Notes CHAPTER 1: HOMO SOVIETICUS 1. The account of Alexander Zinoviev's life which is offered in this chapter is based on two autobiographies and the volume of memoirs which he has already published (Zinoviev, 1978a:l-11, 1987b:38-43; 1989:323-39; 1990a). Further material has been provided by friends and relatives whom I have been able to interview, and supplemented by observations arising out of my own meetings with the writer. I have also drawn on material in various interviews that Zinoviev has given since his arrival in the West, notably the extended interview wh ich forms the basis of his book Ich bin für mich selbst ein Staat (Zinoviev, 1987b), edited by Adalbert and Renee Reif. 2. I. Virabov, 'Syn "antisovetchika" v tylu perestroiki', Komsomol'skaia pravda (9 April 1991) 2. 3. Academician Kapitsa was a notable exception. He apparently sent the Zinovievs money quite openly. (See 'An Autobiography', p.20). 4. 'Na anketu IL otvechaiut pisateli russkogo zarubezh'ia', Inostrannaia literatura, 2 (1989) 250; A.A. Zinoviev, '0 sebe', ibid., 249. 5. Moskovskie novosti, 33 (August 1989) 16; Gorizont, 12 (1989) 47-63. 6. France 3, 9 March 1990. 7. Pravda (6June 1990) 8. 8. A.A. Zinoviev, 'la ostaius' russkim pisatelern', Pravda (9 September 1990). 9. Moskovskii literator (15 June 1990) 4-5. 10. Komsomol'skaiapravda (8July 1990) 4. 11. Izve.diia (1 July 1990) 4. 12. Komsomol'skaia pravda (15 September 1990) 2-3, reprinted (in abridged form) in Golos rodiny, 38 (September 1990) 6-7. This article attracted responses, also published in Komsomol'skaia pravda, from M.A. Zakharov (20 September 1990), G. Borovik (30 Sep­ tember 1990) and O. Kuchkina (5 March 1991). 13. 'Moi dom - moia chuzhbina', Sovetskaia literatura, 11 (1990, pp. 3-34; Sovetskaia literatura, 12 (1990) 25-57. 14. 'Idi na Golgofu', Smena, (1991) 14-58; Smena, 2 (1991) 82-124; Smena, 3 (1991) 68-135. 15. Zhurnalist, l (1991) 32-9. 16. I. Pantin, 'Put' k sebe', Zhurnalist, 2 (1991) 32-5. 17. See, for example, the biting article by V. Bushin, 'Esli by ia mog .. .', Na boevom postu, Azhednevnaia gazeta ordena Lenina Zabaikal'skogo voennogo okruga (8 July 1990), in which the poet Evtushenko and the editor of Ogonek Vitalii Korotich are unfavourably compared with 248 Notes to Chapters 2 and 3 249 Zinoviev. For an example of a more moderate, 'liberal' inter­ pretation of Zinoviev, see B. Griaznevich, 'Sovetskii soiuz glazami Aleksandra Zinov'eva', Literator, 7 (September 1990) 4-5. CHAPTER 2: ZINOVIEV'S STYLE AND LANGUAGE 1. See, for example, V preddverti raia, p. 246, Moi dom - moia chuzhbina, p. 18, Evangelie dlia Ivana, p. 98. 2. Allegra Russia. 3. Note also Natalia Rubinshteyn 's reference to Ziaiushchie vysoty as a 'work ofart without art' (Rubinshteyn, 1977:147). 4. Quoted in Moskovich (1988:91). 5. Wolf Moskovich's analysis of Zinoviev's language (Moskovich, 1988:89-104) is perhaps the most useful account to date, and the discussion in the main text makes use of some of his data. 6. 1 am aware, of course, that 'bedro' and 'rebro' mean, respectively, 'hip' and 'rib'. 1 think, however, that the confusion of 'crotch' and 'crux' makes Zinoviev's point more successfully and 1 used these in my translation of Zheltyi dom. See The Madhouse, p. 11. 