.~._'" "lI-"r,., ••

All the News

of All the I Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ointe ewS Complete IVews Coverage of All tlte Pointes llo11!:e 0/ the News ------:------_. ------VOLUME 24-NO 51 . ._t_hEnl'",d"__e_p_o_s_t_o_ff_l_c_e_a_tS'ro"d __CI'MD_c_tr_o_lt_,M.lte,.t_M_I_C_h_. __ • GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 19, 1963 'i~:'~'c',;;~• . 24 PAGES-lWO SECTIONS-SECTION , I _ , ------'------_._------,------_. HEADLINES I Service Girls Find Many Ways to Serve o/Ih, Political Lecture ILions Clubs \VEEK IAssisleAl hy As Compited by the Series to be Held G'OSS6 Po'nJ6 News BO}TS in Blue

ThursdlllY, December 12 Woods Group Exceeds At War Memorial Quota of $2,000 for First Time; Other Pointes THE PENTAGON will close I All Six Speakers Re-ConfirmH d bTheirF IIAcceptances;db' State. 35 military installations by I Party ea s to e 0 owe y Give $5,079 Octobe'. 1966. cutting about attona 'gures an I ors 75.000 out or a job. Deputy N' I F'~______, d Ed't ..' g enThee rP0 0usj n1yt e duringrespondedthe Se.... ,a..,. of Defen". Roswell 1'he lecture series planned for early January a, the! Goo die 110 w Newspaper Gilpatric, revealE'G th(' plans to Fries AuditohriUldnof th~ yvar MemonaldCeAnltletr'hlsschekd-•Sales on Monda\' D~cem- memb.., of Ihe New York eon- uled to go a ea as orlgIna y arrange. e spea _. . .' ' l1 gre,,;onal delegahon. It " ex- ers who agreed to speak have confinned their engage.! ber 16. II Was dIsclosed by p('cted that Defense Secretary ments. .. ~_. . :the chairmen of the Grosse Robert S. MeNamm witt make 1'he sedes. "Politi" ... 196.... 1 F t D .. IPointe Lions and Grosse and.y offid.1or so. Seven.nnonneemenlof the inst'lIa-In a . :'J.nn.rywitt begm7. wtlhTuesdaysuceesmeevemn.,lee- I a..~ rlvlng: :.'Pointe Woods Lions Clubs lio", .re In New Yo,k slate. ~,. ! tu,es eve..,. T u e s day nIght E I P ., I CollectIOns excecd~d those of but aides of Michigan Con-) j",,,,,,",j:' Ithroug, Febrna..,. I I. nl S alr s :I"t yeaL oHh the ""ods Cluh g'essmen repo,",ed t1,.t th ... , :L;:'::;::,3 !,,, The fi.,t spe.ker will be. i exeeedmg ItS quola of $2.000. wa. no md"at .. n .t th" hme .....•."'-c{ , . Zolt,n A. Ferenay. Demo... tic Crlme Career: The G'o"e Polute Lio", twhl.alltbaenYl'nMvoJ'Clvheigda.ninstallatiOnS ' .":'" . "~:',' St ate Chairman, ~e will discuss I A / ! Goodfellow salesmen turned in j '~1{ , . ! Candidates and Issues as re- - I a total of S5.079.25 on Monday, • * • :, : ~. " ~,. '1'j\1 Ila ted to Miehigan. The Rcv. INab bed After aD-Mile: as ,ompared to $'.8" .95 eol" Friday. December 13 : :' ,,".:'. if./ ":)1 'Bert .. m deHeus Alwood. minIs- I Ch • B I S ts ,'cot'd in ,he J'''2 "'0<. The ,IRS. JOHN F. KENNEDY.! .... ,,(7' ! te< of the G,osse Pointe X'e- ase, e anger e "0" 'hi, )'e... as was th.t of widow of the 1.le P,esidenl. re" : B:~. .. i mO'ial Chur ! Other speaker.s will be t.r" A traffic violation arrest' eh.i'''''n of the Grosse Poinle p,..,. seeretary. P,mela Tur- .'" " 'thut. B. Elliott. h. Repuhllc.n W ednesda V morn ing, De. iLion, d,i ve f 0' ,he p.st fi "e nu,. asid. that .he will aceopt Slate Ch.i,m.n who will .Iso cembe,' 11: foHowing an 80- ;ye.. ,. expressed his th,nk, to no public engagements during discuss state candidate", and Imile an hClurchase through; the polke and fire per<:onnel of thai period. M,.s. Kennedy ,~.,ues. The Rev. J.mes D. Grosse Pointe Park streets, the P,,'k. CIt,., F"ms and further disclosed to President . ~Ixon, pastor of the Grosse d d th "I I Shores for the tremendous help

Johnson Ihat she will take no ."Pomle Meth 0 d'"t Ch. urr Tre'e InqUIrIeson orne urg ar rogrum et ns,or BBBBefore Device Installations D h 0 Portland, Me., g~neral ~Ol;lnsel built., . , monev orders, or money can be Vnited St.te. iands 1" first in- Starts at Fries Auditor- - Lost to utc isease; of the Repubhean N.uon.J The p'" we... rr .. gned be,,! '1 d t h' t 15.39 Maek willstrumentsbe delayed,On lunaras WIllsuorfacesthe ",urndat 2'.30-,I' AIJdRes',- A b f 'd ts1 h h ul f dh d' '. To Be Spring Pro',ect Committee, is scheduled for fore Park .fudge C, Joseph, m,al e ~e t .1'; ~l\J'('h 482i4 num er 0 reSI en W 0 ave expresse a eSlre January 28, and will speak on Bellinger On the date: of their: a\enue, e 101 , • I, . manned spacecr.ft pl.nned for ents nv,te to install home burglar a arms, as a res tot e aellVl- the ,"me ,uhjeet as Schlesinger. "'est. They ",ood mnte and: DBIVE HELPS MA~-Y I.ter in the 1960's, ties o.f the "cat burglar," have been calling their police A tree planting program but f"m the Republican poi"t w.ived e.. m... tiou. The jUdge! He said .11 t.n'" colleeted i" • • • The annual Tree Light. departments for advice, it was revealed by the five in Grosse Pointe Woods, of view. The invoeation that found snfficlent eanse for a. the sales d"ve and those re" Sunday, December 15 I ing ceremony will be held Pointe police chiefs on Tuesday, December 17. usin g four dspecieksof, treteS, evemng will be given by the trial and ordered Asher and. ceivt>d in the mail...... ill be used r l ------wi! be un erta en m le Rev. Arnold D, John.son, associ- Harvath placed under $20,000' for the blind. for needy Pointe A LOS AN GEL E S DAM at the Grosse Pointe War However, not all residents The chiefs hastened to pOl'nt early spring,. with the ex- ate m in i s t e r of the Grosse bond each., I, l'aml'lies, and other civic actid. hun' S.tu,d.y. sending • flood Memorial C e n t e r Sunday h,ve songh' adviee ;n the m.t- pee t e d coopera tion of PoInte Congreg.tion.l Chureh. The ,ccu"d men wm ,e-! lies to .. hic' his o'g'nizalion " of water over a residential area ;1 ' ter, the chiefs stated. Some peo- out that there are man~ trust- Woods property owners, it The night of February 4 is manded to Ule Wayne County! pledged, .nd killin. at 1"" sIx pe.,ons. Dee em b e r 22. A fam,_y ple h,ve ordered home alarms worthy fianies hi red to put in the take advantage of a "scare" ber 12, The program was editor 0If thMe ~ightF News - Officers SpOt Car !quota of $2.000, and collected p alarms are reputa'ble firms, h paper~,. nc. ,0n.:lgnor ,r a n k At 1:14 a,llI, on Wednesday, j $2,171.09, the highest amount impending flood and evacuate The program will begin in ------situation and charge a fee in I recently approved by t e ~CPhllhps WIll gl~e the lllvoca- Patrolmen Gustave Boone and' recei\'ed since his club began most :residents in the arca, Ap- ~ries Auditorium at 2:30 in- D h. · S excess of what is reasonable, I Woods c?~ncil. ,tIon on ~hat occasIOn. . _ Bobby McAlister, while on pa- Iselling papers five year~ ago. proximately 200 homes were stead of the usual 3:30 in order e, rlS In treet Issut' Joint Statement I If the cltIzens cooperate WIth The fmal. speaker. IS Maro,n trol duty on Charlevoix, saw' Last year, the club collected destroyed and swept from their not to conflict with Church IBI T T- the proposed replacement pr()- Hayden, editor of tne DetrOIt a car with two men in it, doing: $1.848,50. fou"dalto", b,. the rnshing . OWS WO IreS In. joint .tatemenL the gr.m. the. city .dmini.tr.tor (Continn" on Pan Z) .0 mile•• n hour on the ,,'enue'I" He expressed his thanks to mass of water. and another serVIces, I --- chiefs said that any home said, at IE:ast 500 tre-es will be and gave chasl~. the personnel of the Woods Pub- 1,500 to 2,000 homes and apart- A special performance of the Everett L. Ball of 20751 Cole- owner or resIdent intending to planted to replace elms lost to The driver of the car, on ob- lie Safet:.' Departm~t, inClu?~ nd p S hi ! mentsd were d.maged. P~'ked G r 0 ss e Poin ""s Children', Im.n. Mt. Clemens. nollfi" ClIy pnt i~ a home b;"'giar .i.rm the Dnteh Elm disease. urse natc ng mving the ""lice .. uiser. m.de ling Capt. Don Co.ts. whose "'0 a dmovldngO woca,~smand were 1~~~- II Theater will be the Christmas Police December 10 at 4 p.m. " In recent years, he said, the 0 _ e.t a fast tU"n onto Bedford, still in selling newspapers helped put ate an carlle awaywho wasI e pIay "'rh e Cra dle, .. Th e C__en t e.r's of an accident at East Jefferson l'shouldd contact t thelrf locald' po- Woods has lost innumerable ill I gOI'ng 40 ml-le,'~ an hOUI', the drive over the top, ttoyS, d n.e h C dro n d YO'Ing people's ballet troup wIll, Ice epartmen or a VIce, or elms located on the street rIght- ccurs Y f 8 "ppe m er.. w e,," also• enlertain th.t .fternoon. and Wa

terms.not havPresidente Johnson dId Warrants c h a r gin g three men returned, stating the work sease, or other reasons. Very It is rather rare th-a'-t-a-g-ra-d---)-'e-a-r-a--ft-erserving 35 years as !'\eff road, WaS fined $25 for al- the support of the "John Does" with larceny by hnd been completed, and de. Against Phone Alarms few of these trees have been _ I hId lowing his dog to run at large, h Northern Democrats III, h'IS.Un- trick. were approved by the man ded $180 paymen t. Wh en However, all the Pomte. police,'I rep'aced- 'dby property owners, cornerstoneuatmg c ass tos Its.ou dalmaonatemater,a headmistress of the old Liggett, leadingt thto a dogontl1'sbite.probatl'onHe was .ueeossfui hid for t e nomm.- W. Yn e Connty Proseeutor', the WOm.n m ormed t e trio he.ds expre"ed opposition to . . . of but the 1963 _du.tlng cia". . '. . . f h It was saJ and Frank J, Siaden who has pu 011 ree m tlon ••• inst the l.te pres;de~t Offlee.• eoording to inform.tion th.t she did nnt h,ve lhat mueh the telephone. t y Pc hurgi" p.le~en said th.t he ".re of Liggett Sehonl did just thaI. been 'PPo'nted a. headma.t.. D'''td Ceo" Ficek. of 973 John F. Kennedy, and he. IS I fe-leased by Park Police Chief money on hand, they drove her alarm with a hookup to a local the opmlOn that ~:es I And on December 18 Miss of the new LiJgett Sehool to Balfour .. pled g~lIlt:. to rec~- anxiou, for the ,upport ot hh- Arth... Louoe" on Monday, to he' haok. whe" she with- r' t r vaiuable .sse" to e com. C t W. P "d t npeo next fall i less d,,"m" leadtp. to .n aw- eral Michigan Democra s an December 16, The trio are ac- drew that amoun an gave I h h t . 0 e c ass, 0 JCla e reSa l en lV. __ , _ I d.',' , ,t1 t d nd t cl t d 't po lee s a Ion. munity 3.S well as to the prop- fontshan~el lllcf.ma.n'tf, d t teh "'Il'ss W'I'p.elna'n \\'a~ J'ol'ned I'n I dent. He ~\'as found guilty of the United Auto Workers. cuse_dof taking $180 from a Parkt I to them, They shudder at the t oug t er y owners. . 1 cornerstone laying for the new the cornerstoue laymg by llIem-1 ,.II\In .• \\) 1O.U ue care a of that class, officiated at the cautlOn and fIned $10 * ... * woman for work that was no I After accepting the money ' 'station, for the simple reason City Has Ordmance Liggett School in Grosse P01'nte b"rs of her clasl. of 1963, repre-, '. 6 . _ ,t A Tu.,day.TEN Deee"'er 17 done. . the men told the wom.n th.t A City Ordin.nce ""triels Wood,. using, by eoinddence. senting over "00 .luOl"ae.1 D I,. Hum. of • t VOlvers' y MILE ROAD ROUTE The warrants' fwereth obtamed her roo f nee ded repatrmg' , an d trunkthat therelines toareeachjuststation,so manypas- the type and spacing of trees the same silver trowel that was whose Association owns and op- I bplac.'e was fo,und gmJty,1 d Of thar- lor Ihe new Intersl.te 696 Free- on eomp,"tnl 0 e w~. .nd the present .ubdivi,ion .sed 50 ye'rs ago .t the enrner- er."s the sehool. orm •. a nUlas~ce ea mg o. w.y through the suburb' of n.me wit.~held. who told pohee Ib.t they would return to do slbly lour or live. If any num- "gul.tlons require the develop- stone ",,.ing of the old Liggett The Rev. Edg.r H. Yoem.n. dng btte .nd flned $10. southern O.kl.nd county was th.t the men eame to her house the Joh. They never came h.ek, ber of trunk lines. should come er to plant trees between the 8ohool on BUl'tU hus;nes.... four foetones the m.tter. ae.eord,?g"to e p'ny they were "'ppn .. d to k e p' hnsy. and .n exlreme for the reploeement of .nY'''e bride. pmld.n I of the hoard of Pointe Woods • 'ere invited to G• ..,. Leroy Clemen" of 1435 and nine publie hundlngs. The' Louwe... hut t.~.. t,.. badgered represent. She

'- Page Two G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S ------~------_._-----~------,,--...... :_------Thursday, December 19, 1963 Thursday, Ij Fast Driving Ends Pair's 'Crime Career - .. _A. ~~_.~ __~ __ 'Cat Burglar' .Bilk Woman ... ~~~ REPORTS J • Lectures Philip N. Tore] CContlnciJd from Pq., 1) I OUf, of their car with service I Asher and Harvarth were (Continued from Page 1) IJSrMiNUTESHOPPOOi-~~ Carlisle. Detroit. driver lost control and the right revolvers drawn and ordered taken into custody and driven (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Pa ..e 1) meter. valued a: front tire struck the curb and Asher and Harvath out of their . to the station, where their car phone call would be impossible C"in Embedments, Coin Jewelry, Od? and Curi~us Monies ~ blew out, forcine the car to vehicle with their hands up. was searched and police found to get through. meager description of tile co?'! News, who will appear Febru- of the World, Proof Sets, Complete LIne of SupplIes. stuffed yellow 11: come to a stop. Other pollee cars arrived and the telephone on the floor in artists, Chief Louwers said. Opell Mon., thru ThuI'V. 11 fJ.m. tl) • p.""., Another result of this type ary 11, and the invocation will Boone and McAlister jumped blooked any possible escape. the rear. It was determined that W"ok*nd. by Appointment of alarm, the chiefs said. is that The matter caused the chief be given by the Rev. Ervllle the phone was taken from the some people. from time to time, to repeat a warning that he has B. Maynard. rector of Christ construction shack at St. Clare may want to check to make made on several occasions, nnd Episcopal Church. ) North Central Company ~~ School. sure the alarm is working, and that is that door-to-door solicit. Will Attend Sel'Vices Det. Lt. Stanley Enders and police may make "false runs". of Grosse Pointe '1\ ing is prohibited by a city ordi- Det. 'James LaPratt began an Should Be Private Job The final two speakers. Hills 16837 Kercheval .•. in the Village ~( immediate investigation of both The police heads were unani- nance. No one is allowed to seek and Hayden. will attend the men. They questioned Asher mous in a statement that th~ work of any type in the Park first four lectures and then dis- ~n=:::'::':':=:9~ ~ i)) Harvarth. who admitted taking telephone - type alarm, which by solicitation. cuss then. from a journaHsUc the phone from the shack. point of view. when set off, trips an automatic Any l' e !) 1den t who is ap .. Confess OUier Crimes recording giving the address of All the speakers will be in- proached at his home for a job. The detectives saId that UD- the place possibly being bur- troduced ~, George R. McMul- der questioning, the pair also glarized. is best in the hands of or who ill approached by any len, who orgar.l2ed the series confessed to burglaries and Phil companies deal1ng with protec- salesman, is urgently requested under the sponsorship of the armed robberies in Detroit, tion of private properties. to call police. War Memorial Association. for your lady/s Christmas Dearbonl, Dearborn Township Each of the lectures will "tart T..~ and Ferndale. These companies have ela- "I repeat, as I have done many borate switchboards that can at 8:15 p.m. and will be limited The pair also confessed to times before," Chief Louwers For YO'1 handle multi - alarms at one to approximately one.half hour burglaries inv()h7ing drug stores, said, "that when residents are time. Ii an alarm comes in. the of talk and then a question and dentists and doctor's offices, a'nd approached by any type of a switchboard operator can notify IlDswer period will follow. The a burglary in which they broke solicitor, regardless of what is the local police department lecture perlodc are expected to into a church and robbed the offered to be done, or what is BRUN having jurisdiction in the com- end about 9:30 and be followed safe. Besides this, they said, offered for sale, call your police munity in which the home is by receptions in the ballroom of S they were res p 0 n sib I e fo,' department immediately. WARREN $2 ( located. Within a matter of a the auditorium. '!'he speaJrers "many, many" breakins of con- "Your policemen will be glad p' Automatic few brief moments, pollce can will attend the reception Bnd struction shacks from where to investigate the solicitor and meet the audit'nce .• they took telephones, ripped out be notified and scout cars dis- A",eri TIE PRESS patched. check him out at the scene. Just Tickets may be obtained at DIAMOND the coin boxes, too~ the money "o-Ve Hcncr Arr, remember, door-to-door solicit- the War Memorial Center at $5 A distiDguished gift by COUNTESS and discarded the phones at The chiefs reiterated t hat ing is prohibited by city ordi. people should check with their lor the entire serits or $1 for 15301 E. Jet other locations. nance. :P 1 e a s e bear that in MAltA keeps good ties always fresh look- local police departments, or the each individual lecture. avail. Asher and Harvarth told En- mind," the chief urged. able at the. door. ing. Simply insert tie at night and remove ders and LaPratt that the larg- Better Business Bureau, before est "haul" they made was in a having burglar alarms installed. in the morning. In lustrous bhclc plastic. street holdup in which they took The police can recommend the $2,400 from a victim, and the best type of alarm to have in- second largest. was $1,000. stalled, and the BBB can dis. NO CHARGE taken from an unlocked safe close the reputation of the FOR GIFT Phone or Mail Orders filled. in the church they broke into. firms hired to install them. WRAPPING The confessed crim1nals said WO~WARD 2-6958 Last week, in a spot check I Et'ery Man Truly PI~se send that they were involved in of hardware and other stores other crimes that netted them dealing in hardware, it was tl Quantity_Charge_Cash_c.O.D. hundreds of dollars. Th€y said found that the "cat burglar" Wou/..d Enjoy Nam\;,e _ they did not know the exact scare has brought about a big amount. increase in the sale of burglar Address, _ Chief Louwers said that au. proof locks, chain door guards, thorities of Detroit, Dearborn, sliding door bolts and other lightweight Citv: a _ Dearborn Township, Ferndale safety devices. Pr.oprietors of and other communities in which locksmith shops and hardware add 4% f~ Michigan dl!W,'3' armed robberies had occurred, stores disclosed that they have blazer had been notified of the arrest received many orders to change of Asher and Harvarth. door locks of a number of resi- The police of interested com. dences in the Pointe area. For the college mon, It'S munities wlll place the two men o "must," for the older in lineups for possible identifi-, alumnus, It's Cl compliment. Woodward at Grand Clraa Parle I.cation by hOldup victims, espe- These blalt:ltt!l ore 60% cially those held up in gas sta- Yule Tree wool, 40% orlun, 8% oz. duo in Chictl60 tions, the chief said. weight. Ideo I fer vear- (Continued from Page 1) 'round wear. In buroundv. HOLIDAY FOR COUNCIL olive. camel, l'lavy, black. will be served by the Center's gray and brown. Wit h The regular meeting to the Youth Council. bright metal buttons. of Council of the City en Grosse The large tree in the circle course. 45.00 Pointe was not held Monday, in front of the Alger House will December 16. The cancelIation be lighted at 5 o'clock with an There is no gift more genuinely appreciated than a lambs" was due to the holiday season appropriate ceremony given by fine diamond. And there is no better time than Christmas and the lack of any urgent busi- the Youth Council officers. His College Crest <]reat" ness. Prayers by clergymen of vari- ON to surprise your lady with a diamond from Warren's. durab!£ ous faiths will be offered at Truly impressive showings of modern design rings, (Coat ~ that time. Blazer Buttons Camel All Poi n t e families are Imagine! We cOn obtain the brooches, earrings.. necklaces, bracelet~ and watches crest of 169 collego ond uni- ite'V ~ cordially i n v i ted, especially versities on 1S Kt. gold plat- await your consideration. You will see many exclusive those with small children. The ed buttons. A gift that is lute to delight him. Coat S War Memorial is at 32 Lake- and one-of-a-kind creations. Every piece of Warren's Hand '1 shore road. The entire program 7.00 per set diamol"d-set jewelry is of exquisite craftsmanship, " is being presented by the War Memorial Association in the superb quality and most dependable value. Exclusive Lil1e!l of Fine Attire for Men Spirit of the Season.

.p~ REPORTS SHOPLIFTER 4/ East Mrs. JoAnne Vestal, an em- CHARLES WI> WARREN & COMPAN' ployee at Best and Company, in " 'EWELE~S AND SILVERSMITHS ~ tL1tfJUti the Village. reported December • 12 at 8 p.m. that a woman ap- STEUBEN GlASS proximately 60 years of age walked out of the store with a '1520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD ii woman's wool, suit, red, size DetroIt 26, MichIgan-Phone WO 2.5158-Store Hours 9:30 to 5..-00 10-12. and valued at $90, without GfiRISGIDHS paying for the merchandise. I ~ A ~ ""'C~OS ~ GLOVES FOR MEN lutllmark 01 exeelkn.ce In one beautiful RAMBLER CLASSIC 6 or V.8 package- the world over

THE ANSWERS phone service c phone directoI) and numbers. } from U.,nb1-ellas of Distinction section of the l. 3.95 Self-openers ~nd Slim lines and fire protect: from 5.95 linking several T or more cities at information. W mation pages of Pajllmas For leisurely Lounging THE PICK OF from 6.50 PACK is a colon sion phone-sel. Shirtings just the right r dainty little P by Gent end Hothoway phone for the t Robes from 6.50 A space-savir from 12.50 New Rambler ClassIc 770 hardtop, one of phone for kitchen 24 models In 3 exciting '64 Rambler Series I shop. A desk se American. I • ClassIc 6 or V.S ••• Ambassador V-8 or living room. W you choose YOL No.1 in compa.:t car sales ~ Rambler leads because Rambler listens you're giving p convenience th year through. PI new excitement ••• big 6-footer room •••standout performance •••value features order right now, calling our Bus;ne

. :' ~..~~.'\. '::'.: ::. ,: lOJlQ.J~t9Jt91t0WiQl ",..,~:.,'."""~1 B~lt$ ...... :~.... leather A VEl and sport and a bright New from 3.00

NtckwelW oj Distincti()n Countess Moro • Bronzinl GET REAL STRETCH-OUT ROOMINESS. DominiCjue France • Charvet et fils GET SNAPPY 6 or V-I PERFORMANCE Solid comfort for 6 big adults. Yet the plus economy. Rambler delivers famed GET EXTRA VALUES at no extra cost: fr~m 5.00 Rambler Classic 6 or V-8 is trim out- economy without sacrificing ac- Deep. Diprustproofing, Double-Safety Open 9 till 6, ThufSdoy till S;OO others from 2.50 side for easy handling and parking. peppy celeration. Choice of Classic 6 or V.8. Brakes, Ceranuc.Armored muftler, Ad- f vanced Unit Construetio~ many more. fJieaerl-'JlonoR,...I_-~------See your Rambler'dealer-a good man to do business withfor a newcar or Se~ used car------••• a: GROSSE POINTE RAMBLER, INC., 18201 Mack A,e. ------Watch +h. Danny Kay. on CBS-TV, Wedn .. d.yavningt, 10:00to 11:00p.m.Chanl,el2----- _ ••• II:: :I: ••. • • --~----- ...% ..,"" IllltA""'..... ""'SIIIlI',...... ,__ ...... '""aq__ ._. __ I1111._. ... _. __ >__ ..__ , _...... ee • __ w .... _. p ...... __ --~----.-~---_.------~ --,------~---.~ I ... 'fl .....

Thursday, December 19, 1963 ---~ -~---- Thursd~y, December 19, 1963 ------_... ------GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three ~-=-s'"£'"~~ REPORTS. . -, LARCENY I $3. He told Woods police on PhIlIp N. Torella. 22, of 15879 Sunday December 15 that the Farms Pays Caught Stealing Christmas rrrees MINUTE SHOPPING Carlisle Detr it • 0 , 1ost his tacho- items were" stolen from his car Introducing New Pointe Teachers :om JewC'h, Odd ann Curinus Monies ~eter, valued at $40, and a while It was parked In the Special Bills A resident of S1. Clair avc-, to the i!tation. They were Roger 5<-t" C'mp1f'te Line (If Supplies. stuffed yellow lion, valued at Wood~ Theater lot. nue called City Police Decem-I Lawrence Houthoofd, 410 New- . th,u Thll.... 11 0 "', to • p.M., _._-._--_._---- At its regular session held bcr 14 at 12;57 a.m. and re-I . D in' ~""e,,ch bv Appoi"tM4Int , ported that threl~ people in II port, DetrOIt; James om IC Monday evening, December 16, the Farms. council authorized i 1!163 Plymouth hlld stolen some Lopiccalo. 14121 Averbill, Dc- payments of special bills A: Christmas trees from a lot wegt troit; and a youn~ woman. e:'~:~:~~o~~mpanyIi amounting to a total of $63,077, 4'* . of 17320 Mack avenue and went Further investigation revealed William T. Krieghoff com~ -.: south on St. Clair without lights. that the occupants had beer in ~ul ... m the Village J pany completed architectural 'I' The car was apprehended at the car al1d were consuming it. work on the municipal build- 'rt st. Paul and Cadieux and the All the parties were held until Ie 882-881 S or 882-8819 ) ing additions and alterations in , , cat' and occupant~ were brought I$50 cash bond was posted. ~.-F the amount of $101,432.30, and was paid $33,055.25, as partial payment of the work. Upon ~000030~oooeoooooooooOOOOOO~ij040000~Or. payment of this sum, the firm (' will have received a total of $91,289. ~ for the men in your life lady's Christmas Alban G. Brinkman company completed the mechanical work ~ on the additions and altera- tions, in the amount of $46,. ~..> 117.77, and was paid $11,122 as a partial payment, which makes ~ the total paid to date to the firm $41,506. I IARREN The Maryland Electric com-I pany completed the electrical work on the building, amount- ing to $11,9l}8.7S, and received AMOND partial payment of $4,133, which maltes the total paid to date on the work $10,798.91. Begrow and Brown, architec- 1\, Chr;srnas day nears, store selections neltur~lfy tural firm, whieh drew the plans for the alterations and ad- Me more iimited. We hope thot the items listed ditions, was paid the sum of below, ilil in good ~upPly, will solve your gift $3,208.38. Professional staff members new to to right) EDWARD KNUTH, giving proolems. The firm of Hubbell, Roth Kerby School this year are pictured RICHARD GRAMMATICO, physical and Clark, Farms city engi- with'DR. CUSTER HOMEIER, principal, education; and SUSAN HANSON, neers, certified that Brencal at the left. The new teachers are (left grade 3. HATHAWAY SHIRTS: r~~;:e::~~~~lContractors, Incorporated, had * * • ! An excellent selection of white brooddoth, completed work on the addi. This week the Pointe's n~w'I' ~stern Mic~iga? and Syracuse. I Wayne S.tate. Grammatico has Single or Frl?ncn cuff, or oxford cloth i from ! With Hathaway trim fitting collars, from q~~ tion<; to the Water Filtration e~t teachers are from Kel by HIS home IS In St. Joseph, seen servIce with the Marines. Plant, Lake Shore and Moross, EJeme;ttary ~ch?ol. Dr. Custer Michigan. He and his wife are the parents 6.95. Color~ In button down or tob • B. · J collar from 7.50. I rrtam! in the amount of $8,775, and I~omeI~r, prm~IPal, has pro-I Richard Grammatico taught of son, Daniel, age 1. He lists I I J was paid a partial payment of vlded mformatlon on newcom. in Detroit before joining the golf and bowling dS special in- : I (Shown) Authentie I $7,897.50, making ,the total al- ers Susann Hanson, grade 3, 1 local staff. His degree is from terests. : NECKWEAR: ready received $8,775. Edward Knuth. grade 5. and ------. --- - - ... -~- I Crew Neck, th. ~ City Engineer Murray M. Traditional reps, challts or Fal:lards from Ri::har~ G~ammatico, physi~l: ~~~~~~~!!~~~sisi~~AAl.A!.h..A!.A!.~:~ 2.50. Designer ties by Bronzini or OJ Smith certified that the firm of educa,tlOn mstructor who dl' I ~ ~;;:o:~~~~-..~ I byword of sweater ~ V,nci. I collectors, woven J M. L. DeMeulenaere had com- vi des his time between Kerby! ~ Last Minute Answer 10 MEN'S Gifts ~ pleted the replacing of timbers and Mason. . ! ~ ~ ' • i from fine Shetland. ~ and the re-setting of parking S.usann ~anson IS a De.! ~ If he's hard to fit SPORT SH IRTS. i The ultimate in ! meters in the Kercheval avenue *; trOlter by birth, a graduate of i ~ or harq. to please . ~& ' Classic button downs Of regular sport ~ rU99e:l handsome- and Mack avenue parking lots, t-j}.' ! Redford High School. She re-' ~w '.' and recommended the company I ~ "1' ~ollar. Cottons from 5,95, wash blends l ne~s, unique colors ~ ceived her BS from Wayne ~ ~ from 12.95. be paid $753.50 in full for the State University. During her ~ ~ W that are sure to ~ job. college days she served on the ..G.... ~ DAJA A .... I make this versatile ~ Harry W. Moss and Sons sub- executive board of the Associa- ~'l J:9.t..' -. M:> mitted a bid of $3,000. the low- i style even ~ tion of Women Students. ~ ~-~ ~ .. , • A Hickey Gift Certificate 5up~lie$ the ~...c::::;;:;-., ___ est of three offered, as the cost I more interesting ~ Edward Knuth, a graduate of ~ ~'~'T cloth oxford, EnglIsh Pima Cotton., nylon to the Farms for a jeep aI1d a t"wt and pure'silk.s. 5.95 to 27.50. I 14.50 J rotary broom attachrr.ent. City Western Michigan University. is ~ ~~ : ~. ~ an experienced fror:.t of 825 Neff road was I ~ Was"ington 6lvd. Book Tower ~ ~ :reations. Every piece of Warren"s I Coat Style .. , .. ' $32.50 I I Hand Tied Cable ,." $39.50 J taken by City Police Officers of, and planting of the trees.' Tl?1 ~ ~ y is of exquisite craftsmanship, Edmund Benthuys and Gerard N? guarantee of the pla~tings ~ Come.in or phone WO 2-5191. Gift Certificates can be ~ de B 0 eve r December 11 at wIll be made, Peterson saId. ~ ~ade oat fo~ any article of apparel or for an unusual ~ i most dependable value. 8:05 p.m. Will Give Details ~ gift ... or 111 any amount desired. ~ , I Pan 80vtn I A car driven by Thomas A. Details pertaining to the pro- ~ Fr~e Porklr'lg Just Wc~t of Butldlng. Let Us Stame Your T,cket ~ 17140 KERCHEVAL - ro. 2-8970 ~ . Muer, of 2051 Oxford road, was gram will be outlined in a fu- I TG1 ~ C\ i 41 East Adams • Also in Ann Arbor ~ traveling south on Neff. He ture quarterly report to Woods' ~~~~~~~~'i~~~~~i?~~~~'i~~'"{ "Ii 2 iI 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 II 0 0 II II iI 0 0 II II !'I Q 2 12II 2 0 0 0 0

shop. A desk set for den ! We'll Send You His Gill Certificate ~ i,' or living room. Whichever f,( ~ you choose you'll know i By Relurn Mail ~I you're giving pleasure, ~ ------n I Ids bec=use Rambler listens convenience the whole 1.( ::A year through. Place your ~ CI.lP AND MAIL ~ ill A Savings Account passbook with a bright red bowl order right now, just by t.( ~' ::A calling our BusinessOffice. i ~~ 4-MEN'S WEAR, INC. ~I ··.value features This is the easiest Christmas shopping you work, live or shop. Stop in, open aD you can do. For youngsters, for relatives, I9l I9l <9l WI9J " I9J l2J l2J \9l l2J l2J l2J l2J I9J I9J ,Q"H," I GI FT C ERTI FICA TE II insured Savings Account for each of for employees, give the gift that stead- those "hard-to~shop-forJJ names on your A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS I FROM...... • ...... • I . ily ~comes more valuable with 4% list. Each account passbook is personal- and a bright New Year •.. from all of us at Michigan BeU I. oro , , . , .. , , . . . ~ earnmgs compounded quarterly - a ized with the recipient's name and 8 Savings Account at First Federal. I : $5 0 $10 0 $15 0 $25 0 $50 0 ~ bright red Christmas bow. Save worry. ~ ;...... ~ There's a First Federal office near where save tim~see First Fed.eralDrst. "111 Out the Above Coupon ond Enclo.e Your n i Cheek or Money Order - We'll ~ I ~ Se"d Hi. Gift Certifieo'je by Return Moil m I ~ ~I ~ET EXTRA VALUES at no extra cost: I We Feature Famous Name Brands iSl PIRST" ~. >cep-Diprustproofing, Double-Safety I - PENDLETON • SWANK • RAINFAIR RAINWEAR ~ :rakes, Ceramic-Armored mumer, Ad- •• REVERE SWEATERS _ KICK OK BELTS. STETSON HATS ~ anced Unit Construction, many moro. _FRENCH SHRINER SHOES • ARROW SHIRT.S ~ FEDERAL . c"d many others ! ~ usedcar------(-S,AV'ING.S " Phone 965-1400 (Sonoy, 1&0 Christmas decorrJJJed IHJ88/Jooks by mail) I _.~~~', MEN'S WEAR, INC. I " , ~I}~ ~/16930 Kercheval in Grosse Pointe ~ , ---OF DETROIT Tun. lit "Pro"'," 8:80 PM Sund.y. aDd "W~tfJd," 7:00PM Tue6dIlY., WWJ~7Y~Ch.,,"" II Mack Ave. , , 1 ,I " TU 1-9252 I lei 2---- _ * •• zt: :I: • ~ d: :I: % = :I: = d:: iii Jb • :II •• _ LI Open Monday Through Friday Till 9~P.M. to Dec. 23rd~I I Kereheval near St..Clair~Grosse Pointe Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Ot!eem~f' '9, 1963 Thursda~, o~ ~::::~~::'::,:~:d~::~'I'Xin

.Upaca ZIP LI~ED '~SURF" bv Gleneagles Market ... - 18328 MACK AVE.


