 Tsang, c.P.W, 82 Tarnava, M.M., 144 Warner, J., 65 Tu, C.M., 64 Tarnocai, c., 93 Tu, J.C., 73 Warwick, SJ., 92 Taylor, J.S., 156 Wasps, parasitic, 95 Tumeur du collet, 69 Taylor, WG., 145 Water quality, 51, 97-98 Turkeys, 171 TCIN (chlorothalonil), 38, 39 research coordination, 9 Teather, RM., 81 U Watson, P., 164 Techno series/serie, 60, 61 Underwood, RE., 132 Watson, RG., 109 Technologie et qualite en agro-alimentaire Upton Research FarmlFerme de recherches Wauthy, J.-M., 43. (colloque),60 (Charlottetown), 27, 28 Weary, D., 82 Technologies Utkhede, RS., 164 Weaver, G.M, 1, 9 commercialisation de, 19 Weaver, S.E., 74 V gestion des, 19 Webb, K, 93 Vaage, AS., 132 reinvestissement dans, 18 Webster, D.H., 31 van Ryswik, AL., 146 transfert de, 11, 12 Weed science, research specialization, 31, 42, 54, van Vliet, L.J.P., 94 . transfert de, specialite en recherches, 59, 61 64,73, 131, 144 van Wesenbeeck, 1.1., 74 Technology Welacky, TW, 73 Van Calsteren, M.-R, 59 commercialization of, 16 Westcott, N.D., 131 Van Camp, J., 13 management of, 16 Western Beef Network, 9 Van Die, P., 14 reinvestment in, 16 Wheat Van Lunen, TA, 32 transfer, 9-10 assorted studies, 45,110,117-118,147 Vancouver Research Centre/Centre de transfer, research specialization, 59, 61 CERES growth model, 141 recherches (B.c.), 173-176 Teich, AB., 73, 75, 76 in broiler chicken diets, 169 Vardanis, A, 64 Tekauz, A, 116 Laura, 161 Vascular Plant Herbarium, 98 Templeton, v., 80 leaf diseases, 133 Vauxhall Substation/Sous-station (Lethbridge), Tetranyque a deux points, 174 research specialization, 25, 116, 139, 145 148, 151 Theilmann, D.A, 173 resistance to wheatstem sawfly, 140 Vegetables Therrien, M.C., 127 wild oat control in, 74 genetics and physiology, research Thistlewood, H.M.A, 65 yield loss and weed communities, 134 specialization, 54 Thomas, AG., 132 Wheatcroft, RGJ., 109 management, research specialization, 73 Thomas, J.B., 145 Whelan Experimental FarmlFerme de pests and diseases, research specialization, 22, Thomas, P.L., 116 recherches (Harrow), 75, 76 65 Thompson, B.K., 80 Whistlecraft, J., 64 research specialization, 31, 38 Thrips, 55, 56, 66, 69, 74, 75 White, N.D.G., 117 -see also individual vegetables Thunder Bay (Lennoxville)-see/voir 50,51

186 Index 1993-1994 l

White, R.P., 25 Whitfield, G.H., 65 Wiersma, 1'., 164 Wild, J., 164 Wilder, WD., 31 Wildrye, as forage, 140 Willemot, C, 60 Willis, CB., 21, 25 Willms, WD., 145 Wilton, K.E., 139 Winkleman, G.E., 139 Winnipeg Research Centre/Centre de recherches (Man.), 118-122 Wires, K., 94 Wise, I., 117 Wise, R.E, 132 Wolf, T.M., 132 Wolfe, R.I., 156 Wood, D.M., 93 Wood, PJ., 81 Woodrow, E.E, 93 Woodrow, L., 74 Woods, D.L., 161 Woods, S.M., 116 Working Group on Environmental Indicators, 9 Wrigglesworth, WA., 15 Wright, A.T., 132 Wright, S.B.M., 132 X,Y,Z Yanke, L.J., 145 Yarrows, 56 Yassa, E, 14 Yee, J., 65 Yiu, S.H., 81 Yoshimoto, C.M., 93 Young, J.C., 109 Young, R.M., 132 Yu, D.S.-K., 145 Zarkadas, C, 59, 110 Zawalsky, M., 93 Zebarth, B.J., 169 Zentner, R.I'., 139 Zilkey, B.E, 65 Zizka, J., 42

Index 1993-1994 187

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