


1. The account of Alexander Zinoviev's life which is offered in this chapter is based on two autobiographies and the volume of memoirs which he has already published (Zinoviev, 1978a:l-11, 1987b:38-43; 1989:323-39; 1990a). Further material has been provided by friends and relatives whom I have been able to interview, and supplemented by observations arising out of my own meetings with the writer. I have also drawn on material in various interviews that Zinoviev has given since his arrival in the West, notably the extended interview wh ich forms the basis of his book Ich bin für mich selbst ein Staat (Zinoviev, 1987b), edited by Adalbert and Renee Reif. 2. I. Virabov, 'Syn "antisovetchika" v tylu perestroiki', 'skaia pravda (9 April 1991) 2. 3. Academician Kapitsa was a notable exception. He apparently sent the Zinovievs money quite openly. (See 'An Autobiography', p.20). 4. 'Na anketu IL otvechaiut pisateli russkogo zarubezh'ia', Inostrannaia literatura, 2 (1989) 250; A.A. Zinoviev, '0 sebe', ibid., 249. 5. Moskovskie novosti, 33 (August 1989) 16; Gorizont, 12 (1989) 47-63. 6. France 3, 9 March 1990. 7. Pravda (6June 1990) 8. 8. A.A. Zinoviev, 'la ostaius' russkim pisatelern', Pravda (9 September 1990). 9. Moskovskii literator (15 June 1990) 4-5. 10. Komsomol'skaiapravda (8July 1990) 4. 11. Izve.diia (1 July 1990) 4. 12. Komsomol'skaia pravda (15 September 1990) 2-3, reprinted (in abridged form) in Golos rodiny, 38 (September 1990) 6-7. This article attracted responses, also published in Komsomol'skaia pravda, from M.A. Zakharov (20 September 1990), G. Borovik (30 Sep­ tember 1990) and O. Kuchkina (5 March 1991). 13. 'Moi dom - moia chuzhbina', Sovetskaia literatura, 11 (1990, pp. 3-34; Sovetskaia literatura, 12 (1990) 25-57. 14. 'Idi na Golgofu', Smena, (1991) 14-58; Smena, 2 (1991) 82-124; Smena, 3 (1991) 68-135. 15. Zhurnalist, l (1991) 32-9. 16. I. Pantin, 'Put' k sebe', Zhurnalist, 2 (1991) 32-5. 17. See, for example, the biting article by V. Bushin, 'Esli by ia mog .. .', Na boevom postu, Azhednevnaia gazeta ordena Lenina Zabaikal'skogo voennogo okruga (8 July 1990), in which the poet Evtushenko and the editor of Ogonek Vitalii Korotich are unfavourably compared with

248 Notes to Chapters 2 and 3 249

Zinoviev. For an example of a more moderate, 'liberal' inter­ pretation of Zinoviev, see B. Griaznevich, 'Sovetskii soiuz glazami Aleksandra Zinov'eva', Literator, 7 (September 1990) 4-5.


1. See, for example, V preddverti raia, p. 246, Moi dom - moia chuzhbina, p. 18, Evangelie dlia Ivana, p. 98. 2. Allegra . 3. Note also Natalia Rubinshteyn 's reference to Ziaiushchie vysoty as a 'work ofart without art' (Rubinshteyn, 1977:147). 4. Quoted in Moskovich (1988:91). 5. Wolf Moskovich's analysis of Zinoviev's language (Moskovich, 1988:89-104) is perhaps the most useful account to date, and the discussion in the main text makes use of some of his data. 6. 1 am aware, of course, that 'bedro' and 'rebro' mean, respectively, 'hip' and 'rib'. 1 think, however, that the confusion of 'crotch' and 'crux' makes Zinoviev's point more successfully and 1 used these in my translation of Zheltyi dom. See The Madhouse, p. 11. 7. There are only eight sentences in the English version, since the English sentence 7 corresponds to the Russian sentences 7 and 8. 8. Zheltyi doml:214-15, 216, 218-19, 222-3, 228-30, 244, 247, 249, 252, 262,264-5,269-71,272,279-80,282,286-7,289. 9. ZheLtyi dom 1:317-18,318,319-20,321,323,325,325-6,326,329, 333-4, 336-7; Zheltyi dom 11: 207, 213-15, 219-21, 227-8, 231-2, 238-40,246-7,256-8,264-5,269-70,292-3,297-9,325.


1. Kontinent, 10 (1976) 410. 2. Ziiaiushchie vysoty has since appeared in abridged form in the in the first three issues of the journal Oktiabr'. See Oktiabr', 1 (1991),30-97; Oktiabr', 2 (1991) 23-82; Oktiabr', 3 (1991) 59-81. 3. See Kirkwood (1987:104-8). 4. For a philosophical discussion of the 'enterprise' and other aspects ofthe work in Heidegger terms see]. Rolland, 'Ibansk ou I'epoque de la technique', Exercises de La patience, No.l/4, Spring 1982, pp. 233-54. 5. The numbers in brackets after the titles in this and subsequent notes refer to the page on which the text in question begins: 'Metodologicheskie printsipy' (9); 'ShizoJrenik' (13); 'Sotsio-mekhanika' (14); 'Nauchnye zakony' (27); 'Boltun' (30); '0 predvidenii' (33); 'SotsiaL':nye zakony' (37); 'Sotsial'noe i ofitsial'noe' (57); 'Sotsial'nyi­ individ' (68); '0 gluposti, podlosti i drugikh priznaniiakh individa' (70); 'Sotsial'noedeistvie' (81); 'Sotsial'nyegruppy' (89); 'Delogruppy i individ' (96); 'Sotsial'nye otnosheniia' (99); 'Rukovoditeli' (104). 250 Notes to Chapter 3