Peeled and Devemed-Ready to Coo~ , A Saint Paul High School stude~t cas received I' . word that her short storv ?;il1 be published in the . "Catholic Digest" early in ~1964. The student is Penny I SHRIMP 1Iorris of 89 Hand", road. She sub!Tljtted her short: story to her senior English teacher, Sister Marie Timo- 3 lb. Bag 25 thy, D.P., as a class assignment. 4 The shan story, -rile In- 1 ------_ truder:' deals <,II.ith the conflict! Penny is the ~ditor of the I producM in the mind of on~' Sawt Paul student newspaper. i Lux teenager when the :ra~ ques- i The Paulil'hts. She plans to tioD m 0 v e s from far-away continue he '-4T1.tingcareer after w Philadelphia Brand Alabama light into her back- high S<:'chooIby tdking a liberal yard.. In the final t~ the teen- ,ar-..s cou..~e. majoring ill Eng- Sueded Cream Cheese ; ager, caught up in the safety of t Usn. Other college courses may 'conformity, fails to look upon I indude a mioor in art, another Fine lan"bskir! ... a-Oz. her co lor e d neighWr as 3Jl, ot her intere:tts. fur neyt to your equal. She turns away from her. f Recently. Penny r e e e i ve d s:.Jeded to har- Pkg. ~d ...ith that gesturt'. admIts ,.-ord that Uie has bee n Lu;t!,irioUS warrr fa i 1 U r e. All her high-flown' aWarded a certificate of merit rhetoric about "'equality for all, 'for her outstanding work in CALIFORNIA NAVEL equal OPPOrtunity. etc:' h..s be-: the ~ at ion a 1 Merit A....-ard Oranges come sterile and meaningless.: £4aminatlon. Quality and Style in a Fabric Hat ••• sa Size Farms Submits Building Report Permits for b'Jiding in the one for a comm~rcial construc- KNOX Vn'"ElLA Farms have totaled 121 since lion worth $11.000; and 88 mi$- Fancy Boston Lettuce . the beginning of the year, and: cellaneous eo~etion oermits were for construction valued at i . Because it's crafted by Knox of soft-bJ.the- c 52.875.350. including three per-: for property valued at a toW touch, elegant Viyella, you know this is a 2 Heads 2S mtu for nonassessable build-' of 5200.350. ir,~ ,,'alued at 5717,000, accord-I' By comparison. from Janu3!'Y quality fabric hat. AvaiIable in a large variety r---__OPEN - ..., ing to a monthly ~port reo- 1 through N'ovt'mber 30, 1962, of patterns and colors, including solids and ! eelved from City E n g f nee r Ithe Be.tlding D e par t men t Your all we::rner-all purpose coa~ ~;tb. 2 $~ell of 'Mun-ay M. Smith. I granted 22 pennits for homes sheeks Knox V.iyelIa... $7.95 durable 2.ply Duron and Cocron rlt~.r's •.:i.a and This I-andsewn, ; The figures released are for f valued at a total of $982.000; tt~~:!'~~'2~ TILL 7 P. M. All Sizes-All Colai.sIm4gl,,4ble stain repel c'ot (and needs no reproofiLg. 1':)rep p~ie tures easy slip. ! a penod beginning January 1: one for a business place valued drawn serpenti- i through ~ovember 30 of this I at $33,000; and 85 permits for zip-in lini:lg with insuI.ared s.atln siee'\'eS. Xz.mra.4 In masculine tar ~year. During the !lame period f mi~llaneous work valued at olive, black. in 1962. a total of III permits, I $277,600. .. for bulldings valued at $1,442,- ---- 1 I600. were Issued. including two 0 Takes the guesswork per m it. for nonassessable rO!~t 1,buildin'tS valued at $150,000. Smith disclosed that last; n • t N WS out of Christmas (jiving month the Building Department; rO) n t e Iapproved five permits, one for; Published every Thursday by a 190,000 home at 489 Lake i Anteebo Publishers. Ine. ~ Shore road; and four miscella-I 99 Kercheval Aven~e I' , . ~.;~ FLORSHEIM neom permits for buildings ~. ',;' valued at a total of $16,000. Grosse Pointe 36, Michigan ~ ~ - In November 1962. a permit / Phone TU 2-6900 t: ,-;, * fjift Certtifteates ~Yl/fl1'.~_~ for are sid. e II c e value~ at I Three Trunk Lines was l~ed; and eIght: Sp.eond C~SS Pouage paid at De- ,.,:"~~ $8(),0?0 f ...... , .. ... - ,"f' ... ~ ...... ,. • permIts for mIscellaneous con- trolt, Mlebigan. ~ .:!''5 1,'.1;.!!,.,..\" .,,;;. "~~. I structiorzs. worth a tot a I l)f' S~bscMption &tes a5.00 Per Year ~ .~?'!"" •.••...~~~\,. . . $17500 ,O;l; ~1all ($6.00 0 u t S 1 de WayDe ;:- .. -.' ... '1:. 'J; p, • i County). All News and Aavert;sing " . ';'. ,:>,.. • ..~ . Since the beginning of this Copy :v.ust Be In The News OffIce ~ ye S-'th's report showed 30. by Tuesday Noon to Insure Inser- ...... ,...~ ,,~~\.;.,",-"',,,\' .....<:. ~ ~ ",.;' ...... ' i tlon.. . \6i" -:~. pennlts for resIdential con- I Adcress aU Mall (Subscnptions, " structions W 0 l' t h $1,947,000 I ~nge of. Addn'S5 Forms 3579) to have heen granted, as '\\ell. as .i Po;nte99 K e ~:-c!!. .Michigan.e val A....enue. GrollSe

Eminently Elegan.t

.,/ Styled inthe British ~f mner .. " KNOX From its exquisitely hand-felted edge to HENDO the subtle silhouette of its tapered crown . . • Cust"m 20 Rego by KnOx. Hand- ~~ ... '. ~".(" crafted of rare quality felt, the Rego 'is . . unsurpassed in distinctive styling. The Th:unes is the•~ bst~cnft«i aA eI~ lfut.s and .. ted b the )liCMDg man who appr~"'ia~ the tradition.u ltd.:. The Thatoos "ill tU..\t )'\"Ml thn"litgh )QK' We Can Help You Put round-th<'-clock &etivities-m style.. The Presents Under .ItI $1295 H your budget .. stretched by seasonal expenses With Christmas .hopping still to be done, He ManUfacturer. B8nk for a Personal Loan. Borrow $300. $500. $1000 or more on your signature alone at your "hrest Manufacturers Bank office. 17012 KERCHEVAL MANUFACTURERS ~~ii1I@~~n.. ~~lMlJ( Mack near 1.ochmoor Warren E. at Three Mil. Drive in the Villoge .leff.r.a L at eopli" K.lIy at Whittier Sherwood lllar I. Outer Driv. OPEN Thur Saturday and ' .. , \'. .e_. ..

Thursday, December 19. 1963 Thursday. December 19, '963 - GROSSE POINTE NE\VS Page Five ALL



Thursday - Friday - Monday * ALL WEATHER COAT I L P. SATURDAY and CHRISTMAS EVE. TILL 5:45--

LllXllrio lIS 0 •• warm Sueded Curly Lamh

Fine lambskin with the natural curled fur next to your hand and the outside sueded to handsome ruggedness. Luxurious warmth without buik .. For the big party your wife must buy a new gown, shoes, stockings,

lingeriel lipstick, hairdo, gloves, even eyelashes .•• DANIEL HAYS GLOVES 1 purpose coat with a shell of )n and CottOn l:ha,'s rain and Th;s handsewn, English lmpcort fea. from 5.95 tures easy slip-on wrist and hand need" no reproofing). Deep pile drawn serpentine desig~l on back. in~l1ldted satin sleeves. Natural. 1n masculine tan shade. "Granada", Bract mohaIr worst"d, silk jacquard !rlllt Only $110QQ ~, .""'alural. Olir-e WOOL AND KODEl ------_-. .._----. The Alpine Maincoat 8 by London Fog .'~'.~~ For All Purpose Wear i .~ ;"; Its lining zips out with the greatest cf ease. Throughout the year, this ] will be your favorite coat. When it's cold and snowy or rainy and j misty, you'll be protected by the Alpine Maincoat's thick, de&p Pile ..,i 1 lining with attached warm sleeve linings, and its water repellent shell made of LONDON FOG's exclusive Nord Cloth <100% long staple cotton). And when it's clear and warmer, just zip out the lining and wear the coat in cool comfort, whil(~ everyone admires the way you look. Smartly tailored stand-up collar, split shoulder. Shell in tan. olive or black; zip-out liner in gold-flecked black.

AVAILABLE IN SIZES 36-46--Regulors-Shorts-Longs

/ ~British ~fanner ••• Dashing NOX Tyrolean Zip Cardigan $1495 ~NDO (of care-free Wool-and-KodetJ An ingeniously mid-weight sweater that's machine ._),~ .. washa;,le and dryable because it's 65% wool, 35% . ~/...,~"':' ~ I

xx xx x:><:xxxx xxx x 17012 KERCHEV.A.L in the Village ~X S. STEIN" & CO. X 17012 Kercheval nt Notre Dame X X OPEN Thurs., Fri. and Monday Till 9 P. M. X ~~iP~ X in the Village Saturday and Tues., Christmas Eve. 'Til 5:45 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

__ ~ -.. • " ... ! .t... I00:1:: ... • __ liIIIII__ • _. ...__ .-...... ___. .. _~-.....- _ -- G R 0 SSE PO r N TEN E W S Thursday, December 19, 1963 Thursday, '------,--~--~_._._-_... -.._---~-,--~--.'- .. ~~---.- Dl FOR Maire Students Visit Capital CHRISTMAS IDEAS · B k U I M.I'r k f To be successful a youn" finn ACCIDENl IMalcolm Johns to Study DrIVer ac s p nto . al rue! must earn more than he re;';'iv~s North Centrel Co. of GrotDe Poillt. The Fifth grade at Lewis E'I Leaving the school at 7:30 Ch l M · · E Some people t. Give Coins For Cnrlstmos Maire School recently spent a a.m. in chartered buses, the . ora USlC 'tn urope An accident occurr.ed in front pulled up in front of th~ mall-I-.'." --- . llcense ig all It dr erute a car on sf. 16837 Kercheval, In the Village busy, educational day at the group of 84 students, teachers, ' _ of the National Bank Of Detroit box at 1744V East Jefferson to II ALUM. HDW. INC. Phone 882-88 J 8 or 882-8819 ~{)3t ways. m state capital and MichIgan State and parents began their tou:" of Malcolm Johns. AAGO, as- at East Jefferson avenue and pick up mail. , b~ COMB. $1795 co University. Michigan State UnIversity at sociat~ professor of musIc _at Rivard boulevard December 9 Geraldine Ansel, 71 Stone-, I ------Wayne State University and at 12:25 p.m. hurst, wag Jlarked in front 01' I DOORS 1" THIC.K the experimental agriculti.iral organist • choirmaster of the A U.S. Government mail truck Ithe truck, and backed Into It,! barns, observing with muc~. in- Grosse Pointe Memorial Pres- being driven by Edward J. Con- breaking a headlight. No tickets I terest the cows whose stomach byterian C h u r c h has been way of 1332 Ashland, Detroit, were issued. is covered with a plastic cover granted sabbatical leave to for easy viewing. study choral music in Europe With student guides aboard during 1964. .January 1 will the buses announcing varIous mark the completion of 25 ~~~~'J..vAWP4:i.'r~:i~.w~~$.@'~~~;?&:%f2};;J.>&:.~;:',:;, .. " points of interest, the boys and years of service in both po'si- girls caught a glimpse of campus tions. ~ - STORE HOURS! life before they gathered at the Professor Johns received his Union Caieteria for lunch. Mus.B. in organ from Oberlin OpenThis Frill' and Monda, Till 9 p.m. The Museum fascinated all College; B.S. in Music Educa- ~',: Thurs., Good things come with its panorama of Michigan tion and M.Mus. in organ at I :'i. ' Christmas W'eek Store Hours: history, both geological and Wayne State University; grad- anthropoligical, and the display uate study has been done at ~ Monday 9:30 to 9:00 p.m. - Tuesday through Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 In little packages. of the Egyptian Mummy. the University of Michigan and m.-.... _ ..._...,,,~.,""'.,.,,.....<""'" <~<.y",,~ '%'//,.<"".>;, ::l'<-.<.-w/ ...",,,.,,""-<~~.,.'I/.'~'l.«'w,.,,..W""~Z.'0'<.,;<1,'''''''< %, "h"'~'r,"'/' " After lunch the buses drove Tanglewood. ~ .~m«IO.lWM""'~~""""""".em:.$ ..../.y,;~:.;;.•"',;:;,>M"'?,',"""'h>~~_7,.v.w/"'''''',jA'd,Q7..m#.1>;0;;:>'y'<,7r,/"~h",_,, ~>,<"h,./,""'.;N'/,,'~, .',,:, to Lansing for a visit to the During World War II he was Capitol. where a guide took Chief Welfare Specialist in everyone into the Senate and I charge of ('horal music at personalized- for Christmas ... H 0 Use chambers, explaining Quonset Point Naval Air Sta- what transpired in each place tion, Rhode Island. His organ BLAZER JACKET and a bit of the history behind teachers include George Lil- MALCOLM JOHNS BOYS' COAT...Of-ARMS various parts of the rooms. Hch, Charles Frederic Morse. Although it was impossible Ernest Whi<.e and Ve r non ner Zimmermann (B e r 1 in) • for the Governor to grget the deTar; choral teachers have B run 0 Penzien (Heidelberg), Distinctive tailoring for the young students that day. (the tax re- been Olaf Christiansen, Hugh Hans HeintzerBremen), Hel- ferm bill was under considera- Ross and Robert Shaw; orches- man on your gift /ist...our wool tion), he very graciously wrote tral conducting at Fish Creek, m u t Kahlhofer (Wuppertal- a letter expressing his regrets, Wisconsin, under Dr. Thor }Jarmen). Erhart Mauersberger to the boys and girls at Maire. Johnson. (Leipzig), H a n s Gillesberger Hannel 3.button natural The day's touring was con- In Detroit Mr. Johns has (Vienna) and Martin Flamig eluded with a trip through the been conductor of the Henry (St. Moritz). shoulder blazer with patch East Lansing Post of the Mich- Ford Hospital Nurses' Chorus, Mr. Johns wHl be accompa- igan State Police. The friendly founder and conductor of the pockets, center vent. Camel, and understanding state police- Grosse Pointe Com m u nIt y nied by his wife, the former Marian Johnson, who is direc- men explained the many gun8' Chorus; con d u c tor of the tor of Youth Choirs at the that are used in their work. Wayne State University Wom- navy, red; 4-7 sizes, 12.98 allowed the studt:nts to inspect en's Glee Club and at present G r 0 sse Poi n t e Memorial Church, and his daughter, Kris- a patrol car, told them of what is conductor of the University ten. Thei::- son, Cort, will rer Dark green, burgundy, the training program for re- Singers and Choral Union at cruits consisted, and took them W.S.U. where he also holds the m~in at the University of Michi- gan. Mrs. Johns, who holds a They come through the building where the position of university organist. cornel, black, navy, daily busint;>ss of the state po. He has been a regular lec- B. Mus. degree from Salem College, Winston-Salem. North lice is conducted. turer for the Detroit Symphony red; 8.12 sizes, 16.98 In big packages too. Carolina, is the sister of Dr. The teacher who made this Women's Ass 0 cia t ion; has day possible, Mrs. Leone Ben- served as a member of the Na- Thor Johnson of Northwestern University. and 13.20 sizes, 'h'hen that little. package !dea first got started, it nett, feels that in no better tional Council of Churches way than a trip of this kInd, Committee on Worship and the Both Professor and Mrs. wasn't bad. It meant things like diamonds-emeralds can young people learn about Arts; has been choral conductor Johns will return to Berchtes- 22.98 their state, its institutions of for the U,S. Army Church gaden in January as staff mem- -and other precious gems. A/though this still may be bers of the U.S. Army Church learning, its government, and Music Institute in Berchtes- tr!Je, don't forget the "gems" that come In big pack. its law enforcement agencies. gaden, Germany, and in 1962 Music Institute. Miss Grace Zetterstrom, who received her ------was in the group of American ages. Think big this Christmas. Get a gem of a ~ Master's degree in organ from organists who toured Germany the University of Michigan in Range, Gas Dryer, Gas Incinerator, Gas Refrlgerater, I as guests of the Federal Re- August, will assume the organ finl!S~ I See the latest models now on display at dealer or HEARING AIDS public of Germany. position at the church during While in Europe Professor .' r • } '. Mr. Johns' absence. Miss Zet- , ., ,. . , See au,' bit Gas Company showrooms. Low down payment. Easy Johns will do concentrated re, terstrom was made a member BATTERIES search in the choral music of of the faculty of the Music terms arranged. LIVE MODERN ••• PVR LDI ••• WITH GAS ALL MAKES Hugo Distler and make a study Department of Wayne State laconsons .•. F. P. GUIMOND of the revival of the "Kantorei- University in September. .• J ' , ,~ .'.. ' LET0 Praxis" in Germany under Pro- The Johns' address from Certified Hearing Aid fessor Wilhelm Ehman at the January 1 to July 1 will be: ."'e pocket Cre" may be m~"Oo A. MICHIGAN CONSOUDATED Audiologist Westfalian Church Music In- Gaisbergstrass 59, Heidelberg, Boys-Second, Floor stitute at Herford. YOU Germany. gromrned with 011 lr~n-on Initial of WOODS JEWELRY,lnc. Additional study will Include Yeung Mens-Street FoGr V GAS COMPANY 19001 MACK TU 5-2231 Karl Richt~r (Munich), Jurgen DO exIra cost. Jurgens (Hamburg), Heinz Wer- Yule Programs RIGHT At St. James

The S1. James Lutheran Church announces its :;pecial programs and services. THE On Sunday, Decembp.r 22 at 9:30 a.m., the Sunday School will hold its annual Children's CAMER Progra~ entitled "Christmas From world famous f!iri::Tr0;fi:!':!?'P~ Around the World". Kenneth Michel. Sunday School Superin- CENTE~ BREWERS-VINTNERS tendent, announced that the F.~ program was planned and 17114KERCHE: directed by Dr. and Mrs. Armin Grams. Carols from many foreign lands have been col- lected over the years by the Open IV Grams', and the children have been learning songs in German, Santa French and Italian. ' and f On Christmas Eve, December believers 24, the: traditional Candlelight Song Festival will begin at 11 stay safe p.m., featuring special choir selections and the meditation by and warm Rev. George Kurz. It On December 25 at 11 a.m., !n cozy the Christmas Morning Family Holid Service will be held. A nursery is provided for young children. FLEECE-LINED GIFT SLIPPERS Special children's parties are ~ ." .... planned to coincide with last minute program practlces at St. A Boys' brown soft sole leather moccasin James Lutheran Church. The Brings y~A~A!~eFinest ,\'; with shear/ing cuff. 10to 3 sizes 2.98 Junior Choir was honored at a :;:' MacNaughton'. C"nadian Whisky luncheon on Saturday. December B. Girls' handsewn reversed lambskin labalt-, Pi!senQr Beer 14, folluwing the final rehear- laball's India PCI'e A/. sal for the combined concert moccasin. Pink or blue. 10 to 3 sizes. 3.98 DENMARK given December 15. Cherry Heering i..-queur C. Girls' shear/ing-lined high boot. Carlsberg Bur ENGLAND Multicolor brushed leatheror red smooth lIuf'C1t'!r Gin FRANCE leather. 1 to 3 sizes. 4.98 ChClmpClgnes • SpClrk/ing Burgundy Olard 3 Star CognClC D. Boys' hondsewn brown or cleluu Bordeaux Win.s CCllvet Bordeaux Wines black elk moccasIn GERMANY low.nhrClu light and Doric Beer with shearfing lining. Asbach Urah Brandy Rhine and Moselle Wine. 10to 6 size$. 4.98 IRELAND Guinness Stout 'rish Mist liql:eur Imported and Domestic ITALY St~ck Sweet and Dry Vermouth. Vintage Stock Bra ndy Bertolli Chianti Model SM 500 PUERTO RICO Carioca Gold label Ru .. PORTUGAL MOBfLEMAI Cockburn No. 2.5 Port DISHWASHEf SCOTLAND Vts.lt our Liquor Department and see the HoUday Decanters. start as Iowa gift wrapped and ready to give. DewClr's While lobel Scot!:h Whitky t Roberlson's Yellow label Scotch Whisky BEER - PARTY SNACKS - SOFT DRINKS - MIXES U.S.A. O'd Kentucky Tavern 8ollr"d.ln-8ond Bowbotl A Complete Food Center

Old Kentucky Tovern Stralght SOf/rbon _. --_.- _. - -, "- -- . .~ . ) ._~25 Y"lIow:tan. Straight BourbOn after. small Old lh9mp~on Blended Whiskey aoWA payment Dubonnet AperItif < YORKSHIRE" ... Greot West~rn Wines and Chompo9n• Cook's Wines ond Cham/Xlgn. "'. L. .. LIVE BEITER Glenmore Gin oG/enmor. Vodka Paul MOtSon Wines and ChompoQt\. FO,OD' MARKET Ele&tricttlly Paul Mauon Brandy DISTRIBUTED ~y Fancy Groceries and Prime Beef 16711Mack at Yorkshire WE DELIVER TU 5-7/40 OPEN 9:00 TO 9:00 Pay ldisOft Bills Here, Opell Mo. --.

Thursday, December 19, 1963 Thursday, December 19, 1963 -----~--- --_._- GROSSE POINTE NEWS To h(' su('c("!;sful a young man Page Seven ACCID.ENT PRONE I NATIONAL EFFORT must earn more than he reeeives. Some pec>ple think a driver's I Insure the futw'e progress of Chorale Gives Blaze' Damages . of tile mail- lice(U;e is nll it t.akes to op- our nation-let every indivi- Students at Maire Send ALUM. HDW. INC. ('ratt' a car on streets and high-I dual put his shoulder to the Fine Concert JC'fferson to! ~f)~ \':a)'s. Wheel. 'Hill' Building COMB. $179$ ------~.~ ------Yule Gifts to Hosp.itals . il Ston{'-' The Kenneth Jewell Chorale Seventeen -firemen and four IRE GIFT THAT' DOORS '" THICK in front of presented an extremely beauti~ pieces of equipment from the Christmas h&s a more lasting and like to invite all to particI~ 'ked into it .. ful concert at the annual Christ- Farms and City responded to a meaning when we give some- pate. It. No tickets' mas program and tea given by two-alarm fire On-the-Hill Fri- thing to someone who really The present given by a Marie the Women's Association of day morning, December 13. needs the gift or the attention SchOol child might well be the only token of love some of the TOPS Grosse Pointe Memorial Church The alarm was called in by that the gift symbolizes. sick receive on Christmas be- last Tuesday. Bruce Tappan, realtor and pro- The children in Mrs. Parent's cause many in these hospitals Mrs. Arnold Lungershausen prietor of the real estate firm room at Marte School have ex~ are without relatives and are pressed a desire to bring pres~ arranged the appearance of this bearing his naIlle at 88 Kerche- ents, gaily wrapped in Christ- among the world's forgotten new 30-voice ensemble which val, who discovered the fire in d h people. ~ usrS! sings with professional finish mas ribbon an paper, for t e The Grosse Polnte boys aJld . • under the expert direction of his office when he opened for patients in hospitals. They will !dMonday Till 9 p.m. girls in Maire lik.e Santa Claus . Kenneth Jewell. business at 8:37 a.m. bring beautifully wrapped pack. and sleigh bells and Christmas 'tore Hours: n ages containing lovely gifts for ::-:: iA Mr. Jewell is known through. He jointly occupies the 1 d d d trees too. But they truly enjoy ,.)< » lone y an age men an through Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 ;;:,: ~ out Michigan as a highly-gifted building with The Village Store, women who are sick on Christ- preparing these Yuletide treas~ WARMBST• I choral conductor. He serves on same address. Extensive dam. mas Day. The Hospital Corps ures. ~: .. ::=:.::: ~~~:~;~.::_.,:;.:': ~:~':., .~.;:., :::~. ":':' - ...../;:.::. ':.~' :-:-"~';;~$:~~::::..::~:.~.~:.:.:::::;~:~ the faculty at the National age was reported throughout at ~he Harbor Light Center will Each child will accompany ~ • )Ii Music Camp, Interlochen, and the false ceiling of both estab. deliver these gifts to the pa. hil'l gift with a well written "Get Cilt~ WISDES iA for many years he has been di- lishments. A partition separates tients at Receiving and Wayne Well Note" in the hope that rsonalized- for Christmas .... ~ rector of m u sic for the Mt. the floor space used by both County General Hospitals and some one would be made happy. May this 11 Zion Evangelical L u the ran businesses, Eventide Residence for the iA Check your gift list today .•. father, mother, Church in Detroit. Mr. Jewell Farms Fire Chief M. Wil- aging. FOR ...OF.ARMS BLAZER JACKET Christmas ~ also heads the Fine Arts de- Ham Mason saId that the fire During the past few hours son, daughter, relatives, business associates ~ pl1rtment at Detroit's Osborne originated from a furnace in children throughout Marie !lave CHRISTMAS IDEAS glow with ~ High School and has prepared the basement, which failed to become so enthusiastic over this North C.ntrol Co, of Gro.H Poillte .•• and compliment your favorite motorist st;nctive tailoiing for the young }l the Rackham Choir for their shut off. Flames shot up worthy project that boys and 16837 Kercheva!, In the Village Give Coins For Chrl~tmos with a vef"J special gift this Christmas. joy for ~ perfonnancE!S with the Detroit, through a duct between the girls frvm kindergarten through Phone 882-8818 or 882-8819 man on your gift li:)t...our wool Symphony. walls and out a vent, igniting the sixth grade have joined in ! Auto Club gift memberships in attractive you. ~ The first half of Tuesday the rattars between the dropped bringing presents. They dellv------flannel 3-button natural afternoon's program was com- ceiling, he said. ered 278 packages to the hos. gift boxes are available at all Club offices for posed of W 0 r k s from the The City dispatched seven pitals last year. Ladies! just $16 for a full year's membership and $9 shoulder blazer with patch Chorale's standard repertory. men and two pieces of fire Mrs. Robert Sullivan and IFollowing the s t i r r i n g UTe fighting apparatus immediate~ Mrs. Russell Peebles from the HAVE YOUR DIAMONDS for associate memberships. You can easily Deum" by Gustave HC'lst, we ly, after the two-alarm came R£ceiving Hospital S e r v ice CHECKED BY AN EXPERT pocKets, center vent. Camef, were privileged to bear several into their station. They re~ League, a trained volunteer order by phoning or visiting your nearby of the Chorale's gifted singers sponded under the Mutual Fire group who work with the sick, I remodel old iewelry inta the finest, latest styles. Auto Club office. For The Finest in Fir9 Place Fixhll'es in solo lines of the hauntingly Aid Pact. visited the second grade to navy, red; 4-7 sizes, 12.98 I GREAT VALUES IN beautiful Vaugban WU1iams' Chief Mason said that con- speak wIth the children about 21323 Horper "Serenade to Music." The Bolo- siderable clothing was burned pa'tlents and to thank the stu- FINE DIAMONDS, Dark green, burgundy, '; Blocks N. of 8 Mi'~ Rd. ists included Nancy Jaynes, Ruth in the furnace room, where it dents for their contributions of WATCHES and ALL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF MICHIGAN Kil1een, Russell Smith, June was stored by the proprietor of last year. GOLD JEWELRY PRo 1.1300 Benton and Carole Grimes. Miss the Village Store, preparatory They hope to continue this cornel, block, navy, For 30 years on the East Side. GROSSE PO!NTE DIVISION I Grimes' singing of the "A gnUS to being displayed for Christ- spirit of Christmas enthusiasm t'" Open E.t'ery Evening Until Christmas )1 Dei" from the PoUlenc "Mass" mas sales. There was smoke I ------15415 E. Jefferson red; 8-12 sizes, 16.98 Alfred E. Zier i1 ~ was sheer vocal perfection. The damage to clothing on the Crash Blamed JEWELER & GOLDSMITH PHONE 821 w8000 yk~~~B::I:~B::I:~~~B::I:~~~=n!~~_~B::I:~~ lyric clarity in Miss Grimes' racks in the store, it was said. 16437 E. W::;rren TU 1-4980 and 13-20 sizes, ---~----~------~------voice in the final cadence left The chief disclosed that 0 100 .. We Oi50 appraise lewelry for George Mease', Manager one suspended in quiet exhalta~ when firemen arrived at the n eC1SIOn insuranc. PUrpo.... 22.98 tion. scene of the fire, they were The Chorale closed the first forced to break down the back An accident occurred Decem- HOME half of the program with the door of the Village Shop to en- ber 14 at 4:07 p.m. in front of 18th centul.Y composer, Hein- ter. The fire appeared to have 716 Rivard boulevard. The r.e- STORE HOURS! rIch Graun's "Sur-ely, He Hath had a good start, and was port was made by Glenn Curtis Born Our Griefs," Mr. Jewell spreading rapidly. of that address, who had collided Open This Thurs., Frill' and Mon. Till 9 p.m. and the choir gave this sacred However, the firefighters had with a car being driven by Al- finest family gift of them all motet its full beauty through the blaze under control and out fred Parent, 342 Rivard boule- Cbristttuu Wet'k Store Hours: ttleir flexible dynamics, choral within 40 mir..utes, Chief Mason vard. Both drivers were issued Mon. 9:30 to 9:00 p.m. - TuesdGY through Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 balance and complete immersion said. When the fire was out, tickets. in its meaning. The second half Farms firemen remained to The Curtis car started to turn was primarly devoted to Christ- make sure that it would not into a driveway and stopped in mas carols and the thrllling start again, and the City per- the center of the street when _J.acobsolls:. , .' ( ..' . . , LET OUR EXPERTS HELP finale was the difficult and sonnel returned to their sta- he saw that there wasn't enough joy 0 u s Brahms' motet "0 tion. . time or room to complete the Saviour, Throw the Heavens The amount of damage is not turn. Par e n t saw him and 8::-vs-Second F::Jor YOU PICK OUT THE Wide." known. This will have to be thought he was s top p e d so By Malcolm Johns determined by insurance started to pass him, when YOU'1g Mens-S7reet r.:~1' ad- justors. Curtis started up again and hit RIGHT MOVIE OUTFIT him. CARS IN MINOR CRASH * SLENDROCYCLE An accident occurred at Ker- FOR YOU cheval and St. Clair avenue ROUND TOP TO HEALTH. December 12 at 4:20 p.m. when JacobSORS / William FHbin, of 1443 Yo:;k. AJunt. Comb. $6500 , , shire, and Joan Montgomery of DOORS 14257 Rosemary, Detroit col- THE lided. Damage was slight and no tickets were issued. CAMERA CENTER Yancy's Hair Fashions Irene Hall, prop. c Advanced HaIrStyling and Permanent Wavin, 17114 KERCHEVAL-In The Yillage-TU 1.4096 Vlrglnla Farrell Academy--Qualtfled Instructor

No Appointment Necessary Open 8:00 to 5:00 Mon. thru Sat. GOLDEN, Open Monday, Thursday Evenings by Appointments '1l'JI slippers for the Shompoo and Set 1.75 Hair Cutting .•.•.... 1.50 and Friday Evenings 14637 E. JeHerson Pho"e VAlley 2-4414 lady on your list Parkin~ on Church Lot in Rear Brighten her at-home hours Provides the with Bertlyn's smart casuals. Sizes: S,M,Ml,l,Xl. Exercise Benefits 0' Swimming, Horse Back A, Leather pixie scuff with wedge heel. 5.98 Riding. Rowing, and Color ...ate B. Mylar stretch with triangle vamp. Also in silver. 3.98 HolidayTrialOfferr Bicycling. 2 Speeds A custom color system .for dying your silk or C. Helanca metallic nylo~ stretch. Gold with black orwhite. 4.98 DIsplayed and Sold af :D GIFT SLIPPERS satin shoes. Over 1400 colors' to choose from. Buy it and let her WOOD'S BIKE & brown soft sole leather moccasin try it for Christmas! No Charge. Mid and .High Heel Styles shearling cuff.10to 3 sizes 2.98 Give your wife more time HOBBY SHOP rls' handsewn reversed lambskin with you and the family! Buy 20373 Mack from 8.98 to 19.98 any G.E Mobile Maid Dish. TU 1-3402 Pink or blue. 10 to 3 sizes. 3.98 washer and use it in your own horne-right . Girls' shearl;:tg-lined high boot. through the holi• . brushed leather or red smooth day season. If not " .',' \ ;..: compietely satisfied, rea '. . leather. 1 to 3 sizes. 4.98 turn it within 45 days of You can Le pu rchase for full refund! .'. JilCOllSBIlS - D.Boys' handsewn brown or ..::;...~,;:<;t~:.. sure she wants black elk moccasin . .:". exquisit • with shearling lining. 10to 6 sizes. 4.98

Mobile Ma;J~

Model SM 500 c)ISHWASHER stockings. Matchless MOBilE MAID quality and legsized to fit Exclusively designed- DISHWASHERS you don't have to pre. better and wear longer. start as low as scrape or hand.rinse! Dishes come out spar- Wonderful new fashion kJing, squeaky-cieanJ shadeSe Seamless or • lift.top rack• for someone special ••• a gift set of ._~250 .. Faucet.Flo connector. fuRy-fashioned • after. • Needs no installation. MARY CHESS CREAM BODY MASSAGE small 1.35 to 1.95 pair • Gown payment beautifully packaged, ready for Christmas giving, tr.Y-for slender or sman '. ~ in a golden qift box • • . 2-ounces each of the LIVE BEDER ~tt;~ G.E. HOT WATER Modlt....-for overage legs finest hand and body lotion in White Lilac, Yram, 'Dudless-for tell, full 'e9J Electrically ~IM __ ~ HEATERS, From 99:50 ~# Tapestry and Strategy fragrances. C1asio-for stotue5qu. 1095 2.75*

Curtis MoU'er Box of 6 guest soaps, one each of White Lilac, Yram. 18538 MACK AVE., at Touraine TU 5-3206 Tapestry. Strategy. Carnation, Gardenia. Detroit Edison Service Center 2.00 Pay Idi.olt 11111.Her., bchallge Buill., Repal, Small Appliance. "price plus Federal tax Open Mon. & FrI. 9 A.M. ta 9 ',M.

5 2 s • m rnn.o •• n•• .n _sm. __ Db trtr • • m. - ,J ...... ' ~ ~...... '-' .v ~ '"!Y. ,:, ...... '. ," J •• ~

Page Eight G R 0 SSE .p 0 I N TEN EW S Thursday, December 19, 1963 Thursday, Deeembe------~-~-~--~._._-----,---.~-----~- p.TA. Council Holds ~Ieeting Inlty to broaden and deci)en their ------knowledge of the field of spe- . I TIP TO MOTORISTS r With apprOximatcI-Y-3-0-pe-r-_-j t-.h-e-s-c-ho-o-I('cnsUs each May, Dr. daI education. Warning on Blank Pistols Issued by PoIlee It you have plana tor ,omor-! FOR EpiscopaluJ sons In atte~dance. II meeting Mawhtnnc~' permitted the au- The business meeting p~eced- Any person, adult or teenager, came effective on September 27, tolsless, of gunpowd(:'r, in cap I ~~;~p~~ie~m;;~g:::;s ~~~:~. on I CHRISTMAS IDEAS At the monthly meetfnt( , of Tht' Gros::~ Pointe P-TA dlence an Insight of the com- Ing the discussion wa3 ci.atred found to be In illegal possession ]957, as amemded, prohibits the pistols... I North C.nhal Co, of Gros.. Point. Episcopal Churchwomen Sounril was ht'ld at the C('ntral plcx procedUl't'S necessary to by Council President Arthur G. of blank cartridge pIstols, will possession.. transportation, 0 l' The chiefs said that blank ---,..- --- I' G,ve Coins for Christmaa Christ Church. it was vat. Library on Wednesday evening, have an Bccllrate tabulation of Sherman. Jr. Items brought be prosecuted to the full extent sale, Or use uf a bl.:mk cartrIdge cartridges are in excess of this ROIJGH C.iOING 16837 Kercheval, In the Vill~ send the fOllowing gif' December 11. Origin&lIy sehed- the number of children within before the assemblage included of the l

DAL£ MONTGOMERY Service Manager It's such a pleasure MAURICE GEARY Sales Represent~ five to say "thank you" to our RAY ZIOLKOWSKI Service CHRIS STARK S<'Iies many friends at Christmas. Representc'ltive RAY SANDOE Service May your home be filled with BOB MORGAN Sales Represent~tive merriment, and may it glow with the NEIL CAMa:RON Shop Foreman BILL COURT Sales Represer,totive radiance of warm friendship and love, HARRY U'REN Bump Shop Manager TED EWALD GARY HOOV~R Soles Representotive

• • • from all of us at Verbrugge's Market~ Inc. Edward Buckle Keith Slater George Verbeke Pearl Matthews Augusta Slater Georg'e Vandenheede Stanley Murdock Gerald Sirois

_t It From Dealer A.\r' Cyril & Helene Verbrugge 15175 EAST JEFFERSON, at Lakepol~te GROSSE POINTE H•• r You - or PhOl'. L KANNEL LOG CORr. Allen & Dortha Verbrugge Selly Ann Verbrugge TO 1-15.U LANG'S VI LUGE 17045 Kerch.va' .PI.,P.i:.I'Y.'i';'."., "I,"1"'11,,•••• 2.:1I! a.1•• a••••••• s••• IIeI, ,., S 4Il1111l•UIl'S .. - ..l ..44~ =- ,$1111_.. .,.q".. ----._4_.o;_------~-~'-.'---'~-.- " ''1'1.' " " 'JI • .'. " " - ~,. .,.. l' ~ '" . ~.,..., •. ,',' .~'" • ..j_ II

