GOOD DIRT the Newsletter of the Anderson Valley Land Trust Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of Our Unique Rural Landscape Fall, 2017
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GOOD DIRT The Newsletter of the Anderson Valley Land Trust Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of Our Unique Rural Landscape Fall, 2017 California Bears Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood In modern history there are two species of bear that have When choosing a native plant for this column, it was inhabited California, the grizzly bear (or brown bear) and rather surprising to realize that in all the years of the black bear. Today California has two subspecies of GOOD DIRT, the iconic coast redwood of this valley had black bear; the northwest Ursus americana altifrontalis yet to take the stage! found north of the Klamath Range, and the California black Famous around the globe for its great beauty and bear (Ursus americana californiensis). immense stature, the coast redwood is probably one of Black bears are the most common species of bear and are our best-known California natives, and is an iconic tree found in 41 of the 50 states in the United States. of Anderson Valley. As the planet’s tallest living California's black bear population has increased over the organism, capable of exceeding 360 feet in height, past 25 years. In 1982, the statewide bear population was Sequoia sempervirens can in one way be thought of as a estimated to be between 10,000 and 15,000. Presently, the holiday tree for the world rather than the living room, statewide black bear population is conservatively given its classic pyramidal form, emerald aromatic estimated to be between 25,000 and 30,000. Mendocino needles, but mostly its impressive scale. The first part County ranks second or third in bear population in the state of its botanical name derives from the famous Cherokee chief of yore and the second part from the fact that the tree is evergreen. Its common name is very apt as the native range of Sequoia sempervirens hugs the coast (rarely occurring more than 30 miles inland) and both the lumber and bark are indeed of reddish hue. The two other redwoods share this latter characteristic, but not the former. Sequoiadendron giganteum, giant redwood, endemic to California, is found solely in scattered groves in the southern Sierra Nevada. Metasequoia glyptostroboides, dawn redwood, grows in the wild only in central China. The coast redwood boasts many other interesting traits as well. Its trunk rapidly grows straight and tall; its wood has a natural resistance to insects, decay, and fire; its fresh Black bears can range in color from black to blond green foliage traps and drips the summer fog that envelops its natural coastal habitat thus providing an meaning there are about 2,000 to 3,000 bears in the county. additional several inches of annual "rainfall" to its roots; There are 18 subspecies of black bear in North America, it propagates itself prolifically through both seedlings mostly defined by geographical boundaries, although there and suckering; it can survive flooding by creating an are also some differentiating physical and biological entire new root system above the old; and to top it all characteristics as well. Black bears vary in color from light off, coast redwood can enjoy a very long life, perhaps cinnamon to black and can range in adult size from 200-600 2,000 years...a truly amazing tree!! Continued on page 2 pounds. They are usually solitary animals whose lifestyles are dictated by their biological need to consume large quantities of food. Bears only tolerate the presence of other bears during the breeding season, when a female (called sows) is with her cubs, or when bears congregate in areas with concentrated food sources such as garbage dumps and salmon streams. Adult male bears (called boars) are not part of the family unit. Continued on page 3 Photo by Mike Kahn !"#$%&'(#)* + ,)#*-.#%!/*$'#**01#2 ! "#!$%&!'&(!)*+,-!.,&#/-&'$!0!$%*12%$!+!2**-!+3$/*'!/$&4!5*,!46#&75!(*17-!8&!$*!$+9&!+!#$&:!8+39!+'-!7**9!+$!$%&! ;/+8/7/$6!*5!*1,!*,2+'/<+$/*'!+'-!(%+$!(&!,&+776!-*=!0'!#*!-*/'2>!*'&!:+,$/317+,!%/2%7/2%$!$%+$!,+$%&,!+#$*1'-&-!4&! 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Coast Redwood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