6. 'Zamechenia Sotsiologa' (15); 'Instruktor' (15); 'Posviashchenie' (15); 'Somneniia Mazily' (30); 'Mnenie Sotsiologa' (40); 'Otklonenie ot normy' (41); 'Evoliutsiia Sotsiologa' (58); 'Problemy vlasti' (60); 'Ob abstraktsiiindivida' (79); 'Koshmary' (115); 'Itogi' (118). 7. 'Vremia i mesto' (10); 'Nachalo' (11); '0 bespol'ze informatsii' (21); 'Doklad Sotrudnika' (33); 'Sotsiolog' (46); 'Prichina i vina' (69); 'Iuridicheskie pustiaki' (76); 'Snimu komnatu' (83); 'Posledniaia vstrecha' (111); 'Skuka' (120). 8. 'Instruktor' (15); 'Traktat 0 sud'be, svobode, istine, morali, i t.d.' (17); '0 terminologii' (17); 'Ob odnoi oshibochnoi gipoteze' (17); '0 khronologii' (18); 'Zdanie shkoly' (19); 'Sortir' (20); 'Monument vozhdia' (22); 'Ballada' (23); 'Uklonist' (24); 'Ubiitsa' (25); 'Nachalo' (44); 'Patriot' (45); 'Paniker' (46); 'Dostoinstva guby' (48); 'Nedostatki guby' (49); 'Sosluzhivets i drugie' (50); 'Literator' (50); 'Intelligent' (51); 'Dis­ kussiia 0 svobode' (54); 'Pokhishchenie "Ferdinanda" (63); 'Beseda 0 svetlom budushchem' (63); 'Razgovor ob ume' (64); 'Diskussiia 0 donosakh' (73); 'Osnovy sotsial'noi antropologii' (94); 'Nemnogo ob iskusstve' (103); '0 sud'be' (108); 'Konflikt' (112); 'Besedy 0 tainakh istorii' (114); 'Konets' (119); 'Perspektivy' (119). 9. 'j<:pitafiia zhivomu' (121); 'Iz stat'i Sekretaria' (122); 'Nekotorye osoben­ nosti ibanskoi istorii' (122); 'Pokhorony Direktora' (123); 'Perelom' (124); 'Khriak' (127); 'Prognozsbivaetsia' (149); 'Velichie' (151); 'Dlia dela' (155). 10. 'Pretendent' (134); 'Neibezhnost' oshibki' (135); 'Glavnaia oshibka' (138); 'Den' rozhdeniia Pretendenta' (144); 'Stengazeta' (153), (159); 'Stat'ia Kisa' (165); 'Vse vzaimopereputano' (173); 'Reaktsiia sobiraet silu' (175); 'Plagiat' (189); 'Oshibka naidena' (199); 'Bol'shomu korabliu, bol'shoe plavanie' (206); 'Neispol'zovannye vozmozhnosti' (218); 'KonetsPretendenta' (221). 11. 'Krysy' (133), (136), (140), (142), (144), (145), (149), (153), (155), (160), (167), (178); 'Konets krysinogo raia' (218. 12. 'Nekotorye osobennosti ibanskoi istorii ' (122); 'Vypiski jz knigi Klevetnika' (143), (147); 'Iz knigi Klevetnika' (150), (152), (156), (161), (163); 'Zametki Klevetnika' (176), (179), (183), (195); 'Konets zapisok Klevetnika' (196). 13. This question is dealt with at some length in Plaskacz (1982). 14. 'Bezdel'e - nachalo tvorchestva' (224); 'Psevdonim' (225); 'la*' (225); 'Moi khudozhnik*' (227); 'Byt*' (227); 'Byt*' (229); 'Nemnogo istorii*' (229); 'Nashi druz'ia*' (231); 'Sotsiologicheskii analiz*' (235); 'My*' (236); 'lazyk*' (240); 'Smyslovaia kompozitsiia*' (248); 'Dvoistven­ nost'*' (251); 'Potok*' (255); 'Opiat' my i oni*' (273); 'Massovoe ili elitarnoe *' (276); 'K probleme vyzhivaniia*' (278). The asterisks (present in the original text) denote texts by Chatterer speaking as an art critic. Other texts on the subject of art include the following: 'Podlinnoe iskusstvo' (243); 'Tipichnost' iskliucheniia' (251); 'Podlin­ nost' iskusstva' (252); 'lskusstvo i nauchno-tekhnicheskii progress' (271); , Trud ne propadaet, no darom' (279). 15. 'lunost" (230); 'Deti' (234); 'Zhratva' (238); 'Iazyk' (242); 'Baby' (244); 'Pedagogika' (247); 'Dobavka' (249); 'Gde spravedlivost'?' Notes to Chapters 3 and 4 251