Thursday, December 19, I?~3 __ Thursd~y, December 19, '1963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nin9 s Episco~lians Approve Gifts I Child Guidance tomur. FOR Clinic Elects $8,000 Damage Caused by Fire Be a contributor to publlc en. , 'i'he U.S. has a filling station '('d on At the monthly me~tin~ of the C h u r e h Societ fell terprlse--not the most crJtkal. 1'01' every 14 miles of open I'Olld. CHRISTMAS IDEAS I .._------~----_ ..-- - --~------lay. Epis('opal Churchwomen of Work- 5. Y or ,0 ege The Northeastern Way n e Northwestern sections of Wayne A fire that at first glance did _ North Central Co. of GrOSH Point. cleaning a i85011ne-d r 1v e n Christ Church. it was voted to $ 00, 81. George s Mis- Child Guidance Cllnic moved a County the combined waiting not appear to have caused much e; v~ Co:!"! For C~,r1~:mQ. ~~nd the followIng gifta to slon in Warren - $250; The major step toward r~aIlty with power mOwer In the basement. I list is now close to '500 children. damage to the home of M::-. and A gas pUot light i~ the furnace 'I 16837 Kercheval, In the Vi!log. mission projects: The Rev ~olllldation f 0 1- Exceptional election of officers lInd adoption A children has to walt six Mrs. Klockenbrink, 1245 Gray- Ignited gasoline fumes and lift" l\ f'h,)ne 882.8818 or 882.8819 Charles MaYa in Bel('m Brazil . ...hlIdren-$2~O; and the SPhool of by-laws which establlsh the STORE HOU.RS! months to be seen for the first ton, t)u December 7, caused flames shot up through a clothes ('ross, $1.000: Th~ Rt. Rev.' St<,ph;;; for Retarded Chlldren-$250. Clinic as a branch of the Chil- time at Children's Center unless thousands of dollars worth, ac- chute. He called in the alarm. Rayne' for the Angllran Church ------dren's Center of Wayne County. the case is an emergency. The cordIng to insurance adjustors. The flames went to the second OPEN THIS THURS., FRI. .-$~OO; The Rev, Pie I' I' e No man can be made to feel Directors at the Clinic's 01'- clinic in the Northwestern sec- It was disclosed on Monday. floor bathroom and out the 'Th{'\'t'not in Hniti-$~OO: The inferior without his consent. ganization meeting held Decem- tion opened last September and December 16. that fire and open chute door, destroying the ------.--.--~-- ..-,______bel' 12 in the Grosse Pointe already has a waiting list of 6'1. smoke damage repair will cost AND MONDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. wooden frame opening of the I Public Library, elected Mrs. "Persons working in the field approximately $8.000. chute, and 'Vall tHe. It als'o! Christmas Week Store Hours: I Alfred R. Glancy, Jr., president; of mental health, such as the Klockenbrink, 30, and his 12th Year of Serving Grosse Pointe ruined a workshop in the base-I Monday 9:30 to 9:00 p.m. Mrs. Donald A. Blomquist, Dl'. visiting teachers, would like to wife, Katherine, said that they ment and charred several over- Callel' H. Worrell and Dr. refer more children to existing did not realize the extent of head beams and burned out the Tuesday thru Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. AND A Charles E. Brake. vice presi- facilities but do not do so be- the damage until the smoke bad electrical wiring. dents; Ervin A. Steiner, Jr., cause of the hopeless waiting cleared and they got a better The smoke damage was ex- CHET SAMPSON treasurer; Mrs. John B. Colletti, list situation, Ref err a 1 s are view of the house interior in tensive throughout the house, I PPY NEW YEAR! invites you to pick up your recording secretary; and Mrs. usually ,reserved for those chil- the daylight. They are the own- which, Klockenbrlnk said, had Gordon A, Weller, correspond- dren who are in serious t.rouble, ers of the house. just recently been redec()re~ed. ~.5&.'~""'~lf.:::':1"'.~,_~_,~t':' ams••• f:Cl ing secretary. ! ship's wheel leaving the less disturbed older Klockenbrink, a director of He said that he is in hopes Medical and legal advisors to child and the troubled pre- the Fin a n c fa 1 System and that the repairs will be com-I Mack, Grosse P"inte 3b, TU 2-1340 the clinic are Dr. Thomas A. schooler as rare benefactors of Analysis Department at Bur- pleted before Christmas, 80 Petty, director of the McGregor the servIces of child guidance roughs Corporation, said that that the holidays wlll be enjoyed I "~~'-'~~T~Airline _ I rickets Center, and George E. Bushnell, cUnics." his ';.'1ife, and children, Richard, in their home, rather than at ~"''''''''~''''''''''--'''~'''-~:.a~~~" Jr. While estimates of Way n e five. and Susan, 18 months old, the hotel. . bee a m e ill from smoke in- at 100 Kercheval Ave.-on the Hill In accordance with its charter County's requirements for clinic He said that the house has to [ halation. They also caught bad delight a faIr lady Even though y~u moy hav" mad. your reservations application to the Michigan De- tea m s of psychiatrist, psy- be completely rewired, walls colds when they were forced to directly with the airlines. • ••• ~ partment of Mental Health, the chologist and two social workers washed and repainted, furniture leave their warm house and .... ~ Northeastern Child Guidance range from 26 to 52, there are and clothing cleaned, the work- with fragranceumatched gift. :.~.::. stand outside in the freezing I Clinic will prOvide psychiatric, only . five and a half clinic shop rebuilt and bas erne n t ,' REPRESENTING all airlines and I~ ., weather. The children have ,. psychological and social wnrk teams operating In the county beams sanded and reconditioned. I • I' since e c 0 v ere d. but Mrs. by FABERGE the prices are standard. TU 5-75' 0 '~ Ij ~' services for children under 18 today. Besides this. the bathroom will I Klockenbrink is stll1 b e i n g ~'U t)..... years of age in Harper Woods, Endorsement of the Cllnic's have to be redone and the treated by the family doctor. -- _.. ..------~_.'---~~- a section of Northeast Detroit projected program has already clothes chute repaired, and _-_ The family has taken up resl- • and Grosse Pointe. been received from the Harper other details takelJ care of, be- dence at the Whittier Hotel in ~- ...... - "The Clinic," as announced Woods Youth Protection Com- fore the family can return to Jefferson avenue, in Detroit, mittee, the Grosse Pointe the house. he added. until repairs have been com- ~~~~~~~--~-----~~~~~1by Mrs. Glancy, "wlll also work League of Women Voters, the i~ALLEMON'S toward the prevflntion of malad- Park Fire Chief Will Jam pleted to their home. Grosse Pointe Kiwanis Club, the The fire started at about Graul said that his department i I I~~;t~~~~l~~n~h~~~e~d~a~t:~~i Area Study Committee of Chil- does not estimate, nor pretends 7 p.m., while Klockenbrink was ! 17931 EAST WARREN next to Maple ~ services to courts. schools and dren's Center and the Bo~t'd of to E'stimate, extent of fire dam- I/. Lan. Bowling Ailey n other agencies whose primary the Neighborhood Club. age, or repair costs, in any ~ ~ concern is the welfare of chil- Studies undertaken by the Club to Hold home. This report carnes from ~ dren." Grosse Pointe League of Wom- insurance adjustors, he said. i ! Stressing the need for the en Voters in 1961, regarding fa- lloliday Party ~ ! clinic. Mrs. Glancy reported: cilities and services available to ~ n "All existing public facilities exceptional children, preceded A Special Holiday Part:. .. with STEEL ',~ it ~ engaged in working with emo- a public meeting in February of a variety of entertainment, Is Windows Repaired f. { .;~ ~ ~ tionally disturbed children are 1963, jointly sronsored by the being plai!ned by the Neighbor- Hardware ~. f Mental Health Committee of the - ~ ~ I greatly overburdened. At Chil- hood Ch,b for boys and girls ReplClc~menb ~ I/. Junior League of Detroit and ;. _.j dren's C e n te r and its two ages seven through 12,. for Fri- ~ ~ branches in the Downriver and the League of Women Voters. day. December 27, in the Under- As a result of this community croft at Christ Church. The ! ir;.;;.,;;;-~~~..;;;;;-..;;;;;;-~;;;;,;;;;,;;;~~ meeting, a steering committee party will be held from 7:30 till fI. florence C's Beauty Salon was formed for the est abash- 9:00 .p.m., party clothes will be i J hiah hair styling and hair ment of a clinic. worn, and all junior boys and FOR ~ '!i " coloring,. • • bleaching and girls are cordially invited. CHRISTMAS IDEAS . "" ::A 'tipping, permanent waves Member of the Board of Di- Hordlnate a BATH SETwith .' ~ n by MISS NALINA from rectors, besides officers, are the A junior membership from North c.ntroJ Co. of Gro$1lt Point. I ':.$ ~ ~ I ROME. ITALY Rev. Bertram Atwood. James A. the Neighborhood Club, or a 16837 Kerchevo'l, In the Village ~ ~ 3418 York~hJre B~ubie. Richard H. Beach, Mrs. 50 cents g u est fee is your Give Coins For Christmas Phone 882-8818 or 882-8819 French.~nmed SOAP CAKES ,'~ i ~I~=_C_o~rn~e~r~M~Q~Ck=~~~,==T=U~.=S=-8~4~3,=2~William Boyd, Andrew W. L. admisskm. '/~ Brown, Mrs. Willis Bugbee, - George E. Bushnell. Jr., Mrs. in her fovorite Foberge fragrance: Aphro- Douglas Campbell, Jr., Mrs. Paul .'::::~~~ .":(f IS. Clapp., Mrs. George C. Crane, A FOND NOEL disia, Woodhue, Flambeau or Tigress ••• CARAVELLE: Jr., Mrs. Raymond K. Dykema, i II' Mrs. Berrien Eaton, Jr., Dr. TO EVERYONE she'll feel beautifuUy pampered. Bath Sete i Tremendous Selection of ~ makes the ,Jii:J~. Armin Grams, Mrs. D. James ~ Christmas Wreaths ~ giving so easy! Hill, Lawrence Kennedy, Mrs. bath powder with lamb's wool puff, and ~/...: Francis X. Marsh, the Rev. Erv- ":" ~ All Frtlly Decorated, Complete with ~ ille B. Maynard, John A. Mc- cologne in the same -scent. Gift-boxed, • Mahon, Msgr. Frank J. McPhil- Cones tmd Rihbons ::A • lips, Mrs. Ledyard Mitcl1ell, Jr., 4.00* Soap Cakes: three hardmilled gift- • Dr. Thomas A. Petty. Prof . 15,,,$129 22,,$195';~R • Jesse R. Pitts, John Prescott, packed bath cake .. 2,75 i I Courtney Ranki~, Miss Margar~t i mu .1 Rice. 1V::1'5. Douglas Sargent, Mrs. .". plvs flitd.1'GI taa William M. Swan, Jr., Miss Mary ~ ~~N • K. Thorn and Miss Carolyn ~m~. Gay-Colorful .I'~I Robt. V. Bates. R.PII. Frederick W. Seltzer, R.Ph. Wheeler. i m CHRISTMAS .': ~ . " i :1 ~ Pharmacy Good habits are your servant The Park Ja'cobsons' . .. !:J -bad habits become your mas- 15324 E. JEFFERSONr at Nottingham . I POIN5EnIAS ~. ter. ~I 001•• now to..... a••d d.n .. " ~ 95 95 Santa's Suggestions ••• - II 2 109 to make this her Introducing ~. ~ ~::tt.,:.,*iM:@.;<:~'i:..~~~,'mMi?<.,J; I !« MERRIEST ~ *CHRISTMAS CORSAGES I CHRISTMAS WITH THE OVEN THAT ACTUALLY CLEANS ITSEl.F fI. *CYOLAMEN ! i farge Jelection ~ I 0 CHRISTMAS TREES I i Salsam. Spruce. Pine ; i •Aluminum CHRISTMAS TREES m ~ • DECORATIVE LIGHTS ~ ~ 35 Lite Set 2.79 ~ i ! ~ ~ "clt Your Own ~ the first low-cost las i ~'''-'''' HOLLY. MISTLETOE I quality watch ••• ~~- BOUGHS I A PRODUCT OF BULOVA CHARI.ENE.So tiny ,nd so practical, tool i HEAVY lOc Shock.rulstant, PraclsiOll.Jeweled move. ~ CEDAR ROPING • • • • • • • • • foot I ment. $11.'11 '.1", Dlstlnctlv.stylln. plus rUlled .hock.reslstant ~onstructlon. Pr~cl!lon. ~ Everything To Brighten the I "welell movement. $10.91 ~ Holiday Scene ! See Our Complete CARAVEL.LE Selection! JEWELRY and GIFT. Inc. Free Wiring* 4~6i20 *01\ DetNIt Edhon UneI i[ 'U:~d::E I Only> FREE 22O-volt wiring i - J Ii WOODS in QIlY resid'lntial dwening, D 11 TO 9 P M ill 19001 Mack Ave. - TU 5-2231 up to a 4.fQmily. IOPEN In~l:dlng Sunday , •• ~ ~INGER Sd:es Represer,totive ~~~~~~--~------~~~~-~ .OVEN !HAT Ac:nJAU Y CUl

RY S:'l'es Re;ye;e"~~':ve Alnolutely amazing! Now YO\Icon niO)' III'1JU1' lii'tp/tlet' Deluxe Automatic: Dryer olllhe beauty and convenienat of G.E.', Am.ericano ronglt plus a lo_r master S:'l,es R€'p~e;e~J'o+:ve Enj.y H'Uf' of ••• Big 12-lb. capacity, high-speed drying system.. 0\'."~tdMm"", electrical/y. Simply Automatic Compensated Confrol, Variable close the door, Jet the dials and prestol )'OUr OWIn bec:omM $pol/e"'r cIeon. With rime Dry Control, Automatic Economy Dry, Sa,es Reveser:':'lt;ve DAIICING fLAMIIlG RADIANCE ey•• le....1 RCOlId oven, automatic rotis- Synthetic De-Wrinkler, Fluff Cycle, Nr F..... serie, Sensl.Temp unit, ond pnhbutton en•• G.E. deluxe quality modell controlI. . Sd'es Revesedo+ive NO PAYMENTS UNTIL S:'l es Representative MARCH 1964 LIVE BETTER G-E HOT WATER HEATERS FROM 99.50 Electrically ~ ..• 1m 18538 Mack Ave. ~ ,tt;~ LUr/IS 7"OWer at Touraine ~Uftllmll~ l#cnncp.v ELECTRIC APPLIANCES TU 5-3206 Get It From D.ol8r AVAILABLE SOON! FIRE - this REALLY works H.a, You -- or Phon. the .fficient for igniting charcoal and fire- STORE HOURS KAHHEL LOG CORP. . PUCK places. ISE POINTE TO '-1523 and q~1ek DAILY 9 TO 6 P.M. Detroit Edison Service Center VIANE NURSERY MONDAY ond FRIDAY Pay Edlto" BUh H.re, IxchalllJ4l Bulb" Ritpair Smoll Aslltliolleee LANG'S VI LLAGE MARKET 9, A.M. to 9 P.M. Why No! eonsider • G-! Kitchen of Chorm-FRU ESTIW.TES-NO OBLIGATION 17045 Kercheval TU 2-5777 21807 Mack Ave. 777-2800 ~-- Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 1963 Thursday, December 19, ------~--_._-_._---._----~'------~-_.- -- ._--_._~------~--~ ------~---_._------_._ .._~~~---- Favo.-ed Monl-oe Beaten Neighborhood Club Offers Judo Lessons St. Paul Cagers Devil Tank(~rs'44.Meet By BIlle Devil Cagers Get Good Start Victory String Snapped I.rd by sC'nior Rod LuzL the Besides L;lzl's 22 points, Jeff November 29 marked the ---- RIm' Devils came hat'k fr(l!l1 .a Von Schwarz added 11. These openinj{ of the 1963-64 basket- By Jim Blackburn of winning th('ir 44th straight 7-1 defieit to go ahead late in ball season for St. Paul High ~ridBY . night the G.r ()s.s e Border Cltie~ League mep.t. But were the only two Devils jn I thr first quarter Ilnd ~o on to nud also the opening of their Pomte !{lg~l School sWJ.m~mg I the Trojans ended the string. llp~rt thr favo)'{'d l\1o!lro(' Tro- double figures, as the home ,new gymnasium. team WJll Journey to Bmomll. For February t.he Devils will jans 63-54 last Friday night on I team presented a balanced at- i They llre again showing ham for Ii meet with the state I . the home rourl. I tack. Van Schwarl scored all cf i promise for a successful season. champion Seaholm squad which have a chance for revenge when ','his, li'riday ni~ht. the DevilS! his points 1n thE' first half and I ,As State Champs in 1962 and is s~ilI stro~g after. tW? ;/C81'S I the Trojans com(' to th~ Grosse host tAlst Detl'Olt In a 110n- all but onE' durinR the DeVilS" City Champs in 1963, the Lak. of eJther l.ymg or wmmn~ the I PDinte poor. The DE'vIls' next !ea"ue contest. ers showed unending planing state Class "An title. i league tilt will take place Fri- ,... second quarter surge. He also ability. After falling bl'hind at thE' . Last Friday night the Blue II day. J'anl1Bry 3, at home a~ain~t J) '1 t .. b k collf'cted four pllrsonal fouls III OU tsl' t tl1(' " ('\'1 S S orme" ae They won their first game Devils travelled to Monroe and W d tt to l'd~f' into the lead 11-10., the first half and consequently , against St. Catherine, over. were defeated by the Tn,jans yan 0 e. After the t\\'o team!! {'xehang{'d i sat out llluch of the second : throwing them 84-26. A brother 62-43. Muslin, Kurtz, and Carl- baskets 1IIto till' sl'cond quarter. half. I : combination, Jim and Bill Big- ton of Monroe led the a'tack The art of government is not Brian Davis sank <& jump shot The Devils' next league op- ~haITI, Bob Martin, Barry Trom- with two victories each. to put thE' DenIs ahead to stay. t'll b 'h W d It I i bly, and Dave Letscher were The Devils entered the oddly lo let men grow stale. 21.20. ponen WI e, e yan 0 e i the starters. Don Amez, sopho- shaped Trojan pool with hopes I -Napoleon I At the end of the first quarter I Bears on ,lax-mary 3. The Bears I : more, and Mike Barry, along t! (' Devils If'd 1:i-12. Of these. ; dl'feated the Acorns of Royal, ! with Rick Cantewel1, comprised Lm:i had 9. mostly on jump I Oak Dondero 55-46 and tied . a strong part of the bench fOl-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR

~h(lts. Rod finished the night I i"ordson for the leaguf' lead. 'I' lowed by-other skillful players \lith 22 points. Monroe's Mark The Tractors lost a non-league who helped raise the ~ore. , Porch Enclosures NOW is Drinkhahn led the seoring with '. , The Lakers ra<:ked up anoLh- Jalousies ').' . t At.t l' h 'n" b h'nd contest to DetrOIt Pershing 76- _ r POlO s_ e e1.. e I er victory on Friday, December I Screens the Season! 20-19 in thl' second quarter the 59. Both leaders have one vic- 6. as St. Paul breezed by S1. Awning • Aluminum Siding and Trim DC'vils ripped ofT 8 straight, tory w!,hout a loss while Grosse Ladislaus 73-57. ,Jim Bigham Windows • Aluminum Screens poi!lt:; on Davis' jump shot. two II Pointe and Monroe each have scored 27 points and Bob Mar- Storms for tree throws, and lay-ups by one win and one loss. Dondero tm 21. • Storm Windows Steel Windows :\Iik€' Bielawski and Jeff Van i has lost both their league con- • Combination Doors Schwarz. This put the Devils tests. on top 27-20 and the Devils I Grosse Pointe scoring: .Pointe Dog Wins We Repair FREI• controlled the ~ame from that J Luzi 8 6 22 Demonstrating judo techniques is ing January 15, Ten lessons for $10, plus :National Crown Storm Sash- EST/MATIS pomt on. VonSchwarz 2 7 II FRANK AUL, holder of "The Black a Neighborhood Club membership and Screens The Devils led 41-25 at half- Bielawski 3 2 8 Belt," and instructor at the Saturday a dash of enthusiasm are all that are re- • timC', aftl'r jump shol<; by Greg Miller 3 1 7 Judo classes at Brownell Junior High. quired. Neighborhood Club activities are The seventeenth annual Na. :\lartin and LuzL more than Davis 2 1 5 Th' THOMAS LEONE tional Championship stake for doubling the Trojans' second Martin 2 0 " at s playing "The becoming more numerous with the be- English Springer Spaniel<; was qnarter score of 28-12. Bruce 2 0 4 Victim." Classes for boys and girls, age ginning of 1964. Memberships may be won December 8 in Weldon Boh Miller opened the second I Re;,;nolds 1 0 2 7 to 12, will be starting again January renewed or started January 2 through Springs, Mo., by Waveaway's half with a hook shot and a 11, beginners or advanced. Teens and January 10 at the club office, 710 Notre Wilderness Maeve, owned by j fr(>{' throw and L~zi followed Total 22 19 63 adults will have separate classes on Dame. Registrations for the various William E. Lane, of Hall place. with another jump shot before Wednesday evenings at Brownell, start- classes should be made at that time. The dog gained the top honor /' tht, Trojans were ablf! to score The and the -, ._.~~------~------~----~------in the Springer field trials by \\ hen Drinkhahn sank a lay-up. Chicago Bears played two games Y B I H 0 L beating a field of 45 dogs The Devils then got five more ~in 1962 and neither team scored oung OW ers . ave .wn oop March of DiIlles which had qualified by placing /' quick points, three by Luzi and' a touchdown, the Lions winning ______, in trials during the year.

two by Davis. and the lead was! 11-3 in Detroit on three field The Small Fry League at the I Mark Paohla, (l~ years old) Honors Leaders Maeve was a strong, driving 'I rai"ed to 24 points. 51.27" The I goals and a safety, while the Grosse Pointe Woods Reerea- has bowled the high game of worker at Weldon Spring. She I ':'rojans thC'n re£'led off nine Bears won 3.0 in Chicago. I tion is having another success-/205 and Larry Reininger, (l~ MARCH OF DIMES head- had running birds to handle in st,'aight points to close the gap, ------f 1 'Ih 100 b . years old) has the high total ot almost every series and re- OUf. but the De\',ls- came rIght'. baek SIX rookies earned spots on u year \VI over oys m ! 341 for two games. quarters in New York City this sponded to her handler rom. lOW \\ ith six on two foul throws by the 1963 Detroit Lions team, atte~dance. I On Saturday, Deee~bel' 21 at week awarded certificates of ap- petently. The five-year-old was PRlel Luzi. on€' by Jim ~evf'tgold, a 'I offensive tackles With almost half the season 17 p.m., the League WIll have a preciation to veteran March of handled by Charles Wingate of lay-up b:-' .John Reynolds. and. and Lucien Reeberg, halfback over. several boys have become Parent and Son Bowling Match. Dimes workers for their efforts Toledo. As is customary in I For Our Many Friends During this Holiday Gn'g :'Ilartin's jump shot to go! L a 1'1' Y Ferguson, linebackers owners of new bowling balls I A parent does not have to be a in the fight" against polio, birth spaniel trials the events were into the tinal quart£'r with a i and Ernie Clark, and shoes which they have leag'ue bowl.er. or have an aver- on pheasants, Season ... SincHe Wishes for A Merry t t t defects and crippling rheuma-. I Christmas and a Prosperous New Year ~I point_!ead~~5~~3_~: I and defensive end . earn_~~~ . .. ~ ~_ I age a par IClpa e. toid arthritis. Sam -W-I-'l-U-am-s,-D-e-t.r-o-itLions VILLAGE • • • • •••• 4. ••••••• John D. Hayden ye~;o~:~~;:e ~:;:re~o~r: t~~ ~~;~~.s~:s ~a~te~~~to ~~~h~~:~~ CL +...••• LANG~S MEATS ... Berry AU"'OMA 'lIe ... Star at Amherst French, Jr. Cit National Bank by the Las Angeles Ram~ be-! ..,. • I ..,. • ,y . I fore he ever played a nun ute , --- preSident, of 130 M:.ernweather of varsity football, his class hav- STRICTLY FRESH DRESSED (Not Frozen) 01 The Amherst road; Charles GehrInger, base-' ing graduated while William. M. • GARAGE DOOR OPERA~OR .+ team has won 21 out of the last ball Hall of Farner a~d Wayne was in the Navy. TURKEYS 24 1 ed County March of DICes Cac------~- ---- • games pay earning two Ipaign chairma!" Rev. Fr. CeleS-j' . STRICTLY FRESH, WHOLE OUR LOYr ...... titles. I tin Steiner, S. J., president FOR LI. ..,. ~~.,. A big reason for this success I emritus, University of Detroit. CHRISTMAS IDEAS Beef Tenderloi ns PHle! has been due to the excellent i Pres~nting the certificates I North Central Co. of Gross. Pointo I was Richard P. Kellv, Wayne j '. • 17045 Kercheval-In The Village • Vi. play of John Dodds Hayden, son I C t B d f A "d't f 'I Give COins For Chrostmas oun y oar 0 u 1 aI's 0- ...... of Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Hay- ficial and Wayne County March 16837 Kercheval, In the Vii:age For Delivery Call TU 2-5778- TU 2~5777 • • den of Merriweather road, ac- of Dimes Chapter chairman. Phone 882-8818 or 882-881 , 1. ... ~&g~~~~m~~-- _ • lege. A 1960 graduate of Cranbrook llD!QI1 II!IBi

.. .0PtM. clDHs .. IS .. ..,.. .& School, Hayden ihas been Am • .. lool.tlull) • £1111, lItst.11ocI ... herst's starting right end for 4 .Iladlo-alnttotlod 119.. JOUr ... Tloubl.'''"" IrCllllIloU.. or 1'"£'1 .rlllUIIIIt .. ,." ~ • .~ '-...... offense and defense...... SEE IT TRY IT GIVE IT' ~ . : EC~~O~i~~o~:P~a:;~~::,e ~~y~~~ ... ••• Ir". • • has also been a star on Am. Berry DOOR SALES COMPANY herst's champion rugby team, • - - ... and a memher of the Lord Jeff I DEPT. G 2388 COLE STREET, BIRMINGHAM, MICH. Phone 566-2203 .. varsity basketball team. He is • +.. +•••••••.• ~ +• ~• • • • • ... '~ra7eer~i~~~ of Alpha Delta Phi i - --~------~-----~---~------~~------~------.-.------~-~----1 ! I Don't buy your gift whiskey s . ~. I

'.:~ OUf. by habit. Join the growing ranks of (iiscriminat- LOV' -PHIt ing people who are buying by choice. Bellows Partners Choice. Why? Because it's gentle on the tOl1gue. It's made with more gently aged

premium wlliskies blended with finest grain OUf' LO\' neutral spirits. Bellows Partners Choice is PHle also gentle on the eye ... it MAKE SAVINGS YOUR BUSINESS comes in a handsome de- It is the easiest business 1:0 get into. No stock canter already gift wrap- or Dlerchandise to catTy. No sales force. No OUf.: office. Not even a swivel chair. Just a few dollars LOY, each week and you're in business. In ten years ped in a festive carton. PRle you have.a small fortune. Start in the ("Savings" business today. One more thing. Bellows "ft~';"'. Paid and Partners Choice is also <~~ .'compounded PEOPLES '\0" ",' quarterly gentle on the pocket. So, " '.. Ev~!'Yaccount is insured up to $10,000 by the FEDERAL this year, be gentle to your Federal Savings rate & Loan insurance Corporation SAVINGS ','u ~ " Q friends... give the

Detroit East Detroit Royal Oak 1201 Griswold 21650 Gratiot 3100 N. Woodward gentle whiskey WO l-G170 'R2~ U9~ 4 ,\.~,".• "t .aa.. -.. /s - .n ...... ~ (Tax$4.35Included) Codeqt.No. 26D 'allows & CO.,louisville, Ky.• Blended Whiskey. 40% Kentucky Straig!lt Whiskies. 60% Grain Neutral Spirits. 86 Proof. sday, December 19, 1963 Thursday, December 19. 1963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven s~44.Meet :00. T UA n I E S JILUth~ran8 P~an Kid. Lik. Us g Snapped [_ _ SpecIal ServIces of winning their 44th straight EDGAR G. BEHR member of the Detroit Histori- e Bordl'r Cities Lea~u~ meet. But Mr. Behr, 79, of 1167 Ken- cal Society, Board of Com- Services are scheduled at I sington drive. died Wednesday, meree, and Friends of the I Ig : till' Trojans ('nded the string. First English Ev. Lutheran December 11, in Bon Secours Grosse Pohlte Library. Church, Venier road and Wedge- ~; , For F('brua~' the Devils wi}! Hospital. Services were held Surviving are his two daugh- Mack at Somenlt WOOG drive on Ohrilltmas Eve I :h ha\'e a ehallce for rcv£'nge when Saturday, December 14. in the tel's, Mrs. W. C. Dilloway and _~__ ~ . I rs' the Trojans ,orne to the Grosse Verheyden Funeral Home with Mrs. Constance B. Schroeder, at 8 and 11 o'clock.. Both will be burial in Woodmere Cemetery. f 0 u I' grandchildren and a in candlelight wirth the choirs I Ie Pointe pool. The Devih,' ll.ext I Mr. Behr was founder and great-grandchild. singing carols beginning at 7:45 , i('a~\Ie tilt will take place Frl- i board c h air man of Wayne for the earlier service. III Ie ' day. January 3. at homE:' a~ainst Chemical Products Company. A MARGUERITE CHEVALIER ~~ I Wyandotte. native Detrolter. he was a Mrs. Chevalier died Thurs- Music at the 8 o'elock serv.1 -----~----- I day, December 12 at the Mo- ice as announced by the organ- I TU 5~2~~G i , '1- ' • 1 roun Nursing Home in Detroit. 18t, Mr. James Hunt, will be I .k I The art vf government is not lUXURIOUS J,.OGESEAr: 16941 KEROHEVAL corner NOTRE DAME We She lived ,at 1813 Severn road, "a Come, Little Children" sung --I. ly ; to let men grow stale. I She was the wife 'of rthe late by the Junior Choir with the How TII,o Monday es -Napoleon I LOW- Lt. Commander Godfrey de C,. Chapel and Sen.ior Chpir joining and mother of Godfrey de C.• in "Jesu, Jesu. Rest Your Head" Debbie Heynoldtf LOW by Niles. Michael RAmtui'li Jr.Interment was Monday, De- ,S & HAPPY NEW YEAR :.I At the later service, Speaks' "MARY, MARY" I, 'cember 16, in ArU:lgton N'a- I" Tecltnicolor "There'lS a Song In The Air" Mack at Somer.et tional Cemetery. Memorials NOW is PRICES is to be sung by a quartet. Mrs'j C'osed Cllristmas Eve ~----'--"--~-'.--_.':. ----may be made to the Michigan Robert Lang will also sing the Season! _ I Cancer Foundation . "Heaven and Earth Rejoice and Open at 5:45 p.m. Aluminum Siding and Trim ...91Ys I Having a Pa'rty Over Sing" by Banks. Cilristmas Day Aluminum Screens the Holidays.' I ADA SALYERS Worship on Christmas Day .Tliek LemmOl1-ShiTley Maclaine Mrs. Salyers (nee Spindler) Storm Windows is at 11 a.m. with special music CALL died December 16 in S1. John including "Ab. Dearest Jcsu" "IRMA LA DOUCE" Combination Doors FULL I Hospital at the age of 77. She arranged by Wetzler and sung in Panovision and Technicolor i Recommended for AdultG O"ly i . ' lived at 20423 Sunningdale Park. by the Senior Choir. SCREEN ... d "THE RAVINS" ~\ j , She was the mother of Mrs. . FR.E!• The annual program by the StORM SAS", I James Herrington (Betty Lou), INC. ESTIMATIS ,SERV!CE "Rock and Roll Music children of the Sunday School E i, and Mrs. Clyde Thompson v.. TUxedo ',6130 That Moves" ",ill be given this Sunday eve-I ks Eost of Codieux (Fern); gran(~mother of James ning at 7 o'clock. Along with • Herrington. Jr .• Richard Thomp- TU 6-0535 chorai readings and recitations I son. and Mrs. Raymond Bierman. "The Shepherd's Story" will be or TU 1-4917 The funeral was from the Ver- dramatized. This Is • play STOCK-UP NOW! heyden Funeral Home Decem. adapted and abridged from a _.~------_._---- ~--~ --~ bel' 19 with services following at LOWER THAN OUR EYERYDAY LOW-LOW PRICES story of Washington Gladden. Our Lad3--' Star of the Sea An English carol, "The Friendly Church. Interment was in Mt. Au Sable Lodge Beasts," will be sung by the Elliot Cemetery. Primary Dept. REG. age REG. 1.00 II RANCH & SKI CLUB WAllY SCHAEFFER ERTA CURTIS Other music is to include the FEATURING OUR FAMOUS familiar "Prayer" from Hump- and His Orchestra Erta Curtis died December 16 erdinck's "Hansel and Gretel" and Singer MINIY RUB CLUTCH BAG I at her residence at 273 Ken- and the "Car,ol of the Drums" With fllagree frame, funski fJ~~ wood court. She was born in Ed- by Katherine Davis. JAN WYNN %1/2 .unOI tube more, Mich., and before her re- POM-A-LiFT tirement 10 years ago, was a with Comedian teacher for the Detroit Board of She wag born in Grand Rapids. OUR OUR & 5 Rope Tows Survivors include her husband, LOW Education. She belonged to the LOW Dancing & Cocktails Women's City Club, Jefferson Harry, T.; daughter, Mrs. Her- HARVEY FINE PRIDI PRIDE Avenue Presbyterian Church. bert W. Hewitt; sisters, Hazel Will Enfertaln Western Style )nds During this Holiday University of Michigan Alum- A. and Leona Camp. SMORGASBORD nae Club, and Phi Beta Kappa Funeral services were held 2 Shews 'e Wis~es for A Merry Monday, December 16, at the Friday & Saturday every Soturday Nite Sorority. Prosperous New Year She was the sister of Mrs. Es- Verheyden Funeral Home with • REG.79c REG. 1.98 'OR FURTHER INFORMATION telle Plough, Mrs. Marilla Find, burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. Calor Writ. Closed Sundays VILLAGE AU SABLE LODGE lay, Mrs. Clyde Skinner and Dr. MEATS CLEARASIL SOMINEX I Ranch & Ski Club Frank. PHILIP W. STACKPOOLE , Sea Food a Specialty Gaylord, Mich. 732-4314 She was at the Verheyden Mr. Stackpoole. 54. of 1118 • DRESSED (Not Frozen) _~~ __ ~ __ ~_~ Funeral Home until Thursday, Nottingham, died December 13 Busine~s Men's Luncheonlr OINTMENT TABLETS December 19. and funeral serv- in Harper Hospital. He was the From 11 ro 2 Medium Slzi Tultt Botti. of 36 I • ~~I :. ~:J ices were held from the Rogers business manager of the Michi- DinneF5 from S to 12 RKEYS \Jl Funeral Home in Big Rapids. gan Catholic, and a lifelong Excl::lent Accom", odlltio", .f. .. ~~ ,/~. Special Ratas >LE ~~i~ . Mich., with burial in Highland Detroit resident. He had worked OUR OUR .0 View Cemetery in Big Rapids. for the Michigan Catholic since LOW LOW ns I I 1930. He was tL member of PRIC! PRIDE .~ j~ I F'RANK C. WILLSON Council 305 of the Knights of val-In The Village "I , ... "" '~}:\:"''''''' ~' Mr. Willson, 66, died sudden- Columbus . ...' :-...',"'.:...1:~::.:.'~y:;:., .' • •• Survivors are h' \vif AI" .' ..;. ~~. ' "~"::<~':::9M'q,t\, '.' ! Iy December 14 at hlS resldence IS e. ICe; TU 2-5778-TU 2-5777 .' (' .. ", :~, at 418 Maison. He was born in six daughters, Mrs. Paul Doelle, 1.50-13-0%. REG. 6.47 . ...~~ ,,~,..,..,." : 'Yilk, Canada but had lived in the Mrs. Arthur Pominville, Mrs. t" rim~%~ ....."-:<."~,~\",:,:,:".....:,.(.~~ Detroit area for 40 years. He Michael Luberto, Maureen. Just Wonderful ONE-A-DAY Multiple ¥"amina HAIR .SPRAY b December 16 at the Verheyden I .~~:t ~ kl J • ~:~~~:t e~o~~e~ ct~ S~n~~~: Funeral Home and at St. 'Am-: SCH ED 0 LED I OUR OUR I :. )- Grosse Poi n t e Senior Men's brose Chure-h. with burial in! : ••OW c tOW 89 'PRICE PRICE ~;..~'.~~.~ ~"Cl~~. was the husband of Alice; Mt. Olivet cemet~ry. ! AIRS ERVICE: 77 4 father of Thomas C.. of Chi- FRANCES O. MILLER I I I:• ~> ~ I.:.~ • ~I.:....'\,C~go. IlL; also surviv.ed ,by four Services were held Tue~day, i ' I~ ~ 19 :.,- sIsters of St. Catherme s. ant.; December 17, for Mrs. M.lller. ONQNNAJ1 I ~ ~~ .' and grandson. Thomas Frank. 180' of 492 Neff road, who died to REG. 1.00 6-OZ. BOnLE ~:i The funeral was at the Ver- at the residence December 15. WNKEN AlRPORI' Dearest ~ MAY SERENITY heyden Funeral Home. Tues- She was born in Saginaw. L E AV E I... day, December 17. with burial She was the wife of the late BRECK EAU DE ::;*;S in White Chapel Cemetery. Henry R. Funeral services will SHAMPOO I AND PEACE BE PEARL E. HARTWELL ::r:rei:o~~ *:e~~~~e~~~:m~~; CITY ift whiskey CO'LOGNE :, 17. and from St. Paul's Church ALL TYPES .:....YOU RS T HIS Mrs. Hartwell. of 841 Lincoln with inte.rm~nt in Mt Olivet I # I, #2 and #3. road, died December 12 at Cot- Cemetery. . discriminat- OUR CHRISTMAS AND tage Hospiltal at the age of 76. _._-- AIRPORT ::1' LOW OtiR 50 I Burn the midnight oil and LOW 1 you'll never fulfill your day l .pRIDE PRICE THRU THE YEAR! Like dreams. 9:15 A..M. - R...... ! ,ce. Bellows 'L 1 -~---,------evening. Twill EagiRe Jenr-: O eory -. For information and .... i REG.2ge REG. 1.09 Cadillac, Inc. Kids .-.atIons cait a71-6677c i 's gentle on i "DWIST AlJrII'AT$ I • 17153 E. Jefferson I ' BREMIL REM ! .... aty AIrpat I TU. 5-1200 Mack at Somlnet gently aged LIQUID Cough Syrup ~~i :A 13-ounoe sizi 8-ounce bottle ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mack at Somerut lnest grain :; I~ G ,~~~mlJ!' IIIIIIE ~ --~~----P~-~ .._.-----_. ---_. " OUR ~~~ :~ m LOW LOWOUR, 8ge ~ ~ ~ ; Choice is PRIOE PRICE • i ~ W ~ :!* RIFLES ANI) SHOTGUNS - Brownmg, Winchester, ~ REG. Me REG. 1.5' V. Remington and Weatherby ~ ENTERTAI NMENT I~* GUN CASES- Mastro, Browning and Straight Shooter Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturd.ay Pacquin's Dry $kIn Gillette 2-Pc. t.:m v. * RODS, REELS and TACKLe BOXES ~ Miss Jo Thompson ;.~:::".> !* "D BALL BOOTS ond lOX CLOTHING ! Song Stylist B.B. aftd PELLETT GUNS : HAND CREAM GIFT SET ~ : * Spa,hetti Dinner every Tuesday, 12 Noon,l A.M., SC~ Foamy .have bomb, light Lunches Served During Afternoon with FREE 39c TUBE Sun.up after shave. ~ I B McDANIEL CO I OUR OUR ,W • • I THE VERMOUTH ~« ~ Gun and Tackle Shop ! LOW LOW 16915 E. Warren TU 4-7750 PRICE PRICE , i 15102 Kercheval (corner Maryland) VA 1 8200 I ~1~ i Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. - I ------~------THAT'S DRIER ~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THAN GIN ITSELF! , Every drop of Gancia Extra. FREE! II ! 'lC~lO. ! Dry makes your cocktail drier. I It's a fact-Gancia's drier than I "Ied~n MONEY •.'~:. gin itself. Made in Italy for \'q!~ato esi1e RESTAURANT i w ha'ie a eo",P ~ dom ' I • • t'lorted a\'l CU\'I' M I the American taste, it's the 0' ,mY' h m"89n&I. ORDERS I;: ~ Cantonese and American Foods wl"es and e a the most com- .,~ I perft~t. silent partner for your I Featurin'3 ChinM~ Family Din.ners 1\,ngnarn'i ha~ beet 'and "~uor. Fnr your convenience ':~." favorite gin or vodka. Sal' p.te ~~ 0 , while you shop Plan your holiday partie, noW' I ~",ot\., I~,-': ('~an-cha." Do say it HOI. C.~,\.t'. ..\'\,,,.,' Cunningham's Open Christmas and New Year's Day ! for ,.'" "0"" sensational values" :.' Dinner from 12 Noon VIVIANO IMPORTERS, INC Exclusive Michigan Distributors j WE RESERVE THe R.IGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES! ," Carry-Outs ... PR 2-6662 I q

Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 1963 OrOIll PoInte New. Memorial Center Schedule PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY 'Vila' Goes On mat~11ewon ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL DECEMBER 19 TO DECEMBER 26 a. GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit. Michigan SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. Your Lihrary • All Memorial-sponsored activities open to the By Vfr&infa Leonard '"f)-) E)-II tt \ FULLY PAID ClXCULATION Grosse Pointe public. By Roberta Phone TU 2-6900 Hl)spital equipment available for free loan - crutches, Christmas in a library. Oh tive for Christmas, yon might wheelchairs, heatlamps, and hospital beds. Blood will come now, who has time for want to come in and browse A seven thousand dollar diamond ring . . . a Member M.lchigan PreAS Assoclat1on and National EdItorIal Al8ociation be loaned to Grosse Pointe residents in case of accident reading at tftlis festive time of around for ideas. Librarians pound of candy ... colorful throws .•. rightly • NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE or emergency - free of charge. year, when planning, shopping, are alw~y$ glad to help you in Weekly Nl!wspaper Representatl.vell, Inc. wrapping, mailing and baking honed cutlery . , . ceramic candlesticks ... French GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER AND LmRARY m a kin g a selection we also I perfumes ... gift certificates ... big animal to~s 404 J'ittb Avenue. New York 19. New York. Byrant 9.7300 -Mrs. Leland Gilmour on duty Tuesday, Wednesday seem to fill our days to Over- have a list e!;pecially compiled CHJCAGO OFFICE flowing! You say you'll be back for this purpose in the adult . . . slips . . . gowns . . . sweaters . . . Dunhlll 333 Norti! Michigan Avenue Phone FInancial 8.2214 and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A volunteer con- to see us early in 1964? Just a field. It is indeed the unusual lighters ... hair news ... cosmetics are just a part --- sultant on duty Friday-2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (TUxedo 1-4594) minute, friend, be for e you ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER child who is not made happy of the panorama of that which is Christmas. AU II< ... * cross us temporarily off your WILLIAM ADAMO ADVERTISING MANAGER by this type of present under have that "special occasion quality." If you like THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 list. Let's just enumerate a few the Ohristmas tree! free parking and good service, you will enjoy JANET MUELLER. _ FEATtTRE PAGE, SOCIETY reasons why you should con- 7:00p.m.-American Automobile Association of Grosse Perhaps you are just plain sh0pping these last four days before Christmas, JAMES J. NJ AIl\f NEWS Pointe-Dinner tinue to darken our doors. weary, and would like to drof) on the Hill. DONNA STUTT NEWS 8:00p,m.-New Iadom Club-Christmas Party Do you need some advice on in for a while to rest and muse. GLORIA WOLFCALE ADVERTISING 8:00p.m.-Unity of the Grosse Pointes-Alger House Christmas lighting or decorat- We are festively decorated, we That diamond • MARY LORIMER _ _ ADVERTISIN G 8:00p.m.-Men's Garden Club of Grosse Pointe- ing? We have books on thi~ subject. Would you like to know try to exude a peaceful, restful JOHN MacKENZIE BUS INESS Meeting is a gem . . . pear shaped cut. The cutter is the ...... more about Yuletide customs, atmosphere, and if your home JOANNE EASON .- ACCOUNTS * well known Lazare Kaplan, the fabulous cutter of li'RIDAY, DECEMBER 20 both here and throughout the 1:;: as hect~~ as most homes are the Yonkers diamond. The center stone weighs ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 12:00 Noon-Neighborhood Club Retired Men's Group world - or something about at this time in December, you /' 2.47 karats. Part with $7,000 for this. The price in- FERN GREI G CLASSIFIED -Meeting the Christmas tree'? If yoU look mtght find our Libraries a wel- clude~ Federal and state taxes. Pongracz Jeweler FLORA HARD IN G eIRCULA TI ON under CHRISTMAS in our card come C'hange. Also, if you've '" 7:30p.m.-Parents Without Partners - Children's catalog, yon will find material spent all your holiday money, and Silver:-;mith, 91 Kercheval. TU. 1-6400. Party on taese topics. Would yoU like your charge a c c 0 U D t s are 8:00 p.m.-Remco Investors - Meeting to make some gifts yourself? groaning, and you wish Santa Lemon sours • A Vote of Confidence ...... * We not only have books to fill Claus had never been invented, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21 the bill. but it might be that we are unique in that we hwe chocolate mints ... butterscotch ... filled rasp-, berry . • . fruit salad and fruit barley sugars are I th 'd t f II th tt t d -h ),.t . wI '" 9:30 a m and 11 :15 a.m.-Children's Art Classes -- Mrs. some item from our tool collec- nothing to sell you. Come in . n e ml s 0 a e a emp e . c arClCer assaSSl Stirling Loud, Instructor would come in handy as well . and read our periodicals, han- what you will find in the barrels of candy at Ham- nation of Al ~reen th~t .has beet: ~om~ on. fo! the last 9:30 a.m. to 3:30p.m.-Ballet Classes-M a ryE II en dle some of our bOOks, either * There are so many aspects of lin's. They are by PascaU and cost 79c a lb. 84 Ker- week, we clarm the pnvIlege of. mJectmg a kmd word. Cooper, Instructor. _ in SPecial displays ()r in our this celebration. There is the cheval. TU. 5-8400 for deliveries. regular collection. You might 'We have k.tlown the target of thIS at~ack for more than '" 9:30w11:30a.m.w1:30-3:30 p.m. _ Children's Theatre of religious side, first and fore- even find a book or two to take 30 years and ha~e a!ways de€.-m~dIt an honor t~ ~ the Grosse Pointe WGr Memorial-Mrs. most, so per hap s you want • ted on out (YOU can't always tell when cou!1 a?1 g hIS frIends. We thmk he ha~ been gIVen Sydney Reynolds, Instructor. Nativity stories. ChI' i s t mas A sophisticated you might accidently have a an IncredIbly b~d and complete~y ynearnea deal ~t ~he 7:30p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge, exists in literature and art _ gift could be one from Paris ... Cabochard ... * spare moment at home). And as hands of the dally papers, the CIVI.CCenter. CommISSIOn Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond, Directors. we can supply YOU with inter- Caron, Carven ... Dior ... Givenchy ... Guerlain we eel e bra t e the birth of esting information in the s e ~~d th?se members of ~h.epetrOlt CounCIl who have 8:00p.m.-Good Companions-Sequence Dancing Christ, yOU might well find it ... Fath Jean D'Albert ... Jolie Madame ... media also. In a weak moment, JOIned In the try at cru~lfIxIOn.. . , 8:30p.m.-Grosse Pointe High School Band-Party rewarding to examine some of Lan;rin Rocha", ... all parfums ..• and heaven- have you agreed to put on a As we understand It, (and It certamly hasn t been * * * our religious books. ly! For him, the collection of gifts is complete. Christmas play, read .!l story, easy for those attempting to wade through the inept SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 I think we've made our point. Choose one by Arden, Bendel Bronzini, Kent, Lan- or select some carols? Our cat. vin, &hiaparelli, Yardley, or English leather. Beau- handling of the story by the dailies), the shortages at 9:00 a.m. and 12Noon-Unity of the Grosse Pointes- alog again lists a variety of You do need us as miloh as we Cobo Hall were uncovered by AI's own auditors, at his Service and Sunday School volumes to choose from. Are need you! The r e are many tifully boxE--dand gift wrapped at Trail Apothecary own instigation. They occurred at a time when he was 10::30a.m.-First Church of Christ, Scientist, Grosse you throwing a gala party? facets of ChI' i s t mas in any Shop ... where they are open evenings. concerned about his health and was largely dependent Pointe Farms-Service and Sunday School \\Thy not get some new ideas library, and we hope you'll find upon hired help for the conduct of his business. He Fries Auditorium-Inafnts Room-Library from our Libraries? If you feel. a need for one or more of The big f'oys • has paid back every cent coming to the City of Detroit I of Alger House a yen to reread some of the them. You won't fin d us old favorites, ~uch as Dickens' deserted by any means. Y(lIJ the toys that last and last are found at Young and has absorbed the entire loss personally. He spent ... 2:30p.m.-Community Christmas Program and Tree Clothes, Inc. Big bear on wheels ... big horses ... $29,000for new cash registers to guard against ~ny addi- Lighting. AU parents and children invited CHRISTMAS CAROL, or THE will find students working on NIGHT B~FORE CHRISTMAS. term papers or other over-tbe- big donkeys . . . big doll beds . . . desks ... beds tional discrepancies in the accounts. He volunteered to without charge. Children's Christmas play; holidays assignmeilts. children . . . and so much more is included in this grand step out of his contract, which has two more years to Snowflake ballet, Santa Welcomes All Chil- and you've mislaid your well- thumbed copy, we'd be glad to making use of their vacation toy collection. Little gifts, too! run, and has offered to help in any way possible in the dren; Lighting of the Tree With Brief Cere- lend you ours. time to enjoy our Juvenile col- transfer of the business from his firm to any other which mony by the Youth Council. lection, adults who fel the need What about those Christmas might be named. * * * of our services. Come and join We liked • cookies? In our 641 COOkery the group! Despite AI's wide-spread interests he has been a :MONDAY, DECEMBER 23 section, we can supply you with the very SPECIALLY PRICED hand knit sweaters Grosse Pointe institution since the days of 'The Pines *10:00a.m.-Cancer Information and Servke Center- recipes. Completely aside from And so a MERRY CHRIST. and d~tai1ed pure cashmere ones we found at An- back in the early 1930's. He and Mrs. Green, "Torch", Volunteer Work books, we have a number of MAS AND A HAPPY NEW thony'~ this we<>k.Just in time for Christmas giv- earned the friendship and confidence of thousands of 12:15p.m.-Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Lun~heon holiday tapes, choral m u sic YEAR to all of you~ ing. 115 Kercheval. Pointe families. The restaurants they have operated here and Meeting records I< * form of entertainment to think WINDOWS the Civic Center Commission, who had the courage to rrUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 for $21.9l1... practical. 98 Kercheval. Gift wrap- of for future years. I ped? Of course! stand alone agaip.st the other members and speak out in Nothing Scheduled. If you are considering giving defense of AI. We concur in his opinion that Al has done ... * * a book to some friend or rela- everything in his power to be honorable and fair to WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 At Eight • Cobo Hall, and that the case has been tried by the daily 8:00p.m.-First Church of Christ, Scientist, Grosse like the O'Connell twins that are adding enchant- newspapers. whicl: have influenced the commission ann Pointe Farms-Service-Fries Ballroom ment to the picture windows of Marie Bird's Beau- some members of the Detroit Council...... ty Salon . . . or eighty, like the graciouS' great We feel there is much more to the story than has THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 grandmother whose portrait created much interest been printed. Perhaps it will come out when Mr. Green 7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Nl!mismatic Society-Meetw a year or so ago . . . or even any of the exciting meets with the Council on Friday. Maybe some of the ing _ we ages in between ... you can always be sure that Christmas spirit which has been sadly lacking to date ,__ your coiffw'e will be "the 'good luck' of Grosse Pointe." Fads ... never ... fashion always .•. at in the handling of the case, will be evidenced. We would New Concept in wear have to know a lot more to change our opinion that this FOR 117 Kerche,"al . . . on the hIll. has been an unwarranted and most cruel attack on a AS Spectacles • • • man whose integrity has been one of his proudest CHRISTMAS IDE many Spotlight these • North Central Co. of Grosse Pointe possessions. Give Coins For Christmas for giving ... good thin.gs for men ... pistol han- hats..• dled Sheffield cutlery ... another Sheffield stain- 16837 Kercheval, In the Village less steel 3-piece set, rightly honed, tagged twenty Letters to the Editor Phone 882-8818 or 882-8819 dollars. May we suggest the stag handled ones and F"It'Sl of Michigan is llOIIletimes re£erm:l other silver steak and carving knives or carving I 1 to as a bond house. To the Editor: drove another mile to our ad. boards. The selection of good things for men is ------I True, we are widely experienced and here at The League Shop. On December 2 a snowy dress. f',ompletely equipped w deal in every . .' I was SD excit.ed to have our mIserable mght,. our pet. a pet returned, J did not find out type of bond-state, municipal, indu5u-ial • black cocker spamel. ran away. their names. as well 118 public utilities. Sign of Mermaid After a long fruitless search, If they should read this, I But ... we wear many hats, and bon~ featu:::-esthe Dunhill lighters for men from 16.50 we could only hope that he would like to say thanks so are only part of our business. We're to 38.50, along with a selection of fine leather would return by himself. very, very much. I would ap- members of the New York Stock Ex- gifts. Open Thursday evening. Expect to be served preciate talking to them again, ehange and underwriters in practically eggnog on this special night. 75 Kercheval. TU. A very won d e r f u 1 young if only over the phone. aU types of stocks and securities. We're 2-1510. couple found him running along Mrs. Stephen David eonsultants to corporations, and to indi- Lakeshore drive and realized I 1170 Fairholme road Service to the -.iduals, gnd we're active in the priv~ • Lucky was lost. They were kind Grosses Pointe Woods, 36 placement of !eCurities. We also offer A cordial i:iVitation enough to take the time to gO December 10 Community eomplete assistaDc:e in a.oqwsitions ~ is l~xtended t.o you to accept a complimentary Per- mergers. two or three miles to the ------By FRED KOPP, R. Ph. sonal Make-Up Beauty Analysis by Miss SlL-,dy Grosse Poir.te Woods Police It won't always payoff, but A colleague of ours tells this MaY' we sene yoe1 Kabbush of Revlon. on Friday, December 20, at Station and obtain our address studying the past is a good way one. On Saturdays he sells QUEEN of the NILE the Howard Rochelle Salon, 84 Kercheval, TU. through the license. Th~y then to prepare for the future. dimes (lOc each). Seems the 2-9440.We will be looking for you there. P. S. Their neighborhood movie is next c» FIRST OF MICHIGAN CORPORATION own Charlotte will be on hand with her expert door. The kids st(lP in before advice. the show for dimes-for the A Raymond Loewy Members Nett) York Stock E:u:/um.gB NEW FIREPLACE FUEL••• in handy bag /Wm. Snaith vending m a chi n e s in the 17144 Kercheval Margaret Rice • theatre. A lot of our busi- DESIGN CREATION SELF STARTING ness is like this - service to Grosse Pointe. Mich. • 88fj.f200 c» has your last minute gift problem SOlved in the Just light the automatic wick! the community. Glad to do form of a gift certificate ... exquisitely boxed and it. B e c a use we're conven- Contotmt tlmt foUow the mdurit wrapped . . . for any amount. 76 Kercheva.l. TU. iently located and open long eyebrow aDd oomplement the mod,. 1-7020. em fashion treDd tnwam eye maJce,.. LONG LASTING hours. we're a handy place to pick up change or a bottle up. Eyes axe enhaneed. and c:omtI alive like a beautiful S!nile. Single bag lasts an of aspirin. But a pharma- Absorbing • IIIltire evening! cist's true service to his com- and admiring pieces . one of a kind ceramic munity is to be a quick, re- angel candle sticks . . . this week in the windows liable source of the drugs of the Wm. DenIer and Co. They complement mod- CLEAN HEAT and medications your physi- ION ern decor ... art forms do make interesting gifts. cial prescribes. That's the 77 Kercheval. Jio 8DlO~ DO aootl real reason we're here. And we are always pIe a sed to OPTICIANS serve you. TheWm.R.lIamilfon cro. Thanks to • 20183 Me?~~ Avenue This is the 1.042nd of a series LADIES LOVE of Editorial advertisements ap- Oller III Century of Service medical science we have many safe fast-acting re.- fiRE GEMS••• pearing In this paper each week. TU 4-5770 , lievers. Other power.ful drugs, too. When you're ill, take advantage of 'Chese newer medications . . . the packaged fuel that ~RAL DIRECTOll~ ear:'t soil your hands. but onlr upon the advice of your physician. Then With Fire Gems YOU let. T~aI1 A.~thecary Shop render complete pre- can start a fireplace scrIptIOn servIce. Many deliveries daily. TU. 1..5688. fire easy u 1-2-8: Glowing Serving GROSSE POINTE DETROn" The following stores • 6000 .AND SUBURBS ,will be op~n T~u~s~ay ~v~ning ... The Sign of the Mermal~, VlrgmIa WIllIams, The League Shop, l\Iargaret RIce, Carl Sterr, The Dants, Picard-Nor- WISHES WILLIAM R.lIAMILTON II DAVID M. BAMU,TON a. Sit bIcll. enjoy. filii "'111" ton, Gray's Rae que t and Sport Shop Young COly aIlIlIOIII ..,- CLARENCE E. OTrn , Mayyow Clothes, Inc., The Book Shelf, Anthony~s, Trail A~thecary Shop, Pongracz Jeweler Lad Silver- ~ holiday CHAPELS smlths~ Punch and Judy Toyland, and The Top '0 The HIll. be warm and brightl DETRorr BIRMlNCRAM 3!)7S CASS AVENUE 820 EAST MAPLB TE 1.2712 from the entire staff at: MI4-6000 NORTHWEST 15103 Kercheval 18900 JAMES COUZENS Richard VA 1.5400 Available at Many Bett.r Location. in the Gro... Pointe A,.~ Dll.1300 BUICK. Inc. Where the Customer I. King Call VE 6-5000 fOt Your Nearelt Dealer

, ., _____ r C<.Crts •• cd • d em r = s • ------~------1I!I4----..------2------2-.

Thursday, December 19, 1963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen Mrs. Philip J. Meagher, Jr. Junior League Gayl Helps School.~ Robinson-Wed lh~'~~ni~:u;:';;~:'o:t;;'..~:fiIn H0m~__~~r~m0ny put into effect in early October Becomes Bride of Philip Joseph Meagher, Jr.', Re- a new demonstration project. The School Enrichment Pro- ception Follows at Russell Stebbins Collins gram, cbosen by the League Residence In South Deeplands Road membership in June, was initiat- ' -.- - ...._. _ _ ed in the Cooper Elementary q.ayl Robinson and Philip .Joseph Meagher, Jr. were School, 6836 Geol'gla. marrled late Saturday afternoon in a private ceremony The pr~ject, which has the I ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stebbins Collins eY).thus1~stic support of Dr. Sam. of South DeeplaJ1ds road. : -. -- ._-._-- uel Miller Brownell Superin- ., Ii tt d terldcnt and Dr C I' M b The brIde IS the daugh-: er a en ant;j. Anee ~ay- , . ar , ar urg- f hIM M' cO/'k of Crosse Point d!\ er, director of the Great Cities ter 0 t e ate Land 1'S. 'Y 'k CoT ., _ p an _ . ('w lty Project for the Detroit Public lat.e Franklin Charles Rob-' '1~1 M' .t afnIa. :\~rs. WIllIam , 'h d h" ae al IJ] 0 ~ansmg; \\ ere at- Schools, is now in full swing. mson and t e gran daug -, tl'r"d I'n sl1 1 f'II" d D M b i" ! ~ • or. IJ ':;Klrt(' WOMEN'S r. a~ urger,s the director of ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ! gowns of Amer'can Beaut the project aIt,hough there is no Benjamin Granger Vernor,: peau de soic. Mr.' Jerry BOOI~ connection WIth the current d th } t M d M ' '. . . t '. an e a e r. an rs, : of Rochester. MJ(:hlgan was the G"rea" CItIes Project J h C R b' , - c- . . osep. 0 In:>on. I groom's best man, :~ commIttee of Le~gue mem- Mr. Meagher is the son of ~T's. Collins WOI'e a bottle- be? s. ~orted clO~ely wlth the ad- the Philip ,Ioseph !\leaghers of: green crepe gown \\'itJl an over- Allother Poil1te Shori" and to I mims ra Ive sta f of the Cooper A!bany and Garden City Long' blouse of mal ching lace. From , School to plan ~ program. that is lsland, ,. A champagne reception ami ! g.e~red t~ provIde f te~chmg as- Miss Hobinson \\,nre a short buff(.t suppe;' for the famil\' The Pointe O of View 51S a}ntce h dan~ o.t tTe school white satin gown with an over-' and dose friends followed th~ facu y W 0 eSIre 1. here are 1 f . , t t 14 J' L ay 0 net appllqued With lace ceremony. Cadet PETER DAVIDSON, a ",. a I prtsen humor h et~ue and a simple crown of lace and' Following a Florida trip the By Janet Mueller O student in the Roosevelt Mili- .' ; : ,,:".., " tVwunhoeers w 0 a:e eae gkvmg satin. She carried \\ hite camel- ; couple will make their home in tAd Al d III . 0 urs 0 fserVIce a wee. .. . ' ary ca emy, e 0, ., was ISh !Ias. I Grosse POlIlte. cited for excellence at Specialj orne of t e areas in which ~ __ Most Grosse Pointers have bought their Christmas ceremonies honoring award I they are working to provide tu- trees already--many have them up and decorated_ The winners for the f-rst quarter of I toring for individuals, drUling I Youth Council Holding Dance wreaths are on the doors, the colored lights twinkle in the school year. He was pre- for small groups, or clerical as- the snow. sented awards for excellence in sista.nee for ~he teach~rs are r~- I The Grosse Poi~~W~C~~J;Jes attending will find Military, Crack Squad and Glee medial readmg readmg read 1- Memorial's Youth Council is re- 'h h did t 'd th h l'd h f'}' l' '..." f'f' . L f' rooms an some \" ecora- 1.nSI e e 0 1 ay ouses, 'ami les are we commg Club. The son 01 STUART Th f GAYL ROBINSON d h f M ness, 1 th and SIxth grade arlth- I'turning to the main floor rooms' , . . . relatives. sons, daughters and grandchildren who live I DAVIDSON, of Cook Road. e ormer, ., aug tel' 0 . rs, metic, and second grade science. ,Iof Alger House fOI" the setting' ed :nth Chnstmas trees. POl~- Russell Stebbins Collins of South Deeplands road, 's<>ttia<' and greens There WIll an.d work in other States, (sometimes in other COUT1- Peter has attended. Roosev.elt It is the aim of these parti-, of its Holiday Hop scheduled I ". ~ :"_ and the late Franklin Charles Robinson, was married be bran. he!> of mlstletoe stra trIes), but head for home at the holly and mistletoe I for three years and IS a semor. cular volunteers to be, in a man- for Saturday night, December it" lJ ,- h' . f d " season, Another Roosevelt student, Ca- Saturday afternoon to the son of the Philip Joseph ner of speaking an extra pair of 28 • eglca ~ ung rom OOn\a)8 det WALTER GROSSE, son of Meaghers of Albany, N.Y. and Garden City, L.I.. hands, so the t~achers can bet- This will be a \ery casual: and chandelies. Coming from Santa Monica, Cal., f()r a White MR. and MRS. KURT GROSSE. ~~--~------tel' cope with the problem of dance to offer a change fmm' Refreshments will be served Christmas are the Charles Wilmots, wita Kimberly Ann, of Wedgewood drive, was pre- GARD, of Dean lane; MR. and daughters GAY and ANTEA, .1r- overcrowded classrooms. Some all the dressy affairs filling the! in tll(> hreakfast room and three, and Kelley, just eight weeks old. ~ented a~ award .for excellence I MRS. GEORGE CRAIGHEAD, rived for.a pre-Christmas visit of them are certified, experi- holidays. Slacks Will bt' worn' panelled Josephll1c G I' ego r y

M M' 0 • •• :n AthletIcs. He IS a freshman, of Lincoln road; MR. and MRS. with her grandmother, MRS. enced teachers and therefore and the records will bc- selected ~room, This is induded in the . r. and rs. WIlmot plan to dIVIde thel~ tIme and has attended' Roosevelt for GILBERT HUDSON, of Bever- JOSEPH B. SCHLOTMAN, of' well qualified to tutor children from the col1e("tions of Youth price of admission which is here. between two sets of parents. the Judson WIlmots, two years. ly road; MR. and MRS. ROB- Lakeshore road. Mrs. von Hen- who need time-consuming indi- I Conucil membera. $1.50 per couple. of BIShop road, and the George Fostf'rs, of Broadstone • * • ERT HEALY and MR. and neburg and Mrs. Schlotman's I vidual attention. I~- road, (Mrs. Wilmot is the former Susan Foster). MR. and MRS, JAMES I. MRS. E. SCOTT RUMELY. daughte~ and son - in -law, the The gthers attended a training I From Japan, via Europe and New York, comes McCLINTOCK, of Beverly Honorary ch;irman of the dance THOMAS M. EVANSES, of session provided by the school, Sally Whittingham, daughter of the Manfred Witting- road, entertained friends last \....as ALVAN MACAULEY, JR. Greenwich, Conn., were among and will receive further train-I Sunday at bru!'1ch in their '" '" '" guests at Mrs. Schlotman's, ing. as needed, by the teachers I hams, of Kenwood court. f '1 d' t I b' th home to watcll the televised DR. and MRS. JEREMY ami Y Il1ner par y, leI' 11' - I w!th whom they are working. Sally, one of the first girls to hold office as president football game, between the De. DAVID WEBSTER, of McKin- day celebration, last week, In the ~rief period that the

of Grosse Pointe High School's senior class, was grad- troit Lions and the Chicago ley avenue, announce the birth '" • • II School Enrlc~ment Program has uated from Smith College in 1962, went to San Fran- Bears. of their third son. STEPHEN! MR. and MRS. ROB E R T ~een operational, the. results I CISCO to work, then to Tokyo for a six months' teaching >I< • '" I THORPE WEBSTER, Novem-I GOTFREDSON have returned ave been very encouragmg. The I assiomnent. I CAPTAIN' and MRS. MAR~ bel' 25 Mrs. Webster is the for-' to Whittier road after a two-I te.achers who undertook to ~o~k t"o • • TIN .J. ALBION (Judith Usher) mer MARY CORNELIA REA, I week vacation in Miami Reach WIth a volunteer are enthuslas~lc I . Early ~hlS fall, .she ~et her p~rents In Japan. T~t' announce the birth of their daughter of MRS. THATCHER and Palm Beach Shores. Ac- about the arrang~ment; the :llll-I E'ntlre famIly vacatIOned In the Onent, then Mr. Whlt- second son STEVEN USHER, W. REA. of Harcourt road. Pa- companying them on the Flori- dren are respondmg to a. ~trang- tingham returned home while Sally and her mother December -7 Former Pointers ternal grandparents are the da visit were their son and er nlow mad~l more famIlIar by I' continued around the world. th~ Albions 'now live in Yuma' DONALD T. WEBSTERS. of daughter-in-law, MR. and MRS. re~u ~r wee y exposure; the They Clrrived in New York a few days before Ariz .. where Captain Albion, ~ McKinley avenue. JEREMY I ROBERT .G~TFREDSON, JR., ;'.0 ~nt~ers are enclourhag~d t~ . . . . M d' 1 C DAVID WEBSTER .JR.. 41'2. of Grosse Pornte boulevard. In .ey can coup e t ell' tal ThanksglVm0' but Sally elected to remam m the East member of the e lca orps, ',! ents WIth newly-acquired teach. b, . • ' tationed at the Yuma Prov- and JOHN BALLEN1INE WEB-

Committe~ chairman for the 'I dinner dance by her future par- annual party Junior League of ents-in-law, MR. and MRS. Detroit gives for the Detroit i G E 0 R G E H. R U SSE L, of A HAPPY League for the Handicapped I B 10 0 m fie I d Hills, and their was MRS. CALVIN PURDY'I daughter, MARY LOVE RUS- ,Ir .. Of Radnor Circle. Hostesses I SEL. The dance is scheduled lat the Christmas dinner last I January 4, at the Bloomfield Thursday induded MRS. WIL-I Hills Country Club. Robin is the LIAM DAHLING, MRS. JOHN I fiance of GEORGE H. RUSSEL. A VJALTON-PIERCE 1 DONNELLY, MRS. HENRY E.I JR. BODMAN, II, MRS. W. MER- '" * '" , RITT JON E Sand MRS. ,JOHN C. CHAPIN, nf Chevy i THOMAS K. RONEY. Chase, Md., formerly of Detroit, GIFT CERTIFICATE


5 Call us for an appoint- MORE ment, anytime, at your DAYS TO convenience, and let us help SHOEJ solve your shopping problems I

'J 'J

? 77 • p p nzzzsz •• n ••• ' Page Fourt.en GROSSE POINTE NEWS I Thursday, December 19, 1963 Thursday, Deeembe Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes Worn . , --_._------~.~~---~ Dinners to Precede Discusing 'Liggett Tomorrow' Dance Club Ob,~erve.fl Stuffing Toys For Hospital 50th Birthday Cusum.ano. Frances DeYonkcr, Girl Seo Dance for Liggett Girl Scout Troop 1!'i56 al Our and Patrle-Ia Glynn, Fifty years ago Miss Helen Lady Star of the Sea iI; making, Still oth~rs are Barbara H, De- Hospital. The troop conslst,<; of Karrer. Patty Kotylo, Pat Mnn. Holiday Saturda'l Night Gala at Country Club Spawns Many I trol~, o:gamzed a ~roup of her girls from the 4t;,. 5th and, 6th! ahan. Kath~' Reichling. Ann

Private Gatherings Beforehand; Henry Marchard I pupIls In a cl~~, The DaUgh-j grades and is under n.e dlrl?c, Riee. Mary Sl'hultz, Mary Pat From Cookie Baking t. Music Donated by Mrs. Emory Ford I ters of C;:uIture. I tion of Mrs. Frank C'lsumClno ~Sh(>a. and Mary Deane VentI' , On '1 uesday, December 10, I and Mrs. William Shed, mlg"iJa. Are Engaged in C To make a holiday evening longe-r and gayer, dozens the girls who .for~ed the grade I Girl" in the troop an' J)('hhie . ~ _ of dinner parties are springing up in homes and clubs sch,ool organizatIOn met for I Barba~lia, Cheryl Cash. There- before the Liggett Tomorrow Da!1ce Saturday night at theIr annual Christmas Party at .sa Cia k Christine COOW8;;.: Som(' can't kl"ep a f.,ecret bp.- Many girls learn t the Country Club. This benefit party was made possible the, home. h of Mrs, May Shannon I Bar bara/ r :"'0,_ r bett .~' O;us.. 111 CI r- (';,u~(' they keep it in loose-lip Scouting. Most of the (' In Bls op road. b t. Maureen Cross. Th(>resa Inrm. District do some kind 0 . through the generosity of Mrs. Emory Ford who, upon I Through the yea 1:>, "The i_~_~ ' . .. . cancellation of her daughter's debut, donated the music I :~; Daughters of Culture" havel' troops like to remembe of Harry Marshard's .Boston orchestra to the Liggett , , " :<:.. maintained close ties. the~r homes, and needy peop] Tomorrow Fund, j' ..' ...... : gather ollce a monto at a mem- I f..," "~'. :'\ be:'s home. to reminisce and Growing a plant, bak M 0 s t ambiti.:>us of the I-~-' ---~- ,.t:'.".. i J;1t:t)t~.r'ir :enJoy a SOCial get-together. I cookies, wrapping a sr: . t' d' . th I' Stroh of Edgemont Park for 22 5Ub scnp Ion mners IS e f h f i d .,~'t,"!f,t~(.;~"~)f(-<:~;4I ~. : Eighteen members were pres- gift, visi ting an 0id f( , party for over 60 orgalllzed. I 0 er r _en a. I :;: ,.i:~>.,}.I~; ent at Mrs. Shannon's party,: home, and singing ca:' ,':tg to take them to 1. a subscription dInner organized ney Rankin, a!lSi~ant ticket ning dress with a ~atching CAR RAMS POLE ' Han will play the Rach- i Mrs. Craig To Entertain United States Health Servi with the 888lstance of Mrs. John chairmen are having an early coat. The Fords will have a An id was reported at; The Petite Garden Club maninoff Concerto No. 3 in D Hospitat Bayne. Guests will meet in the dinneJ' in'their Ridge road home "quIck dinner" at the home of I ace ent minor on a program which will Buttrick home in University for friends and co-workers M W' k H b f h I'Lincoln and East Jefferson. include Schubert's Overture to place for cocktails before going! Colonel and MrB, William Dren~ r~. IC enry e ore rus - December 14 at 12;30 p.m.' The Peti.te Gar?en Club of "Rosaml1nde" and Walton's on to t.he dinner. Inen, (the former MarY Louise I ing on to the dance. Mrs. I Officer Richard G. Elworthy I Grosse Pomte WIll have its Symphony No.1. Goodl!lOnl are uBin'" this oc- Charies A dam s, co-chairman: . December meeting at the home Adding to the festive mood, , .. with Mrs Ford will greet I took the dnvf'r. TE'ITY Peck of Mrs Victor Craig in Moross Among his many honors. th i h ..- will "'I casion for a dinner reunion in ., '. I Tong II H . th . i t a ree.p ece ore e~ua .. ay guests In a flo~r length garnet Book of 600 Oxford roart. to road an IS e reclp en I for these three dinner parties their Me!Tiweather road home , . , B S' . I-I "1' I D k . . of a special scholarship to I durin dinner and until 11 for Liggett School classmates and pink velvet gO\\ n \\ i,11 ,l I on ~.ecoUl~ . oSP1~a . r le nOQ . i ThE'l"e "",II ht' a luncheon and .JuiIliard, a prize given by Mrs. : 'l kg of the year '39 floating back panel. She will, car ~a5 dnvmg \\l.'st on East garden gift t'xchange. ~. Pl'nkney TIICk, of Count ....' I 0(' oc . I' I be accompanied by her hus- Jefferson and jumped thp curb ______.. _ '.' Another gala affair at t.he j For the dallce co-chairman band. Dr. Adams, and daughter. east of Llnr:oln, The car (TossC'd Club drive. In memory of her, Little Club w!ll be the dinner Mr~. Ford wUl wear a short. Susan, a deb of last JunC". and. Lincoln and hit a telephone! Be a pace-setter-don't follow daughter, Martha. . partv given by Mrs. Gar! M. length green corded silk eve- her date. I pole. in the footsteps of competitors. The young artist was disCQv, ------.------~--~--, ~--~-~--~ --- ('red in Korea during the C!)ll- flict there and brought to thir; country at age eleven under the sponsorship of the Fifth Air Force. He has appeared as solo- ist with the Symphony on two robes and hoste I previous occasions, in I !}60 for lt ornel • • . PIERCE , a concert. sponsored by the Girl To ple"se "him thoreughfy, seleet a distinctive Clnd prcsc- WALTon- Scouts of Metropolitan Detroit, ".eIIVAL iii n. .... i tical -gift at Warren's. Countless gift suggestions will com. fleeces .. pure s,. ...n'Hlllft and for the opening of the 01'-, chestra's summer season at the to mind when you see Warren's interesting displaY' of ••• Fairgrounds in 1961. some chiffon Ii T,he orchestra under Ehrling's Watch ..s Desk Acceuori •• direction will appear Sunday Rings .KllY Rings • • • $0 comfortable . ntght at 8:15 o'clock in Cleary i Till ClirlS lighfers ••. fron, Auditorium, Windsor, on the i Tie Tar~ Bl!'lt Buckles Christian Culture Serie~ of As- : Ash Tmys Sports Jewelry sumption University. I Cuff link» The program will include i Open e Brahms' "Academic Festival'" ••• just to name a few. Every article is expertly designed, Overture, Beethoven's Sym- I csnd a gift of excellent taste and splendid value. untn phony NO.4, Mendelssohn's i Symphony No. 4 ("Italian").: Weinberger's Prelude and I Fugue from "Schwanda" and a i grOUp of Christ.m~ carols. I CHARLF.S W. WAR REN & COMPANY i GOLFER ROBBED 1 JEWELERS AND SilVERSMITHS Earl C. Hodge of 60 Tonnan- I STEUBEN GLASS cour p lac e, complained to I Farms police on Friday, Decem- : 1520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD 1151\ bel' 13, that someone broke into I Detroit 26, M,ichigan-Phone WO 2-5158-Store HOUD ~ *" 5aOO his garage ~nd stole m set of! TU golf clubs and a brown canvas i golf bag. total value $525. ---~--~------~._------~-----



Here£ld POI"l.-elain Our Staff ROTHSCHILD BIRDS Miss Virgim This world f<'lmous p<'lttern wa~ oes:gneci i~y l~(' 'C"'8 ;. ::)w"C:Eor i;, ! SSS, He chose Dee Dee the colorful singing bird motif with gay t---u;+e+,E's f'"1C t-:iioge .n exquisite hMO. painted natur~i colors especially for thE: Ro+~;.c~;'6 ierr;i\. Ruth After Dinners 12.50 ea. F'lowt'r lTrn '. ' ,. . '0.00 Clair Dinner Plates .. , ,.11.50 ea. Leaf A..h Tray .. . .15.00 and 20.0(1 Rosemary Minioture tureens and ether love y pieces. Judy Jan Ruby FRII OPEN Charlotte GIFT THURSDAY WRAPPING (Mon. App't. Availsl EVININGS for Manicures)

THE SIGN OF IHE ~IER.~IAID 76 Kercheval TU 2-1610 ------84 KERCHEVAL " • .. • - - ...... ~ ".,' -

Thuf\day, Decftmber 19, 1963 Thunday, December 19, 1963 Pointes GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women 9 Toys For Hospital . P .. IJr'.; Rickey Moore, son of Mr. D Cl T_.0 H and Mrs. Sibley Moore; Ly~n ("hlll!l.lnO, France" Df-Yonker /lSanta's Helpers" Prepare for MD Benefit ance asses a,ve. ar"y )p I'):>fi iI: ()'11 .dld PalrlC'in (;J.\'rm . , Girl Scouts Have .----- ...-.---- IHoward, daughter of Mrs. LIV- 'l'he childre of Ted and LU- the Wendell W. AndersOIU'" Jr.:,' ingstone Howard, and Sheila Se. 11\ m:,k!I';: Sl',; ullll'l'", arf' Rarhara Ham- Han Forrest's dance classes will Lynn Ford, daughter of the Ben- Ford, daughter of the Wiliam III fllr Sl ,l.,hn 11:"1 !'alh' Ila'iUn~s, :\1ar~aret usher in the Christmas season SOn Fords; ~orge Ballantyne, I Clay Fords. ~p ~'on',,(" of ",,11'1'1. 1'.ltl\' Kotyio, Pat MOl: Holiday Projects at their very own holiday dance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Bal- ~ :,lh ..nd 1,th 1I'".n K:lth,\' J\f'lf"hlin~. Ann scheduled tills Friday evening lantyne. Jr.; and .fane Whitney. rj(.; :tH' d,I/'j !It ..c, :\1011'\ SdllJ1lz, :\IIary Pat at the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club. daughter of the C h a r 1e 8 R. MATERIAL STOLEN ':"llt; ('u"J:!1;tJitJ SIlf''', and Mary Deane Venti. From Cookie Baki~9 to Car~lIi~g, Pointe Girl Scouts Some 150 boys and girls plan! Whitneys. H a r old Oehmke, building " ~~ ( .. rni.,:llil Are Engaged in Christmas Service Activities '"'"}~' ~Jrt. J ~/,,)hH' to attend, wi!h. the 10 an,d 11-1 Others are Robbie For?, son contractor, constructing a house C'i,n I"rwrl' in the Community year-olds .arrlvmg at 8 0 cloc,k ,of Mr. and Mrs. !re~erlCk S. at 1430 Yorktown, complained and leavmg at 10:30. TheIr I Ford, Jr.: Kathy Cmelli, daugh- t W ods I'~lice on Sunday '",;.P (~(ln"tj1\ S"m!' (',Ill': k('pp a 5f'cre1 be. ~any girls learn to think of others through Girl older brothers and sIsters. who! tel" of the Ferdinand H. Cinellis; ::ber 15 that unk.now~ " ~....;t. (', 1- 1,011'( th,'" k('ep It in loose-lip I'; . have reached the exalted ages I Chrissy McNallg'hton, daughter ece t I ' 100 pieces of ! ./(.',.....(1 Scoutmg. Most of the Girl Scouts in the Grosse Pointe District do some kind of service at Christmas time. The of 12, 13 and 14. will come at lof the John H. McNaughtons; I persons s ~ e d h et of troops like to remember orphans, the sick, old- folks in 9 and leave a half hour before I Clay MOl'Sey, son of Mr. and I 2x4x8 boar IS ~n a lEi ~ I f homes. and needy people. , midnight. I Mrs. Chase Morsey, .Jr.; Lisa: plywood, va ue "at. a OLa 0 Among tf>ose expected are and Lore Moran, daughters of : $84, A "For ~ale !SIgnwas also

