Playshop Presents "Janie"
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Season's Greetings For THE AMPUS A White Christmas" OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Vol. LXf III, No. • MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA DECEMBER 14, 1944 HEADLINE Allegheny Walt Disney Art To Be Exhibited Playshop HIGHLIGHTS Women Win In Reis Library WORLD NEWS Debate Trophy Presented oy the art department Presents "Janie" By Jeanette Pyle in the Reis library this month is Trouble in Greece Allegheny women debaters won a display of Walt Disney originals. Casting Faculty Members In College Play The most serious development in first place in the Ohio Women's These drawings exhibit a range the war today seems to be the civil Intercollegiate Debate Conference Is Successful, Ticket Sell-Out Reveals war in Greece. Here the E.A.M., from first drafts through to the fi- consisting of the guerrilla troops tournament which was held at Cap- nal iproduet and hn\v been chosen who fought against the Germans ital university, Columbus, Ohio, De- by the Disney Studios for exhibi- Mrs. Reith Of "Janie" can be well labeled a hit and the Italians, and primarily a cember 8 and 9. The silver cup tro- tion and sale. Included are origi- in any man's language. Scheduled Leftist organization, refused a Brit- phy awarded to the team will IK nals from the motion pictures tonight and tomorrow night at 8:15 ish order to disarm. As a result, American Friends fighting of quite a severe charac- displayed this year in the speed Bambi, Snow White and (he Seven p.m., through two hours and a half ter, has broken out. The British library in Arter hall. Twelve col- Dwarfs, Dumbo, The Practical Pig, Addresses A. C. C. of the best laughs that have hit Al- arc pushing the matter and refuse leges participated in the event. Ptnocehio, Fantasia, Ferdinand the legheny college Playshop in many to let Premier Papandreou resign. Sophie Morrow, '47, first affirma- Hull, and the Reluctant Dragon. a day, "Janie," whose first two Mrs. Patricia Reith, traveling The United States is maintaining tive speaker, and Mildred Ann Dit- performances were enthusiastically a hands-off attitude. The Disney animated cartoons secretary*" for the American ty, '46, second affirmative speaker, received by an audience who left are an authentic expression of our Friends' Service committee, visited The European Battlefronts won all six of their debates. Yolan- the theatre quoting Hlsbeth Col- About the only spectacular gains times. They illustrate the fusion campus last week-end. She spoke da Trucco, '47, was the second burn's lines, or commenting on have been made by the Russians in of types of art forms with music on Saturday to the Allegheny "Dean-Pan" Hackett's dead-pan. Hungary. They have broken across speaker in the six negative debates, artfully woven together and syn- Christian Council cabinet on "Re- Acting for the first time on Al- the Danube river south of Buda- while Georgia Kohl, '45, debating chronized in perfect timing with | construction in Europe" and on legheny's stage, Joan Peters, '48, pest and reached Lake Balaton, only the even rounds, and Sallie Lou together with James Weber, '47, 40 miles from Austria. Another the action. They are made possible Sunday in the organization's regu- Connor, '47, debating the odd who has bad experience in Alle- Russian drive is coming in north of only by the use of modern science, lar monthly meeting on so, ial rounds, alternated as the first neg- gheny productions, gave "Janie's" Budapest. These new Russian machinery and materials. The cel- problems. leads all the life and vim necessary moves could either be aimed at en- ative speaker, each participating in lulose acetate upon which the char- lor a good show. circling Budapest or at driving three contests. In her talk to the council. Mrs. Director John Hulburt's first at- straight for Austria. acters are painted, the synchroni- Keith spoke of hunger-desperate Mr. Theodore F. Nelson, assist- zation of sound, the multiplane tempt to use faculty members and In Italy, Ravenna has been cap- children in Greece who have band- wives in a college production was tured, but this does not represent i ant professor of speech at Alle- camera, technicolor and many oth- ed together to commit violent acts a complete success. Mr. John Ca- any great gain. gheny, is coach of the debate teams. er types of equipment are all re- for food. Only a small percentage velti's portrayal of Janie's troubled Along the French-German bor- The proposition for debate in the cent inventions. This is an art of -Europe's children will remain father was excellent. der, the Allied troops are being unimpaired physically because of Paul Younger's dry humor and held all along the edge