(252); 'Pravil'noepolozheniev zhizni' (254); 'Reshenie' (258); 'Podkhod k liudiam' (272); 'Stremitel'naia ataka' (276); 'Inache nel'zia' (286). 16. 'Sekrety' (236); 'Reshenie' (237); 'Osnovy optimizma' (242); 'Sotsial'nyi strof (247); 'Podlinnoe iskusstvo' (252); 'Sotsial'naia orientatsiia' (256); 'Vlast" (258); 'Tip nashikh problem' (259); 'Klo my' (269); 'Uchenie 0 zhizni' (274); 'Klo my' (278); 'Personalizm' (280); 'Klo my' (282). 17. 'Chas pervyi' (294); 'Chas vtoroi' (297); 'Chas tretii' (301); 'Chas chetvertyi' (304); 'Chas pialyi' ( 311 ) ; 'Chas shestoi' (315) ; , Chas sed'moi' (323); 'Chas vos'moi' (325); 'Chas deviatyi' (332); 'Chas desiatyi' (339), (346); 'Chas odinnadtsatyi' (365); 'Chas dvenadtsatyi' (373); 'Chas trinadtsatyi' (382); 'Chas chetyrnadtsatyi' (393); 'Chas piatnadtsatyi' (397); 'Chas vosem' nadtsatyi' (428); 'Chas deviatnad­ tsatyi' (440); 'Chas dvadtsatyi' (448); 'Chas dvadtsat' pervyi' (451); 'Chas dvadtsat' vtoroi' (456); 'Poslednii chas' (465); 'Konets' (468). 18. 'Spetskursy' (321); 'Gosudarstvo' (329); 'Plata i rasplata' (332); 'Bratiia' (346), (356); 'Gosudarstvo' (360), (389), (399); 'Real'noe i illiuzornoe' (400); 'Politika' (406); '0 vlasti' (410); 'Pravo' (417); 'Privilegii' (437). 19. 'Gruppy' (328); '0 sotsial'nykh sistemakh' (337), (378), (405), (416). 20. 'Nachalo' (336); 'Somneniia' (351); 'Dumy' (359); 'Dumy' (367); 'Programma preobrazovanii' (369). 21. 'Vozvrashchenie' (469), (472), (473), (476), (479). (482), (487), (488), (493), (498), (503), (505), (510), (513), (526), (535), (536), (540), (544), (547), (549), (551), (556), (558); 'Konets vozvrash­ cheniia' (559). 22. 'Pod-Ibansk' (484), (509); Vnezemnaia tsivilizatsiia' (515); 'Vstrecha' (529); 'DokladAgentli' (530); 'Biologicheskietrudnosti' (533); 'Iazykovye trudnosti' (537); 'Vzaimoponimanie' (539); 'Obmen opytom' (548), (553); 'Vstrechi na vysshem urovne' (554). 23. 'Potselui ibantsa' (474); 'Razriadka' (478); 'Velikaia pobeda' (480); 'Khmyr' (482); 'Pod-Ibansk' (484); 'Sortir' (485); 'Psizm' (486), (490); 'Progress' (492); 'Zhop' (497); 'A ty kto takoi' (501); 'Problema' (502) . 24. 'Prazdnik' (506); 'Legenda 0 sebe' (507); 'Legenda' (514), (526), (531), (533), (538), (541), (544), (548); 'Konets legendy' (550). 25. 'Ochered" (496), (500), (508); 'Gimn ocheredi' (511); 'Ochered" (528), (532), (537), (544); 'Konets ocheredi' (558). 26. 'Nuzhna oppozitsiia' (512); 'Organizatsiia oppozitsii' (519); 'Proekt programmy oppozitsii' (529); 'Doklad Agenta' (530); 'Vozrazhenie Uchi­ telia' (536); 'Oppozitsiia za rabotoi' (545); 'Plan perevorota' (556); 'Sryv perevorota' (556); 'Konets oppozitsii' (557).


1. See Brown (1978), Lapidus (1977), Breslauer (1976), Cocks (1976). 252 Notes to Chapter 5 CHAPTER 5: ZHELTYI DOM

1. For a more detailed account than is possible here, see Kirkwood, 1982. 2. See the two examples given at the end of Chapter 2. 3. See 'Toska po drugu' (ZhD 1:200), 'Toska akademika' (ZhD 1:203), 'Toska po D'l.hul'ette' (ZhD 1:210), 'Toska prokhvosta' (ZhD 1:219), 'Toska 0 geroicheskoi 'l.hertve' (ZhD 1:222), 'Toska partiinogo sekretaria' (ZhD 1:227), 'Toska po Rossii' (ZhD 1:235), 'Toska po domu' (ZhD 1:260-1), 'Toska 0 proshlom' (ZhD 1:274), 'Toska po 'l.halosti' (ZhD 1:302-3). 4. See, for instance, 'Pritia'l.henie goroda' (ZhD 11:197-8) as an example ofthe former, and 'Gimn kar'ere' (ZhD 11:198-201) as an example of the lauer. 5. For details oftexts/strands/page references, see Kirkwood, 1982. 6. See Zinoviev, 1986a. 7. 'Nash chelovek' (ZhD 11:260-1, 266-8, 271-2, 284-6). 8. For the texts on 'yearning' see note 3. The following relate to 'loneliness': 'Problema odinochestva' (ZhD 1:203), 'Odinochestvo' (ZhD 1:203, 210, 220-1, 233). 9. The concept of individual sovereignty is central to Zinoviev's philosophy of life. First adumbrated in mies of personal conduct in Ziiaiushchie vysoty, it has received ever deeper treatment (Zinoviev, 1985c, 1987, 1990a). 10. 'Problema vykhoda' (ZhD 11:21-2), 'Osnovnoi postulat' (ZhD 11:40-2), 'Postanovka problemy' (ZhD 11:53-4, 62-4), 'Rukovodiashchaia ideia' (ZhD 11:84-5), 'Marksi'l.m-lenini'l.m i sonologiia' (ZhD 11:99-100), 'l!-stestvennonauchnaia osnova sonologii' (ZhD 11:102-3), 'Moia so­ tsial'naia kontseptsiia' (ZhD 11:116-17), 'Vvedenie v spunologiiu' (ZhD 11:124-5,127,145-6,154-6,161-4), 'Moia religiia' (ZhD 11:187-8) 11. This 'epistle' is reproduced in Chapter 2. 12. See the section on town vs. counrry in this chapter. 13. 'Bitva 'l.a uro'l.hai' (ZhD 11:46-8, 73-4). 14. See, for example, 'Nash sarai' (ZhD 11:37), '/ raz.govory v sarae' (ZhD 11:39), 'Posle raboty' (ZhD 11:48-9), 'Byt' ili ne byt" (ZhD 11:49-50), 'Gnev Komissara' (ZhD 11:83-4), 'Ra'l.govory posle raboty' (ZhD 11:87-8), 'Logika Komissara' (ZhD U:I00-l), 'Nedoumenie Dona' (ZhD 11:101-2). 15. 'Matrenadura' (ZhD 11:27-9), 'l'l. myslei Matrenadury 0 Zapade' (ZhD 11:37,83), 'Matrenadura 0 Zapade' (ZhD 11:46, 62, 68, 71, 73, 76, 80, 86,94,96, 103, 109, 111-12, 116, 119-20, 123-4, 141, 144, 156), 'Matrenadura, my i gomosek' (ZhD 11:67-8), 'Matrenadura 0 Zapade i 0 nas' (ZhD 11:106), 'Moskvichi 0 Matrenadure' (ZhD 11:137-8), 'Filosofiia Matrenadury' (ZhD 11:172-3), 'Obrabotka Matrenadury' (ZhD 11:181-2), 'Nash vklad v "Matrenianu" (ZhD 11:187), 'Znanie i metod' (ZhD 11:188-9). 16. 'Eshche odna va'l.hnaia persona' (ZhD 11:86-7), 'l'l. rechei Mao Tse­ Dun'kf (ZhD 11:91), 'l'l. otkrovenii Mao Tse-Dun'ki' (ZhD 11:92-3), 'Mao Tse-Dun 'ka 0 dissidentakh' (ZhD 11:95-6), 'Mao Tse-Dun 'ki ob Notes to Chapters 5 and 6 253