7. There are only eight sentences in the English version, since the English sentence 7 corresponds to the Russian sentences 7 and 8. 8. Zheltyi doml:214-15, 216, 218-19, 222-3, 228-30, 244, 247, 249, 252, 262,264-5,269-71,272,279-80,282,286-7,289. 9. ZheLtyi dom 1:317-18,318,319-20,321,323,325,325-6,326,329, 333-4, 336-7; Zheltyi dom 11: 207, 213-15, 219-21, 227-8, 231-2, 238-40,246-7,256-8,264-5,269-70,292-3,297-9,325. CHAPTER 3: ZIJAIUSHCHIE VYSOTY 1. Kontinent, 10 (1976) 410. 2. Ziiaiushchie vysoty has since appeared in abridged form in the Soviet Union in the first three issues of the journal Oktiabr'. See Oktiabr', 1 (1991),30-97; Oktiabr', 2 (1991) 23-82; Oktiabr', 3 (1991) 59-81. 3. See Kirkwood (1987:104-8). 4. For a philosophical discussion of the 'enterprise' and other aspects ofthe work in Heidegger terms see]. Rolland, 'Ibansk ou I'epoque de la technique', Exercises de La patience, No.l/4, Spring 1982, pp. 233-54. 5. The numbers in brackets after the titles in this and subsequent notes refer to the page on which the text in question begins: 'Metodologicheskie printsipy' (9); 'ShizoJrenik' (13); 'Sotsio-mekhanika' (14); 'Nauchnye zakony' (27); 'Boltun' (30); '0 predvidenii' (33); 'SotsiaL':nye zakony' (37); 'Sotsial'noe i ofitsial'noe' (57); 'Sotsial'nyi­ individ' (68); '0 gluposti, podlosti i drugikh priznaniiakh individa' (70); 'Sotsial'noedeistvie' (81); 'Sotsial'nyegruppy' (89); 'Delogruppy i individ' (96); 'Sotsial'nye otnosheniia' (99); 'Rukovoditeli' (104). 250 Notes to Chapter 3 6. 'Zamechenia Sotsiologa' (15); 'Instruktor' (15); 'Posviashchenie' (15); 'Somneniia Mazily' (30); 'Mnenie Sotsiologa' (40); 'Otklonenie ot normy' (41); 'Evoliutsiia Sotsiologa' (58); 'Problemy vlasti' (60); 'Ob abstraktsiiindivida' (79); 'Koshmary' (115); 'Itogi' (118). 7. 'Vremia i mesto' (10); 'Nachalo' (11); '0 bespol'ze informatsii' (21); 'Doklad Sotrudnika' (33); 'Sotsiolog' (46); 'Prichina i vina' (69); 'Iuridicheskie pustiaki' (76); 'Snimu komnatu' (83); 'Posledniaia vstrecha' (111); 'Skuka' (120). 8. 'Instruktor' (15); 'Traktat 0 sud'be, svobode, istine, morali, i t.d.' (17); '0 terminologii' (17); 'Ob odnoi oshibochnoi gipoteze' (17); '0 khronologii' (18); 'Zdanie shkoly' (19); 'Sortir' (20); 'Monument vozhdia' (22); 'Ballada' (23); 'Uklonist' (24); 'Ubiitsa' (25); 'Nachalo' (44); 'Patriot' (45); 'Paniker' (46); 'Dostoinstva guby' (48); 'Nedostatki guby' (49); 'Sosluzhivets i drugie' (50); 'Literator' (50); 'Intelligent' (51); 'Dis­ kussiia 0 svobode' (54); 'Pokhishchenie "Ferdinanda" (63); 'Beseda 0 svetlom budushchem' (63); 'Razgovor ob ume' (64); 'Diskussiia 0 donosakh' (73); 'Osnovy sotsial'noi antropologii' (94); 'Nemnogo ob iskusstve' (103); '0 sud'be' (108); 'Konflikt' (112); 'Besedy 0 tainakh istorii' (114); 'Konets' (119); 'Perspektivy' (119). 9. 'j<:pitafiia zhivomu' (121); 'Iz stat'i Sekretaria' (122); 'Nekotorye osoben­ nosti ibanskoi istorii' (122); 'Pokhorony Direktora' (123); 'Perelom' (124); 'Khriak' (127); 'Prognozsbivaetsia' (149); 'Velichie' (151); 'Dlia dela' (155). 10. 