Growing a plant, baking 'I Cadette Scout Cathy Krieger. Lindsay Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .. John Bell Moran, ! laken, he saId. - --~---'------_._-----~--- --~ -~--_.- -~------~_.~------cookies, wrapping a small of Lothrop road is from Troop ------gift, visiting an old folks 324. Her troop has decorated man's Christmas home. and singing ca~ols coffee cans and they are plan- are some of the activities ning to fill them with cookies the Girl Scouts do at Christ- that they plan to bake in their! mas time. mother's kitchens. They plan to Elizabetll Arden nandsome Gifts Some examples of the service take their gifts to the Grosse done by ou't' Girl S~outs this Pointe Nursing Home. While Christmas season are the fol- visiting the home they will sing Presents from Warren', lowing. Christmas Carols. Brownie Scouts Debbie Bow- Senior Scout Linda Vorhees. For Christmas erman, of Bhckmgham road. and' oI Hampton road, is from Troop Tracy Prittie of Nottingham 821. Her 'froop has sent two road, are from 201. Because ~oxes of clothing and other Brownies like to do things close Items to Jum, a Korean Orphan, Blue Grass Duet to home. they are ~aking Besides Christmas service p~o- ", .:., ... ,' Christmas eorsages for their jects the Girl Scouts do servIce mothers. in many ways the year around. MRS. JOSEPH SCHOENITH and tee, chaired by Comtesse de Rostang, two to make ready aftor the bath and an set for Chrlstmaa On Saturday, April 18. at the MRS. JOHN COOLEY, (right), play met at an organizational luncheon at Brownie SCOttt Nancy Horn. I High School auditorium the Santa's helpers for Muscular Dystrophy. the Roostertail December 11, with Mrs. giving-a bottle of favorite Blue Gra8i Flower Mist and a feld. of McKinley avenue is from Scouts are planning a "Girl I As members of the Women's Committee Schoenith hostess. The black tie 'benefit box of Blue Grass Duetizls Powd6l' jU&t await yow OIlI'd,6.00. Troop 539. Her troop is growing Scuut Adventure In Service" they are selling tickets to the scheduled is scheduled for Friday, December 27. A seedlings in pots and they are day. They with to show their ,hll .... planning to take them to the families, sponsors and friends celebrity premiere of the Playboy Club, limited number of tickets at $25 per United States Health Service the part that service plays in the East Jefferson avenue, Detroit. All pro- person are still available through the Hospital. life of a Girl Scout. ceeds will be used to help sufferers Muscular Dystrophy office, Fine Arts from Muscular Dystrophy. The Commit- Building, WO 1-5400. ------VanguardJoined By Leni Landry I 'Twill be the DAY AFTER miere had Leslie How a r d, '," .... ~.. .'.,. Christmas that Vanguard Thea- Reginald Owen. and the unfor- "-:. ,,: .... ter of Detroit presents its holi- gettable Gertrude Lawrence in ". ::~.. day package to Detroit theater- the stellar role. In 1938 Cole goers. On December 26 Van- Porter added his inimitable guard will u n w rap a merry m e 10 die s to the story and Christmas com e d y, "You'll presented it to New Yorkers Never Know," adapted by P. G. with a cast headed by Clifton Wodehouse and decorat~d with Webb. Libby Holman, and Lupe SIMPLY SUMPTUOUS the music of Colt> Porter. Velez. "You'll Nevel' Know" intro- The Vanguard resident com- duces coloratura Leni Landry as pany features Dolores Viola, robes and hostess gowns . . . virgin wool the Baroness in her first Detroit John G reg 0 r y, and William appearance. Miss Landry' co- Fea.-1ter, under the direction of ," thoroughly, ~elect a distinctive end prao- arnel . . . basket weaves . . . nylon starred wlth Peter Glenville in William A. Gregory, with set design by Tom Aston. costumes Jrren's. Countless gift suggestionll will com. the British film "Heaven is fleeces .. pure silks .• wool jerseys . • . Around the Corner," and for by Helen B, King. and lighting IOU see W~rren's interesting displays of ••• two seasons has been featured by Jere Greenwood. The produc. some chiffon lined. . s~tin, lace trims tion will run Tuesday through Wa'ches Dp,k Accessories at the Royal Opera H 0 use, Covcnt Garden. In this country, Sunday nights from December ~inq~ )(.y !?i"i;S '0 comfortable . . . for year around wear her reputation encompasses all 26 through January 25, with Ti~ (Ii::\ L'g""lr~ • • . from entertainment media: "Babes In two gala New Year's Eve per- T,,, T':l:' ~..:. 5uckltts 35.00 Arms" and "The Women" for formances at 7 and 9:30 p.m, A.h 7.~" 3:)~-', Jllw"Iry M.G.M., the female title role at the Vanguard, 58 E. Columbia. .: ..~ .'~.::1 in "P. T. Barnum Presents: Phone reservations accepted at Open each evening Jenny Lind," for the CBS-TV WO 3-3863. Ie 0 ie ...... E..e~y article is expertly d.signed, series "You are There"; supper xcellent :aSle ot"d splendid value. until 7 o'clock club engagement,; at the Latin LOSES TO THIEF Q.u art e r, Desert Inn (Las Vegas), and most recently. the Timothy J. Cavanaugh, 23, of I Persian Room at New York's 5527 Bedfor~, Detroit, informed Hotel Plaza. Woods pollce on Saturday, I , WARREN & COMPANY The com i c story line of December 14, that while his car Gt,manteetl betJUJifully "You'll Never Know" is a popu- was parked in the Woods liS AND SILVERSMITH' lar one which first came before Theater lot, someone broke the tleaned by s~isls STEUBEN GlASS theatre audiences through the left front window to enter and Call us First! ~SHINGTON BOULEVARD pen of German playwright Sieg- steal his tachometer qnd an air BIlle Grass Fragrance Set 115 Kercheval fried Geyer as "By Candlelight." guide vacuum gauge. Value of lan-Phone WO 2.5158--$tor. Hours 9130 ID SaGO P. G. Hodehouse adapted it f~r TU 5.9955 the i,tems was not given. English-speaking audiences In let C1f Blue Gn8I Perhme anti 0raeI fa 1929 under the title "Candle- 'A MM m.e Perfume t!t.. light," and its American pr_~- Stay awake during the day loveliest g61ture In du world b ~ 1POID8I1 who 10•• the ------_._---- ana you can afford to sleep at night. eyc•.f1oWafing &agranoe of this greM. romaodo Perfume, ....8.50.-, I THE SALON

cordially invites you to the

~ Grand Opening !li Hi g~ She'll love ill,:, of their newly designed Salon ill::, ill ~j ill::: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20th ill::: LOAFERS ~H ~H ~~~ ~~~ by Bass ::: ::: g; g~ i~~ ;~: Th,'ee Popular Styles rp.lain !II Our Staff: iii ::: ::: -TASSLE ) RIRn,~ ::: Miss Virginia ::: Come in for a .-PENNY .... i 858. He chose ~ • r • -FRENCH rr. ~. ,,"!r~".: ,,-; "''Je , , exquisite h~nd- Dee Dee FREE BEAUTY ANALYSIS Ruth by Flo~'f'r llrn ' .. , ... 40.00 Clair Leaf A!'Ih T1'a-y 15.00 ane! 20.00 Rosemary Sandy Kabbush REVLON BEAUTY SPECIALIST ill ~ ill m and 11: i ~H Jan ~HI m Ruby Charlotte m Deliveries - TU 5-8900 ~~~ ~~~ OPEN ALL THURSDAY 1.,11 (MO~~;::t:ailabl. IIIi !VININGS 95 ill for Manicure,) • REFRESHMENTS • I!i I 12 ill ill A PAIR E NIER~lAID m~ C7/ I/J / IJIJ (? IJ m~ TU :l-1610 i!i Jhe '<'ochelle -:Jalon 'i~ ::: TU 2-9440 ::: m 84 KERCHEVAL m 16926 Kerchevitl--:'in the Village ~. WALTOn-PIERCE Open Eveningls Until ChriltmQI :::.::::::::::::::::::~\1 m••• • J.l , :I~:::t:=m:::::l:nl:::I::::;::::::.::.s. u:••:!::;:::!:::::!!::;::!~:::::::::::::::::::::::. : , w.:iiii:::iiiiiZ::::::~:::::::ii:;::::;:::!!E!::*ii:;:::::.s.:::.lU J*•• :=..••• _.. ••••• :n ••

_____ tt" ______tr __ tr __ _tr __ tr - -- ...... -'. ~ '." .. ,~~ "

Page Sixteen GROSSE POrNTE NEWS Thursday, December '9, 1963 Thursday, Dee£' Society News Gathered from All of the Pointe ------~------,----- Peters-McDonald, 'Cardinal' Premiere Be'trothal Told Engaged From Another Pointe of View Dye l>lan_, Big College Party Detroit Yacht ClI;b's-b~li':-l Yaeht CI~b, Loehmoor, DetrOit Santa The engagement of Helen (ConUuued from Pare 13) room and lounl~e wi!1 be off-; Co un try r.lub, Birmin~ham Slated This Evening Anne McDonald, daughter of limit/! to all oJdaters Saturday I Country Cluh, Oaklana Hill. would reach their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and evening, December 28, when' C~lJntry Club and DearhQrn Mrs. John' McDonald, of Cour", Mrs. Thomas W. Asmus, in time for the holidays. the high scho<:.l and college: Country Club, as well as the At GP' v1lle avenue, Detroit. alid C. Leprosy Relief Society Announces Benefit Per- Martin Peters, son of Mr. and Peace Corps volunteers Tom and Mary Ann Asmus students ta'k e"l)\,er for a "Un!- :'Dye '. formance of New Film: Curtain Time Is 8 Mrs. Earle A. Peters, of St. left December :5 for a two-year assignment in Honduras. I vers~ty Night I arty,. JJ: Herf>le ROf;S and his Or. Juggler and GUitif O'Cloct; Champagne Afterglow to Follow Clair avenue, has been an- I HIgh school !enlOI s an we 'ehestra. and the Chanton Annual Christmci nounced. . T~ey spent four months training for work in Central I' as their older' brothers JJnd popular singing trio, have be:~ Moreland, eh Pointers in a party mood will gather tonight at the Miss McDonalcl is attending AmerIca at the University of New Mexico in Albu. sisters .are lnvltcd .to.. make, engaged for the evening. querque and Taos and will be devoting most of their reservatJOn~; for thIS mtel -dub Madison Theater, ~here the Leprosy Relief Society has the University of Detroit. Her time t 't' d l' . . 1 d event open to "old tc-ens" and Dye members will be ad. Santa Claus, ~ scheduled a benefIt performance of Otto Preminger's fiance wall gradUMelj from Gen- COmmUni In t entl'n<" whose fJar. mitted free' fee for dates ,_ o y eve opment small vII ages an /" young' w <.. '. ' ... room, will greet (' new film, "The Cardinal." ----- _ eral Motors Institute, where he town$ '. ents are members of the De- 151; and fee fCJr all othrrs Is $3 girls this Saturday was a member of Beta Alpha Curtain time is 8 o'clock, Am 0 n g ladies who have • • • III troit Boet Club, Grosse Pom, t e a coup Ie. and Silver Circle patron worked to make the bent:fit Epsilon and Alpha Tau Iota ,'~",«'~ A ~eshve Holiday Tea . r--" _...... _~ .. _. __ Mrs. Paul J. Mar sUccessful are Mesdames Carl fraternity. A June wedding Is chairman of the a ticket holders have been planned. invited bv chairman Mrs. Weid~man, CI~tus Welling, Vie- :A Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy, Jr., president of the Board of! Misses Jane McI..uckle, I..ynda Lenahan, Ann LaRocque, Christmas party f Louis C. Miriani and her co. tor Wertz, WIlliam A. Ternes, , '1 t~e Thompson Home for Old Ladies, will open her lake-I Karen Janson and Char~pne DeCrane. dren. Assisting her . Anthony J. Shemansky, Jean T. Others are Mrs. Chilton Drys. .;~;I shQre hOI!le for a Ch.ristmas Tea next Monday, December Others are M~sd~molselles Ann Mary Hayes, Susan the Mesd~.mes G] chaIrman, Mrs. Eugene A. Sheafor. Thomas F. Morrow, dale. Mrs. Henry De Segur " ':; 123, honollng the ladles of the Home, Board members and Matzka, Sandra Colombo, Nancy Bogan, Frances Cus~ Walker, Carl G. All Tho mas V. LoCicero Carl ',' .... Casaroll, to attend a Cham. Lauve, Mrs. Charles Dawood, ' .,.,,,2~~their husbands, mano , Patricia Paz~rat, Kay Thompson and Kristine pagne Afterglow inunedi. Johnson. C. A. Greiner, Eugene William E. Calder. Mrs. Hugh C. Daly, Mrs. ;;J::;:;~, The Board tries to make Cliristmas an especially Schiavi. Lepley, J. Robert ately following the film. Gargo and Thomas K. Fisher. Walker Cisler, Mrs. Thomas F. -.Photo by ~ntl Butler warm and attractive time at tbe Thompson home, with -- -_. Burns, Mrs. ,J. Addison Bartush -~-- III, George T. Me and Mrs. F. M. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Leet M. Denton, a festive tree, gifts and holiday decorations throughout Charles J. Gardella, the halls and living rooms. A. Gar della, J ~IN>: lOURS ~ SINe>: Itlo Proceeds will aid the Lepl'osy of Oxford road, announced the Relief Society to provide care engagement of their daughter, The tea is a highlight of the season. Among Board Thomas W. Baumgc and treatment for leprosy suf- LII\TDA LOUISE, to Milton O. Pa.-enlc; will have a: ferers, and to erase publi~ mis. members who will be on hand at 4:30 o'clock Monday Cross, III. son of Mr. and Mrs. tunity to take snapshots conceptions of leprosy which Milton O. Cross, Jr., of Oxford are Mrs. Robert McKean, Mrs. William P. Harris, Jr., I Mrs. Ferdinand Cinelli, Mrs. Joseph M. Dodge and Mrs. youngsters talking to S have Ungered unjustly through. road, at a small cocktail party Frederick S. Ford. ' out the centuries. in their home last Friday. ',~~&;: .'< '. After the visit. the The Society was founded in may pther 'round the The bride-elect was gradu. Others are Mrs. Ernest Brier, Mrs. Lrnn McNaugh. 1961, when F'ather Nicholas BAVARIAN VILLAGE the ballroom to sing ca ated from Grosse Pointe UnI- ton, Mrs. H. Lynn Pierson, Mrs. Irene T. Green and Maestrini read a letter from versity School in 1958 and from Mrs. William D. Laurie, Jr. SKI and GOLF SHOP I Father Cesar C 0 lorn b 0, of Bradford Junior ColI e g e in Kengtung, Burn'a, at a regular • • • 1216 $;;,. Gratiot ~/"t'5!~~,~o~~ Phone 463.3620 Teen Ski ( 1960. She made her debut at a Black Tie Benefit meeting of young volunteer dance in 1959. 20 MINUTES FROM THE POINns CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITEll workers for th e PlME Mis- Ski.hi, the new teen sionaries. Her fianee, who was gradu. Status symbol for cities is the presence of a Play- club being sponsored Father Colombo described ated frDm 'Wayne State Univer. boy Club, and Detroit is finally to be included among /[ THE FRIENDLY SKI-sHop = ] Grosse Pointe War :\1 conditions in tis 1200-bed lep- sity Business School in March. metropolitan centers with a local Playboy rendezvous, Association and the Nt A May wedding is planned. hood Club, is having rosarium as bad, and getting Opening night, Friday, December 27, wiJ1 be a black worse. He told of leprosy !,;uf- .~-~-'---'- trip of the season on :' j the perfect ferers who fled from Red China tie benefit premiere at the C:lub in East Jefferson December 30. The grOt avenue, with all proceeds going directly to the Muscular be going to :\H. Bright, :~ Christmas to Ke:lgtung, where housing, Dystrophy Fund. i clothing and even food had Betrothed fiowal.J Chart~red buses wil the Center at 32 Lake J Gift • • • especially become inadequate for so large General chairman of the Women's Committee in a group, and asked if there road at 8:30 in the n: when they come were any persons in the States charge of arrangements for the 6:30 o'clock until 2 in Skiers may either brin, the morning party is the Comtesse de Rostang. from Rollins • • • who might be interested in his lunches or buy them ~, area. patients and their problems. Pointers assisting with the benefit, in the capacity ! See our complete Those having their I The Kengtung leprosarium of hostesses, arrangements and sale of tickets, are Mrs. equipmer.t may <;ki all I i'! collection of now houses aver 2,000 patients. Joseph Schoenith~ Mrs. James Quello and Mrs. John _)alon There is a new hospital with Cooley. $1.50. Equipment rental. iNatural ~Iink and grouJ} ski lessons ~ I& an operating room, surgical in- ... /I struments and clean, comfor. * • MEET JAN" I~coats priced from Dinner Party table beds, but more help is OF THE BUDGET ROOM : j $1,750 needed. ~ H A I ~ and up In a recent letter to the One of the hallmarks of a lady is the ability to I Leprosy Relief Society, Father entertain graciously. Pointe mothers believe in training I PERMANENT WAVES. . 9~7S Colombo noted that 90 per cent ~ their daughters as serene and delightful hostesses, and I of those who die from leprosy Kathleen Anile Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven J ~ could be saved "if I had suffi- Grand Opening Fri., December 20 ~~ S. Gordon, of SunningdaJe drive, win have an enjoyable I cient medicine and food to give "lessen" in the art of making others feel welcome this, !~ them." Saturday, December 21, wh~n she gr~ts guests at her! Docr ;"I, Currently, the Society sup- very own Christmas dinner party. I ports leprosaria in India and fiowarJ /:(ochette Beau/y Salon ~Skelch6tl tm1 Nt#twtll East Pakistan as well as Burma, Co 11Sultati. Attending will be classmates of Kathleen's in the I 84 Ker(;het'al TV. 2.9440 ~ ~Emb4* ttA.tdu .. H,,%~ and wlll shortly give aid to seventh grade of Our Lady Star of the Sea School, the I 18050 Mack A". : J julJ.ltmglh Mini Colli addItional colonies around the Grosse Pointe globe. The non-salaried group iwith lb. tH1I notch colZ, The engagement of MELBA =; ~~ of volunteers. headquartered in - L CATHERINE BOYD to Edward ipricetl ", • • • $2,7'0 Detroit, is dedicated to care R. Marquardt has been an- ~ and treatment of all leprosy nounced by her parents, Mr. : t sufferers, regardless of race, ~ and Mrs. R. Clifford Boyd, of ::d'; .: creed or color. Vernier road. The bridegroom- ~~ elect is the son Of Mrs. Edward < . .' : STRINGS ATTACHED F. Marquardt, of Roseville, and the late Mr. Marquardt. A May ~; .' The offer of something ~or' wedding is planned. ... ; nothing is a smoke screen-.It's a good time to figure that the I price will be too high. ROLLINS FUR Robert Yaklin .7 ADAMS EAST' J>ETROI'l' Salt beds 500 feet deep are -,. "IMIA" 1It«4v, Alleel,lI." • PI" Tn • h, ,~ .. I. lahl,' .,.t I,commercially m1ned in Michi. It .h" ~"IIJ of ""'n It ''''tllff Ills.. To Claim Bride ---; I gan. At a family dinner party at the home of her mother, Mrs. Edwar-d M. Andries, in Prest avenue, Det~oit. the engage- ment of Catherine Elizabeth Andries to Robert J. Yaklin was Leo's Euro announced. 17 Kercneva, PL.~ch & The bride-elect is also the daughter of the late Edward M. Andries. Her fiance's pat'- .::. 1 ents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Yaklin, of Rivard boulevard. They plan to be married May I9, in Gesu Church, Detroit. Theh: .... :\ ~ happy Holiday Party • cheerfJ W decora1 At Marygrove Inn's hospitalil food. Delightf,. INTRODUCING Marygrove College Campus was the scene of much activity for your au t-of .. Sunday, December 15, when vations apprec: PaulSusalia the Mothers Guild was hostess at a gala Family Buffet for the Marygrove students, their fam- @Sheffield P<'!ul h~5 now joined the ilies, the Marygrove faculty and staff (tt Sus(tlla Jewelry as guests. a Junior Portner ..• o;..-wooo 1Il\'1). Of. Formerly of Troub Following the dinner, the Everyone's got to have one! HENRY FORD MU~ Christmas operetta, "Amahl and Monuftlcturing (OrMg~ FROM: THE SUSALlA'S the Night Visitors," was pre. Blos$om). 25.yeor-old P<'!ul sentt::d in the auditorium by the Susdllo htls hod five years Vie wish to thank you ... our friends .• , for students. The Yuletide Family I experience on special your patronage and remind you tha'l' we have Buffet is a traditional yearly "Happy Time" alarm clock event, . S~ order work, diomonds end moved to larger quarters in order to serve you designing of fine jewelry. Mrs. Gordon Spoor of Roslyn better ... do stop in and visit us. road, was chairman, Mrs. Clar- ence Scheich, co-chairman, ar- Just for the fun of it, this fascinating, educational Happy Time dock lets you see the We are pleased to announc~ that PAUL SVSALLA has rangements by Mrs. Louis Ja- joi1zed our staff. necek and Mrs. Edmund Posler, actual works in motion. Look right through it., see wheels turning inside ooIored and decorations, by Mrs. George Kessel. wheels which move the second hand, steady the minute hand, rotate the how: hand, WINTE A. J. Susalla Jewelry J:ing the 40 hour alarm. This is the new national pastime; kids and ~ COME IN 0, PLAY IT SAFE 2ror9 MACK AVE. PHONE ~ it!Red, ivory or hlue. $8.95 piNS IlIX. The weather can not be reg-I "Seleet£ Grosse Pointe Woods 881.0660 ulated, but you can regulate your driving - slow down in rain Travelin9 Abroa 4 , sleet or snow, &1£" "flapp., T~ Alarm Clock Com6 With Its Own Colorful, 111J1Strate4.... Glynn Trav - What ~ A Oodc R~! In$tnKtW~ ••• amusing and it leaches lwwlo tell ... Fournier's Custom Furniture Company Consul-,' • Christmas Sale! ... TICKETS FOF' Open Evenings ENTERTAIN! Discounts from 100;0 to 30% on floor samples from now until Christmas. 16926 Kerchevaf We Invit. You T~ Come In And Browse A,"ound Until in the Villa98 Christmas 'lYNA • OPft Deliveries-TV '.8900 Man.. ThurI. .nd Fri. 7iI 9 p.m. 643 Notr£- Dame - . (Just a Stell

1- Thursday, December '9. 1963 Thu('sday, December /9, 1963 ------_._------_.---_._--_._------"------G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S -----_._.~------Page Seventeen Pointe Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women ------_._------,-_._----~------._------_._------ns Rig College Party Sorority Plans - -_.~~~ Girl Scout Handbooks Given To Library Vie At Hunt Club IIIl's hal!- Y,l('lIt Club. LoC'hmoor. DE'trolt Santa Will Arrive To Visit Home IJ bf' (]ff. (' 0 u n t r;.' Club, Bh'mingham Another championship -ribb~-;;-I-z.-;-;ndj-tions a capacity crowd Saturday Country Club, Oakland Hills The Grosse Pointe PI Beta was added to the long and glor- : j"rnmed the ring lounge and 28, when Country Club and Dearborn Phi Alumnae Club will meet I iOU5string at the ?rosse Pointe: vi.ewing area all day and eve- ct ("olll'~t' ('('untry Club. as well as the At GPYC Saturday .~" • e ('very boy and gIrl. the ~nter- ,dellloise!ll's Ann Mary Hayes. Susan tees d.,ames G 1e n n E. talnment will begin. Colorfully also sing Christmas carols and : Henkel, Jr" piloted "Badger" ('r's POI'nt J o' 'd decorate a tree. The nursing . . t I I' • os, e e u lOr TI ers II CIa . "S" g "p b h' d D f Lepley, J. Robert Sutton, harmony and humorous skits. r b ,liS rau (' In U - III, George T. MachieIse, Dixie cup and cookie refresh- I ;as ~up/c;ted 't~' ..~rs. ,;Iarr.~:. fj('ld's "Hcadless Horsemen" ------: rdue au •• r"Swhl . ew ~ o?n from Rcwhester. Charles J. Gardella, Geol'ge ments will be served. and each Plan 7 Colleges ::.in Mrs. Jan. after on "Pamt- ' A. Gar de 11 a, Jr., and child is to receive a gift appro- •ed Doll." The' G,P.H.C. "Fox Tails" ag- Thomas W. Baumgarten. priate for his age. Inforlnation Day The fourth member, Carl 7\1. ~regat iO)1 was led by Kathy GPYC adults are looking for- . :?iltz riding his "Frisco Bay.' Ma~('hmeyer and she was ieam- Parents will have an oppor- ward to the traditional New The Women's City Club will , j'inish( j with one of the fjlWSt cd with Cathy Lilly and Marl- tunity to take snapshots of their Year's Day Directors' Open host Seven Eastern Women's i rounds of the d~y 10 insur(' Iyn Clark. youngsters talking to Santa. House. fr~m 4 to 6 o'clock Colleges annual College Infor- : vktOl'~'. The next meet Is s~heduled .~~' Alter the visit, the children January I, when all members mation Day next Monday, De- Despite n ear ;-,ero weather al Blo:.>mfield for January 12. may ,ather 'round the piano in are i n I t e d to meet their v cember 23, beginning at 10 ------~-- ._--~~- -~~----~------_._-- ,ARIAN VILLAGE the ballroom to sing carols and officers and dIrectors. o'clock In the morning. -~------~ _ .._--~~-~~- _.-_._~------~~------~---- Among those Invited to at- ~nd GOLF SHOP tend lire high school principals " " "., Phone 463.3620 Teen Ski Club Schedules Trip and counselors throughout the Brownie Girl Scout MARYANNE School; and MRS. FRED LEWIS, Grosse ~~.~.... , POtNHS CHA.RGE ACCOUNTS INVITED ------Detroit area. LLOYD, (left), showing some of the Pointe District Girl Scout chairman. A Ski-hi .. the new teen-age ski I bus costs a dollar each way. --- I A representative from each crafts made from ideas taken from the set of the four new program level hand- club bemg sponsored by t?e i It is necessary to become a of the colleges will be present. New Brownie Handbook to, (seated, 1. books, Brownie, Intermediate, Cadet Grosse Pointe War M~mOrIall member of Ski-hi to participate to talk with any girls interested to r.), MISS HARRIET HELMS, libJ:ari- and Senior, has been presented to the _F_R~E_~D~_~L~_~_KI SHOP Association ~nd th~ N~Ighbor- in this and the other day. week I in attending any of the colleges, an; MRS. JAMES LLOYD, her mother Grosse Pointe Library by the Girl h~od Club. IS haVIng Its first end and weck-lc,ilg ski trips and a students from each of the and leader of her troop at R i c h a r d triP of the season on Monda.y. planned for the season. Mem- colleges wlll take part in a Scouts of the Grosse Pointe District. -~ -- . --~--~~---- -_._~ -- - '------~-- -~._~ ------. ------~-----'-~~~---.' December 30. The .group WIll bership is $2, Any senior high panel discussion of life at the be going to Mt. BrIghton. <:chool student in the Pointes' colleges. Lvnn Townsend rt Chartered buses will leave public private or parochial The Seven Eastern Women's .I A Institute Has Good Year the Center at. 32 Lake Sh.ore school~ is eligible. Those wish- Colleges Committee is com- To Be Honored The past year's achievements disbursements of $415,555 for ro~d at 8:30 .In the .mornm? lng to join should fill out ap- posed of Barnard, Bryn Mawr, at the Detroit Institute of Arts exhibitions. extension serviees, SkIers may eIther bring their plications and make payments Mount Holyoke. Radcliff, Smith, are accomplishments that every free film projects, administra- lunches or buy them at the at the Center's office. Wellesley and Vassar. Lynn A. Townsend, president member of the Founders So- tive and promotion. making n area. ~chetle of Chrysler Corporation. will be ciety can take great personal total of $919.074. Those havin~ their own Those wishing to participate honored at the Brotherhood . d 11 b pride in." stated William M, Earlv in 1963 a $4 Million equipment may ski all day for in this first sk,i trip must have DBC Chi.ldren Dmner. sponsore annua y Y I 'd f h S' I ~ • .s~foJl $1.50. Equipment rental is $1.25 their payments in by Satur- the Detroit Round Table of the Day, Pres I ent 0 t e oC1etJ'. I Building and Endowment Cam- I and group ski lessons $1. The day. December 28. National Conference of Chris- Re-elected to offiee at the paign was started to raise funds Sandatwood TrIo: Sandalwood After Shave lotion, Ji To Meet Santa I \EET /I JAN tians and Jews, in Cobo Hall annual meeting of the Founder for a proposed new south wi?g I Sandalwood Talc. Sandalwood Eau de Cologne. 9.00. Ballroom on Sunday. January Society Detroit Institute of Art and to enlarge the present m- I A large Christmas tree in the plus tal( BUDGET ROOM HAIR REMOVAL Detroit Boat Club's center hall 19 at 6:30 p.m. The dinner was were: William M. Day, Presi- adequate funds. $1.850.000 was I will be the focus of attention originally scheduled for Decem- dent, Mrs. Henry Ford II. Ralph to be allocate£.: for building with at the club's annual Children's ber 6. T. McElvenny. Alan Macauley, the bala,n"e of $2,150.000 for ~T VJAVES . . . 9~75 ALICE PACKAR1) Christmas Party. Bob Hope. comedy star of Jr.. and Edward E. Rothman, Iendowment. Boys and girls, arriving at television and stage. will be Vice-Presidents, .John W. Shene- I In June, Mrs. Edsel Ford, an I ning Fri., December 20 Registered Electrologist 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. the entertainer at the dinner. field. Treasurer, Willis F. i Arts Commissioner. generously will be greeted by Santa and , Woods, Executive Director, a.nd I pledged $1.000.000 for both his helper, who have bagfuls Raymond T, Perring, board Carl Tiedeman. Executive Sec- building and endo\\'1l'lent, pay. DOCTORS' REFERENCES ch'lirman of the Detroit Bank retary. able over five years. Of toys. one for each child. & Trust Company is general I ' The Mildred Berry Puppets' chairman of the dinner. In addition. tlle following J Mr. Day said: :'Payment by : ?oc/,{'!fe Beaufy Salon. Consultation lFJlhout Obligation performance of "The Elves and These Brotherhood Dinner trustees were re-elected to of~ the Founders SOCiety fhasD now. I the Shoemaker" Will highlight TV. 2-9440 18050 Mack Ave. By Appointment plans were announced this fice: Mrs. Roy D. Chapin. Jr.. been made000to theh' Cityh 1 0 etrOltbl d I Grosse Pointe Phone 882-3906 the afternoon's entertainment, week by Alfred A, May, Detroit Wliliam M. Day W. Hawkins of $1.850, w ICJ Ias ena, e I which will also include ChrIst- Ferry, Joseph L: Hudson. Jr.. the City to receive a matching I mas movies, and there will be Round Table president, and Alan W. Joslyn. Mrs. Allan I Federal Grant of $1.850,000 for traditional cooki{' and ice cream Robert M. Frehse, executive di- Sh(>lden and Robert H. Tanna- the construction of the new refreshment!. rector, hill. ' I south wing. Construction of the I Chairman of the party, Mrs. Mr. Townsend will receive J hn S N -b y f r1 four-story building will increase Stoeklng Present: Sandalwood After Shave lotlor'! Paul F. Reed, is assisted by <'0- the M i chi g a n Brotherhood 0 . ev; len d orm~ Y Iexhibition space by 87 per cent i Iltha making of his Christmas stocking. 3.50, 6.50. Award of the NCCJ for his con- a trustee. was e ecte a~ on- when the 100 000 square foot' chairman Mrs. Richard Heglin orary trustee due to hIS out- . . . ' I and <:ommittee members Mrs. tribution to community pro- t d' t 'b l' t th addItIOn JS completed. Ground [ Robert L. Berner. Mrs. George gress and improved human re- s an mg con r~ u Ions 0 e has been broken and it is estl- F. Higgins and Mrs, Gerald E. lations through his executive Founders SOCIety over the mated that the new building PEACE Warren. leadership at Chrysler, Detroit's years, will be completed in the fall of , Others s('"rving on the com- No. 1 employer. and his com. Six new trustees Were ap~ 1965." mitment to the principles of pointed to the board: William , Th d t 1 f $2 i mittee are Mrs. Harry W. Mel- . J . e en owmen goa 0 ,~ ON EARTH equal opportunity for all citi- H. BaldwIO. ohn L. Booth, 000' . 1 I . .. len. Mrs. Frank W. Hausmann, P t . B Cl k St f d C 150. IS senous y aggmg, Jr .. and Mrs. Robert P. Seeber. zens regardless of race. creed e el . ar . an or . D t t d " d tl May Christmas' or colo:" according to the an- Stoddard, Mrs. Stanley J, Win- In::d St:e es~pp~~ o~'eev:~e~ar- true Joy reign nouncement kleman, and Mrs. Theodore 0., db' . tl . Yntem zen an us mess In Ie com~ forever more. Purposes of the dinner are to I , a. , , munity if we are to continue to ., promote the observance of I 1 he Found~rs ~oclety. a vo1- I maintain the high standards set Brotherhood and also to :raise I unteer orgamzatJ~n compos~ \'by th~ :Museum since its found- funds for the organization's of 6,~76 m~mbers IS ~ngaged 10 ing," statewid", educational program. \\'O:kI~g W1th. the City of. De- ~ _

...... Co,1trlbutions are $35 per plate. I trOlt m ma~mg ~he Instltute I SELF-INTEREST ..... or $350 for a table of 10 All lone of the fmest III the world. I . . GIft Set of Soap: Two cakes of Hand Soap and contributions are applied t~ the During the period from July 1. Trut? IS al.ways ~ SIde Issue: 17 two cakes of Bath Soap, are set to give. 6.00• ,$105.000 Michigan budget of 196~ through ~une 30. 1963, the Iwhe.n It colhdes WIth the ?r- i the NCCJ. Tickets and informa- SOCIety contrIbuted 285 Works gamzed pressure of a selfIsh priceI' plus tax I tion can be obtaine<:i by calling of Art valued at $503,519; cash group. : the Detroit Round Table. TO ~~---~.~~--- , 9-6306. I h. t bl Christmas Time at the Inn Thirteen community services! !tVlng rou e.•. in the field of human relations. .remembering the date 1 The holiday seagon is always a are included in the Brotherhood. did Hforget-to-wm. d" . ~ happy time at the Inn .•• the ! educational program financed I : in part by the fund-raising din- : make you late t• cheerful Yule log, the big, gaily . nero A m 0 n g them are the: W• decorated tree in the lobby, the . monthly dialogue meetings of: Inn's h05pitality and, of course, the good : Catholic. Jewi!;h and Protestant: food. Delightful room accommodations clerg~ •• in-training program for i : the Detroit Police Department.l for your out-of. town visitors, too. Reser- 'Oakland University Intergroup vatiOJ.ls appreciated. LOgan 5-3000. . Relations Institute for adUlt' Consider tho ! community leaders. Rea r i n g StockIng Present: Sandalwood After Shave lotion ¥tit". of prestige ! Children Of Good Will Institute, i c/heg;~8nn thil Christmlll : Junior Round Table represent- 1 lithe maklngof his Christmas stocking. 3.50; 6.50. W~ ~ -am.d :r-.-fotorHouse Give Cross .•• ,ing 75 high schools. Pol ice i Ameriell's Finest ! Community Relations Institute OAKWOOD II.VD. DEARIORN, MlCHlGAN HflGH80!t Of I HENRY FORD MUSEUM Clnd GREENFIELD VILLAGE Writirte} Instruments. 'at Michigan State University. i From four to faft)' dollors. I Michigan College Human Rela-I 'tions W 0 r k s hop. educational' : films and other curriculum ma-I ! terial for schools. speakers I ~ ..~.~> ) bureau. scholarships to teachers: attending Summer University: Jock " :J\ffp/! ;J Human Relations Workshops i . GROSSE POINTE and Brotherhood Week observ-: ~~_~, Book Now For That ances in 150 Michigan Commu- i nities. i lock lets you see the . 16926 Kercheval in the Village I Kindness and courtesy are i [ling inside rolored Delit'eries-TU 5.8900 WINTER CRUISE the mainstays of life - neither, When you wear an Omega Seamaster ca1- )tate the hO\v hand, suffer from ewer-production. I 26/27128129/ endar watch you alwa)'s know the correct Gift Set of Scap: Two c~kes of Hand Soap and COME IN OR CALL FOR A FREE -- --.------~-----~------i ~Ii, date .... no guessing, ever, No being late for ids and growa-up ...,..- ..... appointments either .•• because you forgot two cakes of Bath Soap, are set to give. 6.00. "Selected Cruise" List to willd your watch and it stopped running. prices plus tax I Seamaster doesn't need old-fashioned hand-winding ... ------~~-~-~----~------~-~ For Home Delivery I or power-cells which need replacing. It.s grat,jt)'-powered Traveling Abroad? Take Advantage of ... a pendulum-like rotor winds the movement (and keeps it wound) while you wear it. ardenformenforChristmas Glynn Travel "In The Home" Phone LO 7-0178 Why don't you join the thousands of men who rely on r. IUu$trated BoeIIe: the "carefree" Seamaster (it's water and shock resistant. De!it'eries-TU 5.8900 hes how 10 tdI. __ Consultation Service too) .... to keep them up-ta-date and up-to-the-minute. ------, There's an Omega Searnaster to suit every need. Othe( Omega watches for men and women, $65 to over $WOO•. l ,,:'i.-'401.,.., , ...... ~ ".,.t.,>. ' ...t\..,.. , • AU.",., or corbonated U ",.~~.~,- !J/lP:', '6926 Kercheval sake - Drink 6 to 8 !!',) - . glosses today. -No chlorine-Low salt-testy-pure. :JJongracJ j. i - '\ NT~ ,~ .' SSE PO,. 1;, in the Village GRO_ '_", , GLYNN TRA VEL AT THESE GROSSE POINTE STORES JEWELERS SilVERSMITHS :;.~ I > .. . _I Deliveries-TV '.8900 INC. 'arm. Market, 355 Fi.h.r Road ...... •.. TU 2-5100 Grosse Pointe's Pioneer Jeweler, Est"bli~hed 1930 Hamlin'. Market, 89 Kerchav,,1 Ave. • •.•...••. TU 5.8400 ~ r 6926 Kercheval-in the Village 643 Notre Dame - in the Village - TU 6-0' I 1 91 Kerchevol Open Thu1'S. TUxedo Ve~~rugge, C. Market, 898 St: Clair , .... TU 5-1565 (Just a Step from Kercheval) I on-the-Hill Eve. Till 9 1-6400 Open Evenings Until Christmas ..-- ...... -""IIlIIIIlo. ~ ___ I ,~---~ ...... ~~~ ...~~~.....-.:

.n h •• bb ~~~ _ r • tr o snenn D n seo. tr. n R ? tr R n s .m -.. - o. .n. Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS ---_._------~------~._._-Thursday. December 19, 1963 Thursday, Dec( ------