ozhidaemoi smene rukovodstva' (ZhD 11: 1 01), 'Iz idei Mao Tse-Dun 'ki' (ZhD 11:159). 17. See note 14, plus 'Rasschety Kandidata' (ZhD 11:69-70), 'Zadachka Tokaria' (ZhD 11:76-7), 'Zhaloba Lba' (ZhD 11:76-7), 'Rasskaz Kandidata' (ZhD 11:77-8), '0 zhizni rabochikh' (ZhD 11:78-80), 'Filosojiia Kosti' (ZhD 11:80), 'Problema detei' (ZhD 11:85), 'Ideia Mns' (ZhD 11:89), 'My - mazokhisty' (ZhD 11:91-2), 'Otkrovenie Mns' (ZhD 11:94-5), 'Obychnyi trep na zapadnye temy' (ZhD 11:103-4), 'I opiat' 0 partii' (ZhD 11:105-7). 18. See note 15. 19. See note 16. 20. See, for instance, Nagirnyi (1985). For an incisive but fair analysis of Zinoviev's views on in Nashei iunosti polet see Hanson (1988) . 21. See ZhD 11:353. 22. The relevant texts are the following: 'Bor'ba motivov' (ZhD 11:206-7), 'Stalin' (ZhD 11:207, 213-15, 219-21, 227-8, 231-2, 238-40, 246-7, 256-8, 264-7, 269-70, 292-3, 297-9), 'Konets Stalina' (ZhD 11:325). 23. See the important discussion of this topic in Michael Heller's Machina i vintiki (Heller, 1985:36-48). 24. Note especially 'Ob inostrantsakh' (ZhD 11:10-11), 'Vostok i Zapad' (ZhD 1:72-3, 82-3, 90-1,104), 'Zapad i my' (ZhD 11:59-60, 127-8), 'Obychnyi trep na zapadnye temy' (ZhD 11:103-4), 'My i Zapad' (ZhD 11:131-2), 'Zakon soobshchaiushchikh sistem' (ZhD 11:149), 'Bez illiuzii' (ZhD 11:181), 'Nochnye razgovory' (ZhD 11:316, 345), 'Nakanune ot"ezda' (ZhD 11:350-1).


1. Zinoviev's desire to restrain his moralism sometimes lands hirn in trouble. There is no doubting his contempt for many aspects of Soviet reality, yet he will, almost perversely, refrain from making moral judgements about historically tragic events such as the collectivisation of Soviet agriculture and the behaviour of . His book Nashei iunosti polet (Flight of our Youth) caused great offence to many people, who regarded it as almost a work of Stalinist apologetics. On the other hand, he is by no means the only Soviet citizen to refuse to condemn the actions of people performed over fifty years ago. 2. That means, for Zinoviev, that 'it is unreliable, mendacious, hypocritical, it is boorish from a position of strength, cringes in the face of superior strength, and in addition is absolutely sincere' (KKR:60; TRC:70). 3. The wording of the original and the only available translation in English is as folIows: 'maskiruiut fakticheskuiu bespartiinuiu sut' vlasti' (KKR: 132); 'obscure the fact that in reality power is essentially a non-party phenomenon' (TRC: 132). 254 Notes to Chapters 6 and 7

4. See Kirkwood, 1988. 5. This point was strikingly made in Part 1 of the BBC documentary series 'The Hand ofStalin', shown on BBC 2 on 16 October 1990. In Part 2, shown the following evening, a retired KGB Colonel showed the opposite of remorse when speaking about his role in the search for 'enemies ofthe people' during the 1930s terror.