'Pretendent' (134); 'Neibezhnost' oshibki' (135); 'Glavnaia oshibka' (138); 'Den' rozhdeniia Pretendenta' (144); 'Stengazeta' (153), (159); 'Stat'ia Kisa' (165); 'Vse vzaimopereputano' (173); 'Reaktsiia sobiraet silu' (175); 'Plagiat' (189); 'Oshibka naidena' (199); 'Bol'shomu korabliu, bol'shoe plavanie' (206); 'Neispol'zovannye vozmozhnosti' (218); 'KonetsPretendenta' (221). 11. 'Krysy' (133), (136), (140), (142), (144), (145), (149), (153), (155), (160), (167), (178); 'Konets krysinogo raia' (218. 12. 'Nekotorye osobennosti ibanskoi istorii ' (122); 'Vypiski jz knigi Klevetnika' (143), (147); 'Iz knigi Klevetnika' (150), (152), (156), (161), (163); 'Zametki Klevetnika' (176), (179), (183), (195); 'Konets zapisok Klevetnika' (196). 13. This question is dealt with at some length in Plaskacz (1982). 14. 'Bezdel'e - nachalo tvorchestva' (224); 'Psevdonim' (225); 'la*' (225); 'Moi khudozhnik*' (227); 'Byt*' (227); 'Byt*' (229); 'Nemnogo istorii*' (229); 'Nashi druz'ia*' (231); 'Sotsiologicheskii analiz*' (235); 'My*' (236); 'lazyk*' (240); 'Smyslovaia kompozitsiia*' (248); 'Dvoistven­ nost'*' (251); 'Potok*' (255); 'Opiat' my i oni*' (273); 'Massovoe ili elitarnoe *' (276); 'K probleme vyzhivaniia*' (278). The asterisks (present in the original text) denote texts by Chatterer speaking as an art critic. Other texts on the subject of art include the following: 'Podlinnoe iskusstvo' (243); 'Tipichnost' iskliucheniia' (251); 'Podlin­ nost' iskusstva' (252); 'lskusstvo i nauchno-tekhnicheskii progress' (271); , Trud ne propadaet, no darom' (279). 15. 'lunost" (230); 'Deti' (234); 'Zhratva' (238); 'Iazyk' (242); 'Baby' (244); 'Pedagogika' (247); 'Dobavka' (249); 'Gde spravedlivost'?' Notes to Chapters 3 and 4 251 (252); 'Pravil'noepolozheniev zhizni' (254); 'Reshenie' (258); 'Podkhod k liudiam' (272); 'Stremitel'naia ataka' (276); 'Inache nel'zia' (286). 16. 'Sekrety' (236); 'Reshenie' (237); 'Osnovy optimizma' (242); 'Sotsial'nyi strof (247); 'Podlinnoe iskusstvo' (252); 'Sotsial'naia orientatsiia' (256); 'Vlast" (258); 'Tip nashikh problem' (259); 'Klo my' (269); 'Uchenie 0 zhizni' (274); 'Klo my' (278); 'Personalizm' (280); 'Klo my' (282). 17. 'Chas pervyi' (294); 'Chas vtoroi' (297); 'Chas tretii' (301); 'Chas chetvertyi' (304); 'Chas pialyi' ( 311 ) ; 'Chas shestoi' (315) ; , Chas sed'moi' (323); 'Chas vos'moi' (325); 'Chas deviatyi' (332); 'Chas desiatyi' (339), (346); 'Chas odinnadtsatyi' (365); 'Chas dvenadtsatyi' (373); 'Chas trinadtsatyi' (382); 'Chas chetyrnadtsatyi' (393); 'Chas piatnadtsatyi' (397); 'Chas vosem' nadtsatyi' (428); 'Chas deviatnad­ tsatyi' (440); 'Chas dvadtsatyi' (448); 'Chas dvadtsat' pervyi' (451); 'Chas dvadtsat' vtoroi' (456); 'Poslednii chas' (465); 'Konets' (468). 18. 'Spetskursy' (321); 'Gosudarstvo' (329); 'Plata i rasplata' (332); 'Bratiia' (346), (356); 'Gosudarstvo' (360), (389), (399); 'Real'noe i illiuzornoe' (400); 'Politika' (406); '0 vlasti' (410); 'Pravo' (417); 'Privilegii' (437). 19. 'Gruppy' (328); '0 sotsial'nykh sistemakh' (337), (378), (405), (416). 20. 'Nachalo' (336); 'Somneniia' (351); 'Dumy' (359); 'Dumy' (367); 'Programma preobrazovanii' (369). 21. 'Vozvrashchenie' (469), (472), (473), (476), (479). (482), (487), (488), (493), (498), (503), (505), (510), (513), (526), (535), (536), (540),
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