-----Society•• __ 4 • I~ews_ Gathered from All of the Pointes WO) ------_._------_._------_._----~._-_._- --._-_.__ .._- -- Cora Jane Palmer Troth Told To Be Bride Married ,Bragg, N.C. Stewart will ,;)lend Short and to the Pointe 10 daYf; with his pan'nL'i. :'\1T/. Service GJ Iand l\.ms. DO~ALD CHA ITp. Weds Mr. Goodwin (Continued from Page 13) Saturday to spelHl two weeks: TON. ~f Moross place, (JUJ"j71~ with his pal'cnts. l\1R. and MRS. ! the holidays. In How to - - --~------_._- ing his soutiiern stay. Mrs. Mc- RUSSELL W. RANiJALL. of; "" • • Exchange Vows at Ceremony in Pointe Congregational Nally and another daughter and Lewiston road. John Randall. a I MH. and !\HL';. GlLm:wr H "A good Service ( Church Saturday; Reception Follows in ! so n-i D-l a w. MR. and MRS. sophomore at AInu College, will IWIlELDE~, of Park JanC', enf(',,' example to other girls <,. ,if: I MICHAEL GARMS. of Dear- arrive home Friday to spend talnPIT th"il' nie('(', BON?>. IE She is a big sister to a WeU Memorial Center I ::(fi Iwb~rn'twill spend Christmas day 'his. holiday vacation In the WHE.LDEN. last weC'kend. Rrm- children." This seems Cora Jane Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David -;~~~ lth he Labbances. IPomte. nie slopped in the Pointe on philosophy underlying alion of Girls' Servict William Palmer, of Hillcrest road, formerly of Mt. ..-;:.';;<,...... • '" I her way 1.0 B 0 U 1d (. T, Colo prominent feature 0 Vernon road, and Philip Burbank Goodwin, son of Mrs. ; . "'~',;.;;~r'<' On December 20, twenty-~!x ,I where sht> will study at the- l"n.~ . ,..;<.\} IAlma. Collegc students wIll N~vy Lieutenant Bf.RTRAM, versify I/)f CoJorginnin:.; ternal pupil organi. Helen Burbank Goodwin, of Detroit, exchanged mar- '.. leave for Jamaica where they D. SMITH, JR., 6011 of MR. 8nd I in Janmll"j'. The GilblT( Whpj. riage vows last Saturday afternoon. ' I will spend the holidays as guests MRS. BERTRAM n. SMITH of dC'ns will host a ('()('ktail party I ------'---- _ The Rev. Mr. John Estes I .....lof fellow student, Tony Taylor, University place, p~rt/c1pated in at the Country Club Decemhl'; . .{i .,~ a senior from Jamaica. a coordinated U.S. and Govt?~n. 22. ff. . t d t th Their flowers were Dubonnet i o lCla e' a e ceremony Irose buds. '<':'::"1 I The students plan to leave the ment .of the ~ep~blic. of o.~Jna Unique GIFT I in the Grosse Pointe Con- 0 '11 0 kl J d . . . '< Icampus by car and travel to 8dlphibious exense tItled Big . . '" . tVI e a ey, r., serVe as Miami where they will catch a Dipper" while serving aboard MR. and ~ms. W A H H f: \" ORNAMEN~ gregatlOnal Chu~ch" £01-1 best man, and ushering were .', I " , i jet and fly to King~ton on 8Wl- the high speed transport USS APPEL, of Op .lib, Ala. an- lowed by a receptIon m the I Donald Leedle and John C. WATCHSTi Grosse Pointe War Me- Owen, Jr. :!Iday, ~ecember 22. In Kingsto.n, Djachanko along tJle southern nounre the hirth of a d3u~htpr, ~:...1 the SIX coeds in the group ""ill coast of Taiwan. SANDRA LY~XF. Xovemher morial. The newlyweds will make . stay at the Taylor home while ... • ,12. Mrs. Appel is thp former I -Photo by Brnnsby * ~IrsBEAur The bride chose a floor length I' their home in Marlborough The engagement of SUE At an informal dinner party the twenty mer; will reside in a I MAXINE JOHN.SO\", dau~!ht('r Yl THE NICEST WAY TO ~o\Vn of dull satin with re-em- road, Detroit. . ELLEN COOPER. daughter of at the Detroit Yacht Club, Mr. college dorm1tory. Pointers BET H VENDIAN 10f :vm.s. CATHEJUXE CHA~D_ - AKEEPSAKf WATCii. broidered Alencon lace sll:'eves. _ Mrs. Benjamfne F. Cooper, of and Mrs. Peter Biglin, of Rob- Mr. and Mrs. W1lliam Wengel. Tony has planned a special ~nd MR. and MRS. JAY SMITH! LER and FREDERICK .J()J1\'. - IT'S USERr :\latching lace trimmed the bod- CHERIE DUNN, daughter of Berkshire road, and the late ert John road, announced the of Belanger road, announce the three-d!ly trip around the !sland plan to spend part of the Christ./' SON. both of 0 pel i k 3. :'\-fr. ire and beaded pill box hat, i MAY.ES AN rOEAL llSl< Dr. Cooper, to Thomas Y. Wat- engagement Of their daughter, marriage of their daughter. visiting the North coast and re~ mas h~hcLays sIding at BO;}'l1e Appel, son of the II E \" R Y .' . .ACCESIBIi. EASY 10 WI from which fell a ShOUlder :VIR. and MRS. PET E R J. son, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. SUSAN ANN, to Arthur Joseph SHARON ANN, to Gary Eugene sort areas, c amp i n g in the MC'lwtam. APPELS, ?f Van Antw'?,,? road. ... length illusion \'eil. She carried IDUNN, of Merriweather road, Thomas Y. Watson, of Birming- Stambers.ky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. mountains for one night, and ...... I l~ completing ,-",ark for hIS mas- IT'S ADJUS' FrTS~AUY AU; white roses with ivy. will leave Christmas night for ham, was announced at a recent Jerome Stambers.ky, of Dear- Harry J. Chapman, of Lake .. seeing the historic places on the ters degree In chem~stry 8t shore lane. I .. I - aJT ANYAiiBlAOO/TO born. l\'1rs. Lorne ~I. Robinson was, St. Louis, Mo., where she will famU.v dinner in the Grosse isl d MRS. WESSOr-o SEYBURN, I Auburn Uni\'enit~.. W an . of East Jefferson avenue, will I '" " .. Pointe Yacht Club. N0- her sister's matron of honor, in be a houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Thea bride-elect, a member of The couple were married Tony has some sp~cial reasons we Icom e her grartoddliughter'l + . . . Both the bride-elect and her vember 29 at the WestminIster turq~Oise woo! two. piece D. H. Mudd and attend de- Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, for wanting to take as many of MRS. JOHN McILVAIN, of ~lltertaJnJn~ at cock1al1s in a the fiance attended the University dress wlth matchmg satIn ac- hi h th 'II and her fiance are both studying Presbyterian Church. Both at- his frien.I- bridesmaids. Mrs. Robert Ran- and Dail al'e roommates at Institute of Technology. is really like, asIde from the ...... I THOMAS CUSACK. the son kin. of London. ant., and Bar- Marymount College, Adington, Salvation Army The newlYWeds are making bara Page, of Wilmette. Ill. Va. Pointer Member tour~t attractions. He feels that Spending the holidays with :of MR. and MRS. THO.:\!AS P. their home at the Central Park Of CG flonor Guard Plaza. vieWIng the gulf between the her son .and daUghter-in-law I CUSACK of Moran road. has Launches Drive poverty and extravagance of his MR. and MRS. ROB E R T S: : heen named to "Who's Who In homeland will be enlightening STRASBURG in Palos Verdes i American CoBe!!es and l"niw'r- William A -Schaefer, Seamen A harbinger of Christmas in and educational f01.' all those in- Estates Cal. ~il1 be MRS. WY- i sities" for the year of 19G3-1954. THE PERFECT GIFT Apprentice, U. S. Coast Guard, Pointe Teens Detroit was seen when the first volved. LIE CARHARTT, of Neff; Tom is in his junior year at ""lr' .." son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. W. • -'- .. __ 01 : I_'_~j':" •.... ~: •.'~ bulb was lighted on The Salvo- The group willeave Kingston road. ! St. Bernard ColI("ge in A,Jabar:1o . '. .. "'-"1 t10n Army "Tree of Lights" On Schaefer of 265 Merriweather Bid to Dances n on Thursday, Jan -,T" .... 3 and ar- ...... I alld is m.ajoring in Histcry. In road, is stationed at the U. S. Friday noon, November 29. rive back on campus in time ! his lhree years at Sl. Bernard . Samuel Lang, chairman Of the Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore, Two parties, planned espe- for classes on Monday. PFC STEWART H. CRAMP- I he has maintainer! fhe .1v('rage Maryland as a member of the Christmas Cheer Committee cially for the Pointe younger TERRY GUNDLACH f ITON, acting career couns~lor I ta be a Dean's Li"t sludent. made arrangements for the an- U. S. Coast Guard Ceremonial set, are on the immediate holi~ MR. and MRS.T. J, G.' G~~_ Headquarters C?~pany, USAG, Torn is a member of 1!H.>. S~u- Honor Guard. I nual "kick-off" of the Christmas day horizon. LACH, of Moross rood, is one rec.eived a certificate and ro-: dent JGo.VE'rnc:~ent s":~O(~atIHon Cheer Fund Appeal. Mayor h All Work Done On PrE During the State Funeral SunThiss and Friday, December 20 ,of the guests. tatmg tre>p y for Nark as corn. : as a Unlor ,ass e,lato.. .r' Cavanagh was present to assist dau ht f b ~.. , Ceremonies of foJrmer President g ers 0 mem 'ers ... • .. pany re-enlistmeo,. a-r.,d career! I also ,.acted as II'captam of thIS in launching this Appeal. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Mr. of the Country Club of Detroit MId s hip man STEPHEN counselor. He was top man for i years lllterco eglate s 0 C c e r The Tree is located at Cam- Schaefer was one of the thirteen and Grosse Pointe Club will DOUGLAS D:ELESIE, son of the month of October at Fort ~~~am:.u .__ ' __ Coast Guardsmen selected from gather at the latter location for MR. and MRS. JAMEs D. DF... Ulenll , pus Martlus, and is a beautiful For the Golfer spruce put up by the Parks anll the Coast Guard Yard to stand a Christmas darlce. LESIE, of Saddle lane, Will JEWelRY Recreation Department of the Death Watches over the body The Junior Assembly Dall is spend his Christmas leave from Fred and Pat Jean Wears like ~ wristwatch ..• clicks off each stroke. t 660 t E. Warreft- TU t •. City. It i~ covered with red of the President at the White slated for Monday evening, at the United States Naval Aoad. of --._------Reset at zero ot anytime. Easy to read ... Magnify- lights, and every hundred dol- House. He also participated in the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club, emy, Annap<>lis, Md., with his ing gloss windows, Swiss. made precision guarantees lars will turn one of the red the Joint Military Cordon upon with music by Jack Qualey's parents. accuracy, good looking, choice of six dials. Stands lights to white, until the entire the arrival of the President's orchestra and the Hank Warren jars and jolts. Trio. goal of 500 lights will be shin- body at the White House and the Two Pointers,* '"DAVID* A. DE- PlJBL ing brightly. Funeral Cortege for the funeral GIUSTlNO and MICHAEL D. $6.00 services. Announce Their Grosse Pci:-::c S~;::,c The goal this year 15 $50,000 Club to Hear WHITTY. have heen initiated Not An AUCT Plus Tax YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED which will provide a happier The Coast Guard participated into the University of Detroit I Christmas for over 2,500 fami~ in the Death Watch from the Peter S'lvanson chapter of Blue Key. national ! SERVING GROSSE POINTERS FOR OVER H!',LF A Cl.:NTUf'Y lies in the DetroIt area, as well time the President's bOdy ar- honor fraternity. David, Son of 192:5 VERNIER RD. F~~~arf'~e;~~c TU 6-0600 Househo as hundreds of individuals. rived at the White House until Peter Swanson, a Grosse DR. and MRS. CAESAR DE- ---~------Such things as Golden Ager's the interment in Arlington Pointe High School graduate GIUSTINO, of Berkshire road, t parties, Children's parties, National Cemetary. currently in his junior Year at is a senior J1is ory major in the meals for the homeless man, College of Arts and Sciences. While the nation grIeved, the Williams College. will address I Mr. and. I Valente Toy Shop for Youngsters, and His is parliamentarian of the Coast Guard Death Watch paid mothers and daughters ai: a spe- JEWELERS many other activities are pro- genera] assembly of the U. of I 27i! its last tribute to its Commander cial "vacation reunion" lunch- Specialists in Fille Sjher vided with the funds collected. in Chief. eon Friday, December 27, at D. - SPonsored Mod~l tT!lited I the Women's City Club. Nations, and parliamentarian Saturday, JOt The grandson of City Club for the Student Council and HELP BETTY BROWN, a junior at HORACE E. DODGE, JR., of member Mrs. Louis B. Hyde president of the U. of D. His- 16601 E. Warren, al Kensington TU 1-4800 the University of Michigan, has East Jefferson avenue, leaves plans to discuss his experiences torical Society. He is active in - been ejected president of Alpha I Sunday for Palm Beach, where last summer in a native hospl- the Cerele Francais and Phi KEEP Eslale -of I~ ~elta Pi national sorority. She he will celebrate Christmas with tal with Operations Crossroads ----~------~ ------1 I Alpha Theta, honorary history I' 3435, (Jos. (ouz,' Is the daughter of MR. and Ihis mother, MRS. HORACE E. Africa. He will show slides society. Micha~l, Son of MR. CHRISTMAS MRS. MAX F. BROWN, of DODGE, who is spending the demonstrat.i.lg that Crossroads .and MRS. ROBERT J. WHITTY, I N. on MidJ Merriweather road. winter in Florida. is a living example of friend- ?f W~ittier road, Is also a sen- 8M ILES Rd., 3(d : . .------ship and aid for mutual free- lOr hIStory major in the cOI-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dom and peace. Saturday, Jan, lege of Arts and Sciences. He . BRIG HT v.. ~ Co-chairman of the 12:30 has served as president of Tau : ''';::.'C ~ _, ". ! \l'.-ne£! - For Gou.-lDets _ ~ o'clock hOliday luncheon are Kappa Epsilon. social fraternity; I . -~~\ - c I as president of the U. of D. I :-.; ~) ALL YEAR fJ, ~ ill Mrs. Richard Marr and her I ~ impoded French wines • • • sunny wines • • ,sturdy ~ daughter, Margaret. Mrs. WH- Young Democrats; and has been I " ,.'., ..~' ~ SALES 9 I LONG I '.j ,~ wines ..• from Bordeaux to Medoc ••• exclusive 1i Ham Robertson and her daugh- listed in Who's Who in Ameri- I' .. s:\ "'~~~..•",' .»"t, ,...' ••• ~ ?A ter, Mrs. Howard Ogden, are ea. College, and U'lve,,;ue,,/ .; I~ Chateau bottlings. m in charge of table decorations. H. o. McNiem,er ~ I Heading the hostess Ust for the Apprais~rs I 1.( iL1/f n day are Mrs. Robert Artner and t~:~~~1il~~:~~~~:~t~roXofiJenif ~ Ch.Montrose /) 0 ;,q her daughter, Nancy. Historical Society the Edmund I' A '.. ¥] Cosd'Estournel , rA • Bur~e SocIety and the Inter~ra_ utomatlC Action Brush for Teeth and Gums from SQ.U188 WOo ' It! Ch.Duhart-Milon Ch Calon-Se~ur ~. ~ 1 254 Recelve t, ,- '/' ~ ' .' ~ ~ Ch.6ruaud-Larose ~ Barbara Bohn 626 Lincoln '-;:~~h . ~ oJ 1.( Ch.lascombes"*,:A 'id S i ,:~J ' '. , "J ! ~ '-Ch.Ma, ,I,.., -Th II ,o.d. who 'Cc,' ve a B • :'" Ch.Ma qaux ~ enne W Horne EconomICS; Teresa De- :j : ~ -Ch.~Cantenac ~ Michele oJ 221~ AlIar~ who was '- - .' . '1 : t1 Ch.Rsuzan-Gassies ~ awarded a BA m Enghl,h; Roger This Out~. :.'; ~ Ch.Raussm-Segla ~ M. J?obeck, of 1235 Elford, who C~~trtt£t~ .;~ .~ ~~:~~~kh;od II ~~~]::d~u~~e;~;:;v];;: ::,~;~ is ovailable on apr ' ~ Ch. Palmer x ~ road whose degree was a BA in 11'I.rr~ 1111 1!/."r .'.:! I ~. Ch.Cantenac-Brown ~ IHistory; Harry V. Ryerson, of -, ,er.V $72,500. Near lake_ ',<..,< .•:} i ~ " ....CIt.B~lIne.Cantenac 1'1 1030 Balfour who was awarded . ' ..." ,~ " "'eh.Klrwan II; a BA in Political Science' , jJCJff''1 throughout with th {.~1t;}:>t>i't:.~~~h$'AU~PlJRPOS£.~ .. ;fa~;\t'$2.00.$3.W. $fi.sopl~:tm(. ' ..' ", ..,:< ..,!.. : ~ 1J.I ~ ~ Ch.GIscours ~ avenue who receiv~d. her BA afle:t ... with five Bathroom . ~i~:.;;J;~:~~heALl.~PVRf10~£$~V.tQJ1QNy' '. 'v.. >~~~ »--Ch.Pape-C/€ment" W degree in AdvertISIng; and YOUR FRIENDSHIP AND PATRONAGE i:;J ';,", / '"$!U)()P!U$M'it"'.'" ...... ' . . ..1 ! W A ~ Ch.LaMission'Haut.Br!on ~ David Weber of 992 Lakeshore Library, Morning R( ;~>r~;J>,--;,. ,~.,.~~ f'}t,E..sHAYE LOTjON~.',~sd',,,-;c, ,:>,. ,~ BORDEAUX ,./ Ch.Haul'SrioT1~ ~ road who received. a BA in 'f;~'<.-f"Z~.tfUj~L~ftJtt~OSE'PO~RIi.~~' I', '".... :~ « .. ~ Business AdministratlOn. /rom fhe i!nfire ~fa!1 af ... plan is important. L #<'".llioitlEooOllAf(r$TIClI;n.of~~ '~"'" • '~7 II --- _ ~~~~~~RbsOt OEOOOftANT~$I~SOplU$t~ ..' <.:;A ~ Pessp.c ,,.~ ~ CARPETS d Or better yet, ask L: ,~t:~/i.;;~eSHOW£RSOAPOfllJAOOttf),'t2,06 ... ; .j <: -:;::\ ~/ \ ~)I ~ an Maier & Werner . '~'~~~~f'~~~~~;j ~. -, ~ RUGS BOUND HAIR STYLES I II Fashion Beouty Care -- Exper.' Hair Styles * 17670 TU We HaveN . W Princf.jJal C~ateaux. of ~ i 45 C per MACK AVENUE r~3190 ~ HAut-MEDOC 'lJnd ill yard 15311 TU Our system =--:::::::::::::::=:::i NORTHERN GRAVES ~ Large New * ! E. WARREN 1-3190 shorten time- I/.. W Carpet Selections ~ ill, * 3530 GRATiOT 791- i I. IcCoy " SOlS MT. CLEMENS 1220 MAX 16926 Kercheval-In The Villag~ I II C~!~El~~~~~Y I J UNTIL 8:36 P.M. Deliveries-TV 5.8900 Deol with Fu I ! 14301 E. WARREN Open Evenings Until Christmas 89 Ke,chEI"fcd ru 5-8400 JI Corner La-kewood I W VA 2-4100 ----..,.------IJ!ICDI- __Bd .. 1'+ ' ""~,-,,,- ...... ,., ''''_, \~ ,

Thursday, December 19, 1963 Thursday. December 19. 1963 ~--'-- _._._------_._------_._------_._------,------GROSSE POI N TEN E W S Page Nineteen Pointes Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women 1 Br:l~~. N.C. Stt'wart will spend members, yellow for the lieu- i)(l day~ \\ jth his parents. MR, Service Girls Set Example tenants, and white for th~ cap~ ':lnd :\1HS. nO~ALD CRA;\1P_ Plan Services tain. Brown ribbons signify the To Be Wed I Patrol to Ilelp Freeway Drivers , w('l'ks TO:\. of ),tnfOs." place, during Will Wed Service Girl of the Month. d .;\IHS. tile hOliday". I,,, HO'IV to Serve Others Badges are worn on duty and at On Xnws Eve The State Highway Depart-I against other traffic violatiaDJ. LL. of: * ". '" meetings. Armbands are worn' ment, in an effort to' help mo- Mackie stressed. ndal!. a, \tH. Ulli'~ erend Alfred T. Ban1sp.y. will go into operation by J8nu~ be used on the 1-96 pat.rol. b'l't th i I "TO' use every effort to create {TR..nl y('rsity of Colorado bt'ginnin~ It'mal pupil organization in ~ 1 Y. e g rlS are also pro- an attitude of interest in all Tlle family seJ:Viee at 7:30 ary 1 on 1-96 between DetroIt He estimated that eventually m. and in .1anllar~'. The Gilbert Whel. .. ----~-- --- .._-,,-.~-- I vlded an opportunity to exer- safety problems in the school, will feature the Luther and and Muskegon. He shld he hopes 100 men will be needed to pa~ ITH of 'den" 'will ho~t a l'fwktail partv else and develop their talents at home and everywhere." (2) Wesley Choirs, which will sing to have it operating on all state trol Michigan's 1,100 mile, of iatl'd in : at the Country Club Dcct'mbe~ in leadership. I"TO practice the Golden Rule freeways by next July, I Freeway. ;o\'ern- 22. Unique GIFT IDEA the anthem. "The ~tars Shane , China l The basic duties of the boys' of Safety: Safety rr.~ans the Bright" by Williams. Twelve- Mackie safd the handling of I Hapefully. MackIe said, patrol d "fli;': .. .. * ! and girls' organizations are si- constant care of oneself and the yenr-ald Gary Hollidge will breakdewns and other emer- caz:s wi~l be ?ble to pass all sing the solo, "The Virgin's po1Ots In theIr approximately aboard :\IR. nnd 'fRS, WAR R E N ORNAMENTAL I mllar to provide 8 safe enviorn- continued Interest in the wel- fare of others." Slumber Song,'. by Max Reger. ~ency sltuatIens 011 freeways /25-mile long raute at least once .t L'SS APPEL. of Opdika. Ala,. an- men t f or Iearn ing. is a pressing and important h II 30 min WATCH STAND I atte .. an our, usua y every .. lUthern nounce the birth of a daughter. . At Ferry, there are approxi- I Holy Communion will be m r. , utes. I HIgh level performance on mately 75 gIrls from grades 5 celebrated at 11:15, with the S.-\XDR:\ LY~XK ~ovemb('r "From the standpoint of safe- No patrols will be :icheduled I the part of the young ladles in and 6 who participate, says Miss Asbury and Chancel Choirs '12, \Ir!". Appel L" th{' former' ~) IT'S BEAUTIFUL ty alone, emergency assistance between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. be- ::.; THE NiCEST WAY TO KEEP the ten elementary buildings js Julie Juracek, spansor. She re- participating. The anthem will \I.\XIXE JOH:";SOX. daught£'r I can be., important in reducing cause Mackie said, the work . • , A KEEPSAKE WATCH. Ino accIdent. l<'or in addition to ports that her gIrls give safety be Berthold Tours' "Sing, 0 ,DIAX of :\WS. C\THERIXE CHA~D_ the danger to the stranded, roo- can b~ done adequately by reg- -:'-llTH . LER ann FREDEHJCK JOH:'>,"- the faculty spOnsor who holds talks in the classroO'ms and Heavens.'. ~. IT'S USEFUL At a dinner for family and photo by Gene Butler terist," he said. ular highway depar.ment can Christ- SO:";. both of 0 pel i k a. :\fr. ~ ,MAKES AN IDEAl DESK ctOC':. regular weekly or monthly serve as kindergarten helpers. Mrs. Robert W. Sutton. dIrec- I frIends at the Whittier Hotel Mackie said that special High- usIng the roads. Bo)'ne App£'1. S('11 of the IIf: N R Y • ACCESlBLf. EASY TO WIND OR SET. meetings, the children are often The Monteith squad numbers At a family dinner in their tor of the choirs and organist, last Sunday. the engagement of way Department cars marked There will be no charge for .-\PPEL.~. of Van Antwerp road. p.ravIded handbooks listing du- 48. "This organization contri- home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. will play "Wachet Auf" and "In .' " IT'S ADJUSTABLE I •TOSEPHINE ANN MAGRUDER with yellow f 1a i her 8 and N!rvices and no tipping will be l, completing work for his mas- bers H. (Jack) Simmerer, of Clo- ~f011 FITS PRACTICALLY All SIZES WITH- hes Of the. mm:n and offi- butes to the smooth running of to George Rhodes, Petty Officer, Duel .TubUo" by J. S. Bach, and equipped witb radios will patrel allowed, Mackie said. tt~r,; degrcf' in chemistry at c.ers (capta1O, fU'st and secand our school," saya Miss Jean verly road, announced the "Improvisat1Qn on Silent Night" ~ OOTANYAlTEAAmlTOTllf WATCIl I U.S.N., was announced by her the 17G-mile Detroit-Muskegon R-RX. Auburn l'niv('rsity. engagement of their daugh- by Kreckel. . : heutenant), Palazzolo, advisor. mother, Mrs. Beulah Cole Mag- EXCUSES ~. will .. '" .. ter, MARTHA JANE, to Har- freeway from 4 p.m. until 8 Arriving a few minutes be- Mrs. Hilda Bokos, sponsor at ruder of Grayton road. The an- a.m. daily and on a 24-hour ba- A good diplomat knows all Ighter., Entertaining 3t cocktails In ry Andrew Lewis, son of Mr. fore. the other children. the Kerby School. says "The girls nouncement was hidden in pink sis on weekends and holidays. the answers - he never gets N'. of I h h S roses received by each guest. and Mrs, Russell E. Lewis, Yale Seal Sale t If'ir OlnP t is unday will be ServlCe Girl may ha.ve anyone volunteer for membership and They will carry cans of gaso- caught with his alibis down. l~iyeS DR. and ),IRS. A. .r :\CKSO~ of K~nsington road. lof .a v~rlety of duttes: ?n ~e may participate as long as their The bride-elect was graduated line lfor motorists whose tanks ~ t ~o DAY. of CloverlY road. - Short of Goal )lfl e. . I stalrs, 10 a classroom, 10 t ••e academIc work is up to' class from Grosse Pointe High School The bride--elect was grad- run dry and the patrolmen will * I halls, at the doors, at the lost standards." uated from St. Paul's High * .. and found locker. or assisting and attended Michigan State assist with changing tires if the SKIERS THO~IAS C'l7SACK. the SOn I University and Mexico City SchooL Her fiance, a gradu- The 1963 Christmas Seal person 1s unable to make the I with noon activities. Mrs. Jean Snell numbers be- of l\IR, and :\IRS. THO~IAS P. College .. ate of Austin Catholic Pre- campaign in Wayne' County change himself. Take Notice with tween 55 and 60 in her group CL'SACK of ~Ioran road. has paratory SChool, is currently reached two-thirds ot" its $300,- They will be equipped with ~ n-Iaw, At Mason, for example, th~ at Maire. The organIzation there H€r fiance, son of Mr. and t T S. hcen n3md to "Who's Who In written rules covering the stall' is composed primarily Of sIxth attending the University of 000 goal on Tuesday December flares, first aid kits Ilnd tow Mrs. Albert Arthur Rhodes, of M coop Detroit. They plan a fall wed- k American Colle~('s

JEWELRY fi'I!.t/Ibf , . "Badges have the girl's name that its activities correspond to The sun will arl'ive at the of its goal during the past: four I VI, _ Jefferson Yacht Club years while the task of the TB , typed on the center and are those of the boys' group. winter solstice at 9:02 a.m. Sun- ,,(JIl" 16601 E. Wol't'en-TU '.4801 worn on a green ribban for At Barnes School Mrs. Emily First Mates Model Wigs and Health Society has In- I I day, December 22. It will then creased with the all out effort to II c: "--~ -~._--- --~-----_._~-~.------Moellering n.umbers 50 fifth swing Its shortest daily arc eradIcate TB and alleviate other I and sixth graders in her club. A meeting was held Decem- across the southern sky and we i [ She states: "UPOll successfully ber 9, by the First Mates of the will have our shortest day of respiratary diseases. ,,' PlJBLIC SALES answering a written test, and Jefferson Yacht Club. Plans about nine hours and longest Miss Wiechecki said the, I The secret ;s in the , with parent approval, a pupil were discussed far £, card party night, abaut 15 hours. $200,000 V,3S received from: Not An Auction - All Items Priced becomes a Service Girl." to be held In April. 85,000 persons for an averagejl Professor Lash also points out cantribution of $2.35 per con- Richard sponsor, Miss LillIan Following the meeting was a i deflector shield I \CCOU~T INVITE::> that the eastern horizon in De- tributer. t Koby, lists among her girls' as- hair style and wig show, put on cember is host to' some of the "ERS FOR. OVER H/\~F A C:NTUR.Y "One reason we are confi-! Household signments the selling of milk by the Elmira Beauty Salon and most beautiful and calorful of ..Air scooped ODD, ?('ter's Furnishings dent we will reach our goal ",," F,,')croi H2m" tickets and the dispensing of its staff. Several First Mates stars: milk during lunch time, Here, modeled hair styles; accenting this time is that 5,000 persons \ t Inhere "Auriga, the l.arge five-sided who have never contributed be- , " as in many buildings, the girls the Holiday Moods. Adding to f may work In the library and in the glamour was Mrs. Robert figure, ruled J:>ythe bright yel- tore have made contributions , Mr. and Mrs. B. lau'man low star, Capella, rises in the this year ($1.61. average per answering the telephone during I Miller, chairman of the show, ~ 2779 Oakman Blvd., part of the naon hour. along with Mrs. Jock DeGrieck, nor1lheast SOon after sunset. contributor) while 7,000 new! " brows residents in the county have I V Detroit 38 Th~ girls at Trombly are on I Mrs. Frank Piku, M.rs. Dee "The Pleiades, follawed by tt against hall duty to assist with the 01'- Posey, Mrs. James Riehl and the rest of the constellatian contrIbuted an :lverag~ of $2.05 ~ Saturday, January 4 from 10 a.m. each. ~ lens derly and human flow Of corr!- Mrs, Fred ShulwItz. Taurus, rises at about the same po .' dor traffic in keeping with Ref.reshments were served time as Ca'Pella, Taur1s is s~rm_ Miss Wiechecki said the mur- der of President John F. KenM HELP~: established policies of good cit- with 5. Christian theme, by Mrs . bolized by the great letter 'V' ~: Eslale of Mrs. Eva L. Gilbert Izenship. Mrs. Mae Fuller has Kenneth Banfield, Mrs. Richard with its orange star. Aldebaran, nedy slewed the campaign ~.p'comes outher.l 3435 Walnut Lake Road charge of the 34 girls. Vore, Mrs. Dee Posey, Mrs. at the end of the lower- prong. across the nation. KEEP (Jas. Couzens H....'Y. to Middlebelt, Sponsors of the Girls' Service Harry Knuft, Mrs. Fred Shul- "The winter cO'nstellations "People couldn't think of YOU KNOW IT WORKS N. 011 Middlebeit to Walnut Lake Squads in the schools emphasize witz and Mrs. Sid Holstein. center mostly around Orion anything else at the time," she Open Thun. Eye.TiII , p.m. CHRISTMAS Rd., 3rd crossroad) Birmingham that the main reward to the with his two Hunting Dogs and said. "It was like when I first THE MINUTE YOU SEE IT I girls lies in the satisfaction of the Hare below him. Thase whO' learned I had TB. But, ~hen, you SMILES Saturday, January 11 from 10 a.m. deing a good job In an jmport- Mrs. Valentine Showered devised the constellations evi- learn to accept the things you cannot change and you get on JOHNSTON ant building and may include a With Christmas Presents dently intended to' depi~ a weekly fun night, an afternoan hunting scene with the Dogs with the business of getting ~i BRIGHT I at the circus, a trip to Bob-Lo, plll"SuIng the Hare, and it in well." ~~~~~::~JOPTICAL SALES CONDUCTED BY Christmas came early for Mrs. a swimming party or an after- turn crauching low close to' GROSSe POINTE scho()l square dance. Members Harry Valentine, af Hidden Orion seeking his protectIon, COMPANY of the P-TA often assist in pro- lane, grand prize willner on a Sunday Schoool 91 Kerchev.,I-on the Hill 87 Kerchevol ~ ..~k~J~~R H. O. McNierney David D. SI:alker, Inc. New York-hased televIsion give- "Sirius in the figure of the Grosse Pointe Farms viding the outing. away program. Greater Dog (Canis Major) is 20148 Mack Ave Appraisers 424 Book Building The young ladies take theIr the brightest of all stars. It :ls Having Program TU 1-6400 Grosse Pointe Woods duties seriously in assisting to Mrs. Valentine, one of many easily Identified by extending WOodward 1-9085 provide a safe atmosphere for local ladies whO' regularly send a line dawnward through the 'I'he children of the Beginner, ,oct!entf learning In the elementary in tbeir post cards giving an Primary and J u n i 0 r Depart- three belt stars of Orion. From )r Teeth and Gums from SQ..UIBB I buildings. estimated price of prize items time Immemorial, Sirius has ments of St. Paul Ev. Lutheran displayed on the shaw, was been watched, admired, and Sunday School, Chalfante and (~ QUICK, GENTLE notified she had won earlier revered, rising as it does in the Lothrop, will pre s e n t their this month. CANOE early evenings araund Christ- Christmas program on Sunday \ ~. UP-AND-DOWN She flew'ta New York to pick mas time. evening at 6:30. up her prizes and appear on TV, In charge are Vicar Bruce w her e he.!" cost - appraising TEMPER TANTRUM Bergquist, Fred Thompson. Mrs. proved so accurate she remained Gertrude necklein, Miss Ruth V Dan't allow a discussion to' I ~:~:~;~~;:'ON an active contestant far sev- Ritscher, Mrs. Joanne Graham, eral days, amassing a variety become an argument-yau net Tom Coaper acd Mrs. Marion -iOP I of gifts including two automo- only lose your case, but friends Kraus. biles and a dining room set. I as well. Two worship services will be conducted on Christmas Eve at 6:30 and 11:30 o'clock. The 6:30 service planned for familie:>. The Quilter Agency will i~clude a Christmas film strip with record commentary. Homeowners and Business Property The Junier and Chapel Choirs will sing. The Senior Choir v:il1 This Outstanding Example Of Tudor Architecture sing at the Festival service INSURANCE at 11:30. Retirement and Group PlonJ :s available on approx. 3/4 acre of beautifully landscaped grounds at IRRESPONSIBLE $72,500. Near lake. Interior appointm~nts are exquisite and in keeping Progress Is impeded by folks Thomas R. Quilter, e.L.U. who expect to reap the benefits 300 1.8.M. Bldg. throughout with the English tradition. There are five Main Bedrooms without assuming the obliga- 1700 Saoeond Blvd. TR 3-2005 tians. '~.~_._--- - ANKS FOR with five Bathrooms and five Servants' Bedrooms with two Bathrooms. ---"---- ~""""=~------::======~TRONAGE Library, Morning Room, two Vanities, Of so complex a house, the floor plan is important. Let us mail you a copy. It shows all room dimensions. Oriental Rug Service Since 1899 f at ... It Or better yet, ask us to arrange an interior inspection. 1erner a man's after shave, after bath cologne .' s .made,bo~ed,seaJed in Fraryce.,,$5,$8.5~~ r~ H~ir Styles We Have Many Other Grosse Pointe Houses , TU 1-3190 Our system of photograp~s and sm~". fleor. plans. can TU shorten time-consuming perIod of pre"mm~ry inspections. For a most unusual and lasting 1-3190 791- Gift for ChristlDBs 1220 MAXON BROTH'ERS, Inc. • • • from Mats to Room SiZe! 83 KERCHEVAL AVENUE We Buy, Sell and Exchange Deal with Full Time, Informed Grosse Pointe Specialists Tuxedo 2-6000 ORIENTAL RUGS 16926 Kercheval-In The VillAge 12876 E. JEFFERSON Near Dickerson VAlley 1..9500 Deliflffl,eS-TU ."-8900 Open Evenings Until Christmas


____ tz ? 7 _ b ...... __ ~ __ .'s.s ..._' mD' 7 PF 7777777775077 0' ., 2 •••• 0.=7 ., • 7n •• n 7 ,n ••• noron .n - --- - • - ,,- ,-.' \of" "' ,

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Page Twenty G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S ------_ ~w~ • ~--- • • ._ •• ~.~ __ .~_._. , Thursday,, December 19, 1963 .Fil,,,,At:ailable Two Dog Bites Thursday,. On .Buick Open Safety Patrol Does Big Job Police Accuse Drunk Driver Reported in Ci.ty '.t Neighbo~hood Club News Thomas A. Martin of 8696 [car, he staggered notlcably and U.S. Open Champion .Jullus Two reports Of dog bites ------IDumbart.ol1, Detroit, was tick- that there was a strong ordor were reportt'd to City Pollee eted by Shores police on Sun- of alcohol on his breath. Boros stars with the s t t' II d y, last week. Officer James Cronin Wednesday-7:30-9:00 p.m. day, December 8, and charged I At the station. MartIn was superb golf which won him the took a report December 9 at BALLET BROWNELL JR. JlIGH with driving a motor vehiclE' 'locked in a jail cell. A check Professional Golf Association's 3:30 p.m. that Robert Clyde • Saturdays 1963 Player-of-the-Ycar Award Kuhn, 18933 Roscommon, Har- while under the infkuen..:e of I. wI'th Detroit po]jc~ disclosed liquor. 'that MarUn's ('ar had been 11)- in a brand new film released for ppr Woods, the ::-ustodian at ADULT OPEN GYM BROWNELL JR. HIGH Martin was ,lJrrested by PIl- volved in an accident at Conner free showings by MIchigan golf Maire School, was bitten on the 9:30-11:00 a,m.-Advanced Pupils trolman Melvin Yacks, who saw! and .Jefferson, a short time be- and country clubs, ski areas, left leg by a dog tied to a fence outdoor sportsmen, schools, fra- at the rellr entrance or the 11:00-12:15 p.m.-5econd, Third, Fourth Year Pupils Martin driving north on Lake i fore his arrest in the Shores. Shore drlv~ in a car that had! , ternal groups and sl"rvice clubs. school. 12:15- 1:15 p.m.-Beginners obviously been Involved In a I Detroit authontIes saId that ThE:"fllm Is "The 1963 Buick The dog, owned by Mrs. W. C. Myra Halsig-Instructor traffic accident. The car was I ~t the t.ime t.he car was driven Open" anu pictures .3oros at his ~cLaughlin, 1031 Bishop r?ad, BOYS GYM BROWNELL JR. HIGH creating extensIve heat and: by Ruthie Mae Belvens of 15519 hE'st In setting new c 0 u r sell" a male go~den retl'lever. The Satttrdays-J 0 a.m. smoke. the officer said, and was: Idaho, Detroit, .~o was a Pll~ records at Warwick Hills Golf owner was lnstructed to keep being dr'lven erJ'atically, i cnger in Martm IS car when It Boys 7-12 Years and Country Club. to win the I' the dog impounded for ten Wh.?n he stoPPE:"d the car,; was stopped by Yacks. (Sports, Games, Calisthenics, Physical Fitness) PGA.spollsored sixth ann u a 1 days and the Board of Health Yacks said, Maltin ran up a: Martin wa~ released from the $52.000 1963 Buick OpE'n. 1 was notified, Harry Warnken-Instructor curb before bringing the ve-: cell after he sobered up, and , I ,Jerry Stoetzer, 1949 Little- FENCING BROWNELL JR. HIGH hicle to a half.. ! was released on bond of $100. It b. a ~8-mtnute. l6-mm. stonc. a driver for the S. P. The polJceman said that when: Court date is set for December In Saturdays-4 p.m. sound film color. Came:as: Delivery Com pan y, reported Maltin was ordered out Of the I 18. are m~stly on BOI\1S In telhng I that while he was making a de- Boys and Girls Ages 9-12 ~-----~--_.---~_.-~------~ ---.~-,------_._------Thrc dramatlcarIy the story of thE' livery at 304 RJvard boulevard John Bruce-Fencing Master wholE' 1963 OpE'n. the ~ull four, DeeembCi' 10 he was bitten on Dethlners Picked By Republicans moth days of suspenseful bUild-up to i the right hand by a black male FUN NITE MAIRE SCHOOl. _._------thE' climax. ; poodI£'. Second and Fourth Fridays-7 -9 p.m. The Fourteenth District '. as a Fourteenth District dele- them The film presenl" Boros in i Mrs, Frank Ware, owner of Boys and Girls 7-12 Years Young Republican Club tonight gat~ to the Young Republican instructional passages and can- the dog, was ordered to keep Miss Masak in Charge ,ele~ted David Dethmers Chair- State Board of Control. heaYJ tnins the only motion pictures the animal in the house for ten i man fo;' the coming year. In Othf'r officers who will take ever made of a hole-in-one from days. BROWNELL JR. HIGH Winning this Pl"st, Det.hmers fol- the .eins of the Fourteenth Dis- good clubhead to ('up in PGA com- Saturdays-2:30 p.m. lows the tradition of his father. (rict club at -their Janu.:lry 16 petition. It's Pro Jerry Barber's I Ch . T Boys and Girls 7-12 Years John Dethmers. who is a jus- meeting are: Vice Chairmen, Buick Open hole-in-ont'. ,Ol,r apes tice of the Michj~,m Supreme Howard Lutz. who is also a. I (Fun Activities, Crafts, Games, Special Events) "The 1962 Buick Open" film Yltle Concert Dick Lappin-Instructor Court, and his brother Robert, member of tht> State Board of was the most widely shown who is State Chairman of the Control; recording secretary, s port s film circulated in the GIRLS GYM BROWNELL JR. HIGH Michigan Young Republication Carol Dennis: corresponding United States durIng the past The Grosse Pointe High Federation, secretary. Pam Goodrich; and Typical of the boys who serve on the Safety Pa- Saturdays-ll a,m. Gros, year. With "The 1961 H u i c k School Choir's 36th