1. The individual chapters of Gorbachevizm are denoted by the author as 'articles'. See especially 'articles' 18 and 19. 2. Oktiabr', 1 (1991) 36-97; Oktiabr', 2 (1991) 23-82; Oktiabr',3 (1991) 59-81. 3. The term samizdat refers to works produced clandestinely and circulated in secret among friends and acquaintances, copies being produced either by writing or typing. Tamizdat denotes works produced in the Soviet Union clandestinely, then smuggled out to the West and published there. 4. For a thorough account see Graffy, 1989. 5. This is not to deny that there exist groups within the Soviet Union who have access to word-processors and have set up distribution systems. They form, however, a vanishingly small proportion of the Soviet press as such. 6. See 'articles' 5, 7, 8, 28, 29, 30. 7. See the relevant chapters in E.W. Lefever and R.D. Vander Lugt ( 1989.) 8. Substantial corroboration of Zinoviev's prediction is provided in in Crisis7, Federal Institute for Soviet and International Studies (Longman), 1990. 9. See 'articles' 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,26,30. 10. See the account of attempts to implement economic reforms in typical Soviet fashion in G.E. Schroeder (1989:312). 11. There is also the matter of ignorance about how a Western economy works. Gorbachev's reforms have produced precisely the outcomes which Zinoviev predicted. As Schroeder (1989:316) remarks: 'The reforms that are in place now represent a set of inconsistent and contradictory measures that neither dismember the old system of centrally planned socialism, nor create the "socialist regulated market economy" that seems to be Gorbachev's ultimate vision.' 12. See especially 'articles' 2, 6, 9, 14,21,24,25,32. 13. Since then it has dropped even further. See also Reddaway (1990:131-2). 14. See Almond and Roselle (1989) and Fairbanks (1989). 15. See 'articles' 16 and 17. 16. Zinoviev does not use this word, but I use it to mean the totality of the state-owned/regulated economy. Notes to Chapters 8 and 9 255 CHAPTER 8: KATASTROlKA

1. See texts 1-13. 2. See texts 14-37. 3. This is a reference to the time-worn tradition whereby coIlectives took on a 'voluntary' commitment to fulfil the five-year plan in four years. As Matrena-Dura observes in Zheltyi dom, ' won't fulfil the plan, that's for sure, but we won't fulfil it ahead of schedulel' 4. See K:59-62. 5. See texts 38-74. 6. See K:99-100, 101-3, 103-5, 109-13, 114-15, 115-16. 7. See for instance K:89-90, 90-1, 91-3, 93, 117, 117-18, 118-20, 121-2, 123. 8. Nina Andreeva is a Leningrad lecturer who became famous overnight as the author of an article-Iength letter published in the newspaper Sovetskaia Rossiia on 13 March 1988 under the heading . 1 cannot go against my principles' (' Ne mogu postupat'sia printsipami'). It was a conservative counterblast to perestroika, fuIl of positive references to Stalin, Marxism-Leninism, the need for vigilance, as weIl as strong criticism of the 'denigration' of Soviet history and the departure from Leninist principles in the running of the state. The support her letter received from certain members of the top leadership is reflected in the fact that it was not until 5 April that Pravda published a rebuttal. 9. See texts 75-101. 10. Potemkin deceived Catherine the Great by constructing village fa~ades on the banks of the Volga in advance of her journey through the Crimea to give the impression of a prosperous, happy peasantry. 11. See Womack, 1991.


1. Although the original Russian version has yet to be published, large parts of it have in fact been incorporated into two articles which Zinoviev has contributed to the Soviet press. See Zinoviev, 1990g and 1991. 2. See TGF: 77-83,97, 101. 3. See TGF, Chapters 17-20. 4. See IS: 43-8,147-8. 5. See IS:55-7, 143-7. 6. See IS:52-5, 57-68, 141-3. 7. See IS:68-82, 138-41. 8. See IS:82-89; 149-53. 9. Compare. for instance, IS:149-53 and TGF:77-83. 10. See, for instance, VPR:41O-11, 420-1, 430-1, 444-5, 448-9, 455. 539-40, 544, 546. 256 Notes to Chapter 9

11. A 'subbotnik' is a day of unpaid, 'voluntary' labour for the good of society. 'Subbotniki' performed an important ideological rather than economic function in the pre-Gorbachev era. 12. This point is implicit in Zinoviev's general attitude to homo sovieticus, graphically set out in Katastroika. The point is not made explicitly in the published version of 11 superpotere in URSS, aIthough it appears in the original typeseript, which has been amended for a forthcoming French translation. 13. See p. 185. Bibliography