of the Co- tournament was the intercollegiate which could have existed in no other age but our own. the malnutrition, she stated. Her Mrs. F. F. Seely's enticing southern logne plain. Further south, small debate topic for 1944: Resolved: accent heightened their parts i. advances are being made in the That the Federal Government plea was for action. Conferences Springing from a humble but bachelor and widow. Mrs. Colburn, Saar Basin and in Alsace. should enact legislation requiring with students interested in summer ,i sane level-headed mother, was typically American interest, the projects were held after the meet- tops, as played by Mrs. Charles Third Anniversary of Pearl Harbor compulsory arbitration of all labor comic strip, Walt Disney and his ing. American forces in the Philip- disputes when voluntary efforts S. Miller, and everyone was glad pines celebrated Pearl Harbor Day workers pioneered on unohartered Projects discussed toy Mrs. Reith to see President J. Richie Schultz have failed. paths to develop an art which are mainly of two kinds, educa- arrive as Uncle Poodgie to straight- by bombing Tokyo and, more im- The tournament is an annual portant, by coming in from the reached far beyond the world's ex- tional and building construction or en out the whole mess. event, and the cup awarded each work projects. The first type are rear of the Japanese forces on pectations. By doing just a little One of the most loveable and Leyte Island, bombarding them year will go into final possession of called "caravans," and students best-acted roles was Mary Seely's from Ormoc Bay, and then landing. the college which first wins it three better than the best thought pos- participating in them establish fa- portrayal'of Elsbeth, Janie's seven- On Monday, Ormoc, a good deep- times. sible, this Kansas city boy, pos- cilities of instruction and recrea- year-old sister who "will always go The affirmative team in succes- tion for children and adults who for a dime." "Dead-Pan" Hackett water port, was captured. This sive rounds defeated Earlham col- sessed with great imagination and gives the Americans a good foot- skill, has given us what has come are not reached by local churches. provides side-splitting humor for lege, Wooster college, Ohio An example of the other sort is hold behind the Japanese lines. Also to be recognized as America's both the second and third act. on December 7 there was a severe university, Ohio W e s 1 e y a n the industrial project in which "Orchids" too, to a good sup- earthquake and tidal wave in cen- Toledo university and Ke'nt State first true contribution to the art students live together, 'work in a porting cast of Gloria Shaul, '48, tral Japan. university. The Allegheny negative of the world. One of the outstand- factory and attend evening classes as Bernadine, and Dorothy Ditt- teams lost their first two rounds of in which the problems of that in- mer, '48, as Paula, and to Guy Law- debate to Bowling Green university ing qualities of the animated ear- toon is that it reaches more peo- dustry are analyzed. head, '48, as Rodney and Barbara and Wittenberg college. They won A graduate of the university of Dietterich, '47, as Tina, and to the A. W. S. Senate the next two from Denison univer- ple than any other art, bringing Iowa and Yale Divinity school, soldiers and remaining cast for a Chooses New Proctors sity and Capital university. The enjoyment to millions and at the Mrs. Reith has had varied personal fine performance. team lost to Muskingum college in same time making available the experiences. As a delegate of the Xo production, however, would the fifth round and defeated Kent American Friends' Service com- For Second Quarter State university in the last. beauty of line, form, color and be a success or even a fair eve- rhythm displayed in the render- mittee, she worked with people and ning's entertainment without the Allegheny placed first in the tour- teachers in Mexico, teaching Amer- hard precision work of the crew Quiet proctors, chosen by the nament with a total of nine debates ing. ican 'Culture and learning Mexican and associates. A. W. S. Senate for the following won and three .lost. Bowling Green Walt Disney was born in Chi- cago on September 5, 1901, where customs and mores. After the out- Miss Mary Jane Chiles was in quarter, were announced last and Ohio State university tied for break of the war, she helped teach charge of lighting, while Mrs. Lee •weak. second place, each winning eight he grew up and attended the pub- refugees of various European na- and losing four. Third place was lic schools, and later attended the Mitchell headed the costumes com- That Senate members are to aid Art Institute of Chicago. Just be- tions who had landed in Cuba the mittee.