Deliveries-TV 5.890U "Section 1A. Subject to all other provisions of ------~. -~ -~--- !his Ordin::!.~lce, including particularly the provis- 4:00 p.m.-C IOns of Sec~lOn 1 of Part II thereof, motor vehicles II :00 p.m.-r '{,"'~~'~ ' .. - . >~">-'~ ... .- . I may be drIven, where such speed would not be r-:;FtE~~~:~' otherwise unsafe, at the rate of 35 miles per hour on East Jefferson Avenue between Fisher Road Christma I , On Order of ~5 or Mor. and Cadieux Rond." ?/'J(bppM' I j , 8:00 a,m.-t-- .! - '~ROSSE. POINTE. Ii ROSLYN Section 2. This Ordinanee shall be effective II :00 ll.m.-I-- j' immediately up<>n posting and publishing as re- ~", , quired by law. , MARKET New Ye 16926 Kercheval-in the Village Old••• In the Wood. Adopted: 11-18-63 11:15 Posted: 12-l(~.63 p.m.-r 21020 MACK Roslyn Rd. Open Evenings Until Christmas at Published: 12-19-63 TU 4.9821 Effective: 12-19-63 Thursday,. December 19, 1963 Thursday, December 19,_!!63 _ G ROSSE POINTe NE W. S Page Twenty-One r.:use Dru1l k l)r; ver -,f -8-6-9-6-~a~. he stag~ered Dotlcably and IS tkk- that ther .. was a strong ordor , e ,n Sun- of akohol on 11:5 breath. • For unto you 'har~('d At the station. Martiu was vehicle lo~k('d in a jail cell. A che~k nce of with Detroit police disclosed that ~tartin'~ car had beef! in- b~' Pa- \'olved in an a~cident at CGnner 'ho saw and .Jeff~rson. a short time be- :I Lake fore his arres~ in the Shores, lat had is born this day .. · i in a Dl'troit authoriti<,s said that ar was at 'he tim£' the car wa.s driven It and by Ruthir :\Iae Bel .....ens of 15519 Ind was Idi>ho. Detroit. wno was a pass- enger in :\lartin'); ('ar when it Ie ~ar. was stopp('d hy Yacks. I up a "larhn was rl'I(,3sed from the Christ the Lord.- he ve- ('('II aftcr he soher('d Up. and was relellsed on hond of $100. It when Court date is s('f for December Througb the eyes of f3ith, young and old once more behold the tender of the 18. mother, the faithful Joseph, the reverent Magi hefore the tiny Babe. With eked By RepullHcans then1,we how our beads in silent worship ..• and seem to hear echoes of . Di;;;triet a, a FOl1l't('cnth D:strict dele- tonight gate to the Young Republi~an heavenly choirs singing "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, ('hair- State Board of Control. ~ar 1:1 Other officers who will takEt good will toward men.'" l'r;;; fol- the rein, of the FourtE'{'r.th Dis- fathrr. trict c1uh at their ,Tanuary 16 a ju,,- !l){'etin2' are' VIC(' Chairmen. lIpreme Howard Lutl. who is also a Rob('rt. mernhl'l' of the State Board of of thr ('untroi: recording 5'e'creta1'~', tication Carol D('nni,;; corr('spondinlt Grosse Pointe Methodist Church sP('rctary. Pam Goodrich; and 21 I Moross Road 'aduatE' tre'Jsure'l' . .John Schroeder. who' ichigan is also sl'cretary of thE' "Repub- $unday. December 22nd 9:30 Vld 11:00 a.m. WorshIp and nE'Y for lican C'iti7{'l1'\--Fourteenth Dis- Church School chosen tl'lct" oq::anization. Christmas Eve First English 7:30 p.lT\ ..-FamUy Service lldv of Ellll Disease 11:16 p.m.-sacrament 01 Holy Ev. Lutheran "" Communion mt \'a-. Another method being studied M~aters: Jamet D. Dixon Alfred T. Bamsey Church e hope for possible aid in the practical Vernier'Road at Wedgewood Dutch control of the disease i~ thEt Drive. Grosse Pointe Woods a l~ni- Paul S. K.~pler, Paltor ar('hE'1'. use of TCPA. II chemical which TU 4.1147 m'tion" showed up well in early tests. embE'fS Smalley noted. Sunday Services. Dec. 22nd. Sunday School 9:30 A.M. many: TCPA is a plant growth regu- Church Worship 11:00 A.M. ow bE'- lator. which eonverts the nor- St. Paul's Evangelical Children's Program tod re- ma 11:: susceptible ho:,t to onEt 7:00 P.M. ene B. which is resistant. the speaker Lutheran Church Christmas Eve. Dec. 24th rtrnent said. CHALFONTE And LOTHROP, Grosse Pointe Farms Candelight Service with choir. 8:00 P.M. ith the Inje('ted into nursery seed- m dis- lings. the chemical gave high Christmas Sunday, December 22 (Carols by the Choir 7:45 P.M.) :ear of levels of protection in separ<>te 8;30 <"l.m.-Worship, 9:45 o.m.-Sundoy Scnool (All Ages) trialS o\"l'r several years with- t indl- Candlelight ServIce out apparent toxicity to the Ii :00 o.m.-Worshipi 11:00 o.m.--Sunday School (1-8) further 6:30 p.m.-Sunday School Progrom. 11:00 P.M. >. form !rees. he continued. CHRISTMAS DAY ! told a The chemical has no fungi- Christmas Eve, December 24 :y eon- cidal activity and is not toxic SERVICE 11:00 A.M. to animals. he added. 6:30 p.m.-Fomily Service I! :30 p.m.-Cnri~rmas Eve Worship Christmas Anthems by Our Choirs TH1r. GROSSE POINTE ~AJMJ~A1t11 ~w~ REV. CHARLES W. SANDROCK Pastor ~ ffH YJ'1J" ?? rlAPTIST CHURCH Yl MR. BRUCE BERGQUIST Vicar Unit, of Ihe lj Mile at Mack. ... JOYOUS A ~ ~ Grosse Pointe Woods Grosse Poinles Christian Science Alger House - War Memorial You are invited to attend the To All: A Blessed c!U'J.stmas 32 Lakeshore 10:00 A.M. CHURCH services and use the Reading SCHOOL. Lesson: Room of YULETIDE ~ ~~~~~~~~-~,First Chu!'ch of Christ, f Christmas Eve Servies 11:00 A.M. A Morning of "LET THERE BE liGHT" I WOODS ~ Christmas Worship Mr. John Tant Scientist The Grosse Pointe ~~",\. ~~ ...,:...::;:::.: PRESBYTERIAN Grosse Pointe Farms ... 7:00 P.M. EVENING i ! , ~".~~"\~ -' :.. ~ Sundoy Service: 9 a.m. 119950 Mack Avenue at Torrey ROOdl Sunday Service, Sllnday School '. 5 P.M. FAMILY SERVICE Memorial , ..... Annual Christmas Concert ond Infants Room, 10:30 a.m. "Nigtt of Miracles" end 12 Noon ~ Andrew F. Rauth, Mlnlst.r ~ Junior ond Junior High Choirs f( Charl.s II. Kennedy, ~ Wednesday Testimonial Meet- Churc:h DR. A. DALE IHRIE, Minister Sunday School - 9:00 O,m, ~ Assistant Mlnlmr ~ ing ... 8:00 p.m. Mr, Atwood reodiilg ~n original story f,( Robert L. lucero, iA William H. Fries AuditoriuM, i Restaurant i Aul.toftt Mlnider ! 32 lokeshore Rd. ~ SUNPAY, DECEMBER 22 ~ 10:45 P.M. COMMUNION SERVICE p'9:30 and 11 a.m. Worship Service~ Reading Room 16624 MACK ~ and Church School Sermon ~ 19613 Mack Ave., Mr. TallmM preaching 1.{ Theme at 80th Services iA Grosse Fointe Woods ~ "Christmas for the Christi on" ~ Hour~ -- IOta 5 dailv e)

Come! Worship With US ••• Christ The King Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Lutheran Church Tuesday, December 24, at 11:00 p.m. fa" af MACK AT LOCHMOOR Beautiful music by the choir and Meditation by the Pastor laylor Buick GROSSE POINTE WOODS December 22, Children's Christmas Service~, 5:30 and 7 p.m. - 4 Blocks Below 6 Mile Rd. December 24, Midnight Sondleligh! SerVice, 11 :30 p.m. The Grosse Pointe 's Fro"" Any of The Po,ntes Christmas Morning Festival Service De(ember 25, Christmas Song SerVice, 1 I a.m. . --- --_._----. - .._ ..._--- --. ------'-- .. December 29, Regular Services, 8 and 11 a.m. Installotlon of Congregational Church Vestry, II a.m. . Wednesday, December 2S - Service at 11:00 a.m. December 31. New Yeor's Eve Service with celebration of the 240 CHALFONTE at LOTH ROP Lord's Supper, 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe, Michigon Richard Krenning Two Services Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m, end II :00 a.m. Walter J. Geffert Welcome To Our Sunday School at 9:30 e.m. Grosse Pointe Pastor Director ef Education TU 1-1302 771-2853 Christmas Services nance No. 115 Church, TU 4-5090 CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 22ND. 9:30 A.M. and II :00 A.M. A Cordial JVeicolne to All "SAVIOR OR SANTA?" AMENDING CITY OF GROSSE John William Estes, Jr. Minister NAN C E NO. 43, ENTITLED Crib Room Facilities NANCE," AS ADOPTED AND CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Available and Church ~UARY 16, 1926, AND THERE- 7:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. John W. Ester" Jr., Minister School thru Senior High ~ lIME TO TIME AMENDED TO "CAN THEY COME?" :ASE THE MAXIMUM LAWFUL I :T JEFFERSON AVENUE BE- Christ Church X ROAD AND FISHER ROAD ST. JAMES R.HOUR. (Episcopal) LUTHERAN CHURCH F GROSSE POINTE ORDAINS: o I GROSSE POINTE BLVD. 'dinance No. 43 of the City of McMILLA,N ROAD AT KERCHEVAL ~t. !litqarl'11 iEpistnpnl IN GROSSE POINTE FARMS 1titled "Traffic Ordinance:"' a~ The Rev. Ervilie B. Maynard. Rector Dved January 16, 1926 and there- George E. linn, p~ I time amended to date, is herebv Qtqurtq to add the new Section 1A as Tuesday. December 24 20475 Sunningdale Park (Near Mack and Vernier) 4:00 p.m,-Children's Service and Pageant . Grosse Poit'ite Woods Subject to all other provisions of II :00 p.m.-Holy Communion lc1uding particularly the provis- The Reverend Edgar H. Yeomanl Rector )f Part II thereof. motor vehicles The Reverend Paul S. Downiel Associate Priest vhere such speed would not be Christmas Day. Wed~elday, December 25 CHRISTMAS EVE at the rate of 35 miles per hour 8:00 o.m.-Holy Communion .... ';':00 P.M. Family Coroi Service ) Avenue between Fisher Road 8:00 P.M. Choral Eucharist ::l." ! 1:00 o.m.-Holy CommuniC'!'! and Sermon II: 15 P.M. Chorol Eucharist lis Ordinance shall be effective New Year's E\le. Tuesday. December 31 CHRISTMAS DAY 1 posting and publishing as re- 11:15 p.m.-Holy Communion 8:00 A.M. Euchtlrist 9:30 A.M. Chorol Eucharist

• _ ad _.- .. OM ~ _ . - ... , '. '" ~., 'v "jl .. '.... \"~ .... _~ ...." ...... ~ u'-- ."

Page Twenty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursda}. Thursday, Daeember 19t J 963 13-REAr. f FOR S

SUNNIN. New custom room, 3lh bat colonial overl. 2-car a~..achf.' YOUR AD CAN IE CHARGED lng, IandscapJ Three Trunk Lines To Serve You 9uickly HURT CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quicklv Charge Ads- 12 words for $ , .00 2B-TUTOR'NG DEADLINE 12, NOON, TUESDAY C.,sh Ads-/2 words fer 90c ------~_._------5-S'TUATION WANTED 6-FO~ RENT PRIVA'rJ!: TUTORING (Unfurnished) I8-ARTIC:LES FOR SALE IN Al,L ODD JOBS - Gutters ~"---_._._._------8-ART'CLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE Call cleaned, painting. chimney ESTATES bOUght and sold. ------_._--- _._-_.- ---~--._----- l1-AUTOS FOR SALE FROM CJ YOUR OWN HOME HAVERRILL 3921-Upper, 3 - --~ -" ---~ ._~_._---~- -~ --- and cement work. Landscap- Complett! Or odd pieces. An- 1962 GALAXIE XL hardtop. TUXEDO 2.6900 All subjects: all gr~des. Adults bedrooms, newly decorated. UNUSUAL ANTIQUES TO Y( ing. TUxedo 2-5539. tiques, silver, china furni- NEIGHBORHOOD like new. Only ~.500 miles. 10c each odditionol word and children. Certified teach- $125, month, TUxedo 1-9326. ture, Oriental rugs. Hugh C. for contemporary homes. THRIFT SHOP Must sell to settle estate. ers. SECRETARIAL SERVICE ALLC 3 Trunk Lines DOMINICAN APTS. Bola:-t. 10233 Woodward, TO Also contemporary piece:l WIl,L" H.E OPEN TUxedo 4-0910. .~ _ Call: IBM Executive 6-2500. LINER STATIONS DETHOIT AND SUBURBAN Photo Copie3 Spacious front 3 rooms, balcony. with an antique finish, DEC. 26 THRU DEC. 31 MERCEDES BENZ 220S, dark 9590 Whittier. TUxedo 2-7271. CUNNINGHAM DRUGS TUTORING SERVICE Mimeo & Offset Rt--gul.ar hours ex('ept gray. aut 0 mat i c. power 16941 Kercheval at Notre Dame KENWOOD 7-4653 Resumes - Mailing EXPANSION SALE JACK HERMES Thursday night. brakes, s tee r in g; radio. Purdy TV 5.!l698 ---~------~------Weare expanding our present 20112 HARPER Select Cocktetil Dresses heater. Bucket seat.~. 4 door. Mildre'<\ Sherban, 5028 Harvard 2 BEDROOMS, LARGE HARPER WOODS HARKNE~ PHARMACY ALL ELEMENTARY grades location. Organ and piano hunt- c!lnd Furs. Low mileage. Prlv&te. TUx- :;0313 M:lck Ave. at Locr.moor Anytime, TU 2~5506 FAMILY ROOM, ers-here is your chance for ~------_.- "-- TV 4-3100 and remedial readinr Detroit ------Cor. st. Clair and Waterloo .__:d_O_l-!_~8'. ~ ..~P_.~. _ Assc BEAUTIFUL KiTCHEN, great savings. Excellent selec- LION.E)L train. 4x16 table. C06t TV 5-0773 MERCEDE..';-RENZ 220 S. Late N.~WS SALES STATIONS Board of Edud~tion list. TU IF YOU'LL NAME the job you $500, sell for $150. TUxedo 4-4323 after 4 p.m. tion of Conn & Lowrey organs, WISH DOWNTOWN AREA want done I'll dQ it! VA 2-CAR GARAGE 1-9220. -----______1963. Like new. Su:.l roof. Grand Circus Park News Stand 4-9172, Kimball Story and Clark pianos, Majestic Bldg. News Stoud from $598. ------.-. MUST SELL blond spinet piano, Complete. Very low mileage. MERRIEST 3 BEDROOMS, 2'/2 G.E. STOVE $70, Westinghouse blond dining set, Whirlpool leaving country. Must sell. E JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS COMMUNITY NEED a baby sitter? The Sitters .MUSIC CENTER 'Alden Park Manor. E. Jefferson BATHS, LARGE FAMILY 19854 Mack po r tab 1e dicmwasher $50. gas stove, G.E. portable dish. TUxedo 4-6939. and VanDyke TUTORING SERVICE Club, PRescott 7-0377. Li- AND HAPP Grosse Pointe Woods Camerons Gift Shop, Waybum MRS. LOUIS MARICK, DIREC- censed arid bonded. ROOM, 2~CAR GARAGE PRescott 2-5488. washer, host and h 0 s t e s s /1958 A US'1"IN~HEALY Spri~ & Jeff. 22933 Gratiot near Nine ---~------_ ..- chairs. dinette set. TUxedo Best offer. TUxedo 2-4304. Park Drugs. CltyLlmltM TOR. TutOring by degree teach. MAN'S Omega wrist watch, per- 4--6555. .__. _ . COM I"'.' fect. Keystone movie 8 mm. GROSSE POINTE PARK ers available 1n all SUbjects for 4 BEDROOMS, 2'1 Your Girl Friday camera. TUxedo 4-6939. l\lIller Pharmacy. Waybunl and grades hiRh school. c('/lIege and BATHS, FAMILY Ro6M, CLARINET, SML. $75. Call _ 1963 M'U-B; five months old. Kercheval adult education. Secretarial Service SOFA AND MATCHING chair. Sullvan Pharmacy, .Beaconsfled Mimoographing 2-CAR A 1TACHED Tuesday or Wednesday after DIAMOND dinner ring. Finest Excellent condition. Outdoor only 6,500 actual miles. White and Kercheveal 339 MerrIweather with black interior. deluxe ST. PAUl. Louis .Party Store on Chaa-1&volx 3 p.m. TU 4-4440. 0721.quality. $275. Private. 823- clothes trpe. TUxedo 6-0233. Grosse Pointe Farms Mrs. Coleman TU 4-6442 GARAGE. $275, (~onvert. top, tonneau cover, GROSSE POINTE CITY TUxedo 4..2820 QUALITY CLO lIKE NEW--H ke ui ent mitten, tool kit, seat belts, In the "heart' .Kopp's Pharmacy, Cadieux and GROSSE POINTE'S UNUSUAL 881-9033 884-#23 THING AT A CHn D'S DESK I G' I' ! " for young teen.oc Bumpery eq pmpool heater • plust new standard larger 3~bedN)( Kercheval OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS SECRETA.RIAL SERVICE . ~ ,amp. 1f s ce table. TUXI'do 4-4276 after 6 features .. Never been raced, Cunningham's Drugs, Notre Dame PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD. skates. size 3. Double maple P.M. ~all e_v_e_lll~g_s,_8_22.6779. 1~ baths, fir. and Kerchev~ • Letters, Resumes Composed Women's, children's, household. l)ed. TUxedo 5-6088. I.__. ______. _ Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notre breakfast root. • Dictation Taped by Telephone GRA YTON 1125 furs, and furs for remodeling. ------.------. 20,000 GARANTEED original with fireplace • SHk Screen Mimeographing WANTED ON CONSIGNMENT THE LITTL~ THR~FT SHOP ELEGANT DINING Room table, miles '51 Ford. Excellent tires, GR;;S~ep~~~r~~e~~S CAREER DIRECTIONS Immediate possession. ~estige I Richard, Browt • Telephone Answering Men's women's and children's at St. M 1c h a e I s Church. inlaid wood, with 3 leaves and radio. interior. Good chrome TraIl Ph:l.rmacy. Kercheval on Unsf'ttled executives. restless location. Lovely 5 bedrooms. 3 I not be beat. $2: Farmsthe HillDrugs, FIsher Rd. and housewIves and directionless HESTER "WRIGHT-IDEAS". clothi~g, draperies, lamps, small Grosse Poi~te Woo~s. will be leather pads. Seats 14, $175. body. $190. TUxedo 4-2434. bath home. 6 months or one furniture ski equipment appli- open orl Friday durmg Christ- Eight blue velvet chairs .. $ 1-- _ Kercheval teenagers frequently benefit BATCHELOR year lease with option to buy. 30 Johnstone .: Schettlers Drugs. Fisherienced with river view, consisting HV VIew 1-0787. months old. Sacrifice. ('ost 11958 DOnGEV-=S-~dtGP. n whach the figh- POOLTABLE (slateto~ bar $125. sell $50. TUxedo 2-6153.1 Large motor. ("..ood condition. willing to help at holiday ing room, 2 bedrooms. dining CHILDREN & ADULTS ~hen for mornm~ OETROITB!'lg~s DrugAREASt oro, Mack and 13-LOST AND FOUND parties including Christmas L, kitchen, bath. Includes TV, Touraine -- ~ ~__ ._ By type, almost new, cost $500- . R.easonable. Call aftE:r 6 p.nt. a big room to f" and New Year's Day.. Home HI-FI, AM-FM radio, wall-to .. Stephen Gyurich sell $250. TUxedo 4-8835. FIREPLACE ~~'ood.any S1ze. any I Lakeview 1-2665. Rands Medical Service Pharmacy. LOST-3-strand necklace, cuI- It had a .eel mc. Maok and Moran I T TUxedo 2-0908, wall carpets. Until June 1st. $12.50 -----~------I amount. delIvered and staCked., _._. _ Blue Cross Dr:.lgs,Mack l\nd Neft I tured pearls. Rewar.d. Ux- and my dollies. References required. Shown by FOR 2 TWIN solid cherrywood can- TU 4--1056. '5~ MERCURY convertible. Blue Hill Pharmacy, Mack and I edo 4-5724. EXPERIENCED, kindly practi- appointment only. VA 2-1534. opy beds, perfect condition. ------_ ~lack. no rust. Power ste-er- PJeese would ~,. D:tl~~s~;~ Drll~, Mack and ------_~ :_-.-__:_ cal nurse. white. will care for CHRISTMAS GIVING less than half-pdce. TUxedo ORIENTAL THROW rug,. 3x'. mg. hrake,. Mndow, .... t. 1677 Stanhope, Grosse Pte Wds 2-4490. $17. Piecrust tilt-top table, $8. 264-5995, house to us for Dev:mshire LOST-Gold shell earrmg. Vil- your loved ones. Day or night L & L Phalmac)', Mack and Bea- lage. Re\....ard. 1'Uxedo 4-4584. GROSSE POINTE VICL'Vl"-;:'Y_ TUxedo 1-5852 ------______Old pictureI', paintings, old ~ _ would love to Ii' consfleld duty. Long or short periods. Colony Patent Medicine. 15645 I - _ Neat 2 bedroom home, $150 SEASONED hardwood, $14 Excellent refer ences. PRescott month. HO MODEL railroad Empire. tOYS,antique jewelry, mjscel- 1963 VALIA1\'T convertible .. Pleese-Just g. Mack LOST-German shepherd. Black 9-1896. cord. delivered and placed. Many locomotives and acces- laneous. 821.8499. White with black toP. red in- and silver. Answers to "Kris." SILLOWAY & CO. Jim Spens, New Baltimore. sories. TUxedo 5.7408. ----__ terior. Fully equipped. On!y BRUCE N. NEED RA 5-0056. Classified Deadline 1._Rewa~~~8_6~-O_~~~ _ my services, auditor, PORTABLE stero record player, TR UMPET, pin ball machine. 3.000 miles. 251 Merriweather, REAL', bOOkkeeper: any job-large UPPER 4 rooms (2 bedrooms) 3 channels, 5 speakers. PRes- Young men's suits. Miscel- Grosse Pointe Farms, TUx- and bath. Heated. Side en. SWEDISH-AMERICAN h and 81 ¥.ERC. .A Tu('sday noon, 12 p.m., 4-HELP WANTED or small. EDgewater 1-2319. cott 8-5245 after 2 p.m. laneous. TUxedo 4-9257 or edo 4-1889. deadline is being announced trance. 1 or 2 adults. TUxedo woven rugs. Your material -----~-----~---- 884-62 MALE and FEMALE 2-0083. TUxedo 4-6774. 1962CORVAIRM~~~. by the classified advertising ---_._._------TOOL AND DIE estimaJtor, or mine. Stoles, baby blank- UNITRON refractor 2.4 ,tele- department for all new copy, more for ex ets, etc. 843-6109. scope. Altazimuth mounting. E-A--R-L--Y-AM-E-R-I-C-A-N-b-re-a-kf--r-o-ntNew condition. Extras. In i WAITRESS, experienced, Apply per1ence than MARLBOROUGH, 1035 changes of copy ane. cancel- wages. LIncol tripod and 4 eye pieces, 20 by Drexel. Practically new. i storage last six montba. lations. It 1s suggested that between 2 and ~ p.m., 10721 n 8-7815 after Sunny 3 rooms. Wall-wall car- A CORDIAL f! Whittier. f\ p.m. WE FIX ANY TV power to 100. $80. TUxedo $295. TUxedo 6.0784. $1395. VA 1-5568. _ all real estate copy be sub- peting, Jefferson-Grosse Pointe 4--3957. mitted to our office by Mon- --~--~_._------buses. Employed lady only. VAI- $19.95 ------1962 CHEVY II converti.ble-: FOR 8 P.M. day 5 p.m. QUALIFIED nu FUR COATS, 2. men's, suitable Clean, stick shift, new white- THURSDAY ll)tj rse. good driver. ley 2-0216 after 6 p.m. Includes all parts and labor, IARTICLES left from ChArity E/\ST SIDE GIRLS can travel. Cal1 before 2 p.m. --- _ for antique car Qr convertible. wall tires. Sacrifice at $1.350. R.eferences. Fair, dolls aud doll clothell We are prOud to Sec'ry, Travel Agency TUxedo 4-1617. 68-ROOMS FOR RENT ONE YEAR GUARANTEE TUxedo 1-7455. TUxedo 6-1460. 1A-PERSONALS 0 reduced. VAlley 1-6420. \7iewing pleasure I Lovely Office $350 110 , 24", 27". slightly extra. SA-SITUA!' ONSWANTED GENTLEMAN, employed. Warm RECORD Piayer, radio, inter- '63 VOLKSWAGEN convertible on the developn- SWEDISH MASSAGE given in Be Your Own Boss, Type DOMEST.e room and bed, lots of hot BAR-BELL weight lifting set. com, hair dryer, clothes, bi- I imported for resale. Driven in Harbour, just aCr. your house by 1j c e n g e d water at all hours. VAlley Vic & Phi/'s TV $15. TUxedo 2-0612. cycle, household article!;, Pia-/ Europe only 1 month. Like sau, BAHAMAS. Manage Beautiful Office " $350 COLORED lady desires day- 2-4593. 25280 ~RATIOT SKIS, HART, 6' 7".. l!sed one no. TUxedo 2-7202. I new. Save. TUxedo 2-22~ area representat ~asseuse. TUxedo 4-3016. work. Grosse I Personnel Girl, Type, Pointe refer-- G. Fisher C ences. Call af 776 6200 season. Good cond1tIOn. Rea- SHEARED beaver full length PLYMOUTH station wagon $59. Carl WANTED -- Adu1t-d;-N~~~ Learn Fascinating Field .. $300 tel' 6. $8, CM- JEFFERSON-Lakewood. Private I Miami. we offer fare. TR 3-4493. bath, entrance. Gen,tleman. sonable. 884-7166. coat, size 12. Excellent condi- Black, 9 passenger. automatia take car one way to Los . . I lideration a sun Receptionist, Type, Refrigerator, beautiful, newly A orFINEmahoganyCONSOLE$468PWlO,HerewalnI!tIS STER.EO combmatlon.. . Strom- j tion . LAkeviev', 6-4055. Elaitransmission.m C 886-1420,1, 870 Angeles, De~ember 26 or 27. WELL EXPER retreat. or perl- Lobby, Glamor Office $275 IENCED lady . ' • . . . . ------l' Credit card provided to cover decorated. VAlley 1-3850. quallty and value at prIce berg-Carlson. Ongmal. cost GO-KART 2~ h 2 slick fires OOr our ._ desires day work. Grosse Pte. a 'round investment all car expenses. Call TUx- Junior Typist, Variety references. 921-1148. you can afford. Conven.ient $700. Sell for ~3~, DIning slightly 'u~ed.P$150. Child'~ 1959 CHRYSLER 4-<1001'. One have maps and edo 5-7510. 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT I Learn Investments $225 budget terms. Opel! evenmgs room table, 2 c_.alrs, Fruit- d k d h ir V' 11 '2-2442 owner car, alwa~ts kept in aVailable and 10<' 5C-CATERIN G SERVICE EAST SIDE - Large, quiet, until 9. Grosse Pointe Piano wood, $35. VAlley 2-7125. _ es an c a '_~-=_~__ heated garage. No rust. Just to answering yo Junior Sec'ry Variety Job 1B-ENTERTAINMENT clean offices with phone an- &h OrganI Center, 14932 KeT.- MINK COAT . 10 d SA-OFFICE EI'\UIPMENT like new. Take a look! $750. Don't miss this s. Ad Agency $300 PEARL'S CATE RING-Cocktail ,S1ze ,goo con-I ,.. TV d parties, swering. Reasonable. Paved c eva. dition, $200. TUxedo 1-5347. FOR SALE xe 0 1-8500. Kercheval "On ti dinn ers. Southern parking. VAlley 3-2202. I _ W.S.U. Public Relations, Sec'ry dishes 1-«300. a spe cialty. WAlnut A B~UTIFU~ Starc~ Ear~y COMPLETE line of skin diving TYPEWRITERS anO adding 12A-BOATS &- MOTORS Some Writing $350 Music Major I 3-0514, after 6 p.m. SMALL FRONT furnished pri- Amenean s~met .plano In equipment must go-up to machines, new, rebuilt Rea. CHRIS.('RAFT ' Avai!able with combo Jr. Typists, Several vate office available in insur- maple, $:645 mc1,:dmg bench 50% off. Also Cape Cod wind sonable prices. National Of- Skiff 95 h ,19M, 22 Sea Johnstone & 6-FOR RENT ance agency building corner for parties and dances. ILearn Insurance $225 (Unfurnish and dellve~. Terms. Many and weather instruments. fice Equipment, 16833 Harper I 1-8631. .p., new top. TUxedo edJ Mack and Beaconsfield. 15228 other beautIful styles to blend Aqua Sport Dive.s, 463.7750. at Bishop. TUxedo 1-7130. . _ MANY, MAr~y OTHERS e JIM HARTWAY I WINDMILL PTE. MANOR Mack. Grosse PoInte. 881-6220. with .t~e decor of your h01!1 . -----. -- ~____ ICE BOAT, 2 sea t e r, fully TL- 2-5818, evenings Alter Road, E. Jefferson, ex- Trad~h~nal, modern, ~taI~an AFTER 6 Tux .• SIZ~ 38. 2 form- TYPEWRITERS, new and re-I equipped. Sleek A-I. Best 7-WANTED TO RENT FIRST OFFB JOY DOMAN elusive five 1'0om apartments, Pr~vmc1al: .French Provm:1~1, als, WOrn once. SIze 9-11, rea- conditioned. Lay - away plan, reasonable 0 f fer. TUxedo antIque wnrte.. Open even.mos sonable. TUxedo 5-7712. tenns or cash. Zero, 20129 1-5657 ST. CLAIR SHORES 2 bedrooms, gas stove, refrig- BUSINESS, bridge pIa y i n g BARRINGTON, 51 2A-MUSICAL eratoI'. decorate until 9. Grosse Pointe Plano -'--~- Mack, TUxedo J-0004. 1 • _ 2753D Harper Ave. PR.2-5600 d. Adults. VAl- woman, Christian, of forty and Organ Center, 14932 Ker- LADY'S Molitor ski boots, size ------_. 12' SPEED Runabout, 10 h.p. Engl ish cottage INSTRUCTION ley 2.6611. years with quiet fun habits LAWYER'S BLDG. cheval. 5, like new. 2 pair gray sid 8B-ANTl9UES Johnson motor, 1961. Excel- rooms, 2 baths. GROSSE seeks prestige home. as REMINGTON-P'-O-R-T-AB-L-E-typ--e.pants. White stag, size 10. --- - -._-.~------~---- lent condition. VAlley 2-2442. Well modernizeI' . PIANO. organ, vol c e, theory. DETROIT PTE. PARK paying guest, with congenial Marylana 1011 writer, new, $27.95 with trade, TUxedo 1-3746. AUTHENTICATE!) ~ n t I que 1 . _ eh