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Academy ofSciences, 15,22,100, Cohen, S.F. (cited), 109-11, 257 108-9,115-16 collectivism, see undersociety, Soviet Afanas'ev, V.G., 96, 106 Communism agriculture, collectivisation of, 143, activists, 167,226 see also countryside, Soviet bureaucracy, 105-6, 189-92,206, Ambartsumov, E., 26 208,210,227 Andropov, lu.V., 23, 175-6, 185, crisis of, 81, 194,205-7,218-19, 239 223,225,227-8,230,233, 238-40,246 Bar-8eIla, z. (cited), 91, 257 leadership, 182-3, 193,222-4 Barthes, R, xi, 31 nature of, 67-9,149-52,202, Berelowich, W. (cited), 84, 257 227-9 Besan~on, A., (cited), 162,257 roots of, 225-6 Bez illiuzii, 25, 261 and stability, 81, 89-90, 112, Brezhnev, L.I., 5, 38, 44, 64,107, 164-70,228-9 165,175,219 theory of, xii, 17-18,74, 120, 148, era,54,89,96-7, 106, 111-12, 149-70,222-4,238,244-5 116,131,167,178,238,245 criticisms of, 83-7, 150-4, 219 Malaia zemlia (The Little see also CPSU; foreign policy; Land),126 ideology; Kommunizm kak Brown, A. (cited), 192,257 real'nost'; Marxism-Leninism; Brown, D. (cited), 63, 257 morality; power; propaganda; Brown, EJ. (cited), 63, 257 reform; society, Soviet; Brzezinski, Z., 183,220,246-7,257 totalitarianism see also Grand Failure, The Communist Party of the Soviet Bukharin, N.I., 143 Union see CPSU bureaucracy, see under Confessions d'un homme en trop, Communism ~,235-6,239,262 Burlatsky, F., 108 Congress ofPeople's Deputies, xii-xiii, 243 , 191, 228, 230-2 Connor, W.D. (cited),1l1,112, see also economy; propaganda 258 censorship, 179-80, see also conservatism, see undersociety, freedom Soviet c1iches, use of, 43-6 counter-perestroika, see under Cocks, P. (cited), 107-8,257 perestroika 263 264 Index countryside, Soviet, 34,139-42,143 Foreign Literature, 26 coup (19 August 1991), xii, xiii foreign policy, 39, 89,185-6,235, CPSU, xii, 195,226-7 see also West Constitution (Clause 6),243,244 Foucault, M., xi, 31, 32, 258 denunciation of Ziiaushchie Franz, N. (cited), 65, 258 vysoty, 22 freedom of suspension of, xii press and media, 179-80, 182, Twentieth Congress, 69-70 254,n5 Twenty-Fifth Congress, 108 speech,182 see also Communism see also censorship culture, see undersociety, Soviet G, see Gorbacheviz.m Daneil, W. (cited), 168-9,258 Genis, A. (cited), 62, 63, 65 decentralisation, 187-8 Glasnost', 177 democratisation, 176, 212-13 glasnost', 68,109,169,177-82,194, •destatisation " see privatisation 205,210 Diktatur der Logik, Gomo sovetikus, xi, 26, 27, 261 D~(Dictatorship ofLogic), 148, Gorbachev, M.S., xii-xiii, 44, 132, 261 144,169-70,173-7,205,243-4 dissident movement, 18, 23,99, critique of, 5,180,183-5,190, 103-4,111,180,192-3, see also 194-5,196-7,206-7,218,227, liberalism 229,239 drama, see Ruka Kremlia disaffection with, 219, 244, 254 n13 economy leadership, 191,224,228,230, Soviet, 177, 182, 183, 187-9,210, 232,234,239,244 230-2,247 referendum (March 1991),219 Western, 187, 188 and West, 182-3 see also capitalism; reform see also Communism; CPSU; Elster,]. (cited), 87-8, 258 economy; foreign policy; emigration,jewish, 99 perestroika; power; reform; End oJCommunism?, The, see West Konets kommunizma? Gorbacheviz.m, 173-95, 224, 254 Europe, Eastern, 61, 225, 237, 242, nl,262 244 publication of, 27,148,174 Evangelie dlia Ivana, 32, 261 quotation from, 179 Evtushenko, E.A., 41, 248 n17 see also language; style Gorbatchiuisme ou /es pouvoirs d'une Fassio, F. (cited), 85, 258 illusion, 173,262 Five-Year Plan (first), 38 Gorizont, 26 Hight oJ Our Youth, The, see Gospel Jor Ivan, A, see Evangelie Nashei iunosti polet dlialvana Index 265 Gosudarstvennyi z.henikh, xi, 3, 262 Istoriia odnogo goroda (Saltykov­ Grand Faüure, The (Brzezinski, Z.), Shchedrin, M.E.), 196 220,257 Isvestiia, 27 analysis of, 221-6, 231, 233-4, 236,240 K, see Katastroika. Povest' 0 quotation from, 240 perestroike v Pangrade Great Patriotic War, see Second Kanievskaia, I., 137 World War Kant, E., 118 Grigoriants, S., 177 Kantor, K., 26 Kapitsa, Academician P., 23, 248 nl Hanson, P. (cited), 83-4, 86, 87, Katastroika. Gorbatchows 149,150-2,153-4,159-60, PotemkinscheDoerfer, 174, 262 163,166,188,258 Katastroika. Povest' 0 perestroike v Heller, M. (cited), 62, 258 Pangrade (Katastroika: A Tale of history, xiii, 143, 150, 164, 174, Perestroika in Partgrad), xii, 202-6,245 174,196-220,262 Homo Sovieticus, set! Corno characters discussed suvetikus Korytov, 196,201-2,216, Hook, S. (cited), 149, 150,259 217-18 Hosking, G. (cited), 62, 65, 87, 90, Krutov, 208,210,216 153-4,160,181-2,259 Mao-Tse-Dun'ka,196 Hough,J.F. (cited), 108, 112-13, Mikhail Sergeevich, 197-8, 186,259 201-2,207-8 humour in works, 11, 37-8, 64-5, Mitrofan Lukich Poniankin, 196 83,99-100,119,120-1,196, Suslikov, Petr Stepanovich, 208-9,211-13 xii,I96,198-9,201-2,210 titles discussed ideology, xiii, 11,54,70,85-6, 109, Krovavoe koleso, 217 113,161-4,193,245-7 Pritcha 0 direktore zavoda crisis of, 191, 194-5,224,232-8, (Parable of the factory 242 director), 196 idealists, 76 Poshel ty v z.Jwpu!, 217 role of, 81,162,169 Gluhinnaia istoriia, 204 tenets of, 71-2 Pritcha 0 predsedatele set! also Communism; Marxism­ kolkhoul (True tale of the Leninism; society, Soviet good collective-farm Idi na Golgofu, xi, 26, 27, 196 chairman),196 individuaIism, Si!f! undersociety, Soviet analysis of, 197-220,215-18 ING, see Idi na Golgofu publication of, 27,196 Inostrannaia litemtura, 26 quotations from, 199-201, intelligentsia, see undersociety, 204-5,206-7,214-15, Soviet 217-18 IS, see supnpotere in URSS, n 266 Index

Katastroika. Povest' 0 perestroike v Ligachev, E.K., 6, 224, 227, 228 Partgrade, cont. literature, Russian/Soviet, 9, 180

structure of, 174, 196-7, 209 Macht des Unglaubens, Die, 148, see also language; style; texts 262 Kennan, G. (cited), 186. 259 Madhouse, The, see Zheltyi dom KGB, 23, 61, 86116, 170, 173, 175, Marxism-Leninism, 74, 86,101-2, 235 109,181,191,234-5,237, Khanov, D., 116 245-6, see also Communism; Khrushchev, N.S., 54, 69-70,191,219 ideology KKR, see Kommunizm kak real'nost' MDMCh, see Moi dom - moia Kommunist, 19 chuzhhina Kommunizm kak real'nost', 4, 47, Mendras, M. (cited), 186, 260 148-70,190,224,228-9,233, MiIler, R.F. (cited), 106-7,260 261 Moi dom - moia chuzhbina, 26, 27, prize 32,261 (1982),149 morality, 153, 163-4,232-3,253 n1, publication of, 25, 148 254 n5, see also Communism; quotationsfrom, 163, 165, 167, 168 society, Soviet reception of, 148-9 News, 26 structure,148 Moscow, Universityof, 14, 18,21, see also language; style 22, 100 Komsomol'skaia pravda, 26-7 Moskovitch, W. (cited), 40, 42, 50, Konets kommunizma', ix, 221, 249 n5, 260 see also superpotere in URSS, Il Moskovskie novosti, 26 Kontinent, 62, 193, 196 Moskovskii literator, 26 Korotich. V., 182, 248 n17 Moskovskii rabochii, 27 Krauthammer, C. (cited), 185,259 My harne - my exile, see Moi dom - moia chuzhbina language My i zapad, 25, 32, 261 context and subtext, 37-40, 45-6 range, 33-4,39-40 Nashei iunosti polet, 26, 142, 253 register, 35-8, 48-51, 64 nl,262 use of, 40-8, 64 nationalities question, 169, 176, see also style; texts 212-13,236-7, see also Lenin, V.I., 100, 143,226 repubIics L 'Express, xi, 26 NATO, 145, 166, 176 IiberaIism, 70-1,102-5,110-12, Neizvestnyi, E., 62, 73 174,193,211-12 see also Nekritch, A. (cited), 63 Communism; dissident Nevzorov, A., 218 movement; perestroika; reform; 'new thinking', 181, 185,216 society, Soviet Nina Andreeva, 213, 224, 228, 255 n8 Index 267 Nivat, G., xi, 26 Power 0/ Disbelief, The, see Macht NKVD, 12-13, 14 des Unglaubens, Die, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Pravda, 26 see NATO privatisation, 187-8, 192 Notes 0/ a Night Watchman, propaganda, 54-5, 177; see also see Zapiski nochnogo stOTCJZ.ha Communism

Ogonek, 182 Questions ofPhilosopy, see Voprosy On the Threshold 0/ Paradise, filosofii see V preddverii mia opposition movement, 167-8, Radiant Futu1'l!, The, see Svetloe 192-4 see also dissident budushchee movement; Gorbachev, M.S.; Radio Liberty, 25, 28, 137 liberalism; reform Rasputin, V.G., Proshchanie s OVIR,23-4 Materoi (A FareweU to Matera), 140 Panin, D. (cited), 83-6, 87, 260 Reality 0/ Communism, TM, see Para beUum, xi, 3, 27, 262 Kommunizm kak 1'I!al'nost' People's Commissariat of Internal Reddaway, P. (cited), 109,260 Mairs, see NKVD reform, 86, 109-10,148, 167,190-1, perestroika, 44, 144, 156, 170, 173, 195,197,207-8,242,254 nIl, 176,178-9,191,196-7,205-6, 256 n12 see also Communism; 239-42,245 economy; Gorbachev, M.S.; counter-, xii, 241, 242-3, 245 liberalism; perestroika efIects of, 5, 184, 210-12, 216, Remington, T.F. (cited), 178,260 220 republics, 173,236-7,241,243, see also economy; Gorbachev, see also nationalities question M.S.; reform Roche, R. (cited), 65, 260 Petro, P. (cited), 65, 260 Roviello, A-M. (cited), 153, 260 poetry, see verse Ruka Kremlia, 32, 50 Politicheskie issledovaniia, 27 Russian Federation, xiii, 218, 236 Popov, N. (cited), 96, 261 power Sakharov, A.D., 98 decision-making, 157-8 Saltykov-Shchedrin, M.E., 196 nature of, 76-7, 86-7, 156-61, samizdat, 18,33,180,254 n3 253n3 SB, see Svetloe budushchee negative, 156-7 Scanlan,J. (cited), 181,260 structure, xiii, 154, 189-90, Schwab, C. (cited), 63, 261 193-4,206,226-7,229-30, scientific 243,245 research, 77-8, 96-7,107-8 see also Communism; society, -technical revolution, 106, 111, Soviet 245 268 Index Second World War, 14, 235-6 'Sovspeak', 48, 50 Sharik,28 stability, see underCommunism Shilkov, A, 177 Stalin,J.V., 5, 11-12,26,42,69, 120, Smena, 27 142-4, 183 Smith, G. (cited), 65, 261 Constitution (1936), 11 society, Soviet era,54,219 alienation, 132-6 Stalinism, 26, 69-70,111,143 behaviour, rules of, xiii, 16-18, see also totalitarianism 67-8,80,84-5,128-32,136 Statt Suitor, The, see collectivism, xiii, 10,55-7,85, Gosudarstvennyi %henikh 116-17,155-60,184-5,205, style, 31-2, 33-4, 37-8,47-8,50-1, 226,245-6 see also language; texts conservatism, 109-12,213, superportere in URSS, Il, 220, 256 213-15 n12,262 and cuIture, 180-2, 216-18 analysis of, 222-3, 224-5, 226-9, individualism, 55, 91-2, 116-17, 235-6,238-45 128-32, 155, 181, 184-5 quotations from, 228, 231, 233, intelligentsia, 95, 117, 137-9 234,236,239-40 neworder, 183 see also Konets Kommuniz.ma 7 the people ('narod'), 137-9 Supreme Attestation Committee, 22 portrayal of, 34, 43-4 Suslov, MA., 5-6, 23, 41 romanticism, 133-4 Svetloe budushchee, xii, 24, 89-113, self