Thursday, December 19, 1963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Three Thursday, December 19, 1963 ,-----_._-_._--~ U-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 21D-ElECTRICAL 211-PAINTING AND 21K-WINDOW WASHING 21S-CARPENTER WORK --- FOR SALE FOR SALE J APPLIANCES DECORATING IS WELLINGTON PL. .A-O~ Window Cleaners. 5erv- CARPENTER-Repairs. doors. SUNNINGDALE. ~239 GROSSE PTE. WOODS HANDY HOOVER-EUREKA PAIN'I'lNq, exterior and 1n~ ice on storms and screens, locks, window cords, cabinet City of Grosse Pointe terlor. Wall washing. Grosse Free estimate~;. 521-2459. repairs. ED 1-4576. :-;{'w custom built fOUl' bed- to AUTH. SERVICE ROSLYN RD. 1133, 1~-story Pointe ref.erences. Mr. Page, room. :n,~bath Early A.'lerican eRA M P E D FOR. I.IVING EVF,RYTHING FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY SPACE? Where else can you brick. 4 bedrooll'B. 2¥.l baths. 822-7348. G.OLMIN HOUSE doctoring of all ldnds. rolOn!lll oVl'rlooidng golf I:ourse. ALL MAKES Inside repaIrs, patntln~. etc. find a new four bedroom. finished basement. 2-car brick 3-bedroom Garrison COLON- WINDOW CLEANING 2.rar attached gara~e. carpet- for Holidays. C. A. PatieTSt>n. 2~ bath home within view garage. Much larger than ap- IAL. 1st floor lavatory, paneled HARPER VACUUM COMPLETE decoratJ.ng ser- SERVIC~ in>:. landscaping. $59,000. vice. Interior and exterior 30 years • builder. TUxedo of Lake St. Clair with li- pe8I1S. Must see interior. den, games room. 2-car garage. 1'1176 E. Warren TO 1-1122 WALL WASKING paintIng. Pap e r removing 6-1464. brary AND family room A real knockout! Priced for FFEE ESTIMATES HURT and paper h a,n g 1n g. Wall tor $tH,500? OPEN OR BY APP'T quIck sale. TUxedo 1-6300. WE ARE iNSURED Owner-Builder TU 4.1942 GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY washIng. Workmanship guar- 21T-DRESSMAKING DEADLINE 12, NOON. TUESDAY anteed t~ be the best. For VALLEY 1-932/ OPEN DAILY 1 to 5 Johnstone & Jc)~nstone ~-----~------._~--~._ .. - estimate, can - SEWING ALTERATIONS done FROM OUR HOUSE WILLIAM FORSYTHE 21 L-TILE WORK by expert seamstress. TUx- )1 SAL! ll-AUTOS FOR SALE WALTER H, MAST CO. HOOVER FACTORY AUTHORIZED VAlley 2-9108 ede 2-2387. BILDOR S. RENAUD - Extremely well A WOMAN KNOWS CERAMIC TILE. Patching, re- 1962 GALAXIE XL hardtop. TO YOURS .•. TU 2-1400 SERVICE maintained 1'h story Early pairs. 884-19:i3. SEWING alkratIO!lll. ad u 1t s -lOOD like new Only ~.:lOO miles. LAKEPOINTE -, An experi- American with paneled library POINTE VACUUM and children; hems, zippers. :\llIst sell to settle estElte. ALL OF US AT enced house, fiVEI bedrooms. Peinting end Decorating 10P family room. 4 bedrooms, 2~ FR'F.E PICKUP & DELIVERY 21 P-FURNITURE REPAIR plain drapes. BlanJtetll bGu?:d , Tl7xedo 4-091u. Grosse Pointe Shore!=: $25,000. ' Best of GrOBse Pointe ~PEX baths. attached garRie, large. NEW - REBUILT ., PARTS ------TU 1-7~lS. 86 COLONIAL RD. Referencel CHAIRS RECANED. do1l& roe- DEC. 31 i attractive lot. Built in 1954 YORKSHIRE-Solicll, well built. -;'IERCE'DF~" BE'NZ-220S. dark • Interior 8. Exterior I\>alred. WA 1.2"110. exeept (Off Lakeshore Dr., Between ____ ..._~ I EXCLUSIVE alteratiorlS by gray. aut 0 mat i c. power Purdy & Edgar by Walter Mast. Reasonably 5 bedrooms. Library. TU 1-1014 TU 1-0647 ight. j 7-8 Milt; Roads) 21002 MACK Free Estimates brak£>s. s t t' f' r i n g; radio priced. CUSTOM upholstering. A splen- Marie Stephens. Quick serv- . BELANGER-ColonIal, terrace, dJd selection of decorativ~ ice on hems. (Furs). TV ! Dresses hl'ater. BlItke! s{'~ts. 4 door~ New 4 bedroom. 2l}.l bath JOHN R. FORTIER I LAKELAND - For those who 2 large bedrooms, $19,900, fabric:s. Exp(,rt needlepoint 5-761U. '5. , Low mr!paL:('. Prtvate. TUx. ASSOCiates Colonial. Famlly room, 1st floor 21E-CUSTOM CORSETS ('do 1-1987. G.P.W. appreciate ~pacious rooms, PR 7-3551 mounting, E,;t1mates cheer~ j Waterloo ! laundry room. Completely car- OPEN 2:30-5 SUNDAY I ' ._ high ceilings and superior INDIVIDUALLY del i g n e d fully given. Ewald, 13929 Ker- DRESSMAKING-Generlll sew- 3 WISH YOU THE peted and landscaped. Star of cheval. VA 2-8993. ing, alteraU'lns. Quality work. : \IERCEDES-BENZ 220 S. Late construction, we offer this at- 3pencer girdles and surgical the Sea parish. BarDps and GRAYTON 1332 - 3 bedroom A-1 INTERIOR and exterior For appointment, VA 1-4549. ... I 1963. Like new. Sl!.n rool. tractive home on a wooded, ~lFRRIEST CHRISTMAS Brownell s~hools, $49,1500. Open Colonial close to schools. supports, Over 30 years ex- painting. wall washing and 219-PLASTERING spinet piano. i Comp1l:"t('. Very low mileage. , Sunday, 2;30 to 5. 100' lot. Large. impressive perience. Maude Bannert. For paper hanging. Have Insur------.------I CUSTOM SEWING, alterations. . Whirlpool: lea\'ing ('ollntr..... Must sell. entrance hall, library, big appointment. call. TOwnsend MUIR 167-8mall, cozy 4-bed- ance. Kenneth Pygott. SLo- PATCH PLASTERING, expert I! Jeanne, TUxedo 1-2965. I AND HAPPINESS IN THE Also available on Colonial Road. dining room, with fireplace, 9-3317. )rtable dish- Tl~~do 4-6939. room house. brick walled. cum 8-1780. after 5:30 p.m. workl\ianship. James Craw- ~----_.~--~---- 2 100' lotI'. Will build to 8uit. 4 family bedrooms, dressing $14,500. Vacant. t hos!ess, 1958 At:~TI:-;-HE:.\I~\'--SP;it~ COMING YEAR room, plus maid's quarters. f d WA 32122 ALTERATIONS and sev.ofng. 21 F-INSULATION or • .•. I Will pick up I'lnd deliver. ,et. Tl xc-do, B..."t off!'r-. TCxe--Jo 2.4304. Reasonably prlced at $46,000, ERNEST A. BOCK , JOHN F. SCHERER, INC. ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN -- -- ... - ~---- - Painter and decorator; quality -SP-EC-I-AL-I-zrl'iG-i~-r~e-p-a-ir-s. TUxedo 1~3669. 372.9018 ~:-----:-: 1963 :\IG-B: five months old. YORKSHIRE - Well propor- Averaged, annualized fuel pay- and color matching, the finest., cracked ce!lIngs made like I ------IlNG chaIr. ~ only 6.~00 attual miles. White tioned center hall Colonial on ment plans are merely a camou- Served Grosse Pointe homes for new. "The Price is Right." 21U-PLUMBING m. Outdoor, 'th bl k . t . ST. PAUL'S PARISH flage to hide the sheer waste of 20 years. VA 1-7051 VA 4-3022 --> 6 0'>3' I WI Ill.' In enor. deluxe 59' fenced lot. Built in 1951 GOODMAN 1------,<:'Uo - .. 3. . t t t t : con\ l'r. op. Ol1neau COver fuel - the unromantic laws of 206815 Woodmont TU 1-6905 LICENSED mas e r plumber. in the "heart" of the Farms, OUR CHRISTMAS WISH and in fine condition. Jalou- TU 5-6063 LO '1-4706 physics shout the need of com- I ------R e p a f. r Il, remodeling, etc. ~-~ip~~~; : mittpn. tool kit. sl'at Lelts: lal'l:E'r 3-bedroom COLONIAL. sied porch, 3 bedrooms, 2lk plete insulation - prepare now ------21S-CARP.ENTER ~:lORK Guaranteed electric sewer umper pool! heat('f, plus new standard l~:.: haths. fine kItchen with The Peace of Mind and baths, fine basement. Priced for the winters ahead-.the fuel A-1 PAINTING and Paperbang- D-O-IN-G-a-n-iyp-;s-'cl carpe~t~~ cleaning. Cal Roemer, TU. 276 after 6, featur('s, ~e\'l'r bl'('n raced. brpakfast room. games room for quick sale. companies are! ing. Residential and Cammer. work, remOdeling attic rooms, 2-3150. Call en'nings. 822-6i79. JoyoUS Zest for Living 13A-LOTS FOR SALI \nth IirE"phcc. 2-car garage. be You r s this Holy CALL cia1. Basements and stucco porches. Small or big jobs. I ------. 20.0l)O GAR.-\.i'ljTEED original Rlrhilrd. Brownell schools. Can LaBELI ..E, 460 - Attracii vely spraying. Patch r;lastering. In- Estimates frt'e. TUxedo 5-5892 Season and Through CARMEL LAI\~E R Room tC'ble. miles '51 Ford. Excellent tires. nr.t bf.' beat, $25.900. TU 1.6300. the Coming Year. decorated colonial on a quiet, SUDRO INSULATION sured. Skilled worker. Free ------Roto- ooter leaves and; radio. intl'r!or. Good chrome winding street in the Farms. Choice lot in lovely new sub- TU 1-3515 estimates. C 1 e a n workman-I JIM sunON s 1.4. $175. body. S190. TFr.edo 4-2434, Johnstone & JohnstO'le Family room, large kitchen, 3 division off Lakeshore Road ship. A-I references. James S S' chalrs .. $30 _. -__ . _ twin size bedrooms, 2lk baths, near CrcJlcent Sail Club. ------Crawford, WA 3-2122. 1677 BRYS .. ewer ervlce 21G-ROOF SERVICE Carpen~r Work, RepalI'!ng & 1 sofa. $60. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN. PprCect ELLA RUTH large fenced lot. A good buy KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 ~e. $25 All condition Onl~- 23.000 miles. in the upper 20's. MUST be ------BARNOWSKY, Interior & ex. Remodeling, Attics, Porches, PROMPT 24-HOUR SERVICE CALL from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. for terior decorating. Expert- Garages. F'REE ESTIMATES l. Diamond 5900. TFxedo 4~1880. DEAR SANTA: and sold, gutter work and roof repairs. eneed. reliable, insured.. 371- TO 4.2942 .~_ ,~IGA 1600. blue~ t~~~~- co~;-; WARNER ROAD near lake. 30 years' experience. Fully 7918. I ,qm 3 years old. I was riding HANDY RD.-For those want- 10()'x120'. TUxedo 5-4100. insured. Low priced. 882-6655 S or sup-: radio. heater. whitewalls, 21li \\ilh my mommy and d?ddy. Associates of ing the best location, this ceu- RICHARD WIL.LERTZ H. F. JENZEN BUILDING 1 _ nail dishes. I Country Club drive. Ami we saw a pretty house with TOLES REAL ESTATE DONALD BLISS ter hall colonIal is unequalled TV 1-8170 or TU 4-2545 Home and industrial repairs. :10 5-1686.: 1960---0LDS - ~~~e~tible 9M a FOR SALE BY TAPPAN sine in the Farms, 3 bedrooms, Ilk CHOICE LOT for sale. Sheldon Decorator Additions. at.tics completed. on it. It has a yard for my dog Grosse Pointe baths, 60' lot near schools and ------Exterior Interior =i2~--~::\1' n£':\'. tires. private ~wner: Rd., across from G r 0 sse ROOF AND GUTTER work- Porch enclosures, recreation -a room fore by daddy two the Hill shopping center. Free Estimates SPRENKLE hands. 4, _ Tt:~:.dO 4-01~~.~ .__ Pointe Yacht Club, 100x124. Decks repaired. replaced. 215 ['ooms. garages repaired. whilch the fights-a nice kit- 35 Years In G.P. • PLUMBING TUxedn 2-6825. years experience, references TU 1-9744 TO ~3011 ifice. cost, 1958 DOD(~E \'-8 hardt~p~ {'hf'n for mommy to play In and PRICE REDUCED • HEATING ~do 2-6153. i Large motor. Good condition. on request. Don Seeger. TU TU 1-7050 II hj~ room to eat and play in. BY APPOINTMENT BARCLAY-Contemporary ranch 5.7460. • SEWER CLEANING --:-~_.- -' Reasonable. Call after 6 p.rn. It had a reel nice room four me I having a unique and flexible 13B-CEMETERY IY SIze. any I Lakeview 1-2665. VA 2-1282 and my dollies. ALLARD 1717-A 3 bedroom, floor plan. Large kitchen, sep- PROPERTY COMPLETE decorating. Paper- Ild stacked. ------._ SPECIAL - Gutters cleaned, C ustorncraft SINCE 1916 H2 bath home. family room, arate dining room, 2 big bed- hanging. insured, guaranteed. '56 :\IERCuRY convertible. Plpf'se would you g i v e this $7.50. Roofing - Gutters, gal- with unusual features that rooms, 2 dens or extra bed- AI Schneider. TUxedo 1-0565. --~! Blaek. no rust. Power steer- huusp to us for Christmas? We 2 BURIA.L.CRYPTS vanized, aluminum metal CONSTRUCTION must be seen to be appreci- room. 2 full baths. Completeiy 21V-SILVF! i'LATING ru!~s. 3x5. i ing. brakes. windows. seat. would love to live in H. decks - Caulking - Chimney EXPERT painting, paper hang- COMPANY ated. Let us show you today. aiN 0 n d it ion e d and near for sale in > table, $8.1 264-5995. Repairs. TUxed02.5539. ing. Free estimates. Van As- tings. old I ---.------.-.- __ ~ _ Pleese~ust go see or eall schools, Vacant and must be Additions and Remodeling of SILVER & GOLD PLATING KERCHI<.,'VAL 282 - Do you sche, rJxedo 4-1187, VA I 'Y. miscel-' 196~ . VALrA:'\"T convertible .. sold NOW! Under $40,000. Woodlawn Cemetery all tyes expert~1 done. Oxidizi~g . and Re~ want a large lot for garden- 21H-RUG CLEANING 4-1492. • Family Rooms _ Kitchens' Brass Polishi~, & Lacque~ng I '" ~lte with black tup. red :n. BRUCE N. TAPPAN, 50% of today's asking price. '--- i tenor. Fully equipped. Only ing or (~hildren? This 3 bed- • Remodeled • Recreation Jewelry Repamng, Engravmc REALTOR room, 3 bath Farms semi- machine. I' 3.000 miles ..251 ~lerriweather. Sale must be for cash. TACKED DOWN CARPETS HUGHES BROTHERS, paint- Rooms • Porches • Attics LEEBERT 81 K F.RClIEV AL l'anch Is ready for immediate Miscel~ Grosse Pomte Farms. TUx- TOLES Crypts in Section 254, unit 5. AND FURNITURE ing and decorating, wall Conve'rted • D()l'mers • Ga- SILVERSMITHS 884-6200 occupancy. Owner will con- washing, expert paper hang- ~-9257 or 1i edo ~ 4-1889. Phone owner, VAlley 3-2231 rages Remodeled. 14508 CHARLEVOIX sider land contraot or good 74 KERCHEVAL TU 5-4100 ing, free estimates. 5293 Free Estimates and Planning 1 Blk. east of Chalmers /196_2 CORVAIR-~funz~'~~-u-pe-. trade. CLEANED on Yorkshire, TUxedo 2-9750 --- I ~e\\. d't' 16-PE~rS FOR SALE Service. FHA Financing. VA 2.7318 •reakfront!' con I IOn. Extras. In or 821.9643 • :lIly new i storage last six: montha. A CORDIAL INVITATION LOTHROP 154-Custom semi- MINIATURE Poodle puppies. LOCATION DEAL DiRECT WITH L .! $1395. VA 1-5568. ranch. ldeal for large family GROSSE POINTE I - - __ _ _. FOR 8 P.M. TONIGHT 10 weeks old. Beautiful choc. RUGS PICKED UP BUILDER 21Z-lANDSCAPING and entertaIning. 4: bed- GEORGE S. DALLY . : 1962 CHEY\'---II -co~~"'rtible--- THURSDflY 19th DECEMBER olate brown male $90. Black AND DELIVERED roomI', library. 2 baths and Shown By Appointment PAINTING. D:F.CORATING TU 1-1024 TRIMMING, remc.val. spraying. I. SUItable. 1 I CIean. stIck. ShlCt.. npw- whltf>.- ~e $80. Wormed. A.K.C, WI' are proud to offer for your 2 lavs. Excellent Farm8 10- Complete tree service. Invertlb e. "'all tl'r S 'f' 2 STORY 386-4920. Paper hanging and wall wash. ------1 ~ es. acrI Ice at $1,350. vif!win~ pleasure a short fUm cB'tion on large lot. CUSTOM MODERNIZATION Cal Fleming Tree Service ~ __ ~ I TC'xedo 6-1460. 20% mg. serving this commwlity for (In the development of Coral 932 Bedford $29.500 OLD ENGLISH Sheep Dog, OFF C.\'SH and CARRY over 25 years. Additions, alterations. recrea- TU 1-6950 10. inter-I :63VoiKSWAGEN con-vertlbi; Hill'bour, just across from Nas- 1217 Bedford TU 1-7480 tion rooms and kitchEns. Free 1------.--- TONNANCOUR, 70-The classic 31.500 6 weeks, pedigreed. Perfect ?thes. bi .. i imported for resale. Driven In sau, BAHAMAS. As Detroit 1133 Bi~hop 32,000 gift from Santa I 884-6488. estimates. Church Groups leles, pia-I Europe only 1 month. Like area representatives for thll lines and ideal location of 1177 Buckingham 37,500 I ~_ PRIDE this six-year-old home with a CARPET AND FURNITURE LEO P. KIST~R ! l~ew. Save. Tl:xedo 2-2274. CRrl G. Fishe ... Corporation of 7~3 Grand Marais 45,000 POODLES, toys, chocolate, and THE BARLEC CO. Entertain Boys - -- a view of the lake are ideal TUXEDO 2-2322 ---,._---- ~ . --- )ti:tml, we offer for your con- 1339 Grayton 27,500 Interior painters, exterior. for a family which appreci- cafe-au-lait, ready for Christ- II length PLYMOuTH statio~- ~~ion $si lideration a sun filled winter 707 Hampton Free estimates. work guar- ates quality. There is a mas- 34,000 mas. Ideal Christmas gift. 'nt cc;ndi- Black. ~ p"8,enger. automatia retreat. or perhaps a year 917-919 Harcourt CLEANERS anteed. Rate:! reasonable. I The boys from St. Peter's ter bedroom on the first floor A.K.C. 777..3807. Additions • Alter~tions 55. transmission. 886-1420, 870 'rllund invest.ment. We will also (2-family) 47,5(;0 _ FREE ESTIMATES Custom work and color. Home were guests of a group ---- Blalrmoor Court and four others up. A walled of men from Christ Church hl'lvp maps and photographs 455 Lakeland 10615 CAD lUX PRescott 7-5876, PRescott Kitchen Modernization lick tires, 1------:-~---_ garden gives a charming view 55.000 POODLES - Christm/;S Bar- parish on Saturday. December available and looking forward 619 Lake Shore 7-5853. or Minor Repair , Child's I 1959 HRYSLER 4..door. One from the living room, Call for 72,500 gains! Silver puppies and 106 Meadow Lane TUXEDO 5-5700 Fl'ee Est im&tea 7. when they had luncheon at ey 2-2442 : :owner car. always kept in to i1tlswerlng your questions. an appointment. '31,500 house trained, cream, black 404 MHnor Licensed Contractor Eastland. neated garage. No rust. Just! Don't mlss thIs showing at 82 24,000 pigment. True miniatures. P A I N TIN G. colors matched, ------1 515 Middlesex Afterwards, the boys did tMENT hke new. Take a look! $7~0. KpTC'heval "On the HIlL" TU BRYS DR. 2111-Best value in 49,500 A.K.C, TU 1-7709 or 6B5~1628. papering. pap e r removed. 1-6300. 127 Mull' 16,500 _ BESTCARPET CLEANERS FRANK J. ST. AMOUR their Christman shopping with i TUxedo 1-8500. Grosse Pointe. 3 bedroom wall washing, work guaran. 527~520 Notre Dame CLEANING, DYEING teed. Mertens. 122 Muir. TU TV 2-8324 TO 5-5791 money provided by the EpilSCO- bungalow, 2 down. 1 up, Near AKC QUALITY BRED apricot . pal Churchwomen of Christ I1 (duplex) 32,000 addlng 2A-BOATS-&--MOTOis J.)hnstone Johnstone all schools and tra,nsportation. poodles. Also Yorkshire ter- REPAIRING 2-0083. & 1070 N. Oxford 35.500 ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS Church. _ lilt. Rea- i -CHRIS --~ -- Only $12.900. Less than $500 rier pups. $75 up. Health guar- I ona) Of- I . .CRAFT, 1956. 22' Sea 1111 S. Oxford 33,900 PROMPT HOME SERVICE down. anteed, TUxedo 2-9531. PAINTING and decorating. Ex- Family rooms. porch enclosures, CLINIC WINDOW SMASHED 3 Harper Skiff. 95 h.p .• new top. TUxedo 489 Saddle Lane 39,900 FREE ESTIMATES perienced. Reasonable rates. modern kitchens, attics convert- Dr. Edmund A. Bowman, 319 -7130. 1.8631. 713 Trombley 35,000 INSURED WASHINGTON 765-Good fam- POODLE, miniature gray pup- 881-5306, call after 5:30. ed. Fisher road. went into the City 757 Trombley 45,000 ICE fully FIRST OFFERINGS ily home. 6 bedrooms, 2lh py, 5 months, house broken. TU 2~6556 COMPLETE MODERNIZING Police Station November 18 and re- -~OAT~s~-;t~--;'. 703 Westchester 51,500 equipped. Sleek A-I. Best baths, deluxe kitchen with Loves children. TUxedo 2-8960 LICENSED & INSURED and reported that someone had ay plan. BARRtNGTON, 518 - Roomy 1041 Whittiel' 34,500 21J-WAlL WASHING reasonable 0 f fer. TUxedo built-ins, beautiful lot, gas RADKE CARPET CLEANERS HELM ER thrown a rock through one of >, 20129' English cottage with 4 bed- 1303 Yorkshire 34,500 , 1-5657. heat. Priced right. Carpets. rugs, tacked down or TUxed() 4-0522 his clinic office windows. break. _.~ - ~~ ;ooms. 2 baths. Exceptionally ZOo-PIANO SERVICE H2 STORY loose and upholstered furniture WALL WASHING ing both the regular and the ~---- 12' SPEED R~-~b-';~'t~-10 h.p~ wen modernized. World of TORREY RD. H20-Architect- cleaned and moth proofed. In PAINTING & DECORATING CARPENTER - All types re.' storm windows. The damage, nn Johnson motor. J.961. Excel- ("harm and enjoyable living 562 Anita (+ri-leve1) $48,500 PIANO TUNING and servicing, urally designed rambling your home the modern way HOME MAINTENANCE pair and i'emodeling. Carl I the Maumee 1;ide of the clinic. . - - - - '.-. lpnt condition. ':Alley 2-2442 in this solid, well-priced ranch. Library, actlvitle!l 853 N. Brys 31,000 guaranteed Walter Mueller, ntlque .____ . with the latest Rug Deteger, Watson, LA 6-0501. I was examined by the officers. home. Gas heat, purified air. rnom, 3 bedronms, no base- 1247 Buckingham 29,500 TUxedo 6~1090. ELME~ T. LABADIE ~a 1830.: 13-REAl ESTATE dries overnight. lar~e gai'age with tool shed. ment. Owner must sell. 988 Lake Shore 85,000 TUxedo 2-2064 FOR SALE 962 Lochmoor 42,000 GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE - -. I __ .__ ~~_~_ COMPLETE piano service. Tun- Repai;ring, serge binding, throw BISHOP LANE, 905--Modifled SOMERSET, 1437 - 5-5 £lat. 65 Shoreham 42.50tJ rugs and runners. picked up reD I -~- ing, rebuilding. refinishing. WALL WASHING, wall paMI- ---I conteD"porary ran c h built Copper plumbing. Express and delivered. 1 STORY de-mothing. Member Piano ing installed. Also odd jobs. :mdition. ! D TAR 1961. 2 bedrooms, baf1s. transportation 30 minutes I ue 0 ecent Fire :a Technicians Guild. R. Zech. Fx-ee est i mat e, reasonable Call Don Starnes, PRescott downtown. Separate utilities. 1325 Aline $19,800 ---: BRUCE N. TA,PP,A.N Nicely carpeted. Gas heat, 731-7707 prices. DR 1-3133. 7-3452. Electrical Repairs attached 2.car garagtl, sprink- Priceri to sell. 175 Country Club Dr. 62,500 :or ~ash : REALTOR' ler system. Vacant. Won.t 809 Fairford 33,500 ie sIn.g)e' will be temporarily located at 21A-GENERAL SERVI,CES last long at this price! HAMPTON 98D-Charming two 534 Hampton 30,900 Appliance Circuits 628 N. Higbie 36,700 SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES PROMPT SERVICE s;.~~~~:81 KERCHEVAL /~VENUE hedroom ranch. Large lot, 2 CARPET LAYING - ..-- ' On The Hill ROSLYN, 1372-Very good g'2. fireplaces, kitchen built-ins. 1933 Manchester 23,000 NEW AND OLD FOR OVER Y2 CENTURY Br-ic-a. ' story. 3 bedrooms. Gas heat. Vacant. Real value at $18,900. 724 N. Renaud 52,000 Krausmann Electric Co. 'ht. sold Our Phone Number Has Not Carpeting. PrIced at $17,200. OPEN DAILY. 997 N. Renaud 37,000 Stair Carpet Shifted Every style of Ff1nce mediate i Changed-- It Is Still 1140 N. Renaud 42,500 Repairs of All Types TU 2-5900 Invited: 884-6200 erected for you CON~ULT OUR OFFICE 1618 S. Renaud 32,800 BOB TRUDEL I. Open' And Our Service Is Still FOR MANY MO:tE COMPLETE li'-JFORMA- 56 Shorecrest Circle 58.000 TU 3-0703 ay. Excellent PLUS HOMF,s. OPEN SUN. TION ON ALL OTHER 99 Shorehcm 49,500 WA.1-62.82 'Wh 254 Stephens 57,500 mop HANDY MAN SERVICE lnclucl1lll lit 16 ; ate\'{'r ~our needs or desire'"~ GROSSE POINTE 'are. we have the answer at THOROUGH COVERAGE ON Chimney, porch repair and Chain Link All-Steel and i prices you wi! like too. PROPERTIES odd jobs,' PRescott '1-3452. ~ ----- Silloway & CO. AVAILABLE OTHER GROSSE POINTE Rustic Styles lry and i NEED HOUSES ;, 22377 I 3 BEDROOMS? FLOOR SCRUBBING. strip- FOR THE ping, waxing by machine. I 785 Bedforri TU 4-7000 Stop in for a time saving list HOME AND ~FFICE I 8-0 ." S35.900 CHAMPION tailored to your requirements wall washing. Reasonable '--. ~ ". Brys Drive $31.500 TU 4-:5700 rates. PRescott 7-9525 or MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. New Portable 1585 Hampton from our comprehensive Grosse $19,500 -----_._------PRescqtt 6~1102. 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL 115 Handy Pointe catalog of photographs TYPEWRITE.S fITS, $34,000 GrossI Poinle Cab 412 Lexington and small floor plans. ::>ES $39.500 $39.50 611 RoslYn Ilg us to $35.900 13 J 31 E. JEFFERSON AVE. I 705 Washington TU 2.5300 $24.000 MAXON 986 Westchester $26,900 I BROTHERS, INC. ..\ . ,- ADDING ~)~ Fire Place Wood 7__ 1 NEED 4 BEDROOMS? MACHINES 83 Kercheval TU 2-6000 ~. ~JJ YPEWRITERS ~. bike'i OR MORE? . ~'J ROAD SERVICE Tkelele. , 953 Berkshire $33.000 en" 1>99. ~[~~'. free Delivery Sol.. 521 Middlesex $52.500 TU 1.9813 -- -, 561 Peaoh Tree $5 and ~t one- : 4.000 ~AJ,'~, Service TU 4-3982 I 482 Ri'Jarcl LEASE ~IP tdition. I $38.000 • BIRCH LOGS & HARDWOOD IN IS", 24" and 32" LENGTHS r. TU: 516 Thorn Tree $62.500 It'. leu costly to modernin your present home roth.r ANY MAKE WOLVERINE than moving into a new home and much more conn • Also, Package Coal, Cannel Coal, Kindling. Fire Quets and I(annel Coal Earl Richards Service .- , Do come in and see us Or call 20397 Mack Ave .• In tbe WOOdll Typewriter Service v_nient. Why not build thot extra room? Or bring Cur New LoclJtion rreezer abou~ our "red hot" listings. your oldu decor up to date in the most mod.r" Car or Trurk 'us NE'xt to the Sovorlne Hotel VAlnut' OUR PHOTO FILES fashion. Ftee counsclirlg and estimates. • 6 Months To 2 Years • [- WILL SAVE YOU MILES MELDRUM , GROSSE POINTE I 'iction- , Call Kolcher Cadillac (0. e sew- Leasing TRUCKING &. GARDEN SUPPLIES Shoe Repair )-0967. T 15554 E. Worren-TU 1-6600 17921 MACK, AT WASHINGTON TU 4-2184 319 Flsh.r Rd., Opp. High bandi-! appa n

Can. QI\ K h I

Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 1963 * * Feature * * Page * * * * wh0!9 where and whatnot Pointers of Interest by whoozil Good Taste - PIIf)ol'ite Recipes Six-year-old Lindsey Beardslee, arriving home from school the day after her grandmother, Mrs. Robert P. 01 Scherer, had. been vis~ted by the "cat," overheard scraps People in Th~ Know f1J-Otnte of conv~r~atlOn relative to the burglary. Her mother, Mrs. WIlham C. Beardslee, was surprised later in the JAMBOLAYA LA l''I'fTE afternoon by a phone call from Lindsey's teacher who Contributed by Counter Points reported the child had matter-of-factly told her ~lass- J mates, "The cat burglar was in my grandmother's house '." Mrs. Gilbert H. Wbeld.,o By Pat Rousseau but he didn't get anything 'cause she hasn't got a cat!" , % pound raw smoked "Santa Claus ... is coming to town." With his ar- ham rival, a whirl of parties for the young crowd home from Among the pre~ty• hostesses'" '" st"'ti'oned I'n POI'nte 1 tablespoon bacon fat school. Join the fun in Lanz d!'esses from W a Iton-Pierce homes for the annual II Christmas Walk, .. sponsored by the 0r 2 Sl'Ices, cu t f'me I. new and hand-picked for the holidays. Junior Women's Association for the Detroit Symphony lh cup tomatoes Sh . .. . . Orchestra, was Mrs. Robert M. Hoffer, of Colonial road. , fit'e MOf'e opptng Days ••• till Christmas. You'll Blond Martha Hoffer, wearing a gay red-and-white 1 pound raw shnmp disco1.e1' beautiful, unuslUll and whimsical gifts, •• gllthered checked wool dress, stationed herself in the brick- % pound ra-wV breakfast I at The Clothes Line, 397 Fisher Road ••. that would ordi- walled breakfast nooJt of the Robei't W. Scripps' new sausage 114ril)' take 'weeks to find. house in Lakeshore road, slipping open sliding glass lh cup chopped onion I • ......

Jydoorsdesigned,to let Walkersexquisitelyout aftersituatedtheir Colonialtour of thehome.exquisite- 1 cloved garlic,d mashed Christmas Gift ••• to you from the Top Drawer, 17007 po re pepper or ¥4 Kercheval 111the Village. Here's a very SPECIAL offer . • ...... teaspoon hot red come in, pick out any of the channing ehildren's outfits and Mrs, John V. She oris, of Grayton road, has started pepper they will take twenty per cent 0.", Also, on December 24th, a one-woman crusade against televised toy advertising. 1 dozen oysters I the stw'e will close d 3 o'clock .• _ 80 that the Christ Child Determining to "condition" her small daughter, Dee Dee, 1 tablespoon flour membt'rs can be with their fsmmes. against the blandishments of the Idiot Box, she began 2 cups beef stock I ... II' ... telling the child "We don't buy ANYTHING we see on I television!" early in the season, and has succeeded so % cup raw brown rice I Gallery Gazing ... Renee, Julia and Hilga will be 11 th t D D . d h hIt bl h d holdirJg open house at Les Galleries de Renee, 14944 towe stretcha a pointee eefor nowsomeremmparticularlys er motfascinatinger, temptedtoys, paarsel'eSPyoonc oppel 1 East Jefferson ... Friday, December 20th. Drop. bvandJ "We don't buy ANYTHING we see on television!" % teaspoon chopped have a cup of Christmas cheer during the day or in the • .. * MR. and MRS. GARI W. KERSTEN, KIMBERLY ANN and KAREN MARIE, thyme i evening. Many delightful little gifts at minute prices Vanguard Theater patrons, bemused and bewitched of McKINLEY AVENUE salt and pepper ... too! • '" * by the current offering, "Too Many Thumbs," (a sort of By Janet Mueller Heat bacon fat (or oook t t d d t avan avan -gar e pro uc .Ion, ) may app Iy t 0 th e This will b th K . ," " " ' it in Muir road, slaPP"d~ a coat bacon bits if latter is used) in I CI'.Jrtst1n4S D'Inner ••• at th e h ouse Wf'th th e new,. "1ut- younger set for enlightenment Eight Grosse Pointe High . e e ersten tWinS fIrst real Chnst- of black paint on it, and came a bean pot, add chOPPed onion. schiel' kitchen , •• all the familJ"s there to admire it MId School seniors-Bob Hoberling Harry Schaffauser Bob ma~, but theIr .parents have determined not to make it a up with a perfect coffee table Brown slightl d d i fI the cook. We don't know U'hether you selcted Paul McCohb, Ad M V I • N ' d' maJor productIon. for his back porch, y, re ge n our r )_ h W.tl' L.. r; --I A. b d ams, ary a entme, ancy Brown, Ju y Altman, "At 14 th h ' and b Add h rrenc. f. tltmsuurg or LRT Y l1U!rtCI#J... ut we 0 Sandy Schophach and Kris Anderson-regularly usher " . mon s, t e~ ar~ really not aware of Chrlst- Stroller Project Halted . rown more. am- know 1'0u'l'e pleased with its good looks and the wal' it d F'd d d . mas, theIr mother mamtams "And we thought we'd cut mto 1 inch pieces and k ., S h d I 20489 ~~ k A . at Vanguar on rl ay, Satur ay and Sun ay evenIngs, keep it thlilt w t'l th ' b t 14 "dd Still in the "un-ren?vat~d". sausage which has' been I wor s '/.4JttlJ.1'ou. ee t e mo e s at ., dliZC t'enue. Y Y y ars The teenagers are permitted to see the play free of their father a 1 ut?~, e f are a o~ t th : , . a 1 S sttagl~ is a~thelalx>fr~ltledVIctorlan skinned. Have shrimp carefully I ...... charge when the audience has been seated and after,' , - on .Y]O mg, 0 c.ourse, u. a partIcu ar s ro .er WI a rI e canopy. backed and sh lIed Add to several weeks of performances it may be pre~umed that I Joke IS ~uch ,to strIke ~ re.sponsIve chord m the shopped- The Kerstens had planned to th . di ~ '1 h ' i Spirited Entertaining' ..• has an adjunct .•. the color- th h f ey ave a aIr. Iy goo d I'd ea O'f w h a t I't' IS a II a b ou t . lout brams of many POInte parents. do it Over in plu.sh and velvet to serS.mgreImmer In~n COveres w t potOtm~-11"'2 drenched Fiberglas trays and accessories from The VfIlage Wine I ' " d ...... :'I"ot that the K e r s ten s, i ------for the,lr fIrst baby; then t~ey hour. Add garlic, stock. finely j Shop. 15228 East .Jefferson. By the way, small or elaborate gift Ch . t h' ts bl M IScrooge-like, intend a "Bah I' Kimberly and Karen Kersten had twms, The stroller remams chopped red pepper parsley I basket... ate custom made there and will save you time and steps, rIS mas 3 oppmg pres en no P!o em to rs. hI:'mbug'" boycott of all hoJida; have sunny dispositions. ~n the ~asement, among pend- thyme. well wa~hed' rice !lnd I ...... Arthur Murphy, of Somerset road. ThIS talented lady p~raphernalia . there will be. , mg proJects. It C k - ..th .1

' 1 t lId st t t f h' . . . GarI and RosemarIe agree that sa. 00 WJ cover on untl G..l G'f' S b eel b d b 'f Simp Y se s up Ier oom an ~ ar s 0 weave, as IOmng a tree. and presents, and the the first weeks at home are the I Currently, Gari Kersten owns rice is done, but not gu.."'lD1y. OCu 1 tmg cents .. ow .. e 11e, eaut! u 11_y exquisite fabrics in the comfort of her own home while usual Christmas morning fun. roughest, with 16 bottles of three cars, a fire engine and a Add oysters, cleaned and ~ped, wrapped ... for under the tree are to be found at The her less artistically inclined friends fight the holiday but Karen and Kimberly's big formula to prepare at a time velocipede. and cook 2 minutes longer. Notre Dame Pharmacy. There's a happy choice and a crowds, This season, she has designed several luscious I ~ifts will go in their bank sav- and the omnipresent shadow of The car he drives to work With a light green salad. this wide price range ... perfume, sachet, toilet water, soap, cocktail aprons in glowing pastels, the waistbands and lIlgs accounts. the 2 o'clock feeding. With looks rather like everyone else's, ~akes a ~mplete luncheon or I lotions and llandsome grooming kits for men. pocket trimmings shot with silver or gold thread. Weav- Their mother and father, (he twins, you begin warming the," but his sports model. a 1911 Sunday bight supper.; • * • ing, Mrs. Murphy reports, is a satisfying hobby and is an assistant trust officer at bottles at 1:30 and are finished Ford "Torpedo" roadster with -- I fairly easy to learn ... once you have managed to pre- the Detroit B?nk and Trust Co'), around 3:30--leaving roughly convertible top, is quite a traf- She'll Be!ief-'e .•• in Santa because of the gift of beauty pare your loom, the work becomes almost automatic. feel that Chrlstmases and birth- two hours of sleep before it's fic stopper. On more formal he left. We're talking about the Glamour Case from FasJ;ion * ... >II days 13hould be celebrations time to begin 6 o'clock feeding occasions, the family travels Two Twent:r with het' monogram on it. She 'WOn't waste PILFERINGS rather than hand-out days, What preparations, The Kersten babies 'ria a 1921 Model T-the Center nweh time in stopping by the studio. 20445 MlICk A. t.enu~ Kimberly and' Karen think on went off the 2 o'clock snack at Door model, with a cut glass @ ,for her personal beaut)' atUZlysis and haf'e her castl fiUed For unto you is born this day in the city of David the subject remains to be seen; 10 weeks. vase for flowers, oval rear win- d:J u.'itb her own make-tip iI1Ui bemtt:J' essentials. a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. they still have a little difficulty Rosemarie, "believing you dow and original upholstery, e -Luke 2:11 discussing abstract ideas. have to start some time," re- In case of fire. tbe 1921 en- ...... • * '" W H If S I fustd offers of h~lp from family gine stands ready to go and Sha~'gy Dogs • , . r:!o exist! They even pick out their 01"' I/Blo111, bugles of battle, the marches of peace; I a as a - urpr se and fr.iends , .. and had her I up to five years ago wh~~ 'Gari U t,OYS and Christmas collars at This 'N' That tOl' pets. 19443 Maclt East, west. north, and south let the long qut#'1'el cease; The Kersten twins' arrival was pre-birth figure back in less Kersten bought it, 'the engine:t :. ,#,"".. Ii Avenue. There's a complete boutique and grooming tterrioe tlut Sing the song of great joy that the angels began, a half-surprise. "We'd talked than a month. DID go, as the only fire truck ~~: I'ampers your pet •.• shaggy 01' not. Sing the glory of God mul of goodwill to l114n!" !lnd joked about two babies, but in a small Ontario town U 'D _~__ _ . ~ . _ -John Greenleaf Whittier until they were actually born All Systems "Go" The velocipede, difficult to J .D!fr~ we weren't sure we'd have During the week, she strug-: mount and almost impossible to I Woods Resident Is Honest ~Ian twins," says Rosem~rie Kerst.en, I gled out of bed at 1:30 in the ride, has caused more than one let's talk about time _ H~r husband dId not Im~Imorning, Gari took over the Pointe bus dr~ver to do a quick I Cyril :Vlarshall of 1961 Ros-, Roseville Church of Christ, Canteen Conversation medIately run out and buy a "night detail" on weekends, and double-take. I •.• life's most preci- h n road. is one of those hon- I The pastor of the church Was second layette. They had pre- days sawall systems. in tile ous gift •.• a gift that est person you hear about.: called. and he told police that By Rick Mills Bill Chope: "I think of va- pared fOr a single child-but Kersten household, sterilizer, Stands By for Fall b eV.:ry now and then, ! the money Was in the care of Christmas ... a word, a cations, meeting frIends, fun, for their FIRST child-Hand, washing machine, dryer, going Mr. Kersten can fin e s his money cannot uy. On Sunday, Deeember 15. i Wi I I i a m Thompson of 1984 thought, or a hop"'? What I'r-it? and presents on Chn'stmas day." really, \,oe had enough for five at once. "If there'd ever been velocipede riding to the immcdi- 0 Hawtho h ..~ h It is a time of year'" when peo- Charles R.ussel: "I try to think bales.'b' I' an electrical failure, we would ate neighborhood.- where chil- a we spend our time wisely policeMarshallstationwalked withinto thea canvas!Woods: taken itroe,to thew 0hankWas tIlew nexta'.e pIe are rushing to send cards, of Christrnas as the birth of The one thing they did need have died!" dren are fascinated by "Mr_1 . . . making the most of d t buy presents, and make holiday Christ, but the influence of was an ex ra crI;'b Gan. manage d The big advantages of twins Gari" and his amazing machine, every day . . . dOI'ng the bag conulining $451.91 in cash I ny.Th 11--" d t plans, People who sometimes society has added so much more 0 piC. k up a ma tch.mg one, tl1e come later, Now, Kimberly and and "Mrs, Gari" is near at hand h and checks. He told police that ' t Id ompson,t I wasth ca \.-u and see or pear from one another that sometimes it is difficult last in the store, and the,. Ker~ Karen entertain and teach each to pick up the pieces, if neces- t ings we know should be he found t.he bag in front of: 0 c. c 81m e ~or:ey, an only once a year try to r.et to- to see through to the real mean- ster:s were ready for bUSIness. other. Their mother and father sary. So far, there have been done, .. and curbing our Ws, Construction is has been ordered by the Road brings to mind the birth of people bave been celebrating Started Pointe Branch I place" wi~h E~rly Am.erican .and marie Kersten think there's strength and renewal that pxpected to begin within two Commission. Christ. It Is a time to give as Christmas. Many new customs . . "good' VIctOrIan furmture hlgh- nothing like being the parents makes life and time worm- weeks and be completed within: __. ._.. .. _ well as receive. The hustle and and feelings have been aaded RosemarIe de t.e r m 1.n e d to jlighted by browns, reds, golds of twins. while, I six months, ! bustle of people in the streets, and sometimes we forget that open a Grosse Pomte bi anch of Iand fine-grained woods, -----.- , The new station will have I d th j f t I the vacatI'ons the gifts the fun, the club.. I sleep'l g nl od t' f 8 an e oy 0 mos peop e are d th . 't Chr' 't s re E I eve n women formed the LIke to Browse I SKIDS INTO PARK:ED CAR Today my staff joins me in 11 al'CO m a Ions or 1 ; all a part of Christmas, Above ar, e JOY a IS ma a . .' . h b I I men. It wm be located in the i all, it is the celebration of all caused by one basic event; Pomte multlple~but clu nuc- Gad and Rosemarie both like John Snell, Jr" of 782 Loraine:, wishing you a Happy Hali- middle of the airfield, I Christ's birth," the gift that God'gave the world. ;~us~~embe;~hIP now tumbers I to browse through antique shops gave an accident repo.rt to City day as we pause and take . The total cOl)stru('tion cost I ----~------. th e (m? e~~ mee o~~eg: and homes, describing them- police December 14 a.t'6:15 p.m. time to recall t,he mir<'lcle will be shared by Federal Avia. j modn ".mlsstt) reeh mee,~ ' selves as "pick-it-up" rather His car skidded into a parked tion Ageucy