analysis of, 37-40, 90-2 V~~oft~18,19,96 Prix Medicis ttranger (1979),90 V fwtddverii raia (VPR), xi, 13,24, publication of, 25, 89 42-3, 196, 2M quotations from, 36-7, 97, 99, publication of, 25, 47 100, 106, 114-15 structure, 29-33 reception of, 90 Set! also Ianguage: style; texts structure, 32 tide, 34-5 war, Set! Second World War Set! also Ianguage: style: texts We and tht West, see M, i UIpad West tamizdat, 18, ISO, 254 n3 attitudes Tatu, M. (cited), 173-4, 176-7,261, of Soviet Union to, 175-6, 178, 180-1,261 216-18 texts to Soviet Union, 26, 75, 144-6, analysis of, 31, 37, 54-5, 92-5 182-3,206,229,235,238-9 definition, 29-30,.33 its civilisation, 130 structure of, 66-71, 72, 79-80, imitation of, 183 117-26,149-50,196 and its scholars, ix, 3, 5, 89, s« also language: style 105-12,186,244-5,246 TGF, Set! Grand Failure, The Set! also foreign policy; Gorbachev, Timofeev, L., 177 M.S. TM, (The Madhowe) Set! ZhtltJi Wettig, G. (cited), 185,261 dom Without Illusions, Set! BeJ: illiu:.ii totalitarianism, 152, 169-70, 226 Set! alfoCommunism: Stalin,J.V. Yanaev, G.I., xii translation, difficulty of, 36, 64 Yeltsin, B.N., xii, 26, 218 TRe, (TAt &aIily o/Communism), YH, TAt Yauming Heights, see Set! KommunWn 1cak md'nost' Ziiaiwhchit .",so" TRF, (TAt Radiant Future), s« Svetlot Inulwhchtt 7Apiski nochnogo sttJroz.ha, 4, 24, Trotsky, L.D., 143 25,32,89,261 quotation from, 4 Vail', P. (cited), 62, 63, 65, 261 ZhD, Set! ZhtU,i dom VAK,22 Zheliagin, V. (cited), 96, 261 Valius, V. (cited), 84-5, 87, 261 ZhtU,i dom, x, xii, M, 43, 45-6, Veil, S., 149 114-47, 196,261 verse (in works) , 32, 51-4, 55-7, characters discussed 120-21, 122-3, 135-6 Anton Zimin, 115 Vinokur, T.G., 34 Barabanov, 121 Visas and Registrations, Dobronravov, 120, 138 Department of, 23-4 Dzerzhinsky (statue), 119 von Ssachno, H. (cited), 62, 63, 261 egos (ofJRF), 120, 121, 122, 270 Index Zheltyi dmn, cont. Nazidanie (Exhortatory 124, 123-4, 137-8, 142-3 Epilogue), 118 Ezhov, 121 Predostem.henie (Cautionary Great Writer, 141 Foreword),118 Herself, 120, 121 Propadevtiko (Propadeutics), lI'ych, 125-6 118,119,121,122,126 JRF (Junior Research Fellow), Vechnyi mir (Eternal Peace), 115-16,117,118,119-26, 118,119,125,126,127 129-30, 132-9, 140, 142-3, titles discussed 145-7 Ballada 0 pokoleniiakh (The Kachurin, 121 Ballad of the Kanareikin,115 Generations),123 (statue), 119 Golosa (Voices), 123 Kirusik, 121 Grustnaia ballada 0 gomoseke Mao-Tse-Dun'ka, 139, 140, (The Ballad of the 141-2 General Secretary), 123 Matrena-Dura, 46,139,140, Myest (We exist), 123 141-2, 145, 255 n3 Poslanie kollektivu (Epistle to New Friend, 125 the Collective), 55-7 Petin, Academician, 123, Poslanie ot Stalina k Leniny 125,135, 143 (Epistle from Stalin to Poet, 120, 133 Lenin),137 Scoundrel, 123, 124, 127, Poslanie Russkomu narodu, 129, 131 52-4, 138 Shubin, 120 Zhaloba neudachniko, 51-2, Smirniashchev, 121 121 SRF (Senior Research Zhaloba zhivushchikh Fellow, 125, 132, 134, 136, (Complaint of the Non­ 140-1,146 Fallen),133-4 Teacher, 120, 127, 128 Toska akademika, 135 Tormoshilkina, 115, 121 narrative perspective, 117-27 Tvarzhinskaia, 41,115, 119, 121 publication of, 25, 47,114 Zaitsev, 121 quotations from, 51-4, 55-7,115, sections, 118 128-35, 137-9 Apologiia nechistogo razuma reception of, 114 (ADefence ofPure Reason), structure, 30, 32 118,122-4,126,135 writing of, 114-16, 147 Apologiia prakticheskogo see also language; style; texts bezumiia (A Defence of Zhurnalist, 27 Practical Unreason), 118, Ziiaiushchie uysoty, xii, 3, 13, 20, 119,124-5,126,136, 33-4,45-6,61-88,89,106, 146-7 128,134,144-5,174,261 Index 271 characters discussed publication of, 6, 21-2, 27, 61, Bawler, 66, 76, 79 180,249 n2 Boss, 69, 76, 81 quotations from, 48-9, 68-9, Brother, 79 73-4,75-6 Chatterer, 62, 66, 73, 75, 79, 86 reception of, 21-2, 62-4 Colleague, 80 structure, 30,32,65-7,79-80, Dauber,66,69,73-4,79,86 81-3 Director, 79 writing of, 61-2 Hog, 69, 81 see also language; style; texts Iban Ibanovich Ibanov, 40 Zhivi!,196 Journalist, 75-6, 79 Zinoviev, A.A. Leader, 79,81 academie career, 15, 18-20,22 Neuraesthenie, 66, 75 a